
Disagree over meaning Proposal met by skepticism The proposal to revise the general college requirements was met by skepticism from several faculty members in hearings last week on the bill. The hearings were the first half of a series of four sessions to discuss the proposal and answer student and faculty questions. Testimony continues this week. AT TUESDAY S DISCUSSION a meager 17 faculty members and 13 students were apparently dis- satisfied with the lack of specific meaning in a phrase of the docu- ment that refers to a "Christian tradition" at the college. The statement is part of an over view ol the proposal's philosophic basis for treatment of the curriculum. Hearings Thursday dealing with a block course, "introduction to Liberal Studies." saw further op- position as several faculty mem- bers stated ithey wanted more specifics about the course than are contained in the proposal before making any judgment. The re- port of the ad hoc committee to revise the requirements did not outline in detail the proposed course. "There must be a better way to introduce people to the ideas of this course. Before the course has my vote I must see the imple- mentation," said Earl Curry, assis- tant professor of history. CHAIRMAN OF THE English department John Hollenbach added, "There are many faculty members who would want to block this course, so we should have a good idea of what the course is." Students participating in the discussion Thursday seemed more enthusiastic about the proposal. Many students noted that the new curriculum plan would give them greater selectivity in choosing other courses. An area of faculty concern was the formation of the Introduction to Liberal Studies department, which would be separate from any other department. This depart- ment would consist of three facul- ty members and one director or chairman. Faculty members said Thursday that the four department members would want to stress material from their own specialty and skim over other important objectives and areas of study of the liberal studies course. ELIZABETH REEDY, assis- tant professor of English and a member of the committee that sponsored the hearings, said, "People would agree to work to- gether for the sole objectives of the program and not one man's special area." At least some faculty members say opposition to the proposal is mounting before the ad hoc com- mittee to revise the requirements meets at the end of the week to revise and rewrite the proposal. ONE FACULTY MEMBER commented after the hearings, "The faculty is not in the mood the make a significant change in the curriculum at this time." He said there was a general feeling among the faculty that things would "quiet down" this year. He claimed that the loss of the college president over the sum- mer, the reform in chapel atten- dance regulations and major changes in the social policy pro- vided an atmosphere in which "the faculty is not ready to sit down and discuss a reform in the college requirements." Geneva Retreat plans postponed until November Plans did not materialize in time to create the 1970 Geneva Retreat, scheduled for Oct. 9-11. The retreat was postponed by the Student Church organizers one week before it was supposed to occur. A new date in November will be set for the event. Although it may not ~be held at Camp Geneva, organizers hope that the postponed retreat will be similar to their original plans. The unavailability of several persons who were to have been speakers and discussion group leaders was the primary reason the retreat was postponed. The hearings today and Wed- nesay may prove to be the crucial ones for observers concerned with the fate of the bill. Today at 4 p.m. in Wichers Auditorium a hearing will center on "the divis- ional curriculum," a plan under which students would not be re- quired to take specific courses, but could choose classes to fulfill a more general requirement of 12 hours in each of three divisions: the social sciences, the humanities and the natural sciences. Wednesday's hearing will dis- cuss the "contract curriculum" proposal. Under this option, stu- dents could complete academic work through a wide variety of programs and plan their own course work by consulting a facul- ty advisor and receiving his appro- val. Students would agree to per- form a certain amount of work, faculty members would evaluate it, and the student would then receive his degree. Police arrest six Hope students Friday night Six Hope College students were among seven persons arrested by Holland police Friday night on charges stemming from the alleged use of marijuana. Freshman Doug Rhinard, 18, was arrested for posession of mari- juana, and bail was set at $500. Another - 18-year old student, freshman Jan Strong, was charged with illegal use of marijuana and , her bail was set at $2,000. Five other persons were charged with trespassing, a mis- demeanor, and bail was set at $50 each. The arrests were made at approximately 10 p.m. ' behind Lincoln Elementary School on Columbia Ave. The seven will appear in Dis- trict Court, but no trial date has been set. 605 freshmen BULK RATE NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 392 HOLLAND, MICHIGAN 49423 OPE COLLEGE 83rd Anniversary—5 Holland, Mich. 49423 October 12, 1970 NY Brass Society to open Performance Series Friday Frosh class sets new record The 1970-71 Hope College Great Performance Series will open Friday when the New York Brass Society presents a concert of chamber music at 8:15 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Sponsored by the Cultural Af- fairs Committee, the concert is the first of six events scheduled for the Great Performance Series this year. The Society has performed throughout the United States and is the official brass ensemble of the Lincoln Center Foundation, a position it has held since 1967. Formed in 1966, the Society is still comprised of its original members, French hornist David Jolley, tenor trombonist Garrett List, bass trombonist David Taylor and trumpeters Ronald Romm and Robert Sirinek. In addition to the concert, the .group will present a lecture dem- onstration for Hope music stu- dents Friday afternoon and will also visit area high schools giving lecture demonstrations. Admission to the concert is free for Hope students and faculty with ID cards. BRASS QUINTET-Members of the New York Brass Society, David Taylor, Robert Sirinek, Garrett List, David Jolley, and Ronald Romm will present a concert in Dimnent Memorial Chapel Friday evening at 8:15. Hope College continues to grow as the class of 1974 set a new record high of 605 students, bringing the total enrollment to 2,056. Of the 605 freshmen, 300 are men and 305 are women. In re- cent years, the women have held the dominant share of freshmen classes. Last year's frosh class had a ratio of 55 women for every 45 men. DIRECTOR OF Admissions Charles Curry said the more equal numbers this year are a result of "a fairly conspicuous effort on the part of the admissions staff to balance the ratio as each year progresses. We would like to re- tain an even number of men and women for each class." Last year, almost half of the student population held member- ship in the Reformed Church in America. This year's total remains approximately the same according to Registrar Jon Huiskens, though the statistical report does not give exact figures. There is still no conscious effort to recruit more members from this church than any others. Curry said. THE CLASS OF 1974 contains 17 Presidential Scholars, eight wo- men and nine men. This number is still one above the average of 16. Presidential Scholars are students designated by the Admissions Committee for an outstanding high school record. This year's student-faculty ratio is about 15:1. The student- faculty ratio is one way in which colleges are evaluated, but it is not indicative of actual class size. The figure is derived by dividing the total student enrollment (2,056) by the total number of full-time faculty (139). Most introductory classes have far more students than the ratio suggests. Introduc- tion to Liberal Studies, for ex- ample, contains more than 135 students in each section. LAST YEAR FORMER Presi- dent Calvin A. VanderWerf ini- tiated a new committee designed for the purpose of dealing with ethnic problems. No new informa- tion concerning ethnic enrollment can be disclosed until after that group, the Minority Student Edu- cation Committee, has assembled next week. Jim Stills, acting Presi- dent of the Black Coalition said that there is about the same per- centage of blacks on campus this year as there has been in recent years. He added that the new committee has not informed him of any exact figures, nor has it discussed any problems with him. Neither Curry nor Huiskens would disclose any information on black enrollment. A breakdown of student enroll- ment by classes shows the fresh- men class is the largest with 605 students. There are 533 sopho- mores, 516 juniors and 282 seniors. There are also 96 part- time students and 69 special stu- dents. Exact figures pertaining to the statistical background of each student are presently being com- piled by the Data Processing Cen- ter. Hope,U of Detroit given grant for environmental seminar Hope College and the Univer- sity of Detroit have been jointly awarded a grant from the Associa- tion of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan for estab- lishing a two week seminar in June on the topic, "The Environ- mental Crisis." The workshop v/ill be con- ducted for faculty members from the 24 private colleges and univer- sities in Michigan, and will be funded by the Kellogg Founda- tion through its Faculty Develop- ment program. The seminar will be divided into two phases. The first will be conducted in Detroit, where it will center upon an analysis of the ecological problems found in one of the Detroit parks. Analysis will center on its influence upon social, economic and cultural as- pects of the community. The pro- gram will attempt to define prob- lems, to establish philosophic basis for the recognition of -these problems and their ultimate solu- tion. The second portion will be conducted in Holland in coopera- tion with local agencies and in- dustries and will involve detailed analytical work on the Lake Mac- atawa watershed. Portions of the program will be conducted at Marigold Lodge and will make use of Hope water research facilities. Co-directors of the seminar will be Dr. Donald Williams, as- sociate professor of chemistry and a member of the Institute for Environmental Quality, and Dr. Alex Haggis of the University of Detroit biology department. Parti- cipating in the planning and con- ducting of the seminar will be Dr. Eldon Greij, assistant professor of biology, and Dr. Douglas Heere- ma, chairman of the department of economics and business ad- ministration.

