2008 report to donors

Report to Donors 2008 | UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE

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University of Lethbridge's annual report to donors.


Page 1: 2008 Report to Donors

Report to Donors 2 0 0 8 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F L E T H B R I D G E

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Attending university is one of the best investments a person can make. A university education equips students with the tools, experiences and knowledge to be successful throughout their lives. Nowhere is this more true than at the University of Lethbridge. On behalf of the 8,000 students attending the University of Lethbridge, I want to thank you, our generous supporters. With every gift you make to the U of L, you build a future for students. For every scholarship provided, there is encouragement – a chance to pursue a dream, an idea or an academic goal. For every bursary, there is an opportunity to focus on studying, rather than on making ends meet. For every new building, there is an environment created that fosters learning and research. Your gifts are truly appreciated. They better the lives of individual students, improve our society and enable the University of Lethbridge to develop life-long learners. For all this, we sincerely thank you.

Adam Vossepoel2008/2009 Students’ Union PresidentUniversity of Lethbridge

2 A look back

Find out what’s been taking place at the

University of Lethbridge this past year and

why donor support matters.

4 The people behind the gifts

Read stories about some of the donors who are

contributing to the U of L because of their belief

in the value of education and research.

14 Making it possible

A recognition of the University’s lifetime donors

and the many dedicated individuals and

organizations that supported the University

this past year.

Page 3: 2008 Report to Donors

Thank you

On behalf of the Board of Governors at the University of Lethbridge, I want to express my appreciation for your generosity in 2008. The board recognizes that there are many worthwhile organizations you can contribute towards, so receiving your support is truly an honour. At the University of Lethbridge, we are committed to being good stewards and using the resources we are entrusted with wisely. While I hope you have already found this to be true, let me assure you that supporting education and research is one of the best choices you can make. It is an investment with benefits that extend for years to come. When students graduate from the U of L, they leave with the confidence to succeed in life and go on to impact their individual communities, the nation of Canada and in fact, the entire world. Your contribution to the U of L allows us to offer continued opportunities for students, programs and research. Once again, let me extend my sincerest thanks for your vision and support.

Robert Turner, Q.C. Chair, Board of GovernorsUniversity of Lethbridge

As I look back at 2008, one thing is very clear to me – I have many reasons to be proud to be part of the University of Lethbridge community. As a supporter of our University, I know you share this pride with me. I want to extend my most sincere thanks to you and the many other supporters who made contributions to the University this past year. Whether you gave time, talent or treasure, or all three, you played a significant role in the success of 2008. Through donor support, we can continue to do what we do very well – foster a personal, supportive learning environment; ensure professors are inspired scholars who integrate research and creativity with teaching; and deliver relevant programs. Your support also enables us to expand our horizons, including the further development of our graduate programming and new areas of research. In the following pages, you’ll read about some of the University’s highlights from 2008 and meet a few of the donors who made contributions this past year. Most importantly, you’ll hear the University’s heartfelt thanks expressed to you – our donors. As we embark upon 2009, I know there are many great things in store. Thank you for your continued support and involvement.

Bill Cade, PhDPresident and Vice-ChancellorProfessor of Biological SciencesUniversity of Lethbridge

The 2008/2009 Students’ Union President, U of L Board of Governors

Chair and U of L President express their most sincere thanks for your

support and generosity in 2008.

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A look back

Students at the centre

Currently 8,000 students from around the world call our campuses in Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton home. It is our commitment to provide every student with a personal and engaging learning community; opportunities to explore creativity and new thoughts; and the support to ultimately cross the stage at convocation with the confidence to succeed.

It’s a commitment shared by our donors. In 2008, 69 per cent of the gifts made to the U of L were in support of student awards.

An evolving campusDonor support is enabling the U of L to

further develop centres of teaching and research excellence, providing opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students that are second to none. Over the past two years, there has been $147 million worth of new construction on campus.

In the last year alone, the University celebrated the grand opening of both Turcotte Hall and the new Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building. On Feb. 15, 2008, the University broke

ground for the greatly anticipated Markin Hall, a four-level facility that will provide access to an additional 450 students studying management and health sciences. Construction also continues on the University’s Regional Sports Stadium and Field Complex, an $11-million project scheduled for completion in 2009.

Behind the University of Lethbridge stands a group of individuals and organizations committed to supporting students and furthering research.

With gifts from close to 1,200 donors, the 41st year at the University of Lethbridge proved to be truly transformational.

Here are a few highlights from 2008 that give a glimpse into the impact of your support.

Breaking it down: who gives to the U of L?At the University of Lethbridge, the people who give are as diverse as the areas they support.

Clockwise from top: Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building, Markin Hall, Regional Sports Stadium and Field Complex, Turcotte Hall

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A look backMoving ahead

As the University moves forward, we are maintaining our tradition of undergraduate, liberal education. At the same time, we are expanding our graduate programs and continuing to advance as a major research institution – something we saw compelling evidence of in 2008.

In September, Dr. Bruce McNaughton, one of the world’s foremost experts in neurophysiology, joined our Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience team as the inaugural Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Polaris Award recipient. The award will ultimately be a 10-year, $20-million research grant and will enable the University to continue building one of the most pre-eminent behavioural neuroscience research groups in the world.

>>> The following pages share stories from just a few of the many individuals and organizations that stand behind the University of Lethbridge. You’ll meet a diverse group of people who all share a common belief in the importance of giving back.

As a contributor to the University of Lethbridge you played a significant role in the success of the University this past year. The generosity of our donors enabled the University to leverage an additional $9 million in matching funding from the Government of Alberta’s Access to the Future Fund since its inception in 2005. This support is instrumental in ensuring that quality post-secondary education is available for all students and our gratitude extends to the province for establishing this fund.

While we look back on the last year with pride, we are also looking to the future with great anticipation. At a defining point in the history of the University of Lethbridge, the impacts of your generosity will continue to be seen for years to come. Thank you for partnering with us to further student-focused education and world-class research.

Noteworthynumbers from 2008Total number of gifts 3,276

Gifts forstudent awards 2,262 Total numberof donors 1,186

First-timeU of L donors 461

Areas supported 221

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All in the family

Students come to the U of L from all around the world – from China to Nigeria to Bangladesh – and even before they arrive on campus, Charlene Janes takes them under her wing. In her role as an international liaison officer, Janes is known as a mom-away-from-home to more than 550 international students each year.

“In a lot of ways I do feel like they’re my kids,” Janes says with a smile. “Sometimes they just need someone to be there for them, to encourage them, to lend a shoulder to cry on.”

While it’s not your typical nine-to-five job, it’s something she loves.

“For me, it’s a real high to watch these students arrive in Canada, support them as they work through university and eventually watch them cross the stage at convocation.”

Janes’ work revolves around finding solutions for the challenges these students encounter. She is presented with almost every problem imaginable, so it’s no

surprise that the issue of finances sometimes surfaces.

“There’s a misconception out there that international students have a lot of money. While some of them come from affluence, a lot of them do not. In many cases, an extended family has pooled their money to give one individual an opportunity to go to university,” Janes says.

