2 explotation of bacterial activities in mineral industry

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Mining Volume 2013, Article ID 507168, 13 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/507168 Review Article Exploitation of Bacterial Activities in Mineral Industry and Environmental Preservation: An Overview Ahmed A. S. Seifelnassr 1 and Abdel-Zaher M. Abouzeid 2 1 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mineral Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez 62114, Egypt 2 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt Correspondence should be addressed to Abdel-Zaher M. Abouzeid; [email protected] Received 14 August 2013; Revised 21 October 2013; Accepted 4 November 2013 Academic Editor: Morteza Osanloo Copyright © 2013 A. A. S. Seifelnassr and A.-Z. Abouzeid. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Since the identification and characterization of iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria in the 1940s, a rapid progress is being made in minerals engineering based on biological activities. Microorganisms can play a beneficial role in all facets of minerals processing, from mining to waste disposal and management. Some of the applications, such as biologically assisted leaching of copper sulfide ores, uranium ores, and biooxidation of refractory sulfide gold ores, are now established on the scale of commercial processes. A variety of other bioleaching opportunities exist for nickel, cobalt, cadmium, and zinc sulfide leaching. Recently, other uses of microorganisms are potentially possible. ese include the bioleaching of nonsulfide ores, bioflotation, and bioflocculation of minerals, and bioremediation of toxic chemicals discharged from mineral engineering operations. ese activities acquire considerable opportunities for further research and development in these areas. is paper is an attempt to provide a critical summary on the most important efforts in the area of bacterial activities in the mineral and mining industry. 1. Introduction Biotechnology has many potential applications in min- ing industry including metal leaching, product upgrading, removal of impurities, treatment of acid rock drainage, and other uses for environmental control. Recent interest in the biotechnological processes is the direct application to treat wastes and low-grade ores [13]. In this aspect, bacteria catalyze the dissolution of metals from minerals. erefore, bacterial leaching processes are faster than chemical pro- cesses at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. So far, only three different types of commercial scale microbi- ological leaching techniques are practiced for the recovery of copper and uranium from low-grade ores, namely, dump leaching, heap leaching, and insitu leaching. Knowledge about bacterial involvement in these processes has been relatively recent, because the microorganisms responsible for the solubilization of metals from minerals were identified only a few decades ago. Furthermore, heap and dump leaching technologies were introduced in the United States by the Phelps-Dodge Corporation at Bisbee, Arizona, and Tyron, New Mexico, in early 1920s [4], although at that time the processes involved in the leaching and acid drainage production were considered to be solely chemical in nature. Lately, interest in the biological oxidation of refractory sulfide gold ores has been practiced worldwide [5]. Moreover, microorganisms are used in biobeneficiation which refers to removal of undesirable mineral components from an ore. e interaction with microorganism selectively removes the impurities, and thereby enriches the desired mineral constituent in the solid ore matrix such as, biodesulfurization of coals and biobeneficiation of iron ores. Another potential utilization of microorganisms is that they could be used to flocculate finely divided minerals and/or be used as mineral surface modifiers or flotation collectors. 2. Bioleaching of Sulfide Ores 2.1. Microorganisms Involved in Leaching Processes. e most important group of bacteria which are involved in sul- fide minerals leaching are the acidophilic iobacilli which

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  • Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of MiningVolume 2013, Article ID 507168, 13 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/507168

    Review ArticleExploitation of Bacterial Activities in Mineral Industry andEnvironmental Preservation: An Overview

    Ahmed A. S. Seifelnassr1 and Abdel-Zaher M. Abouzeid2

    1 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mineral Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez 62114, Egypt2 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt

    Correspondence should be addressed to Abdel-Zaher M. Abouzeid; [email protected]

    Received 14 August 2013; Revised 21 October 2013; Accepted 4 November 2013

    Academic Editor: Morteza Osanloo

    Copyright 2013 A. A. S. Seifelnassr and A.-Z. Abouzeid. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

    Since the identification and characterization of iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria in the 1940s, a rapid progress is being made inminerals engineering based on biological activities. Microorganisms can play a beneficial role in all facets of minerals processing,from mining to waste disposal and management. Some of the applications, such as biologically assisted leaching of copper sulfideores, uranium ores, and biooxidation of refractory sulfide gold ores, are now established on the scale of commercial processes.A variety of other bioleaching opportunities exist for nickel, cobalt, cadmium, and zinc sulfide leaching. Recently, other usesof microorganisms are potentially possible. These include the bioleaching of nonsulfide ores, bioflotation, and bioflocculationof minerals, and bioremediation of toxic chemicals discharged from mineral engineering operations. These activities acquireconsiderable opportunities for further research and development in these areas. This paper is an attempt to provide a criticalsummary on the most important efforts in the area of bacterial activities in the mineral and mining industry.

    1. Introduction

    Biotechnology has many potential applications in min-ing industry including metal leaching, product upgrading,removal of impurities, treatment of acid rock drainage, andother uses for environmental control. Recent interest in thebiotechnological processes is the direct application to treatwastes and low-grade ores [13]. In this aspect, bacteriacatalyze the dissolution of metals from minerals. Therefore,bacterial leaching processes are faster than chemical pro-cesses at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Sofar, only three different types of commercial scale microbi-ological leaching techniques are practiced for the recoveryof copper and uranium from low-grade ores, namely, dumpleaching, heap leaching, and insitu leaching. Knowledgeabout bacterial involvement in these processes has beenrelatively recent, because the microorganisms responsible forthe solubilization of metals from minerals were identifiedonly a few decades ago. Furthermore, heap and dumpleaching technologies were introduced in the United Statesby the Phelps-Dodge Corporation at Bisbee, Arizona, and

    Tyron, New Mexico, in early 1920s [4], although at that timethe processes involved in the leaching and acid drainageproduction were considered to be solely chemical in nature.

