2021 a fresh start...1 january 2021 newsletter (920)284 negatively. said,...

1 January 2021 Newsletter 2021 A Fresh Start I think we get excited about the new year because the future seems to naturally bring a sense of hope. Is it because the future has yet to be written and we have so many good things to write in the days ahead? Interestingly enough, we also tend to think positively about the possible, as opposed to negatively. We can give glory to the Lord God for all of that. Our general optimism is no accident. Our merciful Father wired us this way – to be hopeful in spite of the fact that by nature we really should only anticipate nothing but wrath and punishment both now and forever because of all our sins. This wiring toward hope is what Solomon pointed us to when he said, “[God] has set eternity in the hearts of men(Ecclesiastes 3:11), though in our sinful blindness we cannot know on our own the things he has planned, whether good or bad. By grace, he has insulated us from despair - generally speaking. Thankfully, we have God’s Word to reveal this view toward the future. God’s Word alone can confirm the reason to be optimistic. I think of such words from our conquering Savior, seated on the throne of God saying, “Behold, I make all things new.” It’s a future where he will “wipe every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” Our Lord concludes in his saving grace saying, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true” (Revelation 21:4-5). These words of promise are certain because in our past he has already conquered sin, death, and the devil, the only obstacles which could prevent such a future. So, you have everything to look forward to as we bid farewell to days past, and perhaps even say under our breath, “Good riddance!” (I think especially of all our sins and days of regret, even more than any outside thing that afflicted us in 2020. All of this has been washed away in the blood of the Lamb! Praise God!) But, before we dream away about the days ahead, let me encourage you on to remember two things: Pastor Tim Glende [email protected] (920)284-9147 Pastor Jim Fleming [email protected] (920)419-1757 Pastor Bill Monday [email protected] (920)939-5799 Pastor Michael Ewart [email protected] (920) 878-2899 Pastor Mike Novotny (The CORE) [email protected] (920) 716-7912 Nate Paul, Chief Operating Officer [email protected] (920) 740-3125 Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations [email protected] (920) 419-1010 Phil Punzel, School Principal [email protected] (920) 419-8278 Jonathan Favorite, Worship Coordinator [email protected] (602) 377-2423 Jarrod Pfarr, Director of Youth Development [email protected] (916) 742-3104 Maria Keuschel, Ministry Engagement Coordinator [email protected] (920) 609-7218

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Page 1: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com


January 2021 Newsletter

2021 A Fresh Start

I think we get excited about the new year because the

future seems to naturally bring a sense of hope. Is it

because the future has yet to be written and we have

so many good things to write in the days

ahead? Interestingly enough, we also tend to think

positively about the possible, as opposed to

negatively. We can give glory to the Lord God for all

of that. Our general optimism is no accident. Our

merciful Father wired us this way – to be hopeful in

spite of the fact that by nature we really should only

anticipate nothing but wrath and punishment both

now and forever because of all our sins. This wiring

toward hope is what Solomon pointed us to when he

said, “[God] has set eternity in the hearts of men”

(Ecclesiastes 3:11), though in our sinful blindness we

cannot know on our own the things he has planned,

whether good or bad. By grace, he has insulated us

from despair - generally speaking.

Thankfully, we have God’s Word to reveal this view

toward the future. God’s Word alone can confirm the

reason to be optimistic. I think of such words from our

conquering Savior, seated on the throne of God

saying, “Behold, I make all things new.” It’s a future

where he will “wipe every tear from their eyes and

there will be no more death or mourning or crying or

pain, for the former things have passed away.” Our

Lord concludes in his saving grace saying, “Write this

down, for these words are faithful and true”

(Revelation 21:4-5). These words of promise are

certain because in our past he has already conquered

sin, death, and the devil, the only obstacles which

could prevent such a future.

So, you have everything to look forward to as we bid

farewell to days past, and perhaps even say under our

breath, “Good riddance!” (I think especially of all our

sins and days of regret, even more than any outside

thing that afflicted us in 2020. All of this has been

washed away in the blood of the Lamb! Praise God!)

