1 timothy 2:4, niv. / ã Û k % â,q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ good news from pem churches ~ whoever does not...

PENINSULAR MALAYSIA MISSION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ADD 22-1, Jalan 2/114, Kuchai Business Centre, Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia TEL (603) 7984 7795 | FAX (603) 7984 4600 EMAIL pem@adventistorgmy | WEBSITE wwwadventistorgmy | Free Internal Circulation Official Newsletter of Peninsular Malaysia Mission | Issue 38 | Sep 2013 w w h h o o w w a a n n t t s s a a l l l l m m e e n n t t o o b b e e s s a a v v e e d d a a n n d d t t o o c c o o m m e e t t o o a a k k n n o o w w l l e e d d g g e e o o f f t t h h e e t t r r u u t t h h . . 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV.

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Page 1: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

PENINSULAR MALAYSIA MISSION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ADD 22-1, Jalan 2/114, Kuchai Business Centre, Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

TEL (603) 7984 7795 | FAX (603) 7984 4600

EMAIL [email protected] | WEBSITE www.adventist.org.my | Free Internal Circulation

Official Newsletter of Peninsular Malaysia Mission | Issue 38 | Sep 2013

wwhhoo wwaannttss aallll mmeenn ttoo bbee ssaavveedd aanndd ttoo ccoommee

ttoo aa kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff tthhee ttrruutthh..

1 Timothy 2:4, NIV.

Page 2: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ MMeessssaaggee ~~

Vision 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2, NIV.

:9 10 .


330 .



Church exist to preach the gospel

to prepare the people in

Peninsular Malaysia for Jesus

Christ’s second coming, by

ministering to their physical, mental,

social and spiritual needs through

in-reach and outreach

programmes of the Church.


To prepare our members for Jesus’

soon return and with united spirit

evangelize the whole of Peninsular


PP EE MM DD II RR EE CC TT OO RR YY President Leong Fai Executive Secretary, Personal Ministry, Sabbath School Ministry

Terrance Sim Treasurer Joshua Chee Adventist Laymen Services & Industries Joshua Chee Chaplaincy Francis Amer Children Ministry, Community Service, Women Ministry

Tam Man Lin Communication, Public Affairs & Religious Liberty Terrance Sim Education Yew Lip Sin Family Ministry Petrik Andrews Health Ministry Jane Yap Leadership Education And Development (LEAD), Adventist Mission Leong Fai Ministerial Association, Spirit of Prophecy

Tan Meng Cheng Philanthropic Goh Cheng Siew Publishing Leong Fai (acting) Shepherdess International

Ellen Nathan Voice of Prophecy Chay Fook Wing Stewardship & Trust Services Alex Rajakumar Youth, Pathfinder, AMiCUS James Edward

AMMeessssaaggee from the PPrreessiiddeenntt of Peninsular Malaysia Mission (PEM), Pr Leong Fai

TTrruuee EEdduuccaattiioonn

""TThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding". (Proverbs 9:10). Education is important. There is an old Chinese folk saying which goes, “No matter how poor one can be, education should never be sacrificed”. Education is the way to advance one’s social skills. Education enables one to better contribute to society. Unfortunately like the Pharisees, sometimes, we, educated people, can be a problem to our society. “True education means more than taking a certain course of study. It is broad. It includes the harmonious development of all the physical powers and the mental faculties. It teaches the love and fear of God and is a preparation for the faithful discharge of life's duties.” (Child Guidance, pp 293). “This is the education that will endure unto eternal life.” (Christ Object Lessons, pp 330). As leaders who desire our young people to be fitted for eternal life, let us, encourage them to experience true education. One of the ways is by encouraging them to attend our tertiary educational institutions. Yes, it is very true that the public tertiary education in our country is cheaper. Yes, it is also true that it provides more choices of study and our young people are physically nearer to their parents. With the business of life, may I encourage you to consider placing them in an environment which was created to be above all else, to enable them to be closer to Jesus, thus benefit eternally? True education is more on what God wants us to do than to pursue what we wish or what is the popular demand in the world. I would like to appeal to our young people to choose Adventist colleges and universities as their priority. It is true education.�

Page 3: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3

DAHC: G-1-1, Block G, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/41B, Pusat Dagangan NZX,

Ara Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (above Restoran Anak Kelantan).

GPS Coordinates: NO3°06.914’E101°35.320’

Financial Assistances available

to pursue True Education

1. Adventist Education Loan – An educational loan

available to young Adventists from Peninsular

Malaysia Mission (PEM) or children of PEM

employees or PEM employees, to pursue

undergraduate or graduate studies (up to Masters)

in any Adventist College or University in

Asia. Priority is given to those who will be serving in

Adventist Institutions in South-east Asia Union

Mission upon graduation.

