1st quarter 2012 the hydrophyte


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Our mission is to provide a forum for an exchange of ideas, news and information on plants that grow in and around water in South Florida. Anyone with an interest in aquatic plant management, growth of aquatic plants, or restoration of wetlands is invited to join. Although a strong emphasis is placed on aquatic plants, any plant that impacts South Florida waters will be of interest to our members.


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February 6-9, 2012 Weed Science Society of America Big Island, HI www.wssa.net February 26-29 2012 MAPMS, Milwaukee, WI March 29, 2012 South Florida APMS General Meeting May 7-10, 2012 The Aquatic Weed Control Short Course, Coral Springs, FL June 18-21 2012 FLMS Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL July 26, 2012 South Florida APMS General Meeting August 19-23, 2012 American Fisheries Society St. Paul, MN www.fisheries.org October 25, 2012 South Florida APMS General Meeting

Calendar of Events

Cover Photo by ISTOCK Photography

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Officers and Board Members - 2012

President’s Message

Congratulations to Andrew Hines!

The 2011 Recipient of The "Francis E. Chil"

Rossbach Scholarship Fund

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Officers 2012 Mark Weinrub: President…………………...………… Joel Wolf: Past President ……………………………. Linda Wolonick: Secretary ……..….……………….... Lydia Groves: Treasurer ………………………...…... Joshua Glasser: Editor ………………………………. Board Members 2012 Mark Weinrub …………………………………………. Holly Sutter .. ……………………………………..….. John Keating ..……………………………...………... Steve Weinsier ..………………………………...……. Adam Gardner ....…….……………………...……….. James Boggs ..………………………………...……... John Raymundo ...….………………………..……..… John Lepage .. ………………………………..………. Wes Tipton .. ..……………………………...…..…….. Andy Hyatt … .……………...…………………..……...

I welcome all of you into the 2012 season and wish you a very healthy & happy New Year. At this time, I have been able to reflect upon the beginning of the S.F.A.P.M.S. and the reasons why we created the organization. I think about Dr’s Sutton and Vandiver and the many salespeople, manufacturers reps., company owners, and users that set the beginning goals and accomplishments of this group. We have evolved into one of the best and informative organizations in our industry. Our main purposes were to educate the public on what we do and our benefits to the environment. With the support of our website and an industry leading newsletter, we’ve been able to help and connect in so many more ways. I am reaching out to you now, as I need more help. I need a few leaders who are among us to support us by keeping S.F.A.P.M.S. a great benefit to all of us. I need people to sit with me on a board for a couple hours a month who may offer ideas and support for a direction. We need the input on what will move S.F.A.P.M.S. into the next couple years to make us a resource that all can be proud of. Let’s make 2012 our best year yet! Mark Weinrub/President South Florida A.P.M.S

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Mangroves are woody plants which are found along almost every coast that has a tropical or subtropical climate. The mangrove environment is characterized by unstable, anaerobic (without oxygen) sediments, fluctuating water levels, and waters high in salt concentrations. In order to survive in these harsh environments, mangroves have evolved adaptations to their root systems to deal with the anaerobic soils, mechanisms for maintaining salt balance, and reproductive dispersal strategies. Interestingly, individual species have evolved different solutions to these same problems. Mangrove distribution and the extent of mangrove ecosystem development are limited by climate, saltwater, water fluctuation, runoff of terrestrial nutrients, and substrate and wave energy. Mangrove distribution is also limited by temperature to areas with an annual average temperature greater than 60 F degrees.

Mangrove soils have a characteristic black color and nose-turning smell. Because mangrove soils are perpetually water logged, there is not much free oxygen available.

Mangroves favor saltwater, although not necessary for their survival, because it reduces ecological competition from freshwater plant species. Water fluctuations due to tidal cycles and freshwater inflow help transport propagules, nutrients and clean water, while flushing away hydrogen sulfide (that nasty smell) and accumulated salt from the sediments.. Finally depositional sediments and low wave energy allow propagules to become established, protect the shallow root system, and allow for the accumulation of fine an-aerobic sediments, an environment in which few plants are adapted for.

