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  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo



    Coca-cola company

    Socia, Gladys A.

    Francisco, Eliza May G.

    Ronquillo, Michaela N.

    Catarig, Jenica V.

    itoin, !ia M.

    Candelaria, JoresitaViesca, Clarise Joy !.

    Alonzo, Aar"i R.

    #aseco, !ia Sa"antha $.

    ulasco, Joanne S.

    Mala%anan, &arl 'ouis R.

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    S$E! () *denti+y the +ir"s e-isting ision, "ission, o%/ecties and strategies.

    Coca0Colas ision state"ent is)

    • People: be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

    • Portfolio: bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and

    satisfy people’s desires and needs.

    • Partners: nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create

    mutual, enduring value.

    • Planet: be a responsible citizen that makes a difference b helping build and support

    sustainable communities.

    • Profit: maximize longterm return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall

    responsibilities.• Productivity: be a highly effective, lean and fastmoving organization.

    Coca0Colas "ission state"ent is)

    • !o refresh the world.

    • !o inspire moments of optimism and happiness.

    • !o create value and make a difference.

    S$E! 1) #eelo2 ision and "ission state"ents +or the organization.


    "ur vision is to be the world’s bestknown and biggestselling beverage products focusing onmanufacturing healthy and refreshing drinks while maximizing stakeholder’s value.


    #e create value by providing the best beverages, energy drink, and $uice drinks 314 that isavailable around the world 354. #e are focused on the safety of our consumers 3(4, that’s why weaim to provide them with healthy, tasty, and refreshing drinks through the use of technology todiscover and improved our products 364. %t &oca&ola, we are committed to continuously

    enhancing our corporate value and employee morale 374 and maintain a sustainable longtermdevelopment and generate greater returns for our shareholders 384. #e believe integrity is at thecore of who we are 394 separating us from competitors is how we treat our people 3:4 and howwe care for the environment 3;4.

    “We create value by providing the best beverages, energy drink, and juice drinks that isavailable around the world  . We are focused on the safety of our consumers , that’s why we aim to

     provide them with healthy, tasty, and refreshing drinks through the use of technology to discover

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    and improved our products. At CocaCola, we are committed to continuously enhancing our

    corporate value and employee morale and maintain a sustainable longterm development and

     generate greater returns for our shareholders. We believe integrity is at the core of who we are separating us from competitors is how we treat our people and how we care for the


    S$E! 5) *denti+y the organizations e-ternal o22ortunities and threats.

    '. %ppearance in emerging markets(. )ave ((* fans on +acebook . !he number one most followed food-beverage brand on twitter . /evelopment of low and zero calorie nutritional beverage0. 1nline competitor acquisition and different product line acquisition2. /ropping of 3Pepsi 4aw5 of Pepsi&o6. &ollaboration with %pple in 7urope

    8. &ontinues to lead in market share with (9. Presence in packed drinking water';. REA$S

    '. &ompetitors are more focused on nutritional drinks(. )ealth issues revolving around: soft drinks have recently created challenges for beveragesmanufacturers. 1ntense rivalry with Pepsi&o. /ifficulty in complying with different government regulations and norms in different countries

    0. 1nflation, economic slowdown and instability2. =elling of snacks and soda in vending machines being banned in public education institution6. atorade ?Pepsi&o@ for decades8. %ccreditation of +/% and A%= of Pepsi&o. =horter cash conversion cycle of )ansen';. "bama %dministration promoting healthier society

    S$E! 6) Construct a Co"2etitie !ro+ile Matri- 3C!M4

    Pepsi Company Dr Pepper SnappleGroup, Inc


    Critical Success


    Weights Rank Score Rank Score Rank Sc

    Number ofmployees

    0.07 4 0.28 1 0.07 3 0.

    "ariety ofoducts

    0.12 3 0.36 1 0.12 4 0.

    $rand %eputation   0.10 4 0.40 2 0.20 3 0.

    'ar(et S)are   0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 4 0.

    Promotions   0.08 3 0.24 2 0.16 4 0.

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    ealt)y Products   0.14 3 0.42 4 0.56 2 0.

