2016oct16 - danfisher - a house divided ppt€¦ · on june 16, 1858, abraham lincoln delivered his...

10/16/2016 1 On On June June 16 16, 1858 1858, Abraham Abraham Lincoln Lincoln delivered delivered his his famous famous “House “House Divided” Divided” speech speech at at the the Illinois Illinois State State Capitol Capitol: “A “A house house divided divided against against itself itself cannot cannot stand stand. I believe believe this this government government cannot cannot endure, endure, permanently, permanently, half half slave slave and and half half free free. I do do not not expect expect the the Union Union to to be be dissolved dissolved — I do do not not expect expect the the house house to to fall fall — but but I do do expect expect it it will will cease cease to to be be divided divided. It It will will become become all all one one thing thing or or all all the the other other.”

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Page 1: 2016Oct16 - DanFisher - A House Divided PPT€¦ · On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech at the Illinois State Capitol: “A house divided



OnOn JuneJune 1616,, 18581858,, AbrahamAbraham LincolnLincolndelivereddelivered hishis famousfamous “House“House Divided”Divided”speechspeech atat thethe IllinoisIllinois StateState CapitolCapitol::

“A“A househouse divideddivided againstagainst itselfitselfcannotcannot standstand.. II believebelieve thisthisgovernmentgovernment cannotcannot endure,endure,permanently,permanently, halfhalf slaveslave andand halfhalf freefree..II dodo notnot expectexpect thethe UnionUnion toto bebedissolveddissolved —— II dodo notnot expectexpect thethehousehouse toto fallfall —— butbut II dodo expectexpect itit willwillceasecease toto bebe divideddivided.. ItIt willwill becomebecomeallall oneone thingthing oror allall thethe otherother..””

Page 2: 2016Oct16 - DanFisher - A House Divided PPT€¦ · On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech at the Illinois State Capitol: “A house divided



MtMt 1212::2525 ““EveryEvery kingdomkingdomdivideddivided againstagainst itselfitself isisbroughtbrought toto desolation,desolation, andandeveryevery citycity oror househouse divideddividedagainstagainst itselfitself willwill notnot standstand..

Page 3: 2016Oct16 - DanFisher - A House Divided PPT€¦ · On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech at the Illinois State Capitol: “A house divided



Page 4: 2016Oct16 - DanFisher - A House Divided PPT€¦ · On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech at the Illinois State Capitol: “A house divided



Biblical marriage Biblical marriage Same sex marriageSame sex marriage


AntiAnti--individual gun ownershipindividual gun ownershipProPro--individual gun ownershipindividual gun ownership

Strong state governments Strong state governments Strong “national” governmentStrong “national” government

So, what do we do?So, what do we do?We do not disengage!We do not disengage!

Page 5: 2016Oct16 - DanFisher - A House Divided PPT€¦ · On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech at the Illinois State Capitol: “A house divided



MtMt 2222::2121 AndAnd HeHe saidsaid toto them,them, “Render“Render thereforethereforetoto CaesarCaesar thethe thingsthings thatthat areare Caesar’s,Caesar’s, andand toto GodGodthethe thingsthings thatthat areare God’sGod’s..””

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William Penn, Apr. 25, 1682William Penn, Apr. 25, 1682

“Governments“Governments,, likelike clocks,clocks, gogofromfrom thethe motionmotion menmen givegive themthem;;andand asas governmentsgovernments areare mademadeandand movedmoved byby men,men, soso byby themthemtheythey areare ruinedruined tootoo.. WhereforeWhereforegovernmentsgovernments ratherrather dependdependuponupon menmen thanthan menmen uponupongovernmentsgovernments.. LetLet menmen bebe goodgoodandand thethe governmentgovernment cannotcannot bebebadbad.. .. .. ..

ButBut ifif menmen bebe bad,bad, letlet thethegovernmentgovernment bebe nevernever soso good,good,theythey willwill endeavorendeavor toto warpwarp andandspoilspoil itit toto theirtheir turnturn…… [T][T]houghhoughgoodgood lawslaws dodo well,well, goodgood menmendodo betterbetter;; forfor goodgood lawslaws maymaywantwant goodgood menmen andand bebeabolishedabolished oror invadedinvaded byby illill menmen;;butbut goodgood menmen willwill nevernever wantwant[for][for] goodgood lawslaws nornor suffersuffer illillonesones..””

