14th european conference on organized films...

14 th European Conference on Organized Films ECOF-14 Department of Physics University of Genova Italy, EU June 29 - July 2 2015

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European Conference on

Organized Films


Department of Physics

University of Genova

Italy, EU June 29

- July 2 2015

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova

Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia


Welcome in Genova to the 14th European Conference on Organised Films!

ECOF provides an ideal multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of the latest

developments in the area of thin and ultrathin organic films, novel hybrid

organic/inorganic structures and the related nanoscience and nanotechnology

aspects. ECOF14 follows a successful series of meetings focusing on the structural

and functional properties of organised thin organic films. Previous conferences were

held in Munich (1986), Paris (1988), Mainz (1990), Bangor (1992), Smolenice (1994) ,

Sheffield (1996), Potsdam (1998), Otranto (2001), Valladolid (2004), Riga (2006),

Potsdam (2008), Sheffield (2011) and Cork (2013). Aiming at promoting cross-

fertilization of fundamental and applied research, ECOF14 will offer stimulating

opportunities for exchanging new ideas and building up new collaborations.

We thank all the conveners for their scientific contributions which allowed us to

prepare a rich program. We wish you a successful conference and a pleasant stay in

our town, rich of history and art treasures!

Benvenuti a Genova! Benvenuti in Italia!

Maurizio Canepa Chair Ornella Cavalleri Co-chair


International Advisory Committee

Mark van der Auweraer KU Leuven, Belgium

Maria Bardosova Tyndall National Institute, UCC Cork, Ireland

Ornella Cavalleri University of Genova, Italy

Michel Goldmann Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France

Wolfgang Knoll Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Maria Luz Rodriguez-Mendez University of Valladolid, Spain

Alexei Nabok Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield, UK

Roberto Rella Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems CNR Lecce, Italy

Martins Rutkis University of Latvia Riga, Latvia

Jose Antonio de Saja University of Valladolid, Spain

Pieter Stroeve University of California Davis, USA

Martin Taylor University of Bangor, UK

Bernd Tieke University of Cologne, Germany

Leonas Valkunas Vilnius University, Lithuania

Ludovico Valli Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy

Martin Weis Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Local Committee

Maurizio Canepa University of Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica & CNISM, Chair

Ornella Cavalleri University of Genova , Dipartimento di Fisica & CNISM , Co-chair Annalisa Relini University of Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica & CNISM

Mirko Prato, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova

Marco Smerieri, CNR-IMEM, Genova

Ranieri Rolandi University of Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica & CNISM

Ezio Puppin, Politecnico di Milano & CNISM

Frank Grunfeld JFG (Science and Education) LTD

Davide Comoretto University of Genova, Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale

Laura Pastorino University of Genova, DIBRIS

Francesco Bisio, CNR-SPIN, Genova

Libero Liggieri CNR-IENI, Genova

Paolo Facci CNR-IBF, Genova

Marti Duocastella, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova

Conference site map



5 1 Physics Dept.: plenary sessions and session 11a

2 Physics Dept.: coffee breaks and exhbition

3 Chemistry Dept.: posters

4 Chemistry Dept.: session 11b

5 Lunch


Conference programme

Location Plenary sessions: main hall (Aula Magna), Dep artment of Physics

Parallel sessions:

− session 11a main hall (Aula Magna), Department of Physics − session 11b main hall (Aula Magna), Department of Chemistry

Coffee breaks and exhibition: open space in front o f the Aula Magna (Dept. of Physics)

Poster sessions: open space at the Dept. of Chemist ry (adjacent to the Dept. of Physics)

Schedule Monday, June 29 8:30 – 9:45 Registration desk open 9:45 – 10:00 Welcome address

Plenary Session 1 Chair Alessandra Gliozzi

10:00 – 10:40 I1 Andreas Fery , Bayreuth University Controlling coupling between plasmonic nanoparticles by template assisted self assembly

10:40 – 11:00 O1 Francisco Palazon , Université de Lyon Material-selective self-assembled monolayers on patterned surfaces designed for biosensing

11:00 – 11:20 Coffee Break

11:20 – 12:00 I2 Graham Leggett , University of Sheffield Spectroscopic investigation of light-harvesting complexes coupled to macroscopically extended arrays of gold nanostructures

12:00 – 12:30 CI1 Thierry Darmanin , Université Nice Sophia Antipolis Tunable nanostructured conducting polymer films for superhydrophobic and superoleophobic properties