But, before we dream away about the days ahead, let

me encourage you on to remember two things:

Pastor Tim Glende

[email protected]


Pastor Jim Fleming

[email protected]


Pastor Bill Monday

[email protected]


Pastor Michael Ewart

[email protected]

(920) 878-2899

Pastor Mike Novotny (The CORE)

[email protected]

(920) 716-7912

Nate Paul, Chief Operating Officer

[email protected]

(920) 740-3125

Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations

[email protected]

(920) 419-1010

Phil Punzel, School Principal

[email protected]

(920) 419-8278

Jonathan Favorite, Worship Coordinator

[email protected]

(602) 377-2423

Jarrod Pfarr, Director of Youth Development

[email protected]

(916) 742-3104

Maria Keuschel, Ministry Engagement Coordinator

[email protected]

(920) 609-7218

Website: 922ministries.com

SPL Office – (920) 739-2009

The CORE – (920) 364-0200

Page 2: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com


One, it’s good for us to recognize that we don’t have

the power to make 2021 new, good, beautiful, right,

and all we could hope for. Only Jesus can do that,

and the way he does that always goes back to his

work for you, in you, and through you. Of course, we

immediately think about Holy Baptism, for it was in

baptism that all which Jesus won for us in the cross

was gifted to us. And it was in baptism that we were

made new as a result of the Spirit’s work of faith in us

as he brought us out of the waters, a true resurrection

from spiritual death. And it was in baptism that we

were also called to begin making all things new, all

through our ushering of Jesus’ kingdom into this life –

into the lives of the people we know and love and

even those we don’t know.

Two, remember then that even if things don’t go as

planned in 2021 – like a nightmarish return to 2020 –

it’s okay. The future is still full of hope because the

One on the throne who swore he’d make all things

new and has the power to do just that – he is not like

sinful man. He cannot lie, and he cannot be

overcome. Simply turn to him who promised you in

Christ “a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Then, keep your optimism and share it to the glory of

God. May God bless us this new year with such an

outlook that no matter how good or bleak the days

get, we have an unbreakable hope. Yes, may we

remember those two beautiful truths about the future

to come! Amen.

Pastor Bill

“How to Deal”

Dates: January 3rd through

February 14th

Summary: If this year is anything like last year, we

are going to have a lot to deal with. The next twelve

months will confront us, surprise us, challenge us,

tempt us, bless us, and make us want to stay home

and watch Netflix until Jesus returns. But God has a

mission for us to go out into a messy world with the

message (and example) of his love for us and for all

people. Therefore, we need to learn how to deal.

This series is a call to resiliency rooted in the truth of

God’s Word, the grace of God’s heart, and the

power of God’s Spirit.

How to deal with yourself — The hardest person to

deal with this year will not be your neighbor, your

father, your ex, or your annoying coworker. It will be

you. You, due to your sinful nature, will be more

difficult, moody, grumpy, unpredictable, complicated,

and rebellious than perhaps anyone else in your life.

So, how do you deal with you? By fixing your eyes on

Jesus. Deny yourself, pick up the cross of ignoring

yourself, and follow Jesus. That is how you find the

life that is truly life.

How to deal with anxiety—Anxiety is the stubborn

fear that things might go wrong, a stomach-turning

worry that rarely disappears without a fight. As we

enter another year of uncertainty and national drama,

it seems that, more than ever, people are being

overcome by anxiety, a situation only intensified by

the phones glued to our palms. So, how do you deal

with that? You think about God. God wants us to call

on his name, to remember his faithfulness in the past,

and to turn to him during our most anxious moments.

How to deal with shame — Shame is the unshakable

feeling that we don’t belong. It is the painful

feeling, caused by our past that tempts us to run away

from God and his people in the present. Shame can

be tied to something done to us, something we have

done, or something we have continued to do. Often

it is connected with abuse, sexual brokenness, or

addiction. So, how do you deal with that? You

remember that believing makes you belong, that

trusting in Jesus is the way to be unashamed, to be

included, and to know that there is a place for you.

How to deal with temptation—No matter how little

or how long you have been following Jesus,

temptation is always a breath away. The Tempter will

offer you anything in his power to get you to turn

your back on God and pursue the things of this world,

leaving you with regret, brokenness, and un-erasable

consequences. So, how do you deal with that? You

talk to Him and you tell them. In the Lord’s Prayer,

Jesus teaches us to ask the Father to lead us not into

temptation, a prayer he taught in the plural as a not-

so-subtle reminder of the spiritual power of “us.”

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How to deal with people — Your new year will be

filled with all kinds of people. Fun people, draining

people, hurtful people, beautiful people, critical

people, encouraging people, and all the other kinds

of people. How do you deal with them all without

losing your mind (and your faith)? The answer is to

remember how God dealt with a particular person—

you. Remember God’s patience to the “chief of

sinners” is how you deal with people in your life.

