101 fundraising ideas ebook

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  • 7/22/2019 101 Fundraising IDEAS eBook



    IDEASBy Youth Leaders EverywhereCompiled by Meredith MacKinnon & Sam Townsend

  • 7/22/2019 101 Fundraising IDEAS eBook


    If you asked 101 youth leaders for their best fundraising ideas,youd get a hodgepodge of events, auctions, creative asks and even

    pranks plus a little repetition!

    We know, because at the National Youth Workers Convention in San

    Diego and Dallas this year, we asked.

    If youre planning for your next great mission trip, we hope these

    ideas inspire your fundraising efforts!

    A B O U T

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  • 7/22/2019 101 Fundraising IDEAS eBook


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    PROTECTION MONEY You offer protection from an item, such as a purple toilet. If membersof your church dont buy protection, then the toilet gets delivered totheir front lawn, and the only way to have it removed is to pay the toiletmova f . F st ff b t c a t to t st.


    T s s w t yo t g o p s pa to am go a o s (p t ttp ast c am gos a ov t o s ) a t pa to av mov . Tv ct ms ca a so b y s a c w c wo a ow t m to b am gofree for 6 months.

    Bailey Flagstaff, AZ FLAMINGO PICKETING

    Suggest $1 per Flamingo to picket at your friend/neighbor/strangersyard as a prank. When they wake up in the morning, theyll see 200p ast c am gos st c t ya .

    Derek Manahawkin, NJ

    P ac g am gos yo ya . C c m mb s av to pay to movthem and also can buy insurance to protect themselves. Made us a lotof money.

    Jennifer Turlock, CAFLOCKINGW go oc g v y ot s mm . W ta sma g o ps o t afta to t c os ta g t of t oc a p ac 23 oz p ast c pam gos t at p so s ya , a o g w t a s g t at says, Yo v

    b oc by t Oas s Yo t M st y a co tact fo. A o at oof $5 o mo g ts t oc p c p, a t y g t to c oos w tgoes next.

    Mike Godfrey, IL

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    FLAMINGOSP am go p op s ya w t s v a p ast c am gos a av acard on it that has options for giving money. Like $25 to have the youthremove the birds and put them in someone elses yard, or any amountof money to have them removed or anything you want. It is fun to seehow people get one another and how much money is raised.

    Ellen Hastings, NE

    FLAMINGOSB y ya o am t p am gos a p a t t m som o yoc c s ya . C a g a s t amo t to t os p op to mov t mo , a t y t yo w to ta t am gos. Yo ca a so sam go s a c po c s fo t os yo c c w o o ot w s to

    participate. Alan Oklahoma City, OK

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    Noodles & Doodles (Pasta Dinner & Art Auction)W av st ts c at t ow o g a a two (pa t g, sc pt s,po ms, a yt g). W s a y av t m c at a o t favo tBible verse or story. The more the better. Have your students sellt c ts a va c . (W o $10 ac .) At t v t, w av a t a tdisplayed so everyone can see. We then serve a pasta dinner. Students

    act as s v s a a ss b ac a w t . Aft w ot a s t a ct o o v a ct o . To c as yo p o ts, avparents or adults donate pasta, sauce and tableware. Donations fromItalian diners can help too. If you do a silent auction and have artworkleftover, simply do a fast live auction. This will cause excitement andthese pieces will usually go for more than the others.

    Nathan Lemon Grove, CA

    GOlF TOurnAMenT

    Marty Greenville, OH

    Mystery Dinner Theater Teens are the actors. We sold the tickets for $25 each and got the fooddonated.

