1 deepening the eu sophie, melita, claudia, tuulia, pia, ana, lucas-louis, daniel, daniela, maria...

1 Deepening Deepening the EU the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas- Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas- Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra Maria Alessandra

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Page 1: 1 Deepening the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra


DeepeningDeepening the the EUEU

Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra Daniela, Maria Alessandra

Page 2: 1 Deepening the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra



1.1. WhatWhat we mean by «deepening»? we mean by «deepening»?

2.2. WhyWhy there must be a deepening of there must be a deepening of

the EU?the EU?

3.3. HowHow to deepen the EU to deepen the EU

Page 3: 1 Deepening the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra


1. What we mean by « deepening 1. What we mean by « deepening »?»?

• EmpathyEmpathy

• DemocracyDemocracy

• Transferring competencesTransferring competences

• InterdependenceInterdependence and multilevel and multilevel governmentgovernment

• Redistribution and improvement of Redistribution and improvement of attained assetsattained assets

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2. Why there must be a 2. Why there must be a deepening of the EU?deepening of the EU?

European identityEuropean identity

Same values concerning Same values concerning human rights and quality of human rights and quality of livingliving

Stability of the economy and Stability of the economy and welfarewelfare

Challenges of globalizationChallenges of globalization



Page 5: 1 Deepening the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra


3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EU3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EU

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?

3. How to deepen the EU3. How to deepen the EU

Page 6: 1 Deepening the EU Sophie, Melita, Claudia, Tuulia, Pia, Ana, Lucas-Louis, Daniel, Daniela, Maria Alessandra


InstitutioInstitutions ns

European European CouncilCouncil


Chaired by a President appointed for 2½ years renewable once

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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Institutions Institutions Minister of Minister of Foreign Foreign Affairs Affairs

High Representative for:

- Common Foreign and Security Policy

- External Relations Commissioner

Member of the Commission

Chair the Foreign Affairs Council

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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Institutions Institutions Council of Council of Ministers Ministers

The presidency of the different Council formations will continue to rotate (with the exception of the External Relations Council) on an equal basis, to be decided upon by the European Council

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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More power to the European Parliament

100% of European laws should be adopted under the co-decision procedure

€€ Increased power in budgetary procedures

§§ Power of initiative

Creation and a common definition of Political parties

Institutional Institutional ChangesChanges

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

European European ParliamentParliament

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One million signatures of citizens One million signatures of citizens from a from a significant numbersignificant number of MS of MS can invite the Commission to can invite the Commission to submit an appropriate proposal to submit an appropriate proposal to the legislator the legislator

CriticismCriticism::– 1 million signatures too low 1 million signatures too low

numbernumber– wording has to be clarifiedwording has to be clarified

Participatory democracyParticipatory democracy

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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ProposalProposal::– 1%1% of population of population – 1/21/2 of Member States of Member States – InformInform people signing an people signing an


Participatory democracyParticipatory democracy

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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Adoption of new treaties Adoption of new treaties

Now:Now:– Revisions of the founding treaties Revisions of the founding treaties

themselves have to be adopted themselves have to be adopted unanimously unanimously

– 2 methods: public referendum or vote in 2 methods: public referendum or vote in parliament parliament

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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Adoption of new treaties Adoption of new treaties

ProposalProposal::– Public referendum carried out Public referendum carried out same day in same day in

all Member Statesall Member States with ‘triple majority’: with ‘triple majority’:– 2/3 of MS2/3 of MS (55% - 60% of turnout within MS) (55% - 60% of turnout within MS)– ½½ of total turnout of total turnout

3.1. Reforms towards a more 3.1. Reforms towards a more democratic EUdemocratic EU

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Politique monétaire politique budgétaire

↓ ↓

BCE (institution indépendante) états membres

↓ ↓

politique anti-inflationniste plus concernés par stabilité des prix l’emploi

Divergence des objectifs/intérêts

Politique incohérente et affaiblie

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

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Que faire?Que faire?

• Il faut donc une meilleure coordination entre la Il faut donc une meilleure coordination entre la BCE et les états membres afin…BCE et les états membres afin…

• ……d’obtenir une véritable gestion économique d’obtenir une véritable gestion économique de l’Union européenne pour pouvoir faire face de l’Union européenne pour pouvoir faire face à la compétition internationale (cf. à la compétition internationale (cf. globalisation) de la façon la plus effective et globalisation) de la façon la plus effective et efficace.efficace.

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

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La politique budgétaireLa politique budgétaire• Le budget = compétence nationaleLe budget = compétence nationale

• Cela ne signifie pas que les états membres de Cela ne signifie pas que les états membres de l’Eurozone peuvent s’endetter librement!l’Eurozone peuvent s’endetter librement!