However, as Janes explains, there are times when the necessary financial support is unavailable for various reasons. In such situations, Janes advises those with high grades to apply for scholarships, but says she was frustrated by the lack of funding for


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All in the family

students who were not necessarily at the top of the academic ladder.

“What I saw was that these students ended up working a lot of hours to make ends meet, and while they were getting by, they were not really thriving.”

With a true maternal instinct, Janes felt compelled to be part of the solution. This past spring, she established a bursary specifically for international students requiring financial aid. As it turns out, she wasn’t the only one who recognized the need – already three other individuals from her department have made contributions.

“Supporting this award has been such

a rewarding experience. These students come here because of the opportunities they believe an education will provide. It feels good to help them get one step closer to reaching their potential.”

Janes is one of the many faculty and staff members at the U of L who are personally committed to creating a supportive learning environment for all students. In 2008, 280 U of L employees made contributions towards Supporting Our Students, an annual campaign to raise money for student awards.


When it comes to showing support, U of L faculty and staff – both past and present – are the first to step forward.

• As a U of L alumna and current academic assistant, Tracy Oosterbroek is keenly aware of how a little help can go a long way. In memory of her father, mother and brother, Tracy and her husband, Rod, established the Bob, Carolyn and Jeff Neilson Memorial Bursary in Nursing.

• Dr. Gail Michener devoted her research career at the U of L to exploring the behavioural ecology of Richardson’s ground squirrels. Following retirement, she and her husband, Dr. Dan Michener, established a post-doctoral fellowship to encourage young researchers to pursue studies in the field of terrestrial ecology.

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Ben Heppner (DFA ‘08) cannot remember a time when music wasn’t part of his life.

“Growing up, my family was a family of singers – you couldn’t shut us up. We sang doing the dishes; we sang driving in the car; we sang at church; we even sang a little bit at school,” Heppner recalls. “From a young age, there was this irresistible draw towards music.”

Despite his deep affinity for music, Heppner never imagined he would one day be a world-renowned tenor singing in virtually every major opera house from La Scala in Milan to the Met in New York.

“Growing up in Dawson Creek, B.C., I didn’t realize that performing professionally was even a possibility,” Heppner explains.

Upon arriving at the University of British Columbia in the mid-’70s to pursue a degree in education, a teacher suggested that Heppner audition for an elite choir. Heppner misinterpreted the suggestion as a requirement, and before he realized what had happened, Heppner’s life’s ambition had changed course. Shortly after, Heppner switched his academic focus from education to music.

Following graduation in 1979, Heppner immediately went on to win the CBC Talent Competition for singers. While it didn’t automatically kick-start the success of his career (something that would happen nine years later at the Metropolitan Opera auditions), it did give him the confidence to pursue his passion.

“Winning the competition gave me the courage to say out loud, ‘I want to be a performer.’”

Ben Heppner

Today, Heppner is known internationally as one of the pre-eminent singers of his generation and is the recipient of three Juno Awards, two Grammy Awards and is recognized as an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Not forgetting his small-town roots, Heppner devoted a portion of the last three years to performing in smaller venues across Canada. Included in that line-up was a benefit concert for the

University of Lethbridge to support scholarships for fine arts students.

Through the generosity of the community, the sold-out concert raised $50,000 to establish an endowment that will support U of L students exploring the arts.

“Admittedly, learning is an expensive proposition, so I hope the scholarship will give students resources to study,” Heppner says. “However, I also hope the scholarship will give them the ability to think more freely about their own expressions and the encouragement to find their voice.”

Striking a high note

At the Fall 2008 Convocation, the U of L awarded Ben Heppner a Doctor of Fine Arts for his contributions to the arts.

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Striking a high note


U of L donors recognize that the arts bring the University to life and enhance the surrounding community.

• U of L alumna Mary Annis established a bursary in Studio Art that will encourage students in the pursuit of aesthetic expression and creative activity.

• David Spinks was a founding professor and the first Chair of the U of L Dramatic Arts Department. With a special interest in theatre for young audiences, David and his wife, Jo, established an award for drama students who are actively involved in the performing arts.

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When Glenn and Janice Varzari first heard about the plans for the future Markin Hall, it seemed as though the building had been designed with them in mind.

Glenn is a chartered accountant and has been the owner of National Salvage for 30 years. His wife, Janice, received her bachelor of nursing and master of education from the U of L and is currently a counsellor with Lethbridge Family Services, as well as

a member of the U of L’s Senate. The couple was amazed to discover that Markin Hall would reflect their individual interests by uniting the Faculty of Management and the School of Health Sciences under one roof.

“As we learned about Markin Hall, our eyes just kept getting wider and wider,” Janice recalls. “With my background in nursing and Glenn’s background in management, it was sort of serendipitous – talk about a perfect fit.”

Glenn explains that when they discovered their donation of $25,000 towards Markin Hall could ultimately result in a $100,000 contribution through matching funding


Building for the future2 0 0 8 R E P O R T T O D O N O R S

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Building for the future

provided by the Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation and the Alberta Government’s Access to the Future Fund, it was an easy decision.

“It’s going to be an exciting day when the building opens and students fill the halls.” Janice Varzari

“It’s was really a no-brainer for us; we had no choice but to say yes,” Glenn says.

Creating the space for an additional 450 students, Markin Hall will be one of the newest additions to campus and will enable the U of L to develop innovative approaches to research, teaching and learning. As lifelong residents of Lethbridge, both Glenn and Janice remember when the University was first built and say it’s amazing to see the evolution of the campus in just over 40 years.

“It’s neat when you drive down University Drive and see all the students flooding onto the streets,” Glenn says. “The University is such a dynamic place, and it really brings the

community together.” While their gift is directed towards

Markin Hall, Glenn and Janice really view it as a contribution to support students.

“You can’t have one without the other,” Glenn explains. “If you don’t have the bricks and mortar, it makes it very difficult to teach.”

As the walls of Markin Hall start to form, the Varzari’s look forward to seeing the facility complete in 2010.

“It’s going to be an exciting day when the building opens and students fill the halls. I think we’ll have a real sense of ownership,” Janice says. “It’s really special to give back to the community.”


Support for management and health sciences extends beyond contributions to Markin Hall to the students who will study inside.

• Thankful for the start he received at the U of L, management alumnus Cole Harris established the Edith Harris Management Bursary both torecognize his grandmother and support future leaders.

• Understanding the need for increased health-care professionals, Alberta Health Services AADAC contributed $100,000 to establish a bursary for First Nations,Inuit and Métis students in the Addictions Counselling degree program.

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A simple startThe support the University receives from Darol and Evelyn Wigham began with a handwritten note in the early ’80s to the Dean of the Faculty of Education.

In it, Darol wrote: “My wife and I would like to make the enclosed contribution in appreciation of the excellent education that our daughter, Patricia, has received at the University of Lethbridge… We would be remiss if we failed to acknowledge our appreciation for the work of your department in educating our daughter and preparing her so well for her profession.”

That simple note began a long-standing relationship with the U of L that to date spans nearly three decades.

