· 2017. 1. 7. · but here's the thing, superman's strength is based on his kryptonian...

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My Exclusive Method for Adding Inches and Packing on

Pounds of Rock Hard Muscle in a Matter of Minutes....

By Paul "Batman" O'Brien

B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Dip. OBB Adv., Dip. CPM, Cert Clin. Med. M.AFPA, M.ETCMA, M.C.Th.A.

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______________________________________________________ Why does Superman 'look' like Superman?

Chapter 1 - What is The Secret of the Hidden Growth Command?

Chapter 2 - How to Grow Your Own Growth Hormone?

Chapter 3 - How Does Central Command Dictates Your Muscle Mass?

Chapter 4 - The Secret of the Ooze...for Size?

Chapter 5 - Want to Be as Strong in Mind as You will Be in Body?

Chapter 6 - Want to Master the Body? The Secret I teach to the Special Forces...

Chapter 7 - Maximetrics Revealed!

Chapter 8 - Contraction Set 1 - Chisled Chest and Arms of Blacksmith

Chapter 9 - Contraction Set 2 - Atlas Arms and Unbreakable Backs

Chapter 10 - Contraction Set 3 - Legs of a God, Calves of Marble

Chapter 11 - Contraction Set 4 - The Final Countdown

Chapter 12 - Figuring Out Your Frequency?

Chapter 13 - What is A.R.M.?

Chapter 14 - Learn the Ancient Pressure Points for Perfect Pain Relief...

Chapter 15 - Want the Low Down on the Rub Down?

Chapter 16 - Conclusion


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Why does Superman look like Superman? As many of you know I am a major comic book fan (fun fact - I actually legally changed my name to Batman a year ago...more on that another day), and this is something that ALWAYS struck with me. Why does Superman look like Superman? What do I mean by this... Well Superman looks about 6 foot and has muscles built on muscles. In nearly every comic book, Superman is tall, broad and muscular, and of course he is depicted as being incredibly strong - strong enough in fact to push a planet out of orbit in some comics. But here's the thing, Superman's strength is based on his Kryptonian (the alien planet he was born on) DNA. His genetics store solar radiation and process it, creating his super powers, including his super strength. So he doesn't need big muscles to be strong, they are simply for show. And really that's why Superman has big muscles, at least today. Originally Superman was drawn as a fit in shape guy. He didn't have big 19 inch biceps, he didn't have a massive chest and legs the size of horse's flank. He was just a regular, in shape guy, in the 1960's with powers far beyond those of mortal men. Today however Superman looks like a bodybuilder or Mr.Olympia - because today that is how we visually associate strength. And that, for a while was a problem for me.... You see Isometrics are amazing, if you've read any of the hundreds of articles I've had published on the subject, or read my definitive work on Isometrics, 7 Second to A Perfect Body, then you know my story....

Me...'Skinny Fat' at 130lbs 7 weeks later - 160lbs lean muscle

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I went from being a skinny fat 130lbs weakling to a 160lbs lean and muscular strength machine. I couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound or run faster than a locomotive, but I COULD do things far beyond those of mortal men...

I lifted grown men above my head and pressed them for reps with one arm.

I could balance my bodyweight on just my thumbs

I could literally bend over backwards in a full neck bridge and have bodybuilder stand on me.

I could bicep curl a grown man and leg press and deadlift a car.

That's pretty Superhuman..... But I was still a lean 160lbs...which to many isn't that big and isn't that muscular.... Isometrics gave me staggering near superhuman strength and gave me a Perfect Body, sure...but I wondered how far I could push it with isometrics. It had taken 7 weeks on Perfect Body to develop 40lbs of muscle and drop 5 lbs of fat. You'd be forgiven for assuming it would be impossible to add new mass quickly after that... So I refined my technique, changed a few things and developed an isometrics program SOLELY devoted to mass.

In 3 weeks I added 24lbs of muscle ..... and freaked out ....when I hit....184lbs!

I never published my week 10 pictures when promoting Perfect Body. A few people have seen them over the years in private emails....but I never published them - I was, in my opinion too big. My chest was massive, my traps INSANELY big, my biceps bulging, forearms mistaken for bowling pins. I couldn't find clothes to fit and ripped my jeans along the side seam of the thigh while climbing a staircase because my legs looked like horse flanks...I built a Superman Comic book physique in a total of 10 weeks. 7 Week on my Perfect Body program and then 3 weeks on this...what I have referred to as Maximetrics..... And this is what I'm going to show you how to do....I am going to teach you how to pack on an INSANE amount of muscle, fast using 8 simple Isometrics..... Oh and for those interested in strength... as you'll see in this program the methods used, a t least used in the conventional sense produce NO increase in strength. But that's not's good enough for one of my programs....no...I want you to be....

STRONGER than you look...and You'll look Really Strong

My NEVER before published Wk 10 Pic - check out the massive traps,

pecs and guns

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With that said I couldn't quite remember what my strength increases were during this program when I did it all those years ago...so I recently decided to retest that using this method. Now keep one thing in mind before your read these results. I'm in near peak physical condition. I need major recovery time between workouts because I use the methods outlined in Project Dragon to isometrically contract my muscles against enormous weight....as such it's very hard for me to make huge jumps these days (in saying that I still routinely add 10-15lbs per workout whereas most only increase by 0.5 of a lb). Yet, using this routine...and I kid you not..

I added over a TON (that's 1,000lbs) to my cumulative total in Just 7 days with One Workout - Under 5 Minutes

Here's the EXACT BREAKDOWN... Week 1 Bench = 3264 lbs

Row = 1648lbs

Deadlift = 2952lbs

Leg Press = 17,072 lbs

Lat Pull Down = 2320 lbs

Shoulder = 960 lbs

Triceps = 2488 lbs

Bicep Curl = 1088 lbs

Week 2

Check out Chapter 1

The Secret of the Hidden Growth Command

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Chapter 1


The Secret of the Hidden Growth Command... In 7 Second to A Perfect Body I've explained in great detail the science behind isometrics, how and why they work. I encourage you to re-read that section in extreme detail...it's important stuff. In this workout, for the Maximetrics program it's important to understand a few new concepts...in particular how a muscle is formed and the role of the central nervous system in the development of physical muscle mass. In Perfect Body I taught exercises for every single body part and muscle group. From head to toe every muscle was developed and strengthened in the most efficient and effective way possible. I structured the course to account for full muscle fibre and organ recovery making sure that the Central Nervous System, the CNS was stimulated. Thus ensuring the release of your body's own Growth Hormone. But the CNS was never the primary focus...in this work, in the Maximetrics program it's a key concern. Any intense workout program will produce muscular growth and an increase in growth hormone, the chemical necessary for that growth...and as you know Isometrics provide and most intense muscular stimulation possible. However the amount of growth hormone released is dictated by the impact of the stimulus on the Central Nervous System. In order for massive and rapid muscular growth you need to not only impact the muscles themselves you need to impact the Central Nervous System. The two however are NOT stimulated in the same manner. To maximally stimulate the muscle fibres we need to isolate and stress them - this is the goal of Perfect Body, as such you'll develop remarkably strong muscles and a great physique, with bigger muscles to boot. To maximally stimulate the CNS you must NOT isolate but stimulate the totality of the body's muscle at once. This not only stresses the muscles but overloads the CNS, producing a maximal growth response from the body. This produces an increase in naturally occurring human growth hormone and improves not just your muscle mass but your overall health. Thus this workout represents a major change in focus;

We are not going for a SINGLE contraction...but MULTIPLE

muscle group contractions per 7-12 second exertion!

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Before we apply this principle let's look at the role of each aspect necessary for this program to produce results, once you understand this, you can better apply the Multimetrics approach:

Growth Hormone

The Central Nervous System


Turn to Chapter 2

How to Grow Your Own Growth Hormone

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Chapter 2


Growing Your Own Growth Hormone

The Importance of Maximising Your Hormonal Health

Say NO to Drugs

First I want to make something very clear. I have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on drugs. No GH

injected, no steroids, no recreational drugs, including hash or marijuana (that may upset some

readers, but I'm a medical professional, I am very familiar with the medical benefits and side effects

of these substances, including "medical marijuana" - while I won't get into it here - these substances

offer you little to no benefit and a lot of problems. It's not worth it, if you smoke stop - you're

damaging your mental ad physical health). I'm also an advocate of avoiding alcohol - the damage it

does to your overall health, testosterone etc is quite staggering. Even light "recreational" use isn't

great - again not the focus here, just something to keep in mind and I'll expand on it Project Dragon

and my other publications later.

It's important to make this point right now though because when I start talking about Growth

Hormone many are going to assume I'm talking about injecting something. I'm not. I'm talking about

maximising YOUR OWN health, and a part of that in ensuring your hormones are properly produced

and balanced and this includes naturally occurring growth hormone.

What is Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone (GH) is a protein-based peptide hormone, produced by the pituitary gland and

known to promote growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals. It is

produced and released in a rhythmic fashion, influenced by various physiological factors. Part of this

program is to positively influence those factors.

