201410 voice

1 Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302 (920) 468-4065 OCTOBER 2014 Stewardship Transformation The article below is preprinted with permission by our synod’s newspaper, The Reporter. There are some larger words to navigate in this piece, but it’s content is worth the read. It’s point: Many modern churches have redefined Stewardship [Biblical managing and presenting gifts to God from His people] into a sort of business transaction that is stripped of sacrificial giving. We have shifted to writing a check to pay bills instead of spiritually giving from the heart back to the Lord and Giver of Life, Christ. With Loyalty Sunday coming on [Add date], we want to recapture the meaning and intent of heartfelt Stewardship. Read this, tell us what you think. Blessings - Pastor Dave There is a general consensus among leaders in the area of stewardship about the existence of a shift in the functional understanding of Christian stewardship both in its teaching and in practice within the local congregation. In past generations of stewardship lions of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) like John Herrmann, the teaching of stewardship was much more direct. There was a clear expectation that members of the congregation would support the ministry of the local congregation with a total, whole life stewardship. That teaching of stewardship and the expectations that go with it was what fueled the massive growth of the LCMS in the first half of the 20th century. The congregations, schools and treasured institutions of the church today were made possible because of it. But that kind of stewardship is no longer practiced on the grand scale in our church body. Where stewardship was once formed and informed by sound catechesis, now far too often, we find that it is driven by far less sanctified and far more pragmatic forces. This change in focus has amputated the functional connection of stewardship from its rightful connection to the altar, pulpit and baptismal font. The pressures of expanded ministries, more equitable pay for church workers and skyrocketing benefit costs have caused an ever-rising and unfortunate idea that stewardship is a transaction designed for the preservation of the institution. This pragmatism gives rise to cynicism in both the leadership of the congregation and among the people in the pew. This stewardship cynicism leads to stewardship sin. What should be a grateful response of undeserving sinners to an inestimably gracious Lord becomes a tool to manipulate what ministry is done in the local congregation. Debt is built up on a corporate level and without consideration of the limitation to the Gospel. Individual Christians allow their pet feelings about individual ministries and ministers to determine if they will be faithful stewards. In many ways modern stewardship is horribly broken. This broken modern version of stewardship needs transformation. What is needed is more than a pragmatic fix. Fixes are mechanical. There are well- intentioned but wrong-headed comments like: “If everyone in worship would only give $5 more every week we would have all the money we need to pay the bills!” While the statement may contain a factual truth, it does not lead the listener to respond in faith and obedience to the baptismal call we have to faithful stewardship. Any teaching of stewardship centered on something other than on the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the baptized is fatally flawed. It is a fix that is focused on human beings that will always run afoul of the Gospel. These fixes reduce stewardship to a transaction. The currency might be financial, a service or the sharing of a talent, but it is a transaction nonetheless. But our Lord does not call His Church to a stewardship that is nothing more than a transaction. The Lord calls us to a stewardship transformation. That Our Saviour’s Voice

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Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302

(920) 468-4065


Stewardship Transformation The article below is preprinted with permission by our synod’s newspaper, The Reporter. There are some larger

words to navigate in this piece, but it’s content is worth the read. It’s point: Many modern churches have

redefined Stewardship [Biblical managing and presenting gifts to God from His people] into

a sort of business transaction that is stripped of sacrificial giving. We have shifted to writing

a check to pay bills instead of spiritually giving from the heart back to the Lord and Giver of

Life, Christ. With Loyalty Sunday coming on [Add date], we want to recapture the meaning

and intent of heartfelt Stewardship. Read this, tell us what you think. Blessings - Pastor Dave

There is a general consensus among leaders in the area of stewardship about the existence of a shift in the functional understanding of Christian stewardship both in its teaching and in practice within the local congregation. In past generations of stewardship lions of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) like John Herrmann, the teaching of stewardship was much more direct. There was a clear expectation that members of the congregation would support the ministry of the local congregation with a total, whole life stewardship. That teaching of stewardship and the expectations that go with it was what fueled the massive growth of the LCMS in the first half of the 20th century. The congregations, schools and treasured institutions of the church today were made possible because of it.

