1 27, i dirksesen refu i to bat iack clot lo tu re i in...

Weather >- Windy WeekeiK J. VOL. 65 NO. 166 ^ Reds Lose 276 Men In Attack iSAIGON (AP) Enemy forces swarmed out of flooded ricclands closc to thc Cambo- dian iTordcr today and lost at least 276 of thcir men In almost suicidal assaults on two well de- fended Soulh Vietnamese fron- tier camps. The two atlacking forces to- -»,,e taled about 900 men, and in ad- dition to'nearly a third of- their men,, they left large numbers of rifJes. machine gun^ grenade ^•;~i-TauhchoMf - • ■ equipment on tfie fields of bat- tle. The defenders reported 11 South Vietnamese killed and 100 wounded. Four American .Green Beret men in-one. of the camps were wounded. •*' Coinciding • witfr' the , fierce Sround assaults on tlie camps at thien Ngon and Phuoc Tan, west of Tay Ninh City, enemy ' gunners laid a savage barrage of rocket and mortar fire on the norlIi^f~tire"’provihclarca^it3, ” which-was the target of an al - tack Wednesday In which 135 of " thc enemy were Wiled. The attacks In Tay Ninh Prov- ince and intelligence , reports of other enemy forces maneuver- ing in the area brought massive B52 strikes. Of 10 raids by' the big bombers, in the past 24 hours, nine went Into Tay Ninh Province and some 800 tons ot bombs fell on the principal infil- tration rouje toward Saigon. 70 miles to tHe southeast. While Tay Ninh Province was the scene of the heaviest action, U.S. headquarters reported more fighting In the northern provinces and three helicopters and a U.S. Marine Jet were shot .down there. Four of the helicop- ter crewmen and two Marine fliers were killed, end two hell- _____copter CKwmen were wounded. Importance O f A viation Is Stressed SUN VALLEY, Idoho (AP) r- • Aerial transportation Is a basic and growlna need In developing . - the mountalnoua Pacific North - west, aviation conferonca dele- ■ gate* heard today. - "‘‘•Aviation Is becdrning increase . ...........Ingly Imporiant'to Idaho and the northwc.stern states and tho _______ provlnces-and-Ierrltoilcsof-Can- atlBr” bald-Idaho-Gov. Don W. Samuelson. welcoming delegates ' to the annual meeting of Ihc In- ' ternational J^orthwest Aviation ; Cniincll. I •Thero are a Jot of mountain* ' ous regions between us, and dif- ficult road bulldlnR condltlonH.. ] }^ai1 scrvice Is diminishing. More and more oiir states nnd prov- inces and territories hnyc had 10 lurn lo air transportation," ho .‘•aid, j "It wcms to me ihoi use of ] aviation In tho hufto area reb^ rc.scntcd here today hlstnrlcally , , hns been one of the mnln reu- ( Kons for tho development of our | rcspecUvfl regions.'' I .Snmnelson said when vcrllcnl . . . . --takC'Off andjanding aircraft arc pprfccted "aviation acllvltlcs i will expand cnormouHly. 1 would i Miy thoro Imlnn] a bright fulurr for aviation.*' On Iho .Saturday program for tho two-ciny meeting h an eve* 'ning luldrcsfl by S. Alan Doyd, ' Jiflcrclary of llie federal Depart- ] mcnt of Trnnsporlation. ' Aiioul I.W dolpgutes from Ida- i ho, OrO|{i)ii, Wnshlnglon, Alaska, , Montnnn. Norlh Dakoln, Alhcr- , lu, llrlllbh Columhln, Saakoich- | ewan and NorlhwCHt Terrllorlea , wem to attend today's opening ' session. I Little Bl ' Llitle cowboys Iwgan arriving In Twin Fnlla Friilny Jol_Ujc ^ lute-aeBNOii Mttlo nuckaroo Uo- ' . doo fliKjnaorcd by tho Jaycccs. J Tho- firm iwrlormoiico Is al R tonlfjht nt I'ronllcr Field. Con- 'hrnlnni-i,. In ns° ^ lo como from ihrounhoui l«laho Aixl Home even comu from olhor sinlcs. .Saturday there nre two ahows, tho first at a p.m. and the aec- ond at 8 p.m., bolh at Frontier I'leld. [ There will be a pnrade through downlowu Twin Falla < at noou .Snlurday. Tho parade " wlli ond III Frontier Field,' ; ' Tho firal two porforiiiancea ' . aro for area candldiiloa, and Ihe V' finni iMirformunce la Ihe Idaho ? Slnlo Championship, t Trophleti will bo awarded by \ rodeo producer Durnlce Uunsok- I er odromonlon, UUh, ' her — - Bekend m ose H jH H H Enemy - -N,. v 'JM f flooded Cambo- I lost at ^ . In almost T I well de- cse fron- J orces lo- ^ I nd in ad- I of- their mbers of grenade . tf-^ther s of bat- mn. arted r— a n d IOO '' an .Green : . le camps e ' camps at u je IOC Tan, H /, enemy B ..- , " I barrage J re on the ....... l” c a p i t 3 , the presld^l’s banquet af~tHe~i 9f an al- tion are, from left,. Vicki Dc Fc ch 135 c f -------------------------------------------------- Parley Pondered lan^EUver- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. * massive (AP)—Support grew among Is by the lesser members of the Unit- past 24 ed Nations today for a Big ray Ninh Four isummit meeting pro- J tons ot posed by Secretary-General ipal Infil- ^ Thant In an effort to rc- aigon, 70 <luce East-West tensions and ' lessen the threat of nuclear * Ince was war. . , ^ st action, *^ero was no ImmedI- reported reaction from the Big northern Four—the United Slates, Ihe I •licoplers Soviet Union. Britain and s were shot France—lo TTianl’s suggcs- s J hellcoo- t'O" foreign mlnis- » Marine during the current t two hell- General. Assembly to / funded. j S S .‘a'l'te™ '' \ Thant in his annual report I of the assembly Thursday . _ ;0 night nccused both the Unit- ' , ed States and the Soviet i Union of resorting to slrongt , U arm methods when they felt , ^ thelr security threatened. ^ ' i-BSNixon Seel Ic Norlh- In Deep Sc 0 and the - : • • ............. ........ •*"---------------- « o f cin- gy The Ahsoclatcd Press _ r . , Don W. Republican Rlchnrd M. Nixon t delegates campaigned against third-party 1 of Ihe In- llircnt George C. Wallace in the ^ Aviation by arguing a vote for Wallnco would i>e a vole for I Hubert il. Humphrey. 1 *nd dir* Nixon snid tho entire South r nn.llitnn« shoiildn'l."so Off,on a tlilrd par- i ina Morp becnusc Wnllaco cnn- / nol be elecled. He said the only f hftu/v question Is whether Wallace can ( .rtniinn ■■ cnough votes to deny him or nation, Humphrey a majority nnd force ( . the election Inlu thu lIou.se of • Jl use of Rcnrcfientatlvcs. , area rcb* vole In llils part of lhe j storically country . .. for Wallnre Is iic- , nnin reu- iuni|y n vole for llumnhroy," ml of our Nixon said, "bccniiso one thing , Is for sure, Humphrey cannot 1 vertical win these stnlcs, I can.'* { rcraft aro Meanwhile, Wallace head- ' nclivllles qunrters tn Alnbnmn snld re- | '. 1 would ports of a romance between thc a bright former governor and a prcliy hlondo cnnipulgti worker wcro ' gram for »nlnie nnd calculated to ' a an eve* <lnmngo" his cnmpalgn. Aides an Doyd dismissed ' Inst i ll Denartl becauso of hcr “efrallc I I uepart- , flnm •>'onde, Miss Ja-Neen I 1 A^nNka nn ndvenlslng : A ll..; aKi-'ncy In Indtanapolls, Ird,, I I *'''® travcllnii full- t ?r?SnrS <> '» th A am - I . i l wonldn'l ob- I I opening cct to being Ihe next Mra. Wal- « acc." _____________ t Buckaroo B I arriving Youngsters who lake pari ih ( ' fOL_Ujc Sftlurdnyla-pacado wlll-get free ! laroo U». ilckels to tlio-rodco, it was re- ( Jaycccs. ported. There Is ultio a queen i ice Is at contest and qiicon canditiatea t leld. Con- “'■e nsked to ho at Frontier I ngo 7 lo i'lcld aboiil t) n.m. Snlurday for I out Idaho tryouU. , ^ rom othor In cnmpclllloii tonight al 8 at I Frontier Field urc: Pony bare- ' vo ahows, bacK flrat section: Ronnie Irish, I the aec- Chuck Dnyhoff, Don Haney, Gin- Frontier dy Prcacoll, Robbie Orant nnd | Monte Turner: second Hocllon, 1 parade Gary Miller, Sheri PrcHcotl, Tod c vin Falla MeHHorsmllh, Tommy Irish. \ e parade Wade FrescoU and Slu«\c Meek- I Neld.' or; ihlrd aecllon, Chrla Dnyhoff, i onnances Shane Proscoll, Monle Webb, I I, and Iho Scotl Grant, Jyle Aiidoraou and ^ the Idaho Cnrl Merkle. i Ropers; Gary Mlllor, Tom I nrded by Irlnh, Monle Webb, Curlla Grant ( a Uunsak- and Shane Prescott. I Calf roping, first »ectlon, *s ---------------;C 5 - n O i l falO n. JuUa b; Boise, IJaHo ______ . _ ~ ' M __________________ _______________ TO fc-— TOUCHES en-ai^ ai'rawetmeiit ler— < et aflRe’annual Idaho Florists Associa- icki Dc Ford, Norma Crandall and Jen c ered Florists Gi among ____ For State "to°r^ Approximately 200 people aj ns and cxpcctcd at the 36th annu- ol luclear Idaho F l o r i s t ’s Association convention a s' registration be- j Timed!- Friday at the Holiday Inn. ie Big The convenlion will conlinue n; es, the through Saturday with many Si n and special design schools and si juggcs- speakers featured. s( minis- Tlte president’s banquet and :urrent ball wlll be held Saturday night si ibly to following the election of new h le top-, officers that afiernoon. Daryl Dryden, Twin Falls, is tlie pres- „ report Ident this year. K - - A barbecue and dance were n cV.l'.L* scheduled,,,for tonight at Blue n ^ Lakes Country Club. iVv Following a breakfast Satur- . ned ' morning, the group will he 1 welcomed by Ray Rostron, man- ------------------------- ------------------ ^ ------------------- J 5eeks Votes ^ ) South 1 ni -iHiimplirciLlook.iiis.campnicii ‘I; M Nixon lo the West coast whcre-he V lird,party promised more prosperity for ce in thc Amcrica. _ . hi g a vote Tho Democrntlc nomineo said jl vole for there were three recessions dur- fr Ing the years Nixon was vice T re South president In the last Ropublicnn D lilrd par- adniinlalruiioii. Ile snld. "When aco cnn- Americans volP on prosperity, I o the only nm confklent they will give us n b llace can clear call for more of it,'* ly him or Portland, Humphrey ncciiK- a' »nd forcc c(| Richard M. Nixon lo<liiy of U House of "|„ek „f r«-.s|K‘Ct for the Inielll- ir . , genre nf tbe Ainorlciin pviblle" - •t of lhe i,y I,Hiking a( tho idoa of n re h ac- round of noiHelevlsed dcbaieH. ^ Ht'forc leaving San I'runci.-ico k i rnSiM f"’’ I’orllaiul, thc Democratic 'f, presldenlial fantllilnti* appeared 1 head- '' television pro- f cni.i ri.. Iirnin and . was about to leave w/./.n the "ir when Hh; moderaior said « nrM V »'0 Jvw rect’Wed n rcpt»rl ” ;<i«r w.To from Kenlucky that Nixon hiid ' ulated to «jcclcd the debnic Idea. ,, ;n. Aides Asking permission to coin- o sed ' Inst menl. the vice president then p *'^rallc lounchril Inlo a rebutial—purl of which he addrrnacd dlreclly F Ja-Neen to Nixon, tn Iverllsing I'or example, Humphrey sold m Is. Ird,, that If tlw Urpulillmn preslden- m MIiib full- tinl noinlnei would n«i| debaie p th w am - him, "hnw d r you think you're Jidn't ob- going lu fare up lo leaders uf si lira, Wal- other munirle^ vohen ihelr na- h tlonsi lnicrc<is .'ta involved," m o Rodeo Op( 5 part ih Churk D#\hf//f, Monte Turner, li -get free Sheri- futbinh. Itnbbio Grant. J : wan r«- Curtlt (irarr and Ronnie IrUh. a queen and secon'i neriion. Twi Me»»er* J Qndldaiea amilh, Tommy Irish, Gary Mil- b Frontier ler, Shane Meeker. Rodney Cut- ^ irday for hlnh, Terry Roblirall. .Scoil o ' (irnm, Vicki Sharp, Chris Day- I- It nl 8 at holf. Monty Cantrell and Munie v my bare- Wobb, i< nie Irish, Kxlraa: Doug Butler. ^ ney, Cin- In competition Saturday at 2 rant and p,m. at Frontier l-'lold are: R Kocllnn. Pony bareback, flrat Bocllon, Jo- icon. Tod ol Juker, Monle Turner, Jeff n ' Irish, Word, Shane Meeker, Ricky nc Muok> Murray and Cindy • ProBwut; tl Dayhoff, second section, Dixie lildredgo, e Webb, Matt Roberls, Shane Prcscoit, A raoii and Wnyno linffncr, Shorl Prescott T anu Jeff j'nutor. and Ihlrd acc- N tr, Tom Ilon, Buddy Allen, Wade Pruu- hi lls Grant colt, John Mead, Nlnn Hanaen, I Rolnrl Foster and Jody Allen. L •ection, Ropers, PhIn i<oo. Buddy Al- w I 3 •“ 14ah^-State-H-ls-tbr-i 6 'aXS oc. . JuUa bavia Dr. •. , IJaHo 83706 ^rco: Magic Valley’s Hoi TOIN FALLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY r Associa- ebmmlTtee for the banquet whic and Jen olght. ts Gather ^ "ate M eet 1 I people ager of the Twin Falls Chambcr "w 36th annu- of Commerce. I ^ U o n ‘be" Letterman, Indianapolis, liri-iw Inn * “ nationally known figure day inn. flori.sts. will act as com- ; II conlinue nicntaior for a design school dei VUh many Saturday morning. Four top de- inn :hools and signers will be featured in this gip session. Vj( inquet aM The arrangements from this U.: arday night .session will be displnycd at the Na Dn of new Holiday Inn for the public. his '^>'1 >"clude a florists , ' JS Uie pres auction and Ihero will bo a board of directors meotlnfi for ^ lance were new and old Board memberfl. It at Blue _________________ H. SpvfiuheAgricultural slron, man- _ _ nj< Meetmg Set JS At Sun Valley !3l SUN VALLEY - Fony-clfihl nn. fitnles will be represenied at the Is Nalional Association of Stalo In Dopartmont.s-of' AgricuHure un- vie nunlconvenllon which gels un- pk i.campnicn ‘icj; waiLSundny_eycning at_Sun hlj whcre-he Valley. ............................. ................— an sperlly for According to Stanley Tren- ^ hnilc, Boise, Idaho's commlp- ne mlneo said sioner of agrlculiure. thc theme -’U| isslons dur- for the convention, w1»lch ends t‘o I was vice Thursday noon, will be “New Republican Dimensions In Agriculture." uld. "When -Mr. Trunhaile added-that one rospcrliy, I of Ihe topics to Ik: discussed will y, II give us n bo federal and slate relations. ^ * More than 240 people wlll bo joi lirey nccuK- attending iho mcclInK, Including *ii, n io<liiy of U.SDA personnel from Wnnhlng- "f the inielll- ion, D.C. Sc, ;»n pviblle" ------------------------------------------------------- idea or a d dcbalCH. O 1 , 1 r„ncli.„ bWltclllllK t-ent( Democratic ^ -■ « vS7!l BujU I u _CastlefI swilchlni; center In CiiHllelord Nixon liiiU ^^j|| ij, October, according fie lo Warren Snunders. jnnniiger m: I to fdin- of thu Mountain Stales Telo- nc vldcnt then pi,nno Co. in lutial-piirt narl Peck Constructlnn, Twjn tel cd dlreclly Falls. Is the cniltrnctor for llie tn «inc-story building to bo liKated cm iphrey said m) Ronjo Avenue, across the dli n preslden- ureet (rom tho present tele- to nol drbaie phono building. 1 liink you're 'Iho building wlll be con- no leaders uf siruclcd of concrelo blockn and gn r» Ihelr na- brick, and wlll provlilu ^00 co ivoived," iqiinre feel of npaee. Ihillding de Opens Here ■ lie Turner, len. Matt Ro'lierls, Jnck LIslo, Ihl tbio Grant. Jody Allen and Wobb I.inie.' Pr mnle IrUh. Culf riding, first scction, Joel Im fcKl Messer* Juker, Harlan Vundenbarki'Kcl-' Lli Gary Mil- ly Minton, fvlonte Turnor, .Shano j lodney Cul- Mcekor and Ricky Murray; sec- rail. Seoil ond wctlon, Wayno Huffnur, Jeff Chris Day- l-nncr, .loe Ward. Mnrlln Nn- ( and Munie vak, Hurlan i^llnn and Matt jn Riilwrts, and third secllon. Jody r Altcn, Robert I'onter, Kylo An- |^( urday nt 2 dcrson, Nlnn Hnnscn, Buddy Al- bq, 1-lold are: Icn and John Mend. |,y ■ection, Jo- Kxlraa: Sheri Culblrlh, Rod- Ri irner, Jeff ney Culblrlh and Doug Huller. wr ler, Ricky iSnlurday al H p.m. al F’ron- ' • ProBcolt; tier I'lcld; Tli ) Hldredge, Pony bnret>ack, first secllon. Pi D I'rcscoit, Alnn l.nncnstcr, Dandy Godby, Hr rl Prescott Tntdy Harbor, Russoll IliKlkln, so I Ihlrd acc- Mike Hrlckson and Tood Hol- an Vndo Pruu-hurk; second scction, Kevin ‘' nn Hnnscn, UncqMcr. _Dirk_Godby.. Webb ia Jody Allen. Lisle, Von Bodkin, Sieve Cald- bo Buddy Al- weii and Danny LaGroy, and ch Go ^rcoap* ^y’s Home Newspaper iO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 li_i5_C7lMriU4a_oI,lhe_lflbiQ_d6cowiionn' banquet which wiil be- beld Saturday Newsman To Take ::::u.N. Post own figure ct as com- WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl- ign school dent Johnson has named Wash- )ur top de- Post editor J. R. Wiff red m this gins, a strong supporter of his Vietnam policies, to fili in as from this U.S. ambassador to the Unilcd ycd at the Nations In the waning weeks ol public. his administration, s a florists Wiggins replaces veteran dip will bo a >omat George W. Bali who aul! -iccllne for Thursday to Join the campalgr lemberfl. of Vice President Huberi ___ H. Humphrey. Ball bowed out after only five I months al the U.N. Wiggins is [ra i expccicd to serve only tho foui months until a ncw presidepi 2^-f- chooses his own envoy next Jan- uary. Wiggins. 64, who roso from t on country v-cckly ir d ilC y Minnesota to guide Tho Wash ington Post as managing edltoi Forty-eight and editor Ihe Inst two decades, nied at the Is largely nn unknown quantity of Stale In world arrair.s_ without pre cuKure an- vIouH -experiehee In-forelgn-dl h gels un- plomncy. But Johnson, pralsec ling at-Sun hls,judgmcnl,-lils.-under£iandln{ ------• and^ils-humon-eompnsalon;------- lley Tren- Wiggins >yas dc.scrlbcd by hi? I commiff- newspaper today as "a stauncl tho theme -supporter of tho administra- vhlch ends lion's position on Ihe Vicinair be “New war," Hc retired as edUoi ilture " Immediately upon accepting tht i)w.( nn.. appolntmeni. ” |„ Thc ncw amba.ssndor flew tc Washington from his aummoi rciaiion.. Maine to meet wllh plo will llo J„|,,„„„ tlio Whlto lions. Including Timrfiduy nlghl, Wiggins said, t WaHhing- "I ),n,j „ presidential commis- __________ .See U. N. POST, Page 2 Col I ; Center To’Be Castleford Soon onslructlon .schedules call fnr Ihe slructuri lelenhonc to In- ciimpleled by Dec. 1. CiiHllelord Inslallation of new central of , according ficii nwltching c<|uipment wll , jnnniiger (H:cur nt thal time, wilh thi ales Telo- ncw center going Inlo operatloi in ' I'cbriiary, lOQO. Castlefor< ;tinn, Twjp telephono numborn will changi lor for tile to ncven digit nuihlicrA with Uii bo liKated conversion, nnd a ncw telephoni iicroHs the directory will bo delivered prloi :scnt tele- to llm c.ut-over. Mr. S.iunders noted that Ihi be con- now sv/ltchlng center relieve: blockn nnd growth prcsnuro and reflects th< •oviile 400 company's fallh In ihn futuri ». Hullding dovelnpmenl of Iho nren. gre Tonight lack LIslo, third secllnn, Jnck Lisle, Ki'n I.lfiie.' PruoU, Iluilily Allen, Jody Al •ctlon, Joel len, Jndo Roblnseoii and Jaci iibiirki'Kel-' LIfile. nor. .Shane R„pors, Jack Lisle, J. T. Roe irray; sec- scott Griffith, Grog Caldwell ttffnor'Jolf Walt Ireland nnd Wehb I.lsle >1nnin No- c„|f fopin,;, first (iecllon, Joo and Mou Lane WlllianiB, Dnndj cllon. Jody Godby, Marti Hodley, To< vf a)‘ Moony, Gordon Gibson; secom Buddy Al- Bocllon, Gary Miller, Dirk God Ity, Webb LIslo, Scott Griffith )lrlh. Rod- Robert Colo and Richard Cald lUg Duller, wnll. . at l''ron- Third section, Scott Jenson Tim FarrcJl, HuiWy Alien, Kon sl secllon, Pruolt, Jack Lisle and NIni idy Godby, Hnrisen, nnd exirns, Ted Morrl Dll IliKlkln, son. Buddy Allon, Jody Allei Tood Hol-nnd Jndo Rohinsnn, nn, Kevin ‘The progrnm for ench even iby.. Wcbb ia subject to change iMcauiie o lleve Cald- bbos nnd entries, JllU Meeker Groy, and chairinan, announced^ iliXSoc. ' ^ }aper 1 27, 1968 I Dirkse I To Bat I In For WASHINGTON (AP) - A pc- ! Illion to cul off Senate debate on ^ / the' Abc Forlas nomination was : filed loday after Republican Leader Everett M. Dirkscn de- t livered a heavy, blow to Fortas’ | chief justice. ' Majority Leader Mike Msns^ 1 field. D ^onl., filed thc petition to invoke thc Senatc^s debate- , limiting cloture rule to halt a fil- : ibuster against his motion to ! . take up thc Forlas nomination , for consideration. A vote is lo be taken at 1 . p.m., Tuesday on thc, petition. ■{■B To cul off tho debate wl.ll take a Iwo-thirds majority of senators fc-i m vtjttng. ■*. Dirkscn, in a switch of his romJionf pruvious'ipognion, .i&ia nfiwiimsti Saturday he would not vole for cloture. And he left open whelher he still favors confirmation of Fortas. TKe petlUon filed by Mans- field hnd the signatures of 23 ISJ II senators, 16 Democrats and 7 Republicans. Only 16 signers were required by the rules. ^ Dirkscn was initially an oul- . spoken supporter of President Johnson’s nomination of Fortas to succccd Chief Justice Earl I r Warren. ||C | And although Dirkscn voted V with the majorily of the Senate Judiciary Committee in approv- >\ _ Prcsi the nomination, he said mnH w-jch. ihcrc was "a strict undcrsland- r T> u/i«. log in the commltlee thal. the f vote did not bind anybody.” fill In al Word lhat Dirkscn will nol »>,<. TiniinH volc to put the Scnatc’s debate- i w ecS of limiting cloture rule Into effect ig wecKs 01 brought -from Majority Leader Hin. Mansfield. D-Mont., the ill who auTt '^“c^lon that *’lt sure as hell L cnmoaTn wlU" make It more difficult to unhifrt break a filibuster by opponents, lent HuDcrt opponent of the nomination r*p nnlv five 0" resumption of debate lodny called for President Johnson to llv tho^Qur withdraw the nomination and present position as associate lyncxt Jan- on the high court, which trnm • ne has held slnco 19C5. ^^nJiv In "Tho Blalure of the court has Tho WasE demeaned already by the monumenlnlly poor Judgment ifrl dl-splayed by the President of ’ Iho United States and by-Justice 1^™ Foru, slnco hl» o.oooslon to « fS g n -d l- sentr^on .thQ. Suprcmo^Court.!' lon. praised . . = MoIyW^ “ a staunch ndmlnistrn- ' "T "./'sr Miners L :ceptlng thc ior flew to ["■' Is summer f meet wllh [ hite Houso I gglns said, ; ' nl commis- . , ............................. Ige 2 Col I ; n' le structure ^ Dec. 1. ’ ccntrnl of- Rinent will i •- . with the ^ 0 operation . • • i . Castleford , wlll change ] !r« with tho { w telephono | . ivered prior ;d lhat tho j or rellovcH ; reflects tho • Ihn future } nren. | f h t Lisle, Kcmt _______________ ______________ I, Jody Al- 1 and Jack m* , J,T.'Roe, < Caldwell, U ' ’ >' Vohb Lisle. |fl^ ' iccllon, Joel V* ' \ mn, Dandy idley. Tod F j U im ion; second ' , Dirk God* n- )tt Griffith, chard Cald* Jenaon, Kent Nino Morrl- Jody Allen ench event ' A HELICOPTER under- coni iMcauiie of -ReflnlnR COf-h«uls-«-4(0-iiiound llii Meeker, the WhHe Cloud area iouth of Is ti at Caide Peak. _____• , -fr sen Refu iack Clot ortas F ui — A pc- Scn. Clifford P. Hansen, R- si( Icbatc on Wyo.. said in a prepared be ilion was speech. »■ Jhi :publican in another prepared speech. “ •kMn de- the leader of lhe fight for confir- Jh' J Fortas mation defended Fortas’s par- -riduaUun ln-nillTiEi> oil obi^ctilll- ty and acciiicd his critics of dis- sli ce M3ns= toning this role; Sun- Philip A. Hart. D-Mlch., h-iif n fn efforts to brand Fortas as a th !t.!« . purveyor of dirty movies nre as in m nMinn "obsccnc and dfslasteful as thc ‘c >mmation themselves." vc ken at 1 "Some of Ihe public may have hc netiiinn achieved' the erroneous impres- th 'ill lake a ^ ^ sonator. _ _ ... J . V h of his I il I J ^ |T r cloture. fSGoal Is $: Is and 7 > signers Twin Falls United Fund board I< ules. set this year's goal at $85,000 during its meeting Friday mom- 0 President ing at tho Depot Grill. lr ?iL It was noted lhat the agencies s; tice Earl involved need a minimum of ^ 5102,501 to fulfill responsibilities h for the year. The board took ^ this under advisement, but felt It would be an error at this-time “ to raise that much money In a th^t S community that has raised a « ^tnai. the maximum of $68,000 in the past. will nol campaign slogan is "Your . :’s T b a £ Help Help But Help.” J into effect Br. Thad Scholes, drive chair- t ly Leader man, indicated the campaign- Is j. lont., the better organized than in the j e as hell P“st. There are 30 per cont ilfflcult to more people working, on tho c opponents, drlvo than In past years. t lomlnailon The campaign klckoff ta t >ate lodny scheduled for noon Monday at t rohnson to tho Elks Club. ' t alion and Harold T. Nelson, Boise, will from his bo the featured speaker. He is t associate regional director for the Bureau t urt, which of Reclamation for the western I states. Mr. Nelson served ns court has chairman of tho "Greater Boise dy by the United Fund” drive In 1066 and Judgment was president of ftclr United t esident of Fund orgonlznlloji in_10C7._He I by-Justice l.s also al'ate chairman of 1 nsloti to a "Ducks Unlimited" and was s o^Court.!' prC3idBot:'6f "tho ^-University of ( rT )^osit"Proi)?d~ ^ ~ 's Dig A t Cast . .' ' \ • Jil f \ :i , S ' d ...... ~ n w - <' ■ k Lf' V r '''u l i <■ t I' 'V under- conlrAet (o American Smelting and < l i-4(0-i^nd lend of mlnlnf equipment Into I: a aouth ot C^iytoa. Tbe drilling operation ' ^ Home Final . TEN CENTS jfuses loture ?uss nsen, R- sion that Justice Fortas has prepared been an approving viewer of *. Jhcse films," Hu-ri sflid.- "But I speech certainly all of lhe public has or confir- the more accurate Impression • as's par- 'hat senators,' however right- _ 1 obsccnl- otiaiy disapproviiiA. have*t^ i i ^ . i^cs of dis- slipping inlo innumerable pri- vate showings." _ . Fortas sided with the majorl- D-Mich., ty In several technical rulings Drtas as a that reversed lower court flnd- e.s nre as ings that some films were ob- ul as the scene. Opponents have made his votes a major issue and have may have held viewings of the films in . s impres- their bid to gather support. r ' • ji 1 *n *i [s $85,000 und board Idnho alumn! group In 1962. a t $85,000 A proclamation designating day mom- October as United Fund month. I. In Twin Falls will also be pre- e agencies sented at tho meeting. Mayor nlmum of Egon Kroll has issued the proc- onslbllllies lomatlon to Bob Day, United oard took Fund president. . t. but felt A'* workers and chairmen are t thIs-time urged to aitend the Monday loney In a luncheon. Gordie Shaw wili act raised a master of ceremonies end a- 1 the past prise will be given, n lc «'Vni.F During the Friday morning session John Roper, chairman ,®‘P - . , of Ihe special gifts section, said rive chal^ the section Is well under way. impalgn- is having kicked off several days m in the ago. per cent jack Muldoon, who heads the ig. on tho commercial division, indicated •' ears, the civic groups, service clubs <Ickoff ta and members- of -the agenciea Monday at are giving tremendous support to thia year'fl.drive. % Boise, will Roy Roper-toid the board hla ker. He is plans for-report meetings to be lhe Bureau held rejtilarly after tha kickoff fio weslern Monday. ......................... served ns i.- ■ iater Boise NEWTON SENTENCED n 1066 and OAKLAND. Calif. (AP)-Huey clr United Newton, leader of the Black i_10C7._He P-anthors,-wns-«entenced-to-2 to — Irman of 15 years In prison todayfoi*' and was slaying a .while policeman last iversity of October. - ------ ----------- ^ Castle Peak Dy BOB JOHNSON M m H Times-News Correapondcnt 9|B^H CLAYTON—Amorlcan Smell- HnHH Ing nnd Refining Co. Is probing Igjl^g beneath the carlli's aurface at BBHIM the very base ot H,820-foot-hlgh paHrMn Castle. Peak for the mlnerol, molybdenite. J^^SB ...... T ho -mountain. loomdrfrt-the^ Whilo Cloud rango 20 air miles . flouthwe.st of Clayton In Central Amerlcnn Smelting /.i,(iSg and Refining Co. crew hos been i')Y»^-i>a dlnmond drilling aince Belting up comp Insl Mny 15, K™ William G. Salisbury, Spokane, WrtBh., BcologlM In charge, snld tfr £*1*^ way to go to dciermine whnt ll hos there. Thb firm, one of the Jnrges( f'.; mining, smelling and refining companlea In the world, wlln ‘ ' i hcauquarlern In Now York City, ' V. ' Is conducting Its flrat fully hefl- ' ' -■ ■; copter supported operation in > the Pacific Noclhwcnt. Crews nro working aa high •: ; ‘ i,, ',i as 0,400 fool olovnilon. In on , area ni lhe bane of Castle Peak , , around Bakor Lake and the East--r '. Fork of Little Boulder Creekr ' - All men and supplies aro flown ' j U from a ba.se area 12 air miles away on Ihe Eait Fork of the " • ■‘‘W Sulmon Rivor. The helicopter trip takes 12 mlnutea up and Vl02fl minutes back. The>aame Irlp •by-forcat“ tmU~tnkes’"neorIy ft— day. ' Salisbury aald the firm does not want to allempt to construct lyfU M 0 road Inlo the area until it knowfl thot Ihore Is enough mineral to support a road. Thn helicopter is flown by R, E. NokeR, Seatite, and ia y ^n undor contract from Aero Com* ■■■■ merclal Coptera, a helicopter scrvlce, nlso of Seattle. Nokes flew Jn the mining and. camp* site equipment and brings In men and nupplles. 0(1 flights nuti-be < hauls the canip'n .garbage, a pratllcA ' which has drawn the praise ot the U.S, Forest Service. Marvin Larson, Clayton Dls* trict forest ranaer on Whoio King and district tho drilling operation nent Into in taking placo, aald the corn* / ■ •'I.r

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Page 1: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent


>- W indy WeekeiK


V O L . 65 N O . 166 ^

Reds Lose 276 Men In Attack

iSAIGON (A P) — E nem y forces sw arm ed out of flooded r icc lands closc to thc Cam bo­dian iTordcr today and lost a t le a s t 276 of thcir men In alm ost su icidal assau lts on two well de­fended Soulh V ietnamese fron­t ie r cam ps.

T he two atlack ing forces to- -»,,e ta led abou t 900 men, and in ad­

d ition to 'n e a r ly a th ird of- their m en,, they left large num bers of rifJes. m achine g u n ^ g renade

^ • ;~ i-T a u h c h o M f -• • ■ equ ipm en t on tfie fields of bat­

tle.T h e defenders reported 11

South V ietnam ese killed and 100 w ounded. F o u r Am erican .Green B e re t m en in-one. of the cam ps w ere wounded. •*'

C oinciding • witfr' the , fierce S round a ssau lts on tlie cam ps at th i e n Ngon and Phuoc Tan, w est o f T ay Ninh City, enem y

' gu n n e rs laid a savage barrag e of ro ck e t and m o rta r fire on the

n o rlIi^ f~ tire " ’p ro v ih c la rc a ^ i t3 , ” w h ich -w as the ta rg e t o f a n a l­ta c k W ednesday In w hich 135 of " th c en em y w ere Wiled.

T h e a tta c k s In T ay N inh P ro v ­ince a n d intelligence , repo rts of o th e r enem y forces m aneuver­ing in the a re a brought m assive B52 s trik e s . Of 10 ra id s b y ' the b ig bom bers, in the p ast 24 hours, n ine w ent Into T ay Ninh P ro v in ce and some 800 tons ot bom bs fell on the principal infil­tra tio n rou je tow ard Saigon. 70 m iles to tHe southeast.

W hile T a y Ninh Province w as th e scen e of the heav iest action, U .S. head q u a rte rs repo rted m o re fighting In the northern p ro v in ces an d th ree helicopters a n d a U.S. M arine Je t w ere shot

.dow n th e re . F o u r of the helicop­t e r c rew m en and tw o M arine flie rs w e re killed, end tw o hell-

_____c o p te r CK w m en w ere wounded.

Im p o r ta n c e O f A v ia tio n I s S tre s s e d

SUN VALLEY, Idoho (A P ) r - • A eria l tran sp o rta tio n Is a basic a n d g row lna need In developing .

- th e m ountalnoua P ac ific N orth ­w est, av ia tion conferonca dele- ■ g ate* h e a rd today. - "‘‘•A viation Is becdrning increase .

...........Ingly Im p o rian t'to Idaho and thenorthw c.stern s ta te s and tho

_______ prov ln ces-an d -Ie rrlto ilcso f-C an -atlBr” bald -Idaho-G ov . Don W. Sam uelson . welcoming de legates ' to th e an n u al m eeting of Ihc In- ' te rn a tio n a l J^orthwest Aviation ; Cniincll. I

•T h e ro a r e a Jot o f mountain* ' ous reg ions between us, and dif­ficu lt ro a d bulldlnR condltlonH.. ] }^ai1 sc rv ice Is dim inishing. M ore and m o re oiir s ta tes nnd prov­inces an d te rrito rie s hnyc had 10 lu rn lo a i r transpo rta tion ," ho .‘•aid, j

" I t w c m s to me ihoi use of ] av ia tion In tho hufto a rea reb^ rc.scntcd here today h lstnrlcally ,

, • hns been one of the mnln reu- ( Kons for tho developm ent of ou r | rcspecUvfl reg ions.'' I

.Snmnelson said w hen vcrllcnl . . . . --takC'Off an d ja n d in g a irc ra f t a rc

pprfccted "av iation acllv ltlcs i will expand cnormouHly. 1 would i Miy thoro Imlnn] a brigh t fu lu rr fo r av iation .*'

On Iho .Saturday p rogram for tho two-ciny m eeting h an eve*

'n in g luldrcsfl by S. Alan Doyd, ' Jiflcrclary of llie federal D epart- ] m cn t o f T rnnsporlation . '

Aiioul I.W dolpgutes from Ida- i ho, OrO|{i)ii, W nshlnglon, A laska, , M ontnnn. N orlh D akoln, A lhcr- , lu , llr lllbh Columhln, Saakoich- | ew an and NorlhwCHt T errllo rlea , w em to a tten d today 's opening ' session . I

Little Bl' L litle cowboys Iwgan arriv ing

In T w in Fnlla Friilny Jol_U jc lute-aeBNOii M ttlo nuckaroo Uo-

' . doo fliKjnaorcd by tho Jaycccs.J Tho- firm iwrlormoiico Is al

R tonlfjht n t I 'ro n llc r F ield. Con- 'hrnlnni-i,. In n s ° lo

com o from ihrounhoui l«laho A ixl Home even comu from olhor sin lcs.

.Saturday there n re two ahows, tho f irs t a t a p.m . and the aec- ond a t 8 p .m ., bolh a t F ro n tie r I 'le ld .

[ T h ere w ill be a pn radeth rough downlowu Twin Falla

< a t noou .Snlurday. Tho p arad e " w lli ond III F ron tie r Field,'; ' Tho fira l two porforiiiancea ' . a ro fo r a re a candldiiloa, and Ihe V' finni iMirformunce la Ihe Idaho ? S ln lo Championship, t Trophleti will bo aw arded by \ rodeo p roducer Durnlce Uunsok- I e r o d ro m o n lo n , U U h, '

her — -Bekend ■ m

ose H jH H H

E nem y - -N,. v 'JMf flooded

Cambo- I lost a t ^ .In alm ost T ■I well de-cse fron- J •

orces lo- Ind in ad- I of- their m bers ofg renade .

t f - ^ t h e rs of bat- mn.

arted r —and IOO ' '

an .Green : ■.le cam ps

e 'cam ps a t u jeIOC T an, H ’/, enem y B . . - , " I

b a rrag e J re on the .......

l” c a p i t3 , th e p r e s ld ^ l ’s banquet af~tHe~i 9f a n al- tion a re , from le f t,. Vicki D c Fc ch 135 c f --------------------------------------------------

Parley Ponderedlan^EUver- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. * m assive (A P )—S upport g rew am ong

Is b y the le s se r m em bers of th e Unit- past 24 e d Nations today for a Big

ray N inh F o u r isummit m eeting pro- J tons o t posed by S ecretary-G eneral ipal Infil- ^ T han t In an e ffo rt to rc- aigon, 70 <luce E ast-W est tensions and '

le ssen the th re a t o f nu c lea r * Ince w as w ar. . , ^s t action, *^ero w as no ImmedI- ‘repo rted reaction from th e Bign o rthern F o u r—the U nited S la tes , Ihe I

•licoplers Soviet Union. B rita in and s were shot F ra n c e —lo TTianl’s suggcs- s J hellcoo- t'O " foreign m lnis-» M arine du ring th e c u r re n t ttw o hell- G e n e ra l. A ssem bly to /

f u n d e d . j S S .‘a 'l 'te™ '' \T h an t in h is an n u al re p o rt I

o f the assem bly T h u rsd ay . _ ; 0 n igh t nccused both th e Unit- ' ,

e d S tates and th e Soviet i Union of resorting to s lro n g t ,

U a r m m ethods w hen they felt ,^ th e lr security th rea tened . ^ '

i-BS Nixon SeelIc N orlh-

“ In Deep Sc0 and the - : • • ..................... •*"----------------

« o f c i n - g y The Ahsoclatc d P re ss _ r ., Don W. R epublican R lchnrd M. Nixon t de legates cam paigned aga inst th ird -p arty 1 of Ihe In- llircn t G eorge C. W allace in the Aviation by argu ing a vote

fo r W allnco would i>e a vole fo r I H ubert i l . H um phrey. 1

*nd dir* Nixon snid tho en tire South r nn.llitnn« sh o iild n 'l."so Off,on a tlilrd par- i ina Morp becnusc W nllaco cnn- /

nol be elecled. He sa id th e only f hftu/v question Is w hether W allace can ( .rtn iinn ■■ cnough votes to deny him or n a tio n , H um phrey a m ajo rity nnd force (

. th e election Inlu thu lIou.se of • Jl use of Rcnrcfientatlvcs. ,area rcb* vole In llils pa rt of lhe j sto rically country . . . for W allnre Is iic- , nnin reu- iun i|y n vole fo r llum n h ro y ," ml of ou r N ixon said, "bccniiso one thing ,

Is for sure , H um phrey cannot1 vertica l win these stnlcs, I can.'* { rc ra ft a ro M eanwhile, W allace head- ' nclivllles q u n rte rs tn Alnbnmn snld re- | '. 1 would p o rts of a rom ance betw een thca b righ t fo rm er governor and a p rc liy

hlondo cnnipulgti w o rk er w cro 'g ram for »n ln ie nnd ca lcu la ted to 'a an eve* <lnmngo" his cnm palgn. Aidesan Doyd dism issed ' Inst ill D enartl becauso of h c r “ e fra llc II u e p a r t- ,

flnm •>'onde, M iss Ja -N een I1 A^nNka nn n d ven ls lng: A ll . . ; aKi-'ncy In Indtanapolls, I rd ,, I

I *'''® travclln ii full- t? r ? S n r S <>'» t h A a m - I. i l w onldn 'l ob- I I opening c c t to being Ihe next M ra. Wal- «

a c c ." _____________ t

Buckaroo BI a rriv ing Y oungsters who lake p a r i ih ( ' fOL_Ujc Sftlurdnyla-pacado w lll-ge t free ! laroo U». ilcke ls to tlio-rodco, i t w as re- (

Jay cccs. po rted . T here Is ultio a queen i ice Is a t contest and qiicon canditia tea t leld. Con- “ '■e nsked to ho a t F ro n tie r I ngo 7 lo i 'lc ld aboiil t) n .m . Snlurday fo r I ou t Idaho tryouU . , ^rom o thor In cnmpclllloii tonight a l 8 a t I

F ro n tie r Field u rc: Pony bare- ' vo ahows, bacK flra t section: Ronnie Irish,I the aec- C huck Dnyhoff, Don H aney, Gin-

F ro n tie r dy Prcacoll, Robbie O ran t nnd | M onte T u rn e r: second Hocllon, 1

p a rad e G ary M iller, Sheri PrcHcotl, Tod c vin Falla MeHHorsmllh, Tom m y Irish . \ e p a rad e W ade FrescoU and Slu«\c M eek- I Neld.' o r; ih lrd aecllon, Chrla Dnyhoff, i o n n an ces Shane Proscoll, M onle Webb, I I, and Iho Scotl G rant, Jy le Aiidoraou and the Idaho C nrl M erkle. i

R opers; G ary Mlllor, Tom I nrded by Irlnh, Monle Webb, Curlla G ran t ( a U unsak- and Shane P resco tt. I

C a lf roping, f ir s t »ectlon,


„ ---------------;C 5 - n O i l

f a lO n . J u U a b; B o i s e , I J a H o

______ . _ ~

' M•__________________ _______________ T O

f c - —

TOUCHES en - a i^ a i 'r a we t m eiit le r — < et a f lR e ’ annual Idaho F lo ris ts Associa- • icki D c F o rd , N orm a C randa ll and Jen c

ered Florists Giam ong ____

For State" t o ° r ^ A pproxim ately 200 p e o p l e aj ns and cxpcctcd a t the 36th annu- ol lu c le a r Idaho F lo r is t’s Association

convention a s ' reg istra tion be- j Timed!- F rid ay a t th e Holiday Inn. ie B ig The convenlion will conlinue n; es, th e through S a tu rd a y with many Si n and s p e c i a l design schools and si juggcs- speakers fea tu red . s( m inis- Tlte p re sid en t’s banquet and

:u r re n t ball w lll be h e ld S aturday night si ibly to following th e election of new h le to p - , officers th a t a fiernoon. Daryl

D ryden, Twin F a lls , is tlie pres- „ re p o rt Ident th is y e a r . K

- - A barbecue a n d dance w ere n cV.l'.L* scheduled,,,for tonight a t Blue

n ^ Lakes C ountry Club. iVv Following a b re a k fa s t Satur- . ned ■' m orning, th e group will he 1

welcom ed by R a y Rostron, man- ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- J

5eeks Votes ) South 1

ni- iH iim p lirc iL look .iiis .cam pn ic ii ‘I;

M Nixon lo the W est c o a s t w h c re -h e V lird ,party promised m ore prosperity for ce in thc Amcrica. _ . hig a vote Tho D em ocrntlc nomineo said jl

vole fo r there w ere th ree recessions dur- fr Ing the y ea rs Nixon w as vice T

re South president In the la s t Ropublicnn D lilrd par- adniinlalruiioii. I le snld. "When aco cnn- Americans volP on prosperity, I o th e only nm confklent they will give us n b

llace can c lear call for m ore of it,'* ly him o r Portland , H um phrey ncciiK- a' »nd forcc c(| R ichard M. Nixon lo<liiy of U House of " |„ek „f r«-.s|K‘Ct for the Inielll- ir

. , genre nf tbe A inorlciin pviblle" - •t of lhe i,y I,Hiking a( tho idoa of n re h ac- round of noiHelevlsed dcbaieH.

Ht'forc leav ing San I'runci.-ico k i rn S iM f" ’’ I’orllaiul, th c D em ocratic 'f, presldenlial fantllilnti* appeared 1

head- ' ' television pro- fcni.i ri.. Iirnin and . w as about to leave

w/./.n the " ir when Hh; m oderaior said « nrM V »'0 Jvw rec t’Wed n rcpt»rl ” ;<i«r w.To from Kenlucky tha t Nixon hiid ' u la ted to « jc c lc d the debn ic Idea. ,,;n. A ides Asking perm ission to coin- o sed ' Inst m enl. the vice president then p * '^ r a l lc lounchril Inlo a rebu tia l—purl

of which he add rrnacd d lreclly F Ja -N een to Nixon, tn

Iverllsing I'o r exam ple, H um phrey sold m Is. I rd ,, tha t If tlw U rpu lillm n preslden- m MIiib full- tinl noinlnei would n«i| debaie p t h w a m - him, "hnw d r you think you're J id n 't ob- going lu fa re u p lo leaders uf si lira, Wal- o ther m unirle^ vohen ihelr na- h

tlonsi lnicrc<is . ' ta involved," m

o Rodeo Op(5 p a r t ih Churk D #\hf//f, Monte Turner, li -g e t free Sheri- f u tb in h . Itnbbio G rant. J : wan r«- C u rtlt ( i r a r r a n d Ronnie IrUh. a queen and secon'i neriion. Twi Me»»er* J

Qndldaiea amilh, Tom m y Irish , G ary Mil- b F ro n tie r ler, Shane M eeker. Rodney Cut- ^

irday fo r h ln h , T erry Roblirall. .Scoil o ' (irnm , Vicki S harp , C hris Day- I-

It n l 8 a t holf. M onty C an tre ll and Munie vmy bare- Wobb, i<nie Irish, K xlraa: Doug B utler. ^ ney, Cin- In com petition S a tu rday a t 2ra n t and p,m . a t F ro n tie r l-'lold a re : R

Kocllnn. Pony bareback , flra t Bocllon, Jo-icon. Tod ol Juker, Monle T u rner, Je ff n ' Irish , Word, Shane M eeker, Rickync Muok> M urray an d C indy • ProBwut; tl D ayhoff, second section, D ixie lildredgo,e Webb, M att R oberls, Shane P rcscoit, A raoii and Wnyno lin ffncr, Shorl P resco tt T

anu Je ff j 'nu to r. an d Ihlrd acc- N tr, Tom Ilon, Buddy Allen, Wade Pruu- hills G ran t colt, John M ead, N lnn Hanaen, I

R oln rl F o ste r a n d Jody Allen. L•ec tion , Ropers, PhIn i<oo. Buddy Al- w


3 •“ 14ah^ -S ta te-H -ls-tb r-i6'aX S o c .. J u U a b a v i a D r . • ., I J a H o 8 3 7 0 6 ^ r c o :

Magic Valley’s HoiT O I N F A L L S , ID A H O , F R ID A Y

r Associa- ebmmlTtee fo r the banquet whic and Jen olght.

ts Gather "ate Meet 1I p e o p l e ag e r of the Tw in F a lls Cham bcr "w 36th annu- of Com m erce. I

^ U o n ‘be" Letterm an, Indianapolis,liri-iw Inn * “ nationally known figure

day inn. flori.sts. will a c t a s com- ;II conlinue n icn ta io r fo r a design school dei VUh many S aturday m orning. F our top de- inn :hools and signers will be featu red in this gip

session. Vj(inquet aM The a rran g em en ts from this U.: arday night .session will b e displnycd a t the Na Dn of new Holiday Inn fo r th e public. his

'^>'1 >"clude a florists , ' JS Uie pres auction and Ihero will bo a

board of d irec to rs m eotlnfi fo r ^ lance w ere new and old B oard memberfl.It a t Blue _________________ H.

SpvfiuheAgriculturalslron, man- _ _ nj<

M e e tm g S e t 5» JS A t S u n V a lley !3l

SUN VALLEY - Fony-clfihl nn. fitnles w ill be rep resen ied a t the Is N alional A ssociation of S ta lo In D opartm ont.s-of' AgricuHure un- vie n u n lco n v en llo n w hich gels un- pk

i.cam pn icn ‘icj; w aiLSundny_eycning at_Sun hljw h c re -h e V alley .............................. ................— an

sperlly for According to S tanley Tren- hnilc, Boise, Idaho 's commlp- ne

mlneo said sioner of ag rlcu liu re . thc them e -’ U| isslons dur- for the convention, w1»lch ends t‘oI w as vice T hursday noon, will be “ New Republican Dimensions In A gricu ltu re." uld. "When -Mr. T runhaile a d d ed -th a t one rospcrliy, I of Ihe topics to Ik: discussed will y,II give us n bo federal and s la te relations. * M ore than 240 people wlll bo joi

lirey nccuK- attending iho mcclInK, Including *ii,n io<liiy of U.SDA personnel from Wnnhlng- "fthe inielll- ion, D.C. Sc,

;»n pviblle" -------------------------------------------------------idea or a

d dcbalCH. O 1 • ■, 1 r „ n c l i . „ bW ltclllllK t-en t(Dem ocratic ^ -■ «

vS7!l B u j U I u _CastlefI

swilchlni; cen te r In CiiHllelord Nixon liiiU ^^j|| ij, O ctober, according fie

lo W arren Snunders. jnnn iiger m: I to fdin- of thu M ountain S tales Telo- ncvldcnt then pi,nno Co. inlu tia l-p iir t n a r l Peck Constructlnn, Twjn telcd d lreclly F alls. Is the cn iltrnctor for llie tn

«inc-story building to bo liKated cmiphrey said m) Ronjo Avenue, ac ross the dlin preslden- u r e e t (rom tho presen t tele- tonol d rbaie phono building. 1liink you 're 'Iho building wlll be con- noleaders uf siruclcd of concrelo blockn and gn

r» Ihelr na- brick, and wlll provlilu ^00 coivoived," iq iin re feel o f npaee. Ihillding de

Opens Here ■lie Turner, len. M att Ro'lierls, Jnck LIslo, Ihl tbio G rant. Jody Allen and Wobb I.inie.' Pr mnle IrUh. Culf riding, first scction, Joel Im fcKl Messer* Juker, H arlan V undenbarki'K cl-' Lli

G ary Mil- ly M inton, fvlonte Turnor, .Shano j lodney Cul- Mcekor and R icky M urray ; sec- rail. Seoil ond w ctlon , Wayno Huffnur, Je ff C hris Day- l-nncr, .loe W ard. M nrlln Nn- ( and Munie vak, Hurlan i^llnn and M att jn

Riilwrts, and th ird secllon. Jody r Altcn, Robert I 'on ter, Kylo An- |^(urday nt 2 dcrson, Nlnn Hnnscn, Buddy Al- bq, 1-lold a re : Icn and John M end. |,y■ection, Jo- K xlraa: S heri C ulblrlh , Rod- Ri irner, Je ff ney C ulblrlh and Doug Huller. wr ler, Ricky iSnlurday a l H p .m . a l F’ron- ' • ProBcolt; tier I'lc ld ; Tli

) Hldredge, Pony bnret>ack, firs t secllon. P i D I'rcsco it, Alnn l.nncnstcr, D andy Godby, Hr rl P resco tt T n tdy Harbor, Russoll IliKlkln, so I Ihlrd acc- Mike Hrlckson and Tood Hol- an Vndo P ru u -h u rk ; second scction, Kevin ‘ ' nn Hnnscn, U ncqM cr. _ D irk _ G o d b y .. W ebb ia Jody Allen. Lisle, Von Bodkin, Sieve Cald- bo B uddy Al- weii a n d D anny L aG roy , and ch

Go ^ r c o a p *

y’s Home NewspaperiO , F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R 27 , 1968

li_i5_C 7lM riU 4a_oI,lhe_lflbiQ _d6cow iionn ' banquet w hich w iil be- beld S a tu rday

Newsman To Take

::::u.N. Postown figurec t a s com- WASHINGTON (A P) - P resl- ign school den t Johnson has nam ed Wash- )ur top de- P ost editor J . R . Wiffred m this gins, a strong supporter o f his

V ietnam policies, to fili in as from this U.S. am bassado r to the Unilcd

ycd a t the N ations In the w aning w eeks ol public. his adm inistration, s a florists W iggins rep laces v e te ran d ip will bo a >omat G eorge W. Bali w ho aul! -iccllne for T hursday to Join the cam palgr lemberfl. of Vice P residen t Huberi___ H. Humphrey.

Ball bowed out a fte r only five I m onths a l the U.N. W iggins is

[ r a i expccicd to serve only tho foui m onths until a ncw presidepi

2 ^ - f - chooses his own envoy n ex t Jan- uary.

W iggins. 64, who roso from t on “ country v-cckly ir

d i l C y M innesota to guide Tho W ash ington P ost as m anaging edltoi

Forty-eight and ed ito r Ihe Inst two decades, nied a t the Is largely nn unknown quantity

of S ta le In w orld arrair.s_ w ithout p re cuKure an- vIouH -experiehee In -fo re lg n -d l h gels un- plom ncy. But Johnson, p ralsec ling a t-S u n hls,judgm cnl,-lils.-under£iandln{------— • and^ils-hum on-eom pnsalon;-------lley Tren- W iggins >yas dc.scrlbcd by hi? I commiff- new spaper today a s " a s tau n c l tho them e -supporter of tho adm inistra-

vhlch ends lion 's position on Ihe V icinair be “ New w ar," Hc retired as edUoi

ilture " Im m ediately upon accepting tht i)w.( nn.. appolntm eni.

” |„ Thc ncw am ba.ssndor flew tc W ashington from his aum m oi

rc ia iion .. M aine to m eet wllhplo will llo J „ |, ,„ „ „ tlio Whlto lio n s.

Including Timrfiduy nlghl, Wiggins said, t WaHhing- " I ),n,j „ presidential commis- __________ .See U. N. POST, P ag e 2 Col I

; C e n te r T o ’B e C astlefo rd S o o nonslructlon .schedules call fnr Ihe s lruc tu ri

lelenhonc to In- ciimpleled by Dec. 1. CiiHllelord Inslallation of new cen tra l of

, according ficii nwltching c<|uipment wll , jnnn iiger (H:cur n t thal tim e, w ilh thi a les Telo- ncw cen te r going Inlo operatlo i

in ' I'cbriiary , lOQO. Castlefor< ;tinn, Twjp telephono numborn will changi lor for tile to ncven digit nuihlicrA w ith Uii bo liKated conversion, nnd a ncw telephoni

iicroHs the d irec to ry will bo delivered prloi :scn t tele- to llm c.ut-over.

M r. S .iunders noted th a t Ihi be con- now sv/ltchlng cen te r relieve:

blockn nnd grow th prcsnuro and re flec ts th< •oviile 400 com pany 's fallh In ihn futuri ». Hullding dovelnpm enl of Iho nren.

gre Tonightlack LIslo, th ird secllnn, Jnck Lisle, Ki'nI.lfiie.' PruoU , Iluilily Allen, Jody Al

•ctlon, Joel len, Jndo Roblnseoii and Ja c iiibiirki'Kel-' LIfile.nor. .Shane R„pors, Jack Lisle, J . T . Roeirray ; sec- sco tt Griffith, Grog Caldwellt tffn o r 'Jo lf W alt Ireland nnd Wehb I.lsle>1nnin No- c „ |f fopin,;, first (iecllon, Jooand M ou Lane WlllianiB, Dnndj

cllon. Jody Godby, M arti Hodley, To< v f a)‘ Moony, Gordon Gibson; secom

Buddy Al- Bocllon, G ary Miller, D irk God Ity, W ebb LIslo, Scott G riffith

)lrlh. Rod- R obert Colo and R ichard Cald lUg Duller, wnll.. a t l''ron- T hird section, Scott Jenson

T im F arrcJl, HuiWy Alien, Kon s l secllon, P ruo lt, Jack Lisle and NIni idy Godby, Hnrisen, nnd ex irns, Ted M orrl Dll IliKlkln, son. Buddy Allon, Jody Allei Tood H o l-n n d Jndo Rohinsnn,

nn, Kevin ‘ The progrnm for ench even ib y . . W cbb ia subject to change iMcauiie o lleve Cald- bbos nnd en tries, JllU M eeker G roy, and cha irinan , announced^

i l i X S o c . ' ^

}aper1 27, 1968

I D ir k se I T o B at I In F o r

WASHINGTON (A P) - A pc- ! Illion to cu l off Senate deba te on

/ the' Abc Forlas nom ination was : filed loday a fte r Republican L eader E verett M. D irkscn de- t livered a heavy, blow to F o rtas’ |

chief justice.' M ajority L eader Mike Msns^ 1

field. D ^ o n l . , filed thc petition to invoke thc Senatc^s debate- , lim iting cloture ru le to ha lt a fil- : ibuster against his motion to !

. take up thc F o rlas nomination , for consideration.

A vote is lo be taken a t 1 . p.m ., Tuesday on thc, petition.

■ { ■ B To cu l off tho debate wl.ll take a Iwo-thirds m ajority of senators

f c - i m vtjttng. ■* .Dirkscn, in a sw itch of his

rom Jionf p ruvious'ipognion, .i&ia nfiwiimstiS a tu rday he would not vole for cloture.

And he left open w helher he still favors confirm ation of F o rtas .

TKe petlUon filed by Mans- field hnd the sig n a tu re s of 23

I S J I I senators, 16 D em ocrats and 7 Republicans. Only 16 signers w ere required by the rules.

^ D irkscn w as initially an oul-. spoken supporter of President

Johnson’s nom ination of Fortas to succccd Chief Justice E arl

I r W arren.| | C | And although D irkscn voted

V with th e m ajo rily of the Senate Jud iciary C om m ittee in approv-

>\ _ P rc s i the nom ination, he said mnH w -jch. ihcrc w as " a s tr ic t undcrsland- r T> u / i« . log in the com m ltlee th a l. the

f vote d id not bind anybody.” fill I n a l Word lha t D irkscn will nol

»>,<. TiniinH volc to put the Scnatc’s debate- i w e c S of lim iting cloture ru le Into effect ig wecKs 01 brought -from M ajority Leader

Hin. M ansfield. D-M ont., theill w ho auTt '^ “ c^lon th a t *’lt su re as hell L cn m o aT n wlU" m ake It m ore d ifficult to

u n h ifrt b reak a filibuster by opponents, lent HuDcrt opponent of the nomination r*p nnlv five 0" resum ption of deba te lodny

called for P re sid en t Johnson to llv th o ^ Q u r w ithdraw th e nom ination and

„ presen t position a s associately n c x t J a n - on the high court, which

trnm • ne h a s held slnco 19C5.^ ^ n J iv In "T ho Blalure of th e cou rt has Tho W asE dem eaned a lread y by the

monum enlnlly poor Judgm ent ifrl dl-splayed by the P residen t of

’ Iho United S tates and by-Justice 1 ™ F o r u , slnco hl» o .oooslon to «

f S g n - d l - sentr^on .thQ. Suprcm o^C ourt.! ' lon. p ra ised . .= M oIyW ^“ a staunchndm lnistrn- ' "T"./'sr Miners L:ceptlng thc

io r flew to ["■'Is sum m er fm eet w llh [

hite Houso Igglns said , ; 'nl com m is- . , .............................Ige 2 Col I ;

n '

le s tru c tu re ^Dec. 1.’ ccn trn l of-Rinent will i • -. w ith th e ^0 opera tion . ■ • • i .

C astleford ,wlll chan g e ]!r« w ith tho {w telephono | . ivered p rio r

;d lh a t tho jo r rellovcH ;reflec ts tho •Ihn fu tu re }

n ren . |

f h t

Lisle, Kcmt _______________ ______________I, Jody Al-1 and J a c k m*

, J ,T . 'R o e ,< C aldw ell, U ' ’ > 'Vohb Lisle. | f l ^ 'iccllon, Jo e l V * ' \mn, D andyidley. Tod F j U i mion; second ', D irk God* n-)tt G riffith , chard Cald*

Jenaon ,K ent Nino

M orrl- Jody Allen

ench event ' A HELICOPTER under- coni iMcauiie o f -R eflnlnR COf-h«uls-«-4(0-iiiound

llii M eeker, th e WhHe Cloud a re a io u th of Is t i a t C a id e Peak .

_____• , - f r

se n R efu ia ck C lo t o r ta s F ui— A pc- Scn. Clifford P . Hansen, R- si( Icbatc on Wyo.. sa id in a prepared be ilion was speech. »■ Jhi:publican in ano ther prepared speech. “ •kMn de- the leader of lhe fight for confir- Jh' J F o rtas m ation defended F o rta s ’s par-

-riduaUun ln-nillTiEi> oil obi^ctilll- ty and acciiicd his critics of dis- sli

ce M3ns= to n in g this role;■ Sun- Philip A. H art. D-Mlch.,h-iif n fn efforts to b ran d F o rtas as a th !t.!« . purveyor of d irty m ovies nre as in m nMinn "obsccnc and dfslasteful as thc ‘ c

>mmation them selves." vcken a t 1 "Som e of Ihe public m ay have hc

netiiinn achieved' th e e rroneous im pres- th 'ill lake a ^

sona to r. _ _ . . . J . V

h of his I i l I J ^ | T

r cloture.

fSGoal Is $:Is and 7> signers Twin F a lls United Fund board I< ules. set th is y e a r 's goal a t $85,000

during its m eeting F riday m om - 0 P resident ing a t tho Depot Grill. lr? iL I t w as noted lh a t the agencies s;tice E arl involved need a m inim um of ^

5102,501 to fulfill responsibilities h fo r the yea r. The board took ^

„ th is under advisem ent, but feltIt would be an e r ro r a t this-tim e “ to ra ise th a t m uch m oney In a

th ^ t S com m unity th a t h a s ra ised a « ^ tn a i . the m axim um of $68,000 in the past.

will nol cam paign slogan is "Y our . :’s T b a £ H elp Help B ut Help.” J into effect B r . T had Scholes, d rive chair- t ly L eader m an, ind icated th e cam paign- Is j. lo n t., the be tte r o rganized th an in the j e as hell P“s t. T h ere a r e 30 p e r cont ilfflcult to m ore people w ork ing , on tho c opponents, d rlvo th a n In p a s t yea rs . t lom lnailon T he cam paign klckoff ta t >ate lodny scheduled fo r noon M onday a t t rohnson to tho E lks Club. ' talion and Harold T . Nelson, Boise, will

from his bo the featured speaker. He is t associate regional d irec to r for th e B ureau t

urt, which of R eclam ation for the w estern I sta tes . M r. N elson served ns

cou rt has cha irm an of tho "G rea te r Boise dy by the U nited F und” d rive In 1066 and Judgm ent w as president o f f tc l r United t

esident of F und orgonlznlloji in_10C7._He I by-Justice l.s also al'ate cha irm an of 1 nsloti to a "D ucks U nlim ited" and w as s o^C ourt.! ' prC3idBot:'6f "tho ^-University o f (

rT)osit"Proi)?d~ ~'s Dig A t Cast

. . ' ' \ • J i l f

\ :i , S

' d

. . . . . . ~ n

w - <' ■ k

L f ' Vr

' ' ' u l i <■ t



under- conlrAet (o A m erican Sm elting a n d <l i-4 (0 - i^ n d lend of m ln ln f equipm ent Into I: a aouth o t C^iytoa. T be d rilling operation ' ^



. T E N C E N T S

j f u s e s

l o t u r e

? u s snsen, R- sion th a t Ju stice Fortas has p repared been an approving viewer of

*. Jhcse film s ," Hu-ri sflid.- "But I speech certa in ly all of lhe public has o r confir- the m ore accu ra te Impression • a s 's par- 'h a t sen a to rs ,' however right- _ 1 obsccnl- o tia iy d is approviiiA. have* t^ i i ^ . i cs of dis- slipping in lo innumerable pri­

v a te show ings."_ . F o rta s sided w ith the majorl- D-Mich., ty In s ev e ra l technical rulings

Drtas as a th a t rev ersed lower cou rt flnd- e.s nre as ings tha t som e films w ere ob- ul as the scene. Opponents have m ade his

votes a m a jo r issue and have m ay have held view ings of the film s in . s im pres- the ir b id to gather support.

r ' • ji 1 * n ■ *i

[s $85,000und board Idnho alum n! group In 1962. a t $85,000 A proclam ation designating day m om - October a s United Fund m o n th .I. In Twin F a lls will also be pre-e agencies sented a t tho meeting. M ayor nlmum of Egon Kroll has issued the proc- onslbllllies lom atlon to Bob D ay, United o a rd took Fund president. . t. but felt A'* w orkers and chairm en a re t thIs-tim e urged to a itend the M onday loney In a luncheon. Gordie Shaw wili a c t

ra ised a m a s te r of cerem onies end a- 1 the p a s t p rise will be given, n lc «'Vni.F D uring the F riday m orning

session Jo h n R oper, chairm an ,®‘P - . , of Ihe spec ia l gifts section, sa id

rive c h a l^ th e sec tion Is w ell under w ay. impalgn- is having k icked off several days m in the ago.

p e r cen t j a c k Muldoon, who heads the ig . on tho com m erc ia l division, indicated •' e a rs , th e civ ic groups, service clubs <Ickoff ta an d m em bers- of - th e agenciea Monday a t a r e g iving trem endous support

to thia y ear 'f l.d rive. %Boise, w ill Roy R oper-to id the bo a rd hla ker. He is p lans fo r - re p o r t m eetings to be lhe B ureau held r e jt i la r ly a f te r tha kickofffio w eslern M onday. .........................served ns i . - ■ ia te r Boise NEW TON SENTENCED n 1066 and OAKLAND. Calif. (A P )-H u e y c lr United Newton, leader of the Black i_10C7._He P-anthors,-wns-«entenced-to-2 to — Irm an of 15 y ea rs In prison to d a y fo i* ' and w as slaying a .w hile policem an la s t

iversity of O ctober. - ------ ----------- ^


M m H Tim es-News Correapondcnt 9 | B ^ H CLAYTON—Amorlcan Smell- H n H H Ing nnd Refining Co. Is probing I g j l ^ g beneath the carlli's aurface a t B B H I M the very base ot H,820-foot-hlgh p a H r M n Castle. P eak for the mlnerol,

m olybdenite.J ^ ^ S B . . . . . . T h o -m ountain . lo o m d rf r t- th e ^

Whilo Cloud rango 20 a ir miles . flouthwe.st o f Clayton In C entral

Amerlcnn Smelting /.i,(iSg and Refining Co. crew hos been

i')Y»^-i>a dlnmond drilling aince Belting up com p Insl Mny 15,

K ™ W illiam G. Salisbury, Spokane, WrtBh., BcologlM In charge, snld

t f r £*1*^ w ay to goto dcierm ine whnt ll hos there.

Thb firm , one of the Jnrges(■ f'.; mining, sm elling and refining

com panlea In the world, w lln ‘ ' i hcauquarlern In Now York City,' V . ' Is conducting Its flrat fully hefl-

' ' -■ ■; cop ter supported operation in > the P ac ific Noclhwcnt.

Crews nro working aa high • : ; ‘ i ,, ',i a s 0,400 fool olovnilon. In on

, a re a ni lhe bane of Castle P eak , , around B akor Lake and the E a s t - - r

' . F o rk of Little Boulder C reekr '- All m en and supplies a ro flown

' j U from a ba.se a rea 12 a ir miles aw ay on Ihe E a i t Fork of the

" • ■‘‘W Sulm on R ivor. The helicopter tr ip takes 12 mlnutea up and

V l 0 2 f l m inutes back. The>aame Irlp• b y -fo rca t“ tm U ~tnkes’"neorIy ft—day.' Salisbury aald the firm does not w ant to allem pt to construc t

l y f U M 0 road Inlo the a rea until i t knowfl th o t Ihore Is enough m ineral to support a road.

Thn helicopter is flown by R, E. NokeR, Seatite, and ia

■ y ^ n undor co n trac t from Aero Com* ■ ■ ■ ■ m erclal Coptera, a helicopter

scrvlce, nlso of Seattle. Nokes flew J n the mining an d . camp* site equipm ent and brings In m en and nupplles.

0(1 flights nuti-be < hauls th e can ip 'n .garbage , a p ratllcA

' which has draw n the praise o t the U.S, F o re s t Service.

M arvin Larson, Clayton Dls*■ ■ tr ic t fo rest ran ae r on Whoio

King a n d d is tric t tho drilling operation nent Into in taking placo, aald the corn*

/ ■ • 'I . r

Page 2: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

, - ... ,_1____________ b . i - _ z _ _

2 , Twin Foils Tlmes-News Fri

DailyF r o m T l m e s - N e w s 2 4 - H o u r V

T e m p e r a t u r e s

_____ Gci

, N a t i o n a lHieh Low P r . Snlur

Albany, cloudy 74 44 . . Os nA lbuquerque, c lea r 83 51 . . Hav (A tlam a. c l o u d y . . . 80 59 . . .B ism arck , c lea r . . . 67 37Boston, cloudy ........ 70 .61 .01Buffalo, cloudy 62 53 . . ,|,g ^C hicago, c lea r ........ 61 53 •• and iC incinnati, c lea r . . . 74 51 . . 6'

• C leveland, cleac . . 66 43 . . ^ e a tD enver, c lea r .......... 80 43 . .D es M oines, c lea r . . 73 51 ^D etroit, c le a r ........ 68 43 . .R o rt W orth , c le a r .. 81 56H elena, cloudy ........ 73 42 . . xh<Indianapolis, c lear • 77 44 . . c r SJacksonville , c lear . S7 71 . . jng aK ansas C ity, d e a r . 80 52 - t},,, jLos A ngeles, cloudy 88 63 . . 15 jh,Louisville, c le a r -^ .. 76 53 . .

, M em phis, c lea r . . . 78 54 . . condl■ M iam i, cloudy ........ 81 73 3.29 ju rfaV M ilw aukee, c lea r . . . 64 47 . . th e f i

M pls.-St. P ., c lear . 69 39 . . ji,New O rleans, c lear 78 68 ^

O m aha, c le a r 78 51 . . ^Phoenix, c l e a r ........ 101 68 . . yallc'P ittsbu rgh , c lear . . 69 47 . .P tlnd , M e., cloudy . 73 55 . .P tlnd . Ore., c lear . . 73 50 . . 'Rapid City, c lear . . 75 44 . . . q_i„R ichm ond: cloudy . . 86 63 . . ,St. Louis, c l e a r ........ 77 48 oc^uiSalt Lk. C ity, c lea r . 77 45 . .San Diego, cloudy . . 80 60 . . ihjg ,San F ra n ., c lea r . . . 66 51R a tt le , cloudy ........ 66 49 . .T am pa, .c lear ........ 86 74 . .•WashlnBton. c lea r . . 81 55 . . g

j f l a s k a T C a n a d a J

C algary ...................... 62 40 MrE dm onton ..................61 39 pouiiM ontreal ........ .......... 64 51 ^ a nO ttaw a ........................ 63 52 DaleR egina ........................61 41 p ranToronto ...................... 59 45 c a y lW innipeg .................... 63 38 colwV ancouver .................. 65 49 BureAnchorage . . . . . . . . . 51 46 .01 mqo'F airb an k s .................. 49 38 zumJuneau ........................ 49 45 .10Honolulu .................... 85 75 .17 Kele

-------- Wen

I d a h oH IghL ow P r.

A berdeen .................... 74 33B ea r L a k o ..................C8 34 D(£ o lsc ............................81 S2 M rsBuhl .............................. 74 48 (jnujBurley ........................ 77 40 Nor:C astleford .................. 7.-5 43 FallF airfie ld ...................... 74 30 MidH ailey .......................... 72 43 LyleIdaho F alls ................ 74 39 a rdK im berly .................... 76 38 ReyLewlstoii .................... 77 51 son.M alad .......................... 78 37M ountain H o m o ........ 80 50 ScR uoert ........................ 78 37 MrsSoda Springs .......... 73 20 MrsT w in F f tK s ................7a « . Fall

Red Cap Cdrrifi =^recedea By 2-

K IM BERLY — Red C ap Cor- four nor, w hich ntflclnlly opened to dent trn fflc F riday , .wnn the scene n nf a iw o-car collision Thursday pent nflprnnon, accordinc lo I d n h o |{. S tale Policc. 52, ]

O fficers said .that (wn of thc ]oqo

u . N . P o s t "

(Continued F rom I’aro One) {„nj Blon nnco hefori!—In Ihc Unllsd app S lates A rm y Air Cnrpn, I 'm ac- ters cep tlna Ih is one In iho snme jTor •plrlt,'* O

Johnson stressed thnt Dnll |n t w as rcaiRning becauso of oio dom estic j>otItIcs, not bpca»<se of p nnv hrcnk over forclfdi policy. clo

iinll lold n Sintn D epartm ent jnn ro w s confcrenco tlits nt'xt prcsl- dent m ust have "s(!llled prlncl- m |, pies nnd d e a r vision." Iio .^nid n H um phrey Is Mtcli a m tiir nnd ed Repuhllcnn nominee R ichard M. veh Nixon is nol. Jo ,

A rlhu r CiotdhrrR, the fIrHl m nn Johnson hnd nnmcd tn the ^ Unlipd Nation*, ncknowlrd-icd P j differences over Vleinnm when he stopped dnwn Inst April, \ T Goldherrt nlso joined Ihe Ihini- phrey lenm Tliursdny. Hn will g 1)0 civ-chnlrman of tho Nnllonnl Ooi C ltlrens Cominltteo for Hum- hy phrey-M usklo while llall will ns nerve a s Iho D em ocratic nomi- for iieo’s (orelRn affairs adviser. vac


(A P) — Secrotary-G eneral U up_____ T h an t -dl^Wosed - 'i 'h u rid ay he 1

wouhl nunio ii Kroiip of oxrterls l>ec to s ludy possihlo urten and ef- orn fecIa of cliemlcBl nnd haclorlo- n rr logical w eapons. pet

, ................. „ o r.................. ' ” ad ’

SUDSCRIP'flON RATIiS ra r T IIB TIMUS NEWS Tw in r * l h , Idaho T r

B y C ir r le r i ^ r m onlh v l(D ally & Sunday) . . . . 12,35 •*

B y M all CP a id in A dvanco on'(D aily & Stm day) wa

1 M onth ...................... I3.B0 u .f6 M onths ...................... 13.00 edi

1 Y o a r .......................... 23.00 IM ai) tfubacrlptlons accepted |o

o n ly w horo c a r r ie r delivery la nv« n o t .m ain ta ined , fm

.......................... iiiir Tl....... ...

- .r

- • • ___________ - .........

e w s F rid ay , S ep t. 2 7 , 1968

/ Weather Re,l-H o u r W e a th e r B u re a u W ire

es F o re c a s tG enerally fa ir todny Ihrough grecs,

Salurday w ilh variab le high per ocloudincss. Little tem perature incheschangc today; cooler nnd windy MagicSaturday. High today In tho 70s Weath

■ and low 80s; low tonight in thc cen t 1•• 30s and lower 40s; high Salur* gy La

• •• day 65 to 75. Probability of rain cen t1 near zero. Outlook Sunday: sun- 48; C

ny and continued cool. In Ihe and 1 •0* Cam as P ra irie , high today in tu res: •• the 70s; low tonight In tbo 20s four-it

' •• and upper 30s; high S aturday in 55; 2( , •• the 60s. At noon, th e Twin F alls 63-63;' •• W eather B ureau reco rded -70 de- and C I . . I, -------------

\ S um m ary , E x ten dI •• The surfdce high pressure ov- Surl• •• c r Southern Idaho is weaken- and r ; Ing a s a cold fron t m oves across m iles: ■ the In term ountaln region. There and IJ

• • I s little m oisture availab le with la te tthis system and p a rtly cloudy The

, ;* conditions w ith nn Increase In for a j1 JUa surface w inds will accom pany ho ai ' •• the front.^No rain fall is expected throug ! •• in the valleys. The outloDk for for so

',*• the w eekerft Js fo r s'unnj' skies urday ; bu t-a little cooletiw ilh^empe.ra,:' should

tu res neat’ the norm al. • — a few : I t will be cooler In w estern No pr’ •• valleys today and the rest of Soil : *■ Southern Idaho ^ tu r d a y as inch ’ •• tem pera tu res low er r to the 60s the m

•• and 70s on Sniurday. The lows leys ti *• tonight will ranRC from the mid- Even

’ •• 30s th ru the 40s w ith no frost tempe ! •• occurrence likely. tlie hJ* *• Low tem pera tu res reported valley ' •• this m orning In the potato-grow- crops •• ing a rea s of the upper Snake tivltie

' •• R iver Valley includes Rigby, 41; Vallc' J Kimberly, 37; R ockland, 35, and good ] ^ ^ Aberdeen. 33.____________________end.

•a M a g ic V a l l e y !„ Magic Valley Memorial St.

A dm itted0 M rs. T hom as W ojcik, M ark Mr: 9 Poulton, M rs. B ern ard Chap- Frani* m an. M rs. John Volkers, M rs. m an:2 Dalo Wilson, baby boy Alaniz, Davie1 F ranc is W alker, D a rry l Sharp, M orr 5 Gayle Atkinson. M rs. A lbert Rand ® Colwell, E lsie ' L lndgren, Mrs,9 Buren Johnson. M rs. H arry M r 5 .01 M oore, Cleo B a rlh and Dorolhy an d 1 8 Zum walt, all Twin Falls; Mrs.5 -IO Thom as P la tt . Gooding: J ill A 5 -17 Keley, K im berly; Je ffrey Hill, M rs.

W endell; M rs. A. L. Lillibridge,, F ile r, and Minnie R oberts, Ev- <

elyn F ingerson . M rs. Robert Pea rso n an d L illian Voeller, all M r Buhl. Jack

3 D ism issed LeRc DonaM H eller, D avid Vlclor, Mrs.

'2 M rs. J e r rv E nglem an n n d iS dnughter, Ntary I^ o S icvcrs and Mr10 N orm a H ernandez, a ll Twin Rudt 13 Falls; D ebbie S trlck ler, Buhl;!0 M ichael H elsley, C astleford; a 13 Lyle Nelson. E lko, Nev.; Rich- and 19 nrd Suhr. F ile r; M rs. Vcrdle icy.18 Reynolds S r.. and Claud Robert-tl son, Boise. JW17 Dlrlh^10 .'Jon.s w ere born to M r. and t_ 17 M rs. John V olkers nnd Mr. and19 M rs. T hom as P la tt , a ll Twin TnH*« W .F a l l s . •----------------------------------------------------------- -Mo

o rr ie r . O p e n in g 2 " 3y 2 - G a r C r a s h T{> Cor- four people Involved In the accl- A led lo dent received m inor injuries. scene They said tho accidcni hnp-

irsday pened when n nnrlh-bnund vehlc- „ ' n l ' o Ic driven hy Clnudln J . N orris, p- «

52, K lm herly, and a west-bound nf ‘I'C lOQO Ford d riven by Tonis Lee “ •'C'

Knight, K im berly, collided In “ "r.-

t . Ihe Intersection. , ”O fficers said Ihnt Miss Norris „

hnd slopped nl a slop sign, nnd s'„pr fulling 10 seo the Knlnht vehicle

LInlied nppronchlnK. pulled Into tho In- m nc- tersecllon Inlo tho pnih of lhe kqh sam e iTord. c.crn

^ O fficers snid thnl n hnrrlcnde Bn'l In tho rnnd possibly ohslrucicrt xh

0 «f Iho vision of both d rivers. -xan ;Mse of PnssonKors in the Norris vehl- Andt

. d o w ere Evn I.. N orris, 78, ond rlmcnt jnn lco N orris, 41. Eva Norris „

• w as Hllghily Injured ns wns tjoi,. Miss Knight.

° , Dolh vchlclca wcro demolish- r i l ed. Tho d riv e r of iW Norris 1 <

u d M. vehido wns charged wllh failure " to yield tho righ t of wny. O ,

■'S Co-Captain Isiff,5: Named For Team S

In will OI.F.NN.*? F E R R Y — Vnngio SprInllonnl Oonrnlos hns heen nnnounced Tl

Uum- hy Iho flienns F e r ry HiKh School to r11 will ns co cnptnln of tho drill lenm Kne:

nomi- for this school yonr. She filli « Mon■er. vftcRnty left, hy vrnlHnallnn Ri

__ of M ary Egus(|iilza who wns lor; OUT m arried , Sho will nsslst Vikl cciv

N.Y. Sellers th is y c n r nnd then slop In 1 iral U lip lo cnnlnin nex t yonr. In'*'!ay he Tlio drill tenm m em bers hnvn shnl

r rls heen earn lnR -m oney fop their foss of- orgnnlrallon doing odd johfi wor iclorlo- nround town, charg ing only SI of 1

per hour. VIkl Sellers, cnp'loln. Irb| o r M rs. Jo a n Shrum , fnciilly well

' advisor. Is in chnrgo of Iho ar- Dr, rEil rangem onis (o r johs. etio

Idahoan Killed . II JS When Car Rolls m".

OSBURN, Idaho (A P )-G o rd - o n 'R . McCaw, 23. Coeur d'Alono |

— .» w as killed T hursday night nt a . . S3.B0 U.S. 10 dolour on the w estern i ” O alm rn, C

23.00 Offlcera aald h is auln failed (Al ccepted |o negotiate ■ sh a rn curve and o f ; fcry U nverturned, throw ing Mi'Ciiw wck

from tho vehicle. He had Iwnn r r a lone In th e c a r , Idal


Report 5®’Car

p r Z I i iW INDY pound 1


lugh grecs, w ind calm , hum idity . 33 v cars 1 ligh per cent, and baro m e te r 30.04 cai lure inches. The 8 a .m . readings in mni h,, indy Magic V alley: Twin F alls c‘“ ‘dav

70s W eather B ureau: 43. w ith 62 per thc cen t hum idity; TJ='. Entomolo-

ilur- gy U b o ra td ry , 43, w ith 82 per rain cen t hum idity: Je ro m e, Buhl, ,1, . sun- 48: Castleford. 44; R upcrt. 37, -i.im ai

Ihe and Hailey. 43. Soil tem pera- : in tu res: T .F . W eather B ureau:

20s four-inch, 67-51; eight-inch, 60- , y in 55; 20-inch, 58-58. and 36-inch, ‘

t te n d e d O u tlo o k I S 'ov- Surface w inds w ill Incrense

ken- and reach speeds of up to 25 ross m iles per hour in the Magic here and Upper Snake R iver Valleys i " ™ with la te today and Salurday .)udy The ex tended w ea th e r outlook „I In for ag ricu ltu re in Southern Ida- , )any ho and E a s t - C e n tra l-O reg o n cted through ncxt"'W cdnefeday calls

for for some cooling lojjpv anc}..^at-• ' kies ur4_ny: otherw ise, tem pera tu res lera^ should rem ain n e a r norm al to

a few degrees above gorm al. (Com tern No precip ita tion is expecfcd. j , . . ,t of Soil tem p era tu re s a t th ^ fo u r- „i,,- ‘

as inch level should range from .60s the mld-40s in tho easte rn val- ‘

lows leys to tho mid-50s InX K ^w est. J md- Even w ith cooling ln d lower [rost tem pera tu res S a tu rday night in ^

tlie higher southeast ag ricu ltu ra l 2"^ rted valleys no dam age to potato { r row- crops Is an tic ipated . H aying ac- lake tivlties In the low er T reasu re , 41; Valley, should continue to m ake f ” , and good p rogress th rough the week- foUo^vi

Uey Hospitals j agreed

r i a l S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J e r o m e , ^ roA dm itted

^ark M rs. M aria Laragon and „hap- F ran k D ickerson, both Hager- ' 'M rs. m an: Mr.<?. P e a r l C lairborn,aniz, David McGhee, M rs. Clarencelarp, M orris. M rs. Leo Alftin andIbert R andall W alters, a ll Je rom e. <■Mrs, D ism issed !• 5''[arry M rs. Junio£ Larson . Jerom e,folhy an d P au l A lexander, H agerm an. s^ppoiM rs. B Irth st will h

Jill A son w as born to M r. and n^arl.v Hill, M rs. Mike Atwood, Je rom e. • first ^

■idge, ---------- CasiEv- C a s s i a M e m o r i a l mou"'

obert A dm itted chainr, all M rs. Allison G arrison . M rs. scenic

Jack F llger, Tlm B eauller andLeRoy W aters, a ll B urley, and Basin,

ictor, M rs. Bud W ilcox, Declo. . SaU n n d D ism issed — •

s and M rs. K enneth Lind and Mrs.Twin Rudd E lquist. both Burley. serva'Duhi; B iriiis Is «'’«iford; A daughter w as born to M r. Wh( Rich- nnd M rs. Allison G arrison , Dur-'erdie icy. three)bcrt- ---------- Soff

M i n i d o k a M e m o r i a l nientA dm itted

o"‘j Jo Ann H eib and J am es Gih- the d• son, both R uport, an d Cheryl Twin Todechlney. P au l. • Rcncr____ D ism issed sonne------ -- M nry—D a n k e r -n n d -B la n c h e •

K riv an ec ,.-b o th -R u p e rt— ......... Rroce

.2 T .F .-M G ri- S T a k e O a th 'S

accl- A TIcs. A s-L aw yers.,i l l ' l l Glenson A nderson and George |>ccn ,,Vhh C. Deiwt^lior, h « t h Tw in Fnlls, I >oiinri '™ ro sw orn In P riddy during ‘•I’J;'" 1 Lee cerem onies for tho Idnho Stato drniir d iS Bnr. Tho

Tho two m en w ero a m 0 n g 12 lo , , obout 40 who w cro sw orn In "Ccon

ns aito rnoys before lhe Idnhn• Suprem o C ourt.,.

Mr. A nderson w ent to school " ‘ii!.''' 'o . ''- u t W nshhurn College. Topcko, .‘ Kan,, nml M r. D etw eller nt ci , , Georgetown U niversity of Law.‘cf'lc Wnsliington, D .C .. , H'o <>ucicrt Tj,o two m cn look Ihclr lyir

, , cxnm s en rllc r thlH m onlh. M r. " ’h id vehl- Ander.son, who Hpent 17 years

'• working tow ard llmt polnl, will D‘‘l 'Morris nssoclaled w llh Theotloro V.

wna Uehm, Ruhl. Ti

a ; T o u r S la te d , B Jiy G em t , iu b ij,

Deo Ainsworlli, field mnrshnl for tho Mngic Vnlloy Gem Cluh,

n t n nnnounced n sp ed n l flold trip .Hchedulcd for Sunday u t Texas

/nngio .SpringH,iiinccd The d u b hns ulso boon inviled *' '* School to pnrllclpulo In ilm E u r 0 k n

tflnm Knck Chib’s show Ocl. 12-13 in “ “ fllll n M ountnin Home.nRllnn Rtvi. Un«m. {cderRllttn dlrvc- i.y> wns tor; Teporled Ihnl tho d u h re- h cl t Vikl ccived n bluo rlblm n for h rs i muii n slop In society dlsp lny n t Iho Rich- hunt

Innd, W nsh., snow, Wnyno Mnr- iiom 1 hnvo shnll wns sccond In tiio m nslera 12

Ihelr foHsIl division and Cliff Juckxon ■ Jobs won n hluo ribbon for fnceilng Hi

nly $1 of nnturul gem sli)ni‘s, nnd u N», iploln. Irbphy fo r fucoling division ns of il [ncully well ns tho show Nwronslnhen. hns he ar- Dr, E. T . Roes rcccived a ros- 10. 1

etio for Ills spoclnl «lisplnx, pitrli Meinlwrs o f tho Mngic Vnlloy (Jotul

I Gcm Club holding orflcn In Iho visit fodernllon n re Lowell F 1 0 I d a, A 'lo ■ < H > o < lln g , 'ro iir ln g prcsldonl!

I S M rs. Johnolla Hrngii, Gooding,I ‘'hnirm nn of Iho m useum com- |’A

-oon i- nilitco, and M r. Jnckson, Uiir- Alono loy iihrtttlnn. « «

V nt a .... Unl\ealorn SPEA K ER ANNOUNCED . Anu

COEUR D 'A LEN E, Idnho lllliii failed (A P) — G race Jo rdnn , tho wifo Tho

/a nnd of Snn. Len II. Jo rd an , R-Idnho, unlv di'Ciiw wns nnnounced loduy na « aponk- »l 1 1 iMfln r r nt tho nnnunl m eellng of iho In i

Idaho Exlenalon CounclL U 1

ShootiS ig O f H e ife r D ra w s C am as P r o te s t

— 1 FA IRFIELD — C am as County f ! \ Sheriff Paul Cox s ta ted tha t _ ^

irate fa rm ers and ca tllem en are ^ Ml protesting the shooting o f an 800

pound heifer during the sagehen home in season. mg 01 a

' F or the third tim e In four ‘^^ 2 ^ y ears Lclie Ruhy a n d Son, Cor- ” 0

30-04 ral cattlehw n. have losl on ani- ]m al during the hunt. Som etim e

F alls Sunday m orning an 800 pound the past heifer w as shot a t close

>molo- range . shotgun. T he heif- ^olet Di n.Pifi e r w as in a posted p a s tu re soulh Buhl. jjjQ j^uby hom e. T he lo ss Is

estim ated a t well ov er | 200, ac- ip era- cording to Sheriff Cox. Surviv

F a rm ers and ca ttlem en In the ‘J!® a rea told M r. Ccox th a t they if ,;,.

’RR.sn soing to bartd together and request tha t the w est end of Cam as P ra irie be d o se d to all

_ hunting followflAg this incident. r k L - Thfey told th e /sh e r if f th a t they i l J a . would take tMe m a tte r to Gov. ‘

Donald S am iS lson if n ecessary 10 get M m efection . ^haiKl

»*« I The Sheri* is continuing his M s 'nvestlga ilo il H e s ta ted tha t a alleys wn be• w ith a rifle onTtje A llen Bausch-

er ranch. He f e l i i tha tr .so n ie - thing should be d on^ 'tak itop th is IM

T t / r * • Morgan,atures ^ U l i n O ’ day niglla l tofrm al. (Continued F ro n t Pag® One) „ S h e w

in keeping a d e a n atid respect- ab le cam p.

from Hg j,q tre e s A ”? ; w ere cu t to provide fo r the ap- P” . i l . f i ' Proacli to the he lico p leT -p ad 'a t •

r,h?^?n ‘he cam p.-than w as necessary ^i. I , and tha t the d rilling equipm ent , , i «

had been skidded from the pad ” t o . the d rill site ra th e r th an ^

"8 ®c- cum additional tre e s fo r a“ cond landing spot. ®

Larson noted th a t in stead of follpwing the u sua l p rac tice of

would dam age w ate rsh ed and *c , other resources, th e com pany c,?®

. t s agreed to use the helicopterapproach. inre r-i

n m p A route of trav e l w as selectedfor the helicopter w hich would "least d isrupt rec rea tio n users j i^ c r s .

UnoHr and tho helicopter w as offered t e ' to be availab le fo r fire o r o ther f k la .. . ' 7 ° '? ’ em ergencies in th e a re a .

Larson said th a t w hen thc " f i r m ends its opcralions by Oct. .

1 for the season th a t if the firm erom e finds tha t the m inera l w ill not ^ "7 *"

support a m ining operation It F ' ' r y "■ will be ab le lo leave tbe a re a F i" “' f

r and nearly a s It w as w hen operations *<csi u no ’ first began. _

Castle P eak is th e hinhest J ( i a l mountain In th e W hile Cloud

chain which form s a highly , BUH Mrn scenic a rea soulh of the Salm- 8

c r T n d on R 'ver and opposite Stanley jj} a J

y. and ® gglV^iiry said th e m ining In- " duBtry Is w illing to go along

d M rs wllh reasonable resource con- " lev servallon p rac tices becnuse lha t lOl’ -h<

Is the proper w ay to do it. « J m Jn M r When the firm firs t sta rted n? Dur- operations the a i^ a h ad two to

’ three feet o f snow. ®Some 200,000 pounds of equip-

r i a l m ent w as Hown by h d ico p tc r ” '“ ‘’7 - to lhe cnm p. Tnken In heside.s g ^ ''i"c

r.lh . the drilling equipm ent w ere a Chervi prefab cook shack , bu tane innks, “ " ‘■w

generators, supplies j in d per- « Bonnel. Func

Jlancho - Some 500_to_600 p o u n d s-o f ducted- ......... groceries nlso are-flow n in oach p ^week fnr_lho w ork fo rce ,.,. . “ yjJ'jJj

i „ : . ------_Sall3b\iry snid th e pdrpose of ,gry. ]I* " Ih tj ir^ f lc n t jJC o a rn m j8 - ip d in . fancra]

; mond drill n deposit which w as (]„„ found through su rface geological reconnnlssnnco to a sse ss tho r j _ ' grndo nnd tonnngo th e deposit o O I l michi conlnln. * . .

Wo'rk durlng th e su m m er nns A , l t * rjeorne heen nirlctly exp lo rato ry . MlllU- ^ I l-nlls, InK geological jno p p in g geo- I n J during Chemical surveying ftnd dinm ond ^ ^

3 Stato w ns expanded fromfn 0 n H 12 to 1' u /w n In second drilling r ig flown In to

Idnl 3 «P ‘he w ork, ffo u r m oredrillers nnd ono pcf{)giRt wore

school to the inlfinl cTl'W. jvrunrlr S S Tlie crew conslsls of a cook.Kr ni helicopter pilot, six gcologistH " )f I nw nnd nine d rille rs nnd Is under L „

Iho d ired lo n o f th e firm 's Norlh- J®e lr 'hnr wcsl U, S. H xploralion Division rrnliu IlK Mr^ which is hended by K eith Whit-'1 v ears 1 * hi Spoknno, Hurvlcn trw lil Drillinii 1,a . been procoetllnB J |„ , „ ,lr,rc V under two lO-hour shifts, you

• "TliiB cam p dem onslrn tes Ihnt ' melnl explornllon cnn bn con- Tnn i,

' noted,

’ Twin Falls News j r s : In Brief i;-„-? A Icachorn’ toA wns holil planniI lex as T iiy ^d n y nfiernoon n t Washing- ^ § =

ton Sch(K)l. Tho u ffn ir wns lo r « l bIvo tunchers ond PTA officers

12-13 in ‘o acquaint,cd.

> dlrvf,- l.vnno A rrln slon M Tw in FalW chih re- h d in lrm nn of the p ro jec t com- [or h rs i milleo nt Ricks College, Rex- 10 Rich- hurg, Itl propiirullon for tho fiOth no Mnr- honiocomlng un cum pus Ocl. 10- m nslera 12.J u c k iio n ..................... - ■ - -fnceiinR H io m ecling o l Don McCook

nnd u N», 3 Iju IIch of Iho a ra iu l Army Ision na of tho Ropuhllc se t for Oct. 1

r Inken. hns hccn posl|>onod until Ocl. a ros- 10. On thu now da lo the do- >lAy, p tu ln ien t p resident, Bethel Duy,

a Vnlloy Gooillng. will m nke ho r offlclnl n In lhe visit nl n noon luncheon o t Ihe 1 e I d a, Amerlcnn U glon H all.

S i i n u Nnncy K. I lrack c lt, daughter m c Z ‘- Mr- •'»* M ra. R ohort G. m Bur- Hi^ckoll, Routo 3, Tw in Fnlls,

' Is u ciuidldolo 10 rep re sen t Ihe Univorslly of K an sas In tho IBOB

CED , Amorlcnn Roynl Queon Conipo- . Idaho llllllll. Jiidglng will ho Sundny.

the wifo Tho winner w ill rep re sen t Ihe R-Idnho, unlvorsity nl Ihe A m erican Roy*« apenk- »l I.lvculock nnd H orse Show

lg of Iho In Kaiiniia Clly Ocl. I0-I2, She iL , U a Junior a t t h t unlvorsity.

' 1


Magic V; st Obituai’“i’v r C. Milligan h1 a re C. E. (Bud) Milligan, former Hn 800 Twin Falls resident, died a t his ■-ehcn home in Boise W ednesday mom- H

. ing of a short illness. ' ■four was born in Springfield, QCor Ore. He w as m arried to Aurora H

i^ n l - Hall in Twin F alls Jan . 29, 1933. ■r>tImo He lived in thc Boisc a rea , for ■jound ‘he past 15 years, working as a ■e l- .p factory represen iative for Chev- ■i.«lf rolet Division of General Mo- H

south tors. He w as a m em ber of the ^,38 Jg F irs t C hristian Church, K lm btr- [

Surviving n re his widow, Bol-- n , . se; two sons, Claude E. Milligan

J r ., Corona, Calif., and Robert Milligan, Boise: his mother,

, M rs. S. D. MlUlgan. Boise; w o sisters. M rs. W. L. Mills and '

ident Mrs. Max Handly, both Boise. ; , t , . J and seven grandchildren. .Xh®y Funeral services a re se t Sat-

u rday a t 3:30 p.m . a t Summers Chapel, Boise, w ith Rev. Roger

„ ut D. Moore, F i r s t ChristiflnChurch, officiating. Final rifes _.*-

shot Cemetery, J "usch- _____ ■ Fursonie- -mirpthis Mrs. Morgan o*"

KING H ILL — M rs. E tta F . M organ. 70, K ing Hill,-died Tues- day night a t N am pa a t the homeof re latives of a h eart alfm ent. fon

ine) She was born.AuSi-l5r;^8B8r-ln ------P lsgah, M iss., and cam e to Ida- ho in 1927. She had resided in

, this a rea since then. She wase a tv preceded in d ea th by two hus- BI

bands. E llsw orth Goodman and died« a ^ Eugene Allison. Bois

In 1W7 she was m arried to i\ess« Van M organ in Butte, Mont. Sh

,C„_ M rs. M organ belonged to the Hen f . " " Ladies Society of the Brother- Idal

® hood of Locomotive F irem en settl - J and Engineers. R im R o c k ated

Lodge, in Glenns G erry. and

r « n ! | King H ill: two sons. C. D.‘ Goodman. Pendleton, Ore.. and In I

Sherm an Goodm an. N am pa; one whe daughter. M rs. D ora Mae Sel- Insi

tprtpH lers. Glenns F e rry ; one bro ther, 15 3 Jess Slade. Pocatello; th ree Veti slaters. T enie Slade, Glenns pita

tt^r^A F e rry ; H attie Jcske, Shawnee.Okla.. and U v a n ia Bates, Can- F in ton. M iss.; 15 grandchildren, was

„ ,t,» and 10 g rea t grandchildren. Gra " n " t Funeral services will be con- ^ Si i fi ■ ducted a t 2 p .m . Salurday in the M®' jil Sn!Hh F u n e ra l Chapel, Gicnns crs, S n U F erry , by Rev. Dwight Wilcher. Bor• a re a F inal rites w ill be held in Glenn CaV •ations R est Cemetery^____

‘S S Joe Worcesterhinhlv B U H L -J o o H orace Worces- Salm- ‘c r . 88, died Thursday m orning .

itanley la a Twin F a ils Nursing Homo of a .short illness.

np Jn. He w as born Aug. 29, 1880, a t nlnna Dunlap. Kon., nnd cnme to Buhl c ,,,

.C O ® in October; 1038. On Jan, 17, ie tha t he m arried Stella Simmons I. a t Em poria . Kan. They farm ed

itnriori in Knnsfts until coming lo Buhl. ^ twn fn M r. W orcester farm ed here , ^

unlll entering iho nursing home *• ».niiln- in Survivors Includo hisS S " ' ‘I"” ’ '"“ in : S i,Orville W orcester. Amerlcus, "Cs

n Kan., and Virgil W orcester. Sc- .tanks daugh ter. M rs. Bon- '

I nio Winson. Twin Fnlls, nnd’ nino grandchildren.

r.t Funeral Borvlcon will bo con- *]?,,la s - or ducted a t 2 p .m , Mondny in -th en oacn jr„ncm l Chapel. Final riles , ^- - , w llh bb held-In the Buhl Ceme- ' |o « of lery. F riends m ay call a t Ihc10 d ia . funcral-chnperfrom 'nftoh S(il[ir: V."' SgS o^ services.

tiepoail Son Of Local Mr

«r I;,"" Attorney Hurt § In Tree Tumble ^nmoncl ^ n.

1 from listed in fn lr condition nt Mngic (fy,i,h i, n Vnlloy M eniorlul Hospllnl nflor o„I in to heing Injured n m rs d a y after- ,,v• "oon in n fall from n tree. p], t wpJo According to Magic Vnllov oii ‘ Amhiilniicr Servlcu jwrsonnnl,, I-r«nciK W nlkcr, 0, snn of Mr, i,..

nnd Mrs, l.loyd Wnlkcr. was In-I " " '! » l“ " I " " I I '™ '" “ w" In tbo City P ark , —

iro w nj tir.it tnlien to Twin . u X i ' I 'a ll" Ciinic Hospital ami tben rt w nit- trnasferrcd hy tiie nmbiibince

I" M“ kI« Vnlloy Memo- coetliOB J |„ | , |„ ,p | |„ |.'■ , Young W ulker nnd nnolhcr OS Hint yoiitJj wcro reported to l>o play- 4 1)0 con- Ing (1,0 p^^k when ho full J


CI.I-NNS FURRY — Glenns .

2 W S i10. Tlio dn te w as chnnged due \ to n Junior vurslty foolimll gnme

s hold planned for Iho following dny. ■.

wns to officers


11 COMPANKOcl. 10-

M c c ^ . ADULT i

"ATi ^COMPANION 'Z T ; M S P A C E S ...lol Duy,official Select a Companion Lot wl

I ot IheW a o f f e r • c h o ic e o f f la t rr

laughter o r p r iv a te a b o v a flihort G. n Falls,

1 3 TWIN FALLS CEhi™t“ 'i'lie V''' WAOI-AN

r i l i o w■II. .Si» ivorsity.

- u. . .

c Valley tuaries Ti

who wirmer d ay c

nom- morial *^wii

ificid, Sharp,urora Sharp,1933. by

currecas ° ood AChov- Qffj,Mo- boy d

)f the lot a rm btr- [ Chevr

' Nelso, Dol- Mrslllgan , a ttemtobert .. .. . a . , ■ t Neilother, . ! passe.; WO . - I K • , ; Nelso

t Sat- . J r i rim crs u I Roger DR. HARVARD LUKE

. . . dJcd Wednesday. F o - w /n e ra l serv ices will be h d d a t W

tilery, 2 p.m ., Saturday a t ReynoldsF unerd l ChapcL P asto r C arl BULosser of Sherwood, Ore., w ill In ten

ri o fficiate. F ina l rites will be a t AmeiSunset M em orial P ark . T he - elecK

fam ily suggests contributions l l lhTues- „ a d e to St. Benedict’s Me- Pondhome m oria l Fund. Dr. Luke w as a th reey e n t. Twin Falls physician. Wil» ^ l j i ------------------------------------------------ Salt

Elsie Bonar pu) hus- BUHL - Elsie M. Bonar. 57. ,51an- n and died T hursday morning a t a vo. I.

Boiso H ospilal of a long ill- Robe icd to i\ess. waaMont. She w as born Aug. 1, 1011, in sui-e, .0 the H enrie tta . Okla., and cam c to rp^tc •other- Idaho .with hcr fam ily In 1918. x r rem en settling a t Buhl. She was gradu- Arm l o c k a ted from the Buhl High Schoo! r v

and a ttended Linfield College, 'jsje

C. D. F rom 1M3 to 1950 .sh‘e‘ worked and in Buhl, moving to Boise In 1950 , 1"

a ; one w here sho worked for the S tate » . ,c Sel- Insuranco fund and for thc p ast ’ , ro ther, 15 y e a rs w as a secretary a t the '

th ree V eterans A dm inistration Hos- , Glenns p ita l. *awnce. M iss B onar belonged fo the . .; Can- F irs t B aptist church, Boise. She liidren, w as s e c re ta ry to the la to H. R. jn. G ran t in Twin F alls a t one tim e.« con- Survivors include ono siste r,

in the M artha B onar, Boise; six broth- “ Gicnns c rs. H a rry Bonar and Siandley 'ilcher B onar.-_bQ th Tahoe Valley, ,

Glenn C alif.; E veteU Bonar, O rolino; * K e n n e t h Bonar, Puyallup, c«£S W ash.; Guv Bonar. Moses Lake, W ash., and Ivan Bonar, Buhl.

C t Funera l services will be con- Vnrre.;. dueled a t 10:30 a.m . S a tu rday »

a t the Boise F irs t Baotlst church L l H n S hy Rev. Mac McCray. F inal

riles will be held a t 3:30 p .m . Ff .f.r.r. S aturday a t tho Buhl Cem etery. ^ n n ,.i.i A rrangem enis nre in chargo of . «

an, n , Sum m ers Funeral Home, Boise.

Mrs. Hunterd here O A K LEY -M rs. E m m a Lou- ‘•j” " y hnmn Jsa H unter. 83, lifelong resident flud fdo his of On'^lcy. died W ednesday eve-1 sons, “ Cr homo of n long ill- ^he

" 's h e wns horn Mny 21. I8HS. In 1“ “ ' „ Rnn- 0«kley . attended schools here • “ nd nnd on April 11, 190R, she wns worl

m arried to Cynis Rosel Hunter V.o” rnn . ‘n the LDS Temple In Salt Lnke

Cil.vJic.xlicd4n-iaC3.L^------------- "ml rites H unler belonged to tho

C cm eV l'D S-C hurch. .Survivors-include: - > n t Iho four son,H, - Rosel H ,-H u n te r , /

x S m r- Junctlnrt,-OrD.; 'R u * o n lH unter, Denver; Boyd H unterl nml Quentin Hunter, both Hny- w nrd, Cnllf,: four daughters,M i' s , n<‘m nrd (l ols) Price, Idn-

t ho Fnlls; Altn.4hmlor nnd M rs.Kny Klvdn WnKR; boilTOnklcy;

, M rs. Jnck (Mnxn) Sinngcr, i l n Twill Fnlls; 35 grnnilchildrcn

I- “ " ‘i greul-grundchitdren.*>ov s F ,m oral services will Ims con- I ‘• ^cte<l a t I n.m. Snturdny In Ihe

Hi n lor oniijpv i .p s Tnhernnclo' hv nirthop IIIKon Crilclifleld, wl,.! , Finni rllos will ho hold in tho Voli* V o iikley Cemetery. Friends mny

rsonnnl, ^^11 a t the Pnyno M ortuary, of Mr, Durley. F riday evening nnd nt was in- (j,„ Onkley church Snturdny ono ' ” ' hour prio r to ncrvlccs.

i!,H T E E l S i ^ P A I N ?

'f s " s /. '* x aho full J . . a Puton -pain 'aB ono . irnss. \ - , 7 Rocommandod by diony

pDdlilrlclant. u iy to ) ' nrolonsed

Glenns rallBf, Carrlta QoodQcomlnu llouulieeping wirranly

: ,>11 gam e O P a - J e lft_d«y-_ - J - ' l : - ___

:ALLS cemetery


r ^ l 9 0nlon Lot w h ile you a re loQothar.

: • o f f la t m a rk a r , ra is e d m a rk e r , t e a b o v 0 fl[rouna b u ria l.

.S CEMETERY ASSN.■ MADLAND, Proa, a n d M gr.

M oln A v a n u o E n a t

6-Y ear-O ld ^ S e t In ju r e d In ^ , A cc id en t

rg A G-year-old Twin F alls boy reeling 'n who w as struck by a c a r Thurs- Blackbuin d ay evening is listed m fnlr , , ,I condition a t Magic Valley Mc- J■ m orial Hospilal. . . . J'■ Twin F alls Police said D arryl Eddie ! ^ Sharp, - son of Mrs. Rochelle confcren S Sharp , was tossed nearly 40 feet talking j■ by tho impact. The accident oc- . . . Mrs I c u rred about 5:30 p.m. on Sec- ing in ol■ ond Avenuo West near Sears. having i■ O fficers said the young Sharp Art Sell■ boy d arted across thc parking several i■ lot and into the path of a 19C4 je s s e r r ^ Chevrolet d riv en ,b y T eresa Y. do chon

Nelson. 20, Twin F alls. PetersoiM rs. Nelson swerved In an scores ti

> a ttem p t to avoid h itting the boy. berEor f N either M rs. Nelson no r a fjco , i passenger in hcr vehiclc. D arcy •■Qne n

, N elson. I . w as injured. ^ small

J O ff ic e rs Ai-e E le c te d B y |~ W a te r G ro u p ^

I d s JL 6 ^ 5lari BURLEY - Officers of thevill In term ountaln Section of t h e l j f fi a t Am erican W aler Works w e r eh e elected F riday m orning a s the I , # 1*ons l l lh annual session, held in lheVie- Ponderosa Inn, c l o s e d . The w f es a three-day m eet began Thursday.in. W illiam W .-A nderton, South I------ S alt Lake City, w as n a nl-frd; C B KM

chairm an, and Donald M. Ells- worth. Idaho Falls, w as eiccted ^ lo a newly created office, chair- ^

. 57. m an-elect. Lynn C. Ludlow, Pro- ^ It a vo. U tah, is vice chairm an, and ^

R obert Hilbert. SaU Lake City, « w as re-elected secretary-trca- ^

*• su re r. Ho also is a national dl- 0 to fector.

T rustees Include D. L e R o y A rm strong, Rexburg. and David

-hool L. W adsworth, Ogden. , lege , N ext y e w ’s convention is ten-

, . ta tlvely sc>rcduied for P a rk City, yc ’ losn Utah. Speakers a t the final ses- i

slon F riday m orning w ere Phil ‘ L. Hansen, Ulah atto rney gen- f

Pf\f„ ora l, and Lynn M. T halchcr, as- w i l s ls tan t director. Division of j , ' , ,

H ealth , S tate of U tah.. T hursday W. F . Savage, ,as- * ‘J® sis tan t d irector, engineering and 4 « developm ent. Office of S a 1 i n e Httig W ater, Washington, D.C., report- p, ; * ‘ • ed on saline w ater conversion iroih s^i'* several m ethods now

J . a re under study for m aking pure J w a te r o u t of salt w ate r. One

sfirxn- of the new er m ethods Is the c ry sta l molhod, which Is a freez-

Lake' '"B process. !’ A w ards were presented a t the 1

PQf,. annual banquet Thursday night. | '

LBJ Signs Bill p.m For Construction

CO of WASHINGTON (A P ) - Presl- den t Johnson signed todny a

• $1.75 billion appropriation for m ilitary construction program s. 1

Tlio lotal, $273 m illion less T_„. thnn Johnson requested, in-

iirionr eludes $1.6 billion fo r conslruc- tion of m liltnry Installntions in

III Iho United Slates nnd abroad ^ nnd $580.9 million for m ilitary to

or I_ houslng-prPRrnms. T'‘'» Tiio blii inciodos »2,710,000 for ?"■

, u,nB work n t Mountain. Homo Air ■,Zl; Force Base and $1,058,000 for Luke Hlll Air Force P aso in' Ulah. I--------

0 tho ^ I iclude: " ' x ...................

i f, Idn-

-■inger, ■ildren \

? con , -----------in Ihe ^rnndo ifldd , n tho

why pa7~1^gh pr y 'o ™ glasses or ^ n t a

Q R o y a l O p t i c a l o f f e r s

f i n o s t i n q u a l i t y B y

t h e l o w e s t p o s s i b l ellciuli

nany s ln g ls v is io



g B t i a f a c t i o n Q u a i

I C o n tac t Lenses


1 5 1 M A I N A V E N ITELEPHON E} 73



Seen Today• M rs. Ja c k W aegeliii typiqg while standing up . . . F rank York filling out accident re ­port . . . Lt. Dean Bennett^

boy reeling " le ft o u l” . . . . Marilyn B lackburn laughing n t joke . . .Lloyd LeClair delivering m ail . . . J e r ry .M eyerhoeffer and i

rryl Eddie Sutton having . hallway 1 d ie confcrence . . . M rs. Louise Bu.sh feet talking about p lans for weekend . oc- . . . M rs. M ary Littlefield work-

’Cc- ing in office . . . Jerom o Fiscus having coffee "w ith friend . . .

larp Art Selin back in office after . ting several davs in field . . . Carolyn .•954 .Tesser makinf* a rrangem en ts to

*. do chores for neighbor . . . Peto ' Peterson delivering b o w l i n g

“ n scores to office . . . F» C. Shene-' f’oy- berger v isiting in business of- r a fjcc , . . And overheard . . . .‘•■cy "One nice th ing about having

a sm all foreign c a r is lhat you onlv have lo buy half as much antifreezel”

R o y .)avld

: ten- Here's a wl»e IdeaCity. you can rea lly bank on.

' p®®.‘ T o w it- a w tie n o w o w l____gc,^. ready to collect coins-

r, as- - a n d compliment*.' of ll'l a N apier money-javing

. conversation piece,g and i" hand textured/l i n e non-tarnlshlng,jport- precious rhodium-finlih.'‘‘now Glowing green eyespure watch your savings. $7.50.One

5 the _freez-

. ^ ^ JE W E L R Y -C O .

i o n C H IN A -- --f-S IL V E R

less 4 - WATCHES I w i ; : -f-T R O P H IE S Ibroad -n.- rnT'

?::"S N i rb for ^iah, I ---------------- ■ __

ligh prices for r V n tac t lenses?

a l o f f e r ^ y o u t h e

l a l i t y e y e w e a r a t

p o s s i b l e ' p r i c e .

n g is v is io n


S T O R C A R R Y IN G C H A R G E S ,

C tion g u a r a n l e e d l

enses $49.50O V ^ N T W I N P A L L S

N A V E N U E W E S T• H O N E } 7 3 3 - B 6 6 e E , LEW ISTON & PO CA TELLO


Page 3: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent


A PROCLAMATION deslgnatl left, by M ayor Egon Kroll. Mr.

*, on Monday w ith a luncheon a ^

Social-Cjandii; Of Murders 0(

WASHINGTON (A P ) - The I m urder ra ie in th is country is < connected m ore to social, eco­nom ic and cu ltu ra l conditions 5 than to the ava ilab ility of guns, t th e P residen t's com m ission on : violence has been told. i

Daniel G laser, a sociologist i from Rutgers . U niversity told i the commission W ednesday thnt 1

> “T h e "p o o r and under educated have the' h ighest incidents of | hom icide. j

Deaths from violence —are ( m uch higher in the ru ra l South i and the northern u rb an ghettoes i

- than in the m iddle c lass a rea s i of cities and suburbs, he said . 1

When asked w hether states w ith s tric t gun contro l laws had i low er violent d ca th rates, Glas- i e r ' indicated not necessarily. P a tte rn s of living affcctcd the i

N o r th K o re a n A s S iib se rv ien l. BERLIN (A P ) - F ilm s pre-. p ared by the North Koret^n gov­ernm ent show thc crew of thc cap tu red U.S. .spy sh ip and their skipppr, C m dr. L loyd M. Buch­er.

In one, a voicc said to be B uchcr's told a news confer­ence, hc and his m en "a ro crim ­inals who com m itted espionage nnd hostile n e ts n fte r hnving in-

U. s . D e n ie s P r o f i t C^iaim

:~ 0 n item s- SAICION (A P )- — U..S. oi’o- nomic officials loduy laln-led ns oxagHcnilcd thc stai(*ment by South V iclnntn 's dirc<'inr of cus­tom s lhat S12(l iniilioii In post r.Ncliange goo<lH cmdi'd up on thc black nuirKd in 1907,

Thc U.S. o fficials .said thc cus­tom s director, (ion, Duong 'J'hli’u .Siah, based ’ his estim ate DM his own calcu lu tlon lliiU Ihc I’X brought il) Stint) million worlh of cooils lust yi'nr. They said iiciuiilly million worth wns hrou);ht In for sale to alllud solillcrs.

" I t III! stnrtH out witli nn In- film'll flgarir li c a s ts iloubls on nil his fig u res ,'' one officinl said. ■ ••

yjiit <frc off/clnl .svi/(J nJ- mii.st Inipiisiiihle Jo ascerta in Ihn niagnituili'" iOf p V gomlii oa llie lilai'k m arket. “ All yoa ,ciin <lo Is wondiT, tlm ru 's no way tn find oat,"

I'X offlclal.H reiw rlcd ri'cfintly Ihut S1I),1 mlllloi) worth of gootln liriiuiilit lato V ietnam in It)ri7 never rrncluMi Iho PX cash rog- Islcr.i, T lify said nhoat tifl' jkt ren t of that wns due lo theft, the rest lo (lainiij^T! nnd bookkeeping errors.

R eccj> tion H o n o rs S ta ff A t M u r la u j 'h

j ’t a Ji^si-ed llm ariauiil tn ic h e rs ' rori’p- Ilon Moiulny n l||h t nt thn IIIkIi .SrWiol,

JiiHili I...... rei'i'lvi'il n giftas thi!y wero liilroiluci'il,

I 'I'lill flng re re inony waH ii” ‘-• kciiteil.hy Cub-f)t't>'il'< under ll»ij <llreclloa of M rs, DeViiii Aiiilrr-{ ' son, den m olher, Dnle i'e terson

gnvo the P'l'A j>rayer.Thn PTA proji’cl for Ihls yenr

will bo to purelinne iinil Iniilnll n bulletin honrd on the footlmll flolil w here im nounri'm rnti of nchool nciivlllen wlll hii (iinted,

Mrs, (ii-rnld Slevers, chair- iniin of the me'iiihi'rslilp I'ommll- teo, nnnoanei-d th a t October Is m onihershlp m onth nnd urged nil pnrenis to Join nnd niipport their loeiil l»TA,

LnVern H ennett’R rliililli grndo wiiii lliK room count, anti the prb.o will f)u chosen f)y tlie ti'iirlier.

T erry slonei luid .Sunt .loniis prntienlnl v o r n l minibers lo t h e i r own g tilln r niieompiin- Imnnl, I<efre«hi»enlft wero i.e/-v- «'il by first mill nenind grndo loom moUiiira.

VI designating O cto b er a s U nited Fund mon Kroll. M r. D ay Is p residen t of United Fund nchcon a t thfe E lk s H all.___________________

m d i t i o n s I m p l i c a t srs O c c u r r i n g T h r cI — The hom icide ra te much m ore than a ountry is controls o f guns, hc snid. gcial. eco- H ow over, U ndersecretary of c renditions S ta te N icholas K atzcnbach told ' of guns, the com m ission W ednesday tha t e ission on s tro n g e r f irea rm s controls a re p

needed. Hc said .the "bans on v ociologist m ail o rd e r sales of guns ap- y sity told proved by Congress do not go p sday thnt fa r enough. Ceducated K atzcnbach , form er attorney p

idents of general, testified most m urders h arc com m itted within the family

;ncc - a r e or nm ong friends. "You could r iral South m ake th e ca se tha t you a re saf- I.I ghettoes er from m urder a t 4 a.m . in t; ass a rea s C entral P a rk thaij_you a re a t t le sa id . hom c in b ed ,” lie said. s e r sta tes K atzenbach predicted the ■laws had c rim e ra le will continue .to rise i,

tes, Glas- the nex t few yea rs because the {icessarily. proportion of the population in ilcctcd the their te en s and early 2Qs—the t

i-ean F ilm s P o r t r a y I v ie n t T o C om m unis

11ms pre"- trudcd into your territo ria l wa- ‘ iret^n gov- ters. We a re now m ost sincerely 1 JW of thc rep en tan t o f those crim es." and their Tw o U.S. television networks. M. Buch- lhe N ationa l B roadcasting Co.

and thc C olum bia B roadcasting nd to be sy s tem , show ed excerpt.s from I s confer- the film s w hich run a total of an ‘a re crim - houp a n d 40 minutes. They w ere t esp onnge supplied by the North Korean « hnving in- Em bas.sy In E nst Berlin. One 3

de ta ils tho alleged “ aggression" ' of the .ship: the olhcr shows >

, C S B ucher nnd some of his m onjit, n news conference and tho cap- '

I t n lives’ d n ily routine. <y i _ _ NDC a lso broadcast, np jnterr \

view w ith M rs, Bucher, filmed ; m g . a u h e r —SjMi-DleKo,vCnHfi,-:home -

a fu jr shc w atchcd ihe Norlh-Ko- 'U..S. oi’o- rean film s.............................. .......... 'laln-led ns " l ie looked very th in ," M rs, I ement by B ucher snld nf her husband. " I * lor of cus- suppost* anylwidy. after' living !II In post eight m onths like they have up on thc lived w ould look tha snme wny ^

o r wor.sc.*’Id the cas- A fler a n opening sequence In 1, Duong which som e crew membcrii nro 4 estim ate shown sh ivering ns tliey cam e n tha t Ihc ashore, th e ir luiniln rn'lNcd in It) million su rren d e r n fle r thelr cnpUire, ■I'nr. They the sa ilo rs nre seen deeply lion worth l a n n e ^ f f la y ln g hnskeihnll and e to allied volleynall In an outdiMjr sin-

(Hum,itll nn In- A co in m m ln lo r emphasizes iloubis on repea te illy thnt lhe m en,gei lhc

le officinl lie.st of food, "n balanced d iet" nnd m ed ica l ca rc ns well ns

tl " i l ’,s n l - -------------------------------------------------;'ertnin the

‘Vii>i)ies’T h A id H H H I n N ew Y o rk

)iit lifl. jKT NEW YORK (A P) - Vlcc0 theft, the P re s id en t H ubert 11. Humphrey lolikecping has en lis ted tho support of Vl|>-

p ics—Volunleor.H In Politic,s—for— Ills cnnipaign .- A aum m cenienl of thc new or-1 g n iil/a tlon wns mnde today by

, M rs. R obert .S. Henjnniin. Ihel « l I r new V lpple chnlrm nn. nl n Mnn- ■-tlA .1. hn llnn news ciinfereacff'-, in

I which she nlso nnimimeeil lhal l < r l l !»'>• prev ious cnmpalgn p<t, |tlon

—lieatl of the New York .Slnto J’ TA }i»>3l- w otiien 's division—hnil been 'rs ' rerep- abolished,t tho High " I 'ro m now on tlio men nnd

w om en In Ihe cnmpnlKn nre veil n glfl Koltig to work logeiher," she iced, snld. . . T hem will he no sex-’ was pre- segregnleil wcmien'n luncheons

under lhe " r «ei)iirnt« w om en's forum s." k'ori Aiiiler- "Integration'* of the Ncw0 IMIerson 'V'lrk cm iipnlgn, nniil Robert r. lliirlelR h, 24,* nf the Humphreyir Ihls yenr Youth Division, hnn extemled In and InHtall Itie Kioto youth nrgnniznthin he footlmll «!»<).•emrnts of

' A t t e n d s M e e tilpcom aill- m C lH M K l.D —Rnymimd Pniil- October Is son, R ichfield telephono mnnn* nnd urged ger, le ft W ednesilny tn nllend n nd fliipport lhr<re <lnv nem lnnr nt ih r Wnsh­

lnglon Indepenik'nt Tolophono lltlilh grnile Corp, n t Snnttlo,It. anil the Unlnh Vaughn, Mountain Clly, ;n l)y tlic Nnvnilii (efeplionn mnni(K«i-, 'iiiul

l-'m nk .lohnson, nn o m p l n y n n Slim .loniis frnm <irni1itvlew, hnve Imen lumbers lo w ork ing nn Richfield nnd Mngic niieompiin- lolophono linen lha pant week, wero necv- using Hpeolnl equipment, .Some

-und grade new privn to llnc.i n re to be w ired .

, - 1 ^ ' • :

U r

Fund m on th Is p resen ted to Bob Day,'nIted Fund, w hich will begin Its drive

licated In Rate ^ r h r o u g h o u t t J . S . -ore than ag e group which com m its the •* i. g re a te s t nilm ber of crim es—will ': ta ry of continue to grow. ->ach told K atzcnbach questioned the ;day tha t em phasis he said w as being irols a re p la c c d 'b n o rder in the concern "bans on w ith la \ ^ . a a d order in this ' guns ap- y e a r 's cam paign. He said th ird ** J not go p a r ty p residential candidate <

George C. W allacc sullies the nttorney p h ra s e ," la w and o rder” when •. m urders he u s e s ’H. -

le fam ily Tlie fo rm er Justice D epart- , ou could m ent, official, who faced Wal- : a re saf- lacc a t thc door to the Universi-

a.m . in ty of A labam a when Wallace i a re a t tr ied to block integration of the

school in 19G3, told the panel: ed the ■ “ When the governor of a sla te le to rise igno res a court o rder and then :ause the goes and preaches law and or- J ilation in d e r, th a t term is as denigrated

2Qs—the a s it can be.” J

ra y P u e b lo C rew - ' lu n is t P ro p a g a n d aorinl wa- "o n e h our daytim e sporis rcgu- , sincerely la r ly .” ••ies." D uring the news confcrcnce ,networks sequence, which was film ed ^ sting Co. Aug. 13 in Pyongyang, the N orth adcusting K orean cap ita l, B ucher 'thanks ' pts from N orlh K orea for giving him thc otal of an opportun ity lo speak a n d ‘ says hey w ere the c rew requested thc news 1 Korean conference "in o rder to have • rlln. One your assistance in realizing our gresslon" eu rn es t desires for rcp a trla - . Br shows lion ."Is m on jit, N orth Korea hns snld repeat- . ; the cap- ediy lh a t thc 82 Pueblo crew ­

m en will nol be released until nn ininp tt’c U..S, govcrnm enl adm its the ■ r v E shlp-vM Inted N orth fCoresf! wa- - If npoloRi7,cs for the violation .W l . ifrC and g ives nssurancc that it

\von’.l Jinppen a u a ln .J h e U,S, i n ” Mrc govcrnm enl lihs re'firsed.' saylng '' nd “ 1 “ -has. no cviUcnce thul the ship er' llvino ‘respnsscd hut proposing nn ' lev hnve inve.'itignlion by n neutral third nmo wny I’" " ! ' - _________________

H r S o v ie ts D ra f t ; P c a c e Schem e

a tlceply

iliMjr Sl F o r M id cas tWASIIIWITON (A P )-A (our-

,,, ,t,„ p n n pinn for pence hutwcen Is-ice'll d ie t" •"'«, ^ , . | | ' been suggested to the United------:-------1 .Sinlcs hy lhe Sovlel Union,

A m erican officinls sny.I'he pinn, one of .severnl np-

I O p roaches in severnl weeks, nc- t:ordlng to the offlciiih. c-nlls for Israe l to pull back lo the bouail- iiries thn t , existed before llic six-day wnr la s t sum m er with the A rab countries,

9M. I V In tu rn , Ihe Arnhs would de-— Vlr/« *0

It,. . lh a t ban existed w ith Isrnol■'“" ' I * ' ' " •

l i i „ l i . M iM bhnil III 1017, T lio U..S. n l l |. little,s forsponse lo the .Soviet overtures

1., . I „ '"'*1 they refused lo go Into more u)<n»y nyTho o ther points bf the plan

r 'i.r«. li. for I) strong United Nntlons, ...I. l I1..1 fo rm In Ihe nren to gunrnnten!

m sl I , " ‘^''‘■’'‘rn ilon .by Iho-n.C^'1' .1 Unltt'd Stnies, Russia, I 'rnnco n.l », «*>'* f*renl IJrltnln Ihnt they will nil h ten (n icnuc new ffghUng,

If'rael has suld ll would nol .1 Im? ?.?• f^ot'sl'ler witlulrnwni frnm the l i e r " «iif» coaiiuercd In the flashhe no f'K btlng until the A rabs aiirce tollim ilio™ ; __________________

— i — if tho Ncw ^ _


""m’fiuX \ A LLIED */■gnnlzntlun

i^et / I )iimd Pnul- . V - — ■ ^

mnnn*0 ntlend n ^the Wnsh- ALLIEDTolophono »»■ »*»♦» Cj

m ain Clly. L _ 0 - - J --------nilK«t-,'luul ^ „ , ,n p l o y o f l ' Call y o u r local

i i » WARBERG'Sent, .Some M O V IN G & ST C R A G B ire to be o g a n f 7 3 3 -7 3 7 1


I TWIMFm . ^

■ ^■ t

■ ^■ ^■ - ¥ -

H ^H ■ ^lob Day,

S I X O IU.S.m m its the Aimcs—will w I

oned the \ V *was being j f .>e concern 'r in this W f-said th ird - T * - - - •

the -.when

:e D epart- ^ ^ aced Wal-e Universi- * ^ .n W allace W ' mlion of thc '• JW W W H P15 panel: K f T M - 'r of a s la le ^r and then -iw and or- V 'den igrated ▼

n id a ^ J ipor.s rcgu ^ RICHARD NIXC

I - FOR;, the N orth ▼

S i r r S - f PRESIDENT: a n d ‘ says ■

thc news w ir to have r “1 :lallzlng nu r _

rcpa trla -

aid repenl- ■“/icblo crew- T.' eased until w adm its the

‘Corean wa- “ ^ 7 ^ -------10 violntion

' that ' it ' .......... J h e U,S, JgC. ''s e d , " ' s a y i n g '

the ship W iposing anlu trnl third w RICHARD HIGH ^

----- ^ FORp . S lq ta 'Sonalor

i ' t l l t - V— Dlitrlct 23

lieme Jf " ■ S j l l j S p

four-between *nntfons hns J f^ S l - T - * K lthe United ^


for w > bound- before llicinm cr wilh WILLIAM ROBERTS

would de- w FO*I tn to of w nr . Stoi* Repr®tontallv«with Israel ^ • DU lrict 24Inn wns es- le U..S. offi-been no re- f ________

;o Into more

plan WIted Nntlons * T ^ '1 gunrnnten! ^Ition. by Iho

I 'rnnce * int they will

nolI from the *T ^In ^

agree to H B H f t J B B H H_______ . W .RICHARD REED

^ , Probata Judg*ID Y

% t RETURIIG'S - f ,

[ I ^ ^ - K - K - K - K - K - K' ■ >



l i v / t j


> HIGH — •• JOHN BARKERiR _ FOR; .onolor ^ Stato Senatorct 23 Dittrlcl 24


>R FORBfontatlva ‘ County Comm iiilonaret 24 - Socond District


I Judg* Proiscutlno Attornoy


\ '



^ I





; . FORicitor State Reprbsontatlvo24 ' DlilHct'23


rnli»lon«r County Commliilonor'istrict Third District


1 , ^ FOB

Attornoy Counly A sioitor



_ Friday, iSept. 27, 1968 Twi



a n i3 i e o r g e H a n s e n ORV


, SB. -■ BAY L IN C O IN ^'

• FOR3tlv0 ' Stoto R eproson ta tlv s.........

District 23

l l ^ ^ l PAUL CORDER

FORi l o m r SHERIFF



Itor County Coronor ^

» ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ <


1968 Tw in F alls T im es-N ow j 2 'j


■ -K

f I!. ★


icanI5 ; : I :



FOR ■ ★iv« - State Roprotanlallv* .1 -----

DlMrlct 24 ^

Z Z _____________ ★


' ' ' .....’ .f° '> ,, ★Cdunty Troosuror'


irr C enitobU

PUBLICAh IM N. ■ ” ' , 1 ^ 1 ■

I . . .

Page 4: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

i l f a f f i c V a lle y ^ s H o m e N>

JAC>^MULIOWNEY O. A. (Go») KEIKER Al WES'PubliJher E*ccutlv9 Ediior Bujineji

vGENE, CARPENTER DAIE THOMPSON • PAUL Sl- . Ofculalion Direclor C«mpojlna RoonWiflpoOBf Preii Roor

- Mr. WebbI n 1961, w hen J a m e s E . W ebb b e- U n io n '“

c a m e h ea d of NASA, th e n a tio n ’s explorais p a c e p ro g ra m h a d been tra i l in g h a p s soR u s s ia ’s fo r fou r d i s c o u r a g i n g B u t tly e a r s . - v ie t Un

S p u tn ik 1 opened a new e r a on vestm eiO c t. 4, 1957, by o rb itin g the e a r th lin g dcia n d sen d in g b a c k ra d io sig n als . In s a tis fa ctu r n , th e R u ssia n s h it the m oon w ith consumL u n a 2, o rb ited tw o dogs a ro u n d th e its dcfeie a r t h a n d successfu lly re co v ered th re a tsth e m . sp h ere .

E a r ly in 19GI, Y u r i G a rg a r in b e- M r. Vc a m e th e f i r s t m a n to leav e a s p a c e - ' derstan<c r < J t a n d land;- sa fe ly 400 m ile s ch ie f hcs o u th e a s t of Mt5scow. - - - p rom ise

I t w a sn ’t until F e b . 20. 1962, th a t b y 1970J o h n G lenn com pleted th is co u n try ’s m spac(

•- f i r s t e a r th orb it. v e n tu re F ro m th a t point on, th e Sovie t Un-— ^ lo w o r

io n co n tin u ed to e le c trify th e w o rld - Yet; h^ w ith s p g«:tarii1ar-“ ftrstsJ* th en -slow- tim e s p^ ly a n d su re ly th e U n ited S ta te s b e - ' p lb ra tio

g a n to lead in th e n u m b er, v a r ie ty p rio ritya n d o v era ll ac co m p lish m e n ts of tim e s .

. s p a c e exp lo ra tion , ConqiN ow th a t he is d e p a rtin g , M r. ing firs

W ebb e x p resses co n c e rn th a t budg- o th e r gie t a r y c u tb a c k s w ill g iv e th e Sovie t e ig n ani

Grim-Appi“ I t h a s b ee n a d isco u ra g in g , puz- pow erei

z lin g a n d e n e rv a tin g w a r a n d th e in su b «U-ffilA. h a s h ad l i t t l e m a te r ia l suj>- th o Unip o r t f ro m m o st o th e r n a tio n s . . . I f o th e r ia n d w hen th e U .S .A . p u lls ou t, th e A m ericwholet P a c if ic se a b o a rd fro m S ib e ria ognizin]to S u m a tra w ould b e w ide open to h a v e bin fi l tr a t io n o r lo co n q u e s t . . A s ia . Ii

W ash ing ton d e c r y u i r la c k o f su p - t h a t “ rp o r t in V ie tn a m a n d ^ a m i n g of th e to ventip e r i l? o f A m e ric a n w ith d raw al? conflic t

F a r fro m it . T h e co m m e n t co m e s o v e r Ufro m th e o th e r s id e of th e A tlan tic , in A siaf r o m th e la te s t e d itio n of “ J a n e ’s ShoulF ig h t in g S h ip s ," th e a n n u a l B rit ish d ra w a l p u b lic a tio n w h ich Is th e la s t an dm o s t a u th o r ita t iv e w o rd on w o rld >n a v a l fo rc e s . ^ng for

“ J a n o ’s ," w h ich re g u la r ly m ix e s s e e s it,e d ito ria liz in g a n d s tra ig h t s ta t is tic s th e scco n th e b a la n c e of sea p o w er (th e So- t im e b( v ie ts le a d 325 to llG in con v en tio n a lly n ese .


Art Fletcher Tl(N ote: This Is th e second, and conclud- AU tt

Ing, colum n on-A rt F le tc h e r ,.a K cgro,,and._ jiclghbo " '■ succcssfuI'R C publlcan (i<><nince fo r LIcur i t "swci

/ e n n n t G overnor of W nshlngton Stato. M r. . . tho .wpr Spec ta to r m et him recently In Seattle an d - of such

— believes-Ihfc-T im cs-N ew s-readers will bfr th e 'Met in te re sted ih d few o t tho idcns, t h e p rogran d re a m s of this unusual'm an from a nelRh- a mean bo rih R '^ a to . Tho f irs t column—"Tho M an life, wii I s A rt 'F le tc h e r” —appcored In th is space lng to s T h u rsd ay evening.) . So th«

' _ linvo aA T M r.^ S j^ c ln to r said la s t night, A rt w ith n

F le tc h e r Is a n unusual mnn. IIu is wellctlucatcd , n form er professional alhleto such usn n d n il - A m erica sm all collcgo foothull then, tc p lay e r, lie Is a fnmlly m an and he Ini'*

■ u plan. When the Nov. C clcclion Is over, y e a r onth e ro BCums llltio doubt b u t thal ho will Nol sb o tho first of his race to hold auch a F letcheih ig h position In th e governm ent of th e “ is S lu te of Wnshlngton. And In a atnie whiTcuhou t two per cen t of tho v iito n n ro o*blnck, m osi of his support Is com ing afro m \ylUles. And U la organized help w ilh rn ih c rth e purjM)so to j c o th e thing through and noihlngge t him clectcd. A rt !•

M r. Spectator found A rt H c tch e r M lled JLV! os tho m an with a plon. M r. 1-leichcrp u l 11 ll.lH w ay: ' *

. “ I 'm ono candidato who h nol goingl a come and, talk nlmut w hnt hn atands "J ( ir n o w ,-« l tho m om ent when he’a «lf- ‘ i , ' ’ cl(lt;d ho IH Kolng to run. In n»y cosi! Icn n look hack ovur my sliiiulilt-r an d lulk *“ • nlioiit whnt I hnvn hui'n doing nlxiut whnt1 Btand for, und wlm t I proposo to con* .tinuo to llo ii1m)uI ll when e lu d ed l.lou* 1te n a n t (jovernor." ih u U

And Uto hig Issuo ho hua l>ccn Hlamllng hnvrn 'tfn r Is n srif-help program to r tliosn who ..j i i .i,, n e rd It. ills Idraa nro good cnou};h, n n d -in the twu yearn Iho program hns iH-cn in Dm foperallon in I'asco , whero ho is n c ity ,councilm an, U haa been succcasful, w eren 't

So nuccus.iful, in fact, thnt ho wan n ik i'd ]y nfleto nnpcnr befofo tho p ln lform tcoinm ltluo. innplrc;o f tho Uepubllcan P a r ly in Mlntnl, liunling

W hat M r. F le tchcr BugKc.ite<l nt tho p la tfo rm aeaalon: a specific plnnk nponk-Jng d ircc lly lo tho nee<U of Impli'mcnting Mnvothoso prournm s ihn t a rn aup|H)Ni-d to nolvu elgln-wa p a r t of tho c ris is nf iho cities a t tho kitten

- nom l'borhood level w h e r e tho prohlimj room "re a lly is. ' 1

I lls Idea cnught flro nml tha t Iden h for Mnnow Jin official plnnk In tho national pln(- , Wo hfo rm of tho Kcpuhlli-an- i 'a r ly . lln lias hona',filncc conferred w ith M r. Nixon and M r, m an SIy\gnew on th a t plnnk. will he

M r. r iu lc h o r nnld th a l ll h all Imnnr- "e fn ll<ant hecnuHo It jneana ihnl Ihey (NIxim .SpringAn n d A gnew) « r« llntcnlng " to our advli e'* o r youn n d a ro going lo m nke o n ’ all oul effort Minrp,<o appea l to the n a tion 's rnlnorlty cltlr.cn l^lnlilvo to rs . ^ ini)n(

" f t nlno m onna,” ho anld, " th n t they 73:i-127lo n d o lh c r RejXJbllcan loaders nro now Dogre a d y lo listen and to fnko guidance, nd* mnlo -v fco u n d d ircc llo n fro m know ledgeahlorcp* pnrcnijreaen ta llv ca of. tho n a tion 's varloua ml- i" 'i «ir.n o r ity g ro u p s." *»o I

T h a Bucccsaful nelf-help p rog ram advo- free, Iic a te d b y M r. r ie tc h e r la n nelKliborluxKl and go

• .v o n tu ro . A t I’nHCo, for Innlanco, a nel»h* tho coibo rhood corporatl(m wa« ntnrli'd on I2(l,- . cnn lUi000 ra ised through nelgtihorhcHMl ixisldenta old am

' b u y in g atock, J ’Jcuso

’« H o m e N e w s p a p e r

PHONE 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 . J S a n T:R Al WESTERGREN WIIEY DODOS rassing

Bu.InMi Mcnaoer A<Jvcr.,.in(, Monogo. .fcnnle .I • PAUL STANOLEY O. J. SMITHlogBf Preii Room Monoger . Mandging Editor ,

ebb Goesbe- U n io n “ a c o m m a n d in g l e a d in s p g c e n’s e x p lo r a t io n f o r y e a r s t o c o m e .” P e r ­ing h a p s so .1 g B u t th e r e is e v id e n c e t h a t th e So-

- v i e t U n io n a l s o h a s r e d u c e d i t s .in - o n v e s tm e n t in s p a c e to m e e t c o m p e l- .

r t h l in g d e m a n d s f o r h o u s in g , a m o r e In - s a t i s f a c to r y s y s t e m o f d i s t r i b u t in g

i t h c o n s u m e r g o o d s , a n d f o r b o l s t e r in g th e i t s d e fe n s e s a g a i n s t r e a l o r im a g in e d e d t h r e a t s f r o m w ith in a n d w i th o u t i t s

s p h e r e . .be- M r . W e b b ’s d i s c o u r a g e m e n t is u n - c e - ‘ d e r s t a n d a b le . A s th e n a t i o n ’s s p a c e le s c h ie f h c w a n te d to m a k e g o o d o n th e

, p r o m is e to l a n d a m a n o n t h e m o o n m t b y 1970, e r e c t o b s e r v a t io n s ta t io n s y’s in s p a c e , o r to a c c o m p l i s h o th e r a d - -

v e n tu r e s t h a t a l a c k o f fu n d s m a y Jn-— 5 I0 W o r p r e v e n t , r id * ^ Y e t; h e m u s t r e a l i z e t h a t c h a n g e diw- ^ tim e's p r o d u c e n e w n e e .d s ^ p a c g - f ix - — ________a e - ‘ p lo r a t io n n o lo n g e r c o m m a n d s th e ^j t y p r io r i t y i t h e ld i n l e s s t r o u b le s o m e ’ | o f t im e s . I

C o n q u e s t in s p a c e , i n s t e a d o f b e - - Id r . in g f i r s t , n o w h a s e q u a l s t a t u s w i th Id g - o th e r g o v e r n m e n t u n d e r t a k in g s , fo r - 1•iet e ig n a n d d o m e s t ic .

ippmisal Mu z - p o w e r e d s u b m a r i n e s a n d 300 to 25 ' th e i n s u b c h a s e r s a n d p a t r o l b o a t s , b u t u p - t h o U n ite d S t a t e s i s s t i l l a h e a d in a l l S H . I f o t h e r m a j o r c a t e g o r i e s ) , t a k e s ^ | | th e A m e r i c a ’s a l l i e s t o t a s k f o r n o t r e c - r i a o g n iz in g t h e s e r v i c e U . ST f o r c e s

t o h a v o b e e n - p e r f o r m in g in S o u th e a s t - 'u m A s ia . I t w a r n s o f a g r o w in g f e e l in g j p ^

u p - t h a t “ n e v e r a g a i n o u g h t t h e U .S .A . th e t o v e n tu r e in to a n y f o r e ig n n i a i n l a n d ,

c o n f l ic t , a n d t h a t o n c e m e w a r is P A U i e s o v e r U .S . f o r c e s w il l n e v e r s e t fo o t t i c , i n A s ia .”le’s S h o u ld s u c h a n A m e r i c a n w ith -

d r a w a l c o m e to p a s s , h o w e v e r , i t w o u ld n o t n e c e s s a r i l y b e c l e a r s a i l - . m is k i n g fo r th e C o m m u n is t s . A s “ J a n e ’s ” spot w

x e s s e e s i t , t h e n r e a m ig h t w e l l b e c o m e t ic s t h e s c e n c o f a n e w s h o w d o w n — th is S o - t i m e b e tw e e n th e R u s s i a n s a n d C h i- w ith i' n lly n e s e . poncd

an d an . fo r sa


w as Uf T t * | • *1 m ansloer Thinks . . .

m an,lud- All tho labo r w as provided by these 1.And _ neighborhood resldilnts. M r.^P letcher calls P’’.Icur i t ■■sweat cqiiIty ." A‘ .shopping cen ter is in M r. . . tho wprkSr ilii-app roac ljrlo -tho -P E ob lom s-, “ • an d - of su c h -a rc a s is a. Wclcome rcllef-from I th e " le t lhe governm eni d o it" route. His •i't h e p rog ram advocates g iv in g 'th o Individual *(Igh- a meaningful role in chang ing his lot in Man life, w ilh governm entnl resou rces a .«lst- "laco lng lo scc thn t it doesn’t fail.

So lliero. In n thlnihle-nized outline you havo a llUlc of the thinking of this "m nn «‘‘in»ri

A r t ' w ith a 'p l a n " up in WahhlHH'” '' well H ere In Idaho wc hnvc seen no sininllon evltleni ilcte such us thi.s. Wc have new Issues now nnd ^;hail tl'en , to he sure, l)iit ou r h rand of jxil- l,„s Itics Kcems to bu tho snm e ycn r In and ver. ycn r om . «<in»lrjwlli Nol 80 In Waahingion Stato w here Art I, a F le tcher lives. 1‘i'oth e Jt I" refreshing to sco a m em ber of a moved

[uTc m inorltv group — o r raco — do some- n ro thing af>otit a causo hu thinks is Jusl. 1

n ing Du som ething constructive, thnt M s, w ith ra th e r thnn howl and com plain and Ixs R O ' nnti nothing m ore than n noisy m inority.

A rt I'ic tcher, M r. Spcclu tor l>ellqye.i, la iilprf evidence of w hat cnn be accom plished

, whllo following norm al ru les nnd living a no rm al life,

olnn Speclfctor will w nlch w llh Interest„mU vote count In lh« upcoming elcc- AUS"

tion, Uui ono ey*- will M ray in o rder lo Jn llui I n .pr«’k Mt how A rt i-'letcher Is faring presim

wllh hi# drcnin. phroy'!

IJN IO N F(»H I'.V I-:R finSn*'*I In snito of biicU-lo-huck no 'h ltlera In .Snn ahout

I'rancL co , aiul the undl»|>uud f a d lha l algnini,, Ihi.i Is Ihu Y ear of tho IMlohcr. Iho ruli-s Haul

oing haven 't hcen chniiiicd for thu plnyura, I t 's nvcr twbo „ ,j|i „,rco Mrikea and yo u 're out n t tho highly "" rt- „|,1 ta il

•'> Ilul for tho um pires '/ Tw o of them he- hern,gan to Nii.spcci iho ollm r «lay Ihnt they miiMw eren’t cvcn entlilcd lo one strlko. Short- la r" It

iked ly nfler they nlli'm plrtl lo organize a n ! of tnkilittuo. um pires’ an.soclatlon, they w cro out Job- "H o'

hunting. ' , mnn 1tho - -------- of 1,1b

H-nk- r.lVl'AW AY n'sl|;n!nting Mnvo a JM'nutiful nnd ve ry irffcclionalo then a1.0IVU eiiihl-wccks-oid klllcn lo givo nwny. Tho iron[ Iho kitten comes cnmpielo w llh "pow der dceprihluin room " box and ncvernl cans of favorllo cnmnn

' foiHl. Teluphono iiumlH’r |h 7a:i-()l'H. Ask neriou;•n is for Mrs. I). W. I.nmliert. phri'Vpini- Wo hnvn four pui)i)ic,s' ihnl nei'd a good Ihic Phas home, Thi^v a rc 11 trross betw een a (lei-- WhnM r. num Shorlhalr and a W i'ln iarnner.w t they he lle r

will Iw good hunllng ilogs. 'I'liey ra n bii iho IX

r r- "een three miles norlh on lhe Cry.stiil venlioim .Springs road, l)nlwei'n M ler nnd Itnhl, te r a

^li e " «ir you can cnll nnd n«k for Hi.:k Ing ih<;ffi)rt Shnrp, courthtlren l';i||ht klllens lo Ixi given aw ay - fl arn f,anio

2 iiiDiilhs ohl nml Iwo ni'o -1 nuuillis. Cal] Pre.sldthey 73:i-l27U or lOltl llhm U k e n lllvd, . doraennow Dog lo givo aw ay — Ijhou t H wc'ekn old, (elegri

, nd* mnlo — will bn nmnll dog — no exact lously»rcp- pnrenln(!o kninvti. Cnll 7.1.1-373(1 o r 211 .Wal- Gov.

ml- nut nlrect, i)owerWo huvo n full bloo<l Daohshund for iy.

idvo- free. It In a (omalo nnd a very nlco pet M nrhomi nnd good with kidn. .She needs n homo in (iornoieigh- tho country or, n t least, out whero him. first12(1,- . cnn tun around. .She Is Ju st over one year ph rey ’Ionia old and Is black wllh brow n nuirklngn, cnmpu

J ’luuau call 733-3410 If you u ru IntorcBlcd. cnt all

I -



SpaciWASHINGTON - Jam es E . nautic

WcbTj w as headed for nn un- tion.pleasan t and poteritinlly cm bar- Fou rassing confrontation with the been-

^Senate Space Committee w hen P . Ai hc abruptly resigned last' week would a s head o( the N ational Aero- tcc c

“Y o u M usi

e ,

1- . .I-

!- . ^e

B •d / j V - •S ■ 1 ^

I- ' m k •e C ] ^e . I ^ 1n ms J f ? V II I

t t J i l l '(ir fli a

ll__ ^

c-:s I D v


Mansions!• M issoula, M ont. w as a g a rd en vcya

5” spot w hen A ngel and I lioney- fo rttmooned t h e r e . A straddle n • s tay

j- spark ling m ouniain s t r e a m , man. snuggled in a pr.otectcd valley , in M

w ith ju s t enough cu lturc im - I ’porlcd by the s ta t ; un iversity distran d anyth ing you really needed wori

. fo r sale a t Missoula M crcan* rad ltile. - < othc

And, fo r n poor boy, thero theiiw as the handsom e G reenough . Arm ansion fo r inspiration. , evlu

Mr. Gcenough, a hard-w orking homself-m ade, successful lum ber- Wlm an, bu ilt this handsom e 22- highroom house w ith ils six ba th s thnt

jt , and m nrble fixlurea and sev e ra l ned In fireplnccK - ond e ry s ia l-ch o n d e— atrui

Hers a s n m onum ent lo his sue- W■ cess- and - a s O' rew ard ' fo r the of h

Jig '■famjiy w hich had suffered'vy'ilh'” Ihnthim through tho long, l e a n ' beai

L years. and-s(. To m e. in thoso very -m o d est covi

yea rs of enrly m arriage, the hnd0,1 gren t Greenough m ansion of sint<nn lam u rn ck wood with a ballrortm • I

on ils th ird floor wns tangible e d son evldonco t h a t Uurntlo A lger Mosp j live.s on. barlol- A noiher young mnn of Mis- m o\,,,1 souln, A rt Moshy, sh'iired m y the

n<lmlratlon nf that Ixiuse nnd l)ii f t w as s im ila rly Inspired by It. fnr 1

Tho Greefiougha eventually con:A m oved on lo Spokano. The H ar- ccpi


ROWLAND EVANS iS HHH’s Sllestcc- AUSTIN, Tex, — Top figu res to-wn» In llui Texan labor niovoinent, crni

Ing pre-iinnably nne of.H ubert Hum* j,-,phrey'fi bnslh)ns of support, n ro Denju)w Ko w orried nbout lils cam - hel<lpnlgn ' Ihnl they aro ta lk ing |>m

Inn ahout the advl,inf)llhy nf hin re-lull signing a s Vicc l ‘rv,sidenl. „ „„les Hank Urown. wh(» prcn itirs d ,.„It's nvcr tho ntato Al'IyCIO and Is ji,otho highly regarded by nil factions on’ii

of Iho spilt Dem ocratic p n r ty .)alibe- here, told ua thnt H um phrey i.- ley m ust «lo aomclhlng "npeclacu-)rl- In r" lo hnvc nny chanco a l n il !,i,.a n ' of tnklng Texna. "ob- “ I Io'n gol lo becomo hla ow n i'i„

mnn nnd establish an klonlllyo f 'h in own, nnd If thnt m eans v n r n 'slgn ln i: an Vico F realdcnt.

nio then ao bo ll," Drown aald, u,;,I'ho Ironlcnlly enough, Urown’n •’ llcr deppi-nlng worrien nbout ihorito cnnipnTgn coincliie with thn f irs t ‘, . '7,\sk Berlous ev ldenrn thal H u m - ^ 7

phri'V Is nl Insi becoming n vl«- , iKid Ihle ‘F residcnlinl nominee bore. iei^ Whnt m av bo n lurn for (Iio t»ey h e lle r cum o last week, w henbo (ho l>i'mocrnlii! im riy's fall con- W

'M l vention pnfitie(| n reHohition (nf- I’rclid, (e r a bnckslage hnllle) endoni- rei^it'k Ing Ihn en tlro pnrly llchel, from effd

courthou.so to Whlto Houso. T lw t llelinrn rtamo convention also received chn:all PresUli'iit .Tohns<in’« wa'rm) en- will

dorneinent of Humphrey In n inlid, (e legram tha t Iind been ncrupu- plira c t loiisly c len red wllh outgoing plm/nl- Gov. .lolm Connally, thn m ost the

powerful figuro In liio nlnlo par- to ^for ty. tioipet M nreovnr, Iho P rcn lilrn t’n en- IxiiiI in (iornomcnt har« now led lo Iho lnghhn. first i;erlous cirnrt hv Hum- IIea r ph rey 's cnntpalflu lo build a <-raiga, cnm pnign kilty in the nlxth la rg - J 'r rcd. cnt a ta to , which In covcnul w all- bun


pace PrograE . nautics and Space Administra,- N/

un- tion. W<liar- Four days previously he had pathe been told by C hairm an Clinton it

'hen P . Anderson. D-N.M., th a l he-. ''Cck would bc callcd on the com m it- wjcro- tee c a r p e t soon to justify wi

I M u s t B e K id d in g , I


)ns In^ired Airdcn veys moved on to seek the ir oney* fortune elsewhere. A rt M osby c le n • s tayed and, "motivated by iha t t u m , mansion, made his own fortune c

illey , in Missoula.im - I watchcd, fascinated from a 1

:rs lty distance as m y long-ago friend \ leded worked for and then owned the 1 rcan* rad io station In Missoula, ihen J

o ther radio and TV stations, 1 thero theii rea l esta te . 1lough . And eventually, perhaps In- i

ev llably, that m ansion w as h is I rk ing home.nber- When th e y announced the new 1 1! 22- h ighw ay wns com ing through ! baths thn t properly, the c ity w as stun- 1 v e ra l ned — Mr. Mosby waa thunder- 1ande-'-—• s tru ck .-— ------ — .............. . . ;i sue- Wilh the casual Indifference i r the of bu rcau craey -lt w as -decreed - -

vy'Ith Ihnt the_B reat honso w ith i t ^ - l e a n ' beautiful stalhed-glasa wlndowii '

and-wrought-iron fence nnd w nb • odcst coverings of velvet and b rocade , the h a d been condemned by tho n of Slnte nnd Would t>o destroyed, irortm • I w as not particu larly aurpris- igible e d suhscciuenlly to h ea r thn l A rt A lger Mosbv had bought the house

b a rk Trom the sta te , offered lo Mis- m ove it and to presen t II to

I m y the c lly as a museum. nnd Dm ihcro waa no c ity budget 1 t. fnr m aintenance, and o ther legal tua lly conHlderations com pllcaled nc- I la r - ccptunce.


s Shallow TexIgures to-wnli by a cnrpet of nii, iiir- m ent, c rn tl, and Insuranco moncy.Iliin i. i .„ r week,,, ,i„, ............... ..I. “ '■« Dem ocratic p arty fa tca ls Imvecam - h(<|<| buck, waiting to wee whnt

“Iklng Ihu Pre.Hidcnl and Connallyll'l «■<-" would <lo. In Ihnt Interim , some• , , m oney usm illy , reserved fi>rc sid rs Dismocrnts hun been flowing Intomd Is the coffcra i>f Hlchnrd M. Nlx-ctlons Binoulhly efficient cam - p n rty pnlnn.

rtHrx, M i'olly. n lw(hhended cam -Ql Ml «l>crnllon Is alw ut to tako

nhnpe, composed of lending non-. clectivo D em ocrats: nno (proiia-

‘‘y la closo lo liberal Sen. RalphiV.innf Y arborough; tho t)lhcr (prtiba- K icn t. ultornuy JVibert- Strauna, ihu iiatloiuil com m fllce., . " ‘I"') w»'» l» clo.so Ib Yurbor-

a ' n ; n y , ...........„ y i„ . Hut tender and m odest nahorn cainpalgn ithouls a re ,

ir Ibo fthoulil hn no inislaku about their Implicnliona,

il con- With polllieal allies of thnn (nf- President nnd the govt‘rnnr nowndora- reiujy lo mako a fumlnmunlnl ,, from e ffw t for the Humphre,V Muskio. T lia t llekcl, thero cnn be lilllo If anvre ived chnneo for a Humplirey breakn ) en- wllh Mr. .lohnson over Ihe w ar

In n In Vlolnnm. Somn nf Hurn-crupu- phroy’n ullle.s Imvo been cnnlem -tgolng plnllng JuM nuch n b reak in

m ost the luipo of getting H um phrey,0 par- ,'tn sfako init nn Indeiiendeni po.sl-

lion on tiio w ar, particd larly thoi'n en- Iximblng of tho north, and nmok-lo Iho lng out Ninon. ,Hum- Ilul when w<i asluM non nem o-

lllll a <-ratle fl«uren h e r e ' when tho1 la rg - J'resldenl'fl friends wmild get I w all- buny nnd ralso lom o monoy for


ram—Secoiistra- NASA's operating plans. F o r me

Webb, already fretting over his ershad pared-down M-85 billion budget, to

inton it w as apparen tly the la s t straw . Mll he Webb quickly requested , and Pr'nm it- was granted, a n appointm ent Jolustify w ith P resident Johnson . Thcy of


jng, Mac!” ' S■ wa

S» p f"* '— as






d Ambition “: th e ir Tliat year, I9C5, a fire destroy- s Mosby ed much of the m ansion’s In- q y Ihat terlo r. It appeared M issoula’s a ortune oldest landm ark w as doomed.

But M r. M osby, ot stubborn s rom a D anish anccsiry, refused to givo ] friend up. He moved the trem endous t

,ed the bouse as far as the CInrk Fork < I, Ihen R iver before the hlgliway de- 5 a tions, parlincn t rcfu-ied to allow the (

overw eight house to bo moved i ,ps In- across the M adison S t r e e t 1 'a s h is bridge.

A less de term ined m an would < fie new hnve abandoned bis projcct. In- t hrough slcad ,'M r. M oshy conferred with 1 s slun- experts—divided the huge struc- < lunder- tu re into three pieces—nnd thus 1------- . . fiol lt- u cro ss .tiic riv e r and.ontorercncc a prom inent h illtop southeast df Vleereed— low n................ ................... . ....... ..'ith • i t ^ ^ T here nil M issoula.-looking up^ IndowS "can .see tho-nmn5lon.-Tcn:^aem-- - nd wall • bled nnd restored to Ils formerirocnde s p le n d o r .........................................I)y Iho Now M r. M osby hns opened . troycd . tho old m ansion lo lours by vis- m rpris- Itors. F-speclnlly ho encourngcs lini A rt visits by .sch(K)IchlkIrcn n n d

bouse young - m nrrieds, ..hopeful the Dred 10 grand hou.se m ny m ean to tlicm I II to som eihing of w hat It mennl to 1

him . Hint ll m ight Inspire them budget ins il did Iilm. ;

' r legal ' Not lo resent tho.sc w ho'havc ' ed ac- m ore, but 10 em ulate , inillato 1

nnd outdo ihum if wo cun.


Texas Wellill. nir- Humphrey, tho Invarlnhlo nn-ley. Hwer wa.s ihls: when tho Presl-d lllonal “ 'id Ciinnnlly a ru nntisdeds Imve tha t Humphrey w on 'l publiclye w hnt b reak wilh Mr. Johnson overonnniiy the wnr. Tlic im plication is clt*arI. som e Kiot no nuch b reak In now likely.1,(1 fo r If ll ever wn.s.lng Into Thus the prlco of H um phrey'sVI. Nix- m iulesi hupj>ort by th e Texas

cam - D<‘mocrnllc cstnbllshm enl may nnivo n n lly , and Iho heneflla

I cam - Illusory, As of Kxlny, Nlxon Isto tnko In front hcro nnd (leorgong non- W allace, ihs arch-negregallonlst(nroiia- th ird-party mimlnce. Is pres.slng,1) who el()so to H um phrey from behind.

Ralph M<irenver.' tho Vico Prcni-(prtiba- den t's effort hero hnn-nlrcniiylU)bert been plagued by m oro Umn lln •

im lllce . nharn of canipalKO lx>o-boos. ForYurbor- oxnmpln, n top-rank circledagonist, Dem ocrat wan actually lurnrd

baj'k a t the door w ji e n holost na niniKht, In rep ly to Mumphrey'as a re , leletiram nf Invltnllon, to payin islaku l>i-‘ >'e.'ipec.ln'to the nominee oil

Sept. II) In Houston.„r tho It wann't Hum pliruy'a fuuit.

m r now H was nothing moro thnn hndiiniuniiil 'itaff worki Nn onn giinnling•Musklo llum phrey 'n door hnd lieartl of) If anv Ituesi, anti his nam o wnsii'tf b reak <m Ihe cniilnit list. Hut In thinIhe w ar I'ampaiitn, H um phrey cnn't nf-

ford tho luxury of poor ntnffcontem - work,reak in I'UrlJfiTmore. tho boycott ofim phrey, the IntllleclualH and youth Ihat'111 posi- hns hesot H um phrey elNUwhoroarly tho Ih a m alor problem ^W ro In Tox-d fimok- ns. llncliers of Sen. Uxigeno Mc­

Carthy aro ikiing virtunlly noth- Demo- Inu nnd uiiloss lluniphrey can

ien tho fiiliow Mrown'n prencrlptfnn of «uid get "som ething spectnciilnr'* lliey’roiiioy fo r not likely to.

cond To ReF o r m et la s t M onday in w hat in s j^ erhis e rs say w as an a ttem pt by Webb to

Iget, to have Johnson biterccde with plraw. Anderson. Anderson and the erand P resid en l a r e old friends, and b«

nent Johnson Is a fo rm er chairm anrhey of the Senate space com m ittee, qi

' In th e ir W hite House m a tin g . * how ever, th e P resident showedno d isposition to intervcnfr on «W ebb's behalf. In the an im ated f- discussion tbe fast-talking Webbsubm itted h ts rcsIgnaUon and it ^w as accep ted . A t a news con- ”fcrcnce la te r , Webb said he was »not sa tisfied w ith the pace, of ^

I the U.S. space program a t a ' tim e w hen it Is c learly running

sccond to R ussia’s.In h is le tte r to Webb, which

he h as declined to disclose. An- ^derson is sa id to bave advised j.th e c ivilian space boss tha t he ^w ould b e recalled for space ^com m ittee questioning as soon .a s th e NASA budget got final j,congressional approval. jj

, A nderson sU ted brusquely h k th a t h is com m ittee w as not sat-E Isficd, in a t least two respects, ^' w ith W ebb’s proposed operating r

p lan fo r th e cu rren t year. T be 5p rincipal points a t ,I s s u e w ere vNERVA, th e nuclear powered urocket p rogram , and NASA’.s f adm in istra tive ou tlays proposedfo r th is y ea r. r

N uclear rocket propulsion h as £been nu rsed along by Anderson }i

any U.S. space jirogfam . A ndor-. Ison, th en chairm an of lhe Sen- sate-H ouse Atomic Energy Com- fm ittee, w as authorizing vision- 1a ry re se a rc h on nuclear-pow- f


-----Old BlocWASHINGTON (N E A )-W o rk ;

y by a m in isteria l research stu­den t at the U niversity of Chi­cago suggests tha t there m ay noc be a Generation G ap a fte r all.

Tho studen t activists he s tu ­died don’t seem to be rebelling a g a in s t th e ir paren ts’ views. T ney. seem to be copying them .

In Rev. L am ar T hom as' study.In fac t, they seem m ore c losely , and rigidly associated w ith th e ir p a ren ts ’ views than do a v e ra g e nonactivist students.

A m ain factor contributing to .student activ ism , according to T hom as, is dedication by th e -

stroy- s tu d en t's paren ts to ^wlitlcal ’s In- causes—open or closed occup- o u la s oney , civil rights, poverty, ied. Tho liberal students T hom as bborn stud ied a ll turned out to have 3 givo libera l paren ts. The conserva- indous tives all bad conservative p ar-

Fork ents. H e found no Instance In his y de- sam ple in which a student had w the cha'ngcd from libernl to con- moved sc rvntivo o r conservntivo to r e e t liberal.

E ig h ty per cen t of the stu- would den ts sn id thcy preferred tho ct. In- sam o p a rty a s tho ir nnrents. d with N ineteen per cen t w ere indepen- struc- denis. Only ono hnd shifted to

d thus an o th er political pnrty, d .onlo ' E xcept for tho activ ist stu- last’ of den ts w hosd-v iew s "w ere l u s t -

n g u i v .................................

J O S E P H G , / ^ L N i

Rheura^d .the i1 tliem D ear Dr. Molner: rRhcum ntlc nnt to fever Is prcvnlent hbrc, and it > them Kcems aome have m isinterpreted

your column 'concerning It in ) have lhe past, for Ihey any you wroto niltuto thu t, if Ihe pntleiit hnd il and 1. rccovercd without hcnrt dnm -

nge, repented 1 n f 0 c l I o n a wniildn'i uffeut the heart.

I d o n 't believe you over wrnio nuch. PIcnne wrile In your col­umn Iho specific carc tlmt nhould 1)0 given a victim of this dreadfu l dlseu.se. — (i, S. D., a T each er In Appalachia.

Y es, 1 think they did m isin­te rp re t Ktimewhal.

Uhoumnlic fever, which s ta r ts n» '» " s tre p Ihronl," is ntill the

; .subject of conni.lerablo sludy. w T Uheum niic fever. It ticems,

' ,p doca mil nlwuya cnuso h e a rt iiLniu d am age, but It doen no In u

nufflclent numl>er of cu.sca thn t , , provciulng h e a n dumago haa to

" bo the prim nry consideration lu lexan [reutm ent,

t "*}*y l l olso nppeurn lo bo Iruo — leneii a cuimot Imi aald wilbIxoii IS ccrlaliily—lhal If u per-

aon'a heart 1-s to Iio 'd am ag ed iillonlsl , rj,p i„„n iic fever ll prohnbly rcs.slng ^ lu n,e <iumngoDrhliu . „ | , | , iiiivtlrni attack. T hereafter,

I’rcni- nny fu rilicr ulluckn lncreuao iho >lready .inm nue.Imn lln • reword tho nlluniion

V " tills w ay ; If there la aome h ea rt c ircled (ininngo from ihn flrnt nltnck, turned thu,, ,|,o jwii«mt must bo fiir-

e n ho over on gunrd a fter tha t nanlnnt phrey a any rojKutetl nliack, to pay if ),(, encnpes heart dnmngo nco on ll, 11,0 flrnt atiack, ho can well

conaider himaelf fortunate, but fault. nolMHly can nay thnt nome future

nn hnd n ttack will not dnniago tho innllng henrl.Nirtl of i-'liially, whllo relntlvcly ne- wnnii’t vero dam age (o Ihn heart cnii In lliif* ho dotocted readily enough, Imw iii't af- In nnyono (tho doctor Included) r ntnff nbhi to bo te r la in In m ilder

cnsen th a t no dnmugo hnn oc- Mitt of curre«l7Ih that Hheum ollc fovnr li , Indeed, n uwhoro drondful dlNeann becnufin, ununl- In Tox- ly mmio yearn Inlcr, no m any nu Mc- nutlcnt!! ulllniatety b e c o m o y noth- * 'heari cripples." I would not uy can W(\nt aiiyiliing 1 nay Inleriireted tlnn of « IIU m eaning thnt wo can over lliey’ro re lax r;ur guard agalnat It.

A t the llniQ of on a ttack , a n ti '

RedsInsW- e re d space flight. H e reportedly Webb to ld Webb th a t the S32.5 million

with planned th is y e a r w as not .. the enough for NERVA. which had and been budgeted for $60 million,

irm an A nderson U reported to have littee. questioned W ebb's proposed re- - ,i„ „ allo tm ent of certain operating iuToH funds into NASA’s adm in istra­t i o n tive echelons. H e 'is said to have

ask ed why costs fo r adm inlster- S b ing the 0 .5 5 biUion-a-year spaco and it p rogram have n o t been m ate- . rially reduced from the costs of• wa? a W billion p rogram , and why ,® ® f NASA's . payrolls have not d c

- d in e d as previously projected ,.nninc Wcbb w as caught in a tight-

® enuig budget squeeze.-Congress. . . gave him nearly W billion for

th e non-military space p rogram^ as recently a s 1966, b u t the oul-

u lay has been dw indling ev e r•!! since, and Congress, despito

space y^ebb’s b est persuasive efforts,‘ h a s shied aw ay from esU blish-• ing m ajo r space goals bejwnd

th e m anned moon l a n d i i lg ^ l l lsquely hopefully planned fo r nfctt y ea r,ot sat- I t is a b it of irony, h ow ever,'spects, th a t Webb should have his final:rating run-in with the ch airm an of ther. T be se n a te Space Committee. Things

w ere w ere different back in 1961 whonjwered w eb b assum ed com m and of thelASA’s fledgling U.S. space effort,oposed A t tha t tim e the Senate chair­

m an w as the la te Scn. R oberton h as S. K err, IM )kla. Webb, whiladerson he h ad been form er P resid en t•c w as T rum an’s budget d irec to r andA ndor-. had held other governm ent jobs,le Scn- stepped into the space agency’ Com- fro m a job with Kerr-M cGee Oilvision- Industries, Inc., Sen. K err’s oilir-pow- firm .


Uock Chips_—W ork about Identical w ith those ol:h stu- th e ir paren ts," the conservativeof Chi- studen ts tended to bo a littlee m ay les,s conservative than th e ir par-p a f te r e n ts and the liberals a little les:

lib e ra l than the ir fa th e rs andhe s tu - m others.jbelling T hero seem s. In th is sam pviews. Ung, a g rea te r tendency f o i

; them , children of liberal p a re n ts t(s tudy, becom o activists. T his ac tiv isn

c losely m eets w ith approval from theiiI w ith p aren ts. In fact,- the libera l parlan do e n ts in general said they woulcsnts. jijto Jo see their youngsters eveiiting to m o re active than they a re , eveiiin s to if i t took some tim e from study

T hom as said th a t prevlou stud ies had shown th a t m ost ac

TCcup- students cam o from hom e

)n,wrva- , roporlEr h a s no w ay o ve p a r- knowing w hether th e Thom a •0 In h is s tudy is valid. I t w as based o: en t had ^ very lim ited sam ple.' But i to con- some very interestln,tlvo to questions.

A re then tho student rlot£ ;he s tu - dem onstrations and marche.s b red tho . o nd large backed by m ost of th paren ts, p aren ts of tho rio ters, dcm or Indepen- .slrnlors nnd m arch ers? A r lifted to .students doing whnt m ost c

tlic lr porents would liko to d 1st s tu - them selves? This Is a sol>crln 2re ^ u s t ■ thought; ----------

iO L N ^ ,> U ). ; z I

matic Fevericumntlc bloiics nre used to suppress th, and it .iircp infertlon. Oilier medlcrcrprcled ito n mny bo used ni the phyag It In clan 'a (fiscrclion depending om wroto how inuch' piiln rind nchliig thI ll and pnlienl mny hnve. Real Is c! rt d am - nenlinl, bccause, while Ihc hemI l o n a tissues nre iiinnmeil. the hem

irl. m ust he relieved of nil unneiLT wrnlo cssnry .strain.■our col- <^f'er recovery, tho prcseirc tlm t pruelice il lo give hing-lnntlnII of th is <loses of penicillin onco n monll

S D If* prevent n now Infection froiJ. nlnrtlng. Presen t thinking It thiI ,„u in penicillin nhould be coi‘ tinued for al lenm five ycnr;

Minii) niilhnrllles ihliik il inn ndvisablo for longer thnntill the iiint.

atudy. y\n,{ (j,^ pnllcnt m ust undeHcems, s i„n ,| ,hnt „|^vnys m ust I:

0 h e a r t on gunrd ngnlnnt n strep throi no in a np,j {reiiiment Immedlulcl i.Hca th n t if one begins,;o ina tl) i;very nircp th ront tu nration lu i„ ,„ rheiimalle fe v e r -h m evei

person who has ever had rhe' iruo - - |„ n il^ fever m ust alwnyn rirall;

lid w llb , | ,„ i n Htrcp throat Is n vnni!I,.!!,.!.’.'.!; ‘In'mer lo him tbmi,Inn aged j.,prohnbly ______dnm ngo Denr Dr. M olner: In the

erca fle r, nnything to llio Iden thnl, if y( euiio Iho lnko largo <loses of vllnm ln I

luosqultoes und blncjc flies wm nlluniion blto you?—M.U.F, nc h e a r t ’n ils hnn hcen rcpor(c«I—b1 n tlnck . It doesn 't always work.

t TOnl'ilSt M olnor: Wlmtyour opinion of cnuterlrlng ll

dnniago ‘•'^rvlx for mikl eronlon? Iscan w ell ” common procedure? — Mrinto but M,S,10 fu ture I’i hoth Common and offcago Iho <lvo.

vely fiC-curt cnil Ollklul City omJ County Nawipop*Llgh, how ol Audit IliMtou ofncludrd) Clioiloilon «mi API nilhler riui.«in» to totllon 60.100 Idn'hnn oc- Cm U. 1l>utidc<y l* l>«al>y cj«ilfln<il

' f» 111. <l(iy ol ll.a WMk on willnderd, n loQol notlf'i will ba publl»l.«d,n. unual- •’otiluh^t «lolly omJ Sunrfoy m t ;M m unv Wott, Twin rotl», tdnlO R U m o 113301, Iiy Mnglc Vallay NawtpnpalUld not . , , , „Ksriiroixfl Inlond ni wcond eiiiii mnll moll-an ov e r „ „ 33o,_ ,‘ . acrofMcifthn. J079,ick. an ti . ^ ......... ' ............. -

Page 5: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Forum To .W liafs happening in A m erica?|m ght T his is 'lh e queslion lhat tops^happ

th em all. In this day a n d -a g c j It thc qucr.tion beats the bomb, the,Will pill and thc war. j b e t i

But the bomb, thc p il l . and chao the w ar m ay all have somethinR . So: to do with thc question itself, sociii and in aitemRting to reach ''an Twin an sw er the Magic Valley Coun* th e « cii of Churches and lhe Eciimen- Th' ical Training Council of Idaho 8 p.r a rc com bining. forccs by spon- Colic so ring a community forum se- cryo rie.s. . Co li'egis

T he series, scaltertid over fo'urljam -

WitnesseJehovah’s Witnesses o p e n d res

the ir convention in Buhl High will School F riday at 6:45 p.m . *‘Sh:

W ayne M. Knott, d islrict su- Gooi p erv iso r of seven northern and Kr w estern slates, will-give the ad- mon

-•________________________ progconc

R ite s In s ta ll- N ew P a s to r S'r

A t W e n d e ll Sr"W ENDELL - Rev. V incent S.

L arson was installed a s pastor o f C hrist Lutheran Church, Wen- ~ dcll, by Rev. Henry T riet, Buhl, j ,,*'

He w as assisted by Rev. John M rt u .' f rese. ie ro m e ; i^5.“lfa r0 1 d ^ g ll Iben , Twin Falls; Rev. Henry his F ry , Kim berly: Rev. T hom as D. gom Johnston , F iler; ReVi Thom as ^ ju Schocnborn, assistan t pasto r of / | Tw in F alls, and Rev. A trops, will E den . ordi

T he Lutheran Churchy choir m san g two special num bers. The con] L utheran Woman’s M issionary Sati League hosted the d inner for thcr m o re than 100 guests. o f I

Rev. Larson attended school jng._____ flt_C oncord ia , Portland, O re., stuc

a nd Concordia College, Oakland, due C alif., and was graduated from- th e Concordia Seminary, St.

V Louis, Mo. HHe spent his vicarage a t the ■

C lover Lutheran, near F iler, He H tau g h t school in E ast Portland and O rchard, Wash. He w as or* H da ined and Installed a t Bend, ■ O re .. in 1945. -- ■

He has. served a t P rosser, H W ash ., T rinity a t Republic an d - H Hope a t Tonasket. Wash., w here B he had served from 195B until H th e presen t time. The Rev. and H M rs. Lar.^on have 'th ree daugh- ^ te rs and three sons, all of whom ^ a r e m arried . They have 11 ^ grandchildren.•. Rev. Larson will serve the W endell parish and lhe Gooding K pa rish . M rs. Larson Is a teacher H in t h e Gooding elem entary ■ school. .. ■

PROFESSOR HONORED PISA . Ita ly (A P) - P rofessor

P a u l K rlsle ller of Columbia Uni- Jv e rs ity in New York was aw ard- ced Thursday the International cG alileo Galllel prizo for litera* Itu re . I

D i r e ^............. - ■iTuiuiiii.imniiiimit

• C. IIar- >vey, pMiQr. Sundiy ■crrlceil l:9» t.m . It momln* worihlp. Church »chool for all Woi ■ tei, t ; l t a.m, Momlnf worihtp,'Saneiu- — ary II a.m. Eatl S. JehBuu, aiioclala ■niniiltr. " ' 4'

r iR y r cituncH o f t i i r n a z a re m b '401 aiilh Am, N., Koy, llowatd R. .hli

Olim.- mlnl<l«(,. Sunday Mrvlcei! 1:41 a.m. Siuidiy ichool, lOitO a.m., e pm . Otoup m«Unfi, 7 p.m., Goiptl llour. Wtdneid.y, 7 i» p.m. 4

n u n SAVIOR i.irnir.RAN mwStcond SI. N. al I’niiXh Ave. N., Ra*. cia

— •— Cii|rn«->l. Tl»rk»,. paiior. Sunday. »en Ticvicoir l i » a.m,. II a.m. WnttJilp, tiM vcr ■.m-.' » ;l« a.m. Sunrtay .chool,

• IJ3.1 aF.VK rTII WARI>

»;Jn a.m. Smi.Uy irhnnl. c lo ramrnl. I’a il i iiJ Tr.iimnny liJO pm,

l.ns SKCONI) WAnnl«l Foutih A»«, N,, niihop P, Qilbail

Anilonnii. .Iunday ttivircii t|]« a.m. an Nuitday irhiiAl, 7 p.m, .^•clamcnl.

Kioimc WAim <100 llaiiOiiii St., Illilinp A .Kitwln t ar- isr

•rn. I-Iipailiixid Ri»cllii|, I a.m. Sunday •rliool *;]0 a.m. «iciam<n| m olln i 4 |] | |,< *""■ .. ___ n’l.

CIMimiAN MTIFNtP. leo Nlnlli Ava. K.. Ilcaillni Rnnm, SII

Mai'i AVI 1;. Minday Mtvirn; ti4 | a m .■Iunday »clu>ol, II a.m. Woiihlp. Batmnn 3 loplti "Hcaliiy.”

IHJNITV .KlUTin’UN ■APTlST 7' ' •^OJ Ihi.d Av., N„ ll.v, i:. W. Hood, I ,

fni wnidiip, II am., <>]( nm.,' lia ln . {jl! UnInn; JjJO jir.i, ry.niiif "

KAsrmni: routmiihn iiai*t h t =lost IJliih.lli illva., K.v, ili)l>«M o

ncliitc’i.nliflii, pa.inr, hunday ativiiaii I'*It a m. Mind.y ..Ixnl, 11 a,ii>., TilO p.ni M Wortlilp, p.m Tialnlni Union.

TUR HAI.VATillN ARMV l»<SQI SerciiK) Ava, N., Capi, <liori. Drlv.

at Numlay ..ivlceii liis am , Sunday arhnol. II a m,,, 7 p.n;. Wocihip,

I DS nixTii WAnn flu109 Haiiltnii Mta.l. illiliop Rciy Ral» icl

b.l Sunday t.td rc ii ID a.m. aunilay acliiwl, 4:>0 p.m, .laciam.iil.

FIHNT AS’ll!Mn>,V OF 0 0 t>H. l.oLilii al Shoup Al,, ll.v. I., t. l.a' 4a

.Siiinln'y ailinril, 11 «.m. Woiililii, n i.10 n.iil. yiiolli mvnllni, 7i30 p.m . llnaiiel flour. W riliis.dnyi 3 p.m, l.mllna Ini prnynr tioiir. 7i.lO n.m, Miialiin- (>'’ ( l i r a >riral nml tlilrrf WflctiinKiny), 7i:ii) p.m. Ilnyal tiniigeri, THS 1> iiiliI.vvBBk lorvlun. ^

I'IMhT IINiritl* DtHTTHHRN90) Ihlot Av.. 1:, Nimday x iv lra .i In

pill, Yiiuih iiiBPiini, i i l t |in i. iln .|» l xl' tiniir. WrilnrxUyi 1 pm, I.adi..' pray .r 1> himr. 7i}0 piu, MKHuoHI'. (I'lltl anil Ihliit Wrdn.Klay. IllO pm, llnyal llan |. aia, 7l«l pill, MId.w.tk t.tvlca.

l.t)I FOimm'WARt» a.I l l Fnudli Ava, N„ lll.hon Claud* ■,

mown Jr. nunday a.rvlc.il i |4 t a.m. )■ flimitay .rhool. I pm. B.framanI cl

flKVl.NTII-I'Ay ADVKNTIVT Yi (Irandvl.w |)rlvi, Jnlin W. »U)id, pa». > Inr Naivic.il 7ll» p.m. Wailni.day, Piav- I. at mrallni ti}« a m KaUiiday. |(«[.l.alb •ilinol, II a.in, KaluKtay, Wor.hip,

oiiincii ni> TIIK nRi^TiiiirN pi411 I'll.r AV.. W,, liar. VIrsll O, Wal- Ki

mail inlnl.t.r, fliinday a . rv lc i Wor.lilp, . . II am , Hunday xhuol ||4 I a.m. youlb ll |>.ll(.w.Klp I p .a. II

To Probe Prolric a? |m g h ts , will deal wilh w hat’s dieted tops^happening-in Amel'ica. The

'a g e .I It i r hoped people who aitend crisis- ), the,W ill leave the meeiing.<:,wiih a in ou

Ib c t t e r understanding o f - l h c Brigg: . and chaos around us. Ruththing Some of the lop experts on and R Itself, social problem s will come, .to isl, w :h an Twin .Falls lo try and ansltp r the qi Coun* th e question^ • » . It. .imen- The first program is scl at The Idaho 8 p.m . Oct, 7 in room HS a in h c sam e spon- College of Southern Idaho, Ev-^qucsti n se- eryono interested is inviled, but crisis i',.j 1 i‘eg istra tion is urged because a I pie ai

r fo 'u rljam -packcd audience is pre-l Dr,,

jsses Plan Conp e n d re ss of welcome a t 7 p .m . He will t High w ill set the convention them e, p a s t :

1. "S h arin g Fully in P reaching th» weste : t su- Good N ews.” At1 and Knott will next conduct a ser- delivt le ad- m on and delivery p reparation dress_____ p rogram as a model for one All st

conducted w eekly In all congre- '>c. > , gallons. M inisters from Boise

w ill sh a re In it. ] y | iD. G. Pike, c ircuit supervisor,

will conduct the foUowing pro- -|- g ram . I l will deal with fam ily I p life, following the them e "Chil- ^ dren — Be Obedient to Y our r p P a re n ts .” He noted th a t It wiJl J . ( include " a d ram a showing the

e n t s . p rac tica l an d 's e r io u s n e e d -fo r J E ? « lo r children to obey thoir p a ren ts .” istcri

The d ram a, based on I Sam uel 2-4, iw ilt be d irected bv K enneth ‘"C

^jQftn I McKirlncv. Qv.ers£er of the Wen- P;" riffartTdell congregation. M em bers of ^ e jh Henry h is congregation, as well a s Jo in ’a s D. som e from Buhl and Twin F alls, lom as will be ac to rs in It. 1‘o r 0* At 1:30 p .m . Saturday Knott |"cn trops, w ill o ffic ia te , a t the baptism -

, , o rd ination service. choir M em bers of the T w in ' F a lls ^clsj

>. The congregation will presen t the . ionary S a tu rd ay evening session on the 5r for them e. ‘T each in g "With a 'S e n s e

of Urgency in the Tim o R em ain- “ i* school jng.’* I t will deal w ith th rB ib le ‘

O re., stud ies Jehovah’s W im esses con- k land, d u c t in the hom es of pcopltTln- J -I 1 from- t e s t e d In th e ir beliefs. T here /. St.


in lan d /'a s or* ^Bend,

rosser, ic and w herei until *i'V. anddaugh- ' - .;whom jM

ve 11

'e theioodingeacherlentary ~ ^

EDofessor OFFICIALS O F T H E Jehovah’s ia Uni- M . K nott, d is tric t superv isor, right aw ard- cu lt superv isor, a rrived ea rlie r in ational convention to bc held F rid ay Ihr Htera- H igh School, M r. Knott w ill be tho

Sunday . The public Is invited.

jtory Of ChlCltURCB o p CHRIST

» C.-Hay- J0#J-Fl1.y Ava... SuBday .jan-JMW . JJl:9» t.m . I t a,m,' aiU i Sludy. )S..a.m,. 7:9t p.m. Uitr1 f«r all Wwihlp. • • ' HouiI. Saneiu- -■ i .sund■nodal* r i n s r s o ih h e r n b a ptist

4n Waihlnflon St„ K.t. L. 0 . Robert' youi, a n . . , . ' *“ '• P*"or.' Sunday .trv lcc ; l;4> am , r«hrIw"^d^R. Jhlp** iiih

P«l*iro«; jEimvAii” wrr'NFJsrs ni4I> MadUon Av«., II. V. .Miaw, mlnl»- J.m

Icr. ] p m. puhllfl talk. 4:IS p.m. Wairh- mini N inwrr .Mudy. Thutid.y 7:30 pm. Ihcn- 1:10

N., Rav, e'alle Mliil.lry ,Sfhno(-lnllnwrd l>y ie[. Wednday. acr, »IC# m<-"Hn|, .................. Will (iod Ini«'- »r«Jtiilp, tiJS vcn. m M.n'a Aflaira?" W(d

7-DS TlitHI> WARt>160 Fourlh Avo. N., Illihnp l.aVt.r Fll

I Thnmn, Tlininnck, l‘rlriihoo<l mecllni, S a m . jn id i a m •‘‘'•"‘I*)' <«rvlrrii lilD a.m, tiund.y Nya, |im .‘'Sac- * p m. fi.ciami-nl, clan

RrniioANizi;i> i.ns i"i>t i t ) t'l)....... .. I.ldcr I.. II, I'ull.

n , m«r, pa.lor, Hw'day .»rvlc«.| fhurrh 'P, 0111.0II ,t|,„o| I),41 a m,I p x .rh ln | .rrvic. II S<O * ..m . J u . , . , I ... . . . . I . l . p.™.

nini.F. MISSIONARY Wni, , . 4)1 Moniot .SI. II. Kmnotli ( arirr, pa., nwtn I.ar- lor. Imnday arhnol 10 a.m.: miiffiini .'ili’.‘" '< .« VOitiil ppnpla'. .crvli:.•<ln| 4 |] | | , 4J p.m., evanicllillc i .iv l ic . 7l>9 Dm, II

mlrtwech pi«y*r ’»rivn'. 7i3# pm'_wnd- vli' men', piayqar .eiv^ca 7:9t, pm . Sal* 1:11

Rnnm,,SJI _______*'i* • nUACF. RAITIST

man, pailnr Sunday trlino), t;40 a in, Klh Muinlni worihin, II a.m. Choir rra rilr . a.m

w 11 ^ 7 pm. Ti.lnlng huur (or all a ir i , 7;U m : P " '' I'-v--"!"? «rvlcf, I p.m, ITayvr Jl

‘ mc.ltnii, WrdK.idny, 1 p.m. Llialr piac- III.» 'i.iv i.# ' Wc-dimday. • pm. »«>■

IMMANUl.l. I.UTIIIIilAN CHURCII „JOSJ l-ll.r Avn, 1.. Il^v. II. A. Ihcn ”

', IlDliarl ra»lor.. lUv. Ih. ............................ 'r 'aciviia.i P.ilnr,. -{Iunday irivlrc.i I a^ii. aud 7ilO p.m ll a,in. wor.hip, Sunday irlihnli 'I JO J '" '

,lon. a.m. .otmun lonin •'l.lthl In A J)aihWorld," Mall, i:l).|a , Ilnur Wllli liud •* "*

IV hinadrail ov.r K il l .1 II a m.ora. t>rl». ' ■ ■n, Sunday • i n s Fllt(fT WARBIp, IM Fnurlh Av.. i:., Illihm. Ilnwatil 0.

Arilnilnn, I’rl.tllmiif m ..lln |, I a m. P*" flimday aarvlrr.i lOllQ a,m, fliimlay 1 ',,

Roy nal» ichoul, 7 p.m, hacraiimul.' ' *” i.na F i m i warr

Maiitlra M N.. Illihnp Allon M. Alla* „ Ot> aod.r Nundav .c tv lriii (|]0 a m, «un- }'

I., t, l.a' 4ay achool. 4i>9 p.m., fiaciamcnl.•lilp, ni.io riR T r church o f fion 'hiiII. itnaiiel >11 Qumry ni., Mav. Hairy hnflob. pa.- I, l.mllna Inr. fiunday a.rvlctil I* a.m. Sunday

Mli.liin- ftrhnol. II a.m. wnt.hip I p.m. av.nini . ititfliilny), i;^

ni.iirt MKi:.i iiNiTi:n p R m rc o srA i. *hi;URN Hoilh lllua |.aV«i. W. II. Wll.l., pa» P »

i.ivlra.1 lor, .Sundayi tliUMh i.rv lrt., .Hundny mr:ih|p, itilO I nniihlp ItilO a.m.g ava pnm. iln.|»1 nini wni.hlp, I p.m,| i^ray.r 'm .dlnf

I 'ray.r 1>3» P"». Wtdn.iday,Xyal*lla*ni‘. FIRST CIIHtarrlAN

(01 Klinihnna III. N„ Ixmald Iloirmanand tlnuala. Otllll, mlnlitai., Suiid.v ' .> a.ivKa.i Ii4i a m,. Sunday aclinol, lOilt 7

on Clauda a in,, wdiililp, liunnay Sciiunii, "Dan.ctl Rui*141 i m. tilth Vollaiir- llvc.lna .rrmn.,, ' ’P'.y, Uv

,nt cho.(:yhaiii.iic por ^ha IlitI.llan,"n sT Ynuili mcU ni 7 pm, l.vrnlni iriviraiiuydi paa- • pm . Youth ramp tirvict, "Camp 4y'^lfa^Ulb ' ______ jf*;.lilp, ’ ' FAfTII AMr.MISI.V OF r}ni>

1*1 W..I I'ii»r, MIIV, Itlan* iiiiiitii, -•llirN pa.iiir liunday ichool, It a.m.l Moinliig AIII O, Wal. noithip, 11 a.m., rnmmimlon. Yuuih I'.iII Wor.llip, a.rvlca, IMS pm,, klvaniallillo i.ivlca, mo i-m. youlb ' ma.tios, ii4» p, n . i>i<

^rohlems Of Ala t’s dieted a t each .session. dean 6

The firsl session i.s on "The cisco S tend crisis-in Am erican life: Violence -j-hp th a in our Socieiv.” D r. Kenneth t h e Briggs, Twin F alls psychiiitrisl; j-har

Ruth Harris,- a social worker, ja y .” i on and Ralph M arshall, a sociolog- - , i, .to isl, will be on hand to present ^ „ Mtpr the question and Iry and answ er ^

I al The sccond session \a Ocl. 21. in h c sam e lime sam e placc. Thc J .

E v -question th cn ^ w ill bc: "The ^ , but crisis am ong lhc young, the hip- .i sc a I pie and student revolution.” 5prc-l Dr.. Robert Flynn, form erly g f r ix r

. Congre

Conclave. He will also be an analysis of. the em c, past six months* efforts of soulh- f.f,„,rk\ I th» w estern Idaho congregations. ‘ ,

At 3 p .m . Sunday Knoti will :ser- deliver the m ain convenlion ad- ~ i o ,

alion dress, ^"God's W ay Is I x v e / ’ one All sessions a rc open to the pub- . m ,

ngre- lie. No collections w ill be taken, Mr Boise -------------------— of Citi!

M im ste r s I n - i l l J e ro m e Self "j;-Your f T ' 1 C<

wiji 1 e a c h e r r e t e m ^s; the for_lh.1 - for JER O M E — T he Jerorrie Min- n ts.” istcrial A ssociation will hold the n u e l “ nnual reception fo r teachers of nnelh ‘I’e Je rom e School d istric t a l f Wen- 2 p.m . Sunday a t the Jerom e T rs of Methodist C hurch, reports Rev. J ^ g , [1 a s John G arrab ran d t, pastor.Falls "The reception will bc held in ¥>---,

' the chUrch p arlo r and refresh- l i V Knott nienls will be served by an In- itism- terdenom lnational com m ittee of ’J'^6

w omen headed b y Mr.s. J e rry u e r L p -„ _ Nelson. . an o{

.Up Rev. G a rrab ran d t em phasized servai in the public is inviled to attend W ^k , Sense reception, w hich represenls The main- unusual opportunity fo r peo- Jno dl T iihu plo of tiie com m unity to become i*’ . be tte r acquain ted w i t h the has b«

teachers of the jr-ch ild re ri; All classe teachers w ilU altend. Churc i m . r e ------- ,. - ......... ................ p rj,

i ^ — B MHW^iiaiiBW 'VgBMBaBiagSBgKi ^throuj

• ; study' *• j r . : . ' ' sludei

JP ..'<SSi9 |k adultf

I feet < M ■: ance

- ’ will •(m . y M ■ frienc

/ staff Sundi

IJehovah’s W itnesses convention, W, !

visor, right, aiid Dennis G. P ike, clr"ea rlie r in thc w eek fo r tho (;roup’s i

F rid ay through Sundoy a t tho Buhl • w ill tw tho featured sp eak e r n t S p.m .Invited. !

])hiirches \............ . .......................... . •

LYNWOOD CIIAFF.1. ' fjan-jtaaj . JJM FJItr. A it. J?.,- n . 1 . min- t:9t p.B. Iiltr, ’ Sunday proirami Your Worihip ~ ' f l

Hour, KAUT Radio (14M), 1:99 a,m,l ■.Sunday .rhool »i4S a.m.: church worililp “

r r ..rvlcei (or adulla and chltdran, 11 a.m.i >. Robart' youlh tcllowahlp, <|3« p,m.| adull.choir ;49 am , rehcarial, <:90 p.m.; avaniollillc hour,m. Wo^ 7:30 p.m. Wcdnciday; mid-naek family i '

nlihl. .7 p.m, _______ |LPIR-TT (AMI'RICANI ' BAPTITf I

I Nlnlh Avr. I.., and -Shnalinn. Sl. K, I », mini*- Jama. I». lluBhra and Charlra I’., r.tavn,, Wairh- mlnialcra, ,Sunday arrvirri: Worihip, -

>d*'lni«'- #r«J a.m.*^yoiuh. *7 pm. Vnppii, I p.m! > W(dn>>day~’ prayera and Ulbl* aiudy, - I

I.aVa.f FIHIT UNTTF.n MKTIIODIST CHURCH I I am . jnt Nhnihun. Si. i;., Ilcv. Harold N . I aund.y Nya, paaior. II.*. Kellh Maxw.l1, atto- I

clala ramnr, .Sunday ictvicfi: t a m , Iand 11 a.m. wnrililp; .Sunday .rhool I• :t> am, 7 pm, Vnuili i'ctloMthlp. I

II, I'ull, . ,, - I rhurrh VICTORY MISSIONARY nAPTlsr I

•rvic. II Sccnnd Ava, I'-, al l.ocuil'St., Rav, 0, Ip.m. A. lliiliinion, paiinr, Sunday a.rvlcail I

*:4S a,m. Aunday achool, II a .n ., S p.m. IWniahlp, I

"mVirnmi F.PISCOPAl'. ClllJRCri OF I• acrvlia IIII. AS<-|'N.1I<)N I7l>0 Dm, 710 niua l.akra lllvd, .N Sunday Scr> Im'_Wnd- v li'i: 7:30 and 10 a.m. Oiuirh achovl Ii.m.'^Bat- l:l> am, I’aimn Jch.i I), miry, I

VAI,LKV CKRIiTTIAN IU>l>clplca o( Chrlil) I

J. Sra. 170« ll.ybuin Av.. I'... Ilcv. Fnrj«H 3. Il;40 a III, Klhhaid, patlor. Kunday aervlrra; »|4I I

prarilc. a.m C.huirli iihnol. ll a.m Wnrihip Ii |n . 7:11 COMHIINliT I'llKHIlYTKMIAN I

Piayvr Holllil.r, ll.v. *11 II rhnm.i. mlit- Ii»lr piac- lil.r. Sunday .nrviraii It a.m. Sunday I

aclKMil. II a m, Wor.hip. < Ii tm n i TYi.FK K rn r i’.r 'n A rr i- f r I

A Ihcn lllhipl., I(Uy".Vhoo'"'*r a.m** Ju'nlnr-ScnTor'ymrni

VMii KiHi j i j , Monday.

IJNm:i> l*r-NTlXOJTAI." V '- i S p aV l!'‘’huJda'y*” .rv lr;r: iiunday“ ."lIVj >

......... !?3o“ 'p".i.. '•;v‘’i'i',‘;.d‘.'y,‘ ';?iiiia“ :.*:5i, ,p.m, l'ilday,..yuiiili t c iv l c . '

M A „ . niUIICH OF CHRISTa m inn. Whllrlmad,

s s . : ; r .1,. „.. ;t!s

a"v."1hl »'IR*T l/N m in I'F-NTFCOnAI.ly I pm Ttilid hii.al Kait ami I'llih Aviftua ' , l!a.l, flcoria C:urry, paitnr. ficrvir.ii

•COSTAI. ahlV^I a.tn, Sunday avcninf i»r*vlr« I Ulla. pa» pm, Wcdnnd.yi lllhla .ludy and pia>cr I, .Hundny mr.lln* I p iii, I'tldayl Voulli i iiv ii. I ^

r w .V n i »«"«-? B A n iirr ‘ ,id U eun hl„ flav, Ch.alar Wlillcli.t; '

pa.lor, Hunday arrvlca.i 11 am Sundail achool, II a,m„ 7l30 p,m. Worihip,

I "amldUy ' ' WRHI.r-YAN lin l lNltSS

nn, » r.y , uvinlns llvai>|.ll.ila aaivlca.hti.llan,” ------- 'I ifivlra BltTMIli. TRMPI.R At^SIOI.IC . -Camp 4 tt Thiirt Ava, U , ll.v, J I-, lanVara-

liy. pallor, humtay acivlrfii i t a.m. Hwiday BcliMl, ll am ., 7 p.m. Wnrihip JOI> ----------

I iiiiinii, ........- rn r,R w ii.i. nAPTijrrI Moinmg Altpail Mnad, 'Iwin Fall., H.v. Lanl.1. Yuuih I'.ity, IS a.m., liunday ttchool, 11 am..0 I.ivlca, mornins wortlilp. S p.m,, .vanlnf wouhlp,i4» p, n . <'>arar laivlca la hald at • p.m. W.do.t'

1 ‘ ,

. t . ' '

Of America JBdean of’ student.^ a t San Fran-

"The cisco S late Collegc, will speak. W B M )lence -j-hp (hird session is Nov. 4 » 3 y | | inneih ^vju dcnl with .'•The crisis g f l H itrisl; j,; change in the churchcs lo- K H n orker, ja y .. . k Wr^cnni Spcttkcrs w ill includc The nciJnr ^ c rv Rcv. D r. William Spofford, nswcr Episcopal Cathedral, , , of Boise; The Rcv. William Hop-

T hn I>cr, synod execulive of the Ida- ho P resby te rian Church; The

. I Rev. G eorge E, Ross, director ^ or- the Idaho Ecum enical Train-

.' 1 ing Council; The Rev. George ! ’ Barber, pasior of thc Boiso Fir.st

C ongregational Church, and the Rev. Keith Mill‘d dislric t super- Intendcnt of the M e t h o d i s t Church.

ftf iii« The final session is Nov. 18 south *•'' ® debate on "A focus of CLYI

controversy, the nalional coun- ,* • * r. .Mill cii of churches.”

Speaking for the I-ssue will-bc ^ ^ .i The Rev. Kerm it White, director '" 8

„ of the N orthern California Coun- ‘he ic pub- gjj Qf Churches, and against will 5®^ ^

be Mr. Joseph Stumph. director Street, of Citizens for W allace in Idaho. sp®nt si

I The them e of lhe four sessionsis ’'Comc, let us reason,, togeth- a rea s c e r ,” Slagel

Local chairm an are Bert Lar- persons son, president of the Magic Val* unmuimi

t e ley Council of Churches, andMrs. T im Robertson, reg is tra r T i nfor thff series. l y C

0 Min- — H ------------------ Thoold the -r-r fare ■

O p e n H ouse.Is S c h e d u le d S=;r

"l h. B y L u th e ra n s ,,7';,';ttee of The Sunday school of Imman- and I

J e rry u e r Lutheran Cljurch will hold has fcan open house Sunday in ob- *"e p

hasized servance of Christian Education D.attend Week. Ore.,

resents The staff of 23 tcachers. under. - welfa:or peo- the direction of Lawrence Mah- Pacifbecome l c . includes Wilbur Ulrich, who speakh the has been teaching Sunday school Thc i

eri; All classes a t Im m anuel Lutheran tend.CHurch rdr“ over '30 ycars.“ ....................

---------- P rim ary classes a rc taughtfor children from nursijry agethrough g r a d e school. Bible V i

; Study classes are held for high ‘, sludents and a large group of R c

adults. ■ D.D..Spccial aw ards will be given Idahc

to 31 pupils who have had per- visitfeet o r nearly perfect attend- Ascei

: ancc during the la st two years, day.The staff of the Sunday school Thi

' will wclcom e the parents and both; friends of the pupils a t lhc Rally a.m .

Dav scrvlce to be held between the af 9:30 a.rii. and 10:.10 a.m . Sun- Bisf- day. At tha t tim e they are urged side

I to becom e acquainted with thc of th I." I staff and the program of the

Sunday school.__________________USE T

, V 'I ) '69 Chevy Nova Coupo

::rn t .........: : w , ’ !e, clr- _roup’s i .

Buhl ‘S p .m . I

^ rioBtMr Worihip —

e«idull.choir ' ’ V B S I ^ H B hhH S S ^ Blillc hour,• 'k f»miiy '


Worihip, L ,_ i • fll 11 hoot, t : — • i.?,• i" ;* :

CHURCHllarold N. .

atto-liy .rhoollowthlp. fcT «

APTlsr ^ S iwRav. 0, i M a S .

a«r> I H Viirh .chovi S S t l rI'y.

'JWFnrttii W S * ^>141 V « v U

t Wnrihip L M

m. Sunday

i l 9 6 9 hinipil hnm,Iludy, 7ili MM J 0mYoUWonA i. lllh Aviftut , flciviriil ^

*and7iia* .1 ' OjhoT oo^iiom y r a r s m ny n ot mnII * , N ovn b u t Uuui, tlmy hiw o mor4j

tr wiiiifii.f«,ni Sunda)! W o'vo (lono lllP typO of UlilfgB If’** N««vu Unit y iiu ’il oxihh:1 on ly Iroi-M? IS a m, oivn <3irn,tp. Tiis pm! i.ikfl ircfllienlnB »P lla nlrwiiJy

m sr ^A nd ronr.

!frT i i \ T 'I'm* W.dli'l!:


)cak. - *

;risis B'

The Scripford, Pf-ov:dral ^ h c n Hop-Ida- Th<The ^

ector cQvci

Fir.st " . »'i the

cQnf(‘ f CLYDE L. BRADBURN • shall

coun • • • and his wife. Assem bly . ^ s of God m issionaries to J a p a n , sius.

ill i,c will be featured speakers d u r- cann ector ” 8 H a .m . scrviccs Sunday Coun- ‘he Je rom e Assembly of t will God Church, Adams and D ” .gctor S treet. Thc B radburns have daho spent seven and onc-half years isions a s m isslonarfcs In differen t iceth- a rea s of Jap an . Rcv. Sheldon

Slagel Invites all la tc restcd Lar- persons to aitend.

Dedication Set 3Tho Flier Heallh and Wel- com

fare Ccnicr. sponsored by acccg . the Seventh-day Adventist Inwf

Church, will be dedicated to virti

dthe service of the needy in , tcmthe Fifer a rea M onday a t God4:30 p.m. In

f - | o Tlie building was moved loits present location a l 5th -“ fBr

nman- and Idaho la s t spring and 1 hold has been rem odeled duringin ob- *he p ast months. .cation D. E. Caslow, P o rtland . T

Ore., d irector of Adventistunder. - w elfare , work in thc N orth ^Mah- Pacific a rea , will be m ain ^

1, who speaker a t the dedication,school The public is Invited to a t- TVT tl^eran tend.

taught ................................................. . gly age has

Visit Planned ‘t)up of Rev. Norm an L. Foote,

D.D.. Epis'copal bishop of G given Idaho, will m ake his annu&l cou

d per- visit to the Church of the boa Ittend- Ascension, Twin F alls, Sun- seci years, day . or.school The bishop will preach a t tori :s and both the 9:15 a .m . nnd 11 o : Rally a .m . services, and will lead - latc etween the adult c lass a l 10 a.m . roll . Sun- Bishop Foote will also pro- stu urged side a t a 12:30 p.m . m eeting me

ith thc of the P arish Vestry. • - in ^of the -------------------------- Ser



M v

''ct r 1 iV' •flfi t W‘

d N ovavw o if tc l

rs m ny n e t m nrn nio<lcnt th n n IJk4i m ly hnvo m(>r4) U> bo m odca t wnnrti^r, rl

I<ikn pupn nf UilrfgB lo tlio *on C liovy R u t wn jhh:1 on ly Irom m oro o*i>en- ritln a lone.. 'n jo r t i ’flip ila nlrw iiJy Biwrty opponr- m c IiihIvo

f Driv4j ncti'm nnl n il ul

Y o u Jmtlia l 'a lu ^


The WeekBY C. W. HOOD. P as to r in scr

T rinity Baptist Church di.icov Sin: w hat shall we do with it? thing

Scrip ture reading taken from n coi P rov . 28:13 "Tho wicked flee him r w hen no man pur.suclh: but thc fcsscd righteous arc bold a s a lion.” and s

T h ere nre twn things we cnn bor, i do w ith sin, a t the Inst analysis: sent cover it, try to hold on to it. Meant and we can even sny th ere is been ono m ore thing wc cnn do wilh hange It, and thnt is to h ide it aw ay which o r confess it and forsake ic. he ha

.B u t God declares vcrv plain- th ree lv, “ He tha t covcrcth his sins cowni sha ll not prosper; bu t whoso find y confesses atjd forsakes them drive:

N shall havo m ercy.” leadsnb lv As long as we hold on lo our is so pan s iu s .-w e will find th a l thoy cover du r- cannot be cured. In stead they with id a v will lead to. com m itting, g rea t-C o v e t y of e r things tha t a re sin th a t w ill fooHs rf Q bo m ore dangerous to ones soul, have such a s causing the Holy Spirit ™ rears strive w ilh you, but will .’re n t cause Him to leave you tha t w ^Idon muCl> Quicker. fested Covering one'.'; sin and holding I

onto them adds hypocrisy (o the % sijis. We -soon prove just w hat ^

iimiiii v/e a re by the things w e do

t when vic a rc holding-on to sin.Covering one’s sins is foolish W

bccause sooner or la te r sin will B iVel- como out in every life. This Is r a

by accom plished by -violating lhe | 8 i t is t law s of usiness, the law s of l.ffS d to v irtue, laws of health law s of | |b y in , tem perance, and the laws o f l E( a t G o d ! ^ ------- ' r a

In the y ea r of 1915 in one of>d to ouK sou thern sta tes, a w ealthy ^■ 5th . f l i ^ h a n t and p o s lm a s te r 'fn .a ' |H and ^own nam ed Honor carne down H

S L D S S em in ary | C lass E le c ts ■ N e3y_0fficers_ ,

""“"I" SHOSHONE — N orm an Dille | |h as been nam ed p residen t of i|

k J the local LDS Church- Sem inary |ic lass, according to tcachcr, M rs. jl

ootc, ferry Hadlock. \\p of G ayla Johnson is devotional jlmu&l counselor: C raig H arris, bulletin }}■ the board covnsclor; Donna Stoivoll, >, Sun- secre ta ry : Chan E vans, trcasu r- [i

or. and Denise B lackburn, hls- :h a t to rlan . ^d I I O ther officers wlll be nam ed M lead - la tcr. There are 2S students cn- \

m . rolled fo r the course this year.I pro- Study course Is the New Testa- cting m ent. Students who a re seniors

• • in high school will be a ttending , Senior Day a t Ricks Collcgc la* '

rr ADS te r this fall,____________________t m

f ' - ' I•Tb I

r * 11 wtth To clutch a

IJk4i iniikiiig Uin iiiHtriimiml p ane l d< Binnrti’r, ricJinr,

I<ikn p u tliitg nn now flnnod fro n t h rako <ir I3u l wn d o n 't Tent Novn’a ciiiw on lookn

ritln a lone.. 'n jo r t i ’fl Uio rt-fll ll cnn glvn yo iir left fool ftxcliiiilvo T orqno-D rivo lrnijHmI«fllon. Toi Driv4> nc lion nIinilnriU-a Uin c liilc li ixninl nn m nnl n il uliifting.

Y o u Jiiiil flick llio Icyor from la t to H i, t l ia l 'a lu N o c lu ld iln u o v o r.'

■ ____ L , ______

F rid ay , S ep t. 2 7 , 196 8 Twin Fa

leklySermoin serious illness. Soon It w a s te r wa> dl.scovered that he, hnd some- " i f we

it? thing on his mind. T ortured by faithful -om a conscience lhat had given ou r sin< flee him no re s t for yca^s, he con- all uni thc fcsscd to hiding out on the road l:S-9).

and shooting to dcalh a neigh- "Ho can bor, th en ' killing the detcctive shall r sis: sen t to fe rre t out his crim e, confessI it. M eantim e, an innocent m an had have n c is been tried and eonvictcd and ^ A'ilh hanged for one of these m urdersway which he com m itted. S o a t last , , ‘ „ it. he had to . confess tha t he w as f,„r^r>iv lain- th ree tim es a cold blooded and sins cow ardly m urderer! Sin will >r‘j.pr- lo s o find you out! Covering One’s sins ,hem d rives ono-aw ay from God and ' f l - ,

leads to ,m ore sin and c rim e it ; p ,„ our is so u l-su ic id e l You can ro l ' .

thoy cover y ou r sin and get aw ay .j, . they w ith it fo r it will find you oui! reat- Covering one’s sins is a lso g w ill foolish because there is a bet- w ith fi


i & p o' lO -Y o o rW .eoflsh w fH A

willis is • Choo

: . . . . «av«is of 1s of I B M l ^ ^ T r T T j I ia , . • E a i)s „ o f » Nyle

aiihx 5

Jow n

O'NLY ^^ C L A U D E B R O \

It of I ll OVER 80 ROL li YOUR SELEC

ional >1 sa m p leilletin |l fro m th e roll a n d y o u c a n s( >ivo!l, }} w il) look liko in y o u r h o m e , asur-, his- — —

Claude BR<S - CARPET IS OUR ::niors

143 Main A v .. E.

c l !?!' [£


p ane l design W lin t doen Uila lxx>n ( cost? '11)0 p r ice is low em

it h rako d n iinn . to p u t y o u r lo ft foo t In r on lookn niul Ancl y o u can o rd e r I t fo

m odel.ir loft foot w ith I f yoil werti com parlnR i ftfllon. Torqtift- o am o m y a ira , now y o u !□II iHHlnl nnd nl* l l i e r e 'a n o com pnrlflon.

y o u r C liovrolcl d e a le r il a t to l l i , a n d

N tU n s y M n n t ,k M # o te

Twin Falls T im es-N ew s 5

monetteI -a s te r way-God’s w ay out of sin. imc- " i f we confesR-our sins, he is I by faithful and just lo forgive us ivcn ou r sins and to cleanse us from con- all unrighlcousncss” (I John road l:&-9).:iRh- "Ho tha t covcreih his sin.i •tivc shall not prosper, but vj’hoso iine. confess and forsakes them shall .i>ad have m ercy” (P roverbs 28:13^|V1 Wo m ust realize th a t’ when inet sin ii is bccause of the lust- w as desire th a t w e have within

, our.'iolvcs. and in so sinning we have to pay a price for it.

.7 " There is no w ay we can get ■ aw ay from it. But if w e will

it confess ou r sins a s it tells u s ro l f 'ro v e rb s -28:13 we can live

and not have to w orry about m l ' hereafter. Every con-°y : fession th a t has ever been m ade ' ai.so honest h ea rt has m et

with forgiveness. •

B C<wpG^O-Yoar Waar Guaranto* xeed i FHA Requirements

* Chooie fromse v e ra l colors^ ' ^

. • E a iy -Io -e leanNylon ____ h. , . ------


$ |e 9 5V | ^ ^ S q . . Y d .

D E B R O W N ' S = = = ^ ^


all sam ple sv/otches — buy ){ you can see w h a t ^our rug |i

/our hom e. |{


Twin Falls

^.-u---- -------------

jyw S iB L ig ijB g JM ' .IA.'r a -

1 v Hj X * ^H V>

I 7 il

sW ve*price.Ulla lxx>n to a top-and-ffo tlr jv ln f

DO is low enough fo r y o u lo be abla o fl foo t In p e rm a n e n t re tire m e n t o rd e r I t fo r a n y 4 . o r 6-cylindec

comparing Q jevy Nova with other ^, now y o u know .compnrlflon.rolcl d e a le r nvmlta.

llrat, kM#e te arrt.

f'. ■ -i''Wl

- ''— '

Page 6: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

F am ily A t ^K im b e r lyS ees M ex ico g

K IM B ER LY — M r. and Mrs. P®A - K. (Ooch) D odds nnd their ^dau g h te r Ju lie rc iurnctl last 11w eekend from a two week tour t f

- o f M exico and repo rted first- M hand of thc rio ts in thnt coun- I S t ry 's cap ita l. ' H

*^Our tax i cah d riv e r refused a t one point to go near the un iversity in M exico C i l y ,"M rs. Dodds said . “ Hc w a s • frightened, but w e nsked some questions there a n d gathered th a t this kind of thing isn’t too ' un u su a l," she added.

M r. D odds w as aw arded lhe " Mcxico trip by the General - Safeco In su rance Co. He is an agen t fo r the com pany.. M rs. D odds sa id they did not encoun ter rio ting a t any time during (he ir tr ip to Mcxico.

‘L ife ’ S ig n s M c C a r th y T o

. C o v e r S e rie si. N EW YORK (A P) — Life I

- m agaz ine ^ i d today ^Sen. ^Eu-

signed to covcr baseball's World ^ Series fo r the w eekly m agazine. . _ T h o M innesota D em ocrat; i who left for a vacalion -in -nj Cannes, F rance , soon a f te r he lost thc D em ocratic presidential ^ nom ination to Vico President ^ H ubert H . H um phrey, w ill re- X T . p o rt fo r h is assignm ent. In St. Louis O ct. 2, th e opening date for th e best-oI-k,ven series be- | I tw een tho D etro it T igers of the A m erican L eague and the St. Louis C ard inals o f the National •••} L eague; - . - , is |

Tho L ife spokesm an refused hels to d isclose how m uch M cCarthy tern w ill be p a id fo r th e assignm ent, trac

M cC arthy w as a f irs t base- a jo m a n w hile a ttend ing St. John 's lishi U n iversity in M innesota and lat- who e r p lay ed sem lp ro basebali in St tb e G re a t Soo League. role

Soroptimists To I i Sell Fruit Cakes p

I t w as announced a t a Twin K j F a lls Soroptim ist Club m eeting T uesday evening a t tho Roger- aon H otel Roundup Room tha t A th e club w in a g a in sell Christ- H m a s f ru it cakes. Th

T ho cakes, accord ing to a re- Har po rt, w ill be ava ilab le th is y e a r thin in one, tw o and flvo pound sizes, new

M ra. R o b e rt N elson, repre* Hai sen ting tho Leogu® of Women not] V oters, gave a ta lk on legisin- nev tion a n d h in ts on voting. M rs. has B e tty DlrreU w a s program beft cha irm an . tion

Cindy R onk, who w as epon- T Bored to G irls S tate b y the Sor- Ric op tim ist Club, gave a repo rt on con h e r activitle.? th ere . She and hea h e r m o ther, M rs. H oward Ronk, his w e re g u ests a t tho dinner m eet- par

- Ing. ParLinda T ally , accom panied by hav

Mr.5, Don ^ a rk c ^ . presented sev- lart c rn l vocal num bers. • owr

Tlie nex t m eetlrig w ill be Oct. glo< ... . .. 8. B t-th e Rpundup Room. " stfl{

zM O N I 733-6336

I q t t «n U.S. 30 lo iQilland Drlv*

A T 8 :0 0 P .M . (F IR S T H OUF


B i u l B u r i t e ' JaokVlfeston

MDiir..Michel Wiiiirnl>rfri>ili>fKf»t»li)iie<ir.tli/ Nntmiii) Ji;

P L U S A T 0 ! 4 5 P . m .

6 Twin Foils Tlme»-Nawi. Fridoy, Sept. 27, 1968 P5T

8W I

t^efr k ' last R ^

fused j B 9 Bthe .. i B WL

w a’ s - b-..some

too '


T e e n '

azlne. ..Qcrat; p ^ y E DUNAWAY plays a n Insura

Thom as A H a lr /’ which leads

f | M i s S “D u n a w j

p | O f L a w I n ‘T ltie St.Itionai - J h e Thom as Crown Affair” on th

is about a b ig Boston bank tim e) cfused heist, the m illionaire who m as- tlgatc :a r th y term inded it , and th e g irl who Jack iment. tracks him down. I t also is mctic

base- a jab a t tb e "A m erican E stab- bio I John 's lishm ent” a n d ls o c ie ty a s a nd lat- whole.>ali in Steve M cQueen p lays the title Th '

role and F ay e D unaw ay (who is clallj

: o Richard Harris Concept In His

leetlngRoger- By BOB THOMAS whern tha t AP M ovle-Tclevlsloa W riter Ha Christ- H O L L Y W O O D (A P) - nothi

"T here’s no sense in playing decid ) a re- H am let unless you can do some- Arthi is y e a r thing differen t w ith i t o r shed sold 1 sizes, new light. R ichard Burton’s tor J repre- H am let w as d isgracefu l; it had want

Women nothing to say . I h av e a to tally field legisin- new concept, som ething th a t milli

M rs. has never even been dream ed of reco ■ogram before. I t Is going to bo sensa- “ H

tional." form. epon- Thero can We no doubt th a t " I le Sor- R ichard H arris is Irish. The covc x>rt on confirm otlon com cs w hen you role ,0 and hear h im spinning d ream s about "A Ronk, his playing H am let. Y et it op- terri

• m eet- paten tly is no d ream . At least a t t: P aram ount doesn’t think eo. Wan

led by having Invested o m illion dol- land ed aev- la rs bo H arris cnn presen t his wide

• own In terpretation of thc Ollvi je Oct. g lo o m y --D a n o -to -4 h o -L o o d o n (Alsi

stage and film audiences eveiy- TV '

^ n^ I v T„ (T H R U T U E S D A Y ) Sland Drlv* G o ie i O p e n 7 :3 0 p .m . Jj '

1ST H O U R R E P E A T E D ) S }


ll WOI “ DonnI* a n d C lydt" ■ Nov^ you ihou ld i i * . . . ■

> ■ aI

| H | M IW Iai


H I H i i i l f l l sml Wiiiiriil>rAlAnK.ltintm.in ■Iir Nntmni) Ji-wlwn COlOK hy D dim c 1 g U n i t e d A rliiii ■ '

.M . I

William Holden • Cliff Robortion ^

l i li r

} a o Insurance Investigator In "T he croot hlch leads h e r to m eet the w ealthy playli

laway Is On Ri i‘ThoiftasCrowfair” on th e rig h t side of th e law thi's u s e ^ l bank tim e) p lays an insurance inves- firsOQ m as- tlga to r nam ed Vicky Anderson, cnlled who Ja c k W eston is seen a s a cos- w here

0 is m ctics sa lesm an leading a dou- w ere stab- bio life. P au l Burke is another cess.

® of. th e s ta rs . "Th, title T b e fiim is the firs t com m cr- w ill b ho is d a l ly re leased m otion p icture to T heat

arris Promises Tc1 His PoJtrayal Of

w here. - liante r H a rris Is a m an to whom plus 1 ) — nothing seem s impo-ssible. He and < aying decided he w anted to p lay King the st some- A rthu r in "C am elot,” and he “ u , shed sold W arn e r B rothers and d irec- great'

rton’s tor Jo sh Logan on the idea. He dec t had w anted to en te r tho pop m usic you < otally field, and he sold m ore thnn a and r

th a t m illion copies of his f irs t been led of record , "M acA rthur P a rk .” 1cm icnsa- •’H am le t” seem s like a. m ore night

form idoblo challenge. . hnj-th a t " I a d m it it,” sa id th e -ac to r , «com The covered w ith coal b lack for his blindl

I you role In "T h e Molly M aguires.” , . . about "A n a c to r would be tak ing a it ap- te rrib le chanco try ing H am let least a t th is particu la r tim e. David

c 60. W arner recently d id i t in E ng- .I dol- land. B urton 's H am let w as \t his w idely ahown, hnd Laurence

thc O liv ie r's film is atill a round.”Dodon (A ls O r -C h r iB t^ c r„ P iu m m c r ’a . ___iveiy^ TV e ffo rt a t E lsinore. M axlm l- t —

f r ” ' “ " 1 2.y) 3 THIS I



' l \ Ii \s :

I a J II ★ !

2A D U L TS. . . . . . . $ 1 .2 5 =SSTUDENTS . . . $ 1 .0 0 :I * * * ! 1



tio n tAt ^ "Ar B ^


a ★ I I


‘The crook of the title ro le p lay ed by Steve itthy playing through T uesday a t th c Motor-

n Right; Side Dec"rown Affair’Onw thfs u s e 'l h e -jnultiplo Im age effec t inves- firslfcee/l a t Expo 67 in a sh o rt . lerson. cnlled ”A Plnce to S tan d ,” a cos- w here 17,000,000 visitors .saw and a dou- w ere im pressed w ith th e pro- no ther ccss.

"T he Thom as Crown A ffair” eon m m m cr- w ill be playing n t the M otor-Vu Cafe, tu re to T h ea te r through Tuesday . Gov. --------------------------------- ----------- --------------- the Tw

les Totally New Ieeluded

al Of “Hamlet”Rcpr

lian Schell\s G erm an version , KiwanI whom plus the derivative "R o sen cran z ve rn

le. He and G uildenstern a r e D ead” on Boh H y King the s tage and soon to be a film .) Armou m d he -B u t H am let is still one of the lhe 19 1 d irec- g rea test roles ever w ritten and Divisio lea. He deserves to bo done ag a in —if tr ic t 0

m usic you can bring som ething fresh Sales thnn a and new to it. And I will. I have discus; I f irs t been wrestling w ilh th is prob- ciiffon “• lem for .six years. T hen one chorgc i. m ore night lost y ea r a t M alibu a f le r I -155555

had finished a d ay ’s work on ‘Cam elot,’ it cam e_to m e In a R«|

for his blinding flash ."ires.” ■ .H- Rons

S i J r i r o j I . MS PHON* 733.5938E . U.S. 30 W ill ts Orpndvliw DrIva G s

Db a t 8 :0 0 P .M . (F IR S T H O U R R E P S ^ ^ ^ ^ A F U ^ A D U ^ C O

- B l l l l i M■ ■ u l i B l i l i l l i i f l i l E i l 1 1 1 l l ' lB ■ ■ f t t i i m

. ImZs I n.giiwa:1.25b 1 11 . 0 0 :

i DORIS 5 I DAY.IN.E m n O Q G R T

S M o o n iE

S TEIRRYB T H O M A SB . -i- V ^ n f a u ^ k yB P A T i^ ic K V H a i a i M I R

m B o 'N u iL

S P L U S A T O jS O P .M .; I ll lMilu i ll i U tlliif l n allH / i

: j thonv Aiilanetfe Qiaries: Ouinn Conier Broni

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I . yw*M*COI>« »n.l M B T n 0 C 0 1 X > H

" ^ .. was. ' ^ • ly A

■ y . himsi • West

• don.• ■ i ■ , ' ■ Th

- V 1' Kast^ - ' Engl

ayed by Steve McQueen, i t w ill bo hom a t th c Motor-Vu T heater. Al 1

---------------- -------------------------------- mat<

l e D ec lo Q u b S . , H e a rs R e p o r t I mor

^ O n C h am b er ”'l® h ort d e c l o — Reports w ere given ~ [ a n d ’’ by Joseph Gillelt and D ick Fu- ^ w a iid m eeting of. the South Idaho C ham ber of ' Commerco held In Twin F alls,

a t the Declo Kiwanis Club lunch- kffair” eon meeting Monday a t M in’s tor-Vu Cafe.

Gov. Don Samuelson spoke a t --------- the Twin F alls m eeting and Jiis —

specch and variouS com m itlee k X y repo rts w ere re lated to th e Ki- ■' » ” w anians. Topics d iscussed in­

cluded a regional a irp o rt, sta te

t “ “ finance, school problem s, rec re ­ation and taxes.

R epresenting the, Tw in F alls ersion, Kiwanis C lu b . a s guests w ere n cran z v e rn Riddle, president; Rev. id” on Boh Harvey. Donald Youtz and film .) A rm our Anderson, who will be o f the' the 19C!) lieulenant-governor of

'n and Division 5 of the U tah-ldaho DIs- a in—if tr ic t of Kiwanis.; fresh Sales of tra sh can holders w as I have discussed by the group, w ilh

prob- Clifford S u tton ,, p resident, in n one chorgo of thc business m eeting, a f le r I ■)rk on ■ _ ^e In a R e frlg o ra fo h , • F roexcri,______ R ongo i, W o ih ln g M a c h ln e i^ * 1*" U ie d Furnliure.

H j B E S T S E L E C T IO N , u T a P R IC E S

M CAMERA CENTERn a 301 Shoihon*.St. S. 733*4921 ;

a S T O N I T E(T H R U S U N D A Y )

' Drlv* G a te s O p e n 7<30 ’ H O U R R E P E A T E D )^DULT C O M EDYi_________

f e C h a r l e s

“Hawaii Five-0 Addition To CE

B y C Y N T H IA LOW RY fo r far A P T e le v ls io n -R a d io W rite r c lo th e;

. , N E W Y O R K ( A P ) - ’‘H aw aii m a rk e- F ive— O ,” CBS* s c r ie s (h a t w hen

m a d e its d c b u t .T h u rs d a y n igh t, tla n ce , i.s a w e lc o m e a d d itio n to th e ncl- Althi w o rk ’s s c h e d u le — a fast-p n ccd , f a ir ly s h a rp ly p r o d u c e d po licc s e rie s b e a 0 w llh goo d a c t in g a n d a n a d d ed of this p lu s in lh e a u th e n li c is land " j o i b a c k g ro u n d . sp e cia

S h o t e n t i r e l y In '.H a w a ii, th e h o rro r s e r i e s s t a r s J a c k L o rd a s h e a d c a b re o f, a .sp e c ia l b r a n c h of the 50th a lonc s t a l e 's p o lic e fo rc e . , fa lls i

T h e f i r s t jo b c o n fro n tin g h im i n a d . a n d h is tw o a s s i s ta n ts w as the

y-. d i s a p p e a r a n c e o f 10 r ic h w idow s f e a n d s p in s t e r s , t r a v e l in g lo the » .» is la n d s b y b o a t— a n d a lone .

U n m a sk in g a d e a d ly fo rtu n e ‘ h u n te r a n d h is a cc o m p lic e by

i- , s e t t in g u p a p o lic ew o m a n a s a I*,*'; c la y p ig e o n is h a rd ly a new p lo t sc au e

id e a , b u t th o p r o g ra m u n ra v e le d . 1,^ S l ? lh e s lo r y w ilh su sp e n se , sty lo ,

a n d a m in im u m o f-g i in p loy . I f n ishe( - th e r e s t o f th e sh o w s a re a s . : g ood a s th e f i r s t on e , th e s e rie s b illed ^ sh o u ld b c a sh o o -in . i 3 l T w o B r i l i s h -m a d e se rie s . Had _

th e ir p r e m ie r e s o n A BC d u r in g ^ h e th e e v e n in g . p " “ „ .

T h e f i r s t is a n un in h ib ited- c o m e d y c a l le d " T h e U g lie s t G irl

in T o w n .” T h e in itia l, ep isode" w a s b u s y e x p la in in g how a m an-

ly A m e r ic a n b o y s u d d e n ly found h im s e lf h a i le d a s th e la te s t , k in- , k ie s t g ir l fa s h io n m o d e l in L on- ‘"g.- don. _Tpn

T h e b o y , p la y e d b y P e te r K n s tn e r . fe ll in love w ith nn E n g lish s t a r l e t a b o u t to r e tu rn

I b o h o m e a f t e r a H o lly w o o d p ic tu re .A t th e s a m e tim e , h is ‘ room -

---------- m a te , a p h o to g r a p h e r , sh ippedso m e g a g p ic tu r e s o f o u r h e ro I-------dressed in hippie clothes to a I London m agazm e. The editors • ^

M. th o u g h t i t w a s a g ir l a n d su m - M ►I I m o n c d th e s u b je c t w ho . fo r love , A

l e a p e d a t th e c h a n c e to w e a r a I ^ ,-«« w ig a n d f a k e e y e la sh e s .>L T h e f i r s t p r o g ra m used u p I . r iv p n o f th e g a g s su ita b le I

c k F u -in g o f i R v a a

SEE• lunch- w k k

s; IN NEW Sm THE Mo:


h o D Is - \ t o a f c M l

;rs w as ), w ith

le e t i n g . ■

i h l n e . l

N . I I

;R. I; I i


a m m uVIVIEN M G I



EVENINGS 7:30 p.m. Dai

MATINEES • 1:30 p.m. Sat, and Sui


V iM kM M aJJU JB iM lM dI — E xciting C o-H lt

“ WILD SEASOC T I “ klNO KONO Mc'aPH" . .^ 6 ,4 a «n(i IO1O3 ' M

-WIID JIAJON” . a.30 ■

li4S —. DOOM OPIN'liJl) .

ve-0” Series Is W 0 CBS Network S<

for fam ily view ing: boy in g irl’s barb s r clothes balks a t entering a rpom T hom as vall m arked " lad ie s” : boy has fils Saiurc hat when another mt^n asks him to son al nhi dance, ond so on. . p.m ., rnet- Although the first show was :cd, fairly am using .-th is has got to ries be a one-joke scries, and a 1't‘l C l , ' , ’Idcd or Ih is c n n go a long w a y . I t ’S ” and "Jou rney lo lhe Unknown.” . g „ n

specializing in suspense and p ro ther •the horror, s ta r te d with a tru ly ma- „ , q , icatl cabre s tory . I t ^ a s a ta lc about ^ 50th a loner, a young shoe clerk who ‘

falls in love w ilh a w ax dum m y him in a d ep artm en t store window.

He a tte m p ts to steal the T i n i m annequin he calls ” E ve” when he finds th a t all the wnx dum- f > « ^ mies ' a re lo be destroyed. IV C O Caught in th e act. he tussled j_oN<

y wilh a sto re executive who fell g ° to his dealh . T here w ere weird

sequences as th c young m an. in the grip of his m adness, tender- fornia ly ca rried the dum m y lo his fur- tried fi

” nished room , fled w ith it to the g^e br ; country and u ltim ately was

killed trying to pro tect i t from crowd0 . somc thugs. and oil

The p rog ram w as sensitively The and im aginatively produced, re sean

Based on a Jo h n .C o llIer short assigniG H story, it w as’ p roducqd.by J o a n ----------

Harrison, long an associate of;- a n Alfred Hitchcock, a n d . w as a -~- iiind very ' good beginning, kin- R ecom m ended weekend view- ^

'"TnnlPhl—"T he N am e of the H>,ter G am e.” NBC. 8:30-10 E b T , w ith “ H, nn Robert S tack, m aking his debut J B•Ibrn the sc rie s as n fading nnti- R

“ T crim e e d ito r r^ T h e 'D o n R ickies ^ Show,”, p rem iere , ABC, 9-9:30,

ppe^ with the com edian flinging his

fo " . I R I B B O N S J

“ P 637 BlUf lAKIS BLVD. N. Iliable 1 _____ ____________ _ J I .» i—




INGS >«• DailyNEES ^ l l d la n d S u n . O n l y !


~ ~ R o d

f l W f c B . d u a m mH h n n v

) S ]

it 5 S / “1 I ' 1 - 1 | Y ' / j w h o to o k Li

i i T * n 2 r \■ J v l v A MIcIkioI J

U radfoiI C o -H I t —


liJ tt ■ ^

Is Welcome rk ScheduleIrl’s b a rb s a l guest s ta r D anny )om Thom as.fils Salurday—”Tl»c Jack ie Glen-

1 to son Show,” CBS, 7:30-8:30 p.m ., returning for a seventh

^ a s sen.son with a musical addition , in of "T he Ho'ncymooners’': “ Man- „ p n ix ,” CBS, 10-11, w ith guest per­

form ers from the National „ T h ea lc r of thc Deaf., S u n d a y —" T h c Sm others

B rothers Comedy H our.” CBS,9-10 p.m ., with H arry Belnfonto

wi^o Suest on their season’s open-nmy _______________ _w.

, 5; Tiny Submarine 'y™; Resists Splash

LONG BEACH. Calif. (A P ) - F o r a 24-foot subm arine, i r w a s a m ighty launching.

Nancy Reagan, wife of. Cali- fornia Gov. Ronald R eagan ,

^ 15’ tried five times Thursday before ’ she broke a cham pagne bottle

on the bow o t B eaver IV, In the [rom crow d were 200 civic dign itaries

and others, ively The tiny sub will bc used In iced, research , rescue and industria l short assignm ents on the ocean floor.Joan ------------- ----------- -- ----e of I[S a ” * A ■ REtOADER

n e w SPECIAl

B £ - J - O T s ~ v m g ° ---------------

s 5.29 '; h i s l ■

’” 11 J r ’ J RED’S



| ; J ,

^ ■ H K

winner 4 o f T e n f

AcidcmyJ,A w ird iJI^

LdeHAmLANbi r - METRO GOLDVi’MAYER i i i f « r .S .LOR ^ M O M

030053^14* MAIN AVI. N. T i T t V O ^ ^ ^


ONLY!^ R a n ’a y u m

C a m iA B jtn m m iEW u m ra u a n o u ro

E S i ' T h e H e i i , 'S lI ■■r i t h H E n o E s -.aui«iVin»*i»ietu>|.TieHHieoiD|._

— T h rillin g C o-H it —Toko Cl trip w ltli ti nuin

w h o to o k LSD by m lstakol ' ^

S lo rrino , , .M ichcial J . Pollard a n d

B rad fo rd Dlllman

“JIGSAW”g IHOWINO SUNDAYI C«nllnuQui Iram liOOr MON.'nnd tUIV'

Cantinuaui (ram A|30 DOORS OPIN A lls

Page 7: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

M OVIE STAR, O m ar Sharif; tho Cuban revolutionary E rne;

Myrna Loy L( At Political A

By BOB THOMAS AP, Movic-Tclevlsion W riter HOLLYWOOD (AP) — M yrna

Loy looks with faint am usem ent a t the feverish political activi* ties b y film figures in this y e a r ’s cam paigns. She can re ­m em b er when the practice was n o t so popular.

The N e w Y o rk -b ase i s ta r has been he re for her 10.trd movie, “ April Fools,” with Ja c k Lem­m on, Catherine Deneuve .and C harles Boyer. Her only reg re t o ver th e assignm ent w as th a t j t k ep t h e r from attending tho D em ocra tic National Conven-

Grocery Store To Be Built In Twin Falls

B rezinn Construction Co., SaU L ako City, has been issued a bu ild ing perm it a t Twin F alls C ity Hall for the construction of a discount grocery store.

T he building will Ixs occupied b y Bro7.-Wny Grocery nt 1708 K im berly Rond.

Reynolds Construction Co., Tw in F alls, hns the con trac t for th e Ht) foot by H4 fool build- ing, Hnlf nf the structure will bc used fnr n dry storage wiire- house nncl the other pnrl wiii house the store.

Cost of the work was esli- m n tcd i.a t S-IR.OOO,

Married Bliss - Is Good Gomedy

•‘Ilow S w eet.-It I s ! ' shows Jn m es Giirni?r nml Debbie Reyn­olds try ing to find private m a r­ried bliss at sen in the only snncliiary I<‘ft to llii'in aboiird A stiideiit ship.' l-'or tlie flr.st tim e In motion p ic lu ro hi,story a production com pany filnieil n movie iiboiird a c ru ise liner nt sen durini; a rcKuliirly schnliilod wm. Ninety m em bers nf tlie enstniuui crew worited ix'fiire tli(» I'am criis be­tw een I.os AiiMeles niul A capul­co on the 2-l,2i)4-lon llolianil -

.A m erican S.S. .Stnlenilain.This ronu'cly h now plnylng

a t lha Motor-Vii Thenler.

Supper SetSlIOSM ONI'.-'nin Wood R iver

ConKT firiiuuo wiil liiilil nn liln- bo P nxliic ls supper a t 7:.10 p.m. Xntiirilav a t the WjkxI R iver

' (iranKU Ilnll north ot .Shoshone, o rfice rs will lie e le iled du r­

ing tho iHislnesB m eeting ._____




i H B c Iia r Ij o n . J M hEsroNi.

"R o iiia rkab lo , o r io ln a l, fo rcoful, un iquo , ll'» a s w ln n o r... a b o o u l," .

P lu a C o-H it

" W h e re th e S p ies A re"s ta rrin g Dcivid N iv rn

U 5 , 1 .00 n'Mi 3 ^ c

S a tu rd a y M atin ee : ■"W acky Worl() o f ■'

M o th er G oose"

la r S h a rif;-cen te r, p laying th e ro le of 1 iary E rn esto (Cho) G uevara, takes a I

3y Looks W ith An cal Activity By Fi]vs tion, w here she had hoped toW riter w ork for her cand ida te , Sen. b: — M yrna Eugene J.-M cC arthy . ‘-‘I ’m slill tc nusem ent nursing m y w ounds ov e r his W al activi- loss,” she sm iled. • oi

in this But she suspects th a t she will in ! can re- be cam paigning for H ubert H. d< d ice w as H um phrey com e fall, “ because IV

I 'm so concerned w ith the at- if yStar has tack by Nixon and tho Republi- W d movie, cans on th e ju d ic ia ry .” slick Lem- Unlike som e perfo rm ers who p uve .and havo recently discovered politi- ily reg re t ca l consciences, cam paigning n as th a t j t has long been a w ay of life for j ding tho M iss Loy. I t is a m a tte r of con- d

Conven- viciion. since speech-m aking does not com e ea sy to her; she is naturally shy and soft-spoken. ..

• p But a political conscience was ,^ Instilled during her ea r ly j-ears. .

"W hen I w ent back to Mon- - tnna to bury m y mother- last y

n y e a r ,” she said, “ I visited the3 State cap ita l a t H elena. They i,Co., Salt showed mO' the application my Issued a fa lh er h ad m ade to ru n for the .

Arin F a lls legislQluro. He w as only about . ruction of 22 a t the tim e, b u t he won the \ 3re. election nnd served one term .” ^

occupied Her fa th er w as a Republican, , ’ nt 1708 her m other a D em ocrnl; the

m aterna l influence prevailed. Ion Co., Wlicn M yrna w ns a reigning n trac t for s ta r a t MGM in the 1930s, she . ool build- lent her nam e to the cam paigns , :iu re will of • b'ranklin D. -Roosevelt. Tliis ace w are- ciid not help her re lations wiih , pnrl will lhe studio boss, Louis B. Mnycr, y

whoso personal he ro was H e r - , was esti- hert Hoover. She and Mayer

hnd repeated hnttic.s.__ During th a t period In Holly-1C1 wood history, sludlo hrnd.s dis-5 0 • couraged political activ ity . by

J the ir stn rs; nrguing “ thnt- it f l c f l y ’ would alie.nufc n 'lrtrgc portlon'of •!' shows movie nudlcnce. M iss l.ny ibie Revri- cnmpnny p ressure 'Inviite m ar- niilable instnnce.___________

the onlvn, WATGH FOR THI


RAMONA Tlp s ' ,2 BIG DOOBlw plnylng

' r , ^ S h ^ h J T W V E R ' I SECRET ISLAN

llll nn llin. t 7M0 p.m.(>0(1 R iver IhD .



lo e s ! ■

rIj o n ^

t in e e ; • —....... - ....... .........

CO-HIT,« 'v n i i k i / : U f i i i i k j

_____________________________"■ ' \■ ' \ •

if f -

role of b reak from h is ‘ filming"cITores a: ikes a tbg filming of th e m ovie, *‘Chc.**

tl Amusement y Film Starsloped to One day in 1938, she and hus- ■te. Sen. band A rthur Pornblow w ere en- ■ Tm slill terta in ing-at-thoir-M alibu hom C r-H3ver his While the guests w ere frolicking I)

on the beach, M yrna w as listen- Ishe will ing to a rad io speech from Lon- I

ubert H. don by the Czech leader Jan I‘because M asaryk, who sad ly reported I

the at- the sell-out of his country a t 1Republi- Munich. She w as so m oved th a l 1

she dispatched a cable of sym - ' lers who palhy to M asaryk.2d politi- She received a sharp repri- :ipaigning m and from the New York sales it ll e for departm ent or MGM, B ut 11 | r of con- didn’t change h e r attitude to- li-making w ard political activity ,her: she public du ties becam e In- *.

lenslfied a f te r h e r dep artu re 'nee was jggg Secretary .

of S tate Dean Acheson appoint- ?10 Mon- niernber^at-large on the c

lu L .h i U.S. com m ission of UNESCO. ^^ 1, .. nnd she served for three and a f!

!“ ,■ 7 ’’® holt years: Sho ca inpalsned Nr« with M rs. E leanor Roosevelt for i

Lr ?, Adlal Stevenson in 1956, a n d has /I “ .1? ; served a s co-chairm an of the V

A lArtT, ■> Advisory Council o f the Nationnl i Committee A gainst D iscrim lna- C

K >1™ I",’, iil! i M iss Loy believes the ndvent 4

of o ther show business personal- 7Ities to politics t h i ‘s yen r i ^ j Shealthy sign’. She herself plans '

-^Iic to confine her nctivitles lo non- 4/ell. itiis pipptiy,, po5ts. “ I’ve hnd offers ,

}. Mnycr, Hint's not for m c." she snid 4r Mi';;; ^in H olly b l u e T O A I irnd.s dls- B L A Z E I ^

T o p Q u o l i t y - A l w a y s ^ t I •"

K,r?i WARBERG'S" [4!,'sure In 7 3 3 -7 3 7 1 j



J a P , S O 'G ay ...

i i SD Exciting,.B M ^ Revealing!

i I V P ^ / coLORmL v ? VilfvA/ OCAUTirUL ^ ^

.IfAAH . / , l \ ...beyondcomprflwnitonio i o y j / / o


U f l l l l k i r i u h c i r c D ' f V I

E (

R (

h oKelly

' ' ' X J M a t B -‘ re tun

nie n work(

out^ b e ha

~ . Il V

Broa< w as I No 01 Gene


be s


y eanagaiidanc


ju stexpery-20thporti

In g 'c fib res a s 20tK Century-Fox begins York avle, ♦‘Chc.*»_________________________ m an

t ^ —

; s i ^ ( ( r o 3 s ® s B avas listen- I ■ ••

' S ' - z \ \ . . . A T T H E F R lE h

£ S \ \ . CLUB IN -N E V Ae of sym - I %

arp repri- : »^ork sales > m W V S ^ JI. B ut it t % W s J !ttilude to- ^

ecam e In- Hdep artu re \ . S W . | ^ B ■V Jk V IUNESCO, ■

iree a H

for W I16, a n d hasan of the ' t i n Tle Nationnl U P I)iscrim lna-

ndvejit 1 .

S V ^rself plnns ' • J ^ y Ito non- I

offers INew York,." she said



" the

B U H L tID A H O " W M ^ \ / '

S / / BANK Nl- 1 / W E D N E S D A Y «

A L E D ! \ 3 ^ 0 0



Revealing! '


P ' ^ I w r 3 eh h ^ ^ h i —

i COMIr a w e d n i

i » j R ■ I n i n c l u ^ 7 ^ Z j s o u p , s <

^ 3 0 L U C K Y L II

R«0 l i l« r Ff«« All W ookI :t'* V \U I_____ D - . l - J l l i__ ■____i _ . . ___ I

fe! K e l l y T o M a k l [ R e t u r n O n J a (1 By BOB THOMAS w^ AP Movlc-Televlsion W riter fi‘ HOLLYWOOD (A P) — Gene

Kelly wiil display his dancing ni form on the Jack ic Gleason tele- rc vision sliow Saturday night, but sc

a l f a . it will m ark only a tem porary re tu rn to his hoofing heyday.

‘‘Dancing is an avocation for w m e now,” he rem arked a fte r a m workout prior to leaving for the pi M iam i Deach te lccasl. “ 1 found sl

B H out tha t I don^t have to dance to s: be happy.” jc

H D . It w asn 't an eosy lesson, Kellyadm itted. For 25 y e a rs ' on ai B roadw ay and in films, dancing si

J H j H w as alm ost his whole ex istence, fc | m i i n No one worked h a rd e r a t it than H h U ' Gene Kelly. Not even F red H H H A staireu who was noted for his fi IWfllim s tr ic i r ^ im e n . K elly's sty le re- si (B u na ^ tiired an ' oiTilcticism th a l could ■ f f f l l i be sustained only by constan t q ^ H n l fitness. u■ H I “ Then in 193S I tore the ca rd - ^ H M D lege in my knee w hile skiing,” c

hc said. " I l w as two whole Ii yea rs before I 'cou ld dancc

o j ^ H - again. Por a giiy who h as been ^ g a M dancing all his life, th a t was

tough to take. B ut-1 began to ^ n ^ l realize there was something-eTse [(

I could do lo m ake a living." c T h a t was directing. Kelly has fi

ju s t finished directing the m ost r expensive musical of film histo- a ry . "Hello, Dolly!” Outside his f 20th Century-Fdx office stands a E portion of the $2-m illion-N ew d

begins Y ork s treo t set on which he had[ maneuvered^ 4,000 ex tra s a few *

b W rS S E B S WTHE f r i e n d l i e s t i j 8 IN "NEVADA! ^ L '

i r i N fUP TO , .-M



NK NIGHTS \ \I H E S m S FK ID iy y i

2 0 0 B A N K S ^

3 R O U D L Y S E R

SundayW ith a ll th* trim m ln g a ^


S E R V E D 1 2 N o o n --------- to 6 P .M .




Make Temporary ] n Jackie Gleason’s,S weeks before. Tolal cost of the cx |A^rlter film is reported a t J20 million. filt — Gene ‘‘T h a t’s down from the origi- I’O' dancing nal budget' o t J27 million,” he oe

son tele- rem arked nirlv. "We found ight, but some w ays to save m oncy.” m porary j^clly started work in the film L ,

in O ctobcr. 1967. R ehearsals g" Ition for with B a rb ra ' Streisand. W alter ^jq I a fte r a M atthau and the o ther princi- ’ for the pals began last January ond “ 1 found shooting slaricd-A pril-15 . Kelly dance to said the la s t "cu t! '', on the. m a­

jo r photography A ug .'21. then J m , Kelly la id .o ff for a couple of weeks 'a r s ' on and returned for ff few m inor dancing shots, which ended the day be- TC

xistence. fore his departu re for the Glca- *0'It it thari son sh o w * ------ ;:n F red The economics of his two 1 for his functions a rc curious. He ob- . sly le re- served:ia t could " I will m ake more on the pr constan t G leason show in one day than I —

will in two weeks of d irecting. I the carti- No doubt about it, the, pcrform -

skiing,” e rs a r e the top dogs nowadays.0 whole It 's a perform er’s m arket.”1 dancc But he has no reg rets about h a s been choosing direction over dancing. ;hat w as “T here com es the point in ev-

to gfy dahcer’s life iwhen he’s got hing-efte qu it_ -altogother o r s ta r t livmg. cu tting do\xn.i:L-he observed. " I <elly has felt it. -I would require th ree the m ost m onths to get in to 'so lid shape,Im histo- and another three month? be- itslde his fore I could gel into the ring. . ■stands a Even then. I wouldn't be able to

lion -N ew do w hal I used to do.”;h he had Kelly will continue .w ith. -' a s a few *T:)olIy” Aintil spring, ,w h en -h e U

^ . . . THAT'S AT T l X l y COME ON D

1^ sunI§ SWEER


1 2 4 -


Plnylno ond ilnglno your ^00^ ^ *” '*'• Pl'"’o and

S w i N G ! ^ Ilay Dinner I ,n o . y\§


3 o n

\ \lAY Y V \ \ ‘^ ■ PLA T E \ \

NNERS ^ ^ iohwa

F riday . Sept. 27 . 1968 Twin

ary Dancing k son’s Show •of the expccts to finish cutting the ^ lion. film . When il will be seen, no- , nriei- hody knows. Supposedly it can 't „ •• h r be re leased until the show

found leaves New York. With- the i . •• P ea rl Bailey version selling oul, i '■ ... il could be yea rs before the tie iiim vaca te s Broadway. Fox is ^

seeking relief from the stipula- M p r t d . ____ ^

Loser-Named ^1 then BURLEY - M rs. R ussell M

weeks Shockey w as best loser for sec- ■ m inor °n d week during m eeting of ^

lay be- TOPS for. KOPS a t Presbyter- e Glca- Church.

A lotal of 13 m em bers,record­ed six and a half pounds loss

u and no gain , for the week. M rs. ^ He ot>- LcRoy U hrich, Burley, was a M

guest. The gam e aw ard w a s f l on the presen ted to M rs. Shockey. ■

i S ; WE BUY, 1 ; Lx! SELL & TRADE I ■^yi GUNS.vcd. "I

■RED’S ^

rhe‘n -h e


IPSTAKES I 'AWINGS I ;l - * 2 5 f/Ing . N o Purchas* N ec st ia r y . ^

& D A N C eHE MUSIC OF M C7 O5TIE BRAUN ,Jnaino yaur favorili rt-

M l7 . I I P ,

k \ a m \f CAFE I\ MOTEL

L \ LaVcll and Rob«rta Barton \ I Horv«y ond Hax«l Wright


it t eshow ^ 4

th the Ing>rc the


ed ^Russell

for sec- of


, rccord- Ids loss



f e

1 ^M iM P o m o

fl SCOTCff

r i ' ^ ^ i : i s o m

_ ' A S M^ K i m

m iu a iin ia m n iim

?68 Twin Falls Tinnes-Ncws ' 7

Page 8: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent


2 :30 P .M . S U M M A R Y• N E W Y O R K (A P ) — T h e • S lo c k m a rk e t c lim b e d b a c k lo

' th e u p s id e in a s tr o n g r a l ly la le t h i s aftC Thoon. a c

C a in c r s o u tp a c e d lo s e r s by n ; m a r g i n o f 74 is su e s . T lie b r e a k - c j

d o w n on th c m o s t a c i iv c l is t w a s 12 a d v a n c e s o f ia in s i 3 d c c l in c s ,

B r o k e rs sa id th e m a r k e t w a s ( in n m o o d for c o n so lid a tio n a f- ; t e r a s te a d y pe rio d o f u p r is e a n d iJq m o r n in g tr a d in g b o re o u t lh a t ) c o n te n tio n . P r ic e s o p e n e d on a ce f i r m t r e n d , e a se d to a m ix e d le v - 20. e l . a ftd th e n s ta r te d a m o v e u p - ; w a r d . ce

T r a d in g w as h a l te d in X ero x p e n d in g a n a n n o u n c e m e n t, fjp W h e n It c a m e , th e n e w s w a s nin t h a t th e b ig c o p y in g m a c h in e m a k e r a n d C IT F in a n c ia l , inde - lith

’ p e n d e n t s a le s f in a n c e c o m p a n y , w ere c o n d u c tin g negotiations lo

, * w a rd a c o m b in a t io n o f th c iw o n»n- f i r m s .

. - - J t c r o x tr a d e d off •!% a t 284^J ptd a n d C lT r o s e a t 47-ys. j;;]'''

Motors s tr e n g th e n e d a f t e r ptu- - e a r l i e r w e a k n e s s . G e n e ra l M o- rji"

. t o r s s w e p t b a c k f ro m th e m in u s };JJ,c o lu m n to sh o w a g a in o f VJ a n d fm ( F o r d , C h ry s le r a n d A m e ric a n

- M o to r s a d d e d f ra c t io n s . Por!- — ^Oils - n n d n irtiTie g- c o n tin u e d

“ l o i ^ t w h ile 'to b a c to d h e ld m o s t- cjlw; , ] y h ig h e r . R a ils w e re g e n e r a l ly c ai

s t r o n g . M e ta ls a n d c h e m ic a ls strengthened after having been atn on th c dow nside .

T h e D ow Jo n e s a v e r a g e o f 30 r.tn . I n d u s tr ia l s n t 2 p .m . w a s o ff a I m in im a l .25 u t 932.99, r e c o v e r - r.en . in g f ro m a m o re th a n a p o in t cen ' lo s s e a r l ie r . •


• ' - tiEW YORK lAP) ■ Ntw Yotk Slack lioo• E xehsny »elcclfd 1*ib pricci: OoO'T (hdt.) inch I.0W Lait Chr. Cm

“ a CF Ind 3 '0 '?J j n l..A d Minii .« « IOl 1*'/!—' i '.lAddrcM l.l t 31 « 5 M 4 8 c i5 - H GlW. Admiral W ir JMl :c?i - » Crei

• .A lrRedln Uii 77 31 J 3C?{ 36}, - \•'AlcanAlum I IM « JHJ 5 . . . . Crui*All«gCp .Ida n j 30?i J +1 (iulf•*A!leRl.ud J .« 15 U j j y » i - M‘ AHffffPw ].:s *i 3i!4 J;?, + ji Culf»-A1IledCh 1.10 j j culf••AllledSir I .« « <61/, C5l 46u _ u Hall

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' 'I 5}) '4Atmco Sll J 7 HJ? 34 4 - i i IP tArmour I.M 47 47‘, 47 47 ....... JewArmCk !.«» M 77*1 7CH 77>; 4- W Johrll j;| s!!t !;!i: 1 is;lOir I'i'l'I ril:

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' 8 Twin Foils Times-News

I . 'I I

r s MarketS t o c k s DilY MARKETS A T A GLANCE -I'J \ - The ^JEW YORK (A P) — M arkets)ack lo a t a glance ■ .‘r '‘Ily 'a le Stocks - > i r m in m oderately ‘

. active trading. p„,,:s by n Collon—Irreg u la r. r(./o

break- CHICAGO: Hj'f/:lis w as W heat-L ow er: liquidalign. rhiileclincs. Corn-Lower; iight trade. {;>■*»<et w as Oais—Lower; w ith corn. pIu.tion af- Soybeans — Lower; liquida- poi*'■‘se and ijon. , Pf';ut lha t Butclrer hogs — Steady to 25 Puhv■d on a cents lower; receip ts 5,500; top ll:;!’!; <ed lev- 20.75. ' ‘ ‘ove up- S laughter s te e rs -S te a d y ; re* Cri'

X rrox:cm cnt. r(paio.s-c r jci n«: i» »<; +- k

m chinc -I M .1, inde- uthyi Cp .«» « j j ' 3i l » - >im pany, *[ *\ - 5i ho"ions lo r’alrcftc 179 79«' H'* 78Uh e two j>Jp 2j* jji i;Li + iJ uSin

1 2 My, MBS’’, ■% I Ij;: !S ; !i;; : ; ; jS i:

a f te r FMCfirt* jjJ ‘mJ Ijt; Vi'i sijm al _M0- 1 33 »«i JJji 33^ - ijm inus ii:6 ' o s’ij ch‘i - i " sLndlVJ and FMC Cp .sj ji 4(>ii 3s<i to _ i/,

'"'“ " I S ” # - i i i i i r a ilinerally CAK corp .« sii :% 37|J W i - u •mieals GenOynam 1 106 4t' 44>t 46(4 +l«i= s s i ! ? ' ® ! : i ! | - 3: of 30 8"M="*3,i” 3?? WW i r ‘ 'ai(t ; off a GPu'-uj }-5« S : ’5 ' V.\ + !• s!*?* :cover- 8cn t U * no j? 3 ,* j i ' 'T l *‘ Jirac'li v, ,!!’* , s i H t i “ k r,C CUIella 1.20 M 56>1 5»{ 5J’J + liN rr ?!oC.'}'MihS *-l ill!- - i m 'i! ii” ii^SI =

Nrt OraceCo 1.50 €S 45H 45!4 ^i'.i + * | d Knr!S»^’:3lj -----77-4ol4"«V’~33it'7-J |J§ “jS{ + 1 OlAfcP l.JOa 41 3J?1 33^ J3H - I n

9‘1 7... Ct Nor Ry J It y.V, !W JCIi + ! 2r i^ z L r " iw r n ‘ r.‘A’ ’ i f i i n t . n ;Hi _ » CreenCnt ,!J 39 4jv, 43i 4)!-j + S “7 oy, _ 5 Grtyhaund l 78 3J|| 3»i W i -3 ; T ‘ euro 'll j “ I2H « ‘ - 1 s'u“n ' jj; _ u Culf oil wi 4t 4! i 43 43 ... . c“"?.'i .t..” S."i™.“ '.jib' ,Sf iii i J i i i z i i S i ? 3 i = i i i i ; r r ! „ , ' i ‘ « : i i i ! i i i 7 » 4 l s

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•*!I E raH liiiii f|iiIU.+ .«5 j j . - im »j4_m r-1 Shli;

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,-News Ffidgy, Sept. 27, T968

et And FinD o w - J o n e s , 2 p . m .STOCKS ,

JCF •■>'> Industria ls. 932.99 down 0.25 .^X^. 20 Rails 265.98 down 0.07 larkets u tilitie s 130.30 down 0.25 a i erately 33U 5_dow n 0.17

s s i v ■ ; '" i^-riieip.i) 3,«o 117 feed

ion, fiiSi.;-; i:Si i i s i ; ; : ;■ '« dfe m i i r n 3.fo joi t:>i «;> «:*i * •, ewc: 1. ^ i^:; bucviquida- Poi'-oiJ J.j rJW i:e‘. n ' + S

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ly: r e - iig:;-? - 4iiil;:iiiii7;:iS.. S;!frinc ‘"2 ” \v^ i i v V i - 330-

„ Hayiheon .50 IIJ 4i>l 44'j 45ij ....'! 510-1i i i i i i n a a ' i v . i i iii iiii i i ; i ; i i s w <

r = i i i i K 1 1 : 1 ; y i l l s•••:; ReynToh 3.30 370 39'i 3S‘', 3»', - !l Choi

H ~ iJ uSins” 6sV' IJ SS'* *9i’‘ ‘c j‘ 1 V 8°°^ ;;•••••” nJir c p ’.io 4s 3o’PJ!-!! 3oi| * *! *'^erii i U ’l s s ' K v , ; ; ' l i i i s i! i ; , = i i f r

, ’;i! S.’S '. S ' i:iS . i i ii; iJi; iil: _ i; J i.s t

, : i i i : : i i ’' i i i i p i i s :Sandcri .39 -47 j;'* j : 5 >. - > i StOei

s ^ i i g H i S i r i i ; i i i i i i ' ! I * ; S- il s j f e « ; u ii;! iii^ *” •'- !l scoiti-.per 1 118 IIU :o*S joji ~ ii 31;

i i ! ! ! ; ! ! . ,; ■ + "0 I.IO Ut tHi c r e , - ntJ if Seehurs .«0 »8 3t>i J«‘i 3<»; — '.4*■ ':i SharoaSt I.JJ 9J 4i<4 4:U +5' | : i! j i j i j - i i

s 2 j s i i s i : ; - ' ^ " ’;*-}JSouC ain 1.40 IIG 33!i 3:>; 33»,;t» - • Souih Co l.OJ J9 35S 3" 39 - H -SouNfiaa 1.0 4» Jisj jci', i:>J 4.1ii,’« + '„ Sou Pac I.M «32 41»i 4!1,4 4;i,i + >1 Of

jH - [4 .s2ar?a5’'I^d* JDO 3314* 34>4 :lli + '«‘ i? SperryR .40« 3C« 4C?i 40<i 4C',i — dCrH SquaMD .70« n* ll'.i 35’i J«« - ' i OVPrw l i r i x =!i i i » i i 'i i i ' - ^ i j ™ "

i « 7 4 i i s K a = ; : : « k S ! jp * ^ i " i i , , ii',; r . . : ; , c .? + .Sicrl Drus 1 61 u I ln S3>.‘ - H te ru - j S a , ; ’! r.', S i !?•* s s

- i sun oil I 9 TJ>i -t>i T4j! _ >! cow; ••••• Sunray 1.50- 114 5H4 l|i', Jl^ + i/, and

lii ,iii , ; i = ;■ '* ! ; fi«ui?) T-?i Tampal-I .72 SO Zfij 3S 36 4- ly hi

lii . S i iS ii iSi! : ii 2 -4 !+.J) Tenneco I.3I i:o 3« 37«J 3:>i - U Sh

v j ivxetJ '\^ o » ■ " SO'"'I + « T«CSuI .40 ! 1S « i ; ” 4 ” h " '4;|f Teiailnit .M 6» lOjj? less 10J?i - V, spriiM i i ? " ™ - m i i i » ; ! ’' i i ! i i’• J - J ) Thlokol .40 74 U14 n s 11 ... . ■-

li! iiii ii>! i i i i n s ■' ’i ! t i s s , . " - ’i! iii ; I i„ i i l ; I ' i c i :.1 : ii SS?"1..’V '?! !!'-• ii'-‘ i i '^ T i i z l T c•» + H UMC l?d*"'.7: jf j « l ; Kii «•! f ’i 20.2; i h i n Uncarbidt 2 713 «!!> 41* 4ji - Ibs1 - v l t KSo^'al !;5S 21 S li 11 j g z i t ia.2!J j t j ” ; UnionPaelf J t09 37’* Ky, t« - U Owe

i = r . ! ; i i ! x f f l i ; ' i ‘ ! ! i f f i ii! i i - - ;UnltAIre 1-S# «T «o«i »!!>; 0 - H Css:‘!.,a a . , .! i a; ; i^ i i ^ v l *

» - H unll MM I.JO >I )T.i l:l4 J:,l I ? *“WC

[ .*’K i i i i i x s , i i i i f f l I , ? l b » j j T i S K.?i;i&■•?.!. =i! i ' i !S

i S i l M i i i i i l j i M

T ' i i s S l ; : : lil i i i i iii! iii I i ^; ...... Vcnilo Co .1.0 39 37«{ 37 J74 4- ’ mlX(!| — i wVrnLa’mll’” SS Sj1{ «?| J?/; - } WaaWal I.3B 14 33 3*4 31* -. U Pr R"

- ‘i i i » i ! i.‘,‘ + “ I'' ’ . f ! 5 ;K " |! iV ; “ ji- j i; 27.2:- i j s : s ! i r . i i i i!j !! I ! ? 1,1- J c f r E i . i i ! .=1: ' . ! ! , - S ' ; ! ! , ; : « ! i S ;

i f | “ i ; i i j t . i i ! i j i ! i i ! ! , . = j i - i : a ? i . ' . i ; i i i iiii iiii ! ! , > i ! « s - ”I +1 ‘•'op>"ll''t«d by Tha AitoclaKdl'reiillKI

*.}}. AMr.nicAN in-ncK rxcnANors r . Th'il ...;! flau. Nri provu l l j Aero,M ,10. ‘" r j - M r t f i r

l i i l i l i ^ i i s

1 i ' i ' i m n ’r , , ; ' i i i!i is: i!,v ;:::1! C.mpM Ch|l> 3«7l3'iil79’lll- ; j |._

' ‘ I h ^ t r a ^ r ' " i?j is;* ij;t

l u l ni','llvnT’o,p 11 lu i iM i - ’i; IR

in V} t‘r?K'r:‘ , L i • I; A ; t ! PinK 0.1 .1 : ’i }!>■ :n ; ij .shi,11

: i ; . i i i ~ i i i i i l iiii iili E m S

i s « ■ ! i i i i ! i i i h i : i r ; ; ! ! SK ' W *. iii i iii i l i i i - , ' i j S '

'-‘ T l! s : r , ’, l l , , '! i S i!;j )!ii t i i ' ' ' n ! ’

: i ; : Sil'i.'.’/ ' i ’i iiiS ill! ill i 1

: = " H 1!_ \ MnlylMlFii 7 31 3!l>( W | ^

i’ Ti liil’lii’i ' i ’fj" i i l i n i l ! " ; ! C’l I ' i ; iii i iii i n i - i ; ; K'.'"+ , ....... .. Ii.ih ,M J’l,! IM in,; I (1

[i .... Mallxiii loti 11 34 ii\\ 3* 4 I fiupj-l v ; - ‘ r ^ i" " ‘.'.p .•« *3; 4iii ; '" '« r(U _ H Wu Murlrar 13 Jl lolj SfttJ » I « r | I

('upycivhlxl hy 'lha AimrUod Priti lli snle

i z I; SPO T MJ-.TAI.S '* 1 \l NIiW YOlUC (A P ) — .Spnl nnn- \ 4 1 fornHiK m i'lu l prUion todny: c:np- i 4- per, coiilH H pound, Con- TliH i noctletil Vnlley; lonil, l2*/i c«uiln pro\

H i ) n jHiunil, New Y ork; zliii’. 13!^ niut I,. conln n poiintl, HnM Sl. l/>iilfi;'iJ V*1 Iln, l.fta « poiuut, N«’w Y<irk; Nnv ;Vi 4- J. j;ni(t, 40,21) p e r Irov (ninl’f , Now M nr 111 .*.. I Vorls; Kllvcr, ( k t lr<iy Aiirl; | - ouiuif, Ntiw Y ork: <|iilrUNllvor, Mny

» * , f.r>0.0a nom inni j>er riniik. Now „ ^ X ^ o rk . _ . Mny

ij T ^ y i n F a l l s ]

• UIIAINi« 4 Jitrlay ........................................... i.argi: mV ;. . . 'ovvin'v.v.'.v.v.v.'.v.” '.'” .?:/.:? w

1 : ........4> UliANH> - n i lnlo. ........................................ ..1(1.00 Chftlc


' - It m k i ........... ............................ ii.B^ li.av

Financial iipm- L i v e s t o c k

.wn 0.2507 IDAHO FALLS CHI

All cla.s.'^es w ere s ieady a f the soybe Idaho Livc.slock Auction’s sale undei this week. Chica

si,-I V s Fnt Jambs, 52-1.50-25.2.';; light declii 7; '. feeder lam bs, S24.50-26; heavy cqv 3,‘‘ ; \\ feeder lam bs. S23.50-2-l.50: fat hit «:>i * i, ewes, $0-7: canner ew es and 'move

3 ' ' ' bucks, 53-G, and good mouth and I 111 * + *i ewes to lam b soon. J20 per head, eifjcc »7 - U E xtrem e top, $18.50: bu lk 180-

220 lbs., S17.50-IB.50; 220-2-10 lbs..:$•! + ■; JI7.75-1S.50- 2-10-260 Ibs.. S17-

- W 17.75: 2C0-280. Ib.s.. $16-17; 280- CH J . J I u 300 lbs.. $15-16; sow.s under 300 ycUo\ «;:• 4- U).<5., S13-H: .100-330 lb s ., $12-13; red 1 y.V V i- 330-100 lbs., $11-12; over -I.IO Ihs. 1-09 45.' ...:! $10-11; slags, $9-10, and boards, white li'.i 1 1’ ■ o'* + >i C h o i c e g ra in fed steers , So\ H - i ' i $25.50-26.50: good .steers. $24,25: *,

com m ercial stee rs , $22..'i0-25: 7 3»'J - " i choicc fat heifers. S24.50-25.25; h /,. , « !‘ * :• good fat heifers S23-24; com- 3o’i I i’ m crcial cows $18.50-19.50; utiliiv 31’ - > i cows $18-18.50: cu tte r cows $17- J l ' / l l ' IS; canner.s. $14-17; hu lls. $20- JO.’ _ (J 22.50; veal-caU ais. 524.28: good k„„„, « !. * :• feeder steers, $25-26.50; medium 3»'i 7 -M ccd e r steers. $23-24: Holstein 5 * .- * i stee rs , $21-22.50: good feeding <11* t 1 heifers, $23-24: m edium feeding

heifers. t22-23;r-r feeding cows, CH *:ji ■►sji $17-18: stock s te e r ca lvcs. $28- . j o u - ’li 31: .stock-heifdr ca lves. $26-27;4j^ 4- h da iry type calvcs, $24-28. . . Wh i i 'i r ( i Due 3«?; - J4 .DEI'JVER M ar

1 i! D ENVER (A E)_-^ (USDA) - May i; , , No receip ts o r trad in g today m T014 _ i cattle , hogs and sheep a t .the io’.i 4- li E>enver m arket. , ^ ^oi

+ ;■ _____J Dec> ! , : - | i i - OMAHA '4;',i 4. >v OMAHA (A P) - (USDA) - ju i

• + V Hogs 6.500; barrow s and g ilts un. o a t HV. - !4 der 230 lb s teady to 25 higher, Dec « ? . - ?i over 230 lb s teady (o w eak; 1-2 M ar 3 ; W 203-236 Jb 20.00; 1-3 190-230 lbs mqv

-t3U--_il -19..53l5:75;-2-3-190-200-lb.s-19.00- j i i T? ‘ _ %l 19.50; sows s teady to s trong ; 1-3 Rv. 601; - |4 320-450 Ibs 17.25-18.25. t v -

Cattle 1000: calves 200; slaugh- M ar s3> i_ H te r s te e rs , m odera te ly active, May

stead y ; utilily and com m ercial ju i rij! _ >i cows steady: load h igh choicc sin 4- }i and p rim e 1150 Ib yield grade 3-4 38 * ... s laugh ter steers 28.60; igad mos (I 36 4- Vt ly high choice 1150 lb yield grade

lo?!l t ?•' 2- 26.00-27.00.3:>i - U Sheep 500; sm nll lo ts choicc ;jt> + som e with end p rim e 90-110 lb Arfili; JOH 7 ii woolfed and shorn . No. 1 pelts ^om i

io»i - (1 sp ring lam bs about 25 low er a t " i'j * i\ 27.00; not enough to le.st prices.

iiii : , i ; ' CHICAGO

" i i - ! <'''■> - (U S D A )- Key.,,Jijj _ li Hogs 5,500; bu tchers s teady to -kovsi i l . 25 lower: 1-2 205-225 lb bu tchers kcvs' 5;.| t 20.25-20.75: 2-3 and- 2-4 200-250 4) « - J Ibs 20,00-20.35; 3-4 250-290 Ibs Kcvc. \U Z 5/ 19.25-20.00; sow.s s iead y to 25 Keys ei] _ \\ low er; 1-3 325-400 Ib 17.50-18.50; p n il , 59 - 1 2-3 500-600 lbs 16.25-16.85. p „ n

eo ‘ — K Cattle 5,000; calves none; i ifc 7 ,h steers steady ta 25 Manf

j,H v r *°wer; slaughter he ife rs steady Mass :m 4. J to 25 h igher; p r im e 1.250-1,-100 M n « }8!4 _ 1/ slaughter stee rs yield grade m»;io jo i J - i ( 3 nnd 4 30.00-30.50; m ixed high Nnt a ” + V choico nnd p rim e 1,100-1,375 lbs p^ .n i ;!!i i 28,75-30.01); choico 1,100.2.350 lb., ? S 44 - yield g rade 2 to 4 27.75-29.00; t m r

1 j choico 950-1,150 lbs 27.25-28.25; va^m J7* 4-1 mixed good’ and choice 20.75- vnh.f

5 27.15'^tixatLJUeiL’Choice and w est 31* _ u p rim e . 000-1,050 lb filaughter

+ *• neifers yield g rade 3 nnd 4-26:50- ^ ,j?i ; \\ 27.25; choice 825-1.000 lbs yield ( ) v 7T> 4 -j; gcade 2 to 4 25.50-26.75;

Jll! 4 <{ . "?>■'"« slaughterjro -19 lom hs .sleadv: choicc nnd prim e « + ;i oo-lin II) spring .slaughter Inmbs Allicr l“ l‘..7i«> 2?.M-27..W. Kquif

--------- I 'irs llANor CATTI.E FU TU RES Tir-slcan .sinck follnwiiig fiuolntions nre Oiirn

Nri provided hv E, W. M cRoberts Idnlu Ult Ch., nnd Co.. Twin F a lb , Inturiii H ich Ix)W Clone Mb (3:>; - |i Oct ............ 27,12 20.05 26.97 M orr

............ 26.37 26,15 26,15 RngeTl! - i; Teh . . . . . . . 2 5 .8 2 2 1.70 25.70 .Silvi'iil* " / 'p r i i ..........2,5.57 2S..17 75M Slorn

n 't V l i Juno .......... 25,57 2,'».45 25,45 Suri'ti ; ' j ‘ : : : ! '>■ — ^ ^ ---------------

l l ' y i j Potatoes Me;:,'J - >i IDAHO FAI-US F . Uallt;” ’;; id a i io t a i .i .s (a p )-f -s m n ri;-i - K for Sepl, 2 (i-a l| .sales I-OIJ ,shii>- NE i!v t ij Pli'lt l«)liit an'> (iellvered sales gene V', 4 !i shljipiiifl point bnjtj.s; nut ii11,,...... Onions In wc.sicrn Idaho nnd preshii‘l i'.'.ii M nlheur County, Oi4',| offerlnji.s when

...... »»!ht, demnnd light and m arket nt iJl'! V i i I'ln te fillKhll^ w eak er, m edium s O'Dw

about Hieady; 5ft Ib Hacks No, 1 cnndl li,',* Vrllow .Sweet*Srwnl(ih 3 Inch nn<l Thr I .'i , d 'n rj-e r tuosdy 1.50, few h igher: lurnr

. • 2 to 3 Inch 1,10: w hites 1 Inch tlo in 1 I nnd la rg er 2.00-2.:iri, imwlly 2 Im . _ ,2 Incl^ 2.26; l^J-H Inch few 2.m. ch.sUi

iV ".!■ --------: rcpreI 1 CHICAGO A Iml

il’‘ + I C H lC A no (A P) — (U.SDA) — im . .. ,, PotaloM nrrivnlH 33; on Irnck Jn,{7'ii M; loliil MI.S. NhlpmrnH 2:il; .3* 4 1 fiupplies IlKht; dem nnd »low;5m “ "Hirket fnr nisiw ts nllgliilv wenk- ilii T I’r; round rcil.t (lull; "irli'il iriick

i iT n iii i snles: WnsIiinKlon ru sse t llnr- - \ h«nk.i .rW ; M/iiiichi.<« rniuid nnf W'Ti''’'

2,li0. - Mepnl non- _____ wheilny: c:op- F U lU llE Sml, Con- Tlin fdllowlng «iuntnllous nre\Vi cen ts provi.le.l hy \ l W. M cR oberts ‘J2U:.Inc. in '/i nnd .So.. Twin I 'a lh .. l/>iil«; MaIimi P o tttto rs/ York; Nnv ..............2,7.5 2,(12 2,6,1ee, New M nr .............. 3.17 3.05 3,05t*r iroy April .............7,.7.’i ’ .'i.ri .12«i-UNllvor, M n y .............. 3.fl(» 3.K0 3,82lk. Now . Itlnhn 1‘nlBlorii

M n y .............. 6.03 n.OO 5.0,5

F a lls M a rk e tsu o d i

;i • : * . ! ! ........... ......................................

o , » i „ 'II!.......f<i.7,i iAi)-;i;i> 11.9................................ |j|,nn.......}7,7S i.iKht ............................................ .........M-BP lUavy lewa .................... •lO.OO.K.iM

ll Report;k G r a i n s S

CHICAGO hiCHICAGO (A P )—Wheat and it

y a f thc soybeans fu tures prices cam e ta n’s sale under heavy liquidation on th e 'g

]Chicago Doitrd of T rad e today,15; light declining 2>/j ccn ts a bushel. w : heavy Soybeans and corn fu lu re s 'a i- v..50; fat so hit low.s for the season. T rade P . es and moved at a re la tiv e ly good p a re i-

mouth and Evolved a ll face ts on both B

. " i S - - " ' _ ■ "

CHICAGO ., “17i 280- CHICAGO (A P )^ W h ta l No 2 c nder 300 yellow hard 1.24'/^ n ; No. 2 soft ;i . $12-13; red 1.17'/j n. Corn No 2 yellow i, 450 Ihs. 1-09 n. Oats No 2 ex tra heavy bonrds, white 593,J.' Soybeans Nq i ycl- q

low 2.50' n. steers . Soybean oil 7.45 n. t’

At Ihe close w heat w as IV* to h f r ' i l : 2 cents a bushel low er, Decem- . 50-2J.25, , JJ3 ,. „1: lower. D ecem ber J.02-yR: oats1. «lil IV ^vere Vk lo low er, D ecem ber c

10. ' * J or, D ecem ber 1.13^^ and soy- ! • bear.5 w ere ]% to 2U lower. No- >’i ? o i Sfeeding --------- ^feeding GRAIN FU TU R ES j

; cows. CHICAGO (A P )—F rid ay : h 'CS. $28- . Prev.. $26-27; High Low Close close h18. W heat c

Dec 1.21% L19% 1.1934 1.2134 c M ar 1.27«A'V25Vi .25y 1.273,i e

SDA) - May '•283/4 \.25% 1.30^s a[odav m J u ' 1-31% 1-30 I.301/2 1.315/. e

a t the 1.34% ;1.33 1.33>/, 1.34;|| ii

Dec 1.02V 1.02Vi 1.02^s l-02'/2 CM ar 1.07'4 1.06% 1.07‘/h '•0714 I

- r . . . M ay 1.10% 1.103/s 1.10'^ l.lO^i r,DA) - Ju l 1.131 1. 131/g 1.131/3 1.13% tg ilts un- O ats bh gher, Dec .63 .62«/2 .62% .63 s

M ar .64>/a .63c .633/, .637/ , v1-230 lbs M ay .633/J ,.63Vi .63>/b .631/4d.s- i 9 .0 (^ ju i .61%—rGoS/T^eoJjrniiv^-nong: i-3 Rye v

. , Dec 1.1334 1.13 1.13% 1. 137/ . 1slaugh- M ar I .1534 1.15% I .I 534 1.I614 tactive M ay l.l7i/^ 1.17 1.17>/r 1.17% r“ i™ _ ^ ^ - w . i . i 8 ;

Sm™ Mutual FundsNoon P r ic e , '

1 choice Asked c10-110 lb Affiliated F u n t i ^ . . . . 9.51 10.28 t

1 pelts C om m onw ealth . . . 23.50 25.61 jlower a t Compel. Cap...............10.04 11.68t prices. D ow T lieory . . . . . . . . 8.84 0.56 (

Eaton nnd H ow ard . 17.72 19.25 fE n terp rise .................10.79 11.79 \F idelity T r e n d .........31,85 31.62 i

JSDA)— Keystone B-4 .............10.32 11.26 aieady to -Keystone K-1 ........... 9.72 10.61 \

Keystone S-2 ........... 7.72 8.43 i200-250 Keystone S-2 ........... 13.11 1-1.30

290 lbs Keystone S-3 ........... 11,27 12.30 *’ “ “ Keystono S-4 ........... 7.17 7.83 .50-18.50, PolarLs ....................... 6.18 C.88 I’- Pulnnm V ista ........... 14.19 15.51 i

none; Life Ins I n v e s t ......... 7.70 8.42 I' to 25 M anhattan ................. 11.05 12.08 i

Inv G row th . . . 12.90 14.102.)0-1,-I00 M ass Inv T ru s t . . . . 17.47 19.10 t

N ational G row th . . . 11.84 12.94 <P N ationnl S to c k ......... 9.91 10.83 t

[ ' l l . , Pu tnam E qu ities . . . 15.91 17.39 ITechnology ............... 10.58 11.53 tt m r ............................. 26,53 29.00 tValue Line I n c ......... 6,92 7.59 c

B 26.75- Value Line Sp S it 10.,18 11.36ce and v^cstjndShnre.-j . .. .-1 0 ,1 1 11,05 1laughter _________________ i14-26:50- ^ ' I

50 jSJ; th® Counter >' '’4'^V- ' Qi'oiaMoni -ffom NASDnt approilmiie. r ' \y noon.—AH- btdi-«re Interdoaler bidi.

Inlarilealer quniallnni iln nnl Inrjiirfa rc-Inughlcr "'•'■‘“p. mark down or comrnH.I Dn. \ d prim e Hid Asked <T inm bs A lb e r tso n 's ........... 16.62'^ 17.l2>/j ,

Equity Oil ........... JH..W Jfl..'!!) II’lrs l Sec C orp .33,50 34,50 i

r s F irs t .Sec Invost . 7.00 7,37'/j t ons nre G nrrett 1-reight 37.75 38.75 j R oberls Idnlio Pow er P fd 60,00 64.(10

Inturm ln ( ia s . . . H ,I2>^ 11.50 t V Close Mb (lem .Siler . . 1 .62 '^ 2.00 ] i 26.97 Morrlson-Kniid . . 27,00 27.50 , i 26,15 R ogers Bros . . . . 23,50 24.50 ( ) 25.70 Sliver Stnr Qns . . .50 .75 tr 25,.'i7 Slorrw L ite ........... .T/ift 4.35i 25,45 Surety I-lto ......... 7,50 7,H7!^ j

McCarthy Shuns 1 Election Opinion ,

^li ,shii>- NEW YORK (A P ) — .Sen. En- v <1 sales gene .1, M cC arthy suys he will I

nol m nke nny coininent on lhe <’ iho nnd presidential eleiMlon until Oct. H, N ifferlngs when ho Is (icheduled lo siKUk c

m arket nt a ra lly h e re for I’niil nedliims O 'Dwyer, D cm ocrn tic 'S en a te '' (H No, 1 candldaie . ■ n nch an<l The M innoiotn D em ocrat re- hl|!her; lu rnril T hurstlay from a vucn- *'

I 1 Inch tion on lhe I 'n in e h RIvleru, < uw lly 2 Eiu-ller, the Columbln Ilrond. ' 2.00, cH.siJn« .Sysloji) .snlrl n M rCnrlhy

rcpresen tn tive Imd nsked to buy J A half hour of p rim e lelc-vliiioii

SDA) — O cloher for "an iiii|Hir- ,’t. frnctf t"» t N tatem ent” by the senator. ■“ , An niile snld Iho lim e was not I hIiiw-' heing nouhIu fo r nn eiuiorse- I vwV/7k' "f VIee P resid en t lliihert >

lot irack Humphroy by M cCnrthy Init to i 11‘t Hnr- ">"H«iy fo r nnllw nr con- « iiuid red c-iinilldntes. ( ‘ M eCarthy Ims not Htnled I

w hether lie w lll Hupport tliini- phrey, who ilefi-nted him for the '

r iiH <irn DcniocrutIc p resldeiitia l noniinn- ( m o b e r .. 'ta ; :_______________ _____________;

I « G I N i &) 3,82 J V

> 5,0,5

S i S " ' ... . •fiaS2^ t e g 1....lin.no \ ............0.00.u ,l»

I.. ' " ' M f

B u s in e s s ' f M ir ro r


,, Involved in the presen t battle of5 lhc prim e ra le than a q u a rie r of

one per cen t rntercst. E very banker in A m crica .suspects

leat and ihai. but few can say w ith cer- :s cam e lainty w hat the m ysterious Jn - ^ n on ih e 'g red ien l is. ' ,j,ic today, The very ra rity of a split ra le . p£ lushel. with som e banks charging thc ir gj i iu re s 'a i- very best co rpo ra te 'cuslom ers 6 in. T rade Per cen l and other.'? 6’/ i per ccnt, ood p a re is enough to arouse cu rio slty r|^ ] I on both But then there are some o th e r he

factors. blThis presen t dispute, for ex- gj

am ple, seem s to 'p a ra lle l a situ- j,| ation th a l existed early in 1967.

cat No 2 Chase M anhattan Dank dropped Jo., 2 soft its ra le a q u arte r of a point be- 2 yellow low tha t of F irs t Nalional City

ra heavy uank . And row the sam e banks 'Jo 1 yel- a re a t il again, ^

I.s th ere a battle of assets be- tween these two? Let the figures p

^Decern*- *’f Am crica, w ith hold-■’l i JO 1/ ings of $21.86 billion a l m idyear,

oats is c learly the biggest com m er- ^ December cial bank in A m erica ., But i n . , n >i low New Y ork. C hase and F irs t City an^ sov •’^ve been elbow to elbow fo r .jm er. N i- > ''“ ''1 " " y >>«■'' “ " 'P ” ' b.ra te business. . . -i

On Ju n e 30 F irs t G ty w a r in ^ second place w ith ' ea se ls of

ES $18,153 b illio n .. Chase c la im ed “day : holdings of $18,087 billion.

P rev . The $66 million difference " se close looks m ighty big to people who ,

can ’t b a lance a checking ac - -I 9% 1.21% count b u t for banks it is srttoll 534 1.2734 enough to be closcd quickly w ith „ 914 1.30% a b it o f effori. the very type of ° OV2 L31% effort C hase .seems to be m ak- 3'/j I .345I ing now.

In the dispute two years ago ^ 2% 1-02'/2 Chase w as alm ost alone am ong ^ 7*/8 l-fl7'4 la rge banks in offering corpo- " OV 1.10% ra te cuslom ers 5f p e r cent. F o r f, 3'/3 1.13% two m onths F irs t City and o th e r ^

banks held out bu t then h ad to 2% .63 swallow pride and fall In line 3% .63% w ilh Chase. ' f3% ,03>/4 Chase earn ed prestige then a£ “ fnj%-n51i/- a—le a d e r r “n n d ~ its “Tlslr"rie 'ally "

wasn’t a s g rea t as it ap peared 2 334 1. 137. T lie m oney supply wa.s catch ing 534 I.16V4 up w ith, dem and and in te rest 1 Wk 1 173/ ra te s w ere bound to com e down. J 7% 1.18 So w h a t if_ tem porarily it costs a few m il- '

m lion dollars.H Q S C hase gain m any corpo­

ra te custom ers? Some, b u t not | enough obviously to push it

A jked ahead of F irs t City. Corpora- 1.51 10.28 tions don ’t easily chnnge th e ir _ 1.50 2S.G1 alleg iance. 't.04 11.68 T here is good reason for loyal- ?1.84 9.56 (y. A lo t of trea su re rs h av en ’t . f.72 19.25 forgotten w hat happened a few 1.79 11.79 yea rs ago when m oney w as ' .85 3'1.62 light. Those th a t had shopped [

1.32 11.26 around for the lowest ra te s 1.72 10.61 when m oney w as plentiful found > f.72 8.43 Ihey couldn 't be accom m odated. 1.11 14.30 In an y event, a F irs t City m an - 1,27 12.30 said barbed ly , “ A sid e ,fro m as- ® f.l7 7.83 sets, w e take g rea t p rid e in . ).18 G.88 being th c m ost p rofitable ban k . 1.19 15.51 in New Y ork. M aybe they got . n o 8.42 the p restige in 1967 b u t w e got ' [.05 12.08 m ore m oney ." * !.90 14.10 To m o st bankers, how ever, * r.47 19.10 the fight for p restige an d a s s e ts ,1.84 12.94 doesn’t explain tho en tire s itua- ‘1.91 10.83 tion. Som e of thorn a re a s m ys- .1.91 17.39 lified a s they a re furious abou t : 1.58 11.53 the Chnso reduction, w hich they J i,53 29.00 te rm p rem nlu re , ju st a s they ‘1.92 7.59 did in 1967.I..18 11.36 Business Is loo strong fo r a j M I IL05 bfff ra le reduction, they aay, }— Tho dem and for loanp. l i . «Ull ‘

V high, n s Ch'ase adm its, arid 7i n i 6 r '>“ nks genern lly don’t d rop ra te s ‘

d‘’ .iSr'b'dV Th“ y fe S ^ ^?nrj,i(i« Chnsc, somo ,pt''Apro“ n fo ^ say :

beniTl.. T n ic . theI, . 0 ^1 , dem and fo r money wns aup- '

in 'ift posed It) ho falling off. The econ- *J3..I0 (ini'y w ns supposed (o be .slow- ‘34.50 , ing. n u t it hnsn’t. Tlie fellows ,J 'i l 'V j over th ere n t Chase, poor chaps, 13H.7J hnve been rending old fo recasts;

' 64.(10 Tho most likely explanntion is i^ thnt Chnse feels lhe F ed e ra l ''/4. 2.00 Rpsorvo will mnke money n bil

27..1O ra s ie r to borrow, thnt the ccbn- •!' 24.50 om y soon will .slow nnd th n t in- "' ^.75 [,.rest ra te s will fall Inevitably. '

- Philip Blaiberg: ■ uns Leaves Hospital !n i f t n CAI‘H TOWN, south A frica ’ U I U H (A P) _ p ,,j |,p jjin iherg , the ! Sen. Eu- w orld 's Iniigesl surviving hen rt

s he will Iransplnni pnlient, w as dls- lit on Ihl' I'hurgccl Thursdny from Groole tll Oct. H, Schmir Hospltnl, w here ho re- , 10 siH-nk ceived h is new h eart .Inn. 2,

or I’niil 'I'he 59-yenr-old re tired den tisl ' 'S en a te wan thn th ird person lo undergo

(inch nn operntion. ocrnt re- Mo w as d lscliarged from the

a vucn- hospltnl M nrch 16 but rendm il- oru, IWO m onths Inter bccause ofin nrond- Hver nnd lung com plications. MrCnrlliv

Scholarships .'V'X'Are Awardede was not POCATELLO (A P) - Three

eiulorse- Idnho Slnln U niversitv studenls It lliihcrt wern nnnoiinced l-ridav ns re- liy Init to cipleni.H of $^no Ncholnrsiiips w nr con- each from the l nurn M oore

Cunnlnghan) J'oundndon 0 f I Ntnlcd UolMo,iirt lliiDi- Tiu) Mwnrds wenl tn Dnvlil 111 for the Vunk, Nnm pn; VIckI Rlck,n, Pn- I lunuinn- cntnllo, nml M ichael .Swircncy, _________ Twin I'n lls. _________

I & T O N I C ?

D o o rd 'i Qln l i a f a v o r l taC a V a m o n i th o i* who «ppr*o |.

I « la an •xpan ilv* ta i ta «n<t a b g l ffll • popular prioa. Thia f|n*■BrWWi iiiak * y o u r

a u m m a r d r ln k t a p a rk l* .

B q TRY BOORD'S GIN- ------ - L

1 f ' ■

Successful Si; Investingj r ie r ofu f p S B y R O G E R E . S P E A R

®9'’' Q. Recent experiences have qua madc_mc.wQndcr. After an addi- due lional share offering by a com- 19af

lit ra le , pany o r a fte r a split, sh ares ure; ig the ir a lw ays seem lo drop. Why?— indi sm ers 6 • Icvier ccn t, „ J u - P r i o r to a spiit, sh ares equ jrio slty r |^ j.c frequently bid up by. t ra d e rs vi.s» e o th e r hoping 10 benefit from increased A

buying in the lower - pnced has for ex- Shares. Once lhc split l a k e s ed a situ- place, these shorl-ierm tra d e rs froi

in 1967. 5p || causing a drop in sh a re visi dropped js usually tempo- surlOint be- ra ry . shaial City When a company sells new de% e banks treasu rv shares — stock lha t Tel

. w as authorized but not-outstand- bai ing — the.se shares have a de- (

figures p rc ssan t effect on the m ark e t Inv because thoy will dilute earn- vis ings. For example, com pany sen

n ia>ear. ^ million outstanding loo m m er- gg^ns $5 million, o r yo«> “ “ L !" Sl a share . "A '’ now sells a n Gn ' . additional 1 million sh ares So Yo sow fo r j 5 n^iiijon income m ustr corpo- jjg divided am ong lhe 6 m illion O

. sh ares . The resulting per sh a re O o f earn ings a re then 83 cen ts, ra-

c la im ed should we hold or sell F o rd F M o t o r s , A m erican Telephone

Li antJ D eere & Co., each of w hich §4inc. « r shows d loss? We are in terested ^ i. c - i n ' ■» b a lld ln g .to ^ ^ a ra a p ita l^ f ttH :. ^ k l J w h h A. Drum beaiing on th e p a r t ivoe of som e . autom otive com pany

.spoke.smen predicting rccord c a r sa le s will probably continue to

a rs ago Produce near-lerm action in the .j , am onn S h a r e s . Bccause recovery in . coroc^ sa le s and earnings over 1967's 5>nf F n r s trik e - depressed levels is an- nd o th e r tic ipated for Ford, shares-should I h ad to rbtained.

In line P oor action, in D eere & Co.sh a re s followed depressed earn - !

then as *"SS. resulting from narrow ing r - r e a l lv m arg ins-and-losses in -E uropcan ., ppearcd m arke ts . A strike in th e firsl catching

litovt R o e e r S p e a r s"w h a t if ___ ' ” , 1 th.

"" W rite s O nr corpo-

p„“ h ” k t .o n s u m e rBABSON PARK. M ass,—"T he T r

ge in e ir cu rren t vogue for com paratively Je p lain-Jane issues suggests th a t of Wall S ireet is in a mood to cle

rt 9 f2w conserve ils residual bu llish Se pow ers,” say.s Roger E . Spear, ro

s L d S P^^'^^lcnt. Spear and Staff. Inc..•t ra te s 'nvestm cnt advisers. co' . V S r f . "S tocks lhal a re doing woll of nrvtnt/>H '’clude such consum cr-orienicd fir

m nn autos, cloihing, notions, O’'rom as- hom e en terta inm ent.” — orlde in Spear continued. ‘T h eilfl hnnk s tre e t 's preoccupation w ith the “ hev co t consum er Is well p laced; per- •

t w a Pot Income In August advanc- re t wo EOT ^ J5.1 billion above Ju ly ’s fop mw«.ver ‘0 a rccord $604.3 billion iivId a s s e ts seasonally ad justed annual ra te . P' ro s itua- Impressive is tho fac t th a t p" BS m vs- advanco w as scored desp ite s.

ns abou t em ploym ent cu tbacks and l i k they m odel-changeover l a ya« thev

^ "E conom ists believe tha t no Jy IK fo r a ‘■‘ cession is in the offing, nl- ai cv a a y ‘" “ugh n business slowdown h

1* lU li •I'^cly. Expansionary forces a r c pi ts arid f ’fpect^d lo reassert Ihoinselve.s' — ■OP ra te s second half o f 1D69, a idedlaU lack r l?y-expJr.ntion of much nf .Ihc-rc- .Q.j,--------£ c n t_ ta x -h ik o -a n d -a ,h i8 h level -n 7 r* s a y o f-so lv e n iy nn thc p r t of con- G 'n ic . the «»»»««■"• Under f h e c l r c u m - 'a s flup- s ‘«nces, nny stnck sclloff hi the he econ- Is likely to 10 b rief.”

be .slow- concluded Mr. Spear.I fellows ._ -------- -— --- -------- ll

" r e ^ a X M c C J m - e - f r j M s e s

"I'Sril 90th Congressley a bil WASHINGTON (A P) — Rep, he ccbn- .Inm es A. McCluro, R - Idnho, th n t in- snld Thursdny the 90th C^ingress

ev itab ly , "h as done more for Idnho thnnnny other Congress c/uring the S

r g ■’";i‘o ' ' S " . ’; „ „ e . , i „ p | c , „ eW o i npprovnl. of n confer-l l d . 1 Pncu report on the Scenic R ivers

A frica ""'••''n if «f Ihe lolnl•rg K <lo«lBnaled In the i i henr" " ' ' '" " “ re is In Idnho.as dls- ""I'* ‘-iirrent Congres.s I G rooie " ' '‘V .not hnve been oui.siandlng

h o ^ e - 'f* '■• ‘'Pccts. "hut ns fnr ns2 conservnllon nnd re.source de-

r.len llM " '" 1 ” ,"?;“ concerned, It v,a« ""IlnderKO "" '-_ n rjl;c J i« « l."


P r . . . n , . . MOL MIX SUPPLEMENT FC

studen ts • rULL LINE OF LIQUID •^Inrnhlni ' SUPPLCMLNTS '

Mo re • l iq u id rREI^nR •lo„ INSTALLATIONS

;,i navi.1 NOW is th e t im e f t O ur P ro g ra m For

---------- A dvantogo® o f L iq u id Foe

^ O • HlflhMt'ouamy Inoodltnli *, r • IhoiauBh MUIng—Na •

• “ • ((fldga^fon . •

It* "Wfl'Ol* f ro n

fn rn

5Sf u l . I , .ting


s have q u arte r, which restric ted pro- an addi- duction, will probably hold fi.scal a com- 1038 income below tho 1967 fig- sh ares ures. Howevcr, leading m arket

V/hy?— indicators point lo an improved level of .sales for agricu ltural

sh ares equipm ent. On this basis. I ad- t ra d e rs vi-se holding.

icrcnsed Although Am erican T elcphoni'- priced has been the subject of repeat- .

l a k e s ed favorable^jrccom m endaiions tra d e rs from brokerage houses and ad-

in sh a re visory scrviccs, selling • pres- tempo- su res continue to overhang the

shares. With the various adverse ;lls new developm ents fully discounted,Qck lha t Telephone appears to b e .o n tho lutstand- bargain counter.^e a de- (F o r Roger Spear’s 48 - page

m ark e t Investm ent Guide (recently re- le earn- vised and in its Ipth printing) ;om pany send $1 wilh nam e and address s tanding lo Roger E. Spear, (nam e of ,Ilion o r y ou r newspaper. Box 1618. sells a n G rand Central S tation, Ncw la res So Ytick.^N.Y. 10017)Tie m ust ------ _

e r l i 'a ™ S ch o o l S e t ■ ctF oT d F o r B a n ld n gelephone

E m ployesa h:=R:Hx h i—com m efciH loif: " ’ —the p a r t analyzing financial state-

m ents will be offered area bank- ing and financial em ployes, i t

■ .u„ w as announced' F riday .The classes s ta rted nex t Tues*

.n iQM-C day evening and will be held a t O’L eary Junior High School.

* An estim ated 50 students a re ex>-S .should

B A Co McIntyre, a Twin F allsatto rney , will tcach th e com-

rrrr.!„in« m crc ia l law course and Paul" n r n S B ock .-a-Tw in-Falls-accountant^--------ihA K will teach the course in analy- . zing financial statem ents.

T h e 'co u rses are being organ- Ized under the guidance of tho

c l l Soulh-cenlral Idaho chap tcr of the A merican Institute of Banks.

Rex G ardner of the Cassia National .Bank a t Burley is

■ -jresident of the a re a AIB; F ran k Horsh, K im berly branch of the Twin F alls Bank and

s,—"T he T ru st Co. is first vice president; a ra tiv e ly J e r ry W ray. F irs t Nalional Bank Jsts th a t o f ,B u h l, is second v ice presi- mood to dent, and M erna John.son. F irst

bullish Security Bank of Idaho of Je- i . Spear, rom e is secretary , aff, Inc., Anyone wanting to tak e the

courses is asked to contact any ing woll of the AIB officials o r be a t the -orienied firs t session a l 7:30 p.m ; a t , notions, O’Leary Jjujior High School, n t.” — ^1. " T h e LEGAI ADVERTISEMENTSw ilh th e NOTICE TO DIDDERS;e d ; p e r - t h # sta t# Purctia itng A ie n t w in t a d v a n c - receive tokled bid* ne oinee, u tv 'fl fn n Room 205. S u t« Houio, BDlie. Idaho,

^ unfit 2:00 P.M .. Ocfobflr 7. IMS, ror .3 billion Ihe rollowlnR: Req. No.. 3.10 for: lual ra te . *®6?f-_ . *t,„f and RcBUloUoni for tho Idnho fac t th a t puh nnd Onmo Deparlment a t 600

d desp ite s. Wnlnut, BoHe. Idaho M707.“ Cks and „„AI. bid. over la y . pince.

I'cirms i ln i ln i condlllont mu«l hf> th „ t lecure.l hefnro l>lil<llnn. Thoie nvp tn n t n o „vallBblB /rom lli« Stai# Purchaiing

ffin g , n l- AKent’i orricc. ydown h T i;n cnAMim ^)rces a rc puhiuhi sopi. j?, 3#, ar.-Jossr--------o inselves ------ ' ~", v169, a id ed - ................

f t S GOOD*

J S '

-..KS VERL MECHAMCongress nho thnniring the Sfata Farm fn iu ronc* A genf

,p le t h e 1632 ADDISON AVE. B.

i c R lv e n 7 3 3-2623Ihe lolnl

:d In the _______

i M i " S I N S T A T E F A R MH.1 fnr ns l ’~...... " J tniuitAnei <ouf*Hnturco (ie-d. it WUN nioomingion. III, A)70|



e t im e fo r In v e stig a tin g j r a m For Fall F eed ing• Iq u ld F o o d S u p p l o m o n t o ;

• taw Cnii nnd tm r Handling rlltnli Ablllly

• low C«.t Orolni. • Conltnl <inil lU olllir tlviitsck

I Gary Says;H "W n w oiilri w o lcom n n cnll■ f ro m you n n y lim o fo r flld in■ fo rn iu ln tlu K rn llo n n o th o r■ . fQocllnR p ro b lo m u .’*

p . MURTAUGH . J 3 2 - 2 6 9 1 HANSEN . . . 4 2 3 -5 2 0 0


Page 9: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Burley ToBURLEY—A Tour- of Homes

will bc held from 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 29 In Durley, sponsored ■ and hosted by;X i O mega Chap­ter, Dcia Sigma Phi.

Thc hom es selected are <iif- ■ ferent in decor nnd slyle and • each reflects the pcrsonnlilies of the families and ihcir. inter* ests.

Points of in terest in lhe varl- . ous homes furnish unique fen-

turcs of in tcrcsl for bolh men and women.

Some of lhe unique- features- Include "F rench provincial fur- nishinRS ihrouRhnui the home with accents of white and gold; a sunken living room from which Snake R iver m ay be viewed: a doublc fircplacc con­structed of O akley stone; orig* inal liainiings by the la te M aude . Gooding, Twin I'a lls ; a bedroom ; featuring a king sized ,bed w ith ’ * accents of blue, antiqued dress­e r and crushed go ld - velvet • chairs.

Homes lo be toured include those of Mr. and M rs. LaM ar Craner. 562 "Birch Drive; Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Anderson, 25 Van Engclen 'D riv e : M r. and M rs. Jam es M artin. 225 Soulh 20 E nst. and Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Forsch lcr, 550 Birch. Drive.

T ickets a re availab le from all B XI Omega C hapter m em bers g an d will be on sale Saturday « in downtown Burley in fro n t of th e Mode-O-Day. 124G. Overland r

" •. --Ave.— • -— •— “ G eneral cKaTrman for th* J

event is "Mrs. Ja c k M ason, as- k si.stcd b y 'M rs . Joe Adam s, and p M rs. Phyllis W eber. siRns for r placem ent in ya rd of each : hom e: M rs. L ePage Layton, L publicity: M rs. Ed Bailey, trea - | su re r, and M rs. Gene Morton, • hostess badges. %

Proceeds from th e ..Tour of f Homes will be used for various i projects the ch ap te r sponsors

______ duringJhe-year.—;------------------------Chapter m em bers, M rs. Clyde

Bowers, Mrs. R ansom Brown, M rs/ C larence Bishop. M rs. Lay- 1 lon. M rs. Morton, M rs. Mason, Mrs. Odeen R edm an, M rs. Don r W orthington. M rs. A dam s. M rs. * Dsan P erry , M rs. Bailey, M rs. I Rex Weech. M rs. W eber and | Mrs. S. L. W alker, will be scrv- | ing as hostesses in th e various [ home to conduct th e tours. F

>{.>(. V- s

J o b ’s D au g h te rs !: Host A nnual Tea ^

Bethel No. <13, In ternational - O rder of Job’s D aughers. held " its annual fall te a recently a t the home of M rs. Bob Thomp- 1 son.

T he color Scheme w as powder “ blue and w hile and the tea was “ hosted by D ebbie Thompson,

,, _honorcd que<in: B etty Davis, guardian, anb bethel m em bers .

‘ • who en terta ined 14 prospective C Jobles.

C uests Included Susan Green- ijp, G loria S teadm an, L ana Em- “ erson, C arla Taylor, D iana and V aleric Kinsey. TIno Williams, Cindy Kofoed, K aren B aker, Ju ­lie Dodds. Sue P eavey , Sue Thompson. Linda B erry and Ka- rcn B aker.'____________________

M arian M artin P attern

; I I' J

I \I ■

I ■ ^1

M s j y 1

( / ■ ' ■ ' ' A 9 4 9 0 ISIZES I

MrVl-.HY KNAI'l'Y l

Wiilch everybody nni>|> In nl- Irnllon ns you ro by in Ihls zip- front flklinmcr wlili n illltary Mi«nnor«. Sew It In ,one n r two- ciiliir roiiibinnildnn.

Printed P n tle rn OiflO: Nrw MIhNCs' ,Sk(!.i K. 10, 12. M. 111. .Siro 12 (buhl 34) tukca 2 yanlti <13'lnrh fnhrlr.

.Slxly-flvi) ccnlH in coins for cnch pnttorn—add 19 coiilH for

piiUcrn for flrHt-clu.HB mull- h)|{ unil npcclnl luiniUliiH- >Scnd

' to M arian M arlin , TIiih h-Ncwk, 3r).1 P au c rn Dop(„ 232 WoNl IHtli Sl„ Nrw York, N.Y. 10011. Prlnl nunir, addrcnn wllli tip , ulio And Hlyln nunihcr,

Whal'N now for fall? 107 an- Hwors In ou r Foll-W liilor Pntlern Ciitaloii, I 'rcn pnttorn coii]>oii In Cntnini;. .Send GO cenls.

Nnw Inntanl .SitwInK Book — filidWH yon how to k«v/ It loilay, w ear ll Kiniorrow. Over 000 plc-

. tu res. Only |1 , '


Tour Of HonHomes5 P-m . •)nsorcd ■

Chap- _ _______ _

re dif- , ^ 5 ^ ^Ic and 1 1 .nnlilies . / \ ' ‘ ,r. in lcr- / ^

le vari- i ' 'Lie fen- 1 I/, . .;h mcn ' ' r i \ . r

, - - j \ -----eatures- .S.l'"-’ \ ' ■'nl fur- • •(- .

home ... ^ ' rd gold: •I fromiay be ■

-• °rig - M aude .

edroom ; cd w ith ' ‘1 dress-

includeLaM ar

allicm bersa turdayfro n t of ^

; powder tea was

.ompson, - JDavis, 1

1 Green- . ■ ana Em- .........................

^ . By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN b<“ ^ DEAR ADBY: Recenlly, I w as 111

Iho houiiegucNt of a sororliy .'ih- cim . te r In another stn ic. Her (ailicr ol^ Is a very good-looking. ■2 ‘ haired m an wilh a lovely timlle rc

and n trem endous pcrsonnllly. Ji While I was Ihcrc. lie lold me m

■ that hc travels for business reu- k' I NonH, nnd If I whnled to Imvc a IiI good tim e 1 shiiiild m eet him tl■ Mimeplacc, At firsl 1 thought he M was Joking, but boon enough, hy . V olhcr Ihings hc said nnd did . I “ B knew ho w asn 't. 1 Just laughed, A M prelcnding not to tnke him sc- d■ rlou iily , n n d 1 K tnyed a w n y f ro m **

, ■ h im a s n jiich n s (josslbJc. ki■ Now thnt 1 n in home, hc hns 11 1 callcd n)o twico long distance,I w anting to know If wo can ar-I range a niceilng. Whnt am I V' I g'lliiR to cIoV 1 am 11) and don’l rI w ant lo get involved with this 1.

.. I old m arried m an. Hn .snys hn cI likes my m ature mind and lh a t cI he wouUln’l Uo anything 1 d idn’tI want lo do, P lease help me, /


DEAR PUZZLED! It lio c lillj I •g ain , tcll him thnt your MA- TURK mind in mode up nnd „

'O l( ho over calln again, yuu will ,ES Icll yuur purontN and h h duiigh- f5 , (er. T hat should cool him off. £

DEAR AUDY; I am supposed J lo he tuarrled early llih fall,

. but I'm not suro I irnn go Ihru will) ll now, H e m iily John (m y (.

. , fiance) hilroduced me lo Roy, a who is going lo he hes' i man n l our wedtllng. und lhe moro j

^1 1 M'e of Koy Ihu morc n itrac ted ^iar> lo Bl- * '‘I'"- ■ rII lllh zln- I '" ' mixed tip I noed j

mlHtiirv w m e gtMHi Kouiul advlcu from ,le «ir iwii " 0'l'(*ld<!r. .Shoilhl I hope t

Ihh “ thing' nixiul Roy will [ IOO- Npw O'" I hroak off wllh <a ‘ m in ••“ I'l'? I I’C'^cr lell John ,»’l viinlH renl renson. htil I gel lhe ,

^ tihnkes thinking ahoul geKlng • f,,r m nrrleil in one man, and feeling

corns S u !ilu.HB mall- M IXliD U P ■

nes-Ncws* M IX Iil): A girl could Wosl I H l l i -------------------:---------------------------- 1

r« i'io ’’S l S o c i a l C a l e n d a r ! iI------------------------------------- ----------- )-]

[? 107 nil- Tho Single-Jles Club of Mngic io r Putlern Valley will hold Kn h a rv es t 1couiKiii In danru .Sniurday night n l the I

B. IMV llall, Twin I 'a lh , TheroI Book — will he llvo m usic for dnnclng i/ It loilay, fronxD p.ni. lo 1 a.in. All Mliiglu ] ur 000 plc- perwms helween ,iho ages of 30

and UO u re w ukuiuo to Aticiul,

- A • ■

iom es Slated^ -■ . f y ..

f ■'

A " ' / I • i • " ,

7 / j \ . S ': ' .■■ - s l ' . . . a , .

p l





a sh(


J o tmeS ai

S ! - Z ^ RU

• , .......................................... He

---------- -------------------- ^ ^ t nai

Deo«.-A(.tj Ia - jut . 1

IREN bo m nking tho miscako of her y, I wus lUo lo m a rry a m<in while sho rliy .sh- cnn s till hc <‘allroctcd’ to an- r fa th er o ther. T h h h n d e a r w arn ing s[, [. gray* s i g n a l , m eaning you a ren ’t ly sm ile r e a d y . for m arriage yel. Tcll nonnllly. John you w ant lo think about ,j„ lold m e m n rrlugc n whllo longer. And css reu- keep thinking nlwul It unlll NO- ) Imvc a nO D Y .Iookn as good lo you ns cct him Ihc m an you’ro golns to m arry , xiglit he tr,lugh. by . .0 O N r I I ) E N T I A L TO d d id . I "CHARLES H IE CHARM ER” laughed. AT T H E .ST. imGI.S: Youi* w h- , ' him se- dom m utches your Intuitions

'ny from “ Those w ho know m uch UNunlly c. sny llllle, and lliose who say, he hns liltlc , usually know m uch.' ^ llslancc. Scan a r- E verybody has n problem . L?,

ll am I W hal’H yours? For a personal n<l don 'i rep ly w rilo lo Abby, Box 08700, vith this l ^ s Angelen, Cnl., OOOC9 und en- 'p snys lie close a ninmpcd, self addrcslicd ^ anti lh a t envelope. '; 1 d idn’t >(. h. h- ‘ m

'zled"' C hristm as G ift lio 'c a lls Id eas Presented

nur MA- | | a i i ,1-;y — Gifts for C hrh t- ‘n> nn; m as giving highllghlc.l the rcg-

you w II „ i„ r m eellng of lhe llom en.nk- s d u iig i- p rs Cluh nt Iho homo of Mrs. him off. H im er Bylnglon. M rs. Edw nrd

Seal nnd M rs. Theodiiro Heck- o r l wcro co-hosieuses und as-

in h fall, (iIhicjJ |n serving refreshm cnls.I Ihru Among thu gift Ideas pro.’tenl- ohn (m y /ncjutled a iiiohlle o f «n«c)« f'lo R«y. anil s ta rs madn by Mr.s. Harold

CM m an .johnston; a papkr-m acho howl he m oro |,y ^ r . i . l.loyd Danlell; dec.iral- L n itrac ted HUppyrs hy M rs. Ivan

Nis%on; a Clirlstm us liaskci hy ii ip I need Ucr, s |, |n f l | C hrlslm na tvlcn from (;nrds hy M rs. Amnndn Reeise; piII I hope M exican aplder crochci nnd nn-

wl 1 [|q„c(i fruit hy Mr.i. W a d oc off w llh oiitchCH, and an antiqued m ara- flell J o m roni tree , n ctothvs pin hag.

get lhe „ hnlttliig apron and a chlld’H 1 gel Ing "Qiilol nook’’ hy M rs. Hylngton. v- Id feeling 'I'l,,, » „„-ellng will ho „


‘' ' ' Coupl e W eds^ 1 IIANSfiN — l.uhi M. Burlon,I C I d r t Hazellon, nnd Ciydo Jo h n so n Jr .. .

^ H ansen, wero unlled In mnr-of Mngic dnuu In rilcfl iMirfonned liv Kev. «

ha rv es t D eihorl,.Retnnlv nt Iho Kim ber-: n l the ly Metho<IIst Chn|Mil. "B, T hero M r«/J[.aiira M arrlil, lla«!lion , ,■ dnnclng tiprvcil as, malron nl honor, nndAll slnglo I>»n M arrlil wan b««l ”gus of .10 'I'he couple will rcsldn on M r. „Attend, Jujuiuuii'a lu rm lii.iluuiiiiiu .


L ted S u n d a y hos- . ^ O f

-T . ■ f or t h!season

^V,. , , idcnt.- ^ 'V - P ro j

••• '• . ' . -mF.' Luella

■ - K c7 ■ . 5, bookie

- . " V W 1 ' The..................been :

' sale a. . .■*; ■ fall SI

.................................■ held ;. -• -J .- - hall a

T hese of ihc

.............. .. I , T he"jLij'i a t 8 p

S 9 Q '^hcre• ca rrie

E l J . the ru

j Am Lur


I . lunch'

' TRe "H op

1 1 1 . . U nique S. . . fea tu re s of Interest fo r Hope,

both m sn and women will l?e ships* S |1 M show n d u ring the Burley T our the n S iB B ilj o f Hom es se t from 1 to S p.m .

Sunday. Tho w hite an tiqued . i _ _K S f l i - sca le s on the stereo In tb e ^cso.

Uvlttg room o f (hc A lbert An< >derson hom e, top picturc, Is ju s t one po in t of In te re st In

| H f l tb e ir hom e a t 2S Van E ngelea '-nairD rive. T he b lack m etal sus- Austl

■m BSB pended flrcp lace a t the hom e® a y p o f M r. and M rs. G eorge For»- Rev.

ch lc r, 550 B irch D rive, second- » e r ‘■ p ic tu re , is flanked by book the I

3 __ shelves In th e den which Is Gocfc - '• '. i J S cco ra ted In red and b lack. - ~ —

T h e to u r Is sponsored by. XI ^I g s O m ega C hapter, Beta Sigm a T

^ P h l , and will feature four Bur« *ley hom es.________________ -

J o b ’s D aughters H old Council In s ta lla tion \ \

BUHL—T he new adult council M( w as in s ta lle d . when the Buhl cup Jo b 's D aughters. Bethel No. 21, Ad m et w ith honored quccn. C hristy four

' Saunders, presiding. sugaM rs. Jo h n ,B a rk e r, p ast guar- eggs

dian , in s ta lled the council which tnixi includes M rs. Guy Kinyon. be th ­e l g u a rd ian ; W orren Saunders,

*1 assoc ia te guard ian ; M rs. JohnRuyts. tre a su re r : M rs. Jo h n M iracle, sec re ta ry ; M rs. Gordon

-..-iiiaa H endrix, d irec to r of m usic; M rs.Jim H endrix, p rom oter of fi-

UM I nance; M rs. W arren Saunders, ass is tan t p rom oter of finance;

S n Mr.s. John MucKay, cuslodlon JBh o f p arap h ern a lia ; M rs. Bill Al- S ? kins, d irec to r of epochs; M rs.

John Hepw orth, prom oier of so- clubillty; M rs. Loren Hcrzlnger.

. / chairm an of hospltollty, andMrs. Ted Diehl, chairm an of

U - jun io r ac tiv ities and points.R eporls of G rand Bethel held

In Tw in Fnlls in Juno w ere glv- '*•'*>1 cn.hy_Chrlsty_Saundcrs_nnd_EI- ...

, v e ra K ennedy. It was announced ,! i .n i K o D arlene Foukal was ap- j . ^ pointed grand represen tative to

s ta te o f Illinois from thef w a r r in g s , „ „ou *>r®" J An Invitation was read from r . " i . W cndcll Bethel No. 13 lo nltcnd link BMut „ ,g W cndcll Bethel for Ihc griind

g uard ian ’s visil. Mrs. John Bar- unlll N ^ ker. p a s t guard ian of tho local

10 you ns h d h c i, nnd C hriillne U h rm o n , to m arry , n u p e rt Bethel No. 30, w ere in- . , .po I reduced.

tARM ER” lib ra rian ’s • rep o rt wasyou” w h- *■” ««' We I.eorn” nnd a lelte^ iniuHion- tl'® g rand guardian, E dna

ch UN in lli Slcilm nn, w as reod. She will vis- wi,o Kuv It.il'c local bethel Ocl. 15. Candy

n u c h ' Atkins repo rted on Iho bethel Hlumbnr pn rty which was hold

nrnl»!em In August. C h rh ly .Saunilers and , nersonai K lvfra Kennedy thnnked lhe -- n n r nfl7on l>cli'ci for corsages given them sa und L-n! •’V **'6 bcthcl for grand session. addJc.bcd A k idnap breakfast h planned

/ for .Seplember.Rpfreshmcntfl w ere nerved by

M rs, Paul Kennedy and M rs. ' i f t 1-eo n e rn lc r.

I ted-r„S"'± PHARMACYlloniciunk-°Z"a PHACTSI'" '" 'fo m B »b C fo w I.y , R.Ph.N und US- . " esliiiicnls.11 pri!'<enl- I’noill* mnny pltcai nl ; niuit-lH f i J ’* '. hlll linvi you ever Hopped

I; deciirnl- nofmnoiy ono ol ihn A 'M rs. Ivan nion vnlwnl>la plgcei B |i' ',Sliaskci by ii iii« imia on* o i t - ' f i ^ j p ^ ,C hrlslm na tying your <locior'« * '

idn RecKc; Pt»Kfi(iiion for tli» ' Iict nnd nn- i<*"lili-i(ivinQ oider , ^K T 1,1. w « d t 'l“ <I‘I- ■ , .

l a child H iiaoiil,. 11,1, tKa llllle i>leca ol puptr . nylngton. we kAen on liU lor IniKinlIlg will 1)« t<tloienc* wlion you n«e<l », Yout nu of MrV. ronllntioil (]oo(l lioollli It our conilorti

(oncatii. Wa oia hote to lielji and lerva you wllh llie neweil tlriig dli-

^ O d s voi'r docior piaicilbet,

M. B urton, fr«* preKilplltn delivery M rt «l hlllIlS»n^.I|\, fhntmqcyT 01 (owrial Juit

ied Iiv Kev. (oir «« oi 733.97n. Wo'rt lUrf !• hu K im ber- . ^

ba al larvUo t* ysu • • , alwayil

-------- --------------- ......... ..1 m ail. Il«m (oM n* mora at Crowley rhpt-

- J I '

' I '

___ _____________

__ B aptist W om en /y Host First M eet *

O f Foil Season r: SHOSHONE — T h e Baptist ^

Woinen'.s Mission Socicty met for thc firsl m eellng ot tne fall season a l lhe home of the p res­ident. M rs. Howard E. Adkins. '

P rogram them e for the yea r _ k "K eys of W isdom.” arfd M rs. . Luella L. Kinsey presented the

• - > . d ay’s lesson on lhe topic. "Keys to a C hristian Nation.” Program booklets w ere distributed.

T he dates, Oct. ■< and 5 have ^ been set fo r the fall rum m age sale and Oct. 24 is the annual fall sm orgasbord. Both will be held a l thc church fellowship hall and the public Is invited. J” T hese a re fund raising projects of ihc group.'

[ T h e next m eeting will be held a t 8 p.m . T hursday a t thc church. w here a w ork project w ill bc

- ca rried oul in preparation., for thc rum m age s ^ e . ^


I A nnual Fall I Luncheon H eld g;i BUHL—T he women of C ircic v( i One, under the direction of M rs. t i ■ Ona Babcock an d , M rs. Henry fc I Lehm an. s-:rvcd thc annual fall q I. luncheon for the •Women’s, Mis- ti I sionary Society of the F irs fB a p - w 1 lis t Church. n

'T f ie TKame for the d ay wos ni "H ope” and each -ttb le jw u s 'd ec- . o ra ted w ith a la rge shipH n' the 6, ccn tcr. depicting the “ Good'Ship s

■est for H ope." P lace favors w ere tiny u will l?e ships with the word “ Hope” oh n;y T our the m asts. ------_5 p .m . devotional scrvicc wasTd

‘’’iu given by M rs.-H azel B rabb. The AssociaUon Rally w ill be held t I" Tw in F alls. . ],

irest In S tella K aster, p ro g ram c aiEclcQ cha irm an , presen ted M rs. F loyd p a t <UB- A ustin who sang a solo, accom* j' r h o m e panied by M rs. John W ilson, a e For»- R ev.”M r; Austin shoWed a 'n u m - c second- b e r of slides revealing som e of d

y book the thIngs.'accom plishcd on th c r hlch Is "G ood Ship H ope.'’ v

b lack. ----------------------------------------------------

2\z Magic Valle____ MRS. R. c . .

* ? 1 3 rd A v o . V

Blonde Brownies S ift together and se l aside—

2 2-3 cups flour 2>4 teaspoons baking powder

V5' te a s20pn_salt t council M elt in la rg e .panA lw o-thirds he Buhl cup b u tte r o r sho rten in g ,. ..1 No. 21, Add and blend two and one- i. C hristy fourlh cups (1 pound) brown

sugar. Lei cool. Beat in three ast guar- eggs, one a t a lim e. Add flour cil which m ix tu re , one cup chopped nuts /on. bcth- Saundcrs, 'Irs, John rs. Jo h n s. Gordon isic; M rs. e r o f fi- Saunders,

finance;custodian - '

Bill Al- hs; M rs. ^Iter so-ierzinger. _

Irman) ln ls . • - . .. -..................Jihel held w ere glv- s and El-innounccd .......... ........ -

was ap- ntative tofrom the ■


thcJohn Bar- vtho 1 1

w ere in*

port was ;1 a le tte r Inn, E dna IC will vis- 15. Candy ho bethel wns hold

inilers and ,nked lhe -- Ivon them


CY5 ■ ' ', , R.Ph.

ly plocoi ol :ver ‘‘

§ ’ 4 U Iaca ol pupar

lor Inilanle<l It, Yout mour cnniioni g *0 lielji and *III ilriig dll- J iiicribet.

rary M r t «l

(owrial Juit

V ,. ,1.4 1.. . Blwayil

l«M PraMtlpi* 1 0 2 /

rowley rhPt*


* , .................

s GOP‘Vo rs Slated Inthe fall /

All Magic V alley R epublicans as a re planning a ra lly Ocl. 7 to dci

rCA m eet M rs. M ary B rooks, assis* as . ^ .1 . tan t Republican n a tio n a l chair- or

'•Keys Votcswug- un.

^rogram scheduled from thi's hnvn 3 lo 5 p.m. Oct. 7 a t the Rog-

a^nua^ sorcd by the R epublican l-cder* L wi^r be ated Women’s C lubs. All local ^

iinl!-<hin and- m ost s la te cand id a te s a rc V_ nviiP i planning lo be on han d lo m « t

D ? S s 'he public and p a rtic ip a te in the 1 pro jects invited. sabe held 'The "G O P W om en’s Voles- church w agon.” a s o c i a l l y buiK ,and w ill be decorated G f^ h o u n d b u t.-w ill

tin n for m ake a nationw ide cam paignswing s in n in g in W ashinglon. g D. C.? and concluding in Ana- ' heim , Calif., Oct. 18. _

The “ GOP W om eh’s V o t e s - ■ w agon” is a d ra m a tic and un- , '

I J precedented cam p a ig n p rosram ‘'5 designed to get o u i the w om en s

if C ircic vole for the Nixon*Agnew ticket. o f M rs. The projccl is the com bined cf-

I. H enry fori o f M rs. B rooks. M rs. Gladys nual fall O’Donnell, p residen t o f the No- in; ■n'&. Mis- tional F ederation of R epublican gc irs fB a p - w om en, nnd M rs. P a t H ilt, dl- M

rec to r of W om en fo r Nixon-Ag- M day w as now. ^^ s 'd e c - The "V otesw agon” w ill cover ^ I p i n t h e 6.500 m iles ,-v is il 17 s ta te s and ^ rood^Ship stop In 50 •cities. T h e trip will _ /e re tiny take 26 days nnd spccial rally io p e” on points arid m eetings a re sched-

------w- i>lcd in m arg inal CongressionalMce w asT dhtric ts th roughout thc country, ■abb. T he M rs. Brooks is to be aboard

be held the V oteswagon fo r tlie entire Journey, w ith M rs. O ’Donnell ac*

p ro g ram com panying h e r fo r th c g rea te r rs . F loyd pa rt of the' trip . T h ey will bc ). accom* joined by R epublican candidates

W ilson, and their w ives a s they enter d S"num- each s ta te and C ongressional

som e of d istric t. N ational committoewo- id on th e men and s ta te v ice chairm cn

will also em b ark in th e ir sta tes

/alley Favorites\RS. R. C. JO H N SO N'1 3rd Avo. W., Twin Follf

es and one cup chocolate chips.!l aside— Bake in a g re a se d p an for

25 to 30 m inutes a t 350 degrees, ow der (T he Tlm es-N ew s will p a y $5

cach week fo r th e b est Tccipe Iwo-thirds submiUed lo r M agic V alley Fa- ling, . -. vorites. If you hav o a , favorite ond one- recipe,-just m ail ic to the Recipe

d) brown Departm ent. W om en’s P ag e Ed- ; in th ree itor. The rec ipe becom es thc Add flou r property o f th e T lm es-N ew s and pped nuts cannol be re tu rn ed .)____________’

Foi* My B l l Money K M

Mnln oriira I ' Oilva-ln tocalfon lOZ Mqln Avt. So, 1 81»m }io»# A 2nd Av*. fit

' I-

V^oteswagor In T.F. Oci

blicans a s will s ta te federation presi* stak I. 7 to dents. P assengers will d ebark elec , assis- a s the bus leaves the ir d is tric ts stIm

chair- o r siut-ss and new candidates tion ;eswug- und officials em b ark . join

M rs. Brooks has underlaken b'SS i from th is p ro jccl to em phasize the n^t ic Rog- ^

G oodw ill C lub (S ! L '”a7c C onducts M ee t,0 m eet M n• in thc Mrs.- Ivun W aring led lhe flag nell :d. salule and M rs. E m ery T re a t stul

Voles- p rayer w hen m em bers of can ill nnrt tl>c Goodwill Club 'm ct recently a re i t - will w ith M rs. Wallie H olm gren. Uc m’naion Group singing w as led by M rs. sell lincion Otto SchcrbTnskc and M rs. Lynn and in Ana- Owens gavl: the thought fo r lhe slsi

day.L^ote<:- .B irthdoys a n d - b i r th places %i m d un. w ere d iscussed and ‘M rs. Wil- V rocram H am ilton received a spe- t romcn-s E>t>- sccre t pal n n n lw r. „„; ticl:et sa ry gift wa.s received by M rs. of I ined ef- C harles M atlice. 60tiG ladys M rs. Holm gren and-M rs. W ar- M r

the Nn- ing w ere in ch arg c o t^p rog ram 913 jubllcan gam es. P rize w inners included • T ■lilt, dl- M rs. F . W. Nelson. M rs. Owens. GOtl xon-Ag- M rs. G eorge M cGinnis. M rs. an

Claude S ev ert.-M rs.' H am ilton, hav n rn v rr M rs. M atticc,' M rs. H a rry Wil- sini ' “ “ a son and M rs. Boyd Sm ith. Trm will The nex t m eeting .is se t fo r ing a r ^ V 9' w ith M rs. Owens a s hos- chl ! SCteJ- '°SS.essional 0 | B | ^ ^ n | | ^ H | | | n | | | j ^ ^ Hcountry.

aboard __________

"S GUITw in - _______ ^ ^ ^

ndidates I


(Rentals A>

es f o r de ___ STOP ire chips.

?kh WARI5t Tccipe MUilm es thc 1 3 3 S h o s h o n o SJew s and




u h Si i i I S h B

i H o t D i l o r ^ ^ n i l l ^ n l l l l ^ r a n S I T .SndA v«.fio ,l l!^2VFI|ffAv^C<rl» 1 M»ln I

' V

Fridoy, Sept. 27, 1968 Twir6 8 Twin Falls Times-Niw» 9

gon’ Rally Oct. 7I presi* stake tha t women have tn th is d ebark election. Sho has called the voie- lls tr ic ts stim ulating journey an inviia*ididutes lion to the Amerlcan-woman —lo ------

join, the Rcpubllcon P a rty In the e rlaken biggest fall housecleanlng effort ize the in the nation.”----------- Spccial rally points-and events -

b Include shopping centers, countyfolr!?, political rallies, football — g am es and political meetings.

2 t^ M aking the entire tour w ith M rs . ' Brooks and M rs. O'Don-

Ihe flag nell a rc three women's division y T re a t stuff members, of thc Rcpubli- bers of can Nallonal Committee. They recen tly a re M rs.-M arjorle Skinner, pub- , {rcn. lie relations dirccior; Michael by M rs. sc ib crt, executive secretary , rs. Lynn and M rs. Nora Schwieberl, as-

fo r lhe s is tan t program director.

fsl’w" W rong H eadlinea spe- T he wrong headline appeared

anniver- on a story m the Sept. 25 issue by M rs. of the Times-News regarding the

60th W edding Anniversary of rs. W ar- M r. and M rs. John R. Culley, urogram 913 1st St.. Rupert, included • T h e couple will observe the ir Owens, coth W edding Anniversary w ith

s. M rs. a n open house Sept. 29. T hey — am llton. have resided irrth e R upert a re a ' r ry Wil- since 1917.Ith. They a r e paren ts of th re e jlv -

se t fo r ing children and have 10 grand- ; a s hos- children an d nine great-grand* _________ children.______________ ________


iSSOHSals A v a ilab le )



MUSICloshone S tree t North

B g i


■ .

I KImbtil/ BrandtAbilf, U,

— ------------------- :---------- -------------- i - : ^

Page 10: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

TeiS a t u r d a y , S e p t a n

PROM ISING P5:30 p.m ., 3-. 9:00 p.m ., 5. 11; 9

'T h e Grea( One,” returns fo r arto a musical-comcdv featuring the Ho• 8:00 p.m .. 5': Carol Dui'nelt rc tu PyJo” ) Nalwrs and comcdienrje AJii

8:00 4 -F a rm Repori: Rex Wallgren

6:30 7B—Agriculture U.S.A.7:00 2 S l^S u p c r 6 ,

, 7B—Super 6 •11—Super 6 2B—Casper .

4—Casper 8—Caspcr- 3—Go-Go Gophers 5—Cartoons

7:30 2SL -T op Cat 7B—Top Cat JJ—Top Cat 2B—Wacky Raccs3—Wacky Races 5—Wacky Raccs4—Gulliver 8—Gulliver

S:M 2Sl^rVmtstones 7B—Flintstones 11—Flintstones 2B—Archie3—Archie ,5—Archie -J4—S pidem an ,8—Spidcrman '

. 8:30 2SL -B anana Splits 7B—rBanana Splits

J.. , S—Banana Splits 11—Banana Splits 28—Batman-Superman a—Batman-Supcrman

Batman-Supcrman4—Fantastic Voyage

9:00 4—Journey to the C enter of the E arth

‘ 9:30 2SL -H lgh School FootbaU 2B—Horculoids3—Herculoids5—Horculoids

__________ 4—Fantastic Four5k-Fantastic Four

~ — 7B—Underdog - — — .. II—Underdog

10:00 2B -Shazzan!2B—ShazzanI

• 3—Shazzanf 5—Shazzan!4—George of the Jung le

• 7B—Bfrdman11-Cool McCool

10:30 2B—Jonny Quest3—Jonny Quest5—Jonny Quest '4—Am ericnn B andstand 7B—American B andstand 8—F an tastic Voyage 11—Cartoons

J J :M 2B -M oby DJcJc-M/ghty Mlghtor3—Moby Dick-M ighty Mightor5—Moby DIck-MIghty M lghtor6—Journey to the C enter of the E arth11—Lone R anger

11:30 2SL—Inquiring E d ito r 28—Lone R anger3—Lone R anger

■ 5—Lone R anger ^4-S .L .P .D .7B—Discovery '68 ’ fi—Cnrtoons II—Unppeninc ’68

11:45 fi-R ifiem nn Noon 2S l^B n6Phall: World

Series Preview n —B aseball: W orld Series Preview 2B -D cntles 3—Bugs Bunny-Road

_ _ Runner____■ _^ T B X ' • __________

Court Returns ISMiUion Suit For Trial

OLYMPIA, Wnsh. (A P) - A ' Side JnvoIvJng North fdnho sli­v e r mining properties nnd con- tcnlions of K m llllnn In riamftfic.-! Wfl* retu rned to Spo­kane County Superior C ourt for i fu rther nction Thursday by the

. S ta te SHprcme Court. ^ jIn a 5-4 decision, Ihe court

overruled Iho liiwer cou rt de- cJsfon fliHt It had no JuriscHc- I tion In the .Milt of S ilver .Stir- prize Inc, ngiilnsi the SunshineMmlnR Cfjf, I

Spoknne Superior Court Judge I Rayniimn- F. Kelly Imd ruled I thn t (lici s(tlt Jnv((lvc<f (Jtio (n Idnho renl cNtnie nnd wan out- I sltle hlu Jurisdiction.

fn the Suit, .Silver SurprU e, an Idnlio llrni, nought dnmngcn from Sunhhlnc, n Wnnlilnglon Corporfltlon. contending Sun- flhino hnd tnlwn m ore than J5 million In oro f^om properly owned hy .VurpHro hitt operated b y Sun«lilne nndor a Jnlni ngree- fcnl nnd fniled to pny tho ag reed sJmre. ^

Tlie mnln Iflnun whn wht^Uinr the ore wns nciunlly luKnn from tfio .')urprlro cinlni « r from oilier adjoining property cohtrftlleil

.• ou trigh t hy SunNhine.17ie fliiproiuo court nnW the

tit le t6 Idnho renl r» in le wan only an Ineldontol p a r t of w hat Amounted t« a hroncli o f con­t r a c t iiult nnd ordered fu rther • (rlhi of the cono hy Ihe lower court.• Tha courl m inority , on the o th e r hund, tinld lhe ron lrnc t w aa tho nlde Jmuo an d tho real Ihsuq w as tlllo to p ro p erly In

I' ' Idoho which nhould be decidcd |i In Idnho courts.

T op’ Guitarist Must Pay $120

i On Drug Charge) LONDON (A PI Brian

JonoR, 20-yeur-oM B»linrlnt of tiie Rollliig filoncH pon group, w aa convicted lo<lny of poasesa*

, d rugs and fined SI36.T o llcp told tlio c o u rt tlwy

I] found cannnhiirreflln In a bnll of wool when ihey ra id ed n f la t oc­cupied by Jo n cf,

1 0 Twin Falls Times-News

Television i, S e p t e m b e r 2 8 . 1 9 6 8

MISING PROGRAMS1,, 5, 11; 9:30 p.m ., 2B: J^ickic Glensnn. 7 ns fo r artofhcr season.- his seventh, with hc ing the Honeymooncr.s, ils a rn e tt re tu rn s with guests J im ("G o in c r ' 8 ■dienrje A lice GhostJey. jhc

------------------------------------------------- Ba

' 5—U ntouchables • c . 7B—Hydroplanes

Unlimited 12:15.4—World of Sports

7B -W orld of Sports '8—World of Sports

1:00 2B—B rother Buzz3—A m erican B andstand 5—NFL This W eek —

1:30 2 B -N av y Film5—N FL Game of the Week

2:00 2B -S o cce r 6;Championship 5—Socccr Championship

. 3—Super 6 2:15 NCAA Pre-G am e Show

7B—NCAA Pre-G am e Show 8:8—NCAA Pre-G am e Show S;

2:30 3—Super President4—Football: Colorado Buffs vs. California Bears 78—FoolbaII:Buff5 vs.Bearsf i-F oo tba ll: Buffs vs.Bears

3:00 2SL ^C ar and T rack 6:3—Linus . 7:

■ IJ—FootbaU (In P ro g ress) 3:30 2SL—College Bowl

3—George of the Jungle 4:00 2SL—New Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn CA 2 B -D an ie l Boone

! C en te r |Z T w m S t^ Z o n e P

FootbaU5—N ew s:Roger Mudd •

5:00 28—News: R oger Mudd3—News: R oger Mudd

---------11—News: -Roget-M udd__ _4—TBA8HTBA------------------------—5—News

5:30 2SL—Star T rek 8 - S ta r T rek 2B—News 3—Jackie Gleason

Jungl= 4 _ D a li„e Game78—D ating G am e 5—D aktari .11—Daktari

6:00 2B—Jerry 'L ew is is la n d ' 4—Newlywed Game

7 8 -N ew lyw ed Game j . j n 2s^_A dam -12

3—D aktari f/nhfv 4—L awrence WelWJignty 7B—U w ren ce Welk

8—Lawrenco Welk ■"‘y 11—Law rence Welk,t,.„ 5-s-My T hree Sons'" 'y 7:00 2 S I^ G e t S m art. Ct>niPr 2B—Hogan’s Heroes! C en ter g -H o g an 's Heroes

, 7:30 2SLp-Ghost and M rs. Muir litn,. 8—Ghost and M rs. Muir

n —Ghost and . M rs. M uir 28—P etticoa t Junction3—P etticoat Junction 5—P etticoat Junction ' -

, • 4—Hollywood Palace7B—Hollywood Palace

, 2Sly~Mavlc: **Tho T ra in"8—Movie: ‘‘The T ra in”

r_ <j 2B—Mothers-in-Law.7 -M anrlx

-w 11—Mannix• Id Series 5 -C a ro l Bunelt

8:30 2B—Gunsmoke4—D eath Valloy Days 7B -M ovle: •’T h e T ra in "

........... 9;0(» 3—My T hree Sons '-- 4—News: K eith Ashton

5—Jack ie Gleason-........ • .11—Jnckie Gleastin. •

i r i m 4 -M o v le ; -W ho’s G ot th«- Action?”

9:30 2 B -Jn c k le Glenson 3—Hognn’s H eroes

10:00 3 -N ew s ri-NewB

I l a l 11-Ncwa } 10:30 2B-NCWS

‘j I ~ M 3—Movie; •■Lightning dnho sli- s trikes Tw ice" nnd con- r,-M nnnlx llon in ll-M o v Ie : "T he River [ to S ( ^ Changes”Court for io ;4S 2SL -N cw i y by the R-Hollywood Pnlnce

IO:dO 2n -M o v lc ; "M r, Blnnd- he cou rt ings Huilils Ills Drenm ou rt (le- llouHe.”JurificHc- 11505 Z.SI^MtivIo; "Thunder In

Iver .Sur- the .Sun”Sunshine 4 -N cw s: K eith Ashton

lls lf l 4-NCW5; K eith McBeo irl Judge llsIS 7B—News nd ruled >1:25 4—Movie: "The Ey«

title (0 Cre««urfls'' wan out- H>30 Ti-Mnvle: *‘Tlio West

Point Sliiry”SurprU e, U H S S -M o v ie ; "Dflrby'sdnm agen _____ _____________________nnlilngton ■— — i

"■il..?''."; SEE MEproperty

• r . ; r

:ohtr6l/cil | W I L L S

lo f 'l l ^ 'd n - ______- ~ y a i - a n i1 further Ihe lower

on the m n trn c t 0 )0 real ^ K j £ ^ j | j y j | y n u i A w

I decidcd

o f B guns, ooir CIU t, SKII, BIo l H PIAMONOS, WATCftiS, KAOIOS, B) A B musical INITRUMINTt. TV, HriU B TrriwRiTut, d inocuiak i, M

B CAMIRAI, TAfI mcoaox)!), B i r iT f ^ i i SAOOlIt, ch a in saw i, t o o n B


r in r l « ' o'f B B » y * SBIL • XKADM BflB w m pvnviH iI ^ a se sa *

t>i«y a of

n oc*

ss-N ew s F riday. Sept. 2 7 , 1968

n ScheduleF r i d a y , S e p t o m b t

PROMISING PRiileason, 7:00 p .m ., 4—Don Rickies, an ins h, with hc rings. hendU nw th is half-hour t

s Danny T hom as, who Just m ay get 'G om er 9:00 p .m ., 4—O peration: E ntertni

Jhc .-show begins its second .TV hii Base, W ichita F alls, T exas. Q uests ,

5:30 2 S l^ N c w s : Huntley-B rinkley 7 ..

2B—News • .■?—News


- 4—M averick _ 7 B -N e w s

8—M ovie: "T he Forbiddenle W eek

6:00 2 S ^ -N e w s3 -N e w ^ ------------------------------

mship 5—News- 2B—Wild Wild Wesl

>how 7B—Guns of Will Sonnelt^le • If—News

8:15 7SL—M isterogers e Show S:30'2SL—N am e of the Game

7B—N am e of thie Game do 8—N nm e of the Game 9:I B ears 3—G om er Pyle 10:ivs. 31—G om er Pyle

A—F elony Squad vs. 5—M ovie: "T h is Happy

Fee lin g ” k 6:45 7S L r-F riendly Giant

7:00 2B—M ovio: "S ex and the og ress) Single G irl” 10:;

3—M ovie: "Sex and the Jungle Single G irl”

res 0 / 11—M ovie: “ Sex and theSingle G irl”

4 - D o n _Rickies_______________

: c nvludd_____ • • ■ ' ■


HEAD Ime -

F o r y o u r d r i v i n g ’ c o r r i f o i a n d s a f e t y . A s s o r t e d c o | R e g . $ 5 . 9 5 ...........................


HEAD Lrs. Muir . . B i .. Muir•s. M uir F o r 4 l i g h t , ction 1 2 v o l t s y s t e m s .’on . R o g . $ 1 . 1 9 ...........................llon •ice . ............... —lace

. _ _ra in” 4 P C

SCREWDRI• P a c k e d I n h a n d y s t o r a g

7 “ '" R e g . 9 9 c w o n N O W O N L ^ .......................

c o h m : - -


(M long Ilia, Y e u / clibJc* 60-75 ci

I 100 woll.I

\ 4 4 ‘ 1ceFJInnd-ream —

, GARDENhtnn

S E R I E S 2

RUBBEI■s % ” D i a m e t e r

R e g . $ 8 . 4 5 N O W ........................................

„ M U Wm \ LAWNor iiiid 4 0 * l e n g t h

I R e g , $ 1 . 0 9L L S I N O W .......................................T O R ---------------------------------------------


^ RUBBE5 0 ’ l e n g t h .

■ 1 ^ 1 d l n r r i e t e r .R e g . $ 7 . 3 7 .....................

i - o n ^ T ^

* iv ” ' B f KELVINATOR

S § / DISHWASHERB I S lightly C h lp p td

i a \ ^ 1 2 2 ° * *R aa. $ 1 0 9 ,9 5 ^

68 ' Cilules NSeptem ber 27, 1968 ' on^-^

3MISING PROGRAMS Pf°8ickles an insult com ic who sm iles w hen ^ „ w half-hour taped show. Tonight's guest “J i u s t m ay get in a few w ords somehow. ion: E n te rta inm en t s ta r s Phil Harri.s a s /."T. ecord TV hitch—a t Sheppsrd Air Fo rce 1 8|1‘ exas. Guests .include singer M artha Raye.

7SL—W h afs New so ^ i7:30 4—Guns of Will Sonnctt nrov" 7 S L -F re n c h Chef of ,

8:00 2 S ^ -M o v ie : "All F all noreDown” W

4—Judd mon5—Movie: "Sex and the s tan

forbidden 7B—S tar T rek publ8—M an in a Suitcase it

-----------------01OO-2B—M y-Thrcc-Sons_______conf3 -W ild Wild West fc n t

est 4 -O p era tio n : 187<?f.nnpif E n terta inm ent .:>onnctt TSL ^N E T Playhouse sion

7B—It T akes a' Thief fniP' (. C a m . S—Rowan and M artin o*:")£ m T 11-G unsm oke e l'8 '

2am e 9:30 2 8 -P h y ll is Diller 10:00 2SL-NCWS

3 -N c w s ^5—News

Happy 7B—News8—News

ant 4—P e rry M ason I-a n d th e 11—News

10:30 2SL—Johnny Cnrson 11:01 ind the 7B—Johnny Carson

8—Johnny Carson v r- and th e ' 2 8 -N e w s 11:31

3 -M o v ie : "T he Black 12:01 Widow” ________________


I p RESTSing'comfort * £ ^ 9 9 'jsorted colors. C.......... . . . . . NOW W

ID LAMPS™-......8 6 ‘

m lv E R SET ,idy storage pouch. 0

LBS------ \ - / • —% / C u rb . S o u co rB T 'S o l

t))6)£» 60.7S t>t 1 I P l a t e s o r D in n e r Pie«oll. I I W''"”

W l O 'RDEN SUPPLIESE R I E S 2 0 0 0 5 0 '




i N E T R E I N F O R C E D

BBER HOSE$ 0 0 0

............................... ... . N O W V J

N A r o R \ / : t a p p a n

W SH E R \ f g ^ s R A N GC h lp p td I I

5 2 ““ / \ ^ 1 7 7 ® ®fl89 .95 ^ ^ / R .fl. $249.93 '

Compromise Fc Nears Vote Aft<

WASHINGTOr^ (A P) — A one-year extension of the farm f p rogram , shorn o f a controvcr- a

■c clsared^^Congrcss. and a ’ com- snphnu, prom ise food stam p bill K onlyI . one step away aflcr a House vir ^>ght over dropping a sludenl- 1

« Kyc ' ■-------- ^ The doubleheader action in i

th e - House W ednesday drew som e hot debate over tjie two j

jonnett provisions while other features r f o f tf ie 'b ills w ere v irlunlly ig- 3

Fall nored . 1When it was all over the 18- \

m onlh extension of the food j nd the s tam p program was se n t to -the

Senate on a 245 to 48 vote. A Re- j

Sublican backed m otion lo send '■ back ta a H ouse-Scnatc ,

ns ______conference t6 insist on the slu- .t dcn l-strlker^ban—w a s-re ie c te d r 7

187 to 158. 'The House, in its original ver-

juse sion of the food s tam p bill, had ‘ imposed the ban on collegc stu-

a rtin den ts and s trikers not a lready ' eligible from getting the food : Stam ps. But it was dum ped by Ihe wayside in conference with I the Senate. |

5 -M ovie: "C astle of ( Blood”

ll-M o v ie :. *'CaU Me Mister”

;on 11:00 2B -M ovie: "H is Kind of in W om an"_________________ ]

4 -N ew s: Allan Moll______ 1 11:30 4—Joey Bishop_____________1

lack 12:00 2SL—Movie: ' ‘T h a t N ight__j _________________ In Rio”__________________1



~ l A OFF I / o _______________


6‘ LAWN “ J5AKET R e g . 7 2 c

* SAVE!0 N L Y . . . ^ O

E L M A C \ / . Q " " ” '

S S D S f n ' S i i i a ■ - A - Dr D in n e r P la to # 1 / C A'h i to o n ly . I I

I I REQ. 1

1 ft' J \ Now $: a I V o a . / \ O n l y



!E ICE Cl i l 1 5 ^ gallon plastic£ E w ater jug. K eeps ever^ cold. Reg. $6 .9 9 . . .


i THERMOSL J L C M ade by T herm os



f io a i r M ilC 27-.X 7 2 ’'

W ] Tough an d durable.I Reg. $ 1 . 3 7 .............

1 - O N L Y 1 - O

TAPPAN \ / C O R O t

; R A N G E \ / I W A S

i z r>0. $249,93 y R .g, $1

■ - ' I

se Food Stamp Bill e After Fight Ends) — A The farm bill com prom ise, the farm previously passed by th e Sen- . ontrovcr- nte, squeaked by the House on a ion,— has IT -vole-m arg in , 183-172. I t was

a com- sent to the President.II Is only The House had passed a one- a House y ea r farm bill w ith the S20.000

student- lim itation thnl wan not in c ither ' the four-ycar Senate bill o r ex­

action in isting law.ly drew jh e prc.sent p ro c ram , sta rted

tjie two in 1965, has m ade possible pay- fcatures m ents of m ore th an S3 billion a •

lunlly ig- ycnr for Innd re tirem en t. It re ­lates to production control of

\ g ra in s and cottonthe mod plus having wool provisions.

stam p p ro g ram is de- ; 1 signed to perm it c iigiblo fam-

n to send exchange m oney theyisc -S cn n tc

-re jec ted - coupons w hich then ^

cFinnI ver- "OW authorized through n f b i l h a d ‘»’‘* "lilece stu- com prom ise packaget a lreadv would Increase th e c u rre n t mon- v thP S c ‘3ry ceiling from S225 million I

lo S315 million, boost th is to S34 ,, with " ’■'Hon in the next y e a r and se t i

months of the following period, c The am ounts' a re s u b je c t . to

e of Congressional appropriations.


Kind of BLACKFOOT (A P ) — T h e '* Blackfoot L ivestock Com m ission °

Moll has opened its new $100,000 auc- tion building, b u ilt to replace

lat N ight an a ren a destroyed by fire eight F __________ monlhs ago. ______ ^________ F


S R E C A P T IR E S7 .3 5 x 1 4 -7 .75x14-8 .25x13

W E R E $ 1 3 . 8 8

HOW $0 ®®PF ONLY........... O

E x c h a n fte P lu s F e d . E xc. T a x .o f 5 3 c - 6 0 c - 6 3 c




■ S U P P L I E S! c

3 V ^ 3 * '^ _ 2 0 d o I lo n “ " ^ ^ A

G o lv an izo d ..... — .............

G A R B A G E \ /C A N \ j Bow ls, Tl

R E Q , $ 2 .9 7 I VN O W $ 1 9 9 tO n l y I y / \ A

T I N G G O O D S r

P O R L A N ' J

E CHEST <e p s e v e r y t h i n g |5 . 9 9 ................. N q > W W


M O S B O T T L E <$ | 9 9 I

............. IPLA STIC (

M A nR E S S .u r a b l e ............... ................ N O W # # L -

1 - ONLY ^

: 0 R 0 N A D 0 \ / '"p°D W A S H E R I / Aiitoi

I I Shall

*98" J \ »2R i a , $ 1 3 9 ,9 5 R .g

I ' ' , ’ ■ ____ '

H an d w ritin gI Q S ROSW ELL,. N.M. ( A P ) - Y

An electronic m achine tha ttram ise, reads com puter ca rds has A hc Sen- . told Gov. David C argo w hal ise on a he says he knew nil along.

I t w as , .Cargo was visiting the BEastern New Mexico S tate gue

1 a one- F a ir ' W ednesday and w as du rS20.000 persuaded to have his hand- Ciu

n c ith e r writing nnalyied a l one of rotiI o r cx- the^display booths. . "

Hc wrote his signature on topsta rted com puter card , and the whl

b lc pay- machine gave ihis analysis; ijurbillion a "You derive a lot of pleasure coni[ Il rc . from discussion of the issues c it 'ntrol of 0 ' ”0“ ft'1 cotton qualified to d irec t people in vocions. the field of learning. You be- tho

i s rjc. I’cve in the powers of per- wa-ilo fam* suasion but never abuse it.” loyey they ......................................... T .d on an

-Agnew I s - A s k e d - ^ throush ‘V iew’ P a ra d e

p ackage n e w YORK (A P) — GOP il’,?’' ' vice presidential candidate Spi- •;

ro T. Agnew, who w as criticized is to S34 jof using th e 'w o rd "P o la c k '“ in c ' and se t a speech, has bcen invited to re-

f irs t _slx view the annual P ulask i Day ;P « " o d . P arade here Oct. 6. tioM ' Agnew, who apologized for iis- con

ing the term saying hc didn’t Bla know U was deri.siwc, w as invit- ren

E D ed by F ran k J rW a z e te r , presi- To:— T h e parade in which me nm ission JOO.OOO Polish-A m ericans c ,000 auc- expected to m arch . rui ’ replace The parade honors C aslm ir Ro! ire eight P u lask i,.a .hero-of the American ■ Revolutton. . *US

[ F i T l j e n ]■ DIVISION OF OAMBH-!


“ BREADK e e p s B r e a d a n d P a s t r i t

% 8 8 f r e s h .f R e g . 8 9 c ................................

■ e l* '- C O R O N A D O LC

~ DETERtn 1 0 l b . b o x

R e g . $ 1 . 9 9• J B O X .................................................

S M E L M A C — D I S H W >

TUMBI7 o z . o r 1 2 > o z . s i z e R e g . 1 2 c

____ ___ S A L E P R I C E D .........................

A ic o r te d -

COVERS \ / . 2 ;Bowls, T oasters , Coffee* \ |

m ak ers, etc, I I

' / \ N o v



WASHER......... Reg. $22DRYER...........Reg. $13

4 6 B u y b o t h f o r ....................

u w n I u wMUST BE SOLE




R REDWOODA p p r o x i m a t e l y

■ - 6 f t . l e n g t h . T n b l e a n df * - 2 B e n c h e s . R e g . $ 1 3 . 8 8 . .

1 - O N L Y ^ ^ V

^ Coroncido U p rig h t \ x .■

FREEZER \ / ™Aiitoiiinllc Dniioit i f VSllalitly Scinlcliftil I I ^

’2 3 9 ” /V -iV Rog. $259.95 y

I f ) - W i i i u i n e T a l l cJ th n t O

f w h a l A t B u r l e y —a lo n g . •'; th e D U R L E Y — T e d K e lsey w a s

S t a te g u e s t s p e a k e r T u e s d a y ev en in g 1 w a s d u r in g tiie B u r ie y T o as tm is trc .ss h a n d - C lu b m e e tin g in c o n fe re n c e

)ne o f ro tim of Id a h o B a n k a n d T ru s t.“ A S y m b o l o f V nluo” w a s th e '

i r e on to p ic of M r. K e lsey ’s s p e c c h . nd th e w h ic h p la c c d ♦Irsl in J e ro m e i jy s is ; d u r in g th e T o a s tm a s te r s S p e e ch e n su re c o n tc s t a n d th ir d in S aU L ak e is su e s C ity .

: w o li M rs . d e l l a Jo iie s g a v e th e fn- iple in v o c a tio n a n d le d th e p le d g e to ’ou b e - th e f lag , M rs . B la in e C lay to n if jw r- w a s o ffic ia lly In d u cte d in fo B u r ­se it .” lo y T o a s tm is t re s s C lub b y M rs . iiinmiiiiii T . W ay n e W ood land . A no te b o o k

w a s p re s e n te d to M rs . C la y to n .J f ro m tho c lu b . J

r P Q ----------I a b l e - lo D lc _ w a s d ire c te d b v ______M rs . C la re n c c B a rk e s u s in g th e

’3 . Q P g e n e r a l th e m e o f th e e v e n in g ^ " C n n n in g T im e .” M rs . C lay to n

“ w a s to p ic w in n e r,la te sp i- T o a s tm is tre .ss of th e e v e n in g ;r itic iz e d F r e id a M a n n in g . M rs .la c k in £^ ,3 H a tfie ld w as le x ico lo g is t

a i d M rs . L e P a g e U y t o n s e rv e d sk i D a y tim e r .

D u rin g th e iju s in o ss n je e t in g d fo r u s - c o n d u c te d b y M rs. ' S p e n c e r, s - i e d id n ’t B lac k , p re s id e n t , m e m b e r s w e r e ” '- ' 'a s in v it- r e m in d e d o f tijo C ouncil S e v e n r , p re s i- T o a s tm is t re s s lu n c h eo n a n d n w h ic h m e e tin g O c t. 19 in T?,vin F a l l s , n e n c a n s G u e s ts a t te n d in g " w r e M rs .

R u t h ' Jo h n s to n , M rs . E lm e r C a s lm ir R o ss a n d M r. K e lsey .

im c r ic a n . ■ . „ ___ ____lu t ; k : i iM E s ^ N E W g - m t f T - A D ii

M l i p oiL fu i f r M o w ta fo s s n u w a s _____ ______M OF OAMftU-$KOOSreriHC.“ “ ' ---------


^ R O C K P L A S T I C

!AD BOX-id P a s t r i e s '

^ l A D O L O W S U D S


- D I S H W A S H E R P R O O F

MBLERS................ . 8 ‘

y - - - H i a w a l h a _ _ _ _ V _____________

/ . 2 2 S H O R T S \

I Rog. 5Zc I

\ N o w /\ O n l y ■ I b o x I

LIANCESR e g . $ 2 2 9 .9 5 * 1 6 6 ° “

R e g . $ 1 3 8 .8 8 * 1 1 3 ° “

r ..................... ^ 2 7 5 ° °

FURNITUREE SOLD NOW RS^^o'' $ 1 .6 9 'JGES $ 3 .6 9RS $ 3 .9 9ES $ 1 0 .0 0 '

sE T ^ ir . . . . $3.'95

JOD FINISHand $ 7 7 7 1 3 .8 8 ................... #

1 - O N LY

/ H o o v o r C o n s t e l l a t i o n \

[ V A C U U M , \I CLEANER I,\ " A , l i , R .g . J3 9 .9 S / |

V *25" J

..........■ K e l s e y G i v e s

Page 11: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Hearing 0BOISE ~ At lhe request of lim it,

. thc D ccartm ent of Law Enforci- weigh ,-m «nt the Idaho Board of Hish- >-ound

w ay 'd lrcctors has proposedTulos dicatc nnd regulations governing cer- m cnt ta in overweight vehicles' opera- by pu tlons on the state highway sys* sta l tem which includes a spccial m i t s . perm it lo allow m ovement of <;lnrU ovcrweipht vehicles aflcr a cita- cced tion is issued. • ' pounc

Thc rules provide the over- ndjus w eight be rcduced to lhe legal the r-----^ ---------------------------------of 4


L B J N am es I issuci

-New Chief '"i) OfProtocol

WASHINGTON (A P) — Presi- f'f^er dent Johnson has appointed Ty- d '

— lff r~ A B o I tn r~ T o rm i;n s s ls ta n r mg-fi postm aster general, to be-U .S. chief o f protocol.

T he White House announce- ^ ^ menc W ednesday noicd Abell's appointm ent creates " a unique situation in the history of proto- LO col" bccausc his wife. Bess, is medi White House social secretary, cross ano ther protocol post. his \

Abelh-3tJ, a law yer and native Eklu df W ashington, D.C.. was an as- Thur s is tan t postm aster general from Mi; Decem ber 19G3 lo February divoi

*1967, when he returned to his was W ashington law practice. m an

He succeeds A n ^ c r—Biddle said — T3Uke in’ th e ’protocol“post. Duke case- h a s-b een nam ed bv Johnson as j h

U .S. a m b a sJ lflor 10 Denm ark, four

[ ' T e n ]r0 W 5T 0JttW m /ftQ K A T l01


B O Y S ’ D E P A1 G R O U P B O Y S ' I



1 g r o u p b o y s ’ a n d m e n ’s . S h o r t a n d L o n g

S l e e v e .........................................

BOYS’ Jlg P o l y e s t e r a n d C o t t o n

' P e r m a - P r e s s S o i l r e l e a s e f i n i s h ..............

BOYS’ S(7 5 % c o t t o n , 2 5 % s t r e t c h n y l o n . F i t s s i z e s 9 t o 1 1 ............................

1 G R O U P E

PULLOVER S A s s o r t e d

B s t y l e sa n d s i z e s , ........................... . .

I / " " W s NI =y=^URTtENECKS=-3 I Long sleovo

: I 100% cotton

VI N . R o g . * 2 , 4 8 y

■ -t

I H its DEI


P ojlo i wUh conlf b u t t o n d o w n c o l l a r

s h o r t s l e e v e .....................


CASUALW ith b e l t i o c

R e g .$ 4 . 9 8 , . . ............................




^E N 'S^ Lono iloovo ^

/ SPORTSHIRTSI P o rm o -P ro o e .I Q u tto n -d o w nI co lla ra .\ 2 F O R

V »5®>>

g O n W e i g h t It of lim it, o r tha t vchicle.s w ith over- Twoirc 2- weight not in excess of 4,000 of legiligh- •■oundR-may ncflpccd to an in- cludtnjules dicated destination for" ad iust- four ciccr- m ent of the load to legal lim ils of 2.0C

)era- by purchasing a soecial perm it, cludinfsys* S tate officials said spccial per- plus si

ccial m its ^will not be issued when cess ot of sinple o r tandem axle loads e x - cita- cced legal weight by 2.000

pounds until such load has been T _ iver- ad justed , nor to vehicles w here J L iC J legal the redi-cible load is in excess ‘ ------ of 4.000 pounds ov i.' legal | - | | - |

N or will special perm its be ^ issued for vehicles traveling I f \ routes posted during spring b reakup load limits. Twir

T he perm ils. which m ay bc Amerl Issued a t highway perm it of* (he F flees, by authorized personnel a rec t a t P o rts of E n try and o ther of- gion's

’rcsl- fitters designated • by the board cussecI Ty. of directors, caJJ tor the follow- j^p .stanr tng-feeai------ ------------------------------n ie -D-U.S. ------------- ----------------------------------- a brie

„„cc. Peter SellersSeeks Divorce wo kii

)roto- LONDON (A P) — British co- lhe yo 55. is m edian P e te r SellerS has filed a The itary. crosspetition for divorce aga insi d e r b;

his wife. Swedish ac tress B ritt F rfln t lative Eklund. a legal spokesman said officei n as- Thursday . , the 11 from Miss Eklund, 25, filed suil for Fift:

ruary d ivorce last month, but no dale Floyd 0 his w as se t for the case. A spokes* ducte<

m an for the 43-year-old Sellers Irodut liddle said the actor was defending the McCll Duke case in his crosspetilion. - Babb, an as The couple have been m arried ship c irk , four years.____________________ ed a

^ o T |MOKE AT tOOT5T P055tflE P M a5 W MDF OAMaiE-SKOCMOTRKT^^^^^"^


/EATERS '2 PRICE )RTSHIRTS,d m e n > -

rS’ JEANS -3tton $ A 4 4 -i h ...................... .. M a

'S’ SOCKS" ..............3 j rGROUP BOYS'


^ FurnitureECKS=-\—/ — THROWS^

\ / 6 0 ” x 7 2 ''

r„ 11 $066 16 / V ^

/ \ 9 0 " x 7 2 " .............$ 4y \ 1 0 8 " x 7 2 ” . . $7.1

. X \ . 1 2 6 " x 7 2 ‘' .$ 8 .6 1; . 4 8 F o a m Backed

'S DEPARTMHirSS SHIRTSwUh conlraifing pin ililpo,

$ | 9 9


JAL SLACKSII belt loops and cuffs

..........................................................*3”3H CREWNECk

-SHIRtSW lT h l P O C K E T

99‘r s Plastic

down I I A sa 't. P a tte rn !ra. I I IB ” w/ldeDR J \ 4 YDS.

o iy / \ ^ 9 9 '

ht Rules Is PIj>6r- Two cents per pound in exccss includin 000 of legal weight up to and in- Rules in. eluding 2,000 pounds; S40 plus load in

js t- four ccnls p e r pound in-excess over Ic; lits of 2,000 pounds up to and in- duccd nit. eluding 3,000 pounds, and *80 procecd )cr- plus six ccnts per pound in ex- be mad hen cess of 3,000 pounds up to and not Intee x - -----------:-------------------------------------o f ' traff

,000 wav.

r o L e f f i o n P o s t . . " n '. b 'i;ess C ’ Slale a(

H o s t s A r e a s : ” 1 gbe ^ - . Hiphwa

!!”„ ! C o n v e n t i o nTw in F a lls Post No. 7 of the affected

be A m erican Legion was host to of* the F ifth D istric t Seminar a t R q m

inel a recent m eeting where the Le- _ \ of- g ion 's 50th anniversary was dis-

>ard cussed.low- D epartm ent C om m ander Ben- XTa t i----- T i i e - D - H ar m on , - D uboiyr-gavc X l U l l

a b rie f resum e of the need for ROCI' ca rly activ ity on m em bership banner drives so the Legion can spend front ot the m ain porlion of its 50th year home ii w orking on Americanism and a rc due

CO- lhe youth p rog ram . nam.•d a The m eeling w as called to or- The ; insl d e r by V ice Com m ander W. W . F . Pow }ritt F ran lz , w ho introduced s t a l e nam T said officers and 35 m em bers from duty t!

the 10 ^ s t s in thc district. Sgt. 1C for F ifth D i s t r i c t Commander to leav

dale Floyd Shepard. Kimberly, con- Tuesda kes* ducted, thc m eeting and also in- The Hers troduced V ice“C 3m m ander Dan sergeai

the l^cC lintock, N am pa, and L o u Tex., a Babb, Boise; A ssistant mem ber- M arine

ried ship d irec io r E rn ie Davis show* six mo ed a film on m em bership. er a 3(

T o l




R e g . $ 2 . 9 8

d - S H R E D D E D ' '

, F O A M I


0 R e g . $ 1 . 4 8

T i i u r e ^ > y ^ B o v s "

ows—\ - / _ JLW \ I je a n s

I 1 0 oz■ I I S iz o 6 -1 4

............ $ 4 .6 6 / \ & ^ MM. . $ 7 .6 6 / \ $ 1 4 4

2 " . $ 8 . 6 6 y V ^ 1B o c k e d m


1 0 0 % ' A c r y l i c

19 9 D o u b l e B e d - S i n

_____ R e g .$ 1 6 , 8 8 ............................................

THROW30"x50" 100% Rayon

L _ ggfe ...............................................

BATHMA9^ Lid Cover-rug-coi

R e g .I $ 4 ^ 7 ..............................

lastic Latest

ntac \ / bedspre/n . . I I ^o^^rlc■ ,P ® ft« rn» I I c h o o a o fro

I" w/lde > 1 1YDS. I \

►9' y \ ^9”

s Planned cli<ccss including 4.000 pounds. T h^^j!1 in- Rules provide any • reducible ro n rm plus load in cxccss of 4.0C0 pounds

<ccss over legal weiRht shhll bc re- v ’ ‘ ' n 1 in- duccd to Icgnl weight before w hiie

*80 proceeding with thc unloading to 1 cx- be m ade a t a site which will

and not in terfere with lhe opcrallon .-------of 't r a f f ic moving on the high- Urgent

The board of d irecto rs haff set a public hearing under thc Slale adm inistra tive proccdu/cs ^n u n ii i c i 'o n the proposal for 2 'p .m ., —JT Ocl. 16 in th e Department'; of H ighw ays. Qudllorjum on West - j .- l i f :

■ State in Boise. Testim ony, oral or w ritten, is Invited by those *

, the affcctcd, officials said.st to ----------- — ------- test dl

l“‘. B a n n e r T o G ree t "p=™i ' F a th e r A nd Son 4 '^ H o m e iro m J f t 'a r__d for ROCK HILL. S.C. (A P) - A Jrship banner is strung across the t^eii spend front of the Oscar Powell fam ily j^e F< I year home telling tha t fa th er and son pated

and a rc due hom e shortly from Viet- formc< nam.

to or- The son. M arine Cpl. William V. W. F . Powell, 21. w as to leave Viel* t a l c nam T hursday a fte r a y e a r’s DISTA from duty there . 'H is fa th er. Army LINCO

ct. Sgt. 1C; O scar M .'Pow ell, 46. is nlle Cou ander to leave the com bat zone next berger

con- Tuesday. Shirleyso in- The 32-year v e te rap Arm y blue-eyei ' Dan sergean t will go ro F t. Hood, is believ L o u Tex., a fle r a .le av e nt home. His women

mber- M arine-son has volunteered fbr courts, show- six m ore m onths in V ielnam afl­

er a 30-day .leave. ■ ' . U SE Til

E m



b y C a n n o n tvlllls «S lig h tly I r re g u la r

7 7 ‘ tR e g , t o $ 2 . 9 8


A s s ' t .

> F a b r i c s s i z

6 6 * "Si2R e g . 9 7 c l o i

. ■ F u l

B O Y S ' — L ADI E

j i u t A / _ b o n cJ E A N S \ I SL A C

1 0 oz . I I C o lo ra v rS iz o 6 -1 4 . ff I a c e t a t e b

$144 y V $2=


A c r y l i c F a b r i c

i d - S i n g l e C o n t r o l -d o w r

I ^ c o i l a

> ^ i l G S l a

)% Rayon Pile ■ 6 Colors

l l i r "(er-rug-confour Mat - a=bi

$ 3 “

Lotost Styla^^BEDSPREADS \fvlanv fabrics to < I '| Ail olchooao trom, I IR .B . 10 * 1 0 .0 0 j I$957 / V 4

Glub WorriesIDAHO F A L I^ (A P ) — ^

. . . T h i Jdaho Alpine CJub is * i - ^ imH^ conccrncd over m olybdenum

mining operations a t th e A*’“ 5® of Castle P eak in the J \ W hile C lo u d . M ountain

« Range. " •l ion E d w a r d C. , A nderson , NE1 t?h ' P ’csident, said ^here is a n HC

^ ■ urgent need fo r. designating ^iiii^rca as a w ilderness. crow

the ReI one of the m ost su n e rb a s C._m ounlnin,w ildernes3. reg ions..- Hni».

c •; in thc nation ." Ander.son USM said. " I t should have been serie classified a w ilderness a re a spun

hose long a g o .- . . ‘ ncAnderson a ttacked w hnt h c only

term ed a s sem i-secrecy on spun ■- test drilling a t the m in ing sher

operation. quit"This has apparen tly been on r

f l ' underw ay since la s t M ay. berr and yet the F o rest Serv ice 23 i has iust now m ade it public, coun

" - 7 — raah-Q-atrzcns have a rifit i r - your to know w hal is happening intrc to their scenic resou rces and Grifi

' '" • ‘y the Forest Service is obli- E \ gated t o ' keep them In- wan form ed.” A nderson said . kno\

iliam B'lHHimMiimiinmiHiimi mniiiiu Viel* tha te a r’s D ISTAFF BA ILIFF NAM ED H( \rm y LINCOLN. Neb. (A P ) - t- Ju v e- m an 46. is nlle Court Judge W. W. Nuern* an next berger Thursday nam ed M iss and

Shirley Adams, a 27-year-old hind \rm y blue-eyed blonde a s bailiff. She bear iood, is believed lo be one of thc few roop !. His w om en bailiffs in the nation ’s ente d fbr courts. — bitsn afl* Ken'




KNIT SHS l e e v e l e s s S i z e 2 - 1 4R e g . 7 7 c ............................................

’ LARGE ASST,S i z e - 7 - 1 4 _C o r d s , c o t t o n s , e t c .R e g . 1 . 9 8 . . . .........................

SKIRT & SWE/S i z e 7 - 1 41 0 0 % O r i o n A c r y l i c R e g . $ 5 . 8 7 ...................................

P i c t u r o SWE>S i z e 3 - 6 xR e g . 1 . 4 8 ....................................

SMALj. GIRLS i z e 1 - 4 1 0 0 % C o t t o n

- F u l l S k i r t ...............'.......................

L A D I E S ^ — -------------


C o lo ra v rayon* I I ........a c e t a t e b a c k e d ' I % S iz e

$233 y


BODY SI100% Stretch

B u t t o n t0 d o w n

c o l l a r .............................................. t

1 L A R G E G F

Ladies'Read] 'A P R1 G R O U P L

SKIR'A s s t .

1 5 s t y l e sa n d s i z e s .................. ... ....................


Ail of tlio I I ] Ilotokt &1ylai I I

$ 4 9 7 y V


1; Ken Berry Bec( I As Andy Griff il

By-JOAN CROSBY grnce >on, NEA E n terta inm en t E d ito r more a n HOLLYWOOD (NEA) — And guest

.ing !:iill the 'Andy Griffith fam ily like grows. Burnt

I Is R em em ber w hen J im N abors mothi e rb a s Gomer Pyle w as ju st a fil- Kcn lons _ llnR station a ttendan t w ithout a o n son USMC lo his nam e on Andy’s ,he j cen scries? Then J im and Com er ihg re a spun off to a h it of the ir own. arour

Now il’s Ken B erry 's tu rn , suppl I h c only it’s really Andy who has his r

on spun off. A fter eight seasons ns lousn ling sheriff of M ayberry, Andy has

quit his se ries to concentrate een on movies. Moving in to May- X. , lay , be rry RFD in CBS-TV on Sept. i^ice 23 is .Ken B erry a s n town i_ :i„ ,lic. councilman, a w idow er with a

i^ng ^ tro § u c e d ’ in four episodes of a nd G riffith 's show last season.)bli- Everyone who knows Berry

In- w ants him to be a s ta r and j>- knows tha t he has th e talent, personality and a ttrac tiv e ap* ’ pearance needed. Everyone, S. th a t is, except Ken.

JE D He’s an overly m odest young Ju v e- m an who re fe rs lo h im self a s luern* an "ac to r of lim ited scope,’’ J * :

M iss and says he likes to hide be- a r-old hind props like g lasses and a r. She beard . But when he Was on F le few roop, a s bum bling Capt. P a rm - A ition’s en ter, m any of the h ilarious c!.,

— bits of slapstlck -buslness-w oreK en 's own idea. Anyone who ^ _ i

1-ADS has_ seen_h im _daM e—wilh,_tlia Yjjjjg like have;

I N K i



Me I bIIn Ci

------------------------------------------------------ a t tl

MST, SLACKS £, »I« 3i

............................................. " Bed!

SWEATER SETS El......................................... . « A

' ■’ repl


. ams' SUPS -7 7 c r .

............................................. / / ,B -bu t

/ c o r d u r o y \ US' / , ----------- -— ..— ----------------- \ . . . _ . nvt

I JUMPERS V '.'fS I — IV l : i : . . . . . . $ i . 4 4 / J

\ s i z e O D y AlflV 7 -X 4 . . # i •O O y h e r




SHIRTSitretch N ylon2 $ roo__________________fa'- J ?i^QE GROUP L

eadytoW ear I PRICE


[IRTS I$2 0 0 ;l


I 100% 'ma»h nylon 1 I I a fall colon 1 I

V $|22 Jl l i

Becomes Town Co riff ith Family Inci

grnce of F red A staire and Sing 'J im o r m ore lh an jp assab ly durin;; his film , b And guest appearances w ith Indiss e ag e r t mily like Lucille 'B a ll and Cnrol lh a t hr

B urnett ( " I 'm K en's s t a g o l i i m l o l bors m o ther." Carol says), knows Ro!la-P , fil- Kcn underestim ates himself. "Those u t ,a On M ayberry R ;F .D .-h e has nntl A 'dy s lhe rolo Andy Griffith had in "T'cr the sense iha t the peoplelt'***" ' “wn. around him and the situations million ‘»;rn, supply- lhe com cdy. Kcn plnys “ JfR" ,

has his role w ilh a degree of scr- ‘S ns iousness. .tra ic m anagem ent of Ken’s

c a re c r has been taken over by R ichard O. Linke. who handles ^ . a sm all but salable stable that

n Includes G riffilh and Na^Jors.‘ „ Linke. a rcsnectcc{yni.in.4yvcry .7 ^ , m uch on B erry 's ic a m .." 'T Q n " * d id n 'l w an t another c lien t," hc

says, adding tha t Ken’s talent ' " f y w as 100 much lo overlook. f

Ken m et Linke when Ken’s -nvinp ile r^ wife, com edienne Jackio Joseph.

callcd Linke bccause Kcn was discouraged over n " jo b 1 -had

„ done which' I figured I wouldn't r have gotten if I hnd a man* ipe ’’ ®ser. Ho would not have*' lot

M eanwhile th e ’ spun-off’ Jim 1 ^ | « ® N abors is about to begin his ^ fifth, and oossibly la s t, season n n '

M G om or Pylo. “- I OSittint; on t h e swimming

d e c k 'o f h is’ canyon horhc T > _ '^{J° overlooking th e San Fernando J t \ C

V a lle y r J im -s a y s ; “ They -would - — like m e to continue and I LAG haven’t decided If I should or c irc le t not. I l’s a s tran g e feeling. At its lea the end I 'll probably say to Dick Ush a Linke, *0h, you go ahead a n d B iafra d ecide.' He alw ays m akes the m egw r ig h t decision. I ’d bo sad to -Rad leavo G om er, b u l o n 'th o other Logos hand, I could go on to other Niger!

I th ings." , OjukTU " '■« ■ -------ra n Ie

iDrawingis Set Monday

, For Burley “i"BU RLEV — S everal rsc id e n f V

In C assia County will bc calli a t tho Red Cross Bloodmobi.: draw ing from 2 to C p.m. Mon* • d ay a t Burley E lks hall to re- - t- im i p lace blood fo r re la tives and

I riends. T he quota is 150 pints. * q , K arl (ChJck) Bcdke, Oakley, V

needs 20 p ints replaced. Mr. ” 7 * Bedke used the 20 pints of blood during h ea rt su rgery this spring , in Salt Lake City. P resen tly Mr.Bedke is a t hom e and has re- 1*;*^“

_ sum ed his duties of operating f h is c a ttle ranch south of Oak*

A rea residents who need blood— rep laced a re asked to phone ®

M rs. Adelle Toevs, C a s s i a * ® County Bloodmobllo Chairm an,a t 678-8153 o r M rs. S. H. Kunau _

C a l 678-7350 beforo 10 a.m . dally J - I f l —. 'Iving tho nam o of the person>lood is needed for and the num- • | ? i

— b e r of pints.S everal children In Cassia W /

Couniy n ro receiving regu lar Hous g am m a globylln shots, which is a co

— tho Infection fighting Ingredient a Na C of blood plasm a. • sj

P ersons between lhe ag e s ,o f Tn 18 and 59 m oy donate blood, a te . b u t .unm arried persons under 21 It m ust p t^sen t a w rllten"c0 nscnt oifihl of a p aren t o r guardian. Jncli

• ~T lfQ “ in ierval'-bctw cen^-doiia- M idi Uons should be a t least eight Lach

L w eeks. AQdjnot m oro often than 'i ----- liv e - lim es . jci_ y e a r. - -D onora i ! 0 .\ nhould not give blood during Tr I pregnancy and not for 12 m onths ora I a fte r delivery. dItIo f P ersons should not give blood a re ff w ithin six m onihs a fte r-su rce ry Moy ' o r a fte r receiving transfusions. Sain

Also persons w llh a h islory of Snol hepatitis any tim e In the p ast « i a re au tom allcally excluded a s will donors. . fo w

Blood used hy county rcsl- ic r ( den ts in o lhcr a rea s supporting Hon tho Red Cross program mny bc Or rep laced M onday during t h c slud hloodm obile v isit, ' s la ted Mrs. mis? Toevs. five

Recently rrp o rls w ere rrlons* oam ed th a t ihe blood hnnks supplies or t In New V ork, Chicago nnd Mns- snchusetts w e r e dnngerously low. Some officials believe It He is tho resttll of people being rins, on vacation and will corrcct H* ors B _ e lf ,_ ______________n'ric

f r o m t h e d i s t i l l e r s o f J D

\ G h a te a k V o d l

L i g h t O i

W h i s p i

8 0 p r o cI .

' .i-

Fridoy, S ep t. 2 7 , 1968 Twin F.

______ l l

r '

■■ . . - I3 Twin Fails Tim cs-News 11

^Councilman I Increases |Sing ‘J im wouldn't mind making a • ! ; his film , but ho-' no*. .nao-of-iha<;e . .i id iss e ag e r 10 kick n.sido the medium V !nroI lh a t brought him fame and liio n g o liind of fortune th a t puls a new ;nows Rolla-Rovce in his garage. r:lf. "T hose in TV, like Lucillc Ball J• has fir’d Andy G riffith and Jnckio ____ ;

tl G leason, m ake more money j■’oolert^^i^o~iCTvl(r~STnr!r-and u ro a---------- itiuns* m illion tim es better known. 1 I slnys laugh when I hear of people « •

scr- Ic a v ln g -T V for* b igger' th in g s ........... jlike .movies. I could lell you of

fnn'e did It, but who d idn 'tsuccced. You have to prove

„'’ .,®^lyourself In nil areas. Ju.st he* thnt eause you’re a success in TV

hft < doesn’t m ean ynu can bo a sue*^ c r v lostancc.P-in night

^ Of’ Oct. 24. Jim ,vill have ano th e r CBS-TV specWl, Girl F rien d s and Nabors, ‘‘t will say

^ , it'.<! a pood -show and I 'm 'n o t say in g il in a vain sense." hc .fmiJes. “ I can .say it’.s g o o d because the girls — Carol Bur- n e tt. Debbio Reynolds. Vikkie

i J l C a r r and M ary C o s ta -a ro w onderfu l."

I Biafra VowsII To Continue So Rebellionvould ■■ ----- "■ ' “ —nd I LAGOS, N igeria (AP) — E n ­id or c irc led B iafra will fight on and .

At its leaders will not flee to cstab- Dick Ilsh a governm ent in exile, the a n d B iafran leader, Lt. Col. C. Odu*

5 the m egw u Ojukwu»-said today. id to -Radio BiafrOr monitored in other Lagos desplle jam m ing by the other N igerian government, said

O jukwu tc ld a m eeting of Biaf- ------- ra n lead e rs and chiefs in Umua-

ih e w ar Has comc to a n chdi I t is ju s t beginning.”

B ccause the federal govern- m cn t’s forccs a re fighting on B iafran soil, he said, “ the initia­tive belongs to u s."

He said his forces would s tep • j-n fn “ P g u e rrilla w arfare aga in st tho

federa l a rm y , which has re tak - . . u- en abou t ujlne*tenths of th e

Mon 29,000 squaro miles B iafra ■ c la im ed when Ojukwu pro-

c la im ed E as te rn N igeria lnde« p endent on M ay 30, 1067.

aklcv' O jukwu said his troops would w-^' continue conventional w a rfa re

a s long a s possible.T he Biafran Radio claim ed

th a t OJukwu’s Iroops had re-en- - IS r ^ te re d Ik o t Ekpene. Sincc la s t - ra tine heavy

Oak fisb ting for tho town, nbout 25 mJIcs c a s t of Abn, and il w as re-

Wood ported seized by federal soldiers n h ^ th ree w eeks ngo. s s I a r 'ed e ra l m ilitary au thorities

Irman, m ad e no comment on the claim .

H o u s e E n d o r s e s

= num ‘ R i v e r s ’ M e a s u r eCassia WASHINGTON (AP) — Tho egular House h as passed by voice vote hich is a com prom ise bill establishing redicnt a N ational Wild and Sccnic R iv - '

e r system ./ j c ^ f ^The bill now goea to the Sen-

ider 21 I t designates all o r p a r ts of ;onscnt e igh t r iv e rs a s the initial units.

Included a re tho C learw ater -do iia- M Id d le -F o rk -i n C'l'U d f n g th c ~ —; eight L achsa ond Selway River.? and h‘ than Iho.'Salm ohrW lddlc.Fork lii-Id a£ ; _ Donors ilP- ! ’during Tho’b lirh ls 'o dcsighnt'cd 27 rIv-~ months era fo r sludy for potential ad - ..

d itlon lo tho system. Included ! blood a r e the Idnho rivers, B runeau. ;urcery M oyle, Prle.st, Saint Joo and usions. Salm on from Norlh F o rk to ' lo ry of Snake River. ' '10 p ast R ivers placed In thc sysiem Jed a s will bo preserved In iheir free-

flowing condition In protect wa- y rcnl- Wr quality , scenery and recrea- porting Hon valucir" mny bo On the rivers de<i|gnntcd for g t h e sludy, the Federal J>ower Com- i Mrs. mission would ho nrohlblled for

fivo yrar.s from ilcsHsIng any rrlons- dam , w alcr conduit, powerhouse "

;upplies or trAnsnilssion line,

ermlSly YANK.S INVe NT CAFE.'!Icve It . Rpslniirnnts known a s cafele-

bclng rlns, Rt^akhouscs, roadside din- rcct H* ors at><l flcafOod houses oro

niricliy 'A n^crlcan In origin.

r s o f J I M B E A M b o u r b o n

L t e a u x S i^ o d k a . i lL i g h t 0 8 a

W h i s p e r '

8 0 p r o o f

^■ 1 935IB3I5B 1 ^ 1

■ - i

Page 12: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Purdue-N Will Be Rl Leroy Kej

SOUTH BEND. Ind. (A P ) - firsl T op-ranked Piirduc and runner- apo

____ 'u n N otre P a ine riicct for the turf40th tim e in their football histo- thci ry S aturday but the Banie is S( on ly a rubber m atch for J im pas; Seym our and Leroy Keyes. M /

Seym our, Notre D am e's rcc- cha ord-breaking pass catchcr. and ; K eyes. Pu rdue’s m aste r of all Boil g rid iro n trades, played the ir L

-^w o^itles For Grabs ^

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Two 14. w orld boxins championships a rc oppi up for g rab s in .Memorial Col- R

- 'I s e u m F rid ay night in an inter- adv n a tio n a l show cxpeclcd to a t- aga t r a c t $200,000 or more in box- scai offico returns. rec(

C arlos "Tco” Cruz of th e bia' D om inican Republic, who holds roui thb ' undisputed ' world light- _ R'

‘ wciBht crown — lifted from the is 6 long tim e ru ler of the 135-pound Inch

— div ifiorr, - C : a r l n s - Q r t i z - n s k s- —Si i t a t l-'i rounds or Itiss w ith has C alifornia’s super-teen.—M ando R

- R am os of Long -Beach. storStocky Ra'iil Rojas, a stab le- Pipr

m a te of Ramos^'from San P ed ro , witi who holds the World Boxing As- 15th sociation version of the feather- Roj w eight title , WMts young Sho a S Saijyo of Tokyo.

T h e 21-ycar-old Saijyo. a rel- n a tiv e new com er to prom inence. iV J

-title by w hacking out a fie rce T l b u t decisive decision ov e r the JL J 26-ycarrold. champion la s t Ju n e 2. W

T all, good looking Ramos:- w ho like his, stablem ate has con­sis ten tly lu red sellout crow ds to th e O lym pic Auditorium, h as vi- ^ sions of becoming the first. Id- year-o ld to win a world cham - teai p ionship. Mando will be 20 Nov. IS. lio

T he youngster has lost two foo' bouts In 25 and won 14 by knock- slai o u ls . '

C ruz Is 30. He hns h ad 67 ^ r in g engagem ents, won 51. lost ------------------------------------------------- cha

Idaho Holds 11 Long Drill £ On Defense

MOSCOW. Idaho (A P) - T he k c U n iversity ofT W aho footbaJl sic te a m held a long defensive d rill lo T h u rsd ay ns it prepared for the 3 S atu rd ay Big Sky Conference ha; pnm e in Pocatello ngainst Idaho nm S ta te . a

D efensive Conch Benson H o i-ju r Innd worked tho hncks on a s - p signm en ts against the expccted fnp passing a ttack from the Ben- Dii

- g a ls . . ofThe freshm nn offensive tenm 1

worked 4fi m inutes aga inst the wll _ v a rs ity defense using Idaho on

.............S ta te passing imd running pl4vs, SirTlic V n 'nd iirw fonsive d rilled Im

...... on liining on-riinnlng plnys w ith nft______ cm nhnsls •■.on..lhc..of/et\siVc. i 'a e , >— . —and- past- blockliig.-asslgnm £nts, ££u:

Conch Y C McNenSe hnd both ko' M itch I.nnsdeli nnd Stevel Olson ngi calling signals for tlie V andnls’ nni fir«it offensive leam, lie snid ho tini

/ wouldn’t nnm e n'X.nrting qiinrt- sia c rbnck for the Idnho State con- 1 te s t until .Sntiirdnv. nu

Tile Viindiih will leftve Spo- slu knno l)v chnrlercd nlrllner Frl- dnv . 'I 'h rv 're expiTtPd In Poca- fir J>lln F riday nflrnioo)) nnd n ho b rie f worknut .srliediilcd on the Iili Bcngnls’ flold T rliliiy evonlni;, Iio

Turn-In Pass ■ Become Talk C

In llie short, shoii Munson, tlie s n io st OKcitlng t<'iiii) In pro fiHii* m Illlll !>o fa r (nnd by fnr) l-t tho iili Mlniiosdtii Vlldngs—without the l>i iirt'soficf of i'Vdiifis A'itiiiry 'fu r- Tl Kontnn. I Miy It proudly lA'i'.ausr in I ronlly pull for tho Vlklnijfi. ar (N ole: I'lill) w m ono of lhi‘in In Ills first nIk yi-iirs ns n pro .) 111

I havo so mnny friciuls there , W Anil 1 inliilit n i well iidiiilt It. ‘*J llK'y'r(\ jioi In our division nnd W(i don’t plny tlicin thin .vonr,I k tv p In tmuih tlinui’li, At Inist pi onco a week | talk tu oni; of V jiiy old iHidilloii, like (irm ly Al- /t dcrn in ii, lli<r|r lino offi'iislve in tncklo wIio' h IIiq on ly , orlnlniil H VJkln/{ lofl, ill

I A nd I have an Idon wlinl’sni««ln •IlK'ni si> iKitoiii huddi'nly nnd thn most lalkod-nlioiil toam o'

' Jn I u r leagud — tlio Mlmi>li' (urn- i>' In pass ns 11 m njor pnrl of their " offense. "

[ M«yl)0 you'd rernjtnlzo It lirl- H, t e r nn (ho old hultonhook piii- ) te rn w ith tlm finnkor, Kpllt <iiid II : o r linlit end going a o n 's rr ilird o

n u m b er of iitep^i strnliiht down- .1 f i e l d and luriiliig ijiilekly (n |i c a tch n piis» In llui gu t, ob- h livlous lo (ho diingcr of 11 guy 11

( a lam m lng Into hls iddnoyii, VT h a t docnn't niiuiid llko n nui- tl

Jo r Innovation, hut you 'd Iw Hiir- c prlricd how mnny tonmn don 't cv cn ImtlHir w ith ll. Ono proinl- n n en t {|unr(orbnck lold m o bo n novor thrown n tiirn-ln. 11

Jo rry . IMiriiH cnnio ov er from v G rcoii Duy (h li yenr lo (alio ( chorgfl of (ho M lnnrsotn offviiM', t nnd no Impnrlod thn I'licho r (he- t o ry of foo(biill. G iecn liny Iian t boon makliiK » Ilvlnft for yearn f w ilh ilio turii-ln. I

■ ■ JJovJns J t na a baalc wcnimn

;-Notre Dam J Rubber Ma ieyesAndSeP ) — first collegiate gam e two years (0 on unner- a g o 'o n the sam o Notre Dame playc >r the tu rf where 59,075 will watch ran t hlsto- the ir duel Saturday. 21 • tr

m c is Seymour caught th ree scoring pui r J im passes to lead the Irish to a 20- kopf

14 ,win en route to a national agair s rcc- championship. Keyes scram bled urda; r. and 06 yards- with a fumble for, a of all B o ilerm aker‘scoi'CT^ -- touch

the ir l^ist y ear. Seym our was .held

les-Are-Up-.. Jim

bs Tonight I— Two 14. draw n two and stopped 22 jefgj, ps a rc opponents.. covei .1 Col- Rojas, who will be a t r dis-inter- advantage in height and rcach open!

to n t-a g a in s t the handsom e, u" * Oklal \ box- scarred Nipponese, won WBA _

recognition by defeating Coiom'- ^^ 5 , ,f th e b ia 's Enrique H iggins in 15 y

holds rounds here M arch 28. Saya light- Rojas stands His reach jggg

m the is M. Saijyo is 5-7%, w ith 67 ^ pound inches in reach. Thur -rrsks- —Stttjyo has a .17-4-2 record, j a y

w ith has never been floored. for 'i Vlando Rojas is 35-2.-1. He was (jjrcc

stopped once, by the then cham - ball stable- pion, Vicente Sald ivar of Mexico Pedro, w ith seconds rem aining in the ng As- 15th. T ha t w as in 1965 when sjye ia ther- Rojas w as not quite ready fo r tim e g Sho a Saldivar-class figh ter. m a

-------------------------- is V

Montana State pJ Hosts No. 1 ^

in si „ 1 m„„<,,,Kated leam« d f t o By The A s s .c l. te d P re s , „ lias vi- M ontana S tate U niversity m ay jg jj. rs t 19- playing the top sm all college 53 . cham - team in the nation th is weekend,[ be tho U niversity of Idaho-Ida- qijj.

ho State Big Sky Conference Qkli ;t two football b a ttle head lines a full knock- s 'a to .of g rid iron action th is ^

• weekend. be ilad 67 M ontana S ta le Is h ost to 1966 1. lost and 1967 NCAA college division — champion San Diego State Col- pj^j,, lege Saturday in Bozeman, butl c the suprem acy of the s ta te of

Idaho is a t s tak e in Pocatello, ‘“. j Idaho State will be looking for

its first v ictory in h istory over the University of Idaho Vandals nnd seeking revenge for a 16-6

y loss la st y ear. pIdaho State I.s led by Larry

— T he K erychuck a t the quarterback footbaJl slot, who has guided the DengaJs nifi vo d rill to a 2-0 m ark th is year. ron for the Idnho Is 0-2 fo r (he .season but fcronce has been strong In bolh gamest Idaho and m ay be beginning to jcll as

a tenm if not ham pered by in- >n Hoi- juries. a"don as- Montnna S late will be try- ,

<pccted Ing for its first victory over Snn ([jj. s Ben- Diego, being on the short end bec

of n two-gnme series.B tenm T h e U niversity of Monlann _ nst the will bc n item ptlng to get bnck I .*

Idaho on the wl!ffwnfi-fiid<kof.ihe ledgqr J pU vs, Saturday when it m e e ts ' fnst- Jv , d rilled In^proving' p o rd n n d State In an

i's with nftcrnoon cnm e In Missoula. L,Vc. il«e , Wol>t-'r_Stnte. n fte r nn opening Tlie im cn ts. ££ui!;Qj'u.vrc(ont_av£iL.Soutlil.D[i-. P,‘l? (d both ko(n 27-12. rc(urnH to n c t i o n woe 1 Olson ngainst Northern Arizona in firs nndnls’ nnother S a t u r d a y after- «lor snid ho nnnn gnme, this one In ‘l-'lag- T ; qunrt- slaff. non,tc con- lilnho nnd Idnho Stnle hnve wee

met sevon tim es In fl series tire e Spo- startlni; in lOlfi. I-onicr Frl- Snturdfty’s contost will he the AI Pocn- first clnsii hotwoon two new alK nnd n hoiid roiirhcs, Y C fslrNenso nl legt on (hc hliiho nnd ImI Cnvnnnugh of Idn- gol<

Milng. Iio S ta le , lien

*ass Patterns Help alk Of Yet Young Ison. (lio s omphnsizfd (oday brcniisc so >lg iro fiHii- mnny K'nnis nro (iirnlng to slm- (og ) l-t tho tilnli'd /OIK! dofonsc-., 'o r com- I’«i lOul (lie lilnntinn 7ono niul mnn-to-innn, spi i r y 'f a r - Tlio istnilg}» (riftfi-f<i-cn«fi I* al- you lA'i'Jiiisr most olisoloip. .So ynu've gut (wo het hikings, and sninothDes (hrm< men gnng- haf if (hi'in lilg up on a (hroat llko (ho 01- but pro ,) lints' llo tncr Jones or Oono thn

s (lioro, Wnshliigion of Iho Vikings. The pre diiilt It. dofi-nsi'-i throw zones on (lioir got liui nnd of (hti field. bolItl yonr, Tho lurii-ln li tlio soiiniloRt At lenst piisn to l|i-k (hu zono rovoragos, '>e< ono of Vou find tho criu 'ks IkMwccii the ‘•’oi

nuly Al- /tinos and ynu Inillonhotik Ihurn * iffi'iislvo to denth, j i 's n ciuUrol pass. orlnlniil Hut you've iiho got (0 uso It ‘‘"j

ill'ti'ii'i'ljy lii'cniijio Ji’jj prono (0 It*;' whiU’s lulorooptloii by n line bncknr w*'

.uddi'nly ‘i'lfi'ty ilrlftlng iiiioxpocl-)iit toniii odly into Ilm rono, fvliist qiinrter- '''i [ill' (urn- lun'liH don't llkn lo Ihrow over V®'

of their *1"’ nildilli’ nnyhow bocniiM of * •' nil (ho trnlfli; In (Imt part of " "

0 11 l,rt. Ito IL'I.I.nok put- Of coiirso. I n 1 1 n 111 n R (he liplK ontI niirns-lnnplrod ny.-itnm h n 't tho ■ t'srrihcd only rniiNo of thn Viking nurgo. . lit down- .too Knpi> m f|uar(crbiick luia ilckly (II loiirnoil wluil tlm NnllonnI Foot- . gut, ob- hall l.ciiguo In nil a1iou( nftcr I * )f II guy n ono.yonr giilnoa pig sonnlon. oyii, Washlngtiin han finally given 10 n mil- thom spood nt llio oiKsldo rc-II Iw fiiir- colving posKlon.11s d«m't Tho VIklngn have rom e off n promI- n Int nf adversity. .There wan

m o ho n (remontloun iinhooval n your ogo. I( ra n do (iilngn tn n (cam

/o r from when ihu cnnch lonvoii nbrupdy, lo (nlto (ho qunrtiTbock Inavofl nnd (he

1 offviiM', two qiiiiritirbncki left over don't chor (ho- romn through. In denperndon, liny linn tho VIklngn lirouglU 'Knpp down

ror ycnrn from Caniidn lo get bnp(iied Ihohard way, under flro.

1 wcnimn Yot a t tha sum e (lme, I h e l l .

ame Game - MatchFor I i Seymour Iyears (0 one com plc(ion by Keyes who3ame played offense, defense', passed, E t;valch ran and kickcd -Purdue (0 a 28- fo.;

21 • trium ph.oring Purdue coach Ja c k Mqllen- w ' a 26- kopf has Keyes ready to go

,lonal against Seym our on defense Sat- y .nbled urday. ''— ’ fo'"' ® Notre D am e' is 'listed as a

, . touchdown favorite for the game ' which will be* televised region-

nlly in the M idwest and pa rts 01the E ast, South an d Southwest. g/,.

" If I’m not- w inded.” Keyes SV.;------- said—Thursday.;—’'I - c a n -h o n d le — Im

Jim one-on-one, even though he's two inches ta lle r th an I am and has g re a t m oves.”

Irish q u a rte rb a c k T e rry Han- t»-.ra tty has o th e r thoughts. WL

. , , " f do n 't rea lly th ink an y one H•n defender in college football can H, cover J im Seym our,” H anratiy ■‘ said a f te r he led th e Irish (0 an ■reach opening g am e 45-21 drubbing of ■

* Oklahom a. ■H anra tty also is playing hts ■

oiorn' rtifaher m atch ag a in s t Purdue. Hn He w as on the th row ing end of ■

. Seym our’s th ree touchdowns in H

K eyes' reca lled th a t game ■ Thursday. " H a n ra tty had all ‘ ■

;cora. day. and it w as ju s t too much ■ for us. If he g e ts m ore lhan ■

was th ree seconds to g e t rid of the ■ :ham- ball from, th e tim e it’s snapped.™ =» w e're In tro u b le ." Vn tne j.jotre D am e’s ve te ran offen- ' hen when sjye g av e H an ra tty all the the y lo r tim e he needed ag a in s t Oklaho-

m a b u t Coach A ra Parseghian is w orried ab o u t the size of to th row o v e r . i f they com e in

J i t ? P u rdue’s d efenders . ^-------------i i T h ^ l - b o - d i ffiau lt-fo r-T ow y -5&=

w ith th e ir hands h igh,” Pars(>- M ’ ghian said.

P u rd u e ’s four front-line de- I fenders av e rag e n ea rly 6-feet-5. « ^ , The Irish h a v e a n infantry o s5 corps fo r S a tu rday th a t w as nol- _ _ _ . m issing aga in st Purdue

IS st-S ear w hen H anra tty threw - f

Z im m erm an nnd Boh Jj Gladieux gained easily against

?.Ti O ltlahoma and Coley O’Brien, a once H an ra tty ’s backup m an, is W l I uiis 2 halfback s lo t w here he can

be used on run -pass plays. •P v i S "0^ m aking the No-ivi^on D am e invasion alone. Mike Ml ® K, f Phipps, a ju n io r qifSrlcrback sidet n. Duc th rew two scoring passes in Ame

•“St y e a r’s gam e, will be along expe ateno. ^ j , | pjjj. W illiams, the med;

all Big Ten fullback who sho r ’ J 1 squeezed out two rushing touch- Gam ® downs ag a in s t th e Irish last ^ Bu ® y ear. CarrTo-,.,, Pnrsoghlan’s m ain concern Is ever

young defensive unit which drea eroacK ^Qt severe ly tested against A lengaJs Oklahom a a s th e Irish offense nlon

. , controlled (he ball for most of Kenl ;on but ,be jasj ,b ree q u a rte rs , chargnmcs secondary de- JamC ! ', „ fenders havo n ev e r been on (he Ili

snmo football field w ith Keyes -------. ‘he one who has, linebnck- _ ,

” 7 ' e r and co-captain Bob Olson, is ^ 1 e r Snn nsjed ns a questionable s ta rte r r t ena because of a n ankle injury.

onlann _ Z T I T T l l j ]t tack L a s V e g a s H u - e s

'“*1; N e g r o M e n t o r fn LAS VEGAS. Ncv. (A P) - ^CCnoning Tlie La.< Vegns Cowboys nnmcd Forr J l l Dn- Dunne 'Allen head football coacji c t i o n WoclnesHny and snI3 h'e ( n h e nn in first N egro to conch n profos- Nov,

after- slonnl footbnll lenm . Pr*l-'lng- The Cowboys joined the Conti- nnd

ncntnl Foothnll l.engiie severnl Cohi r hnve week* ngo a f te r dropping nut of dny series tire ' som lpro WcHtern I-'ooihnll In th

I.engue, c ibe the Allon, -IO, of Alhnmlirn, Cnlif,, ns ^ ) new nltended Los Angeles Stnte Cnl- of h nso nl lege nnd plnyod fnr the Los An- of Idn- geles Rninn nnd the Chicngo driif______ nenrs.___________________________ boiu


Help Vikings ^ mg NFL SeasonIIIBC so )lg push of the Vlldngs In thoir Mosto shn- (ogoiheriHiHS. E xcept for Alnii ' “ i"■ com- I’nge n l (nckle hnd Pnul Kriuise whlo-innn, spllitlng llmo nt safety this '|'*d

In nl- yonr, the defense unit 1hi« rcwlly ‘‘“ I'nut two been lnln<!i for five Hcnsiins, It ''>rI gnng- has been m nllgned In the pnst, wor (ho (II- hut now, giving up few er jHilnts O

(lOno thnn nny team in the NM., It bnli {S. The proves Iho theory lluil (lu> Ion- snnII (hoir gor n tonm plays (ogothur, tho nliii

bodor it gets. Noboily on thnt >nc< iiiniloRt s ta rting diifcnslve unll ban cvor gnl: crai'os, ' ’een to thn P ro Bowl, o r even mo cen llio ‘•’ointt rUise to m aking all-pro, tho k thorn »'«•■ H '" V ikings nro one fiw)I pnss. “ f ll'o b ru ta lly strong tenm s In (ho

uso It fonl'inll. ’I'hn «»tliors n re 1.0,1 An- I'rono lo lt»'lea, Chlcngo nnd Detroit, Thoy froibncknr whip you physlrnMy. Thnl goes disiexDCcl- <tffonso, too.-With n lino Vnininrter- boon togolher for n fow votw over yenrs, too, (hoy'vo hoalon (ho wiliiiso of I’nckors thnio (Iiiioh on Whron- Lnlnnrt of "■>’ ItTf by keeping tho bnll knr

(horo IKorally, nn the grniind, pin„ It,. '• I'n vnrlnnl Is the buttonhook, In

1 " which nlso controls tho bnll and Inn’ '1 i" « aymptom of (ho nildod fl- froivC 1,?: ficnso And mnturlty thn( hns emII f m (- '" y _____ •’’‘I'i( nfler .... .........n -—

f ! M U S Tiro was ♦-»> .

: BY OCTCbrupdy,nnd (he oN L Y 2 HOUSES LEFT^ ' r i : 714 nnd 730 2n.

. m a k e cn,,.

, . n’l e

)rires who [ p 'lasscd, E t- ■ ♦ f-i; -hV.'-0 a 28- m j •. fa* ', -i

Mqllen- >1'^ ' . to go

game >

.-y ,0hwe.st.

Keye "t ^ 0 9 ^-handle —though K /Kn I am

y Han-

ny one . all can anratty

(0 an

ing hts

iwns in

napped,WINCING, G eorge Chuvalo, left,

1 offen- heavyw eight cham pion, ta k e s a rlgl all the the M exican tltlchplder, d u rin g theh

?egWa^ 1 2 F rid ay , S e p te m b e r 2 7 , 1 9 6 8

1 ^vas n o l - ________________________________:______Purdue

m Jamaica, Culagainst

Short Racesys. ,•

MEXICO CITY (A P) - Co'n- hoade rlcrback sidering the m ighty a r r a y of has c •asses in Am erican sprin ters, m ost track ino m >e along experts a re conceding (he gold while ims, the m edals to -th e Yanks in all the of S :k who short events of the O lym pics sprinf g touch- G am es next month. listedish last But nol nil. T bere a r e two three

C arribean countries (hat havo Charl ncem Is e v e ry . intention o t spoiling tha l Smilh it which d ream —Jam aica and Cuba. nitior 1 against A mnn w ilh definite ideas j/^f

offense nlnng (hat line is Herb Mc- ^a 's ■ most of Kenley, a form er O lym pic e r wi

cham n and now tho conch of llio cent dary dc- Jam aicnns. . Peppin on (he His a r ra y of .spccdsler.q I.s ^vlio ; h Keyes Tege.._

S 3 Q a y E y in g SExhibition ;;™!

res ^> r I -[A P ) .— COI.UMRUS. Ohio (A P ) — in tlic 5 nnmcd F o rm er heavyw eight chnnipioii "N( ill coach Gassius Clny ho|>os -to fig h t- '« ns-(hi iT Isllic" l^lrnimrt—OKhlblrinn -b o u t— licTc p c rin

profes- Nov, 11. Ing t:P ronuilors William Holloway fnor-

ie Conti- nnd Hill Cuiniiilngs .Ir;, liotli nfsevernl Columbus, nnnminoeil Wodnos- ___

ig nut ot dny that the m atch will lio hold I-'oolhnll In tho Fiilrgrounds.Cullsuum ,

Clny, who prefers to bo knnwn t, Cnlif,, ns M uhnmmnd Ali, wns strlppod tntc Cnl- ot his honvywolglit iltle a f te r bo Los An- Wns convicmd on a chiir/jo of C hlca iio 1 II,. I , f r , . , . ,m xSI.

________ boiul ixMiiIIng nn nppenl before Snntho U.S. Suproino C ourt. Cliicl

Idaho Runners pill" gon Test ISU Team

UNIVEftSITY OF I D A H O , N'WI In thoir Moscow — Coiirh Doug M nch'ar- for Alnii “ eross-ro iin tiy t<-iiniII Krniise which Incluilos -four ve ti'rans ety tills '" ‘d four nowi'oiners a s (hc Van- »» rc n lly ' ' " I " M n rrlc rs Inlie Ifi l l » tl.-ld asons It for Ihelr first eiuiiiiinlor (his . „,c pns(, w orlrnt-.Poeatollo .or iKilnts On pnner this (enm looks woll NI'L , It bnlancod nnd slioiilil provide (ho Ion- sume depth In llio vnrlim s run- m IiIi

thur, tho ning posltlonK ns (ho V nndnls cnhl on thnt nie«!t Idnho Stnlu on'H lie Uitn- ci,|i.

ban ovor gnls home course . Riiturdiiy w„j,; o r even mornlnn. This m eet will precedti

{ nll-pro, thn nnnual Idnho-ldiilio S t n t o nro one fiH)tbnll gnnin lo bn played in * "

tenm s In (ho Spud Howl nl l:.10 p.m .5 Los An- I 'e to WIiKfonl, nophouKire :o lt,T lioy from S|X)kaiie, who wus tin- lop ( rhnl goes distnneo runner on ffi'it yetir'.-i Ith n lino Vniiilnl tenm. lends the Ilut of or n few voternns, Kiinnlng with W liltfonl !alon (ho will bn Vern Dealil nml l'v»‘d _ n WIsron- Lnke, ’ both Juniors from Spo- tho bnll knne. WIiKforil nnd Di'iihl lioth

grniind, pineed In (ho lop 11) finhher.s ittnnhook, In tho UIg Mky i-IuimpIonMlilps V o I bnll and Inst fall, (inry .lohnson. Junior nildod tl- from M erlilinn, Is tho o th e r v*‘t- thn t hns ernn In roiiiiil out thn list of on. _ oxporloneod riiniiors, _ _ f "


OCTOBER 1HOUSES LEFT TO BE MOVED 'n d 7 3 0 2 n d A v e . E n s t

\AKE OFFERH O N E 7 3 3 - 2 5 0 9 ___________________

:huvaIo , le tt, 3 1 -y e a r-o Id C anadian Iita k e s a righ t from Manuc) R am os, r

•, d u r in g the ir m atch Thursday n igh t s

tr 2 7 , 1 9 6 8 '

, Cuba Won’t aces To U.S. C— Con- headed by Lennox M iller, who ar •jay of has clocked 10 seconds flat for e\ it tra ck ino m eters and 9.2 for I00_ yards lil hc gold while attending lhe U niversity K all the of Southern California this

lym pics spring. The 10 flnt equals (he d: listed world rccord. although m

,re two throe A m ericans—Jirn Hines, in U havo C harlie G reene and Ronnie Rny f, ng tha l Smilh—huve 9.0's up for recog- ba. nition. The lOO-yard m nrk is 9,1.'» ru n n in g m a te s on J a m a i - [vr ) M e- c a 's 'in o -m ete r r e la y lo a m , M iff- h; D lym pic e r w ill hn v c P a b lo M cN eil, a r c - r ; h o f llio c e n t g r a d u a te of L os A ngele.s ' |,'

P e p p o rd ln e C ollege . M ike F r n y , di 'ler.q I.s ^vKo a t te n d e d M e sa J u n io r Col- j ,

T e g e ^ 'A rlz . , nnd a n n m n z in g y o u n g s te r , IR -ycnr o ld D on Q u.TrrlP , a h ig h sch o o l ju n io r

I w ho h a s d o n e 10..1, ,," I fu lly rea liz e o u r ,tim e s

a r e n ’t n s gno<l n s th e A m e ri­c a n s .” n d m its M c K en loy . w ho w on th e go ld m oda l n t 400 m e - r, to rs ' 111 th e I9.'i2 O lvm pia« l n t ,, H e ls in k i a f t e r flni.shing se co n d

.P ) — in m e I!)1S l.oiHlon ( ’.n in e s . ' in n ip io h " N o n e of th e -A m c r ic a n s . ta s t flgh l- '« n s - (h e y n ro . huvo h a d m u c h e x - ir"^ icT C p c r im rp - i i t - r e l i iy ru n n in g , P astr-

Ing th e h lllon e an b o N i d if fe r - o llo w n y o n rp o f tw o o r t h r r e y a rd .s . nnd lio ih o’f Ih i 'ro ’.- Ilireo of th e m .

Wednes- dm i'l havo tluit problem „1).! hold ••

-Standings 5a f te r be N ational Ix>agiieai7 ;o of VV. L. T el. GBfree on xSl. Louis . . . O.l M .Ii07 — •I before Snn I'viui, • .. . H'l 7.'l .fi4l !)

Cliiclnnatl . . . K2 ■ 77 ,r>Ui IIIChlongo ........ HI 7H ,r)D!) HAtlnnia .......... KO 70 ,r)l):i 15

r s IMltMiurijh . . «0 70 .Wi:i ISl.os Angoles . 71 Hfi .4Hr. 21

U T I Phlludolphla 7'l..H.'i .4115 21A II r« New York . . . 72 H7 .-ir.l 2:i

M.Ve 'aV: " ‘■''‘‘'O '' ........ ’ •ly teiini x-^Hiii'liod iionnnnt.

yh.V'v.ni' Americnn I.engue

lli.Hlmi.ni . . . Ill 31) .5115 in.. Ctovehiiid . . . Hr>. ’/V .ftlll IK

loks well New York . . . HI 7K .ridll 27provide o„iOand ........ ..H(| 711 .r.«:i 2.1

ous run- Mli1nef.oln . . . 78 HI ,-lDl 2,-iV nndnls Cnlifornla . . . (i« Oil .'lir. ;i7

till! »«!n- ........................... ..(Ifl IM ,'100 ;mRiiturdiiy Wiisliin||ton . (i'i D(l ..102 40'/^I p reeedti x-Cllnohed peniuuK,

iliw ll 'in

, „r.. VANDAL '’i the lop U n i v e r s i t y o f I d n h oIt yefir'.'i ' •'

FOOTBALLiim *sV«'- S n t u r d n y , S o p t . 2 8 t h nhl both 1 : 3 0 p . m . M D Tfinlsher.s *'

plonfililps V n n d n l s v s . I d n h o S t n t o n t P o c t o l l o

n list «)f

n m m im 1 4 5 0 K C


b r o u g h t t o y o u b y :

B il l W o r k m n n F o r d

A m e r i c n n O II

C n i n ’a F u r n l t u r o in n d A p p l ln n c e

nadlan In New York. Chuvalo stopped H lam os, round . E a rlie r B uste r M atnis dcc

n igh t six th . (A P wlrephoto)____________

T H E T I M € S 'A / £ V y S ^

m’t Concede ?H S. Olympians Iicr. who and our pn.ssing is gettfng bc((er

flat for every d ay ," e.\claim ed the still 00. yards lithe, b u t slightly greying Mc- ^ , n iversiiy Kenley. ,la this x],o Cubans could be just as unis (he dangerous. They have a built-in a lthough anciior m an in E nrique Figuero- .

Hines, ja. runncr-up to Bob Hayes al , ‘ inie Rny Tokyo in lOfil. who is am ong lhe >.r recog- m any who have run 10 flat. 'rk i s 9 , l . Cubans, P.ibloa Jam a i- Montes and E rem cs Ram irez . im, Miff- have sped lO.I, nnd Junn Mo- , eil, n rc - ra le s is a 10.2 m an. An outstand Angele.s i„p reserve Is Bnrbnro Ban- ? kc l-rny, domo, a 17-year-old who has uo r Col- done 10.3. ‘‘vn in n ^n g cubnns tw ice have rncod .q,I I.minr •’’*’■2 thc TClay and nre confi- on

dent of slicing n hnlf sccond off - U v c d ia t in the G am es w ith nil lhe nli ' x S r i com peliiion. ^n.. Whnt w lin i take lo win?Inn McKenloy believes 9.9 will do

1 . It. ‘‘but I won’t trv to so le d the ' ec om >' 'Vill l>o a m nttcr of f

s(.conil . f inaJx ,-and . I-’m•,nc f..ct ‘•(iiifident mv m an M iller will bc

righ t (horo.” ....................................0, 1, / . ^ ' for tho rolny, (he Jn m al---^

iifJ oi'iis' iuive sp i'< n riv riro iir/‘-afr,-2 ; - I wilh loailofi mun McNcil not rd.s. nnd ........................ - At

J o i n ' s xrsy/'SiSt;'™."On piiper the Am ericnns could lb' run oven faster, but they could

rVC lioti'h ll, loo, Tli»y d id It in U! ■’5 “' Romo, rom om lx 'f." • F(e ---------------- -—

Ailvcrliiicnicnl •' *

I I JIM BEAM BOUl 1 1 MAKING NEWS.•iri3 2:1.117 21 C L E U M O N T . K Y .— 17.1 1

yenrn ngo Jacob IJcnm Htnrtwl •IIO m aking Honm H ourbon horft ]

l’c(. GB in K en tucky . I l la Btlli being 1

Kl mnili) hcro todny . A nd etlll Ity jfilll lk tlio Ilcania. |r>ln 21 A long w ith Inaplrcd skilla, 1

!-f0i 2!'! B ourbon llko ].•H.'i ;i7 H enm re iiu lres a n tm unual

’ilflil ill)'/ elim nlo'' anil nnliirni inulorialy, A nd ‘‘

I’orll) central ; 4. Kontiicky.L 'riiuni'n tlio nnclcnt, undor-dnho lying limoiitono iijiringu thnt ,

a oujiply iiwcet, clear w ut*r--a | vllnl tngrodlont in tho making I

2 8 t h IDTT TIiu ricil, fcHlio; «u)rround> ‘I

Ing vnUeya and plninu provldo o S tn t o tho nooiled corn, ryo nnd bar- 1o ley, , . _______

_______^ 111'r o n Uin irrjiJl,OW m \ forcflfn of vut,.— ^p|3 |k 0 d

IPwood, f ro B k 'thtS H i I - l l l l ) |H | | |d V ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u |l


‘ ‘’y- *f= o rd

iio Q u n tlnd iio ru iic irom iu^ lg -. 1inni fonniiln. ]

t i r e Idaho'fi No. 1 Soiling .. ^•> llonrhon <

, . ' I

. Hcw<MiHodgt



rem a

OlJ g

I ^£W ' - ■■ s ta te

i f - tw ^ a firs. -.-v - notch


b ig 1

stopped R atpos In 1:31 of (he fifth v.-fnr Mathis docked Jam es Woody in lhe_______________________ • terba


^ ABLTo Play ~^ 429-G affle— Xl f Hoop Slate

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The---------- Am erican Basketball Associa-

tion league office W ednesday c h a r y-v announced a 429-game schedule

for the 1963-69 season. ^^ithThe league schedule opens jjj

----------O cr-lS -w kh-O aklaT id-playing-at■M ^ Indiana, league leaders in a t- gayj l l o lendance la s t season, and con-

tinues unlil April 3., „ ,* 'The season opener has bcen

pu.^hed back a week la ter this he .still and the schedule slre tches>E Me- a longer into 1069., , PlayoVf.s will probably contin-

ue into May.•loMArl!! The ABA’S J -a s le rn Division w ic M will be com prised of ihe Minne-

‘ ,1, - sola P ipers, Kentucky Colonels,’"S Indiana Pncors. New York M els

■ and M iami Floridlnns. /•Growing pains •following the f

In iwn sow frflHcW-w •^tctnn^' shifts of the Minnesota Muskles -'^ n„n '0 M iami, the P lpers 'm ovcd into U

i.nJ ‘l»e vaca icd spot in (hc T w in Cit- 1; no lias Je rsey 's Ameri- t

cans cross the George W ashing- 1 5 racod (on Bridge to find a new home0 confi- on Long Islnnd, w here the tenm :ond off ^y^s schcdulcd.lo be In the firstnil the place. - ■, The W eslern Division mnke-i.uni /In “ P i^ hnsicnily (he snme, with

-switch., T eam s are ...In , rv fihe New Orleans Buccnneors, <

Chapjirrals. D enver ^ ”. 111 i?A Rockets;- .llniistnn'- 'M .iverirks, ' 1,'

Onklnnd Oaks nnd I^>s Angeles .

lr/‘“ 3fr, - T he Stnrs plnyod noar Dlsnoy- icll not '" '’‘I souson ns the Annheim..........— Amigosr Ihis yonr they will plny- —ogcthor i*’ •***' * Angclcs .Sports Are- Konloy, ” enr the Coliseum whore IS could Ibe fooibnll Hnms plny. v could ■ ' 'd It in USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS .


BOURBON- EWS SINCE 1795.— n .T Boninfl who m nltb’J im H cnm . ’ jitn rtw l • E v e ry gliitw o f todny’a B cnm • 1n horn B otirbon I- ',^A^oHt from I1 boltig im turo lu^ - - do th a t wna I ill l l l ty pnanodoiiup. 'o b to D a v liI I

t4 > I)av ld “^ ' ^ ^lone lJnm oa | akilla, w T . Jc r^ f" ,'j Hukor nnd

sn llko B ooker h*«t Kll [ 173 yonm. iiunual ------------ J* | | t t I n iTl> -

!'r; ,len tra l ;

undor- ^ ^ P ^ j E S S

fiakina I nitmaursroiniMURjou


= P S i ; : ^gJ,;,- ■

J im llonm ito proof K nn- Y lU orlg- tn ck y S trn ig lilllo u rljo n W hln-

l(oy (lialillod nnd hnttlod Iiy tho gIS .. Jn m co B . Bonm DlBtllllnK Co., (

C lerm o n t, Bonm , K cn tiicky . j(,


Hodges Doinig I WeU After I Minor AttackH • ATIANTA. Ga. (A P) — Oil■ H o d g es, m a n a g e r of th e Now■ ' Y ork Mots, was’ reported doing H . fine Thursday after suffering a H m inor .henrl a ttnck. and a club

spokesm an snid be would bc hospitalized from , two to three weeks.

Hodges. -14. wns ndm idcd ' to H Crnwford Long Hospital Tues-

day night a fte r complaining of chest pains during n game be- twccn the IV^cts am d the A llanta Braves.

Dociors la lc r confirm ed that hc suffered a minor .heart at-

■ lack.H Pitching coach Rube Walker

w ill m anage the cluh for the rem ainder of the season.

■ Oregon State I Is Favored ^ Over Utali^ ■ CORVAU^IS (AP)' - O rison

.• S tate U niversity is favored to t,•' defeat U tiiir in Salur^lay's foot-

ball g a m e .'.Oregon S late will be without

a first-string quarterback and 10 m notches lower in (hc nafionaf

ra tings than it w as before being

^ fg * ^ e n ’ b s r 'W e ^ ^ d ? is''~H I now 18ih in the Associated P ressB B poll.

Bob M ayes. a—Kenlor from .h Vancouver, W ash., I s 'w p e c te d

‘ *bo (0 rep lace Steve Preece a s quar* terback . P reece will be out for th reo w eeks w ith a dislocated shoulder.

I V The basic a llack will be on the J ground, although Coach Dee An­

d ro s h ad hoped to beet up the----------piwsing a tta ck t his year .- Mayes------------__ is a 9.7 sprinter.

Ron Boley will re turn ns de­fensive tack lo for OSU. Others

. bolstering th e squad will be ” "P® linebacker, and defensive bacl:s •ssocia- Schilling, a sophomorenesd.-iy ch a r lie Olds and Rick Hnrring- rhedule ,0 ^ m issed the firs l game

w ith .in juries, opens iQ<;t jjg first gam e to Ne-

y ing -a t b > ask a rJr-0 ;;’Coach“ "Bnr~MeCk----------in a t- says the team has a good punt- .

id con- Jng gam e.

s bcen ____cr thisretches j'-.' A

contin- I . - - r > T : i . i } I


^la *sS TP :! ; IVldVIE CAMERA

I'M •WIDE RrtNOESIol . 1 0,1 20UM LENS

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^ V ! „ • ni'ivr,,'•.'^1' ' ’^ . OAIIEIIY lESUll/ ; j • AUIOMATIO flLlEft SCTIIHQY )pB • foiniNo TfliRorR nitii'


M o d o it a n d Pricot

W — T O F I T

r K cn . Y O U R B U D G E TiW hIn- n tI by tho A /» I•kco. Camera Center

JOI Sho.hon. SI, I. 713.^921

Page 13: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Idaho State 2-Game MoGatM day T

POCATELLO (A P) - Idaho The Bc S tate U niversity mntchcs its mo- E d Cava m entum aga in st lhe size and cx- pressive pcrience of thc U niversity of Stato am Idaho S a tu rday afternoon in tho the first s la te ’s annual civil w ar of foot- undefeat ba ll. Vandals.

T he team s collide a t 2 p.m'. in Idaho, a B ig Sky Conference lu.ssle and McNease a sellou t crowd of more than win aftoi 7.000 fans is cxpected.______ thc road

Idaho Boasts. 52 Man Frosl

UNIVERSITY O F I D A H O , ho fresh Moscow — A S2*man freshm an season, squad . Including m any -o f the Coach top high school ath letes In Ida- tha t this ho, W ashington and other parts ju st the of the Inland E m pire with out- ing pro; s tand ing ath le tes from olher the sami s t a t e s , will com prise the Ida- ho as fr

• The s<

.MsNaUy Wins S i- 2 2 n a f O r M s r S 5Down Indians I-10-yard

the worBALTIMORE (A P )—Davo Me- x h ere i

N ally won his 22nd gam e of the eight pli season T hursday n i ^ t , pitching under s

■ th e B altim ore Orioles to a 7-1 tdecision ov er thc Cleveland In- ^ dians. . - i?aiie c

M cN ally helped his own cause w ith two hits, .driving in one run a n d ' ScoriiTg ' twiCTT 'B rw K j Rob- inson h ad th ree h its and three ^ runs ba tted in for thc Orioles.

M cNally, 22-10, h as won 14 of .The^e IG decisions since the All-Star standinj gam e. He allowed Just six hits, includir

T he loss-shoved the Indians Lewisto Into fourth p lace in the Ameri- S p o k i cnn League, one-half gam e be- Clifford hind idle Boston. Cleveland has 6 7 em ju s t one gam e left to p lay w hile k icker;

—the-R ed-SoiH iave-three to-fio;^— C leveland . . IOO 000 000—I 5 0 a tackli B altim ore . 110 401 OOx—7 11 0 D aryl 1

W illiam s, G ardner (4). Fish- Steve S e r (4) B ailey (5) and Azcue; Me- F ran k nally and H endricks. W — Me- from B N ally. 22-10. L — Williams 13-11. defensi’

------------------------ Andy 1

Maior Leaeue 6'r u«•” O nyside.

Leaders Llf'By T he A ssociated P re ss

A m erican League B atting* (425 a t bats)—Y as- ” "

trzem ski, Bost.. .302; O l i v a , > Minn., .289; C ater. Oak., .2R9.

’ R uns-M cA uliffe , Det.. 95; 3 tied a t 88. .. ii'l® .

R uns ba tted In—K. H arrelson, V B ost., 109; F . Howard. Wash..105. -

Hits—C am paneris, Oak., >73; ~ , A parlcio, Chic., 164; T o v a r . In V kM inn,. 164. ___________

D oub les^B . • Robinson, B alt.,3G; R. Sm ith, B ost., 3.S. I O

T rip les—Fregosi. Calif,, 13; M cC raw , Chic., 12. t

Home run-S-^F. H o w a r d . i T l -Wa9h.,--43;. W...Horton. D e t , 30: - '

.‘stolen ' bnses — Cam puneris, ' PliO: — O nkT r57rC ardena lrC levc .. 40.- Folley

P ilch inp (15—decisions)—Me- signed • l a in , D e t,. '‘ 3l-r. .838: C u l p , m e r—

Host,. lG-5, .7G2. Cas.9iu-Str[l<couts-^McI,nTn; D el., 275; Alison

- M cDowell, . O evc ., 272,-..... ...........tion 0<--------- Clay

National League contratBattinR (425 a t bals)—Hose, ing to

Cln.. .332: M, Alou, P itt., .332. - poralic Runs—n e c k e r l, Chic.. Of); match,

Pcrcj;, Cin.. 93. town oRuns batted In — McCovpv, Benr

.S, F „ 102; B. Williams. Chic,. 98. ley ^ nilH—F. Alou, All., 20.’); Ro.se, m anag

Cln.. 203. ' , tha t aDoiihlrs — Brock, St.L.. 4(1; will «t;

Honch, Cin,. 39. It wlT riplPs—Brnrk, St.I.,, 13; Cle- tho tw

n iriitc . P lit,, l l , • In thellnm o runs—McCovfy. S ,r .. bout w

:\y. Hanks. Chic,. 32. NcwStolen bajics—Brock, St.I.., fil; Gardei

Wills, P itt,, nt. ClayPitching (l.'l d rris lons)—nidfis. him In

n i l . . lR-5. .783; Mnrlchal, S,F.. vicled 2(51). .743, Army.

.Strlkonuls—(Jlhsnn, .St.L,, 2. ii; fivo y* .Icnklns, Chic., 2.'ir).______________ prhlcd

Mathis Stops W Decks Ramos Ii

NF.W YORK (A P) — Ge-orgo from I Clhuvnin, tho 31-yeiir oW Ciinn- A rl <llan heavyw eight cham p froin In tho 'l'or<jnto, ntiippcii Miinuel Ra- n io so iiKiH. Iho Mi'xlcim llllitholder. In gnl'up 1:31 nf thu fifth round ‘I'hurtxluy Claytc nic.ht n t Mtulifwii .S<iunro Gnr- nutom (l<'»- Seni

Chuvaln. u vclcrnn of 67 qiiickl flj'h ls, hopped nround tho ring mcxIc nnd Inirst Inlo Icnrs of |oy ofler from Ncoring hl.1 ujwct viclory over ni-alni thu favored M exican. Chuvaln i,..nvv w eighed 208H. Hum oi 200 hands IxtundH. Ihnt h

F.Urllor III the night In # co* fen tn red heavyw eight m atch. * .l l IhiNtor Mftthin, Ihn slimmed iiow a b lim p from Grnnd Ruplds. " ‘'® M ich., Htopped Jan ie s J . Woody o f Now York Jn 3:69 of tho sixth

. ro u n d . Both m ulchen wero to *Imvo Ixion 10-rounderH, .u .

C huvaln hml f<nijtht Umm nil. ‘ golntt 13 niunds wllh Cassius C lay In n Toronto tltln m atch a fc!w yonrs back. He was stopped J by Joo I'ra z lc r, tho curren t ln^nvywolglu chum p In Now f Y ork nnd four n lher RintcB. In The 1I)(I7 )>efore F rnzlor won the drow crow n. K»lo (

T in chunky C anadian look tho Wo< fiKhl (0 Ills 24-ycar-old opponent than .

iate Rides II Momentum

Test With0 The Bengals, under new Coach and Wasb J- E d Cavanaugh, have posted inv- Idaho <• pressive v ic to ries over Portland p asse r La )f Stato a n d F resno S tate, and for receivers 10 the first tlrhe w ill be taking an H arris, hi t- undefeated reco rd against t b e the Vane

Vandals. 1916.n Idaho, led by ncw Coach Y C u o h o id McNease. is looking for it: f irs t {n win a fte r tak ing tough losses on _ thc road ag a in s t M ontana S tate the

cision. Cl

ists Big.............;-r>TL_______ ___________ ___ m a y - b e -

rosn Clubschool re

X ho fre sh m aa team for the 1968 T he B m season. long bon

Coach Y . C. McNease said sev era l t( a* tha t this g roup of freshm en Is fm s iy e s ^ ju st the beginning of a recruit* ed n in e 'l

ing program w hich will/ujiy-ing lo r to u c l -r the sam e type o f p lay e rs to Ida- D espitj ^ ho a s freshm en each faU. ‘ V andals

The squad is m uch t a l l e r . )heavier a n d includes m any top-

2 flight a th le te s who have been 5 t r ic k s ta rs a s w ell a s football ^ .players. T h e re is m uch .speed S iri th is g ro u p of freshm en. T erry ’ M oreland of E I Paso . T exas, ._ h as been tim ed in 4.5 for the .. . 5 40-yard dash , th e 's a m e tim e as

the w orld-fam ous Bob H a y e s.Ic- T here is good size with only »

eight p lay e rs o n the ro sie r being ng under six-feet in height. ** K e r ^

T he b iggest p 1 a y e r on tbe tvpo of squad is D arw in Sm ith of Idaho s j ^ 1 F alls. Sm ith w eighed In a t 333 y a rd s . A pounds an d is 6’8” tall. Coach th rew f

^ M e Ne«.'!n.,..iaill_lh llt_ S niilh w ill irh n n l n p be trim m ed down to 275 pounds Both <

for his p lay ing weight. fense mof There, a r c m any o ther ouL- On del a r standing a th le te s in thc -srotip w ilh a f

including: Jo h n H athaw ay of two line ns Lewiston and P e te G lindman of a te s wit' ri- S p o k a n e , qu arte rb ack s; Van lineback je- Clifford B urn e tt of Caldwell.,as 6*7” end who is a talented place- O _ ile k icker; P a u l F rom m of IHM 0 3 1 1__ g<»hnr>] tn ffX ?iir ri*ATpiw>. ________5 0 a tack le; S lan Sm ith, 6’5” end,L 0 D ary l H an au er, 6’3” c e n t e r ; -L U I sh- Steve Shaw , 6’5” defensive end; _ * Ic- F ran k W hitUer, 6'4’> tack le; all tc- from B oise; T om Ja rm an , 6’3"11. defensive end from Moses Lake; c . j j ,

Andy K upp, 6’4" guard from ^ Sunnyside. W ash .; Ron Linehan, e 6'2» linebacker, also from Sun- " “ “A '?

nyside. W ash ., and Don M ahl, S n a l G- 195-pound halfback from Ha-

. u u u V and Is 1 T he frosh , w ho have been u tie In w orking o u t w ith th e"v n rsity , Corye

. . wiil be d irec ted by Steve U lrich, tecs ra , - D ick L iU inger and P a t David- Associa

' .son. fo rn rer Vandals nnd now son, ge ' n g radua le a s s is ta n t coaches, votes f

Tho V andalbabes will o p e n broader thcir season In Lewiston on Oct. T he -

’ 11, w hen they m eet Idaho S tate have 2£ ' ■■ frosh jn th e annual Shrine gam e, over se 73; —i , _------------- ' tucky 's

F ^ e v Signs__ vS,y‘ To Meet ClayV I * tanu S;„■<. I n Ai-izona

rl9, ' P rtO E N IX . Ariz, (A P) — 2 o m ptonshl] Folley of Chandler. Ariz. hns to U ta

^c- s J ^ e ^ a contTact"T irfrf’JTt~far?’ Ihc-onl; I p . m er'" hcavyw ^K ht ' ' ('hnnipion 28‘ RHn-

Cas.ilu<i C lav. now M uliiinirpad Coryc 75; Ali»;on ifie 'P im a IndJan Reserva- y e a r tr— tion Oct^-36,----------- i---------:----------£auso..;

Clay is expcctcd to sign the frcshm con lrncl la te r llil.s week,-n\;q)rd- l>ack. <

>se, Ing to a spoke.smnn for the cor- m ore c I. ■ pornlton prom otlnR-the-lO-round Junior-. 98; m atch, w hich I.h to hc a t the The

town of .Sacaton. ing for'pv, B enny Hinds of Tcmpc, a Vul- foolbnl 98. ley N ational Bank aHKi.stant quit ll

we, m anager, naid W odnriday night A thlotl . tha t a corY>orallon. ho >organlzed Indopci

4(1; will fttago th e boul. a lly cliIt wlll be a re tu rn m eeting for

” le- tho two. Folley, .10, w iih Klnppcd Court.In tho ftcvcnlh round of ii tlllc Snca

,F.. boul w ith C lay In M arch 1967 nt soiithei Ncw Y ork ’s M adison Square T he ,

fil; G arden. sion luClay’s lillc wu.s ntrlppcd from m onth

nfis. him la s t y e o r nfter ho w as con- I'Vazini ,F .. v icled nf refusing to ficrvo III lhe fight.

Army. Hn nlso waa Hentoncod lo jurisdli Wu; fivo yen rs In pri-wn but has np- motion

p rhlcd lo th c U.S. Suprem e lionH.

[)s Woody And Ch os In Fight Twin»rg(! from Iho opening bell. out bymil- A righ t hnnd to ihe head early Frazlc: roll) In Iho lifth round dropped Ra- twn ol Rll- nioa on tho sea t of hia pants. Ho until ll

In got up a t th rco bul referee Zach judp nlny C layton gavo him the required for Wi jo r- nutom nllc e igh t count. lellano

.Sensing n chance lo end It iho ei •>' quickly. Chuvnlo storm ed n l Iho Tony :

M exican nnd threw puncheH 3-2. from n il angles. Ramos, pinned n c IiI

in tn v" '*’' “ ly heavy punishm ent, threw up hiri rnunda 200 hands appealing to Iho rcforce ,,n[j y

thal he h ad enough. donly.I t w as n bloody balllo whilo ll landc’il

' . lasted. Chuvalo had ■ cut on Iho oxchui Bide of h li nnm nn rn rly bh tho m ouse

^ ■ fiiicond round. Homos hod lo un- MntirepniM « cu t n ea r h ii hjf, hr

loft eye a f te r Iho th ird . „ v e r IT hrco of Iho four heavies In throw

nil tho tw o featu red IxiuIh havo Woody islus l'<^cn knoclcoiit v ictim s of i 'r a - {^ofc (.{, n Chuvalo jvas stunned In r>pcd I'"*'' rounds In 1007. Mnlhls In I t oyva a rent rnunda ll>l9 y e a r an d Ram os In (hn lot

Now I'V" In J " " " . Malit. In The aH-heavywolght show 233 poi

the drew a crow d nf 0.128 and ■ in his K»io of B ^ u t too,000. Woo

1 Iho Woody, sh o rte r ond tigh ter Ised i inent than M ath is, w ho w a t knocked Noven

3 Its .[m Into ^ ith IdahoI and W ashington S ta le ; 1 T \ J

' Idaho S tate, w ith talented 1 p asse r L arry Kerychuk and fleet / - h ‘ rece ivers Ed Bell and Carlis I i n 1 H arris, hopes to w hip a jinx tha t V j T x I L l : the V andals firs t unloosed in _1S1S . N E W , •»' Idaho won th a t contcst nnd than anytl e ach of CRe six gam es since. of the 1968

' .L ast y e a r J j l a mud bath- .a t to depend ' Boise th e V andals took a 16-6 dc- between e

cision. crunching for 350 yard s son of St. on the ground an d holding the Lain of D B engals lo a m ere 43., -jhe two

T h e p a tte rn fo r-S a tu rday 's tilt ^ e c i ii m a y -b e . ju s t.th c -o p p o s itc .. w ith to u is - n e : both clubs boasting, pass-happy win Jjroba offenses th a t have a lready re- fourth fiat su ited in severa l conlerCDce and 5school records. (her«« a

i T he B engals h av e used th e , , , j.y ^ long bom b from K erychuk fo r j,®

1 sev era l touchdowns and th e ir de- Jhirrf t ^ e s fensive secondary h a s intercept- . -‘° r . ed n in en lm es and re tu rned two . S tatistic B fo r touchdowns. J^ y s ^. D espite th e i r t^vo losses, th e J*® *

V andals h av e sh a tte red alm ost . a dozen school records thanks to P“ cd a n 0 ’ th c passing aa lic s o f sophom ore average „ quarte rb ack s Steve Olson a n d a r» M itch Lansdell and the catch ing JH of J e r ry CThe. B lade) H cndren 2.68 ERA J and J im W ickboldt. - - and 19 shf Although Olson h as q uarte r- T he ( ’ backed th c V andals m ost of thc though, s ® tim e th is year, tossing fo r 29 nounced f com pletions in 66 a ttem pts an d am ong tl

394 y a rd s , M cNease h as nam ed H oerner, y L ansdell to s ta r t in thc ISU R on Willi ® gam e. s t r in g ta

K erychuk, a do - everything E xcept '6 type of ath lete , leads th e Big and jo h n0 Sky in to ta l offense w ith 526 bullpen ' >3 y a rd s . A gainst P o rtlan d S tate h e Dobsonn th rew fo r 342 yards , a new 5.1 a rel i school one-gam e Tftrnrd------------ j p ^ a n!IS Both clubs use -a pro-type of- terson . 2- ‘ fense m uch of the tim e. m - m t I, itr On d efense. Idaho goes m ainly J , ip w ilh a five-m an front Im e n n d of two linebackers and ISU oper- Df a te s w ith a front four and th rce ’

l l« = b a c to ^ _____________

ySanD ieso1 Tops Small (1; _ . f_ _ _ _ Second

l!i College PoU^ SAN DIEGO (A I? )-E a c h y e a r Third

Don Coryell goes out and re- Detroit, c ru its half a football leam . He’s W ashbur meshed these new faces into Tliere national sm all collegc football w ard G cham pions the p ast two y e a rs w ilh Me and Is In hot p u rsu it o f a th ird ball Is n

=n title in 1968. T iso rs 'y> C oryell's San Diego S tate Az- m ore oft ■h. tecs ran k No. 1 in thc flr.sl uocau'

Associated P re ss poll of the sea- ofw son, getting 12 of 10 first-place

votes from sports w rite rs and jram cs n broadcaste rs . . prnl of

cf* T he Aztecs, 2-0 thl.s season, n^oro I ‘I® hnvo 25G points, a healthy lead ic. over second-place E aste rn Ken- — —

tucky’s 144.San Diego has defeated Uni- "I

_ vcrs liy _ o f_ T o x as_ a t A r lin g to n ,______ J23-18, and N orthern Illinois. 40-.21, and this week the Aztcc.s trave l to Eozemnn to m eet Mon- siirine i U n a S tate , . FD<.if, M!

Coryell had 21 rr tu rn ln g let- Icrincn .from . Inst y ea r’H cham - cm

irn ptonship squad th a t lost only dri.t»ie<i < ms to U tah- Stoic, 31*2.5. T h n l- is trr?’ lhc-only-loflfl-in-lhfr-Azlcc*iHns( niii!t.-hici:niV 28‘ RHmPS. ....... ....................... ....... "1' '^ 'nd Coryell m ust work ha rd cnch ^ , 5. /a- y e a r to rccru ll new pinyers be- luntV sr! — £auso-.San. Diego. S lalc-dropped he freshm an footboll n fow ynnrs rd- l>uck. Coryell p refers to nhtnln nuich« or- m ore experienced nlhlelc.s frommd Junior- colloRCK....................-lhe T he A rtccs might bc contcnd-

ing for thc ir last sm all collcjte 'iJ''ul- football Uth:. Son Dlei'o S tate iry,’ sii; n m l quit Iho California Collcglalc Rht A lhlotlc Association li> opcm te ,r"i«.‘i).i' ted Indopcndcntly nnd sock unlver- i'*

s lly clu.s.slllcalion.for ------------------------------------------------- Mayfutr

Court. . nllic S acaton Is about 35 miles }.t: Amii

nl southenst of Phnifnix,»ro Tho Arizona A thlcllc Commis-

sion turned down n proposal tiiht nm m onth ,lo sanction a Clay-Joc hilil*’!nd(lon- I'Vazior worhl cham pionship ............liio fliiht, Tho rommls.slon hns nn

lo Jurlsdlcllon, liDwcvrr, over p n n i,iih h«r» ap- mollonn on Iho Indian rchcrva- ni*k»

_____________________________ on . II.

i Chuvalo . H i win Bill m

ir i; llllllout by hcayyw clght cham p Joe '

irly F raz ie r in M arch, wns nhcud on ‘“ itoii,! fin* two of Iho thrco official cords Ho until the nuddcn ending.

»ch Judge Arllo A ldala hud it 4-1 '“••'iiMn for Wixxly and judjw T onyC ns- fj;, lellano hnd It 3-1*1 for Woo<ly nl nt iiugm

: It Iho end of tho .fifth, lUiftiriio Iho Tony P erez hnd M athis on Inp ..,„r ' di'' hRH 3-2. •'•-'■I' »

N ollher figh ter h ad dono *'iumV'l.' ‘ "K m uch domiigo in llie ea rly

rounds und the fans wore t»oohiK 2i,i; ,,''.1 and whlslllng for action, Sud- «lenly. In Iho nlxlh round, MnlhiH „||,7

0 ll landed u solid rlglit hnnd in nn ♦mV- u tho oxchunge nnd thero won ntho m ouse under Woojiy's righ t eye. imi'nini, ■

M nthls shook up Woody wllh n ijj',‘*i,Jli I'*” left hook nnd then sw arm ed nil itti iii>i>

ov e r him wllh Imlh hands, lie1 In th row n righ t hand ' ju st ns (-.MR.mit avo Woody wenl down, ' ‘u J i" ''

Rofereo P orcr liwk llio count " I'J lo nine., looked into Woody’s ,i

f t oyes and slopped tlto fight w ilh nMi>han » In Iho Jow r on Iih foet.

M athis cnmu into Ihe ring at iiim)i in iow 233 pounds, ilo wolghed over 300 i piwird 1 ■ in hlfl a m a teu r days. !ir".%tMi

Woody, 303>X. Iiod l>een prom- Mih t»n. liter Ised a title snot a t F razlo r In ivi, ked N ovem ber if h« got p a s t M athis. iu.« * 'y

T H £ T I A 4 £ S ' ^ U £ V \ / S \

Iworld Series "cd

Ei Gibson^McLairi n . ,

N E W , Y O R K '( A P ) — M o re w on-lost rec nd th a n a n y th in g e ls e , ' tb e o u tc o m e ' • M cL ain -h

of th e 1968 W o rld S e r ie s is lik e ly p ie te g a m e s a t to d e p e n d o n th e c o n fr o n ta t io n s o u ts . 276 to lc - b e tw e e n ac© p i tc h e r s B o b G ib- sh u to u ts i: d s so n o f S t . Louis, a n d D e n n y M e- ru n av e rag e h e U i n o l D e t ro it . d ition , th c I

T h e tw o a r e v i r t u a l ly c e r ta in y ie ld ed on l :'!• lo m e e t in th e f i r s t g a m e in S t M cL ain h a s

L o u is— n e x t - W e d n e s d a y .— T h e y -L o H c h h a p y w in J jro b a b ly c la s h a g a in in th e m a rk w it

fo u rlh f iam e . s c h e d u le d f o r D e- g a m e s in 30 t r o i t o n S u n d a y , O c t . 6 . A n d , if

, th e re is a s e v e n th g a m e , th e re " r is J itd e d o u b t t h a t I h e y w o u ld ^, p itc h n g a in s t e a c h o th e r f o r th e S

th ir d tim e . ^S ta t i s t ic a l ly , t h r o u g h M on- ^

d a y ’s g jim c s , th c C a rd s* s ta f f 8 ,h a s th e e d g e o v e r t h c T ig e r s ' . ^ I

o s t S t. L o u is , p i tc h e r s h a v e com * S •{o p ile d a n o v e r-a l l 3 .44 e a r n e d ru n S

3JC a v e r a g e w ith 61 c o m p le te S g a m e s a n d 29 s h u to u t s . D e t ro i t ^

in jj h u r le r s h a v e c o m b in e d • f o r a S 2 .68 E R A , 59 c o m p le t e ^ m c s S a n d 19 sh u to u ts . w

e r- T h e C a r d s ' a d v a n t a g e , S ^ th c th o u g h , s e e m s to b c n o r e p ro - ^

29 n o u n c e d In th e b u l lp e n th a n ^ @ 5 m d a m o n g th e s t a r t e r s . L e f ty J o e S i e d H o e rn e r , 8-2, a n d r ig h t- h a n d e r S m S U R o n W illis , 2-3. g iv e S t . L o u is a « |

s t r d n g ta n d c m l 9 IIin g E x c e p t fo r D o n M c M a h o n .U l . 8 # S ir a n d J o h n W y a tt, 2-4 , th e T ig e rs ’ S f | |

b u llp e n la c k s c x p e r ic n c e . P a t S D o b so n . 5-6, a n d F r e d L a s h e r . ^

>ew 5. 1 a r c in t h e i r s e c o n d y e a r . S—— J t tn W ar d e n r 4 - l ; a n d D ary l P a t* B -------------o ‘* te r s o n . 2-3. a r e ro o J d c s . 5

. M c M ah o n . J o h n H il le r , 9 ^ . ^ a n d J o e S p a r m a , • 10-10, w ill S p r o b a b ly do m o s t o f th e r e lie v - ^

T^ p. ‘nB- S p a r m a . w h o s t a r t e d in 30 S o f th e 33 g a m e s in w h ic h h e ’s S a p p e a re d , is l ik e ly t o b e th e S lo n g r e l ie v e r . W

T h e s ta r t in g p i t c h c r m a tc h u p s S____f ig u re to g o th is w a y : f i_________

F i r s t G am e — M c L a in , 31-6, S a g a in s t G ib so n , 21-9. . . , ^

S e c o n d G a m e — M ic k c y L o lic h . S D e t ro i t , lC-9, a g a i n s t N elso n S B r l le s , S t. L o u is , 18-11. ' 6

r e a r T h ir d G a m e — E a r l W ilson , fl* re - D e t ro i t , 13-12, a g a in s t R a y S

■Ic’s W a sh b u rn . S t . L o u ts , 13* 7 ;- S in to T lie re Is a te n d e n c y to le a n to - 8 b a ll w a r d G ib so n in h is m oetinR S W e a r s w ith M c L a in b c c a u s e h is f a s t- g h ird b a l l is m o re o v e rp o w e r in g . T h e S

T ig e r s ’ s t a r c h a n g e s s p e e d s ^Az- m o r e o f le n . ^

first, B e ca u se M c L a in H as w o rk e d if i m o r e o f ten th n n G ib so n — 431^1 ^ a m c s nnd 329 In n in g s to 3 4 'g n n m c s n n d 2D5 2-3 inninns-T -scv- 8 9 m l of D e n n y 's f ig u r e s a rc ^

\c a d im p r e s s lv o f ro m th e ir ^

Xen- ---------- ^

Bowlin" 14 0 ----------- ------------------ o -------------aLJi

MAGIC now t- 5 I W l

Slirlna Cliih*".Ufeu'r"f'^I<1iihn ^FD<«If, M! Rn4llie Con«liucllon <lp(*ilfil g

>®‘- S • FAla m - fcnirrt Cinli SJ. Moicl;- <.0; Tlmni Nrw« g - ■ n n lv dpltiiie'l Ocm sl»i« Paw-r. J-1; Unnry ^: i ' Src.l Ilr,l <i„.rway T iilk r. 3-5: <i.ni «V ^il uclcaicd.lioyal Louni[e..4'». K-Inst 1IM«. r .m m g R F I------33C; nntitnillvliliifil •irrii'i. Jnliti Wllllnm*, J f l \ l a l

r 'n rh Hanry ^„jj. hlah-tiandicBp-Wnm ijarm.'. W.. i b e - lUncv .Srrtl. I.WI; hiiili hrtnillcnTf^t'"ni iS

-----------iJidlct' Tea l.aaBiia S

I tn ln niilch'a rutnlluia ilcrrnlecl Allii-tKnn't, W fro m Slyll*'* il'I'alcd <li|ilinin, * 0; Ktiyai W

l.im.iKr rirtealr.l Drivroay Mtiikd, 4 0; S- .... Orm si»t»-rajief" iiff*it»a'noil'W llli S ......—lend- •Iniiklnii. M. gllri»< indlvKlual (am*, Vlnnla Sian.ll«y, 9

1«; l.l»h tnUlvUlu.1 Vinnlr SS ta te Iry, }ll: ||||) | «n«irh'lr(iin inmr, n;itrh'i Ju la lc l iireijiDic, IJI; hl»h handicap iram uum", J l v£ 1 ” “ K I K E ' S , 2 , )Ivor- Kl*™ I>u1«h'a I'liiimurf. W

l-loBMr l.racu* 8------- Mayfair detuaird Wiii.-nat’l, J t; »ih 2

ATtnua Maikrl ll«l Youni'a llnliy, SKnK.lay run drfralut MiKlo nii« ,S»iHr-, J

m iles J.t; Antliiicin lilika Iti.iuanrn OrJralr.1 S MMi>ynn Ni'ally. 4 0: M cVn'i drrtattil 9

, Di'ixl (lllll rJ<i. 1, J li (iillill clclttlnl 9 im IS- |,anjttl«i Slprlrii, M i ll«rtl«» itprnlnl JJ

n sh ip ............ I . ........ . ,Mnr, .17; 8

pn>- llllll h>n.llrn|> irnrn •r ilr i. Anilrixwf 2 c rv a - lll*l‘» Imuranri-, l,:iij. J i

Mai......... 9 IOlla Il.ll CoiiitiucliiKi ilrrrnkit Klnvrr ^ I

Kliih. 4 0; ru n I4anuf*rliitlni ilMr.lf.l J IWarhori Miivintf. ] . |; Maiy t'nili'r I'alnl % I.Irlrnlr.T KtrriirV. Ma.liirict Mum. ]-lt W . fIrAtil Nn 1, Maiy llati, ('n|ilalil ilirrtliii W f lMniilfl llciwl l.iinrh, }-l. f i | B

Ihlih Indlvlihial (am*. I'rnrl TimnHBi]. f i V

i::; ta ™."a S f(•ni-ilru.1l«a, «3; Mill luimllrap Iram g ■K,inir, Ifum No. Maiy IIbIi . raplain, 9 ■ir i; llllll M'inUli laain irr lfi . Olli tlill 9 W

> JdC ( t>ii»iiiciliin, l.] lt| h1|ll hanillraji (cam 9 &wl M'l” ' ‘"I* conilfutllon, I.Sll. J WXI on Iiowlir ul «r*k, Mary Nayri, 413. M mc o rd s _ _ w ■

nnwi.*i>p»nMr S ' 1IiNtuUiUI L«a(iM f i , I

it 4-1 <*ulll|in dofialril TfkplicMK, ) l! Otym- f i Ipla drrralrd M.ill.y-.. i \; M .ri. l.Kf dl- f i {trnlrd Cali;’., >1; (lallnllii Vall.y drtral- O ^

d y a t rd IlMjrt* Shrrl Mrlal. 4#. g ' fiiriKi KIkI) lr*'" hindlrup .a ilr i, Oallalln,?

Valliy, M il: liKli iram liaiidlran tr i iK h lS1 lo p .ariir ......... la llrrr, 0711; llllll lii'llrldual 1$

X'lal.li »-iiir, llnll JiHiri. 5«li hl.h Indl-'J Vidiiiil Kinlill • • lit ., Jim Mn'iir, Snl. 0

don o lumlMi «r 1ti» we»ki H«|it. J, Jrrry «« n r lu MIIlT, SKI; Mt|d. It. (loidon (.niurr, lUj W' “ f 'J ' ariil. H, AMI lla.d. «(lli K«pt. I t, Jim f ioolng mi!„i,, <19. S .

Sud- RMkH tjtmtmm g 7I- M.. I” »')l n w Kailau- f i /in lhm 4Di l^iiddla’a Har irelaalid T 7 f. S (Tin nn 4I>; ilrCralMt falla lliand, 4-*i 9 VS

’ l‘rr,l agd dalialfd ImUpandrni i^ial, g ■>- ** }'); K !■ T {ilaal dc rra iij Dig Bny Rii- J

1 eye. laiiinni, 40. jl.......... Illih Individual Rainn, Wlllaid Wulklna, «n i l l II JJJ, |||„ |, in.iiTidual la llr i, Krn Coiry. ^!d n il HJ| llllll •aa lili l»«n> nainr, I<rftl nut h . I I . Ifl, at]) hl|li handlrap t»"«n »am*, Co«»- k

t ’nia. ti l l lilin lumilkap l*am McKi, f i It n s Oira.rnla, t.TiAj hljili icialrh l**m M- 5

r in . |'ir.l and Ui. ’ Slliiwlir nt Oil wrihi K«n troiiy, f i

W llh natnhaii 4 l» irlrk . M : I’ail * r a il di>- « riairif'nnnim ran-1< rai>i. M i iiati a »

.> v itkati Ilrlialril nialrty k. Miller, 4 1, f i »R At iilMll IridlvMual- l im i , llnnl f;itl, ITf. f i i r 300 li-cinird IlMi, )l3i hl(h Indlvlilual mtIi i , f i

llini I'.arl. 411, }|ni VIckiii, lt« | hl|h f i iriau ti Him |am r, Rnii * VIckiii, lilg Z A t* \r

irn m - Mih inndlcip m m t im i. U * » Hiich. S A D I . f ir In ***i •<:>■■<>> ••■m Milaa, Hm * * SI h i " ............. & s c a

ries Title Hinj cLain Pitchinjre won-losl records on dow n. 190 s tr ']*' ■ McLain-.has a lso m ore com - gam® ^ ■ly plete gam es, 28 to 2G. and su ik e - ERA . 1 fjs outs. 276 to 257. G ibson teads in s ta r ts^ I 'O' shutouts. 12 to 6; a n d earn ed strikco i >c* run average. 1.16 to 1.97. In ad- Briles

dition, the husky C a rd s ' a c e h as gone th in yielded only 11 hom ers w hile s ta r ts , St McLain has given up 31. 136. 'Wa^ "Lolich h a d a -3 ;i3 e a rn e d - ru n n m — n

m ark with eigh t com plete gam es >c- gam es in 30 s ta r ts . 62 w alk s and ^15 s tn

jw 5

I G A I• t c 5 - — ^oit «


loe ^

h a r v ^

l ; | o f v a l u e s l U ^» r . ^

will s

S •M Sle’s a the a

n p = S ----------

i r a r S p -----------------^ ^ --------------------

i i S A L L u s e :

" ' ’ 5 A N D P I C K U P5on. 5*R a y 5

b | * l f OT h e 5-eds ^ MANY rrked fi AND PI■ ■I 3 4 '2sev- S ?wvywwwwwwwwvwwwvw«»arc S

heir ^

~ ^ FUN . . . '

I I f a v o r s . . ., < s S . . . ...b S r efr e sh m e n ts

......... ........ .. .......