Growth hormone plays an important role in the regulation of our metabolisms, practically regulating

all reactions that occur within the human body. It also has a role in immunity and healing and of

course muscle growth.

The amount of secretion is at its maximum during the younger ages and tends to decline with

increasing age. This natural slowdown has prompted an interest in the use of synthetic human

growth hormone (HGH) to stave off the realities of old age. Produced synthetically, HGH is the active

component in a number of prescription drugs and in other products available widely over the



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It's often illegal without a doctor's prescription and application and will slow down and even could

halt your body's own production on HGH. I'm going to show you a workout system that will naturally

lead to an increase in your own body's production of GH.

The drive to popularize growth hormone began many years ago with publication of the book Life

Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach, by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw [New York: Warner

Books, 1982] The book mainly talked about how the intake of large amounts of vitamins, minerals,

amino acids, and other substances would help people to add muscle, burn fat, and live much longer.

Thereafter several research studies came up dealing with the same topic.

What Great Things Can Growth Hormone Do For You?

In recent years, growth hormone replacement therapies have shown promise in the fight against

ageing and obesity. Reported effects on GH-deficient patients (but not on healthy people) include;

decreased body fat,

increased muscle mass,

increased bone density,

increased energy levels,

improved skin tone and texture,

increased sexual function, and

improved immune system function.

At this time, hGH is still considered a very complex hormone, and many of its functions are still


Some research studies point out that the side effects of artificial human growth hormone treatments

may have higher prevalence in older adults as compared to younger adults. Since the studies on

healthy adults using human growth hormone have been short term, it’s unclear if the drawbacks

could eventually fade away or magnify.

And while these are important benefits...our focus in this program is on GH's role in muscle gain....

How Does Growth hormone Influence Muscle Gain?

In 1990, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that attracted mainstream media

attention. The study involved 12 men, aged 61 to 81, who were apparently healthy but had IGF-I

(Growth Hormone) levels below those found in normal young men. The 12 men were given growth

hormone injections three times a week for six months and compared with 9 men who received no

treatment. The treatment resulted in a decrease in adipose (fatty) tissue and increases in lean body

(muscle) mass and lumbar spine density. (Rudman D and others. Effects of human growth hormone

on men over 60 years old. New England Journal of Medicine 323:1-6, 1990.)

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Use of growth hormone (GH) as a performance enhancing substance was first promoted in lay

publications, long before scientists fully acknowledged its benefits. Athletes are believed to make

use of GH to enhance their athletic performance and aid in quick recovery of injuries sustained

during sporting events. Several studies support these facts like the findings of Godfrey, R., et al.,

2003 which stated that Growth hormone is involved in the turnover of muscle tissue, which is

particularly important for those of us who are looking to add lean muscle mass, as well as the

remodelling of bone and collagen tissues (Godfrey, R., Madgwick, Z., & Gregory, P.W. (2003). The

Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Release in Athletes. Sports Medicine: 33 (8).)

These studies were conducted in a medically controlled facility under the guidance and supervision

of a qualified physician. It proves the benefits of increased levels of HGH, however I'm going to show

you a way of producing these benefits naturally as...

Isometrics offers one of the most influential environments for exercise induced growth hormone

release (EIGR).

Studies have shown that high volume resistance training incorporating short inter-set rest periods

produces significant short-term elevations in human growth hormone (HGH) following the

completion of resistance training exercise.

Studies that have followed the 1990 report by Rudman et al. confirm the effects of growth hormone

on body composition but do not show improvement in function. In contrast, isometric resistance

training improves muscle strength and function, indicating that real maximal effort training is

beneficial. You can check out these studies and more for greater detail:

Specific Exercise is also known to influence the

growth hormone release through varying


(Kraemer, W. J., Marchitelli, L., Gordon, S. E., Harman, E., Dziados, J. E., Mello, R., Frykman, P., McCurry, D., &

Fleck, S. J. (1990). Hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance exercise protocols. Journal of

Applied Physiology, 1442-1450.)

(Kraemer, W. J., Gordon, S.E., Fleck, S. J., Marchitelli, L. J., Mello, R., Dziados, J.E., Friedl, K., Harman, E.,

Maresh, C., & Fry, A.C. (1991). Endogenous anabolic hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance

exercise in males and females. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 228-325.)

(Smilios, I., Pilianidis, T., Karamouzis, M., & Tokmakidis, S. P. (2003). Hormonal responses after varied resistance

exercise protocols. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 644-654. Retrieved March 4, 2007, from Ovid


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With this in mind let’s take a look at How Central Command Dictates Your Muscle Mass?

Turn to Chapter 3

How Does Central Command Dictates Your Muscle Mass?

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Chapter 3


How Does Central Command Dictates Your Muscle Mass?

Why Your Central Nervous System is Vital for Muscle Growth

The nervous system, comprising of the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System, overlooks the sending and receiving of sensory inputs, their interpretation and coordinates changes in external environment in response to these stimuli. Simply put isometric load and resistance on the muscles is a change in the external environment - bigger muscles is the response to that stimulus, including the release of increased amounts of that all important HGH we just talked about...

What is the Central Nervous System?

Neurons of the brain influence the consciousness and mental activity whereas neurons of spinal cord nerves bring about a change in the skeletal muscles and organs of the body. Basically, the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System together form a control unit which regulates all physical activities in the body.

What is the Role of Central Nervous System in muscle growth?

Muscular Power, the relative strength of muscles, is an important fitness parameter and key to successful performances of athletes in various sport forms. There exist different factors that aid in developing muscle power – increase in muscle size makes significant contribution. However the Central Nervous System which monitors and coordinates the transmission of impulses to the muscles is possibly the prime factor involved in building muscle power.

How Do You Do Central Nervous System (CNS) Training?

A Nervous System training program essentially incorporates specific set of exercises involving different planes and motions with focus on the intensity and frequency. Basically it tries to involve different muscles within the body which work collectively to bring about effective results. Training the CNS involves targeting the CNS, resulting in overall anabolic stimulation which leads to uniform muscle growth via the release and increase of growth hormone among other factors.

The Central Nervous System needs to be stimulated to a certain threshold in order to

elicit a desirable response - in this case - BUILD MORE MUSCLE!

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Research on Central Nervous System have indicated how indulging in a particular sport form influences the functioning of the CNS, specifically the control of CNS on muscle assimilation and patterning. A 2003 study by Eloranta[1] stated that constant training in a particular sport will cause the CNS to program muscle coordination as per the demands of that sport and will in turn effect the working of other tasks as well.

In another study on Periodisation Training by Bompa[2] the subject of study were two processes of CNS – excitation and inhibition and how their training influenced sports performance by improving the speed of athletes.

The Danger of Central Nervous System (CNS) Training

As you know from my previous programs adequate rest and recovery is ESSENTIAL for muscle growth. It is even more important in this program. Due to the extremely high level on intensity and muscular output it is VERY easy to become over trained.

Since the CNS controls the entire physical activities of the body, muscular contractions being a part of this function, it is equally important not to overload the system and allow for adequate recovery time between training sessions. If taken lightly, it can lead to CNS fatigue which will be harmful for the trainee’s health. The manifestation of CNS fatigue symptoms can be psychological as well, in addition to physical. This issue needs to be taken up seriously.

Basically - follow the guidelines I've laid out. Don't get creative, don't think you know better and don't think you can take more than I advise. You can't, you're body will be over trained, under recovered. The power of the techniques in this program are not to be under estimated. Applied properly you can rapidly increase muscle mass. Applied improperly you won't get bigger muscles and you'll end up instead, weak, injured, depressed and sick

One Final Point....

CNS training has a uniform effect on muscle increase throughout the body - EVERY PART OF YOU GETS BIGGER - but it does not involve symmetric training. So a balance needs to be maintained between body part training and Nervous system training to maximize the desired results of larger muscle growth. This is why my Perfect Body Program is VITAL for your long term muscle balance, mass increase and life-long health.

The key to this is repeated multiple muscle unit activation with short intense bursts. This isometric program builds upon that principle by generating the maximum muscle overload in as many muscles groups as possible while

maintain high focus intensity.

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To harbour the maximum benefits of CNS training it is essential to undergo proper training which along with a specific regime also involves taking care that the body gets ample time duration to rest and recuperate between workouts.

You can check out these studies and more for greater detail:

With this in mind let’s take a look at The Secret of the Ooze for Size

Turn to Chapter 4

The Secret of the Ooze for Size ?

ELORANTA, V. (2003) Influence of sports background on leg muscle coordination in vertical jumps. ElectromyoClin Neurophysiol, 43(3), p. 141- 156

BOMPA, T. (2005) Periodisation Training for sports. 2nd ed. Human Kinetics

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Chapter 4


The Secret of the Ooze for Size

Okay I admit - that's a terrible reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I couldn't help it. Sorry.

But in this section I'm going to reveal to you the secret of sarcolpasm - this is the stuff that makes

the difference between Bodybuilders with large round (balloon like) muscles and weight lifters (with

hard flatter dense muscles - like marble).

