187. relevant facts ►jesus of nazareth ►jewish prophet ►claimed to be the christ prophesied in...

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187 Slide 2 Relevant Facts Jesus of Nazareth Jewish prophet Claimed to be the Christ prophesied in Jewish Scriptures 188 Slide 3 Relevant Facts He was crucified 3 days after his burial, the women found the body gone 189 Slide 4 Relevant Facts Disciples claimed God raised Him from the dead and He appeared to them several times before ascending to heaven 190 Slide 5 The Resurrection is a time-space dimension event in history 191 Slide 6 Events in History Jesus was physically alive, then dead Was placed in a definite geological location a tomb 192 Slide 7 Events in History Guards were placed at the tomb 500 people saw Him alive after His death 193 Slide 8 Testimony of History and Law 194 Slide 9 George Eldon Ladd The only rational explanation for these historical facts is that God raised Jesus in bodily form. 195 Slide 10 Thomas Arnol d Author: 3-volume History of Rome I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them 196 Slide 11 Thomas Arnold Author: 3-volume History of Rome I know of no one fact in the history of mankind, which is proved by better and fuller evidence of every sort to the understanding of a fair inquirer 197 Slide 12 than the great sign which God hath given us that Christ died and rose again from the dead. Thomas Arnold Author: 3-volume History of Rome 198 Slide 13 Taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no historical incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ Brooke Foss Westcott English Scholar/Literary Giant 199 Slide 14 Nothing but the anteceded assumption that it must be false could have suggested the idea of deficiency in the proof of it. Brooke Foss Westcott English Scholar/Literary Giant 200 Slide 15 If all the evidence is weighed carefully and fairly, it is indeed justifiable according to the canons of historical research to conclude that the tomb Dr. Paul Maie r Western Michigan University 201 Slide 16 in which Jesus was buried was actually empty on the morning of the first Easter. Dr. Paul Maier Western Michigan University 202 Slide 17 Dr. Frank Morriso n Journalist He was trained in examining the evidence to report the truth about stories. He thought the life of Christ was the most beautiful lifestyle, but 203 Slide 18 regarding the resurrection thought somebody tacked a myth onto the beautiful life of Christ. Dr. Frank Morrison Journalist 204 Slide 19 He decided to write a book to refute the myth of the resurrection. While doing research in Palestine, he became a believer. Dr. Frank Morrison Journalist 205 Slide 20 Wrote Who Moved the Stone? Chapter 1: The Book That Refused to Be Written. Dr. Frank Morrison Journalist 206 Slide 21 Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law Not a believer, he used to put down the Christians in his law classes. 207 Slide 22 One year, Christian students challenged him to take his three volumes on the Laws of Legal Evidence and apply the principles to evidence for the resurrection of Christ Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law 208 Slide 23 In the process, he became a believer and concluded the resurrection is one of the best established facts of history. Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law 209 Slide 24 It is impossible that the apostles could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law 210 Slide 25 had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, and had they not known this fact as certainly as they knew any other fact. Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law 211 Slide 26 Greenleaf concludes that the resurrection of Christ is one of the best-supported events in history according to the laws of legal evidence administered in courts of justice. Dr. Simon Greenleaf Harvard University Law 212 Slide 27 In its favor as a living truth there exists such overwhelming evidence, positive and negative, factual and circumstantial Lord Darling Former Chief Justice Great Britain 213 Slide 28 that no intelligent jury in the world could fail to bring in a verdict that the resurrection story is true. Lord Darling Former Chief Justice Great Britain 214 Slide 29 The historical, documentary, archaeological, and other evidence that has been presented to the jury is sufficient Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 215 Slide 30 by more than a preponderance that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as reported in the Gospels actually did occur as a historical fact. Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 216 Slide 31 I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ Sir Lionel Luckhoo 217 Slide 32 is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt. Sir Lionel Luckhoo 218 Slide 33 It seems clear indeed, axiomatic that if the resurrection of Jesus actually occurred, then it is a fact about the past as it occurred Stephen Davis Philosopher 219 Slide 34 And if the world of history is understood as the events that occurred in the real past and that historians attempt to discover, then it follows that the resurrection of Jesus was an event in history. Stephen Davis Philosopher 220 Slide 35 The hypothesis of the resurrection is both verifiable and falsifiable: Dr. William Lane Craig 221 Slide 36 Verifiable through proving the historicity of the empty tomb, the appearances and the origin of the Christian Way; Dr. William Lane Craig 222 Slide 37 Falsifiable by either disproving the above or providing naturalistic explanations of them... Dr. William Lane Craig 223 Slide 38 In fact, I should go so far as to say that there is not a single event in the resurrection narratives that is not in principle historically verifiable or falsifiable. Dr. William Lane Craig 224 Slide 39 When you... [use] the ordinary canons of historical assessment, the best explanation for the facts is that God raised Jesus from the dead. Dr. William Lane Craig 225 Slide 40 The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the Christ-myth theories. F.F. Bruce 226 Slide 41 The Gospels are documents of the requisite age, coming from the proper custody, and free of suspicious appearances Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 227 Slide 42 they meet all of the requirements for authentication under the rules of evidence. Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 228 Slide 43 To understand the shattering impact of it, you would need to know the man (who has certainly never since shown any interest in Christianity Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 229 Slide 44 If he, the cynic of cynics, the toughest of the tough, were not as I would still have put it safe, where could I turn? Was there no escape?... Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 230 Slide 45 brought kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting eyes in every direction for a chance of escape. Pamela Binnings Ewen Partner-International Law Firm 231 Slide 46 C.S. Lewis Author Early in 1926, the hardest-boiled of all the atheists I ever knew sat in my room on the other side of the fire and remarked that the evidence 232 Slide 47 for the historicity of the Gospels was really surprisingly good. C.S. Lewis Author 233 Slide 48 Atheist Talking to C.S. Lewis All that stuff of Frazers about the Dying GodIt almost looks as if it really happened once. 234 Slide 49 It seemed very clear. I didnt see any other explanation in history for what happened. Anne Rice Novelist 235 Slide 50 236 Slide 51 237 Slide 52 In order for David Copperfield to accomplish his miracles, he presently carried 26,000 pounds of equipment with a staff of 40 people Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 238 Slide 53 The point is obvious. In order for Jesus to have been a magicianand to do what He did by magic, you would have to visualize Jesus and the disciples Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 239 Slide 54 walking through the dusty streets of Galilee in their long robes and sandals 2,000 year ago Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 240 Slide 55 three diesel trucks following behind to carry all the equipment Jesus would have needed to perform His miracles by magic!... Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 241 Slide 56 Jesus had been crucified and killed because He claimed to be God. His resurrection proved His claims. Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 242 Slide 57 For anyone to suggest that Jesus could have been a magicianis to demonstrate an absolute, complete, total ignorance of the subject of magic. Andre Kole World-famous Illusionist 243 Slide 58 George Eldon Ladd The only rational explanation for these historical facts is that God raised Jesus in bodily form. 244 Slide 59 Gary Habermas Distinguished professor / chairman of philosophy and theology at Liberty University Debated on the issue Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? 245 Slide 60 A professional debate judge who was asked to evaluate the debate concludes, The historical evidence, though flawed, is strong enough to lead reasonable minds to conclude Gary Habermas 246 Slide 61 that Christ did indeed rise from the deadHabermas does end up providing highly probable evidence Gary Habermas 247 Slide 62 for the historicity of the resurrection with no plausible naturalistic evidence against it. Gary Habermas 248 Slide 63 There is a problem of proving anything about a person or event in history. It can be very difficult. 