But that kind of stewardship is no longer practiced on the grand scale in our church body. Where stewardship was once formed and informed by sound catechesis, now far too often, we find that it is driven by far less sanctified and far more pragmatic forces. This change in focus has amputated the functional connection of stewardship from its rightful connection to the altar, pulpit and baptismal font. The pressures of expanded ministries, more equitable pay for church workers and skyrocketing benefit costs have caused an ever-rising and unfortunate idea that stewardship is a transaction designed for the preservation of the institution. This pragmatism gives rise to cynicism in both the leadership of the congregation and among the people

in the pew. This stewardship cynicism leads to stewardship sin. What should be a grateful response of undeserving sinners to an inestimably gracious Lord becomes a tool to manipulate what ministry is done in the local congregation. Debt is built up on a corporate level and without consideration of the limitation to the Gospel. Individual Christians allow their pet feelings about individual ministries and ministers to determine if they will be faithful stewards. In many ways modern stewardship is horribly broken.

This broken modern version of stewardship needs transformation. What is needed is more than a pragmatic fix. Fixes are mechanical. There are well-intentioned but wrong-headed comments like: “If everyone in worship would only give $5 more every week we would have all the money we need to pay the bills!” While the statement may contain a factual truth, it does not lead the listener to respond in faith and obedience to the baptismal call we have to faithful stewardship. Any teaching of stewardship centered on something other than on the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the baptized is fatally flawed. It is a fix that is focused on human beings that will always run afoul of the Gospel. These fixes reduce stewardship to a transaction. The currency might be financial, a service or the sharing of a talent, but it is a transaction nonetheless.

But our Lord does not call His Church to a stewardship that is nothing more than a transaction. The Lord calls us to a stewardship transformation. That

Our Saviour’s Voice

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transformation happens in both the heart and life of both the giver and receiver. An example of this is found in Luke 19 where we meet that familiar character Zacchaeus. The story is very familiar. That scoundrel Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming. He wanted to see Jesus, but because he was short and regarded as a rat by the people he taxed, there wasn’t going to have someone in the crowd give up a spot for him. So to “fix” matters he climbs a tree. But as Jesus passed by, He calls up to Zacchaeus and a transformation begins. With Jesus present in his home and seated at his table, Zacchaeus is transformed. He first promises alms for the poor and then quadruple restitution for anyone he has defrauded. Now that is a transformation! From being self-centered, materialistic and deceitful to being extravagantly generous and repentant all at the same time!

Congregations all across our beloved Synod would love this kind of stewardship transformation! They covet it because there are far more people in our pews each week that are more like Zacchaeus than we would care to admit. Rampant and pervasive materialism that seeks its own desires is the hallmark of our modern society and sadly far too often the hallmark of modern stewardship within the local congregation. There is a desire to manage all of life and life’s resources not for the extension of the Lord’s kingdom but for the building of our kingdom.

A closer look at Luke 19 reveals the secret to the transformation that took place in Zacchaeus and that is longed for in our day. No cleverly devised stewardship program is presented in Luke 19. There wasn’t any coercion or manipulation by either emotion or reason. The key to the stewardship transformation was the presence of Jesus! Where the Lord is at work as His Word is proclaimed and physically present in the Sacrament, there transformation takes place. People who are just as much scoundrels like Zacchaeus who are encountered by the Means of Grace are transformed by the working of the Holy Spirit as stewards in the Lord’s kingdom. But not all transformations in the area of stewardship are as visibly instantaneous as that of Zacchaeus. A person can be moved from no visible stewardship in life to offering a full tithe as a result of one stewardship sermon. It CAN happen that way but it most often does not. More often than not the transformation in a steward is gradual and frustratingly slow in the face of the daily pressures within the congregation! But just because the Holy Spirit-wrought

transformation isn’t visible doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. The Lord worked first on the heart of Zacchaeus that no one but He could see before the visible actions took place. The same stewardship transformation takes place on the heart level within the hearts of stewards in worship each week. We may grumble like those “good” folks in Luke 19 in the process. But salvation and stewardship are coming to the homes in the congregation in the process.