How to deal with apathy—Apathy is when you stop

caring. After a thousand stories of tragedy, injustice,

and seemingly unsolvable problems, we are all

tempted to give in and give up. People don’t care

about God anymore. Everyone is narcissistic.

Institutions are all corrupt. So, let’s binge on Amazon

Prime. How do you deal with that? You remember

that your labor is not in vain. God uses the good that

we do, however small and impotent it seems, to do

good in the world and carry out his plans for the


How to deal with death — Someone you know will

die this year. That someone might be a parent, a

sibling, a child, a friend, a fellow Christian from

church...or you. Death will do what it has done since

Adam and Eve, namely, to separate the living from

the dead, leaving life a little emptier than it was

before. So, how do you deal with that? You think of

the presence of GOD. GOD saves his people from

death, bringing them into his pain-free presence, while

simultaneously drawing near to the grieving and


Call Meeting for New

Principal - January 11 at

6:30 pm

Please mark January 11th on your calendar for the

congregational call meeting to “Phil”☺ the principal

position at St. Peter. Principal calls are done through

the congregation in a similar fashion to when we call

for a pastor. This means we will be provided a list of

5-6 names to consider and after the opportunity to

discuss the list before the voting takes place.

Greetings 922 member,

Do you know a church family

member who is having a difficult

time in the midst of the

pandemic? Have you had a

conversation where you have

encouraged and prayed for a friend or family

member? If you have a heart to ask the question,

"How are you doing?" There is a place for you to use

that gift. The One Team.

Our 922 One Team has historically reached out to

church family members we have not seen in

awhile. That focus is going to change slightly in the

next year. We'd like to reach out to all our

membership just to do a check in. With the pandemic,

many of our members have not felt comfortable

attending worship in person. The goal of the One

Team would be to let our members know someone is

thinking about them and wondering how they're


So here is my question for you, "Would you have a

desire to serve on The One Team to help accomplish

this goal?" If so, it would mean five to ten calls per

week. Training will be offered on how to do

that. There will be training as well on how the process

works and working in Planning Center Online (PCO).

If you have a desire to serve in this way, please contact

Pastor Jim by phone at (920) 419-1757 or email at

[email protected]. I welcome your thoughts

and questions, if you should have any.

May God grant a blessed 2021 to you and yours.

Pastor Jim Fleming

Attention “Unconnected” Members:

We’d like to make sure you know that

DVD’s are recorded of our Sunday

services and available to members that

do not have access to internet and do not attend in-

person services, so you too can worship in your home.

Please call the office at 739-2009 or contact Pastor

Jim at 419-1757 if you would like a copy or know

someone that would like a copy.

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Sunday’s 9:00 (In-Person) &

10:15 am (online) & Tuesday’s

at 6:30 pm (online)

“War and Terror”

How do you how respond to

the issues of war and terror?

You may ask yourself: What is God calling me to do

in a time of war and terror? What does the Bible

teach about just war? Do the ethics of war fit with

my role as a Christian? In this four part seminar, we

will explore what the Bible teaches about war,

justice, and peace. Pray about the challenges our

nation and other nations face.

Sign-up for these studies at stpeter922.com/groups

or contact Pastor Jim.

Harbor House

thanks you for

the generous

donations of

women’s &



and stuffed


Pillars also

thanks you for

your generosity

with the items

on the Giving

Tree and online


(This picture is

from the 2nd


2021 Envelopes - Please pick up your

envelopes as soon as possible. They are

located in the Gathering area. Note that

even if you use electronic fund

withdrawal for your contributions, you

still get a box of envelopes because everyone MUST

be assigned a number. Having your envelopes then

gives you the opportunity to give to special worship

services such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and

also special ministries such as Caring & Sharing, Youth

Ministry, the Endowment Fund etc. All envelopes are

in numerical order and if you can’t remember your

number, there is a report laying by the boxes that

names are listed in alphabetical order. PLEASE DO

NOT use your 2020 envelopes in 2021.

Any questions, please call Rhonda Dietzler in the

office at 739-2009. If you are not attending worship

in person, let Rhonda know and she will send it to


When you give a gift in

this envelope, this is

some of the things it

pays for: salaries,

utilities, insurance,

general supplies needed for ministries such as Bible

Classes, Bible Discovery and our school along with our

monthly support sent to Fox Valley Lutheran High

School and our Synod Missions.