South Florida is a region of changing landscapes. Freshwater wetlands and cypress swamps historically stretched from coast to coast. Mangroves were common on the western and southern coastline and on the offshore islands. With the dredging of the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) and the opening of new inlets to the ocean, environments more suitable to mangroves were created. As a result, mangroves became common along both sides of the ICW and in some places formed wide fringes over a mile wide. Florida has changed over the years and only the very southern counties continue to have vast mangrove preserves. These mangrove regions are important to South Florida economy and ecology and form an important ecological link with the freshwater cypress and Everglades wetlands. Mangroves support marine food chains and serve as habitat and nursery grounds for many species of birds, fish and wildlife. In Broward County, West Lake Park; 1,500+ acres of coastal mangrove wetlands is one of the largest urban parks in Florida. It is rich in native vegetation and wildlife, including many threatened and endangered species. Worldwide, there are approximately 50 species of mangroves. The most diverse location for mangroves is the Indo-Pacific region, containing approximately 40 different species. Three true species of mangroves comprise the Florida mangrove forests. Florida’s mangrove species, which are described in detail in the following paragraphs, are the Red Mangrove Rhizophora mangle, the Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans, and the White Mangrove Laguncularia racemosa.

Florida Mangroves

The Red Mangrove Rhizophora mangle, is generally found closest to the water and is probably best known for its “walking” prop roots. Prop roots support the plant in mucky anaerobic (without oxygen) sediments and have pores, called lenticels which allow gas exchange with the buried roots.

The red mangrove separates fresh water from saltwater by salt exclusion in a process known as nonmetabolic ultra-filtration (similar to reverse osmosis).

Red mangroves produce yellow flowers. After pollination, a small fruit, and a 12–18 inch propagule is formed. The propagule is an embryo which begins germination and development while still attached to the tree in a process known as vivipary. Once the propagule breaks away from the tree, it floats freely for up to a year before being washed ashore, developing roots and becoming a new mangrove plant. Of the three species of Florida mangroves, the Red Mangrove are the most susceptible to damage from improper pruning.


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The Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans, is most easily recognized by its system of shallow aerial roots, called pneumatophores,

which extend like fingers perpendicular to the sediments. These pneumatophores provide oxygen to the buried root system. They look

similar to bald cypress knees, only much smaller and more slender.

Black mangroves occupy a slightly higher elevation than red mangroves. In these higher soils, salt deposits accumulate; therefore,

black mangroves excrete more salt than any other mangrove. Black mangroves excrete salt through the use of salt glands on the leaf

surface (if you lick a leaf it’s very salty).

The leaves of this mangrove are dull green to gray, and the flowers are a creamy white and form clusters at the branch tips. These

flowers produce a fruit resembling a lima bean which functions as its propagule. Like the red mangrove, black mangroves utilize

vivipary and propagule dispersal reproductive strategies.

The White Mangrove Laguncularia racemosa, usually grows more inland behind the red and black mangroves. White mangroves are

the smallest of the three Florida mangrove species, rarely reaching 50 feet in height. White mangroves have yellowish green leaves

that contain two small nodules at the leaf stalk, which serve as sugar glands. White mangroves typically do not exhibit aerial roots,

however in deeper or stagnant waters; some may express roots similar in appearance and function to the black mangrove

pneumatophores. White mangroves use the same salt excreting and reproduction strategies as exhibited by their black mangrove


Within the urban landscape of canals and seawalls, it is common to find small fringes of mangroves that continue to provide habitat

and refuge for native fauna. These areas are important for shoreline stabilization, filter nutrients from upland sources and maintain

water quality. For these reasons, mangrove areas of varying locations and sizes are protected and conserved. DERM regulates and

enforces the protection of mangroves throughout the state in order to ensure that mangroves continue to remain an asset for the


Credits: Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management; Betty

Staugler; Florida Sea Grant Marine Agent - Florida Sea Grant is a University of Florida-IFAS Extension Program

Edited by: Sara Montefiore

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Mangrove Trimming Due to their ecological importance, mangroves have long enjoyed protection through the State of Florida to regulate removal and trimming. The 1996 Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act was passed by legislation and includes the Mangrove Protection Rule, Section 403.9321 through 403.9333 Florida Statutes. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection coordinates the implementation of the Rule in conjunction with local governments, such as the governing counties that are designated to act as the local representatives. Trimming Methods Trimming regulations are based on individual species, and the height may not be pruned below 6 feet from the ground surface. Canopy trimming should be done by a qualified PMT (DERM Certified Professional Mangrove Trimmer) in stages to prevent injury and defoliation of the tree. A pruning permit is required by most counties in which the Mangrove exists. Heavy fines can be levied for work performed by unqualified and unlicensed individuals. Fines are based on the number of Mangroves altered. It is illegal to remove even a dead mangrove without a permit. For more facts about Mangroves; The state Mangrove Coordinator is located in Tallahassee at the Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources.http://dep.state.fl.us/water/wetlands/erp/mangrove.htm#facts Credit: Broward.org

Mangroves and Mangrove Trimming

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Coastal habitats are among the harshest environments on earth. Plants in these locations have therefore, developed special

defenses in their determination to survive. For instance, many coastal plants grow thick, fleshy, stiff leaves to survive salt spray.

