census 2011

Census 2011 A brief summary of the Provisional Figures released on 31 st March 2011

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Page 1: Census 2011

Census 2011

A brief summary of the Provisional Figures released on 31st March 2011

Page 2: Census 2011

States/Uts 35

Districts 640

Sub-districts 5,924

Towns 7,936

Villages 6.41 lakh

Number of Administrative Units in Census 2011

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Total Population

•The percentage decadal growth during 2001-2011 has registered the sharpest decline since Independence

•A decrease of 3.90 percentage points from 21.54 to 17.64 percent

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• 2001-2011 is the first decade, since 1921, which has actually added lesser population compared to the previous decade.

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Top Ten Countries

•India contributes 18% to World Population and is still growing at a higher pace than the World average.

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Total Population in comparison to GDP

•A whopping 105% growth in Per Capita GDP within the past one decade.

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Total Population (Aged 0-6 Yrs)

•The total number of children in the age-group 0-6 is 158.8 million (minus 5 million since 2001)

•Uttar Pradesh (29.7 million), Bihar (18.6 million), Maharashtra (12.8 million), Madhya Pradesh (10.5 million) and Rajasthan (10.5 million) constitute 52% children in the age group of 0-6 years.

•The proportion of Child Population in the age group of 0-6 years to total Population is indicative of fall/rise in fertility

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•The total contribution to the National Population by current DB States has marginally risen from 25.4% in 2001, to 26.0% in 2011.

•Bulk of the growth comes from Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh.

•Barring Punjab, all other DB States have grown by 20% or above.

•Maharashtra contributes 9.3% of the total Population while Bihar contributes 8.6%

Nos. %

INDIA 121.0 102.9 18.1 18%

Punjab 2.77 2.44 0.33 14%

Chandigarh 0.11 0.09 0.02 17%

Haryana 2.54 2.11 0.43 20%

Rajasthan 6.86 5.65 1.21 21%

Jharkhand 3.30 2.69 0.61 23%

Chhattisgarh 2.55 2.08 0.47 23%

Madhya Pradesh 7.26 6.03 1.23 20%

Gujarat 6.04 5.07 0.97 19%

Bihar 10.38 8.30 2.08 25%

Maharashtra 11.24 9.69 1.55 16%

Delhi NCT 1.68 1.39 0.29 21%

Uttar Pradesh 19.96 16.62 3.34 20%

Andhra Pradesh 8.47 7.62 0.85 11%

Karnataka 6.11 5.29 0.82 16%

Kerala 3.34 3.18 0.16 5%

Tamil Nadu 7.21 6.24 0.97 16%

Total Population (Crs)

2011 2001Variance

State-wise Population 2001-2011

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•India adds another 21.77Cr Literate Individuals in the decade 2001-2011

•Literacy Rate is a value expressed as a % of Population aged 7yrs & above

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Literate Pop (Crs) Persons Males Females

INDIA 77.85 44.42 33.43

Punjab 1.90 1.06 0.84

Chandigarh 0.08 0.05 0.03

Haryana 1.69 1.00 0.69

Rajasthan 3.90 2.42 1.48

Jharkhand 1.88 1.12 0.76

Chhattisgarh 1.56 0.90 0.66

Madhya Pradesh 4.38 2.58 1.80

Gujarat 4.19 2.40 1.80

DB States 19.58 11.52 8.06

Bihar 5.44 3.27 2.17

Maharashtra 8.25 4.63 3.62

Delhi NCT 1.28 0.72 0.56

Uttar Pradesh 11.84 7.05 4.79

Andhra Pradesh 5.14 2.88 2.27

Karnataka 4.10 2.28 1.82

Kerala 2.82 1.38 1.45

Tamil Nadu 5.24 2.83 2.41

State-wise Literate Population 2011

•Major DB States contribute 25% of India’s Literate Population.

•Bihar will add another 7%

•Maharashtra accounts for 11%

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2011 2001% Point

VarianceINDIA 74% 65% 9%Punjab 77% 70% 7%Chandigarh 86% 82% 5%Haryana 77% 68% 9%Rajasthan 67% 60% 7%Jharkhand 68% 54% 14%Chhattisgarh 71% 65% 6%Madhya Pradesh 71% 64% 7%Gujarat 79% 69% 10%

Bihar 64% 47% 17%Maharashtra 83% 77% 6%

Delhi NCT 86% 82% 5%Uttar Pradesh 70% 56% 13%Andhra Pradesh 68% 61% 7%Karnataka 76% 67% 9%Kerala 94% 91% 3%Tamil Nadu 80% 74% 7%

PersonsLiteracy RateState-wise Literacy Rate


•Rajasthan, Jharkhand & Madhya Pradesh continue to be below the National Average

•Jharkhand & Gujarat grow at a higher rate than the National average

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2011 2001% Point

Variance2011 2001

% Point Variance

INDIA 82% 75% 7% 65% 54% 12%

Punjab 81% 75% 6% 71% 63% 8%

Chandigarh 91% 86% 4% 81% 77% 5%

Haryana 85% 79% 7% 67% 56% 11%

Rajasthan 81% 76% 5% 53% 44% 9%

Jharkhand 78% 67% 11% 56% 39% 17%

Chhattisgarh 81% 77% 4% 61% 52% 9%

Madhya Pradesh 81% 76% 4% 60% 50% 10%

Gujarat 87% 80% 8% 71% 58% 13%

Bihar 73% 60% 14% 53% 33% 20%

Maharashtra 90% 86% 4% 75% 67% 8%

Delhi NCT 91% 87% 4% 81% 75% 6%

Uttar Pradesh 79% 69% 10% 59% 42% 17%

Andhra Pradesh 76% 70% 5% 60% 50% 9%

Karnataka 83% 76% 7% 68% 57% 11%

Kerala 96% 94% 2% 92% 88% 4%

Tamil Nadu 87% 82% 4% 74% 64% 9%

MalesLiteracy Rate


State-wise Literacy Rate by Gender 2001-2011

•Female Literacy continues to grow at a far higher pace

•However the gap between Male & Female Literacy rates are above 20% points in most DB States

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Density of Pop(Per SQ KM)

Sex ratio(Females per 1000


INDIA 382 940

Punjab 550 893

Chandigarh 9252 818

Haryana 573 877

Rajasthan 201 926

Jharkhand 414 947

Chhattisgarh 189 991

Madhya Pradesh 236 930

Gujarat 308 918

Bihar 1102 916

Maharashtra 365 925

NCT of Delhi 11297 866

Uttar Pradesh 828 908

Andhra Pradesh 308 992

Karnataka 319 968

Kerala 859 1084

Tamil Nadu 555 995

State-wise Density of Population & Sex Ratio2011

•Among current DB States, the CPH region has a Pop Density higher than the National Average

•Bihar has a density almost 3 times the National average

•The Sex Ratio among DB states, with the exception of Jharkhand & Chattisgarh, are lower than the National average

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Source for all data was the website of The Ministry of Home Affairs www.censusindia.gov.in