2. Auber Education Loan – An educational loan

available to young Adventists from PEM to pursue

higher education in any Adventist College or

University in Asia. Priority is given to those who will

be serving with PEM upon graduation.

3. Ang Ministerial Education Loan – An educational

loan available to young Adventists from PEM to

pursue religious/theological/ministerial studies in

Taiwan Adventist College or Hong Kong Adventist

College whereby they are being prepared to

minister to the Chinese congregation in PEM.

4. Yap Shan Education Grant – An educational grant

available to cover the travelling expenses for

young Adventists from PEM to pursue higher

education in any Adventist College or University in


For more information, please contact Corina Ling or

Pr Leong Fai through 03-79847795.�

1 -

2 -

3 –

4 –





DAHC has relocated from

Damansara Perdana to NZX

Square, Ara Damansara. We

had our first worship on Aug


A special thanks to all who

helped in the relocation and

renovation of new DAHC,

and also those who donated

to this project! New DAHC

exists because of your

generous contributions!

For more information, please

contact Pr Tan Weoi Siong at

016-5213353 or

[email protected]

Page 4: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 4 Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12, NIV.

“FRESH AIR FOR 8 CARING HOURS” IN PANDAMARAN JAYA, KLANG, SHARED BY PR SUNNY TAN: Haze in Malaysia is an annual phenomenon caused by Indonesian crop burning, but this year it has arrived earlier than usual and was worse than previous years. Within Klang Valley, the Air Pollutant Index (API) in Port Klang hit the dangerous level (more than 300) on Jun 24. It continued to rise to 487 the next morning. As a result, most of the schools in Klang Valley were directed to close. As an immediate response to the extraordinary unhealthy air quality in Klang Valley, we were ready to take the risk to serve in this area, most affected by the haze. As we started to think what we can do for the affected in Port Klang in this crisis, we thought of the poor family. Their windows have to be shut. The kids and poor old folks would be staying in the house with bad ventilation, without air condition, the temperature at home could be very high. Children could not go to school and they were not allowed to play outside the house. How could their lives be in this period? We finally came out with the idea of "Fresh air for 8 caring hours". It would provide a shelter with 8 hours of fresh air for the victims. It was extremely not easy to run an event in such a short period of preparation time. But, we did it anyway because we care for the people just as Jesus did. Our team started to look for sponsors and venue within 36 hours. The Member of Parliament for Klang was very excited to hear about this project. God is great. The community hall they provided was far beyond what we expected. It could accommodate 1000 people. They allowed us to run the air-condition for 8 hours free of charge. SPRITZER Company was impressed with this idea too, and they promptly sponsored us 600 bottles of mineral water. Besides that, many air purifier companies have shown interest to involve in this campaign. But, they were out of stock due to the urgent haze plague. But, there is always solution with God. Many of our church members were willing to lend their personal air purifier for this event. There were some programme for children, free health screening, lunch provided and masks were distributed to every attendee. We managed to mingle with the kids as well as their parents during these 8 hours. The love of Jesus was lifted up. We praise God for the success.�


smartphones, people can pay their bills, check emails, look for a map, etc. Whether they are old or young,

smartphone is a charm for everyone. Thus, we have another ministry that we are trying to reach out to the city

people. We have created a Facebook for Hope On Wheels (www.facebook.com/hopeonwheels6012). They

may get a lot of resources about health from our page once they click “LIKE”. Hopefully, it would attract people

to know more about our unique health messages and eventually lead them to Adventism.

Dear brothers and sisters, we are looking for volunteers to contribute in this IT ministry. Are you a medical doctor, nurse or health professional? Are you good in Facebook or designing/editing website? We need you to be in our team. If God has impressed you with a vision or you have the burden to serve God in this special way, please feel free to contact Pr Sunny Tan (012-798 6012).�

Page 5: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…1 Peter 2:9, NIV. Vision 5

WOMEN’S EMPHASIS DAY SHARED BY RENITTA EDWARD, WOMEN’S MINISTRIES LEADER OF SUNGAI WAY INDIAN CHURCH: Women’s Emphasis Day was celebrated in the Sungai Way Indian Church on Jun 29. All the programmes during the Sabbath School and Divine Service were handled by the ladies. They also enacted women Bible characters during the Sabbath School. Memory verses and poems were recited in conjunction with the 13th Sabbath. Women are capable of doing ministries in their own way. This has been a day where women exhibited their talents and abilities for the Lord.�

SERMON AND HEALTH CHECK FOR MYANMAR CHURCH MEMBERS SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: Mrs Leong Fai was invited to preach in Myanmar Church on Jul 6. The church pastor MuongDoung requested health checks for the members as well. The Hope On Wheels team was invited to help them during their AY programme time. Volunteers from Kuala Lumpur Chinese Church, Puchong Chinese Church, Damansara Adventist Hope Centre were helping out too. We thank God for the smooth running of all the activities.�

