2. juni 2018 // 78˚nord spitsbergen...


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2. JUNI 2018 // 78˚NORD



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Det er med stor glede vi i Svalbard Turn ønsker tilrei­sende og lokale velkommen til årets vakre arktiske løpeeventyr, Spitsbergen Marathon.

Longyearbyen ligger på 78 grader nord og sommerfor­holdene er ofte vekslende, men tross sin arktiske belig­genhet, relativt gode. Løypa går på veiene i og rundt Longyearbyen og med sitt åpne landskap betegnes løypa som tøff.  I starten av juni er det normalt plussgra­der, snøen har smeltet de aller fleste steder og byen har et rikt dyreliv der du kan være heldig å møte på både reinsdyr, gås og ærfugler i og langs løypa. Isbjørnfare er en reell situasjon vi tar alvorlig og det er patruljerende isbjørnvakter på ATV i løypa som vil ivareta sikkerheten under løpet.

Været kan vi ikke kontrollere, men er værgudene med oss kan vi forhåpentligvis oppleve midnattssolen som sirkler over oss 24 timer i døgnet og spaserturen etter banketten kan være en unik solskinnstur.

Vi takker alle våre frivillige som stiller opp, samarbeids­partnere, sponsorer og ikke minst en stor takk til alle løpere som deltar.

Svalbard Turn ønsker alle, både tilreisende og lokale løpere, LYKKE TIL!

Silje M. Hagen, Leder / Leader Spitsbergen Marathon, Svalbard Turn

It is with great pleasure that we in Svalbard Turn wel­come visitors and local runners to this year’s beautiful arctic running adventure, Spitsbergen Marathon.

Longyearbyen is located at 78 degrees north and summer conditions are often alternating, but after all, the conditi­ons are relatively good. The track runs along the roads in and around Longyearbyen and with its open landscape, it is classified as tough. At the beginning of June its normally above zero, the snow has melted in most places and the city has a wildlife where you can be lucky to meet reindeer, goose and eider ducks in and along the track. Polar bear hazard is a real situation that we take seriously and we have patrolling polar bear guards on ATV along the trail that will ensure safety during your run.

We cannot control the weather, but if we are lucky, we will hopefully experience the midnight sun circling over us 24 hours and a walk after the banquet can be a unique sunny walk.

We wish to thank our volunteers, sponsors and partners and especially a big “thank you” to all runners partici­pating.

Svalbard Turn wishes everyone, both visitors and local runners, GOOD LUCK!

Velkommen til Spitsbergen Marathon

Welcome to Spitsbergen Marathon

General Manager Svalbard Turn: Nina LinesLeader: Silje M. HagenRace office: Diana ToomingArena: Pål G. EllingsenTiming: Anders E. HaugenTrack: Johannes DrægniFood stations: Arne KooijSales: Gry Elise BarlundBanquet: Camilla F. GranstrømSafety: Longyearbyen Hunting and fishing association / Torgeir PrytzFirst Aid: Longyearbyen Red Cross / Trond Olsen

Daglig leder Svalbard Turn: Nina LinesLøpsleder: Silje M. HagenLøpskontor: Diana ToomingArena: Pål G. Ellingsen Tidtaking: Anders E. Haugen Løype: Johannes Drægni Matstasjoner: Arne KooijSalg: Gry Elise Barlund Bankett: Camilla F. Granstrøm Sikkerhet: Longyearbyen Jeger og fiskeforening v/Torgeir PrytzFørstehjelp: Longyearbyen Røde Kors Hjelpekorps v/Trond Olsen

Spitsbergen Marathon 2018

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On Svalbard since 1911

Telenor Svalbard ASVei 307-4 (Skjæringa)9170 Longyearbyen

Phone: +47 79 02 27 00E-mail: [email protected]

Come visit us and connect to thenorthernmost and most modern networkin Norway

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with coverage in Longyearbyen,Barentsburg and the Isfjorden area.

- Operating the sea fiber link betweenSvalbard and mainland Norway.

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Welcome to the northernmost modern society in the world.

Longyearbyen has a long and robust tradition of sports and volunteering. This has been the case since the foun­ding of Longyearbyen in the early 1900. Our city offers a diverse variety of sports and recreational activities, customised to every physical level or age group. The majority of this extraordinary effort is done on a volun­tarily basis. Spitsbergen Marathon is one of many highly professional and remarkable events frequently taking place in Longyearbyen, executed by our local volunteers.

By using the term culture as a common denominator, the city of Longyearbyen is a cultural capital. We are very proud to be the cultural capital of the true Arctic.

Svalbard consists of 16.6 % of Norway’s total landmass, and Longyearbyen is Norway’s foothold in the Arctic. From this northernmost modern society in the world, we manage one of the last unspoiled areas of nature and wilderness. Managed in parallel with local and indus­trial developments. For us living in Longyearbyen we consider this a privilege. Longyearbyen is a unique and

diverse society, consisting of approximately 2200 indivi­duals from around 50 different nations. The population of Longyearbyen is an enthusiastic and creative one, both in terms of work and leisure activities. Amongst other things, you find locally produced products such as chocolate, glacier water, beer, clothing, art and food. 