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“Of“Of allall thethe dispositionsdispositions andand habitshabitswhichwhich leadlead toto politicalpolitical prosperity,prosperity,ReligionReligion andand moralitymorality areareindispensableindispensable supportssupports……AndAnd letlet ususwithwith cautioncaution indulgeindulge thethe supposition,supposition,thatthat moralitymorality cancan bebe maintainedmaintainedwithoutwithout religionreligion……reasonreason andandexperienceexperience bothboth forbidforbid usus toto expectexpectthatthat nationalnational moralitymorality cancan prevailprevail ininexclusionexclusion ofof religiousreligious principleprinciple……TisTissubstantiallysubstantially true,true, thatthat virtuevirtue orormoralitymorality isis aa necessarynecessary springspring ofofpopularpopular governmentgovernment..””

GeorgeGeorge Washington,Washington, SeptSept.. 1919,, 17961796

“Providence“Providence hashas givengiven toto ourourpeoplepeople thethe choicechoice ofof theirtheir rulers,rulers,andand itit isis thethe duty,duty, asas wellwell asas thetheprivilegeprivilege andand interestinterest ofof ourourChristianChristian nation,nation, toto selectselect andandpreferprefer ChristiansChristians forfor theirtheirrulersrulers..””John John Jay, Jay, 11stst Chief Chief Justice of the U.S. Justice of the U.S.

Supreme CourtSupreme Court

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“Look“Look wellwell toto thethecharacterscharacters andandqualificationsqualifications ofof thosethoseyouyou electelect andand raiseraise totoofficeoffice andand placesplaces ofoftrusttrust..””MatthiasMatthias Burnet,Burnet, DD..DD..,, PastorPastor ofofthethe FirstFirst ChurchChurch inin Norwalk,Norwalk, CTCT

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“If“If thethe libertiesliberties ofof AmericaAmerica areare everever completelycompletelyruinedruined……itit willwill inin allall probabilityprobability bebe thetheconsequenceconsequence ofof aa mistakenmistaken notionnotion ofof prudenceprudencewhichwhich leadsleads menmen toto acquiesceacquiesce inin measuresmeasures ofof thethemostmost destructivedestructive tendencytendency forfor thethe sakesake ofof presentpresenteaseease..””SamuelSamuel Adams,Adams, TheThe WritingsWritings ofof SamuelSamuel AdamsAdams,, HarryHarry AlonzoAlonzo Cushing,Cushing, editoreditor (New(New YorkYork:: GG.. PP..Putnam’sPutnam’s Sons,Sons, 19061906),), VolVol.. II,II, pp.. 287287,, ArticleArticle SignedSigned ““CandidusCandidus,”,” originallyoriginally printedprinted inin thethe BostonBostonGazette,Gazette, DecemberDecember 99,, 17711771..

John Philpot John Philpot Curran Curran 1818thth century Irish century Irish orator and politicianorator and politician

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“It“It isis thethe commoncommon fatefate ofof thethe indolentindolent toto seeseetheirtheir rightsrights becomebecome aa preyprey toto thethe activeactive.. TheTheconditioncondition uponupon whichwhich GodGod hathhath givengiven libertyliberty totomanman isis eternaleternal vigilancevigilance;; whichwhich conditioncondition ifif hehebreak,break, servitudeservitude isis atat onceonce thethe consequenceconsequence ofofhishis crimecrime andand thethe punishmentpunishment ofof hishis guiltguilt..””TheThe SpeechesSpeeches OfOf TheThe RightRight HonourableHonourable JohnJohn PhilpotPhilpot Curran,Curran, (Dublin(Dublin:: PrintedPrinted byby JayJay StockdaleStockdaleAndAnd Sons,Sons, 18081808),), “Speech“Speech OfOf JohnJohn PhilpotPhilpot Curran,Curran, EsqEsq.;.; OnOn TheThe RightRight OfOf ElectionElection OfOf LordLordMayorMayor OfOf TheThe CityCity OfOf Dublin,Dublin, DeliveredDelivered BeforeBefore TheThe LordLord LieutenantLieutenant AndAnd PrivyPrivy CouncilCouncil OfOfIreland,Ireland, 17901790,”,” pp.. 55

