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    Indian Ocean

    Andaman sea

    South China Sea

    Bay of BengalArabian sea








    SRI LANKA Banda Aceh










    Silk Road Economic Belt

    21st Century Maritime Road

    InvestHK Bimonthly Newsletter May 2015





    International Forward Calendar 3

    Market Focus: Japan 4

    Market Focus: Mexico and Central America 5

    Sector Focus: Art 6

    Sector Focus: F&B 7

    Successfu l Investors 8-15

    New Investors 16

    The Central Government has tabled two

    expansion initiatives, the first the Silk

    Road Economic Belt and the second,

    the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, or

    One Belt One Road. These economic

    cooperation corridors, spannin g multiple

    regions across Asia, Europe and Af rica,

    are intended to promote co-development

    among countries and foster cooperation in

    political, economic and social areas.

    To highlight the opportunities for

    Hong Kong is well positioned to be the super-connector between Mainland Chinaand the rest of the world as the Central Governments latest initiative gains pace

    as One Belt, One Roads fundraising hub,

    Leung said.

    The US$40 billion Silk Road Fund, along

    the lines of a long-term private equity

    venture, was launched in 2014 and the

    Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is

    gathering support. Hong Kongs strengths

    in international financing and asset

    management can help support not only the

    new fund but also the new bank.

    multinationals and the role of Hong Kong

    in One Belt One Road, Hong Kong SAR

    Government Chief Executive C Y Leung

    spoke at the Boao Forum in Hainan in

    March 2015.

    Financial Services

    As Chi nas major international financial

    centre, and one of the worlds financial

    capitals, Hong Kong has t he experience,

    the expertise and the connections to serve

    One Belt, One Road

  • 7/23/2019 2015.05 Newsletter En



    As the worlds offshore renminbi hub, Hong Kong can provideMainland enterprises and international investors with

    renminbi services rangin g from cross-border trade settlement

    to bond issuance. As trade and other economic activities along

    the One Belt, One Road expand, so too will the demand for

    settling trade in renminbi, if only to reduce exchange risks.

    Hong Kong hosts the worlds largest pool of renminbi liquidity.

    As of the end of January 2015, this amounted to more than

    RMB1.1 tri llion and the pool is steadily growing. Hong Kong

    can help companies raise funds in renminbi to finance the

    transportation networks and other infrastructure projects

    under the One Belt, One Road initiative.

    The latest developments will also encourage more and more

    Mainland enterprises to go global a nd Hong Kong can providethese companies with asset and risk management services

    demands. The city boasts a wide variety of insurance services

    and derivative products and these offer sound reason for

    Mainland enterprises to manage their r isks when investing in

    large-scale infrastructure projects.

    Logistics, Business and Professional Services

    While the Mainland is furt her strengthening its economic

    and trade ties with countries along the One Belt One Road,

    Hong Kong, as an important logistics and maritime centre in

    the world, can provide Mainland enterprises that seek to go

    global with a wide range of professional services.

    Hong Kong is well-situated along the Maritime Silk Road. It isthe worlds fourth busiest container port with average annual

    container throughput exceeding 23 million TEUs over the

    past decade. Hong Kong Port provides comprehensive liner

    shipping services, with about 350 services a week connecting

    to more than 500 destinations worldwide.

    As the Maritime Silk Road finds its sea legs, it will create fresh

    demand for shipping services, as well as quality maritime


    As for air cargo, Hong Kong International Airport is t he busiest

    air cargo airport in the world. Last year, it handled 4.4 mill ion

    tonnes of cargo, running about 1,100 fli ghts a day. The planning

    for a third runway is underway. That will increase the airports

    handling capacity to some 100 million passengers and ninemillion tonnes of cargo per year by 2030.

    Hong Kong is home to about 14,000 logistics companies, most

    of them servin g trade between Mainland China a nd the world.

    All of them are adept at providing supply chain solutions to fitthe customised needs of global companies.

    Hong Kongs free-port policy, efficient customs clearance, rule

    of law, strong intellectual property protection and level playing

    field provide strong support for global companies setting up in

    Hong Kong and Mainland companies going global.

    Good Neighbours

    Hong Kong is tak ing steps to strengthen trade and economic

    relationships with its neighbours in Asia, with an aim to further

    consolidate its role as the super-connector to the Mainland. The

    city is negotiating a free-trade agreement with the Assoc iation

    of Southeast Asian Nations and has concluded Investment

    Promotion & Protection Agreements (IPPA) with Bahrain andMyanmar.

    Later this year, Hong Kong will begin negotiations on an IPPA

    with the United Arab Emirates, while continuing IPPA talks with

    Russia. These agreements will fur ther enhance the confidence

    of companies looking to invest in Asia and Hong Kong.

  • 7/23/2019 2015.05 Newsletter En



    6-9 May, Hong Kong

    HOFEX 2015This event features 35,000 buyers from 85countries with 1,900 exhibiting companies fromthe food and drink, food service equipment and

    supplies, and hospitality sectors.Organiser: Hong Kong Exhibition Services Ltd


    6-9 May, Hong Kong

    IPBA ConferenceThis international legal conference will bringtogether IPBA members, corporate lawyers,international business lawyers and colleaguesfrom all over the region.

    Location: Ho ng Kong Convention and Exhibitio nCentre

    Organiser: IPBA (Inter-Pacific Bar Association)


    13 May, Nanjing

    InvestHK Seminar and CEO NetworkingLuncheonTargeting Jiangsu enterprises, the investmentpromotion seminar invites guest speakers fromthe financial, business and professional servicessectors to talk about Hong Kongs businessadvantages and share their success stories.

    Organiser: InvestHK

    14 May, Shanghai

    InvestHK Seminar and CEO NetworkingLuncheonTargeting Shanghai enterprises, the investmentpromotion seminar invites guest speakers fromthe financial, business and professional servicessectors to talk about Hong Kongs businessadvantages and successful cases.

    Organiser: InvestHK

    14 May, Bangkok, Thailand

    Seminar on Hong Kong Asias CentralBusiness DistrictThis seminar will highlight the latest businesstrends and developments in Hong Kong, provideinsights on the business opportunities availableand the advantages as a gateway to Mainla ndChina and the region.

    Organiser: InvestHK

    Partners: Minist ry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand,Board of Trade of Thailand and Federation of ThaiIndustries


    21 May, Rotterdam, Netherlands

    Tech TourInvestHKs Brussels representative will attend as anexpert panel member.

    Organiser: Tech Tour


    21 May, Hong Kong

    American Community ReceptionThis networking reception is organised byInvestHK to thank the companies from theAmerican community for their contribution toHong Kong.