    Lately, interest in the biological oxidation of refractorysulfide gold ores has been practiced worldwide [5]. Moreover,microorganisms are used in biobeneficiation which refersto removal of undesirable mineral components from anore. The interaction with microorganism selectively removesthe impurities, and thereby enriches the desired mineralconstituent in the solid orematrix such as, biodesulfurizationof coals and biobeneficiation of iron ores. Another potentialutilization of microorganisms is that they could be used toflocculate finely divided minerals and/or be used as mineralsurface modifiers or flotation collectors.

    2. Bioleaching of Sulfide Ores

    2.1. Microorganisms Involved in Leaching Processes. Themostimportant group of bacteria which are involved in sul-fide minerals leaching are the acidophilic Thiobacilli which
























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    belongs to the family Thiobacteriacrae. They have the abilityto use the oxidation of inorganic sulfur and its compoundsto produce energy for growth. They are, therefore, referredto as chemolithotrophs. They include the autotrophs whichderive their carbon for growth solely from carbon dioxide,mixotrophs that can utilize carbon derived from organiccompounds, and carbon dioxide, and the heterotrophs whosesole source of carbon is obtained fromorganic substrates.Themajority of the Thiobacilli species are active between 30 and35C. However, moderately thermophilic species have beenisolated which grow best at temperature of 4550C [6].

    In order of importance, the Thiobacilli which areinvolved in mineral leaching are Acidithiobacillus ferrooxi-dans, Thiobacillus thiooxidans, Thiobacillus acidophilus, andThiobacillus oranoporus. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is themost important of the above species [79]. This species isable not only to utilize inorganic sulfur compounds butalso to oxidize ferrous iron in inorganic substrates. Theirdifferentiation is based upon their capacity to oxidize eitherelemental sulphur or various sulfide minerals.

    Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is an aerobic, acidophilicautotrophic, Gram-negative, bacterium. It is rod-shapedbacterium and is active above pH 2.0 [10]. Mesophilic strainshave an optimum temperature of 35C for growth. It requiresa source of nitrogen, phosphate, and trace amounts ofcalcium, magnesium, and potassium. Its energy for growthis obtained from the oxidation of ferrous iron, insolublesulfides, and soluble sulphur compounds. The 9K nutrientmediumwas derived formass production ofAcidithiobacillusferrooxidans cells [11]. There are also some Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans species which are also acidophilic, autotrophic,rod shaped, mesophilic bacteria, which grow on elementalsulfur, and soluble sulfur compounds, but unable to oxidizeferrous iron or insoluble sulfides.

    Thiobacillus acidophilus and Thiobacillus oranoporus aremesophilic, mixotrophic, acidophilus rod-shaped bacteriathat oxidize only elemental sulfur for growth. They growat pH 1.55.0 with an optimum value from 2.5 to 3.0.Being unable to oxidize insoluble sulfides, their role inmineral leaching may only be to consume organic com-pounds excreted by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans which aredetrimental to the latter organisms growth [12].

    In recent years, moderately and extremely thermophilicand acidophilic bacteria which are able to oxidise iron, sulfurand mineral sulfides have been isolated and tested [6, 1315].Moderately thermophilicThiobacilli have been demonstratedto be heterotrophic with optimum temperatures for growthbetween 45 and 60C. Strains of thermophilic organisms of aSulfolobus type grow within a temperature range of 5585C.Their role in solubilizing metal is not completely understood.However, the usefulness of thermophilicmicroorganisms canalso be extended to bioremediation activities.

    2.1.1. Mechanisms of Bioleaching. Some doubt still surroundsthe exact role of bacteria in the oxidation of sulfide mineralsbecause of the inability to discretely separate reactions whichare solely promoted by bacteria from those which are simplychemical. The concept of direct and indirect modes of

    bacterial leaching of metal sulfides (MS) was introduced fewdecades ago [10].

    In the direct mode of bacterial leaching mechanism, thesulfide is oxidized to metal sulfate:

    MS + 2O2

    bacteria MSO



    where M is a bivalent metal. The heavy metal sulfides aregenerally insoluble in aqueous acid leach media while theirsulfates are soluble. In some cases, the oxidation product isinsoluble as, for example, in the case of lead sulfide leaching.This fact can be utilized for selective leaching [16] to separatesoluble zinc, copper, and cadmium from insoluble lead. Inthe direct mode of bacterial oxidation, bacteria must remainclose to the surface of the solid substrate.

    In the indirect mode, ferric ion produced from bacterialoxidation of pyrite, which is always associated with sulfideminerals, is the oxidant. The sequence of reactions is asfollows:

    2FeS2+ 7.5O


    2O bacteria Fe






    MS + Fe2(SO


    chemical MSO

    4+ So + 2FeSO





    4+ 0.5O


    bacteria Fe



    +H2O (4)

    So + 1.5O2+H

    2O bacteria H




    In the absence of bacteria, elemental sulfur deposited on thesurface of the particles may grow in proportion so as to createa thick enough layer to inhibit the progress of the leachingprocess. The sulfuric acid produced may further react withthe oxide contents (MO) of the ore, thus contributing to themetal dissolution process:

    MO +H2SO


    chemical MSO


    2O (6)

    An example of indirect bacterial leaching activity is theoxidation of chalcopyrite, CuFeS

    2, in the presence of pyrite.

    In this process, the copper mineral is leached in the presenceof bacteria in the following manner:

    CuFeS2+ 2Fe



    chemical CuSO

    4+ 5FeSO

    4+ 2So (7)

    Again the reaction by-products ferrous iron and sulfur areoxidized by bacteria to ferric iron and sulfuric acid followingreactions (4) and (5).

