15januarie\january 2015 jr\yr no. 01

T: 013 235 1486 T: 013 231 8008 E: [email protected] Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • Lydenburg [email protected] | 013 235 2371 www.mcgee.co.za NEW Kuga EcoBoost Engine - Most Powerful Diesel Ever • 2.0-litre TDCi engine delivers 132kW & 400Nm of torque • 2.0-litre Petrol EcoBoost, delivering 177kW & 340Nm of torque • Auto-Start_Stop & Active Grille Shutter to be standard on all Kuga models • Adjustable Speed Limiter • Adaptive Cruise Control including Forward Alert • Tyre Pressure Monitoring System • Hands-Free Tailgate • Blind Spot Information System • Active City Stop • Auto High Beam Family, friends, and tourists who visited Lydenburg during the Festive Season complained about the potholes and dirty streets non-stop. For those of us living here we are so used to it... we hardly notice it any more. Maybe that is the problem? We hope the municipality will take note what a bad impression our once beautiful town is making on visitors. Just outside Lydenburg the views are extraordinary. The photo on the top was taken on the Longtom Pass and the other on the Pilgrims Rest road - both taken by Michelle Boshoff over the holiday. LYDENBURG dorp het gedurende Desember ’n rekord reënvalsyfer van 264 mm aangeteken. Dit was die hoogste syfer vir Desember in 34 jaar. Die langtermyn gemiddeld vir Desember vir die dorp is 146 mm. In die omgewing soos sekere dele van Potloodspruit is syfers van tot so hoog as 400 mm of meer aangeteken. Sodra ’n reënmeter oorloop (100 mm) verloor mens die akkuraatheid van die lesing, aangesien die oorloop nie gemeet word nie. Reënmeters moet soggens so na as moontlik aan 8 uur gelees word en uitgegooi word. Die syfer word dan teenoor die vorige dag se datum aangeteken (Reën gemeet van gister 08h00 tot vandag 08h00). Moet nie die meter na die bui reën dadelik uitgooi nie. Dit moet staan tot die volgende dag om 08h00 sodat al die reën vir die 24 uur gelees kan word, behalwe indien die meter tydens die storm begin oorloop. Dan maak mens dit dadelik leeg en tel 100 mm (uitgegooi) by die nuwe lesing. Outomatiese of elektroniese reënmeters het beperkte kapasiteit en maak hulleself gereeld leeg en weer vol, alhoewel die lesings akkumulatief oor die tydperk bygetel word. In ’n hewige storm mors die leegmaak proses van outomatiese reënmeters tyd en lees hulle tot soveel as 20% onder die werklike neerslag. Indien jou elektroniese reënmeter dus 60 mm tydens ’n wolkbreuk aantoon, kan jy met veiligheid die syfer korrigeer na 72 mm. Die begin van die seisoen (September, Oktober en November) se syfers vir Lydenburg was egter laer as die gemiddeldes, wat verklaar waarom die Sterkspruit en Dorpsriviere nog nie in vloed is nie. Die naashoogste reën vir Desember in die dorp is in 2011 aangeteken, nl. 261.7 mm. Die syfer vir Januarie 2015 het op 13 Januarie reeds op 77 mm gestaan. Andre Coetzee. Andre was vanaf 1975 tot 1997 in beheer van die Nasionale Weerdiens se Lydenburg weerstasie by die visserye en het in 1997 sy eie twee outomatiese weerstasies by sy huis en sy kantoor opgesit. Hy maak egter staat op die akkuraatheid van konvensionele reënmeters, a.g.v die inherente foute op elektroniese stasies. Dieselfde foute kom voor by elektroniese barometers en min / maks termometers. Gesels gerus met hom vir advies indien jy self jou eie basiese weerstasie goedkoop wil oprig. Dit is maklik. Rekord reën

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15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01


Page 1: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

T: 013 235 1486T: 013 231 8008E: [email protected]

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • [email protected] | 013 235 2371


NEW Kuga EcoBoost Engine - Most Powerful Diesel Ever• 2.0-litre TDCi engine delivers 132kW & 400Nm of torque• 2.0-litre Petrol EcoBoost, delivering 177kW & 340Nm of torque• Auto-Start_Stop & Active Grille Shutter to be standard on all Kuga models• Adjustable Speed Limiter• Adaptive Cruise Control including Forward Alert• Tyre Pressure Monitoring System• Hands-Free Tailgate• Blind Spot Information System• Active City Stop• Auto High Beam

Family, friends, and tourists who visited Lydenburg during the Festive Season complained about the potholes and dirty streets non-stop. For those of us living

here we are so used to it... we hardly notice it any more. Maybe that is the problem? We hope the municipality will take note what a bad impression our once

beautiful town is making on visitors. Just outside Lydenburg the views are extraordinary. The photo on the top was taken on the Longtom Pass and the other

on the Pilgrims Rest road - both taken by Michelle Boshoff over the holiday.

LYDENBURG dorp het gedurende Desember ’n rekord reënvalsyfer van 264 mm aangeteken. Dit was die hoogste syfer vir Desember in 34 jaar. Die langtermyn gemiddeld vir Desember vir die dorp is 146 mm.In die omgewing soos sekere dele van Potloodspruit is syfers van tot so hoog as 400 mm of meer aangeteken. Sodra ’n reënmeter oorloop (100 mm) verloor mens die akkuraatheid van die lesing, aangesien die oorloop nie gemeet word nie.Reënmeters moet soggens so na as moontlik aan 8 uur gelees word en uitgegooi word. Die syfer word dan teenoor die vorige dag se datum aangeteken (Reën gemeet van gister 08h00 tot vandag 08h00). Moet nie die meter na die bui reën dadelik uitgooi nie. Dit moet staan tot die volgende dag om 08h00 sodat al die reën vir die 24 uur gelees kan word, behalwe indien die meter tydens die storm begin oorloop. Dan maak mens dit dadelik leeg en tel 100 mm (uitgegooi) by die nuwe lesing.Outomatiese of elektroniese reënmeters het beperkte kapasiteit en maak hulleself gereeld leeg en weer vol, alhoewel die lesings akkumulatief oor die tydperk bygetel word. In ’n hewige storm mors die leegmaak proses van outomatiese reënmeters tyd en lees hulle tot soveel as 20% onder die werklike neerslag. Indien jou elektroniese reënmeter dus 60 mm tydens ’n wolkbreuk aantoon, kan jy met veiligheid die syfer korrigeer na 72 mm.Die begin van die seisoen (September, Oktober en November) se syfers vir Lydenburg was egter laer as die gemiddeldes, wat verklaar waarom die Sterkspruit en Dorpsriviere nog nie in vloed is nie.Die naashoogste reën vir Desember in die dorp is in 2011 aangeteken, nl. 261.7 mm.Die syfer vir Januarie 2015 het op 13 Januarie reeds op 77 mm gestaan.Andre Coetzee. Andre was vanaf 1975 tot 1997 in beheer van die Nasionale Weerdiens se Lydenburg weerstasie by die visserye en het in 1997 sy eie twee outomatiese weerstasies by sy huis en sy kantoor opgesit. Hy maak egter staat op die akkuraatheid van konvensionele reënmeters, a.g.v die inherente foute op elektroniese stasies. Dieselfde foute kom voor by elektroniese barometers en min / maks termometers. Gesels gerus met hom vir advies indien jy self jou eie basiese weerstasie goedkoop wil oprig. Dit is maklik.


