2010 ms project 2010 (2)

MS Project for Project Planning ES Computer Training presents

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MS Project for Project Planning

ES Computer Training presents

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Project Planning

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Tasks: Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) defines the project › Scope (the project deliverables), › Tasks (what has to be done to

produce the project deliverables) and › Work Packages (the lowest level of

work effort needed to complete the tasks).”

IN MS Project, this is the Task list

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The WBS must be consistent task oriented contain nouns as identifiable task descriptions tasks should be decomposed to a level of controllable

items contain discrete work elements defined so that each work package can be accomplished

independently Do not include nice to have’s. The task name must be a clear requirement.

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In MS Project

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Task list

Enter all the tasks you can think of They can be out of order – click and

drag to rearrange As detailed as possible Deliverables To address complexity

› Use subtasks

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Exercise: Renovating your house

1. Begin entering a list of tasks. The order in which you enter them is not important at this time. Enter tasks such as ’wall knock down, dry wall, paint, electrical wiring, lighting, blinds, moving furniture, floor’ as you think of them.

2. If you wish to change the order of your tasks, click and drag.

3. If you wish to insert a task above another task, right click on the row above and choose insert. You should be able to view a reasonably logical order when you have completed the information entry.

4. To delete a task, select the row and press the Delete key or choose Edit / Delete task or right click and choose delete task

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1. To identify a task as a subtask of the one above, click on it, then click on the indent Icon. In the diagram shown, the design related tasks are highlighted and the indent button has been depressed.

2. Re-order tasks by selecting the task and moving the cursor to the edge of the task until a white arrow appears and dragging to the appropriate line.

3. Group the tasks in logical groupings such as Plumbing, Electrical, Structural, and order these tasks. Give them titles (outlining) and promote or demote with the indent buttons.

Outlining (pg 10)

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Outlining create summary tasks and sub tasks Painting

› buy paint, › tape-up windows and doors,› wash walls, › prime, › dry, › paint, › dry, › finish, › dry and of course, › everyone’s favourite clean up

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Exercise on Outlining

Refine the renovation plan with tasks and subtasks

Specify durations of subtasks

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Task Notes

capture information that does not belong on the plan but is pertinent to your project.

For instance, if you schedule a meeting you can create a reminder note or a list of attendees.

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More information about tasks

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Time Abbr. Example

minutes m 15m -> 15 working minutes

hours h 15h -> 15 working hours

days d 15d -> 15 working days

weeks w 15w -> 15 working weeks

elapsed minutes em 15em -> 15 consecutive elapsed


elapsed hours eh 15eh -> 15 consecutive elapsed hours

elapsed days ed 15ed -> 15 consecutive elapsed days

elapsed weeks ew 15ew -> 15 consecutive elapsed weeks

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Duration Considerations

Effort hours

Working Time

Elapsed Time


Contiguous Duration

Interruptible Duration


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Start Dates

Task that will start on a specific date Finish date can also be specified CONSTRAINT

Date becomes fixed

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1. For each task, specify duration. Specify 6h for painting and 24eh for drying paint.

2. Adjust the order of the tasks and specify predecessors such as Tiling comes before grouting.

3. Type in the desired starting date for each task. The Gantt Chart to the right will estimate a finish date.

4. Editing a Task – to edit any cell in on your task sheet, just click and type over the original info.

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Linking tasks

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Exercise: Specifying Order of Tasks (MSP3 Predecessors)

Adjust the order of the tasks by moving them (for example Tiling comes before grouting).

To specify Predecessors, click on a series of tasks that are in the right order such as studs, drywall, taping and click on the chain icon to link.

Widen the left part of the task pane by clicking and dragging the window split (vertical). Notice that another column appears for predecessors.

Specify the predecessor by filling in the task number. (on the far left).

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Linking Tasks

Finish to Start (FS),

where the first must be finished

before the next begins.

Start to Start (SS), where 2 tasks must start at the same


Finish to Finish (FF),

where 2 tasks must end at the same


Start to Finish (SF) ,

where the start of the first is linked to

the completion of the second (with a

lag time specified as well.

