14-12nov_gattinoni_software_genie_isocs_labsocs (1).pdf

Version 3.2 Cascade Summing Correction Gamma Spectroscopy Software Solutions ISOCS - LabSOCS Version 4.2 Monica Gattinoni

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  • Version 3.2

    Cascade Summing


    Gamma Spectroscopy Software Solutions

    ISOCS - LabSOCS Version 4.2

    Monica Gattinoni

  • Summing Effects Definition

    Random Summing loss of observable peak area as a function increasing count rate independent of energy, sample-to-detector distance, number of

    nuclides in the sample correctable with the use of a pulser or a stationary reference

    source Cascade Summing (True Coincidence Summing)

    loss or gain of observable peak area as a function of nuclide decay scheme and geometry

    independent of count rate different effect for different gamma energies of even the same


  • Distance Result, 22% Detector

    Example of coincidence summing effect for some of the Eu-152 gamma lines as a function of sample - detector distance using a small 22% relative efficiency detector. Note the almost 50% loss of area for peak 244 keV at

    close distances.0 5 10 15




    Source - Detector Distance (cm)


    io o

    f Obs


    d vs

    . Cor



    k A


    244 keV

    1085 keV

    1112 keV

  • Simple Coincidence Theory

    With no coincidence, the rate of pulses for peak1 is n = Ap11where A = activity, p1 = emission probability of1, and 1 = peak efficiency at E1

    With coincidence, the rate of pulses in peak 1 isn* = Ap11-Ap11t2where t2 is the probability of observing a count due to 2 emitted at energy E2 anywhere in the spectrum, i.e. the total efficiency at energy E2.

    The correction is C = n/n* = 1/(1-t2) Need to calibrate for total efficiency, or a

    combination of peak efficiency and peak-to-total efficiency, which can be used to calculate the total efficiency.





  • Total efficiency vs. Peak efficiency

    Total efficiency: ratio of all counts in the spectrum to the gamma rays emitted by the source

    Peak efficiency: ratio of all counts in the photopeak(at the emission energy) to the gamma rays emitted by the source.

    P/T ratio is the Peak Efficiency divided by the Total Efficiency.

    0 100 200 300 400 500 60020








    Total efficiency

    Peak efficiency

  • Peak-to-Total Calibration

    The inherent P/T-ratio for all practical purposes, does not depend on

    the source-to-detector distance it has been shown that for HPGe detectors up

    to about 80% relative efficiency the use of the intrinsic P/T-calibration during the integration of the coincidence correction factor produces sufficiently accurate results.

  • P/T ratio is essentially independent of sample position relative to the detector






    1 2

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7









    Model: ConstantChi 2 = 0.00303a-1.614

    Model: ConstantChi 2 = 0.00103a-1.224

    Mapping of P/T-ratio around detector(no separation)

    Zn Mn



    Position of point around end cup

  • Empirical Peak -to-Total Curve

    100 1000











    20% Canberra, 1997

    18% ORTEC, 1995

    20% Canberra, 2000



    io (


    Energy, keV

  • Cascade Summing effects

    Efficiency calibration is also effected

  • Br-82, Sand Matrix, 15% detector








    0 500 1000 1500 2000Energy (keV)


    io to





    Corrected Activity

    Uncorrected Activity

  • Coincidence Correction for Voluminous Sources

    The inherent P/T-ratio is a constant value (geometry independent):

    But our sample has a certain geometry, so the peak efficiency is different We use LABSOCS to calculate for us the

    PEAK EFFICIENCY for the used geometry Based on the above formula, the

    TOTAL efficiency can next be calculated as follows:

    (E)Constant (E) Efficiency Total

    (E) EfficiencyPeak =

    (E) Efficiency Total(E)Constant

    (E) EfficiencyPeak =

  • Coincidence Correction forVoluminous Sources

    divide source into 2n voxels place point source into each voxel in

    random location compute efficiency at that point in space divide by inherent P/T ratio calculate the coincidence correction

    factor do this for all voxels and totalize repeat with 2n+1 voxels continue doubling until no further

    change in coincidence correction factor repeat for all energies and sources

    source volume

    generic attenuators 1 & 2

    sample container

    source attenuation correction pathway

    collimator attenuation correction pathways



    point sources

  • Conclusion

    Approximate detector characterization is acceptable to use for cascade summing corrections when the detector specific characterization is not available, at least above about 120 keV.

    Genie 2000 (S501C) will be shipped with a selected range of detector characterizations, enabling the effectiveCoincidence Summing Correction for the vast majority of cases.

