1 emta internal affairs progress report general meeting vilnius october 15, 2015

1 EMTA Internal affairs Progress report General Meeting Vilnius October 15, 2015

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Page 1: 1 EMTA Internal affairs Progress report General Meeting Vilnius October 15, 2015


EMTA Internal affairs

Progress report

General Meeting Vilnius

October 15, 2015

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EMTA Internal affairs

• Approval Record of Decisions Oslo (20-21 May 2015)

• Membership issues: 24 members and 1 Partner institution Montreal

• Enlargement (full membership)- Manchester (TfGM): applied for full membership The representative of Manchester is invited to make a pitch on his membership.

- Zaragoza (CTAZ ): has decided to apply on initiative Barcelona- GVA Valencia (..): will be approached after regional elections. - Metropolitan Union Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot (PL): declined (too small)

Please notify the Secretary when you meet with prospect PTA’s in your region.

• European level

• Membership

• Surveys

• Working groups

• Records of Decisions

• Membership

• Enlargement

• Foreseen Activities 2011

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EMTA FINANCIAL MATTERS2nd Revised budget 2015

Net result expected (€ + 32,250)EMTA reserves dropped to € 72,380 (2014), now gone up to € 104,000Overall expenses: € 149,000 (vs € 154,337 in 2014)

• Overhead charges: €120,700 (budget approved: €125,700).• Surveys: € 15,000 (budget approved € 18,000) • Seminars / visits: € 4,500 (budget approved € 3.000) • Communication: € 8,050 (budget approved € 9,000)

Revenues : € 147,000 member fees + other (advance CIPTEC € 34 k)

Total revenues (achieved): € 174,000 (expected € 182,000)New reserves estimated: € 103,000 (2015 1st revised € 66,800)

• Financial results 2015

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2nd revised budget 2015 Figures

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Forecast budget 2016Overall expenses: € 152,000 :• Overhead charges: €120,700 steady• Surveys: € 15,000 steady• Seminars / visits: € 10,000 more travel costs - CIPTEC meetings -• Communication: € 6,300 less expenses by digital issues

Variety in revenues in GM Rotterdam: raise fee 2016 by € 500 if less than 3 new members by the end of 2015 (by now only one new member , perhaps 2 soon). If raise by € 500 the prognosis on revenues is € 166k (net result +€14 k)If we decide not to raise fees, revenues will be € 153k (net result + € 2k) Reserves will remain positive around estimated: €118k versus € 105 k.The board proposes either to a) refrain from the raise of fees in 2016, or b) decide to raise the fee with € 500

• Financial prognosis2016

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Proposed budget 2016– 6500€

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Proposed budget 2016– 6000€

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European Commission Transport Policy October 2 informal meeting with DG MOVE (team of mrs Daniela Rosca) and “city networks” (EUROCITIES, TfL, POLIS, CeMR)

Exchange on the current situation in the implementation of the 2013 Urban Mobility Package, as well ason the work related to the Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructureand the Clean Vehicles Directive 2009/33/EC and their impact on urban mobility.

I recall 8 out of 10 points that were discussed:•EU financial opportunities for sustainable urban mobility and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning – Isabelle Maës•Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and Sustainable Transport Forum – José Fernandez Garcia•Clean vehicles directive 2009/33/EC and Access regulations guidelines – Kemal Onel•Urban logistics guidelines – Mans Lindberg•Road safety existing challenges in urban areas and injuries data – Maite Sanz Villegas•Multimodal Travel Information Services Specifications – Stephanie Leonard•Urban ITS Standardisation Mandate – Julie Rafaillac•Update on other Institutions current actions in the field of urban mobility – Marcello Beltrami Piaggio

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European Commission Transport Policy Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning• UMP end of 2013: annex on how such a plan should be developed and how to deployed. Extensive guide to help cities build up develop and implement SUMPs• Action 1: set up a platform on SUMPs; external grouping of EU funding of project CIVITAS- ENDURANCE SOLUTIONS helpingwith the development of a SUMP. • Try to offer trainees for cities at SUMPs. 400 people from 150 citiesreceive training.• Organise a European conference on SUMPs 2014 in Sopot 2015 in Bucharest. Next one coming up (Bremen?).• Setting up of an expert group on urban mobility. Meets 2x a year.2 meetings already: kick start. Presentation and in-depth discussion on cycling (ECF, Austria) inspiration to enhance cycling in their territory. Aim is to mobilise the national level to give beter support to local representatives.• On car sharing expertise hired from the NL. 3rd topic: how some countries put tools in place to help development of SUMP. Spain: national funding to how to take up SUMP.• City of Bremen: results on what can be achieved. Have been invitations sent out to some of us.

