2011 census prospectus

2011 Census Prospectus Plans for the release of census statistics 23 December 2014 This pdf is a copy of the online prospectus, and is regularly updated. All updates are outlined in the prospectus updates register . Please sign up for 2011 census prospectus alerts , to be informed when changes are made to the online prospectus. National Statistics designation The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated 2011 Census statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: meet identified user needs; are well explained and readily accessible; are produced according to sound methods, and are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.

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Page 1: 2011 Census Prospectus

2011 Census Prospectus Plans for the release of census statistics

23 December 2014

This pdf is a copy of the online prospectus, and is regularly updated.

All updates are outlined in the prospectus updates register.

Please sign up for 2011 census prospectus alerts, to be informed when changes are made to the online prospectus.

National Statistics designation

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated 2011 Census statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics:

meet identified user needs;

are well explained and readily accessible;

are produced according to sound methods, and

are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest.

Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of

Practice shall continue to be observed.

Page 2: 2011 Census Prospectus



Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Release stages for 2011 Census statistics ............................................................................................... 5

Included with the statistics ............................................................................................................. 5

Tables and layouts subject to change ............................................................................................. 6

Restriction of detail as a result of statistical disclosure control ..................................................... 6

Third release of 2011 Census statistics ................................................................................................... 7

Release 3.1 - Detailed Characteristics for Local Authorities in England and Wales ........................... 7

Release 3.2a – Postcode estimates, key statistics for built-up areas, and detailed characteristics on

housing for local authorities in England and Wales ............................................................................ 7

Release 3.2b – Detailed characteristics for MSOAs and wards, and regional tables on migrants. .... 7

Release 3.3 – Detailed characteristics for demography and families for MSOAs and wards ............. 7

Release 3.4 - Detailed Characteristics for communal establishments for MSOAs and wards ............ 7

Release 3.5a - Detailed Characteristics on labour market for 2011 Census merged wards and

MSOAs in England and Wales ............................................................................................................. 8

Release 3.5b - Detailed Characteristics for labour market and qualifications for MSOAs and wards 8

Release 3.5c - Detailed Characteristics for Approximated Social Grade for MSOAs and 2011 Census

merged wards in England and Wales .................................................................................................. 8

Release 3.6 - Detailed Characteristics for travel to work and car or van availability for local

authorities in England and Wales ....................................................................................................... 8

Release 6.1a: Migration Statistics for Wales / Ystadegau ymfudo ar gyfer Cymru ......................... 8

Fourth release of 2011 Census statistics ................................................................................................ 9

Release 4.1: Local Characteristics on Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion for Output Areas in

England and Wales .............................................................................................................................. 9

Release 4.2: Local Characteristics on Health and Unpaid Care for Output Areas in England and

Wales................................................................................................................................................... 9

Release 4.3: Local Characteristics on migration ................................................................................. 9

Release 4.4a: Local Characteristics on Demography and Families for Output Areas in England and

Wales................................................................................................................................................... 9

Release 4.4b: Local Characteristics on Housing for Output Areas in England and Wales .................. 9

Release 4.5a: Local Characteristics on labour market for output areas in England and Wales ....... 10

Release 4.5b: Local Characteristics on Qualifications for output areas in England and Wales ....... 10

Release 4.6: Local Characteristics on travel to work and car or van availability for output areas in

England and Wales ............................................................................................................................ 10

Release 4.7: Additional Detailed and Local Characteristics tables for England and Wales ............. 10

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Fifth release of 2011 Census statistics (alternative populations) ......................................................... 11

Release 5.1a: Short-term Resident Population Statistics for Local Authorities in England and Wales

.......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Release 5.1b: Workday Population Statistics for Output Areas in England and Wales (Part 1) ....... 11

Release 5.2a: Workplace Population Statistics for Workplace Zones in England and Wales ........... 11

Release 5.2b: Workday Population Statistics for MSOAs and Output Areas in England and Wales

(Part 2) .............................................................................................................................................. 11

Release 5.3: Out-of-term Statistics ................................................................................................... 12

Subsequent releases of 2011 Census specialist products..................................................................... 13

Small population groups ................................................................................................................... 13

Release 6.2: Armed Forces Statistics for Local Authorities in England and Wales ....................... 13