    Organiser: InvestHK

    21 May, Nanning

    Investment Promotion Seminar in

    Nanning, GuangxiTo introduce the investment environment andbusiness advantages of Hong Kong and to promotethe services of InvestHK.

    Organisers: InvestHK, Hong Kong Economic andTrade Office in Guangdong, and Mainland authoritiesin Guangxi and Nanning City etc

    21 May, Berlin, Germany

    Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2015 SmartCitiesThe Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2015 will focuson smart cities and in particular on the urbanchallenges facing Berlin and the high growth citiesof Asia.

    Organisers: Asia-Pacific Forum Berlin, SenateDepartment for Economics , Technology and

    Research, and Berlin Partner for Business andTechnology GmbH


    27-28 May, Hoogeveen andGroningen, Netherlands

    Hong Kong SeminarInvestHKs Brussels representative will speak andshare the latest updates on Hong Kongs businessopportunities.

    Organiser: Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel


    28 May, Aachen, G ermany

    BWA China Roundtable AachenThe roundtable will strengthen the ties between

    Aachen, one of Germanys top-university cities, andMainland China, home to its largest group of foreignstudents, in the areas of business and science.

    Organisers: Bundesverband fr Wirtschasfrderungund Auenwirtscha


    29 May, Hong Kong

    French Chamber SME Award Ceremonyand DinnerThe event will award the best SMEs in Hong Kongfrom France.

    Organiser: French Chamber of Commerce


    29 May, Salvador, Bahia

    Joint Seminar with Hong Kong T radeDevelopment Council (HKTDC) inSalvadorThe event is a partnership with B+, a local businessmagazine. Around 70 participants are expected.

    Organisers: InvestHK, HKTDC, Industry Federationof Bahia, Commercial Association of Bahia and

    Magazine B+

    2 Jun, Hong Kong

    Fintech Innovation AsiaFinTech Innovation Asia 2015 will identify keyadvances in innovative and disruptive financialtechnologies, exploring the opportunitiesfor banks, non-banks and third-party serviceproviders.

    Organiser: KPMG and Inspira


    2-3 Jun, Hong Kong

    World Business ForumThis event offers an incredible breadth of content,bringing world-class sp eakers from diverse fieldsto inspire business leaders and to discuss ideasand innovations that are shaping the businesslandscape across Asia.

    Organiser: Business Executive Education Ltd


    9 Jun, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Coffee FairBrazil is one of the largest coffee producers in theworld and InvestHK will pa rticipate in the event

    to reach out to companies planning to g row theirbusiness through Hong Kong.

    Organiser: Fispal


    Organised by InvestHK Visit www1.investhk.gov.hk/eventsfor details

    201510 Jun, Hong Kong

    SOPA Awards Dinne rA prestigious annual event of the media industry toaward editorial excellence in the region.

    Organiser: SOPA (The Society of Publishers in Asia)


    13 Jun, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Bio Brazil FairThe fair presents organic food and susta inablesolutions for the food industry. As Hong Kong peopleare becoming more health conscious, InvestHK willparticipate in the event to reach out to companieswishing to expand their business to Hong Kong.

    Organiser: Biofach


    16 Jun, Barcelona, Spain

    This Way Up CEO eventInvestHKs Brussels representative will speak atthis event.

    Organiser: CEO Collaborative Forum


    16-17 Jun, Hong Kong

    Finance Transformation Asia and CFOSummitThis event will give participants in-depthyet diverse takeaways in corporate financeand accounting, financial risk management,compliance, financial planning and analytics, andoutsourcing etc, with an aim to achieve strongerprofitability, scalability and business sustainability.

    Organiser: IQPC


    1619 Jun, Hong Kong

    Asian Attractions Expo & Conference2015Join industry leaders for the premier conferenceand exhibition designed specifically for attractionsprofessionals in Asia a nd explore innovative ideasfrom more than 300 ex hibitors from around theworld. Some 7,000 professionals wi ll attend the event.

    Organiser: International Association of AmusementParks and Attractions


    23 Jun, Zurich, Switzerland

    Asia Business DaysAccess to the most attractive growth markets i nAsia is of increasing importance for Swiss SMEs.The Asia Busines s Days are intended to illustratethe growth potential in Asia using clear andcaptivating real-life examples.

    Organiser: Switzerland Global Enterprise


    24 Jun, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    ABF Franchising ExpoInvestHK will exhibit in one of the biggest franchisefairs, which is a meeting point for business people,entrepreneurs and investors, managers of shoppingcentres and industry suppliers in Brazil.

    Organiser: Abfexpo


    25 Jun, Hong Kong

    Reception with the Chief ExecutiveThe Chief Executive hosts this annual reception tothank new investors for their support to Hong Kong.

    Organiser: InvestHK

    7 Jul, Qinhuangdao

    Making the Best Use of the Advantages ofHong Kong to Open up Overseas MarketsSeminar in QinhuangdaoThe seminar is held for enterprises in Qinhuangdaocity to have a better knowledge of the businessadvantages in Hong Kong and InvestHKs ser vicesto help them go global.

    Organiser: InvestHK

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    Hong Kong is a highly attractive market for foreign direct

    investment. According to the UNCTAD World Investment Report

    2014, global FDI flows into Hong Kong amounted to US$77 billion

    in 2013, rankin g it fourth aer the US (US$188 billion), Mainland

    China (US$124 bil lion) and Russia (US$79 billion). For Japanese

    enterprises looking for overseas opportunities, Hong Kong is theideal choice. In 2014, Japan was Hong Kongs third largest trading

    partner, with 5.3 percent of the total share of trade. Japan also

    has the largest number of companies in Hong Kong, with 1, 388

    companies in 2014, taking 18. 3 percent of the total share.

    Japan is well known overseas for automobile and electronic

    goods but it also excels in other products and services. With

    a cautious economic forecast due to a decrease in domestic

    demand, Japanese companies have started to actively expand

    their businesses abroad to promote their unique advantages,

    Yukio Sasaki, Head, Investment Promotion (Tokyo), InvestHK, said.

    Cool Japan Initiative

    To support Japanese private businesses to go overseas, the

    Japanese Government set up the Cool Japan initiative in 2010.

    It targets particularly Japanese culture, lifestyle, clothing and

    cosmetics, food, housing , and content (anime, drama and music).

