220 superwash® frog sweater & hat - cascade...

© 2015 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved. 220 Superwash® Frog Sweater & Hat W220 Edited by Cascade Yarns® Design Team

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220 Superwash®

Frog Sweater & Hat


Edited by

Cascade Yarns® Design Team

© 2015 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.

220 Superwash® Frog Sweater & Hat

Designed by Cascade Yarns® Design Team

Skill Level: Intermediate

Sizes: 6 mo. (1 yr, 2 yr, 4 yr) Chest: 21” (24, 27, 29)” Hat Circumference: 16-17” (17-18”, 18-19”, 19-20”

Materials: Cascade Yarns® 220 Superwash® 100% Superwash Wool, 100 g (3.5 oz) / 220 yds (200 m) 1 skein of yellow (#821), 1 skein of white (#817) 1 skein of green (#802) 2 (2, 3, 3) skeins blue (#845) 1 skein of black (#815) US #7/16”-24” (or 32” for larger sizes) circular knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge Stitch Markers Stitch Holder Yarn needle

Gauge: 5 sts x 7 rows = 1” in Stockinette St

Abbreviations: BO = Bind off CO = Cast On K = Knit K2tog = Knit 2 stitches togehter MC = Main Color M1 = Make 1 stitch P = Purl PM = Place Marker Rnd(s) = Round(s) RS = Right Side St(s) = Stitch(es) WS = Wrong Side Note: Some store models were constructed as 1 piece from the bottom to the armholes, then separated for the front and back. For this construction, double the CO sts and PM for sides. The following instructions make the front and back separately, then seam at the sides.

Frog Sweater Back: With MC, CO 54 (60, 68, 74) sts. Work in Stockinette st until back measures 11” (12½”, 14”, 16”).

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Shoulders & Collar: BO 12 (14, 16, 18) sts, and K next 30 (32, 36, 38) sts, BO remaining sts. Slide remaining sts from back to a st holder for collar. Front: Work as for back to 2” (3”, 3 ½”, 4 ½”). On next RS row, work across 11(14, 18, 21) sts, PM.

Begin Frog Chart. At st 17 of the chart, add green. At st 18 of the chart, add another MC in color ball to complete the chart row. PM. Work 11(14, 18, 21) sts. Do not carry MC behind green except for around the feet. Note: The mouth, eyes and crown should be worked in duplicate st after blocking sweater. Work to correspond to back, working chart between the st markers.

Collar: With right sides facing and with 16” circular needle, put collar sts from front and back on needles. Join in the rnd and K for 2 (2¼”, 2¾”, 3¼”). BO all sts.

Sleeves: CO 30 (30, 33, 38) sts with MC. Work in Stockinette St for 1” (1”, 1½”, 2”). Begin increasing as follows: Increase 1 st at each side of sleeve every 4 rows 8 (10, 11, 14) times. Continue until sleeve measures 6½” (7½”, 8½”, 10½”). BO all sts.

Finishing: Block body and sleeves. Do not block bottom of sleeves and body or top on neck as they are supposed to roll. Sew shoulder seams. Set in sleeves and sew up side seam. Embroider eyes, and mouth on frog as indicated on chart using scrap black and white yarn. Using yellow yarn, add crown as shown in chart using duplicate st. If making a frog princess, a necklace, beads or other details may be added.

See chart on next page:

Alternative Neck Shaping: (as seen in store models) BACK Work until piece measures 11” (12 ½”, 14”, 16”). BO 12 (14, 16, 18) sts for shoulder, K next 30 (32, 36, 38) sts and place on holder, BO remaining sts.

FRONT Work until front measures 8¼” (10¾”, 11”, 16”). Work next row to center 12 sts (all sizes), attach another ball and work center 12 sts then place those 12 on a holder and complete the row. BO 2 sts at each neck edge 2 (3, 3, 4) times, then decrease 1 st each side every other row 5 (4, 6, 5) times. Work until piece measures same as back. BO shoulder sts.