    $rand oyalty   0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 4 0.

    Customer oyalty   0.11 3 0.33 2 0.22 4 0.


    0.05 3 0.15 1 0.05 4 0.

    . Sales   0.06 4 0.24 1 0.06 3 0.

    . PS   0.05 3 0.15 !   0.10 4 0.

    . Net Income   0.08 3 0.24 1 0.08 4 0.

    3otal   1.00 3.23 1.9 3.

    S$E! 8) Construct an E-ternal Factor Ealuation 3EFE4 "atri-.


    ?eighted Aerage

    '. %ppearance in emerging markets ;.;8 ;.(

    (. )ave ((* fans on +acebook ;.;0 ;.'. !he number one most followed food-beverage brand on twitter 

    ;.;0 ;.'

    . /evelopment of low and zero calorie nutritional beverage

    ;.;6 ;.(8

    0. 1nline competitor acquisition and different product line acquisition

    ;.;0 ;.(;

    2. /ropping of 3Pepsi 4aw5 of Pepsi&o ;.;0 ( ;.;6

    6. &ollaboration with %pple in 7urope ;.;00 ;.((

    8. &ontinues to lead in market share with (9 ;.;0 ;.'8

    . Presence in packed drinking water ;.;20 ' ;.;20

    ';. REA$S?eight


    g ?eighted Aerage

    '. &ompetitors are more focused on nutritional drinks ;.;0 ;.(80

    (. )ealth issues revolving around: soft drinks haverecently created challenges for beveragesmanufacturers

    ;.;20 ;.'0

    . 1ntense rivalry with Pepsi&o ;.;0 ;.(;

    . /ifficulty in complying with different governmentregulations and norms in different countries

    ;.; ;.;

    0. 1nflation, economic slowdown and instability ;.;2 ;.'8

    2. =elling of snacks and soda in vending machines being banned in public education institution

    ;.;( ' ;.;(

    6. atorade ?Pepsi&o@ for decades ;.;20 ( ;.'

    8. %ccreditation of +/% and A%= of Pepsi&o ;.;; ;.'(

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    . =horter cash conversion cycle of )ansen ;.;0 ;.';0

    ';."bama %dministration promoting healthier society

    ;.;; ;.'(


  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    . Brand popularity around the world ;.; ;.'(

    . =trong financial condition ;.;2 ;.(

    0. Produces about ;; brands consisting of over ,;;; beverages products

    ;.; ;.'(

    2. "wns of top 0 soft drinks brands in the world ;.;2 ;.(

    6. &oca&ola has a leading brand value ;.;6 ;.(88. =trong brand portfolio ;.;0 ;.(

    . >reat marketing and advertising strategies ;.;2 ;.(

    ';.=trong online presence ;.; ;.'(

    ''.)igh demand for products ;.;2 ;.(

    '(. =trong customer loyalty ;.; ;.'(


    '. )yperactivity of children due to artificial colorings of


    ;.; ' ;.;

    (. Bottle packaging contains )&+ ?hydro fluorocarbon@ ;.; ' ;.;


  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    . Strategic !osition and Action Ealuation 3S!ACE4 Matri-Financial !osition Ratin


    Sta%ility !osition Ratin


    '. Aet 1ncome D2 '. &ompeting product price

    (. 4eturn on %sset D2 (. 4ate of 1nflation (

    . 7arnings per share D . /emand 7lasticity (

    . &ash +low D0 . &ompetitive Pressure

    0. 4eturn on 1nvestment D0


  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    RES='$ gra2h nalang Bulang%ccording to the graph above, we noticed that the &oca&ola &ompany falls into the

    aggressive quadrant of the =P%&7 matrix. 1t is located at the coordinates of D.;0 for x

    component and a y component of D(.6; . 1t shows that the company has an admirable positionto use its 1= in order to take advantage of external opportunities, overcome weaknesses, and

    avoid threats. 1n this position, &oca&ola has ?or shall have &

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    E C 0.'( B - C 06.8 BE .2;6( or 2' 9