    Prior to this initiative, some Japanese companies in the food

    and beverage (F&B) sector, such as A-1 Bakery, Ajisen Ramen

    and Saizeriya, established a strong presence in Hong Kong. By

    following in the steps of these successful Japanese F&B outlets

    and making use of the momentum of Cool Japan, an increasing

    number of ramen shops and food service companies, such as

    Ringer Hut, Fukuya Seafood, Ebara Foods, Hanamusubi, Yonekura

    Group and TakumiHonpo have also set up in Hong Kong.

    Japanese multipliers are also very active in taking advantage of

    this Cool Japan initiative to explore the Hong Kong market. On

    1 May 2014, the Japan Institute of Design Promotion opened itsfirst store, Good Desi gn Store, at the Police Married Headquarters

    From restaurants to beauty and wellness, living andclothing, Japanese culture, products and servicesare penetrating every corner of Hong Kong

    or PMQ located in Hong Kongs central business district. I n recent

    years, many governors of prefecture governments in Japan have

    visited Hong Kong to promote sales of their agricultural products.

    Some of them set up a representative office in Hong Kong to boost

    their promotional efforts. One example is the Miyazaki Prefectural


    Japanese companies in other sectors, such as Uniqlo and

    GlobalWorks (fashion and apparel), ABC Cooking Studio (cooking

    school), Ginza Cal la (laser hair removal), Econtext Asia (online

    payment and e-commerce), etc, have also expanded their networks

    to Hong Kong.

    Compared to other consumers around the world, Hong Kong people

    have a strong demand for Japanese travel, products and services

    due to their preference for Japanese style, quality and business

    practices. Coupled with an effective marketing strategy, it is relatively

    easy for Japanese companies to export their innovative services

    and products to meet local demand and gai n customers hearts.

    Hong Kong is also considered an entry point to Main land China.

    Kubota Rice Industry (H.K.) Co Ltd operates an online shop in HongKong delivering freshly milled rice to wholesalers and consumers

    in Hong Kong. The company plans to expand into the Mainland and

    neighbouring countries in Asia with high purchasing power.

    Hong Kong has the potential to manage a regional trading

    and distribution network. It is a platform for us to increase our

    international awareness. If we succeed in Hong Kong, we can

    succeed in other places as well, Takushi Suminaka, Di rector and

    General Manager, Kubota Rice Industry (H. K.) Co Ltd, said.


    Do you know?

    In 2014, Japan was one of Hong Kongs top touristdestinations, with a record high of 925,900 visitors from

    Hong Kong to Japan, up 24 .1 percent from the previous


    The largest overseas market for Japanese agricultural

    products is Hong Kong


    Yukio Sasaki

    Head, Investment Promotion (Tokyo)

    Tel: (81) 3 3556 8961

    Email: [email protected]

    Takemasa Nakata

    Consultant (Osaka)

    Tel: (81) 6 4705 7019

    Email: [email protected]

    Hong Kong:The Preferred Platform

    for Japanese Companies

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    Hong Kong is an ideal place for Mexican businesses

    to become global businesses. The availability and

    easier access for Mexican products into Main land

    China provides opportunities for closer trading and

    economic ties between Hong Kong and Mexico.

    Simon Galpin, Director-General of Investment

    Promotion, visited Mexico and Central America in

    March to provide companies there with updates on

    the latest business opportunities in Hong Kong. He

    met the Secretariat of In frastructure and Agriculturefor the State of San Luis Potosi, and discussed the

    latest Agro Industrial Park project. In particular, he

    focused on how the park could be a platform for

    Mexican agro industrial companies with export

    capabilities to reach new markets in Asia, and how

    Hong Kong could play a role as the gateway between

    Mexico and Asia.

    A discussion was held with Aneberries, the Mexican

    National Berry Exporters Asso ciation, which

    comprises more than 15 exporting groups and has

    a presence in Hong Kong. Affiliated groups with the

    association began exporting to Mainland Chi na in February

    2015. There seems to be good potential for Mexican agriculture

    production companies to supply products and establish

    operations in Asia through Hong Kong.

    Events were also held to reach out to Mexican companies from

    various sectors. There was a business semi nar jointly organised

    with COMCE (Mexican Business Council of External Trade,

    Investment and Technology), a joint event with ProMexico

    Internationalisation Department (ProMexico) which attracted

    companies from the creative industries, food and beverage as

    well as consumer product sectors. InvestHK and ProMexico

    share a natural partnership and complementary objectives in

    the region, Miguel Leaman, Head of ProMexico, said.

    Galpin also updated members from INADEM (Entrepreneurial

    Development Institute) on the working programmes betweenHong Kong and INADEM, which includes the treaty signed

    betwe en I NADE M an d Ho ng Ko ng S cien ce a nd Tec hnol ogy

    Parks Corporation in 2014. The event attracted INADEM startups,

    accelerators and incubators which are looking to expand their

    programmes and/or operations to Asia.

    Ay, Caramba!

    InvestHK now has representation in Mexico to attract and support Mexican andCentral American companies in their expansion to Asia Pacific through Hong Kong

    Mexico is Mainland Chinas fourth largest export destination.

    At the moment the only direct f light is between Shanghai to

    Tijuana; Hong Kong offers cargo flights to Guadalajara city. There

    are opportunities for Hong Kong and Mexico to partner up and

    provide a gateway into each others local and regional markets.

    Hong Kong and Mexico signed a double taxation avoidance

    agreement in 2013. The Mexican Chamber of Commerce has a

    presence in Hong Kong to promote and encourage investments,

    trade and business opportunities between Mexico, Hong Kong

    and Mainland China.

    Mexico and Central America

    Contact:Samuel Lugo

    Principal Consultant (Mexico and Central America)

    Tel: (52) 664 290 0825

    Email: [email protected]


    Simon Galpin , Dire ctor-G eneral of Inve stmen t Pro motion , met O scar Stark ,Vice Minister of Industry, Paraguay at an event jointly organised by InvestHKand REDIEX in Paraguay on 16 March.

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    Art is in the AirWith multiple and exciting developments in the local art scene, Hong Kong is wellpositioned to be the regions most vibrant art hub


    March was the month for art lovers in Hong Kong. Art Basel led

    the charge with several curated events, exhibitions and festivals.

    These included Art Central, Hong Kongs first custom-built art fair

    at the new Central Harbourfront with 77 galleries exhibiting work

    by more than 40 0 arti sts; t he Asia Contempora ry Art Sh ow, Hong

    Kong Arts Festival, and the Art a nd Design Festival in Chai Wan, to

    name just a few.