One such tough plant is the Bay Cedar (Suriana maritime). It can take the blistering sun as well as coastal winds generally filled with

salt spray. Local plant growers report that this plant will take some heavy pummeling from the wind and still survive.

The Bay Cedar is a Florida native and can be found in the southern coastal areas, amidst sand dunes and thickets all the way down

into the Keys. It is unique in that it will grow just as well with its roots in or out of coastal waters making it the ideal frontal dune plant.

The Bay Cedar does not do well in other locations further inland where it is prone to rot and fungus.

This shrubby plant grows 5 to 20 feet tall. The trunk has beautiful, dark brown, rough bark. Its arching branches carry tiny gray-green,

succulent and downy foliage, similar to sea lavender, and have a fragrance like cedar when crushed. The yellow flowers bloom

consistently throughout the year.

Bay Cedar is now on the endangered plant list as its habitat is lost to development. It has not been commonly used in landscapes.

The shrub is known to help stabilize shorelines and coastal dunes, and thankfully it is becoming more available from specialty growers

for dune restoration. It is an alternative oceanfront landscape plant. If you have a need to plant at beach locations, this shrub could

easily be trained into a small tree-like specimen. It may also respond well to being kept low and sheared.

This particular plant offers food and cover for wildlife. The fruits are eaten by birds, and the foliage is a larval food for the Mallow

Scrub and Martial Scrub Hairstreak butterflies.

Credit: Rose Bechard-Butman; Certified Arborist & Horticultural Consultant; Allstate Resource Management

Native Plant of the Month - Bay Cedar (Suriana maritime)

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Invasive Plant of the Month - Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes)

Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes) is an invasive weed found in many areas of the southern United States. Water lettuce is a perennial

monocot of the Araceae family. The plant consists of thick, soft, light green leaves (usually 6 inches in length) that form a

rosette. The rosette conceals a small female flower and the seed bearing fruit of the plant. Water lettuce is supported by a large

number of feathery roots submersed in the water beneath the leaves of the plant.

Water lettuce reproduces using seeds and vegatatively. Vegetative reproduction involves daughter vegetative offshoots off of mother

plants on short, brittle stolons. Rapid vegetative reproduction allows water lettuce to cover an entire lake, from shore to shore, with a

dense mat of connected rosettes in a short period of time. In Florida water lettuce has been known to have densities of up to a 1,000

rosettes per m2.

In order for water lettuce to survive it requires a wet, temperate habitat. It is usually found in lakes and rivers, however it can survive

in mud. Water lettuce can endure temperature extremes of 15° C (59° F) and 35° C (95°). The optimal growth temperature range for

the plant is 22-30° C (72-86° F).

Water lettuce can have a severe impact on the environment and economy of infested areas. The dense mats created by connected

rosettes of the plant lead to the majority of problems encountered with water lettuce. These mats can have a negative economic effect

by blocking waterways, thus increasing the difficulty of navigation and hindering flood control efforts. Mats of water lettuce can also

have a severe impact on the environment. They can lead to a lower concentration of oxygen in covered waters and sediments by

blocking air-water interface and root respiration. Extremely thick mats of water lettuce can even prevent sunlight from reaching

underlying water. The cumulative effect of these negative characteristics of the plant is a loss of biodiversity in invaded habitats. Water

lettuce mats can also serve as a breeding place for mosquitoes.

Credit: Univ. of Florida & Sea Grant

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Seagrasses are grass-like flowering plants that live completely submerged in marine and estuarine waters. Although seagrasses

occur throughout the coastal areas of Florida, they are most abundant in Florida Bay and from Tarpon Springs northward to

Apalachee Bay in the Gulf which are two of the most extensive seagrass beds in continental North America. Seagrasses occur in

protected bays and lagoons and also in deeper waters along the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico. The depth at which

seagrasses occur is limited by water clarity because most species require high levels of light.

