
1-Most or best reliable investigation tool in screening for colorectal cancer : Colonoscopy 2- one of these is not of the Charcot triad : Shock " right upper quadrant pain, jaundice, and fever " 3- post viral thyroditis : subacute (Deqeyrvans) 4- all are true of hashimoto's except : its almost always require surgery 5- Zenker diverticulum : is a pulsion diverticulum 6- ransons criteria is : prognostic criteria 7- patient with ascending cholangitis which is not true : need emergent exploration for the obstruction 8- risk factors for breast carcinoma : Age , Family history, Gender 9- patient with RUQ pain , radiograph plain showed no changes , next test you would do : US 10- patient with multiple injuries and unstable the thing that you would not do in the primary survey : CT with contrast 11- another question in relation to this that you would not do in the primary survey : look for the lumber vertebra 12-all can cause hyperthyroidism except : Medullary carcinoma 13- sliding hernia : viscus forming part of the wall 14- about sepsis : bactremia + SIRS 15- about SIRS : all of the above 16 breast cancer in male : less than 1% ( il jawab kan None of the above ) 17-the best thing that can help in prognosis of Breast carcinoma : Stage of the CA 18-Non invasive breast CA : comedo type of DCIS 19-The parotid gland duct open opposite to the : 2 upper molar

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Post on 07-Jul-2016




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1-Most or best reliable investigation tool in screening for colorectal cancer : Colonoscopy

2- one of these is not of the Charcot triad : Shock "right upper quadrant pain, jaundice, and fever "

3- post viral thyroditis : subacute (Deqeyrvans) 4- all are true of hashimoto's except : its almost always require surgery

5- Zenker diverticulum : is a pulsion diverticulum

6- ransons criteria is : prognostic criteria

7- patient with ascending cholangitis which is not true : need emergent exploration for the obstruction

8- risk factors for breast carcinoma : Age , Family history, Gender

9- patient with RUQ pain , radiograph plain showed no changes , next test you would do : US

10- patient with multiple injuries and unstable the thing that you would not do in the primary survey : CT with contrast 11- another question in relation to this that you would not do in the primary survey : look for the lumber vertebra

12-all can cause hyperthyroidism except : Medullary carcinoma

13- sliding hernia : viscus forming part of the wall

14- about sepsis : bactremia + SIRS

15- about SIRS : all of the above 16 breast cancer in male : less than 1% ( il jawab kan None of the above )

17-the best thing that can help in prognosis of Breast carcinoma : Stage of the CA

18-Non invasive breast CA : comedo type of DCIS

19-The parotid gland duct open opposite to the : 2 upper molar

20 - nerve that you damage in submandibular gland surgery and cause change at the angle of the mouth : marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve

21- turcots syndrome : polyps with malignant CNS tumors ( brain) 22- breast CA with 1 lymph node only involved , size 22mm , no mets : stage 2

40- in the above mentioned patient what is the adjuvant treatment : chemotherapy + tamoxifen

23- about UC and relation with the CA : its increased with increased duration of UC

24- about crohns disease : Non casseating granuloma

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25- mild UC : usually at the rectosegmoid

26-splenic artery is a branch of : Celiac trunk

27- osteomas and epidermoid & polyps : Gardners

28- best symptom that can benefit you in starting diagnosis : site of the pain

29- all true about thyroid nodules except : cold nodules are associated with 80 % malignancy

30- all can aggravate hepatic encephalopathy except : carbohydrates diet

31-severe acute pancreatitis is associated with : 32- patient develops fever after 5 days of surgery : infection

33- about acute pancreatitis all are true except : cullens sign : bruzing in the flanks

34- about amebic abscesses all true except : treated by drainage !

35- about appendicitis all are true except : pelvic is the most common site or maybe it could be Psoas sign : hip flexion ( both are wrong and we don’t know really which one Dr kree3 will count ! )

36- all cause nodules in the liver except : 37 – patient with head injury that you can send home : I put it headache and vomiting once

38- all are complications of hernia repair except :

39- most common symptom of esophagus CA : Dysphagia

41- all can be premalignant for squmaous cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus Except : baretts esophagus

42- investigation that should be done as the initial step in patient with dyspahgia: barium swallow

43- about splenctomy all of the following are true except : TTP is the major cause of splenctomy in none traumatic patient

44- direct inguinal hernia is common in : elderly (males)

45- most common skin cancer in white people : it seems like its Basal cell carcinoma

46- about the overwhelming infection after Splenctomy all are true except : traumatic patient with splenctomy have higher percent of developing infections

47- about necrotizing fasiitis all are true except : I think casued by mix flora !

48- patient with BMI 30 : obesity type 1

49- all of these thing could happen with obese patient in surgery except :

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50-about hydated cyst :

51- about anal fissure all true except : 10% occur in the posterior midline

52-Case ( tension pneuomthorax ) what is the next step : insertion of a needle

53- patient aged 25 years and has 3 cm mass that is mobile , most probably it could be : fibroadenoma

54- fluids and electrolytes : kamshet jomal ish il 5ata2

55- requirement of K+ for us : 1

56- about gastric polyps all are true except : I think hyperplastic is the most polyps that is found in stomach !

57- diabetic patient could have all of this because of surgery except :

58- microcarcinoma of the thyroid :

59- crohns clinical picture is : colicky abdominal pain with meal

60- about achalasia :

61- dishesence of skin :

62- hyperthophic obstructive pyloric stenosis

63- suppurative parotitis !

64- splenic artery aneurism

65- burns

66- burns :

67- Na deficient :

68-all are causes of unilateral edema : all of the above ( DVT + lymph edema + ….)

69- bleeding of nipple following ishe ?!

70- all can cause enlargement of the breast except : mondors disease

71- tb3t il nut

72- o tab3t squmous carcinoma aroud the penis

73- embryology of the thyroid :

74- something about the spleen all are true except : filtration happens in the white pulp

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75- ITP all true except : about hemoarthrosis o heak hye il jawab !

76- all are associated with galactorhea except : fibroadenosis

77-most common organ that would be injured with penetrating trauma : spleen

78-adesh bdna carbohydrates : 310 grams\day

79- inguinal wound is considered : clean

80-about enteral feeding all are true except : jaundice


82-about analgesics :

83-pancreatic pseudo cyst:

84-fe wa7deh tb3et in oil cecal aktar men il sigmoid hay ghalat !

85-secondary healing all are true except : accelerated wound healing

86-most common complication of central catheter : sepsis

87-subdural hematoma :

88-in emergency arterial bleeding which is the first step that we do : direct pressure

89- regarding the hereditary spherocytosis all are true except : the fragility test is negative

90-regarding the liver :

91- regarding salivary glands all of the following are true except : Necrotizing sialometaplasia is a premalignant disease

92- tb3t il salivary lesions

93- liver ghalat 3nde

94-kol ishe

95- Which of the following conditions is associated with increased risk of breast cancer?A. Fibrocystic mastopathy.B. Severe hyperplasia.C. Atypical hyperplasia.D. Papillomatosis

96-All are true about polyps except : 95% are tubular

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97-o fe kman wa7deh 3an il polyps !

98- all of the following regarding the melanoma are true except : superficial is the worst prognostic cancer