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Page 1: 10-12-1970

Disagree over meaning

Proposal met by skepticism The proposal to revise the

general college requirements was met by skepticism f rom several faculty members in hearings last week on the bill.

The hearings were the first half of a series of four sessions to discuss the proposal and answer student and faculty questions. Test imony continues this week.

AT TUESDAY S DISCUSSION a meager 17 faculty members and 13 s tudents were apparently dis-satisfied with the lack of specific meaning in a phrase of the docu-ment that refers to a "Christian t radi t ion" at the college. The s ta tement is part of an over view ol the proposal 's philosophic basis for t reatment of the curriculum.

Hearings Thursday dealing with a block course, " in t roduc t ion to Liberal Studies." saw fur ther op-position as several faculty mem-bers stated ithey wanted more specifics about the course than are contained in the proposal before making any judgment . The r e -port of the ad hoc commit tee to revise the requirements did not outline in detail the proposed course.

"There must be a better way to introduce people to the ideas of this course. Before the course has my vote I must see the imple-menta t ion ," said Earl Curry, assis-tant professor of history.

CHAIRMAN OF THE English depar tment John Hollenbach added, "There are many faculty members who would want to block this course, so we should have a good idea of what the course is."

Students participating in the discussion Thursday seemed more enthusiastic about the proposal. Many students noted that the new curriculum plan would give them greater selectivity in choosing other courses.

An area of faculty concern was the formation of the Introduct ion to Liberal Studies depar tment , which would be separate from any other depar tment . This depart-ment would consist of three facul-ty members and one director or chairman. Faculty members said Thursday that the four depar tment

members would want to stress material f rom their own specialty and skim over o ther important objectives and areas of study of the liberal studies course.

ELIZABETH REEDY, assis-tant professor of English and a member of the commit tee that sponsored the hearings, said, "People would agree to work to-gether for the sole objectives of the program and not one man's special area."

At least some faculty members say opposit ion to the proposal is mounting before the ad hoc com-mittee to revise the requirements meets at the end of the week to revise and rewrite the proposal.

ONE FACULTY MEMBER commented after the hearings, "The faculty is not in the mood the make a significant change in the curriculum at this t ime." He said there was a general feeling among the faculty that things would "quie t d o w n " this year.

He claimed that the loss of the college president over the sum-mer, the reform in chapel atten-dance regulations and major changes in the social policy pro-vided an a tmosphere in which " the faculty is not ready to sit down and discuss a reform in the college requirements ."

Geneva Retreat

plans postponed

until November Plans did not materialize in

time to create the 1970 Geneva Retreat, scheduled for Oct. 9-11.

The retreat was postponed by the Student Church organizers one week before it was supposed to occur. A new date in November will be set for the event. Although it may not ~be held at Camp Geneva, organizers hope that the postponed retreat will be similar to their original plans.

The unavailability of several persons who were to have been speakers and discussion group leaders was the primary reason the retreat was postponed.

The hearings today and Wed-nesay may prove to be the crucial ones for observers concerned with the fate of the bill. Today at 4 p.m. in Wichers Auditorium a hearing will center on " the divis-ional curr iculum," a plan under which s tudents would not be re-quired to take specific courses, but could choose classes to fulfill a more general requirement of 12 hours in each of three divisions: the social sciences, the humanit ies and the natural sciences.

Wednesday's hearing will dis-cuss the "contrac t cur r icu lum" proposal. Under this opt ion, stu-dents could complete academic work through a wide variety of programs and plan their own course work by consulting a facul-ty advisor and receiving his appro-val. Students would agree to per-form a certain amount of work, faculty members would evaluate it, and the s tudent would then receive his degree.

Police arrest

six Hope students

Friday night Six Hope College s tudents were

among seven persons arrested by Holland police Friday night on charges stemming f rom the alleged use of marijuana.

Freshman Doug Rhinard, 18, was arrested for posession of mari-juana, and bail was set at $500. Another - 18-year old s tudent , freshman Jan Strong, was charged with illegal use of marijuana and , her bail was set at $2,000.

Five other persons were charged with trespassing, a mis-demeanor, and bail was set at $50 each.

The arrests were made at approximately 10 p.m. ' behind Lincoln Elementary School on Columbia Ave.

The seven will appear in Dis-trict Court, but no trial date has been set.

605 freshmen


U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 3 9 2



83rd Anniversary—5 Holland, Mich. 4 9 4 2 3 October 12, 1970

NY Brass Society to open

Performance Series Friday

Frosh class sets new record

The 1970-71 Hope College Great Performance Series will open Friday when the New York Brass Society presents a concert of chamber music at 8 :15 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Sponsored by the Cultural Af-fairs Committee, the concert is the first of six events scheduled for the Great Performance Series this year.

The Society has performed throughout the United States and is the official brass ensemble of the Lincoln Center Foundat ion , a position it has held since 1967.

Formed in 1966, the Society is still comprised of its original members, French hornist David Jolley, tenor t rombonist Garrett List, bass t rombonist David Taylor and t rumpeters Ronald Romm and Robert Sirinek.

In addition to the concert , the .group will present a lecture dem-onstration for Hope music stu-dents Friday af ternoon and will also visit area high schools giving lecture demonstrat ions.

Admission to the concert is free for Hope students and faculty with ID cards.

BRASS Q U I N T E T - M e m b e r s of the New York Brass Society, David Taylor, Robert Sirinek, Garrett List, David Jolley, and Ronald R o m m will present a concert in Dimnent Memorial Chapel Friday evening at 8:15.

Hope College continues to grow as the class of 1974 set a new record high of 605 students, bringing the total enrollment to 2,056.

Of the 605 freshmen, 300 are men and 305 are women. In re-cent years, the women have held the dominant share of f reshmen classes. Last year's frosh class had a ratio of 55 women for every 45 men.

DIRECTOR OF Admissions Charles Curry said the more equal numbers this year are a result of "a fairly conspicuous effor t on the part of the admissions staff to balance the ratio as each year progresses. We would like to re-tain an even number of men and women for each class."

Last year, almost half of the student population held member-ship in the Reformed Church in America. This year's total remains approximately the same according to Registrar Jon Huiskens, though the statistical report does not give exact figures. There is still no conscious e f for t to recruit more members f rom this church than any others. Curry said.

THE CLASS OF 1974 contains 17 Presidential Scholars, eight wo-men and nine men. This number is still one above the average of 16. Presidential Scholars are s tudents designated by the Admissions Committee for an outs tanding high school record.

This year 's s tudent-faculty ratio is about 15:1. The student-faculty ratio is one way in which colleges are evaluated, but it is not indicative of actual class size. The figure is derived by dividing the total s tudent enrollment (2 ,056) by the total number of full-time faculty (139). Most in t roductory classes have far more s tudents than the ratio suggests. Introduc-tion to Liberal Studies, for ex-

ample, contains more than 135 students in each section.

LAST YEAR FORMER Presi-dent Calvin A. VanderWerf ini-tiated a new commit tee designed for the purpose of dealing with ethnic problems. No new informa-tion concerning ethnic enrol lment can be disclosed until af ter that group, the Minority Student Edu-cation Commit tee , has assembled next week. Jim Stills, acting Presi-dent of the Black Coalition said that there is about the same per-centage of blacks on campus this year as there has been in recent years. He added that the new commit tee has not informed him

of any exact figures, nor has it discussed any problems with him. Neither Curry nor Huiskens would disclose any information on black enrollment.