When you give a gift to

this ministry here are a

few things that your

money goes to help pay

the expenses of: the

Card Making Ministry

that make cards for our homebound, elderly,

birthdays for those over 70, babies, get well etc.; our

Quilting Ladies Ministry that makes quilts for babies,

those in the hospital, cancer patients and many others;

sending care packages to our college kids; helping

with the costs of our Ladies Advent by Candlelight;

helping with keeping our church kitchen stocked with

the items we need to provide funeral meals.

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SCRIP is sold in the Workroom (behind the office)

on Monday morning only from 7:30 to 8:15 am and

again on Friday’s 7:30-8:15 am and 3:00-3:30 pm.

It is also available on Sunday’s from 8:30 - 9:00 and

10:00-10:30 in the Gathering Area of church.

Note: If there is no school during the week, SCRIP

is not sold at school.

We ask you to please practice

“social distancing”.

Please feel free to contact Rhonda Van Vreede at:

[email protected] or call at:

920-740-3428, if you have any questions

or concerns.

Special birthday wishes to the following

members who are 70+ years this month!!

Bob Clausnitzer (01/12)

Sandra Trout (01/13)

John Ewart (01/13)

Janet Bousley (01/19)

Jack Huff (01/20)

Jeanette Werschem (01/22)

Don Diersen (01/27)

Phil Ziegler (01/30)

Live Streaming Worship Times

Sunday’s 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 3:30 pm

Search 922 Ministries on Facebook or YouTube

The next Pantry collection is January 10th. They

currently are in need of: Hand soap, dish soap,

laundry soap, paper toweling, napkins, jam/jelly,

cookies, crackers, all helper meals, tuna, canned fruit

and canned tomato products.

“Thank you to all who made our 2020 much better

than we could have asked for.”

Please bring your pantry items and monetary

donations to the office between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm

Monday-Friday or to the church kitchen before

worship services. Monetary donations can also be

placed in the box on the counter in the church

kitchen. These are used to purchase gift cards to be

given to families to purchase perishable items. Please

make your checks payable to:

Apple Valley Food Pantry.

Volunteers Needed!

St. Peter and The Core days to volunteer at the Apple

Valley Food Pantry is Saturday, February 13th and

Sunday, February 14th. Around Nine volunteers are

needed for each day from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

to unload and load cars and to sort and shelf the food.

The food pantry is located at St. Matthew Lutheran

Church, 129 S. Mason Street, Appleton (the pantry is

located on the W. Lawrence side of the building). The

pantry does follow COVID guidelines and mask

should be worn. Please call or text Brian Carlson at

920-277-9069, if you are able to help or if you have

any questions. Thank you!

Page 6: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com


Thank you to all who

have served over this

past year! Your

dedication and

willingness to serve for

the good of others and the Glory of God is

greatly appreciated by all of our 922 Staff and

those who walk through our doors!

Maria Keuschel

Ministry Engagement Coordinator

Dear 922 Ministries Family:

Our mother, mother-in-law,

grandma and great grandma,

Marge Forbeck went to be with

her Savior on November 28,

2020. In her nearly 96 years among us, she touched

a lot of lives and was an inspiration and light to all

whom she encountered. We thank God for all of

you who reached out, sent a card, flowers, memorial

gifts and came to her visitation and funeral service.

We were reminded by so many of you that she is

celebrating heaven with so many of her loved ones,

and awaiting the day that we can all join her there.

Your thoughtfulness, care, love and comfort will not

be forgotten. You showed her the Savior's love in life

and comforted us when she left us to be in heaven.

Marge's memorial money will go to the 922

Ministries General Endowment Fund. Gifts will also

go to the Grades 1-2 reading program because for

many years she came to school to have those

students read to her. Another gift will be given to

purchase a vacuum cleaner in honor of the many

years that her husband Ray and she were custodians

in the old church and school. We cannot thank you

enough, but know that all of it is deeply appreciated.

Marge Forbeck Family


The latest editions of “Meditations" & "Forward in

Christ" are available for you at the Welcome Center

or office. These are great personal resources for

spiritual growth, containing devotional content and

practical advice for Christian living.

Request for New College or Military Addresses

If your child has entered college or the military and

has a change of address, we would appreciate this

information so we can keep in touch with them.

Please send this information to:

[email protected] or call the

office at 739-2009.

