10 energy saving tips

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10 Energy Saving Tips

Lower your thermostat

Stay warm for cheaper this year with this simple tip. Turning down your thermostat by as little as 1 degree, can save you up to 60 per year!

Keeping your heating on a constant low heat is also more economical than turning it up to a high degree in short blasts.

Wrap up warm

Save energy so simply by wrapping yourself up with warm with garments such as sweatshirts, woolly jumpers, bed socks and slippers.

Keeping a folded up blanket near sitting areas is also a great idea to keep you warm and resist turning the heating on or up higher.

Hang out your washing

Any day without rain is a great day to hang your wet washing up outside rather than using a tumble dryer.

Sunny or windy days are just as good as drying your laundry and will save you a ton of money tumble drying is very expensive.

Switch off

Not turning off unused appliances is a huge contributor to high energy bills. If youre not watching the TV turn it off at the plug.

Finished charging your phone? laptop? tablet? Turn it off at the plug!

Kitchen appliances like toasters or microwaves which arent used on a daily basis can also be turned off and turned back on when you require them.

Water saver

Think water! Water bills can increase in price much faster than youd think.

Save money on water by using a lower pressure on your power shower you wouldnt think it, but the different can beenormous. Limiting the number of baths you have is also a good idea if your trying to save the pennies.

Stock up your fridge

Keeping your fridge full means that youre getting the most out of the energy the fridge is using.

Studies also claim, that the more thats in your fridge, the less energy it uses because it doesnt have to work as hard.

Measure your cuppas

Filling your kettle with the amount of water that you need at the time is a great money saver!

If it has less water to boil it will use less energy.

Filling your kettle to the top is pointless your using energy tocontinuouslyboil water which you wont need until later.

Lights out

If youre not in a room turn off the lights! Keeping lights on is a repeatedly made mistake by many residents.

Lights use a lot of energy if you are guilty at keeping lights on, you should invest in energy saving light bulbs.

Minimise washes

Cut-back on your washing! Try and keep to 1 or 2 cycles a week.

Rather than doing your washing every-time something goes into the laundry basket do your washing when its full. Washing machines are energy sponges! Use them when you have too.

Windows open

In the summer time, save energy by opening windows and keeping light out of your home rather than using energy up on air conditioning.

Air conditioning can be very expensive and so can electrical fans.

We hope you enjoyed our blog: Energy Saver Tips

If you have any questions or require further advice, don't hesitate to contact us:


Facebook: Glocal Residential

Or, Call us today: 0121 655 5188

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