    Gretchen Tucson, AZ

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    Dessert Caf Playev y y a o c c p ts o a p ay. P ma y yo t , b t a so somadults, practice on Sunday afternoons for four months. We then hostshows over a couple weekends in January. Weve done this for over10 years now and have grown to about eight shows, hosting over75 people each. We have brought on people in the congregationw o ov t at , a t y av p s g ca t y. Att s pay

    around $5 each to attend and receive a light dessert beforehand. The money brought in goes completely to youth missions. There isa s g ca t v stm t of t m a som mo y (f om t g ayo t b g t) to p tt g o t p ay, b t t as b com a c bmultigenerational ministry that allows youth to take the lead and interactw t t a ts vo v a t co g gat o as t y att . ev

    without the fundraising aspect, it is a worthwhile endeavor, and I thinkthose make the best fundraisers.

    Sam St. Paul, MN

    A PlAYWriTTen AndPerFOrMed BY

    YOuTh Kim Kansas City, MO

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    Lock-inI will have a lock-in centered around what we are raising money for(s c as g , t af c g, ts, w s, tc.) i c a g a f s c as $40to att t v t a g v p z s to t os t at a s MOre t a tfee.

    Margie Fort Mill, SC

    Pa ca s pp , C stmas p ay w t , Po a exp ss Pa tyMichelle Millsboro, DE

    Dodge Ball Tourney$10 or so per person. You can sell snacks and stuff on the side. We

    took a bowling trophy and cut and reapplied the arm so it looked like itwas t ow g a o g ba fo a ow-cost p z .

    Brandon Bricelyn, MN

    Desserts competitionWe did a competition around the best chocolate desserts a coupley a s ago t at a s o m ss o t p $3,000+. W a p op atchurch sign up and make their best chocolate-infused treat. We alsosent a letter out and had a couple adult leaders follow up with thecomm ty (b s ss s) o p z o at o s fo t w s. W c a gp op at t oo ($5) fo t p v g of tast g a t cocoa- spgoo ss w t y st to a oca jazz ba p ay. last y, w a a50/50 af at t sam v t a gav away a f w of t f p z s

    as oo p z s. O , a o oca Sta b c s o at t coff too!We placed the event the Friday before Valentines, and it was a smashsuccess.

    Scott Minden, NV

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    We hOld A SOuPCOOkOuT

    Doug McMinville, OR

    W o a ta t s ow ac y a ca imma s Got Ta t wour students and other adults from the church showcase their talentsfor the community. The families of our students provide desserts, andwe take a freewill offering during the night. For all of our fundraisersthroughout the year, we try to do something that not only raises moneybut also promotes community within our church.

    Bret Ripon, CA

    As a yo t staff w av a s to s o st ts p s tpass o s. O p a s to s t c ts to p op o c c comm tyand local community where we prepare a gourmet meal, planned and

    by A ssa, a s o w o as a s to b a c f. it s a amaz g

    opportunity to open up fundraising options to students based on theirtalents and support them in that, while working as a team to raise funds. Marissa Redding, CA

    Run-a-thonO ga z a asy -a-t o at t oca m sc oo . k s g tsponsors to run laps toward camp costs. It raises exposure in theneighborhood and school and kids take responsibility to raise some oftheir own camp funds.

    Michelle Solana Beach, CA

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    Get an old broken down car and have students and adults pay to get aswing at the car with a sledgehammer.

    Grady Rancho Cucamonga, CA

    hOld AChurCh-Widedinner.

    Victoria McMinnville, OR

    BBQ at church thats free but with a freewill donation.Daniel Los Angeles, CA

    Yo t v ts vo v g t fam s t at m a s vo v g t w ochurch, really. Sell tickets for the event. During the event, take a love

    off g.Scott Palm Bay, FL

    ho a Va t s day w t a gam , t n w yw s Gam ,but with older married couples.

    Chad Apache Junction, AZ

    C a g a m ss o to a ta t s ow f at g yo yo t g o p.Tyler Lakewood, CO

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    kiSSinG BOOTh. Jason Lakewood, COr a go f to am t. it w s a y b g ov a t o sa o a s omore. Solicit gifts from the community and have a silent auction as well.