12:30 – 12:50 O2 Grazia Gonella , Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz Neutral and Anionic Thiols Adsorbed on Colloidal Ag NPs

12:50 – 13:00 O3 Tamara Basova , Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk Thin films of Composite Materials based on Metal Phthalocyanines and Gold Nanoparticles

13:00 – 14:15 Lunch

Plenary Session 2 Chair Michel Goldmann

14:15 – 14:55 I3 Monika Schönhoff , University of Münster Ionics in Layer-by-Layer films

14:55 – 15:25 CI2 Sergio Moya , CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian Polyelectrolyte brushes: water content, zeta potential, and mechanical properties

15:25 – 15:45 O4 Vonhören Benjamin , University of Münster

Ultrafast Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Thin Organic Films Based on Triazolinedione Click Chemistry

15:45 – 16:05 O5 Catherine Henry de Villeneuve , CNRS Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau Molecular organization within mixed acid/decyl monolayers grafted on oxide free silicon surfaces

16:05 – 16:15 O6 Elena Dellacasa , University of Genova Fabrication and characterization of a novel multilayered structure by Poly(lactic acid) and polyelectrolytes interaction

16:15 – 16: 35 Coffe Break

Plenary Session 3 Chair Alexei Nabok

16:35 – 17:05 CI3 Piotr Cyganik , Jagiellonian University, Krakow Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkynes on Au (111) – structure and stability

17:05 – 17:25 O7 Pietro Parisse , INSTM - ST Unit, Trieste Physico-chemical properties of functional DNA nanostructures on gold surfaces

17:25 – 17:45 O8 Joshua Lehr , University of Oxford Switchable lanthanide emissive molecular monolayers

17:45 – 18:05 O9 Lionel Patrone , CNRS Marseille and ISEN Toulon Synthesis, self-assembled monolayers and characterization of a novel push-pull thiophene-based chromophore

18:05 – 18:25 O10 Roberto Nisticò , University of Torino Preparation, physico-chemical characterization and transport properties of block copolymer-templated silica coatings

18:25 – 18:45 O11 Irina Paci , University of Victoria, Canada Chiral effects in aminoacid self-assembly at a solid surface: Insights from theory

18:45 – 18:55

O12 Hazem Aldahhak , Universität Paderborn PTCDA molecules on Terraces and at Steps Sites of the KCl and NaCl Surfaces

19:45 Apericena

Tuesday, June 30 Plenary Session 4 Chair Vittorio Pellegrini

9:00 – 9:40

I4 Camilla Coletti , CNI@NEST, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pisa Graphene synthesis and non-covalent functionalization for electronic and biosensing applications

9:40 – 10:00 O13 Alexei Nabok , Sheffield Hallam University Optical Properties of Graphene-Surfactant Composite Thin Films

10:00 – 10:20 O14 Fred Lisdat , Technical University Wildau Photocatalytic electrodes based on the combination of photosystem 1 and graphene

10:20 – 10:30 O15 Gabriella Caminati , Università di Firenze Graphene oxide/ silver nanocubes assembly for SERS detection of biomolecules

10:30 – 10.40 O16 Beatriz Martín-García , Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Thin Sheets of Colloidal Quantum Dot - Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid materials for Energy and Opto-Electronic Applications

10:40 – 10:50 O17 Niloofar Haghighian , Università di Genova Exploiting molecule-surface interaction to exfoliate few layer graphene in liquid

10:50 – 11:20 Coffe Break

Plenary Session 5 Chair José Antonio de Saja

11:20 – 12:00 I5 Ramon G Rubio , Complutense University, Madrid Polyelectrolyte coatings on planar and curved surfaces

12:00 – 12:20 O18 Martin Weis , Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava Effect of secondary doping in PEDOT:PSS thin films

12:20 – 12:40 O19 Sylvie Spagnoli , Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS Determination of polydiacetylene concentration in partially polymerized films used in the field of bio or chemo sensors.