As life-long residents of Alberta, Darol and Evelyn both graduated from the geology program at the U of A. They moved to Calgary shortly after and later established Wigham Resources, a private, family-run oil and gas company. As the business grew, the Wigham’s were aware of their responsibility to support the community.

“We were fortunate to be raised

and educated in this province,” Darol explains. “We felt right from the very start of our careers that it was important to give back.”

Over the years, the Wigham’s have maintained that commitment and donated to a wide range of initiatives at the U of L, including student scholarships, the LINC building and the Wigham Family Collection of Children’s Literature. Housed in the University’s library, the collection includes 6,382 books and is used by students and professors alike.

“The U of L has done an excellent job of looking after what we’ve given,” Darol says. “Over the years they’ve been really good stewards.”

This past year, the Wigham’s made a unique contribution to the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN). Their gift will be used to buy a nitrogen liquefier and helium re-liquefier, equipment that is necessary to more efficiently run the two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines housed in the CCBN. The MRI units are among the most powerful in the province for research purposes and enable researchers to uncover the mysteries of the mind, ultimately opening doors to new knowledge, treatments and technologies in the future.

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“The U of L has done an excellent job of looking after what we’ve given. Over the years they’ve been really good stewards.”Darol Wigham

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A simple start2 0 0 8 R E P O R T T O D O N O R S

the wiggims


The University of Lethbridge has many donors who demonstrate support time and time again.

• Runner’s Soul has actively supported U of L athletics since 1994. The new owners, Shawn and Erin Pinder, are continuing in that tradition. This past year, Runner’s Soul supported the track and field program, and the Pinder’s made a personal donation towards the Pronghorn Swim team.

• As a U of L alumnus Poul Mark is committed to giving back to the institution that gave him his start. Mark’s first donation to the U of L went towards building the new Library. Since that time, he has regularly made contributions to support students in need.

Photo Submitted

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Partnerships make big waves

Water. It is the source of all life on Earth. It is an important economic resource for our province and our planet. And it is a primary focus for research at the University of Lethbridge – an area rapidly expanding thanks to partnerships with corporations like Nexen Inc. and Imperial Oil.

In late September, the independent Canadian-based global energy company,

Nexen Inc., established an endowment fund at the U of L for graduate scholarships and fellowships in water research.

“We chose to create this endowment for two reasons,” says former Nexen President and CEO Charlie Fischer. “First, because we are strong supporters of post-secondary education and believe this is the key to future economic success. And second, because we believe in environmental sustainability and using resources wisely.”

Nexen’s $300,000 contribution, when matched through the Access to the Future Fund, established a $600,000 endowment that will support the U of L Nexen Fellowship in Water Research. At $30,000, it is the largest individual student award endowed at the

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Partnerships make big waves


University. The 2008 Fellowship’s inaugural recipient was doctoral candidate Lars Brinkmann, who is currently studying under Dr. Joseph Rasmussen, a Biological Sciences professor and Canada Research Chair. For Brinkmann, having industry support for research is a move in the right direction.

“Receiving this award is such an honour, and it’s exciting because it shows that Nexen recognizes the importance of environmental research,” Brinkmann says. “In the past, I think environmental research was viewed as something that would block exploration and progress. But the reality is that environmental research should be determining how we can ensure progress and exploration of resources, while at the same time minimizing, or even

eliminating, the effects on the environment.” Imperial Oil, a leading member of

the petroleum industry, is demonstrating this same commitment to finding socially responsible solutions to water issues. Their $200,000 contribution, when matched by the Alberta Government, resulted in a $400,000 investment that is enabling a team of researchers, co-led by Board of Governors Research Chair and 2008 Killam Research Fellowship recipient Dr. Stewart Rood, to study the ecology of spring systems and establish an inventory of springs, particularly in southern Alberta. From Imperial Oil’s point of view, the research is valuable in showing how industrial activities could influence groundwater.

“We believe this research will provide insight into what steps can be taken to protect and improve this important resource,” says Steve Matthews, manager of Surplus Property Management from Imperial Oil. “We work with organizations that advance education, conservation and understanding in the areas of air, land, water and energy, and we saw this project as an excellent fit with our priorities.”

The ripple effect of the Alberta Government’s Access to the Future Fund resulted in a combined $1 million investment in water research at the U of L. These collaborations with industry and government are enabling the University to discover innovative and practical solutions to preserve our water resources for years to come.

The new Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building at the University of Lethbridge is

advancing water-related research and will accommodate up to 100 new graduate students.

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Making it possible


Lifetime Donors In Recognition of Contributions of $25,000 and Above

2 0 0 8 R E P O R T T O D O N O R S

Your generosity, combined with hundreds of others, is enabling the U of L to increase educational opportunities for students, build state-of-the-art facilities and provide necessary resources for research.

Through your support, students and professors alike will continue to be given new opportunities to engage in creativity, inquiry and discovery resulting in impacts that will be seen for years to come.

On behalf of all the students, faculty and staff at the University of Lethbridge, thank you for contributions.

The following recognizes our lifetime

donors and the many dedicated

individuals, corporations and

organizations who generously supported

the University of Lethbridge in 2008.

While every effort has been made

to ensure accuracy, we recognize

that errors may have occurred in this

listing. If your name is missing or listed

incorrectly, please accept our most

sincere apology and contact University

Advancement by calling 403-329-2582.

Anonymous -161st Choice Savings and

Credit Union Agrium Inc.Evelyn AimisAlberta Blue CrossAlberta Health Services

AADACAlberta Lottery BoardAlberta Real Estate

FoundationAlberta Society of

Professional BiologistsALCOA FoundationChristopher AllenIllana AloniAltaGas Ltd.Gisele Amantea

Anderson’s Medical Dental Pharmacy Ltd.

Estate of Teresa AndrusArthur J E Child FoundationAssociation of

Professional EngineersAstraZeneca Canada Inc.ATB FinancialATCO GroupWalter BachinskiMowrie BadenLawrence and Wilma BaranyRandy BardockRon BellBennett Jones LLPReginald BennettDavid Bierk

Black Velvet Distilling Company

BMO Bank of MontrealPeter BoydBP Canada Energy

CompanyRoland BrenerJacqueline BrienIrwin BrownsErwin BuckBill BurdenBrent and Niki ButtonFeike and Margaret BylsmaBill and Elsa CadeCGA Alberta Research and

Education FoundationCalgary FoundationEric Cameron

David and Vivian CampbellRick and Ellen CampbellCanaccord Capital

CorporationCanada Council for the ArtsCanada Safeway LimitedCanadian Pacific Railway

CompanyCanWest Global FoundationJanet CardiffIan Carr-HarrisAlex and Norrie

MacMillan MemorialCertified Management

Accountants of AlbertaPierre ChamberlandChartered Accountants’

Education Foundation

Christian ChouinardWinston Wing-Tat Chow FamilyCIBC-Canadian Imperial

Bank of CommerceCity of LethbridgePamela and Joseph ClarkCoca-Cola Bottling Ltd.CoCo Pazzo Italian CafeRonald ColemanDennis and Catherine

ConnollyConocoPhillips CanadaHarry and Mildred CoxJohn CrabbChris CranJean-Charles CrombezElizabeth Crone

