17 september 2015 jr/yr no 36

LYDENBURG Opposite Taxi Rank 013 235 4406/1558 The Heads Centre 013 235 1636/1637 Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 013 231 7979 • BRAAI DAY on 24 Sept. THABA Chweu contractors are creating chaos with their “water upgrade” project. Following weeks of unsuccessful work in Berg Street near the hospital, that left residents in Lydenburg and Mashishing without water for days on end, the same problems are occurring all over town. During Tuesday 15 September another unsuccessful connection on the corner of Preller and Pretorius streets burst during the night, flooding the home of Highlands Panorama News owner Andre Coetzee, with centimetres of mud. The water mass shorted out electrics and a power failure ensued. The pavements in this area have been ruined for months and several indigenous trees which Mr. Coetzee bought, planted and took care of 19 years ago were destroyed. Repairs to concrete pathways are substandard and breaking up all over Pretorius Street. The Coetzee family had to hire cleaning services as well as private labour to clean up and try and protect the property, at great cost and with little success. Water damage to the property is escalating. The contractor attended to the problem on Wednesday and the connection again failed on Saturday the 12th, once again flooding the property. The contractor then arrived later on Saturday and on Sunday morning the connection failed again. Following “repair” work on Sunday, the hole was again full of water on Monday morning, indicating that the joint is once again failing. This line feeds directly to Mashishing, with the result that Mashising and Lydenburg residents again suffered at least four days without water. Between the Municipality and the various contractors and sub contractors, everyone is playing the blaming game and no one accepts responsibility for compensation. Continues on page 2. Sabie, another mess PREMIER David Mabuza must urgently intervene in the violent service delivery protest action currently taking place in Sabie. This action compromises tourism in one of Mpumalanga's popular tourist attractions and might also lead to job losses. Protests in the small tourist town which is situated in the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality (part of Lydenburg), started in June this year where residents are demanding among other things the following: • Immediate halt of current water and electricity cut-offs carried out by the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, • Return of land to municipality which is alleged to have been unfairly expropriated by forestry firms as the only alternative to address housing challenges in Sabie, Immediate halt of illegal, unfair, and unlawful appointments within the municipality, • Immediate upgrading of all informal settlements as outlined in the National Development Plan, • The truth behind the occupied lands of the informal areas in Sabie to be revealed and the mismanagement & manipulation of various projects that benefit a few. What concerns the DA the most is that, while residents are protesting, businesses and schools are also affected which compromises the education of our children and the economy of the town. This town depends mostly on tourism and the protests forces businesses to close doors. The residents are also accusing senior Thaba Chweu municipal officials of spearheading unlawful practices which include nepotism and maladministration, amongst other things. Issued by the DA.

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17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36


Page 1: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

LYDENBURGOpposite Taxi Rank013 235 4406/1558The Heads Centre013 235 1636/1637BurgersfortTubatse Mall013 231 7979

• BRAAI DAY on 24 Sept. THABA Chweu contractors are creating

chaos with their “water upgrade” project. Following weeks of unsuccessful work in Berg Street near the hospital, that left residents in Lydenburg and Mashishing without water for days on end, the same problems are occurring all over town.During Tuesday 15 September another unsuccessful connection on the corner of Preller and Pretorius streets burst during the night, flooding the home of Highlands Panorama News owner Andre Coetzee, with centimetres of mud. The water mass shorted out electrics and a

power failure ensued. The pavements in this area have been ruined for months and several indigenous trees which Mr. Coetzee bought, planted and took care of 19 years ago were destroyed. Repairs to concrete pathways are substandard and breaking up all over Pretorius Street. The Coetzee family had to hire cleaning services as well as private labour to clean up and try and protect the property, at great cost and with little success. Water damage to the property is escalating.The contractor attended to the problem on Wednesday and the connection again failed on

Saturday the 12th, once again flooding the property. The contractor then arrived later on Saturday and on Sunday morning the connection failed again. Following “repair” work on Sunday, the hole was again full of water on Monday morning, indicating that the joint is once again failing. This line feeds directly to Mashishing, with the result that Mashising and Lydenburg residents again suffered at least four days without water. Between the Municipality and the various contractors and sub contractors, everyone is playing the blaming game and no one accepts responsibility for compensation. Continues on page 2.

Sabie, another messPREMIER David Mabuza must urgently intervene in the violent service delivery protest action currently taking place in Sabie. This action compromises tourism in one of Mpumalanga's popular tourist attractions and might also lead to job losses.Protests in the small tourist town which is situated in the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality (part of Lydenburg), started in June this year where residents are demanding among other things the following:• Immediate halt of current water and electricity cut-offs carried out by the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality,• Return of land to municipality which is alleged to have been unfairly expropriated by forestry firms as the only alternative to address housing challenges in Sabie,• Immediate halt of illegal, unfair, and unlawful appointments within the

municipality,• Immediate upgrading of all informal settlements as outlined in the National Development Plan,• The truth behind the occupied lands of the informal areas in Sabie to be revealed and the mismanagement & manipulation of various projects that benefit a few.What concerns the DA the most is that, while residents are protesting, businesses and schools are also affected which compromises the education of our children and the economy of the town. This town depends mostly on tourism and the protests forces businesses to close doors.The residents are also accusing senior Thaba Chweu municipal officials of spearheading unlawful practices which include nepotism and maladministration, amongst other things. Issued by the DA.

Page 2: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 [email protected]

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continues from page 1Because of the risk to his property, Mr Coetzee has requested that proper berms or earth walls be erected to protect his property, until such time as the work proves satisfactory, but nothing is being done, as the contractor is sure that he can fix the problem, which he is clearly struggling with.In the meant ime the HIGHLANDS PANORAMA NEWS took pictures of other work undertaken by these contractors throughout town. It proves a big problem. At the Berg Street site near the hospital, no rehabilitation was done. The same goes for several sites near the corners of Lydenburg and Berg, Du Toit and Voortrekker, Ruiter and Chris Lombard, Voortrekker and Simmond, Pretorius, Morgan Streets and several other places. Photographic evidence now exists of open trenches with no protection for children or adults walking along these streets at night on unlit streets. Brickwork at manholes clearly seem substandard and a small overflow furrow at the corner of Morgan and Ruiter is so unprofessionally constructed it looks like a primary school kids project.Contractors working at the sites throw their rubbish down where they work and each site is littered with cool drink bottles and food refuse containers. Contractors were seen urinating on the pavements.While Thaba Chweu is allegedly spending millions from a state grant on this so far unsuccessful project, less than a million would have fixed most of Lydenburg’s water woes. During an electricity outage, the Municipality has insufficient standby diesel generating capacity to keep the pumps running and large parts of town are without water less than an hour after a power outage. A proper new automatic generator could have been permanently installed for less than a million. This was communicated to the previous mayor in person more than a year ago.All the new pipes and reservoirs, will not address this basic shortcoming.It is clear that the current project is not going well and could end up as another wasted tender and fruitless expenditure, which might need to be investigated by the Public Protector. We need to rescue it while there is still time. Andre Coetzee

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Tourists scammed at ATM’s in Lydenburg

