2 f.l watson in realwar work of the is accused *...

c SEMI-WEEKLY . 302 PLATTSBUHGIl, S . \ \ Tl Ks|)A V,_._•! AN I \UX \2 WHO! i: \ i MI;FI: 30157- F.L WATSON SMUGGLING TrW Seperiateodeat of Schools for TAKNTOUTKA usrNGvr HUCAME * TKB M2f E FROM CAJf ADA—Bfl^ SO TAJW8*TO©Tl BY »KPVTY Deft*^ Onttfd States Marshal Her bert fto**r l#*t nMrt*t U»ok to Utiea two jrri*m#r« who are to appear be (ore UBH** *»*•» District Court. One <rf t»# »rt«onof» ia m*nt *Mf tfc» «m«r few fte«a b*M by ^lia* for Year 1915-16 W. C PSE ELECTED PRESIDENT BOARD crnr SCHOOLS IS EXCELLENT AND THE AT- H~~Repreean ef the House to *i*nninff to put the pro- aaffrage eonsttaititmal amend- meat, for »mtto<i 4*t*a*a» aad 4 vote ffe& #H «ff* here in force ex- to *H**» ft «i#*ry «er their TOSTRKEDUTY Qalif., Im. 11—The officers of th» titate militia held confepene* here t&fey to formulate a plan tofe*b»J# before the lefts!*- tare to relieve t£te California Na tional Gaard of the doty of serving: in «trikftB and ia&or troubles in the future. U is suggested that a sesp arate body, toteeUnmm «• the State Coa*iafeuj*ry, be formed, to handle a&ottfiOB* under ***** authority. It i» ijeH^Bd that the ©ersonnel of «** mlitti* o«n ,%e raised to a^biglier with *b« strike duty feature of young- g refuse to of the «Ute, tt is b Itt «b# ^oettloo «f taking- the «M 9tl$ father*, in the evant of of the National the citi as tentatively tottfd oonsi*t of 56 It Is f**y body af tfee iai ft IN REALWAR W. P. DevanJ r . , Now Leads in Contest SEVERAL OTHERS MAKE BIG GAINS TBNDAWCE CONSTASTT- I>\ INCRKASINl. The ^annual meeting- of the Board of Education wa» held in the office of the superintendent yesterday af- ternoon, every meirfber of the Board in the city being present. The meet- in* was most Harmon iou*. and the bosiness of the «n«etia? speedily Tfee first feuataess of the m«etln,B warn the election of officer* tor tin enmiint year. wUieh reaultad as fol- President—W. C Pike. Vice PrwWent—C, E. Iwrnau. Clerk—A. M. Warren. Truant Officer—W.-A. Henaessj-. Prof. F. K. WaUon w&a then unan- imously re-elected superintendent of schools for the school year of 1815- 16. Professor Wateon has heen con- nected with the scbcotB of liiia city for the »aet twelve y»ar», aod for ten years has filled the office of su- perintendent. During that time he has proven hfrmse3f in every way comspet*9t and efficient and there has feeefc a .marked advancement in file schools: There has been a Steady Unereatfe in the «ttendanc«, es- pecially duriogr the past year, the ef «ait-of-toim students at th* high sciwoi, afnee the oocuimncy of the new high &ehe<tt traildin*, b*- in^ very large. f3r$& t$£g*sn takes gre^t interest not only in the fltehool» as a whoie hut in, the work of the individual pupils and is constaatly -working on plans for the improvement of the school system, and tor the better- ment of the teachers and scholars. The people of this city are prpvd of their schools aad thpy have every T«ason for this feeling regarding them, for among educators they are recognized as among the best in the state. NOT WITH BOTTISH Washington Government Tcels F«^ laztd's I»ructice Does Not Square With International law Rule* Washington, Jan. li>s-03ie United States government *t b|?ea*ne kno%vn today, is not aitoiretheF satisfied with the note erf Sir Edward Orey givins Great Britain's preHmlnary reipiy to Pre^dent Wilsorr"s ?