Page 17: 2008 Report to Donors

Making it possible

G. Sidney CrossDA Electric Ltd.John and Myrna DanielsBart and Cynthia DaviesJohn and Karen DaviesNicolas de GrandmaisonSonia de GrandmaisonRene DespresDevon Canada CorporationEstate of Arthur and

Annie DorigattiEstate of Leopoldine DornerDorot FoundationDave DuckettDavid DuffinRobert DufresneWilliam EakinGordon EbertsElk Valley CoalWilliam ElichenEllison Milling CompanyPeter and Carol EmersonEnCana CorporationEnercon Water Treatment Ltd.Estate of Islay EricksonEnn ErisaluPaterson EwenIvan EyreFairmont FoundationTerry and Sheila FentonEstates of Keith and

Hope M. FergusonFerrari Westwood Babits

ArchitectsRick and Rita FilantiElizabeth ForrestPatrick ForrestHoward ForsythBill ForwardGraham and Catherine FowlerE.C. FredericksGuy GagnonUrs E. GattikerJames GellmanGenus Capital

Management Inc.Gershon Iskowitz

FoundationJoe and Bertha GhertMira GodardGold and Gold ProductionsWilliam GraceyGraduate Students’

AssociationGary GrayGreat-West Life, London

Life, Canada Life

Peter and Olive GreenMartin and Sonya GrypmaMyron GushlakPaul HackerFrederick HaganEinard and Kay HaniukGregory HardyEstate of Alice HarperJohn HartmanDouglas HaynesBen HeppnerM.P. HessPeter HideJames Hill and Karen ReidBob HironakaFamily of Richard Martin HowellLaurence HoyeIGM Financial Inc.Imperial Oil FoundationLiz IngramInvestors Group Financial

Services Inc. Rita IrwinAvrom IsaacsGeoffrey JamesJim Pattison Broadcast

GroupAlbert JohnsonTerence JohnsonKent JonesEmerich KasparGarry KennedyKay KerrMushtaq and Catherine KhanRobert KimmittChristopher KostyniukKPMG FoundationKPMG LLPBlaine Kunz and Cindy EnslenWayne and Rhonda KwanChantal LabergeClaude LabergeLouise-Marie LabergeLaidlaw FoundationAlain LamoureuxDan and Karen LaplanteCindy LaValleyMona LaValleyLethbridge Community

FoundationLethbridge Community

Lottery Board #75Lethbridge Dodge

Chrysler Jeep Ltd.

Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited

Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA

Lethbridge School District No. 51Jacques LibersanA. LielmanisLeon LiffmannKenneth LochheadJohn and Maybelle LockhartSyd LovellWilliam MacDonnellAllan MacKayLandon MacKenzieGlen MackeyIan MacLachlan and

Diane ClarkGordon MacNamaraG. MacNeilAllan MarkinVincent MartinoRichard MassonVal and Flora MatteottiBilly McCarrollMcDonald Auto GroupEstate of Phyllis Mary McDonellCatherine McGilly-McCoyEdward and Linda McNallyAllan McWilliamsE.F. Anthony MerchantMeyers Norris PennyDan and Gail MichenerRobert MichenerEdward MikhailMathilde MillerWalter Joseph MitchellMolson Inc.Kim MoodyCherie MosesMuttart FoundationNat Christie FoundationNexen Canada Inc.NG Campbell Holdings Ltd.Norlien FoundationKevin and Katharine NugentToni OnleyEdward OrchardDavid OrnsteinLyndal OsborneSeamus and Judy O’SheaLudvik and Danica PahuljeBruce ParsonsWarren PashkowichLorne PatzerGraham Peacock and

Wendy C. RollinsPen - Bro Holdings Limited

Penn West Energy TrustEstate of Kathleen PepperDale PercyWilliam Perehudoff and

Dorothy Knowles-Perehudoff

Anil and Sheri PereiraZ. PerlerKnud PetersenPetro-CanadaJ. Christopher PrattJohn and Connie PrenticeStephen PustilRBC Financial Group

through RBC FoundationRichardson Oilseed Ltd.David RobertsJohn RobertsArt RobinsonRogers Broadcasting

LimitedRogers Sugar Ltd.Robert and Minda RogersonRoloff Beny FoundationFred RomanukRichard RooneyRoyal Host Hotels and ResortsRandy and Jane RoyerTerrance and Maureen RoyerEarl RummJared SableKevin SassaScotiabankRobert ScottBrian ScullyYosh and Florence SendaDean and Natalie SetoguchiA.W. ShacklefordRobert and Mildred

ShacklefordMax ShafirStan ShapsonShell Canada LimitedMiriam ShiellShoppers Drug MartMuriel ShortreedRon ShuebrookDavid Silcox and Linda

IntaschiT. Gordon SimSandra SimpsonSimpson-Markinch

Charitable FoundationMelissa SingerLeo and Phyllis SingerEstate of Mary T. SkeltonStephen Smart

Southern Stationers LimitedRaymond and Ingrid SpeakerEvelyn SpringerMaxine StephensLeila SujirSun Life FinancialJames and Tanya SzarkoA.D. TalianoTalisman Energy Inc.TD Bank Financial GroupTELUS Communications Inc.Teck Coal Ltd.Howard and Sharon TennantRex and Jean TennantDavid ThaubergerClaudio TocchioRobert TocchioTransAlta CorporationTransCanada CorporationTSX Venture ExchangeRobert and Dawn TurnerU of L FoundationDouglas UdellUniversity of Lethbridge

StudentsTony UrquhartThorpe Van de MarkGlenn and Janice VarzariW. Garfield Weston

FoundationIan WallaceJohn and Barbara WarrenGeorge WebberSimon WeinbergWesbridge Construction

LimitedEdward WhiteDarol and Evelyn WighamWigham Resources Ltd.John WillMary WillLela WilsonWarren WilsonMark WiltshireClive WulwikAnne WyseXerox Canada Ltd.Ronald and Kathryn YoshidaRobert YoudsGeorge A. and Kathleen YoungYoung Parkyn McNab LLPYoung’s Securities LimitedTim ZuckIrving Zucker



Page 18: 2008 Report to Donors

Anonymous- 44358178 Alberta Ltd. O/A

Stop and Go423422 AB Ltd.960875 Alberta Ltd.1014560 Alta Ltd.1367418 Alberta Ltd.1395187 Alberta Ltd.1st Choice Savings and

Credit Union Ltd.2 for 1 PizzaAbyssinian RestaurantPalmer and Lise AchesonVerna AdamsonKristen AhearnJo-Lynn AjtaiAlberta Association

Canadian Institute of Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association

Alberta Health Services AADAC

Alberta Real Estate Foundation

Jim AlcockBruce and Jane AllanKen AllanAllan Watson SchoolDawn AllenLynn AmbedianFran AmundsenPeter AmundsenJohn AndersonLinda AndersonRobert and Shirley AndersonWilliam AndersonKevin AndreR. AndrokovichAlan AndronMary AnnisArchaeological Society of