Release: Small population table for England and Wales .............................................................. 13

Microdata .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Origin-Destination (flow) data .......................................................................................................... 14

Release: Origin-destination statistics on migration, workplace and students for local authorities

in the United Kingdom .................................................................................................................. 14

Release: Origin-destination statistics on second residences and workplace for merged local

authorities and middle layer super output areas (MSOAs) in England and Wales ....................... 14

Release: Origin-destination statistics on migration for local authorities in the UK ...................... 14

Alternative population bases ............................................................................................................ 17

Statistics for the whole of the UK ......................................................................................................... 18

2011 Census reporting and analysis ..................................................................................................... 19

2011 Census data publishing strategy .................................................................................................. 20

New Developments for 2011 Census results ........................................................................................ 21

Commissioned tables ........................................................................................................................ 21

Enhancing access to ONS data .......................................................................................................... 21

2011 Census geography .................................................................................................................... 21

2011 Census User Guide ................................................................................................................... 22

Pensionable age ................................................................................................................................ 22

Additional information ...................................................................................................................... 22

Revisions and updates .......................................................................................................................... 23

Change notifications ......................................................................................................................... 23

Prospectus updates register ............................................................................................................. 23

Log of changes to tables ................................................................................................................... 23

Page 4: 2011 Census Prospectus


The 2011 Census Prospectus: Introduction

This prospectus sets out the release plans for forthcoming statistics from the 2011 Census in England

and Wales. It describes the intended publishing schedule, and outlines the statistics that the Office

for National Statistics (ONS) is publishing. It also includes details for combined UK releases.

Statistics already published

Statistics already published are detailed in the 2011 Census Catalogue, and are summarised here:



The comprehensive census glossary explains terms contained in the prospectus and in census


Scotland, Northern Ireland and UK Simultaneous but separate censuses took place in Scotland, run by National Records of

Scotland (NRS), and Northern Ireland, run by Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

(NISRA). NRS’s and NISRA’s prospectuses are available via their respective websites.

ONS is also responsible for the publication of UK statistics (compiling comparable statistics from the

UK statistical agencies above). This prospectus covers the publication of UK statistics.

UK statistics published to date are available here:


Keep me informed of prospectus updates The prospectus is dynamic and ONS will be updating its content as more information becomes

available - sign up for prospectus email alerts.

Contact us For general information about the 2011 Census, sign up to receive Census News Alerts via

[email protected]

For any queries regarding the 2011 Census, please contact Census Customer Services.

Page 5: 2011 Census Prospectus


Release stages for 2011 Census statistics

Because of the breadth and depth of the 2011 Census results, the statistics are being released in four

stages. Each stage will comprise several separate releases of statistics.

First release stage: 16 July – November 2012 Age and sex, and occupied households estimates for England and for Wales.

Information about second addresses by age, sex, and type of second address.

See data catalogue for releases

Second release stage: 11 December 2012 – March 2013 Key and Quick statistics, and postcode estimates.

See data catalogue for releases

Third release stage: May 2013 – March 2014 Detailed Characteristics

Fourth release stage: July 2013 – September 2014 Local Characteristics. Fifth release stage: October 2013 onwards Alternative population bases. Specialist products: November 2013 onwards Specialist products, such as origin-destination data, microdata and small population groups.

Included with the statistics

1. Commentary, in the form of a statistical bulletin, appears alongside every major release,


description and context around each topic,

comparability to the 2001 Census outputs,

updates to the user guide, and

further sources of information where applicable.

2. Reference material is updated for each release, including definitions of terms and concepts.

3. ONS data visualisations provide an easily accessible way to identify key changes and

compare results across geography and/or through time.

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Tables and layouts subject to change

The planned tables and layouts may be subject to change or redesign before release, to better fulfil

user requirements, for data quality issues, or as a result of statistical disclosure control.

Restriction of detail as a result of statistical disclosure control

The 2011 Census provides rich detailed statistics at many levels of geography. However, the depth of

detail (that is, the number of potentially attributable characteristics) supplied at output area level

will understandably be lower than at higher geographical area levels in order to protect individuals

and households. This restriction on the level of detail of output variables is the second part of the

statistical disclosure control strategy (with targeted record swapping being the first).

