293006954 unit 3 presentation done

Unit 3 Presentation By: Tom Pullen

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Unit 3 Presentation By: Tom Pullen

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•My name is Tom Pullen and this is my unit 3 brief. This brief will show the different ways in which I

have conducted research into three different topics and they are: Audience, Market and


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Audience Research - Questionnaire

• For the First part of my audience research I looked at creating a questionnaire that had questions relating to things like pirating and whether you personally believe it should be

allowed or not. It also contained questions to do with the different types of media people watch adverts on like YouTube, TV, phones etc… all these questions were done to help me decide on

what kind of things I should add to my anti piracy advert. An advantage of this is that it will help me to get a better understanding of what people would want to see in my advert and a

disadvantage of this of this would be that you can never really tell how truthful the person answering the question is being.

To the left is a screenshot of a few questions from my actual questionnaire.

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Audience Research – Vox Pops • The second part of my audience research was to do with something

called a vox pop. This is where I have got a group of 4 people to answer 5 questions from my questionnaire and also describe their personal opinions on what they think. An advantage of this is that I can get someone's actual real opinion face to face and therefore get a better understanding of what they think. A disadvantage of the vox pops is that because I am asking people to talk to a camera they may be very shy and therefore mumble their answer and not fully explain their opinion.

The link to my YouTube video of my vox pop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMfmfL27-KE&feature=youtu.be

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Audience Research – Focus Group

• For the third and final part of my audience research I filmed two people discussing 5 different questions that I had used that I had not used in my questionnaire. Once asked the questions, the two people had to discuss those questions and give both their individual responses to them. An advantage of the focus group is that like the vox pop, it is good to get an actual response to the question live. For the disadvantage, I think that a lot of the time people copy the previous persons answer and almost defeats the purpose of the whole focus group idea.

• The links to my Focus Group video:- https://www.dropbox.com/s/seobp5t7fijdslc/Video%2005-11-2015%2C%2012%2033%2037%20p.m..mov?dl=0

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• From creating different ways for people to discuss their own views, points and opinions on specific questions of mine, I have learned many different things I can add into my anti – piracy advert like music, celebrities, the best audience to target age wise, what platform to advertise it on etc… • To make my research more reliable I could ask the people I asked

before to fill out my questionnaire to fill it out again without seeing their previous answer and compare the two and see how close the answers are and therefore see how truthful they were being in their first answer.

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Market Research – Existing Product Research • For the first part of my market research I have been looking into existing product research. For this I

had to look at 5 different adverts that relate to how producers advertise i.e. through fear, information or graphic images. So I looked at social message campaigns to do with bullying, smoking and road safety. An advantage of this is that it can teach me what kind of messages really speak to people. For a disadvantage, it could be that all these adverts all want to teach people something new whereas my topic is something that wants to be stopped so the message is different.

A couple examples of my current existing product research.

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Market Research – Competitor Analysis• For the competitor analysis, I looked into adverts that are to do with

anti – piracy and how they are such a big thing and why they should be stopped. For example one of the adverts I looked at was this one below:

In this example I took screenshots of the advert and described what I could see and the message that I think was implanted into that specific section.

An advantage of this type of market research is that I can describe individual shots and the points that the producer is trying to get across so I can therefore use some of those techniques in my own advert. A disadvantage of this is that because they all are to do with anti piracy they will imply the same message into each advert.

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Market Research – Advertisement Placement • Next I looked at different well known channels and researched into

how much it costs to advertise an advert during a day on that specific channel. An example of this is below:

As you can see from the screenshot from my placement PowerPoint, it shows the different ranges of money that is required to air your advert on this channel at the given times.

Advantage: It gives me as the producer a clear idea of how much the different time slots will cost me to air my advertisement.

Disadvantage: It costs a huge amount of money to show at peak times whereas daytime or night time so there is a big marketing risk.

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Market Research – Secondary Research• For the secondary research of the market research section, I was

going through a book that described advertising in every way possible:

What I had to do for this section was highlight important and key words and phrases that related to how an advert should reach to its required target audience.

Advantage: It plants a lot of information into advertising and what is the proper way to showing it.

Disadvantage: Because it is in the form of a book that is packed full on info, it can get dull and can tend to make the reader lose focus.

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• From exploring into the market research section, I have learned a lot about how previous anti piracy advertisements have showed their adverts and what techniques they have used to get the message that they are trying to portray across. The techniques used are the most vital pieces of information to me because I can merge them into my own advertisement so I can make it the best standard I can.• The channel that I have chosen to air my advertisement on is E4, this is

because the target audience of this channel is mainly teenagers who pirate the most. The pricing for airing an advert is reasonable and the channel has a wide ranged audience viewing the channel and has a high percentage of both genders viewing the channel and watching the shows.

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Production Research – 3 Mind Map Ideas

For the first bit of production research I had to create 3 different mind maps to do with what my animatic could be.

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Production Research – Budget Research

For the Budget Research I looked at different camera and their price ranges for my animatic.

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Production Research – Planning Documents • Benefits: It helps me to develop my understanding of how to produce

my production research to a better standard and quality.• Disadvantages: Trying to develop new ideas to my planning

documents can take time and can be hard to understand at first.