During your stay you will not only run in magnificent scenery and nature, you will also get an insight into our unique history. By visiting our local museum, or by sim­ply spending time in and around our city. Longyearbyen can offer you a wide variety of shops, sightseeing, fine dining or drinking at one of our many local pubs. It is easy and enjoyable to be a tourist in Longyearbyen. Our highly professional tourism industry will offer you a wide variety of activities, ensuring that your stay will be a unique and lifelong experience. 

Thank you for visiting Longyearbyen. We know your stay here will be magical.

Arild Olsen Local Council Leader

Dear visiting marathon runners!

Sysselmannen på Svalbard ønsker arrangør, løpere og publikum

lykke til med arrangementet!

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KSAT – Extreme performance for extreme conditions

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Lørdag 2. juni 2018 vil det 24. Spitsbergen Marathon arrangeres på 78 grader nord, bare 1200 kilometer fra Nordpolen i den høyarktiske øygruppen Svalbard. Dette er verdens nordligste sertifiserte maraton på fast grunn og startet med 45 deltakere i maraton og halvmaraton i 1994. Siden da har det utviklet seg til et mer profe­sjonelt, men likevel ganske lite maraton, med ca. 400 deltakere fra ca. 20 forskjellige nasjoner.

Som deltaker kan du se frem til en ekte løpsopplevelse gjennom fantastisk arktisk natur; fascinerende fjell, isbreer, og arktiske flora og fauna. Longyearbyen er et lite samfunn, med ca. 2200 innbyggere, og et veinett på ca. 50 kilometer totalt. Under løpet, vil du dekke det meste av dette nettverket. Løypa går på asfalt og grusveier, og består av to identiske runder, som starter og slutter utenfor Svalbardhallen.

Startnummer kan hentes på løpskontoret i Svalbard­hallen fredag 1 juni kl. 17.00­19.00 og lørdag 2 juni fra kl. 08.30. Vennligst ta med legitimasjon.

Saturday the 2th of June 2018, the 24nd Spitsbergen Marathon will take place at 78 degrees north, just 1200 kilometers from the North Pole in the High Arctic archipelago Svalbard. This is the northernmost certified marathon race on fast ground in the world, which started out with 45 participants in marathon and half marathon in the 1994. Since then, it has developed into a more professional, but still rather small marathon, with about 400 participants from 20 different countries by now.

As a participant, you can look forward to a genuine running experience through amazing arctic scenery; fascinating mountains, glaciers, and arctic flora and fauna. Longyearbyen is a small settlement, with about 2200 inhabitants, and a road network of about 50 kilo­meters in total. During the run, you will cover most of this network. The course is at tarmac and gravel roads, and consists of two identical loops, starting and ending outside the Athletics Centre (Svalbardhallen).

Start numbers can be collected at the run office in Svalbardhallen Friday, June 1 between 17:00 and 19:00, and on Saturday, June 2., from 08:30. Pleace bring identification.

Om løpet


About the race

Race Office

Det er mat og drikkestasjoner før hver 5 km, enkelte steder kun på en side av veien. Det serveres vann, saft og energidrikk (Maxim), samt raske karbohydrater som sjokolade og bananer.

There is food and drink stations before every 5 km. Some places It is just one side of the road. Meaning you have to run to the other side of the road to get food/drinks. We serve water, juice and energy drinks (Maxim), as well as carbohydrates like chocolate and bananas.

Matstasjoner Food stations

Longyearbyen Røde Kors Hjelpekorps vil være stasjonert ved start/mål, samt ute i løypa. Longyearbyen Sykehus har lege og helsepersonell på vakt.

Longyearbyen Red Cross will be present at the start/finish, and stationed along the track. Longyearbyen Hospital will have a doctor and health personnel on duty.

Førstehjelp Medical services

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Polar bear guards patrolling the trail on ATV, sponsored by Svalbard Booking (SSU)

På grunn av isbjørnfaren som gjelder overalt på Svalbard, er det bevæpnede isbjørnvakter postert rundt i løypa.

Due to the risk of polar bear encounters in Svalbard, armed polar bear guards are positioned along the track.

Isbjørnvakter Polar bear guards

Marathon: NOK 700Halv Marathon: NOK 600Spitsbergenmila: NOK 400Spitsbergenmila trim (u/tid): NOK 300

For spitsbergenmila (10km) trim (uten tidtaking) kan påmelding skje helt fram til kl. 11.00 lørdag 2 juni.

Marathon: NOK 700Half Marathon: NOK 600Spitsbergenmila: NOK 400Spitsbergenmila trim (u/tid): NOK 300

For Spitsbergenmila trim (10 km) (without timing), regis-tration can be done until 11:00 pm Saturday, June 2th.