12:40 – 12:50 O20 Oliver Roling , Universitaet Muenster Microstructured polymer thin films via click-chemistry

12:50 – 13:00 O21 Eleftheria Diamanti , CICbiomaGUNE, San Sebastian Understanding the Formation of Lipid Bilayers on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films

13:00 -14.15 Lunch

14:15 – 15:15 Poster Session I

Plenary Session 6 Chair Annalisa Relini

15:15 – 15:45 CI4 Takeshi Kawai , Tokyo University of Science Transparent Conductive Thin Films with High Flexibility Prepared by UV light Irradiation on Langmuir Monolayers of Au NPs

15:45 – 16:05 O22 Yuki Usami , Osaka University Electric properties of self-doped polyaniline nanofiber

16:05 – 16:15 O23 Giovanni Manfredi , Università di Genova All-polymer flexible Distributed Bragg Reflectors and Microcavities

16:15 – 16:35 Coffee Break

Plenary Session 7 Chair Martin Weis

16:35 – 17:05 CI5 Alberto Morgante , Università di Trieste Charge Transfer Processes in Organic Nano- and hetero-Structures

17:05 – 17:25 O24 Florian Studener , University of Groningen From hydrogen bonding to metal-coordination and back. A Porphyrin derivative on Ag(111) studied by STM

17:25 – 17:45 O25 Guido Fratesi , Università degli Studi di Milano Anchoring and Bending of Pentacene on Aluminum (001)

17:45 – 17:55 O26 Loji Thomas , Radboud University, Nijmegen Single molecule STM studies of the reactivity of nickel salphens with molecular oxygen at a graphite-liquid interface

17:55 – 18:05 O27 Adele Sassella , University of Milano Bicocca Highly oriented crystalline nanowires of tetraphenyl-porphyrins

18:05 – 18:15 O28 Paolo Facci , CNR, Genova Electrochemical annealing of thiolated PolyEthylene Glycol sub-monolayers on gold

18:15 – 18:25 O29 Letizia Savio , CNR-IMEM, Genova Adsorption of Glutamic acid at Ag and TiO2 surfaces: understanding the bio-interface at the nanoscopic level

18:25 – 18:35 O30 Renato Buzio , CNR-SPIN, Genova Electron injection barrier and energy-level alignment at the Au/PDI8-CN2 interface

18:35 – 18:45 O31 Gianangelo Bracco , University of Genova Thermal behavior of an unsymmetric disulfide self-assembled on Au(111): 11-hydroxyundecyl decyl disulfide

18:45 - 18:55 O32 Ilaria Solano , University of Genova Differential Spectroscopic Ellipsometry investigation on Specific Vs. Aspecific Bonding of biomolecules on ssDNA SAMs on gold

Wednesday, July 1 Plenary Session 8 Chair Helmuth Möhwald

9:00 – 9:40

I6 Maria Luz Rodríguez-Méndez , Universidad de Valladolid LB and LbL films as sensing units of electronic and bioelectronic tongues

9:40 - 10:00 O33 Giovanni Li Destri , European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble Tuning the interparticle distance in silica nanoparticles monolayers at the liquid/liquid interface

10:00 - 10:20 O34 Janos Keller , Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam Lipidated Peptidomimetics at the Interface - Structure and Properties

10:20 – 10:30 O35 Francesca Ravera , CNR, Genova Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid monolayers: effects on dilational rheology, structure and phase behavior

10:30 – 10.40 O36 Joanna Juhaniewicz , University of Warsaw Effect of antimicrobial peptide cecropin B on model lipid membranes at the air-water interface

10:40 – 10:50 O37 Olga Shavdina , CEA/LITEN, St. Etienne Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer of silica microspheres for surface nano-structuration by maskless lithography

10:50 - 11:20 Coffe Break

Plenary Session 9 Chair Ludovico Valli

11:20 – 12:00 I7 Gabriele Giancane , University of Salento, Lecce New Perspectives In The Applications Of Thin Films Containing Polyoxometalates

12:00 – 12:20 O38 Luigi Cristofolini , University of Parma Characterization of different dynamical regimes in Langmuir monolayers by complementary techniques in real and reciprocal space

12:20 – 12:40 O39 Osamu Shibata , Nagasaki International University PM-IRRAS investigation of gemini-type partially fluorinated alkanes in DPPC monolayers

12:40 – 12:50 O40 Alexander Milekhin , Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering by Colloidal CdSe Nanocrystal Submonolayers Fabricated by the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique

12:50 – 13:00 O41 Alokmay Datta , Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India Evolution of self-organized two-dimensional patterns of nano- clusters in a mixed Langmuir monolayer

13:00 -14.15 Lunch

Plenary Session 10 Chair Ranieri Rolandi

14:15 – 14:45 CI6 Burkhard Schulz , Potsdam University Biodegradable Polymers at the Water-Air Interface - Morphologies and Degradation Behavior