BLOOD DONATION DRIVE SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: Pr Tan Chow Siang of Hope On Wheels and his team, Puchong Chinese Church, Adventist Community Services, together with members from Kuala Lumpur Chinese Church, Petaling Jaya Chinese Church united to work for the Blood Donation Drive on Jul 14 at Han Ming Primary School at Batu 14, Jalan Puchong, Selangor, from 9:30am to 4pm. 106 packs of blood were collected. Ten beds with 13 staff were from Blood Bank helping out the event. Mdm Yeong, the Assistant Principal, Mr Loo and Mr Loh from the Parents and Teachers Association came to represent the school. There were about 30 church members from the Chinese Churches helping out for the health screening and blood donation. We thank God for blessing the events.�


LEONG FAI: Thank God that three VBS were

conducted during the school holidays in August.

Johor Bahru English Church conducted VBS from

Aug 7-9, and graduation was held on Aug 10. The

VBS leader, Mrs Nancy Kok, used Jesus’ Kids in the

Kitchen materials. Twenty-two children graduated.

Ten children were from the church family while 12

were from the non-Adventist background.

Sg Way Tamil Church conducted VBS from Aug 12-

14. Sis Anna was the VBS leader. Thirty children

attended, 5 were from non Adventist background.

Puchong Chinese Church conducted VBS from Aug

14-16. Sis Lim Siew Lee was the VBS leader. There

were 25 children, more than half were from non-

Adventist background.�

Page 6: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 6 An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. Proverbs 24:26, NIV.


RAYNE AUSTIN CLEMENT: On Mar 23 and 24, the Polaris

Pathfinder Club from Petaling Jaya English Church

organized a survival camp. This camp was held in Hulu

Langat. There was a mountain situated in this area

called Gunung Nuang. The objective of this camp

was to train and teach our Pathfinders about survival

skills in the jungle with only basic necessities.

We left church on Mar 23 (Saturday) at about 3:30pm.

The journey took about one hour and fifteen minutes

from our church to Hulu Langat. All 30 Pathfinders

changed into their hiking gear before leaving for Hulu

Langat. When we arrived at Hulu Langat, we

unloaded all our things and gathered in front of the

entrance to the campsite to make sure everyone was


The distance from the carpark to the campsite was

about 5.8 km uphill walk. Along the way were many

pit stops. Just before reaching the campsite in the

middle of the jungle, one of our members had a

cramp on her leg. She just could not walk at one

point. With the basic first aid training that we learned

during our Pathfinder programmes, we were able to

give simple basic first aids to her. We had to cross a

few rivers. The journey seemed very tiring and

exhausting, yet we made it eventually. We started our

journey at about 5pm from the carpark, most of us

reached Kem Lolo at about 7:30pm while others

reached at 8:30pm.

When everyone finally reached Kem Lolo, we started

to pitch our tents. Then we quickly gathered wood to

make fire to prepare our food. It was not easy looking

for wood in the jungle at night. After everyone had a

good and satisfying dinner, we had a short devotion

and prayer to thank God for the safe journey and the

opportunity to enjoy God’s wonderful creation. After

devotion, all the Pathfinders “mandi sungai”. The

water was freezing cold especially at night but it was

great being in cool water after a long journey. Soon

after that everyone prepared to hit the sack and it was

lights out by 11pm.

The next morning, 8 Pathfinders climbed to the peak

starting at 4am. We had breakfast and prayer so that

God will guide us and protect us as we climb the

mountain. It was still very dark during that time so we

had to carry along our torch lights to help us find the

way. Climbing to the peak was very tough because

we had to do it in the dark and the trail to the peak of

the mountain was very steep and challenging. It was

a total of 5 hours journey to the top and about 4 hours

to go back to our campsite. We also had a few stops

along the way. There were designated stops for

people to camp overnight and to rest. Shoes were

one of the very important tools for us to climb. One of

our friend’s shoes torn apart and we did not have

extra shoes for her. Thus, with our experience during

Pathfinder classes we were able to help her tie her

shoes using knot tying. She was able to continue the


Upon reaching the mountain top, we took a picture

together with our Pathfinder flag. It was a great

feeling knowing we made it to the top. The feeling

was just breath-taking. We had about one hour rest

and we had something to eat. After that hour, we

started our journey back to our campsite. Along the

way back, it started to rain and the trail was very

muddy. It became even tougher as the trail was

slippery. We had a challenging time coming down.