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Exercise : Some Additions to the Plan

1. Modify the dates and duration of a task by clicking and dragging in the Gantt chart.

2. Add a new task such as install new window by clicking on Insert / New Task. Give it a 3 day duration.

3. Create links between tasks. Choose a task such as painting by clicking on it and link it (FS) to drywall by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on drywall, then clicking on the link icon (chain).

4. Link a successor task to a predecessor by filling in the information in the predecessor column (in the successor row). Fill in the row number of the predecessor and specify the type of link (FS, SS, SF, FF).

5. Delete a link by clicking on a successor item and clicking on the broken chain icon.

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Lead and Lag Times

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Exercise: Lead & Lag Times

1. In the predecessor column of the drywall item, specify that it must be 50% complete before electrical work begins.

2. Add a 3 day lag time for any FS items because your dry wallers are slow and unreliable. Add a lag time for anything involving Air Canada, baggage or Canada Post.

3. Specify the dates that you have hired contractors for by including MSO as the constraint type for one or two. Specify SNLT for one other and FNLT for another. To insert constraints, right click on a task and click Task Information or use the Insert menu. Click on the advanced tab. Specify constraint type and date. Click OK

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Exercise : Lead and Lag Additions to the Plan

1. Add drying times for taping, primer, paint, grout by using the FS and adding a lag of the drying time.

2. Add a new task such as organize meeting and3. install new window by clicking on Insert / New Task. Give it a 3

day duration.4. Create links between tasks. Choose a task such as painting by

clicking on it and link it (FS) to drywall by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on drywall, then clicking on the link icon (chain).

5. Link a successor task to a predecessor by filling in the information in the predecessor column (in the successor row). Fill in the row number of the predecessor and specify the type of link (FS, SS, SF, FF).

6. Delete a link by clicking on a successor item and clicking on the broken chain icon.

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Split Tasks

To indicate work interruption

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right-click on the timescale dates on the right top part of the Gantt Chart. Timescale is one option.

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Project Information

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Changing the Project Base Calendar:

Tools / Change Working Time

Custom Calendar:


Change default time to weeks:

› Tools / Options / Schedule

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Custom Calendar:

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Exercise: Timescale (MSP 5 commercial..) On the right hand side of the screen, Right

Click on the days or months headings of the Gantt Chart.

Alternately, select Format / Timescale. The timescale option window appears.

Specify 2 or 3 tier scales. Specify units for each of the tiers (weeks or months.

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Milestones Mark progress with Milestones

› Contract signed› Plan complete› In a renovation for example, a milestone may be

hiring all the contractors. In a house construction, a milestone may be getting the  

duration as 0 days symbol indicates a milestone. You may also create a milestone from a task on the

WBS list by double clicking on it, in the window that appears, clicking on the Advanced tab, and checking off the milestone option at the bottom.

add a column for milestone field onto your task page. In the duration column, right click and choose Insert / Column

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1. At the bottom of your WBS or task list, enter the names of 4 milestones for this project.

2. Choose Insert / Column and select Milestone for the field name.

3. In the Milestone column, specify yes for each of the 4 milestones you decided on.

4. Click and drag the milestones to their appropriate locations in the task list.

5. Change the ‘all tasks ‘ to milestones in the standard toolbar to view milestone roll up. This is great for presenting to clients.

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Exercise: Improving your renovation plan

1. Add a note to describe the paint colours for the painting task. Double click on the paint task and choose Insert Task Notes.

2. Add a column to the task view to show percentage complete.

3. Click on the Finish date column and choose Insert / Column. 4. You can choose “% Complete” or “% Work Complete” or

“Physical % Complete” It is best to use % complete5. Insert 3 milestones: demolition complete, rough work done,

contractors gone. Specify durations of 0d.6. View the properties of the project by clicking on File /

Properties and the Custom tab. 7. Modify the working times to reflect 2 weekends where you

will be working on the renovation. Also include at least one 16 hour day. Choose Tools / Change Working Time. (This is a bad idea, but we suggest it as an exercise.)

