2006 10 final.doc  · web viewround: round 10 related tossup/bonus tossup 1. william blackstone...


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Page 1: 2006 10 final.doc  · Web viewROUND: ROUND 10 RELATED TOSSUP/BONUS TOSSUP 1. William Blackstone recorded its first use in 1305, and it was invoked during England’s Five Knights’



Page 2: 2006 10 final.doc  · Web viewROUND: ROUND 10 RELATED TOSSUP/BONUS TOSSUP 1. William Blackstone recorded its first use in 1305, and it was invoked during England’s Five Knights’


TOSSUP 1. William Blackstone recorded its first use in 1305, and it was invoked during England’s Five Knights’ case in 1627. Fort McHenry’s commander George Cadwalader refused to obey it despite Justice Roger Taney’s decision in Ex Parte Merryman, and it was also an issue in Ex Parte McCardle and Ex Parte Milligan after Abraham Lincoln suspended it in 1861. For 10 points, identify this common law writ directing one who holds another in his custody to produce the body of that person before the court.ANSWER: writ of habeas corpus<Douglass>

BONUS. Name the following things associated with anxiety, for 10 points each.[10] This disorder consists of symptoms such as hyperarousal and avoidance in response to a previous experience such as a natural disaster or fighting in a war.ANSWER: PTSD [or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder][10] This symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder consists of a memory so intense that the person feels that they are reliving the traumatic experience.ANSWER: flashback<J. Bykowski>

TOSSUP 2. Short stories by this author include “The Childhood of Lovers” and “The Last Summer,” both of which were collected in his Aerial Ways. His short poem “Winter Night” describes a candle that would not go out in a blizzard, while his “Margarita” compared a nightingale to a dead woman and was included in the collection, Themes and Variations, which made his name. Other important poems include the longer works Lt. Schmidt and 1905, but his best known work, first published in 1957, centers on the title character’s rivalry with the evil Komarovsky for the hand of fair Lara. For 10 points identify this Russian author of the novel Dr. Zhivago.ANSWER: Boris Pasternak<Berdichevsky>

BONUS. Identify the following related Italian authors, for 10 points each:[10] His secular comedies like The Pretenders and The Necromancer were true innovations, but this man remains best known for his 1532 epic Orlando Furioso.ANSWER: Ludovico Ariosto[10] This man, who published a condensation of Orlando Furioso in 1970, credited Ariosto as an influence on his works such as The Cloven Viscount and If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler.ANSWER: Italo Calvino<Berdichevsky>

TOSSUP 3. As Speaker of the House, he proposed an amendment barring federal support of religious schools, which, like a later gaff by his supporter Samuel Burchard, was interpreted as anti-Catholic. Robert Ingersoll nicknamed him “The Plumed Knight,” and this leader of the Half-Breeds was also known as the “continental liar from the state of Maine.” For 10 points, name this Secretary of State under Garfield and Harrison who unsuccessfully ran against the “rum, Romanism, and rebellion” of Grover Cleveland.ANSWER: James Gillespie Blaine<Kendall>

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BONUS. Name these German politicians of the Cold War, for 10 points each.[10] This successor to Walter Ulbricht was the East German leader from 1971 until early 1989, and was so repressive that he even banned Soviet literature as too liberal.ANSWER: Erich Honecker[10] This longtime Social Democratic Party leader was West German chancellor from 1969 to 1974. He introduced “Ostpolitik” to soften relations with Communist states.ANSWER: Willy Brandt [or Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm]<Weiner>

TOSSUP 4. When an ionic compound is dissolved in a liquid-filled container, this quantity manifests itself as the work done in raising the water level in that container. It is defined as the Legendre transform of the internal energy U that introduces temperature and pressure as independent variables. Its formula reflects the struggle between entropic and enthalpic factors in its determination, and its sign and magnitude denotes the spontaneity of a reaction, although kinetic factors are necessary to ascertain the actual rate. For 10 points, name this thermodynamic potential function denoted by G.ANSWER: Gibbs free energy [prompt on free energy]<Rahman>