249 Slide 64 Two Basic Methods 250 Slide 65 1.The Modern Scientific Method 2.The Legal-Historical or The Evidential Method 251 Slide 66 Scientific Proof Based on showing that something is a fact by repeating the event in the presence of the person questioning the fact. 252 Slide 67 253 Slide 68 Knowledge based on the observation and testing of facts. (The Basic Dictionary of Science) 254 Slide 69 techniques of controlled observation employed in the search for knowledge. (Harper Encyclopedia of Science) 255 Slide 70 Scientific Proof The testing of the truth of hypotheses by the use of controlled experiments is one of the key techniques of the modern scientific method. 256 Slide 71 Observations Data Drawn Hypothesis empirically verified Scientific Method Based Upon: 257 Slide 72 The collection of data through observation and experiment. Websters New Collegiate Dictionary 258 Slide 73 The scientific method, however it is defined is related to measurement of phenomena and experimentation or repeated observation. Encyclopedia Britannica 259 Slide 74 Sciencea result of experimentation and observation, and are fruitful of further experimentation and observations. Dr. James B. Conant Former President- Harvard University 260 Slide 75 Dr. James B. Conant Science is an interconnected series of concepts and conceptual schemes 261 Slide 76 Dr. James B. Conant that have developed as a result of experimentation and observation, and are fruitful of further experimentation and observations. 262 Slide 77 Testing the truth of a hypothesis by the use of controlled experiments is one of the key techniques of the modern scientific method. Josh D. McDowell Author 263 Slide 78 It must be related to a measurement of phenomena and experimentation or repeated observation. To be Proven Scientifically: 264 Slide 79 We must make observations and draw data repeatedly before a hypothesis is determined true. To be Proven Scientifically: 265 Slide 80 The Scientific Method is only useful in proving repeatable events. Science is Limited 266 Slide 81 Scientific proof is based on showing that something is a fact by repeating the event in the presence of the person questioning the fact. Josh D. McDowell Author 267 Slide 82 268 Slide 83 You had an exam in your first class this morning. Students: 269 Slide 84 Try to prove scientifically you had Christmas dinner with your family and friends last December 25 th. Husband & Wives: 270 Slide 85 Try to prove scientifically you were in your office this morning. Businessmen/Women: 271 Slide 86 September 11, 2001: Try to prove scientifically that terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City. 272 Slide 87 273 Slide 88 Used in the courts today A lawyer might use the scientific method in making his case 274 Slide 89 If the scientific method was the only method used there would be no law court or judicial proceedings in which to make ones case. 275 Slide 90 Legal Proof Based on showing that something is true beyond a reasonable doubt. 276 Slide 91 The legal-historical proof is based on showing that something is a fact beyond a reasonable doubt Josh D. McDowell Author 277 Slide 92 We reach a verdict on the weight of the evidence and have no rational basis for doubting the decision. Josh D. McDowell Author 278 Slide 93 Legal Proof The judge or jury reaches a verdict or a conclusion on the basis of the weight of the evidence. 279 Slide 94 Evidence Which The Court Can Consider 280 Slide 95 Written Testimony 281 Slide 96 Exhibits (Physical Testimony) 282 Slide 97 Oral Testimony 283 Slide 98 Students: You could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you had an exam this morning in your first hour class. 284 Slide 99 Friends Sat next to Professor Exhibit cheat notes inside your cuff BUT YOU COULDNT PROVE IT SCIENTIFICALLY 285 Slide 100 Conclusion: The scientific method can only be used to prove repeatable things, but it is not adequate for a person or event in history. 286 Slide 101 Therefore, the scientific method is not appropriate for proving or disproving such questions as: 287 Slide 102 1. Did Julius Caesar ever live? 288 Slide 103 2. Did William Shakespeare write Hamlet? 289 Slide 104 3. Did George Washington live? 290 Slide 105 4. Who was Jesus of Nazareth? 291 Slide 106 5. Was Martin Luther King a civil rights leader? 292 Slide 107 8. Was JFK assasinated? 293 Slide 108 7. Does Barry Bond hold baseballs single-season home run record? 294 Slide 109 6. Was Jesus Christ raised from the dead? 295 Slide 110 Correct Concept: The basis of the Christian faith (Christs claims and his resurrection) can be substantiated beyond reasonable doubt according to the Legal- Historical Method. 