    The growth of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is measuredby cell count of the supernatants of the suspensions, whereasthe extent of bacterial attachment/adsorption to mineralsduring leaching was estimated from cell protein concentra-tion of the solid and liquid phases. Probable mechanism ofattachment and detachment of bacteria was also discussed[17, 18]. Recently, a two-step mechanism for bioleaching wasproposed [19, 20]. It involves chemical ferric reactionwith themineral to produce ferrous salt, and then bacterial oxidationof ferrous iron to ferric completes a closed loop of reactions.



































































  • Journal of Mining 3

    2.1.2. Developments in Bioleaching of Sulfide Ores. In 1947,Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, the main microorganismresponsible for metal sulphide oxidation was first isolatedand characterized [21]. It was found that this bacteriumcould oxidize the sulfide part of the mineral to sulfuric acidand the ferrous ion to ferric ion. This oxidation ability canbe demonstrated in the oxidation of pyrite, which is almostalways found with the sulfide minerals equation (2).

    The bioleaching of pyrite will be discussed later whenreferring to coal desulfurization in Section 4 entitled bioben-eficiation. Numerous systematic studies [2225] have sub-sequently revealed that Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, underacidic leaching conditions, can attack most sulfide miner-als, producing water-soluble metal sulphates. The optimumleaching conditions can be summarized as follows: growthmedia (nutrients) [26, 27], temperature 35C [28, 29], pH 2.3[30], Eh below 500mV in order to avoid jarosite precipitation[31, 32], high specific surface area of solids [33, 34], and prioradaptation of bacteria to specific substrate [23, 35, 36]. Largescale heap and dump leaching operations were built so as toprovide the best growth conditions for themicroorganisms inorder to harvest their beneficial effects in dissolution of metalfrom mining wastes [37, 38].

    Most investigations concerning the bioleaching of copperfrom low-grade ores have been conducted in the laboratoryusing small columns or simulated in large scale tests. Theinfluence of variations in the mineralogical composition andtextural features of copper ores as well as process variableshave been examined [39, 40]. Chalcopyrite is leached in thepresence of bacteria in (7).

    Again, the above reaction by-products, ferrous iron andsulfur, are oxidized by bacteria to ferric iron and sulfuric acid.

    The oxidation mechanisms for chalcocite (Cu2S) can be

    expressed by the following equation:

    Cu2S + 0.5O




    bacteria CuS + CuSO


    2O (8)

    CuS + 2O2

    bacteria CuSO



    In addition, extensive studies were conducted with ther-mophilic microorganism in the temperature range of 4585C [4143].The advantage of using thermophilic organismsin the leaching of sulfide minerals is that, at higher temper-ature, the reaction kinetics is expected to increase. A newgenus of thermophilic spore-forming bacteria, sulfobacillus,was reported [43].

    Due to the refractory nature of the chalcopyrite, theutilization of high temperatures and thermophilic bacteriahas been investigated. It is reported that typical copperextraction yields obtained by mesophilic bacteria are about30%, whereas copper extraction yields of more than 98% canbe obtained in shorter periods by thermophilic bioleaching[44, 45]. A study concerning bioleaching of chalcopyriteshowed that the bioleaching of chalcopyrite is controlled bythe oxidation-reduction potential, temperature, pH, and theactivity of the thermophile used [46, 47].

    Recently, a comparative study [48] on the bioleachingof chalcopyrite concentrates using mesophilic and moder-ately thermophilic bacteria indicated that the moderately


    S/L separation

    Recovery of constituents

    PbS concentrate


    Cd, Cu, Zn

    Barren Solid


    Leach residue (lead concentrate)solution

    Figure 1: Schematic representation of a selective bacterial leachingprocess of a complex lead sulfide concentrate (S/L signifies solid-liquid separation) [16].

    thermophilic bacteria have higher ability for copper disso-lution. These results show that copper dissolution from thechalcopyrite concentrate reached 87.52% with the moderatelythermophilic bacteria while it was 34.55% with mesophilicculture after 25 days.

    The applicability of bacterial leaching technique to therecovery of uranium from low-grade ores has been inves-tigated [49, 50]. In bacterial leaching of uranium ores, thetetravalent uranium is oxidized to its hexavalent state, whichis soluble, by ferric sulfate:

    UO2+ Fe


    4) + 2H



    chemical H




    ] + 2FeSO4


    The role of bacteria is to reoxidize ferrous iron to theferric state. Ferric sulfate is obtained by metabolic oxidationof pyrite, which is always present in the uranium ores.Bioleaching of copper and uranium ores by heap leachingresulted in substantial saving in the production costs.

    Bioleaching of zinc sulfide concentrates using bacteria hasbeen investigated [16, 51].The following reaction is proposed:

    ZnS + 2O2

    bacteria ZnSO



    Themaximum rate of zinc extraction, under optimum condi-tions, was around 640mg/dm3 h in terms of specific surfacearea, particle size, and pulp density of the solid substrate.Selective extraction of zinc, copper, and cadmium frombelow the cut-off grade (complex) lead sulfide concentratesis illustrated in the flow diagram in Figure 1. The method isespecially applicable to ores with very fine crystalline inter-growth of lead, zinc, cadmium, and copper sulfides wherequantitative recovery from individualmineral fractions is notpossible by physical separation techniques. The leach residuein PbS concentrate leaching in this operation is a high-grade lead concentrate, which consists of unreacted PbS andinsoluble PbSO

    4. The recovery step my involve precipitation

    of iron by increasing the pH to 3.5 using lime. Copper andcadmium are obtained by cementation and zinc hydroxideis precipitated by increasing pH value to 7.5 using magnesia.Zinc hydroxide can be converted to zinc by acidification andelectrowinning [16, 23, 35, 52].



