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Editing Tasks

Create a task by clicking and dragging in the Gantt Chart

Link by selecting the bars and holding the CTRL key

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Recurring Tasks

Exercise: Recurring Tasks (MSP 6 a few other things) Click on an empty row at the bottom of your task list. Select the Insert Drop down menu and Recurring Task. Specify a Monday Morning project update meeting, to occur

weekly during the project. Expect the time for the meeting to be 2 hours.

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Adding Fields (Columns)

Insert / Column Custom information – stage,

departments, division, costing types Hyperlinks

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Hide / Delete a Column

right click on the column heading and choose Hide Column

To delete a column, select the column and hit the delete key on your keyboard.

Note that the column information is still available even if the column is not visible. You are not deleting the data.

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Network Diagram

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Network Diagram

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Network Diagram

Pictorial to verify› Links› Starting points› End points

Relationships Mandatory Procedural Resource Based

VIEW / Network Diagram

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Exercise: Network Diagram (MSP9 Network Diagram)

Change the view to Network Diagram. View / Network Diagram.

Identify any items that are independent and not linked to any other.

Identify 3 items in the critical path (red)

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The Critical Path

The Critical path is the flow of tasks, of which, a delay in any one of these tasks will cause a delay to the project.

It is the longest path through the project network diagram and the shortest possible time to complete the project.

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Exercise: Critical Path

1. Click on the wizard (magic wand) and reformat your Gantt Chart to show the critical path.

2. Undo, then Choose Format / Text Styles.3. In the window that appears, change All to Critical Tasks.4. Select an alternate font style for those tasks.5. To view only tasks on the critical path, in the formatting toolbar,

as shown below, where it normally says ALL Tasks, click on the down arrow and choose critical.

› This is a very useful tool on the resource sheet to view only the critical resources.

6. Change the slack for Critical Task Identification to 2 days (Tools / Options / Calculation … Note the new items on the critical path.

7. Change the table to schedule view (View / Table -> / Schedule).› Note the critical items have 0 slack.

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Must Start On Must Finish On As Soon as Possible As Late as Possible Finish no earlier than Start no earlier than Finish no later than Start no later than

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Constraints Exercise

1. To insert constraints, right click on a task and click Task Information or double click on task.

2. Click on the advanced tab. 3. Specify constraint type and date. Click


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Dates are noted Tasks are not constrained Task relationships are maintained Advanced TAB

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Fixed Duration - Work

Tasks completed on specific dates Tasks of fixed length Views / more Views / Task Entry – Task


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Labour Materials Equipment Any dependencies for completion of


Productivity Competence level Cost

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Resource Sheets

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Standard Rate Column Overtime Rate Column Cost Per Use Accrued

› Start› Prorated› End

Fixed Costs

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Exercise: The Resource Sheet

1. Create a list of resources that you will need to complete

this renovation.

2. When you have completed the Sheet, click on View /

Gantt Chart and return to your task list.

3. Assign each of these tasks to the appropriate contractor or

yourself. (Use outside contractors for at least some of the


4. Specify yourself as a resource and for each task, include

some hours for yourself, to supervise and check on work.

Include some hours for yourself to phone and get estimates

and make arrangements.

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Adding a Note

To add notes to a resource, click in the cell naming the resource on the resource sheet. Double click and select the Notes tab. You can also use the attach note icon in the toolbar.

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Work Schedules: Resource Calendars

When a resource’s real work schedule is different from that of the base calendar

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Exercise: Changing the working time for a Resource

1. For each resource that has limited availability or more availability than the base calendar that you are using, adjust the resource calendar.

2. In the resource sheet, select the most appropriate Base Calendar for the resource.

3. To fine-tune availability, choose Tools / Change Working Time. Modify the availability of each resource in the window that appears.

4. Click on the date that you wish to adjust and specify non-working if not available, default if it matches the base calendar for this resource and working but adjust the hours for exceptions.

5. Add notes to 3 resources.

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Assigning a Resource to a Task

1. On the Gantt Chart1. To switch to the task sheet, choose View / Gantt Chart. 2. Type in the resource name in the column left of Predecessors.