A breakdown of s tudent enroll-ment by classes shows the fresh-men class is the largest with 605 students. There are 533 sopho-mores, 516 juniors and 282 seniors. There are also 96 part-time s tudents and 69 special stu-dents. Exact figures pertaining to the statistical background of each student are presently being com-piled by the Data Processing Cen-ter.

Hope,U of Detroit given grant

for environmental seminar Hope College and the Univer-

sity of Detroit have been joint ly awarded a grant f rom the Associa-tion of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan for estab-lishing a two week seminar in June on the topic, "The Environ-mental Crisis."

The workshop v/ill be con-ducted for faculty members f rom the 24 private colleges and univer-sities in Michigan, and will be funded by t h e Kellogg Founda-tion through its Faculty Develop-ment program.

The seminar will be divided into two phases. The first will be conducted in Detroit, where it will center upon an analysis of the ecological problems found in one of the Detroit parks. Analysis will center on its influence upon social, economic and cultural as-pects of the communi ty . The pro-gram will a t t empt to define prob-lems, to establish philosophic

basis for the recognition of -these problems and their ul t imate solu-tion.

The second port ion will be conducted in Holland in coopera-tion with local agencies and in-dustries and will involve detailed analytical work on the Lake Mac-atawa watershed. Portions of the program will be conducted at Marigold Lodge and will make use of Hope water research facilities.

Co-directors of the seminar will be Dr. Donald Williams, as-sociate professor of chemistry and a member of the Insti tute for Environmental Quality, and Dr. Alex Haggis of the University of Detroit biology depar tment . Parti-cipating in the planning and con-ducting of the seminar will be Dr. Eldon Greij, assistant professor of biology, and Dr. Douglas Heere-ma, chairman of the depar tment of economics and business ad-ministration.

Page 2: 10-12-1970

Page 2 Hope College anchor - - October 12, 197q

Our man in Belgrade; home thoughts from abroad editor.s Note: This week's anchor essay is written by senior English major Garrett degraff, who is studying this year in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. He was one of hun-dreds of observers when President Richard Nixon visited that coun-try two weeks ago, and here he takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the President's reception. The events he recounts are true, though embellished at times with excessive grief.

by Garrett DeGraff

I watched the big black Mer-cedes drive up. Even before it had stopped ! could recognize him through the tinted glass. Me care-fully climbed out of the car to avoid messing his immaculately combed hair. Immediately he was

surrounded by a crowd of people from within the roped-off area.

I recognized several of them, for I had seen their faces on television. The others were ad-visors, I surmised'; the people who always stay behind the scenes but are nonetheless the real news-makers. This was the biggest thrill of the day. There he was, standing on the broad Belgrade street, Walter Cronkite. 1 knew the motorcade couldn't be far behind.

ABOUT THAT TIME I noticed a news team behind me; there was a soundman, a cameraman and the reporter. I moved closer to see where they were from. It turned out they were from West Ger-many. I heard the reporter ask a question in Serbo-Croatian. 1 couldn't understand what he said, but neither could the Yugoslavs.

Then he said, "Does anyone-speak English?" With bunny-like quick-ness 1 jumped at my oppor tuni ty . "I do," 1 said decisively.

Then he asked me, "How old is President Ti to?" Those Germans • truly have a knack for asking questions which cut to the mar-row. 4kl don't know, sir," f re-sponded. lie asked me il I would say that in Serbo-Croatian for filming. " I 'm an American," I said to avoid misleading him. "Tha t ' s too bad. We're having trouble getting people to say anything," he said glumly as he walked away in pursuit of news.

SINCE THE MOTORCADE was not due for another 15 minu-tes, I thought I would try to see what there was to see. Noticing that a secret service man on the roof of the Hotel Balkan was staring through his binoculars at something, I moved in the direc-tion he was looking. Finally 1 spotted two shabbily dressed youths talking with a grey-clad policeman.

From a distance 1 could see them making obscene gestures with their hands and trying to get the policeman to make them, too. Obviously the youths were trying to induce the policeman to make those perfidious signs at the Presi-dent of the United States of America! What joy 1 knew can only be known by those who seek to improve international relations by cultural assimilation. Their actions were positively American.

IT WAS TOO MUCH for me to take when 1 saw them point to the policeman's gun and pantomime an assasination. "Oh, this is splen-d id , " . 1 thought. As I pressed forward through the milling throng of thousands, I thought that together we could burn a couple of the small flags the po-lice were handing out. "I could burn a Yugoslavian flag and they could burn an American flag. That would be a fit t ing symbolic ges-ture," I mused.

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But lo, my visions of inter-national reconciliation were dashed as I came nearer. They were not Yugoslavs, they were Americans. After an exchange of "Hello 's" and "Where you f rom's ," 1 moved on. My grief cried for solitude.

I WALKED FURTHER d own the street in a state of ut ter depression. I would wait, I de-cided then, for the motorcade. Surely there would be one dissi-dent, alienated, anti-Nixon Slav protester in the crowd. But when the motorcade came there was absolutely nothing but clapping and flag-waving. There were no at tempts to break through the police lines, no "One , two, three, fours, we don ' t want your blank-ing wars." There was nothing. I was in ut ter despair.

As an antidote to my mental misery, 1 decided to cash a travel-lers' check. If no one else was going to act American, at least I would. When 1 got the money 1 noticed the picture of the happy Yugoslav worker on the ten dinar

note. In bitter meter I said to myself, " 0 Happy Yugoslav worker, shCwel in hand, May the Turks recapture your un-American land."

AND THEN I heard what sounded like Angels' voices. Oh yes, yes indeed, it was a demon-stration, a chanting, sign-carrying traffic-disrupting, anti-Nixon pig! stomper. My spirits.soared like a lark!

As I put the dinars securely in my wallet and tucked my passport in a safe pocket, I saw them pass on the street outside. Some were dressed in red and white striped costumes, including striped caps. "What imagination," I thought, " they have made imitation prison uniforms, with the American flag!" As I moved toward the door I could picture their heroic struggle with the police to get to the downtown area.

BY THE TIME 1 reached the street they had passed out of sight. 1 ran to catch them and my feet barely touched earth; I was carried by their spirit. Finally I caught them. They had stopped in front of an official-looking build-ing. Someone was leading a chant. 1 couldn't understand what they were saying, but 1 was sure it was the Yugoslav equivalent of "one, two, three, four , e tc ."

My ecstasy must have been evi-dent for soon an American came up to me and asked me if I was an American. 1 told him I was, and noted what a thrilling sight the demonstration was. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I told him it was an anti-Nixon demonstrat ion. He smiled a smile of superior knowledge, and said (gently, for he could see my emo-tions), "This is a pep rally for a local soccer game."

I WON'T TRY to explain how 1 felt; in fact, I'm not at all sure that words could suffice.

At this point I decided to leave Belgrade; my faith in humankind had been sufficiently destroyed. But it has been said that faith springs eternal from the human heart, and so such faith sprang from mine when I heard the fresh laughter of a young girl resound-ing f rom a streetside sweet shop.

I RESOLVED to enter and converse with her, and thus to have her buoy my flagging spirits as only the fair sex can. She was a fair lass, and congenial. After a few minutes of casual conversa-tion she told me that she had missed the motorcade because she had been in school.

"You were lucky," 1 said, "for it was very sad." She then said perversely and illogically, "Nixon, good man." I explained all about Vietnam, Cambodia, Kent State, military budgets, etc. She agreed that all the things I mentioned were bad, but said again, "Nixon, good man. America good." I could not reply, for I was con-vulsed with sobs.

AS I WRITE this 1 cannot but think that there is little hope. Yugoslavs see American westerns and war movies, they read Ameri-can magazines in American read-ing rooms that are full of pictures of students throwing bricks and policemen throwing tear gas. Despite all this educational ex-posure, American dissent is un-known to their real life. Even at the universities there is nothing but the calm of normal academic life. It is sad, so very sad. If these pages are difficult to read, it is only because as I write them memories bring back tears, bit-terer than most.