Startkontingent Entry Fee

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Helmaraton er to like runder halvmaraton og merket med rødt. Spitsbergenmila 10km er merket med blått


Halfmarathon / marathon = Rød / red

Maraton – 42 195 m: Start kl. 10.00Halvmaraton – 21 097.5 m: Start kl. 11.30Spitsbergenmila 10 000 m: Start kl. 13.15

Distanser og starttidspunkt

Spitsbergen MINI Marathon: Start kl. 10.30 (for barn, i samarbeid med Sparebank 1 Nord­Norge)

Løpet avsluttes kl. 16.00. De som eventuelt ikke harkommet i mål vil bli plukket opp med bil. Viktig: For maraton er cut off for gjennomføring av første runde (21 097,5 m) kl. 13.00. Skulle du avbryte av egen vilje er det viktig at det kommuniseres til frivillige ved matstasjoner, løypevaker eller isbjørnvakter langs løypa eller løpsleder på arena umiddelbart.

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Marathon is two equal rounds half marathon and mar­ked in red. Spitsbergen Mila 10 km are marked blue.


Spitsbergenmila (10 km) = Blue

Marathon ­ 42 195m: Start at. 10:00Half Marathon ­ 21 097.5: Start at. 11:30Spitsbergen Mila 10 000m: Start at. 13.15

Distances and starting times

Spitsbergen MINI Marathon: Start at. 10:30(For children, in collaboration with Sparebank1)

Cut off at 16.00. Those who have not crossed the finishline will be picked up by car. Important: For marathon, Cut off time for completing first lap (21 097,5 m) is at 13.00. If you stop during the race and will not continue, it is important that you communicate this to a volunteer at food stations, trail guards, to a polar bear guard along the trail or the leader at the arena immediately.

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Det arrangeres bankett med premieutdeling 1­3 plass for deltakere med billett på HUSET lørdag 2. juni kl. 19.00. Dørene åpner kl. 18.00. Pris for bankett er kr 595,­ Det inkluderer 2 retters middag og 2 drikke (øl/vin/mineralvann).

Billett til bankett kan kjøpes på løpskontoret i Svalbardhallen ved henting av startnummer. Vi kan ikke garantere plass da det ofte er fullbooket ved forhånds­bestilling. For de uten bankett billett åpner dørene til prisutdelingen kl. 21.30

There is held a banquet with awards ceremony for 1­ place in each distance for participants and staff at HUSET Saturday, June 2. at. 19:00. Doors open at 18.00. Price for the banquet is NOK 595, ­ This includes 2­course dinner and 2 drinks (beer / wine / soft drinks). Ticket to the banquet can be purchased at the run office in Svalbardhallen. We cannot guarantee tickets when it is often fully booked. For those without a banquet ticket the doors opens for the award ceremony at. 21.30

Bankett Banquet

Resultatliste vil bli offentliggjort i Svalbardhallen. Resultatene vil også bli lagt ut på Spitsbergenmarathon.no og du kan følge live track på: https://live.eqtiming.com/38363

Alle som fullfører maraton, halvmaraton og Spitsbergenmila får medalje og diplom ved målgang. Premieutdeling for 1­3 plass foregår under banketten samme kveld. Det er 1/3 premiering ut ifra antall star­tende i hver klasse. Hvis det er tre eller færre i klassen, får alle premier. For premiering fra 4 plass og utover, avhengig av antall deltakere pr klasse kan premier hentes ved løpskontor etter løpet.

Vi ettersender ikke uavhentede premier.

Results will be published in Svalbardhallen. The results will also be posted on Spitsbergenmarathon.no and you can follow live track on: https://live.eqtiming.com/38363

All competitors who complete the marathon, half marathon and Spitsbergenmila will be awarded with a medal and diploma after the run. Prizes for 1­3 will takes place during the banquet that evening. It is 1/3 prize giving. If there are three or fewer of the class, eve­ryone gets prizes. For prizes from 4th place onwards, depending on the number of participants per class, the winners collect their prizes at the run office after the race. If you do not join the banquet, you may still come and pick up your price at the banquet.

We do not send unclaimed prizes.

Resultater og premiering

Results and prizes

Hel­ og halvmaraton er delt inn i følgende aldersklas­ser for både kvinner og menn: 16–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69 og 70+. Spitsbergenmila (10 km) har to klasser, en for menn og en for kvinner, uavhengig av alder. Nedre aldersgrense er 11 år. Spitsbergenmila trim (uten tidtaking) har ingen aldersgrense eller klas­seinndeling. Yngre barn kan delta i Labb og Line løpet.

Full marathon and half marathon are divided into the following age classes for both men and women: 16–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69 og 70+. The Spitsbergenmila (10 km) has two classes, one for men and one for women, regardless of age. The lower age limit is 11 years. The Spitsbergenmila exercise (without circuit timings) has no categories or lower age limit.