*ote«t concerning the treatment of American commerce by the British fleet While gratified tiunt Great Britain admits the justice of practically all the principles o€ lateraationaJ Uw ^ ^ nt officials reiterated today that the chief diffi cutty had been Engiaiwi's neglect to ma&» her actual practjee square- with the j»revfc>«*ly aceept«ci- rules of in- Officials here realize that a. lonn diplomatic correspondence conceding tiie tpriiuc^les of the American cas3 but not actually carrying them into practice will not meet the complains of American shij>per*. and alth<m«h Engiand's au^pjemeutary answer is expected to giv<* a more dwUtHf J statement of her .portion, officials plan to ia,ke usp \ig<*roii«ly all individ- ual c%ses which may meanwhite wise. FIR8T WEFJi OP COVTEST V/IUU CliOSK TOMORROW WITH EVERY CANDIDATE WORK- ING HARD FOR FIRST SECRETARY HOUSTON AT FARMERS' BEfJ Columbia, Mo., J<ui. U-—Karanti<+' Week at the University of Mssbouri, which opened u>tUty with a big at- tendance tfrtfm the rural «et;tioiiii?, w .li be made notable this year hy the presence ©€ 13avid F. Iltwuuw, ab--.i.- tary <jrf agriouUuit, wJvo wUi »jj»ik on Wednesday. Tomorrow Go verm *r Major *wiii be present and deliver *.a H h <<i f work will be K«ve>n, aad pi«^ t oai d-emonstr&Uon uf up-tu-datf. mi;t art* In agriculture will be furnUihc For the first time since the open- ing of the big Press-Sentinel papular voting contest the candidates from this city. this morning have been forced out of flrst place in the raee. H i e fight for first place has from the start been a hot one, first one then another ef the P&attslnirghers leading, but the candidates from the other towns in the co^tity have al- so been hustling and <*s a result the Press this morning announces that William *\ Devan, Jr., of is the leader in the race, Mr. Pev- an is not only popular among: those who have the pleasure of his ac- quaintance, 'but he is a worker, and hagr gone into this race with a de- termination to win the $500 in gold which will go to the .person having the largest number of votes when the final <count is made on the even- ing of Thursday, J March 4. Mr, Devan has a lead at over sev- enteen hundred votes over fharlea Lefee of this eity who stands second in the race, closely followed by Mil O'Oonnell, with Miss Jarvts of Peru in fourth place. Nine out of the twenty-four candidates yesterday in creased their vote, and a* there were fourteen* who increased their -vote on Saturday it can be seen that there l« no "tUad-Wfccfti" - ih tite test. | One candidate visited the office of the gentinel Publishing Company* yesterday for the purpose of obtain- ing supplies, saying that she was about to alSLVt on a trip during which she intended to visit every village and hamlet in the county in the in- terest of her candidacy, and that she would devote all her energy to th» securing of new subscriptions. She said that she realiaed that the prizes were of such a character as to in- duce every candidate in the,field to wortt day and night to land in first place and that if hard and confident tlous work would do it for her she would be tKe winner of the five hun- dred dollars at the close of the contest. It is this spirit which .will put a candidate in the front rank in this race. The prizes are big, the length of the contest is only eight weeka. and the candidates realize that there ia no honest employment which will bring them such large returns for KO short a time. Several persons have brought or sent money to this office with the re- quest that it ibe placed to the credit is- eamiiit be done. The rules of the contest ab- solutely prohibit it. The only -way in which a candidate run receive credit fur money is l-y turning if in themselves." If jmi wish to help any of the candidate t>end ur give the money to them and they will turn over to this office with the eo.Jtxins J Which are placed to their credit j The race htill ha*, sever: v*.-<-k^ <•> i run and thdt there vt;ll !>'• d.il changes in the positions oi tin- ui, diddles fjoes without Fd* 1 :.^ Th.- , morning the> stand as, tollowfc W. F. Devan. Jr., R. V. 1>. No. 1. CadyUUc i:>»7.