Page 2: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

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LOCATED 15 km's north west of Burgersfort, along the border between the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces, Modikwa Platinum Mine is a proud, caring and integral part of the community. It was formed as a joint venture between ARM Mining Consortium and Anglo Platinum and has become the cornerstone of economic development in the area. One of the core priorities of Modikwa Platinum Mine is creating Socio-Economic Development programs for surrounding communities, as well as its employees. Through the Social Labour Plan, Modikwa Platinum Mine demonstrates care and commitment to the community and has to date built infrastructure designed to supply communities with basic water, electricity, roads and buildings, relieve and alleviate poverty, as well as to develop the community as a whole.To achieve this Modikwa Platinum Mine inter alia launched the following four projects:1.Diphale Tribal Office.The Tribal office falls under infrastructure development. Tribal offices are used for community gatherings, where matters are raised, discussed and resolved. The offices also serve as information services to render government services that include (SASSA) and other related public services.2. The Makgapheng Agricultural Farm.The Makgapheng Agricultural Farm is designed to aggressively address one of the major economic issues facing the people of our country by relieving as well as alleviating poverty and stimulating economic development within the host communities, an effort without which the development and progress in the area, is severely hindered. In light of this

Modikwa Platinum Mine has invested more than R100 million into local communities

premise, the

Modikwa mine has implemented the Makgapeng Agricultural project, which is a cooperative made up of 14 members who farm vegetables such as cabbages, spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, butternuts, carrots and maize on 10 hectares of land.3. Maandagshoek Bakery.The project is located at Sehlaku Village approximately 5 Kms from Modikwa Platinum Mine. This is an enterprise development project that is owned by Section 21 companies, with the following main objectives: Job creation (11 locals are employed), accessibility of bakery products for locals and sustainable Economic Development.4. Khulong Ya Hwashi Engineering Workshop.This project forms part of Enterprise Development Initiative and it is also classified as an income-generating project. Its offers the following services: Manufacturing and repair of hydraulic cylinders, repair of hydraulic pumps, valves and motors, supply of hydraulic hose and fittings, general Engineering, repair of conveyor gearboxes and tail and drive pulley's, field services on all trackless mining machines and earthmoving machinery, supply of parts and components for trackless machines, installation and extensions of conveyor belts, repair LHD Boom and Bucket and framework repairs.The implementation of these projects has been based on the needs of each area, in consultation with the beneficiaries and, with the guidance of the Department of Mineral Resources. The mine trained local SME's to provide goods and services to meet the needs of the company and also enhance their capacity to access

markets that are external, so that they can become self-s u f f i c i e n t a n d sustainable. These four projects are just a few of the many initiatives towards Modikwa Platinum Mine efforts to uplift i t s s u r r o u n d i n g communities.





w. c












Page 3: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

‘n Divisie van In2InsuranceBrokers (Pty) Ltd. FSP3615

Tel: 086 111 2882Cell: 083 227 4625

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TOE mnr. Bertie Coetzee onlangs die grond omspit om 'n nuwe groentetuin te vestig het hy op 'n rare fonds afgekom. 'nVolledige Britse .303 patroon wat waarskynlik dateer uit die Anglo Boere Oorlog (1899-1902) het sy verskyning gemaak na dekades ondergrond.Wat die fonds merkwaardig maak is dat die rondte steeds in 'n redelik goeie toestand is en dat die identifikasiemerke of te wel “headstamp” op die basis van die rondte steeds sigbaar is. Hierdie merke is 'n aanduiding van die rondte se herkoms en ouderdom.Eerstens is daar 'n R ^ L wat dui op die fabriek waar dit vervaardig is, in hierdie geval Royal Laboratories, Woolich Arsenal, Kent in die Verenigde Koningkryk. Volgende is daar 'n Romeinse II wat MK II (Merk 2) verteenwoordig. Dit plaas die rondte in 'n ouderdomsgroep van ammunisie wat gebruik is tot en met 1915.Die .303 (7.7 mm) kaliber het sy onstaan in 1889 as Britse en Verenigde Volke se standaard militêre kaliber tot en met 1950, toe dit vervang is met 'n nuwerwetse 7.62mm NATO kaliber.Die MK I & MK II rondtes vir militêre diens het bestaan uit 'n rondepuntprojektiel van 215 gr (grein) gemaak van 'n koper-nikkelallooi wat gevul is met 'n lood kern. Wat die MK II onderskei is dat die projektiel se allooi omhulsel dikker en sterker was as dié van die MK I. Die MK II is ook die eerste waar gebruik gemaak is van die rooklose dryfmiddel, kordiet.'n “C” simbool op die dop basis identifiseer die tipe dryfmiddel of kruit wat in die dop gebruik is. In hierdie geval is dit Kordiet of te wel “Cordite” wat 'n verbetering was op die ou swartkruit en die voorganger van meer moderne dryfmiddels wat in later jare ontwikkel is.Die kordiet se uitstaande kenmerk is dat dit bestaan uit stafies eerder as poeier of korrels en dat dit die eerste rooklose dryfmiddel was. Dit was in gebruik vanaf 1891 tot 1915, waarna dit vervang is met meer moderne dryfmiddels wat beter ontbrandingseienskappe gehad het en makliker in groot hoeveelhede vervaardig kon word.Die MK III het gevolg in 1888/9 en was gebaseer op 'n projektiel wat tydens impak om geklink het met die doel om maksimum wondskade te berokken. Tydens die

ABO (II) .303 koeëlgevind in Lydenburg tuin

Konvensie van Den Haag in 1899 is daar besluit dat ammunisie wat om klink tydens impak nie in oorlogvoering gebruik kan word nie, weens die gruwelike aard van so 'n projektiel se impak op mense en dat dit lyding van 'n gewonde kan vererger.Daarom is die MK II eerder deur die Britte gebruik tydens die oorlog teen die Boere in die tydperk 1899-1902 en is dit die rede hoekom ons MK II doppies en heel rondtes op Anglo Boereoorlogterreine in en om Lydenburg aantref. Die rondte op die meegaande foto is 'n volledige voorbeeld van 'n .303 MK II wat

waarskynlik dateer uit die Anglo Boereoorlog (1899-1902). Wat die spesifieke rondte spesiaal maak is dat daar 'n skeur in die dop is wat ons 'n blik op die anatomie van die rondte gee. Merkwaardiglik is die kordietstafies steeds sigbaar waar hulle behoue gebly het na

al die jare. Dit is 'n ware tydskapsule van die verlede!~ Ingestuur deur JP Celliers Kurator, Lydenburg Museum

E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 4: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



Highlands Panorama

News holds

accredited membership

of the following bodies /

Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

volgende organisa-


Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City

Deep Production

Park, City Deep.