14:45 – 15:05 O42 Joana S. L. Oliveira , Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam Influence of calcium in a Ceramide 1-Phosphate monolayer model system

15:05 – 15:25 O43 Valeria Rondelli , Università degli Studi di Milano Towards structural asymmetry in membrane rafts: a Neutron Reflectivity study

15:25 – 15:45 O44 Dorota Matyszewska , University of Warsaw Interactions of anticancer drug daunorubicin with model lipid membranes of different composition

15:45 – 15:55 O45 Giulia Rossi , University of Genoa Ligand-protected gold nanoparticles and their interactions with lipid membranes

15:55 – 16:05 O46 Nadia Marano , St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, USA Comparison of normal and mutant beta2-microglobulin behavior at the air/water interface

16:05 – 16:25 Coffee Break

Parallel Session 11A (Aula Magna, Department of Ph ysics) Chair Libero Liggieri 16:25– 16:35

O47 Anna Wamke , Poznan University of Technology Characterization of surface-modified materials by new Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Derivatives

16:35– 16:45 O48 Elena Pikina , Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Thickness instabilities in free-standing smectic films: theory and experiment

16:45– 16:55 O49 Boris Ostrovskii , Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Bond-orientational order in freely suspended hexatic films

16:55– 17:05 O50 Flavia Franzoso , Università degli Studi di Torino Conductive inks from carbonaceous by-products for energy applications

17:05– 17:15 O51 Gueorgui Gueorguiev , Linköping University Designing and guiding the synthesis of C-based tunable nanostructured thin films

17:15– 17:25 O52 Rubentheren Viyapuri , University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Development of heat treated chitosan nano-composite film for the wing membrane of biomimetic micro air vehicle (BMAV)

17:25– 17:35 O53 Syed Salahuddin Major , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Reduction of graphene oxide LB sheets sandwiched between Arachidic Acid layers

Parallel Session 11B (Aula Magna, Department of Che mistry) Chair Paolo Facci 16:25– 16:35

O54 Gennady Khomutov , Lomonosov Moscow State University Nanocomposite nanofilm biocompatible capsules based on the complexes of lipids, amphiphiles, nanoparticles and polymers

16:35– 16:45 O55 Simona Bettini , Università del Salento, Lecce Collagen@magnetite nanoparticles sponge for controlled drug release

16:45– 16:55 O56 Danijela Gregurec , CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian Self assembly of collagen films on titanium implant surface for enhanced osseointegration

16:55– 17:05 O57 Amirreza Shayganpour , Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Functional loading of anodic porous alumina coating with different bioactive agents

17:05– 17:15 O58 Tolou Shokuhfar , University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Drug-Eluting Biomimetic Nanotubular Films for Biomedical Implants

17:15– 17:25 O59 Sandeep Keshavan , Istituto Italiano di tecnologia, Genova Efficacy of cell adhesion on patterned Single Layer Graphene

17:25– 17:35 O60 Giuseppe Tarabella , IMEM-CNR, Parma Organic devices with memristive/sensing properties: the case of Physarum Polychephalum Cell as a living bioelectrolyte

17:35– 19:00

Poster Session II

20:30 Social Dinner

Thursday, July 2 Plenary Session 12 Chair Lorenzo Mattera

9:00 – 9:40 I8 Jean Daillant , Synchrotron SOLEIL Advanced techniques for the investigation of organized thin films at synchrotron SOLEIL

9:40 - 10:00 O61 Sophie Cantin-Rivière , Université de Cergy-Pontoise Inorganic 2D mixture templated by organic layer at the air/water interface

10:00 - 10:20 O62 Luca Pasquali , University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Quantitative Resonant Soft X-Ray Reflectivity of Ultrathin Organic Anisotropic Layers: Simulation & Experiment of PTCDA on Au

10:20 – 10:40 O63 Philippe Fontaine , Synchrotron SOLEIL Formation of Metal Organic Nano-Object by Surface x-ray Radiolysis Techniques

10:40 – 10.50 O64 Marcin Broniatowski , Jagiellonian University, Krakow Crucial role of the double bond isomerism in the steroid B-ring on the membrane properties of sterols. Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction

10:50 – 11:00 O65 Alae El Haitami , Université de Cergy-Pontoise Segregated and homogeneous structure of mixed PDMS/Cellulose derivative Langmuir films by in-situ neutron reflectivity

11:00 – 11:10 O66 Zineb Guennouni , Nano@ECE, Paris Copolymers monolayer used for templating silver colloids obtained by surface radiolysis