Eventually we made it back to our campsite at about

1:30pm. Thank God.�

Page 7: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19, NIV. Vision 7

ANNUAL CAMP SHARED BY SAMUEL LEE AND PR SAMUEL MONEY: JB English Church held their annual church camp at Tanjung Sutera Resort, Sedili, Johor, over a weekend commencing May 31 to Jun 2. We were blessed with a wonderful view of the South China Sea, great weather and a strong sea breeze that kept the mosquitoes at bay, what more could one ask for an idyllic church retreat? With the chalets arranged in the style of a rustic Malay kampong built on a cliff overlooking the sea, it was a lovely place to escape the conundrum of secular life, and an ideal place to be still, and, in touch with an awesome Creator of the universe. Looking out to the sea, one can well imagine how Lake Tiberius (aka the sea of Galilee) must have looked from the mount where Jesus formerly ordained His Disciples, and, where He preached the beatitudes, a sermon that had changed and continues to change the lives of many down the ages. A fitting place for Pr Simon Siew to remind us what it means to truly fulfil Christ’s Gospel Commission as recorded in Matt 28:19-20:-- 1. it is a great fallacy to equate merely preaching the

gospel and/or securing baptisms with fulfillment of the Gospel Commission;

2. the Great Commission is really about Discipleship, i.e. it is

the duty of all God’s people to be disciples of Christ, and to spread the gospel not merely to inform the people, but, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to help nurture all, who accept Christ and His Gift of Salvation, to become His disciples and, ultimately, disciple mentors to new believers;

3. authentic Discipleship involves Transformation, Commitment, and Multiplication as believers become disciples, and subsequently, disciple mentors to new believers;

4. when a person makes a confession and is never taken through a formal discipleship process, there is little hope of seeing a genuine spiritual transformation;

5. Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ (costly Grace is turned into cheap Grace) i.e. there is trust in God but not full surrender to Him, where there is mental knowledge and belief but which does not translate into action as a true follower and disciple;

6. important for the Church to make and implement a working plan for discipleship; and that

7. A true disciple:-- ��� Knows and loves God, and, lives for His pleasure and

Glory alone ��� Knows who they are without God, hates sin but loves the

sinner, and loves righteousness

��� Puts His full trust in Christ for life, and, lives a life of Godliness

��� Knows and lives out who they are in Christ, and bears the fruit of the spirit

��� Knows how to renew his mind with Truth and live free in Christ. The Word of God must be used not just to inform us, but to transform us

��� Knows how to abide in Christ resting in the finished work of the Cross

�� Loves God, loves others and themselves

without any agenda for self

�� Reigns with Christ and loves to declare His gospel to everyone

��� Always ready to be used by the Holy Spirit to fulfil the duty, and, responsibility of discipleship and disciple-making

That all disciples uphold and display the hallmarks of discipleship:- 1. Weekly worship 2. Daily prayer 3. Frequent Bible study 4. Give generously of time, talents and financial resources 5. Grow in faith through spiritual friendships 6. Identifying and utilizing all God-given spiritual gifts to

serve 7. Share Christ’s Love in word and deed

And finally, all disciples will ultimately be ready to mentor new believers in discipleship from baptism through the following stages:-- Stage 1 Grounding -- daily devotion regular church attendance practising faithful stewardship. Stage 2 Connecting -- knowing every church member, learning about our church, joining a cell group. Stage 3 Equipping -- discovering spiritual gifts, training for various church ministries and witnessing, providing on job training. Stage 4 Ministering -- identifying one’s mission field, praying and witnessing to those in the mission field, accepting the disciple’s role. Stage 5 Seeking -- to win souls and train/convert new souls/believers to become disciples. Thus each disciple is encouraged and nurtured to take on leadership responsibilities, and the disciple becomes a disciple-maker through the power of the Holy Spirit. All who attended the Camp answered the call for revival and re-dedication to the cause of Jesus and His Great Commission. May all continue to daily answer the Shepherd’s Call, and be occupied in His Service until His soon return.�

Page 8: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 8 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5, NIV.

TRUE EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2013 SHARED BY YEW LIP SIN: "True education means more than the pursual of a

certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole

being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical,

the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher

joy of wider service in the world to come." -- Education, p. 13.

The aim of true education is to restore human beings into the image of God as revealed by the life of Jesus Christ.

Seventh-day Adventist Church is truly blessed to have the light of True Education.

Through the lights given to Mrs Ellen G White, together with many dedicated church members in the last century,

many Adventist education institutions were established delivering Christian Education. Today we are the world

second largest Christian school system in the world. We have a total of 7,598 educational institutions operating in

over 100 countries around the world with over 1.5 million students world-wide.

On Aug 14-16, almost 50 educators and parents came together in the Peninsular Malaysia Mission office

conference room to be refreshed of the idea of True Education, to learn the technique of teaching and

coaching children in the kindergarten and to explore the possibility of homeschooling.