    You can get as creative as your church will allow.Tony Medina, NY

    Congregation Spaghetti Dinner A a sto s o at foo so t yo t g o p ca off t tcongregation a free spaghetti dinner. During the dinner, there is also ap o ss t a ct o (s t o t t a t o a way, p g o f yoav a goo a ct o a y). if a p a ct o , yo av yo t , o t

    yo t s pa ts ba a p / ss t to av a ct o off. A g ss a P s fo a Y a (o p a mo t av co g gat o m mb ss g p to p w t t s). T s a so acts as a g at t g at o am st y as t yo t a o m mb s g t to t act w t acother more intentionally.

    Julie Bozeman, MT

    Spag tt f o ot typ of foo . A so p t o a f co c t w ta volunteer. People always enjoy donating more when there is a goodo ga zat o t s go g to.

    Leslie Brentwood, CA

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    Sunday Afternoon at the MoviesP c as t v w g c s fo C st a mov s a off a S ayafternoon matinee targeting the adult population with a suggesteddonation for the youth ministry for the mission trip fund.

    Donna Flagstaff, AZ

    Chili COOk-OFFWiTh TAlenTShOW

    Chad Apache Junction, AZ

    SerViCeC at a acco t t c c b g t ca S v c -BasSc o a s ps. Pa s o s g v to t acco t. T yo t staff so -p o ts o sp c a s p oj cts w w ca p wo .

    The money from the account then goes into the students personal

    yo t acco t. (1) T g ft f om pa s o s s t tax ct b . (2) T wo at t o -p o t o t sp c a s p oj ct s f to to ga zat o /p so . (3) T st ts a ab to g t mo y. T ats awin-win-win.

    Derru Nappanee, IN

    We pair up our youth with members from the church who need chores/ wo o ( aw mow , o s c a , tc.). it g v s t yo tpersonal time with adults at church while giving the youth a chance toraise money for activities.

    Tom Garland, TX

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    reCYClinG .Ryan Lathrop, CA

    Pre-sell sub sandwiches for Super Bowl Sunday, get the producedonated, and have the kids make them. We sell 15-inch sandwiches for$12 each.

    Noel Kansas City, MO

    We hOld ABABYSiTTinG dAY ineArlY deCeMBer SOPArenTS CAn GeTSOMe ChriSTMASShOPPinG dOne!Sarah San Diego, CASERVICE BOARDC c m mb s post o a b t boa o jobs o s v c p oj ctsfor around their home and a price they would pay for the service. Youth

    take the postings and sign up to do the task for the donation.Sean Cochranton, PA

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    FREE CAR WASH: Students get people to pledge a donation amountp ca o p op ca off a s t amo t o at o . St ts twash cars in the community for free. They get sponsored per car theyraise; therefore, if a person sponsors $1 per car and the students wash100 cars, that person will donate $100.

    Mitchel Kapolei, HI

    We had people check in their keys before church, and we washed theircars during the service and returned their keys after church. We raiseda most $800 o ay! (two s v c s) a t s got to s p wo s pa S ay Sc oo fo a w , w c t y a . :) iv a so a

    of churches having people sign up for car-detailing during worships v c s c a ca s, mo mo y, b t pot t a y a o g - gfundraiser to get everyone served.

    Karen Mission, KS

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    144 ENVELOPES P t 144 v op s t a t x o bac of t c c , mb f om1144 (w t $ f o t). So $1, $2, tc. As c c m mb s to ma ao at o w t t at amo t of mo y t. if v y v op got , t =$10,800

    Janet West Covina, CANOISY SUNDAY Have students walk through church after a service and collect sparec a g , j g g t ca s t o g t c c . O c c o s t s o ca month.

    Laura LaVerne, CATHE MONEY WALL Put 200 envelopes on a wall with dollar amounts written on the outside

    (sta t g at $1 a go g to $200) a p ac t wa o ts c cand invite church members to take an envelope and place the amountwritten on the front of the envelope in the envelope and return it to theyouth minister. Place needs and prayer requests inside the envelope. Theperson becomes a prayer partner with the student and its an easy wayto raise a ton of money.