BONUS. Oscillations are necessary for receiving sound information. For 10 points each answer these questions about sound conduction.[10] This snail-shaped organ in the inner ear is responsible for converting vibrations into neural impulses.ANSWER: cochlea[10] This is the part of the cochlea that contains the hair cells that do the actual transduction. It lies between the tectorial and basilar membranes and is named after an Italian scientist.ANSWER: organ of Corti<Wynne>

TOSSUP 5. Beethoven wrote a set of variations based on this opera, which has an octet in the finale of Act One. It also features the “Catalog aria” and “Finch’han dal vino” (feen KAHN dahl VEE no), also known as the “Champagne aria.” At the end of the opera, Ottavio (aw TAH vee oh) postpones marriage to Donna Anna for a year and Donna Elvira vows to retire to a convent. For 10 points, the statue of a murdered Commendatore drags the title character down to hell in what opera featuring the role of Leoporello, by Mozart?ANSWER: Don Giovanni<Ismail>

BONUS. After setting out for Bath, where he finished a celebrated portrait of Mrs. Howe, he returned to London. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this British painter whose other works include The Morning Walk and the quasi-landscape Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.ANSWER: Thomas Gainsborough[10] Gainsborough’s most well known work is this 1770 painting of a young man named Jonathan Buttall holding a hat and wearing a lot of the title color.ANSWER: The Blue Boy<Berdichevsky>

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TOSSUP 6. A theological school which shares its name with this university promulgated a conservative Calvinist doctrine under Charles Hodge in the 1870s. In 2004, this institution adopted a policy against grade inflation which said only 35 percent of grades can be A’s. Affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Study, it also operates the Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, named for a U.S. president who was formerly in charge of this school. For 10 points, name this member of the Ivy League found in New Jersey.ANSWER: Princeton University<Weiner>

BONUS. Answer the following about a delicious beverage, for 10 points per part.[10] This President’s wife earned the nickname “Lemonade Lucy” for refusing to serve alcohol at the White House.ANSWER: Rutherford Birchard Hayes[10] 1964’s Lemonade Joe was one of the first Westerns ever made in this language. Other films made in it include The White Dove, The Shop on Main Street, and the early works of Milos Forman.ANSWER: Czech [or Ceština]<Weiner>

TOSSUP 7. It was followed by the Treaty of Vervins and was comprised of four sections and 148 total articles. It allowed for both places of “security” and “refuge,” which were later undermined by the directed deployment of dragoons. Its guarantees, such as mixed courts and full liberty of conscience, were especially weakened after the fall of La Rochelle and it was officially nullified at Fontainebleau in 1685 by Louis XIV. For 10 points, identify this agreement promulgated by Henry IV that defined the rights of French Protestants. ANSWER: Edict of Nantes<Berdichevsky>

BONUS. He entered an alliance with Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1562 and promoted the work of Christian missionaries in order to weaken the influence of monks. For 10 points each:[10] Name this man who overthrew the Ashikaga shogunate and unified half of Japan’s provinces before committing suicide in 1582.ANSWER: Oda Nobunaga [or Kichihoshi; or Saburo][10] Oda Nobunaga reduced the political power of this class of large-scale landowners by eliminating their chief revenue sources of toll roads and guild fees.ANSWER: daimyo<Douglass>

TOSSUP 8. Katie and her brother Johnnie search for the title object in the allegorical Finding the Green Stone. The stories “Olive Oil” and “The Brotherhood of the Saved” were included in the collection The Way Forward is With a Broken Heart. A proponent of “womanism,” her encounters with literary pioneers are addressed in the essays Finding Langston and In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens. Best known for fiction including Meridian and The Third Life of Grange Copeland, her most famous work is an epistolary novel that revolves around the sisters Nettie and Celie. For 10 points identify this author of The Color Purple.ANSWER: Alice Walker<Berdichevsky>

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BONUS. This novel is set on the island of Lyme Regis in 1867. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this work revolving around a paleontologist, Charles Freeman, who falls in love with Sarah Woodruff, a lady who may have been deserted by the titular army officer.ANSWER: The French Lieutenant’s Woman[10] This British author of Daniel Martin and The Aristos wrote The French Lieutenant’s Woman.ANSWER: John Robert Fowles<Berdichevsky>

