12 core technologies you should learn, love, and hate to be a 'real' technocrat

12 core technologies you should learn , love , and hate to be a 'real' technocrat jon linowes podcamp nh nov 8, 2009

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Page 1: 12 core technologies you should learn, love, and hate to be a 'real' technocrat

12 core technologies you should learn, love, and hate to be a 'real' technocrat

jon linowespodcamp nh nov 8, 2009

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oscillating between confusion and success, as one progresses along a learning curve

-1, 0, +1where are you?

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1. the command line

2. html (tags, dom)

3. css (styles, selectors, media type)

4. http (request, response, caching, sessions)

5. programming (objects, control, BDD)

6. javascript (& ajax)

7. MVC application frameworks

8. database (structure, sql)

9. hosting (server layers, clusters, caching)

10. media - images, video & mp3 (resolution, compression, etc)

11. business (users, customers, partners, investors, staff)

12. (TBD)

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Time allotted: 45 minutes

Presentation: 35 minutes

Discussion: 10 minutes

75 slides = 28 seconds per slide...

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1. the command line

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Command Line, Why?

because it feels good to “let your fingers do the walking”while you're working “under the hood”

it can be...faster (typing vs clicking)more direct (names vs picture)more flexible (plethora of options)you're already there (fingers already on the kb)more natural (login to remote machines)the only way (e.g ping)

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Example *nix commands:

ls -lSr - list files (sorted by size)less some.file - list a text document, paginatemkdir newfolder - create a new folder (directory)mv my.file newname.file - move, rename a filecp my.file dup.file - copy a filescp my.file [email protected]:/stuff - copy a file across the 'netdu -sh /some/dir - show how much space dir is taking upps aux | grep blah - list all the running processes

but only show ones that contain 'blah'mysqldump > mydb.sql - backup a databasemysql < mydb.sql - restore a databasewget -spider http://0at.org - fetch pages and behave like a web spider:

don't download, just check to see if there

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2. html

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html: structure

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


<head> <title>Corporate Information - Company Overview</title> </head>


<div id="container">

<h2>Company Overview</h2>

<p> <strong>Our name</strong> </p>

<p>Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin named the search engine they built "Google," a play on the word "googol" </p>




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Source: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_DIV.asp

html: tags

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Firefox Firebug plugin

and Web Developer plugin

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Safari Web Inspector


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html: DOM● the Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface

(API) for valid HTML and well-formed XML documents.

● the term "document" is used in the broad sense (increasingly, XML is being

used as a way of representing many different kinds of information)

● programmers can build documents, navigate their structure, and add, modify,

or delete elements and content.

Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/introduction.html

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3. css

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“Cascading Style Sheets”

cascade |kasˈkād|a process whereby something, typically information or knowledge, is successively passed on” (Oxford)

The cascade:

● browser defaults

● CSS file(s)

● <style> tag in HTML

● style= attribute in a tag

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Un-styled document, has content and structure

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html + css = formatted content

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“Themes” are standard styles applied to a standard document structure

(Themes may also extend the document structure using templates)

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Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/

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css:media types

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A Web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and

traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

An information resource is identifi ed by a Uniform Resource Identifi er

(URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content.

Hyperlinks present in resources enable users to easily navigate their

browsers to related resources.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_browser

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ping request

[22:24][jonathan@jsl:~]$ ping google.comPING google.com ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=759.847 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=800.581 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=729.355 ms

p.s. satellite internet sucks esp during peak times

- ping looks up domain name in DNS, gets IP address- ping sends “echo” request with a “payload” (data) to the IP address- server listening, accepts the request, echo's back the data- ping receives echo, verifies, and prints time it took for round-trip

First, let's consider a “ping”:

Useful to verify server is alive, and measure response times (your ISP + Internet in general + that specific server, combined).

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browser:http request

Example: http://www.google.com

- browser looks up domain name in DNS, gets IP address- browser sends HTTP GET request to the IP address- server listening on port 80, accepts the request- server prepares a response- server sends response back to browser (status: 200 ok)- browser receives response, parses the document- browser may GET additional stuff (images, css, etc)- browser builds the DOM, and paints the screen

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http response

Response Headers - http://www.reviewramp.com/

Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:04:53 GMTServer: Mongrel 1.1.1Status: 200Etag: "baf1a682b9b690de2b1e5ff15be8193d"X-Runtime: 8Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidateContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8Content-Length: 9329Connection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout=3Set-Cookie: _reviewramp_session_id=BAh7BzoPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZCIlYWU...