Praise the Lord that we have Dr Lily Wong (an Expert in early childhood education and education

psychologist) and Mrs Nancy Arias (Principal of a multi-grade academy in USA, and homeschool mother of 2

adult children).

We had sharing of homeschooling experience by Dr Danny Oh of PAH through Skype and presentation of Griggs

International Academy programme from Michigan, USA, an Adventist distant learning programme (homeschool

programme) for Kindergarten to Grade 12.

The joys displayed on the faces of the kindergarten teachers and parents showed that they have learnt much

from Dr Lily Wong and Mrs Arias.

If God willing, the Education and Children Department of PEM will continue to organize True Education

Conference yearly on the third Malaysian school holiday. If you are interested, do call Ms Renitta at the Mission

office (03-79847795) to pre-register.

…to be continued on pg 9

Page 9: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8, NIV. Vision 9

…continued from pg 8

PEM Education Scholar Fund

At the beginning of 2013, almost RM30,000 was raised and the PEM

Education Scholar Fund was established for “Education Incentive

Programme” and “Book Reading Programme”.

Education Incentive Programme

The objectives of Education Incentive Programme is to encourage

and motivate the school-going young men and ladies:

- To perform well academically,

- To exemplify Christ-like character in school, and

- To take Bible knowledge as a subject in SPM / ‘O’ Level.

The incentive programme has two categories and any students

(church member or children of church member) from Primary to

Secondary schools achieving the requirement will be rewarded

with gift in cash from PEM.

“ ” “





“ ” “ ”

Category I: EXCELLENT STUDENT requirement


Primary 1 – 3 80%

Primary 4 – 5 75%

UPSR Min. 3As and not less than Grade C for other subjects 3 A C

Form 1 – 2 70%

PMR Min. 3As and not less than Grade C for other subjects

3 A C

Form 4 65%

SPM/ O’ Level Min. 5 Credits & Special incentive for Credit in Bible Knowledge


STPM/ A’ Level Min. 3 Credits 3

Category II: IMPROVING STUDENT requirement


All Standard Minimum improvement of 10% for the previous year. 10% .

E.g. : 2011 - 55%, 2012 – 62%

Book Reading Programme

The objectives of Book Reading Programme is to encourage the

young men and ladies of the church

- To make reading a habit, and

- To read widely and be a learned and knowledgeable


The Book Reading Programme is designed through the inspiration

from the Story of Dr Ben Carson, a member of our church in the USA.



Page 10: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8, NIV. Vision 9

Dr Ben Carson was from a very poor family and he was not

interested in studying in his early year. His loving mother thought of

a way to motivate Ben and his brother to read by rewarding them

with a gift whenever they complete reading a book.

…to be continued on pg 10

Page 11: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 10 Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding. Proverbs 23:23, NIV.

…continued from pg 9

Ben Carson became an avid reader and picked up different

titles from the library, and became very well read. His grades

in his school improved tremendously and became top in the


Today, Dr Ben Carson is the Director of Peadiatric

Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital, USA, and he was

awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is the highest

civilian award in USA, by President George W Bush in 2008.

For every book of the following category read by our children

(age 1 to 18) in the church, a gift will be rewarded to him/her.

� �



No. of pages/book Gifts Amount (RM) Types of Books Read Max. gifts in a calendar year

Religious Books RM30.00/year

≥ 70 RM3.00 Books of Knowledge RM30.00/year

≥ 150 RM5.00 Story Books RM30.00/year

≥ 250 RM7.00 Books on Skills/Hobbies RM30.00/year

≥ 350 RM10.00

Page 12: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 10 Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding. Proverbs 23:23, NIV.

For each type of book, a member can claim up to a maximum of

RM30 a year, and thus a total of RM120 for all four types of books

in a year.

To qualify for the reward, member needs to write a book reading

report (format found on

http://www.adventist.org.my/departments_education.htm) and a

copy of the book cover, scan and email to

[email protected]

To better coordinate and enabling our young people in benefiting

from the programme, PEM Education Department encourages

each church to form a “Reading Group” in the church and gather

some books and form a church library. The “Reading Group”can

be co-chair by Youth and Children Dept leader.

On the 2nd and 4th Sabbath every month, gather the children

and youth of age 18 and below after lunch at the library. Collect

and compile the complete book reading report from the

members for submission to Mission office. Then, plan with each

individual member of the group on the book to read in the next 2

weeks. During the meeting, allow some time to let the member

share the experience and learning from the book they have just


If your church need clarifications or help in setting up the Book

Reading Group, do contact Ms Renitta at the Mission and we will

arrange to provide assistance.