11:10 – 11:30 Coffe Break

Plenary Session 13 Chair Vladimir Esaulov

11:30 – 12:10 I9 Hicham Hamoudi , Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute QEERI, Doha, Qatar Using the Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) and the Bottom-Up Strategies to build a 1D, 2D and 3D Carbon Nanomaterials

12:10 – 12:30 O67 Takuya Matsumoto , Osaka University Nano-scale charge transport of DNA supramolecular networks

12:30 – 12:50 O68 Chiara Zanchi , Politecnico di Milano Noble metal nanostructured arrays produced by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) for drug detection

12:50 – 13:00 O69 Peter Juhasz , Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava Charge transport properties of organic light emitting diode

13:00 –13:15 13:15 – 14:15

Conclusions Lunch

14:30 – 18:00 Visit to IIT Labs

List of oral contributions (Alphabetical order)

Aldahhak Hazem Session 03 Monday, June 29th 2015

Basova Tamara Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Bettini Simona Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Bracco Gianangelo Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Broniatowski Marcin Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Buzio Renato Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Caminati Gabriella Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Cantin-Riviere Sophie Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Coletti Camilla Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Cristofolini Luigi Session 09 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Cyganik Piotr Session 03 Monday, June 29th 2015

Darmanin Thierry Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Datta Alokmay Session 09 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Dellacasa Elena Session 02 Monday, June 29th 2015

Diamanti Eleftheria Session 05 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

El Haitami Alae Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Facci Paolo Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Fery Andreas Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Fontaine Philippe Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Franzoso Flavia Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Fratesi Guido Session 07 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Giancane Gabriele Session 09 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Gonella Grazia Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Gregurec Danijela Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Guennouni Zineb Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Gueorguiev Gueorgui Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Haghighian Niloofar Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Hamoudi Hicham Session 13 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Henry de Villeneuve Catherine Session 02 Monday, June 29th 2015

Juhaniewicz Joanna Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Juhasz Peter Session 13 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Kawai Takeshi Session 06 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Keller Janos Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Keshavan Sandeep Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Khomutov Gennady Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Leggett Graham Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Lehr Joshua Session 03 Monday, June 29th 2015

Li Destri Giovanni Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Lisdat Fred Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Major Syed Salahuddin Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Manfredi Giovanni Session 06 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Marano Nadia Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Martín-García Beatriz Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Matsumoto Takuya Session 13 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Matyszewska Dorota Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Milekhin Alexander Session 09 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Morgante Alberto Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Moya Sergio Session 02 Monday, June 29th 2015

Nabok Alexei Session 04 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Nisticò Roberto Session 03 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Oliveira Joana S. L. Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Ostrovskii Boris Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Paci Irina Session 03 Monday, June 29th 2015

Palazon Francisco Session 01 Monday, June 29th 2015

Parisse Pietro Session 03 Monday, June 29th 2015

Pasquali Luca Session 12 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Patrone Lionel Session 03 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Pikina Elena Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Ravera Francesca Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Rodríguez-Méndez Maria Luz Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Roling Oliver Session 05 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Rondelli Valeria Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Rossi Giulia Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Rubio Ramon G Session 05 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Sassella Adele Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Savio Letizia Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Schönhoff Monika Session 02 Monday, June 29th 2015

Schulz Burkhard Session 10 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Shavdina Olga Session 08 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Shayganpour Amirreza Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Shibata Osamu Session 09 Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Shokuhfar Tolou Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Solano Ilaria Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Spagnoli Sylvie Session 05 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Studener Florian Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Tarabella Giuseppe Session 11b Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Thomas Loji Session 07 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Usami Yuki Session 06 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Viyapuri Rubentheren Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Vonhören Benjamin Session 02 Monday, June 29th 2015

Wamke Anna Session 11a Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Weis Martin Session 05 Tuesday, June 30th 2015