2. Using the Assign Resources Window.1. Click on the Assign Resources Icon (2 heads).2. Click on a task.3. Click on the names of the resource and choose assign. 4. Assign a Cost type resource to a task and enter the actual cost

amount, such as Permits, $300.

3. Using the Resource Management Toolbar1. Turn on the Resource Management Toolbar and click on the Task Entry

View (splits the window).2. In the lower portion of the view, enter the resources. 3. Assign a material to a task and enter the amount of the material in the

work column and click OK. Note how cost is calculated on units of material used.

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Deleting Resources

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Exercise : Assign resources to tasks1. Assign resources to the tasks in the task sheet. First, open the

Task sheet view and type in the name of one of the resources.2. Click on another task and click the resource assignment icon.

Assign resources to this task.3. Click on another task and choose Insert / Resource Assignment.

Assign resources to this task.4. Right-click on the next task and choose Task Information and click

on the Resources tab and specify resources for this task.5. Repeat steps 1-4 until all tasks have resources assigned to them.6. In the Text entry area in the bottom portion of the task view, you

can view resource assignments. The delay column allows you to delay the start of work from first availability. If you have more than one resource assigned to a task, the second can start later (to check on work) or because they get out of bed late. Specify a delay for one or more resources.

7. Fix the duration of at least one item in your project by specifying fixed Duration in the Task type option of the advanced tab in the task information window.

8. Delete a resource from a task.9. Delete a resource from the project.

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Over allocation

1. Right Click beside the Help drop down menu and activate the Resource Management Toolbar.

2. Click the Go To Next Over allocation icon on the resource management toolbar. Project selects the task where you have an over allocated resource.

3.  Another way of discovering an over allocated resource is to choose View/ Resource Usage. Over allocated resources are displayed in bold red.

4.  To create a report on over allocated resources, Choose Report / Reports . Then select Assignments and Over allocated Resources

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Automatic Leveling

1. Change to the Resource sheet, Resource Usage, or Resource allocation views.

2. Select the resource name . 3. Choose Tools > Level Resources

› If you choose automatic leveling, MS Project will automatically level the schedule each time you change a task or resource assignment.

› Level only within Slack option means that you cannot change the finish date of the project.

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Automatic Levelling

Architecture.mpp exercise› Vini the architect is assigned to 3 of these projects.› Open Architecture.mpp file and note the finish date of the

project› Assign Vini to all the tasks› Record the current finish date of the project.› Turn on automatic levelling and level the project. Note the

new finish date.› Save the file as Architecture 1 and save again as

architecture 2. › Start a new project Architecture 1 and 2 in it. Note the new

finish dates. Bathroom Start Exercise MSP 13 Overallocations exercise

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Finish Date – no slack Does it make physical sense? - Predecessors and

links must be tightly defined.

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Removing Resource Leveling

To remove leveling, select a Task view. To remove leveling from one task, select the

task. To select more than one task, hold down the

CTRL key and click. Choose Tools / Resource Leveling and Clear.

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Manual over allocation resolution

In the Resource Allocation view, click the resource name.

In the lower pane, you will see all Tasks assigned to this resource

You can change a task’s start date to correct the over allocation.

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Adjusting Over Booked Resources

1. In the Resource allocation view, click the resource name.

2. In the lower pane, click the task name.3. In the Resource Name Area, select another Resource

by clicking on the overbooked resource name and the down arrow beside it and selecting another.

Another way› where a person cannot work full time on your

project › In the Resource sheet, adjust the percentage units


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Under allocations

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Exercise: Allocations and Leveling

1. Determine whether any of your resources are over-allocated in your project. If not, move some start dates so that at least one is.

2. Perform automatic leveling. 1. Change the view to a Resource Sheet and choose Tools / Level

Resources. 2. Select options and choose Level Now.

3. Change a second start date to cause overallocation. 1. Perform manual adjustments by giving the over allocated resource

some overtime.