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    Almost complete extraction of pentlandite, using themicroorganisms Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, can beexpressed by

    (Ni, Fe)9S8+ 17.625O

    2+ 3.25H



    bacteria 4.5NiSO

    4+ 2.25Fe



    + 3.25H2O


    It was possible to dissolve cobalt and nickel at a high ratefrom the sulfide minerals and to produce Co+2 and Ni2+ ionconcentrations as high as 30 g/dm3 and 71 g/dm3, respectively.Selective extraction of arsenic from a complex, finely dissemi-nated stannic, auriferous, zinc-copper ore has been described[16, 53]. A basic flow diagram of this process is shownin Figure 2. In this process the arsenic content of the oreis solubilized by bacteria and, after solid-liquid separation,it is precipitated by addition of lime to raise the pH toabout 3.0. The dissolved copper is recovered by cementationwith scrap iron and the solution is recycled. From the solidresidue of bacterial leaching, the unreacted copper ore isremoved by flotation, yielding copper sulfide concentrateand a tin enriched residue. The process in Figure 2 can alsobe applied for leaching of gold-arsenic sulfides from finelydisseminated metal in the sulfide matrix. In this case, thepreciousmetals remain in the residue frombacterial leaching.The residue is neutralized by addition of lime and treatedwith cyanide solution to dissolve gold and silver. From theleach solution, arsenic is precipitated and discarded. Thebacterial leaching in these studies can be considered as apreoxidation step which exposes the precious metals forsubsequent cyanidation or thiourea leaching [5].

    Lately, bacterial leachingmethods gained further impetuswith the introduction of biopreoxidation processes for theliberation of precious metals from sulfide-bearing minerals[5456]. If gold occurs in a finely disseminated form withinthe sulfide ore matrix, the economic viability of conventionalgold extraction processes by cyanide leaching becomes lessthan marginal. Extensive research work has been carried outfor the treatment of the complex gold-bearing sulfide ores.It is reported that pyrite oxidation by bioleaching improvedgold recovery.This promising improvementwas proportionalto the degree of oxidation (Figure 3). For example, with 84%oxidation of pyrite, gold recovery in solution reached 81%.

    Bioleaching research has demonstrated that microorgan-isms can tolerate exceptionally high metal ion concentration(120 g/L zinc, 72 g/L nickel, 30 g/L cobalt, 55 g/L copper, and12 g/L U


    8) and high hydrogen ion concentration (acid

    media of pH range 15) during leaching of sulfide minerals[43].

    Genetic manipulations of leaching organisms were ini-tiated in the eighties [16, 58]. The purpose of these studieswas to develop specific metal extraction using microorgan-isms capable of a high rate of metabolic conversion andresistant to toxic elements. Biosorption technology using freeor immobilized alive or dead cells or their derivatives infilms, aggregates, or pellets was illustrated. It was found thatbiosorption technology is especially applicable to the removalof toxic metal contamination from large volume of industrial




    S/L separation

    S/L separation



    Sn-Cu-As Sulfide ore



    Fe scrap








    As residueSn

    Figure 2: Bacterial leaching process for difficult-to-dress Sn-As-Cuores [16].

    Pyrite oxidation (%)


    d ex












    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Figure 3: Effects of biological pyrite oxidation on gold recoveryfrom Porgera concentrate [57].

    waste streams containing trace amounts of heavy metals andradionuclide [59].

    3. Bioprocessing of Refractory Gold Ores

    Bacterial leaching processes will be significant in the treat-ment of difficult-to-process refractory ores [6063]. Thegold in refractory ores is encapsulated as fine particles inthe crystal structure of sulfide matrix such as pyrite (FeS


    and arsenopyrite (FeAsS). This makes the efficiency of thecyanidation process very low since the cyanide solutioncannot penetrate the sulfide-bearing gold crystals and dis-solve gold particles, even after fine grinding. Therefore, anoxidative pretreatment is necessary to decrease the refractoryproperties of the ore. Roasting is sometimes used, but it ishighly energy consuming and involves a costly off-gas neu-tralization system to prevent atmospheric pollution [64, 65].Both pressure oxidation and oxidation by nitric acid requirehigh temperature and/or corrosion-resistant materials whichare costly items. Hence, biological pretreatment becomes an


























  • Journal of Mining 5

    interesting alternative route. This route leads to environ-mental protection and low-cost processes [64]. Research anddevelopments in this direction have been stimulated by thebuoyant price of the precious metal and also by the fact thatconventional methods of extraction are not able to produce asufficiently high recovery of the contained value [66]. It hasbeen demonstrated by both laboratory and pilot test workthat such process is feasible [67]. The biological pretreatmentof refractory gold ores is based on the ability of somemicroorganisms such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans andThiobacillus thiooxidans to oxidize and dissolve the bearing-gold sulfide minerals, thus liberating the entrapped goldparticles, thereby rendering it amenable to the cyanidationprocess [57, 64]. Advancements in this area have been madeon industrial scale to improve the rate of oxidation and toreduce cyanide consumptions in downstream gold recovery[68]. The results indicated a direct relationship betweenthe degree of sulphide mineral oxidation and percent goldrecovery. Complete oxidation of sulphides is not necessaryto achieve significant enhancement of gold recovery. Onthe basis of the sulphide entity, high gold recoveries can beobtained with as low as 50% oxidation of the total sulphides.