OVER the past years it has become evident that many tourists (particularly overseas tourists) have been scammed at various ATM’s in Lydenburg and substantial sums of money have been taken out of these tourists’s bank accounts. The scam works as follows: • Tourists are pulled off the road by official looking individuals posing as police or ‘toll road’ police. They are advised that there is a toll gate in the area, but that it is broken so tourists need to go with these individuals to the closet ATM to buy a toll gate pass. The unsuspecting tourists then accompany these individuals to the ATM where they are scammed of their card details and large sums of money are withdrawn from their accounts. These withdrawals are only seen later by the tourists. The Kruger Lowvveld Chamber of Business and Tourism (KLCBT) uncovered the

scam through their extensive membership network as the victims report these incidents to their hosts in the area. The Chamber believes that the number of actual cases is far greater than those reported. The KLCBT has printed a hundred thousand cards, warning tourists about this scam and roadside corruption by traffic officials, (another crime that is seriously affecting tourism in the region). Furthermore the Lydenburg Mashishing Chamber of Business has erected a sign near the Dullstroom turnoff warning tourists of these criminal activities. KLCBT requests all banks to assist them in preventing such crimes against unsuspecting tourists by agreeing to erect signs at all the ATM’s in town warning people about these toll gate scammers. This is yet another reason why SA is losing tourists.

LYDENBURG Pre-Primere skool het ’n fondsinsamelingsprojek gehou ten bate van Wimpie Boshoff, om te help met sy mediese kostes. Wimpie het byna 2 jaar gelede ernstige beserings opgedoen na ’n motorfietsongeluk. Hulle het onlangs

Skool help met mediese kostes vir Wimpie Boshoff na motorfietsongeluk

’n bedrag aan die Boshoff gesin oorhandig.Willa en Ina bedank graag die personeel en kinders van die Lydenburg Pre-Primere skool. Sy ou skool, Hoërskool Meyerton, het ook ’n donasie van R 1 000 gemaak. Enige

persoon wat die gesin met die onkostes wil help, kan ’n bydrae maak in die volgende bankrekening: William Turner Trust, Nedbank current account, rekeningnommer 1106433319 by takkode 120205. Of kontak Willa of Ina by 083 412 7307.

Die geld word oorhandig deur Lydenburg Pre-

Primere Skool se Carol-Ann, aan Willa Boshoff.

Page 4: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

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op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

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Member of

Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor / Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:

Reinet Bell082 450 4875

Rekeninge / Accounts:Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

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013 235 2287Website / Webtuiste:

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Printed by Lowveld Media,

12 StinkhoutCrescent,Nelspruit

BAIE interessante storie dié van die oermens of mensaap wat sopas weer by die wieg van die mensdom in Gauteng opgegrawe is.Die gevaarte se brein was glo so groot soos ’n lemoen en sy voete dui daarop dat hy regop (of geboë) geloop het. Sy hande dui ook daarop dat dit heelwat geklim het. Seker boom. Glo nie daar was veel anders wat hy kon klim nie.Die fossielfonds het wetenskaplikes, konserwatiewes, kerklikes, evolusieleer aanhangers en al wat leef en beef aan die gons. Die Bybel en die skepping word nou weer

uitmekaar getrek en Vavi sê hy stam nie van ’n aap af nie. Stem saam met hom. Ek ook nie.Was die perd se naam Adam? Beteken dit dat dit is soos die mens in Genesis gelyk het? Is dit die Skepper se beeld? Of gooi ons nou weer die Skrif saam met die badwater uit?Dink aan die lekker politieke implikasies van dié fonds. As dit my en jou voorouers is, dan is dit duidelik dat ek nie ’n setlaar is nie, maar net soveel reg soos enigiemand het om hier te wees. Miskien het Homo Naledi gatvol geraak vir sy boeties hier rond en sy pad opgeklim tot in Europa. Daar het die gebrek aan sonlig hom spierwit gebleik en in 1652 het hy as ’n Hollander terug

gekom huis toe. Lekker storie dié. ’n Klomp nonsens.As die mens uit die ape ontwikkel het, verstaan ek hoekom die gorillas en sjimpansees vergeet het om ook deur evolusie aan te pas en nie “mense” te word nie. Hulle noem dit spesiasie. Wetenskaplikes sê die mens het nie uit ’n aap ontwikkel nie maar uit ’n oermens sonder ’n stert.Nee wat, hierdie is g’n my voorouer nie. Hulle beweer dat die mens en primate 99% naby is aan mekaar en dis bewysbaar. Ja wel, so produseer soogdiere almal melk en het hulle tieties. Hou gerus vir ’n paar dae ’n trop bobbejane dop. Hulle openbaar ook mensagtige kenmerke en gedrag. Ek ken ’n paar mense wat helder oordag op ’n klip sit en slaap, wat hulle #$%^ krap as dit jeuk en wat hulle gatte af skrik as hulle ’n klip omrol en ’n slang sien, of gesuip raak op maroelas.Nietemin, goeie vonds. Dit verbreed ons natuurhistoriese kennis. Maar moet tog nou nie weer hieruit ’n “issue” maak nie.

Psalm 46:2: God is vir ons 'n toevlug en 'n beskerming; Hy was nog altyd bereid om te help in nood.Dankie vir hierdie wonderlike versekering Here - Amen.

DIE afgelope week het Vlytige Vingers (die besige bye en kreatiewe groep) van Lydenburg Dienssentrum van me. Hantie Bezuidenhout afskeid geneem. Me. Bezuidenhout was 29 jaar bestuurder van die Dienssentrum en het “uitgetree" om bietjie meer tyd aan haar eie stokperdjies te spandeer en dalk haar wanderlust 'n bietjie op te knap.Alhoewel trane weggepink is, was dit heerlik om op ligte trant te besin oo r d i e doe l s t e l l i ngs van "bejaardesorg" en doel van Dienssentrums soos dit verskil vanaf 1985 tot 2015. Die wenke het gewissel van fiksheid en oefening, kreatiewe inkleurboeke asook nuwe idees vir ‘spinning’, maak van handsakke van ouma se ou gehekelde doilies e n t a f e l d o e k e t o t i n t e r n e t g e l e t t e r d h e i d . Vlytige Vingers gaan voort en belangstellendes kan kom tee drink

en op Donderdae op die uitkyk wees tusen 09:00 en 11:00 vir al die interessante aanbiedings asook projekte en hope inspirasie!Ons groet Hantie, ons sal haar humor, positiewe insette en toegewydheid op Donderdae mis!

(Sy gaan nog voorlopig aanbly in Lydenburg en verhuis volgens planne, eers volgende jaar na Pretoria.) Geniet al die ander uitdagings wat nou vir jou voorlê! • Dankie is nie genoeg nie - RED

Vlytige Vingers (die besige bye en kreatiewe groep) van Lydenburg Dienssentrum het van me. Hantie Bezuidenhout afskeid geneem.