*» *h 1*275 i I, I*lttlU>- Imrigh HUH), iMJIiliiiu' Ja«i», Peru n»«o ..aroUt Moore. Itaunrmura 10800 I Albert HownUiie. U W Chut, HWI.>» I ! Lulu Fit/patrirk. Fltttt.-burtili tM»7 > I Phiiiiuju MtK'luiskvj, I'latt— bur«li »*•* 1 Mrs. <'layton Ajt'r*. >U»ITI->OU- \iile . HlHu i burgh H-loo • Helen V Miukior. Uiu/> *2.>« i H&lj»h Itfll, tiiurutniM-o Ruth Parker Vt>«t V\m/y No i MHU\ Voting certificates for subscrip- tions secured by contestant* will be | credited as follows: PRKStv—Old Snlwrrtptlotui •f.00 4 months .... 100 VOTK8 I $2.00 ft months .... 100 VOTFS $».00 1 year 300 VOTK8 BRBO-WKRKLY Old $1.00, 1 year lit Clinton County 100 VOTR8 $1.35* 1 year Outskle of County 1»5 VOTKS $3.00, 1 year fa City of Plattsburgh or Canada 200 VOTES For all bonaftde new subscriberc the number of rotes above will be trebled, that la, 300 votes for every dollar received. Changing the name of any subscriber from one member of a family to another member of the same family or to another person at the same aadress will not be cred- ited as a new •v*ba«rlpti«M». Owing to the amount 49 £~Jkke«p* tag tawolved ana ttts oth*r details In connection with the recording of the commencement and dl*coetinuano« of Bufcaeriptkw* n© ^tbvsripfeat* t0T >«•» than one dollar witt-D* credited to Allies Preparing to Strike Hard Blows Then RUMANIA IS TO ENTER THE WAR SOON NOT MICH FIOHTINC; IN WKST, \S SHOWN BV rA VM» HKHI.i FKi:\<H FTNERAI, OF THK BARRY TTLER Seldom has there been a larger attended funeral than that of Harry Tylw whioh was held yesterday af- ternoon at 2 o'-ejock from fate late home at South Pittsburgh. The fun*raT~services were conducted by the Kev, <3. U Taylor, gpastor **( t3ie M. K, church at South Plattsburg-h, who was assisted by the Rev. Victor Moore, of Ausable Forks. The house was filled to overflow- ing with relative* and friendb not onjyfrom hia native town and coun- ty ib-ut /ro«» afar as well. The floea! tributes were profuse and. expressed the affection and esteem whioh He was held by all who knew him. 1*h* f^ail-beare** wett.JUJph Bak er, of Bitrllnsrtofu Vt.: Elmer Gray, of this city: Harvey Uriilfffe*, o* South Platuburgh; Byron Stnughton, of gteu^h Platuburgh; Bergen Stone, of PTiiladeti>hia. Pa.: and Orrin Myers, of PeasleeviH*. The interment icaa at th^ 8011th Plattabui-Kh cemetery- Jan. t — ( tv OHIO INAUGURATES A NEW GOVERNOR PARAJXE WAS CIIIKF EVENT, IX- Al'UL'RAIi IIAU* lUSIWii OMJTTKD AT RKQLEKT OF 5IKH" EXEC- UTIVE. *.'olunibiij, <Jhio., JOJI. 11.—Follow- ing a bM Parado of jmliturv and civi.-- b^ies 01 the «Lit«, the inaiiiturauini ot Prank FlaitIt-tie Willib a* «ovtr- iu,r of Dhi'j took pUcf luiLty. Tin- purade MXO tut one puiik. «_vi a t wi" tho da\, tor the inja>i;u:<J IMII VS a,-* onuite-d. at tht reM'iffft »!' th* 1 in "A ffovtrn jr, ivn>i ait-ka i>> dii «ittd,\ viu>i pomp .'i'l.'i u r c n m i i j in i»'xl.l.> utiiii UtnciM) .7unn C Spt'.ti. - r xt, nta.-v sha'i •>! th« i-aradc Vv b c.» ^iurtcd a I o dock this afLc-rtio.-n uu ,1 -i,n.(l fj^et-wi *m 4ht* iiu-itli i i d ^ i.i <'a.i'i'd Square weiu tht, u>w --,i.\iru^r n, \ m i - m b f - r * «»f hu> ( i n n i l ai..,l 'I u ticipatiiMt of Uuniiinin in the v*Ar thus bringing Into play another parti to th«» combination against the T*u- tonio power* contemplated by Great Britain, France and Kussua. Difficulties confronted the allies In the earlier stages of the war In fur- nishing munition*, equipment and other necessity* of war beyond thos* required for their <wrn Immediate needs. These difficulties have new* be<<u surmounted, and the obstacle which hitherto has blocked full Ru manian motbilisation has ^>een remoV- gd with the arrival In that country (jf-^the requisite su4H>Ues for the equipment and provisioning of 600,000 men "which she Is able to put