    4. Biobeneficiation

    Biobeneficiation refers to removal of undesirable mineralcomponents from an ore through interactions with microor-ganisms which bring about their selective removal by abioleaching process. Compared to bioleaching of sulfidemin-erals by Thiobacilli, bioleaching of nonsulfide minerals hasreceived little attention in the past. For example, desulfuriza-tion of coal, bioleaching of aluminum from aluminosilicates,removal of alumina and silica from iron ores, and so forthhave been extensively studied. These interactions lead toenriching these desired mineral constituents in the solidore matrix mediated by a number of surface chemical andphysiochemical phenomena. The mediation roles includealteration of the surface chemistry of minerals, generationof metabolic products which cause chemical dissolution,selective dissolution of mineral phases in an ore matrix,and sorption, accumulation, and precipitation of ions andcompounds on solid surfaces.

    In order to minimize the potential deleterious impact ofincreased amounts of sulfur dioxide emission due to coalburning, the sulfur content of coal must be reduced. Thebiodesulfurization of coal presents a potentially attractivealternative to chemical and physical methods [60, 69, 71]. Inthe biodesulfurization process, the pyrite content of coal willbe oxidized to water-soluble ferric sulfate and sulfuric acidaccording to (2). The dissolved ferric sulfate is removed fromthe coal in the dewatering step. The coal is then washed anddried prior to combustion.

    Experimental investigations indicated that bacteria andfungi could be effectively used to remove iron and silicafrom clays, sands, and bauxite ores [15, 72, 73]. Successfulcommercialization of bauxite biobeneficiation was proposed[74]. Biological removal of calcium and iron from a low-grade bauxite ore was discussed with respect to Bacillus

    polymyxa. Growth conditions and probable mechanisms inthe biological removal of calcium and iron from the bauxiteore were outlined by Anand et al. [75]. From the reportedresults, changes in the pHof the leachmedium correlatedwellwith the calcium dissolution.The presence of bacteria lowersthe pH and hence facilitates calcium dissolution.

    Iron ores generally contain alumina, silica, sulfur, andphosphorous as the main gangue minerals. These impuritieshave adverse effects on reducibility of iron oxides, coke rateconsumption, and blast furnace operation and productivityfor steel making. Various studies have examined the useof the heterotrophic bacteria and fungi for removal ofalumina and silica from iron ores for improving the ironcontent of the concerned ore. The iron ore beneficiationwas carried out by secondary metabolites produced by theseheterotrophic microorganisms [76, 77]. It has been reportedthat in situ leaching of an iron ore with fungal strains suchasAspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium citrinum, andAspergillusflavus resulted in 7%, 6%, and 17% removal of alumina,and 8%, 4%, and 16% removal of silica, respectively. Bacil-lus polymyxa, Bacillus sphaericus, and Pseudomonas putidaensured silica removal percentage of 10.6%, 5.3%, and 20%,respectively. Aspergillus flavus and Pseudomonas putida weremost efficient among all the bacterial and fungal strains used,ensuring an increase in iron content of about 3% at the end of10 days leaching [78].

    Ronini [79] reported that heterotrophic organisms canbe used to leach out the alumina and silica from the slimesgenerated by Tata Iron and Steel Company in India. Heinvestigated the feasibility of Bacillus to leach the slimesand increase its iron content. At pH 7, leaching for 5 days,at inoculums size of 20%, Ronini obtained an optimumrecovery of 79% of the iron content in the slimes.

    5. Biosurface Modification

    Adhesion of microorganisms to mineral surfaces is knownto alter the hydrophobicity of minerals. It has been demon-strated that Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is suitable for therapid treatment of sulfide ores where leaching is not thedesired outcome. Surface treatment of sulfide minerals withbacterial solution is shown to influence their superficialchemical properties, thus altering their response in processessuch as froth flotation and/or selective flocculation. Thistechnique is being evaluated as a method of enhancing thephysical separation of pyrite from coal in fine coal flotationcircuits and is suggested as an alternative method to the totalleaching of pyrite from coal [80, 81]. In this technique thecoal pulp is conditioned with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidansbacteria for about 30 minutes and thus renders pyrite surfaceto be hydrophilic. This, in turn, enhances the selectiveflotation of coal from pyrite. Table 1 shows typical resultsof a study concerning bacterial leaching versus bacterialconditioning followed by flotation of minus 28 mesh coalcontaining 2.88% pyritic sulfur [69].

    In a study concerning the effect of bacterial conditioningof sphalerite and galena, it was found that the floatabilityof galena decreased markedly (Figure 4) due to oxidation of

































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    Table 1: Flotation, bacteria leaching, and combinations of bacterial conditioning and flotation of 28 mesh coal containing 2.88% pyriticsulfur [69].

    ProcessCoal product specifications

    Coal yield, % Pyritic sulfur,%Pyritic sulfurremoval, % Ash, %

    Calorificvalue, kcal/kg

    Regular conditioning and one-stage flotation 73.74 1.29 66.76 22.5 Bacterial leaching (10 days leaching) 100 1.42 56.6 30.47 5260Bacterial conditioning (4 hours) and one stage flotation 78.0 0.825 77.63 18.5 6361Bacterial conditioning (4 hours) and 3-stage flotation 34.36 0.68 91.78 12.03

    pH = 2.0 for flotation conditioning and for bacterial leaching, and pH = 9 for all flotation stages.

    Initial cell concentration (cell/mL)



    n re


    ry (%








    Galena, PbSSphalerite, ZnS














    Figure 4: Effect of initial cell concentration during bacterialconditioning on the floatability of galena and sphalerite [82].

    sulfur to insoluble lead sulfate species on the surface [82, 83].In the case of sphalerite (Figure 4) such effects were notobserved since the zinc sulfate formed is soluble.The reportedresults have significant implications to the selective flotationof lead-zinc sulfides.