Copyright exists on all materialpublished in the

Highlands Panorama. Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23)

Office/Kantoor:65 Viljoen-Str/str 65

(C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e);

PO Box/Posbus 4418,



Member of

Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor/ Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:Reinet Bell

082 450 4875Accounts:

Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

Grafies / Graphics:Lorinda De Klerk -

013 235 2287Webtuiste:

Carol MunroEmail: info@



DAAR is nogal baie om die die nuwe jaar op ’n donker noot mee te begin. Die holkoppe het weer klappers geskiet dat dit bars. Ons het min geslaap met misdadigers wat snags die strate en ons erwe patrolleer het. Meer as 1 200 mense is op die land se paaie dood. Meer as 4 000 kleintjies is verlate op strande agtergelaat. Mashishing se ashoop lê nou al voor Lybasol. Die slaggate is nou kraters.

Matriekvraestelle word landwyd by mekaar afgeskryf, kompleet met dieselfde bewoording vir verkeerde antwoorde.Die area om die Java see is nou die wêreld se nuwe Bermuda driehoek met vliegtuie wat verdwyn. Skepe brand en val om. In Kenia val nog geboue om. Boku Haram oorrompel ’n internasionale weermag-basis. Ebola is rof. Vlêrmuis eet is uit. Die ANC en Lydenburg Munisipaliteit het nou heeltemaal irrelevant geraak. Eskom is kragteloos. Zuma word al hoe maerder. Sosiale media is nie meer sosiaal nie. Dit het ’n bron van galbraak, skande, haat-

spraak en rassisme geraak. Erg. Die katolieke kerk reken alle gelowe is tegelyk reg. Die Kaapse Klopse kan nie paartie hou nie want dit bots met ’n Islamitiese godsdienstige dag. Samesweringsteorieë vier hoogty. Almal blameer die illuminati en sweer die einde is in sig. Koop eiendom onder die grond. Bly in ’n gat ja.Die spul haat mekaar so dat hulle mekaar eersdaags soos ’n pak hiënas sal opvreet.

Petrol is goedkoper, ek kan bietjie rondry. My werkwinkel is vir ’n slag so skoon dat ek daar kan peuter. Ek word dalk eersdaags met my geliefde ou Chev herenig. Ek het ’n lekker boek om te lees. Ja, die lewe is goed.

Maar ek ontspan.

DEUTERONOMIUM 4:30: “Wanneer julle in nood verkeer deurdat hierdie dinge in die toekoms oor julle kom, moet julle terugkom na die Here julle God, en sy woord gehoorsaam.Dankie Vader, vir die opdrag om na U terug te keer - Amen.

' Koot. Hierdie 2015 wat voorlê maak my sommer bang. Gelukkig is die onbekende nie vir my onoorkomlik nie. Ek ploeg O

voort.Ek is bly 2014 is agter die rug. Hierdie jaar wil ek net meer fokus op dinge wat my gelukkig maak, en dinge soek wat my gelukkig maak. Geen voorneme was my enigste voorneme op 31 Desember 2014. Maar op 5 Januarie het die deuntjie toe verander. Voorneme nommer een is om minder af-koppie vergeet-verkleurmannetjie te speel. En dan doen ek dit nog so vrywillig dat my kop somtyds heeltemal raas. Dit was verlede jaar ook een van my wense, en dit het nooit waar geword nie. Inteendeel dit het vererger. Te veel het ek al op 00:00 vinnig ’n wensie opgestuur, so op die ingewing. Daarom besluit ek eers ’n paar sober dae later wat moet verander in die nuwe jaar. Dis veiliger. Selfs al is dit later in Januarie. Ek glo as ’n positiewe idee in jou kop kom, om sommer dit die volgende dag toe te pas. Loop met ’n reguit rug en ’n glimlag vir die res van die jaar. Maak ook ’n lys van al jou goeie kwaliteite en waarvoor jy dankbaar is. Partykeer moet mens net herinner word aan hoe gelukkig jy eintlik is. Bel ’n vergete vriend, los ou verwyte en deel ’n snaakse storie met iemand. Lag is goeie medisyneEn moet ’n nooit ’n belofte maak wat jy nie kan nakom nie. Beloftes maak skuld.Dan het mens nie voornemes nodig nie.Voorspoed vir elke dag in 2015.~ Michelle Boshoff

Goed om te onthou:

Frik Rousseau Direkteur Lelievlei , Jean en Johan Muller Bestuurslede Lelievlei skryf:Lelievlei het met behulp van baie myne, sportklubs,organisasies, skole, politieke partye, besighede en publiek ‘n wonderlike feesseisoen beleef. Baie skenkings (onder andere meubels, kombuistoerusting, tuintoerusting, klerasie, kos en geskenke) is ontvang wat baie gehelp het met die nood wat die mense daar daagliks beleef. Die kinders het almal met groot glimlagte rondgehardloop en gespeel tot laat met hul geskenke. Baie dankie weereens aan almal vir jul bydraes.

Lelievleiers bedank almal

Gerda Chester (vorige eienaar van Lapsar) en Frik Rousseau (vorige voorsitter van Lapsar beheerraad) skryf:Weens gesondheidsredes het Gerda en Frik bedank uit hul ampte by Lapsar. Hulle is egter nog steeds oorval die

Lapsar se nuwe bestuurafgelope Feesseisoen deur die publiek oor klagtes, verlore honde en katte sowel as diere wat gevind is.Hiermee vra hulle die publiek om groot asb die nuwe eienaar Mnr Johan Vercueil by 082 8774 586 te skakel virnavrae

Die Gryskatte rugbymanne het almal bymekaargekom en hierdie jaar besluit dat hulle graag meer betrokke wil raak by die welsyninstansies in die dorp en so het hulle Lelievlei gekontak, die kinders se ouderdomme en name gekry en vir hulle geskenkies opgemaak vir Kersfees. Die opwinding was merkbaar aan die opgewonde kindergesiggies en die rugbymanne met blink oë. Kobus wil net graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om al die Gryskatte te bedank vir hul bydraes met hierdie projek. Enige persone of instansies wat ook graag deel wil wees van hul projek hierdie jaar kan gerus vir Kobus by 072 841 3629 of Tommy by 083 627 8869 skakel.