Klasseinndeling Age categories

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© A









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Arenakart Map of arena

Svalbard-hallenLost and found


yen Skole



Sparebank 1Finish





10 km

Full/half marathon




First Aid

Food/drink point


No parking





P Parking


Vi oppfordrer alle til å ta hensyn til maratonløperne som starter kl. 10:00.

We encourage everyone to take account of marathon runners who start at. 10:00. Follow directed route to the arena.

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Spitsbergen Mini maraton er et løp for barn i alle aldre. Oppmøte ved Sparebank 1 beach flaggene på arena. Der får man utdelt startnummer. Starten går kl. 10.30 og det er valgfritt hvilke løype man velger. Som anvist på kartet er rød løype lang og blå løype kort. Alle får medalje ved målgang, samt tilbud om boller og saft fra Sparebank1.

Vi oppfordrer alle til å ta hensyn til maratonløperne som starter kl. 10.00 Følg ruten som anvist på kart for arena på side 13.

Spitsbergen Mini marathon is a run for children of all ages. The Spitsbergen Mini Marathon is a race for children of all ages. Attendance at Sparebank 1 beach flags at the arena where starting number is given. The start is at. 10.30 AM and it is optional which route you choose. As indicated on the map, the red trail is long and blue trail short. Everybody gets a medal at the finish, as well as offers of buns and juice from Sparebank1.

We encourage everyone to take into account the marathon runners that start at. 10.00. Follow the route as directed on the map for the arena on page 13.

Spitsbergen MINI Marathon

Helt rått!Spitsbergen Marathon stiller i en klasse forseg. Omgitt av magisk natur og egneisbjørnvakter blir dette en helt rå opplevelse.

Vi ønsker deltakere og frivillige lykke til.

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Thank you for travelling to Svalbard to take part in the world’s northernmost marathon on solid ground. Longyearbyen’s long-established sports club, Svalbard Turn, has organised this unique run-ning experience every year since 1994, welcoming runners from all over the world to our little town. This year there will be more than 300 participants from more than 20 than nations joining the popular event.

Visit Svalbard wishes to use this opportunity to tell you a little about Longyearbyen, a unique place located at latitude 78˚ North. Regardless of whether you are here as a runner or a spectator, we hope you allow time to expe­rience some of what this small metropolis has to offer.

Maybe it seems a bit over the top to call Longyearbyen a metropolis. However, with its vitality, international vibe and warm people in wonderful surroundings, that’s exactly how we perceive it. Around 2,200 peo­ple from more than 50 different countries live here. Longyearbyen’s central location in a geopolitically interesting Arctic also contributes to it being perceived as larger than it actually is. You will probably be surpri­sed by the extensive range of services on offer here, including a wide range of shops, restaurants and bars and varied cultural offerings. By the way, Longyearbyen has its own brewery, chocolaterie and greenhouse that supplies us with fresh herbs and vegetables. You can experience all this and more while you are here.

A slightly different townThere are several things about Longyearbyen that may seem “strange” to visitors. There are separate “roads” in the town centre for snowmobiles in winter, and we are used to living next door to reindeer. We take off our shoes when we enter hotels and restaurants, a tradition that has arisen from the problem with coal dust in the old days. All the infrastructure from a century of mining is protected and remains as iconic monuments in and around the settlement.

Dear guest to Spitsbergen Marathon 2018

Another peculiarity of Longyearbyen is that the streets have numbers instead of names. Longyearbyen has a university centre with 300 students, all of whom must learn to use firearms for protection against polar bears. We gladly have a beer outside while wearing mittens and, during the winter darkness, we wear a head­lamp and a high vis vest on our way to work. It’s not uncommon to see the Northern Lights dancing in the sky when we head outside to meet a friend for lunch. In the summertime, we often go out in the evenings with the Midnight Sun shining brightly on your face. Every season is charming in its own way.

Longyearbyen is home to around 1,000 eager polar dogs who will gladly take you out into the wilderness both summer and winter, while the toughest residents are members of the local snowmobile club, Sons of Svalbard. One thing we really enjoy is packing our back­packs after work on Fridays and setting off on weekend

By: Visit Svalbard

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trips in the Arctic wilderness with our family or friends.

Up until 1989, Longyearbyen was a company town and the mining company Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani controlled most of the infrastructure and services. In the 1990s, the process of “normalising” Longyearbyen into a more open and regular community began. This included the establishment of the expanded Longyearbyen Community Council in 2002. In many ways, the community here now functions like a muni­cipality on the mainland, although naturally there are some significant differences.