    Recently, a copper concentrate assaying 22.23% Cu wasobtained through bacterial conditioning followed by flota-tion, whereas a copper concentrate assaying 18.20% Cu wasobtained in conventional flotation [84]. This means thatthe copper grade of the flotation concentrate, subjected tobacterial conditioning, is higher by 22% than the concentrateobtained by conventional flotation without bacterial con-ditioning. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans can affect mineralsurfaces by direct (intimate) contact or indirect (no intimate)contact mechanisms. In both cases, the bacteria eliminatethe occurrence of oxidized sulfur which (the sulfur) hashydrophobic properties and induces higher floatability tominerals so that hydrophobicity of pyrite is decreased [85].

    According to the mechanisms explained above, bacteriaare more effective on the pyrite surface than on the chalcopy-rite surface. This is because at low pH values, the oxidationof pyrite is more pronounced than that of chalcopyrite. In

    addition, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans increases the oxida-tion rate of pyrite gradually. Under these conditions, theformation of jarosite layer takes place at lower pH values.Once jarosite is formed, it precipitates on mineral surfacesand decreases the effectiveness of reagent/mineral surfaceinteraction in flotation resulting in pyrite depression. Fromthe above discussion, it could be conclude thatAcidithiobacil-lus ferrooxidans appears to play a dual role, promoting flota-tion under certain conditions while enhancing depressionof minerals under some other conditions. Promotion offloatability of sulphide minerals in the presence of this typeof bacteria could be understood in the light of elementalsulphur formation onmineral surfaces through biooxidation.Bacterial interaction for prolonged periods of time leadsto reoxidation of the sulphur to sulphoxy compounds andultimately to sulphate. Gradual build-up of such oxidizedlayers on mineral surfaces would impede flotation.

    6. Bacteria Activities in Flotationand Flocculation

    There is high evidence that microorganisms could be usedto flocculate finely divided minerals and/or other solidssuspensions [86, 87]. It was found that the bacterium,Mycobacterium phlei, has a demonstrated potential to beused for the flotation of hematite, Figure 5. The decrease inflotation recovery at high bacteria concentration (>20 ppm)was due to the formation of hematite aggregates too large tobe levitated by air bubbles [88]. This same type of bacteriumproved to be successful in flocculating a variety of finelydivided minerals such as hematite (Figure 6), phosphateslimes (Figure 7), and coal (Figure 8) [86, 87, 89]. Figure 6shows that the concentration of bacteria cells affects theextent of flocculation.This type of bacterium,MycobacteriumPhlei, possesses highly negative features on highly hydropho-bic surfaces. It was suggested that these properties arisein large part from its fatty acid surface [88]. Because ofthese characteristics, the organism which is readily adsorbedonto the hydrophilic surface of the mineral may have anegative, neutral, or low positive charge. It also adheres tomany hydrophobic minerals due to the created adhesion(attraction) energy of hydrophobic interactions [90].

    Interaction between Paenibacillus polymyxa with min-erals such as hematite, corundum, calcite, kaolinite, and



























  • Journal of Mining 7

    Concentration of Mycobacterium phlei (ppm)



    n re


    ry (%









    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Material: hematiteSize: 20microns

    Figure 5: Hallimond tube flotation recovery of hematite as a func-tion of Mycobacterium phlei concentration (operating conditions:pH = 5; 1 gram of hematite; 10min flotation) [88].

    Flocculation time (minutes)


    s con



    n (%











    No Mycobacterium phlei

    7.02 g M Mycobacterium phlei

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

    6.40 g M Mycobacterium phlei

    Figure 6: Flocculation of hematite slimes with and withoutMycobacterium phlei as a function of time. Samples were collectedat 4 cm from the bottom surface of a 1000mL graduated cylinder[88].

    quartz resulted in significant surfacechemical changes.Quartz and kaolinite were renderedmore hydrophobic, whilehematite, calcite, and corundum became more hydrophilicafter biotreatment. Through biotreatment of the above min-erals, it was possible to selectively separate silica and aluminafrom ironminerals either by flotation or selective flocculation[91].

    Utilization of microorganisms and associated extracellu-lar metabolic products in selective flotation and flocculationhas been recently reported [9193]. Patra and Natarajan[94] showed that different protein fractions derived fromPaenibacillus polymyxa exhibited varying surface adsorptioncapacity towardsminerals such as quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite,galena, and sphalerite. Proper use of fractionated proteingroups rendered pyrite and chalcopyrite hydrophilic, while

    Flocculation time (minutes)


    s con



    n (%








    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

    No Mycobacterium phlei5.85 g M Mycobacterium phlei

    Figure 7: Flocculation of a 1.4% suspension of Four Corners(Florida) phosphate slime with the addition of two different con-centrations ofMycobacterium phlei [88].

    Settling time (minutes)




    ed (%







    Mycobacterium phlei: 200 ppmPEO: 100 ppmPAM: 100 ppm

    Illinois #6 coalpH 3.5

    0 100 200 300 400 500

    Figure 8: Amount of coal settled as a function of time in the pres-ence of different flocculants: Mycobacterium phlei, Polyacrylamideflocculent (PAM), and Polyethylene Oxide flocculent (PEO) [89].

    sphalerite, galena and quartz exhibited enhanced surfacehydrophobicity after bio-treatment. Similarly, prior proteintreatment resulted in selective flocculation of pyrite andchalcopyrite together, while galena, sphalerite, and quartzwere effectively dispersed. These studies demonstrated thatbacterial proteins could effectively replace the conventionalamine and xanthate types of collectors which are toxic andexpensive.