4. Change the availability of a resource from 1 Unit to .5 (1/2 and day).

1. Open the resource sheets and note the overbooking. 2. Adjust this person’s overbooking manually by reassigning tasks.

5. Adjust the units available for a critical task (increase by one).

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Resource Graphs

Resource Levels

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To view the peak units required, click on the Resource Graph

and right click and change the view to Peak Units. You may also view the Peak Units in the Resource Usage View.

Duration of a Task,

Hours of Work

required Resources

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Resource Requirements: Peak Units

Display units as percentage or person or crew

Tools / Options / Schedule

Graphs available on Assign Resources Window

On Resource Usage Sheet , Right click and add

Peak Units to Display

On Resource Graph, Right click and add Peak

Units to display

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Resource Usage View

Insert Column: Overtime

Overtime will change scheduling, not total

hours of work.

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Assigning Costs

Assign costs with Assign Resources window (people) and enter value

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Exercise Review : Levelling

1. Open Simple Project 1.

2. Note the Project start and end dates

3. Go to resource sheet and add resources – Designer,

Engineer, Subcontractor

4. Assign Designer to Plan tasks, Engineer to Site Prep

tasks and Subcontractor to build tasks.

5. Level the project

6. Note the changes in project end date.

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Creating a Template

to use a plan over again Transfer project management

experience to the next project. › share Task Sheets, › Share Resource sheets

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Exercise: New Project Calendar Template Review

1. Start a brand new project

2. Enter the Calendars and working hours and holidays

3. On the resource sheet, type out your typical company resources

4. Add in notes and other information for the resources

5. Save as my first resource sheet – save as a template.

› Note that this template is saved in a separate folder.

6. Close out of project completely and restart MS Project and choose File /

New… and choose Templates on Computer and open the resource sheet

that you just saved.

You are ready to enter your project scope…

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Handling Multiple Projects1. Save the simple project and call it Toronto Waterfront.

2. Save it again and call it Grand River Project.

3. Save it again and call it Arnprior development. Close.

4. Open a new blank project called parks and and create 2tasks in it

and save that as well.

5. Choose Insert / Project and insert the Arnprior, Grand River and

Toronto Waterfront Projects.

6. Double click on the Waterfront project and the Inserted Project

Information window will appear.

7. In the advanced tab, note that link to project is checked.

8. If you do not wish to have the master plan change the sub plans,

click on read only here.

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Links Between Projects

Create links between projects that are in your master project. › Click on one task. Click on Successor. Click on Chain Icon in toolbar

to link.

1. Link Project Subtasks by clicking on one task in one project,

holding the CTRL key, linking on a task in a second project and

clicking the chain icon.

2. Save and close all projects.

3. Reopen one of the projects that you just linked. Note that the

link appears as a grey task that you cannot edit. If you open the

task, the other file opens.

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External Predecessors

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Exercise Alternate

In a new file, create a new project for a living room renovation (tasks).

In a second file, create a landscaping project definition (tasks).

Define a third project, kitchen reno (tasks).Create a fourth Master Project and define a

resource pool. Import the 3 projects into the master. (page 41)

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1. Where you need to work with several project files on a regular basis, create a workspace.

2. Open all the project files that you want to include in a workspace.

3. Arrange the files on the screen.4. Click file and save workspace. Select the folder where you

wish to save

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Resource Usage

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Resource Pools In your project, use resources from

another project: click on › Tools / Resource Sharing / Share

Resources1. Open a new file and enter 2 resources and save as New Resources.

2. Open simple project 1 and Save as Park A. Choose Tools / Resource Sharing / Share Resources and choose use resources and specify New Resources.

3. Assign Resources. Save.4. Save as Park B. Change a resource assignment or 2.5. Save as Park C. Change a resource assignment or 2.6. Close and Save all.7. Re – open New Resources. A window appears and gives you 3 choices.

For this example, we choose choice 3, read write and see all. 8. Note that another file has opened: Project 1 and it contains Park A, B,

and C.9. If you level this, it will level all resources across 3 projects. Change

anything and you change the original.