    This year Ar t Basel was attended by nearly 60,000 v isitors,

    including representatives and arti sts from leading galleries, arts

    institutions and private collectors from across the world. The line

    up of galleries was the strongest to date for the Hong Kong show,

    with 29 galleries exhibiting at Art Basel in Hong Kong for the first

    time, including 20 from Europe and the US.

    Looking ahead, the Affordable Art Fair from 22-24 May will feature

    more than 130 galleries. Original paintings, prints, sc ulpture and

    photography ranging from emerging art ists to some of the biggest

    household names will come under one roof. Priced at between

    HK$1,000-100,000 works will also feature this year in a specialcurated Under $10,000 Wall.

    Hong Kong is one of the worlds largest art markets by auction

    sales. Sothebys and Chr isties have achieved record-breaking

    sales in the city and many international galleries have recently set

    up or expanded here, including Gagosian Gallery (US), White Cube

    (UK) and Edouard Malingue Gallery ( France).

    The city provides access to 4.3 million hi gh net-worth individuals

    (HNWIs) i n Asia Pacific. The rapidly growing number of wealthy

    Asian and Chi nese collectors has added to the buoyancy of the localart market.

    Other key advantages include low and simple tax, no sales tax or

    taxes levied on the import and export of art i n Hong Kong, world

    class logistics with professional service providers equipped with

    extensive knowledge and experience in handli ng artworks.

    Hong Kong has a lot of ass ets and potential to be the art hub in the

    region. There is a vibrant international community and people enjoy

    different lifestyles. People here do not take things for granted and

    have a questioning attitude which is the first step to propel changes,

    Arthur de Villepin, Chairman, Greater China, Yellow Korner, said.


    Doris Fong

    Head of Creative Industries

    Tel: 3107 1011

    Email: [email protected]

  • 7/23/2019 2015.05 Newsletter En



    Build Your Food Empire from Hong KongFrom street stores to small and big shopping malls, MTR shops and even refurbishedfactory buildings, Hong Kong offers a wide range of options for food and beverage

    entrepreneurs to realise their culinary concepts


    Food and beverage (F&B) companies are attracted to Hong Kong

    for many reasons, but chief among them a re the ease and speed

    of setting up in the city, as well as the low and simple tax system,

    reasonable and efficient food control and licensing policies

    and regulations, and most importantly, a pool of sophisticated

    customers. With over 60 mi llion vis itors every year, and a wealth

    of high-income loca l residents in a compact and connected city,

    Hong Kong offers unparalleled opportunities for F&B startups,

    established companies or franchisees to build their food empire.

    In a recent sur vey conducted by The University of Hong KongsPublic Opinion Programme, over 60 percent of local respondents

    dine out or buy take-away food four ti mes or more a week.

    Taste and price are the most important factors when they

    choose a restaurant. Loca l people have an insatiable desire for

    international cuisines. For example, in July 2014, F&B startup Big

    Cat Group opened Jamie Olivers Italian family-style restaurant

    in Hong Kong, and wil l further expand the celebrity chefs F&B

    territory to Hong Kong. Eight months af ter the opening of the

    first restaurant, Jamie Oliver has already announced a second

    restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.

    With the citys advanced transportation and telecommunications

    infrastructure, eating and drinking has never been easier.

    Numerous food guides, magaz ines and restaurant review

    platforms are rapidly changing the food and d ining lands cape. Tofulfil loca l and international customers tastes, F&B businesses are

    encouraged to set up in Hong Kong to showcase their innovative

    food concepts and test t he market response before entering larger


    Hong Kong is a very open market and the people have an open

    mindset. T hey are willin g to work with you and welcome new

    startups, Willia m Lyon, Chief Executive, Jamies Italian (Hon g

    Kong and China), said.

    A Culinary Melting Pot

    As Asias cul inary capital, Hong Kong i s home to more than 10

    large-scale consumer and industry F&B events. HOFEX 2015, a

    bienn ial regio nal foo d and ho spital ity trade show, was held at

    the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6-9 May

    2015. It was the largest show ever in its history with 65,0 00-square

    metres of exhibiting space, providing a platform for 2,40 0

    international exhibitors to connect with 40,000 regional buyers.

    In its 16th edition, HOFEX 2015 especially hi ghlighted meat, coffee,

    hospitality technology as well as wi nes and spirits w ith dedicated

    pavilions, competitions and insightful seminars. The Hong Kong

    Food Expo, Hong Kong Food Festival and Hong Kong Wine and

    Dine Festival are also some of t he most exciting and popular food

    events with increasing numbers of visitors every year.

    Hong Kong is truly a culi nary melting pot waiting for everyone

    to explore. InvestHKs Tourism and Hospitality team is ready to

    support F&B companies to launch their businesses in the city,

    providing them with all the necessary advice and help in every

    busi ness s tage, S imon Ga lpin, D irector-G eneral o f Invest ment

    Promotion, said.Ya Kun (Singapore), Pret A Manger (UK ), Xiao Nan Guo

    Restaurants Holdings Ltd (Mainland Chi na), Kubota Rice Industry

    (Japan), Ichiran (Japan), Pierre Herm (France), Sothebys Wine

    (US) and Hyakunousha I nternational Ltd (Japan) have fully

    leveraged Hong Kongs opportunities and advantages through

    InvestHKs assistance to start or expand their culinary business

    from Hong Kong.

    Do you know?

    Hong Kong will soon be the fih most frequently visited

    destination in the world with 70 million visitors per

    year, as forecast by the World Tourism Organization

    Hong Kong has over 24,000 food establishments, and

    most of them are within walking distance of your hotel

    or residence

    Plenty of Michelin-starred restaurants, ranging from

    small eateries to fine dining

    Hong Kong landlords are continuously seekin g new and

    exciting restaurant concepts


    Sindy Wong

    Head of Tourism and Hospitality

    Tel: (852) 3107 1067

    Email: [email protected]

  • 7/23/2019 2015.05 Newsletter En



    purposes, including sending their children to school. On the

    bus ines s-to -bu sin ess side , U ber h as a lready laun ched its fir st

    Uber-van service in Hong Kong where users can hire vans to

    transport goods.

    Gellman believes that safety and good service are the keys to

    sustainable business growth. The average waiting time for an

    Uber taxi in Hong Kong is six minutes and the entire payment

    process is cash free. Drivers are motivated to deliver good

    service as they are rated by their customers at the end of the


    InvestHK provided Uber with significant support, includinginformation on public transportation and advice on market

    entry strategy prior to its launch.

    Having lived in Hong Kong for almost a decade, Gellman sees

    the city as home. This is one of the greatest cities in the world. It

    has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a vibrant startup scene,

    he enthused.

