28-day kettlebell blast-3 · 3. kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and...


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Page 1: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises


Page 2: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises


The recommendations in this e-book are not medical guidelines and are for educational purposes only.

Please see you physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, are overweight, or are over 35 years of age.

This manual is designed for healthy individuals 18 years of age and older only. Discuss all exercise and nutritional changes with your physician and/or registered dietician.

The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their physical limits.

The exercises in this book are not intended to substitute for any exercise routine or treatment that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Don’t perform the exercises in this book unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certifed personal trainer or a certifed strength and conditioning specialist.

Always ask for instructions and assistance when weight lifting and don’t perform exercises without proper instruction.

Always perform warm-ups before strength training or interval training to prepare for your workouts.

If you are taking medication(s) you must talk to your physician or a registered dietician before making any behavioral changes.


Page 3: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises

Kettlebell training is so amazing because it gets us back to the basics of strength training requiring functional and full body movements.

I know for me, after the birth of my baby boy, Jackson, time was of the essence along with space efficiency. It was essential that I got a fast, effective, lean-muscle-building workout in, while within listening distance of my sleeping baby boy

That’s how I fell in love with the Kettlebell!

My Kettlebell journey first started off with straightforward full body Kettlebell exercise. When Jackson was on more of a schedule, and I had some babysitting help, I was able to get back into the gym but continued to integrate the Kettlebell as part of my ongoing programming or as a finisher at the end of my training sessions.

The Kettlebell focuses on full body conditioning. The lifting, swinging and controlling of a Kettlebell requires the entire body to work, especially the core, by collectively contracting the muscles, building strength, stability, and improving overall conditioning at the same time.

I’d even argue that there is no other exercise equipment that can do nearly as much for the body like a Kettlebell can and I’ll tell you a secret:

The Kettlebell is what allowed me to get my pre-baby body back in a few short months, helping me land my first Fitness magazine cover at 11-months post partum.

And, because of the Kettlebell again, i landed the coveted title of #1 Fitness model in in inside Fitness magazine’s Hot and Fit 100 less than a year later because i was also training for my Kettlebell certification.

I have Kettlebells to thank for many of my accomplishments in the Fitness industry. In fact, my love affair with the Kettlebell is so deep that I will one day compete in a Kettlebell competition... but that’s a story for another time.

As I mentioned above, Kettlebells are fantastic to consider when you’re stuck on time or short on space. They engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, allowing for a great full body workout in a short period of time and are incredibly space efficient.

I hope you’re ready to start my Kettlebell workouts!



Page 4: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises

I love learning about fitness, bodybuilding and exercise. I was particulary fascinated by the history of my beloved Kettlebell.

The word “Girya” (meaning Kettlebell) was first published in the Russian Dictionary in 1704 and was primarily used as a weight to measure grains and other durables.

Over time, the Russian culture embraced the Kettlebell as a tool to showcase strength and power at festivals and fairs where athletes swung and lifted the Kettlebell as feats of accomplishment.

Since then the Kettlebell has been used as a dynamic tool to develop strength, endurance and improve health for centuries, which is why I welcomed the Kettlebell into my routine.

As a lifter at heart I loved that I could bring the Kettlebell upstairs while Jackson napped and get a full body workout done in about 20-25 minutes. Sometime even less.

I fell in love with Kettlebells so much, I decided to get my Kettlebell certification. Through this I can share my knowledge and eventually host Kettlebell workshops teaching the correct form and quick exercises routines that women, particularly new moms, can do to lose weight without using too much time.



Page 5: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises

1. Kettlebell training builds strength in the forearms and is particularly wonderful for in helping new moms avoid wrist/elbow and shoulder injuries while carrying their babies.

2. Today many people have postural issues, like rolled shoulders, from being sedentary throughout the day. The Kettlebell helps activate under-worked muscles and strengthen key areas in the shoulders and back, aiding with posture.

3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises in our day.

4. Kettlebell training is very convenient. They take up very little floor space and don’t require and expensive rack because they can be stored in the corner or underneath other equipment.

5. Kettlebell training allows you to reduce overall training time, allowing you to devote your attention to other areas such as strategy, skill, rest and recovery.

6. Kettlebell training bridges the gap between strength training and cardio helping you burn more calories with one effective workout.

7. You can train with Kettlebells anywhere – the local park, beach, backyard, in the house. You’ll, theoretically, never have to miss a workout again!


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For new Kettlebell users I want to enforce that you always need to make sure your back is positioned correctly so that your hips (not the back) absorb the force of the Kettlebell.

Take this rule seriously if you want an injury-free workout!

A Neutral spine is also essential for Kettlebell exercises. To achieve this:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms down straight to your sides. Zone in on a point directly in front of you about 6-7 feet away on the floor to keep your neck and head position neutral.

2. Reach your hips back as if you’re reaching for a chair to sit on and let your arms follow your hips back. The correct position for this described motion is having you look like you’re about to make a vertical leap upwards.

3. Use a mirror to perfect your form, to ensure you are doing everything correctly. If you’re achieving neutral spine then you will have a natural “s” curve in your spine.


When it comes to the Kettlebell your hips will do most of the work to move. To help engage them properly, you must ensure the following:

1. Start with the Kettlebell on the grown in-between your feet back behind your heels. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and arms down to your sides again (and eyes focused directly on a spot 6-7 feet on the floor in front of you).

2. Stomp both your feet to the floor to plant/root them solidly into the ground.

3. Lead with your hips by sitting back and having your knees follow. Keeping your weight on your heels, reach down and back to put your hands on the horn/handle of the Kettlebell. Remember: Hips lead to retain neutral spine.

