11 19 strawberries

Introduction to Introduction to Horticulture Horticulture Plant: Strawberry Plant: Strawberry Term: Achenes Term: Achenes

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Page 1: 11 19 Strawberries

Introduction to HorticultureIntroduction to Horticulture

Plant: StrawberryPlant: Strawberry

Term: AchenesTerm: Achenes

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StrawberryFragaria• Full sun • Well drained, sandy loam with a pH from 5.8 to

6.2 is ideal • Don't plant where tomatoes, potatoes, peppers

or eggplant have been grown recently (Verticillium Rot)

• Plant in the spring as soon as the soil is dry enough to be worked, or in late fall

• Keep weeds from competing with your strawberry plants

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• This is a small, dry, hard, one-celled, one-seeded fruit that stays closed at maturity

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Growing Strawberries

• Two kinds– June bearing – large fruit in June– Everbearing – small fruit all summer

• Plants last for ~ 3 years but production peaks in the second year.

• Can be planted spring or fall, but if spring planted, don’t let them set fruit the first year

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• Best grown with a straw mulch

• Black plastic is okay but heats the soil too hot in the south.

• Remove runners to force plant energy into making fruit, not new plants

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Fruit Project

• With a partner, select two type of fruit that you would like to grow

• Plan a garden to for your plants. • Plant enough plants to provide 4 gallons of

fruit (or 30 lbs) for each type• Select a variety for each• How much space do you need • How often will you need to replace your


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• What are the soil management requirements?

• What are the Fertilization requirements?

• What training or pruning is needed?

• Be prepared to present to the class

• This counts towards your project grade (25%)