    Ricc Brandon, FLENVELOPES Ta 100 v op s (o as ma y as yo wa t) a mb t m 1 to[however many envelopes you have]. Someone takes an envelope with anumber on it. That number is how much they donate.

    Jaymes San Juan Capistrano, CA

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    THE NEWLYWED GAMEInvite your mature ministry group to come to a free night of a games ow of T n w yw s Gam a s v f ss ts. i v t w -known couples to build more people coming. Have a straight freewilloffering afterward. Put some $10 or $20 bills in the bottom of the

    baskets to inspire people.

    Jim Ann Arbor, MI

    SHAREHOLDERSW s s a s t m ss o p oj ct fo $25$30 p s a . eacshare also provides the shareholder with one ticket to the shareholdersbanquet which is held about 2 weeks after the completion of the project.O m mb of t t am f om t p oj ct s t ost at ac tab tos a p so a sto s a t p og am s w t v o & p ct s. Soeach shareholder gets both a personal connection with a team memberand a visual understanding of what the project accomplished.

    Dave Grand Prairie, TX


    Labeled 1 dollar through 50 dollars. The most anyone pays is 50 bucks. A so, o yo t g o p am s 212 St t M st s, so w as ochurch members to give $2.12 per week. If 100 sponsor, it totals$12,000.

    Mark Kings Mountain, NC ARRESTED FOR A CAUSE

    host v t s f s a fam y to a BBQ/ to b a st fo tca s of stopp g c s x t af c g. G sts s t t ow ba ta g t,t p o t co tacts fo o at o s towa s t ba .

    Barbara Syracuse, IN

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    i b g c c , p t x ca s mb g 150 a t go by 5saft t at ( .g. 55, 60, 65) a t way to 100. As co g gat o to taa card and match the number on the card with a dollar amount ofdonations. Youll end up with a good amount of donations after that.

    Scott Foster City, CA

    ADOPT-A-MILEFigure out the mileage for the mission-trip and how much each mileshould cost. Have donors pay for the trip by the mile.

    Greg Chattanooga, TN


    People buy a ticket for $50 to stay home. Put it on a busy night and lett m s mp y ma a o at o w t o t av g to act a y o a yt g.

    David Visalia, CA

    How about a rocking chair fundraiser where the youth have to sit in arocking chair and keep it rocking for a period of time. I did one as ayo t a w a t ams of t p g a oc g c a oc g fo 24hours. So much fun.

    Julee Fort Irwin, CA

    COIN CHANGE BOTTLES You can get cheap reusable plastic water bottles and have yourco g gat o t m p a op off t c a g t o g o t t

    year. It works well and the water bottles can be a church fundraiser bythemselves.

    Sean Yuba City, CA

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    SAleSCHRISTMAS TREE LOTWe presell tickets for the trees, then we actually have a lot where theparents can pick out their tree.

    Kyle Temecula, CA

    P op f om o c c o at a y t ms ( xc pt fo c ot s!) a whold a yard sale. The proceeds go to missions.

    Rebekah Los Angeles, CA

    SellinG TiCkeTS TOrAFFle OFF AniPAd.

    Heidi Lakewood, CO

    Have a youth night where you make Duct-Tape wallets. Be sure to makepopular color combinations. Then, have each student sell them for$3$5 aft sc oo , b fo sc oo , at v ts, tc.