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Reports / Reports / Assignments› Who does What› Who Does What When› To Do List

Workload : Resource Usage

Resource Reports

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PERT Analysis

Program Evaluation and Review Technique

multipoint estimating technique Single point estimates limitation :

variance and risk Estimate = ( optimistic + (4 x most likely ) +

pessimistic ) 6

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Exercise: A PERT Chart1. Choose View / More Views

2. Select PA_Pert Entry Sheet and choose Apply.

3. Enter your optimistic, expected and pessimistic estimates

4. On the Pert Analysis Toolbar, click the calculator icon to

calculate the Optimistic , Expected and Pessimistic Start

and Finish.

5. The other icons allow you to view the Expected, Optimistic

and Pessimistic Gantt Charts.

6.  To view the end dates , on the Tools menu, click Options.

Click the View tab, and then select the Show project

summary task check box.

7. To change the weights of each of the durations, click on Set PERT


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Reserve is money or time provided to address cost, schedule or performance risk.

The estimated time and resources required for completion are just that, estimates.

The PERT method provides us with risk information. The reserve addresses the risk.

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The Baseline records the approved plan for future comparison

Everyone has bought in / signed off and then what happens› Scope› Date› Resource

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The Baseline records the approved plan for future comparison

Now you have a document you can refer to – project success or failure can be measured against.

Can create multiple baselines to compare approved and agreed upon changes.

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The Baseline records the approved plan for future comparison - Now you have a document you can refer to – project success or failure can be measured against.

Aspects› technical baseline (tasks)› baseline budget (costs)› baseline schedule (time)

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Creating a Baseline

choose Tools / Tracking. Click Set Baseline. › To save the baseline for the entire project, ensure that

that option is selected. If you wish only selected tasks, then choose that option.

To view :View / Gantt chart. Choose Table / More Tables and Baseline. › A baseline column will appear in your task sheet. It will

show Baseline duration, start, finish, work and cost. To the left, baseline will appear in contrast to the Gantt chart drawing.

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1. To create a baseline, choose Tools / Tracking. Click Set Baseline.

2. To save the baseline for the entire project, ensure that that option is selected. If you wish only selected tasks, then choose that option.

3. Select View / Gantt chart. Start the Gantt Chart Wizard (from the icon on the left of the Standard Toolbar) and select baseline as the type of Gantt chart. The baseline appears as a second line in contrast to the Gantt chart bars.

4. Choose Table / More Tables and Baseline. A baseline column will appear in your task sheet. It will show Baseline duration, start, finish, work and cost.

5. Project plans change. Project scope has a tendency to grow. Resources undergo modification. For comparison against continued project progress., it is possible to save up to 10 sets of Baseline data.

6. As the project progresses, you may wish to save another baseline. Click on Tools / Tracking / Set Baseline Set Baseline, choose Baseline 1 or 2 and so on. You can save up to 10 additional baselines

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Baseline Cost fields

Baseline Cost = (Work * Standard Rate) + (Overtime Work * Overtime Rate) + Resource Per Use Cost + Task Fixed Cost

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Baseline Costs of Resources

Baseline Cost = (Work * Standard Rate) + (Overtime Work * Overtime Rate) + Per Use Cost

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Change Management The Change

Management Process› Identify ( and submit to

management ) the change request

› Assess impact› Get customer approval› Inform stakeholders› Implement and document› Distribute new plan› Start the work

The Change Management Document Contains: › Who› What› When› Impact› Authorization

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Duration Work Assignment Units Controlling Changes

› Duration, work and units are tied, so when you change one value, the others might change as well

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The Change Management Document Contains:

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Project Tracking

1. Percent of Work Complete

2. Actual Work Done and Work Remaining

3. Entering the hours of work done per time period

Pg 64…

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Tracking Gantt View

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Tracking Toolbar

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Entering estimates of work completed (msp20)

1. Change the view to the Tracking Gantt: choose View / Tracking Gantt.

2. On the right side of the screen, note how the percentage complete is shown. You can revise the actual %complete number in the column to the left or click and drag over the bars to indicate level of completion.

3. If %complete is not one of the columns shown, right click on the column headings and select Insert Column and in the window that appears select %complete for field name.

