3 behavior design gifts

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Post on 27-Jan-2015



Health & Medicine

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These are 3 gifts of Behavior Design that I'm giving away to my readers and subscribers to show my appreciation and gratitude for your support in my work. I apply all 3 principles / frameworks in my own life.


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3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life


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1. MC Hammer Strategy: increasing your response rates

2. 1-Breath Strategy:increasing your focus, and decreasing your stress

3. Give-Receive Ratio:increasing fulfillment in your life

Tangible Strategy

Mental Framework

Wellbeing Behavior

3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional

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3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

MC Hammer Strategy 1-Breath Strategy Give-Receive RatioTangible Strategy Wellbeing Behavior Mental Framework

In behavior design, making the target behavior easier to do is the first go-to step. Contrary to popular belief, the first step is NOT to motivate someone to do the behavior. To make it easier for a user, client, or whoever to respond, I use this strategy. It’s one of my favorite strategies to get FAST responses.

This is what people usually do:

MC Hammer Strategy: increasing your response rates

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This is what I do.


3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

MC Hammer Strategy: increasing your response rates

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MC Hammer Strategy: increasing your response rates

“MC Hammer” is a play on words for the “M-C” in “Multiple Choice.” My goal is for you to remember this strategy. If you were one of my Learn Behavior Design members, I would have you practice immediately.

I started off with the MC Hammer Strategy because it’s the most tangible strategies out of the 3 BD gifts that I have for you today. It should have the greatest likelihood of you practicing it in your professional work and personal life.

The behavior design psychology behind it is this: you’re putting in work before the reader ever sees your question. This makes it easier on the reader’s brain, time, & physical effort required to give you a response. As a bonus, the reader will appreciate you respecting their time and putting in the extra effort of making it easy.

Use the “MC Hammer” today. You’ll stand out in a positive way.


3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

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1-Breath Strategyincreasing your focus, decreasing your stress

My behavior design expertise is applied to wellbeing. The outcomes of wellbeing behaviors are increase in focus, fulfillment, gratitude, compassion; and decrease in stress, anxiety, and the negative stuff. As a designer, freelance consultant, and entrepreneur, I have gone through the ups and downs that comes with the professional world and its toll on personal life. No matter what industry you’re in, or personal lifestyle you have, we all experience negative stress.

The 1-Breath Strategy is exactly what it sounds. 1-Breath to increase focus & decrease stress.

Let’s try it now. Take 1 breath and close your eyes, now.

This time, try to be aware of the entire breath: from first inhale, to the transition from inhale-to-exhale, to the end of exhale.

When you do the 1-Breath strategy throughout your day, you will become re-centered and re-focused. By re-centering yourself, you’re experiencing a clearer mind than you had before if you didn’t do the 1-Breath strategy.


3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

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Back MC Hammer Strategy 1-Breath Strategy Give-Receive RatioTangible Strategy Wellbeing Behavior Mental Framework

1-Breath Strategyincreasing your focus, decreasing your stress

As my readers and exclusive members know, I’m not satisfied with you simply reading. There’s enough of that everywhere, and honestly I’m tired of it; so, I’m changing it, starting with my platform. My purpose is to help you start internalizing the behaviors by the end of your reading session. That’s why I tried to get you to practice it just now. If you didn’t, go back.

Although your breath is with you wherever you go, unfortunately you will most likely not make this into a habit. Even though it’s easy, it takes a certain level of self-awareness throughout your day to trigger yourself to do a 1-Breath.

Here are some specific examples to where you can anchor this behavior into your daily routine. Choose one to practice today.

• When you wake up in the morning, do a 1-Breath.

• When you touch your phone, do a 1-Breath.

• When you open my blog to read, do a 1-Breath. ;).


3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

This is one of the most powerful wellbeing behaviors if it is designed into your life.

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Give-Receive Ratioincreasing fulfillment in your life

“Am I giving more than I’m receiving?”

The 3 Behavior Design gifts document that you’re reading right now is a result of asking myself that question. I leave a notebook within reach when I sleep. One night, I was sleeping and thinking of ways to grow my business. What premium products could I create so that I could have enough re-occurring income and move to NYC?

Then, the Give-Receive question popped into mind. It’s a question and principle that I’m currently in the process of internalizing in my own life right now. I did not feel that I was giving more than I was receiving. And when I realized that, this 3 BD gift concept sparked in my mind. I knew, then, that it was the right thing to do.

The Give-Receive ratio, or question if you may, is a common thread across ALL wealthy people. I’m defining wealthy both financially and soulfully. They are fulfilled human beings both in their bank accounts and hearts. I want to be a human being like that.

I want to give both my free readers and paying members more value than I feel like I’m receiving. Next

3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

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Give-Receive Ratioincreasing fulfillment in your life

This is probably the hardest gift out of the 3 for you to internalize. It’s intangible -- that’s why I call it a “Mental Framework.” Internalizing a mental framework requires applying and practicing in your own work and life, which I can’t design for you through one document.

What I can do is strengthen the neuro-associations in your brain about it’s tangible benefits that come with having a high Give-Reeive Ratio: giving more than we receive.

You know these things. I’m just bringing it up to your awareness again. While I do so, I want you to imagine scenarios that spark a lot of emotion in you. Let your imagination run free. This is how things become sticky in our brains.

A high Give-Receive ratio results in:

• You smiling and grinning when you wake up because you [... imagine in the blank ...].

• You seeing your loved ones smiling because you [... imagine in the blank ...]

• Your client or customer messaging you with “I’m blown away...” because you [... imagine in the blank ...] Next

3 Behavior Design Giftsresults today in your personal & professional life

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3 Behavior Design Gifts

My purpose with 3 Behavior Design Gifts is to give you more value than I receive. I hope you apply at least one of them today.

If you’re up for a challenge, my challenge is for you to do at least one of them per day for 1 week.

When you apply any of these behaviors, and notice a result -- I’d love to hear how it’s helped you. I’m sure other readers will as well.

Sharing these 3 Behavior Design Gifts makes me feel like I’m running a successful business and living a fulfilling life.

I hope it shows through my behaviors.

With love,


results today in your personal & professional life