Zanchi Chiara Session 13 Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Poster Session 1 numbered in alphabetical order P1 - Hazem Aldahhak - Universität Paderborn Structure formation in diindenoperylene thin films on copper(111) P2 - Marina Alloisio - University of Genoa Self –assembled polydiacetylene-silver nanostructures for optical and sensing applications P3 - Tamara Basova - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Platinum and palladium Top and Bottom Electrodes deposited by MOCVD for organic semiconductor devices P4 - Simona Bettini - Università del Salento, Lecce Efficiency enhancement in organic solar cells by means of pom@pcbm-based ferroic interlayer P5 - Francesco Bisio - CNR-SPIN, Genova Plasmon-graded meterials: fabrication and Raman spectroscopy application P6 - Nathalie Bonatout - UPMC/INSP, Paris Alkyl Imidazolium Ionic Liquids Langmuir Monolayers P7 - Marcin Broniatowski - Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Krakow Antagonisms in the action of α-tocopherol and ursolic acid on model bacterial membranes P8 - Moritz Buhl - University of Münster Generation of amine patterns on surfaces via tosylhydrazone based triazol formation by microcontact printing P9 - Claudio Canale - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova GM1 triggers the interaction between toxic amyloid oligomers and lipid membranes. P10 - Maurizio Canepa - Università di Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica Solvation of an amino-functionalized Au(111) surface observed by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy P11 - Paolo Canepa - Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova Biomolecule Adsorption on flat and mesoporous TiO2 surfaces P12 - Andrea Castelli - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova Spontaneous interfacial Self-Assembly of Branched Colloidal Nanocrystals into standing-up network in Polymer Thin Film P13 - Dock-Chil Che - Osaka university Two-Step Tunneling Conduction through a Single Cytochrome c3 Molecule P14 - Davide Comoretto - Università di Genova Self-organized 2- and 3D microsphere arrays for photonic applications P15 - Agnese Dravniece – University of Latvia Optimization of Deposition Process of Single-Sheet Graphene Oxide Films Obtained by Langmuir-Blodgett Method

P16 - Andrey Drobyshev - al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty Spin convertion and spin-phonon interaction in thin films of cryovacuum condensates of methane P17 - Marti Duocastella - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Free-standing and flexible 1D photonic crystals obtained by periodically arranged thin polymeric films P18 - Patrycja Dynarowicz-Latka - Jagiellonian University, Krakow Surface and Liquid-Crystalline Properties of Triblock Semifluorinated n-Alkanes P19 - Vladimir Esaulov - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay A Photoemission Study of Selenium, Selenophene and benzyl selenide interaction with Cu(111) and Cu(100) Surface. P20 - Balazs Farkas - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Biodegrabale polymer-based hydroxyapatite biomimetic interfaces P21 - Philippe Fontaine - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif sur Yvette SIRIUS: a Multipurpose Surface x-ray Scattering Beamline for the Study of Organic Molecular Films at the French Synchrotron P22 - Flavia Franzoso - University of Torino Magnetic materials prepared from natural sources: synthesis, characterization and environmental applications P23 - Francesca Frascella - Politecnico di Torino Photonic crystal biosensor based on plain and patterned hydrogel binding matrix P24 - Vardan Galstyan - SENSOR Lab, CNR-INO and University of Brescia Synthesis of TiO2 Nanotubes and Their Applications in Security and Environmental Monitoring Using Different Approaches P25 - Georgi Georgiev - St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia Langmuir films: a potent tool to study the viscoelastic properties of human tear lipids P26 - Maryam Ghazi Zahedi - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Nanoparticle Microchains Formation in Polymers Fabricated via Magnetophoretic Transport and Assembly P27 - Victoria Girona - University of Barcelona Iteraction of GBV-C peptides with model membranes: biophysical studies P28 - Niloofar Haghighian - Università di Genova Plasmonic response of composite graphene-Au nanopatterned systems P29 - Aseel Hassan - Sheffield Hallam University Films of Composite materials of Pyrene Containing Liquid Crystalline Phthalocyanines with Carbon Nanotubes P30 - Seamus Higson - Cranfield University Automated production of graphene for thin films by sonochemical exfoliation of graphite P31 - Insik In - Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju

Mussel-Inspired Surface Engineering of Graphene P32 - Insik In - Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju Mussel-Inspired Surface Engineering of Boron Nitride Nanosheets P33 - Oon Lee Kang - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Comparative studies on MG49-LiClO4 and MG49-TiO2-SiO2-LiClO4 polymer electrolytes P34 - Elena Karpova - Novosibirsk State University X-ray-induced phase transitions of azo dye film P35 - Keizo Kato - Niigata University Simultaneous Detection of Ammonia and Water Vapors Using Multichannel Waveguide-Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor P36 - Noritaka Kato - Meiji University Polystyrene@Au core/shell particles for enhancement of two-photon excited fluorescence P37 - Dogan Kaya - University of Birmingham Site-Selected Manipulation of Magic Number (C60)m−(Au)n clusters on Au(111) P38 - Dogan Kaya - University of Birmingham Formation, Size Distribution and Temperature Dependence of Novel, Hybrid (C60)m−(Au)n clusters on the Au(111) surface P39 - Gennady Khomutov – M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Langmuir monolayers and LB films of functional amine-containing compounds P40 - Hyun Hoo Kim - Doowon Technical University College, Korea Characteristics of AlCrNOx Thin films prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering P41- Hiroyuki Kishimoto - Osaka University Nanostructure and transport properties of {Mo154/152}-ring network P42 - Hyojin Ko - Sogang University, Seoul Macroscopic self-rolling fibers of carbon materials coated with extracellular matrix protein