Here is where the stewardship leader and the individual steward can take heart. The Lord is at work growing stewards to this day. People are being transformed daily. Sometimes this transformation is visible and swift, but most often it is not. It is not up to us to cajole or manipulate. It is simply up to us to open up every opportunity to get people where the Lord is at work. Preach on stewardship! But deliver Jesus not platitudes. Celebrate the Lord’s Supper in all your services on a weekend. After all, that is nothing more than sinners kneeling at the table with the same Jesus who transformed a thieving tax collector into a generous steward and promises to do the same among His people today. It is about Jesus not us! It is about a return to the font, the altar and the pulpit. Repentance worked by the Holy Spirit is the stewardship transformation that is needed.

Stewardship programs are for the most part transactional. There are good and noble stewardship transactions that need to be done regularly. A pledge is an example of this. Zacchaeus made one after his transformational encounter with Jesus. But those transactions are only good works when they flow from the stewardship transformation worked in an individual Christian. Make the goal of your stewardship preaching and practice biblical. That means it needs to be transformational! Embrace the task. Share the Word. Celebrate the Supper. Let the Lord do His work in the stewards to whom you preach. Let Him transform you, too! Stewardship in a congregation can’t be “fixed.” Stewardship in a Christian can’t be fixed. It can only be transformed. Only the Lord can do that in us.

Printed with permission, The LCMS Reporter StewardCast Newsletter – September 2014

StewardCAST is published monthly by: LCMS Stewardship Ministry 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122 1-888-843-5267 [email protected] www.lcms.org/stewardship

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LWML Sunday - October 5 Wear purple on October 5 to help celebrate LWML Sunday. The Lutheran Women's Missionary League reminds us that ALL women at Our Saviour are members of our LWML. Some choose to be active by serving in leadership. Others help out with projects whenever they can. Still others collect change for their mite boxes and gladly add it to the rest of the donations on the second Sunday of every month. What are mite boxes? Here's an article from LWML.org about the history of mite boxes: The Widow's Mite Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on" (Mark 12:41-43)

Mite Boxes - How They Began Perhaps inspired by the various "cent" or "mite" societies of the early 1800s, the Woman's Mission to Woman (Baptist) urged members in its first circular letter in 1871 to use their new mite box to raise funds. The entire family was encouraged to contribute. The garnet-colored paper box had an opening on the top and the words, "Woman's Mission to Woman," in gold letters on the side. St. Paul's Counsel on Giving And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will. So we urged Titus, since he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part. But just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:1-7). LWML Mite Boxes Over the years, many Lutheran Ladies Aid societies used a box to gather funds in support of local and synod ministries. Under the original 1928 Lutheran Women's Missionary Endeavor organizational plan, each woman in every congregation would receive a Mite Box if she participated in the Ladies Aid. Receipts from the 92 Ladies Aid societies totaled $6,651.31 in 1930.

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League, formally recognized by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 1942, required by the newly adopted constitution and bylaws, that 25% of all missionary contributions be given to the national organization, shared from the districts.