Florida's approximately 2.2 million acres of seagrasses perform many significant functions.

• They help maintain water clarity by trapping fine sediments and particles with their leaves.

• They stabilize the bottom with their roots and rhizomes.

• They provide shelter for fishes, crustaceans and shellfish.

• They and the organisms that grow on them are food for many marine animals and water birds.

The canopy of seagrass protects smaller marine animals, including the young of such species as drums, sea bass, snappers and

grunts from larger predators. Some animals, such as manatees, urchins, conches and sea turtles, eat seagrass blades. Other animals

derive nutrition from eating algae and small animals that live upon seagrass leaves. Bottlenose dolphins and a variety of wading and

diving birds also use seagrass beds as feeding grounds. Seagrass-based detritus formed by the microbial breakdown of leaves and

roots is also an important food source.

Florida's Seagrasses

Although approximately 52 species of seagrasses exist worldwide, only seven species are found in Florida's marine waters. Six of

these are widespread in Florida and extend beyond its borders.

Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) the largest of the Florida seagrasses, has deeper root structures than any of the other

seagrasses. It has large ribbon-like leaves that are 4-12 mm wide and 10-35 mm cm long. This seagrass is temperature limited and

does not occur along the northeast Florida coast, but it forms extensive beds in Florida Bay.

Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) is an early colonizer of vegetated areas and usually grows in water too shallow for other species

except widgeon grass. It is most common in inlets along the east coast.

Manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme) is easily recognizable because its leaves are cylindrical instead of ribbon-like and flat like

many other seagrass species. The thin leaves are up to half a meter long. The northern limit of manatee-grass is the Indian River,

near Cape Canaveral. Manatee grass is usually found in mixed seagrass beds or small, dense monospecific patches.

Widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) grows in both fresh and salt water and is widely distributed throughout Florida's estuaries in less

saline areas, particularly in inlets along the Florida east coast.

Credit: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

What are Seagrasses?

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Allstate Resource Management Partners with the City of Hollywood

Allstate Resource Management, Inc. aided the City of Hollywood

when a sewage pipe burst.

On November 16th, 2011, thousands of gallons of sewer water

began spilling into a large residential area of Hollywood including

the city’s popular Rotary Park. The rupture was stopped, but the

leak had already taken a toll on the fish and wildlife in the C-10


Immediate response by Allstate aquatic technicians meant that

further damage was prevented. The company rapidly installed

massive aerators powered by large generators at key positions

along a several-mile stretch of the C-10 canal and adjacent

fingers. Within one hour of the custom-fabricated equipment

installation, the level of oxygen in the water was sufficiently

increased, high enough for fish sustenance and reducing

undesirable bacteria.

Work continues in the park and surrounding areas and will

ensure that the natural habitat is returned to its former state. The

large generators were difficult to fuel and service and were costly

to run. Installation of the equipment was a massive undertaking

involving cranes and access to the canal. Allstate has been

working closely with City of Hollywood officials on the alternative

solution – installation of solar-powered aerators throughout the

entire waterway. These small, efficient units runs quietly and

require no refueling. The energy is free, making them extremely


The experiment with solar aerators has been such a success that

Allstate is utilizing them on other accounts involving water quality

enhancement and fountain installation.

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Where does water come from? Bringing water to the faucet involves many organizations. Protecting water resources, developing

water supplies, allocating water, and distributing it to users involves the coordinated effort of local governments, state and federal

agencies and utilities.

As the population grows over the next 20 years, demand for freshwater is expected to increase by 26% to 9 billion gallons per day --

approximately 1.8 billion gallons more than we currently use. Protecting our natural resources, while meeting this growing demand, is

essential to sustaining a healthy environment and a vibrant economy. During drought, effective and equitable water management is

even more important because the lack of rain reduces the available supply of water, while demand - particularly for lawn watering and

crop irrigation - increases.

Florida's water management system includes various partners that work together to protect water resources, develop these resources

for use, allocate the water among groups of users, and distribute the water from source to spigot.

Prompted by a severe drought in 1970 and 1971, policymakers adopted a broad, statewide approach designed to protect and allocate

Florida's water. The Water Resources Act of 1972 created five water management districts to regulate the use of water by large-scale

consumers, such as public utilities, agriculture and industry.

Working under the general supervision of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Water Management Districts are

responsible for allocating water within their designated regions as well as developing and implementing effective plans to minimize

and manage the effects of droughts and floods. Getting the water from the source to your faucet is the responsibility of regional water

authorities and local utilities.