Agter: Liesel Strauss, Kobus Strauss, Ina Kotze, Charné Adlam, Tommy Adlam en Marie van Rooyen (Lelievlei); (voor): Anruca Strauss.

Gryskatte rugbymanne gee vir welsyn

Opsoek na Molly: Ons katjie, Molly, 'n “tortoiseshell” kat met 'n blou nekbandjie het in die omgewing van Preller, Pretorius en Snymanstrate weggeraak. Indien jy haar opgetel of gesien het in hierdie omgewing skakel asb vir Matilda Coetzee by 083 414 4735. Die katjie reageer op die naam Molly.

Hierdie verlore hondjie is voor Desember in

Morganstraat, Sterkspruit area, naby die Visserye

gevind. Dis 'n reunhond met baie goeie huisman ere. Indien sy eienaars hom dalk herken of as iemand dalk die

hondjie wil aanneem kan u my gerus

skakel by 082 841 7163, Cecilia de



Help us look for Lilly: Lilly is blind. She went

missing on the Weltevreden Road outside Lydenburg on Christmas

Day. Please contact INGER: 072 741 0741


Page 5: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

Glencore Thorncliffe, Helena and Magareng Mines (Eastern Chrome Mines) are committed to conserving the environment. This is done through a Biodiversity Management Plan which includes management plans to conserve flora and fauna. Snake conservation is included in the management plan.Selected Glencore Eastern Chrome mines staff underwent a snake handling course presented by Mr Neels Bothma. All staff that completed the course are

Glencore Eastern Chrome Mines commitment to environmental conservation

certified and registered with the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency as snake catchers.Eastern Chrome mines purchased snake handling tools for all that completed the snake handling course.A number of different snakes have been successfully caught and relocated within Eastern Chrome Mines mining area. The relocation of the snakes is contributing to environmental awareness.

These Black Mambas (Dendroaspis Polylepis) were caught at Thorncliffe by Lourens Meyer & Mary du Preez

Some other snakes caught: Cape Wolf Snake (Lycopbidion Capense; Short Snouted Grass Snake (Psammophis Brevirostris); Puff Adder

(Bitis Arietans); Spotted Bushsnake (Philothamnus Semivariegatus); Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Naja Mossambica).

Page 6: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

Hoërskool Lydenburg is baie trots op die matrieks van 2014. Die onderwysers en leerders se harde werk het vrugte afgewerp. Mnr Loots en die onderwysers is baie tevrede met die uitslae.Die uitslae is soos volg: 7 onderskeidings –.Ryno van der Berg – Afrikaans (HT) 82%, English (FAL) 87%, Fisiese Wetenskap 90%, Grafika en Ontwerp 84%, Wiskunde 93%, LO 85%, Besigheidstudie 89%.Elrike van der Linde- Afrikaans (HT) 89%, English (FAL)88%, Wiskunde 83%, LO 93%, Lewenswetenskap 89%, Fisiese Wetenskap 85%, Rekeningkunde 80%. Simone de Beer- Afrikaans (HT) 84%, English (FAL) 85%, Wiskunde 88%, LO 93%, Besigheidstudie 87%, Fisiese Wetenskap 80%, Lewenswetenskap 87%.Monique Nel- Afrikaans(HT) 84%, English (FAL)80%, Wiskunde 81%, Rekeningkunde 82%, Lewensoriëntering 89%, Besigheidstudie 83%, Geografie 81%.6 onderskeidingsRefiloe Letshelea -English (HL) 76%, Afrikaans Tweede Taal 93%, Wiskunde 86%, LO 92%, Rekeningkunde 87%,

Yolandi Vermeulen 6 onderskeidings

Elrike van der Linde 7 onderskeidings.

Francois Winterbach 6 onderskeidings Nadia Viljoen 6 onderskeidings

Monique Nel 7 onderskeidingsRyno van der Berg 7 onderskeidings

Refiloe Letshelea 6 onderskeidings

Hoërskool Lydenburg – klas van 2014behaal 100% slaagsyfer

RTT 88%, Fisiese Wetenskap 86%.Francois Winterbach – Afrikaans (HT) 85%, English (FAL) 79%, Wiskunde 82%, LO 89%, Geografie 85%, Fisiese Wetenskap 85%, Grafika en Ontwerp 88%.Nadia Viljoen – Afrikaans (HT) 89%, English (FAL) 83%, Wiskunde 87%, LO 92%, Rekeningkunde 80%, Besigheidstudie 86%, Fisiese Wetenskap 72%.Yolandie Vermeulen – Afrikaans (HT) 85%, English (FAL) 86%, Wiskunde 80%, LO 91%, Rekeningkunde 76%, Besigheidstudie 85%, Fisiese Wetenskap 81%.66% van die matriekleerders het universiteitsvrystelling. Die leerders met 5 onderskeidings is: Anrich Marnewick; Nomathemba Thembi Mokoena; Arabelle Treurnicht. Die leerders met 4 onderskeidings is: Al-Dez Janse van Rensburg; Stephan Myburgh; Lisa-Mari Steyn. Daar is 3 leerders met 3 onderskeidings, 18 met 2 onderskeidings en 38 leerders met 1 onderskeiding elk. Die skool spog met 162 A – simbole, 187-B- simbole en 303 C-simbole. Die skool wens al die matriekleerders van 2014 net die beste toe.Baie geluk aan almal van die Highlands Panorama Nuus.