Sustainable destinationIn conclusion, we would like to mention that in 2016 Longyearbyen was awarded as a “Sustainable Destination” by Innovation Norway. The local tourism industry is working continually on measures, both large and small, to reduce our ecological footprint. Sustainable

tourism does not only involve air pollution and marine plastic waste, but also the interaction between the local community and tourism. It also involves taking care of culture and the environment, strengthening the social values in the community and being financially viable. The Spitsbergen Marathon is a good example of an ini­tiative that creates great joy for locals and visitors alike.

Visit Svalbard welcomes you to Longyearbyen and we hope you’ll enjoy the Polar Summer. Feel free to visit our website, www.visitsvalbard.com, to plan your activities and learn more about this unique place. You can also read more about sustainable tourism and how you can be an environmentally responsible guest. We invite you to visit the tourist information office in the pedestrian street for a pleasant chat.

And by the way, if you’re not running, it’s important to cheer as loud as you can!

Foto: Sophie Cordon

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Spitsbergen Marathon 2018 T-shirt

Årets t­shirt selges på løpskontor for 250 pr stk. Vi tar kort og kontant

This year’s t­shirts are sold at the run office for NOK 250 each. Visa/Mastercard and cash (NOK)

Kontakt oss for gratis designforslag og pristilbud!

Nils Arne Johannessen

[email protected] T 37 26 91 05 M 90 67 34 04

Få ditt eget unike spesialdesign til din lokale klubb, bedrift eller arrangement. Hos oss er alt mulig! 

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Hungry for more?

Svalbard Booking offers: Adventures

AccommodationDining at Huset, Svalbar Pub &

Restaurant Polfareren

[email protected]

+47 79 02 50 00

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En unik og autentisk


Hovedfoto: Bart Bajic Photography

Små foto: Tommy Simonsen

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The Svalbard reindeer:A key-species of the high-Arctic tundra

The endemic Svalbard reindeer has fascinated peo-ple since the discovery of the archipelago in 1596. The ecology and adaptations to Arctic conditions have puzzled researchers for decades. Here, I give some insight into the special adaptations and eco-logy of this endemic sub-species of wild reindeer, which lives in an environment where climate change has profound effects on populations and the tundra ecosystem.

The Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) is one of seven sub­species of wild reindeer. This nort­hernmost reindeer is a characteristic keystone species of the tundra, because it has significant impacts on vegetation communities and nutrient cycling and provide carrion to scavengers (e.g. Arctic fox and gulls). Globally,

many wild reindeer populations are declining and long­term monitoring and conservation efforts are intensified. In Svalbard, there are large geographic differences in population trends, with both positive and negative ones. Currently, intensive monitoring of Svalbard reindeer population sizes and spatial ecology takes place in both inland and coastal reindeer populations (www.coat.no; www.mosj.no).

Adaptations to arctic environmentsThe ability of the Svalbard reindeer to live in an environ­ment, characterized by extreme weather variability, is truly outstanding. Variable snow, ground ice, wind and temperature conditions during the winter season is normal daily life conditions for this sedentary reindeer. The reindeer have an remarkable ability to use their own

By Åshild Ønvik Pedersen, Norwegian Polar Institute

Foto: T. Nordstad, NP Bildearkiv.

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body reserves and to reduce activity when access to food is limited in the winter.

The body of the Svalbard reindeer is adapted to life on snow. The short legs and the large foot surface, relative to its size, gives the reindeer superior mobility in snow. Four deeply cleft hooves, which act as snows­hoes, enable the reindeer to walk and dig through the snow. Reindeer protect themselves from the cold by a well­developed fur, and unlike other ungulates, the reindeer have no exposed skin. Even the ears and the nose are hair covered. The winter coat is extremely thick, dense and long, and has three times as many over­hairs, compared to other ungulates. The fur traps air and the guard hairs are hollow, which gives the fur excellent thermal insulation because of the low thermal conductivity of air.

The Svalbard reindeer undergo profound seasonal flu­ctuations in body mass and composition to sustain the arctic conditions. During the short summer season, when high­quality forage is abundant, the reindeer rapidly deposit body tissue to compensate for los­ses during the prolonged winter season with limited food resources. In autumn, a layer of up to 10 cm of subcutaneous fat is present. At the end of win­ter, the body mass decrease may be close to 50 % compared to autumn. Absence of harassment from predators, insects and humans allows rapid resto­ration of body reserves during the arctic summer.

Distribution and habitatsThe Svalbard reindeer inhabits almost all non­glaciated areas of the archipelago, and the highest densities are in Nordenskiöld Land, Edgeøya and Barentsøya. In Svalbard, plant species diversity and plant growth are limited because of low temperature, precipitati­

on, soil­nutrient content, and a short growth season. Limiting resources create strong pressure on the rein­deer to use vegetation in an efficient manner to meet their energy requirements for survival, maintenance and reproduction.