In addition to overseeing the Water Management Districts, the Department of Environmental Protection's primary responsibilities are

to restore, maintain, and protect the quality of water resources, as well as promote the development of new sources of water, such as

seawater desalination. This work requires the use of each of the primary management strategies available to the Department.

• research (including regular monitoring) to help establish water quality standards

• permitting discharges to protect water quality

• enforcement of regulations to address activities that negatively affect water resources

• education: to promote protection, conservation, efficient use and re-use

• and acquisition and management to preserve the integrity of natural systems

In Florida, water is a public resource. Like the air we breathe, water cannot be privately owned. That's why it's important for all

Floridians to conserve water, use water efficiently, and take measures to prevent pollution of our state's water supplies.

Many of these conservation practices are voluntary. However, in times of drought some water restrictions are mandatory. Water

management districts can set water restrictions and local governments have the right to impose even stronger restrictions. If your local

government does not have its own restrictions, follow those of your water management district.

Department of Environmental Protection – Water Management

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What is Managed?:

Florida’s Watersheds: Water's natural boundaries are commonly identified as watersheds. A watershed is an area of land that acts

as a basin for the water flowing and draining within it. Watersheds include water on the surface, such as lakes and rivers, as well as

the water flowing underground in springs and aquifers. If water follows natural boundaries, then water resource protection and

management should be organized and coordinated along natural boundaries. A watershed management approach does just that. The

Department of Environmental Protection plans and implements many of its water resource protection functions by major watersheds.

Florida’s Ecosystems: Natural systems, particularly wetland ecosystems, can ease the extreme effects of droughts and floods.

Originally, more than half of the state was covered by wetlands. The most recognized wetland ecosystem in America is the

Everglades - The River of Grass. Wetland ecosystems (including swamps, marshes, bayheads, bogs, cypress domes and strands,

sloughs, wet prairies, mangrove swamps, ponds, lakes, creeks, streams and rivers) not only help regulate water flow, but provide a

myriad of economic, ecological and aesthetic benefits. Protecting and preserving these natural systems helps generate benefits that

we eat, drink and breathe on a daily basis. Florida's Department of Environmental Protection works with the Water Management

Districts to protect and restore Florida's wetland systems - from the Everglades to Lake Apopka to the Upper Basin of the St. Johns

River to the Panhandle and Tate's Hell Swamp.

Florida’s Lakes: Florida has more than 7,500 freshwater lakes, including the second largest inland lake in the country - Lake

Okeechobee. Lakes sustain an abundant and diverse assortment of aquatic plant and animal species and provide ideal spots for

people to swim, fish, and enjoy nature. During drought, water levels in lakes can drop significantly, and some can even dry up

completely. While low water levels can cause a decline in plants and wildlife, many are adapted to the cycle of drought. In fact,

periodic dry spells can benefit the life of a lake - keeping it healthier and living longer. The Department of Environmental Protection

developed one of the first and best new approaches in the country for identifying and cleaning up water pollution. Known as the

Impaired Waters Rule, the Department identifies polluted water bodies and then directs resources to clean the dirtiest water bodies

first. As part of that effort, the Department establishes Total Daily Maximum Loads (TMDL), which is the maximum amount of pollutant

a water body can receive and continue to meet water quality standards. DEP also works with the Water Management Districts and

local governments to monitor water quality and perform biological assessments, as well as develop and implement protection plans.

Florida’s Estuaries: Brackish water is the mixture of freshwater and seawater. In Florida, brackish water is found naturally - above

ground in estuaries (the mouth of rivers) and below the ground in aquifers. During drought, less rain means less freshwater moving

from the land toward the ocean. This allows saltwater from the ocean to move inland, farther up rivers and deeper into aquifers. This

mixing zone of fresh and saltwater in coastal estuaries and aquifers is the front line in the protection of coastal freshwater resources.

Natural systems like coastal wetlands help prevent saltwater intrusion. The storage and percolation of freshwater in these areas helps

counter the encroachment of saltwater from the ocean or from below. Under the state's $3 billion land conservation program, Florida

Forever, the Department protects large expanses of natural areas where rainwater can permeate the ground to naturally replenish

aquifers. These include aquifer recharge areas and coastal wetlands.