Simoné de Beer 7 onderskeidings

Page 7: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01


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• Blood Group • Maintenance & Health for LifeAlloyse Muller : 082 833 [email protected]

7am to 8pm Daily (Weekends Included)4447 Bushwillow Street, The Heads

Baie Geluk Lydenburg Hoërskool, leerlinge en ouers met die uitmuntende prestasie!WL Amelia Bietje &NFR Frik Rousseau

Die VF+ het weereens hierdie jaar ‘n leerder gekies wat hulle met ‘n skenking vereer. Duncan van Vuuren (leerder van Lydenburg Hoërskool)

was die enigste o/16 wat gekies is vir die Nasionale o/16 President Bokkiespan wat vir tien dae in Holland (teen onder meer Nederland, België, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Almere en Brussels) gaan rugby speel het. Hierdie

stut het gesorg vir veertien drieë, twee maal “man of the match” en onderkaptein vir sy span. Duncan sê alle eer gaan aan die Here en hy

bedank al die borge wat dit moontlik gemaak het. Hy sê dat die motivering sy pa was wat verlede jaar oorlede is. Baie geluk Duncan met jou

uitsonderlike spel en ons glo daar wag ‘n blink toekoms op jou. Die VF+ se Nasionale Federale Raadslid, Mnr Frik Rousseau sê dat die VF+ se bestuur

besluit het om ’n groter persentasie van hul begroting aan die jeug te bestee en minder aan onthale.

Foto: Amelia Bietje (VF+ Waarnemende leier ), Duncan van Vuuren en Frik Rousseau (VF+ Nasionale Federale Raadslid)

VF+ staan bankvas agter ons jeug

DIE Erasmus-tweeling hou Longtom SuperSpar op hul tone.

Terwyl Stian en Hanru Erasmus se ma inkopies gedoen het, het die

personeel van Longtom SuperSpar, Lydenburg hulle besig

gehou by die bakkery en baie glimlagte ontlok.

(Rooi hempie) Stian Erasmus en (Blou hempie) Hanru Erasmus

Tweelin gkuierekker l

y bPAR


Page 8: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

013 235 1734Burgerstraat 29, Lydenburg

Wessel Davel(FSP 14296)Gerhard Nel(FSP 14318)

André Nel(FSP 43506)

D & N Makelaars BK(FSP 42438)

Hiermee ‘n Voorspoedige 2015 aan elkeen van ons

gewaardeerde kliënte!

On Friday, the 4th of December, ASA Metals commemorated World Aids Day. Various wellness programmes were available for employees.The SHEQ Manager, Mr Prince Mkhonto gave an inspirational message to all the employees who attended the function. Everyone was entertained by the ASA Metal's choir.During the function certificates were handed over to the three Top Peer Educators at ASA Metals.Mr Elneth Thulare received a Certificate of appreciation for his valuable contribution towards the HIV/Aids awareness programmes launched at ASA Metals. Afterwards, Mr Prince Mkhonto and the NUM and Numsa shop stewards lit a candle in memory of those who lost their lives to this disease.

ASA Metals Commemorate World Aids Day

Prince Mkhonto

Liana Thomas and William Matlole.

Liana Thomas and Betta Mahlokoane.

Lighting the candle

Elneth Thulare

Liana Thomas and Diboneng Kgwetiane

A new bird and conservation club to be affiliated to BirdLife South Africa h a s b e e n f o r m e d f o r t h e Mpumalanga Escarpment.Escarpment Bird Club intends to be the leading source of information concerning all species of birds and their h a b i t a t s f a l l i n g w i t h i n t h e Mpumalanga Escarpment; facilitators for monitoring Important Bird (and Biodiversity) Areas (IBBA's); promoters of Biodiversity Stewardship amongst private land owners; and the support base for the establishment and l i a i son wi th Bi rder Fr iend ly Establishments, within its area of influence as a club.The club founded in Dullstroom, will serve the whole of the escarpment, from the Blyde River Canyon in the north to Chrissiesmeer in the south. The club will arrange localised meetings, outings, education courses, and bird and biodiversity monitoring activities across the escarpment. Birders from Gauteng who have holiday homes or timeshare ownership are also to be welcomed as members.Owners of historically held family farms, lodges and private nature reserves (especially in the Lydenburg to Mt Anderson, Lydenburg to Machadodorp, Komati Gorge, Ohrigstad, and Long Tom Pass valleys) containing exciting habitats and birding hotspots not previously accessible to birders are now agreeable to these being visited on a controlled basis by Escarpment Bird Club groups.A Club priority is the preparation of a “Comprehensive Guide to Birding the Mpumalanga Escarpment”, the club's strategic marketing tool to promote the club and avi-tourism to the escarpment. This will include accredited Birder F r i e n d l y A c c o m m o d a t i o n establishments, where to see bird species in the Escarpment, and arrangements for guiding by local members and community guides.The Founding Committee comprises a number of seasoned birders in George Skinner (Chairman), Ben von Wielligh (Vice-Chai rman) , Mike Bre t t (Treasurer) and Mike Clacey, Chris de Beer, Hugo Fourie and Alan Hatton.Membership enquiries can be directed to George at [email protected].

Escarpment Bird Club formed

Members of the newBirding Club

Page 9: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01


(Motoring)[email protected]

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NO longer satisfied with lagging behind the German big three when it comes to super saloon outputs, the Americans started their comeback to serious Q-car title contention with Chrysler’s Dodge Hellcat twins. Now, it’s Cadillac’s turn to show off some of its muscle with the 2016 CTS-V.While the Charger Hellcat will still be the world’s most powerful production sedan, Cadillac’s put up a pretty good fight. The General Motors subsidiary’s halo model employs a supercharged 6,2-litre V8 powerplant that puts out 477 kW and 855 N.m of torque. Thanks to an eight-speed automatic transmission (and a launch control system), which sends torque to the rear wheels, the CTS-V is capable of a 3,7 second 0-100 km/h sprint and goes on to a top speed of 322 km/h.But Cadillac also wanted to ensure that buyers of the new CTS-V wouldn’t have a hard time keeping the Detroit sleeper on the straight and narrow. So the firm’s engineers granted it 25 percent more torsional rigidity to increase handling and steering precision, wider front and front tracks, an electronically controlled limited slip differential, as well as Magnetic Ride Control active suspension damping. Peeking out from the 19-inch alloy wheels wrapped in sticky Michelin Pilot Super Sport rubber are 390 mm brake discs and six-piston calipers by Brembo.Although the CTS-V is definitely possessed of a more extroverted exterior than its lesser brethren, by the way of the larger mesh grille, vents in the (painted) carbon-fibre bonnet, wider fenders and quad tailpipes, it’s still not too excessive. There’s also a carbon-fibre exterior package available for those who want a little more visual appeal.The cabin vastly resembles the rest of the CTS range, but buyers can also opt for a carbon fibre trim package, as well as microfiber suede upholstery, Recaro front seats,

and the company’s Performance Data Recorder – which plays back video and telemetry from track days.The Cadillac CTS-V will make its debut at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit in January, as is expected to go on sale in left-hand drive markets mid 2015.Carmag.co.za

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Get stuff done with the Nissan Navara KingKab. Tools, gear, equipment,supplies, materials - whatever tools of the trade you need to do the job,it’s all in a day’s work for the tough-as-nails Nissan Navara KingKab.With bags of versatile space and loads of power where you need it,it works as hard as you do.