The Svalbard reindeer has a varied diet and eats almost all types of the more than 180 plant species found, with a few exceptions (e.g. arctic white­heather). Lichens, which are important winter food in many reindeer ran­ges are almost absent, but substituted by mosses. In winter, the reindeer feed along ridges, mountain slopes, plateaus and other areas where little snow accumulation occurs. The reindeer dig feeding craters in the snow, using their specialized hoofs, to access forage beneath the snowpack. In summer, they feed on lush, nutritional rich vegetation on moss tundra, under bird­cliffs, mires and swamps, particularly in valleys and lowland plains.

Life historyThe Svalbard reindeer mate in mid­October, and during the rutting season the males gather up to ten females in a harem. Reindeer are unique among ungulates because both sexes have antlers, although those of males are larger and more complex and they shed them after the rut in fall. Female reindeer are pregnant for about seven months and give birth to the single calf (3­4 kilo at birth) at the end of spring or onset of summer (i.e. two first weeks of June), normally at age three. Females shed their antlers in spring before the calves are born. Even, barely dry calves can stand on their legs and suckle their mother. When the calf is only one day old, it is capable of reaching fast running speeds and can follow its mother and utilize newly emerging vegetation. The calf suckles for about 3­4 months, growing rapidly during this time. The expected lifespan of a Svalbard reindeer is about ten years, but the oldest animal recorded was 17 years.

Foto: T. Nordstad, NP Bildearkiv. Foto: B. Peeters, NP Bildearkiv.

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Population dynamicsThe Svalbard reindeer populations have large annual fluctua­tions, and many different factors affect their population dyna­mics. The Svalbard reindeer lives in an exceptionally simple high­Arctic food web characterized by absence of predators and insect harassment and limited hunting. In this environment, the reindeer population dynamics is mainly shaped by limited forage resources resulting in food competition, climatic variability and gastrointestinal nematodes. The variable climatic conditions in Svalbard result in high year­to­year variation in survival and reproductive rates. For example, the proportion of mature fema­les that give birth to a calf in a given summer can vary from 10 to 90 %.The Svalbard archipelago experiences the fastest rate of tem­perature changes resulting in mild winters with heavy rain that locks the winter pastures. Strong negative relations between winter rain and reindeer population growth and reproduction are evident due to ground ice. Interestingly, the winter rain also appear to affect the population growth rates of the entire resi­dent vertebrate community (arctic fox, sibling vole and svalbard rock ptarmigan) in the same manner as for the reindeer. When it comes to summer, the warmer temperatures impact biomass production, which positively impacts the reindeer population growth rates through better forage conditions. Even the longer and warmer autums have the same positive effect. Still, the rela­tive role of the sum of these climatic drivers on reindeer popula­tion dynamics and individual fitness is still not fully understood.

Conservation and monitoringThe Svalbard reindeer was harvested heavily after the discovery of the archipelago leading to dramatic population reductions. The harvest was banned between 1925 and 1983. This period of protection resulted in recovery and re­colonization of former ranges. Presently, a small quota­based harvest by residents and trappers takes place each year (August 15 – September 20). Yet, there has been no efforts to census the number of reindeer at the whole archipelago, leaving the current total population size unknown. Annual monitoring of the reindeer population in Adventdalen and Reindalen on Nordenskiöld Land (1979 ­ pre­sent) has shown population size increases, while in the western, coastal monitoring area (1978 – present) the trends are varying depending on time­period. Currently, the Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT), which is an adaptive sys­tem for long­term monitoring of the Svalbard tundra food web, is intensifying the monitoring and conservation efforts of the Svalbard reindeer.

More facts about the Svalbard reindeer: www.npolar.no/en/species/svalbard­reindeer.html



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Foto: B. Peeters, NP Bildearkiv.

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Telefon 77 75 32 [email protected]

www.lundblad.no Du finner oss på facebook: lundbladmedia


Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

Sightseeing Bus and TaxiSvalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes withcapacity from 1-53 passengers.• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.• Online registration or via the hotel reception.We carry out all types of passenger transport.Please contact us for an offer.TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.noBUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

Svalbard Bus and Taxi ASPB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

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• Longyearbyen folkebibliotek• Longyearbyen kulturskole• Svalbardhallen• Galleri Svalbard• Longyearbyen kunst- og håndverkssenter• Longyearbyen kino• Longyearbyen kulturhus• Lyd-, lys- og sceneløsninger

Kultur og frivillighet gjør samfunnet bedre!

Kultur og idrettutvikler og arrangerer gjennom


: Mar

i Tefre


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DAGLIGVARER:Tørrvarer og ferskvarer.

TAXFREE: Byens polutsalg, parfymeri og kiosk. Flotte gaveartikler

og suvenirer, samt vanlige hjem- og forbruksartikler.

ÅPNINGSTIDER: Mandag - fredag: kl. 10 - 20 Lørdag: kl. 10 - 18 Søndag: kl. 15 - 18

Husk Norsk Tipping!

Det naturlige utgangspunktetfor turen på Svalbard

– både ekspedisjoner, organiserte- og uorganiserte turer, så vel for besøkende og fastboende i Longyearbyen.

