energy saving tips for the business

Energy Saving Tips preparing your business for winter

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Post on 28-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Energy Saving Tips for the Business

Energy Saving Tipspreparing your business for winter

Page 2: Energy Saving Tips for the Business

Start off simple with a bright idea...

As within the home, energy saving lightbulbs are the quickest way to start saving energy in your business.

Also consider using motion sensor lighting in areas that aren’t used as frequently, such as staffrooms,

stockrooms, or hallways.

Make sure to remove any unnecessary light fittings, and clean them yearly so they always perform at their

best level.

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Freezing hot

If your business uses chill cabinets at all, think about where you keep them. Are any of yours near a

doorway or in direct sunlight?

This causes them to work harder to keep their contents cool and as a result end up costing you

more money.

Consider installing blinds if the unit can’t be moved from the sunlight to help keep things cool.

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Wave goodbye to wasted money

Is there a microwave in your staffroom? Turning it off at the wall after everyone’s had their lunch will save you energy as it’s no longer powering the time display.

Keeping an eye on the kettle is also a good idea, make sure no one boils more than they need, descale it regularly, and you’ll soon be on the way to saving more pennies for the

staff Christmas do.

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Turned on, or turned off?

Another idea for the staffroom is to put up posters reminding staff to turn appliances off after they’ve been used, and to turn the lights off when they leave the room.

Maybe consider running a competition to see who can offer the best ideas for helping your business save money and energy.

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Every little helps

Offices are usually the biggest culprits for wasted energy - and the bigger the office, the worse the problem.

Do you really need to print that email? Could you make a note of it somewhere safe? Printers use a lot of electricity so cut down the use where possible.

Consider keeping a tub of scrap paper by the printer for things that need to be printed but aren’t official documents, and you’ll be helping the environment as well.

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Energy savers?

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, it was considered that screen savers were pretty efficient for helping to save energy

(as well as avoiding screen damage). That’s no longer the case with modern screens

and computers.

Encourage everyone to use the most economic settings, and more importantly,

turn the computers (and printers!) off at the end of the day.

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Ice, ice, baby...

Does your building use a lot of heating? Is that heating often left on outside of working


Make sure you set the timers properly so that you’re not heating up an empty shop,

restaurant, or office.

Also consider using a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature, but keep in mind that every degree increase is costing you

more money.

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Set yourself reminders

It really is surprising the amount of businesses that pay their bills blindly each month.

If you’re not providing accurate meter readings, checking your bills, and looking at your consumption then you’re throwing money away.

Read your next bill when it comes in, and compare it to what your meters say. Get in the habit of sending a reading each month.

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Now for the important stuffSomething as simple as paying your energy bills by direct debit can help you save up to £100.

Make sure you talk to your provider to be certain that you’re getting the best deal.

Some suppliers also offer discounts for little options such as receiving your bills online instead of the old fashioned way in the post.

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How can EAL help you?Even bigger savings can come if you haven’t switched your supplier recently.

You could be on the higher out of contract rates without even realising it.

Switching saves customers an average of £200 a year, thanks to the competitive rates offered to entice new customers.

So what are you waiting for? Give us a ring and find out what you could be saving.

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