Adelene Le Roux: 076 416 8644 | Hercules Coetzee: 082 255 8090Jaques Oosthuizen: 083 209 2453 | Gerhard Leygonie: 082 565 9954

Henry Moyo: 083 237 5191 | Office: 013 235 2381Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • Lydenburg • 1120


Page 10: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

IF there was one vehicle that we would have thought was immune from the bling culture, it's that most prosaic of agricultural implements, the Land Rover Defender.But we'd have been wrong - and, far from being part of the California car culture, the Defender specialist responsible for the sexed-up boxcar you see here is based in Milton Keynes, right in the heart of England's mink and manure belt.Nevertheless, when it came to giving the Land Rover Defender Ultimate RS (that's what it's called) a beef injection, Urban Trucks opted for Detroit muscle, dropping in a 6.2-litre LS3 V8 crate engine from GM, driving all four wheels through a six-speed automatic gearbox with what GM refers to as an electronic gear selector module.The LS3, Urban Trucks tells us, is available in various states of tune, delivering from 316kW to a seriously intimidating 368kW and 540Nm.Urban trucks has also lowered the suspension by more than 50mm with spots springs and Bilstein dampers, beefed up the anti-roll bars and painted the brake callipers bright red, inside custom 18” rims shod with Yokohama rubber.The RS is finished in gloss black (including the badging!) with a custom grille, LED lighting, carbon-fibre bonnet vents, tinted glass and a satin black bash plate, and speaks with authority through big-bore stainless-steel drainpipes.The inside, however, takes naff to a new level, with a wholly inappropriate Momo steering wheel and heatable Recaro sports seats, all trimmed in soft, quilted nappa leather (as are the dashboard and steering column), and an Alpine sound system complete with heavy-duty sub-woofer and built-in satnav.Prices start at £92 995 (R1.67 million) for the short-wheelbase version, rising to £97 995 (R1.76 million) and beyond for an RS based on the Defender 110 station wagon.iol.motoring.co.za

THABO Mankge het deelgeneem aan die gelukkige-trekking kompetisie by Kia, Lydenburg, waar jy enige voertuig van hulle kon toetsbestuur om ’n R500 petrol-geskenkbewys los te slaan.Op die foto onder verskyn Thabo Mankge (wenner) en Rashaad Essack (eienaar van KIA, Lydenburg).Reinet Bell

ON Monday following stage 8 of the 2015 Dakar Rally, the rankings were as follows:Bikes:1. Coma - KTM. 2. Cocalves - Honda. 3. Quintanilla - KTMQuads:1. Casale - Yamaha. 2. Sonik - Yamaha. 3. Lafuente - Yamaha.Cars:1. Al-Attiyah - Mini. 2. De Villiers - Toyota. 3. Alrajhi - Toyota.Trucks:1. Mardeev - Kamaz. 2. Karginov - Kamaz. 3. Nicolaev - Kamaz.

Honda is staging a comeback this year with KTM still in front. With their new bike Yamaha does not feature. Amongst the quads Yamaha is King.De Villiers is consistently second after the Mini, with his new Hilux. In the Truck catergory the Russians remain king with their Kamaz trucks.Readers are reminded to watch the last few episodes of the Dakar Rally on channel 206 at 10:30 every evening.Andre Coetzee.

Dakar Rally - Rankings after Stage 9

Page 11: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

WAY back when the first Kia Soul appeared we were very impressed with the vehicle. The shape required getting used to, but a square box is very practical and the best utilisation of space. This is the new generation, which basically looks the same. Look closer however and you will see almost everything has changed. Small, evolutionary changes, but a new car nevertheless. Five models are available, a 1.6 petrol start, 2.0 petrol street, and smart and 1.6 turbodiesel street and smart. Transmissions are 6-speed manual or auto. Power ranges from 91 to 116 kW and torque from 152 to 260 Nm.Electric power steering with tilt and telescopic wheel is available on all models. Disc brakes with ABS are fitted to all four wheels with the higher models featuring BAS, ESC, VSM and HAC.We tested the highest spec Smart 1.6 diesel AT which featured climate control, central locking, auto locking doors, HID headlights with auto control, daytime LED running lights, Bluetooth, USB / iPod in, folding mirrors, electric windows, full spec radio / CD, remote steering controls, rear view camera, flex steer, stop / start button, glovebox cooling, leather seats, trip computer, front and rear park distance control, mood lamps, rear LED light clusters, driver seat power adjustable, cruise control and 6 airbags. The specification level is comprehensive.There is a 5-year / 150 000 km warranty and 4-year / 90 000 km service plan. 14 Body colour (some two tone) combinations are available.On the road the Kia Soul impressed. It accelerated well and pulled strongly on the uphills. Overtaking, however is a leisurely affair. The 6-speed auto transmission has a manual function to hold a gear when towing or driving in convoy.Brakes are very good, the steering is precise and all controls are light to operate. Turning circle is nice and tight. The interior is roomy and the overall perception of quality is good. At speed directional stability is good and the engine turns at around 3 000 rpm in sixth at 140 km/h.With the windows up the ride is quiet and relaxed. The aircon is very efficient. With the windows down there is some intrusive wind noise, probably due to the square shape of the car. The sound quality of the entertainment system is good.With all the electric adjustments on the drivers seat, it took a while for me to find a comfortable driving position, but the system works well and is fully adjustable.17 and 18 inch alloy wheels are standard and with low profile tires the ride is firm but pleasant.I found nothing to criticize on the Soul, except for the hooter, which is almost inaudible. A car of this class, price and specification deserves a better hooter.For more on this car, visit Kia motors Lydenburg. I can really recommend it.Andre Coetzee

Page 12: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01



Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 /

Verhurings - Hester: 060 970 9529013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