All statistics, including Quick Statistics (formerly univariate tables), will be subject to review prior to

their release. ONS reserves the right to amend any of the proposed tables at any stage of the 2011

Census statistics releases due to, for example, statistical disclosure control or data quality concerns.

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Third release of 2011 Census statistics

Detailed multivariate statistics: May 2013 – March 2014 Tables released in this phase contain multiple variables. Detailed characteristics correspond to 2001 Census standard tables, standard and CAS theme tables and armed forces tables.

Release 3.1 - Detailed Characteristics for Local Authorities in England and Wales

Published on 16 May 2013

Topics: Migration, ethnicity, identity, language, religion and health.

Geography: Local Authority level

Or get statistics directly from the Nomis website.

Release 3.2a – Postcode estimates, key statistics for built-up areas, and detailed

characteristics on housing for local authorities in England and Wales

Published on 28 June 2013

Headcounts and Household Estimates for Postcodes in England and Wales

Key Statistics for Built Up Areas in England and Wales

Detailed Characteristics on Housing for Local Authorities in England and Wales

Geography: Local authority.

Or get statistics directly from the Nomis website

Release 3.2b – Detailed characteristics for MSOAs and wards, and regional tables on


Published on 12 July 2013

Further detailed characteristics for regions, and additional tables on migration in England and Wales

MSOA and ward tables for the Detailed Characteristics tables released on 16 May 2013

Topics: Migration, ethnicity, identity, language, religion unpaid care and health.

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 3.3 – Detailed characteristics for demography and families for MSOAs and wards

Published on 30 August 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 3.4 - Detailed Characteristics for communal establishments for MSOAs and wards

Published on 26 September 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

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Release 3.5a - Detailed Characteristics on labour market for 2011 Census merged wards and

MSOAs in England and Wales

Published on 29 November 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 3.5b - Detailed Characteristics for labour market and qualifications for MSOAs and


Published on 19 December 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 3.5c - Detailed Characteristics for Approximated Social Grade for MSOAs and 2011

Census merged wards in England and Wales

Published on 26 March 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 3.6 - Detailed Characteristics for travel to work and car or van availability for local

authorities in England and Wales

Published on 26 March 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 6.1a: Migration Statistics for Wales / Ystadegau ymfudo ar gyfer Cymru

Published on 23 May 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

See also: Third release table layouts

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Fourth release of 2011 Census statistics

Local multivariate statistics: July 2013 – September 2014 Tables released in this phase contain multiple variables. The statistics in the fourth release will

generally correspond to the 2001 Census Area Statistics tables.

ONS plans to produce a corresponding Local Characteristic table for each Detailed Characteristic

table (see third release page).

Release 4.1: Local Characteristics on Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion for Output

Areas in England and Wales

Published on 31 July 2013

This release provides the first Local Characteristics tables from the 2011 Census on the topics of

ethnicity, identity, language and religion. Local Characteristics are cross tabulations of two or more

census topics that provide the greatest level of detail possible for local areas.

Release 4.2: Local Characteristics on Health and Unpaid Care for Output Areas in England

and Wales

Published on 30 August 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.3: Local Characteristics on migration

Published on 26 September 2013

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.4a: Local Characteristics on Demography and Families for Output Areas in England

and Wales

Published on 23 January 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.4b: Local Characteristics on Housing for Output Areas in England and Wales

Published on 23 January 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

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Release 4.5a: Local Characteristics on labour market for output areas in England and Wales

Published on 26 February 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.5b: Local Characteristics on Qualifications for output areas in England and Wales

Published on 26 February 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.6: Local Characteristics on travel to work and car or van availability for output

areas in England and Wales

Published on 26 March 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

Release 4.7: Additional Detailed and Local Characteristics tables for England and Wales

Published on 09 September 2014

Statistics are available on the Nomis website.

See also fourth release table layouts.

Page 11: 2011 Census Prospectus


Fifth release of 2011 Census statistics (alternative


Alternative population bases: October 2013 onwards

Release 5.1a: Short-term Resident Population Statistics for Local Authorities in England and


Published on 31 October 2013

This release contains new statistics about some of the characteristics of non-UK born short-term

residents living in England and Wales on census day, 27 March 2011.