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Page 3: 10-12-1970

October 12, 1970 Hope College anchor Page 3

Broken tube sets back accelerator schedule by Ken Janda

Hope College's particle acceler-ator program has been set back several weeks by a broken vacuum tube. Other than the installation of the tube, the two million elec-tron-volt machine is almost ready for use.

THE VACUUM TUBE is d major component of the machine. When in use, the S5,000 part will have 400 pounds per square inch of pressure on the outside while maintaining a pressure one billion times smaller than atmospheric pressure on the inside. The part is also a huge resistor which must be able to maintain the two million volt potential at one end while grounded on the other end.

Because of its laminated con-struction, however, the tube is extremely sensitive to changes of temperature and humidity. It was apparently cracked before it ar-rived at Hope last spring, but the break was not discovered until the

end of August when the tube was taken from its special packing container to be put in the ma-chine. Means of fixing or replacing the tube are still being investi-gated by the members of the physics depar tment .

DR; JAMES TOEVS, assistant professor of physics, said that once the vacuum tube is ready to put into the machine it will be only a matter of days until the machine could be turned on. He and Dr. Richard Brockmeier, as-sociate professor of physics, de-scribed some of the work cur-rently being done to prepare ex-periments for use with the machine.

A three inch by two inch by one-eighth inch thick single quartz crystal has successfully been bent to be used in a spectrometer to analyze the x-rays which will re-sult when the electron beam strikes a target.

ONE LARGE MAGNET has been built this summer to bend


NIMBLE FINGERS-Harp i s t s Joe Longstreth and John Escosa, a concert team since 1964, will present a concert Thursday evening at the Civic Center. The appearance is part of the Holland Communi ty Concert Series.

Longstreth and Escosa,

duo-harpists, to play Thurs. Duo-harpists Joe Longstreth

and John Escosa will appear in concert Thursday at 8:15 in the Holland Civic Center.

It is the opening concert in the Holland Community Concert Series. The college annually buys tickets to the series so that stu-dents may attend free of charge.

Longstreth and Escosa were introduced to the harp at Wain-wright Music Camp in Indiana, but they did not meet and collab-

orate until later, when they re-corded an album of traditional and original Christmas carols. Their initial concert appearance as duo-harpists was in 1964.

Escosa was harpist and soloist with the Philharmonic Orchestra in Fort Wayne, Ind., as well as with the Symphonet te and chamber music groups there.

Longstreth pursued his educa-tion at Princeton University and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.









• ETC.



the beam toward the target area and a 90-degree bending magnet has been promised to Hope by the University of Kentucky. This mag-net is important in that it will allow the energy of a proton beam to be very accurately measured and controlled. Since faster parti-cles require more of a magnetic field to turn the corner the exact energy of any particle bent to any angle can easily be calculated.

The other major item of inter-est which is being built is a ce-ment table on which an experi-mental apparatus can be placed. The table must be cement because it must keep several pieces of equipment , which will be located up to six feet apart, completely vibration-free with respect to one another. A steel 1 beam could not be made that would be stable enough. Even though the table has been specially designed to include much hollow space, it will weigh between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds.

Toevs is not sure when the machine will be ready for use, but he made it obvious that work has not stopped yet. The physicists still have quite a lot to accomplish before they will be ready for the machine.

'70 Milestone

sti l l at printers

With the death of many of the college's most cherished and venerable traditions, including the wearing of beanies and the kanga-roo court , many wondered if per-haps the same fate had befallen the annual, the Milestone. Usually already distributed to s tudents by this time, the Milestone has not yet arrived on campus.

Barb Barta, Milestone editor, said the 286-page book is still in Topeka, Kans., where it is being printed by the American Year-book Company. No exact delivery date is known, although the book should be here in approximately two weeks.

According to Miss Barta, the delay is due to 4 'no cooperat ion last spr ing. . . from various sources."

WHAT NEXT?—Dr. James Toevs and Dr. James Seeser look over Hope's particle accelerator, trying to find ways to repair or replace a $5,000 part broken in shipment.

t h e s t u d e n t c h u p c h

w i l l w o p s h i p

s u n d r y , o c t o B e p i s , 1 9 7 0

DIMNENT CHAPEL - 11:00 a.m. Dr. Herman Bidder, President, Western and New

Brunswick Theological Seminaries, preacher


" Is God over thirty? We laugh at the question and say

he is ageless. But in so saying we keep the impression

somehow that he must be infinitely old. To be ageless

is also to be infinitely young. And it is the

youthfulness of God, the modernity of his Spirit, that

will in our day, as in the past, revive and renew the


Q o W e g e


Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co


Guaranteed By A Top Company

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Page 4: 10-12-1970

Page 4 Hope College anchor October 12, 1970

To the fraternities: To: The "Men" of Cosmopolitan

Upon arriving at Hope College on Sept. 14, I discovered that Kollen Hall was full. Having no place else to put me. Mr. VanderWel put me here in Cosmo House.

Very soon after arriving, I discovered something about the "rules" around here. While playing pool alone in the basement, I was abruptly informed by some of your members that the basement was off limits to independents. Obstinately, the individ-uals refused to explain why such was the case. (I later discovered that last year you had some trouble with independents abus-ing your furniture, and had the rule put into effect this year to thwart abusive treatment by non-members.)

I have mentioned something of the coarseness with which I was greeted the first t ime I came in contact with some Cosmos. Having nothing else to judge by, I came to the hasty conclusion that Cosmos were not very desirable creatures to be around. Very soon thereafter, however, I realized that my first impression might very well be an erroneous one. Calling to bear what objectivity I possess, I even conceded to myself that I probably was wrong.

It's natural for a person to want to be accepted by the persons with whom he lives. I admit that foremost in my mind at this point was the goal of living at peace with you people. I figured that ultimately I would like to become a Cosmo myself; being friends with present members would certainly not have hurt my chances of getting in.

A couple of weeks ago, I got wind of your plans to re-finish your basement. This seemed to be an excellent chance for me to demonstrate beyond question my desire to become a loyal Cosmo. On repeated occa-sions, I told various members of your exclusive club that you could count on my help, if you wanted it, during the course of the basement project.

This, I thought, was a turning point. I was allowed downstairs, with Cosmos present. They left occasionally, leaving me alone to shoot some pool. Things "prog-ressed" to the stage where I was playing pool alone; Cosmos came and went, yet nobody told me to leave. I was happy; I was " i n " at last.

This brings us up to the present date. The other night, I was alone playing pool. Your President came down to see what was

on television. I asked him what you had decided about my offers at your meeting this week. He replied that he wasn't sure; you hadn't made a concrete decision yet. He left. I stayed, not having been ordered to leave.

Then a mob of other Cosmos came down. To my surprise, I was accosted vehemently. It was explained, in colorful terms, that I was never again to set foot within the confines of that sacred place; to be caught doing so would mean that I would be subject to getting the hell beat out of me. Thus having achieved a purer understanding of the advanced state of civilization in Cosmopolitan Fraternity, I left.

I came to college with the impression that fraternity members were men of above-average intelligence and maturity. My experience with you has demonstrated to me once again how painful it can be to lose one's naivety.

(Name witheld upon request)

Sir: Obviously there has been a big mis-

understanding not only on your part but also our part concerning your gripes expres-sed in your letter to the Men of Cosmopol-itan. Let me try to set things straight.

First of all, just the fact that indepen-dents live in with active members of a frat is a basis for problems. However, there need not be any problems if we can reach an understanding with each other. There are "rules" for Indies in the house to abide by; the basement is off limits to all Indies unless invited down by an active frat member.

As I speak for all the Cosmos, we would like to apologize for the misunderstanding and the resulting verbal abuse that you received. But believe me, you weren't the first Indy to receive this sort of treatment and probably won' t be the last. So don't get all up in the air about this, as it is a common thing for Indies living in a frat house to have a few hard feelings now and then.