• Maastricht: règlesMaastricht: règles– déficit budgétaire <3% PIBdéficit budgétaire <3% PIB

• Amsterdam: renforcement des règles par le biais du Amsterdam: renforcement des règles par le biais du Pacte de Stabilité et de CroissancePacte de Stabilité et de Croissance

• A présent ce pacte est mort car plus appliquéA présent ce pacte est mort car plus appliqué

• Toutefois une régulation s’impose: on ne peut Toutefois une régulation s’impose: on ne peut s’endetter sur le dos des autres + risque d’effet s’endetter sur le dos des autres + risque d’effet d’évictiond’éviction

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

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Critique sur la règle de 3%Critique sur la règle de 3%

• Pas chaque déficit est condamnablePas chaque déficit est condamnable– Distinction déficit voulu et subiDistinction déficit voulu et subi

• Pas chaque déficit est comparablePas chaque déficit est comparable

• Il s’agit d’une règle unique appliquée Il s’agit d’une règle unique appliquée à des situations (très) différentesà des situations (très) différentes

• Le niveau de 3% a été déterminé de Le niveau de 3% a été déterminé de façon arbitrairefaçon arbitraire

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

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Que faire?Que faire?• Prendre en considération les différentes Prendre en considération les différentes

réalités économiques des états membresréalités économiques des états membres

• Laisser plus de liberté aux états Laisser plus de liberté aux états membres afin qu’il puissent mieux réagir membres afin qu’il puissent mieux réagir à des crises économiquesà des crises économiques

• Regarder les taux d’endettement et de Regarder les taux d’endettement et de croissance pour calculer un seuil plus croissance pour calculer un seuil plus réaliste (cf. effet boule de neige)réaliste (cf. effet boule de neige)

3.2. Economical aspects3.2. Economical aspects

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What exists?What exists?

• The Regional policyThe Regional policy

• A committee of regionsA committee of regions

• Committee on Regional Committee on Regional Development by the European Development by the European Parliament Parliament

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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• Increasing direct link between the Increasing direct link between the local/regional level and the EU levellocal/regional level and the EU level

• Using the regional framework Using the regional framework

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

What do we want?What do we want?

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Regional policyRegional policy

• Structural fundingStructural funding

• Cohesion Fund Cohesion Fund

• ISAP, Phare and Sapard ISAP, Phare and Sapard

• Solidarity Fund Solidarity Fund

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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Structural fundingStructural funding

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Infrastructure, Environment

European Social Fund (ESF),Training, entrepreneurship

European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), To adopt agriculture to the evolutions

Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG)

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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The Committee of regionsThe Committee of regions

Advisory role by:Advisory role by:• The CommissionThe Commission• The CouncilThe Council

Three principlesThree principles• Subsidiarity Subsidiarity • ProximityProximity• PartnershipPartnership

• maximum of 350 maximum of 350 membersmembers

• Appointed by the Appointed by the government among government among persons elected at persons elected at the local and the local and regional levelregional level

• renewable 4-year renewable 4-year mandatemandate

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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Decisions should be taken at Decisions should be taken at

the closest practical level of the the closest practical level of the

citizens. The local level comes citizens. The local level comes

therefore first and the EU lastlytherefore first and the EU lastly

What is subsidiarity?What is subsidiarity?

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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It refers to the principle of It refers to the principle of

European governance European governance

which means the European, which means the European,

national, regional and local national, regional and local

government working togethergovernment working together

What is partnership?What is partnership?

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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What is now a region in Europe…?What is now a region in Europe…?

• Recognition of three levels (units) in the Recognition of three levels (units) in the EU – NUTS classificationEU – NUTS classification

• The second and third levels are The second and third levels are subdivisions of the first and second levels subdivisions of the first and second levels respectivelyrespectively

LevelLevel Minimum Minimum populationpopulation

Maximum Maximum populationpopulation

NUTS 1NUTS 1 3 million3 million 7 million7 million

NUTS 2NUTS 2 800 000800 000 3 million3 million

NUTS 3NUTS 3 150 000150 000 800 000800 000

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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What could we do:What could we do:

• Define a concept of Define a concept of “European region” “European region” according to population, size and ethnical according to population, size and ethnical elementselements

• Increasing direct link between the Increasing direct link between the local/regional level and the EU levellocal/regional level and the EU level

• Using the regional framework to lessen Using the regional framework to lessen national interests and find national interests and find

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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Our ideas…Our ideas…

• What?What? The Committee of regions to become an The Committee of regions to become an assembly of regionsassembly of regions, with representatives directly , with representatives directly elected by the people elected by the people

• How? How? Punctual meeting to enhance regional cooperationPunctual meeting to enhance regional cooperation

• What for? What for? To lessen national interests in certain areas: To lessen national interests in certain areas: tourism, transport, education, social development, tourism, transport, education, social development, culture etc. culture etc.

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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Yes, but…Yes, but…


• The perfect The perfect framework to framework to resolve regional resolve regional identity issues identity issues (Northern Ireland, (Northern Ireland, Basque country…)Basque country…)

• Unity in diversityUnity in diversity

But… But…

• How to finance the How to finance the regional policy?regional policy?

• The risk of creating The risk of creating new conflicts?new conflicts?

• Making Europe Making Europe even more even more complexcomplex

3.3. 3.3. Increasing the regional ingredients of Increasing the regional ingredients of the EU?the EU?

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The endThe end