Release 5.1b: Workday Population Statistics for Output Areas in England and Wales (Part 1)

Published on 31 October 2013

This release contains part one of new statistics about the characteristics of the workday population

of England and Wales on census day, 27 March 2011.

Release 5.2a: Workplace Population Statistics for Workplace Zones in England and Wales

Published on 23 May 2014

This release contains statistics about the characteristics of the workplace population of England and

Wales on census day, 27 March 2011 using the new workplace zone geography.

Release 5.2b: Workday Population Statistics for MSOAs and Output Areas in England and

Wales (Part 2)

Published on 23 May 2014

This release contains part two of new statistics about the characteristics of the workday population

of England and Wales on census day, 27 March 2011.

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Release 5.3: Out-of-term Statistics

Published on 24 September 2014

This release contains new statistics about the characteristics of the out-of-term population of

England and Wales on census day, 27 March 2011. The out-of-term population is an estimate for a

given geography, including students placed at their non-term-time address.

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Subsequent releases of 2011 Census specialist products

This section outlines the plans for these statistics not included in the main release phases:

small population groups,


origin-destination data,

alternative population bases including: workday, workplace, and majority of time.

Small population groups

By their nature small population groups are difficult populations to publish data about because their

confidentiality must be protected.

To avoid disclosure, that is to ensure that members of the population group cannot be identified

from our census data, ONS has set a threshold of 50 people per middle layer super output area

(MSOA). MSOAs have at least 1,000 usual residents and 400 households. Tables for a small

population will only be produced if there are 50 or more qualifying people in the given MSOA


Release 6.2: Armed Forces Statistics for Local Authorities in England and Wales

Release: Small population table for England and Wales


ONS is aware of the importance to users of samples of anonymised records (SARs) and is confident

that fit-for-purpose, appropriately accessible UK microdata files will be made available in 2013.

Three levels of microdata are planned for 2011 Census:

Teaching file

The teaching file is now available from the ONS website. Published on 23 January 2014

Formerly known as the public use file, the primary aim of the teaching file is as an educational tool.

The release of this non-disclosive, individual-level file is in line with the government transparency

agenda. It is less detailed than the file made available under end-user licence in 2001, with a 1 per

cent sample of individuals.

Safeguarded files

One type of safeguarded file will be at the individual person level, and it is intended that this will be

made available to users, subject to approval, via their desktops under strict terms and conditions.

(More information about these terms and conditions and how to obtain access to the file will be

made available shortly.) The file is likely to contain a similar level of detail to the 2001 small area

microdata, and the individual level SAR, with a maximum sample size of 5 per cent. ONS hopes to

Page 14: 2011 Census Prospectus


have this file ready for release in September 2014, however, this date is currently provisional and is

subject to change.

ONS is also looking at the feasibility of releasing household hierarchical data containing records for

all individuals, within a sample of households. Further information on the results of this work will be

made available in late summer 2014.

All files will be subject to being able to apply sufficient disclosure control.

Secure files

In the long term, these anonymised data will be held in a secure environment, ONS’s Virtual

Microdata Laboratory (VML). However ONS is currently working on a project to replace the VML and

options for how the secure microdata files can be made available before the new VML is launched,

likely to be towards the end of 2014, are being investigated.

The files will generally be similar to the 2001 Controlled Access Microdata Sample (CAMS), both

household and individual, and will contain a maximum sample size of 10 per cent. To see the

planned microdata product table, download proposed 2011 microdata products.

Planned features include microdata sets with sample sizes larger than previous censuses, the

opportunity for exploratory analysis on rich and flexible datasets, the opportunity to test outputs

before requesting commissioned tables, and the ability to perform multivariate statistical analysis,

all using records that are comparable with the standard census outputs, since they have the same


The household and individual secure files are planned for release in August 2014, however, this date

is not yet confirmed and is dependent on the availability of a secure environment in which to store

the files.

Origin-Destination (flow) data

Origin-destination data (also known as flow data) include the travel-to-work and migration patterns

of individuals, cross-tabulated by variables of interest (for example occupation). New products for

the 2011 Census also provide the migration patterns of those living at a student address one year

ago and will provide information on individuals with second residences.