Just as there are these two distinct types of physique, they are created by a difference in muscle

hypertrophy or muscle building. There are 2 types of ways you can build muscle: sarcoplasmic or


The Perfect Body program is dedicated to the development of myofibrillar muscle growth and

strength development. The myofibrils are the muscle fibres themselves - they get thicker as you get

stronger and that makes you bigger. However the muscle fibre doesn't have to thicken much in

order to produce big gains in strength - at a lean, ripped and 160lbs I can still press upwards to

600lbs, deadlift over 900lbs and leg press just a cut above 3,000 lbs and yet, I'm not a gigantic

muscle bound bodybuilder - or at least I don't have that look. This is because I developed thick dense


However - I did want to put on a bit more mass after Perfect Body - I did want to see those bigger

muscles for a time - so I developed THIS program - Maximetrics to develop SARCOPLASMIC growth.

So what is this Sarcoplasm...

The Secret of the Ooze...

Okay it's not ooze per say....the fluid and energy sources that surround the myofibrils in the muscle is called sarcoplasm. It comprises of ATP, glycogen, creatine phosphate and water. Essentially sarcoplasmic growth fills the water with more fluid, thus making it substantially bigger in appearance. Another benefit of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy includes capillirisation, which is increase in size of blood vessels which bring blood to the muscles. Thus you get a more "pumped" feeling.

It's important to note that this size increase DOES NOTHING FOR STRENGTH. Nothing.

This is why there are HUGE guys in the gym that can't lift anywhere close to what I can at half their size. Sarcoplasm growth makes the muscles bigger but contributes nothing to the muscular strength, while myofibrillar growth substantially increases strength (hence the Perfect Body course) by increasing actin and myosin proteins.

So how to do you increase your Sarcoplasm for Bigger Muscles

It's pretty simple really - it's a result of overcompensation during the recovery phase after your energy sources have been depleted during a workout. With sufficient stimulation your body increases energy stores such as ATP and glycogen to prevent depletion during further training.

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This exhaustion of resources and initial depletion of the present ATP and Glycogen is traditionally achieved by fatigue training. Traditional fatigue training involves training at an intensity of 75% of your 1RM with reps in the range of 10-15 and short rest periods 45-90 seconds. It is called fatigue training as it rapidly uses up a lot of the stored energy in your muscle cells and fatigues your muscles. However there is a more efficient way and that's what I'm going to teach you in this program...

This involves higher than 75% intensity and VERY short rest periods, if any...with each 'set' being more difficult than the previous one. Essentially we shall be suing a series of Maximum intensity Isometrics sequentially combining to deplete glycogen and ATP while at THE SAME TIME producing a MAJOR SURGE in HGH via the stimulation of the CNS. (And that produces major myofibril growth and strength as a bonus ;-) )

The time under tension will then be FAR greater than the immediate energy available from your ATP and creatine phosphate stores. These are generally depleted in 7-10 seconds. (What a surprise...;-)- that's isometric strength right there_ but for this we need longer times - to give your body the opportunity to break down glycogen for energy, which will produce lactic acid. Therefore we must maintain a time under tension of over 10 seconds per set. You're going to do a cumulative total of 64 seconds with a whole series of Maximetrics (maximum tension multiple isometrics).

This higher volume of training helps sarcoplasmic hypertrophy muscles by increasing the number of mitochondria in the cells that are responsible for ATP production. It also increases the enzymes which are concerned with glycolytic and oxidative pathways. This doesn’t substantially increase the muscle strength but increases endurance due to growth of mitochondria as also growth of connective tissue.

Typically Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is non-functional hypertrophy, as it just increases the storage of glycogen inside the muscle without contributing to its expansion of contraction forces. You can easily add an inch on your arm and calf muscles in a month, looking bigger, but not as effective as you look. With the Maximetrics program you'll be doing this - while stimulating the CNS and HGH production which will simultaneous increase your major myofibril growth and develop real world function strength too!

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy can be achieved quickly and effectively using the methods in this manual. You can add inches of bulk to your arms and calves and have a better bodybuilder muscle structure - but I won't let you simply build show size - I want you to be stronger than you look - and you'll look Superhumanely strong....

Before we can look at the method know - you need to prepare - a strong body needs a stronger mind

- PARTICULARLY for the intensity I'm about to put you through. ;-)

Turn to Chapter 5

Want to Be as Strong in Mind as You will Be in Body?

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Chapter 5


Want to Be as Strong in Mind as You will Be in Body?

Let me Introduce to MY Method of Mental Strength

I won't lie, this is a hard workout.

It's brief but it's tough and very, very intense.

And while I am ALWAYS excited to do it, it can require some mental preparation to ensure I really

push myself and get the most from those few seconds of exertion. As such you too will need a strong

mind and I want to share with you a few of my insights and techniques into metal strength and


DO NOT overlook the importance of what you will read here. These strategies have ensured not only

my physical strength and appearance; they've allowed me unparalleled success in multiple fields.

Unstoppable Momentum

The mind is the most important tool you have, and something I spend a LOT of time on in my

coaching programs. If you can focus your mind, body and emotion on a goal it WILL be achieved.

There is simply no way of stopping that momentum.

That's a lesson I learnt well over the years of martial arts, training with Special Forces unit's around

the world and in the field of fitness and business.

It's why I have packed fitness programs that are booked out years in advance.

It's why I have a packed dojo with a 3 month waiting list for admission.

It's why I have a fully booked out medical practice

It's why I can simultaneously run those business, my multiple online programs, write these

books, travel the world, go on crazy adventures and continue to learn.

Just the past 3 months alone I've completed a 3 year post graduate course in herbal

pharmacology, a certified NLP course, a certified photography studies course, a life coaching

course and more.

It's also why I have the physique and the strength I do.

And it's something I want you to have access to as well. Each of us has that power, that will off

unified strength and determination that allows you to achieve any goal you set yourself, to succeed

in any venture, because you will imply keep going, undeterred until you do. It is an attitude where

you do not quit.

Below is an image of my Bokken.

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A Bokken is wooden training sword used for sparring practice in the martial arts. While it can easily

be dismissed as a wooden toy it's as dangerous as a live blade, perhaps even more so. A slight slip in

concentration while fighting an opponent and you could easily end up with a broken limb, or worse a

crushed skull. I am showing you this to share with you a deeply personal message I had engraved on

the handle.

You can see the kanji, Japanese script, on the handle. It reads,

"Nana Korobi Ya Oki".

Translated that means,

"Fall 7 Times, Rise 8 Times".

It is a call to me, a reminder to constantly strive and persevere in the pursuit of my goals until they

are accomplished. Once I set a task, I pursue it until complete. No matter how many setbacks, no

matter how obstacles that knock me down, I get back up and I finish what I started.

It can be a fitness goal, a work goal, a dietary goal and relationship goal, but I don't stop until I

achieve it and when you can harness the mind, body and emotions on the pursuit of that goal it

doesn't matter what come in the way, you too will achieve it.

This is the type of mindset, the type of focus and determination you need to succeed in your quest

for muscle mass, strength or any other goal you may set yourself. Ultimately you are responsible for

your success but there are steps you can take that will make that success practically inevitable.

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Teaching you the full techniques I use to achieve and harness that power are beyond the scope of

this book, that's a course in itself, (coming soon) but there are some key tools I want to share with

you here to help you...

The Mental Desk

This is a technique developed by Jerry Ballinger that I've had great success in using and it's a first step I take with my patients in clinic and my personal fitness clients. It's simple and remarkably effective. We all know it's hard to find things on a cluttered and messy desk. Important documents are buried and hidden under junk mail and scribbled notes, trash and more. You cannot find relevant information quickly. Thus you cannot take definitive action. The same is true of the mind. Now I won't tell you to "clear your mind", or "empty your thoughts", that is neither possible nor relevant. Instead here is a practical method to ensure you mental focus. That Top 10 List is something to work on and give you structure over the next 90 days. Given that you've purchased this program you should have things such as: Dedicate time to exercise, focus on my nutrition etc. These are things you directly control and take positive action on. Incidentally you make this exercise even more efficient by consciously letting go of the items you ticked off as outside your control. When you've completed this exercise, you'll have released the

The Mental Desk

Cut Loose Ends

Zanshin and The 30 Day lift Off

Clearing the Mental Desk

1. Take out a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you think about, worry about etc.

2. This takes about 15 minutes. 3. Tick the ones you can't control, for example you can't change the

weather. 4. Draw a star besides the things which you can control, eg diet, your

personal time, your reactions and decisions etc 5. Then prioritize the things you can control. 6. Take another blank sheet. 7. Write out the TOP 10 items that you can take immediate action on

and resolve.

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things that are not critically important and those outside your control and you'll have a clear concise list of the most important things that you can take action on. I re-do this every month. It's excellent for maintaining my productivity and ensuring I stay on track to success. Once you have your blueprint it's time to free up some time and energy to accomplish them.

Can You Develop Fudoshin - The Immovable , Isometric Mind? Here's a picture of my sword. I train in the martial arts, in particular, Japanese Swordsmanship daily. It's a cornerstone of my life, so my sword is very important to me. A lot of time and thought went into the design of my sword and it reflects my desire to improve myself.