Into th«* neld. ArrangeitM'hU have been completed alsi» for the fia~ snelnt? of these operations. The Iac4c or stirrlnsr battlea »t the present stage is attributed by Brit ish etrnnmentwiors largely to the de termination ot the aQled commanders to content themselves, with holding their present positions until the pro jwted ring 1 »->f atmka I** consider**! sufficiently strong to strike a hk»w which they hope will prove decisive. Th* British Idea that operation* up to th« present are only preparatory to hip event* fifti In with a nit of iro«- «i£> xicm henrit Were. It i» to Ih fc-cl that tord ^itcte*n«r, when ed wnae^nfSr^e pr«*iOil« of the war, said: "I dtm't Hnow when It will end, bat I do know when it will bHfc'in, and that is in th« mo«th of May" JUtlM r Quh'i iu tlie XSmt I 1 official uecounUi «f thf tighttitK in * the wtst from Berlin and 1'a.rU tuila> I showed that comparative cairn prv- » vails except at » few pulni*. Kvtn in upper Alsace and in th«> Ar$ouu<?, where then* h,ue ti**en violent t*n- count«ra reccntlv*- activity h*« slack- ened. Near Soitesion» anil in the vi- clntty of Perthea. hwcwr, enKage-mentH HTV in pr«»grt'.*s. The German war otn<**- ad mitt* that th«» French have raptured north of Sousmms, toward the west- ern «nd of the hattl« lilit. ibilt atute^ that further onslaughts* were r*-pul»- t-d. The I'Yt'uch announctment hai*i two nu>r<- lines of trvnchen, utu> \,HMN t>t tht- from, hd\« been «u - riipifl" Tht re. ir 1 H «nruKir <tis*jKu;t\ of statement roiu:emin< the t»ruKr<--.-> <>r tin- ti^htniK iit.ti ivnntiw, whuh ha> a>sumed ni.pui lu'ire bn-ati^t tin- | ,,f high bti.* WORK OF THE IS ACCUSED * CIVIC LEAGUE AS BORGIA iommittees Make Their Re- Drug Clerk Who Mamil ports at January Meeting Chores Girl Is Strry HEALTH LECTURES IN FEBRUARY i.r\f;rt- M\KI^,, 'lON*. frH>H «.l\ ISi, «>** « Ot'I.K\ l\ \I>RII WH |\l. \rF\INM HI-;. bv n.i>i*bui. -> a; 1 .'1 .(I U\r *> 'tl . . «'.»IU I . > - \\ \I LHl'OWN IJWhl 1! itMMi 1>I VI IN i 11 \U( , rrt ON rut: BU\K n t-h»ni attempted tct poison bu9irwar. Is told to a •«•* f Hied »n the 8h« per tor Court h&tn crtoaty t>y A, ot Newark. .V. Oran'i #*«tUe«, I* nr*t H was a Aft«r th» turn to J , wtoa Witt w u eri<«8 4»f l*et;urfrtf tn thU city social hygiene. tfuge«)i«i arid jfrn&r ! Tiw foil"*in* Iviter tttm\ Vr A. Smith xatutitr* wip^rvbmi l>i*frK-t A. *Utt«* ho fe&tl it iu a uh«mt#t aisd n»4 it . It Srbum !,aphatiit. h. N V on Nuvftmtof 1, jusi their ir^trr;j«t», arum Hft «to»t» he l«« him Kr**n\ hi* uto hat (irt>rTii> iK»f* : the Mt'rviivs ot A «tate aura* if i The first i»«rt "f the meeting 1 devoted to-Alecture wn wtrvii «gr^i>hy and ether waves by iir. Charlea ft, TjndiUK who the < fore addressed (fee men's Mfecilng of the Y. M. C. A. on the i At the conclusion at th« tBt*rcsttn« discourse, a vote of thanks w*» I dered the anwak^r for 1he and interest afforded by the i fie denu>n»tratlon and remark* of leoture. l>urUi«r vmntber of vafuM^e report* w*r« rtuul by the c%air-m*n of several (tf the committee^ Mrs. {JMpham. ehair. man of the health of th* wt»rK done by the among children in the city with the cooperation of <*ummis«l«tn«'i > She apotSB wf the vltflts msde amnei the »jpck and the < ld>> pertnlo in the rity, wa» aUo lnf<»rnw(l uf (h« tact thai In the pa*t week 275 m««l* h*d I the rhitdreft brth achw>l and 1 lil "" l " il " jhl'ViHhV l.\iu>lt MIS : : . i -.' i \il | | VI | 111 |S\ || i 2 •' I '*4»V I > I I i I 1C \ ! I I I ' - ui -i- I I M Ml \ Uk FOWJBTTK WOULD KTOP THK KATK K Ft«»r«TMt' Car**), Au»aW«' H, H. VJgei. M.«*erN f>oro«b> Van AruuiM I.ll *!2no tt'iOt) into feffect the liwrevisi-il r»te# rectn-tly granted hy th*s No. a .. Myrtle J. Trii>|», <.ambits, I ,i i JlitM S \MJ I- V«"H| I »• i t i l \ s i m »; .j-^Lft! till .l»fa- « 1.' I I