    Headquartered in San Francisco, USA, Uber provides a mobile

    app that connects riders with drivers. Users can use the same

    app in 300 cities around the world where Ubers service is


    The company soft launched its trial services in Hong Kong in

    June 2014 and started full service operation in July 2014. Hong

    Kong is an incredible city, combining global commerce and

    local culture, large industry and startup entrepreneurship and

    innovation. It makes a fantastic regional headquarters for us

    as we expand in the Greater China area, Sam Gellman, who is

    leading Ubers Asia expansion, said.Founded in 2009 as a startup, Uber had raised US$49 million

    in venture funds by 2011. The company started to expand

    internationally from 2012 and has continued to raise additional

    funding, reaching US$2. 8 billion in January 2015.

    The number of staff based in Hong Kong has grown from five a

    year ago to 25. The majority of the local employees were born

    and raised in Hong Kong, and oversee operations, marketing,

    legal, and human resources. The best way to build a business is

    to find the top local talent, Gellman said.

    Ubers goal is to make cities safer, to enhance urban

    transportation and logistics, to take vehicles off the road via

    Smart City initiatives, and to enable drivers - men and women - to

    earn more. Our vision is a world with almost no private vehicles.

    This will eventually improve air quality, save parking spaces

    and make cities more liveable, he added.

    On the business-to-consumer side, Gellman is seeing an

    increasing number of families us ing Ubers serv ice for multiple


    Ubers service is available in 53 countries and 300 cities

    worldwide (as of December 2014)


    Hong Kong is an incredible city,combining global commerceand local culture, large industryand startup entrepreneurshipand innovation. It makes afantastic regional headquartersfor us as we expand in theGreater China area.

    Sam Gellman, Asia expansion leadUber

    One App One WorldBy connecting riders to drivers through a mobile app, Uber aims to makecities more accessible and safer and open up more possibilities for riders andmore business for drivers

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    Leading theArchitecturalJourney

    Leads immediate expansion is focused on southeast Asia,

    and it has set up a presence in both Singapore and Malaysia

    to cover these key markets. In time Lead is planning to set up a

    representative office in Mainland China, and further af ield,

    will be establishing in Europe, probably the UK, towards the

    end of 2015 or early 2016 as the market strengthens there. In t his

    regard, Blore sees the strong connections between Hong Kong

    and the UK as very helpful in assisting Lead in establishin g a

    UK design studio.

    Blore and Leads other seven founders have lived in Hong Kong

    for a long time. The phrase open for business is often used,

    but it fits very we ll wh at Hon g Kon g ha s to o ffer. I t is a live able

    city and very accommodating to both new and established

    bus ines ses . Set tin g up L ead i n Ma rch 2 014 too k us only two

    weeks, and then we were off and runn ing. The reporting and

    tax rules are uncomplicated and undemanding, so for business

    newbies like us we can maximi se our time g rowing our

    company rather than being tied up in bureaucracy and filin g

    procedures, Blore concluded.

    Hong Kong was a natural choice for Lead Architecture (Lead),

    according to its director Simon Blore. There is a deep

    employment pool here for the type of design work that we

    undertake, and combined with the very supportive business

    environment, low and simple tax regime, a ir connections

    around the region and proximity to our key market Mainland

    China, these are all compelling reasons for us to be here, he said.

    With the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link

    and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge being completed in

    the near term, we see the strategic importance of Hong Kong

    continuing to grow, Blore added.

    Coming from a diverse range of cultures and nationalities,

    Leads team in Hong Kong offers full services, which includemasterplanning, architecture, i nteriors, graphics, product

    design, signage and branding . The team has grown from three to

    60 in less than a year, and has a further 10 to 15 employees in the

    pipeline to help cover a series of recent major project wins.

    In the early months, our staff compliment was primarily

    focused on the early stages of design, but we already have

    projects in technical/working drawings s tage as t hey move

    towards construction onsite. So we need to continue to expand

    and recruit architects and designers with technical experti se,

    Blore explained.

    Organic Growth

    Leads key projects include designing the retail zones of atransport hub in north Malaysia, a major new retail destination

    in Shanghai, a huge department store in Taipei and another

    in Harbin, and two 200-metre towers allied to two retail

    destinations in Mainland China.

    Lead Architecture

    Established in March 2014

    Studios in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia


    Nine months on from its establishment, Lead Architecture has expandedfrom a temporary office to a new studio in Quarry Bay

    Hong Kong is a liveable cityand very accommodatingto both new and establishedbusinesses.

    Simon Blore, DirectorLead Architecture

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    Leveraging Hong Kongs International Practices

    As a FinTech solution provider, we have to respond to ourcustomers needs swiftly. Hong Kong i s an excellent testing fieldfor our financial technologies and platforms before we expandoverseas. The city is an international financial centre withextensive global coverage and business diversity. A presence in

    Hong Kong allows us to understand clients needs and connect tointernational best practices and regulations, Guan added.

    Over the past 20 years, Hundsun has successfully grown fromeight engineers to over 5,000, with 80 percent involved insoftware development and service support, to tailormake one-stop solutions and services for financial organisations includingsecurities, banks, funds, futures, trusts, insurance and privateequity and wealth management tools for individual investors.Guan attributed the success to the companys dedication to R&D.We have not changed our FinTech focus since our establishmentin 1995. Two decades of experience and expertise are reflectedin Hundsuns growth history and customer satisfaction, Guansaid. Hundsuns transaction system now handles nearly half ofthe trading of the Shangha i and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in the

    Mainland.To cope with its business needs, Hundsun is actively seeking highcalibre candidates in the dual disciplines of software engineeringand finance. InvestHK approached Hundsun proactively to offervisa application assistance, talent information and publicitysupport to help the company raise its profile in Hong Kong as it hasexpanded. We are grateful for InvestHKs ongoing support, andwill continue to focus on u nderstanding clients requirements inHong Kong and overseas, Guan concluded.

    The increasing popularity of the internet and smartphones has

    seen the fina ncial industry put more emphasis on technology

    applications and financial innovation. Hundsun Technologies

    Inc, the only Main land Chinese financial software enterprise

    to join the top 100 global financial technology (FinTech)

    companies for consecutive years, is ridin g on th is trend,

    helping financial organisations upgrade and move their

    systems onto the cloud as part of their development plan in

    Hong Kong.

    Financial markets are rapidly changing, flooded with tonnes

    of information. But the secret weapons are big data, cloud

    computing and mobility. Together these technologies can

    allow effective grasp of information, lower clients trading

    risk, reduce operating costs, enhance customer interaction

    and experience, increase information sharing and matching

    opportunities, and facilitate the setting up of new business

    quicker, Guan Xiaolan, Vice President, Hundsun Technologies

    Inc, said.