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At the 1953 convention, delegates reaffirmed the policy of raising funds only through voluntary offerings. Instead of "mite boxes" some societies called their ingathering devices "blessing boxes" or "mission boxes" or "thankoffering boxes." The first Mite Box design had space for districts to imprint local messages. In publications and speeches, Leaguers were reminded not to just tuck their Mite Box away out of sight and then on the day of the meeting take out a dollar bill, put it in an envelope and hand it to the secretary. Among the suggestions offered were:

• Put your pennies in the box at the end of each day • Say "thank you" with an appropriate amount whenever calamity or misfortune has been averted • Empty all your loose change from your kitchen coin bowl into the box on meeting day

Throughout the decades, Lutheran women have stepped out in faith, setting goals and trusting God to move the hearts of His people to give generously to LWML to proclaim the Gospel. Times and Mite Boxes Change Mite boxes have changed in color and design over the years, but what has never changed is the dedication of freely given offerings for the purpose of reaching out to others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Districts still retain 75% of mite offerings for the work of the LWML at that level. National mites fund over $1 million in mission grants. Do you need a mite box? Get one from the LWML table on October 5 or 12.

SUPER SALE RESULTS IN ‘SUPER’ PROFITSUPER SALE RESULTS IN ‘SUPER’ PROFITSUPER SALE RESULTS IN ‘SUPER’ PROFITSUPER SALE RESULTS IN ‘SUPER’ PROFIT Another Super Sale is in the books and once again it was a great success. More than 50 people volunteered over 1,000 hours of time to this project. Our profit, which went to the general fund, was more than $5,500! Merchandise was donated, moved, cleaned, organized and tagged for sale. Tables were set up and taken down, floors swept, merchandise left was packed up once again and sent to Bethesda Thrift shop to benefit yet another charitable organization. Cinnamon rolls and sloppy joes were made and sold. Hundreds of shoppers were greeted, assisted with carry out and checked out. Hundreds of cardboard boxes were broken down and recycled. Signs were posted in area businesses and set up outside to advertise our sale. Volunteers were organized and schedules made. In addition, many other tasks were completed in order to have a rummage sale that is one of the very best in the area. Again and again we are told that our merchandise is high quality and well organized and is a sale that people look forward to year after year. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make the sale special once again. Of course, earning money for our church is important, but members working together and forming friendships is another benefit. This sale is also an outreach to our community and gives us a chance to make merchandise available to many at reasonable prices and to show our love for the Lord through our service. Next year’s sale is scheduled for Saturday, August 15, 2015. It is not too early to begin collecting items for next year and thinking of how you can volunteer. As always, we ask you only bring items that are clean and in good working condition. Please be respectful of the volunteers who must go through your donations and don’t bring anything you would not buy yourself. Please DO NOT bring: clothing, shoes, reference books, magazines (fiction and cookbooks are OK), TVs (except flat panel), cribs, car seats, computer printers or monitors. Linens and bedding with stains or holes are also not acceptable. It would be appreciated if items brought were boxed and stackable. There are boxes available in the basement if you need some. If you have any questions or comments on the sale, please contact Jill Proulx at 465-1437 or [email protected].

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November 2014 OSLC Usher Schedule

Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team:

Sun. 02-Nov 7:45 am Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Jerry VanKauwenberg; Nathan Knaus Sun. 02-Nov 9:15 am David Bitters Shelly & Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Jim Parks Sun. 02-Nov 10:45 am Gerald Buechner Carmen & Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 06-Nov 6:30 pm Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN Sun. 09-Nov 7:45 am John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; † UN Sun. 09-Nov 9:15 am Wendy Frick Roxanne & Randy Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger Sun. 09-Nov 10:45 am Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 13-Nov 6:30 pm Rich Spangenberg Norman Krueger; David Haase; Bobby Haase Sun. 16-Nov 7:45 am Matthew Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 16-Nov 9:15 am Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer; Trey Boerschinger; † UN Sun. 16-Nov 10:45 am Royal Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christiansen Thu. 20-Nov 6:30 pm Charles Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 23-Nov 7:45 am Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 23-Nov 9:15 am Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Jennifer Linssen; † UN Sun. 23-Nov 10:45 am Gerald Buechner Carmen & Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg Wed. 26-Nov 6:30 pm Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN Thu. 27-Nov 9:15 am David Bitters Shelly & Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Jim Parks Sun. 30-Nov 7:45 am Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Jerry VanKauwenberg; Nathan Knaus Sun. 30-Nov 9:15 am Wendy Frick Roxanne & Randy Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger Sun. 30-Nov 10:45 am Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft

† UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "[email protected]"


Times for our some of our services have changed so that times are more consistent. Please check the website, weekly announcement sheets and monthly newsletter calendar if in doubt.