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Page 1: 2 F.L WATSON IN REALWAR WORK OF THE IS ACCUSED * …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075736/1915-01-12/ed... · 2005-11-22 · William *\ Devan , Jr., of is the leader in the race,


. 302 PLATTSBUHGIl, S . \ \ Tl Ks|)A V,_._•! AN I \UX \2 W H O ! i: \ i M I ; F I : 30157-


TrW Seperiateodeat of Schools for




Deft*^ Onttfd States Marshal Herbert fto**r l#*t nMrt*t U»ok to Utieatwo jrri*m#r« who are to appear be(ore UBH** *»*•» District Court.One <rf t»# »rt«onof» iam*nt *Mf tfc» «m«r few fte«a b*M by

^ l i a * for

Year 1915-16



H~~Repreeanef the House

to *i*nninff to putthe pro-

aaffrage eonsttaititmal amend-meat, for »mtto<i 4*t*a*a» aad 4 voteffe& # H «ff* here in force ex-

to * H * * » ft «i#*ry «er their


Qalif., Im. 11—Theofficers of th» titate militia heldconfepene* here t&fey to formulatea plan to fe* b»J# before the lefts!*-tare to relieve t£te California National Gaard of the doty of serving:in «trikftB and ia&or troubles in thefuture. U is suggested that a sesparate body, to tee Unmm « • the StateCoa*iafeuj*ry, be formed, to handlea&ottfiOB* under ***** authority.

It i» ijeH^Bd that the ©ersonnel of«** mlitti* o«n ,%e raised to a^biglier

with *b« strike duty featureof young-

g refuse toof the «Ute, tt is

bItt «b# ^oettloo «f taking- the

«M 9 t l $ father*,in the evant of

of the National

the citi

as tentativelytottfd oonsi*t of

56It Is

f**y body

af tfeeiaift


W. P. Devan J r . , Now Leadsin Contest



The annual meeting- of the Boardof Education wa» held in the officeof the superintendent yesterday af-ternoon, every meirfber of the Boardin the city being present. The meet-in* was most Harmon iou*. and thebosiness of the «n«etia? speedily

Tfee first feuataess of the m«etln,Bwarn the election of officer* tor tinenmiint year. wUieh reaultad as fol-

President—W. C Pike.Vice PrwWent—C, E. Iwrnau.Clerk—A. M. Warren.Truant Officer—W.-A. Henaessj-.Prof. F. K. WaUon w&a then unan-

imously re-elected superintendent ofschools for the school year of 1815-16.

Professor Wateon has heen con-nected with the scbcotB of liiia cityfor the »aet twelve y»ar», aod forten years has filled the office of su-perintendent. During that time hehas proven hfrmse3f in every waycomspet*9t and efficient and therehas feeefc a .marked advancement infile schools: There has been aSteady Unereatfe in the «ttendanc«, es-pecially duriogr the past year, the

ef «ait-of-toim students atth* high sciwoi, afnee the oocuimncyof the new high &ehe<tt traildin*, b*-in^ very large.

f3r$& t$£g*sn takes gre^t interestnot only in the fltehool» as a whoiehut in, the work of the individualpupils and is constaatly -working onplans for the improvement of theschool system, and tor the better-ment of the teachers and scholars.The people of this city are prpvd oftheir schools aad thpy have every

T«ason for this feeling regardingthem, for among educators they arerecognized as among the best in thestate.