    *ndustry Groth Rate

    E ?!otal 4evenue &urrent !otal 4evenue Prior@ - !otal 4evenue Prior E ?C 0,'',;;; C ;,;,;;;@ - C ;,;,;;;

    E .'( or ' 9


    H*arket penetrationH*arket developmentHProduct developmentH+orward, Backward or )orizontal 1ntegration

    4*= 2'91>4 '9!A&*GA?A NA'ANG $< NA NA&ASEN$ENe

    #. *nternal0E-ternal 3*E4 Matri-

      $>E *FE $$E#  Average


  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


      *arket Penetration


    *arket /evelopment


    Product /evelopment

    !he result of the 17 matrix placed in Iuadrant 11 which the 1+7 weighted score is (.6and the 7+7 weighted score is .;6. Iuadrant 11 represents grow and build that creates strategiesof Backward, +orward, or )orizontal 1ntegration, *arket Penetration, *arket /evelopment, andProduct /evelopment

    E. Grand Strategy Matri-

  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    Based on our >rand =trategy *atrix, &oca&ola &ompany is located at quadrant '. !his means

    that they are in strong competitive position and flourishing with rapid market growth. !he

    strategies that are applicable in this quadrant are product development, market development,

     backward integration and forward integration. &oca&ola &ompany should develop healthy, lowand zero calorie nutritional beverage, that are more likely to have long lasting market


  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    *E!he result of the 17 matrix placed in Iuadrant 11 which the 1+7 weighted score is (.6

    and the 7+7 weighted score is .;6. Iuadrant 11 represents grow and build that creates strategies

    of Backward, +orward, or )orizontal 1ntegration, *arket Penetration, *arket /evelopment, andProduct /evelopment

    GRAN#Based on our >rand =trategy *atrix, &oca&ola &ompany is located at quadrant '. !his

    means that they are in strong competitive position and flourishing with rapid market growth.

    !he strategies that are applicable in this quadrant are product development, market

    development, backward integration and forward integration. &oca&ola &ompany should

    develop healthy, low and zero calorie nutritional beverage, that are more likely to have long

    lasting market appearance.

    !alagay lahat ng strategies ditto at conclusion

    F. uantitatie Strategic !lanning Matri- 3S!M4 GA! $%P brand ;.;0 ;.'0 ;.(;&utting back on stores in Aorth %merica ;.;2 ( ;.'( ' ;.;2Poor attractiveness in the eye of >eneration J

    due to insufficient product and marketing



  • 8/18/2019 2final Na Final Na Toooo


    *anufactures reducing quality of the product ;.;6 !eenagers’ buying behavior ;.;2

    *illennia’s and >eneration J represents greater 

    market for eyes of retailers

    ;.; ( ;.'8 ' ;.;

    >rowth in export rate ;.;8 ;.( ( ;.'2=ufficient product differentiation and global



    +luctuations of K= dollars ;.; 7xpansion in retail market ;.;2


    )igh unemployment rate ;.;2 ' ;.;2 ( ;.'(!rade restrictions ;.; >rowing market for counterfeit products ;.;8 ' ;.;8 ( ;.'2

    7merging fast fashion ;.; &onsumers are obsessed with promotional



    GA! $ap 1nc. chooses to increase market penetration through greater promotion and advertisementefforts specifically online. 1t allows reaching significantly more people than traditionaladvertising media at a fraction of the cost. %s a rule, the more people your business serves, the

    most costefficient internet advertising can be. 1nternet advertising can also be more targetedthan some traditional media, ensuring that your messages are seen by the most relevantaudiences. !his can will result a huge online presence globally that may lead to an increase in profit.


    !he disadvantage is the fact that the 1nternetadvertising gold rush has begun to introduce adclutter to the #eb. #eb users are so inundated with banner ads and spam email that they have begun to ignore internet advertising $ust as much as ads on traditional media. %nd also onedisadvantage of advertising on the 1nternet is that your marketing materials are automatically

    available for anyone in the world to copy, regardless of the legal ramifications.

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    1n the Porter’s +ive >eneric =trategies of the &oca&ola &ompany has a large size of market and a generic strategies of !ype 1 and !ype 11 in &ost