    Due to the adherence of bacteria to mineral surfaces,some strains can be used to modify mineral surfaces toaid selective recovery of valuable minerals in flotation orflocculation processes. Some bacteria can selectively depress






  • 8 Journal of Mining

    Table 2: Flotation recovery of minerals treated individually, in presence and in absence of collector without cells or extract and afterinteraction with mineral-grown cells and cell-free extract [70].

    Mineral (105 + 75microns)

    Flotation recovery, percentWithout cells or cell-free extract With cells or cell-free extract

    Without collector With collector After interactionwith cells (1 h)After interaction withcells-free extract (1 h)

    Quartz 14.6 97.8 91.5 90.1Calcite 12.5 95.0 74 50.0Corundum 11.0 96.0 73.2 30.0Hematite 11.0 95.0 4.8 14

    the flotation of onemineral compared to another.The depres-sion can either result from bacteria oxidizing or otherwisemodifying the surface of themineral to render it less floatableor prevent the subsequent adsorption of a flotation collector.Due to the adherence of bacteria to mineral surfaces, somestrains can be used tomodifymineral surfaces to aid selectiverecovery of valuable minerals in flotation or flocculationprocesses. Some bacteria can selectively depress the flotationof onemineral compared to others.The depression can eitherresult from bacteria oxidizing or otherwise modifying thesurface of the mineral to render it less floatable or frombacteria adhering to the mineral preventing the subsequentadsorption of a flotation collector.

    Adhesion of Bacillus subtilis and Mycobacterium phleionto dolomite and apatite was studied by sorption measure-ments and scanning electron microscopy [95]. It was foundthat both Bacillus subtilis and Mycobacterium phlei adhereonto dolomite surface more readily than onto apatite surfaceat acidic and near neutral pH values. At more basic pHvalues Bacillus subtilis adheres more readily onto the mineralsurface and remains a better depressant for dolomite than forapatite. However, Mycobacterium phlei, at basic pH values,adsorbs more onto apatite than onto dolomite acting as aweaker depressant for dolomite and a stronger depressantfor apatite compared with Bacillus subtilis. The differencesin adsorption characteristics were attributed to differences insurface properties of the two bacteria species and of the twominerals.Thenet result of the study indicated that, while bothbacteria function as depressants in anionic collector flotationof dolomitic phosphate ores, Bacillus subtilis functions as thestronger depressant, especially for dolomite [95].

    In amore recent investigation, Sarvamangala andNatara-jan [70] showed that the microorganism Bacillus subtilis andthe extracellular protein have been utilized for the separationof hematite from the other oxide minerals. It is evidentfrom the obtained results that the presence of bacterial cellsand cell-free extract promoted the flocculation and settlingof hematite whereas in the case of quartz, corundum, andcalcite the interaction with bacterial cells and cell-free extractfavored more dispersion of the minerals. Flotation behav-ior of hematite-quartz and calcite-corundum systems wasstudied before and after interaction with bacterial cell-freeextract and bacterial cells. The obtained results, Table 2 [70],indicate that interaction with Bacillus subtilis confers surfacehydrophobicity on quartz, calcite, and corundum,while simi-lar biotreatment renders hematite more hydrophilic. Relative

    hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of mineral-grown bacterialcells depends on the ratio of proteins and polysaccharidespresent on the cell walls. Bacterial cell population and theirinteraction period with minerals, as well as mineral surfacecoverage through bacterial adhesion control the mineral sur-face hydrophobicity regarding flotation and/or flocculation.These studies open a wide venue for possible developmentsof biotechnological applications for environmentally safemineral beneficiation operations. However, more detailedinvestigations need to be carried out to make a clear insightinto the control of bacterial cell wall composition. Also, themechanisms of bacteria-mineral surfaces interactions shouldbe clearly highlighted.

    In 2011, Reyes-Bozo et al. [96] studied the effect ofbiosolids (obtained from waste water treatment plant, Chile)on hydrophobic properties of sulfide ores on a laboratoryscale. The principal components of biosolids are humicsubstances, mainly humic acid, and phosphorus compounds.The interaction between the mineral surface and the func-tional groups found in biosolids, as a collector, for cop-per sulfide ores, was investigated through zeta potentialmeasurements, FT-IR analysis, and film flotation tests. Theresults showed that biosolids change the hydrophobicity ofthe sulfide minerals by adsorbing onto the surface. Biosolidsshow greater affinity for pyrite while commercial humic acidshows similar behavior to industrial collectors. Therefore,both biosolids and humic acids can change the hydrophobicproperties of sulfide ores and can be used as collectors infroth flotation processes. Thus, the use of biosolids is feasiblein a preliminary flotation stage for removing pyrite or in therougher stage of froth flotation to separate important sulfideminerals from the gangue.

    7. Bioremediation

    In addition to being useful in the mineral beneficiation area,recent developments in biotechnology have given promisesthat biotechnology may also provide means for bioremedi-ation of environmental problems generated in the mineral,metallurgical, and chemical industries. For example, in theflotation of wastes, an investigation concerning the biodegra-dation of thiol collectors by the bacterium Pseudomonas flu-orescentswas reported [88]. In this study it was indicated thata residual xanthate concentration of 0.12mg/L in the wastew-ater from a lead concentrator was completely destroyed in


























  • Journal of Mining 9

    Degradation time (hours)


    l xan


    e con



    n (%







    With bacteriaWithout bacteria

    0 10 20 30 40 50

    Figure 9: Influence of Pseudomonas fluorescens on the degradationof butyl xanthate [88].

    fiveminutes after treatmentwith a bacterial suspension. Butylxanthate destruction by Pseudomonas fluorescents has alsobeen investigated, and typical results are shown in Figure 9. Inthis figure, it is clear that the concentration of butyl xanthatewas decreased by about 20% of its original concentration in40 minutes in the presence of bacteria [88].