A male Scottish Terrier has gone missing near the upper end of town, going towards The

Heads. He is approximately two years old and very friendly. A reward is offered for his safe

return. Contact 082 339 7433

Reward of R10 000(ten thousand) forlost Scottish Terrier

Erasmus (Ras) Van Der Walt is verlede week skielik in die ouderdom van 5 9 j a a r oorlede. Ras w a s a l o m bekend in die motorindustrie in Lydenburg, v e r a l b y McGee en Kie. Hy was baie l ief vir die natuur, musiek

en kuns. Sy groot liefde was natuurfotografie. Sy rustige en vriendelike geaardheid was alom bekend.Hy laat Suzie, Jacques en Yolandie en twee kleinkinders agter.Die begrafnisdiens was op Woensdag 16 September vanuit die Gereformeerde kerk Lydenburg.Die familie bedank graag almal vir hulle simpatie, bede, hulp en goeie wense.

Wyle mnr. Ras van der Walt

THE Rabies virus is mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected animal. Animals infected by the virus are characterised by behavioural changes, abnormal salivation, aggression, abnormal vocalisation, progressive paralysis and inevitably death. Rabies is fatal for man and animal.Pet owners are compelled by law to ensure that their dogs and cats are vaccinated at three months of age against rabies. The vaccination should be repeated within 12 months and then every years. It is essential that proof of vaccination (vaccine booklet, vaccine certificate) is kept and accompanies the animals when traveling. Thaba Chweu's Rabies Month will entail information dissemination and vaccination of pets free of charge at : 7 - 8 Sept = Sabie = 09h00 till 15h00. 9-10 Sept = Graskop = 09h00 till 15h00. 11 Sept = Pilgrims Rest = 09h00 till 15h00. 14 - 15 Sept = Mashishing = 09h00 till 15h00. 16, 17, 18 Sept = Lydenburg SV Office = 09h00 till 15h00. 21 - 25 September = Each A.H.T Vaccinate in his own area. 28 Sept = Kellysville = 09h00 till 15h00. 29 - 30 Sept = Mashishing = 09h00 till 15h00. Owners please ensure that dogs will be on leashes and cats are manageable (orange bag or pillow case). For more information contact your nearest Animal Health representative 013 235 2071/2 or Mr. Johan Engelbrecht -Control A.H.T -076 825 8687.

Rabies vaccination free of charge on these dates

WaterDamage in high gear

The house of Andre Coetzee under water after a burst pipe. Also read articles on page1 and 2.

Page 5: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

DINA Mkhonto het in 1981 by die Visserye (TPA) begin werk as skoonmaker van die kantore. Sy het ook vroeër jare uitgehelp by die skakelbord, met voorraad en sy kon die lekkerste koffie maak. Voormalige kollega van Dina, Andre Coetzee onthou spesifiek daardie lekker koffie!Op 1 Maart 1997 is sy oorgeplaas na Mpumalanga Parkeraad (MPB) wat later

verander is na die MTPA.Sy het in Augustus afgetree op 60 jarige ouderdom.Dina was die een wat verantwoordelik was vir die aankope van goed wanneer daar funksies op die Visserye gehou was.Sy het altyd die lekkerste pap en sheba gemaak.Baie mense beskryf haar as 'n baie goeie n sy

mens en sy was altyd bereid om orals te help.Sy het altyd baie goed saam gewerk met die ander mense op die standplaas.Dina is 'n persoon wat baie grappies kon vertel terwyl sy self baie ernstig was en dan het die mense geskater van die lag.Sy was 'n moeder, 'n suster en vriendin en die personeel van die Visserye was baie hartseer toe sy aftree. Ons wens h a a r a l m a l ’ n vreugdevolle en rustige aftrede toe.

Heather Aspeling en Andre Coetzee.

Welverdiende aftrede

DINA Mkhonto

Mr Leon de Jager and Mrs Charlene Coetzee from the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber at the sign board at the town’s entrance. Thank you to

and all the other Business Chamber members who made the sign possible.

Brett Swanevelder - MPU Printers (C&F Printers), Johan Labuschagne - GG TimbersFanus Potgieter- Soetdoring Konstruksie, Charlene Coetzee - Lydenburg Tourism

Liaison, Mohamed Cassim - Hanas Mica, Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber, KLCBT, Lt Col Arrie de Beer (Operational Coordination Mpumalanga)

Page 6: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

RUSOORD se Kermis beloof groot pret te wees. Oudergewoonte sal die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se Kermis met 'n optog afskop deur Lydenburg se strate.Die optog vind vanaf 12:30 op 02 Oktober 2015 plaas.Outydse se motors, perde en ossewaens is altyd deel van die jaarlikse optog. Kom koop vleis by die grootste vleistafel ooit met die beste pryse.Die kermis vind op Saterdag 3 Oktober plaas, die ontbyt is R30 en begin reeds om 07:00.Behalwe al die eetgoed en verversings sal daar 'n naaldwerk-, groente-, witolifant- en koektafel wees.Kompetisies vir hoede, baba's, kleuters, tieners, ouma, oupa en die 'man met die grootste maag' word ook aangebied.Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Skakel Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 3858/013 235 2146/082 579 2962

Op 3 Oktober vier die parkrun hul eerste verjaardag met ’n groot dag by die Visserye in Lydenburg. Net 'n paar punte oor parkrun:Mashishing parkrun word by die Visserye aangebied (begin en eindig by die Boshuislapa). Dit is vir enige ouderdom en vlak van fiksheid. As jy 25 keer help kry jy ’n Volunteer T-hemp. Kinders onder 18 kry na 10 keer ’n sertifikaat. Almal kry na 50,100 en 250 keer 'n T-hemp. Dit begin stiptelik om 08:00 in die oggend so almal moet ten minste 07:45 daar wees sodat die reëlings getref kan word. Die parkrun word geborg deur Discovery, Adiddas en Bluecom Telecommunications. Almal wat help is vrywilligers. Daar word donasies aanvaar, maar dit moet direk aan parkrun gedoen word en dan kry Mashishing

parkrun op 3 Oktober

parkrun 'n gedeelte daarvan.Maatskappye is welkom om met hulle kleredrag as 'n groep deel te neem. Dit is 'n 2.5km baan wat twee keer gedoen moet word. Die take by parkrun is soos volg: Run Director, Time keeper, Backup Time keeper, Position tokens, Barcode Scanning, Token Sorter, Marshals 1-4, Photographer, hulle kan op die website vooruit hul name opsit om te help. Kontak Mariaan by 084 806 0946 of registreer by www.parkrun.co.za

Franja Nel, Juanita se dogterbring een van die dae haar eersteCD uit en het reeds musiek vir ’n

nuwe Afrikaanse film geskryf.