  • Cascade Summing Correction




    NID Results



  • P/T (Peak to Total) Calibration

    P/T calibration curve







  • P/T (Peak to Total) Calibration

  • Genie 2000

    Pre loaded P/T calibrations per detector type. Either do a detector specific P/T calibration

    Or use one of the pre-loaded files

  • Geometry Description




  • Geometry Composer

  • Geometry Composer

  • Cascade Summing Correction

    1. Perform P/T Calibration (only once for eachdetector) or use a pre-loaded one.

    2. Define counting geometry and select similardetector from supplied LabSOCS templates

    3. Perform Cascade Summing Correctionduring NID

  • Cascade Summing Correction

  • Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Coinc

    Name Confidence (keV) (%) (Bq /Filt) Uncertainty Corr

    K-40 0.946 1460.81* 10.67 1.037731E+00 6.206464E-01 miss

    Co-60 0.947 1173.22* 100.00 9.617665E+00 3.544436E-01 0.949

    1332.49* 100.00 9.375374E+00 3.637913E-01 0.946

    Se-75 0.982 96.73* 3.41 1.564261E+01 1.424260E+00 free

    121.11* 16.70 1.444366E+01 7.741458E-01 0.909

    136.00* 59.20 1.326770E+01 7.399303E-01 0.907

    198.60* 1.45 1.772982E+01 3.722104E+00 0.869

    264.65* 59.80 1.353332E+01 6.656023E-01 0.901

    279.53* 25.20 1.414516E+01 7.395598E-01 0.930

    303.91 1.32

    400.65* 11.40 2.288417E+01 1.124830E+00 1.531

    Kr-85 0.972 513.99* 0.43 1.820692E+03 5.812067E+01 miss

    Ba-133 0.949 79.62 2.55

    81.00* 33.00 5.994030E+00 5.042487E-01 0.912

    276.40* 6.90 5.584701E+00 6.266892E-01 0.931

    302.84* 17.80 6.196358E+00 5.741855E-01 0.962

    356.01* 60.00 5.427056E+00 3.817154E-01 0.966

    free = No coincidence correction required.

    miss = Nuclide energy was not found in the coincidence library.

  • Distance Effect

    To correct/avoid for coincidence summing you could move the sample further away from the detector.

    If you move a 5 cm diameter x 1 cm high disk source from being on the end cap to 15 cm away to eliminate true coincidence effects the MDA will increase by a factor 22.

    To reach the same MDA you are able to achieve at the end cap you must count the sample at 15 cm for 500 times longer!

  • Real examples, pointsource

    XTRa, GX4018, Pointsource Pointsource at contact

    Co-60: 21% correction

    Pointsource at 2 cm Co-60: 8% correction

    Pointsource at 5 cm Co-60: 3% correction

  • Real examples, filter paper

    XTRa, GX4018, filter paper Filter at contact

    Co-60: 17,5% correction

    Filter at 2 cm Co-60: 7% correction

    Filter at 5 cm Co-60: 3% correction

  • Real examples, Beaker

    XTRa, GX4018, Beaker Beaker at contact

    Co-60: 7,5% correction

    Beaker at 2 cm Co-60: 3,5% correction

    Beaker at 5 cm Co-60: 1,85% correction

  • Overview

    XTRa, GX4018, b01166, Co-60, % loss

    Pointsource Filter Beaker0 cm 21 17,5 7,52 cm 8 7 3,55 cm 3 3 1,85

  • NEW Cascade Summing v3.2Total efficiency automatically calculated

    Now TE can be calculated internally [P/T method still retained].

    Using a characterizeddetector the Peak-to-Total calibration is no longer needed

    Total Efficiency algorithms include corrections for build-up.

    Calibration sources are no longer required in order to take advantage of the Genie2Ks cascade summing corrections.

    CSC results are better

  • NEW Cascade Summing v3.2Total efficiency automatically calculated

  • NEW Cascade Summing v3.2

    Correcting for gamma-gamma, X ray-and positron annihilation-gamma summing effects

    Expansion of the library to include 200 nuclides (over 2050 lines).

  • NEW Cascade Summing v3.2Nuclear Data Automatically

    extracted from ENSDF

  • Measured Activity of a filter paper on the detector endcap

    without and with Canberra CSC

  • Cascade Summing Correctionwith Characterized Detector

  • Other LabSOCS Benefits

  • When calibration source is different density then sample

  • Sample is different Z than standard

  • 3D Geometry Composer

  • LabSOCS and Traditional Efficiency Calibration agreement

  • Custom General Purpose Beaker Editor

  • Lab-ISOCS IUE for automated Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses

  • Lab-ISOCS IUE for automated Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses

  • ISOCSIIn Situ Object Counting System

  • ISOCS Application Example

    Geometry Composer :

    Characterized detector

    User-selected collimator

    H-Beam with external contamination