Why am I showing you this? Because of the little man on the handle of the sword (tsuka). That little guy is a Buddhist deity known as Fudo Myo-o. Now I am not a Buddhist, but I like this guy. Here's a larger image. He's a fearsome guy, isn't he? Which is kind of the point.

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Fudo Myo-o legend tells us is a guardian of the Buddhist Deities. He is often depicted as livid blue in

colour standing upon a rock covered in flames. In his right hand he holds a sword, in his left a rope.

Fudo uses the sword to cut through delusion and untruth. He uses the rope to bind these. And while

I won't go into the philosophy behind Fudo at length, he represents to martial artists and warriors

(bushi) the concept of an immovable mind.

We strain against the immovable to develop the strength or our minds in Isometrics, so to we must

develop this immovably strong Isometric Mind.

In Japanese this is called "Fudōshin" (Japanese: 不動心) a mental state of equanimity or

imperturbability (literally and metaphorically, "immovable mind", "immovable heart" or "unmoving

heart"). It is a philosophical or mental dimension to Japanese martial arts which contributes to the

effectiveness of the advanced practitioner.

In this exercise I will teach you cut through the delusions and loose ends that sap you of energy, distract you from purposeful and productive action and ensure that you reach your goals without interruption. Incomplete actions drain our energy; they are the quite leak that sinks the ship. They manifest in many ways, a dietary plan that's on the fridge but is never followed through on, someone ripping you off leading to a lingering resentment, or as I've had personal experience with you've been "halfway" through that "project" for MONTHS. We're going to cut through these distractions and bind them.

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It's perfectly ok to decide it's just not worth it to allow them to rob you of energy any longer. This can be hard, because our ego can get involved and it hurts us to acknowledge areas where we may have feel we failed. We ignore and avoid things that cause us pain, but now it's time to step up and resolve this problem. Make the conscious decision to either get completion... or "release it to the universe."

Do that now. For example this was one of my lists - 1) Updating the Isometric and Acu websites. I blocked booked the time off and completely updated the look and feel of both sites. In fact it was such a great release I built another on martial arts soon after. 2) My Tao Clinic software inputs - I am terrible at digital uploading my clinic notes. I prefer to write by hand. But it has to be done. I admitted to myself I wasn't going to do it. I disliked it and felt it wasn't a great use of my time. So I hired someone to do it for me. 3) My accounts. Once I had let go of the waste of time that was trying to type up all my notes, I was able to sit down and review the accounts. I actually like doing that. Weird, I know. 4) My MS book - I have been 50% of the way through writing a book on MS for about 2 years now. I've let this go. It's no longer on my to-do list. I have more pressing concerns and that's ok. When I'm ready I'll come back to this. Right now, it's no longer a priority.

What is the Secret State of Zanshin?

You've probably noted by now, much of my philosophy (I have a degree in Philosophy by the way) is

rooted in the Japanese Martial arts. There is a reason for this. The concept used to succeed in life

and death combat can be applied to any struggle, this includes the work / life balance, work itself,

diet and training and more. I want to briefly introduce you to one last concept...Zanshin

Zanshin (Japanese: 残心) is a term used in the Japanese martial arts. It refers to a state of awareness

– of relaxed alertness. The literal translation of zanshin is "remaining mind".

In Iaido, the martial art of Japanese Swordsmanship we are trained to maintain and show constant

zanshin. This is not simply a matter of being aware of the our bodies and the physical position we are

in, our surroundings or our opponents. This state of awareness is extended to all things. What you

eat, how you eat, how you sit, how you walk. Everything is done from a state of zanshin.

Zanshin - The Isometric Mind Exercise

1. Get a sheet of paper and make a list of all the areas of your life where you have a sense of "incompleteness."

2. Keep this to 1 page - max. This should take you longer than ten minutes.

3. Go through the list and prioritize the ones that are robbing you of the most energy. These are the items we want to cut down first.

4. Make choice - Either complete them, or let them go consciously.

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As you can imagine that takes work, and practice but here's the thing in both Eastern and Western

thought on prodcutivity, success and self-management the most important and most powerful

state we can be in is the state of awareness.

Awareness fundamentally is remembering that you're alive and here. Many of our actions,

particularly those that limit and damage us are taken from a point of where we forget, where we are

unaware, mindless. Think about popcorn and junk food in front of a cinema screen. You're focused

on the on screen action. Not on what you are eating, how it tastes, if you want it, if you're full, if

you're even enjoying it.

I would encourage you to expand your awareness, see yourself as the witness to your own life.

When you can do this and see the bigger picture, you can see the next step on the path to your

success much easier.

In as much as the most important state we can exist in is awareness, zanshin, the rarest and most

valuable form of energy we have is will power.

We get a tiny bit of it each day, and we often waste it on things that aren't that important (like holding back our true emotions). Part of the process I've been taking you through is to help you remove such obstacles and thus free your will power to implement far more important matters. The trick to success in any endeavour and in these workouts and this program is to apply that small amount of will power to keep moving you in the right direction, to move you towards habitually right choices. For when we are in the habit of training, of eating well, of living well, we no longer have to expend will power on ensuring this. Then we can move on to the next goal knowing that we will automatically continue upon the path and repeat the steps necessary to succeed. And that process takes about 30 days. In order to build a new habit, a new way of being and acting, takes about 30 days. If you do something every day for 30 days it will develop unstoppable momentum, and in fact it will take massive will power NOT to act in that positive manner. During these 30 days there are 3 distinct phases the body and mind move through a very distinct process that once understood will free you from cravings, relapses and the fear of failure.

Every 10 days represents a phase and different things happen in each.

Days 1-10: Defiance. Trying to defy the habit and it's gravity. Everything in your body, mind and emotions will scream at you to stop, that it's too hard that you can't do this. Much in the same way that most of a rockets fuel is used to break free of gravity, you need great will and awareness to break free of poor thought and action patterns. Knowing that you're body, mind and emotions will seek to weaken you, you can steal yourself in advance against these obstacles.

Days 10-20: Resistance. Now the body/mind/emotion has an active resistance, it's not screaming in defiance, but you won't naturally feel like doing it yet. Your mind will naturally provide petty excuses. Be AWARE and counter this.

Days 20-30: Acclimation. You start integrating the new habit and the resistance starts going away and the habit is becoming the natural thing to do.

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In order to succeed in this program or any choice you make in life that steers you towards improvement and away from easy and comfortable choices that lead only to poor results and lifestyle you need Will Power and Awareness to battle through those 30 days. With an Isometric Mind, Immovable Will, Fudoshin you can start the 30 day process. Resolve yourself to confront poor habits and build better ones. Cut away your delusions and bad habits over the first 10 days. It will be a battle, but one YOU CAN WIN.

With Awareness and Zanshin you can perceive the subversive and sneaky threats that will try to talk you out of new habits in the next 20 days...

You must be conscious of this process - MUST apply early effort at the start until it becomes habitual. ONLY fight one battle at a time. You cannot fight a war on 2 fronts. What I mean by this is commit to ONE new habit for 30 days. Choose to get your nutrition right for 30 days. Then the next 30 days choose to exercise daily, the next 30 days choose to spend 5-10 minutes meditating etc. DO NOT try to do everything at once. That will simply led to failure. Remember we are not given much will power. Make the most of it and focus on 1 task. I would also recommend that you make that one thing something you can do FIRST THING upon waking. You're willpower will be strongest and nothing yet in the day can distract you. If it's nutrition sit down to a healthy breakfast that will set you up to eat well over the rest of the day. It set's context. If it's to follow this program then do your workout first thing. ;-)

Turn to Chapter 6

Want to Master the Body?

Then Practice Physical Preparation

The Secret I Teach to the Special Forces...

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Chapter 5


Want to Master the Body?

Then Practice Physical Preparation -

The Secret I Teach to the Special Forces...

As with any form of resistance training or physical exertion it's a great idea to prepare the body. This

reduces injury, increases the ability to exert strength, warms the body, increases blood flow and

improves oxygen uptake; all vital components for a focused and strong workout.

The following warm up sequence is the one used by SWAT, SAS, Navy Seals and more. It is the same warm up sequence I teach when instructing or training with members of elite military units. It's also the same exact warm up I teach in my martial arts classes.

The reason is simple. It is the most direct and efficient method for lubricating and preparing the muscles and joints of the body. In addition it re-enforces 2 excellent key principles - the directions of attack and defence. There are limits as to how many directions a human can attack and defend from.

That's it. They are the only directions you can attack and defend from. They are also the only ways a joint can move.

Given the military background of this warm up sequence you can appreciate the importance of re-enforcing such critical information. Of course the methods of attack and defence devised by man correspond to the limitations of the human body - our joints can only move in certain directions. Once this is understood a comprehensive and effective warm up can be systematically applied from the Neck down.

So that's what you do. In essence start with your and slowly and gently move it through the above checklist of directions. When you've done that, 3-5 repetitions per plane of movement, move lower to your shoulders, then elbows, wrists, fingers, spine, hips, knees, ankles and toes. Literally this warm up will prepare every muscle and joint from head to toe, taking each through a full range of motion and increasing synovial fluid in the joints.