Juanita du Plessis het Vrydagaand die gehoor op hul voete gehad. Juanita het gespot vanaf die

verhoog dat daar seker niks beter te doen is op ’n Vrydagaand in Lydenburg nie - maar ons weet nie van iets lekkerder as een van haar vertonings

nie - Foto’s Michelle Boshoff

Sit Rusoord se Kermis op die kalender

MUSIKANTE van Lydenburg en omgewing word uitgenooi om Donderdag 24 September (Erfenisdag) om 10 uur hier by The MUSIC Shop in Lydenburg te kom optree.Registrasie is R10 en die musikant moet sy eie musiekinstrument bring, hy/sy of 'n 'band" mag hulle hoed op die vloer sit en as die toeskouers daarvan hou kan hulle 'n fooitjie in gooi. Ons sal die klank voorsien. Toeskouers is baie welkom, hulle kan 'n stoel saam bring en 'n fooitjie vir die musikant wat hulle hartsnare roer.Daar sal verversings te koop wees. Ons hou dit juis op Erfenisdag sodat al die verskillende musiek genre's bymekaar kan komNavrae: The MUSIC Shop :Johan 013 235 0115

Gaan maak musiek op Erfenisdag

Mnr Douglas Vosloo (50), oud-inwoner van Lydenburg wat vasbeslote is om sy stryd teen kanker te oorwin, het met Juanita du Plessis se optrede verlede Vrydag asook die lootjieverkope waar groot pryse gewen kon word, dit reggekry om hul fondsinsamelingsprojek as suksesvol te beskou.“Douglas word behandel deur 'n onkoloog van Mbombela en moet as deel van sy chemoterapie Erbitux gebruik. Sy mediese fonds betaal dit egter nie vir die behandeling nie en die kostes daarvoor beloop R200 000. Dit was vir ons as familie belangrik om so gou as moontlik geld vir die behandeling bymekaar te maak want die behandeling moet kontant betaal word voor dit bestel kon word en ons wou dit so vinnig as moontlik begin. Ons het nie vir 'n oomblik getwyfel om te help nie want Douglas het nog altyd 'n hart vir sy medemens gehad en het sover altyd vriende in nood gehelp” vertel Marinda Vosloo, Douglas se skoonsuster.Vorige projekte wat suksesvol aangepak is was die Winterveldfees te Steelpoort wat op 16 Oktober gehou is. Ons hou dan ook op 16 Oktober 'n musiekaand by Sinck Shack in Bronkhorstspruit. Ons wil graag die volgende persone en besighede bedank vir hul bydrae met ons fondsinsamelingsprojek:Jan en Petro Smith, Stephan by Du Toit-Smuts en Matthew Phosa Prokureurs, Gert Landsberg - LDR , Corjan Mulder – Redlum Rekenmeesters, Marietta van Baalen - Remax, Elna Sutherland, Johan Loots en Cornell Ackermann van Hoërskool Lydenburg, Barko, Beryl van Spar, Jacobus van Pick & Pay, FNB Kommersieël, Hano van der Merwe, Trevor Conn, Maritza van Hi-Q, Andrè Swanepoel van Gert en Andrè Elektries, Louise Bullock van The Sign Shop, Rolin Nel, Ronel-Mari Nel, Brett Swanevelder van C&F Drukkers, Linda Burger – Impangele Inn, Lydenburg Spur, Coastal Hire, Jackey Theron, Santie Smith, Etli van der Merwe asook almal wat bereid was om te verseker dat die program vlot verloop by die vertoning soos die helpers by die deure asook by die kosstalletjies.Indien u voel u wil graag 'n bydrae maak teenoor Douglas se fondsinsameling is die bankbesonderhede soos volg: Du Toit-Smuts @ Mathews Phosa, Absa-takkode: 632005, rekeningnommer: 4053085520 met verwysing: VOS69/0001.Navrae: Marinda Vosloo of Elna Sutherland by 084-587-3105.

’n Kompetisie vir oud en jonk met groot pryse is te wen. Dis ’n landwye kompetisie en diegene wat belangstel kan meer inligting gaan kry by Bernina Lydenburg. Pryse ter waarde van duisende rande is op die spel asook Bernina se eksklusiewe masjieneGaan loer by Bernina in op die volgende datums vir hulp met die kompetisie en om daar te werk. Kategorie 1: Graad 1 tot 7 Versier ’n kussingsloop vir Cinderella (en/ of

haar prins) op Woensdae 14:00 tot 16:00Kategorie 2: Graad 8 tot 12: Ontwerp ’n uitrusting vir moderne Cinderella en die prins. Woensdag 23 September 14:00 tot 16:00.Kategorie 3: Modeontwerp studente. Ontwerp en maak uitrusting vir Cinderella en haar prins. Skakel Bernina vir meer inligting. Kategorie 4: Ope-afdeling. Enige persoon. Gebruik twee tot vier ou T-hempde of stukke T-hempmateriaal om ’n kreatiewe T-hemp te maak vir ’n kind. Woensdag 30 September 09:00 tot 12:00 en 14:00 tot 16:00. Skakel Bernina Lydenburg 013 235 4778.

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[email protected] [email protected]@flamesigns.co.za [email protected]

Ingredients 2 rolls puff pastry, defrosted15ml sunflower oil, 400g chicken strips, Dice 1 onion and 1red pepper, 250g lean bacon bits1 KNORR Thick White Onion Soup1 bunch spinach, cleaned, d e v e i n e d a n d r o u g h l y chopped1 punnet sl iced button mushrooms, 200g mozzarella cheese, grated1 round feta cheese, crumbled and 1 egg, lightly whisked

MethodHeat oil in a pan and gently fry the onion and red pepper until soft add the chicken strips and brown well then add the bacon bits and fry until cooked.Remove from pan and set aside to cool.Spray the braai grid well with baking spray on both sides. Unroll one of the rolls of puff pastry onto the first grid. Place a layer of spinach over the pastry. Sprinkle the contents of the sachet of KNORR Thick White Onion Soup over this. Add a layer of sliced button mushrooms over this and then add the cheeses.Finish with another layer of spinach and then place the second roll of puff pastry on top.Using your finger tips seal the edges of the pastry as if making a pie. Lightly brush with egg wash before placing on the braai and make three small incisions in the top of the pastry using a small knife to allow the steam to escape. Place high on a very cool braai and allow to cook for about 20 minutes turning the pie over often. www.whatsfordinner.co.za

LYDENBURG originated as a consequence of suffering w h i c h a p a r t y o f Voortekkers endured when

Lydenburg Market Square

they settled in Ohrigstad approximately 1843. In the following years life proved hard in their new surroundings. “Fever struck down their women and children; disease ruined their crops and killed their cattle”. This state of affairs led them to move from Ohrigstad and settle at Krugespost (a sideline today between Ohrigstad and Lydenburg). From here they eventually settled on the farm Rietspruit, the property of Johannes Coetzer. Here a camp was erected which marks the site of the establishment of the town of Lydenburg. The “town of suffering” named after the suffering which the first inhabitants had to endure. In 1899 with the advent of the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) it was under control of the Transvaal Republic. After the War in 1903 the town came under control of an Urban District Board with Mr. C.T. Rabie as its first Chairman. The following year it became a Village Council “and by 1927 the full status of a Town Council was conferred upon the town” reads the Lydenburg News article of 29 September 1950.The total population estimate at that time was approximately 2 500 individuals. Eleven months

after attaining its status as municipality, the first Major, Mr. J.W. thGoodman, welcomed delegates to the 25 annual meeting of

the Municipal Association of the Transvaal. Deputy major of the first Town Council was Mr. M.J. Marren and Councillors were Messrs. D. Ruiter, F.H. Austin, J.A. Barbas, W.F. Bufe, J. Celliers, A.J. de Souza, N.J. Schoeman and P.J. Stephan.The Council chose as motto: “Per res adversas et tolerantia ad progressionem” – From suffering and endurance came progress.