[email protected]

“ ”

“ ”


” Ms Renitta


Page 13: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…Matthew 5:8, NIV. Vision 11


church members of Nibong Tebal and Kulim

conducted a free medical (blood pressure and

glucose checks) ministry from door to door. We

thank the Lord for guiding us.�

INDIAN CHURCHES CAMP SHARED BY PR ROBERT AGUSTIN: Fight the Good Fight of Faith was the theme for our

28th Annual Indian Churches Camp organized by Banting Church. All Glory and Honour belongs to the Lord

Jesus! We are glad and happy that the Lord answered our prayer. We organized this camp and finished it

without any deficits. Other than that, total registered attendance for this camp was 350 people but total overall

attendance was 450, and on Sabbath, 480. Once again we would like to thank the Lord Jesus and all those who

participated in this camp. May God continue to guide and bless us all.�


Joseph was baptized by Dr Paulraj Masillamony during

the recent 28th Annual Indian Churches Camp held at

Port Dickson.�


ROBERT AGUSTIN: The whole worship programme

was conducted by the women of the church on Mar

16. We were all blessed by the sermon. May God

guide the women always.�

Page 14: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Vision 12 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. Psalm 134:2, NIV.

SEED SOWING DURING THE BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN SHARED BY PR SUNNY TAN: A blood donation campaign was held in SJK© Ladang Harcroft, Puchong, on Apr 14. This was the second collaboration of Hope On Wheels with Puchong Chinese Church. Before this campaign, Hope On Wheels would announce and invite every person met daily. We thank God that 96 packs of blood had been collected. Meanwhile, health screening was offered to those who were waiting in the long queue as well as those who did not donate blood during the campaign. We realized that it was excellent. Mdm Gan was one of the donors who participated in the health screening. While waiting in the long queue, Pr Sunny gave her health counseling. After the conversation, she discovered Pr Sunny is a pastor and expressed that she is currently practicing some meditation and looking for the truth. Pr Sunny then paid her a visit within that week. Praise the Lord that He brought us to the lost sheep. Mdm Gan is now having Bible study with a pastor. Ellen G White mentioned in Christian Service, “Of equal importance with special public efforts is house-to-house work in the homes of the people. In large cities there are certain classes that cannot be reached by public meetings. These must be searched out as the shepherd searches for his lost sheep. Diligent, personal effort must be put forth in their behalf. When personal work is neglected, many precious opportunities are lost, which, were they improved, would advance the work decidedly.” - Testimonies for the Church 9:111�

CARING MINISTRY: HOME VISITATION SHARED BY PR SUNNY TAN: It has never been easy to visit door to door. However, God has opened ways for us to show His love. Strangers will become friends. Mdm Lim is an old lady we met in the morning market. She is looking after her husband alone. Hope On Wheels team members, Ronald and Tina, visited Mdm Lim and learned that her husband is a Parkinson patient. Tina, who is also a nurse, helped Uncle Lim to clean the wound on his back. Even though Ronald and Tina are not Chinese, they were always welcomed by Mdm Lim. She was thankful for our prayers, care and services. As she would always feel warmth whenever people visited her, Pr Sunny Tan often brought pastors and Bible workers to visit her from time to time to give her support. She told us that she is a born Methodist. She recognized that Adventist is a group of people who actively care for needy people. Her sons who are active Methodist members were thankful for our visit and help too.�

VISITATION SHARED BY PR SUNNY TAN: Giap Hin Huat (3rd from left) is one of our patients who was burnt by fire in an accident. He was admitted to the government hospital. Hope On Wheels team visited him with his neighbours after we heard the incident. Pr Yip, Kuala Lumpur Chinese Church pastor, continued to visit him in the hospital almost alternate days. Giap was so touched by our support during his difficult times. He told us that he was miraculously healed the day after we prayed for him. After he was discharged from the hospital, we continued to visit him at home. As a result, he attended the entire three nights evangelistic meetings conducted by Dr Samuel Wang.�

SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: Penang Chinese Church

conducted evangelistic meetings from Jul 26-28 at the

church premises. Pr and Mrs Cheng Chiew Kwang

were the speakers. 140 people attended the

meetings while 80 were non-SDA. There are more than

15 who signed up for Bible study. We thank God for

the success as all church members gave united efforts.


Page 15: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ GGoooodd NNeewwss ffrroomm PPEEMM CChhuurrcchheess ~~

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3, NIV. Vision 13


Aug 3, Banting Church’s full

day service was

conducted by the children.