Let's try to forget all the unpleasantries that have taken place so far. We wil l leave you alone if you wil l abide by the house rules and leave us alone. We would appre-ciate your cooperation.

Thank you.

(Name withheld upon request) Cosmopolitan Fraternity

(The above letters were edited because of space limitations.)

The correspondence reproduced above is a sad example of the condi-tion of fraternities at Hope College. Trapped by the feeling that frater-nities as a way of campus life may be dying out, yet sparked by the traditional feeling of "brotherhood" and a subconscious attitude of super-iority, Greeks are looking for new ways to assert their role. And it would appear that the easiest way to assert that role is through hatred and prejudice.

The author of the letter, a fresh-man, has assured the anchor that he has received numerous apologies for his ill-treatment and has no desire to add new flames to the fire. At the same time, it is valuable to point out that the conditions described in the letter are not unique characteristics of any one fraternityTo some degree or another they exist in each frater-nity.

There are two statements in the letter from the Cosmopolitans that are especially sad commentaries. The Cosmo writer states that when inde-pendents and fraternity men live together, there is bound to be fric-tion. That this should be so is out-rageous. If labels would cease to be so important to these people with so little humanity, perhaps fraternity members would begin to see that they are first individuals with person-alities and capable of interacting with other individuals. Only when they fulf i l l that role should they consider joining a fraternity. Blatant

prejudice against independents is senseless and immature. Similarly, acts and stat ements that reflect the hatred between the fraternities are all too commonplace.

The second statement is the very antithesis of the idea of Hope Col-lege: "...you leave us alone and we'll leave you alone." A college simply cannot succeed if it operates on that premise. We are here to learn from each other, to share each other's experiences and enjoy each other's company. Isolationism is what has built an artificial barrier between the fraternity-sorority groups and the rest of the campus. The separation is now both physical and in spirit.

Two steps must be taken to remedy this lack of respect for one another. First, fraternities must be moved out of their present housing units at the end of the current semester. The separate "houses" only serve to encourage unhealthy isolation and reinforce undesireable values. Cottage-style housing that allows only a limited number of members to live together, yet that provides a common meeting place for all members, could be much more beneficial to the Greeks and the campus. If the fraternities must call something "theirs," let it be a cottage. The proposals that would provide such facilities must be written today if they are to become reality tomorrow. Second, we must all begin NOW to realize that we DO live together, fraternity members, sorority members and independents.

Jo t

"When are you independent guys going to quit stepping on us frat men. . . ?"

art buchwa id

We'll be back ••• by Art Buchwaid

I don ' t know if people have noticed it, but TV political commercials are getting nastier and nastier. There was a time when a candidate appeared on the screen and made a one-minute pitch for your vote. But all this has gone by the boards, and now, thanks to the great creative brains of our advertising media, the new approach is to tell the audience what a miserable S.O.B. the candidate 's opponen t is.

I SAT IN ON A session where the top advertising men were brain-storming a TV commercial campaign for their candidate, Philbus Wurm, who was running for the U.S. Senate against the incumbent Sen. Allegro Symphony .

This is how it went . "As 1 see i t , " said the copy writer, "we

have to sell the people on Symphony ' s softness on pornography. Now what 1 suggest we do is have a woman sleeping in bed, and a guy comes in and rapes her, and the voice-over says 'These are the people Sen. Symphony wants to let into your" bedroom. ' "

"NOT ENOUGH SHOCK value," the art director said. " H o w about this? A group of dirty, hairy s tudents sneaks ug to a build-ing and plants a bomb. The b o m b goes off and the voice-over says 'Symphony voted for the last educat ion bill.' "

"Tha t ' s no t bad ," said a vice president. "I thought we might use a lot of footage f rom the California brush fires. You know, homes burning and stuff like tha t , and then a shot of Symphony playing a violin, which he does. The voice-over could say 'Nero wasn't the only one who fiddled. ' "

"THAT'S G R E A T , " another V ? said. " H o w about Vie tnam?"

"We've been working on tha t , " the copywriter said. "We have some stock footage of a GI platoon attacking Hill 2,331. Then we hear Symphony 's voice saying 'Vietnam was a big mistake, ' and the voice-over says 'Tell it to Company D.' "

The campaign manager was ecstatic. "Beautiful . You have anything on the economy?"

THE ART DIRECTOR says, "We have some footage of an unemployment office, and we go in close on a guy who is holding his check, and we say 'Why are you out of a job? ' and he says 'Because Sen. Sym-phony closed the Naval base.' Then we show a crew put t ing the guy's furni ture out in the s t tee t . "

"Did you tell him about the hunger ad?" a vice president asked.

"Not y e t , " the copywriter said. "We show this family at a table and the mother says to her children, 'All we have to eat tonight is turnips. ' Then we fade and show Symphony eating spaghetti at an Italian saint's day festival and the voice-over says 'Mama mia, that 's a meatball . , "

THE ART DIRECTOR said, "I think you'll like this one. It por t rays Washington going up in a mushroom cloud and .then a bunch of Soviet officers laughing. The voice-over says 'Sen. Symphony voted a-gainst the A B M . ' "

" I t ' s dirty, bu t it will sell," the cam-paign manager laughed.

"But what about our candidate, Philbus Wurm?" someone asked. " D o n ' t you think we ought to make one commercial with him in i t?"

"Hell, no. If anyone sees that idiot on TV, we'll lose all our votes."

C o p y r i g h t 1970 , L o s A n g e l e s T i m e s


anchor O U A N D , MICHIGAN P R E S S

Published weekly during the college year execpt vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. .

Subscription price: $5 per year. Printed by the Composing Room, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association and Associated Press.

Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall. Telephone 392-5 111, Ext. 2301 or 2285.

The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of Hope College.


Editor Tom Donia News Editor Dave Dustin Advertising • -Tim DeVoogd Business Manager Ron Deenik

REPORTERS Eileen Verduin, Rob Roos, Rich Van-Doren, Terry Reen, Charles LeFurge, Mary Fleming, Mary Houting, Mark VanOostenbere Gil Vernon, Kei Janda, Merlin whi teman, Sue Steiner

PHOTOGRAPHERS Mike Boonstra, Deb Noe, Tobey San-ford, Tom Siderius, Steve Vander-made, Rob Benchley, David Huang

Page 5: 10-12-1970

October 12, 1970 Hope College anchor Page 5

anchor r e v i e w

i Gliveros' music: an attempt at criticism Editor's Note: This week's anchor review is writ ten by senior phil-osophy major Drew Hinderer. He reviews the concert of electronic music performed by Pauline Oliveros Tuesday night in Dim-nent Memorial Chapel.

by Drew Hinderer

Electronic music, by its very character, is hard to criticize. Where, for example, a reviewer might criticize the performance of a Bartok string quartet on the grounds that the musicians actu-ally lacked the musical compe-tence to interpretively follow the instructions of the composer ( the notat ion), he can hardly level the same criticism at a piece like "Sweet Alice," in which the inter-est of the piece depends on the imperfect competence of the per-forming musicians as they a t tempt to match tones and timbres to each other.

AND T H E R E IS another di-mension to this difficulty of cri-ticism. Linked in the minds of most with the term "electronic music"' are o ther connotat ions, like "exper imenta l" and "avante garde", which tend to be inter-preted as commending words. Electronic music, because it is so often associated with terms like these, is assumed to have special value simply because it is new. In this light, criticism becomes irrel-evant.

People who think this way are doing a grave disservice to elec-tronic music. By regarding elec-tronic music as a freak species, they are ignoring the fact that there is already a tradition of electronic and experimental music, and tha t the tradition has every intention of being an on-going area of composition.

AND LIKE EXPERIMENTAL anything-else, some electronic music simply will not have the necessary characteristics for prompting fur ther experimenta-tion and interest. Criticism, then, to the extent that it can identify

some of those characteristics that make for an on-going musical tra-dition, is centrally important.