AlbertaArlene and Norman

Patrick Costigan Professional Corporation

Lynn ArnoldArt Batty Enterprises Inc.AstraZeneca Canada Inc.ATCO GroupGordon and Vickie Atkins

Courtney Atkinson and Jennifer Copeland

Peggy AuAuke Elzinga Professional

CorporationCharles AustinEleanor AustinElizabeth AustinSally AustinAvonlea Homes Ltd.Brad AxworthyDerek BabeBackstreet Pub and PizzaJohn Bain and Elizabeth SchultzRobbie BakerDoris BalcovskeRandy BardockJanine BarskyJoe BarskyJohn and Yvonne BarthelBartlett and Associates

Management Ltd.Gary BartlettMichael and Debra BasilFred and Pat BaskervilleBasket SensationsVictoria BasterAnne BaxterJudy BaxterBayer Crop ScienceBDO Dunwoody LLPLori BeamanMariette BeaudryHarold and Henrie BeaulieuBelize Electricity LimitedTim and Brenda BellMandy BennettMichael and Diane BennettRon and Marion BennettKathy BensonJim and Jean BerezanHenry and Mary Ann BergenDorin and Helen BerlandoFrank BerrottaRobert BestTravis BevanMaralon BevansReginald BibbyMarvin BidulkaBigelow Fowler Clinic

Kieran BigginsAllynne BileskiBruno and Cheryl BinassiBrenda BirchDoreen BirdBrian BlackBlack Velvet Distilling

CompanyAlix BlackshawRichard BlakeleyShawn BlitzJoseph BlondeauBMO Bank of MontrealRene and Brenda BoereRobyn BoereArie and Margaret BomhofRay and Tina BonettiBooster JuiceKirk BooteArthur and Shirley BorzelKeith Boschee and Val HillDaniel BostersTobey and Bernadine BouletRobert BoudreauMyles and Betty BourkeDiane BoyleSharon and Douglas BrayBridge City Chrysler

Dodge Jeep Inc.Bridge County RacewayBridge Pressure WashersBridge VacuumGlenn and Robin BrightDiane BrittonRon BroadheadSteve BromleyGeri BronsonCathy BrooksEric BrooksBarry and Marion BroughtonAlan BrownBrian BrownBryson and Linde BrownHarold and Peggy BrownKirk and J’Nan BrownLance and Janice BrownMurray BrownRandy BrownDeb BullockBurbridge Farm Ltd.Theresa Burg

Dana BurgessSusan and Craig

Burrows-JohnsonDennis and Christine BurtonFred BurtonBrett and Niki ButtonBill and Elsa CadeMaureen CalderCalgary Flames Limited

PartnershipCalgary FoundationSteven and Bev CalnanAllan CampbellIan CampbellJanet CampbellMichael CampbellRobert CampbellCGA Alberta Research and

Education FoundationCanadian Pacific Railway

CompanyCanadian Petroleum Tax SocietyCanadian Tire Associate StoreCanadian Union of Public

Employees Local 408Dino and Kaareen CaputoCarle Law OfficeBryce CarlsonEric CarmichaelCarla CarnaghanDavid Carpenter and

Cheryl ArelisElinor CarpenterMarcel CarpenterSusan CarriereDavid CarruthersJason CarruthersCharlotte CatonVirginia CattoniCaveman Transport Ltd.Celebration Cards Ltd.Centron Construction LimitedCertified General

Accountants Association of Alberta

Certified Management Accountants of Alberta

CGA Alberta Research and Education Foundation

Gwen ChadseyDonald and Nadine ChandlerConnie ChaplinBill and Debra ChapmanChris CharlesCharlton and Hill Ltd.Chartered Accountants’

Education FoundationChinook Regional Health

AuthorityDan ChisholmRick ChisholmKatherine ChisteSusan ChomistekDarryl ChristiansenSara ChristmasVan ChristouKaren ChuggCIBC-Canadian Imperial

Bank of CommerceCecilia ClarkeJeff and Lisa ClarkeRobert Clay and Barbara

MarshalsayClear Sky Radio Inc.Karen ClearwaterMalcolm ClewesCloverdale Paint Inc.Coaldale Recreational

HockeyTracey CoatesCoca-Cola Bottling Ltd.Penny CochlanCoCo Pazzo Italian CafeCoffee Company of

Alberta Ltd.Melba CollierMelville and Flo CollierDouglas Colwell and

Sheila TorgunrudConcrete Care SystemsDiane ConleyJanet ConnDennis and Catherine ConnollyConocoPhillips CanadaContinental Cattle

Carriers LtdAdrian and Valmarie CookeRobert CooneyRonald and Laurel Corbiere


2008 Donors

Page 19: 2008 Report to Donors

John CordeauMichael CormicanLouis and Madeleine CormierBrad CornishGiuliano and Dawna CosloviCostco WholesaleHarry and Mildred CoxDonna Court and FamilyCox Financial Group Ltd.Naomi CramerCrestar EnergyJeffery and Steph CrightonJune CrightonRob CroninCrop Life Canada - AlbertaRaymond CullerChristine CumminsJames and Barbara

CunninghamLoren CurtisSusan CurtisCzechoslovak Canadian

Cultural Society of Southern Alberta

D & R Oils Ltd.D.A.B Microscopes@

Imaging Inc.DA Electric Ltd.James D’AndreaDayna DanielsRobin Dann and Dixie KoenigDavid W. Lambden Survey ConsultantRichard and Denise DavidsonDavidson and Williams LLPVivian DavidsonBart and Cynthia DaviesJohn and Karen DaviesLeslie DawnJames and Gaynel DaySandra D’CunhaFrank DearloveNada DearloveMark DeBloisShirley and Gerald DeBowPhyllis DedekamGail De MontignyJoanne Des RocheMichael DeSandoliRoberto DeSandoliSalvatore DeSandoliSusan DeSandoli

Devon Canada CorporationPeter DibbleDimnik and CompanyMichael and Michelle DimnikMichael and Allison DixonJon DoanDouglas and Teresa DolmanKristen DowMatthew DowPatricia DowKaren Dow-CazalDr. Toni R. Winder

Professional CorporationGerhard DriedgerJudith DroesslerKelsey DrozdowskiBhagwan and Swarn DuaMary DuantReg DucharmeHazel DudleyMichelle DukeChai DuncanShelley DuncanClint DunfordElnora DuruptJohn DuttonRandy DyckJohn DyerAnne DymondEagle Commodities Ltd.Eagle Upholstrey Ltd.Arman EarlDarrell and Marion EastmanEcole St. Mary’s SchoolEconomic Development

LethbridgeAriana EdelmanSpencer EdelmanJane EdmundsonEducation Undergraduate

SocietyElk Valley Coal CorporationTrevor and Jen EllermanWendy and Vincent EllertEllison Enterprises Ltd.Emco CorporationEmco HVACBarry and Trish EmersonJan EmersonShannon EmersonEnCana CorporationEnercon Water Treatment Ltd.James Enman

Janelle Enns GordonRichard EppBarb ErlerErnst and Young LLPGeorge Evelyn and Lottie AustinEvergreen Golf CentreExecutive Women