God loves the little


YOUTH 4 CHRIST PROGRAMME SHARED BY PR ROBERT AGUSTIN: This programme was co-organized by the youth

from Banting Church and Salvation Army of Banting. Major Gunam and his youth were blessed by the

programme. May God bless them always.�


Puchong Indian Church conducted a Healthy Bread Making Workshop for its

neighbours and interests from the previous health programmes. Mrs Ellen

Andrew taught us on how to bake good wholesome bread. She was assisted by

Mrs Rebecca Agustin, Mrs Evelyn and Mrs Sundary.�

By Every Word (Army of Youth 2013) Dec 25-29 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

www.aoyweb.org Contact: Corina Ling (03-7984 7795)

Page 16: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ SSoouurrccee:: AAddvveennttiisstt NNeewwss NNeettwwoorrkk ~~

Vision 14 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7, NIV.

OObbaammaa’’ss mmeennttaall hheeaalltthh

iinniittiiaattiivvee rreecceeiivveess ffaaiitthh,,

ccoommmmuunniittyy ssuuppppoorrtt ~ Jun 06, 2013 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States

Elizabeth Lechleitner/ANN ~

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America

joined dozens of private sector organizations this

week in pledging support for US President Barack

Obama’s initiative to increase understanding of

mental health nationwide.

At a conference in the East

Room of the White House in

Washington, DC, on

Monday, President Obama

applauded public

commitments made by

faith communities and

other groups leading efforts

to raise mental health


Katia Reinert, who

represented the church at

the National Conference

on Mental Health, said it

was an opportunity to build

partnerships with like-

minded groups and benefit

from an arsenal of mental

health resources, as well as share the church’s unique

approach towards health.

“The Adventist Church has historically looked at

people as holistic, with mental health and physical

health both linked to spiritual health,” she said.

“Being able to bring this perspective from a faith

community and letting others in the public sector

know that Adventists care deeply about mental

health and have active recovery and support

ministries was significant,” said Reinert, who directs

Health Ministries for the church’s North American


In February, church health professionals

launched Adventist Recovery Ministries, a pathway

toward healing for those battling addiction and

compulsive behaviour. The 12-step programme is one

of the focuses of next year’s National Health Summit.

The weeklong event will also offer training in mental

health first aid, depression recovery and optimizing

brain potential, Reinert said.

The church’s additional plans in the public

commitment presented to the White House include:

- Designate February 2014 for special emphasis on

mental health

- Devote February 2014 issue of “Vibrant Life” entirely

to mental health

- Devote Health Sabbath, February 15, 2014, to

mental health awareness and encourage the

division’s 5,400 Adventist churches to promote

awareness in their congregations and communities

- Plan a National Mental Health Conference with

Adventist Health Care in 2015

- Publish a youth

devotional focusing on

mental and emotional

health in 2015.

A task force organized by

the church’s Health

Ministries department in

North America is

overseeing the efforts.

Members were culled from

Adventist hospital systems,

mental health facilities,

education and research

institutions, supporting

ministries and publishing


The church’s efforts are

part of what the Obama

administration is calling a national conversation about

mental health. Ongoing dialogue will help lift the

stigma associated with mental illness and improve

healthcare for those struggling with such issues,

particularly veterans and students, a press release

from the White House Office of Communications


Reinert said she hopes the conversation inspires

Adventists to offer help, support and friendship to

church and community members struggling with

mental illness. She also wants Adventist churches to

serve as centers of hope and healing in the


“Many of our members are not comfortable to come

out of our churches and mingle with members of the

community, as Christ did, but when we do that we

build relationships and partnerships that enable us to

share perspectives and make a positive impact for

Christ,” she said.

“This is a great opportunity as we move forward in

accomplishing our mission.”�

US President Barack Obama greets guests in the East Room

of the White House in Washington, DC on Jun 3 after his

remarks at the National Conference on Mental Health. The

conference launched the administration’s focus on

increasing understanding and awareness of mental health.

[photo: Susan Walsh/AP]

Page 17: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ wwwwww..88--ttrreeaassuurreess..ccoomm ~~

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5, NIV. Vision 15

*KNEE is the largest joint in your body and one of the most easily injured. Knee problems are very common, and they occur in people of all ages. Knee problems can be the result of disease or injury. A number of diseases can affect the knee. The most common is arthritis. Although arthritis technically means “joint inflammation,” the term is used loosely to describe many different diseases that can affect the joints. Knee injuries can occur as the result of a direct blow or sudden

movements that strain the knee beyond its normal range of motion. Sometimes knees are injured slowly over time. Knee problems can also be the result of a lifetime of normal wear and tear. Much like the treads on a tire, the joint simply wears out over time. Knee anatomy. The knee joint is made up of three bones and a variety of ligaments. The knee is formed by the femur (the thigh bone), the tibia (the shin bone), and the patella (the kneecap). Several muscles and ligaments control the motion of the knee and protect it

from damage at the same time. Two ligaments on either side of the knee, called the medial and lateral collateral ligaments, stabilize the knee from side-to-side. There is both an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and a posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). Both of these ligaments function to stabilize the knee from front-to-back during normal and athletic activities. The ligaments of the knee make sure that the weight that is transmitted through the knee joint is centered within the joint minimizing the amount of wear and tear on the cartilage inside the knee. The weight-bearing surfaces of your knees are covered

with a layer of cartilage (referred to as "articular cartilage"). There are also two shock absorbers in your knee on either side of the joint between the cartilage surfaces of the femur and the tibia. These two structures are called the medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus. There are two groups of muscles involved in the knee, including the quadriceps muscles (located on the front of the thighs), which straighten the legs, and the hamstring muscles (located on the back of the thighs), which bend the leg at the knee.