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DG MOVE Urban mobility plansEU financial opportunities

A document on the financial opportunities will be circulated. Many options only relevant for large projects.Cities will be asked to bundle and group their projects. Go to financial options as one. List of 10 financing options:

1.European Structure Funds and investment funds (2014-2020): 12 billion Euro. Grants given to MS. 24 of 28 MS are involved. Get in touch with your countries government. Partnership agreements. JASPERS: platform to help applicants to draw up applications. Regional development. EU-cohesion funds.2.CEF ((linked to TEN-T—>) € 50 mio available on "urban nodes” in total and €50 mio for Cohesion countries.3.EIB (loans and garantuees)4.a. ELENA, b. JESSICA (co financing projects on urban developments: MS to decide).5.INTERREG VB (Europe) (co-financing) working with calls6.URBACT III7.LIFE, all covered by the urban agenda.8.H2020: more type of projects than before. MG. 5.1.4. calls. 2014-2015 500 mio € is spent on urban mobility. 9.EFSI: Juncker plan on EU investments, employment: guarantees additional investment on public and private on all areas. Advisory group installed. EFSI is devised to drive forward private investments. Urban mobility is not the easiest area to have private funding and assess the ROI. UMP more domain of public funding. List of banks in MS that from (EFSI) can be financed. Advisory hub to help cities make their projects. 10.Hydrogyn fuel cell and hydrogen under (JTI).

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Important for CEF stakeholdersSave the date – 2015 CEF Transport Info Day – 30 November 2015The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) will organise a Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport Info Day for CEF Transport stakeholders and beneficiarieson Monday 30 November 2015 at the Charlemagne building in Brussels, Belgium.The event will address the priorities of the 2015 CEF Transport Calls, expected to be opened by the beginning of November 2015.

The aim of the Info Day is to allow prospective applicants for these calls to gather all the available information they will be able to use in preparation of their proposal. Participants will be able to interact directly with Agency and European Commission staff as well as with fellow CEF stakeholders. https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/news-events/events/2015-cef-transport-info-dayRegistrations to this event will only be possible through the Agency’s website, open later during October.

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EU Legislation: the Fourth Railway PackageA modification of the PSO regulation is currently examined in the frame of the Fourth Railway Package. Main impacts of the PSO Regulation 1370/2007 :

•It makes public service contracts almost compulsory, •Establishes a minimum content for these public service contracts,•Defines rules on the way contracts should be awarded, limiting options for direct award •Defines the way compensation for fulfilment of public service obligations are calculated.Main objective of the on-going legislative procedure: enable the opening of the domestic passenger rail markets to competition.

Debate is continued among Council, European Parliament and the Commission. Three key issues emerge: -granting open access rights and conditions of their introduction, -additional measures to ensure non-discriminatory access to the network, -introducing the principle of competitive award for public service contracts for rail and conditions of its introduction.Stakeholders UITP-EMTA object: the regulation creates uncertainty among commissioning authorities that fear that the principle rule of tendering may disrupt the existing equilibrium in the public service contracts between urban authorities and their operators. Modifications should be limited to the minimum changes that are strictly necessary to open domestic rail passenger markets to competition. Legal insecurity should be avoided.

• A

European legislativeframework developments

• Working Groups

• Foreseen Activities 2011

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Intelligent transport systemsPublic consultation for ITS Directive 2010/40/EU priority action (a) 'the provision of a EU-wide multimodal travel information services’.•The European Commission launched a public consultation on Provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services under the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU in September. The objective of this consultation is to collect the opinions of stakeholders and interested parties including EU citizens and private and public organisations and gain (quantitative) evidence on the issues related to the provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services.Goal: preparing a delegated act within the ITS Directive regarding the provision for EU-wide multimodal travel information. Check out this link:http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/its/consultations/2015-its-mmtips_en.htmConsultation period still open: 2/09/2015 – 24/11/2015A stakeholder workshop is jointly organised between DG MOVE, TRL, TTR and Arup in Brussels on the 4th of November. invitation letter by mrs Kopczyenska is available with me.Request to complete a questionnaire before going to this workshop.Register via the DG MOVE event homepage before October 28. Check out: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/its-mmtips/A message sent on October 1 to members from the former ITS-working group (ZTM, VOR, STIF). No responses so far.