Credit: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

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Among the presentations at the South Florida Restoration Science Forum was one that dealt with the issues and uncertainties

surrounding Aquifer Storage and Recovery, a technology that is critical to the success of the region's restoration effort. Though this

water supply technology is gaining acceptance by planners and scientists worldwide, it has never been attempted on the scale

proposed for south Florida.

The technique pumps freshwater underground through wells into brackish-water aquifers where it forms a bubble around the wells

and can be pumped out when needed. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Everglades restoration plan (the Restudy) calls for

capturing surface water that is now discharged into the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico during the wet season, pumping it into

limestone quarries and aquifers, and retrieving more than 1.6 billion gallons per day during the dry season. The project could provide

major benefits to environmental, agricultural, and urban users. An estimated 80 percent of the retrieved water is slated to help restore

the Everglades ecosystem. The technology requires a minimal amount of land (an acre or two per well) and there is almost no

evaporation or seepage loss. The method has been proven at Boynton Beach, Florida, where up to 95 percent of the stored water

was recovered. These advantages translate into significantly lower costs per gallon of water stored. The Corps' Restudy proposes 300

to 330 Aquifer Storage and Recovery wells. The water will be treated if necessary to meet state and federal standards for

underground injection.

The hydrogeologic characteristics of a successful storage zone include moderate permeability, confinement above and below by low-

permeability sediments, and water quality as fresh as possible to minimize mixing with the surrounding brackish water. The Floridan

aquifer system in south Florida contains suitable storage zones, making the technology a viable storage mechanism. However, using

the technology on the scale called for in the Corps's proposal is unprecedented. Uncertainties include compatibility of the injected

water with the aquifer water; effects of large volumes of injected water on the confining unit; recovery efficiency, i.e. how much usable

water will be recovered; and the effects of the recovered water on the environment.

To address these technical and regulatory concerns, a phased approach is proposed that will use several techniques to evaluate the

feasibility and identify possible problems and solutions. Storage zones and confining units will be identified by using electronic probes

lowered into drilled boreholes to measure hydrogeologic properties with depth. Detailed water-quality analyses of the water to be

stored and the native (brackish) water will identify and quantify constituents of concern. Geochemical modeling may then be

conducted to determine if adverse chemical reactions might occur, such as reactions that might cause plugging of the storage zone.

Ground-water modeling will be used to optimize the location and spacing of wells to minimize excessive water level drawdowns or

pressure build up. In addition, modeling can be used to estimate the movement of injected water within the aquifer system and thus

predict the amount and quality of recoverable water. A variety of hydrogeologic, hydrologic, and hydrochemical questions must be

answered before a truly regional Aquifer Storage and Recovery infrastructure can be developed. The proposed pilot facilities - and the

science necessary to evaluate the data from these - will be crucial to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of this technology as a

regional water-storage option.

Credit: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology

Restoring South Florida’s Freshwater Future

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South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society

Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Company:_______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________________________ Telephone: _______________ Fax: ________________ Email:______________________ SFAPMS Annual Sponsorship (Please check one level): (Includes recognition at all conference/workshops in 2011/2012, and recognition in the Hydrophyte and, SFAPMS web site) You can now make payment online via our web site at www.sfapms.org Thank you for you participation and support. Sponsorship/Participation Options (please check as many as you would like) _____ “Chil” Rossbach Scholarship Fund (any amount is appreciated)…………………... _____ Student Membership……………………………………………................................ _____ Non-Member Event Attendance…………………………………………………….... _____ Individual Membership………………………………………………………..…......… _____ Four Business Card Ads in Hydrophyte (attach but do not staple)..……………... _____ Four ¼ Page Ads in Hydrophyte (provide original layout)...……………....…..…... _____ Four ½ Page Ads in Hydrophyte (provide original layout)………..……….…..….... _____ Meeting Merchandise Sponsorship (your logo & SFAPMS logo will be included on item) _____ Full Page Ad in Hydrophyte (provide original layout)………………..………...…… _____ Gold Sponsor ………………………………………………...…………………….... _____ Silver Sponsor ……………………………………………………………………..….. _____ Bronze Sponsor ………………………………………………………………………. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total for all Sponsorship/Participation …………………….…………………………... $ _______ Please send this form with a check made payable to or pay online: South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society 6900 SW 21st Court Building 9 Davie, FL 33317

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South Florida APMS 6900 SW 21st Court Building 9 Davie, FL 33317

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South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society proudly thanks

New SILVER Sponsors:

And Bronze Sponsor: