1 alan bross aec march 31, 2008 mucool rf program muon cooling r&d alan bross

Download 1 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MuCool RF Program Muon Cooling R&D Alan Bross

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3 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 Muon Collider detect or  Fermilab Muon Complex - Vision


1 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MuCool RF Program Muon Cooling R&D Alan Bross 2 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MuCool Consists of 10 institutions from the US, UK and Japan RF Development ANL Cockcroft Institute Fermilab IIT JLAB LBNL Mississippi Absorber R&D Fermilab IIT KEK NIU Mississippi Osaka Solenoids LBNL Mississippi Mission u Design, prototype and test all cooling channel components u 201 MHz RF Cavities, LH 2 absorbers, SC solenoids u Support MICE (cooling demonstration experiment) u Perform high beam-power engineering test of cooling section components 3 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 Muon Collider detect or Fermilab Muon Complex - Vision 4 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 Muon Complex Evolution 5 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MuCool Test Area Facility to test all components of cooling channel (not a test of ionization cooling) u At high proton beam power s Designed to accommodate full Linac Proton Beam Power s 1.6 X Hz 2.4 X p/s 600 W into 35 cm LH MeV u RF power from Linac (201 and 805 MHz test stands) s Waveguides pipe power to MTA 6 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MTA Hall 7 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 RF R&D 201 MHz Cavity Design The 201 MHz Cavity 19 MV/m Gradient Achieved Limited by available power (Design 16 MV/m) [B=0] Note: This cavity was assembled at TJNL using techniques/procedures used for SCRF Did Not Condition! 8 Alan Bross AEC March 31, MHz Cavity Processing We have now removed the flat-thick Cu windows used for initial tests u Installed curved thin Be windows 9 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MICE Cooling Channel LH 2 absorbers Eight 201-MHz RF cavities 10 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 But There is a Hitch Magnetic Field Effects 11 Alan Bross AEC March 31, MHz Data seem to follow universal curve u Max stable gradient degrades quickly with B field Re-measured u Same results u Does not condition Gradient in MV/m Peak Magnetic Field in T at the Window 12 Alan Bross AEC March 31, MHz Imaging 13 Alan Bross AEC March 31, MHz Cavity Operation in B Field Initial 201 MHz operation in B Field u Limited to few hundred Gauss s Using Fringe Field of 4T magnet (in blue) 14 Alan Bross AEC March 31, in Position We have now moved 201 as close as possible to 5T solenoid Can obtain 1.5T on near window of 201 15 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 First Beam Experiments Currently 5T magnet and 201 cavity on floor (below beam ht.) We will raise equipment to beam height u Also flip orientation of 201 MHz cavity and magnet Goal u First Beam Experiment (Muons Inc HP RF Test Cell) by end of 2008 16 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 Phase II - Configuration 17 Alan Bross AEC March 31, 2008 MuCool RF Plans for the Rest of the Year 805 MHz RF studies Buttons (with and without B field) s Materials tests s Surface treatment (HP Wash + EP (from UK), ALD (Argonne) s E X B study 201 MHz RF u Continue B field studies Complete MTA cryo infrastructure installation and commission system Commission Beam Line First tests with Beam Complete by January 09 u Test of HP H 2 RF test cell with beam