TOSSUP 9. This movement was brought to the United States via Charleston, South Carolina by Isaac Wise. Its first service was conducted in German by Israel Jacobson, who called for the end of belief in the moshiach and the disavowal of wearing tallit. This denominational group sparked great opposition when it advocated men and women praying together and the abandonment of kosher laws. For 10 points, name this strain of Judaism which sought to remove most Orthodox trappings and was tempered by the compromise Conservative movement.ANSWER: Reform Judaism<Weiner>

BONUS. Hyrcanus I was a priest-king of this dynasty. For 10 points each:[10] Name this group which overthrew the Hellenistic regime of Antiochus IV and re-established the Kingdom of Israel in the second century BCE.ANSWER: Maccabees[10] After the Maccabees cleared the Greeks out of the Temple, the small amount of sacred oil left for the menorah did this, a miracle which is celebrated at Hanukkah.ANSWER: burned for eight days [accept clear and specific equivalents]<Weiner>

TOSSUP 10. The effect of one class of these is modeled by the KNF and concerted MWC models; another class is comprised mostly of transition-state mimics. All of these chemicals increase the slopes of Lineweaver-Burk plots, and Ritonavir acts as one of these for the HIV protease. One class of these molecules occupies the active site, while the other changes the conformation of the associated catalyst. For 10 points, name these molecules that come in competitive and allosteric types and that reduce the activity of enzymes.ANSWER: inhibitors [accept allosteric regulators or allosteric inhibitors or allosteric activator before “mimics”]<Sorice>

BONUS. The second stage of its first phase is termed pachytene and coincides with crossing over. For 10 points each:[10] Name this ploidy-halving cellular process that ends with telophase II (“two”).ANSWER: meiosis[10] This specific type of meiosis occurs in human females. Featuring a long arrest in the dictyate sub-phase, it results in one secondary haploid gamete and three polar bodies.ANSWER: oogenesis<Sorice>

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TOSSUP 11. One of this man’s results says that every odd prime can be expressed as the sum of two squares while another states that, if given a prime and an integer, the integer raised to the power of one less than that prime will have a remainder of 1 when divided by the prime. Another problem he proposed erroneously claimed to have a result that proved that the Pythagorean-like expressions are not valid for powers greater than 2. For 10 points, name this French mathematician, the namesake of a set of primes who has both a “little” theorem and an Andrew Wiles-proven “last” theorem.ANSWER: Pierre de Fermat<Romero>

TOSSUP 12. This city last won the Grey Cup in 2004, though three different teams based in this city were finalists in the first three years of Cup play. Another team that won a championship in this city was managed by Cito Gaston and took advantage of a gopher ball served up by opposing pitcher Mitch Williams. Andrea Bargnani (bar-NYAH-nee), T.J. Ford, Rasho Nesterovic (nes-TARE-o-vich), and Chris Bosh play for another team here. For 10 points, the CFL’s Argonauts, a baseball team that occupies the Skydome, hockey’s storied Maple Leafs, and the NBA’s Raptors all hail from what Ontario city?ANSWER: Toronto<Weiner>

TOSSUP 13. This author’s shorter poems include several about a “Stone Lady,” including a sestina which begins “I have come, alas, to the great circle of shadow.” His prose works include the philosophical Convivio and an essay On Vernacular Speech, as well as the political treatise De monarchia. In the 1290s he wrote a short book which contains 25 sonnets, several other poems, and the author’s commentaries on his own poetry, a collection known as The New Life. That book commemorates his love for Beatrice Portinari. Name this Italian poet who also wrote The Divine Comedy.ANSWER: Dante Alighieri<Berdichevsky>

TOSSUP 14. An exploding live chicken was omitted from the final staging of one depiction of him. That photo taken by Philip Halsman showed three cats and a bucket of water in the air as this man jumped in front of his own painting Leda Atomicus. Halsman later created a volume of photographs featuring conversations with this man’s mustache. A painting by him is set at Port Ligat, where a barren tree, a strange animal, and a fly all touch oddly behaving timepieces. For 10 points, name this painter of The Persistence of Memory.ANSWER: Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí y Domenech<Weiner>