Evening services, including Thanksgiving Eve, New Year’s Eve and Thursdays, begin at 6:30pm. (This does not apply to Christmas Eve which will have 4 service times: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30pm.)

Morning services for holidays, including Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, will begin at 9:15am, making it consistent with our 9:15am Sunday service time.

The Sunday morning Bible study currently scheduled for 9:15am,also has a change. It will now begin at 9:30am to coincide with the Sunday school start time.


to your calendar now! ☺ It’s on Saturday, November 8, from 9am until done (around noon). Many hands make light work; no sign up necessary. Bring gloves, rakes and any tools you think will help.

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40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and

peaceful vigil to end abortion.

The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day

campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn

hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.

The current 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer vigil began on Wednesday, September 24 & goes through Sunday

November 2.

Various Christians school group, organizations and churches have taken different time slots to pray and show by

their actions the value of life.

You are invited to become a voice for the voiceless and pray with us outside the Green Bay Planned Parenthood

(2605 S. Oneida St) next to Red Robin. The Lutheran time slot is on Wednesdays from 1-2pm. Simply show up or

contact Pastor Yaw of St. John Pulaski to learn more. ([email protected] /920-660-5267)


The men of our congregation have been invited to participate in the 15th annual Men’s retreat put on by three churches in the South Wisconsin District of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The men from Our Redeemer (Wauwatosa), First Immanuel (Cedarburg) and Divine Redeemer (Hartland) have been hosting the retreat annually since 2000. The theme for this year’s retreat is “The Samson Syndrome.” It is based on the book written by Pastor Mark Atteberry from Kissimmee, Florida. Samson was hand-picked by the Lord to lead the children of Israel in a revolt against the Philistines who had been oppressing them for 40 years. Instead of leading a revolt Samson becomes a selfish minded playboy who squanders away his talents and his life. Pastor Atteberry points out in the book that men living in 2014 and 2015 squander away their spiritual lives just as Samson did in his life.

In the book Pastor Atteberry lists twelve tendencies that contributed to Samson’s fall and why men living today also fall with their spiritual lives. He offers positive suggestions to men today from taking a spiritual fall in their spiritual lives. Some of the tendencies that led to Samson’s downfall and our present day lives include: disregarding boundaries; struggling with lust; ignoring good advice; breaking rules; big egos; taking foolish risks; and losing sight of the big picture. All of our sectionals on Saturday will build men up spiritually to prevent a spiritual fall. Last year we had 147 men from 48 congregations represented at the retreat. Bring a friend with you and learn together how to prevent a spiritual fall in your lives. Brochures for the retreat will be available by mid-October. If you have any questions about the retreat e-mail Jim [email protected] or call (414) 462-5871.

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OFFICIAL ACTS BaptismsBaptismsBaptismsBaptisms Kayleigh Vivian Wiblishouser Born: May 20, 2014 Baptized: August 24, 2014 Daughter of Joshua Wiblishouser and Alyssa Waskosky

Stella Lynn Rymer Born: June 11, 2014 Baptized: September 14, 2014 Daughter of Brad and Jenny Rymer

Parker Brian Rymer Born: June 11, 2014 Baptized: September 14, 2014 Son of Brad and Jenny Rymer

Kennadie Rose Calewarts Born: August 16, 2014 Baptized: September 21, 2014 Daughter of Ken and Aprille Calewarts

George Joseph Baez Born: August 7, 2014 Baptized: September 28, 2014 Son of Alex and Heidi Baez

Clay Stephen Siekmann Born: August 16, 2014 Baptized: September 28, 2014 Son of Christopher and Carly Siekmann

Membership Changes Membership Changes Membership Changes Membership Changes IN:IN:IN:IN: Tim and Michelle Stewart and their baptized children, Faith, Paisley, and Addison Richard and Pam Siudak and their children, Jennifer (B/C) and Katelyn (B). OUT:OUT:OUT:OUT: Sherry Simon, release request.