For most of us the only useful criterion for judging the merits of a given performance of electronic and experimental music will have to be simple interest: the question we need to ask about the pieces given in performance by Pauline Oliveros and the other performers Tuesday is "How well did such and such a piece stimulate and maintain my interest?" Naturally the answer to this question will vary with the reviewer, but the validity of any criticism must finally depend on he reasons one gives for his criticisms.

The first event on the program, the "Sonic Environment" failed to excite my interest. The en-vironment concept itself directs at tent ion not only to what is intentionally performed but also to what else is going on during the environment-performance time-space. In this case, attention would have to include an aware-ness of the sounds of the audience (loud talking, coughing, the creak-ing of wooden pews), the visual sensations (including those high-lighted by the moving light-beams and whatever other objects any-one might notice) and so on.

SINCE THE VARIATIONS in the tape and synthesizer patch were slight, at tention to these other elements came to interfere with a t tent ion to the tape. Since I was unable to focus my attention as intently as the music-experi-ence seemed to require, I found the event irritating at first, and, as it wore on, boring.

By contrast, I found "One Sound" much more enjoyable. Though the form of the music was very simple, the harmonic inter-play between the individual players and their instruments built up expectancies and even sus-pense.

BUT "SWEET ALICE" was a return to the problem of t oo little variation for sustained- interest. Since what we were primarily

Cal. mental patients show poetic ability

(AP) When Elizabeth Morin started teaching her latest poetry writing class she "fel t fear and trembling."

MRS. MORIN, A widow, was then 80 years old and her 22 students were male mental pati-ents commit ted to the maximum security ward of Patton State Hospital for crimes of violence.

Now, 18 months later, t iny, white-haired - Mrs. Morin is proudly showing a book of poems written by her students. Poetry allows mental patients to com-municate with themselves as well as others, she told the San Diego Mental Health Association at a recent meeting to honor her work.

" IT S A VERY RARE privilege that Mrs. Morin was allowed to teach in the maximum security ward," said Wayne Moore, execu-tive director of the association. "Only men were supposed to be there ."

Then he noted that Mrs. Morin had taught for 35 years at Ma-dame Tingley's Theosophical Society School here . . . that she

had been going to Patton for several years to teach creative writing . . . that she spends five hours a week traveling there as an unpaid volunteer.

FOR MRS. MORIN, however, the big moment at her testimonial obviously came when Lo Verne Brown read some of the men's poetry aloud.

One person wrote: "Reaching out for the most for

my fellow men, and knowing what lies within, 1 enjoy the inner beauty that illuminates all man-kind ."

IN A POEM TITLED "You and Me," another prisoner told of f reedom outside his bars:

"When the wind blows by the sea, whistling through shells by you "ind me, time seems to stop from now til then, and life is worth living over again."

A member of the National Pen-women's Club, Lo Verne Brown, concluded the poetry reading by saying: "In her classes, Mrs. Morin holds the door open and lets the sunshine in ."

hearing was a series of texture and timbre changes rather than pitch or amplitude alterations, I very quickly began to hope for at least some reference points of large variation to restore my awareness of depth. These, however, were not forthcoming.

I would also place " T o Valerie Solanis And Marilyn Monroe In Recognition of Their Desperation

in this category. Textural changes and in this case ampli-tudinal modifications are inter-esting and perhaps even compre-hensible only within a framework of reference points. Without large and striking variations, I quickly loose the careful ear necessary for an awareness of what 's going on in the music itself.

EACH OF THESE WORKS suffered f rom excessive length; both sounded like two minute musical ideas being padded into 15 minute performances.

"Bye Bye Butterf ly" was, I think, what most people expected to hear at the concert. It was, while not very difficult techni-cally, a good exposition of some of the musical sounds the Buchla system can produce, assembled into a combination that held itself together with intense coherence and continuity.

< •• * A J I



BUT THE FACT THAT it was a pre-taped piece illustrates some of the technical problems of the Buchla equipment: live perform-ance on the Buchla is next to impossible simply because of the unwieldiness of the equipment, and complex textures have to be built up, one level at a time. Hearing such a piece in concert

amounts to attending the premier performance of a newly released record: there is no real possibility for spontaneous musical activity.

"Changes" is a misnomer. "Responses" might be closer to the actual fact. With everyone who managed to be uninhibited enough to add his sounds to the general bellow that was going on around him trying to out-howl his neighbor, I was hard-pressed to notice much of musical signific-ance. And at sound levels HWe those achieved in "Changes" I seriously doubt that anyone could detect much by way of texture alteration or sound content .

THERE REMAINS the matter of "Arrangement". One of the characteristics of much of con-temporary music is its eagerness to extend itself f rom what we might normally think of as a concert to a more broadly con-ceived experience revolving around sonl'e central musical idea.

I will not a t tempt to discuss the symbolic content included with the action of the play, though it was readily obvious that the string quartet was not the point of the event. It was, I suppose, funny, mostly because of the people involved. But whether one could really call it a musical experience seems doubtful to me.


Mastering the draft by John Striker end

Andrew Shapiro

Editor's Note; The anchor is co-operating wi th the Holland Draft Information Center in syndicating "Mastering the Draft," a column that deals wi th recent court deci-sions and draft law changes. It is written by two draft lawyers, and will appear in this space each week.

As Dec. 31 approaches, stu-dents across the country must decide upon their final and most important play in the Lottery "numbers game."

STUDENTS WITH " l o w " Lot-tery numbers know only too well they must remain deferred through Dec. 31 or face "Greet-ings." They will choose to request the II-S s tudent deferment in September. A year f rom now they may take their chances, hoping for a change in draft calls, the law, the war or their health.

A student with a "h igh" Lot-tery number will want to put his year of draft vulnerability behind him. To do so, (1) he must be in class 1-A, I-A-0 (noncombatant CO.) , or 1-0 (civilian work C.O.) on Dec. 31; and his Lottery num-ber must not have been reached by that date. If the s tudent meets both these qualifications on Dec. 31, he will descend f rom the 1970 "first pr ior i ty" group to the 1971 "second pr ior i ty" group on New Year's Day. For all practical pur-poses, this descent assures virtual immunity f rom induction.

ASSUMING THE student with the "h igh" Lottery number is not going CO. , he will have to seek a I-A this fall. In order to do so, he must not request the II-S defer-

ment. According to the law, a local board should not place a student in class II-S unless h e ^ a s requested the deferment. This rule applies regardless of whether the student meets all the other re-quirements for a II-S.

A college cannot legally re-quest the deferment for a student. Furthermore, a II-S request for a prior academic year cannot be construed as a II-S request for the current year.

STUDENTS WITH Lottery numbers in the "middle" would appear to be in a real quandary. They cannot predict with cer-tainty whether they will be called. Should they take a chance, not request a II-S, and hope their Lottery numbers prove safe? The lure of "second priori ty" next year is great.

Or should students in the "middle" opt for security, request a II-S, retain it through Dec. 31, and face "first pr iori ty" again next year? Security is also tempt-ing, but it may cause bitter disil-lusionment when the s tudent in class II-S on Dec. 31 discovers that his number was not reached, and he would have made it.

THE DREAM OF students in the "middle" would be to wait until Dec. 31 before deciding whether or not to be deferred on Dec. 31. The I-S(C) deferment is a dream come true.

The I-S(C) deferment is avail-able to any fulltime college stu-dent who, while satisfactorily pursuing his studies, receives an induction order. If the student has never held an I-S(C) deferment and does not have a baccalaureate degree, he is entitled to have his

induction order cancelled. He qualifies for class I-S(C), where he must be kept until the end of the 12-month academic year.

CONSIDER THE utility of the I-S(C) deferment: Suppose a stu-dent has Lottery number 190. He is unsure whether it will be reached. Nevertheless, he does not request a II-S and remains I-A through the fall semester.

Unfortunately, before Decem-ber 31, the student loses his gam-ble. Lottery number 190 is reached, and the student receives an induction order. The student immediately requests an I-S(C) deferment, proving to his board that he actually was a full-time student, making satisfactory pro-gress, when he got his order.