P43 - Kenkichiro Kobayashi - Shizuoka University Growth of p-type ZnOS films by Pulsed Laser Deposition P44 - Janis Latvels - Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia Photovoltaic effect in bulk heterojunction system with glass forming indandione derivative DMABI-6Ph P45 - Libero Liggieri - CNR - Istituto per l'Energetica e le Interfasi, Genova Monolayer Investigations to Assess the Potential Adverse Effects of Nanoparticles on the Lung Surfactant Functionality P46 - Tsang-Lang Lin - National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Studies on the Mixed Thiol Capped Au Nanoparticle/Lipid Monolayers P47 - Fred Lisdat - Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau The Communication of Fructose Dehydrogenase with Cytochrome c in Multilayer Film Electrodes P48 - Fred Lisdat - Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau Chemisorbed DNA-layer for impedimetric DNA Sensing: Improvement in stability and detection of varying targets P49 - Syed Salahuddin Major - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Fabrication of GO/CdS/GO Layered structures by Langmuir-Blodgett technique P50 - Syed Salahuddin Major - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay RGO-ZnO and RGO-TiO2 composite monolayer sheets prepared by LB technique

Poster Session 2 P51 - Tomasz Martynski - Faculty of Technical Physics Poznan University of Technology Absolute photoluminescence quantum yield of Cl-substituted perylene dyes P52 - Tomasz Martynski - Poznan University of Technology Photoisomerization of liquid crystalline azobenzene derivatives in Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films P53- Tomasz Martynski - Poznan University of Technology Ultrathin molecular layers of perylene derivatives for applications in OLEDs P54 - Alexander Milekhin - A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering and Infrared Absorption by Thin Organic Layers on Arrays of Au Nanoantennas P55 - Orietta Monticelli - Università di Genova Synthesis and properties of stereocomplexed polylactide films as support for PAMAM dendrimers P56- Alexei Nabok - Sheffield Hallam University Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of nano-structured gold films for sensing applications P57 - Alexei Nabok - Sheffield Hallam University Detection of toxins using LSPR in nano-structured gold films P58 - Mehmet Nail Nasir - University of Liege How do synthetic rhamnolipids interact with biomimetic systems of plant plasma membranes? Key role of the chemical structure P59 - Maria Nowacka - Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences Patterned surfaces from functionalized ladder-like silsesquioxanes P60 - Luca Nucara - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Multi-Responsive Sulfonated Polystyrene Colloidal Crystals P61 - Joana S. L. Oliveira - Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam Influence of calcium in a Ceramide 1-Phosphate monolayer model system P62 - Marta Orczyk - Warsaw University of Technology Effect of a Quillaja bark saponin on model Langmuir monolayers P63 - Reinier Oropesa-Nuñez - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Multi-domains supported lipid bilayers as a platform for the study of biological processes: An advanced AFM application P64- Stefan Pachmajer - Graz University of Technology Growth of pentacene thin films on rippled silicon dioxide surfaces P65 - Rosanna Pagano - Università del Salento, Lecce Synthesis and thin film deposition of amphiphilic piezoelectric ZnO adduct P66 - Mikhail Parchine - Tyndall National Institute, UCC