TOSSUP 15. Deformation of it is accompanied by tooth hypoplasia in Rieger syndrome, and Axenfeld anomaly occurs when its processes are inserted into the Schwalbe line. Supplied by the short ciliary nerve branch of the third cranial nerve, it consists mostly of a stroma. The Crypts of Fuchs allow the aqueous humor to access it, and its collaret region is where a sphincter and dilator muscle overlap to allow more or less light into the organ in which it is found. For 10 points, name this tissue that surrounds the constricted or dilated pupil, the pigmented part of the eye.ANSWER: iris<Wolpert>

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TOSSUP 16. It is given responsibility for redrawing state boundaries, administering federal prisons, and overseeing antitrust law and the Patent Office. The only newly elected 110th Congress members assigned to this body were Sheldon Whitehouse and Benjamin Cardin, and its current leader is in his third term as chairman after long serving as ranking Democrat under Orrin Hatch and Arlen Specter. For 10 points, Vermont’s Patrick Leahy chairs what Senate committee whose functions include vetting Supreme Court nominees?ANSWER: Senate Judiciary Committee [prompt on Judiciary Committee; accept equivalents which mention both the Senate and the judiciary]<Weiner>

TOSSUP 17. One of its first tasks was locating supporters of Beria, and its military counterpart was the GRU. Established after the dissolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its chairman became head of state in 1982, and another of its chairmen, Kryuchkov, helped lead a failed coup against Gorbachev in 1991. For 10 points, identify this successor to the OGPU, NKVD, and Cheka which was the foreign intelligence and domestic police agency of the Soviet Union.ANSWER: KGB [or Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti; or Committee for State Security]<Douglass>

TOSSUP 18. Drawing on certain writing of Patañjali, its philosophy is quite similar to Samkhya, another one of the orthodox darshans. This system emphasizes achieving samadhi through the eight “astanas,” which include such routines as the “asana” or “seat” and the “pranayama” or regulated breathing. Its name represents the goal of “union” with God or the universe and is the root of a word for a device that controls oxen. For 10 points, name this system of Hindu practice which has found additional popularity as a health activity.ANSWER: yoga<Weiner>

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ARTS: We are told that “naught can glitter” in the title place, as the new bride Judith takes a tour. For 15 points, name this opera by Bela Bartok about a legendary murderer who displays seven ominous rooms.ANSWER: Duke Bluebeard’s Castle [or A Kékszakállù herceg vára]<Weiner>

CALCULATION: For 15 points, find the numerator of the fraction that results from adding the fraction “three x over the quantity x squared plus five x plus six” to the fraction “4 over x squared plus two x minus three”.ANSWER: 3x^2+x+8 “three x squared plus x plus 8”<Feist>

CURRENT EVENTS: The opposition Labour Party led by Paul Keating is currently polling far ahead of this party’s embattled government. For 15 points, name this John Howard-led party which is currently in power in Australia.ANSWER: Liberal Party<Weiner>

GEOGRAPHY: Vozrozhdenia Island has become a peninsula, and the former port of Moynak is now one hundred miles from this sea, due to the diversion of water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers to cotton fields. For 15 points, name this shrinking Central Asian sea.ANSWER: Aral Sea [or Aral Tenghizi; or Aral’skoye More]<Meigs>

HISTORY: It was officially announced in 1872 and included Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. For 15 points, give the English name of this alliance, which Bismarck termed the Dreikaiserbund.ANSWER: Three Emperors League [or Agreement or whatever]<Berdichevsky>

LITERATURE: His Rural Sports was dedicated to Pope and after he lost everything in the South Sea Bubble, he wrote the popular Fifty-one Fables in Verse in order to gain favor with the Duke of Cumberland. For 15 points, name this author of The Beggar’s Opera.ANSWER: John Gay<Berdichevsky>

POPULAR CULTURE: This band has spent twenty-seven years charting singles, including their debut “Dreaming” to 2004’s “Good Boys.” For 15 points, Debbie Harry is the singer of what new wave group whose biggest songs were “Call Me,” “Rapture,” and “Heart of Glass?”ANSWER: Blondie<Weiner>