THE ORDER WILL be cancel-led - not merely postponed -and the student will have to play the Lottery all over next year. However, he will have to play without one of his favorite gam-bits, since the I-S(C) is available only once.

Resort to the I-S(C) provides a convenient way to hedge on the I-A bet. However, there are two potential pitfalls: First, the board may classify the student II-S even though he makes no request. Second, assuming the student gets an I-S(C), his tactics may be con-sidered a delay. Consequently, when his deferments run out , he may be immediately ordered to report, despite the fact that his number has not yet been reached in the year he becomes I-A. A safe path across these pitfalls will be described in the next column.

C o p y r i g h t 1970 by J o h n S t r iker and A n d r e w Shap i ro

i The Best of Peanuts PEANUTS






Page 6: 10-12-1970

Hope Coikge anchor October 12 t 1970


PULL 970




Rob Benchley, Mike

Boonstra, Louis

Schakel and

Tom Siderius



in one hour,

45 minutes'


S3 -

Page 7: 10-12-1970

October 12, 1970 / •

Hope College anchor Page 7

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The Boards and Committees of Hope College Editor's Note: The boards and committees at Hope College were established to serve the students. With a l itt le interest and persever-ance on the part of the individual no problem need go unsolved and no grievance need go unaired. This article is intended to show stu-dents where pertinent ideas and suggestions wil l be given the great-est consideration by outlining the structure and specific functions of the boards and committees.

The basic s tructure of campus government has three levels. The lirsl level consists of committees with representation by faculty, administrators and students. They analyze quest ions of policy which are presented for action to the second level, the boards. Faculty members, s tudents elected by the s tudent body and administrative appointees make up the boards, which decide on policy matters. These decisions can only be over-ridden by a faculty review, a presidential veto or action by the Board of Trustees on the Presi-dent ' s request. This veto power is the third and highest level.

The Student Congress refers s tudent ideas and responses to the proper board for detailed study and action. The Congress appoints members to the standing commit-tees of the boards, presents pro-posals to a board or committee and has administrative responsib-ility in areas assigned to it. It deals, through its Judicial Board appointees, with student violat-ions of regulations, promotes and organizes the college social pro-gram and serves as the official agency of s tudent opinion to the faculty and administrat ion.

The Boards are the actual legi-slative bodies, for they review and take action on all recommenda-t ions from their standing commit-tees. The three boards are the Academic Affairs Board, the Cam-pus Life Board, and the Adminis-trative Affairs Board.


The Academic Affairs Board has jurisdiction over the more formal educational program of the college. It refines Hope's educa-tional objectives in an a t t empt to make the academic program con-stantly more effective, examines proposals for major academic change and acts on library policy and cultural offerings. Its mem-bers are Dean for Academic Affairs Rider, faculty members Brockmeier, Dwight Smith, Beach, Dirkse, Jentz , Hollenbach, Prins, Weller, and s tudents Barb DeHaan, Bill Leismer, Keith Lammers and Wayne VanderByle.

Standing commit tees of the Academic Affairs Board include Curr icu lum, Cultural Affairs, Internat ional Educat ion, Teacher Educat ion, and Library.

The Curriculum Committee initiates changes in the pat terns of curricular degree requirements and makes recommendat ions on-requests for course changes and

changes in academic regulations such as systems of grading, stu-dent load and class a t tendance. Its members are Dean Rider, Librar-ian Whittaker, faculty members Dwight Smith, Bultman, Hopkins and hrissel, and s tudents Drew Hinderer and Lorraine Price.

The Cultural A J fairs Commit-tee funct ions to plan a program of all-college cultural events, to act upon an annual entertainment series proposed by the Student Congress, to periodically assess the value of the individual cultural programs presented and to pre-pare an annual budget request for the cultural activities program. Members: Rider, Rauwerdink, fac-ulty members Prins, Van Putten, Elder, Ryker, and students Kay Hubbard, McArthur Robinson and Jerry Sittser.

The International Education Committee's main funct ions are lo analyze suggestions for new ott-campus international programs and lo recommend those pro-grams to the Academic Affairs Board, to recommend policies for accrediting non-Hope College international programs in which students wish to enroll for a portion of their degree work, to initiate evaluation studies of present off-campus international programs and to recommend to depar tments and the Curriculum Committee means of strength-ening the goal of international understnading through curricular and extra-curricular approaches. C o m m i t t e e members: Fried, Weller, Petrovich, Neckers, Pal-mer, and students Barry Schreiber and Jerry VandeWerken.

The Teacher Education Committee's responsibilities are to review and make recommenda-tions on curricular proposals designed lo strengthen the teacher education program, to initiate per-iodical evaluations of the teacher education program and to provide the faculty and administration with a continuing interpretation ol the work of teacher education. Members: Stewart, Dirkse, Bult-man, Brown, Folkert , Mueller, Vickers, DeVetle and students J a n e C o l e n b r a n d e r , Nancy Rynbrandt and Tish Price.

The Library Committee deter-mines general library policy so that maximum use can be made of l i b r a r y r esources. M embers: S t e w a r t , Whittaker, Lebbin, Coughenour, Ryker, Snook, and Brockmeier, and students Eunice Rosier, Cathy VanderByl and Brenda Boole.


• The Administrative Affairs Board has jurisdicalion over pat-terns of organization and admini-stration, matters of public rela-tions, items of general student and faculty welfare and all other mat-ters not specifically delegated lo another board. The members of this board design and revise the campus commil lee structure, approve the annual college calen-dar, act on proposals for research and other educational activities and recommend candidates for the bachelor's degree to the Board of Trustees. Members are Chancel-lor Vanderlugt, faculty members


Sta tu i Commi l lee

Adminu i ra l i ve At la i rs Board

Board of Trustees

Presi dent Prolewional Inleresl

Commit tee

Faculty Comm o l Whole

Admissionj & Educational Grants

Commit tee

Student Aj)|)edls Commit tee

Ath let ic Commit tee

Human Rights Counci l

Judicial Board

Campus Li fe


Extracurricular Commit tee

Religious L i le Commit tee

Communicat ions Commit tee

Student Conduct Commit tee

Academic At la i rs Board

Library Commit tee

International Education Committee

Teacher Educat ion Committee

Cultural A l la i rs Commit tee

Curr iculum Commit tee

Individual C epartments

Student Congress

c Divisional Councils

Tharin, Vanderbush, Fried and tenHoor, administrators Rider, DeYoung and Handlogten, and s t u d e n t s Marshall Anslandig, Robert Scott and Pat Korpik.

The Administrative Affairs Board has three standing commit-tees: Admissions and Financial Aids, Athletic, and Student Stand-ing and Appeals.

The Admissions and I'inancial Aids Committee studies and m a k e s recommendat ions on admission policies and broad pro-cedures of scholarship, grant-in-aid and campus employment poli-cies. • Members: administrators Stewart, (ierrie, and Kleinheksel, faculty members Curry, Tanis, Wet lack, VanEyl, Paul Fried, and Dykstra, and s tudents Becky Shadwell and Didi Stewart.

The Athletic Committee insures that Hope College's ath-letic policies abide by the regula-tions of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association. It also approves all schedules for intercollegiate sports and selects the recipients of ath-letic awards, acting on the recom-mendations of the director or coach involved. Members: Brewer, DeMeesler, Ritsema, Tharin, and Brady, and students Carleton Colder and Karl Nadolsky.

The Student Standing and Appeals Committee acts on requests for exception to the aca-demic requirements, determines students ' standing, makes deci-sions on withdrawal from the col-lege lor academic reasons and acts on all recommendat ions for sus-pension or dismissal from college made by any judicial board or administrative officer. Members: Deans Stewart and Sprik, faculty members Ervin, Vanderbush, and Megow, and s tudents Clarke Borgeson ^nd Tamara Cooke.