• Public consultation

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Latest on the 4RWPThe European Council on 8 October 2015 agreed on two proposals to liberalise domestic rail passenger services and strengthen the governance of railway infrastructure, which together form part of the so-called market (or political) pillar of the fourth railway package.The proposals will allow train companies non-discriminatory access to rail networks in all EU countries to run domestic passenger services, either in open access or by bidding for PSO (Public Service Obligation) contracts.•The Council agreed that competitive tendering should be the main rule for awarding public service contracts, although certain exceptions - regarding small markets or to ensure ‘the long-term continuity’ of public rail transport services - will enable PSO contracts to be awarded directly.•The deadlines in the European Council’s position are longer than in the Commission’s proposal: it means that the direct award of PSO contracts without justification will still be possible for 10 years after the regulation enters into force. Existing, directly awarded public service contracts would be allowed to run until they expire.Check out the EC press releaseFor more content of the proposals of the Council check http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2015/10/08-railway-market-opening-and-governance/.• On 3 December 2015, UITP organises a conference in Brussels,”Public Service Contracts for Rail and Road Passenger Services: Where do we stand?"•If you are interested to join, check this link http://www.uitp.org/europeanconference

• Fourth Railway Package:Council’s position on the market pillar

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Horizon 2020: CIPTECCollective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities

The CIPTEC Consortium consists of:•Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) Greece•Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) Belgium •Mobycon BV The Netherlands•Tero Ltd Greece•MEMEX Italy•White Research Belgium •Ortelio Ltd United Kingdom•Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH) The Netherlands•Tiemme SpA Italy•TraffiQ (Lokal Nahverkehrsgesellsch Frankfurt am Main) Germany •European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) Belgium •EMTA France

Project Coordination: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) Prof. Aristotelis Naniopoulos EMTA participation in Work Packages 1, 2 Input: 7 MM, project runs 36 months.

Focus on M1- M2: Analytical work on categorization of PT-o’s and typology of PT-a’s.

• European research&

• innovation programmes

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PM: Periodic Progress Report (PR) and a Final Report (FR)

SC: Review procedures

Decisions within the project made by common agreement

Resolution in good faith of any dispute arisen

Project Consortium Meetings (some of them combined with workshops)

Management structure (1/2)

CIPTEC kick-off meeting, Thessaloniki 14-15 May 2015


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Deliverables due by the next 6 months  

MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ..10

WP1 Market & societal trends & needs       D1.1          T1.1 Societal & market trends                  T1.2 Customers’ groups & users’ needs                 D1.2T1.3 PT Agencies & needs analysis                 D1.3T1.4 Validating findings                  WP2 Existing innovation           D2.1   D2.2  T2.1 Existing innovation                  T2.2 Innovation from other sectors               D2.3  T2.3 Validating findings                  WP3 Collective intelligence         D3.1        T3.1 Collective intelligence framework                  T3.2 Crowdsourcing                  WP7 Management M1   D7.1     M6      T7.1 Technical Management                  T7.2 Administrative Management                  WP8 Capitalisation D8.1   D8.2          T8.1 Dissemination                  T8.2 Online marketing                  T8.3 Exploitation plan                  T8.4 Data management                  

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Deliverables due by the next 6 months

M4 D1.1 Report on major market trends, the effect of societal trends on market, and their influence on public transport (lead: MRDH)

M5 D3.1 Collective intelligence conceptual framework & guidelines (lead: Tero & WR)

M6 D2.1 Guidelines for field research design and relevant material on existing innovative practices (lead: MOB)

M6 Project meeting in Frankfurt (traffiQ) 25-27 NovemberM8 D2.2 Portfolio of public transport services and “products” targeted to the traditional and new

customer base, incorporating field research results (lead: MOB)M8 D2.3 Portfolio of existing innovative supply from other transport systems or/and business

sectors, incorporating field research results (lead: MOB) M10 D1.2 Report on analysis of customers’ groups and users’ needs per customer group (lead:

MRDH)M10 D1.3 Report on PT Authorities & Operators’ mapping/typology and needs

(lead: MOB)

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CIPTEC Work Packages: EMTA roles and tasksWP 1: the project’s basic term of reference (steered by MRDH); • EMTA steers task 1.3: profiling PT-authorities and PT-operators and analysing their ‘needs’D 1.3 (Report on PT-a and PT-o mapping typology and ‘needs’)

Contributor to steering task 1.2.(Customer analysis) and EPF steering task 1.4 (Validation of findings and needs)D 1.4. Development of a workshop and interview guide and D 1.5 Implementation of workshop, opt to combine with workshop in D 2.4.

