1 st govst meeting, mercator ocean, toulouse, 8-10 june 2009 kirsten wilmer-becker (met office, uk)...

1 st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office, UK) Report from the GODAE OceanView Project Office

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Page 1: 1 st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office, UK) Report from the GODAE OceanView Project Office

1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office, UK)

Report from the

GODAE OceanView Project Office

Page 2: 1 st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office, UK) Report from the GODAE OceanView Project Office

1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

General remarks

Main tasks






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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

• GODAE finished in December 2008 following the Final GODAE Symposium

• GODAE project office transitioned to the GODAE OceanView project office

• is located at the UK Met Office

• a few tasks are still linked to GODAE

o Publication of the GODAE Special Issue in September 2009

(in collaboration with the former GODAE co-chairs)

o Transition of GODAE funds

o To an extent the organisation of the 2nd GODAE Summer School in Perth

General remarks

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

• Many tele-conference with old/new co-chairs to prepare the transition to GODAE OceanView

• Working on the terms of reference & finalising the white paper

• Investigating ownership

• Invitation of new members for GOVST

• Preparation of the first GOVST meeting (and the OSE meeting last week)

• Dealing with funding issues

• Communications with the Patrons’ Group

Project Office

what went on in the last 6 month….

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Project office tasks

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

The tasks of the Project Office are to: Facilitate and support the GOVST and its Task Teams in their

various tasks (communications, event organisation, reporting, funding, etc.)

Foster communication/collaboration with the ET-OOFS

Maintain and update the GODAE OceanView Web site

Prepare and publish GODAE OceanView Reports

Promote the practical benefits and objectives of GODAE among the operational and research communities in collaboration with the Patrons and the GOVST (e.g. brochure)

Liaise with the GODAE OceanView Patrons on funding issues and with JCOMM regards reporting, etc. (we have still to decide in what way this will be done)

Main tasks

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

What to expect from………


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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

GODAE OceanView Science Team meeting (GOVST)

Annual meetings for members of GOVST and selected guests (by invitation only)

Organised by the project office/co-chairs in co-operation with the hosting organisation/group

Hosted at different locations each year (to be agreed by GOVST members/co-chairs)

Generally funded by the host

Participation costs (travel & subsistence) generally covered by attending member (not GODAE OceanView)

Contributions from members include “national reports”, presentations, abstracts, etc.

Meeting report produced and distributed by project office

GOVST meetings

Information about meeting outcomes, reports, member lists, etc. will be available from the GODAE OceanView website

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Task Team meetings

Called by the task team co-chairs when required (by invitation)

Hosted at different locations (to be agreed by TT co-chairs/members)

Organised by the task team co-chairs/project office in co-operation with the hosting organisation/group

Participation costs (travel & subsistence) generally covered by attending member (not GODAE OceanView)

Contributions from members normally include abstracts, presentations, presentation summaries

Meeting report produced and distributed by project office

Task Team meetings

All Task Teams particulars (reports, events, etc.) will be presented on the GODAE OceanView website.

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009


Major event (open to all)

Typically every 2-3 years

Generally funded by the Patrons and other supporting organisations

Requires a separate fund raising effort

Organised by the project office/GOVST co-chairs in co-operation with a hosting organisation/group

Participation costs (travel & subsistence) generally covered by attendees (not GODAE OceanView)

Symposium proceedings/book produced and distributed by project office


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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Summer Schools

Major event (open to all, limited spaces)

No regular pattern

Generally funded by the Patrons and other supporting organisations

Requires a separate fund raising effort

Organised by the hosting organisation in cooperation with the project office and the GOVST

Participation costs (travel & subsistence) generally covered by attendees or by external sponsorships (not GODAE OceanView)

Summer schools

The 2nd summer school is being organised by Gary Brassington – presentation on Wednesday

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Short info on….


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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009


Please provide a list of references of current/future publications related to GODAE Ocean View to the project office for publication on the GODAE website (soon GODAE OceanView website)

building an archive of GODAE/GODAE OceanView related publications in one place

available to everyone

Latest publications:

• CSSWG Special Journal Issue on "Assessing the value of GODAE products in coastal and shelf seas“, published February 2009 in Ocean Dynamics

• GODAE Final Symposium Proceedings – GODAE website

September 2009: Publication of the GODAE Special Issue in the Oceanography Magazine (TOS)

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009



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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

GODAE OceanView website (1/2)

Current status

o On front page of GODAE website

o Links to second layer information page

o Meeting information

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

GODAE OceanView website (2/2)

o Use of the GODAE website only for a limited period (months)

Future plan – New GODAE OceanView website

o Decide on contents for a new GODAE OceanView website

o Evaluate the usefulness of the GODAE website CMS and what features are required (login – private pages, file uploads, project management, registration facility, search, news, calendar, etc.)

o Create a new logo

o Develop and maintain the new website

o Preserve the old GODAE website for the time being

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Brochures, etc.

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Useful to promote activities and achievements

o to fellow scientists

o to funding organisations

o for educational use

o to the public

(Example – GODAE brochure)

Brochures & other outreach material

Work & time intensive

o Editing text/sourcing images

o Obtaining copyrights

o Agreeing design/layout

o Costly

Requires input from all

members of the science team


Brochures and leaflets can promote the work of GODAE OceanView to a wide audience

• Can be scientific (data-sheets*)• Can be informative (brochures)• Can be spread widely (leaflets on notice boards…)

*next page

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Example inserts (A4 double sided)

o Example insert (GODAE brochure)

Brochures & other outreach material

o Needs less time (than full brochure)

o Could be done by a few people

o Distribution via web

o Can be fast and cost effective

Option: Develop GOVST data-sheets for the GODAE brochure which can be distributed via the website

The GODAE brochure was designed to accommodate output/material from GODAE OceanView. It highlights the GOVST/TT structure and its links to ET-OOFS.

Be prepared to contribute

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Current financial situation


o Funds to pay for the GODAE Special Journal Issue (65k$) have been found thanks to ONR, NASA and NOAA support

o Summer School funds (see Gary Brassington’s report)

o Project office support is at risk – not enough funds available to fully support the project office in this financial year (UK - until April 2010)

o Future funding unclear (after April 2010)

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

National reports

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Country – represented group/systemBackground1. Input data2. Data serving3. Models4. Assimilation methods5. Assimilation products and dissemination6. Systems7. Internal metrics and intercomparison plans  8. Targeted Users and envisioned external metrics 9. Reanalysis activities10. Computing resources11. Consolidation phase and transition to operational systems (activities)12. GODAE Achievements and measures of success 13. Other relevant information

National Reports


Written documentation & system description for all members

Potential requirement for JCOMM reporting

List of contacts of people responsible for each item

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1st GOVST Meeting, Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, 8-10 June 2009

Thank you very much