The Campus Life Board is con-cerned with the informal, non-currucular aspects of the college program. Its chief funct ions are to consider and initiate policies on all phases of the co-curricular pro-gram except those designated as the responsibility of some other board, to review and act upon policy recommendat ions from its sub-committees, to establish poli-cies for student counseling -including freshman orientation -and to periodically examine the ex i s t i ng counseling program. Members: Dean of Students DeYoung, Chaplain Hillegonds, Associate Dean of Students Sprik, faculty members DeVetle, Kraft, Marker, Vandervelde, Reedy, and Bruins, and students John Boon-stra, Brian Koop, Jane Selfridge Leismer, Allen Smith, Dawn Vol-link and Jos Williams.

The Campus Life Board has four standing committees: Extra-Currucular Activities, Religious Life, Student Communicat ions Media, and Student Conduct .

The Extra-Curricular Activities Committee considers and makes recommendat ions lo the Campus Life Board on all policies con-cerning student clubs, societies

d and organizations (except in the areas of religious affairs and stu-dent communications) . It also acts on requests for the establishment of new campus organizations, assesses periodically the social and extracurrucular program of the college and recommends lo the Student Congress and the Campus Life Board ways of strengthening it. Members: Sprik, Gerrie, Reedy, Hoepfinger, and students Joanne Blank, Eric Brown and Betty Gaydos.

The Religious Life Committee considers all policies concerning the religious program of the col-lege, acts on requests for establish-ment of new religious roganiza-tions, suggests ways of strength-ening the religious program and assists in planning and assessing daily chapel services and special reilgious events.

The Student Communications Media Committee examines and makes recommendations on all general policies in the area of student communicat ions media. It also selects the editors of the anchor, the Milestone, and Opus, and the student station manager of W I AS (acting on recommenda-tions f rom senior members of the retiring staff). Committee mem-bers: Vandervelde, Jellema, Davis, Hopkins, Renner, and Sprik, and students Nancy Burke, Peg Hop-kins, Bob Schellenberg, Brad Greene, Gerry Swierenga and Carol Powers.

The Student Conduct Com-mittee studies and makes recom-mendations to the CLB for new or revised provisions in the student code of conduct , and recommends the judicial procedures to be used by the various student courts. It also continually analyzes the existing structure and procedures for handling disciplinary matters. Members: Gerrie, Sprik, DeVette, and Greij, and students Susan Reus and Marshall Anstandig.


7:30 Cornation of Homecoming Queen Pep Rally Arcade of Physics Math Hall


8:15 p.m. SIXTH ANNUAL KLETZ CONCERT - Civic Center Tickets - $1.00; Students - 50c


9 : 3 0 - 12:30 a.m. 1 0 - 12:30

9 : 3 0 - 11:30

10 a.m.

11 a.m. 9 : 3 0 - 11:30

9 : 3 0 - 12:30


continuous showings Math Dept. Program (

"What an individual with a Math major can do." Dedication of the Garrett Vander-Borgh Instructional Material Center by the Education Department; basement of Van Zoeren Library Stage Band Performance; Pine Grove Physics Department Open House in Physics-Math Building, Room No. 102 Pine Grove — Art Exhibit Geology Dept. Program WTAS Open House Sorority and Fraternity Open Houses

Coffee Kletz Open Coffee Grounds Open House Al l Residences Open Soccer and Cross Country Coffee; Phelps Conference Room H Club Luncheon, Durfee Hall Terrace Room H Club Wives Luncheon, Phelps Hall Conference Room Sorority and Fraternity Luncheons Hope vs. Albion After game: open houses, all residences ' Saturday night steak dinner Celebration of the 25th United Nations Anniversary; presenta-t ion by International Relations Club; exhibitions and discus-sions; Durfee Hall Lounge and Terrace Room Homecoming Dance Civic Center, featuring "Midwest" and "Pu f f "

admission: $1 single, $1.75 couple


12 noon


4:30 - 8:15 p.m.

8:15 p.m.

11 a.m.

3 p.m.

Student Church, Dimnent Memorial Chapel Rev. William C. Hillegonds, College Chaplain, preaching Chapel Choir singing Director, Dr. Robert Cavanaugh Wichers Hall of Music Dedication, Dimenent Memorial Chapel Concert and Dedication Service; The Women's Choir of 40 voices, Directed by Dr. Anthony Kooiker. Faculty string quartet, accompanying.

Page 8: 10-12-1970

Page 8 Hope College anchor October 12, 1970

32-0 at the half

Alma Scots nail Dutch, 39-7 by Charles Le Purge

Ihe Dutchmen's a t tempt to make a pcrlect 2-0 Michigan Inter-collegiate Athletic Association football record was thwarted Saturday by an inspired Alma team which scored 32 points in the first half.

Ihe Alma homecoming crowd anil a 32-0 half-time lead proved to be loo much for Hope to overcome, although Hope played a much better second half, hold-ing Ihe Alma Scots lo one touch-down, but lost 3(J-7.

ALMA GOT ON Ihe score-board at (>:20 in the first nuarter when Kick Leedy intercepted a (Iroy Kaper pass and returned it 50 yards for a touchdown. At 6 :30 of the same quarter Steve Liske intercepted Ihe second Kaper pass and returned it 3() yards to the Hope one yard line, where Byron Johnson plunged in on the first down play.

After a short Hope punt . Alma gol on the scoreboard again on a 3()-yard touchdown run by Kick






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Mamzarlo, a 27-yard pass from Jerry Watson to Mam/arto for a touchdown, and a final first half score on a pass from Watson to Larry Angis with 2() seconds re-maining in Hie half.

HOPE PLAYED a much better game in Ihe second half, but it was evident from the Alma crowd ol 4,()()() that the Scots were out lo win. The Dutchmen defense stopped Alma time after lime in the second half, and even the offense showed signs of life under the direction of junior quarter-back Jon Constant.

Hope's only scoring drive was generated by the junior quarter-back and capped by a flea-kicker play which Constant scored him-self. It started out with a handoff to Bob Lamar going left. Lamar passed back to Ihe right side to Constant, who ran 14 yards un-molested into the Alma end/one .

ALMA HAD AN EDGE in total yards of 3(^3-266, but 240 of those yards came in the first half. The Hope defense intercepted lour Alma passes and at limes slopped Alma quarterback Jerry Watson (sixth in the nation in total offense) and Ins teammates cold.

The offense for Hope did not tare well at all. Kaper and Con-stant were able lo complete only

nine of twenty passes, and three passes were intercepted. Hope, rushed for 163 yards.

Next week Hope plays at Oli-vet at 2 p.m. Saturday. A win at Olivet would give the Dutchmen a 2-1 conference record and an over-all record of 3-3.

Hope's Grepj Voss

awarded Ml A A

hack of the week Hope freshman Greg Voss won

the ' Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association Player of the Week award last week.

He earned the honor as back of the week by gaining 214 yards, carrying the ball 47 times and scoring a touchdown in the 21-16 Hope victory over Kalama/oo last weekend.

The o ther Ml A A Player of the WeeR, Alma College junior Ben Weeks, was named lineman of the week after sparking Alma to a 47-17 win over Olivet from his defensive tackle posiCion.

Kunncrup back of the week was Alma quarterback Gerry Was-sen, and runnerup lineman of the week was Hope middle guard led Kycenga.

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CLOSE MATCH-Hope .senior Dave Clark keeps a close watch on Albion's defense, as Ihe Dutchmen win a close match Saturday.

Booters edge Albion 1-0 in Sat. game

I he Hope College soccer squad took a hard-fought decision 1-0, before a large turn-out at Van Raalte Held Saturday.

I rom the very start, Hope applied constant pressure on Albion's defense, with 26 shots fired on goal and 19 free kicks. . The first two periods were a

scoreless deadlock; il wasn't until 9 :30 in the third period that

senior Manuel Cuba centered lo captain Art l ludak, who in turn booted the deciding goal: It ended a long spell of frustration for the Hying Dutchmen.

I'inal statistics showed Hope with 26 shots to 13 for Albion, and 19 free kicks to 15 for the visitors..

Next week Hope travels to Kalamazoo to meet the Hornets of Kalama/oo College.




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