10 steps to becoming a great web developer

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  • 7/30/2019 10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer


    10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer!

    Published March 6, 2010 | By Shawn Altman

    TeamAltman :: How to become a Web Developer in 10 steps

    Learning to work on web sites is actually pretty easy and will certainly not take years

    of schooling, but becoming a developer will take time and energy. We have included

    10 steps that you will want to take in order to become a Web Developer. Development

    comes in two flavors. The first is in front end development, which would be what the

    user sees when going to your site. That would include the graphics and style. The

    second part is the back-end web development or server side. As you can guess this

    would be development in database, webserver, and similar technologies. Below is a

    road map to becoming a web developer. Spread the knowledge!

    1. Learn HTML

    HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the markup language for web pages, it is

    the heart of web pages, so this is what

    you should aim for first. HTML is easy to learn, but also easy to misuse. Learn it

    right, and youll get one of your fundamentals as web developer.


    HTML Dog

    Getting started with HTML HTML W3C school tutorial

    2. Learn server side scripting

    Learning server side scripting is fundamental for web developer, pick one of server

    side scripting language and try to master it. Here some of your choices :




    3. Learn SQL

  • 7/30/2019 10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer


    Building dynamic web pages will get you to learn about database. While there are so

    many database engine, most of them understand SQL language. If you want to speak

    with your database then learn this language.


    SQL W3C school tutorials

    MySQL Homepage

    Wikipedia on SQL

    4. Learn CSS

    When it come to presentation of your web pages, use stylesheet. This is where CSS

    will help you. So put some of your time to learn this stuff.


    HTML Dog CSS Zen Garden

    5. Learn Javascript

    While most of today web programmer lovejQuery, learning basic syntax and how to

    program in javascript will give you more skill in the long run.


    Javascript tutorial on Webmonkey.com

    Javascript W3C school tutorial

  • 7/30/2019 10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer


    6. Learn regular expression

    While it is not as important as the others, but knowing about regular expression, and

    how to use it will definitely save you a lot of time. From validation to highlight

    words, you can do it easy enough in regular expression.

    7. Get yourself basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux

    It is optional, but knowing some ofbasic linux command wont hurt you. Maybe you

    dont know, but most of web server is running on unix/linux platform. If I were you,

    Ill get started learning this basic command.

    8. Knowing web server

    You dont need to be a master on this part, but it is really nice to know about basic

    apache configuration, .htaccess tricks. Learning one or two about apache web serverwont waste your time.

    9. Get a hand on version control

    Learning on how to use version control is one good thing to do. Youll thank to for

    yourself for learning this.

  • 7/30/2019 10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer


    10. Learn web framework

    After get your hand on HTML, server side scripting language, css, javascript, then itd

    be better to choose a web framework to speed up your development. Using framework

    can save you time. If youre into PHP, you can go with CakePHP, CodeIgniter,Zend,

    and many more. Python lovers can go with Django,webpy,RoRfor Rubyprogrammers