James James GarfieldGarfield2020thth U.S. PresidentU.S. President

July 1877:July 1877:““NowNow moremore thanthan everever thethe peoplepeopleareare responsibleresponsible forfor thethe charactercharacterofof theirtheir CongressCongress.. IfIf thatthat bodybody bebeignorant,ignorant, reckless,reckless, andand corrupt,corrupt, ititisis becausebecause thethe peoplepeople toleratetolerateignorance,ignorance, recklessness,recklessness, andandcorruptioncorruption.. IfIf itit bebe intelligent,intelligent,brave,brave, andand pure,pure, itit isis becausebecause thethepeoplepeople demanddemand thesethese highhighqualitiesqualities toto representrepresent themthem inin thethenationalnational legislaturelegislature.. .. .. ..

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[[I]fI]f thethe nextnext centennialcentennial doesdoes notnotfindfind usus aa greatgreat nationnation .. .. .. itit willwillbebe becausebecause thosethose whowhorepresentrepresent thethe enterprise,enterprise, thetheculture,culture, andand thethe moralitymorality ofof thethenationnation dodo notnot aidaid inin controllingcontrollingthethe politicalpolitical forcesforces..””JamesJames AA.. Garfield,Garfield, TheThe WorksWorks ofof JamesJames AbramAbram GarfieldGarfield,,BurkeBurke Hinsdale,Hinsdale, editoreditor (Boston(Boston:: JamesJames RR.. OsgoodOsgood andandCompany,Company, 18831883),), VolVol.. II,II, pppp.. 486486,, 489489,, "A"A CenturyCentury ofofCongressCongress,”,” JulyJuly 18771877..

Massachusetts election sermon, Massachusetts election sermon, May 31, 1780: May 31, 1780:

“There“There cancan bebe nono doubtdoubt butbut GodGod oftenoftenbringsbrings distressdistress andand ruinruin uponupon aa sinfulsinfulpeoplepeople throughthrough thethe illill managementmanagement ofoftheirtheir rulers,rulers, givengiven upup toto errorerror andandblindnessblindness.. …… therefore,therefore, ifif aa peoplepeopledesiredesire toto havehave rulersrulers ofof wisewise andandunderstandingunderstanding hearts,hearts, counseledcounseled andanddirecteddirected byby Heaven,Heaven, theythey shouldshould taketakecarecare thatthat theythey bebe menmen whowho fearfear GodGod..””Thornton,Thornton, JohnJohn Wingate,Wingate, TheThe PulpitPulpit ofof thethe AmericanAmerican RevolutionRevolution(Boston(Boston:: GouldGould && Lincoln,Lincoln, 18601860),), Introduction,Introduction, pp.. XXXVIIIXXXVIII.. ,, pp..373373..

Simeon HowardSimeon Howard, , PastorPastor West West Church, BostonChurch, Boston

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Rev. Rev. ElizurElizur Goodrich, Goodrich, Connecticut election Connecticut election sermon, May 10, 1787: sermon, May 10, 1787:

“Not“Not onlyonly maymay aa peoplepeople bebe delivereddelivered intointo thethe handshandsofof tyrants,tyrants, asas thethe rodrod andand scourgescourge ofof heavenheaven forfor theirtheirimpietyimpiety andand madnessmadness;; butbut throughthrough theirtheir ownown folly,folly,“children“children maymay bebe theirtheir princes,princes, andand babesbabes rulerule overoverthemthem..”” SuchSuch aa “people“people shallshall bebe oppressedoppressed everyevery oneonebyby another,another, andand everyevery oneone byby hishis neighborneighbor..””EllisEllis Sandoz,Sandoz, PoliticalPolitical SermonsSermons ofof thethe AmericanAmerican FoundingFounding EraEra:: 17301730--18051805,, 22 volsvols,, ForewordForeword bybyEllisEllis SandozSandoz ((22ndnd eded.. IndianapolisIndianapolis:: LibertyLiberty Fund,Fund, 19981998)).. VolVol.. 11.. ChapterChapter:: 3131:: ElizurElizur Goodrich,Goodrich, TheThePrinciplesPrinciples OfOf CivilCivil UnionUnion AndAnd HappinessHappiness ConsideredConsidered AndAnd RecommendedRecommended..