Received their CrownReceived their CrownReceived their CrownReceived their Crown Michael J. Walch April 8, 1947 - September 15, 2014 Funeral service held on September 19, 2014


As we prepare the harvest and get ready for the winter snow, make sure you have these important dates on your calendar: Daylight Saving Time – Sunday, November 2 at 2am; clocks FALL BACK one hour

Loyalty Sunday – Sunday, November 9 (all services)

November Fish Fry – Friday, November 14 from 5-6:30pm

Thanksgiving Services – November 26 at 6:30pm & November 27 at 9:15am

Annual Voters’ Meeting/Election – December 7 at 10:00am; abbreviated 9:15am service

December Fish Fry – Friday, December 11 from 5-6:30pm

Sunday School Christmas Pageant – Sunday, December 14 at 10:45am

Live Nativity – Wednesday, December 17 at 5:30, 6 and 6:30pm

Christmas Eve Services – Wednesday at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30pm

Christmas Day Service – Thursday at 9:15am

New Year’s Eve Service – Wednesday at 6:30pm

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Green Bay Lutheran School Association Update

Thank you to everyone who attended our 1st Annual Foxy Lady Cruise, “Date Night on the River”. Fabulous weather for a September evening combined with the terrific sounds of Dixieland Jazz courtesy of The River City Six made for a great evening of food, fun and fellowship. 100% of the ticket sales from the cruise will be benefitting the students at Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School thanks to our event sponsors.

Thank you as well to everyone who attended “Summer’s Last Blast”. Numerous activities including bingo, kids’ games, a book and bake sale, raffle and silent auction combined with great food and music by The Shy Guys resulted in a terrific event. Special thanks to those who donated items, those who volunteered, and our sponsors for making this special event possible. If you haven’t done so, take the time to attend an Eagles sporting event. The volleyball teams are finishing terrific seasons with conference tournaments for the “A” and “B” teams coming up soon. Basketball season starts soon after with games beginning in November. Check out the Green Bay Trinity website, http://greenbaytrinity.org for more information on these and other activities. It’s your support of these and other events and activities throughout the year that allow the Green Bay Lutheran School Association to continue to fulfill the vision of “Nurturing Mind and Spirit” while at the same time reaching out to those children in the area that need to hear the message of Christ-crucified. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff and students of Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School, THANK YOU. If you know of a family that would be interested in having their children attend Green Bay Trinity, please encourage them to not only check out the website, but to also contact the school at (920) 655-4673 to set up a visit.

This month’s Board of Directors meeting will be at Green Bay Trinity on Monday, October 27 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to address the Board, please contact me to be placed on the agenda. God’s Blessings!

Brad Van Lanen, GBLSA President

[email protected]


Thank you to everyone who attended our 1st Annual Foxy Lady Cruise, “Date Night on the River” on September 13. Fabulous weather for a September evening combined with the great sounds of Dixieland Jazz from the River City Six made for a great evening of food, fun & fellowship. 100% of the ticket sales from the cruise will be benefitting the students of Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School, thanks to our event sponsors: Ken & Murphy Baumann Ron & Denise Kleinschmidt Brett & Jennifer Birschbach

Doug & Christel Laastch Randy & Michelle Burhite Ralph & LeAnn Lange

Dennis & Renee Day William K. Meihe Robert & Debra Grothman

Todd & Karen Mielke Hope Lutheran Church R & B Investors

Hope Lutheran Men’s Club Redeemer Lutheran Church Richard & Ruth Steinke

Hope Lutheran Ladies Social Group Mike & Gina Kiley Brad & Rebecca Van Lanen

Thank you everyone for your support of the Green Bay Lutheran School Association and Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School!