    The story of Hundsun setting foot in Hong Kong al l began morethan a decade ago when the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing

    Ltd (HKEx) invited Hundsun via Bank of China International

    to provide a core trading system to link up the stock markets

    of Hong Kong and Mainland Chi na. Hundsun Hong Kong was

    established in 2003 and set about studying and designing the

    core trading system for the Hong Kong market. The officia l

    implementation of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in

    November 2014 provided Hong Kong and Mainland investors

    with mutual stock market access with Mainland investors

    able to trade eligible Hong Kong-listed stocks directly, and

    vice versa. This is bringi ng new opportunities for Hundsun in

    Hong Kong as well as for the industry. The transaction system

    enabling Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is the result of ourlong-term technological research but it is only the beginning.

    For our next step, we wish to connect Mainland investors with

    the stock exchanges in the US direct and to further perfect the

    platform, Guan said.

    Hundsun Technologies

    Established in Hangzhou in 1995

    Listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange

    Annual sales turnover of RMB2 billion


    Hong Kong is an excellenttesting field for our financialtechnologies and platformsbefore we expand overseas.

    Guan Xiaolan, Vice PresidentHundsun Technologies Inc

    Capital MarketsTake to the CloudIncreasing demand for cloud

    computing services from financialfirms underpin the recent success ofHundsun Technologies

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    helping prospective readers understand that Barrons hasexpanded into the region.

    Sea of OpportunitiesThere is a sea of opportunities for the dig ital publishing market.Our business is going to evolve around technology, viewability,programmatic and native advertising. We have highly viewableadvertisements and native advertising opportunities for brandsto distribute their thought leadership, Young explained.

    Both she and Tan moved from New York to Hong Kong sixmonths ago and have adapted to the citys lifestyle in no time.There is incredible access in Hong Kong. Senior businessleaders make ample time to meet; beautiful trails and beachesare just on the other side of the island, Young said.

    InvestHK offered Barrons New York team assistance shortlyafter the plan to launch in Hong Kong was finalised. BothInvestHKs New York team and the Creative Industries teamin Hong Kong have provided seamless support to facilitate asmooth setting up in the city, Young concluded.

    Published by Dow Jones & Company since 1921, Barrons reachesan i nfluential audience comprising individual investors andprofessionals. Barrons provides readers with a recap of recentfinancial market action coupled with insights on whats likely tohappen next.

    Barrons Asia, a new dig ital edition focused on the region andserving its investors, was launched in Hong Kong in October2014. This marks Barrons first overseas expansion since itsestablishment more than 90 years ago.

    Barrons Asia publishes a mix of Asia-focused content producedby its new Ho ng Ko ng- bas ed ed itori al te am, alon g wit h fu llcontent from the US edition. Regular Asia coverage includes a

    daily Asian investing column, an A sia stocks blog, interviewswith fund managers for their investing ideas and stock picks,and analysis of stocks, wealth management stories, andcontributions f rom financial professionals.

    Kopin Tan and Tracy Young are the editor and publisherrespectively, both of whom are based in Hong Kong. The localteam comprises eight in editorial and two on the business side.They share resources and human capital within Dow Jonesincluding human resources, finance, technology and customerservice, among others.

    Hong Kong is the right place as it is an international finance hub,and is pro-business and supportive towards new enterprises,Tracy Young, Publisher, Barrons Asia, said. The growing numberof high net-worth individuals in Asia is another key reason forBarrons expansion in the region.

    Barrons Asia traffic is about 10 percent of the US-based edition.Well aware that Barrons is a more well-known brand in the USthan in Asia, Young has a robust but targeted digital campaign

    Barrons Asia

    Published by Dow Jones, Barrons is an American weekly

    newspaper founded in 1921

    New Asian digital edition launched in October 2014


    Hong Kong is the right placeas it is an internationalfinance hub, pro-businessand supportive towards newenterprises.

    Tracy Young, PublisherBarrons Asia

    Barrons Opens First Regional Headquartersin Hong KongThe Asian digital edition delivers Barrons advice about the US, Asia and

    international investments to high net-worth readers in Asia

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    fulfilled, especially in the event of a typhoon or other seasonal

    weather conditions unique to Hong Kong. If you can set up

    an observation wheel in Hong Kong, you can set up a wheel

    anywhere, he said.

    Snep is impressed with the labour force in Hong Kong. People

    here take their work very seriously, no matter how small the

    task, and this applies not only to my staff, but to the consultants

    and external parties that we have closely worked with, he said.

    Swiss AEX is working on phase two of the Hong Kong

    Observation Wheel project that will bring i n more food and

    bevera ge opp ort un ities , res taura nts , fac ili ties and oth er po ssi ble

    attractions.During the whole project, from submitting the tender to

    opening the Wheel to the public, InvestHK has been t he most

    helpful partner in providing advice and assistance whenever

    needed. We look forward to continuing this great relationship

    during the further development of this exciting project, Snep


    Based in Switzerland, Swiss AEX Group specialises in managing,

    developing and providing turnkey solutions for exceptional

    assets such as observation wheels, roller coasters, equipment

    and hardware. It has its global operational office in Hong Kong.

    The company was awarded the contract from the Hong Kong

    SAR Government through a competitive tender to install and

    operate an observation wheel. The selection criteria included a

    minimum of 10 years experience, a minimum construction time

    of 12 months, promotion strategy, pricing, the ability to enhance

    the waterfront, safety and security measures, etc.

    The Hong Kong Observation Wheel opened on 5 December 2014

    and business has been growing. My focus is now on Asia, and Iam using Hong Kong to manage other operations in the region.

    There is an increasing number of visitors to the city and we

    can leverage on international and local events to bring in more

    customers, Leon Snep, CEO, Swiss AEX Group, said.

    The company has about 100 staff, including 50 part-time staff

    and another 30 on night shi ft for maintenance and cleaning.

    Snep expects to recruit an additional 100 people by year-end


    The 60-metre wheel was specifically designed and built to a

    standard and quality with approval from the Hong Kong SAR

    Governments Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

    and international certification bodies.

    Snep appreciates the government support for this project,

    especially in granting a prime location along the Central

    waterfront, testifying to its commitment to enhance this

    area. He spent more than seven years in preparation for

    the project, ensuring t hat all safety requirements could be

    Hong Kong Observation Wheel

    Open daily from 10:00 23:00

    Individual tickets, tickets for private cabin and VIP cabinavailable


    My focus is now on Asia, andI am using Hong Kong to manageother operations in the region.