Ingredients for green goddess dressing2 heaped tablespoons mayonnaise2 heaped tablespoons Greek yoghurt (or plain)1 generous teaspoon Dijon mustardjuice of 1/2 lemon1/2 teaspoon dried tarragon1 handful chopped flat-leaf parsley1 handful chopped chivesAssemble: Arrange all the ingredients in the listed order on a large serving platter. End off with the bacon, then drizzle with green goddess dressing just before serving. Serve extra dressing on the side. (www.theprettyblog.com)

Ingredients for salad:a bag of fresh, crisp, small Cos lettuce leaves2 ripe avocados, scooped out into rough chunks with a teaspoon2/3 cup of fresh green peas200 g feta, crumbled into large chunks1 cup of croutons200 g lean bacon, chopped and fried until crisp


Carl: 082 257 8082, Alida: 084 623 2111, Alicia: 079 551 8686

Goeie Diens, Lekker Kos, Vars Brandstof

Goeie Diens, Lekker Kos, Vars Brandstof

Steers, Bonjour & Café Bonjour





Page 8: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

Die braai begin met maak van die vuur, nie wanneer die vleis opgesit word nie.

’n Braaier mag glad nie alleen by die b r a a i w e e s n i e , o n d e r g e e n omstandighede nie.

Onthou ten alle tye braai is 'n eeue lange tradisie, en die hoeksteen van die Afrikaner se kultuur, hoe meer jy braai hoe sterker word ons kultuur. En onthou, ons is NIE Amerikaners nie, ons braai NIE viennas of hamburger patties nie. Ons mors nie met bosveld braaihout nie. Sit ‘n tjop en wors op die kole.~ Michelle Boshoff

Vir Suid-Afrikaners is ‘braai’ ’n soort van geloof (met ’n klein ‘g’). Geloof in die kole, vuur, aanpak van vuur, hoe lank die vuur moet brand en hoe lank die vleis moet braai. En boonop is braai baie terapeuties. Jy kan ’n stukkie kaas op ’n oop vuur smelt en jy sal beter voel oor jou dag se probleme nadat jy vir ’n uur in die vlamme gestaar het. Daarom gee Erfenisdag vir ons die gulde geleentheid om een van Suid-Afrika se lekkerste erfenis-aktiwiteite te geniet. Braai. Almal is vol braaidag idees, wat gaan hulle braai, saam met wie gaan hulle braai en waar gaan hulle braai? Eintlik maak die bogenoemde nie so saak nie.Braai net!Suid-Afrikaners weet van braai. ’n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense sê hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis Suid-Afrikaans en eie aan ons. Soos ’n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd gesê: “Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.”

Gaan tik die woord ‘braai’ in op die www.google.com bladsy. ’n Volle 14 700 000 resultate word gegee. Dit bevestig dit net weer aan my dat ‘braai’ in almal se smaak val . Braai het ook nou al uitgekring na ander lande... nie as ‘barbeque’ nie maar Engelstalige-lande wat die woord ‘braai’ gebruik.

The “Good old Days”Lydenburg News Friday, 15 November 1963

thAn article about the price of liquor in the late 19 century refers to these times-gone-by as the “good old days”.

Information obtained from invoices by R. Schurink and J.L. Schurink, Direct Importers and General Dealers dating as far back as 1895, tells the story. In the article the editorial staff

remarks: “We notice that whisky was priced at 45c per bottle and London Dry Gin at less than 30c per bottle. All this, taking into consideration that all liquor was imported and that duty had to be paid as well as railage to Machadodorp and transportation from there to Lydenburg. It would also appear that 'Berg' beer is

nothing new as it was sold then already at the Club”. Yes indeed! Them was the “Good old Days.”

Not many people understand the real significance of or meaning behind Heritage Day which is celebrated annually on 24 September. For some, it is an opportunity to simply get together with family and friends for a braai, but does this take into account the multitude of cultures that make up our “rainbow nation”?

What is Heritage Day? Heritage Day is a national holiday where all South Africans celebrate their cultural heritage and embrace their diverse traditions and values that contribute to our “rainbow nation”. Our heritage is very unique and precious because it helps us to define our cultural identity and it therefore lies at the heart of our spiritual wellbeing and it has the power to build our nation. Our heritage has the potential to affirm our diverse cultures and in so doing shape our national character as a “rainbow nation” at peace with itself. In short our heritage celebrates our achievements and contr ibutes to redressing past inequities. It educates, it deepens our understanding of society while at the same time it encourages us to empathise with the experience of others.

The meaning ofHeritage Day

Pioneer Butchery Lange Street c.1920

Die hoofstraat van Lydenburg in die

vroeë 1900’s.

Lydenburg has been a municipality

since 1850. The first Town Council was the building directly next to

Spar, on the corner of Voortrekker and Rensburg Streets.

Page 9: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36


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This prime advertisingspace is available.

Contact Reinet Bell on082 450 4875 for a

special deal that willhelp you grow your


E R F N R AD G AA U DE -C R8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 [email protected]

OFFICIAL specs and images of the Bentley Bentayga have finally been released. It’s an SUV that Bentley calls “the fastest, most powerful, most luxurious and most exclusive SUV in the world.”Its power and torque stats certainly back the first part of that claim.Under that bonnet is a twin-turbo 6,0-litre W12 engine that produces 447kW and 900 Nm of torque. The transmission is an eight-speed auto that sends power to all four wheels. Bentley claims a 0-100 km/h time of 4,1 sec and a top speed of 301 km/h.This is helped, says Bentley, by an “aluminium-intensive body” that makes it some 236 kg lighter than had it been made of traditional steel. They also claim a 14,7 L/100 km for the combined cycle fuel consumption which is fairly impressive given the Bentayga’s performance abilities. CO2 emissions are 292 g/km.While the front end takes its cues from the rest of the family – Continental GT and Flying Spur – the rest of the car is pretty close to the EXP 9 F concept. It’s not the most beautiful SUV out there and is awkward from some angles, but it certainly does have presence.Perhaps the rear three-quarter view best shows off its muscularity with powerful shoulders and a sweeping roof line.As you’d expect, the interior leaves you no doubt that your large bank transfer was justified and there’s leather and handcrafted finishings everywhere. It has Bentley’s familiar split cockpit design with the centre console dominated by the infotainment system and eight-inch display. The front seats, covered of course with premium leather upholstery, are 22-way adjustable and have heating, ventilation and massage functions.You can also specify a four-seat interior with two individual rear seats. These are 18-way power adjustable and also have heating, ventilation and massage functions, as well as integrated footrests.A panoramic glass roof is standard and features two panes. The front panel tilts and slides, while the rear panel is fixed.

Options include a 1 950 watt Naim for Bentley Premium Audio system and A n d r o i d - b a s e d B e n t l e y E n t e r t a i n m e n t Tablets with 4G, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.The car will appear i n B e n t l e y showrooms in Q1 2016.Carmag.co.za

ON 26 September you will have the opportunity to come and show your car at the Time 2 Shine event at Tubatse Crossing. The event is sponsored by NB Fitment Centre and Payless Mags and Tyres. It will be a day for all car fanatics. The event will be covered by Speed and Sound Magazine and IASCA. Competitors can put their cars on a Dyno to prove how fast or powerfull they are. This is the first ever speed and sound-off event to be held in Burgersfort. The three categories include a “Show and shine” where you can show your beautiful car, a “sound off” event for the best / most powerfull sound systems, and the Dyno event. Lots of prizes will be available. Contact Louis on 060 460 1144, or Noor on 079 497 5934.