4. Fill in 3 items at 100%, 3 at 75%, 3 at 50% and 3 at 25% complete.

5. Select tasks and use the Tracking Toolbar to update.6. Add a progress line. 7. Select 3 items and click on the Update as scheduled icon.8. Click on project statistics. 9. Add a reminder.

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Actual Work

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What is driving a task: predecessor, successor, resource availability?

Exercise: › Turn on the task driver option and go through

your task list. › Determine one task that is constrained by

both resource availability and predecessors, › one that is constrained just by predecessors, › and one that is constrained just by a resource.

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Exercise: Tracking Our Renovation Progress

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Entering Completed Work65

Task by Task

Group or quick updates

Updating a range of tasks by Date

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Updating by Resource Exercise : Updating completed work.

On the resource usage view Right click to add actual work Enter actual work values

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Rescheduling Work 68

Tracking toolbar Anything that was scheduled for a

previous date, not done, rescheduled to today

Anything dependant on that task will be rescheduled to follow as per links and constraints

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3 week or one month look ahead report. select Report / Reports / Current Activities /

Tasks Starting Soon

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Rain Days

Calendar - Tools / Change Working Time

Report / Reports / Overview / Working Days

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Managing Costs 68how much a task cost 68how much a resource has cost 69

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Exercise: Modifying the forms for viewing cost information. 70

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Project Reporting

Viewing your Project› Calendars… 73

Gantt Charts… 74

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Compare 2 versions of a project Exercise 75

1. Open up a simple project :MSP 13 Overallocation2. Link ‘New Window’ Task to occur after studs are in.3. Add in New Doors task after drywall and link

1. Duration is 2 days and assign General Labour to this task.

4. Remove second coat of paint and finishing. 5. Save this file as junk.6. Turn on the Comparison Toolbar and run a

comparison7. How many items are unique to 1 and 2?8. How many items are changed? Unchanged?

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More Views

Network Diagrams … The Task Sheet

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Earned Value 78


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Financial Reports 80

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Visual Reports 80

Manage costs and cash flow 81 Overriding a Calculated resource cost


Exercise Custom Reports 81

Reports 82

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Views 83

Creating a table, or View

Available Task Tables

Available Resource Tables


Sorting Information

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Compare Project Versions

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The toolbar and guide Please turn on the guide and go

through a simple project from start to end using the guide.

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Review Exercise

1. We are a new Architectureal Firm specializing in Parks

2. Create a Resource sheet with 2 architects, James and Greg, and a case of beer ($43.25)

3. Save this resource sheet as ‘ My resource sheet’

4. Create a project called template called Park Template, with 4 tasks:

1. Design2. Budget3. Customer Sign- Off4. Build

5. Link 1, 2 start at the same time and must be completed before 3.

1. The duration of each item is 1 to 5 days. Change Item 3 duration to 2 hours. Add a lag between 3 and 4 of 3 elapsed weeks.

2. Save this as Niagra Park (start 3 days from today). Save again as London Park (and start 3 days later). Save again as Stittsville Park (start on today).

3. Add a constraint for the customer sign off as a date: March 15th (the only date that they can come in)

4. Add in a document in the customer sign off task that will be the contract

5. Assign Resources from the pool6. Level7. Save the Baseline.

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Continued1. In Stittsville, add a Task: Grand

Opening. 2. Split the Build Task at about 75%

duration and have Grand Opening start then.

3. Add in a change order paper in the notes for the Task: Grand Opening.

4. Change the allocation for the architect James to 50% on the project.

5. Level again and resolve overallocations.

6. Open Niagara and assign 50 % of Greg and James (50%) to the project and level within the resource pool and resolve overallocations.

7. Open London and assign James and Greg and level and resolve. Also examine Stittsville and search for date changes and overallocations.

8. Compare the Stittville current task to the baseline.

1. Compare Stittsville and Niagara using the compare projects.

2. Open a new overall project and incorporate Stittsville, Niagara and London.

3. Open a new project for Kitchener with all the same items as Niagara.

4. We have some uncertainty about the permits and politics in Niagara. Perform a Pert Analysis. Be Pessimistic.