Card Making Ministry

Join the fun in making greeting

cards for our homebound

members, those in the hospital,

new babies, etc. This group meets

every second Tuesday of the

month in the 1910 Centre (the old

building located across the street from the new

church) at 6:30 pm. Next meeting is January 12th.

Masks are required. Everything is supplied! Just bring

yourself. Questions? Call Luella Kietz at

(920) 731-1650.

Ladies Quilting Ministry

The St. Peter Quilting ministry is

one that touches many people.

Every new baby that becomes a

part of our church family receives a

quilt, as do members and friends

who are homebound, in the

hospital or facing treatments for

cancer and other illnesses.

NOTE: Due to the increased incidents of the

COVID-19 virus, the ladies in this Ministry will be not

be meeting weekly until further notice. Please contact

Karen Peters at 739-2924 with any questions.

A BIG Thank You to all who

participated in the Community

Blood Drive at St. Peter! Our goal

was 20 people and 26 donated

(10 first timers). This saves 69


Page 7: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com


FVL Musicfest 2021 will be held virtually on Sunday,

January 31 from 1-3 PM. The event will feature

performances by the choirs and bands as well as a

silent basket auction. Some special surprises are also

planned! Check the website (fvlhs.org) in January for

more details. Proceeds will support FVL's excellent

music programs.

Are you getting our weekly e-news update by

email? If not, subscribe now! Simply send a

blank email to either of these addresses:

[email protected] OR

[email protected]

Gregg Mattek (President)

Doug Dahm (Vice President)

Brian Hoppe (Secretary)

Craig Schultz (Treasurer)

Dave Flunker (Elders)

Shaun Paluch (Board of Education)

Please note that we invite people to speak with

any of these men listed above if you have

any questions at any time.

Join Pastor Mike Novotny for Time of Grace, a

30-minute Bible study program. The program airs

globally via various outlets. For a complete broadcast

schedule, visit timeofgrace.org/waystowatch or call the

Time of Grace office at 800.661.3311.

Find the website or network TV time that works best

for you.

Over the Air—Local Channels

WGBA–Sunday, 6:30 a.m.

National Cable and Satellite Channels

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)--Thursdays at

3:30 p.m.

Freeform - Thursdays at 5:30 a.m.

The Cowboy Channel (Family Net) Sunday 8:00 a.m.

American Forces Network (AFN) – Spectrum, Sunday at

7:00 a.m.


If you would like a monthly newsletter mailed

to you, please contact the office or email Gloria

at [email protected].

Page 8: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com

St. Peter Lutheran Student Recognized by Freedom VFW

Recently, 8

th grade student Sami Vosters wrote an essay titled “What Patriotism Means to Me.” Sami’s

work was recognized by the Freedom VFW. She earned 1st place honors. Below is Sami’s essay:

What is patriotism? Patriotism is a pride for your country and a mutual agreement with those who feel

the same way. It is loyalty to the nation and leaders of the nation. Patriotism does not mean you need

to agree with everything our leaders do, but just that you respect their hard work and dedication and

do the same yourself. In simplicity, patriotism is loving our country, despite its imperfections.

Why is patriotism so important? First, patriotism helped us win the Revolutionary War. It emboldened

the soldiers and citizens to fight Great Britain for their freedom. Second, patriotism unites us. Maybe two

Americans have nothing in common except the fact that they live in the best country ever, and they

become friends because of it. When we are united in patriotism, we work together in preserving and

protecting our nation by following laws and doing what is right. Also, showing patriotism honors those

who died and those who served. When you show patriotism, you are using dedication and strength for


How can we show patriotism for our country? First, the ways that are simple yet meaningful. We say

the Pledge of Allegiance, stand for the playing of the National Anthem, and celebrate national holidays

such as Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day. Also, we thank veterans for their service

in protecting our country and all those in it. And by following the laws and guidelines the government

gives us, you are showing patriotism. A few more ways that take extra effort are volunteering, enlisting

in the armed forces, voting, and even just helping a neighbor by bringing a meal, taking care of a pet,

and simply saying hi.

What is patriotism to me? Patriotism is supporting our country through easy and tough times, saying

thank you to service members, and working to make our country better, along with much, much more.

Patriotism cannot be defined by words alone, but by people and those who demonstrate outstanding



Bible Class Schedule SCHOOL NEWS


Assisting Parents in Providing an Exceptional Christ-centered Education!