4. Generate force from the ground up by i) driving through your heels, ii) pulling up your kneecaps, iii) tightening your abs and glutes (ex. your bum), and iv) using force to snap your hips to move the Kettlebell.



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When you’re first starting out with the Kettlebell its going to take a lot of concentration to apply all of the techniques I just mentioned. If you commit to my checklist (and with continued practice), you’ll be an ace at the Kettlebell in no time.

1. Ground/Plant feet into the floor

2. Put your weight on your heels

3. Keep your shoulders depressed (down) and chest “up and proud”

4. Maintain a tall spine and neutral head position

5. Pick a focal point in front of you about 6-7 feet away on the floor directly in front of you

6. Tighten your glutes/butt, thighs and abs, and pull up your kneecaps.


Before we get started I want to do a quick run-through on safety.

Always be aware of your surrounds when using a Kettlebell in an open space. Do not train close to people, pets, or precious objects.

Do not use the Kettlebell on a surface that you don’t want damaged because there’s always a possibility you can drop it.

If you start to lose control of the Kettlebell, GET OUT OF THE WAY!

A rep with a Kettlebell performed incorrectly can lead to injury so push the Kettlebell away from your body and step aside if this happens.

Every Kettlebell should be treated EQUALLY! Respect a light Kettlebell the same way you would respect a heavy Kettlebell.

Most importantly, don’t overdo it especially in the beginning. Kettlebell training is very different than traditional weight training and requires a combination of strength and endurance (which is also why it’s so effective) – start slowly and gradually increase your volume.




Page 8: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises

Learn how to perform a proper kettlebell swing with this little quick trick

Some notes:

better hip hinge and this is what we want when we perform a kettlebell swing.



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Exercise Sets Reps

A1 Goblet Squats 3 10

A2 High Pulls 3 20

B1 Romanian Deadlifts 3 10

B1 Swings 3 30

C1 Clean & Press 3 10 each side

C2 Renegade Rows 3 10 each side


Exercise Sets Reps

A1 Hand To Hand Swing 3 10 each side

A2 One-Leg Deadlift 3 10 each side

B1 Alternating Rack/Shoulder Press 3 10 each side

B1 Front Squat 3 10 each side

C1 Squat Hold 3 30-60 seconds

C2 Push-Ups 3 10

DAY 3 Metabolic Mayham – AMRAP - Finish As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes

Exercise Reps

A1 Ketllebell Swings 20

A2 Mountain Climbers 20

A3 Sumo Squat 20



Page 10: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises


Exercise Sets Reps

A1 Pulls-Ups (Squat to High Pulls) 3 10

A2 Stationary Lunges 3 10 each side

B1 Kettlebell Swings 3 20

B1 Shoulder Press 3 10 each side

C1 Plank Row 3 10 each side

C2 Plank 3 30-60 seconds


Exercise Sets Reps

A1 Double Kettlebell Squat Press 3 10

A2 Goblet Reverse Lunge 3 10 each side

B1 Double Kettlebell Overhead Lunges 3 5 each side

B2 Moving Plank 3 20 total

C1 Snatch 3 8 each side

C2 Double Kettlebell Squat Hold 3 30-60 seconds



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Below are sample weeks of how to use these workouts effectively. Choose the type of volume you know your body can handle. If you already have a set weight training program in place and want to incorporate the kettlebell training in your schedule use Sample 4.

AR stands for Active Recovery - Active Recovery

SAMPLE 1: Less Volume Training Week – Beginner

Active Recovery - walk, light jog or yoga

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 Workout 1 AR Workout 2 AR Workout 3 AR Workout 4

2 AR Workout 1 AR Workout 2 AR Workout 3 AR

3 Workout 4 AR Workout 1 AR Workout 2 AR Workout 3

4 AR Workout 4 AR Workout 1 AR Workout 2 AR

5 Workout 3 AR Workout 4 AR Workout 1 AR Workout 2

6 AR Workout 3 AR Workout 4 AR Workout 1 AR

SAMPLE 2: Higher Volume Training Week - Intermediate

Active Recovery - walk, light jog or yoga

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout3 Workout 4 AR Workout 1

2 AR Workout 2 Workout 3 AR Workout 4 Workout 1 AR

3 Workout 2 Workout 3 AR Workout 4 Workout 5 AR Workout 1

4 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 AR Workout 1 Workout 2

5 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 AR Workout 1 Workout 2 AR

6 Workout 3 Workout 4 AR Workout 5 Workout 1 AR Workout 2


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SAMPLE 3: High Volume – Advance

Active Recovery - walk, light jog or yoga

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 REST Workout 5

2 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 REST

3 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 REST Workout 5

4 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 REST

5 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 REST Workout 5

6 Workout 1 Workout 2 AR Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 REST

SAMPLE 4: ATHLETE with a program in place – This is less Volume Kettlebell Training For someone who may already have a weight training program in place

Active Recovery - walk, light jog or yoga

Here is an example of how your schedule may look with your weight training days

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 Upper body

Workout 1 ARLower body

Workout 2 REST Workout 3

2Upper body

Workout 4 ARLower body

Workout 5 REST Workout 1

3Upper body

Workout 2 ARLower body

Workout 3 REST Workout 4

4Upper body

Workout 5 ARLower body

Workout 1 REST Workout 2

5Upper body

Workout 3 ARLower body

Workout 4 REST Workout 5

6Upper body

Workout 1 ARLower body

Workout 2 REST Workout 3

Page 13: 28-Day Kettlebell Blast-3 · 3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio-respiratory fitness and is wonderful at helping us keep lean and conditioned for any activity that arises

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