    Leon Snep, CEOSwiss AEX Group

    Wheel of FortuneSwiss AEX Group opened Hong Kongsfirst Observation Wheel on the Centralharbourfront in December 2014, justin time for the holiday season

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    Asias Sales and Cu stomer Service Platform

    With more than 240 years of experience in the fine art ofshoemaking, BIR KENSTOCK s knowledge has been maintainedfrom one generation to the next to guarantee high quality.The brand has al so established an i mage that represents closeattention to detail and eco-friendly production with the use oflong-lasting and sustai nable materials, all helping to protect theenvironment.

    The company has a long and rich h istory and has evolvedfrom a manufacturer to one of the worlds top shoe brands.Hong Kong remains one of the key fashion scenes in As iaand a strategic platform to launch new collections towardsemerging sophisticated consumers, Markus Bensberg, CEO ofBIRKENSTOCK Group, said.

    The role of the regional sales office is to provide guidance todistributors and drive omni-channel strategy with a focus onGreater China, Japan and southeast Asian markets. InvestHKprovided the company with information on the operationalenvironment, government schemes to support retailers, andconnections with tertiary institutions.

    The Hong Kong office is headed by David Gravet, ManagingDirector Asia Pacific. Gravet has lived in Asia for the last 20years and worked in Hong Kong for more than 10 years for majorsporting goods and fashion brands. He enjoys the work-life

    bal ance very much. Ho ng Ko ng i s a c onven ient a nd co mpactcity and is very flexible to travel around. The inf rastructure isstrong and traffic is good. The diversity of lifestyles offers peopleplenty of choices. It is certainly a platform in Asia for brands toflourish, Gravet enthused.

    Over the past 25 years, the Asian-Pacific region offered a fertileground for growth of the BIRKENSTOCK brand especially i nJapan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia. In 2014, theGerman classic shoe brand decided to step up by establishinga sales office and distribution centre in Hong Kong to meet itsambitious goal to develop its own retail networks and wholesale

    channels via leading shoe distributors.As of 2014, BIRK ENSTOCK was distributed to over 200 mono-

    bran d fr anc his e sto res a nd le adi ng s hoe c hai n sto res ac rossAsia. Its distributor operates one of its concept stores in TsimSha Tsui. Apart from the classic footbed sandals, the shopalso offers a diversity of shoe collections and its childrensproducts are gaining popularity. Unique to the brand are in-shoprepair services and showcases of the evolution of its originalcollections, which are named after major cities.

    Hong Kong is close to our markets, which allows us to work withour distributors and strategic retail partners more effectively.The city also gives us access to a highly productive and efficientworkforce, Oliver Reichert, CEO of BIRKENSTOCK Group, said.The ease of doing business and quality of the manpower also

    adds to its appeal. The employees here have the right skillsand regional experience we need to grow and transform our

    busi nes s.


    A family-owned footwear brand since 1774 All footwear is designed in Germany with the majority of

    them still made in Germany


    The Definitive

    Footbed Findsits HomeGermanys classic shoe brandBIRKENSTOCK has set up a regionalhead office in Hong Kong to drive itsomni-channel strategy and support itsregional distributors

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    for our first step to expand globally, Tin Mok, CEO, InternationalBusiness, L e Shi Internet Information & Technology (HK) Ltd, said .

    Letv also teamed up with 3Home Broadband to provide highquality home entertainment with hig h speed broadbandconnectivity to the local market. Looking ahead, Letv plans toinvest HK$ 500-600 million in Hong Kong each year, includingproduction of TV content locally. To support the fast growing

    busi ness i n Hong Kon g and to acc elerate Letv s expa nsion toother Asian markets, the Hong Kong office will build a 150 -strongteam by end 2015.

    Setting up in Hong Kong is an i mportant milestone for Letv todevelop our international business . With a unique east-meets-west culture and a tech-savvy customer base, Hon g Kong is theideal testing ground for Letvs ecosystem and busines s model,

    Mok said.Following the success of smart TVs, the company launched itsown super phones in April in Beijing. It has a lso teamed up withChinese automaker BAIC Motor Corporation to build the first

    internet-linked smart electric vehicle.

    Founded in 2004 by Jia Yueting, Letv i s one of Chinas fastestgrowing technology companies. Letv Group is committed to

    creating the Letv E cosystem, a next-generation internet engine

    that is vertical ly integrated to offer an online platform complete

    with content, terminals and applications. The group is engaged in

    a rich array of business es, spann ing internet TV, video production

    and distr ibution, smart gadgets and large-sc reen applications to

    e-commerce and internet-linked super-electric cars.

    In July 2013, Letv was the first I nternet company ever to launch its

    self-developed and self-branded 4K smart TV delivering a

    four-times higher resolution than its Full H D counterparts. Letv

    sold 1.5 million smart TVs in Mainland China in 2014, making it

    the market leader in smart TV sales there. As a pioneer in Main land

    Chinas internet landscape, Letv.com currently offers more than100,000 episodes of TV drama and over 5,000 movie titles. Its

    online platform draws an esti mated 250 mill ion page views per day.

    Leveraging Hong Kong to Go Global

    In August 2014, Letv decided to set up its Asia-Pacific regional

    headquarters in Hong Kong, bringin g its established vertically

    integrated ecosystem of Platform + Content + Terminal +

    Application to the city. Letv smashed the Hon g Kong smart TV

    market when it sold 100 smart TVs in just two seconds through

    online flash sales when it first arrived in Hong Kong. As of March

    2015, Letv has held 10 online flash sales in Hong Kong, with 1,000

    smart TVs sold in less t han 10 minutes on every occasion.

    We were very excited with Hong Kong customers response. I njust a few mo nths time, our 4 K TV ha s becom e Hong Kon gs top

    TV brand in terms of online sales volume. It is a very good sign


    Established in Mainland China in 2004

    Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since August 2010

    Aggregate sales of Letv Group amounted to RMB 10 billion

    in 2014


    With a unique east-meets-westculture and a tech-savvy customerbase, Hong Kong is the ideal testingground for Letvs ecosystem andbusiness model.