Page 10: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

WHEN the Prius went on sale in 1997 it was the first mass-produced hybrid - and it was regarded as an oddity, to be classified alongside milk floats and gas-turbine sports-cars.Now, 18 years and three and a half million units later, hybrids are part of the automotive landscape. The fourth generation Prius, revealed this week in Las Vegas, will have to succeed on its own merits as a practical, stylish family car, rather than appealing to the tree-huggers and trendies who bought the first edition.RECOGNISING THE SHIFTAnd Toyota seems to have recognised this shift, focusing on edgy design and fun-to-drive chassis dynamics, as much as 'green cred'.It's the first car to reach the market that's built on the more rigid Toyota New Global Architecture platform, with revised front struts and rear double-wishbone suspension, and a lower centre of gravity than its predecessor.It's 60mm longer, 15mm wider and 20mm lower - but what's more striking is that the highest point of the roof has moved forward and the bonnet-line lowered to the point where the Toyota badge on the front is the same height as on the GT86 sports-car.Toyota is emphasising the new car's tight, accurate steering, agile handling and sporty suspension, none of which is an exclusively hybrid characteristic.HYBRID EVOLUTIONBy contrast, the changes to the drivetrain have been evolutionary, rather than ground-breaking; almost every mechanical component has been replaced, revised or just plain blueprinted to reduce both bulk and weight, without sacrificing performance.

The result, says Toyota, is a Prius that's no faster than its predecessor, but lighter, nippier and significantly more fuel-efficient; the slide-rule sensei are claiming a thermal efficiency rating of more than 40 percent.The interior is just as edgy, featuring a wide instrument panel with layered construction that clearly defines the "display zone", separating it from the "control zone", which is now closer to the driver.Striking if rather impractical trim elements in the lower section of the cabin are finished in white, which Toyota says is intended to evoke an impression of fine bone china.The new Prius will be released in Japan at the end of 2015, and sales will be rolled out around the world during 2016; Toyota SA says it is currently looking at Prius 4.0 with a view to local launch, but that no decision has yet been made.iol.motoring.com

EARLIER in September, Wheels24 published mortuary statistics released by the Gauteng legislature.In Gauteng, you're more likely to be killed in a car crash than being shot, according to province's mortuary figures.In 2014 / 15, 1 707 died as a result of crashes. Pedestrians suffered too, with 1 193 deaths recorded.No.1 killerReckless drivers, minibus taxis, pedestrians... we asked readers 'what do you think is the biggest cause of road deaths in SA?' and a News24 poll garnered 40 994 votes. • Reckless driving 15 479 votes • Unroadworthy vehicles 2 535 votes • Drunken driving 2 261 votes • Minibus taxis 11 982 votes • Unqualified drivers 7 492 votes • Pedestrians 1 245 votesThe majority of users believe reckless drivers (15 479 votes) are to blame for the majority of road deaths with taxi drivers (11 982) as the second biggest killer.

More than 7 400 readers believe 'unqualified drivers' to be killers on our roads. Surprisingly, only 2 261 think drunk drivers are responsible for road deaths and even fewer said unroadworthy vehicles (2 535) are to blame. According to readers, pedestrians (1 245) are least l ikely to cause deadly crashes.Wheels24.co.za

Tel: 013 235 0144Eddie: 072 868 8314

Next to PG Glass, Lydenburg


Page 11: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

AUDI South Africa has launched the newest addition to its local RS family - the 2015 RS6 Avant. Following the recent facelift to its A6 range earlier in 2015, Audi says the new RS6 Avant "pushes the goal posts further in terms of design and performance".Powered by a 4.0 litre turbocharged petrol unit capable of 412kW / 700Nm, it sprints to 100km/h in 3.9 seconds. It's mated to an eight-speed tiptronic, Quattro all-wheel drive and centre differential.Top speed is limited to 250km/h though the optional dynamic package removes its muzzle and owners can, says, Audi, reach 305km/h.It's a station wagon and as a result has a cavernous boot; Audi claims its RS6 has 565 litres of luggage space that can be increased to 1 680 litres with the seats folded.Audi claims its RS6 uses 9.8 litres/100km due to the automaker's cylinder-on-demand technology. The system cuts four of the eight cylinders, depending on driving conditions, to reduce consumption.Wheels24's Sean Parker spotted the media test unit earlier in September. Wheels24.co.za

JUST to prove that sporty estates are not the preserve of the German autocracy, Opel has released details of the Astra Sports Tourer, due to debut in less than a week at Frankfurt.Like its hatchback sibling, it's built on new, lightweight architecture, with new engines and lots of new gizmos, but the long, slightly arched roof line gives it a more dramatic profile, as does the divided C pillar.The Opel white coats have exercised their Tardis magic to some effect; the new Tourer is exactly the same size as its predecessor - 4 702mm long, 1 871mm wide and 1 499mm high - but it's up to 200kg lighter, depending on the model and it's significantly bigger inside.Driver and front passenger have 26mm more headroom, rear passengers an extra 28mm of leg room, and luggage capacity with the 40:20:40 split rear seat-back folded is up 80 litres to 1630 litres.POWER TAILGATEAnd, for the first time on an Astra, as long as the fob for the keyless entry and start system is in your pocket, a wiggle of the foot under the rear bumper will operate the power-operated tailgate.The Astra Sports Tourer will launch in Europe with petrol and diesel engines from one-litre to 1.6-litre capacity, ranging from 75 to 150kW, including an all-new 110kW 1.4-litre direct-injection turbo petrol four and the recently released 1.6-litre CDTi diesel.The top-of-the-line 150kW, 1.6-litre EcoTec turbo petrol four will be seen in public for the first time at the show.GMSA says it considers everything Opel introduces for possible South African release, but that the Sports Tourer's chances of making it here are slim at best, which is a pity.iol.motoring.co.za

Page 12: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

Dennis van Renen Building, Office 4, 48 Voortrekker St, LydenburgTel: 013-235-4575 | | www.qsrealty.co.za Like us on Facebook

• 1 Slp woonstel - R2900.00• 3 Slp woonstelle van R3800.00• 3 Slk meenthuis - R6500.00• 3 Slp meenthuis - R8800.00• 3 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• 4 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• Kantoorspasie vanaf R1368.00

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• 2 Slp woonstelle- • 3 Slp woonstelle- • 3 Slp meenthuis- • 3 Slp huis- • 3 Slp huis- • Kantore vanaf- • 120m² kantoor / winkel spasie-

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013 235 4575

Sunny spacious family home. Situated on a large 2855m² plot with. 4 Spacious bedrooms, 3 baths-main & guest en-suite,

open-plan lounge, braai room & spacious family room, study area,

5 auto garages.

FANIE 072 317 3959

FANIE 072 317 3959

This property will cover all your needs. Large 5 bed family

residence set in a beautiful garden, close to all amenities.

Entertainment facilities overlooking a sparkling

swimming pool.

STEPHANIE072 155 0761

Spacious family home, with stunning oregon pine floors and trim, with brand new chromadek roof, offers 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, studio / office, secure parking &

2additional 240 m workshop, solar geysers borehole, boma.....