Washington Government Tcels F«^laztd's I»ructice Does Not Square

With International law Rule*

Washington, Jan. li>s-03ie UnitedStates government *t b|?ea*ne kno%vntoday, is not aitoiretheF satisfied withthe note erf Sir Edward Orey givinsGreat Britain's preHmlnary reipiy toPre^dent Wilsorr"s ?*ote«t concerningthe treatment of American commerceby the British fleet

While gratified tiunt Great Britainadmits the justice of practically allthe principles o€ lateraationaJ Uw

^ ^ n t officialsreiterated today that the chief difficutty had been Engiaiwi's neglect toma&» her actual practjee square- withthe j»revfc>«*ly aceept«ci- rules of in-

Officials here realize that a. lonndiplomatic correspondence concedingtiie tpriiuc^les of the American cas3but not actually carrying them intopractice will not meet the complainsof American shij>per*. and alth<m«hEngiand's au^pjemeutary answer isexpected to giv<* a more dwUtHf Jstatement of her .portion, officialsplan to ia,ke usp \ig<*roii«ly all individ-ual c%ses which may meanwhite wise.





Columbia, Mo., J<ui. U-—Karanti<+'Week at the University of Mssbouri,which opened u>tUty with a big at-tendance tfrtfm the rural «et;tioiiii?, w .libe made notable this year hy thepresence ©€ 13avid F. Iltwuuw, ab--.i.-tary <jrf agriouUuit, wJvo wUi »jj»ikon Wednesday. Tomorrow Go verm *rMajor *wiii be present and deliver *.a

H h <<if work will be K«ve>n, aad pi«^ toai d-emonstr&Uon uf up-tu-datf. mi;tart* In agriculture will be furnUihc

For the first time since the open-ing of the big Press-Sentinel papularvoting contest the candidates fromthis city. this morning have beenforced out of flrst place in the raee.Hie fight for first place has from thestart been a hot one, first onethen another ef the P&attslnirghersleading, but the candidates from theother towns in the co^tity have al-so been hustling and <*s a result thePress this morning announces thatWilliam *\ Devan, Jr., ofis the leader in the race, Mr. Pev-an is not only popular among: thosewho have the pleasure of his ac-quaintance, 'but he is a worker, andhagr gone into this race with a de-termination to win the $500 in goldwhich will go to the .person havingthe largest number of votes whenthe final <count is made on the even-ing of Thursday, J March 4.

Mr, Devan has a lead at over sev-enteen hundred votes over fharleaLefee of this eity who stands secondin the race, closely followed by MilO'Oonnell, with Miss Jarvts of Peruin fourth place. Nine out of thetwenty-four candidates yesterday increased their vote, and a* therewere fourteen* who increased their-vote on Saturday it can be seen thatthere l« no "tUad-Wfccfti" - ih titetest. |

One candidate visited the office ofthe gentinel Publishing Company*yesterday for the purpose of obtain-ing supplies, saying that she wasabout to alSLVt on a trip during whichshe intended to visit every villageand hamlet in the county in the in-terest of her candidacy, and that shewould devote all her energy to th»securing of new subscriptions. Shesaid that she realiaed that the prizeswere of such a character as to in-duce every candidate in the,field towortt day and night to land in firstplace and that if hard and confidenttlous work would do it for her shewould be tKe winner of the five hun-dred dollars at the close of thecontest.

It is this spirit which .will put acandidate in the front rank in thisrace. The prizes are big, the lengthof the contest is only eight weeka.and the candidates realize that thereia no honest employment which willbring them such large returns for KOshort a time.