    Tin Mok, CEO, International BusinessLe Shi Internet I nformation & Technology (HK) Ltd

    Lets Watch TV DifferentlyMainland Chinas Letv has set up an Asia-Pacific regional headquartersin Hong Kong to build its connected ecosystem internationally

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    To celebrate 50 years of operation in Hong Kong, Yokomizo said

    the company will be renovating the factory in Hunghom to createan optimised working environment for higher productivity. A

    computerised point-of-sale system will be installed at its shops to

    replace manual work and simplify the sales process. The Grand

    Fabric Care service with value-added clothing repairs a nd fixes

    will also be introduced. In our daily operations, we always stick

    to our Japanese service standards. From time-to-time, Japan

    headquarters will send quality controllers to Hong Kong to

    conduct examinations, Yokomizo said.

    As Hong Kong peoples passion for such winter sports as skiing

    and snowboarding grows, Yokomizo said the company is offering

    cleaning and storage services for winter sports clothing. We

    have started to work with travel agents and airlines to target this

    niche market, he said.

    Our long term goal is to become Hong Kongs number one dry

    cleaning brand. We aim to increase laundry volume and our

    competitiveness by focusing on delivery services. Well expand

    our fleet size and continue to improve customer and employee

    satisfaction, he enthused.

    Hang Lung-Hakuyosha (HK) Ltd

    Established in Hong Kong in June 1965

    A 50/50 dry cleaning joint venture between Japan and

    Hong Kong shareholders

    Employs 170 staff


    We enjoy the ease of doingbusiness and high level ofeconomic freedom inHong Kong.

    Kenji Yokomizo, Director & General ManagerHang Lung-Hakuyosha (HK) Ltd

    50 Years of Clean LivingNothing is impossible and opportunity always abounds in Hong Kong,as Hang Lung-Hakuyoshas growth story tells us

    Hang Lung-Hakuyoshas 50 years of business in Hong Kong is

    a culmination of perseverance, reputation and faith. The HongKong-Japanese 50/50 joint venture was set up by the second

    generation of Igarashi Takeo, Japans Hakuyosha Group, and

    Chan Tseng-Hsi, founder of Hong Kongs Hang Lung Group.

    When the founders first met during a religious occasion 50 years

    ago, they had never thought of developing as one of Hong Kongs

    largest dry cleanin g service providers.

    When we first started our business, we encountered many

    difficulties. Dry cleaning services were not popular and were

    considered unaffordable by many, Kenji Yokomizo, Director &

    General Manager, Hang Lung-Hakuyosha (HK) Ltd, said. During

    the companys early stage, it was Hang Lungs in itial support that

    enabled the Hang Lung Hakuyosha shops to be opened in its

    properties. The strategy to open shops in MTR stations also had

    a great impact on brand-building and the number of shops hasgrown to 32 at present.

    Positive Changes

    Hang Lung Hakuyosha saw a wave of migration of Hong Kong

    residents overseas due to the 1997 issue, which deterred Hang

    Lung-Hakuyosha from carrying on. It started to enlarge pick-up

    and delivery services that no other operators had previously

    offered, and also storage services for winter clothing to blankets

    and quilts. Hang Lung Hakuyosha is now a leading dry cleaner in

    Hong Kong, with 80 percent of revenue coming from consumers

    and 20 percent from corporate clients. Many large corporations

    in Hong Kong, especially airlines a nd banks, are using its service

    for cleaning staff uniforms.

    We enjoy the ease of doing business and high level of economic

    freedom in Hong Kong. It is a place with ample business

    opportunities, Yokomizo said. As dry cleaning is still not

    very mature in the Hong Kong market, we see room for further

    development especially in regulatory measures.

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    The information and material contained in this publication is for general reference only.While every effort has been made to keep information current and accurate, readers are advisedto exercise caution and check that the information is still current before acting upon it. InvestHKproduces the newsletter to help readers better understand Hong Kong. It does not imply anyendorsement of any material or recommendation of a company or service provider over another.

    InvestHK recently facilitated the following companies to establish or expand theirbusiness presence in Hong Kong. We welcome them to our city and wish them aprosperous future.

    Company name SectorAustralia

    Chartered Accountants Australiaand New Zealand

    Business and Finance

    HBO+EMTB Urban and Landscape Design


    Pharma Technology Asia-PacificLtd

    Manufacturing of Tablet andCapsule De-dusters


    B+H Architects Architecture Design

    Galerie Koo Art Gallery and Art-relatedServices

    FranceNautic Asia Ltd Marine Equipment


    Paris Art Ltd Art Consultancy and EventsServices

    Popmap eCommerce Marketplace

    Vinovi Wine Trading


    BIRKENSTOCK Footwear Brand

    Cisema Certification and QualityControl

    Lightbulb Capital (Hong Kong) Ltd Innovation Research andAdvisory in Financial Service



    Bormioli Rocco Asia Pacific Ltd Glassware Products


    Daikyo HongKong Ltd Real Estate

    Emile (HK) Co Ltd Restaurant

    H an g Lu ng -H ak uyo sh a ( HK ) Lt d D ry C le an in g

    Tokyu Livable Japanese Real Estate

    Whitestone Gallery Art Gallery


    Incheon Port Authority Hong


    Port and Logistics

    Mainland China

    Ark Relocation Relocation Consultancy

    Financial Fook International(Hong Kong) Co Ltd


    Guangdong Economic andTrade Representative Office inHong Kong

    Trade and InvestmentPromotion

    Hundsun Technologies Financial Technology

    Letv Group Internet and Smart Ecosystem

    SenseTime Group Ltd Research and Development ofComputer Vision Products

    Company name SectorTusparkHK Innovation Space

    Wanfang Data Corp oration(International) Ltd

    ICT Services

    Wang Jing & Co Law Office

    Yangtze Optical Fibre and C ableLtd (Hong Kong)

    Research and D evelopment ofCommunications Products


    Moonzen Brewery Microbrewer y


    eG Innovations HK Ltd Performance MonitoringSoftware

    SP Sysnet (HK) Ltd ICT Services


    Safegate Hong Kong Ltd Integrated Solutions for AirportOperations Enhancement


    Swiss AEX Group Tourism and Hospitality


    Vpon Ltd Big Data Advertising

    United Arab Emirates

    Esol Education Education Management


    Lead Architecture Architecture DesignLMAX Hong Kong Financial Services/Electronic


    Mohawk Creative Advertising andCommunications Services

    Perseus Financial Technology


    Asia Strategic Growth EnterprisesLtd

    Management Consulting

    Barrons Asia Publishing

    Current Asia Marketing TechnologyBusiness Solutions

    EGI Technologies Software and Communications

    TechnologiesHearsay Social Financial Services Software

    Klook Travel Travel Services

    MakerBay Makerspace

    Radius Hong Kong Ltd Product Design andDevelopment

    Scoutbots Ocean Robotics

    Uber Mobile App Developer