International, Lethbridge Chapter

Joyce FairbairnAlesha Farfus-ShukaliakPat FarleyDonald FarwellIrene FazioRaymond FeatherstoneLauren FehrEstates of Keith and

Hope M. FergusonCarla FerrariFerrari Westwood Babits

ArchitectsCarolyn FetazElda FigueiraMichelle FilipenkoCarey FindlayDavid FindlayKaye FisherMel and Pauline FisherJo-Anne FiskeDennis Fitzpatrick and

Caryl Nelson-FitzpatrickLarry and June FlanaganKevin FloateBrianne FlobergFloor Care Systems Ltd.Arnold and Dorothy

Follinglo Patrick ForrestDoug and Janet ForsythBill ForwardFoster and Sons Jewellery Ltd.Kim FowlerLeah FowlerMerrilyn FowlerNichole FoxDenton FredricksonSandra FremstadBarbra FrenchAnthony FriendMatt FullerJan FuriakJoseph Furiak

Lana GaborMarty GaddCosimo GagliardiSarah GagnonChuck GalambosIwona GalaszkiewiczGalbraith SchoolHans GaleslootDean and Bev GallimoreDonna GallowayStacey GammonGarneau Manufacturing Inc.Ron and Bev GarnettGarry Pattison

Professional Corp.Garry W. Kaskiw

Professional CorporationJoe and Leslie GatnerDon GattoKaren GaudetteGeorge B. Lomas

Professional CorporationRalph GerbrechtMichelle GibbRobbin GibbGibb’s Agencies Ltd.Peter GiesbrechtTom and Lois GilchristDon GillTanya GillSandy GillisGlenwall ConstructionBill and Jacalynne GloverGold and Gold ProductionsJoanne and Tom GoldenRoy GolsteynJock and Shelagh GourlayJoey GraceGraduate Students’

AssociationBart and Rumi GrahamClayton GrahamGeorge GrahamTaylor GrahamRuth Grant KalischukEstate of Marshall Nelson

GrantGrant Thornton LLPCarl and Friederike

GranzowLinda GrayRichard Gray

Great-West Life, London Life,Canada Life

Green Acres FoundationFred Greene and Lisa

DoolittlePauline GreenidgeBetsy GreenleesMichael and Dianna GreerGreg Robinson

Counselling Services Inc.David GregoryElgin GregoryJohn and Rosi GregoryTeresa GriceNancy GriggVicki GrisackRob GroenenboomDon Groft and Jean HarrowingCindy GrotenGrowing AlbertaMartin and Sonya GrypmaRyan GuenterShauna HaagVivian HaagPat and Irene HagerAndrew and Linda HakinDon HaleBill HalleyHamilton Farms Inc.Estate of Corinne HamiltonLaurel HamiltonHaney FarmsTJ HansonLorraine HappRick and Lynette HarderPaul and Ina HardingMadeleine HardyJim and Karen HarkerWilliam Harker and

Dereka ThibaultTanya HarnettHarold F. G. Elke

Professional CorporationHarold’s Auto Service Ltd.Harper ChiropracticGeorgean and Alex HarperCole and Kathy HarrisSuzanne HarrisTrevor HarrisonRuth HarrowingLynda HartleyRebecca Hartshorn

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Marjorie HaugenElaine HaughianHaul-All Equipment Ltd.John and Marilyn HawrylukDoug HaydenRae HazelwoodJohn HeapsFrank and Geri HeckerGeorgina HeckerPeter HeembrockCsaba HegedusHoward and Suzanne HeilJane HeineRoelof HeinenHeliographics Ltd.Tracy HembroffVaughan and Marilyn

HembroffBlaine HendsbeeBen HeppnerDaryl and Wendy HerbersM.P. HessDavid and Barbara HignellR. Cleve and Edith HillJames Hill and Karen ReidSusan HillEric and Barbara HillmanJosephine HillmanHirano and Heaton

Architects Ltd.Bob HironakaDorothy Ann HoareRobert HodgsonCindy HoergerRobbyn HoffeDavid Hoffos and Mary-Anne McTroweDave HollandWayne and Aline HolmenBeverly HolmesBrett HolmesJean and Owen HolmesAlice HontelaMarni HopeChris Horbachewski and

Lana WicentovichMarla HornHornquist Enterprises

Trish’s Hair DesignPatricia HorrocksJames and Elizabeth

HorsmanChristopher Hosgood

Renae HougenTweela HoutekamerLaurence HoyeKevin HronekTina and Gary HuckabayKaren HudsonHudson LLPDavid and Shirley HughesHuman Resources

Institute of AlbertaRuth HummelBrett HumphriesKevin and Nancy HunterT. Andrew HurlyImperial Oil FoundationIntegrity DentalFelix IrwinJohn and Noella IrwinRita IrwinJoyce ItoJ.E. Evanson Professional

CorporationTrish JacksonWayne JacksonRon and Mariette JacobsonSandy and John JacobsonHans-Peter JakobCharlene JanesVictor and Lise JanuszewskiErnest JanzenLois JardineJeffery Warren Professional CorporationJMAR Mortuary Services Ltd.Jepeto Securities Ltd.Audrey JohnsonBrian JohnsonCliff JohnsonEvelyn JohnsonJan JohnsonLarry JohnsonLawrence and Brenda

JohnsonReyn and Brenda

JohnsonChristina JonesGarand JonesJenny JonesPhil JonesShirley JonesGordon and Elizabeth JongRandy and Beverly JosephEdward Jurkowski

Doug KabearyWendy KalkanBarbara KarbashewskiMarcus KarpartiMary Kavanagh and

Edison del CantoTom KecoTrevor Keeper and Sharon HamiltonKevin and Patricia KeithPeter and Helen KelleyRoxanne KellyLynn KennedyMisty KenneyKenwat Mack Slusarchuk

Stewart LLPCecily KenwoodKay KerrMartin KingKinsmen Club of TaberKiwanis Club of

LethbridgeGlenn KlassenBarry KnappCarol KnibbsGregory KnightAnne KoebelEric and Marion KokkoBryan KolbMitchell KonschukKorite InternationalJohn and Doris KostiukUte KotheJill KotkasIgor and Olga KovalchukKPMG FoundationKPMG LLPGayle KramplWilliam KrausJosephine KrokoshLeslaw KrysiakJudith KuligKim KultgenAmy KurioLorna KurioVal Kurio Peter KusalikWayne and Rhonda KwanBarbara LaceyLafarge Canada Inc.Sherry LalraceLandmark Homes (Calgary) Inc.