Forward and Back

Up and Down (vertical)

Side to Side (horizontal) (Left to Right and Right to Left)

Diagonally (X) (right to left, left to right, and those directions reversed)

Circular (which is just a continuation of either a horizontal or diagonal movement)

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You will see this is a Dynamic warm up. This means there are no static holds or "traditional stretches". This is because static stretching is shown to be ineffective for improving Range of Motion. All it does is weaken supporting tendons and ligaments and ultimately undermines your structural integrity. Static stretching also reduces physical performance, and lastly INCREASES risk of injury.

Turn to Chapter 7


● ● ●

A complete video of the warm up routine I recommend is available in the Deluxe

Edition of 7 Seconds to A Perfect Body.

And in the Deluxe Edition of this Course

● ● ●

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Chapter 7


Maximetrics Revealed!

My Exclusive Method for Adding Inches and Packing on Pounds of

Rock Hard Muscle in a Matter of Minutes....

The Basis of Building Boulder Size Muscles

The techniques used in this program are simple. Deceptively so, because they aren't easy. Now that

may sound like a contradiction but I can assure you that once you try these techniques you'll realize

the level of complexity in such simple movements. This is one of the reasons I classify this as an

advanced course. It requires you to have developed a specific level of muscular control, one taught

in the diligent practicing of 7 Second to A Perfect Body.

On that, if you haven't been practicing 7 Second to A Perfect Body - do so now, spend the next 7

weeks getting comfortable with the individual contractions of particular muscles. Once that's done

and you've regained the necessary kinaesthetic sense, then by all means proceed with this program.

Not before. Because if you try to do this BEFORE you've developed that awareness and muscular co-

ordination, then you'll fail. It's really that simple.

What we will cover are on the face of it, a simple series of techniques:

That's all there is to it. In that sequence. That is a specific sequence. And we're going to shorten it to

4 "contractions sets".

1. A Chest Flex

2. A Triceps extension

3. An Ab Crunch

4. A Back Row

5. A Bicep Squeeze

6. A Vaccuum

7. A Leg Extension and

8. A Body Curl

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The Order of an Awesome Workout

The order of these exercises is vitally important. This workout is designed to progressively increase the intensity overload on the Central Nervous System until you reach the peak on the last exercise. Perform the workout as described. If there was a better way or a better sequence I'd be teaching you that. This is scientifically engineered to produce the most efficient gains possible. It progresses from triceps, pectorals and abs to and traps, rhoms, and biceps, to abs again, then to quads and calves before fishing with spinal erectors, hamstrings, glutes and more calves.

The Method of Maximetrics

In conventional isometric training we do 1 rep that's it. One contraction of 7-12 seconds produces the maximal possible results. This is undisputedly scientifically proven...in terms of strength development. However in this case, strength and the isolation of muscle is NOT our goal. As we covered earlier the focus here it to build massive amounts of muscle...and thus we need to stimulate the CNS and we need to induce Sarcoplasmic growth. I've covered the science behind this in detail earlier; however I'd like to expand on some of that here so that you better understand the TIMING of these exercises. In conventional bodybuilding you've probably heard the term "Super Set", yes? A Superset is a terribly inefficient technique popularized by bad fitness magazines. Essentially you would do a bench press followed immediately with a pec fly or a cable crossover. Or a French press immediately followed by a triceps dips. The rationale behind this is that the super set produces and extra overload to the muscle targeted. As you will be aware from the detailed works of Perfect Body and Project Dragon the thinking behind this is flawed, that's simply not how muscle growth works. There is one benefit to Super Set however. They tax the central nervous system more than a standard muscular isolation as found in Perfect Body and Project Dragon. The idea again is not to isolate a muscle a strain it to its maximum but to strain a collective group of muscles beyond their maximum, hence MAXI-METRICS.

We will be performing a sequence of contraction of multiple isometrics in one set.

For example, the first "Contraction Set" as it were, will involve the sequential contraction of the chest (McSweeny Twist), a Triceps Contraction, a forearm contraction and an Abs Contraction (Stomach Flattener). Ultimately you'll work up to a point where you fully contract the Chest, triceps, forearms and abs all at once. This creates a staggering amount of muscular output in a very brief time window. The intensity has to be felt to be believed! The combinations I will outline below deliver an unbelievable overload stimulus to the Central Nervous System. Again I want to point out that this is NOT the ideal way to train an individual muscle - that's what Perfect Body and Project Dragon are for. Our goal here is not to overload the muscle, but the cumulative strength and resources of the body thus trigger a major CNS response and increase in natural growth hormone...

This takes care of the CNS. But we still have to generate the increase in sarcoplasm.

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To achieve this we will repeat this set for 8 reps. If you've trained with my previous methods then you know exactly how exhausting and fatiguing a single contraction is. Now you'll be doing up to 4 of them at once, and then doing that 8 times. After that those body parts will be completely fatigued.

This is why this Maximetrics is an advanced program. Now, you could be tempted to say, hey hold on, why can't I just exhaust one body part and achieve the same effect and what about recovery? The simple reason is because that won't work. It's an all or nothing type of gig. To build the strength and size of a single muscle by thickening the FG muscle fiber, you need to isolate and contract maximally, just once for 7-12 seconds. That's Perfect Body. To increase sarcoplasma in the muscle and overall levels of natural human growth hormone, then you need to deplete the body's resources systemically. You need to tap everything, and as much of it as possible in one go. Then rinse and repeat to ensure complete depletion on every level. In the next chapter I am going to walk you through each contraction and how to combine them to produce a Maximetric response in the body.

Turn to Chapter 8

Contraction Set 1!

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Chapter 8


Contraction Set 1

A Powerful Commanding Chest, Rippling Muscular Arms, Shoulders that could carry the weight of the Earth and Forearms that would

make Popyee envious.

This Contraction Set focuses on utilising every pushing and pressing muscle of the upper body, working the chest, arms and shoulders to their combined limit. Using this method I took my already impressive cumulative bench total from 2,450 lbs. (1 rep of 675lbs, 5 reps of 355 lbs.) which is already insane to 3080 lbs 7 days later.

When's the last time you add 600lbs of raw strength to your workout in that time?

I felt I could bounce bullets off my chest after this. It's remarkably intense and produces a level of muscular and neural exhaustion that floods the body with signals to pack on pounds of muscle. The Sequence of contraction goes :

1. The 7 Second Stomach Flattener 2. The McSweeny Twist 3. Exercise 3- The Triceps Flex 4. The Forearm Extension

In order to learn each Contraction Set efficiently and secure the proper individual contractions I'm going to first examine each

contraction as individual maximum contraction.

Practice each of these in isolation and then we'll slowly build up to a full sequential contraction set.

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Exercise 1 - The Second Stomach Flattener

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart.

2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach.

3. Keep this tense and held in place 4. Contact the abs as hard as you can, you

rib cage will dip down slightly and your pelvis may rotate upwards

5. Breathe out making an “sssss” – this will cause inter-abdominal contraction

6. Continue this for 7 seconds. 7. Breathe in for 3-4 seconds, keeping your

abs under tension.

Relaxed Contracted

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Exercise 2 - The McSweeny Twist

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep you knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Hold your arms straight down in front of you and rotate them so that the backs of your fists

face inwards. 4. Breath in slowly for 3-4 seconds and build up the tension in your chest by flexing your arms

inwards and downwards with the shoulder. Try to pull your shoulders together over the front of the body.

5. Tense your chest shoulders and arms as powerfully as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds.

6. Slowly relax and breath in gently for 3-4 seconds

McSweeny Twist Side view McSweeny Twist Front view

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Exercise 3- The Triceps Flex

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep you knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Hold your arms straight down in front of you and rotate them so that the backs of your fists

face inwards and your elbow points out in front of the body. 4. Breath in slowly for 3-4 seconds and build up the tension in your triceps, (the back of your

arm) by straightening the elbow joint as much as possible. 5. Tense your arms as powerfully as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12

seconds. 6. Slowly relax and breath in gently for 3-4 seconds

Trap Extension

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Exercise 4 - The Forearm Extension

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Hold your arms straight down in front of you and rotate them so that the backs of your fists

face inwards and your elbow points out in front of the body. 4. Slowly build up the tension in your forearms (as though you were trying to pull your kunckles

up towards your face) as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds. 5. Tense completely and pull hands upwards tensing the forwarms as hard as you can while

breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds. 6. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds

The Complete 1st Contraction Set

Now that you've practiced and mastered the individual muscle contractions it's time to put the complete sequence together.

Once each contraction is set up in the 3-4 seconds, pre max tension, add in the next...thus the complete sequence would read a follows....

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart.

2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach.

3. Keep this tense and held in place 4. Hold your arms straight down in

front of you and rotate them so that the backs of your fists face inwards.

5. Breath in slowly for 3-4 seconds and build up the tension in your chest by flexing your arms inwards and downwards with the shoulder. Try to pull your shoulders together over the front of the body.