Brad Van Lanen, GBLSA President

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VISIT LAMBEAU FIELD…AND EARN MONEY FOR OUR SAVIOUR! The Packer season is in full swing and many members and friends have already worked during a game in a Club Seat area concession stand (temperature controlled; we are INSIDE and not subject to the wet fall or frigid winter weather) this season. We still have six home games to go…and possibly playoffs if the Packer’s record gets better! Workers need to complete online training at least 72 hours before the game (pick up a packet of information at the Welcome Center). To properly run the stand, we need 20-25 workers for each game. Jobs include set up, front counter, runner, food prep and clean up. You are welcome to work just one game or as many as fit into your schedule. Contact the church office or Neil Burmeister (866-9088 or [email protected]) for more information.

Greetings From NEW Lutheran High! For the first time, our local media did not include us in reporting ACT Test scores to the greater Green Bay area. In order for you to know how we are doing and to help us celebrate, we wanted to share the results from our 2014 graduating class with you directly. The composite score for all of our graduates this year was 24.1, a higher score than any public school in the entire region of Northeastern Wisconsin (the closest school scored at 23.8) and the latest in a long line of annual achievements that is well above local, state and national averages. This is a remarkable achievement and one that is notable considering the following:

• 95% of our students took the ACT Test.

• All students that took the test are included in the composite score for our school. These two facts are important. When comparing our results with other schools in Brown, Kewaunee, Door, Outagamie, Shawano, Oconto and Manitowoc counties, you will find that this is an impressive accomplishment. In other words – our students are doing great things in the classroom! Recognition for our excellence gets shared with our families, churches (from both the NEW Lutheran association and other affiliated churches) and the amazing teachers in the Good NEWS system of Lutheran schools. Without the support, prayers and contributions from all of you, this remarkable achievement could not take place. Thank you so much! Beyond the academic excellence demonstrated, we enjoy the benefits of offering academic, music, drama, athletic and service-oriented activities to all of our students. We also provide our students with many different ways to earn college credits while still enrolled at our school (motivated students can earn as many as 24 college credits before graduation – almost a full year of college!). Mission trips, international cultural opportunities, co-op work experiences and local service projects help shape our students into strong citizens as well. There are many things to celebrate but the most important thing we are thankful for is the freedom to Help Families Prepare Christian Leaders on a daily basis. Our mission makes us unique and it drives us to excel, not for worldly accolades but as a way to respond to God’s unbelievable grace through His Son, Jesus Christ. Won’t you join us again in celebrating our achievement! Thank you for the part you play in the lives of the young people that attend our Lutheran schools. Blaze On!

Chris Nelson – Executive Director

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Families and Friends of NEW Lutheran High, This year we are focusing on a section of scripture from Proverbs 4:23-27 as our theme – Guard

your Hearts. In our world of ever-changing moral standards and temptations, the mission of NEW Lutheran High takes on a more significant meaning with each passing day. Does our world need Christian leaders? Yes! Can we help parents by re-emphasizing the Biblical lessons and worldview that are taught in the home? Yes! The reality is, if we don’t do this, young people will have their worldviews defined by the world in which they live. Lutheran High matters!

As we continue to advance our efforts in Christian education, we look for ways to partner with local businesses, alumni & caring supporters to come along side and help our school. We are committed to respectfully and responsibly manage God’s school at Lutheran High in a way that will bring Him glory and will reflect His love in our world. That commitment means that we must look for ways for those who care about our mission to help.

If you are a small business owner or manager in Northeastern Wisconsin or the Fox Valley and would like to become a Blazer Business Partner, please contact me at 920.471.5754. There are many ways to get your name out to the thousands in our school community. Banners, yearbook ads, special event sponsorships, web ads & sports program advertising are just a few possibilities.