Page 9: 2021 A Fresh Start...1 January 2021 Newsletter (920)284 negatively. said, pastormichael@922ministries.com Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations (Revelation 21:4 phil.punzel@922ministries.com

Director of Operations Report - January 2021

Our new COO, Nate Paul, showed a PowerPoint presentation in both a staff meeting and in a leadership

meeting about some of the things that we have achieved in 2020. While we wrestled with the scary and

tragic effects of COVID-19, God chose to rain down blessings that, if it weren’t for him and how he is,

we would have to call this year “unbelievable.” Think of it, we opened a new building downtown for

the CORE, we burned the mortgage on this campus, and we were able to allow people to gather safely,

or worship at home. We kept the school open, we kept preaching Jesus, and we kept serving and

bringing people to him. We definitely didn’t do everything perfectly, but we kept doing things the best

that we could, and God blessed us, over and over, in so many ways. 2020 wasn’t the best year in some

ways, but God certainly did not turn his back on us. Thank you for helping make this a year to remember.

God’s blessings for a Happy New Year and bring on 2021!

1) There are a couple projects that we will be undertaking here on the St. Peter campus to help

maximize our space needs and align ourselves with increasing our technology so that more of our

activities can be accessed via virtual means. Joel Weeks is heading up both projects, and we are

so blessed to have his talents, abilities and passion for our ministry. One of the projects will be

making some improvements in the mezzanine area above the boys’ locker room in the northwest

corner of the gym, which enhance our storage capacity and make the area much safer. The other

is to create a video area, or a kind of press box or some kind of platform above the bleachers in

the gym so that some of the activities that take place in the gym can be videoed for live streaming.

2) In November, I was alerted on a Saturday morning of a gas smell that was in a storage area of

school. The following week we had WE Energies come out to investigate. They found a few small

gas leaks in some of our pipes. Our HVAC installer, Curt’s Service of Horicon, WI came out soon

after WE Energies informed us of their findings to remedy all of the gas leaks.

3) We have ordered a new utility lift for the CORE so that they can access elevated working areas

more safely within the building. We are also exploring the possibility of acquiring some kind of

lift for the St. Peter campus as well, for similar reasons.

4) I am part of a Safety and Security Team that has been formed to create and review safety and

security practices at both of our 922 Ministries campuses. Julie Russell of the CORE is leading the

effort and doing a great job of getting things in writing and setting up training. We are about to

have the documents reviewed by an attorney and moving ahead with documenting our practices

for many kinds of potential occurrences.

5) We purchased another misting unit from Northwoods/Superior for use at the CORE. Our unit,

which we just purchased in the last few months to allow us to disinfect larger areas like classrooms

or the sanctuary in relatively short periods of time. The unit for the CORE is very similar to the

one that we have here.

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6) Thanks to Craig Basten and Joel Weeks for their work in getting the projectors in church replaced.

The projector on the north side of the sanctuary died earlier this fall and the decision was made

to replace both of the projectors since they are the same age. The replacement models will be

able to project brighter images to increase visibility. The new projectors are going to be installed

the weekend before Christmas.

7) We’ve had a number of fire safety related inspections lately and we are in good shape. Our

vendor, Johnson Controls came in and inspected all of our fire extinguishers on the St. Peter

campus and they all checked out well. Next year a good number of the extinguishers will need

to be replaced because of their age. We had an inspection by a representative of the Freedom

Fire Department and as a result of that inspection we replaced a number of batteries in our

emergency lighting. Also, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we will have the

annual sprinkler system inspection.

8) The Community Blood Center held a blood drive here on December 13. 26 people registered to

donate, and 23 donors actually gave blood. With those 23 pints of blood, there is potential to

help 69 patients in one way or another. Thank you for all who came out and donated or

attempted to do so!

9) During the past week or so I was privileged to help load up or deliver some awesome examples

of people exercising their “give” muscles with many different kinds of gifts to various

organizations in the area. The great family of 922 Ministries has shown awesome generosity to

Pillars, Harbor House and Apple Valley Food Pantry. Thank you to everyone who supports these

fine ministries.

Tom Dietzler

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God’s Manual for Parents in 2021 (Deuteronomy 6) The saying goes that kids don’t come with manuals. That sentiment isn’t much help when offered. It’s especially

not helpful when talking to parents who are usually at their wits’ end, not knowing what to do with their children.

(Ironically, that’s the time you hear such a thought! “Kids don’t come with manuals!” as if that would bring any


Thankfully, that’s not true; kids do come with manuals. God has not only blessed parents with children, but he

has gifted families with a manual on precisely how to raise them for a blessed life without end.

The Bible is that manual, isn’t it? Want proof? Look no further than Deuteronomy 6:1-2, 4-9:

“These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land

that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2 so that you, your children and their children after them may

fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that

you may enjoy long life… 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with

all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today

are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when

you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and

bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

There it is! There’s the roadmap for successful parenting. Even more, there’s the roadmap for a blessed life for all

families now and for when your children leave the nest! Not just that, but this is the roadmap for families to be

blessed for all eternity.

Let’s consider that roadmap now. Step 1) Recognize that there is only One Saving God who made you, gave you

your family, and can rescue you. (That’s all implied in verse 4.) Step 2) Love this God with all you are, all you

have, and with all you’ve got (vs. 5). Of course, the beautiful thing with our Savior God is that he knows we fall

far too short of this from day to day, and so he forgives us by the cross. This makes us one to love God with all

we are! Step 3) Engrave what he wants, his will, on your heart (vs. 6). Step 4) Infuse his will into the DNA of

your kids (vs. 7a). How so? Talk about this Savior God all the time with your kids whenever and wherever you

are. Whatever your hands find to do, do it with your Lord’s desires in mind. All the thoughts you think, let them

be born of the Lord’s desires so that when your thoughts turn to words and actions, the Lord’s will is done! Finally,

put it all on show for you and your children to proclaim to the world, namely, what defines your family. Jesus. No

more. No less (vs. 7b-9).

That’s the roadmap for family life and successful parenting. Of course, the details of what it looks like to love God

with all you are and to live out that engraving of his will on our hearts – all of that necessitates both lifelong study

of God’s Word at home and in church and a new lifestyle flowing from diving into God’s word. And all of that

is contrary to our sinful default setting for parenting where we simply parent from the model given to us by our

parents, the world, or from mere instinct.

Be encouraged! There is a manual to guide you into all godly parenting. Deuteronomy 6:1-9 is such a roadmap. At

922 Ministries, we’re so glad to come along for the ride alongside you! Let this journey begin again this new

year! God bless!

Pastor Bill Monday

Youth and Family Ministry


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2021 Bible Discovery Update

Due to the continuing nature of the pandemic, our staff at 922 Ministries has decided to continue distance

learning for the Bible Discovery spring semester through May. We resume distance learning Sunday,

January 10. Look for regular weekly emails for the online material weekly at that time. (Bible Discovery

is our Sunday school program for ages 3-4th Grade.)

This truly has not been a decision we made easily. The following is much of the reasoning for why we

have come to this decision. As we have continued to monitor developments regarding COVID-19, we

see that numbers remain high and constant. This is problematic for our program because our regular

attendance for Bible Discovery hovers around 100 children from varying communities. With their

interaction through this program, we fear our ministry effort could provide potential for more

community spread. And as we especially consider our volunteer effort which traditionally has been made

up of leaders growing in their teaching and classroom management capabilities which often requires the

combining of classes, we have concluded that it is truly ideal for us to continue this course of virtual

learning for the welfare of all involved and loved ones with whom our children live and interact. With

the size of our numbers, we simply aren’t able to ensure that our children remain safely distant for the

hour we have them. We also are not able to regularly ensure that all our classrooms are sanitized in time

for our school to operate on Monday mornings.

The blessing, however, in all of this, is that we will be introducing two approaches to online learning for

Bible Discovery. We will continue to offer our Christ Light material as we did the fall of 2020. We hope

that the material we made available to you was a blessing. We also will be sharing new materials from

the Orange curriculum, material which we hope may kick off our 2021 fall program where we are

confident we’ll be able to resume in person, God-willing. This curriculum looks promising, and we

believe it will be even more popular with our children.

Lastly, for families with really young children, we know that one of the blessings we enjoyed pre-

pandemic, was the blessing of a nursery during the 9:00 am hour for worship. We have given this

consideration and we are looking to possibly test run four weeks of a new program late April / early

May. Since the numbers are small for that offering and since the facility use would be more manageable

to sanitize afterwards, we hope to restore this for our families making it even better than before. Keep

your eyes open for more information on that as time goes along this spring.

Thank you for your support of our Bible Discovery program, a program we cherish as it gives us

opportunity to connect and partner with you to nurture your children in the Lord. Thank you also for

your understanding as we set to close out the 20-21 Bible Discovery year virtually. If you have any

questions, or if you are in need of more encouragement in this regard, don’t hesitate to reach out and

let us know. God bless you and your family this new year!

Pastor Bill and the Bible Discovery Team

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The CORE Newsletter - JANUARY 2021 Coming Soon! 922 Ministries Online Campus

John’s life was a wreck. His wife of 20 years was divorcing him. He was changing jobs. He was moving to Appleton from across the state. He felt like his life was collapsing around him. Then a friend recommended he watch the 3:30pm live stream of the CORE’s worship service. The message touched his heart so deeply that he jumped in his car and showed up in person for the 5:30pm service. After the service he poured out his story in person with a pastor. This is the blessing of a church where a physical and digital presence work in harmony to connect people to Jesus and strengthen faith. 

Recent surveys report 43% of Appleton/Green Bay residents lack a Christian identity, belief, and practice. That’s more than Milwaukee or Portland, Oregon (both 42%). Yet people are searching for answers... and they’re doing it online. Google reports that every month, more than thirty thousand people search Google using the phrase “church online.” 

At 922 Ministries, we strive to be “all things to all people.” We believe people get deeper Jesus Roots as they gather, group, grow, give, and go. Where are people? Most are online! Does our mostly in-person church with live streaming services offer enough to help these roots grow? We believe we can do more!

Teaching, prayer, healings —- Jesus met people where they were. An online campus would step outside the four walls of our church and into the four sides of screens everywhere. What our two physical campuses already do well, our online campus will expand upon and make more accessible to more people. 

We envision the online campus as a place where people: • Share uplifting stories  • Seek advice and support • Pray for one another • Ask questions about faith 

This online campus would include things like: • Daily encouragement and conversation • Online Bible studies • A weekly live Q&A with a pastor • A weekly live online prayer time

While we continue to develop what an online campus would look like, we would like your input about this concept. Please contact [email protected] with your thoughts and questions!

The CORE 820 W. College Avenue; Appleton, WI 54914 922ministries.com

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St. Peter Lutheran Church - January 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Happy New Year!


Men’s Open Gym – 7:15 am

3 Worship –7:30; 9 & 10:30am Bible Class – 9 (in person) & 10:15 am (online) CORE – 3:30 & 5:30 pm

4 CDS & ECM resumes from Christmas Break BOE Mtg. – 6 pm

5 Bible Class – 6:30 pm (online)

6 Lord’s Supper – 10am Bible Foundations-6:15pm Catechism-7:15pm Christian Recovery-6:30pm

7 Children’s Chapel – 8:15 am Worship w/Lord’s Supper – 6:30 pm

8 9 Men’s Open Gym – 7:15 am

10 Worship w/Lord’s Supper – 7:30; 9 & 10::30am Bible Class – 9 (in person) & 10:15 am (online) CORE – 3:30 & 5:30 pm

11 Call Meeting @ St. Peter – 6:30 pm

12 Bible Class – 6:30 pm (online) Card Making – 6:30pm (1910 Centre – mask required)


Bible Foundations-6:15pm Catechism-7:15pm Christian Recovery-6:30pm

14 Children’s Chapel – 8:15 am Worship – 6:30 pm

15 16

Men’s Open Gym – 7:15 am

17 Worship –7:30; 9 & 10:30am Bible Class – 9 (in person) & 10:15 am (online) CORE – 3:30 & 5:30 pm Starting Point starts this week

18 922 Leadership Mtg. – 6:30 pm

19 Bible Class – 6:30 pm (online)

20 Lord’s Supper-10am

Bible Foundations-6:15pm Catechism-7:15pm Christian Recovery-6:30pm Worship Wednesday – 6:30 pm @ The CORE

21 Children’s Chapel – 8:15 am Worship w/Lord’s Supper – 6:30 pm


23 Men’s Open Gym – 7:15 am


Worship w/Lord’s Supper – 7:30; 9 & 10::30am Bible Class – 9 (in person) & 10:15 am (online) CORE – 3:30 & 5:30 pm


26 Bible Class – 6:30 pm (online)


Bible Foundations-6:15pm Catechism-7:15pm Christian Recovery-6:30pm

28 Children’s Chapel – 8:15 am Worship – 6:30 pm


30 Men’s Open Gym – 7:15 am Leadership Mtg. – 9 am - Noon

31 Worship –7:30; 9 &

10:30am Bible Class – 9 (in person) & 10:15 am (online) CORE – 3:30 & 5:30 pm