Common knee pain symptoms:--

Swelling: When there is swelling immediately after a knee injury, a possible cause is severe injury to an internal joint structure, like the anterior cruciate ligament or a fracture of the top of the shin bone. When swelling

develops gradually over hours to days after an injury, it is likely to be something less severe, like a tear of the meniscus or a ligament sprain. Swelling that occurs without the presence of a known injury can be due to osteoarthritis (common), gout (less common) or inflammatory arthritis.

Mobility: If mobility is chronically limited, often the cause is arthritis. When the surface of the joint becomes irregular as a result of the arthritis, the mobility of the joint may become limited. Instability: The stability of the knee is provided by the ligaments that connect the shin bone (tibia) to the thigh bone (femur). When the ligaments are stretched or torn, the knee may feel as though it is giving way. A sensation

that the knee may give out from beneath you is a common symptom of ligament injury. Popping and snapping: Within the knee is common, and often not a symptom of any particular problem. When

the pops are painless, there is usually no problem, but painful pops and snaps should be evaluated by your doctor. A pop is often heard or felt during an injury when a ligament is torn. Grinding or crunching: Is a common symptom of cartilage problems. If the cartilage is damaged, a

condition called chondromalacia, a crunching sensation is often felt by placing the hand over the kneecap and bending the knee. A similar grinding sensation may be felt with knee arthritis.

Diet Facts A good and healthy diet is always the best to maintain your good health and in this case whether you are recovering from an injury or just trying to grow stronger, proper nutrition can help strengthen your tendons and ligaments.

- Vitamins C and E: Both have significant benefits as they play an important part in producing collagen, an elastic protein used in your skin, tendons, ligaments and other flexible structures in the body. Vitamin C can also reduce inflammation, which can speed up healing. Foods rich in Vitamin C & E are oranges, strawberries, papaya, broccoli, guava, dark leafy green vegetables, red bellpepper, nuts. - Zinc: Is useful in reducing inflammation, which irritates the tendons and ligaments and can lead to worse damage. Zinc is found in all tissues, but if your tendons and ligaments are injured and weakened, the body concentrates zinc in these areas to encourage better healing. Some food sources are: almond, peanuts,

sunflower seeds, cashewnuts, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate. Always remember that in order to maintain good bone and joint health you need to have an adequate diet that includes lots of vegetables, a daily dose of sunlight (to actívate your Vitamin D) and regular exercise to keep strong! *For further information and sources of this article, please refer to www.8-treasures.com�

Page 18: 1 Timothy 2:4, NIV. / ã Û k % â,Q,ó)Ú ¤ = þ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 DAHC: G-1-1,

~~ VViissiioonn ~~

Vision 16 Behold, I am coming soon! Revelation 22:12, NIV.

Advisors: Pr Terrance Sim and Pr Leong Fai

Editor: Jessica Thai

Printers: ASP One-Stop Sdn Bhd

Circulation: Peninsular Malaysia Mission (PEM)

~ Many thanks to all who have contributed to Vision,

an official quarterly newsletter of PEM.

~ Articles have been edited to suit the alignments.

~ You are invited to contribute towards Vision, kindly

email your announcements, testimonies, articles (with

pictures) to the editor at [email protected] or

post to 57, Jalan Medan Midah, Taman Midah,

Cheras, 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Issue 38:

who wants all men to be

saved and to come to a

knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:4, NIV.

~ Picture on cover page: www.google.com

~ Suggested meaning of cover page: Follow Jesus and

His words, do not follow man.

EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS SHARED BY PR RS PHILIP: Praise the Lord, from Aug 18 to 25, we had a series of

evangelistic meetings at Nibong Tebal and Kulim churches. On behalf of both churches, we thank the church

elders, church treasurers and all the members for their effort in bringing new souls to listen to the last day message.

We thank the speaker, Pr John Moses C, from Tamilnad, India. During altar call, a few new souls committed to

attend church on Sabbath and one sister committed to be baptized in the future. Bro Nesan was baptized into

Kulim Church on Aug 24 by Pr James Edward. We also thank PEM for their support and encouragement. Please

remember us in your prayers.