Svalbardbutikken, 9171 LongyearbyenTel. 79 02 25 20 • Faks. 79 02 18 37

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Svalbard Skimaraton

27. april 2019www.svalbardskimaraton.no

Spitsbergen marathon

1. juni 2019www.spitsbergenmarathon.no

Svalbard Spacerun

24. august 2019www.svalbardspacerun.no

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Kilde: Hallvard Holm // Foto: Eva GrøndalForestill dere Longyearbyen de første årene etter at Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani A/S kjøpte ut John Munroe Longyear: Det var en ensom, skitten utpost som strakte seg langs en gjørmet gate fra litt ovenfor museet til nederst på Skjæringa. Et nesten totalt mannssamfunn på 300 sjeler. Det var kroppsvask hver lørdag, tøffe arbeidsforhold og ulykker.

23. november 1925 : «Ernst hadde skoene hos skomakeren og var derfor borte fra skolen i 2 dager. 14. desember 1925: «Ernst fraværende igjen. Skoene hos skomakeren».

Ildsjeler så at her måtte folk tilbys noe mer og noe annet enn lange arbeidsdager under farlige og kummerlige for­hold, og ørkesløs fritid med poker og lediggang, – og det oppsto ganske raskt et forbausende variert kulturliv.Mannskor, kirkeforening, salongorkester og revygruppe ble startet opp.

Og 6. september i 1930 ble SVALBARD TURN til. Idrettslige aktiviteter og sportslige konkurranser hadde foregått før oppstarten av Svalbard Turn, for i begynnelsen av 20­årene finner vi «Longyearbyen skilag!»

Det første skirennet vi har resultatliste fra var i 1925:• 10 km langrenn vunnet av Andor Drage, fra Rognan.• Oldboysklassen – A. Haagensen, Målselv.• Junior – Richard Knutsen, Røros (En mann som preget Svalbard Turn helt fra starten til han reiste ned for godt i 1977).Det ble arrangert årlige skirenn på 17 km og 30 km.

Hopp var også en idrett som det tidlig ble konkurrert i på Svalbard. Mathias Mathiassen fra Harstad, bør nevnes. En eminent hopper som hoppet så langt som bakkene tillot.• 1928: under 20 år – 38 meter, bakkerekord• 1929: ny rekord – 41 meter• 1931: Svalbardrekord for alle tider – 61 meter

Svalbard Turn – et historisk idrettslag

Grøndal foto / grondalfoto.no

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Denne rekorden sto til i 1994 da Knut Müller, med Nord­norsk kombinertkarusell, hoppet 69 meter. (Men Müller var ikke spitsbergenser)

Etter hvert ble det behov for en samordning og klarere organisering av idrettsaktivitetene i gruvebyen, og for å få plass til andre aktiviteter – først og fremst TURN – «den mest skolerende idretten i dette mannssamfunnet», som Richard Knutsen sa.

To pionerer som var med å starte Svalbard turn var: Richard Knutsen og Joachim Lindholm ­ direktøren i Store Norsk Spitsbergen Kullkompani. Joachim Lindholm var en landskjent turner, en kjent fekter og en habil fotballspiller og skytter.

Richard Knutsen sa dette om Lindholm:Lindholm var «en helstøpt personlighet og en eksponent for begrepet idrettsmann og idrettsånd. Han hadde et våkent øye for arbeidernes ve og vel. En god skytter, en stilfull turner og en ivrig fotballspiller. Lindholms minne vil komme til å leve så lenge Svalbard turn består». 6. september 1930 ble det kalt inn til møte i «Gammel­femma»: Og her ble Svalbard Turn stiftet, med Henry Hage fra Ålesund som første formann – og altså med direkte kontakt til toppledelsen i «Selskapet» (Store Norske). En kontakt som gjennom alle år har vært veldig nær og god, og til stor nytte for begge.

For Store Norske så at idretten virket «moralsk forbedrende og holdt karene vekke fra fyll, dansefester og slagsmål». Og det ble sagt at når folk på denne tiden søkte jobb i Longyearbyen, så ble de som hadde turning som hobby vurdert framfor andre.

Og fra 6. september 1930 er Svalbard Turns historie en viktig del av Longyearbyens historie.

De mest aktive i Svalbard Turn var også de mest aktive i krigen på Svalbard. Og noen mistet livet.

30. desember 1945 kalles «idrettsinteresserte i byen til et møte for å gjenoppta foreningens virke». Nå kom Mosling Myrland med i styret, og han drev aktiv medlemsverving. Mosling Myrland ble bademester og ingen fikk utdelt håndduk uten at de var medlemmer eller meldte seg inn i Svalbard Turn!

I 1949 godkjenner Norges Skiforbund Svalbard som egen skikrets, men i senere tid er Svalbard Turn underlagt Troms idrettskrets med sine særkretser.