    Concerning polluted soil bioremediation, there is anexcellent review, in which sources of soil pollution, biore-mediation strategies, and the direction of further researchhave been highlighted [97]. It is known that, under specifiedconditions, certainmicroorganisms or enzymes derived frommicroorganisms are able to break down cyanides, and hence,there is a potential for using these organisms in biore-mediation cyanide wastes discharged from precious metalhydrometallurgical plants [98]. Noel et al. [24] cultivatedbacterial strains from solids previously exposed to cyanidesolution which tolerate 300 ppm sodium cyanide underanaerobic conditions. In the selected soil samples, thesebacteria reduced the level of cyanide from approximately300 ppm to essentially zero in about 50 days under anaerobicconditions. Typical results of these experiments are shown inFigure 10. In this study, various nutrient media were inves-tigated and the maximal growth of bacteria was establishedat Medium A, which was composed of 1.0 g/L K



    0.2 g/L MgSO47H

    2O, 2 g/L FeSO

    4, 2 g/L MnCl


    2O, and

    0.001 g/L Na2MoO



    Maniatis et al. [99] demonstrated that biological destruc-tion of cyanide inminingwater was effective in the laboratoryand in the field. In this study, the cyanide was put in acomplex form with selenium by aerobic reactor which wasrun continuously for six days to remove cyanide and thenrun one more time through a series of anaerobic reactors toremove selenium. The aerobic reactor removed 95% of thecyanide content in the first 24 hours with another 3% removalover the next five days. No nutrient addition was required.

    Biosorption laboratory research activities are expected toreach industrial application for the detoxication of industrialwaste water [100, 101]. Considerable interest exists in the

    Contact time (days)


    um cy


    e con



    n (p









    Heap solids WHeap solids X

    Tailing solids YTailing solids Z

    0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0

    Figure 10: Variation of sodium cyanide concentration as a functionof inoculum solids and contact time in the presence of nutrientMedium A at locations W, X, Y, and Z [24].

    application of biosorption to the removal of a number ofenvironmental contaminants including toxic heavy metalssuch as chromium [102], selenium [103], and cadmium, aswell as radionuclides such as uranium [104].

    Chaalal et al. [105] reported the use of thermophilicbacteria (belongs to Bacillus family) for the removal of leadcompounds contaminating the drinkingwater.These bacteriawere isolated and used in a reactor coupled with a membranesystem. The bacteria, the stirrer, and the membrane housedin the reactor were arranged in a distinctive way to form thenovel biostabilization process proposed in this research.Theyclaimed that the proposed technique could be used at low costand with great confidence in purifying drinking water. Thesystem was found to be adequate for remediating drinkingwater having lead concentration up to 40 ppm. At the endof the operation, the lead concentration reaches the levelallowed by the world health organization regulations.

    Bioremediation of waters contaminated with crude oiland toxic heavy metals was also achieved by the processof microbial dissimilatory sulfate reduction and biosorption[106].

    8. Summary

    The present paper highlights a number of new possibilitiesfor industrial application of biotechnological principles forthe extraction of metal values from inorganic resources. Thepresent industrial interest in bioleaching methods is moti-vated by the fact that these processes can produce metal val-ues from low-grade resources for approximately one-third toone-half of the cost of the conventional smelting techniqueswithout polluting the environment. Furthermore, selectiveimplementation of living systems can offer opportunitiesfor reduced labor, increased productivity, and technologicaladvances. In fact, bacteria technologies have been applied ona commercial scale for the recovery of copper and uraniumfrom low-grade ores and industrial wastes.


















  • 10 Journal of Mining

    Bacterial activities have been recently introduced in themineral processing technology. They have been used inmineral surface modification, flocculation, and collectors inflotation. In these areas, parameter optimization and processcontrol are required for efficient application. In addition,higher levels for scaling up the operations must be encour-aged in all biomineral processing systems for industrial pur-pose. Also, detailed understanding of the biosurfactant rolein modifying the mineral surfaces and exploring bioflotationapplications is currently lacking.

    Bacterial leaching is a new development in hydrometal-lurgy of metal sulphides. Greater understanding of the basicmechanisms of bacterial mineral leaching is still requiredwhich hinders the controlled utilization of this technology.Published information relating to the oxidation of variousminerals differs greatly and sometimes contradicts eachother, with respect to the acting mechanisms, the rate, andamount of oxidation took place under specific conditions.This would indicate that considerable information is stillnecessary to determine the most efficient types of bacteria,proper operating conditions, manner in which they shouldbe cultivated, and the mechanisms with which they attach tothe minerals to be leached.

    Microbiological leaching is influenced by a number ofparameters, and it functions best if carried out at optimumleaching conditions. Intensive aeration is required to assuremaximum oxygen mass transfer into the leach solution. Thesmallest particle size of the solid sulphide substratewill assurethe highest rate and yield of metal extraction. The Eh mustbe kept below 500mV in order to avoid jarosite type andbasic ferric hydroxide precipitation on the surface of the solidsubstrate. In all leaching techniques, wherever possible, acyclic leaching process should be applied.

    It seems that new trends are evolving as the knowledgeof bacterial activity relative to industrial applications isfurthered. Biohydrometallurgical applications are multidis-ciplinary in nature, and should be dealt with at optimumconditions for optimal effects. Bioremediated processes areof high importance, especially in copper, uranium, andpreciousmetals industries. However, their applicability in theremediation of contaminated soils and industrial aqueouseffluents is hampered by lack of sufficient information.


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