Hester: 060 970 9529Leon: 060 967 1041


TE HUUR• Woonstelle in netjiese kompleks te huur, met swembad en speelarea vir kinders. Vanaf R6000 - R6600 pm.• 3 Slk, 2 badk huis te huur. 150m vanaf Laerskool. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R10600 pm.• 2 & 3 Slk, 2 badk huise te huur 8km uit die dorp. Netjiese afwerking, omhein, boorgatwater en koopkrag. Dadelik beskikbaar.• Verskeie huise in Sterkspruit: Vanaf R7600 - R10600 pm.• 2 Slk, 2 badk woonstelle te huur op wildsplaas, aangrensend aan Lydenburg. Baie netjies en stil. Nie omhein. Geen honde. R5600 & R5800 pm. Geen kansvatters. Dadelik beskikbaar.TE KOOP• Pragtige 3 slk, 2 badk meenthuis met dubbelgarage en pragtige tuin te koop. Veilige kompleks - R1.28 miljoen• Besigheidsperseel: 3 324m² erf met huis op. Besigheidsregte in plek. Sentraal geleë - R2.1 miljoen• Veilige kompleks: 3 Slk, 2 badk, braaikamer, dubbelgarage en afdakke. Klein netjiese tuin. “Lock up and go”. Wisnkoop - R1.25 miljoen


R8000R13 000

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• Luukse 3 slk meenthuis: • 5 Slk woning - Ideaal vir losieshuis: • Luukse woning met w/stel op plaas, 12km vanaf dorp:

• DRINGEND: 3 Slk meenthuis, sentraal geleë: • 3 Slk woning met 3 slk w/stel: • 5 Slk woning met 2 slk woonstel - Ideaal vir losieshuis: • Groot erf met huis en woonstel op Ohrigstad: • 4 Slk woning, 3 badk, groot erf, lapa, borrelbad, ens: • EKSKLUSIEF: Baie goed geleë! 5 slk, 5 badk, stud, sitk-eetk-woonarea-braaiarea, ingeb kroeg, boomryke tuin, mot+afdakke, pakkamers, ens. Ideaal vir gastehuis:

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

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• Enkelkantore beskikbaar teen R1368.00 - sluit water, BTW en kragopwekker in.• 3 Slp meenthuis - R7600.00• 3 Slp meenthuis - R6000.00• 1 Slp woonstel - R2900.00• 3 Slp dupleks-eenheid R8500.00• Prime spot - 80m² - R8800.00

Large Modern Family HomeR1 480 000

Lushof-huis & BoomrykR1 380 000

Veilig & GerieflikR 1 680 000

Large 4-bedroom family home, situated in secure

estate. Open-plan living with large kitchen and scullery, 2

bathrooms and double automated garage.

Fanie du Toit072 317 3959

By die huis word jy deur ‘n lushof begroet. Groot

skaduryke bome. 4000m² erf - lieflike groot 4 slp huis met 2

badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel

motorhuis.Stephanie Reinecke

072 115 0761

Lieflike 3-slk siersteenhuis in sekuriteitsontwikkeling.Huis: 180m² - Erf: 900m²Oopplan komb-eetk-sitk,

studeerk, dubbelmotorh plus karavaan-motorh. Ruim

vertrekke, ingeboude braai.Stephanie Reinecke

072 155 0761

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013 235 4575

Masshire Lydenburg en Steelpoort het hul funksie by die Chrome Valley Lodge, Steelpoort terdeë geniet en wil net graag al hul kliënte bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning en voorspoed toewens vir die jaar wat voorlê.

Page 13: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01



ANNA-MARIE: 083 960 4775


Neat and ready to move in! Home offers 3 bedrooms, 2

bathrooms, separate kitchen, 2 living areas, double garage and

small garden.

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Be the first owner of this modern property. Offering 3

spacious bedrooms, open-plan kitchen leading to lounge and

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Bruce NelVerkoopsagent061 045 9170

Bernadine vd BergVerhuringsagent

083 642 6446

Erika KrugerVerkoopsagent082 879 8081

Gerda OlivierKantoorbestuurderes/

Verkoopsagent082 431 8392

e Prop rty S pTh e ho

Tel: (013) 235-1102, [email protected],

082 898 5272SoneVERHURINGS

www.deovolproperties.co.zaFacebook page : Deo Volente Properties

074 589 0204MariskaVERKOPE

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5Ona Venter : 082 898 5272

R960 0003 slaapkmr huis met 2 badkmr, kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, 2 motorhuise en tuin

R1 300 0003 slaapkamer,2 badkmr kombuis, eetkamer,sitkamer 1 motorhuise, groot motorafdakke, pragtige tuin,

R1 600 0003 slkmr,huis met 2 badkmr, 2 motorh, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, swembad, lapa, onthaal area ingeboude braai en groot tuin

*2 Slkmr meenthuis met 1 en half badk. Veilige kompleks, water ingesluit - R4700

*1 Slkmr woonstel naby dorp R2950 water ingesluit

*Ruim 3 Slkmr huis met 2 badkmr, erf en toesluit m/huis R6450 water ingesluit

*Nuut geboude 2 slk woonstel met 1 groot badkmr in veilige kompleks R4900

*Verskeie winkel en kantoor spasies beskikbaar

Hierdie is 'n pragtige 3 slk huis met 'n studeerkamer – dubbel badkamers – oopplan leefvertrek met aparte kombuis en opwasarea. Omhein met 'n mooi tuin wat maklik is

om te onderhou. Die eiendom is ’n alleenmandaat en dis ook te huur en dadelik beskikbaar. Om te

besigtig skakel Gerda by 082 431 8392. Verkoopprys: R1 050 000. Huur: R8 600.00




Huisvan dieWeek

Page 14: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

www.lydenburgprop.co.zaKerkstraat 41

Verkope & VerhuringTel: 013 235 1986


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE B o e k h o u e r s e n PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

L A U N D R Y / WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A1 LOCK & KEY. C e n t u r i o n g a t e motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

K W A G G A VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

N O O D H U L P ? V U R E ? S l a n g e ? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047

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WE OFFER A reliable stress free Furniture Removal Service and also have a variety of packing materials that will meet your needs. 26 Joubert St 013 235 1 7 1 7 / [email protected]


HIGH PROTEIN diet & b l o o d g r o u p . L y d e n b u r g , B u r g e r s f o r t , Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL D E S I G N B Y C H R I S T E L L E - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469

P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P & extensions. 076 153 8912

GRAND BONHEUR Coolsculpting/ Fat f r e e z e , T e e t h Whitening system, Personalized Diet

Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272


SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oors t roomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494


I.T.@Large - for all pc r e p a i r s & m a i n t e n a n c e , updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


ATLAS PANEEL- K L O P P E R S - G e a k k r e d i t e e r . Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

C O R D U A U T O M O T I V E ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 C h r o o m S t r e e t , Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

GS AUTO Electrical & M e c h a n i c a l repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

TWEE RYPERDE te koop Kontak 076 072 2000


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912





B A C H E L O R WOONSTEL R2500 079 624 9486

2 & 3 BEDROOM FLATS 083 230 3733

FLATS TO RENT 2 bedroom, Lydenburg, inl water R4400, 3 bedroom flats with 2 bathrooms in secure complex , Lydenburg R5000. Contact 082 460 3000