1951 blir det arrangert 25 km langrenn, og «våre venner i vest» – russerne – deltar for første gang i en idrettskonkur­ranse i Longyearbyen.Etterhvert ble det arrangert årlige skirenn mellom Barentsburg (en av de russiske bosetningene på Svalbard) og Longyearbyen, og det var starten til det som etter hvert ble Svalbard Skimaraton. Og i 1993 ble det første skimara­ton arrangert med Oddvar Brå i teten for hele 50 deltakere.

I 1994 ble Spitsbergen Marathon startet opp, og samme året ble også konkurransen Nordnorsk Kombinertkarusell lagt til Longyearbyen med «Drømmeforhold på 78˚ Nord». Det var her Knut Müller satte ny bakkerekord med 69 meter.

Flere av deltakerne i kombinert kom direkte fra OL på Lillehammer, og det var hele 30 år siden det var hopprenn i Longyearbyen sist. Året etter i 1955 blåste hopprennet bort, og siden har det dessverre blitt borte.

Svalbard Skimaraton i 1996 ble en dramatisk opplevelse for flere av deltakerne, og i Trønder Avisa 8. mai 1996 kan vi lese hvordan Olav Jenshus beskriver skirennet:

« ... Jeg har gått turrenn i over femti år, men maken til dette har jeg aldri opplevd. Fortsatt mangler jeg følelse i to fingertupper som ble forfrosset. I godt vær ville dette vært en strålende tur i Svalbards flotte natur, men da vinden satte inn for fullt, ble effekten av de åtte kuldegradene mange-doblet. Vinden var til tider så sterk at det var vanskelig å holde seg oppreist.

Da jeg stoppet for å rette på brillene, mens jeg var på fjellet, ble jeg faktisk revet over ende av vinden. Det som også overrasket meg var den spesielle snøen der oppe. Den var så finkornet at den nesten sugde til seg skiene. Dette gjorde at det ble ekstra tungt å gå. Aldri før har jeg brukt så lang tid på denne distansen på ski. Eksotisk. Det som virkelig fikk dette rennet til å skille seg ut fra alle andre jeg har deltatt i, var de bevæpnede snøskuterpatruljene som overvåket løypa. Selv fikk jeg ikke se isbjørn, men flere ganger så jeg spor etter dem ... »

Og slik har det alltid vært på Svalbard, aktivitetene har gått i bølger avhengig av de personene som har vært her til enhver tid. Og i dag er Svalbard Turn et stort idrettslag med 950 medlemmer, 24 ulike undergrupper (eks: fotball, håndball, pistol etc) og over 50 frivillige som bidrar ukentlig for å holde all aktivitet i gang.

Og fortsatt er Svalbard Turn en «hjørnestein» i Longyear­samfunnet når det gjelder helse, trivsel og ikke minst bolyst.

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This year’s motiv has been given the title «TILSKUAR»

”He sees you! The big white bear is out there in the terrain, and he follows every move. For every bear you see there is nine bears you have not seen »

For the third year in a row, Olaf Storoe makes an exclusive picture to the Spitsbergen Marathon. The picture, which is a lithograph, is drawn and printed in Olaf Storø’s own workshop here in Longyearbyen. It is printed in two colors and is made in one edition of 100. Do you want a special memory from Svalbard, it can be purchased on stand during the event. There will

also previous years’s motives be for sale.

Visual artist Olaf Storø lives and works in Longyearbyen.He visited Svalbard for the first time in 1989 and fell in love in the landscape, the scenery and the special light.The image ”Tilskuar”, that means spectator, is for sale for a special price at Spitsbergen Marathon for NOK 1500, the usual gallery price is NOK 2500.

Call +47 901 72 071 or mail [email protected] about youwish to arrange a visit to the gallery. You can also see and purchase pictures in his new web gallery: www.storoe.no


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til deltakere, sponsorer, annonsører, frivillige medhjelpere og alle andre som har bidratt til at vi kan arrangere Spitsbergen Marathon.

to participants, volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and anyone who has helped us arrange the 24. Spitsbergen Marathon.

Svalbard Turn ønsker å rette en


A big thank you:

Foto: Sofia Mercadal

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Toyota SvalbardVerksted, delelager, bensinstasjon, bilutleie

Tlf. 79 02 49 30Fax 79 02 49 31

Kundemottak 79 02 49 32/[email protected]

Mandag – fredag . . . . . . . . . 08.00 - 16.00

Lørdag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stengt

Søndag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stengt

Svalbard Busservice AS

Tlf. 79 02 10 [email protected]

Flybuss, shuttelbuss, skolebuss, timecharter pluss andre oppdrag på bestilling.

LNS Spitsbergen AS

Tlf. 79 02 49 50Fax 79 02 49 51

[email protected], transport, feltarbeid, boring/peling,

mekanisk verksted og bunkring av båter.