RMP: The Akaranga and Kalpa are used in Jainism, while in Hinduism they are lists of doctrinal aphorisms whose name comes from the Sanskrit for “thread.” For 15 points, what is this term that denotes theological literature in Buddhism such as the Lotus or Diamond texts?ANSWER: sutras<Weiner>

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SCIENCE: Its first six levels refer to how many people feel the ground shaking, while at level 7 it becomes difficult to stand. At level 8, masonry is damaged, and at its penultimate level rails are bent by an earthquake’s power. For 15 points, name this scale that goes from 1 to 12, which measures an earthquake’s effects on people and structures on the Earth’s surface.ANSWER: (modified) Mercalli scale<Wolpert>

SOCIAL SCIENCE: The Juglar (zhoog-LAR) explanation is considered the appropriate model for the short term, though others such as Kondrateyev have proposed longer-term approaches to this phenomenon. For 15 points, name these periodic changes in the general price level or price of a good.ANSWER: business cycles<Weiner>

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TOSSUP 19. This author of A World of Propensities dedicated one of his books to all the victims of regimes which believed in exorable laws of human development. That book, The Poverty of Historicism, came out after he fled the Nazi occupation of Vienna. His political treatise The Open Society and its Enemies is a prime influence on the pro-democracy activities of George Soros. For 10 points, name this man who challenged the verificationism model for the working of science by proposing that science is distinguished from pseudoscience by falsifiability in his The Logic of Scientific Discovery.ANSWER: Karl Raimund Popper<Weiner>

BONUS. Name some magnetic quantities, for 10 points each.[10] Measured in teslas, this is the quantity of field lines in a unit area.ANSWER: magnetic flux density[10] The permeability of free space is used to calculate this value for a solenoid. A consequence of Faraday’s law, it is the amount of a circuit’s energy stored in the form of an electromagnetic field.ANSWER: inductance[10] This vector, which describes the magnitude and direction of energy flow in electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, is equal to the cross product of one over the permeability of free space times the electric field and the magnetic flux density.ANSWER: Poynting vector<Wolpert>

TOSSUP 20. This law was strengthened by the passing of the Hatch Act, which provided funds for “experimental stations.” The original bill was vetoed by Buchanan, but passed by Lincoln five years later. Its creator, a Vermont Republican, wanted each state to be given thirty thousand acres to be sold off as a permanent endowment for the teaching of “useful knowledge.” For 10 points, identify this 1862 law that spurred the creation of schools dedicated to the study of “agricultural and mechanic arts.”ANSWER: Morril Act [accept Morril Land Grant Act]<Berdichevsky>

BONUS. For 10 points each, name these court dances.[10] This courtship dance of Bohemia is characterized by three quick steps and a hop. “Shall We Dance,” from the musical The King and I, is an example.ANSWER: polka[10] Popular in seventeenth and eighteenth century courts, this peasant’s “kissing dance” involved lots of skipping and had its origins in southeastern France.ANSWER: gavotte[10] A processional dance of the 1600s in duple meter, it was related to the “basse dance” and possibly named for the city of Padua. Ravel composed one “for a dead princess.”ANSWER: pavane<Chuck>

TOSSUP 21. He designed his own burial temple at Possango, as well as tombs of Pope Clement XIII and Clement XIV. The Scottish painter Gavin Hamilton guided this man’s studies towards ancient Greece and Rome, and his sculptures were so realistic that he was accused of making plaster casts from live models. An exponent of Neoclassicism, for 10 points, name this Italian sculptor whose “Venus Victrix” is a reclining statue of Napoleon’s sister Paullina Borghese.ANSWER: Antonio Canova<Douglass>