200 OK

Example HTTP response header:

Status: response code

eTag: for cache

Content-type: kind of data, for browser

Set-cookie: cookies, for server

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1xx Informational

2xx Success200 OK

3xx Redirection301 Moved Permanently302 Found – this is the most popular redirect code304 Not Modified – use the cache

4xx Client Error403 Forbidden – the request was a legal request, but server is refusing to respond to it404 Not Found

5xx Server Error500 Internal Server Error

httpresponse codes

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Conditional GETs

Conditional GETs based on dateHTTP header has Last-Updated. If you store this with a copy of the data, you can avoid re-

fetching it if it hasn't changed. When you next make a request, include this date in the header If-

Modified-Since. If the data has not changed, Gliffy will respond with an HTTP status of 304,

indicating you may safely use your cached copy.

Conditional GETs based on entity tag (eTag)An alternate means is to use an "entity tag", which is essentially a hash of the data. Certain

resources will include an HTTP header for ETag. Save this value with the data. When you re-

request the data, include the header If-None-Match and use the value of the ETag you stored in

the cache. If the data to serve you has not changed, it will have the same ETag, and will return an

HTTP status of 304, indicating you may safely use your cached copy.

browser cache

Source: http://www.gliffy.com/developer/apidocs/rest/

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browser session

The web is inherently “stateless”Each request is self contained and must have all the infoneeded to complete the transaction.

A cookie is a 'chunk' of data stored in the browser which is passed along to the server on each request.

A session cookie contains a unique identifier so the server knows who the request came from (eg after you logged in)

Source: http://www.jeevanchaaya.com/2008/10/14/web-application-state/

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5. programming

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– a self-contained thing with an interface (API) to create, modify, control, destroy, etc.

– once defined (programmed), others can use it (other objects, other programmers)

– has its own data

– as long as the API stays the same, the internal implementation can change (“refactor”)

Class versus Instance

“car” - class of object

“my car” - an instance of “car”

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programming:control flow

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def wipe_mutterings_from( sentence )

unless sentence.respond_to? :include?

raise ArgumentError,

"cannot wipe mutterings from a #{ sentence.class }"


while sentence.include? '('

open = sentence.index( '(' )

close = sentence.index( ')', open )

sentence[open..close] = '' if close



programming: Ruby examples

non_eggroll = 0

kitty_toys.each do |toy|

next if toy[:shape] == 'eggroll'

non_eggroll = non_eggroll + 1


def grant( wish )

if wish.length > 10 or wish.include? ' '

raise ArgumentError, "Bad wish."


if @energy.zero?

raise Exception, "No energy left."


@energy -= 1

Endertromb::make( wish )


source: http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/book/chapter-1.html

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File: page_spec.rb

describe Page, "name" do it "should convert spaces and illegal chars to underscore" do p = new_page( :name => "a b@c$d-e&f?g") p.should be_valid p.name.should == "a_b_c_d_e_f_g" endend

Behavior specification:

File: page.rb

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base require "string"

def before_validation self.name = name.urlize if name endend

Class definition:

File: string.rb

class String def urlize self.strip.downcase.gsub(/[^\w\.]+/, '_') endend

programming: behavior-driven


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6. javascript

- client-side (browser) programming language

- used to be “bad” (problems: cross browser, security, accessibility, usability)

- Google legitimized Javascript (gmail, earth etc). Libraries like jQuery solve browser and usability issues.

- integrated into all browsers, has built-in DOM support

- use the <script> tag to embed into HTML

- used for making “smarter” web pages, visual effects, better GUI, AJAX, client-side applications

Other client-side programming:- VBscript- ActiveX- Flash

image: http://www.somethingdigital.co.za/services.php

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<div> <script type="text/javascript">todays_date()</script></div>

function todays_date() {

var now = new Date();

var days = new Array( 'Sunday' ,'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');

var months = new Array( 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');

var date = now.getDate();

var today = days[now.getDay()] + ", " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + date + ", " +(fourdigits(now.getYear()));


function fourdigits(number){ return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;}

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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javascript:jQuery example