WP2: Mobycon steers “Mapping and evaluation of existing innovative services + practices”Contributor to task 2.3: Validation of findings on innovative supply in workshop EMTA core tasks: Networking _Participation in workshops_Dissemination of results.

IMPORTANT !Members will be asked to deliver input to an in-depth questionnaire (expected November) on your organisations institutional set up, relationships with operators, methods of contracting and financing services, incentives to innovate and ….. Your needs.

In May or June 2016: 3rd Project meeting organised by EMTA in Paris. In cooperation with STIF.

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EMTA deliverables

•E-news #54 Summer 2015

•EMTA Survey: ? Issues pending ….

•EMTA Barometer: 2013 data (released Febr 2015)Do we make a new Barometer for 2014?

•EMTA-website: City pages: only 6 of our members sent updates

•New EMTA Directory: opportunity to be devised gratuit (?)Do we commit to this?If so, updating of city pages has to be continued.

• European level

• Membership

• Surveys

• Working groups

• A

• European level

• Publications and deliverables

only 6 of our members sent updates

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Queries and questionnairesA high tide after Summer holidays:

•CRTM: input for study of transport fare systems (April 28 2015)•BKK: bus accidents per million kilometres by cities/countries (June 25)

•EMTA/Goudappel on Connectivity workshop (deadline Oct 7)•Kyoto University/EMTA on fare systems (deadline October 30)

•HSL on CSS (deadline also October 30)•BKK on low-floor buses (to 4 cities, ended today).

Remember the trade-off: if you ask SG to put out questions, you are expected to present the outcome in a summary or report, to be published on the EMTA website.

• EMTA member questionnaires

May – October 2015

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Collaboration and events International Transport Forum

Summit 2015, 27-29 May Leipzig“Transport, trade and tourism. Mobility for a connected world.”

Check the link to the article “Getting more from city tourism growth”

Cooperation with POLIS on a side-event during ITF Summit on May 29: “Planning access for coach transport in Europe” in cooperation with

Amsterdam, Budapest and IRU.See POLIS-EMTA - press release.

POLIS Annual Conference, Brussels 18-20 November, Brussels http://www.polisnetwork.eu/polisconference

• Events and appearances

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EMTA Board elections

The General Assembly will have to elect members of the Board and vote for a new President, in Vienna on October 10th 2013.Candidates Statutes article 8: “at the time of election the candidate holds responsibilities in the organisation of transport within the Transport Authority he represents”

VotingYou have to be on the proxy list to bring a vote or have a signed mandateThe members of the board will serve a 2-year term (ending Autumn 2017).

Coming up next…. All candidates for a board position:

• Board Elections

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EMTA Board electionsEMTA board now consists of 5 members (including the chair).7 candidates with a motivation letterand CV applied for a board position, among which four already serve in the board:-Ms Sophie Mougard (CEO STIF Paris), VP-Ms Suvi Riethniemi (CEO HSL Helsinki)-Mr Wolfgang Schroll (MD VOR Vienna), Treasurer-Mr Lluis Alegre (Director ATM Barcelona)3 new candidates applied: -Mr Cesare Paonessa (CEO AMMR Torino-Piemonte)-Mr Kalman Daboczi (CEO BKK Budapest)-Ms Laura Delgado (CRTM Madrid- Head of International Affairs)and provided TfGM was voted “Ye”s for new member today:•mr Jon Lamonte (CEO at Greater Manchester), as candidate #8 for board membership. •and as #9 candidate …. (word is with the chair)

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Election procedure

General meeting is asked •to agree all candidates are eligible Y/N

Do you want to take a vote by secret ballot on every candidate? Y/N•If yes, bring your votes to the respective candidates (ballots ready)•If no, can we applaud thenew board members?

Congratulations to all Board members electCongratulations to all Board members elect

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We are not quite there yet…… Mr. Inskip is leaving as president of EMTA ………but who is to take over the leadership baton to be president for the next 2 years?

After I ascertained no candidates had applied within the official term……until yesterday, when a presidential candidate came forward:mr Wolfgang Schroll (Managing Director Vienna Eastern Region)

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That’s it! Thank you for your kind attention!

Questions, remarks……?