James and Katherine Langston

Marie LanierSteve LarocqueSherry LatraceWilliam and Nancy LattaJason LaurendeauCindy LaValleyLeslie LaversElinor LawsonChelsea Layden-PowerSusan LeaZealand LeavittBernie LeBlancVernon LeckieKathy LeeLana LeebPatricia LeebKenneth LenzStephen LeonhardtKaren LeskosekLethbridge Association

for Progressive DentistryLethbridge Bar AssociationLethbridge Caterers Ltd.Lethbridge Chamber of

CommerceLethbridge CollegeLethbridge Community

FoundationLethbridge Curling ClubLethbridge Dairy Mart Ltd. Lethbridge Hockey HoundsLethbridge Hurricanes

Hockey ClubLethbridge Iron Works

Company LimitedLethbridge Lodge HotelLethbridge Public School

Local 41 ATALethbridge Real Estate

Board Co-op Ltd.Lethbridge School District

No. 51Lethbridge Twinning SocietyLethbridge Young Men’s

Christian AssociationArthur LeventhalKen and Kathy LewisTed LikuskiLinalta Oils Ltd.Murray LindsayLucie Linhart

Sharon LinitskiWayne LippaMarjorie LittleBarry LitunElizabeth LixJoyce LizziCraig and Sharon LoewenFlorence LookBecky LoreCristian LorenzoniSheila LoweMalcolm Lowings and

Majda PahuljeEmily LuceHelen LuskSandy LyonsM W Steed Professional

CorporationMac3 Machine Inc.Heather MacBeathNeil MacbeathSusan MacbeathHeidi MacDonaldGaylord MacDonnellDan and Kathy MacFarlaneDon and Margaret MacKayGordon MacKayGlen MackeyGlen MacKinnonIan MacLachlan and

Diane ClarkKevin and Tami MacLeanShelby MacLeodRobert and Wendy MacPhailKaren MageeRita MaharBill MainsClaudia MalacridaDerek MalcolmSteve MandoliTerry MandoliJean MankeeGeorge and Nellie MannHelen ManyfingersPoul and Michelle MarkAllan MarkinMaury MarksPierre MarleauMartec Insulation Ltd.Martin Bros. Funeral

Chapel and Crematorium Ltd.

Vincent Martino

Page 21: 2008 Report to Donors

2 0 0 8 D O N O R S

Dereck MasekaGeri MasseChris MastromatteoBen and Marie MatkinVal and Flora MatteottiNorah MatthiesMaxine’s Pharmacy Ltd.Greg MaxwellDoug and Rita McArthurClark and Anna McAskileJim McCollLorene McCreadyMcDonald Auto GroupDella McDonaldIan McDonaldJana McFarlandRaymond and Sheila

McHughMcIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd.Dana McKechnieMargaret McKeenMcKillop Insurance and

Registry Services Ltd.Craig McmahonSheila McManusDavid McMillanLinda McMillanGuy and Tracy McNabEdward and Linda McNallyPeter McNallyRichard and Sharon

McNivenWalter McNivenArlene McTigheMelcor Developments Ltd.MelioristMuriel MellowTodd MeltonKaye MendozaTy MennaMeyers Norris PennyPeggy MezeiSharon MezeiTerry and Anne MichaelisGina MichelDan and Gail MichenerJaneal MickColin and Laura MillerDave MillerShauna MilliganBruce and Mary MillikenMilne Pritchard Law OfficeMary Milroy

Neil and Heather MirauBob MoffatDiane MokoschMommy & Me Ltd.Craig MonkKim MoodyChristopher MooreShawn and Jaime MoraschGoldie MorgentalerGlen MoriBrad and Mandy MoserLaurie MostowichJason Moulton and Janay NugentMR.SUBMARINE LIMITEDMS MacLean Livestock

Co. Ltd.Bev Muendel-AtherstoneDon MuirheadMartin MundryMurray Chevrolet CadillacKyle MurrayChris MyhrTovi NalderLinda NapperNational Salvage Co. Ltd.Edward NedzaLaurie NeherChristyn NelisCathy NelsonChrista NelsonNelson Family Ranches Ltd.Deb NeuPeter NeufeldDennis NeufeldtNeuroInvestigationsJanice NewberryCathy NewmanJohn NewmanNexen Canada Inc.Bonnie NicolChris and Lorraine NicolRose NiedermierBrenda NixonNoosa Energy Ltd.Francis and Cybele

NoronhaKen NorsworthyNorth and CompanyPhil and Freda NorthJill NucklesFinbarr O’BrienCharmaine O’Connell

JD O’ConnellMike O’ConnorKiyo OikawaSylvia OishiRose OlerVittorio OliverioErin OlsenLeah OlsenShawntelle OlsenCorinne O’NeillRod and Tracy OosterbroekOrder of the Royal Purple

No. 32Seamus and Judy O’SheaSherry OswaldA. K. OtsukaJoanne OvernJon OxleyDeanna OyePahulje Enterprises Ltd.Richard and Theresa

PapworthAndre and Lisa ParadisParadise Canyon Golf

Resort CompanyDouglas ParkerTrenton Parks and Lillian

De Vetten-ParksLyle and Cynthia ParrNorm ParsonsMelissa and Ronald PasolliPassion PartiesWarren PashkowichBridget PastoorSteve PatitsasBarbara PatrickKen PattendenGarry PattisonLorne PatzerRon and Helen PaulenceDebbie PayneKent Peacock and Sharon SimmersLorna PeacockSergio PellisPen - Bro Holdings LimitedPenn West Energy TrustRichard Perlow and Lori KoppBessie PerssonM. J. PeszatLeslie and Alice PetaRick and Lorie Peter

Knud PetersenVernon PetersonPeterson Walker LLPTeresa PetriwJune PhillipsNathan PhillipsTony PiersonPatti PilsnerShawn PinderPinetree Supply Ltd.Dal PirotMildred PiperGrant and Jan PiskoIsabelle PiskoUrban and Marlene PittmanKen and Kathy PivertDora PochMarilyn PocockBernhard PohlMelody PolychBrad PontoTim and Patricia PopePratt and Whitney

Canada Corp.Jozef and Theresa ProzniakKeith PushorR W Barr Professional

CorporationVictoria RaczGeorge RaganJanice RahnValerie RajcicZoran RajcicRussell and Anne RaslaskRBC Financial Group

through RBC FoundationRBG Construction Ltd.Doris RedelScott ReevesRegent Restaurant Inc.Remco Farms Ltd.Greg RemijnCourtney RennieRobert and Brenda RennieMardi RenykMarlys ReynarRichard G. Harder

Professional CorporationRichardson Bros. (Olds) Ltd.Richardson Oilseed Ltd.Una RidleyTara RiehlDeb Robb

Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation

Craig and Jaime RobertsKelly RobertsScott RobertsonDavid and Laura RobinKeith and Jean RobinDaniel RobinsonMichael RobinsonPat RobinsonWayne RobinsonLeslie Robison-GreeneMichael RodgersWilf RoeslerLesley RogersScott RogersRogers Sugar Ltd.Robert and Minda RogersonGregory RohovieTimothy RollingsonRaymond and Carol RomsesStewart RoodRotary Club of LethbridgeGloria RothSheena RothMarc and Catharine RousselMichelle RowRichard RowleyBlair and Laurie RuffEstella RungRunners Soul Inc.Dan and Anita RyderSagebrush StudiosScott SakatchJoyce SakonAnthony SalekinHamida SamjiMark SandilandsDebi SandulJeff and Julie SarichKevin SassaBrent SatoSaturn of LethbridgeSavanna Energy Services Corp.Jim SavoySimon SchaerzBetty SchaufeleAlexander SchelesnakRhonda SchindelerRay SchmittWerner and Kathleen