Release: Origin-destination statistics on migration, workplace and students for local

authorities in the United Kingdom

Release: Origin-destination statistics on second residences and workplace for merged local

authorities and middle layer super output areas (MSOAs) in England and Wales

Release: Origin-destination statistics on migration for local authorities in the UK

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Disclosure control

All population estimates, including small estimates, will be permitted in principle. However, ONS has

an obligation to protect the attributes of identified individuals and may revise table designs if they

are deemed disclosive on completion.

The UK Statistical Disclosure Control policy states that the protection of the most detailed origin-

destination tables will come from the licensing/access conditions. This is a change from the 2001

Census, where the protection for similar outputs came from the post-tabular small cell adjustment

which still allowed wide and easy access, but also adversely affected the utility of the outputs.

For more information on the statistical disclosure control policy for origin-destination tables, please

read section 8 of the Statistical disclosure control for 2011 Census.

Access conditions

There will be a small number of tables that are available publicly, however, the majority will only be

available as secure files under certain access conditions.

The more detailed tables and those at lower levels of geography will only be available as secure data

within a secure environment. The secure data will be held in ONS's Virtual Microdata Laboratory

(VML) in the long term, however ONS are currently working on a project to replace the VML and

options for how the secure origin-destination data can be made available before the new VML is

launched, likely to be towards the end of 2014, are being investigated.

The VML is only available for research purposes conducted by an Approved Researcher. Read about

how to be accepted as an Approved Researcher.

ONS cannot yet accept requests for access to origin-destination data. We will provide more

information on how to do this closer to the time of release.

For those who do not wish or need to visit the VML but still have an interest in the origin-destination

data, some of the less detailed tables will be treated as safeguarded files and made available to

researchers to hold outside of ONS under strict terms and conditions. More information about these

terms and conditions and how to obtain access to the tables will be made available shortly.

Table specifications for all origin-destination tables are available; see Flow data table layouts. These

specifications provide confirmation of the geographies that will apply to each table, as well as a

provisional indication of whether each table will be public, safeguarded or secure. However, this is

only a provisional indication and each dataset will have to be assessed for disclosure before a final

decision on the access channel is made. It is possible that some of the tables indicated as being

secure may be able to be made available via the safeguarded channel.

Page 16: 2011 Census Prospectus



The first batch of origin-destination tables was released on 25 July 2014. There were two releases:

1. Origin-destination statistics on migration, workplace and students for local authorities in the

United Kingdom, and

2. Origin-destination statistics on second residences and workplace for merged local authorities and

middle layer super output areas (MSOAs) in England and Wales.

To see these releases, select the Origin-destination page from the 2011 Census data catalogue.

The UK release consists of 11 tables, all at local authority level. The scope of this release changed

from that previously announced, with only the three workplace tables covering the whole of the UK.

The other four, previously announced, tables covering migration and students are available for

England and Wales and Northern Ireland only, and do not cover the whole of the UK.

National Records for Scotland, which is responsible for the 2011 Census in Scotland, has identified an

issue with the Scottish results that needs resolving before the data can be published. The statistics

for England and Wales are provided in separate tables to the statistics for Northern Ireland, giving a

total of eight tables rather than the four tables announced previously. Tables covering the whole of

the UK will be published later in the year when this issue has been resolved, and a release date will

be published on this page when it can be confirmed.

The England and Wales release consists of nine tables (47.5 Kb Excel sheet), six at local authority

level and three at middle layer super output area (MSOA) level. This release is not affected by the

issue with the Scottish results, and was published as originally planned.

An additional 12 tables for the UK, produced at one or more levels of geography, have been

identified as priority tables, and work is currently underway to make these tables available to users

as soon as possible. Four of these tables are affected by the issue with the Scottish results, meaning

that the tables will be provided for England, Wales and Northern Ireland only in the short-term, with

full UK results published later in the year when the issue has been resolved. Again, the statistics for

England and Wales will be provided in separate tables to the statistics for Northern Ireland. In

addition, multiple geographies are published in separate tables, giving a total of 24 tables. These

tables will not be available publicly due to the level of disclosure in the tables, and instead will made

be available as either safeguarded or secure files, under access conditions.