    AJ Galt, CA

    COINS FOR YOUTHF M&M M s t b s w t q a t s to a s mo y. B y a box of M&MM s f om Sma t & F a (o s m a sto ). A box of 25 s $24.99, o $1/

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    t b . P t yo ow ab xp a g t v t a p oc ss of gt t b (sta a 4x3 ma g ab s wo g at!). S t t b s fo$1 ( av t ca y t ) to ma yo mo y bac a m atany loss. People eat the candy and put their change in the tube. Bringt bac w ts f . if t y t w t q a t s, t s o o abo t$21.75. At a sma c c of 300 p op , w a s abo t $2,000 ( t,

    g oss was mo $2,500).Brian Minden, NV

    W a a sma C st a compa y t at s a va c g o m ss o ofc a g g o c t to sp g t st mom ts of t ay w t olo A h s Coff . W av a sp c a f a s g p og am t atis done online and is easy for youth groups to raise funds for missionp oj cts a ot ffo ts. 10 yo t s g 10 bags of coff ac 4t m s a y a = $2000 p o t. eac f a s as a sp c a p s tat vass g to t to g ac st p. W comm Coff Tast gs athen take orders. We have many other suggestions as well. We are acreative, out-of-the-box-thinking company. Turn around time on ordersis about two weeks. Please visit our website at: www.hiscoffeeco.

    com/155.htmlMary Jo Escondido, CA

    PUMPKIN PATCH: O c c o s a p mp patc v y Octob . T s y a w a s20,000 for our youth group. We sold $50,000 worth of pumpkins to our

    community. Jay Ft. Meyers, FL

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    180 FUNDRAISER CARDS The cards are $10 each; when the kid sells the card they get $5 plusp z s.

    Brittany Tempe, AZ

    CRAWFISH BOILW at as wo b st fo s lo s a a s CrAWFiSh BOilS! W boabo t 800 po s a a ways o t! Goo l c !

    Steven Crowville, LA

    Have the young people do projects / craft ideas they are good at andauction or sell their creation for their youth group.

    Brenda Nassau, Bahamas

    MixedBagdesigns.com sells go-green, reusable bags. You get 50% oft p o t a g at f a s .

    Jaime Tamoa, FLOPPORTUNITY DRAWING BASKET C at s v a bas ts a s t c ts fo p op to w t bas ts.


    Ta o at o s, s boot spac a a co c ss o . Max m z yoearning potential in a single event.

    Nik Temple, TX

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    TRIVIA TABLE NIGHT(loosely based on a group Trivial Pursuit game)People may purchase individual admission or whole tables. There mayalso be an opportunity to donate at the end. This is not original from me.

    This idea came from a fellow YM in town. John Fort Payne, AL

    CINNAMON ROLL FUNDRAISERW a ways av a c amo o f a s om ma o c cc p ma by t t s a vo t s, p o by m mb s of

    t co g gat o a so by t oz fo $8. ra s o g fo tw o g o p (25) to g t ov a f t t ps to B z pa fo .

    Sarah Alexandria, MN

    PrOduCTSFrOM eMerGinGCOunTrieS ThATCOnneCT kidS WiTh A CAuSe And rAiSeFundS AT SAMe TiMe.

    Glennis McDonough, GA

    Sell PartyLite candles as a fundraiser. For details, visit http://www.partylite.com/en-us/Pages/fundraisers/fundraisers.aspx

    Julie McMinnville, OR

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    S g st ts fo s v c to y c c . r t a st t po . Ma s to av a ot of a t s p v s o (yo t pasto , pa to a t vo t ) w st ts co ct t job. A so ma sto let the parents know the student will be working and make sure tonegotiate the hourly rate beforehand.

    Jeremy Cumming, GA

    leMOnAdeSTAndS OnWeekdAYS. Sarah Ft Irwin, CA

    AuCTiOnSW o a C oco at B ff t ac y a . W fa cy p a oom ochurch and have a crepe station and three or four fancy chocolate

    desserts. People pay $25, but its a pretty big experience. We includevalets, live entertainment, a coat check and childcare. Its lots of work,b t s a g at payoff a a to of f !