R2 600 000






R2 650 000

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:• 3 Slk w/stel in kompleks, 2 badk, 2 mot, oopplan - • 3 Slk woning met 3 badkamers, erf, ruim, sit/eet/komb - • Groot 3 slk woning - TE KOOP: • Groot erf by THE HEADS. - • 2 Slk woonstel met eie erf. Goed geleë. - • 4 Slk woning in stil omgewing. - • 3 Slk luukse meenthuis op eie erf. -

R6 800R6 800

R7 500


R1,3 milj.R860,000

VERLEDE week was Nasionale b o e k e w e e k . H o ë r s k o o l Lydenburg het dit gevier deur die leerders te motiveer om op Vrydag 11 September soos hu l le gunsteling karakter in 'n boek aan te trek.Leerders het ons vermaak met hulle kostuums van Trompie tot Fiela se kind en karaters uit Kringe in 'n Bos. Me. Nadia Lamprecht, organiseerder, wat self soos 'n vampier aangetrek was, wou die leerders aanmoedig om weer bewus te raak van boeke en die groot rol wat dit in hulle lewens kan speel. Ten spyte van al die sosiale media en ander elektroniese middels is dit steeds 'n beter ervaring om 'n boek te lees. Leerders wat nie soos 'n karakter wou aantrek nie, moes 'n boek aan die skool skenk om “gewone” klere aan te trek. Die leerders kon enige boeke skenk, selfs naslaanwerke is verwelkom. Die geld wat ingesamel is met die projek, sal aangewend word om 'n informele biblioteek by die skool te vestig.Hiermee wil ons ook PNA bedank wat die eerste prys geborg het en Roe l i en Joube r t van D ie Juffrouens Bus wat die tweede plek geborg het.Hoërskool Lydenburg glo dat hierdie projek ons leerders gemotiveer het om meer boeke te lees.

Page 13: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

Price Reduced: Own a lovely spacious home in Lydenburg on a 1673m² stand. Elegant reception room with four bedrooms - built in cupboards, an open plan kitchen, large lounge, dining room and three bathrooms, at an

amazing price. Outside is a one bedroom open plan granny flat, with excellent rental potential - all for only :R 1 954 000.00 Contact Sonia Meyer , Pam Golding - 013 235 1146 / 082 459 2361

One bedroom open plan granny flat part of property

LYDENBURG PORLYDENBURG R1 200 000 RENTALS3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom

apartments to rent:Starting from R4400 per


We have a wide variety of flats, townhouses and

houses for rent.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

Anchen: 082 708 0105Bianca: 078 235 0999

Marietjie: 083 922 0675


• Flats• Townhouses• Houses• Office or Retail space

Anchen : 082 708 0105Bianca : 078 235 0999Marietjie : 083 922 0675

A MUST SEEThis Low maintenance neatly

built house consists of an open-plan lounge and dining

room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms main en-suite,

double garage with complete tiled floor and 2 verandas .

Paving around the house with small pieces of lawn .


FOR THE BEGINNERThis neat townhouse is situated in a security complex close to the

shopping centres. Property consists of 2 bedrooms,

1 bathroom, a lounge and dining room, spacious kitchen, single lock-up

garage, patio with braai and a small private garden.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653YVONNE: 079 290 4090

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653YVONNE: 079 290 4090

Sole MandateSole Mandate Sole MandateSole Mandate

pThe Property Sho

3) - 0 vo p l n c.n Tel: (01 2351 1 2, deo l rops@ a ti et,

Sone 082 898 5272VERHURINGS

www.deovolproperties.co.zaFacebook page : Deo Volente Properties

074 589 0204MariskaVERKOPE

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

R500 0002 slkm woonstel met 2 badkmr kombuis, sitkamer en twee afdakke in Lydenburg Dorp

R520 0002 slaapkmr 2 badkmr meenthuis met sitkamer kombuis, twee motor afdakke in Lydenburg Dorp.

R1 430 0003 Slkm met 2 badkmr, braaikamer, kombuis, sitkmr, eetkmr, opwas, motorhuis, afdakke

* 2 slaapkamer woonstelle, 1 badkamer, kombuis, tv kamer, 1 motor afdak. Beskikbaar vanaf R3800 water ingesl*3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 badkamers, TV kamer, Eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, erf - R7000 water ingesl*3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, groot kombuis, opwas, TV kamer, Eetkamer, addissionele vertrek, 1 motorhuis, dubbel motor afdak, groot erf R7300 water ingesl*3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, TV kamer, sitkamer, eet kamer, kombuis met gas en elektriese stowe, binne braai en buite braai, dubbel motorhuis en erf - R9600

Page 14: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36


L A U N D R Y / WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A1 LOCK & KEY. C e n t u r i o n g a t e motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

K W A G G A V E R V O E R . V i r enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

N O O D H U L P ? VURE? Slange? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047

4U TRAILER HIRE Lydenburg. Call 076 448 9814 or 060 482 9002

ALL-IN-ONE Home I m p r o v e m e n t s . Phone Matthys 061 214 9342

BOUPLANNE JC Potgieter SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615


HIGH PROTEIN diet & b lood g roup . L y d e n b u r g , B u r g e r s f o r t , Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL D E S I G N B Y C H R I S T E L L E - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469

H I S & H E R S HAIRSTYLIST Alle mans en dames welkom! Navrae Hetta 076 722 2643


SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105

TOP 2 BOTTOM Lorraine 073 722 7913/ 079 066 8545


I.T.@Large - for all p c r e p a i r s & m a i n t e n a n c e , updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, c a l l o u t s e t c . Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


ATLAS PANEEL- K L O P P E R S - G e a k k r e d i t e e r . Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

G S A U T O E l e c t r i c a l & M e c h a n i c a l repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727



I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780



ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

G E E L M I E L I E S R125/ 50kg. 076 139 7540


PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658


Rowena 083 326 0941

G E R M A N S H E P A R D HONDJIES te koop. Kontak 072 794 7985


B R I D E T O B E Trourokke te koop of huur. Swembad Sentrum. Madelein 076 770 2954



3 STANDS FOR SALE in Leopards Bush, Burgersfort. 1371m², 1457m²; 1441m². R370 000 each. Contact 082 879 8081

H O U S E F O R S A L E : N e w 3 bedroom, double bathroom, single garage house in Central. R900 000. Call Johan 076 371 6706



W A R E H O U S E 720m² in Mashifane Park. 082 778 6424

FLATS TO RENT 2 and 3 bedrooms, Lydenburg. From R4000 / month. Contact 082 460 3000

SHOPS TO LET 8 Voortrekker street, Lydenburg. Contact 082 460 3000

1 X 3 S L A A P K A M E R Mosterthoek. R5000 p/m 082 700 0745

1 X 3 S L K WOONSTEL met motorhuis - R5000 p/m; 1 x 2 slk woonstel R3800 p/m; 1 x 2 slk woonstel R3500 p/m. W&L ingesluit. Krugerspost, 20km uit Lydenburg uit op Ohrigstadpad. 082