Safeguarded tables: The safeguarded tables will be released in August 2014. As these tables will not

be available in the public domain with equal access for all, the release of these tables will not be

announced in the ONS Release Calendar. However, the release date for these tables will be

published on this page when it is confirmed, along with information on how to apply for access to

the tables.

Secure tables: Work is ongoing on an interim solution to make the secure tables available before the

new VML is launched later in 2014. The inclusion of UK migration tables in this release is dependent

on whether the issue with the Scottish results can be resolved before the interim VML solution is in

place. If not, the migration tables will be released for England, Wales and Northern Ireland only in

Page 17: 2011 Census Prospectus


the short-term, with full UK results published later in the year when the issue has been resolved. As

with the safeguarded tables, the release of the secure tables will not be announced in the ONS

Release Calendar, but the release date will be published on this page when it is confirmed, along

with information on how to apply for access to the tables. ONS will not accept any requests for

access to this data before this time. It is expected that the approval process to gain access to the

secure data in the Virtual Microdata Laboratory will take approximately 2 weeks.

The current proposed timetable for the release of the remaining origin-destination products is for

the secure files to be made available in November 2014, and the safeguarded files to be made

available in December 2014. However, these dates are not yet confirmed and are subject to change.

It is expected that all of the tables that can be made available publicly will have been included in the

July release, (apart from those affected by the Scotland issue which we will release as soon as

possible). However, until Statistical Disclosure Control checks have been carried out on each of the

tables the release channel cannot be confirmed.

The issue found with the Scottish results also affects the:

the European Commission Census Regulation Statistics which were released in March 2014, and

the planned release of migration statistics for the UK.

Alternative population bases

These estimates will be assessed prior to release and, depending on the quality, only limited outputs

may be available, such as age by sex.

Majority-of-time: the population estimate for a given geography, to place individuals in the

household where they reside for most of the time, for example, second residences used for work


For short-term residents, workplace population, and workday population statistics, see the fifth


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Statistics for the whole of the UK

UK statistics are being released in stages, in line with the release of data for Scotland. UK statistics available:

17 December 2012: Population estimates (rounded to the nearest thousand).

21 March 2013: Population estimates (rounded to the nearest hundred) and household

estimates (rounded to the nearest ten) for the UK.

31 July 2013: Unrounded population estimates by single year of age and sex for the UK and all

local authorities (or equivalent) in the UK, along with UK historic population pyramids (1911 –


11 October 2013: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom -

Part 1

4 December 2013: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom –

Part 2

23 January 2014: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom -

Part 3

31 March 2014: European Commission Census Regulation Statistics

13 June 2014: Key and Quick Statistics for Output Areas in the UK

These statistics, interactive maps and tools are available on the 2011 UK censuses web pages. Responsibility for disseminating 2011 Census statistics lies with the:

Office for National Statistics (ONS) for England and Wales, and for the UK.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) for Scotland.

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) for Northern Ireland.

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2011 Census reporting and analysis

Planned analysis

Further analysis is planned using subsequent phases of the detailed and local characteristic tables. Analyses will be released at the same time as, or following, table release dates. Further analyses, once defined, will be added to the list.

Analysis Planned release date

Occupancy rating by health September 2014

Occupancy rating by ethnic group October 2014

Part time workers across England and Wales November 2014

Length of residence and social and economic characteristics of the migrant population in England and Wales

Autumn 2014

Coastal communities Autumn 2014

The changing economic geography of England and Wales Autumn 2014

What does the census tell us about how labour market participation varies by ethnic group?

Autumn 2014

Investigating population growth 2001-2011 by Urban Area Autumn 2014

What does the 2011 Census tell us about residents with a work related second address in England and Wales?

Autumn 2014

Student population analysis Autumn 2014

Communal establishments Winter 2014

Living alone TBC

Industrial structure and clusters TBC

Commuting at local levels TBC

Regional Portraits TBC

Disability in the workplace: A comparison with 2001 TBC

Economic activity of people at or over State Pension Age (SPA) TBC

Additional properties of those over State Pension Age (SPA) TBC

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2011 Census data publishing strategy

The latest release from the 2011 Census is being published across ONS’s websites. This page explains why.

About ONS’s family of websites

ONS is responsible for four websites, each offering a different service:

The ONS website publishes all bulletins, and most of the data, from its releases, as well as offering background information and guidance.