Several persons have brought orsent money to this office with the re-quest that it ibe placed to the credit

is- eamiiit bedone. The rules of the contest ab-solutely prohibit it. The only -wayin which a candidate run receivecredit fur money is l-y turning if inthemselves." If jmi wish to help anyof the candidate t>end ur give themoney to them and they will turn i«over to this office with the eo.Jtxins JWhich are placed to their credit j

The race htill ha*, sever: v*.-<-k <•> irun and thdt there vt;ll !>'• d.ilchanges in the positions oi tin- u i ,diddles fjoes without Fd*1:.^ Th.- ,morning the> stand as, tollowfc

W. F. Devan. Jr., R. V. 1>. No.1. CadyUUc i:>»7.*»

*h 1*275 iI, I*lttlU>-

Imrigh HUH),iMJIiliiiu' Ja«i», Peru n»«o

..aroUt Moore. Itaunrmura 10800I Albert HownUiie. U W Chut, HWI.>» I! L u l u F i t / p a t r i r k . Fltttt.-burtili tM»7 >I Phi i i iu ju MtK'luiskvj, I'latt—

bur«li »* •*1 Mrs. <'layton Ajt'r*. >U»ITI->OU-

\iile . HlHu

i burgh H-loo• Helen V Miukior. Uiu/> *2.>«i H&lj»h Itfll, tiiurutniM-o

Ruth Parker Vt>«t V\m/y No i MHU\Voting certificates for subscrip-

tions secured by contestant* will be |credited as follows:

PRKStv—Old Snlwrrtptlotui•f .00 4 months . . . . 100 VOTK8 I$2.00 ft months . . . . 100 VOTFS$».00 1 year 300 VOTK8


$1.00, 1 year lit ClintonCounty 100 VOTR8

$1.35* 1 year Outskle ofCounty 1»5 VOTKS

$3.00, 1 year fa City ofPlattsburgh or Canada 200 VOTESFor all bonaftde new subscriberc

the number of rotes above will betrebled, that la, 300 votes for everydollar received. Changing the nameof any subscriber from one memberof a family to another member ofthe same family or to another personat the same aadress will not be cred-ited as a new •v*ba«rlpti«M».

Owing to the amount 49 £~Jkke«p*tag tawolved ana ttts oth*r details Inconnection with the recording of thecommencement and dl*coetinuano« ofBufcaeriptkw* n© tbvsripfeat* t0T >«•»than one dollar witt-D* credited to

Allies Preparing to StrikeHard Blows Then



VM» HKHI.iFKi : \<H


Seldom has there been a largerattended funeral than that of HarryTylw whioh was held yesterday af-ternoon at 2 o'-ejock from fate latehome at South Pittsburgh. Thefun*raT~services were conducted bythe Kev, <3. U Taylor, gpastor **( t3ieM. K, church at South Plattsburg-h,who was assisted by the Rev. VictorMoore, of Ausable Forks.

The house was filled to overflow-ing with relative* and friendb notonjyfrom hia native town and coun-ty ib-ut /ro«» afar as well. The floea!tributes were profuse and. expressedthe affection and esteem i» whioh Hewas held by all who knew him.

1*h* f^ail-beare** wett.JUJph Baker, of Bitrllnsrtofu Vt.: Elmer Gray, ofthis city: Harvey Uriilfffe*, o* SouthPlatuburgh; Byron Stnughton, ofgteu h Platuburgh; Bergen Stone, ofPTiiladeti>hia. Pa.: and Orrin Myers,of PeasleeviH*. The interment icaaat th^ 8011th Plattabui-Kh cemetery-

Jan. t —( tv




*.'olunibiij, <Jhio., J O J I . 11 .—Fol low-ing a bM P a r a d o of jml i turv a n d civi.--b ^ i e s 01 t h e «Lit«, t h e ina i i i t u rau in iot P r a n k FlaitIt-tie Willib a* « o v t r -iu,r of Dhi ' j took p U c f luiLty. Tin-p u r a d e MXO tut o n e puiik. «_vi a t wi"tho d a \ , t o r t h e inja>i;u:<J IMII VS a,-*onuite-d. at th t reM'iffft »!' th*1 in "Affovtrn jr, ivn>i ait-ka i>> dii «ittd,\ viu>ip o m p .'i'l.'i u r c n m i i j in i»'xl.l.> u t i i i i

UtnciM) .7unn C Spt'.ti. - r xt, nta.-vs h a ' i •>! th« i-aradc Vv b c.» ^ iu r t cd aI o d o c k th i s afLc-rtio.-n u u ,1 -i,n.(lfj^et-wi *m 4ht* iiu-itli i i d ^ i.i < 'a . i ' i 'dS q u a r e w e i u t h t , u>w --,i.\iru^r n, \

m i - m b f - r * « » f h u > ( i n n i l a i . . , l 'I u •

ticipatiiMt of Uuniiinin in the v*Arthus bringing Into play another partito th«» combination against the T*u-tonio power* contemplated by GreatBritain, France and Kussua.