Towards to the ITO-free flexible OPV devices P67 - Laura Pastorino - University of Genova Decoration: powerful tool for studying organic layer architecture on solid-liquid interfaces P68 - Mirko Prato - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Patterning of Nanocrystal films by Inhibiting Cation Exchange via Electron-Beam or X-ray Lithography P69 - Krystyna Prochaska - Poznan University of Technology Interfacial characterization of Langmuir monolayers containing cholesterol and octaepoxysilsesquioxane P70 - Krystyna Prochaska - Poznan University of Technology Morphology and rheological properties of mixed monolayer form by POSS compounds and phospholipid at the air/water interface P71 - Krystyna Prochaska - Poznan University of Technology Interfacial and viscoelastic properties of Langmuir monolayers formed by fluorinated POSS at the air/water interface P72 - Montserrat Pujol - University of Barcelona Biophysical characterization of the membrane activity of new tryptophan-containing cationic lipopeptide antibiotics P73 - Montserrat Pujol - University of Barcelona Analysis of lipid rafts formation using langmuir-blodgett films and giant liposomes by AFM and fluorescence microscopy P74 - Joana Roßberg - University of Potsdam Enzymatic Langmuir monolayer degradation of phenylboronic acid end-capped oligo(ε-caprolactone) P75 - Falko Rottke - University of Potsdam Visualization of inhomogeneous, biodegradable polymeric Langmuir layers by imaging ellipsometry and mapping technique P76 - Haruyuki Saito - Meiji University Influence of microparticles and microcapsules on cell membrane and cellular uptake P77 - Marco Salerno – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova Electrochemical coating of dental implants with anodic porous titania for enhanced osteointegration P78 - David Sarauli - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München PQQ-GDH entrapped in a multilayered sulfonated polyaniline network: a system with efficient bioelectrocatalysis P79 - Adele Sassella - University of Milano Bicocca Sensing properties of ultra-thin organized films of H2TPP P80- Anne-Christin Schöne - Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Influence of poly[(rac-lactide)-co-glycolide] degradation fragments on hydrolytic Langmuir monolayer degradation experiments

P81 - Anne-Christin Schöne - Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Enzymatic degradation of Langmuir films based on star-shaped poly(ε-caprolactone) P82 - Tatyana Shabatina - M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry Hybrid metal-mesogenic nanostructured films P83 - Osamu Shibata - Nagasaki International University Interfacial behavior of two-component monolayers of partially fluorinated alcohol (F6H9OH) and biomembrane constutuents P84 - Ali Shokuhfar - k.N.Toosi University of Technology A novel method for synthesis of nanoalumina coated graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposite P85 - Ali Shokuhfar - K.N.Toosi University of Technology Antibacterial behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties of epoxy/ZnO nanocomposite coatings P86 - Cibely Silva Martin - Universidade Estadual Paulista Characterization of Langmuir-Schaefer and electrodeposited films of iron(II) phthalocyanine P87 - Marco Smerieri - IMEM – CNR, Genova Enhanced chemical reactivity of pristine graphene strongly interacting with a substrate: chemisorbed CO on graphene/Ni(111) P88 - Ilaria Solano - University of Genova Measuring the thickness of OEG- terminated alkanethiols SAMs by Differential Spectroscopic ellipsometry and AFM nanolitography P89 - Kai Stieger - University of Applied Sciences Wildau Organised light harvesting multi protein layers for the construction of new photobioelectrodes. P90- Marina Sturm - Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam The 2D properties of cardiolipin monolayers in single-component systems and binary mixtures P91 - Akihiro Tomioka - Osaka Electro-Communication University Effect of Surface-Bound Polyvinylpyrrolidone on Electrical Conductance and Antioxidation of Silver Nanowire Deposited Film P92 - Akihiro Tomioka - Osaka Electro-Communication University Photoluminescence of pi-Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Fabricated from Microdroplets by a Novel Visible Laser Processing P93 - Katrin Unger - Graz University of Technology, Institute of Solid State Physics, 8010 Graz, Austria Hydrogels produced with initiated chemical vapor deposition P94 - Ludovico Valli- Università del Salento, Lecce Conformational changes of ethane bridge bis-porphyrin induced by unsaturated carboxylic acid P95 - Aivars Vembris - University of Latvia Stimulated emission of pyranyliden derivatives in amorphous thin films

P96- Diogo Volpati - IFSC - University of São Paulo Towards gaining structural information of semifluorinated thiols by SFG and PM-IRRAS P97- Pawel Wydro - Jagiellonian University, Krakow Model membrane studies on the mechanism of auxins activity as the agents in assisted metal phytoextraction from the environment. P98 - Pawel Wydro - Jagiellonian University, Krakow The effect of cholesterol precursors on artificial lipid membranes. P99 - Yu Yamaguchi - Meiji University Pluronic polymer capped mesoporous silica hollow capsules P100 - Ivan Zaluzhnyy - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Application of angular X-ray cross-correlation analysis to the studies of a local structure of organic films


The Chairman warmly thank Dr. Giulia Maidecchi who realized the logo of the

conference and Mrs. Chiara Righi who provided the photos inserted in this booklet