Neighbourhood Statistics (NeSS) is an ONS web service specialising in the dissemination of detailed, small-area data. The NeSS website has an API.

Nomis is a web service provided by the ONS to give access to detailed UK labour market and other population statistics from official sources. This site is designed to handle complex tables.

The Publication Hub is owned by the UK Statistics Authority, and operated by ONS on behalf of the the National Statistician. It announces and links to statistical releases from across the Government Statistical Service – the statistical units from UK government departments.

Why is the latest release published only on Nomis?

Nomis is designed to handle complex statistics, including data for small areas or multivariates.

Do I have to register to use other ONS websites?

No. You do not need to register to use any of our websites. All sites are free to use.

Is Neighbourhood Statistics still a useful source of 2011 census statistics?

Yes. Although it doesn’t house complex multivariates, Neighbourhood Statistics provides a useful

source of comparative data. The NeSS ‘Census’ topic includes the 2011 Census Key and Quick

Statistics along with their 2001 equivalents. Go to NeSS topic search

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New Developments for 2011 Census results

Commissioned tables

ONS will continue to provide a commissioned table service for census statistics.

Commissioned tables (from the 2011 Census) can be pre-ordered from Census Customer Services.

Commissioned tables will be constrained by the data that are available at each stage, by the

similarity to what ONS plans to release, and by statistical disclosure control.

The price list for commissioned tables (25.4 Kb Pdf) in England and Wales has now been published.

Four price bands have been identified to give customers a guide of how much their commissioned

table will cost. However the customer services team will agree the final cost with the customer prior

to any work commencing. Prices are effective from 1 June 2012.

All commissioned tables will be published on the ONS website as explorable and downloadable

datasets for all statistics users under the Open Government License.

View the commissioned tables published so far

More about commissioning tables

Enhancing access to ONS data

Many other organisations have systems that provide census data to their users and this widens

access and helps increase the value derived from the information collected by the 2011 Census. ONS

is currently developing an Application Programming Interface which will provide machine to

machine access to census data for other web systems. In time, the Application Programming

Interface will also provide access to a wider range of ONS information. More information is available

from: [email protected]. See WDA pages http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/what-we-


2011 Census geography

The 2011 Census Geography prospectus describes the release plans for the 2011 Census geography

reference data, and provides some background about how the reference data are produced and how

they should be used. These reference data include digital boundaries for the modified set of output

areas, super output areas, and the new workplace zones, and a number of supporting lookup files to

enable linkage between the 2001 and 2011 output areas, and from the 2011 output areas to the

2011 Census output geographies. Access the 2011 Census Geography Prospectus.

Page 22: 2011 Census Prospectus


2011 Census User Guide

For help with terms and definitions, see the 2011 Census User Guide which contains a census

glossary, information about variables and classifications.

Pensionable age

The 2011 Census defines working age as between 16 to 64 for both men and women. The definition

of pensionable age now refers to men and women aged 65 and over. Alternate measures of

pensionable age will not be provided in the first four main stages of releasing 2011 Census statistics.

Some of the 2011 Census tables – based on those from 2001 – have been redesigned as a result of

changes to pensionable age. Information will be provided in the metadata.

Users who require alternative definitions of pensionable age can request these through the

commissioned table service. Requests for commissioned tables from the 2011 Census will be

constrained by the statistics already released, the similarity to the statistics planned, the availability

of the data, statistical disclosure control and resource availability. Commissioned tables can be pre-

ordered from Census Customer Services.

Additional information

Comments or queries about the data should be sent to Census Customer Services.

Page 23: 2011 Census Prospectus


Revisions and updates

In line with ONS’s revisions and corrections policy, rigorous quality checks will take place of all

census statistics which are released. ONS may occasionally need to revise statistics and update


Change notifications

In this event, users will be informed via Census News Alerts (register via

[email protected]). Updates to data will be provided to the Neighbourhood

Statistics (NeSS) website and the Nomis website teams.

Prospectus updates register

Amendments to the prospectus will be published as and when changes are made. Download the

prospectus update register to keep track of developments.

Log of changes to tables

For a log of the changes ONS has made to tables, download changes to tables since 2011 outputs consultation