    Tim Surrey, British ColumbiaBAKED GOODS AUCTION

    T yo t ac ba 34 om ma ca s, p s o ot sc mpt o sgoo s. T S ay b fo T a sg v g, w av a v a ct o . Athe desserts are auctioned off. The church members love it, becausethey have a selection of desserts, already made for them, to serve

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    w t t T y f ast! W av v ma ss t a $4,000. Ostipulation that helps get a higher price for the most-desired item: Weo y av 23 ava ab , ma by t b st yo t /pa t coo g t am,so people bid very high for a chance to take one of these coveted itemsom ! (it s o b ot t at w a s a a g amo t of $ fo s c asma c c .)

    Sheri Lamesa, TX

    COMEDY NIGHTW av g at s cc ss w t o g a Com y n g t w t t a tsa t o g a St t A ct o t at g t as w . W s v a

    g t com y po t o a t ss t g t St t A ct o .So fa , o o as c o o t foo a g g too a . :)

    Brian Chuluota, FL

    SOUP & SANDWICH LUNCHEONWe do a yearly soup and sandwich luncheon, partnered with a desserta ct o . A of t om ma so ps a ss ts a o at byc c m mb s; w j st p ov t sa w c s. O of o yo t

    parents is an actual auctioneer and helps make this event a lot of fun foreveryone involved. Desserts are auctioned off while church memberseat lunch.

    Mike Godfrey, ILBASKET AUCTIONGo get different products from businesses in the area such as paint,

    makeup, gift cards, Y membership, etc. Put a mixture of things inbaskets and then auction each basket mixture.

    Marty Greenville, OH

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    YOUTH AUCTIONGet the youth to auction off themselves to church members to do yardwo , p t s tt g, babys tt g. O , av t co g gat o b g t ms toauction, such as gift cards, gift baskets, baked goods, etc. Then have asilent auction with a meal to peak the interest of the congregation.

    Jamie Waco, TX MENS BAKE-OFF

    Yo t g t Men of t c c to ba a t m fo t m. T , t tchurch gets together, and auctions off the items. Its very funny to seewhat the men will come up with. We actually take all of the moneyraised and split it up evenly among the students who participate.

    Tim Childress, TX

    SOuP COOk-OFF And SerVAnT AuCTiOn.

    Ashley Ripon, CA

    DINNER AND DESSERT AUCTION The youth group serves lunch after church on Sunday. We charge $5

    per person or $20 per family. We ask volunteers from the congregationto donate homemade desserts to be auctioned off. We have had aprofessional auctioneer for some because he makes it even more fun.

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    T b s g t to batt s w t ac ot a som t m s pay $300

    dollars for a pie.Suzie Heath, TX

    RENT-A-YOUTH AUCTION A ct o off yo yo t to m mb s of t co g gat o fo w at vtimeframe you designate. The youth are then, in turn, helping with thefundraiser and the congregation is getting something in return. Thiswo s g at f yo pa t w t a o som t g t at. Ma t f ! Andrea Naples, FL

    SERVANT SALESt ts a a ct o off to c c m mb s to p fo m va o stas s of s v c fo t m wo o t om s/ya s, ca was g,

    repairs, etc. Andrew La Verne, CA

    A TheMed YOuTh AuCTiOn!!!

    Scoot k , lA

    PIE AUCTIONHave members of the congregation bake pies and bring them to churchon a set Sunday. Have a silent auction for them. This is easy to planfo . (J st p t p s g s a c t m t b t , tc.) hav t

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    auction following worship. It can be a lot of fun. Have bid sheets nextto ac p . its a tt wo a a b g t . (Yo b s p s owm c som p op w pay fo a p to p t yo t !)

    Dean Cannon Falls, MN

    hav a S t A ct o w st ts o at t gs t yv ma ot gs t at av a mo ta y va to t m ( a X-Box 360) t at t y

    sac c fo t ca s yo a s g mo y fo . Yo ca c a basale, student groups who will work for donation, etc.