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BONUS. His victory at the Battle of Edington in 878 caused King Guthrum to be baptized. For 10 points per part:[10] Name this king who translated Pastoral Care and The Consolation of Philosophy into Old English, reconquered London, and otherwise protected Britain from foreign raiders.ANSWER: Alfred the Great[10] Alfred was the ruler of this Anglo-Saxon kingdom founded by Cerdic and Cynric, which expanded under Alfred’s grandson Athelstan to rule all England.ANSWER: Wessex[10] Under the Treaty of Wedmore, the border was set between Alfred’s kingdom of Wessex and this area of England which was to be subject to foreign rule.ANSWER: the Danelaw [or Danelaga]<Weiner>

TOSSUP 22. James Geddes and Benjamin Wright were two of its chief planners, and work on it was delayed after problems in the Montezuma Swamp. Incorporating the Mohawk River at parts, its border became the location for towns such as Rome, Troy, and Utica, and it was finished after Black Rock lost a competition to be its terminus. For 10 points, name this passage which was constructed between 1817 and 1825 from Buffalo thanks to the efforts of DeWitt Clinton, linking the Hudson River and a Great Lake.ANSWER: the Erie Canal<Yaphe>

BONUS. Name these Shakespearean characters who receive varying fates, for 10 points each.[10] His dukedom in Milan is restored, and he promises to return all of his captives home to Italy after he tames Caliban and helps to match his daughter Miranda to Ferdinand.ANSWER: Prospero[10] After his challenge to Tybalt, he dies from wounds received in what both the Montagues and Capulets believe is a mock duel.ANSWER: Mercutio[10] This title character is killed by Saturninus after chopping off his own hand, killing his daughter, and killing Tamora and cooking two of her sons out of vengeance.ANSWER: Titus Andronicus<Ismail>

TOSSUP 23. For some reason, this man appended an essay on portraits of John Knox to a book on the early kings of Norway. He was also the first person to translate Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship into English. He had to rewrite the first volume of his history of the French Revolution after one of John Stuart Mill’s friends used it in the fireplace, and other historical works include a study of hero worship. For 10 points, name this author who described a fictional philosophy of clothing in his 1836 novel Sartor Resartus.ANSWER: Thomas Carlyle<Weiner>

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BONUS. Name some things related to a theory of the origin of the universe, for 10 points each.[10] Proposed by Bondi, Gold and Hoyle, this theory states that the universe is infinitely old and constantly expanding, with unchanging laws of physics throughout.ANSWER: steady-state hypothesis [or theory or model or some other synonym][10] The steady-state theory fell out of favor with cosmologists after Penzias and Wilson discovered this in 1965. It fills the universe at a temperature of 2.725 K and peaks around 160 gigahertz.ANSWER: cosmic microwave background radiation [or CMBR or MBR][10] Cosmic microwave background radiation is thought to be a remnant of this event, the explosive expansion of the universe from an extremely dense state 14 billion years ago.ANSWER: “Big Bang”<Wolpert>

TOSSUP 24. He asks whether he is a dog who should be approached with sticks, then threatens to offer flesh to the birds of the sky. His opponent was transporting ten cheeses when told about this man, whose death led the battlefront to move to Gai and Ekron. This brother of Lahmi appears at Socah, in the valley of Elam, with a sword that is later used during the flight from Saul. For 10 points, the First Book of Samuel describes what “six cubits and a span”-measuring Philistine champion, who fell before the slingshot of the smaller David?ANSWER: Goliath<Weiner>

BONUS. Answer the following about female American novelists, for 10 points per part.[10] Pearl Buck used memories of her formative years in China to write this novel about the peasant Wang Lung, which was followed by Sons and A House Divided.ANSWER: The Good Earth[10] This author completed only two works, the second being the South Pacific romance Lost Laysen, published forty-seven years after she was killed by an Atlanta taxi in 1949.ANSWER: Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell[10] This playwright of Scandelabra wrote the novel Save Me the Waltz in a sanitarium and published pieces such as “Our Own Movie Queen” under her husband’s name.ANSWER: Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald [prompt on Fitzgerald; accept Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald]<Ismail>

TOSSUP 25. The ratio of nuchal thickness to its length is often used to identify Down syndrome sufferers. One groove on it, the radial sulcus, allows the passage of the radial nerve, and its head is notably large compared to the depth of the glenoid cavity in which it lies. The supinator and the extensor carpi digitorum muscles connect at its lateral epicondyle, while a namesake tuberosity connects to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. For 10 points, name this bone found between the scapula and the ulna, the major bone of the upper arm often called the “funny bone.”ANSWER: humerus<Wolpert>