Also, for those committed individuals who would like to support the school on regular basis, the Trailblazer Club (formerly called the Blazer Monthly Donor program) is a way to do just that. For as little as $25 a month, or less than $1 a day, friends of the school can provide much-needed operational support to help ensure the excellence in Christian education for which NEW Lutheran High has come to be known.

Referrals for these and other ways to support the school are also much-appreciated. By introducing someone to the school, you just very well may be starting a new lifelong partnership of support. Feel free to contact me anytime with referrals.

Thank you for your prayers and support. I’d appreciate the chance to talk with you more about these and other ways to help NEW Lutheran High and to advance God’s kingdom through serving His young people in the greater Green Bay area.

Chris Nelson – Executive Director

N.E.W. Lutheran High School Dinner Auction ““““Sing Unto the Lord aSing Unto the Lord aSing Unto the Lord aSing Unto the Lord a NEWNEWNEWNEW Song”Song”Song”Song”

On November 15, we will hold our annual dinner Auction at the Rock Garden. Silent Auction begins at 4 pm, with a meal to be served at 6:30pm and the Live auction to follow. EARLY BIRD PRICING: Sept 29—Nov 2: $40/ticket; $280/table. Nov 3–15: $50/ticket; $360/table. Call N.E.W.L.H.S. (920) 469-6810) for your tickets or visit www.newlhs.com. Preview Night: Info coming soon; watch for details! Pre-Register through our secure system which allows us to enter your information before auction nightNallowing you to sit back, bid and enjoy the evening PLUS benefit from NO line check out service!! We look forward to seeing you.

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Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each

month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the church office at

(920) 468-4065 or [email protected]. Please support the sponsors who support us.

“Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay,

Wisconsin. Vacancy Editor, Michelle Burhite. Please feel free to contact the church office with

constructive suggestions and/or comments at [email protected]. Thanks to those who have

already commented! We are always seeking more congregational input and submissions.


Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248 [email protected]

Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 [email protected]

Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 [email protected]

Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596 [email protected]

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October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 6pm Praise Band

6pm Confirmation

2 12:15pm Worship

6:30pm Trad Worship 7:25pm Packers Home

3 4

5 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study

8:45am OSLC Café Breakfast in Gym

9:15am Praise Worship 9:30am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship


7 7am Bible Study 9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting 7pm Choir Practice

7pm Elders Meeting

8 6pm Praise Band 6pm Confirmation

6pm Personnel & Finance 7pm IMPACT

7:30pm Youth Board

9 12:15pm Worship 3pm Fish Fry Prep

5:30pm Stewardship 6:30pm Trad Worship

10 5pm Monthly Fish Fry

11 12pm Gym Rental

12 MITE BOX SUNDAY 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship 9:30am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday school 10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

13 2pm Chicks w/Stix 6:45pm Council Columbus Day

14 7am Bible Study 9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting 7pm Choir Practice

15 6pm Praise Band 6pm Confirmation

16 12:15pm Worship 6:30pm Trad Worship

7:30pm Evangelism


18 8-11am Open Gym

19 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship SS children sing

9:30am Bible Study 9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Bible Study 10:45am Trad Worship

12pm Packers Home

20 7pm Board of Ed

Pastor Greg - Vacation

21 7am Bible Study 9am Bible Study

7pm Choir Practice

Pastor Greg - Vacation

22 6pm Praise Band 6pm Confirmation

Pastor Greg - Vacation

23 12:15pm Worship 6:30pm Trad Worship

Pastor Greg - Vacation


Pastor Greg - Vacation

25 8am New Member Class – Part 1

8-11am Open Gym

Pastor Greg – Vacation

26 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship 9:30am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Bible Study 10:45am Trad Worship

Pastor Greg - Vacation

27 6:30pm GBLSA 7pm Stewardship

28 7am Bible Study 9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting 7pm Choir Practice

29 6pm Praise Band 6pm Confirmation

30 12:15pm Worship 6:30pm Trad Worship

31 NOV 1 8-11am Open Gym