“Impress“Impress uponupon childrenchildren thethe truthtruth thatthat thetheexerciseexercise ofof thethe electiveelective franchisefranchise isis aasocialsocial dutyduty ofof asas solemnsolemn aa naturenature asasmanman cancan bebe calledcalled toto performperform;; thatthat aamanman maymay notnot innocentlyinnocently trifletrifle withwith hishisvotevote;; thatthat everyevery electorelector isis aa trusteetrustee asaswellwell forfor othersothers asas himselfhimself andand thatthat everyeverymeasuremeasure hehe supportssupports hashas anan importantimportantbearingbearing onon thethe interestsinterests ofof othersothers asaswellwell asas onon hishis ownown..””

DanielDaniel Webster,Webster, UU..SS.. Congressman,Congressman, UU..SS..Senator,Senator, SecretarySecretary ofof StateState forfor 33 UU..SS..PresidentsPresidents

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AprApr.. 1616,, 17811781

““LetLet eacheach citizencitizen rememberremember atat thethe momentmoment hehe isisofferingoffering hishis votevote thatthat hehe isis notnot makingmaking aa presentpresent ororaa complimentcompliment toto pleaseplease anan individualindividual –– oror atat leastleastthatthat hehe oughtought notnot soso toto dodo;; butbut thatthat hehe isis executingexecutingoneone ofof thethe mostmost solemnsolemn truststrusts inin humanhuman societysociety forforwhichwhich hehe isis accountableaccountable toto GodGod andand hishis countrycountry..””

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DistDist 4343DistDist 6060

Lonnie Lonnie PaxtonPaxton

Senate Senate DistDist 2323

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State QuestionsState Questions

776776 –– allall methodsmethods ofof executionexecution shallshall bebeconstitutionallyconstitutionally allowedallowed (Yes)(Yes)

777777 –– rightright toto farmfarm (Yes)(Yes)

779779 –– increaseincrease thethe statestate salessales taxtax byby oneone percentpercenttoto generategenerate revenuerevenue forfor educationeducation (No)(No)

780780 –– reclassifiesreclassifies certaincertain propertyproperty offensesoffenses andandsimplesimple drugdrug possessionpossession misdemeanormisdemeanor crimescrimes(Yes)(Yes)

781781 –– usesuses moneymoney savedsaved byby StateState QuestionQuestion 780780 totofundfund rehabilitativerehabilitative programsprograms (Yes)(Yes)

790790 –– repealsrepeals SectionSection 55,, ArticleArticle 22 ofof thethe OklahomaOklahomaConstitution,Constitution, whichwhich prohibitsprohibits publicpublic moneymoney fromfrombeingbeing spentspent forfor religiousreligious purposespurposes (Yes)(Yes)

792792 –– allowsallows grocery/conveniencegrocery/convenience storesstores toto sellsellfullfull--strengthstrength beerbeer andand winewine (No)(No)

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James James R. WinchesterR. Winchester Douglas L. CombsDouglas L. Combs

“If“If everever aa timetime shouldshould come,come, whenwhen vainvainandand aspiringaspiring menmen shallshall possesspossess thethehighesthighest seatsseats inin Government,Government, ourour countrycountrywillwill standstand inin needneed ofof itsits experiencedexperiencedpatriotspatriots toto preventprevent itsits ruinruin..””LetterLetter toto JamesJames Warren,Warren, OctoberOctober 2424,, 17801780,, DelegatesDelegates toto CongressCongress .. LettersLetters ofof delegatesdelegates totoCongress,Congress, 17741774--17891789,, VolumeVolume 1616,, SeptemberSeptember 11 17801780--FebruaryFebruary 2828 17811781..