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BONUS. At the time of his rise to prominence, he was being investigated for taking bribes from Pepsi-Cola. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this Wisconsin senator who won election in 1946 after smearing a nearly fifty-year-old opponent for not enlisting in World War II.ANSWER: Joseph Raymond McCarthy[10] McCarthy’s first attack against Communists in the State Department included accusations against this man, the Secretary of State at the time.ANSWER: Dean Acheson[10] McCarthy’s fall from grace began when this lawyer, defending the Army from McCarthy’s accusations, uttered “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”ANSWER: Joseph Welch<Ismail>

TOSSUP 26. In his youth, this man was mentored by Omar Said Tjokroaminoto, whose daughter Siti Utari became his wife. After working for the Japanese during World War II, he enunciated the doctrine of Pantjasila, or the Five Principles. He later established the so-called “Guided Democracy” and declared himself Lifetime President, but after withdrawing from the United Nations in 1965 he was overthrown in a military coup. For 10 points, name this man, the first president of Indonesia, who was deposed by Suharto.ANSWER: Sukarno<Yaphe>

BONUS. This son of Prometheus was told to throw his mother’s bones behind him. For 10 points each:[10] Name this man, who survived a flood sent by Zeus and had to repopulate the world.ANSWER: Deucalion[10] Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha had this son, who lent his name to the Greek race that he fathered.ANSWER: Hellen [10] A later Deucalion was the ruler of this island, just like his father Minos.ANSWER: Crete<Weiner>

TOSSUP 27. In this play, Lyons’s jazz is derided as “Chinese music” by his father, and the Tallahassee native Alberta has an affair with the main character. The main character tries to downplay the accomplishments of Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente, and his brother Gabriel believes that he can talk to Saint Peter and tries to blow a trumpet at a funeral. It centers on Troy Maxson, a former Negro League ballplayer whose age prevented him playing in the Majors following desegregation. For 10 points, name this August Wilson play.ANSWER: Fences<Douglass>

BONUS. It is the most populated member of the Line Islands. For 10 points per part:[10] Identify this island, named by Captain Cook after a certain holiday.ANSWER: Kiritimati Island (pronounced more or less like “Christmas” Island)[10] The Australian island known as Christmas Island is closest to this larger island, whose notable sites include the Buddhist temple Borobudur and Mount Merapi.ANSWER: Java[10] The Line Islands are all possessions of Kiribati (kee-ree-BOSS), with the exception of Jarvis Island, a possession of this country that also controls Guam.ANSWER: United States of America [or U.S.A.; or whatever amusing equivalents people are sure to come up with; prompt on America]<Meigs>

Page 14: 2006 10 final.doc  · Web viewROUND: ROUND 10 RELATED TOSSUP/BONUS TOSSUP 1. William Blackstone recorded its first use in 1305, and it was invoked during England’s Five Knights’

TOSSUP 28. The massive GUT defects called dyons are these with electrical charge. Examples of these entities are named for ‘t Hooft (tuh-WHO-uft) and Polyakov; Wu and Yang; and for the person who hypothesized that their existence to explain angular momentum quantization, Dirac. The homogeneity of Gauss’ law for the B-field implies that none exist, since the total magnetic field out of a closed surface is proportional to the number of them inside. For 10 points, name these hypothetical particles: point sources for the magnetic field.ANSWER: magnetic monopoles [accept magnetic charges]<Sorice>

BONUS. He wrote The Art of Fugue and Air on a G String. For 10 points each:[10] Name this composer of The Brandenburg Concertos.ANSWER: Johann Sebastian Bach [prompt on Bach; prompt on Johann Bach][10] This Bach work is a set of thirty keyboard pieces based around an aria and is named for one of Bach’s students.ANSWER: the Goldberg Variations[10] This outrageous Canadian pianist is known for his recordings of Bach’s music, especially the Goldberg Variations.ANSWER: Glenn Gould<Kwartler>