Rolled Neck Finishing: After shoulder seams have been sewn, pick up and K 84 (88, 92, 96) sts evenly around neck edge which includes the sts from the holders. Join in the rnd and K for 2” (2 ¼”, 2 ¾”, 3”). BO all sts.

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© 2015 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.


Note: Model Version Crown Construction variation begins after 30 sts remain on hat decreases.

Begin pattern: CO 87 (93, 100, 105) sts with green. PM. Join in rnd being care-ful not to twist your sts. K in Stockinette st for 5 (5½”, 6, 6½”).

Begin decreases as follows: For size 4 only: (K19, K2tog) 5 times (100 sts), K1 row.

For sizes 2 & 4 only: (K8, K2tog) 10 times (90 sts), K 1 row.

For size 1 only: (K29, K2tog) 3 times (90 sts), K 1 row.

For size 1, 2 and 4 only: (K7, K2tog) 10 times (80 sts), K 1 row.

For size 6 months only: [(K7, K2tog) 2 times, K8] 3 times, K7, K2tog (80 sts), K 1 row.

For all sizes: (K6, K2tog) 10 times (70 sts), K 1 row. (K5, K2tog) 10 times (60 sts), K 1 row. (K4, K2tog) 10 times (50 sts), K 1 row. (K3, K2tog) 10 times (40 sts), K 1 row. (K2, K2tog) 10 times (30 sts), K 1 row. (K1, K2tog) 10 times (20 sts), K 1 row. K2tog 10 times, (10 sts) Break yarn, draw end through remaining sts.

Frog Eyes (Make 2): On 2nd eye, reverse the chart. Grey area of chart should be knitted in white. Where there is no color in chart, it reflects a st that has been decreased in a prior row. For example, in row 2 of each chart, decrease 1 st at st 2 and st 16.

In the next row, continue in Stockinette st as though that st never existed. Note: The total st count for each row is equal to the green and grey boxes.

Using white and green, CO sts as shown in charts below. Knit in Stockinette st. BO on the last row of the chart, slipping the 1st

and last sts of each color.

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Frog Crown-All Sizes

3-St Bobble: P1 front, P1 back, P1 front into same st giving you 3 sts. Turn, K3, turn, P3, turn K3. Slip 2nd and 3rd sts over 1st st. Break yarn, leaving approximately 6”, thread yarn through the remaining st and pull snug. Crown sts are picked up on top of hat using yellow. Pick up sts in an oval shape so that one of the long edges is slightly in front of center and other long edge is 1” to 1½” behind center (see illustration below for placement).

Size 6 mth and 1 yr only: Pick up 28 sts. K 1 rnd in yellow. In next row, [(K2, M1) 6 times, K2] 2 times (40 sts).

Make 8 points on crown as follows: K5, turn, P5, turn, K5, turn, P5, turn, K1 SL2 knitwise, K3tog, K1, turn, P3, turn K3 tog, turn, P 3-st bobble. Attach a new piece of yarn for each point.

Size 2 and 4 only: Pick up 34 sts. K 1 rnd in yellow. In next row, (K2, M1) 16 times, K2 (50 sts).

Make 10 points on crown as follows: K5, turn, P5, turn, K5, turn, P5, turn, K1 , K3tog, K1, turn, P3, turn K3 tog, turn, P 3-st bobble. Attach a new piece of yarn for each point.

Finishing: Sew in ends on crown and hat. With each eye inside out, sew together. Turn RS out and attach to hat as shown at right. Using black, stitch a smile on.

Model Version When 30 sts remain after decreasing, Knit 1 row. Reduce to 24 sts on next row.

Change to orange and starting at center back *K3 sts, slip next 6 sts onto holder, K next 3 sts. (6 sts in orange) Working back and forth on these 6 sts only, work in st st for 7 rows. On next row, reduce to 4 sts and work as I cord for 6 rows. BO* (1 crown point) Attach orange to 1st of 6 sts from holder and work in Stockinette st for 7 rows. Reduce to 4 sts on next row and work in I cord as for 1st

point. BO. Attach yarn to center front and work as above for last 2 crown points. Weave in all ends.

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Size 6 month and 1 year chart

Size 2 and 4 year chart