6. Breath in slowly for 3-4 seconds and build up the tension in your triceps, (the back of your arm) by straightening the elbow joint as much as possible.

7. Slowly build up the tension in your forearms (as though you were trying to pull your kunckles up towards your face) as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

8. Contact the abs, chest, arms and forearms as hard as you while you breathe out making an “sssss”.

9. Continue this for 7-12 seconds. 10. Breathe in for 3-4 seconds, and slowly ease off tension slightly.

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11. Take a deep breath in and repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 reps.

Take a moment to rest and recuperate if you need it, but understand the longer you rest, the less

intense and thus the less stimulation and growth you will develop. A useful exercise I recommend is

to time your workouts. And make sure you do not go over this time in subsequent workouts as you

will be using less stimulation so less need for the body to adapt

The recommended time for you to complete this, the first of 4 contraction sets, is between 88 - 128 seconds.

Remember results come with the conscious application of supreme effort.

Of course if you feel any pain, discomfort, dizziness and pressure, stop IMMEDIATELY and make sure you are breathing (many new to this training unconsciously hold their breath, breathing is VITAL, so make sure you breathe!!!!)

Let's Finish off the Upper Body...it's Time to Put Your Back Into It!

Turn to Chapter 9

Contraction Set 2

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Chapter 9


Contraction Set 2

A Bristling Wide Back, that Creates the Ultimate Triangle Taper, Biceps Like Boulders, and Traps that could Suspend a Bridge.

The 2nd Contraction Set balances the work of the first, straining and contracting the entirety of your pull strength system. I went from a cumulative row of 1536 lbs to 1808 lbs in just 7 days. My back was nearly too wide to fit through a door and I ripped 2 shirts. It rocked. The Sequence of contraction goes:

1. Upright Iso Row 2. Trap Squeeze 3. Bicep Flex 4. Forearm Curl

In order to learn each Contraction Set efficiently and secure the proper individual contractions I'm going to first examine each contraction as

individual maximum contraction.

Practice each of these in isolation and then we'll slowly build up to a full sequential contraction set.

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Exercise 1 - Upright Iso Row

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Bring both arms straight out in front of you. Grasping an imaginary object pull them back

straight behind you as though trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. 4. Slowly begin to pull inwards with equal tension from both arms. Squeezing and tensing your

shoulder blades. 5. Build the tension in the back muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds. 6. Tense completely and pull inwards as hard as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound

for 7-12 seconds. 7. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds

Row Front Row Side

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Exercise 2 - The Trapezius Pull

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Bring both arms straight out in front of you. Grasping an imaginary object pull them back

straight behind you as though trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. 4. Slowly begin to raise/shrug your shoulders back and inwards, as though trying to touch

behind your ears. 5. Build the tension in the upper back and neck muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds. 6. Tense completely and raise upwards as hard as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS”

sound for 7-12 seconds. 7. Slowly relax breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds.

Row Front Vs Traps Front

Row Side Vs Traps Side

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Exercise 3 - Bicep Curl

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Bring both arms straight out in front of you. Grasping an imaginary object pull them back

straight behind you as though trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. 4. Slowly try to pull your hands to your shoulders and your forearms to touch your upper arms,

squeezing your biceps. 5. Build the tension in the biceps muscle on the front of your arm as you breathe in for 3-4

seconds. 6. Tense completely and squeeze as hard as you can while pressing down with the other hand,

breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds. 7. Slowly relax and breath in gently for 3-4 seconds

Biceps Relaxed

Biceps Contracted

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Exercise 4 - Forearm Curls

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards. 2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight. 3. Bring both arms straight out in front of you. Grasping an imaginary object pull them back

straight behind you as though trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. 4. Slowly build up the tension in your forearm (as though you were trying to pull your hand in

towards your biceps) as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds. 5. Tense completely and pull your fists inwards as hard as you can while breathing out in a

“SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds. 6. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds.

Forearms Relaxed

Forearms Contracted

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The Complete 2nd Contraction Set

Now that you've practiced and mastered the individual muscle contractions it's time to put the complete sequence together.

Once each contraction is set up in the 3-4 seconds, pre max tension, add in the next...thus the complete sequence would read a follows....

1. Stand tall and straight with your feet hip distance apart and your toes pointing forwards.

2. Keep your knees soft, that is slightly bent, and your abs tucked in tight.

3. Bring both arms straight out in front of you. Grasping an imaginary object pull them back straight behind you as though trying to touch your elbows together behind your back.

4. Slowly begin to pull inwards with equal tension from both arms. Squeezing and tensing your shoulder blades.

5. Build the tension in the back muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

6. Slowly begin to raise/shrug your shoulders back and inwards, as though trying to touch behind your ears.

7. Build the tension in the upper back and neck muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds 8. Slowly try to pull your hands to your shoulders and your forearms to touch your upper arms,

squeezing your biceps. 9. Build the tension in the biceps muscle on the front of your arm as you breathe in for 3-4

seconds. 10. Slowly build up the tension in your forearm (as though you were trying to pull your hand in

towards your biceps) as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds. 11. Tense completely contract your back muscles, traps, biceps and pull your fists inwards as

hard as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds. 12. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds. 13. Take a deep breath in and repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 reps.

Take a moment to rest and recuperate if you need it, but understand the longer you rest, the less

intense and thus the less stimulation and growth you will develop. A useful exercise I recommend is

to time your workouts. And make sure you do not go over this time in subsequent workouts as you

will be using less stimulation so less need for the body to adapt

The recommended time for you to complete this, the second of 4 contraction sets, is between 352 - 512 seconds.

Remember results come with the conscious application of supreme effort.

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Of course if you feel any pain, discomfort, dizziness and pressure, stop IMMEDIATELY and make sure you are breathing (many new to this training unconsciously hold their breath, breathing is VITAL, so make sure you breathe!!!!)

Now that we've completely exhausted the Upper Body it's time to Blast The Legs!

Turn to Chapter 10

Contraction Set 3

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Chapter 10


Contraction Set 3

Legs that Would Rival the Sculpture of a Greek God and Calves Carved from Marble

The 3rd Contraction Set begins the work of sculpting stunning legs. This is Contraction Set has allowed me to develop thighs that split double stitched jeans and press a cumulative total of 11,832 lbs. That's a lot of strength. In his early days even Superman would have been hard pressed to pull that off ;-) This workout only involves three contractions, the abs you're already familiar with, but the next two are a killer, take it slowly as you can easily cramp and spasm these muscles if you attempt the contraction too fast! The Sequence of contraction goes:

1. Stomach Flattener 2. Quadriceps Extension 3. Calves Extension

In order to learn each Contraction Set efficiently and secure the proper individual contractions I'm going to first examine each contraction as

individual maximum contraction.

Practice each of these in isolation and then we'll slowly build up to a full sequential contraction set.

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Exercise 1 - The Second Stomach Flattener

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart.

2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach.

3. Keep this tense and held in place 4. Contact the abs as hard as you can, you

rib cage will dip down slightly and your pelvis may rotate upwards

5. Breathe out making an “sssss” – this will cause inter-abdominal contraction

6. Continue this for 7 seconds. 7. Breathe in for 3-4 seconds, keeping your

abs under tension.

Relaxed Contracted

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Exercise 2 - Quadriceps Extension

1. Find a sturdy chair and place it so the back faces you.

2. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart. 3. Rise on to the balls of your feet. 4. Lightly place your fingertips on the back of a chair for balance. DO NOT support your weight

on the fingers - it's to help you balance only. 5. Breathe in slowly for 3-4 seconds and slowly build tension and contract the muscles on the

front of the thighs, try to zip or pull your knees caps upwards and straighten the legs. 6. Tense your legs as powerfully as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12

seconds. 7. Slowly relax and breath in gently for 3-4 seconds.

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Exercise 3 - Calf Raise

1. Find a sturdy chair and place it so the back faces you. Or if you can balance go free standing.

2. Gripping the chairs back with both hands, lean forward and straighten your legs as


3. Slowly tense your calves by rising up on your tip toes as far as you can

4. Build the tension in the calf muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

5. Tense completely push upwards as hard as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for

7-12 seconds.

6. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds

The Complete 3rd Contraction Set

Now that you've practiced and mastered the individual muscle contractions it's time to put the complete sequence together.

Once each contraction is set up in the 3-4 seconds, pre max tension, add in the next...thus the complete sequence would read a follows....

1. Find a sturdy chair and place it so the

back faces you.

2. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart.

3. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach.

4. Keep this tense and held in place 5. Rise on to the balls of your feet. 6. Lightly place your fingertips on the back

of a chair for balance. DO NOT support

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your weight on the fingers - it's to help you balance only. 7. Breathe in slowly for 3-4 seconds and slowly build tension and contract the muscles on the

front of the thighs, try to zip or pull your knees caps upwards and straighten the legs. 8. Slowly tense your calves by rising up on your tip toes as far as you can

9. Build the tension in the calf muscles as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

10. Powerfully contract the abs, thighs and calves while breathing out and making an "ssss" sound for 7-12 seconds.

11. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds

12. Take a deep breath in and repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 reps.

Take a moment to rest and recuperate if you need it, but understand the longer you rest, the less

intense and thus the less stimulation and growth you will develop. A useful exercise I recommend is

to time your workouts. And make sure you do not go over this time in subsequent workouts as you

will be using less stimulation so less need for the body to adapt

The recommended time for you to complete this, the third of 4 contraction sets, is between 88 -128 seconds.