296 Slide 111 297 Slide 112 perhaps all our convictions and even our periods whole understanding of truth? We say as one great historian used to say in such instances: Ethelbert Stauffer The Erlanger historian 298 Slide 113 It is surely possible. And why not? For the critical historian, nothing is impossible. Ethelbert Stauffer The Erlanger historian 299 Slide 114 What does the critical historian do when his evidence point very strongly to the reality of an event which contradicts his expectations Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 300 Slide 115 and goes against the naturalistic view of reality? I submit that he must follow his critically analyzed sources Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 301 Slide 116 It is unscientific to begin with the philosophical presupposition that miracles cannot occur Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 302 Slide 117 Unless we avoid such one- sided presuppositions, historical interpretation becomes mere propaganda Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 303 Slide 118 We have a right to demand good evidence for an alleged event which we have not experienced Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 304 Slide 119 but we dare not judge reality by our limited experience. And I would suggest that we have good evidence for the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Ron Sider President-ESA Ministry Leadership 305 Slide 120 The purpose of the historian is not to construct a history from preconceived notions and to adjust to his own liking Philip Schaff Historian 306 Slide 121 but to reproduce it from the best evidences and to let it speak for itself. Philip Schaff Historian 307 Slide 122 No historians really believe in the absolute truth of what they are writing, simply in its probable truth Richard Evans Historian 308 Slide 123 which they have done their utmost to establish by following the usual rules of evidence. Richard Evans Historian 309 Slide 124 310 Slide 125 History-a knowledge of the past based upon testimony. 311 Slide 126 The Resurrection takes the question Is Christianity valid? out of the realm of philosophy and makes it a question of history. 312 Slide 127 Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet who claimed to be the Christ prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures, was arrested, judged to be a political criminal, and crucified. 313 Slide 128 From this foundation, Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and has continued to exert great influence throughout the world through all subsequent centuries. 314 Slide 129 Testimony of History 315 Slide 130 Another result of comparing New Testament Greek with the language of the papryi [discoveries] Millar Burrows 316 Slide 131 is an increase of confidence in the accurate transmission of the text of the New Testament itself. Millar Burrows 317 Slide 132 William F. Albright We can already say emphatically that there is no longer any solid basis for dating any book of the New Testament after about A.D. 80 318 Slide 133 William F. Albright two full generations before the date between 130 and 150 given by the more radical New Testament critics of today. 319 Slide 134 William F. Albright In my opinion, every book of the New Testament was written by a baptized Jew between the forties 320 Slide 135 William F. Albright and the eighties of the first century A.D. (very probably sometime between about A.D. 50 and 75). 321 Slide 136 Luke is a historian of the first rankThis author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians. Sir William Ramsay 322 Slide 137 His research led to his conviction that the whole of the New Testament was written before the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 John A.T. Robinson Redating the New Testament 323 Slide 138 A good pupil was like a plastered cistern that loses not a drop. Mishna, Aboth, ii8 324 Slide 139 William F. Albright Only modern scholars who lack both historical method and perspective can spin such a web of speculation as that with which form critics have surrounded the Gospel tradition. 325 Slide 140 The Bible and its sources remain firmly grounded in history. Jeffery L. Sheler 326 Slide 141 idea that the various noncanonical gospels are equally valid witnesses to Christian antiquity is deeply flawed. Philip Jenkins Hidden Gospels 327 Slide 142 While the four Gospels were all written within the first century, all evidence points to these other gospels being composed between A.D. 120 and 250, at least three generations removed from the life of Christ. 328 Slide 143 Craig A. Evans The scholarly track record with respect to the use of these extracononical Gospels is, frankly, embarrassing 329 Slide 144 Craig A. Evans We have found that these extracanonical Gospels do not offer early, reliable tradition, independent of what we posses in the New Testament Gospels. 330