S H O P T O L E T L y d e n b u r g . 8 Voortrekker street R6000. Contact 082 460 3000

2 SLK 2 BADK cottage, DSTV + W&L ing. R4500pm, 082 878 2839

MODERNE 3 SLK , 3 badk huis, swembad - 2 8 k m o p Ohrigstadpad. R5500 p/m 082 878 2839

2 SLK WOONSTEL te huur. R4500 p/m, k r a g i n g e s l u i t . G e m e u b i l e e r d e eenman woonstel te huur R3000 p/m, krag ing. Kontak 072 222 8370

EEN SLAAPKAMER woonstel. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie. Geen diere. R3400. 082 748 6527


K L I T Z G R A S C H A L E T S A c c o m m o d a t i o n , Chapel & Venue fac i l i t i es , Boma/ braai. 013 235 2758



2 VERPLEEGSTERS B E N O D I G v i r tuisverpleging vir b e j a a r d e kankerpasiënt. Een skof vanaf 07:00 - 14:00 en ander van 14:00 to t 22:00. Salaris sal bespreek w o r d t y d e n s onderhoude. Epos C V [email protected]/ Kontak 013 235 3181


I N D I E N D I E VOLGENDE voertuig nie binne 21 dae van eerste publikasie (15 J a n u a r i e 2 0 1 5 ) afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek: KIA CERATO FDX 826 M P . N a v r a e : L y d e n b u r g Mechanical Services 082 856 4331


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gere fo rmeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , Sunday Schoo l 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , Aanddiens 18:00.

Woensdae 19:00 m i d w e e k d i e n s , J e u g d i e n s Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , d i e n s Sondae 10:00 en 1 8 : 0 0 . P a s t o o r Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • N e w A p o s t o l i c Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. e u g s e l 1 9 : 0 0 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 2 3 5 4 9 0 5 . • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • M o o i H a w e n s E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. P a s t . W o u t e r Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 0 8 2 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@ i s a t . c o . z a Sunday mornings 0 9 : 3 0 S o n d a g oggend 09:30. • Sha lom Church Centre. Services C o r o m a n d e l . Sunday Schoo l 1 0 : 0 0 , c h u r c h s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . S k h i l a S u n d a y School 10:00 and c h u r c h s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . S o n d a g o g g e n d 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep

18:30. Past Beukes: 0 8 3 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor :087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g Adventiste Kerk -Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4 4 4 4 . • V o l l e Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae O g g e n d e A a n d D i e n s - O p Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, s e l g r o e p e l k e W o e n s d a g o m 1 8 :0 0 . P a s to o r Leon Labuschagne 0 8 4 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie b y W e n a k k e r , K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past.

Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Tiles • Baths• Taps • Toilets

EiendomInstandhouding & Verbetering

Fanus Potgieter

[email protected]

Verf - Teël - Plavei - Bou

Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets

BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362








LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

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warehouses, alterations. All

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instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere.

Gerrie082 898 0563

39 RensburgstrLydenburg

Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

Blinds • CurtainsTiles • Loose & Logo Carpets

Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 [email protected]

Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly;Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink;

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57 Kerk St Lydenburg

013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555082 883 5342

After Hours: 076 053 7178


STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek

Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburgwww.ganda.co.za

e-pos: [email protected]

Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

Skadunet- afdakke

Verskillende Kleure en Groottes!

Franz - 082 775 5134

Ronel - 072 622 5333

For All Your Travel RequirementsFlights, Accommodation, Car hire, Cruises, Insurance and Visa’sCall Ronel 072 260 6511By appointment only

Eddie Skeen: 083 294 3878 • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30.

Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

Page 15: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

Rigger / ForemanRequirements:• 2 years experience in Conveyor Belts• Valid Applicable Certificates• Com A & B and 6 Unit Standards • Grade 12 Certificate (Valid)Location: Steelpoort / Mpumalanga

Conveyor Construction Artisan / ForemanRequirements:• 2 years experience of Conveyor Belts• Valid Applicable Certificates• Com A & B and 6 Unit Standards• Grade 10 Certificate (Valid)Location: Steelpoort / Mpumalanga

If we have not contacted you within 2 weeks of closing date consider your application unsuccessful

Closing date: 22 January 2015

Fax Shortened CV (no Certificates) to: 086 510 6484

OTEES CASH & CARRYVacancy for Cashier

• Must be computer literate• Experience in retail or wholesale sector will be an advantage.• Must have contactable references

Email CV to: [email protected] orFax: 013 235 2145


Vacancies for suitably qualified staff are available at Lapeng Guest Lodge, an up-

market four star lodge in the Burgersfort area. CV's are requested from applicants who meet

the following requirements:

• Standard 10 • Qualification in the Hospitality Industry will be an advantage• Relevant experience.• Exceptional communication skills in at least English – the ability to speak other local languages will be an advantage.• Computer literate.• Customer focused with the ability to ensure customer satisfaction.• Presentable. • Outgoing peoples person.• Effective and organized approach.• Ability to work under pressure.• Honest, hardworking and flexible.• Prepared to work hours, which are typical of the hospitality industry.

E-mail your CV, a handwritten cover letter and a recent ID photo to The Manager at

[email protected]

Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977(Act No 120 pf 1977)This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected thatCOMPREBASE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTDHerein after referred to as ‘the applicant’, has submitted an application for aRETAIL licence, application number G/2014/12/19/0002


The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum RETAILING activities as detailed on the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by:• Telephone: (013) 653 0500• E-mail: [email protected]

Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address:


Page 16: 15Januarie\January 2015 Jr\Yr No. 01

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LYDENBURG Gholfklub skop toe die jaar af met hul eerste maandelikse beker aangebied deur Longtom Super Spar, Tops en Srixon Sport SA.Bruto Wenner Lourens Volschenk.A Divisie Pat Flank.B Divisie Neil Engelbrecht.C Divisie Mohammed Vaid.Dames Divisie Eileen Du Preez.Algeheel vir die dag:1ste Pat Flank 70.2de Neil Engelbrecht 71.

3de Herman Adendorff 77. 4de Leon Smit 77.5de Solly Vaid 80.Naaste aan die Penne 6/15 Arthur Steynfaard.8/17 Jackes Vally.3/12 Herman Adendorff.Foto links bo:Jackes Vally, Mohammed Vaid, Eileen Du Preez, Pat Flank, Leon Smit en Herman Adendorff.

Die eerste wenners van die jaar.

Lydenburg Gholfklub skop die nuwe jaar af op 'n hoë noot