Remember results come with the conscious application of supreme effort.

Of course if you feel any pain, discomfort, dizziness and pressure, stop IMMEDIATELY and make sure you are breathing (many new to this training unconsciously hold their breath, breathing is VITAL, so make sure you breathe!!!!)

We're into the final hurdle...the last contraction set...and by this stage I'd say you were feeling the burn, the exhaustion is kicking in. Don't give in! Use that rare gift of will to

summon your strength and really blast the body to new levels of muscle and strength....!!!

Turn to Chapter 11

Contraction Set 4

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Chapter 11


Contraction Set 4

The Final Countdown

The 4th Contraction Set finishes both the legs and the body. It is literally near back breaking effort to complete this. Luckily it is only 3 contractions. One for the lower back, the erector spinae, one for the one of the strongest muscles of the body - the glutes, and finally the hamstrings. This is powerful stuff but take it slowly as you can easily cramp and spasm these muscles if you attempt the contraction too fast! The Sequence of contraction goes:

1. The Standing Superman 2. The Glutes Squeeze 3. The Standing Hamstring Curl

In order to learn each Contraction Set efficiently and secure the proper individual contractions I'm going to first examine each contraction as

individual maximum contraction.

Practice each of these in isolation and then we'll slowly build up to a full sequential contraction set.

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Exercise 1 - The Standing Superman

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart. 2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach. 3. Place your hands on your lower back, fingers on the upper part of the glutes. 4. Breathe in over 3-4 seconds as you slowly tense and arch the lower back. The hips may push

forward to balance you. 5. Tense the Lower back powerfully. Breathe out making an “sssss" sound for 7-12 seconds.

6. Slowly ease the tension and relax as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

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Exercise 2 - The Glutes Squeeze

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart. 2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach. 3. Place your hands on your lower back, fingers on the upper part of the glutes. 4. Breathe in slowly for 3-4 seconds and slowly build tension and contract the muscles of the

buttocks as though trying to press one cheek into the other. 5. Tense your glutes as powerfully as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12

seconds. 6. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds.

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Exercise 3 - Standing Hamstring Curl

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart. 2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach. 3. Place your hands on your lower back, fingers on the upper part of the glutes. 4. Slowly tense your hamstrings a though you were pulling yourself into a seat behind you,

resist with the strength of your quads.

5. Build the tension in the hamstrings and back of the legs as you breathe in for 3-4 seconds.

6. Tense completely contract the hamstrings powerfully, while resisting with the quads to keep

you upright, as hard as you can while breathing out in a “SSSS” sound for 7-12 seconds.

7. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds.

The Complete 4rd Contraction Set - The Final Set

Now that you've practiced and mastered the individual muscle contractions it's time to put the complete sequence together.

Once each contraction is set up in the 3-4 seconds, pre max tension, add in the next...thus the complete sequence would read a follows....

1. Stand tall and straight, feet hip distance apart.

2. Breathe in and as you do so pull in your stomach.

3. Place your hands on your lower back, fingers on the upper part of the glutes.

4. Breathe in over 3-4 seconds as you slowly tense and arch the lower back. The hips may push forward to balance you.

5. Breathe in slowly for 3-4 seconds and slowly build tension and contract the muscles of the buttocks as though trying to press one cheek into the other.

6. Slowly tense your hamstrings a

though you were pulling yourself

into a seat behind you, resist with

the strength of your quads.

7. Powerfully contract the lower back, glutes and hamstrings while resisting with the quads and breathing out and making an "ssss" sound for 7-12 seconds.

8. Slowly relax and breathe in gently for 3-4 seconds

9. Take a deep breath in and repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 reps.

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Take a moment to rest and recuperate if you need it, but understand the longer you rest, the less

intense and thus the less stimulation and growth you will develop. A useful exercise I recommend is

to time your workouts. And make sure you do not go over this time in subsequent workouts as you

will be using less stimulation so less need for the body to adapt

The recommended time for you to complete this, the first of 4 contraction sets, is between 88 - 128 seconds.

Remember results come with the conscious application of supreme effort.

Of course if you feel any pain, discomfort, dizziness and pressure, stop IMMEDIATELY and make sure you are breathing (many new to this training unconsciously hold their breath, breathing is VITAL, so make sure you breathe!!!!)

YOU'RE DONE!!!!! That's one intense workout. Isn't it? And yet you'll have it done in less than 9 minutes

including rest breaks!

I'd recommend a light walk to help cool down and prevent blood pooling followed by some active recovery methods which I'll talk about in the next chapter along with workout frequency...

Turn to Chapter 12

Figuring Out Your Frequency?

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Chapter 12


Figuring Out Your Frequency?

This is an intense workout and it's going to take a lot out of you. At the start you can do twice a week, the complete routine, separated by 3 days rest. However as you progress you'll be building much bigger muscles and impacting the CNS on a huge level and the fatigue and effort will become more intense.

If you've been practicing Perfect body for a number of months then you'll have a good idea of your bodies abilities and what full recovery feel like. At this stage it's time to become more intuitive with your training. You'll feel when you're under-recovered when you pay attention. The indicators will be sore muscles, a lack of energy and a lack of desire to train.

There is another advanced version of this that can be performed on the Dragon Gym, it's a detailed and advanced protocol that I'll cover in detail in a separate program but this provides instant feedback on your recovery.

As you progress and need increasing recovery time you can split the workout in 4 sessions performed, 2 performed per week.

For those following Isometric Mastery and Project Dragon this workout can be substituted in for DSR.

Here are some example breakdowns:

Initial Training:

Mon: Contractions Sets 1-4

Friday: Contractions Sets 1-4

Advanced Training (Additional Recovery Needed):

Mon 1st: Contractions Set 1

Friday 5th: Contractions Set 2

Mon 8th: Contractions Set 3

Friday 12th: Contractions Set 4

You can maintain a twice per week full training schedule for a longer period and reap faster results

using a variety of Accelerated Recovery Methods (ARM)- an introduction to which I'll give you in the next chapter. ;-)

Turn to Chapter 13

What is A.R.M.?

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Chapter 13


What is A.R.M.?

Armed with this Knowledge Triple Your Recovery Rate and Your Results!

ARM stands for Accelerated Recovery Methods and is one of my most closely guarded secrets....I've used the protocols outline here to rapidly recovery from both workouts and severe crippling injuries. I'll be expanding on A.R.M in new series, but I want to provide you're with some key techniques NOW to help your recover faster from the EXTREME INTENSITY of this program.

My ARM program is based upon my years of experience as a martial artist, personal trainer and most crucially, specialist consultant in spinal and muscular injuries. It combines cutting edge western medical techniques with ancient Chinese medicine to produce a synergistic healing effect that can allow you to recover from an intense workout with sore and tired muscle in minutes and to severe injuries such as dislocations and broken bones in just a few weeks instead of months and years.

While many of the techniques are beyond the scope of this volume I want to outline some of the process for you here and provide you with some simple steps you can apply yourself.

The A.R.M. Overview

Assess the Damage (This could be as simple as muscle stiffness and DOMS after a workout or

it could be as serious as gauging the level of dislocation or break)

Apply ARM First Aid Principles....(they're different from typical first and often more


Apply San Huang San (Herbal Ice formula) poultice

Apply Wu Yang Pain Relief Plaster

Take 2 Die de wan wan - Trauma Pills for 2-3 days

Acupressure / Acupuncture

Die die Jiu / Hit-Fall Wine Trauma Liniment

Massage and Tuina

Sub 60% Isometrics

As you can see a lot of that won't apply to recovery from one of the Maximetric workouts, but there's still a LOT you can do and I'll touch on that below....

Maximetrics Recovery For the most part, what you'll find in the case of the Maximetrics Routine will be a need to recover Glycogen and the process of tissue rebuilding and growth. This is hugely dependant on nutrition. Make sure you are getting good quality protein in before and after your workouts - I discuss protein and nutrition in detail in my nutritional programs (available through Isometric Mastery) however, here are some brief guidelines -

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Men: On Avg you need 40-60g of lean protein per meal assuming you eat 4 meals a day, roughly one every 4 hours.

Women: On Avg you need 20-40g of lean protein per meal assuming you eat 4 meals a day, roughly one every 4 hours.

This amount to protein will help insure proper and full muscle recovery - it also provides essential amino acids for the bodies other systems, including making natural growth hormone. In addition you'll need a small amount of starchy carbohydrate post workout to help replenish the glucogen. A small amount of basmati rice, oats, quinoa, sweet potato etc may be useful. This is NOT excuse to go overboard and "carb-load" or "bulk" - that's an excuse to over indulge and get fat. Don't do it.

Acupressure - Health at Your Fingertips As many of your know I'm a highly qualified acupuncturist and consultant TCM physician with a BUSY private practice and remarkably high success rate. I highly recommend that you seek the skills of a qualified acupuncturist to ensure a full recovery after a workout of both the central nervous system and muscles, not to mention your organs. In fact - Arnold Schwarzenegger credited Acupuncture with helping not only with his muscular recovery after gruelling workouts, but also with muscle growth itself as testified to in the video footage shot for Pumping Iron: the 25th Anniversary edition.

Acupuncture works pure and simple. If you can't get to a qualified acupuncturist then you can do a little work on yourself in the form of Acupressure. Acupressure is where you stimulate key acupuncture points to increase blood flow and circulation of blood to various parts of the body. In addition this stimulates the CNS and the parasympathetic nervous system to increase the body's natural healing abilities and quickly repair sore and aching muscles. You can read a lot more about Acupuncture and Self Massage techniques in my "Health at Your Fingertips Series". For now, I'd like to share with you a key excerpt from my injury repair series...

Turn to Chapter 14

What is A.R.M.?

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Chapter 14


Learn the Ancient Pressure Points for Perfect Pain Relief...

Acupressure has been an effective (though not as effective as acupuncture) form of medical

treatment for over 5,000 years. It is still used today in nearly every country in the world for a very

simple reason - it works. The science behind this is relatively simple.

Essentially there are various pathways (or as recently discovered embryonic fold nerves) that pass

through individual organs. In Chinese Medicine these are called Meridians, and they happen to

correlate nearly exactly with the bio-electrical nervous system and lymphatic system. By stimulating

key points and junctures along these meridians you can increase blood flow and circulation to a

particular area, bringing with it all the nutrients needed for repair and stimulate the nervous system

to release difference chemicals into the blood stream (e.g. endorphins for pain relief).

Activating an Acupressure Point

Stimulating acupressure points is very simple. Using your thumb or fingers lightly massage the

indicated and appropriate point increasing pressure and depth gradually until you have activated the

point. You’ll know the point has been activated as the area will develop a slight radiating aching

sensation. Continue with that amount of pressure (no more is needed) and the pain will begin to

subside. Once the muscle has fully relaxed and no pain is felt continue to press for another 30

seconds or so.

Finally, a quick word of warning; use common sense with these points. It’s unlikely that stimulating

them will repair a torn ligament; it will however greatly reduce the swelling and pain. In addition

don’t press directly over broken bones. That would hurt. A lot. And it wouldn’t be very helpful.

Following with our treatment protocols there are SPECIFIC acupuncture points that are useful for

treating the various aches and pains you may encounter with this program.

If you suspect you've done too much and injured yourself ALWAYS GET THE

ADVICE OF YOUR DOCTOR or a your local medical professional!

With that in mind, let’s look at the key points to reduce swelling and pain and treat the immediate

stages of DOMS;


Stiff sore shoulders and dead arms can be easily treated with this point on the hand.

SJ-3 Location: Make a light fist. The point is located just behind and between the fourth finger

knuckle and your little finger.

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Sj- 3 Bl- 40 *


These two points used together work to resolve most

back injuries and sciatica.

Bl-40 Location: This very awesome point is found on the back of the leg, just behind the knee. If you slightly flex your leg you’ll find it much easier. Find the crease of the knee and it’s exactly between the two tendons. Bl-60 Location: Another easy one to find this point is behind the ankle joint on the outer side, in the depression between the high point of the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon.

All Upper Limbs –

In traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture we’d refer to this as the arm activator – as it is

reputed to give the upper limbs the energy and strength to do 3 hrs more hard labour!

Li-10 Location: This point is fairly easy to find. Flex you arm at the elbow to a 90 degree angle, with

your palm up, thumb facing away from your body, like you were carrying a plate. Find the crease of

your elbow and move down 2 thumbs widths toward your wrist. You’ll find the point easy enough; it

will be quite tender to the touch.


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All Lower Limb Injuries

This is the lower body equivalent of Li-10, and is

known as the leg 3 mile point as it gives you the

energy to run another 3 miles!

St-36 Location: Run a finger up your shin bone

towards your knee. Towards the top you’ll feel a

slight bump. If you slide your finger just off to

the outside under the level of that bump you’ll

feel a small depression between the bones –

that’s the Three Mile Leg point – St-36.

Get massaging and you’ll find the pain and relief of muscle ache drop down in seconds. I will frequently use a selection of easy to prepare Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas and massage them into the skin while doing these points and these can be found in my, Health at Your Fingertips Series". In the interim, deep heat or tiger balm will do in a pinch. Of course if it’s a serious injury get yourself to a trained professional.

Train hard, but train safe….

In combination with Acupressure I'm also a huge fan of massage. I spend a deal of time using traditional Chinese medical massage known as Tuina with great results on both myself and my patients. However, any type of massage is beneficial and here's why....

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*Images are taken from Peter Deadman's excellent Manual of Acupuncture.

Turn to Chapter 15

Want the Low Down on the Rub Down?

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Chapter 15


Want the Low Down on the Rub Down?

The Benefits of Massage for increased Muscular Recovery post Workout

Massage has been used by many ancient civilizations to treat various ailments effectively. Scientific studies now show that massage helps a lot in post workout muscle recovery. It helps by working on muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and other tissues and lymphatic vessels.

It is found by various studies that massage helps the muscles to recover fast and effectively while

reducing inflammation. Ice baths and anti inflammatory drugs also reduce inflammation but they

hinder the muscle repair and growth process which is why I SAY AVOID THEM!!! (Check out my book,

"ICE IS FOR THE DEAD - Healing Secrets of the Martial Arts Masters", for more on this).

Massage does just the opposite. It improves fluid circulation in the body and helps nutrients to reach

the muscles for faster recovery. Researchers report that recovery time becomes twice as fast in

case of massage.

In a study by Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, a researcher at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, eleven men were made to have a heavy, strenuous workout. They took muscle biopsies of both legs to see the effect before and after a 10 minute massage right after the workout. The process began with biopsy of each leg at rest before exercise began. Then they were asked to do vigorous exercise on a stationary cycle till they were so fatigued that they could not pedal any more. Then one thigh was massaged for 10 minutes after which each leg was biopsied again. The third biopsy took place after 2.5 hours of rest.

It showed the there is a decreased inflammation after the massage and the production of mitochondria had increased due to massage. Mitochondria provide power at the cell level, using oxygen to break down nutrients to make energy needed by the cells.

Evidence supporting benefits from massage was found in a similar study conducted by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm where two groups of cyclists pedalled until completely fatigued. One lot received massage during a 10 minute rest while another did not. When the cyclists were asked to do 50 knee extensions on a leg machine, it became evident that the group that had massage was 11% stronger.

It was found that the massage produced cytokines which lowered inflammation and stimulated growth of mitocondria which at cell level converts glucose into energy for the cell to function and repair itself.

Massage types

Massage can be of different types:

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Swedish massage which uses long continuous strokes like sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration.

Thai massage is based on Indian Yoga that combines working on the muscles with stretching.

Acupressure relies on the traditional Chinese theory of several points in the body representing various parts or organs and working on them with hand pressure being able to help the healing process and I've given you a short preview of that above.

Deep tissue massage, as the name indicates addresses the deeper layers of muscles of the body.

Some people use one or more combinations of the types mentioned.

There is no doubt that massage helps in post workout muscle recovery and is being used increasingly for effective muscle maintenance and growth by many sportsmen and athletes.

Massage should be done at least an hour and a half after meals and for at least half an hour post workout. During digestion blood flow is more towards the stomach which not only makes massage ineffective but it also interferes with the digestion process.

Make it a part of your post workout ritual and you'll recover far, far faster and enjoy bigger, stronger

muscles and more robust health as a result.

Turn to Chapter 16


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Chapter 16



Maximetrics is perhaps one of the most intense workouts ever devised. It's not just that it utilizes Isometric Training techniques, the scientifically proven fastest way to build strength and the ingles most intense muscular contractions you can utilise. It's not that you have to perform several maximal isometric contractions at once. It's the combination of this, the time under tension and that fact this workout depletes your glycogen and sarcoplasm reserves to impact the Central Nervous system in a way no other workout can come close to. It is the mental strength necessary to complete it with EVERYTHING YOU HAVE and go beyond that...but the rewards and results are staggering....you can add 20, 30, 40, 50 lbs of rock hard muscle to your frame in a matter of WEEKS and with minimal time invested.

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I packed on 24lbs of muscle on an already muscled physique and I did in 3 weeks, with less than 1 hr total training time. There simply is NO OTHER program out there that can produce results like that...

I can't wait to hear your story, so share it with me, over on the Isometric-Training.com Facebook Fan Page.


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Train hard, train same and take your training and your potential to the Maximum

Your friend and trainer,


Paul J.O'Brien

Author, "7 Seconds to A Perfect Body", "Project Dragon", the "Secrets of an Energetic and Abundant Life" and more.