Difficulties confronted the allies Inthe earlier stages of the war In fur-nishing munition*, equipment andother necessity* of war beyond thos*required for their <wrn Immediateneeds. These difficulties have new*be<<u surmounted, and the obstaclewhich hitherto has blocked full Rumanian motbilisation has >een remoV-gd with the arrival In that country(jf- the requisite su4H>Ues for theequipment and provisioning of600,000 men "which she Is able toput Into th«* neld. ArrangeitM'hUhave been completed alsi» for the fia~snelnt? of these operations.

The Iac4c or stirrlnsr battlea »t thepresent stage is attributed by British etrnnmentwiors largely to the determination ot the aQled commandersto content themselves, with holdingtheir present positions until the projwted ring1 »->f atmka I** consider**!sufficiently strong to strike a hk»wwhich they hope will prove decisive.

Th* British Idea that operation* upto th« present are only preparatoryto hip event* fifti In with a nit of iro«-«i£> xicm henrit Were. It i» to Ihfc-cl that tord ^itcte*n«r, whened wnae^nfSr^e pr«*iOil«of the war, said: "I dtm't Hnow whenIt will end, bat I do know when itwill bHfc'in, and that is in th« mo«thof May"

JUtlM r Quh'i iu tlie XSmtI1 official uecounUi «f thf tighttitK in* the wtst from Berlin and 1'a.rU tuila>I showed that comparative cairn prv-» vails except at » few pulni*. Kvtn in

upper Alsace and in th«> Ar$ouu<?,where then* h,ue ti**en violent t*n-count«ra reccntlv*- activity h*« slack-ened. Near Soitesion» anil in the vi-clntty of Perthea. h w c w r ,enKage-mentH HTV in pr«»grt'.*s.

The German war otn<**- ad mitt* thatth«» French have rapturednorth of Sousmms, toward the west-ern «nd of the hattl« lilit. ibilt atute^that further onslaughts* were r*-pul»-t-d. The I'Yt'uch announctment hai*itwo nu>r<- lines of trvnchen,utu> \,HMN t>t tht- from, hd\« been «u -riipifl" Tht re. ir1 H «nruKir <tis*jKu;t\of statement roiu:emin< the t»ruKr<--.-><>r tin- ti^htniK iit.ti ivnntiw, whuhha> a>sumed ni.pui lu'ire bn-ati^t tin-

| ,,f high bti.*


iommittees Make Their Re- Drug Clerk Who Mami lports at January Meeting Chores Girl Is Strry


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bu9irwar. Is told to a •«•* fHied »n the 8h« per tor Courth&tn crtoaty t>y A,ot Newark. .V.

Oran'i #*«tUe«, I*

nr*tH was a

Aft«r th»turn to

J , wtoa Witt wu eri<«8 4»f l*et;urfrtf tn thU citysocial hygiene. tfuge«)i«i arid jfrn&r

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Kr**n\ hi* utoh a t (irt>rTii> iK»f*: the Mt'rviivs ot A «tate aura* if i

The first i»«rt "f the meeting1 •devoted to -A lecture wn wtrvii«gr^i>hy and ether waves by iir.Charlea ft, TjndiUK who the <fore addressed (fee men's Mfecilng ofthe Y. M. C. A. on the iAt the conclusion at th« tBt*rcsttn«discourse, a vote of thanks w*» Idered the anwak^r for 1heand interest afforded by the ifie denu>n»tratlon and remark* ofleoture.

l>urUi«rvmntber of vafuM^e report* w*r«rtuul by the c%air-m*n of several (tfthe committee^ Mrs. {JMpham. ehair.man of the healthof th* wt»rK done by theamong children in the city with thecooperation of <*ummis«l«tn«'i>

She apotSB wf the vltflts msde amneithe »jpck and the <ld>> pertnlo in the rity,wa» aUo lnf<»rnw(l uf (h« tact thaiIn the pa*t week 275 m««l* h*d I

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H, H. VJgei. M.«*erNf>oro«b> Van AruuiM I.ll


into feffect the liwrevisi-ilr»te# rectn-tly granted hy th*s

No. a . .Myrtle J. Trii>|»,


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