$(document).ready(function() { $('#faq').find('dd').hide().end().find('dt').click(function() { $(this).next().slideToggle(); }); });

source: http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Getting_Started_with_jQuery

- wait 'till document is loaded into the browser- select element with ID=”faq” (presumably a DIV)- find all <dd> elements within that element (presumably the answer text), and hide them- find all <dt> elements within '#faq' (presumably the question text), and when one is clicked:

- find the next element (presumably the <dd> tag>- and show it by sliding down to reveal- (or if presently visible, hide it by sliding up to hide)

Think of a FAQ page, where all answers are hidden first, and shown when the question is clicked. The jQuery code for this:

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source: http://www.adaptivepath.com/images/publications/essays/ajax-fig1.png

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7. MVC application frameworks

source: http://www.bhartisoftland.com/technologies-skill-sets/gifs/mvc-php.png

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REST“Representable State Transfer” … whatever.

REST describes an architecture paradigm for web applications

that request and manipulate web resources using the standard


source: http://topfunky.com/clients/peepcode/REST-cheatsheet.pdf

ref: http://www.b-simple.de/download/restful_rails_en.pdf

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<h1>Public Directory</h1>

<% if @public_projects.empty? %>

<h3>No public projects found on this account</h3>

<% else %>

<div id="projects_list">

<%= render :partial => "project", :collection => @public_projects %>


<% end %>

View: templates

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source: http://www.adobe.com/newsletters/edge/october2008/articles/article2/index.html?trackingid=DWZST

Model: ORM“object-relational mapping”maps a database table to an object in the frameworke.g. Rails' ActiveRecord

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Model: associations

source: http://guides.rails.info/association_basics.html

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8. database

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Application => SQLUser.find 3090 SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 3090) LIMIT 1

@account.projects.find_by_name “test” SELECT * FROM `projects` WHERE (`projects`.`name` = 'test') AND ((`projects`.account_id = 800)

Account.create :name => “newco” INSERT INTO `accounts` (`name`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `deleted_at`, `owner_id`) VALUES('newco', '2009-11-04 08:21:30', '2009-11-04 08:21:30', NULL, NULL)


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database performance

Database management has a long, hard, cold history dating back decades, housed in the faux floored realm of corporate IT departments and enterprise software co's like Oracle and SAP.

And then there were “toy” databases on PC's for personal and small business.

The massive proliferation of websites, web servers, and web applications since the 1990's has pulled database technology into the hands of unwitting and often clueless people like you and me. But we are learning.

Usually, small and simple is good enough. But sometimes you -really- need to scale. Personally, I haven't, yet.

As a developer, do the basics to optimize database performance: index the tables, perform benchmarks, watch the logs, tune the app, use the expert services at your hosting company, perform regular maintenance, and, of course, backup.

As a user, stand in awe of the likes of Google, Facebook, CNN, and the iTunes store.


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9. hosting

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Example: Engine Yard

source: http://www.engineyard.com/technology

Disclaimer: I am neither a customer nor employee of Engine Yard or Heroku, but I've looked at them because they specialize in Rails hosting. More important, I like their graphics.

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10. media

source: http://kindacarsick.com/post/230881676#

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Image Video Audio

resolution width (pixels)height (pixels)depth (#colors,

or bits RBG)

width (pixels)height (pixels)length (time)frames rate (fps)

channels (mono/stereo)bit rate (kbps)

compression(for example)

jpg H.264 mp3

Resolution defines the physical dimensions, attributes of the data.

Reducing the resolution means sampling the data.

Compression can be loss-ey, or loss-less which files are much larger.

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source: http://www.wavetrace.com/images/RatesAndResolution.gif

Relationship between resolution and sampling

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source: http://www.stereophile.com/features/308mp3cd/

Pixellation is sampling (and/or averaging) and then re-enlarging(generally not a good idea)

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Sampling at too low a resolution can loose significant features

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CD tones: After MP3 compression:

Compression also introduces noise

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11. business business == people

ok, so it's not really a technology, but it is the context

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12. [TBD]

What's your love, appreciation, passion?

What's your hate, confusion, pain?

What do you want to learn, know, be skilled?

Where are you between WTF and FTW?

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Jon Linowes

[email protected] twitter @linojon

my main project: http://reviewramp.com “Submit... Review... Decide!”

technical blog: http://vaporbase.com personal blog: http://jon.linow.es