SchrageDarlene Schwab


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Randy and Maureen Schwartz

Schwartz Reliance Insurance and Registry Services

Amy SchweitzerMerrill SchweitzerScotiabankSusan ScovillDave and Linda SebastianSedona Enterprises Ltd.Kevin SehnMark SelentCoral SemeniukSenator Buchanan SchoolYosh and Florence SendaServus Credit UnionDean and Natalie SetoguchiOliver and Joanna SewardDaniel ShapiroAmy ShawCarol ShawJanette SheetsShenton Holdings and

Development Ltd.Grant ShingooseIrene ShippobothamGerald ShortreedJohanna ShortreedAlan SiaroffDiana SibleyClarice SiebensBrett SilbernagelSimpson-Markinch

Charitable FoundationMelissa SingerSonia SitzChes and Betty SkinnerSandy SlavinAngela SlezinaDavid SmithDavid and Michaeleen

SmithDoug SmithGavin SmithMarilyn SmithDeborah Smith McCartySam and Carol SmithSharon SmithKerry SnaticLillian SnidalBarbara SnowdonLouis and Dorothy Soop

Southern Alberta Art GalleryRaymond and Ingrid SpeakerGeoffrey and Elizabeth

SpencerDavid and Jo SpinksRandall and Renee SpohnNorma and George SpoulosRhonda St. AmandSt. Augustine’s Anglican

ChurchSt.Michael’s Hair SalonStandard General Inc.Dorothy StanleyJill StanleySara StanleyMavis and Barry StannardThomas and Susan StaplesSean StaplinVictor and Amy StasiukGary and Kathy StaufferLucius and Joan StebbinsBarrie SteedRichard SteedDavid SteeleTerry and Carol SteenSteve Rodo FoundationCalvin StewartDonald StewartMelissa StokerStrategies NOWStressless Heart Massage

TherapySandra StringerBrian and Colleen SullivanElke and Marvin

SundstromSun Life FinancialSundown Supply Inc.Roger SurkanDarlene SutherlandDoreen SwanJudy SwansonMark and Lea SwitzerJames and Tanya SzarkoClarence and Lynette TaalJim TaggBruce and Donna TaitD. Logan TaitAlice TakacsCarrie TakeyasuClarence and Lynette TaalTy TangGeoffrey and Jan Tanner

Wayne and Barbara TateBrian and Lorraine TaylorKenneth TaylorTD Bank Financial GroupTeam Heninger Ltd.TeamworkTraining Ltd.Teck Coal Ltd.Philippe TeilletTELUS Communications Inc.Howard and Sharon TennantTerra View Custom HomesTerry Longair Professional

CorporationLoretta TetzlaffBlaine ThackerCrystal TheodoreKevin TheodoreMichelle ThibaultBarry and Gail ThielenThomas Copps Audiology

Clinic Ltd.Mary ThompsonRalph Thrall, Jr. and Cathy ThrallIan ThumlertJody ThumlertWilliam Tice and Shelley ScottBrandi TindallBrian Titley and Jane O’DeaTJ LivestockTMR Marketing Inc.Leandro TomeiDylan ToobyKent TooneTorry Lewis Abells LLPDenise TotmanFred TrinhRebecca TrinhTriple D CleaningTroy Basarab Professional CorporationSuzanne TrudelCatherine TsangPeter and Helen TseRobert and Dawn TurnerBrian and Jill TysonNicole UngerUniversity of Lethbridge

Alumni AssociationUniversity of Lethbridge

Faculty Association

University of Lethbridge Students

Urban Insight Development Group Limited

John UsherV.F. Boras Professional

CorporationLori ValentinsenDonna Van EckDella Van GaalenAdrian and Gerda

VanderFluitErik VandistVarian Canada Inc.Glenn and Janice VarzariEvelyn VasCindy VenhuisGuy VervoortMoana VineyardHarry VissersGeorge VlavianosVolker Stevin Contracting Ltd.Jessica VolpiAmy von HeykingJeffrey VucurevichVulcan CountyNicholas Wade and Carol BeattyJosef WagnerSusan WagnerHilda WalkerJudith WalkerLaurence WalkerNancy and Paul WalkerHerb and Kristine WallNeriza WallaceWAL-MARTMark WaltonShaun and Pat WardWards RentalsJoe WarshawskyEdwin and Katherine WasiakWaters LimitedKaren WatsonAngela WattsWayne C Petersen

Professional CorporationAlex and Elizabeth WellsIan WellsJean WellsWesbridge Construction

LimitedHazel West

Patricia WestersonDan and Karen WestwoodGerard and Terry WestwoodMace WetterAllan WheelerGrieg and Cheryl WheelerLorna WheelerAmy WhippleMichael WhippleIan and Susan WhishawTerry WhiteheadHans-Joachim WiedenJoan WierzbaDarol and Evelyn WighamWigham Resources Ltd.Wilbur-Ellis Company of

CanadaRhonda WildemanCarol WilliamsLorne and Wendy WilliamsRobert WilliamsDonald and Shirley WilsonWayne and Wilma WinterShelly and Stephen WismathAlane Witt-LajeunesseSue and Mark WobickBernadine WojtowiczBarbara WolstoncroftWomen’s Soccer Association

of LethbridgeMorley Wong and Evelyn

Cormack-WongClifford and Eleanor WrightAldegonda WyrostokIrene YamamotoKathryn YamashitaBlair Yorke-SlaterDoug YoshidaDiana YoungDon Young and Hazel MitchellElizabeth YoungYoung Parkyn McNab LLPJanet YoungdahlSajjad ZahirMichelle ZellerGeorge and Treva ZieberAlicja ZiemienowiczFrances ZirosMonte ZobellJarret ZukiwskyDavid Zwyer

Page 23: 2008 Report to Donors

Your generosity provides necessary resources for the present, while paving a path for the future.

As the University of Lethbridge moves forward and expands its horizons, the impacts of your support will be witnessed time and time again.

Thank you for your generous contributions.

Page 24: 2008 Report to Donors

University of LethbridgeUniversity Advancement

4401 University DriveLethbridge, AlbertaT1K 3M4

Phone: 403-329-2582Toll Free: 1-866-552-2582


PRODUCED BY:University Advancementat the University of Lethbridge

EDITOR:Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak


DESIGNER:Stephenie Chester

PHOTOGRAPHY:Jones FotoGlenda MoultonBernie Wirzba

PRINTING:University of LethbridgePrinting Services

DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Chris Horbachewski Vice-President (Advancement)

Ruth HummelDirector, Development

Barry KnappManager, Major Gifts

Kathy MacFarlaneManager, Development Programs

Kristine Carlsen WallAdvancement Business Officer

Joyanne Mitchell Research Officer

Donna CourtGift Processing

Taryn Sailer Administrative Support

Erika StreetResearch Support

Jana McFarlandAdvancement Communications OfficerCommunications Officer

Recycled Paper containing 50% Recycled Fibre and 25% Post-Consumer Waste