    Chris Nappanee, IN

    We host an all-church potluck to encourage the entire community tocome to something, then we host a dessert auction where each student

    prepares their best dessert and we auction them off. Then, we auctionoff pasto p s. T at m a s w a ct o off p s to p ac of tpastors in the face.

    Ryan Redding, CA

    W go a o to ff t o ga zat o s (s c as spo t g goo s sto s,sma b s ss s, tc.), a w as fo o at t ms a a ct o t osthings off.

    Garret Akron, OH

    YOUTH AUCTIONS T p b c o at s t ms, a w a ct o t m off!

    Fred San Diego, CA

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    AMOunT OF TiMe.Thad McMinnville, OR

    MOre ideAS This is not a fundraising idea, just an idea to improve your overall fundsw f a s g. Yo ca ma a ot of f a s s to a-t o s!For example, doing your typical car wash for donation might earn you$300$500, b t f yo a so av st ts ta c a g s ts a otheir social circles earning anywhere from a nickel to a quarter per car,yo ca c as t at ta to $2,000 aft t y co ct. At a c a catimes 100 cars, thats $5 more toward that students camp or missiontrip. Multiply that by 10 people who agreed to a nickel per car and

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    ow ts $50! if yo av 20 st ts pa t c pat g, t ats $1,000! Am mb , t ats t ow ! if yo av ag a m p ca , yo 20

    students each got $100 and your fundraiser was more fun and raisedmo f s!

    Scott Minden, NV

    The idea is calling a local goodwill and seeing if they will pay per truck ofitems. The local Goodwill by us will pay per truck of stuff.

    Grady Rancho Cucamonga, CA

    S c oco at ba s, o mayb a spo so ma at o ? CArWASheS a s mm o g!

    Will Brentwood, CA

    Do a fundraiser using Starving-2-Serve. Half the proceeds go to feedthe hungry oversees and half goes to feed the hungry in your owncomm ty. G t mo fo at ttp://o ts t bow .o g/?p=581

    Lanikai Oceanside, CA

    PAINTBALL FUNDRAISERStudents and volunteers become targets in a makeshift paintball course( . . c s to s oot) 50 f t to 100 f t away f om a tab w p opca pay $5 fo 50 s ots f om a pa tba g . A vo t s w ap ot ct v mas s a ta t t s oot s c azy.

    Roger Tulsa, OK

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    We are in a church that is pretty well known in the area. We recently a C c w Y ow Pag s. W a to s of p op w t t

    church purchase ads, as well as people calling in from the community toadvertise in it. We raised about $8,000.

    Bill Mobile, AL

    AMeriCAnidOl COnTeST,dAnCinG WiTh

    The STArSCOnTeST Lyndsay Millsboro, DE

    us C ow s .com to s t p v a o f a s g fo yo m ss o

    teams.Carl Detroit, MI

    dOdGeBAll TOurnAMenT!!!S a Ba t sv , Ok

    C a g g to t a ca w t a s g ammMack Oke, OK

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  • 7/22/2019 101 Fundraising IDEAS eBook


    YouthWorks believes short term youth mission trips can bring lifechange to youth, a community and the Church. Within a relativelyshort period of time, your own life and a strangers life can bepowerfully changed through the desire to give to a community. Yourpresence during a mission trip speaks more than a thousand wordsthrough your simple love and willingness to serve. YouthWorksbelieves in stories in telling Jesus story, in listening to others lifestories and in bringing our stories together to transform hearts; amission trip is the perfect time to tell those stories.

    There are countless physical and spiritual needs in communitiestoday in your own backyard, across the country, in big cities,on Reservations, in small towns and across borders. Short term

    missions are a means to visualize needs in other communities andbring that recognition back to serve in your own home. After weekspent in service, you will leave transformed from the love, strengthand resilience you fnd in those you meet. Short term missions areoften more life changing and impacting for participants than thoseyou came to serve!

    A B O U T

    Y O U T H W O R K S M I S S I O N T R I P S