253 4525

1 BEDROOM & 2 BEDROOM FLATS to rent at 12 Joubert St, Lydenburg. Call: 082 518 0007

BACHELOR FLAT c e n t r a l t o w n , Lydenburg. R2800 p/m. 084 467 8678

HOUSE TO LET 3 bedroom, double bathroom, double g a r a g e i n Sterkspruit. R7500 per month. Call Johan 076 371 6706

B A C H E L O R W O O N S T E L R2500 p/m. 079 624 9486

E N K E L WOONSTEL R3000 p/m met krag, 50% deposito. 072 762 8562






I N D I E N D I E V O L G E N D E V O E R T U I G n i e binne 21 dae vanaf eerste publikasie d a t u m ( 3 September 2015) afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te d e k . M e r c e d e s Benz 1419 Truck. REG No: BDK 787 N Chassis No: 39701665125933 . Navrae: Lydenburg Auto Clinic 013 235 3545



•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Ge re fo rmee rde -kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391 . •Hervormde-kerk

Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , S u n d a y S c h o o l 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101 . • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 m i d w e e k d i e n s , Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • Die G e m e e n t e v a n Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , d i e n s Sondae 10:00 en 1 8 : 0 0 . P a s t o o r Nee ls Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA) . S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. e u g s e l 1 9 : 0 0 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 2 3 5 4 9 0 5 . • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . N u w e k e r k g e b o u langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • M o o i H a w e n s E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, b i d u u r 1 9 : 0 0 .

BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362







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Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 [email protected] Sunday morn ings 09 :30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Cen t re . S e r v i c e s C o r o m a n d e l . S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 : 0 0 , c h u r c h service 11:00. Skhila S u n d a y S c h o o l 10:00 and church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7 9 5 4 . • A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . S o n d a g o g g e n d 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 0 8 3 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / ke rkkan toor :087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • Sewedag Adventiste K e r k -Saterdagoggende,

Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, ered iens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4 4 4 4 . • V o l l e Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae O g g e n d e A a n d D i e n s - O p Aanvraag Kontak - P a s t o o r P i e t e r Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, e lke Sondag om 09:00, s e l g r o e p e l k e

W o e n s d a g o m 1 8 : 0 0 . P a s t o o r Leon Labuschagne 0 8 4 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. S o n d a e : 0 9 : 0 0 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878.

Page 15: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

N3 Rapid Response, Deon & Johan, het na Babbelkousies kleuterskool

gegaan om hulle te wys hoe gevaarlik vuur kan wees en het

hulle noodnommer uitgedeel sodat kinders weet wie om te skakel in tye

van nood 079 163 0814 / 082 802 1881. Baie dankie vir die

kleuterskool se ouers vir die donasie aan hulle, aangesien hulle n privaat maatskappy is en slegs aan die gang

gehou word deur donasies.

N3 Rapid Response leer kinders van vuur se gevare

Cansa Relay For LifeLYDENBURG Primary School - 23 October 2015 - From 18:00 Until 06:00The Relay for Life was started in America 10 years ago by a doctor who wanted to experience something of what a cancer patient goes through.These days the event lasts 12 hours and the symbolic meaning is as follows:At 18:00 when the event starts, is the time when the patient is diagnosed. By 02:00, when you are at your lowest peak, symbolises the patient feeling the treatment is very tough and he/she cannot carry on.By 06:00 (or when day breaks) the treatment is done, the patient is feeling better and is slowly getting stronger.Doing the RFL, you show empathy with the patients and also get to pay homage to those who lost their lives to cancer. That is the Luminaria ceremony. Very emotional!The Fight-back ceremony allows the survivors to physically fight back against the cancer they have survived.VENUE: Lydenburg Primary School, Sport stadium and field.DATE & TIME: Friday 23 October 2015 From 18:00 Until Saturday 06:00T E A M R E G I S T R AT I O N S : C o n r a d Langenegger, Tel 071 890 2915 Email: [email protected]/SPONSORS: Liza van Rhede, T e l : 0 8 2 3 8 1 6 7 4 5 E m a i l : [email protected] fee at the gate is R50 per person for adults and high school scholars and R25 for primary school scholars.The entrance fee is R50 per person for a team which must have a minimum of 8 members. Teams may sign up at Conrad who is based at Longtom Cycle in Voortrekker Road. You may call him at 071 890 2915 to make arrangements and reserve the country of your choice, because the theme is Around the World.Teams are welcome to set up their stall and facilities during Friday as long as they are ready by 18:00.Concerning the event program, there will be many food and drink stalls available. Live entertainment will be provided during the event. Some of the entertainers are DJ Green Room, Pieter Naude, Victory 5 and the rest is a surprise. Numerous games and activities will be available for the children.Cancer survivors and caregivers enjoy free entry to the event. They are also treated to a

light meal and drinks plus each one receives a small gift.The survivors do an honorary round alone and one with their care givers. For those who cannot walk, transport will be provided. The survivors are our very important guests. A “Fight Back” event will be staged for them to symbolize the fight against cancer.

You may also donate blood at the SANBS tent the evening.Prizes will be handed out Saturday morning for the best team, the best senior and junior walker. Donations are very welcome and you may contact Isobel at 074 661 0003 to make it all possible.

Page 16: 17 September 2015 Jr/Yr No 36

Lydenburg: 013 235 1486 or Burgersfort: 013 231 8008www.4uofficenational.co.za

Van links (agter) Izaan Venter, Jean-Bernard Willers; (voor): Lodewyk le Grange, Alexander van Eck,

Die jaarlikse SAJWV Bosbok Tak se Junior Jagnaweek het die naweek van 28 Augustus plaasgevind. Die jagterrein was 'n groot uitdaging vir die juniors en het hul jagtersvernuf tot die uiterste getoets. Die SAJWV Bosboktak wil graag die bestuur van Mamotale Jagplaas bedank vir die gebruik van hul fasiliteite. Die junior jagters wat deelgeneem het gedurende die

Van links (agter) Ramon Bell, JB Willers, Kruger van Eck en Leon Visser; (voor): Alexander van Eck, Izaan Venter, Lodewyk le Grange en Jean-Bernard Willers

naweek was verlede jaar se top presteerders van Oefening Ramkat 2014. Die Jagnaweek was onder toesig gereël en moontlik gemaak deur Leon Visser (SAJWV Bosboktak Ondervoorsitter) en Ramon Bell (SAJWV Bosboktak Junior Opleidingsbeampte). Dankie aan JB Williers, Hannes Venter, Casper le Grange en Kruger van Eck vir hul hulp en ondersteuning die naweek.

Two local athletes are very proud of the medals they won in the Mandela Day Marathon. Sipho Mnisi finished the

42.2km in 3:41. He has also run the Comrades Marathon eight times and is preparing for his 9th. Queen Hlongwa finished the 21km in 2:05. She would like to thank the

owners of Pick n Pay Lydenburg who sponsored her. Sipho would like to thank Mr Rudie Hartzer. All motorists are

reminded to be kind to runners on the road they are always training for their next big race.

Jong jagters se vernuf word getoetsJong jagters se vernuf word getoets

Carol Malinga from Estralita School is back from the Special Olympic Games that took place in Los Angeles. She won a

bronze medal in the 25 meter breast stroke and came fourth in the 200m freestyle. She represented South Africa.