, n ; a I t fr r t i S J TAIrKril

yii^ A m s m

- E ' s• plain, 2 I ■ ,I tun 9 W l / r V 'a —

lcam 9 V k r^7

ntym- i ■ n p ^Hr dl- S t l kdrtral- f i


fiJury jS

• I4| f i

l|G ATA D D IS O N A V E . W . A T B l


. . td o y , S v p te m b e r 2 7 , 1 9 6 6 { ^ C C O l

^ SetC

_____________ . ... . "T h e renot see s

linges On °££ hing Duel f"

190 strikeouts. Wilson, a 22- ■ The [p. g am e w inner in 1967. h as a 2.87 ■ tc. ERA . 10 complete gam es i n '3 1 2 in s ta r ts ^ e i bases on balls an d 157 ■

strikeouts. ■ Gid- B riles ' ERA is 2.76. H e h as ■ las gone the distance 13 tim es in 32 J P t lie s ta r ts , w alked 54 and fanned ■

136. W ashburn has a 2.28 earn ed ■ ^ , -un n in — m ark , - s e v e n - com plete — 1 cle gam es in 28 sta rts, 43 w alks a n d g , . ' md 115 strikeouts. . ' a m *


, U S E D M O B I L E H O M E ^


1,000 OFF LlM A N Y N E W 1 9 6 8 M O B I L E H O M I

A N D P I C K U P C A M P E R S R E D U (

V .A T B L A K ^ST .

Record Holders Sc"l Set CompetitionE ,T v S ” .^.‘^ i s t ! r ? ; „ r ^ r c 7 S 3 V u Sently hold w orld records, a re PLAYl expec ted to com pcle S aturday PORTLA in w hat has been billed a s an w est Confc O lym pic Preview . Shinn of \

• T h e re 's no reason We should and John-, not see a num ber of w orld rcc- a s fo o t^ ll o rd s fa ll in th is com petition .If The lire th e w ea ther Is aultable,” A rt Bill Dunho B urgess, a d ireclor o f the spon* ho.

5 Tho N ow T alophone Nui

! 5 The first Segregation Rural i s 8 2 5 - 5 9 3 <

■ G lv © c l e a r a n d a c c u r a t e d lre ^

a ■ PLEASE WRITE THIS NUMBER IN YC d S OR POST NEAR YOUR TELEd ■ ,5 a ^ F i r s l S e g r e g a t i o n [

a m w i O T i M w w i w w C T i w i w w i i w i


IRDAY-SUNDAY R 2 7 -2 8 -2 9

D M E S , T R A V E L T R A I L E R S

l E D U C E D A S M U C H A S


R E D U C E D F O R Q U I C K S A L E .

^ . O pen



soring V ictoria In te rn a tio n a l'T rack and F ield Society, said Wednesday.

Among the U.S. en tran ts is U tah’s J a y Sylvester, world rec* ord discus holder.


w est Conference nam ed M i k e V Shinn of W illam ette University and-John-A dkinson of W hitman a s football backs of the week. j

T he linem an aw ard w ent to { BiU D unham of College of Ida* » ho. • \

i l i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i |

}hone Number of g

ioii Rural Fire District £ 5 - 5 9 3 6 Ijra te directions to fire g .MBER IN YOUR D lR E aO R Y 5 1 YOUR TELEPHONE S

ation D irectors- —■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H I*




r f

;a i l e r s 5

C H A S . . . I


S A L E . 5

_ I

O pen Daily ^a . m . t o 6 p . ^ . &

M Siinday Only Si ^ Open I

10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ^

| Ii w I

% I



I . , ■«'

Page 14: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Marked Differe: O fU.N.Role,Re

By WILLIAM L. RYAN of i A P S p « la l Correspondent role

*‘Q. W hal dn you le d aboul rcjc th c rcccm proposal . . . lending *ri to bring Uie problem of lhe Viet- < nm n w ar before thc United Nn- tions? - flici

“ A. We have alw ays declared sicr th n l Ihc y .N . organization does j, i not have lo busy ilsclt wilh thc rect V ielnam affair. . v , con

“ Q. W hat is the basic reason sur for th is ailitude? • Uni•'A. We deem tha l this organ- zaiion is an inslrum cnt in lhe (,^1 hands of the United S tales.” pm

T he interview look placc less [h;. than a >-car ago in Hanoi. A F rc n c h journalist was question-

■■■ing’ P ham V a n 'D o n g rih e pre- ; m ie r o f Norlh Vietnam. - :

T iie w ay Secretary-G eneral U '> T h an t secs it. n vote of the U.N. ‘ 5 G eneral Assembly would show - thc in te rra tiona l com m unjly in fav o r o f a ha ll to the U.S. bomb- \

__ jn g of North Vietnam.T hus, if such a vote w ere lak-

en and turned out lhe w ay thc ‘Ji • secre ta ry -genera l p r e d i c t s , ?o t N o rth V ietnam would stand to ’"Vi benefit from the action of an or- gan ization it has repeatedly de- nounccd and rcjectcd. .

F o r a long lime, echoing their H ed ' Chinese neighbors, the H

.^.MPrth -V ipm ipyxjr -.ilinvP -m adfi-M no secre t of their scorn for the ■ U nited Nations. Any suggestion

Brotherhood I Badge Given I Hailey Scouts I

------------- HAILISY -■ Tho-W orid Broth. Merhood m eri( badge, niong wilh H in te rp re te r stripes, was a w a rd - -H ed to th ree boys of Doy Scout H Troop 6 a t a court of honor held ■ M onday evening. , | H

Jo h n Woodbury. Jam io P a t - .H te rson and Steven B rcn C m an .jH a ll o f,w hom attended the G e r - 'H m an classcs given, a t thc S aw * lH tooth cnm p up the North F o rk H o f Big Wood river last sum m er, H

_______tcce ived their badges a fte r con- Bv e rsin g for 11 minute.? m Gcfr . H m an with Em ory Dielrich of thc , H W ood R iver High School. T he ■ a w a rd s w ere m ade by M r. D iet- .H rich . I

Scoutm aster G rant P a tte rson , H ass is tan t scuulm nster J a m o s H D o rr and troop com m ittccm cn ■ Jo h n W oodbury and W illiam ■ Houso pre’.'ionted m erit badges H to Tom Thompson, rifle and ■ shnlgun; K im Schmidt, ath- I le ties ; Brucq M allea, fishing; I nnd Ja y D orr, painting. I

Dnnny S c h m i d t and K im I Schm idt received m erit badges I fo r m usic; Bruco. Mnilea and I B lalno P o rlc r, first nid; David I A llred nnd Douglas Sw ancr, I h iking and cnmplng, and Allred, I Sw nncr nnd AInn P a lie rson , ■ cooking. Alan Pntterson, Blainc I P o rte r , D n n n y Schm idt nnd I B nico Mallcn received m erit ■

• badgos for conscrvnllon of nnlu- I ru l resources, I

E ukIo scouts Sieve'.Shirl.s nnd I Jnm io Pntterson presenied thc, I candleligh t cerem ony for new ■

-----------^Tenderfoot - Scoiits--Tom R ic h - 'B.nrds, Ricky Rclm ers nnd Dnn- I

• le l T cu a c h c r .'w ith M r.-' S h lrts^H p rc sen lln p 'tlitilr had(’ps.

Blnino P o rie r was nwnrded a ■ necond olasM bndge. Sinr b n d g cs.lH nloni* wllll pins fnr their moth- ■

---------- rrrn-wffrft presenled-lf»-DnvId-All-~Hred , .Stephen nrenom nn, M arcus B B eresford, Bruco Mallea, M ark ■ ].n rk in , AInn Putlersnn, Kim m .Schmidt, Dnnny. Schmidt and ■

: D ougins Swiiiior, IA film Inkon when thft troop ■

hiked inln ihn Mi^h I.al(C.i Inst H Kumnicr wns shown. - I

Dick Truscott I Heads KifJc I Quh In Area I

IIA N SH N -D ii'k Tnisc'oll wns Ir 1 r tr I d us prcsldoiU of the IWoriiiiiii'ii lu rir rhih lit n m rt't- IInK lii'Iil rticciilly nl llu> Wood* Iiniui Hull, I

Mclru ' Itcytioldi wns clrclcd Ivico p rrsitln ii, nnd S li n r o n ITruMliilii s'ccrc’inry, .loe Mill will In r l ns Juilm* for ihc groen K'lun Innd Niirvllld Kcynolih for Iho IRed t(><un. I

Individunl hlith Morr.s for l h c | | cvi'nlii); :.hiint worn P l r k Tru.s- ■ rn lt . U2\ Nnrvlllf Krynolds, 4 ( ) , ' | nnd . I h n Dr’iuu'M, -IK, I.iullc.s ■ high w rti ' Kiitli Hill nnd M in e r - ,I vn Smllh, ili'lni! (nr fir.st plnce I w llh -icn m nicli of -17 .polnls; | llo inn Reynolds, -tli, nnii M n r y .I Tntm oii, H: I

! I 'h n hi|;li irnm .sroring wum I 1 tlio Rrd wllh polnls nnd I

Alght iitcnihnr.'i prrsi'n l, lo win I ov e r till' iiriii'n wllh ii .irnrc I n f .lO.'S pnlnis wllli Hi'vcn mem- I bcsrH pre.'tt'iil. | I

T h i i wiiN llin flnnl shool for I Ihn nIk nionlli'H conli'st uml the I R ed ' lenm was wlnniT w llli’ n I coniplleil M'oro of 1,^75 pitlnlfi I

Mo w in over Iho Green leum I w llh A lo tal nf lifiiO pDlnln. I

lllp.h nco rr for Ilm men diirinu I th e kIx m on th 's period was D irk I T ru sco ll wllll aH.1 poliils. Miner- I vn S in I t h wuh hlith fnr lhe I wnnii-n w ith n Moro of 27fi I

L p»lnl.H. I/ It wnn «lecl<led In r o n I I n ii e I

w llll iinolhor nix niontli'n conlenl I an d new le n n n w ere drnwn wllh I Cion W eech iih ciinlnin for t h e . I

", R ed team flnd Helen R eynold#]! ; cop ln ln fo r llio Greiin tenrn. l l 1 TJio ‘‘nny-off" <liiiniir fiiriilsh- I

ed hy tlie InnlnR Red tenin for ■ tho wlnnhiR leiun will bo srhe- I

t d iilcd for Uio Oet, 1.1 nirellnii- I > T ite Atipper will XArt n t 7 :3 0 .1

p.m. • *

H 4 .T w in Falls T lm rfs^ cw *

ffereiice Noted In T e, Reds’ Scornful AtN o f a n a l tc m p l tb se ek a U .N , By e n t ro le in V ic in a in w a s in d ig n a n tly a l ci a b o u l r e je c t e d . hns 1

in d in g T h n n l h im s e lf h a d m a d e su c h • V iet- an e f fo r t . In M a rc h 19G7 h e s e n t th u s ;d N n- „ „ ( c to a ll p a r l i e s in th e con - no

f lic t. T h is su g g e s te d . a th re e - In c la r c d s te p a p p ro a c li to p c a c e , ih ro u g h Uniti 1 d o c s J, i r u c c , p re l im in a ry t a lk s - n n d in th ith th e r c c n n v c n in g of th c lO rM ,G eneva sp o n

. c o n fe rc n c c . W hile th is did^ no t <‘t r e a s o n suR gesl a d ir e c t ro le fo r th e [ions

U n ite d N a lio n s . a s .such, a ro le s |, o rg a n - w ould b e im p lic it in l l i a n . t ’s pc rif in th e (,\vn • in sp ira tio n f(>r su c h a ap ai >■" p ro c e d u re . .H an o i u n d e rs c o re d offic :c le s s thi.s in a c u r t re je c t io n . papcp ° t 'n ‘‘T h e V ie tn a m , p ro b le m is no nam ' c o n c c rn - .o f- - lh c .U n ite d . N a l io n s t4inc

P ‘ a n d th e U n ited N a tio n s h a s no Unit' , I , r ig h t to in ie r fe re in a n y w ay on w ha'

G II N V ie tn am q u e s iin n ,” s a id th c nam 1 sh o w V ie tn a m e se I 'o r c ig n M in- t 1in ity inbomb- T han t did nol give up. Thc sion

United S tales welcomed his pro- vote re lak- posals. although stipulating Ihal bom ay thc any talks, thc governm ent of spok l e t s . South Vietnam would have to bc tion

and to involved and iho in lercsts of al- hims an or- U nited-S tates would dele,

liy de- have to be laken into account. * item

g their ’ the

f o r t h e ^ ^ Hgestion

>d I I hnuts

T?n?th« lg with aw ard- ; Scout o r held


IC ^

Fork im m cr, e r con-

------------I t h e ,

T h eD ie t-

Ltcrson, a m o s tcem cn William . badges

a n d - ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ Vn th - 1111 I






o r new H i H l j i i i i B J H

Dan- , _ .......... ...

ANr moth- _______ _lv ld - A l l - ~ ^ I H B & ^ ^ ^ ^ B ~ ra a lu t ln n In ll;ft M arcus volcs Ronme

I, M ark been (]uetl tin<Kim MIkn D(

kit Bnd mlti clionc

Ift troopInst H B I

eawasthe ^ ^ B ^ H S | H | | ^ H r f ^ ^

n m rt't- f IWood- ■ ■

clrclcdII n r o n I Hlll will nen K'um I l \ V ffnr J '

for Ih c ,Tru.s-


p n ln is ; 'M ary .

Ing WIIM nnd

mcni-^ ! •


w llll 'n


II (liirinK

rnriilnli- onnt fnr bn NCho-nirellnii-nt

^ e w » F fidoy, S ep t. 27', L968

In Tliant’s View ul Attitudes ;™3U.N, By May. lhe secrciary-gener-

.antly al cnncludcd th a l "n e ither siidehns fully and unconditionally nc- “ ne i

such cep tcd" his profw sals nnd that Mr:■ Sent tbus they had to bc-regn rdcd -as fnilur■ con- 00 longer under consideration, n fter Ihrcc- In S ep tem ber last yea r, the Jb*} p rough United S tates soUght a U,N. role [or * i nnd in tho c6nflict, and Hanoi re- ipi|mi ;ncva sponded w ith anger'. .j ; not "T ry ing to get the U nilod 'N a- ',0?''^ >■ the [ions to in te rfe re in V ietnam is , ‘ „' '■ole a shopworn plot of lhe U.S, im- " lian.t’s pcrialists in th e ir aggression y-, i b a against V ieln .im ,” protested the . . cored official Hanoi Com m unist news-

paper N han D an. "Tho Viet- is no nam ese people, have m any

ations fiincs ..clearly s la ted tha t- .thc as no United N ations has no riphl ay on w halsoever to in te rfe re in Viel- id thc nam .” ([,£, |I Min- The secre ta ry -genera l now whcr

suggests th a i the cu rren t ses- righ t . Thc sion of thc_ G en c ra l Assem bly auto, s pro- vote on a rc.soluiion calling for a ihc I ? lha t bombing ha lt, Ihough his al. v ent of spokesm an sa id hc h a d ’no Inten- iniox to bc tion of proposing the resolution su.spi

of al- him self o r of suggesting lo any His would delegation th a t it place such an Ished int. ~ item on th e ogcnda>____________ done


SUND,Y o u A r e E l i g i b l e t o W ir

llH I Ml ’'h i I'R i l l

W O R L D F A M O y

ANDRINIS AND SSept. 24th thru Sept.

ilutinn In llift Cola Room llin wftrltl'i grenlntr tntlnn cs ol Ronnis Sntninn (Am rnca'i motl lociini tmnli in fjueil iin ii on A tiinfkn'i oiirnnndlnfj TV iliftwii hop, MIkn DouQln*. Jolinny rn n o n , Jimmy DottiiiinII v°ur clicinca lo «n|oy beoulilul imitic, ling voUoi,

‘ ^ H O W W W I N O l

3___ • News Of EP W MINIDOKA COUNTY by Ho ^ , S h eriff’s B lotter and F

Vehicles driven by Ida 1.. Den- Don; -son, 52, Logan. U lah. and P e te r,c itcd f I. W ort. HG. R upert, collidedjeil Mo

’-gener- T uesday afternoon Ul the inior- Pontin c r iiide section of 2C0 E asl nnd Ba.sc- half r ally nc- l ‘«c in R upcrt. Highwid lhai Mr.s. "D en so n w as cited ' for rdcd -as fnilure rb-y lcld-tho rlRht of w ay mcom ation, a fte r .<he appa ren tly pulled into hlmvni a r , thc tb*} path of W ort a fte r .stopping ,N. role for a stop sign on 200 East. noi re- lo . th e IQfiG Plymouth.

driven by Mr.s. Denson, w as esti- iPrf-N«. a t S40n. nnd a t $100 lo lhe *•’“m m is pickup Cruck, driven

^rcssinn S 'a te Pollco B lotter M O1,0 S, P e n a . 22, Rupcri. was

I MPiuc in jored F rid a y night when Ihc X lU i „ " o '^ r cu r he w as driv ing Collided w ith SAN

^ iruck d riven bv L arrv K. Thc si ,-,r^ ihP as ra

- Ul mile nonh -o f Heyburn on fashio H ighw ay 24. I l l an

111 vi^i Hobbs w as pulling out onto co tor the h ighw ay from a stop sign The

1 now w hen his c a r w as struck in lhe guest? :nt .ses- righ t re a r co rncr by thc P ena northi. iscm bly auto. P ena, who w as treated a t evcnir lg for a the M inidoka M emorial Hospit- sule n h his al. w as c ited for driving while meal i0 Inten- iniox icated and driving while The; solution suspendeST ^ or lorlo any His 19G1 Chevrolet was dcm ol- P a r is

such an Ished, and S400 dam age w as collcc ________ done to th e 1962 IHC driven thony

iND NEW FOf E GIVEN AWASUNDAY, OCTOBERi b l e t o W in a t E i t h e r C a c t u s P e t e ’s o

| ! ; j ; ^ j ’ :' ■ i ^ i ^ [ | |

I ' • f c ^ 3 |i0 l l l l 11 ‘• !i I ‘ J i k j I I 0 (?[! I; OHHp ; : | , I N l

1 FAMOUS ___ ________ 2 .

tND SARAZEN 3.k h rtJ S e p t . 2 9 t h

9f(ialB»r Iniltumriilnlljli Inrilumirj iIia (lolilfln 5»l (ociini »inn(ng immiiion). IKii oioup lifiiinf] TV iliftwii r<l fiwlicvdn. Red J.^«lion, Jonv Jimmy Durcinin nixl Dui:] I irohy tl'nwi. Don I lie, Ima voUoi, plu» 0°oH (onllriBtildl comady,

ji FRlEl

I H B I h V ^ I ^ i! y o u

* ''El f l S u n c

W i n d

Of R ecord IY by Hobbs and owned by R anch I .

and F arm T ruck Lines,I.. Den- Donald Hawk, 29. R upcri, wns j J P e te r citcd for d riv ing while intoxical- ha :ollided I’ll M onday night, a f te r his 10G6 bu : inior- Pontiac wenl nul of con't*pl a fei I Ba.sc- hair m ile ' south of R u p c rt\o n an

Highway 31. Thc c a r w as head- _ ed for ‘‘‘I oori'h ' and graveled into thc of wnv '’’C**'” ' ' ' h it t in g -n -c u lv e r lr -a n d t

'’' S I : ; a ^ " w . , i y i „ i u , . , , „ d j) [ ^ s t 'ren ted .and released n t the Min- '■•' •mouih M em orial Hospital. Dam-•is/vcii' age tn his c a r w as estim ated Ri i J „ ' , l V ; a l S , m ' a

driven j.ji

Monaco Royalty Hosted By Texans si

ed w ith SAN ANTONIO. T ex. (AF*) — w irry K. Thc selling changcs from a Tex- 1. Neb., as ranch to thc g litte r of Ihc urn on fa^ihion world for Prince Rainier fo

III and P rincoss G race of Mona- la ut onto CO tonight. Rop sign The royal v isito rs w ere thc dt c in Ihe guests of the G allahcr ranch ,c P ena northw est of here W ednesday gi lalcd a t evening and w ere offered a cap- Vi Hospit- sule rodeo. W estern m usic and a fu

g while meal o f barbecue and beans. in ; while They will bc the guests of hon­

or tonight a t a showing of nine th dcm ol- P a r is designers’ fall and w inter ci

?e w as collections in th e p lush St. An- H' driven thony H otel. th



.................................IOBER 13 Iu s P e t e ’s o r H o r s e S h u C l u b


O C T . 2 7 ...................................N O V . 1 1 ...................................N O V . 2 4 . ...............................

■ V e h i c l e s p u r c h a s e d f n D e a l e r a n d L e o R i c e M e

1 C u ilo m o rs a ro e n title d to I fom or in Ihfs ca r a n d p(ei

*1 P b fio n w h o*# n am o h a i— :------------ Z * -* io n -m a tc h in g - h a lf o f cor

'Q ..B o..iur® y o o -h a y « y o u r C< O a y o u h u v o y o u r tick e li to

the CONTES’'Don'i ' E n j o y f u n a n d h o s p lni.iariV p i c k u p a t C a

I FRIED CHICKEN DINNERii S o u t h e r n F r i e d

l l i . . 1 . 0 0\\ S u n d a y in th o G a la R oom


1 i0 0 T O 6 i

E v e ry th in g to m r n w o r.d o rfu l m ei

^ Adults Only .SERVED AT THE

Loader Mistakei / Ranch Grouse South Ocn , was .HA ILEY — They m ny n o t thc ’toxical- have been seeing pink clephanls, I h ^ 1966 but they couldn 't tcll tbe dif- thc 3nr*< a ferenco betw een a sagc-grouse pil p c r t \o n and a ca tc rp illa r loader. And Be

”m S 'u ? c ---------------^

Homecoming^Por 'vt Z'‘-mn. Raft River Heldll. Dam - MALTA — Thc annual Raft stim ated R iver Homecoming w as term ed

a succcss th is y ea r in sp ite of the chilly w eather and a slight

| j ra infall during p a r t of the day. i l t y A parad e w as held and reign- jb,

ing oyer ibe festivities w.e r o X a . n b S herry Sheridan, Almo, quccn, d , (AF>) — with Linda Elison, and T rudy ls

n a Tcx- Ncddo, M alta, a s a ttendan ts. sc r of Ihc J-unch and a business m eeting a t r R ain ier /o llow cd-lbe-pn radc.-T he-R ock- — 3f Mona- land football team beat th e Raft tio

R i v e r , te am by th ree touch /e re thc downs,- - r ranch A sm orgasbord dinner, pro- . :dnesday g ram and a dance with Al Dc- d a cap- Vries o rch estra from Tw in Falls . >ic and a furnishing the m usic, w ere held g. eans. in the evening. ** — ^ ‘s of hon- The prize winning Jlo a ts In .! of nine the p arad e w ere Xhe M alta So- d w inter cial Club, first, .>50, Future

St. An- H om em akers, seconH; S30. and Ui _________ the Ju n io r C lasS T R tttrth ird , $15. F(


lER DRAWINGS FOR ND PICKUP GIVEAWAY....................................................F O R D M U S I...................................... C H E V R O L E T PIC...................................C H E V R O L E T C A N

l a s e d f r o m R a y C o b b l e I n d e p e i R i c e M o t o r s , G o o d i n g .

RULES:e n title d to w in on ly 1 of th e se vohlclos pnr a n d p tekup G fveaw oy ,

la m o h a i boo n d ra w n m u st h dvo In h l i |h a lf o f cor g lv o o w a y tlckot.'— ...........y« y o u r C actu* fo to ’* m e m b e rsh ip c a rd i .l tick e li to w in o ltho r fi co r or p ick u p Free

NTEST STARTS NOVn d h o s p i t a l i t y a n d ' a c h a n c e t o w i n ; u p a t C a c t u s P e t e ' s o r H o r s e S h u .

DINNER GALA ROOM BUIBd G o u rm o t fo o d n t Its be^ B eofood o n d co ld ooIbc^ ^ B ^ k to p o r fa c tlo n e v e ry Fr

nlPR. R o a s t B n ro n o f Qc ■ e n d c u t, m e d iu m o r rn^ y o u (Iko (t — onch S a tu

a R o o m A ll y o u c a n . e a t .



)ln(7 to m nko

Only .


SUNDAYO n t h e B ig 6 W h e e l

taken For Sage ^ lth Of BeUevue —r n 0 t they got tbeir "b ird .”ihanls. It w as Salurday;aficrnnt2n _ a l__1C dif- thc Mike Ivie. C ontractor, gravel grouse p il somo five miles south nf Clr •. And Bellevue, aboul a half mile oif---------- Highway 93.

• When Mr. Ivie w ent lo the r ' O F ' p i t - t o ^ e i - a —load-o£—aund.:Jiii.

W a custom er, ho found the wind- shield back and side windows , _ of the cab of his loader had g

1 been shot: thc door of thc cah Qiterm ed opened and thc heater■P‘\ 9 ? ; sh o fin to and ruined and a hole ‘ aboul an inch in d iam eter shot Cl;

I reign- jbc loador.w.e r 0 Blaine Couhty Sheriff Orville c i quccn. D rcxler n n d Stato Patro lm an • T rudy L a rry Plott w ere called to the

sccno. Dam age was estim ated qj nceling a t $2,H0l).• Rock- --Sberjff-Drexler-SQjd-investiga- hc Raft tion is under way. (31-

touch --------------------------. U.S. GROWS RICE _7Al The United States produces Cu

' P tic" around live bjllion. pounds ofricc annually with Texas. Loui- „ f

I t siana, California, Mississippi n t« In Arkansas being the loading ?Ua So- rice-growing stales.. CUF utu re __ _



V LOSV dtlB 7t"


I1 1^1 ^

^ W A Y ^ ■ H aii^3 M U S T A N GL E T P I C K U P :lE T C A M A R O

TraI n d e p e n d e n t



c u t’

p o > i e i ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ H ^ H B _ B a l

lip SIIckup Freel \i

NOW! ■ ■ 1- .................. 1k7

9 t o W in ft nr s e S h u . — 71

]M BUFFETS liIts b e a t. F re sh

:old BQlnda a e rv o d |e v e ry F rid n y ev e - ^ro n o f Q eo t a e rv o d ]|u m o r rn ro — o s . j l __'Ach S a tu rd n y .

l a t ..........$2.95 || I —I

^B^Hi ^ B H i >



I I I . I 'Jt m m I I IIY ■" ^ B hIV V h e e l

_ I'

D IR E C T O R Yo o n _ a l__pravel ANNOUNCEMENTS uth nf ClassiHcation 1 Ihrough 15, 11c oil . e m p l o y m e n tlo the Classificatfon 18 through_24n iU Iiii -----^ F f N A N e i A t ---------------- -------'in 'dm « Classification ,30 through 38

cr had SCHOOLS-INSTRUCTIONthc cab Classification 40 through 46 healera hole REAL ESTATE

c r shot Classificat'ion 50 through ires of

RENTALSOrville C lassification 70 through 88

TOlman •to the AGRICULTURE

tim ated C lassification 90. through 98

vestiga- - LrVESTOCK- - -------- ’C lassification 100 through 116

r MISCELLANEOUSroduces C lassification 120' through-lCO

” ‘lou^ a i r c r a f t a n d b o a t ssissippi Classification 165 through 173

‘“ " '" S a u t o m o t iv eClassification 180 througlTi^QO

[sULTS to s t a n d F ound '

A T T E N T IO N -



rjn»B....St»a£U>alr - -p W u t^ --- ----lie, 18 monihs old. Urown with Tie tlcklnii. Up nr (all l-i white, sl Suturduy afUTnoon. Scp- iilicr 2 lil_ v ic in ity nf Mormon- servolr. South of Fnlrrield. on ir Grove Hnnch'. ncw nrd JlOO, one 03<.5450 or 9:iM7i8, « n c r10 P.M .__________________ - \ . •T: Smoll blnck nnd white Poo- !. femole, completely iheared . iwcr* to ••Julio." Rcw ardi 120 I Avenue N orth, 733-402S.

lonals— S pecia l N o tico i 9M F M n F p 's lH ^ -----------------------


ATHLETIC CLUB All P riv a te facilities

;>hone 733-6228 o r 733-8010 day.s only

EST W ISH ES"for Sterling"" anks on his 50th BIRTH- - AY from his daughter._____

irlor. Live cnierla lnm cnl. Trlduy ICO Hcysced Trio, Snturdny.•cky nnd sieve. Open every eve-

;OHOLICS Anonymous — Twin im Courthouse. W ednesdays n t '30 p.m . F o r fu rther information.>i030. Al-Anon 3nd FJoor. 73> -

3UCE with RedAOsel I'ollow dl* cllon^ — au(c. Kuarantced re­in . Only B8 cents a t Pennyw lia

VATE Invesligntor — Secret re- irts, atclp trac ing . Confldentlah Jt a CrcUU U ureau. ■733-0751. .Ul.li-ITBS Club \vin hi>ld ii» , nrvcst Dnnce Septem ber JSth.^V Hnll, 0-p.m .ROWN-S' SAFETY S fcR V lC r " nment. Brnkci, Shocki. M uffleri <17 M ain E a i t — 733 6213 ' IVATE lnvciilnn tor^24 Hour ic r- ce. All conlldentint. s>bon« 733- 131 — night 733-5773.____________

n ip o r ta tio n — C ar Pools 10NNEVILLE FI.YINO fiRRVICE Air Toxl-Fllsh t Instruction nytimfr—Anywhere. Cnll Collaet nclipot. Nevndn 7t>2.7.'i5-2fi<4.

ju ty S o lo n s 15>tfI.liT E Uanuly Sorvlco by V d- inced iluden ls n t reduced priccs. crm ancnli J3. Q « a u t y A ris cnJcm y, )3S Mnln Wesl, ny-HM2.

i»y Sitter*— C h|!d_C are 1 6 ,i iL n n n N 's v .iiin g c c h itd .cn rc /I. .North Locust, n c n r Lynv^od.Ula • l.iconsuii, iiircntor ituhynpklns, N uracry • p rr-klndcriinr-11 . kInOergnrlni . divided cl«»i*— 'I, 733.7(1R0, 7:i3-tmin.t i ' c i i i i r t r jen^icV'*. Dny and.ghl clliiri cnre; StniB "ticcnaeil, •arjio^^lnyroom, fenced yard, Cnll

't 'U E F Child C are, stnte llcenied;Ivldcd cjAssfls nuraery, pro-kin- Drgnrirn and liltiiicirnnrlcn. 109 h AvniiiiB N nrth. 7.1.1-S007,Y-TlMIC "child cnro my liomr,Unnn 7:i.1-l:i7B,___________________

p lo y m en t A QoncIo i______1 ^1)K Wiihli-d. t':iii(l nlns li|>s in iintinii Ciiinp, (iiicxi nirrniiiiin>di<<»n», If lnlprrai.nl in ii i:ilio 7,iH-

f» n l'llN lN liS nl i’<ii'atiiiiip1~!lri.Irr of MdKir Viilicy, J';ii Shri. iKine Hnnl. 7:>:i-n.tii2,

Ip W a n te d — Femalq^ 1 B

O P E N I N G S F O R• (^nrklnil w altre iios * K<tnii il<in1n«• Clinngo glrla

tiisl in iictil, niliitctlYCi 21-30 enra nf ngn, I'uii] vk» llniu, nipllnlKnlliin n lr. No cxpar* incB nerBianry.Alsn ’oponlng for i'ond wall- rensna.


Cnclus P n n ’fl ■Tnckpnt. Nnvndn_______

N o a t

W a i t r c , s R 0 8

W n n t o d11.3(1 nor tiimr

Apply In Pnrhon C n c tu s P o lo 's,lackp<it, Nevailn

lir/.l’MAJi nliliiiiiliiH i,'TiTTfiiirHBr liiiililriii when tlm Avon JIniiir-

niilnilvn riillt, I'Minic’ rniiilnH> inn

iliiK llllll I 'lit Int-'lvli-w cnll 7,11.4l;i <11 w ill., i'livlll* M rliilm f, .li...... Kinilinilv,i'!'.i< ii-:N i'i:ir WATTiTifiTft .»ii<l.lau nialiK’r hnaloat for iiiii M M fl vcniiiit *hlM, Apnly In iirrnon

INTKI); i!Mi..ilr(u'f-<rwiilllc«»<Ui)fi>i>rniiiK||«lii|fl, Aj'ply In pi'iann tn

; I • i :1»IH ; I! b " wmT i cla wn liin I"! ijiplv in prraon. f i ly Cafe, IJS ,lnln Avoiui.1 I lnn . _______

In W a n te d — M ale 19tn'iU irrM m rTir.iiimn-Trn^iirnn ■Irndn A Dniry, Yit„r riiimd winU. inilnin hnusn, H nvo inllni S'liilli ini' nnil iiiin-hnir Wnsi trnin {iiniiii- (fai riiriii'r ii( lluhl,'I'l-ll'ATnmH lirTn,r"i.iV.i;i’’l"7irr:r''=.% 7: '7' ' , ; y;iis±",i!'s:!.itr..... .tiiM l>ti nlila Id Irilgiiin and dn nnnri.1 fnrm work. I'Tionn Jornm a ^ J i n , l _ ^ iiiiiin n r nvnnlngl,^Ni'lU»i •I'l.iTl. ilri7Jii” (iVr'*ii^« hoiiplng, 3'J0.«VJ«. j'llo r.

C l a s s i f i e d

Page 15: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Help W anftd— Ma)« 1? H«lpR O U T E “ S !


H ey b u m -R u p « R A rea '


V J HMust tinvc free tim e between the WAN hour* of 3:00 io ,6i00 P .M . dally er except Saturday . at

265'Tlmei-New* ’ VTTa


Call d irec t =---------------- ---------------------------------------- HaU

OPENING ,Career Opportunity with thelargest compaay fn lt> field. i ' "

' Selling Ihe complelc «ewing mii-chine, vucuum cleaner and VOU home en tertslnm ent llne». lix - »clccllent^opportunlty^for rupid ad- yoi

benetl'ts'’'^?ncludo"' HwplUi^*^^nd FarnLife Insurance and paid v aca . -------

, tloni. Snlory p lu t commission nnd c a r lurnlshcd, Phone 733- 3344 for appointm ent, osk for Mr. R ichards. SINGER CO., cns= 150 Main Norlh. Twin Falls, An

- ....... E quol-O pportunlly E m ployer_____ -wi,. SUPERVISOR

TR A IN EE ‘-‘if.M arried, tllgh School C rnduate. n e 23 to 28 year*. Local resident. im*^Mr.*’?fa^m on*or^M r. Powell


A ll-a ro u n d fnrm hand. Y ear, round Job. Must bo experienced. capable. , dependable. Reference* j- . required. Phono 733-0925 nfter«!00 P 'M-_________ _________ ______ b e a

D R IV ER 'S WyANTED 73:F u i r tim e, no la y -o ff* . Yenr CUS ■round w ork. A pply lt» pe rson .^ M"

YEIXOW. CAB O FFIC E “ 1 lo 321 Moln Ave, E a*t. Twin F a l l* ^ ^

YKAR around Job In Castleford n tvn • tlo------- — f ienW aT T d^ w ork rn^^ ^^

sa tin g , trac to r w ork, cattle feed- p r tnR. Modern hou*e furnished. Ref- m , ercnees confldentlnl. W rite Dox F.4: e .o Tln«s-Nev.'».

TRUCK D river fo r wholesale go* and oil delivery. Experienoed p re- c u s ferred . Contnct Dodson Oil Com- pany. 1S8 E astland Drive South. C U Twin r a i l s . Phone 733-3069,________ mj

B u ttn e s t O p p o r tu n ttie t SOBusti

MAKE' MO]___________________ IN YOUR SPAP


Join the izza bandwaRon. B e a la rg est arid fa s te s t growing comp. 450 d istribu tors.


Do ynu have a fe w hours of spar can tu rn this w asted tim e into J7f


Nothing to .sell. Ju s t service compa reo rders . Wo furnish -advertising, ; n ia te ria l.

M inim um Investm ent of $2,lM to S fo r c ity driving. N o out of town m ents.

I f you w an t to m ake m oney In yo day. Include your nam e, address sc rip tive lite ra tu re will follow.

N ationnl P izza ( I0407 Libe

DOX 16: S t. Louis, Misso

A rea Code 3M- Ask for M r. t

w T e; ; ;

“ C o r iv a n le n t ly r o p r e s o n t e d I n 'f in d t h o a n a w a r a t o t h o m a n ;

■ to d o y 'f l f a m i l i e s . Y o u 'l l f ln tJ s o l u t i o n o f y o u r t o r m l t o p r o t r o p a l r . ; . c l o a n i n s a n d b o t o q u l p m o n t ; R o t o r t o t h o c o l i l l s h o d o v o r y d a y .

— — 2 4 - H OA n sw arln R ao rv lco . , . Th n o tif ie d t o coll y o u . if th ad v o rtlB o r In th ia d lro c to i d ia l 7 3 3 -2 3 B 6 . T o lo p h o n o D a y o r N lR h t.

AIR CONDITIONINO________________ HOAlr c o n d ltlo n ln ir h e a tln i and fur- ^

nacfl cleaning, I 'o r Ihe best le rv lco . Zcall Uk I'u rnuca Company, 73J- y


°t)reo?l». T rau ” nB‘ »1l bVeed* 3J4- b'ui


a lgnlni nnd cablnpi ;« rv lc t, AUo ^

h J .j' ™ . " " ■' " ! "CAR CARI■oN irW i'.H lt 6N1.V. «fl|'ii;nnl>«.r i n

in Heptembar 37. Uuf/ and Wax ynur c u r for thn ran ta illo low ^ prlca «f lust Ilfl.OO. ^

HOUSE o r WAX7.n.7t)S4_________________ 7.13-04B> . *|

CAR WAiH ___________ _ /t m l l l ) ^ pain? ^

CHIROriACTOR _ l!' X T M n fA in i lN - <!hlrci|,r«Vi'rir PT? JIV

Norlli W»i^Mnuloii, Twin Anlli. IH

^ N W T i^ Q U M IN O ~ *iCdncreta Cormlng, iia*amnnl, foim(in~- j|C

!{,'iTrc/:i?";y,viiy*i;'o°:i^i:’73y» .^3r-ORY W All c:

«cous*tio*'*'priiy! 73f-oeM. »M a ra Avanua N ofth. r

; H OOR RIflNltHINQ________ —H ardwood lloora a»|ioitl7TnTlnI*iio^

Alsn, Jan lin ra l flurvlco, Wurk il? ' IsfuclDrlly Biiarnniocsil, n year* ax- 1

?0iikDATI0Nl______________ I

'■ l i W s S a !■:on«.m«nl. 7»-7760.

ru n , OIL 'V orT tiiva ana ^ rn a c a 'o i l ,‘Tall f lem _

Hlato IH|, 7J1-8M2. O ur L a i m akes vA

HIAITH IQUIfM INT ^llX ll?t7?lfl[rW a new way. n«ni ■

n rrlas anil henllh aqiiljiineiit, spoect I hike, m « is n |e roller, tieli v lhrai'ir, ) ■i|inm<;^cle. Jlannar I 'um llu re . J

— -^


1 9 H e lp W a n l e d — M o le 1 9 F a r m-------- EXPURli^NCEU TV sw ltc h er.d lrec > ,7=v'

tor. W ill consider rad io bnck- - C O Rround, Call production m nnnger. •K in -T V . Idaho Fftll*. 815-m i Out

_________o £ - lo w n ^lU c o Il .c t-4 n o u * llf li,t . r- *250 ‘EXTRA INCUMli *el)lng inree

' nights n w e k . Completo training.c " " o S i ' r « - C

WANTED: Experienced Mechanic'.V i T n S ? ."I the W AN TED :'a good lend 'gu ltn r pTayl -------- ^ia lly e r nt once. Call for appointm ent

a t The Office In Paul. Idaho . 438- Thn2855._____________________ ■ Swa

YEAR around man for livestock and farming. Modern home. Kn-

- telton 820-5128._________________ — ^

------- H e t p = M a t6 ~ d n d ~ F o n ia l e 2 0 ^EARN e x trq money on p a rt tim e __

basis. J2.00-t3.00 per hour, inking ---- Florder* for Watkins P roducts. Call ’“J

,h , 733.89M a fte r 0 p.m. or w rite W at- S kins, GB8 Washington S treet N orth. -Twin Falls ._________ ________ ___ CUST

and YUU will earn <40 a weok po,rt lime Ex- selling F u ller Brush. Let m e show

I ad- you how. Phone 733-8348, W o r l per- ^ --------a"n“d F a rm W o r k W o n te d 2 3 f - . r

»io“n C O R N C H O P P IN G J.'Am . B l c h . r d W . m » , 7 J . . , . , , .

CO., CUSTOM hay stacking, >^ew H olland 2b1i ■. An stacker, dustom bean th resh ing - = ^

----- - -w ith -C n ie -com bine . W lnston-Sll-

uate. J ta c k ! n /“wlth* truck. Dave^'Han**- dent. Ing. 324-5107. Jerom e.. «•«

CUSTOM Plowing wllh John Deera *” • tJ>r« bottom plow, Mal QulnJon.•N C . 543-S700. Buhl. Re*---------- CUSTOM sW ntlilng.’ y e W rto liand ^

wlUi conditioner. Also, hay stack- “ iW i Ing. 324-2209 or 324-8000. Je ro m e.

CUSTOM corn chonping. have tru ck i 2-row self-propelled chopper. 32«- 472B.- n . C. Holtien. F iler.

BEAN-COMBINING. Case COO com- _------- bine -w ith belt unioader. Phone B u l l

) 733.8051. mornings or evening.____ _____Yenr CUSTOM Swathing. 1863 John D eere rson .^ M" hydrostatic wilh crim per. Arch- i - 1 io Molonfl 324-5082: 733.7i37.F ° » « - C U f iT ^ bean threshing, in te rn a :•d n tvn • tional 93 bean thrcshef. ITerb Roe. iced In s len .,328-5328. Filer.

c b fe to M hby baling n a i hauling.! feed- . Freem an bnler. Phona E vorett d- Rcfj Malone. 733-2237._________________*---------- CUSTOM hny ataeiang. New Holland -------— stacker.. 8i5-5068, Eden.__________,2 «*«!- CUSTOM corn chopping. Phone Tony To

“c K : K u . f . 5<1.57;.. U . ____________ No,South. C U S T O -M PLOWING. New equip- fur

9. m ent. Phone S36-2253. V

S O B u s tn e s s O p p o r t u h l l i s t 3 0 ' c

\ K E ' M O N E Y i U R S P A R E T I M E _________________________ ^

'O R clllIP A N Y M b

:on. B e a d is t r ib u to r fo r A m e r ic a 's c f iving c o m p a n y o f its k ind w ith o v e r


jr s o f S p a rc t im e e v e ry w e e k ? Y o uTie in to J780.00 a m o n th o r m o r e . ____

bets e c u r e d - a c c o u n t s --------------------------------

v ice c o m p a n y s e c u r e d a c c o u n ts . T a k e u u Iv e r tis in g , m e rc h a n d is in g a n d s u p p o r t ^ i t

$2,190 to $3,960. M u s t h itve goo d c a r I t o f tow n t r a v e l . 'N o o th e r r e q u ir e - goi

1^on e y In y o u r s p a r e tim e w r i te u s to - ? ~ le , a d d re s s a n d p h o n e n u m b e r . D o- * 'eai fo llow . J";oO(nnl P i z z a C o m p a n y I0407 L ib e r ty

D O X 162....................................................................... vo )u ls , M is s o u ri 63132.................................................^ I C o d e 3M-123-1100................................................... d r I i c fo r M r. A r t h u r .......................................................... j,e

_____ ' ..................... , .............. . ' got

D o I t I^IQ-Y-AJAJEY Il o n to d In t h o s e c o l u m n s y o u " w l t l— M o

t h o m a n y p r o b l o m a c o n f r o n t i n g FaT 'o u ' l l f i n d o v o r y th ln i j f r o m t h o an m i t o p r o b lo m . . . T v o n d a u t o fl l i g a n d b e a u t y n o o d # . . . r o n t o l I 0 t h o c o l u m n s , . . t h o y ' r o p u b - g ------Ii - H O U R — — —

;o . , . T h o o d v o r t l a a r w ill b o H R/ o u . If t h o t o l o p h o n o o f a n y "Ja d l r o c t o r y la n o t a n s w o r o a , _ i l'o l o p h o n o A n o w o r ln R S o r v lc o , ^

_________________________________________ 7 T

H ouse MOVINO 7l

----------------- — 430.B8B7. R upefl, Ai-------- ^ MIUINO IQUirMINT »<i,d»1 324- bu lk m ilk iM k and Pipeline n r v lc a_____ __ —aale*. I.aswell'». Jn rom e. 324-«3»l. ’’

m OPANI |;jtomm or- I 'rupane in r less. Two radio d lip a ich =’c V a‘?s"o o t f

RINTAIS ____________________ ___------------ K liN T -A L l. CO,s r o n n (nd Wa* 733-B007_______ _

URItC TANK SIRVICI_______nm o-R ootar aewer le .v lce ,— Sow er m

33.0481 tank clnanlitg. ii

SliMbyV ^*|?i«nr*?i?^ra?n^a"M tftTurVa.*?•“ « II------- Iiisjieetlon, Lloyd Cravans, 7J3.3093. I'r.:i'rir pr? SIWINO r<lACHINtS n> i 'a ll i . SliW llTn Miicfflna repairs an.l snle*. J'l--------- Z X

JICK tp O fA IQUIPMINT H oi'W lin i ii . ' tim irs, e x e rd iln j, 'eaulp-

■ • ■ ~ inonl. crutcliei w alkora % r ren t I"


~ hour * ir rv lc y l ‘ho'^*7ai.* IIt. TRCI SIRVICI »

I 'ro a •stlmaio*. Iln tu reii ■ n rn e m HOX na. r . r . 733-3331 ? »r m akes VACUUM ClIANiRS r r r ------------ kl? l«7 \'«buum * — rna only fac tory ' H

-------- WINDOWS _________________ «iTCMITC Vionlnra V>r<i1('an n ln iltw 'iiU a s now l N l!

<T A P ^ ■ I

1 9 F arm W o ,k W o n lad 2 3 Hortiei

r t C O R N C H O P P I N G E"o"; LEO'S ^ CUSTOM FARMING nT,". _ £ ! ! " _________________ “ “ ' i l -


a n d ..r ren , cORN CHOPPING .------- M erle Kauffman 733-M19S " --------------- CUSTOii--------------- " , .. 438- T hreshing Pea*. OraIn Beans.___• Swathini-Baling Straw . Plowing.nSZE L . R . S O R E N S O N

Hn- ,. 733-6441 •__________ ,h u ,___i_ C U STO M * bet

- jn r ij Phone »29-<810>-3?»a363. F ile r ,qua , “ rUft C U STO M R O T O -T IL L IN GV7;{; SWATHING AND BALINO {‘ i-V

lorth Elmo Garrison 733-C630. 733-8450

J____ n^uah^”” '"* '

W o r k W a n te d ________________ M

« 3 R O T O -T IL U N G _ - ..Gardens, lawns, farm s, land-

-------- scaping, blade work.FLOYU OAMOREL JR'. 733-MM 733

SEWING want“»d.“ wm- make, mend OUT slland 2bIe?^Call*s"u^%"lli'7M*5^65,‘ *“ '’“ ' well!

P AINTING la iide~and out. Wall tex- POft ' turln* and redecorating. E xpertly'o n tf , onabie^ Call*4a"50«* ofieVsrOO?* *<• >'

■ ^ ^ . ’iiSn°ab^e°"‘’Ar.V:‘ ’ .{,"y V n T t nDM?a ^»"y h d m ^ -733-7304. porci

ilfljon. *^$^f,«^^bta:‘ 307 5th A«nu^i®N’o?&‘ " " *' , o r call 733-7394. 278

f e ® iSAVC yourself the <us* and m uss. »>om.I £ n - ? p V y fn r s “e « . ' “7 ^4 5 y ,,“*-•"'Vh'Sl IRONING done,"p ^ ^ h t l y ' nnd neaUy earn • In my home. W3-4234,____________ ooo.

Phone O p R f flJ y n it io i 3 0 I

G r o c e r y S t o r e s ---------

C o n v e n i r a t

! e S : . F o o d M a r t s

B e ’ Y o u r O w n B o s s C a s h I n v e s t m e n t tw

5iuH3 $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 hom

Tony To Qualified Parties

cQulp- (urnlsh all required training.^ - WE PROVIDE: E .





Locations available In m ost withcities and towns In M ontana and bamIdaho. Also In 34 States and a aCanada. -There are over - 400 wm*

,»•« CFM-s In ..operation and under v e r construction loday. •

C O N V E N I E N TF O O D . M A R T S ---------

'B o x 526 Asstfo u D e e r L o d g e, M o n ta n a

Phone 40G-846-2040 ? °KIMBERLY ' UupTdx - LoVeTy~ ^ H ' ,

, bu'iit°ns^*"^lsposal and ^carper's! ^a k e u illlty room. Nice law n. *28.000 ” cn X>rC ' ' “'•h term s. Toylor Agency 423-

5289^^Klmberly, Ev-onlngs -I23-5403

r u L L ' p a f i ~ t imo business. O r- • cumstanc<} forces me to sell this

i re - going business. $2,00Q will hnndlo Elm' down payment. This U opportun­ity you have been looking for.

V/rlte Dox E-17 c o Times-News. „ uRUAL nice duplex. QGO aquTr' e- f m wit

DO- each unit. 2 bedroom , each side. i|yIncomo *225 per month. Only *19,- VA. 600. Owner wUI c arry paper. ShawRenliv, 733.0473, 3 B

^BH VlCl^' s' tT tTon <or ic n .e ,-M 'a)bf «o 'oil product. 3 servlro bays. H irh roo vohim r Incatlnn. Call 733.0172 or

l r

I SMALL iJolel in' center o f'S 'u sln c ii ” L o 'nrea, for sale. Information 078- 3 li

B809. Burley, rooi — ^roi

I n v o i tm e n ls 3T rooii5.000 TO~J ioT o<M n t ^ J p r r . j-

ly.||Money"(ully aecured^at J2 0 jjeV Olo^T " Ihnrough Investigation, Inlerestert ___ U

{ D U ri

fltl— M o n o y 16 L o a n 3 5 eS*2 3 PAHM and ranch loanT la riS ; of*iIno amnll, develnpment, rallnanclng, cunt o fl Lloyd Roberson A iency, 230 MaFn for■nl I Avenue North. 733-1895. I.yrlb - Q ■■■- ...... . . . . = l»v

I M u i l c L f l t io n t 4 0 733.■ XfCORDION, RUllar, piano iessons “ Y ‘

~ 1 - and snles, Wynkoop Studio. 733-7205.-------------------------------------------------- V."J

I " N ow iiAVli openings h r begin- rie.i nin* piano insiruciions, Mr*. Ted Wr M atsuda, Phone 7JJ-2fl04.--------------------P rt

------------------------------------------- H43S c h o o l ! 4 4 TTicI

___ V. A. APPllOVUD (llaht iraln lng , "1"Including helicopter*. I 'rea place- heilmeni aervica. Reeder P .lylm Ser- rio(ylce, 733-5020,__________ ;_________ | | 7

ll*<'“ - C O M PL I'T R 'your High Hchool edu- Mo»n- eatlon nl ho'ne. Dlplomn aw arded.

‘nonilily paym ents, 1 'r a • b y (elation. booklet explnlna how. W r l t a ),»■______ American .School, Iln* 7840. Boise,---------- Mnho B3707, ii,r

srA'(ii^;'Vn'iiey'ii7TriiihH'<:rt;Ti"nir.-:Tr-.'l?.!nr«dii'll!i',"c:nfl 'Ih S W'

______ _ _____________________________ T n r ;iina lch ' " *i»lOil and O fh o r I n t l f u c l lo n 4 6

“ ' u r s : '! sC I V I L S E R V I C E

--------- T E S T S ! I,::Hewer Mun-women Ifl and over, fien ira , hli

r i ' a i ; : u

33.3093. I 'llI 'U mrorniolliin on lo l» , sa l. T----------- arle*. t«i|u lrem rm s. v/rllo TO-_______ DAY giving name, add ress and ,,;i

*i-wln*'>'!>'ir«* 'n'}i»c 'N!i‘w«, **'”* **'*

--------- H o m e . For Sola_________ 5 0 "'i™

jr* 'r i 'n i **l''VoVy home. a'T iedroom it

N adlni Koepmck, 7,13-^207, o r *>li o r aale . MmmUIn llealty , 733-hn74. |>oiil______ A l"i'liA (.iiV |'. .lli’adromn i r r l iS r iT f

- r ,V,'y: inlfinfl. ^Tnl5o“ ov’e r ^ n ^ lonn!’"l’H4jl _ ''^ -•**“ ' iW liin Drive, I'hoiwi 7.1.VUI47, j. i ' a

TSv oWtTi'.lt, tirren 'bec'iroom.'w nir- 'f ii iL «___ _ II,.wall rarpeling, fenced back Inma, 34-----yard wllh coveted patio , carptrrl. In B«.------------(;iosa in Mornlngslita achool. t l 3 , . rbi ----------- IWI), 733-2MI,________________________ 34f

novins doiihle gu raie , landscaped, own cnI ______ ’.1^_______ whi. J l^fs-; '« e e " J l ujiT.fac tory I'll Juckson Hlreet- I 'o r Infiirma- ro< I « a le i non ^mone Jerom e 324-4Uiin o r Hnl- |>o(

paVr"2lj m f w ' A n t i l l f * h rilrdo i,.;' one "l.i ” J H ? «f* , ” { 20'? {i<ivon w nrd io ltr., two Imths, JT T : tnd 2nd firrplnre, naw n irpel, enl-lii k itili- in<

ass"anrt ^W alV-;— i s i . ! ! f ; ; s . ' i i . y ^ ....... .... j ; ;

2 3 H orfio* F o r S o lo 5 0 H o m e *

N G E A S Y T O B U YBornh

_ Low down paym ent and assum e “ 'I *>“i!G 5V'»% In terest loan. This appeal-1_4”03 *"n f'ome has 3 bedrooms, 2 R*^AL

flreplnc^js. carpeted living roem, P‘u» ^

, s - . . ^ ^ : . . r , s , T : r 5 , v . ^ r

■ A C A S T L E

*? " '• b r i c k \ o m e " '^ V ^ d - n I c 2 « ^ ^ ^ ^ ------- ^ ^-K ing" or n "Queen-'. There nro too m any desirable fea tures for

______ this *pace—b u t here are a few— ,4 bedrooms, huge family room. '-dn^a

ng • * flrenlaces, 314 bnlhs, benuliful- 5 ------ _Io rm al_d ln lnB room and much Dctly

m ore. (3000 squnre /e“ef plus 1300----------squnre feet in ba .em e n t^ Thia 270(

N f- . "Castle On A Hill" affords n

«> ;SmV“ nd"l* ''lu"rounded lli ''ro “o choice a 2 r e l w e in^^^^ you to with i

le 432- htnke nn > nppointnjent and In- room. ______ spect this rcm nrkable property. Only ]

Hamlett «»-• ‘ RealtyJ;MM 733-W79-— Dnv c r Ev«nlt\s

' O U T O F City' Limits. Northwest. K. Lreason- 3 bedroom • New er homc. ha* I

w ell. Cnrpeted llvina room, car-taii tex- POft • " 'J sto rage. *18.500. ------------rv ’reM - TWO..BEDROOM house, carpet-

S:00, ed living room. In Filer. *3,500. Assumf home. TWO bedroom on Elizabeth. brick,tting in Wood paneled, carpeted, back • porch »8,650. Will consid-

» NorUi' a c r e s E as t of Jerom e. 3 ,— homes . *45.000. H E RE I“ • 0«"» IMMACULATE 2 bedroom home. bjock '

cVpe”.lS rV a ra “g7.I:l^"F“lfe'^.",Sr

3 0 B R I S T O L AGENCY B m c K '— ------ ---------------------- .” 3-3863______________

$22,500 Ace rTKADE

ts- the fu ll.price for this beautf. room ful three b e d ro o m all brick 152 H home, near Holiday Inn Golf nings.

, ; s

; i . V i . S r ’. u T 's r , sg „ . u ^

K A Y H A R R I S O N S S " ':ng. 733-2322 drofln

E . W . M C R O B E R T S & CO. b y o w® 733-6013 pet. g

A. ^rooms, two bnth*. family room -casv i with huge- fireplaco, exqulslto K itchen. N orlheust location.9 Acres Addison Avenue E as t . *. Shonew ith 3 bedroom home, garage, DY OW*>arn. pastu re and loafing shod. homo.

I and A good buy a t *19.000. Owner garagIndS ■ ™BE0

L lo y d Rober.*!on ARCncy • g i’T I230 Main Ave. N. f q u h

__________ Phone 733-8B55 applli. , 5 '/< % .G I LOANAssOme this low Interest loan.

l a nnd rnove righ t In. 3 bedrooms. .

^ S Bmit^hrt* «d- C»o«« to college. *20,350. ----------

nrnoM r G O O D T E R M S O u> O*28 000 N cnt. newly decorated, one-bed- IN KI

icy 423- close-ln. *5.500 o r bedrc423-5403 niako Offer. baser

5— c E S H A W R E A L T Y ™ t !sell th is . Susan Shaw. 733-0473 _ J2 !£ 2I hnndlo E lm er or Jenn ie Sommer. 7.13.5597 MODEpporiun- Ann H offm aster. 733-2810 In il

ing for. -------- -— -----------------------------------------c arp tB R I C K 2 bedroom, basem ent t'lfe"®'

a re feet w ith 2 bedrooms, bath and fam- s treeS 'm '; ^sr. Shaw 2 'i ________ 3 BEDROOM 2 bath convenient

i t s1-0172 or .J.QP lopnte j ipHt.ieVel. 3 bed- ----------.ynwood, l>nlhs. NICf;. *25,500. ^

n e r ' n 3 F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S875 F lie r Ave. 733-1088 danc

business LOVELY older home, 2 ito"rlci.Jon 078- 3 Inrga bedroom*. 15x30 living '________ room, dining room, baih nnd mo..... ■— : p re tty stairw ay, hardw ood floors. .

P ricn *13,500, Will tnko 2 bed- tJXt room mobiU -home In trnde.

r S i i ^ l y n w o o d ' r e a l t y . ° S

jw ^® Por ° 'jn"tnes^D an‘ e’r ^ ‘’’ ^ ‘’'733” ’4o'‘ • -leaae ile re s ie d U, J . Schw endlman” 733-7100le*. 733- d u p l e x T rN e w ’ tJrlck and ’ frn'mS p in °

-• - a -lirdroom p full bnsem ent,'bullt-ln I 'n r t ■ - "PPllnneesi-Fully carpelod t nttnul). —Kach

. 3 5 ed anragc*. Located in noiihon.i^ o r f e f c % - a r m l , “r5?..“^^ T .J

23o"Mafti for" a ^ 'o r i n . f l t l J m ’p H c p ^ . V a I.ynwood Itenltv. IllO Itlun Lnkt-» fniKii

. lllvd. No.. 733-0211. Jnm es Dnn-4 0 ■

d l o ^ w '. l^ n r« g o '. 'V ^ ll^ ^ ^ ^ m Palis"Low down pnymunt In rlKhl p n n y . — ... .

_ _ t__ __ *8,000, Would tlikp 21' K. 2V ll.n- flO Ailr*.*^-«'d Wrl'lo“ * Jn m e i'“'j L ‘ /il!nhnmr"7nrIo------------- F I

4 4 NICE nlda~~2' slory tionie' o i.' _ H Z U. f , — Bcre in Twin I 'a lls, 2 li.rdrnoms "M l-S’

flrrp ln .e . dining room. plu. one Uy 1.sa place- hedrmim nparitnen t on snroiid now.ring Sar- floor. 3-cnr gnrnMn p lu t ofricr, Otlie________ 117,000, T aylor Agency 42:i.(iiHD. feiic<Oool edu. 'iv rn ln g t, 423.jin3 or less^

"H'.: ifl10. U0\»». i , J |i :„ ’Vd<,..! ul'ul.lo -^ 1 - -!

IiirKO dimng toom . f rm ed Lack n m n O T y " r ‘> i’*""'. s h .ouo. v .a . low {-' f*

_________ J|Y "<)W ni:II, S~h'-iiroiiin l>i IrK, n.lln l(<-ilout, a hi.tlis, fliviiliii (I, ( iiiiieliilll, Wcni

A f, d in p rs, IkiIII.Iiis, dciu^ile Kmoun, Mull4 6 full'III,W n.oni wlih bar. oiTe n “re jS -T g

------------- wliu I,ort.. barn u.id .o rrn l, Addi- “V o , ,llonnl lund avallnble, Ats.inie lonn, J ' , ,owiinrs' oqiiliy, Hoofl, l-lHifia 733- |,„ ir

I C E iii'i.k J 1 f f ilialht, (ull liatiiMH-ul, lovely funced lia('k ym d. i:uvnrod |ii.Uii, iillached c iit|io ii, nonr i ij||«u« nnd lloliert ffo AC

H erura , h liu .il J r . High. llh.SlK). Cnn l>n full

’repoi'a'. Jnd l" kfl‘'’o v r r ’ pn^ninmf. 733%Jl! ' 'l ik n n t re . (or ni.in.lritmnnt, ollie

rf* 'I '' ' “ I's — Wo liavo a snllvr who },“;yi■0. .7 u ‘'" y ‘■'"•I"*'Iln -I?! homa iiuri-hi.te, 3 licdriioiiii, fully KHl A« . iu .i tnrim ted, ni.a rlied g a rag .,' ni.-o land

■ ' > nelghtxir inod nnd ll's quTlo new. Anyi»»•* lin.lioo. <!nll I'riHik Hoot!., 7J3.flD74 m u.

--------------_ i . t Moomiilii Kcnlly,________ *11),(NliWl'.H 11.1 .T ln td io o m "h.in.o ...........

5 0 Poplar. <ii.s furnncn now w ater »'■' '' i m i i i * li«alor. dlipoMil. and o tlitr (.m- 4l) Atle d ro o is *•*" '] '“■* *10® " moiiiii watJ

r ^ 'i,w«! c a ll m i x x ^ . w v r ^ d T T n ^ i 7 w i T M r."'"7207. o r tunny hllrhen .-n lca liiith and oar- - l‘» ' ‘ 733-hn74. pot Itl living joom , O aninn gnioro, jiTTTll

b r w " ’£ u ; ; [ : . i ," ( „ v i ^ ; ‘''j.'cai?^ : r : ; ,imtK 1H4jI _''J:'-Ao74,______________ _________I4'J,(■''•m*'', , l.l'A V IN lli Cn'i'^ lioma,, i'lroplnco, t ^ - J ; oin wnir. •■fiirnnc«i-m halh t, rnrpeted. I.ulltl V ad back in range and oviin. 2 bedrooms, 1 ‘^rli , c a rp n ti. In fuir finished l.aiem ent, pallo, moi. Via,- Rarage, garden. N ear m a rU i. 7J3- f," '"

Il4fl!l,______________ <lnoIje'driiom oW NUTr”l)o'*p"cralff, NpVo7"3 Iind- njfltTI ly loom . I'ooiii, hasomcni. rei-renllon room, t ' " ' ;ioiY "wn i m ' ' ' 4oS

I.' ■fiee'"ai s r r T i ^ i i r T t n n t / ^ o * }»i''Informa- room, (am ily rixini, irep lam , n .r-

tn o r Hnl- poling, (rn red ynrd, HO.IMIO: Im- ______ __ possastlon. A ro llealty , F O Ifl

»?.“ Imlht* ia i^n 4 U ii: Jj"*!

eoi. Own- *“ rinn|^dfn1ng?*iin,lw'!'A^^^ 57rAt':

5 0 H o m e s f o r S a le 5 0 F a r r[ r " I^X C E L L e 'n t 3 bedroom home ^L with full finished bniem cnt. on dee

Bornh West, Nice kitchen wllh 50.utna “ 11 buJU-lns. $17,000. term s. .. c r .’,^“ 2 • REAL nice 4 bedroom homa TW5otn Pl“ > 2 bedroom apartm ent In ISO-nge bns'-menl, largo lot. 1700 block tnlneed E nst. rccrvo*' ” LOVliLY 4 bedroom br'lck w llh SM

• fnmlly room, double cnrport, n tichoice location. }22,SOO. *5:!

« } ____ — C - X O O N E YI - R e a l t o r - “

r ™ - - f f iitiful I’cth W ickham ' 733.5476“ n u c h _ Deny Hansen 73.VQ38C ____

S S 2700 SQUARE F E E T Sjds n . . . thi lOun- Living Spnco. 2M bnlhs. (nm- «n' 3^4 Ily room, den. 17x30 living room. Fc .u to with (ireplace. 1-ormal dining ' DcI In- room, 2-car attached garage. horty. Only *25.300. . P r

20'O P E N H O U S E ter

S u n t d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 9 — - 1 T O 5 P .M .

n R 831 A L T U R A S ’w e sT " K. Lnnn Anderson - 733-1360

ho* B A R N E S R E A L T Y wcar- 733-8227 ac

G. L - R E P O S S E S S IO N

Assume 4V^% loan - 3 badrooms.ibeth. brick, la rgo ggarage, good loca- ------back tlpn. *12.000.msid. T W IN FA L L S Al

R E A L T Y ?■'. . , 733-30C2 Evenings 733.8490 I?."*• ’ HE'r e 'i't ' iSI a two bedroom home. lc

nent. com pact, clean and only one Ct lome. block from the post offloc and. "w't call John LeMoyne of LcMoyne

Realty . 4 miles south of Hag^er-■ m an. 837-4463. . ____

Y iiitlC K -ram bler. 2 baths, appliances.double ga rage, manicure ' fenced 80

. jrnrd.j^A bsolutejj^sjiotlessi *27.500. h?

TRADE *2,005 equity In four^bed- *r sautl- room home for goM ased tro ller. ., f ‘ brick 152 H eyburn Avenue West, ove- Golf nings.

room TWO bedroom home. Convenient for M:nced older or younger coupio. Close to ___

churches ichools, and shopping i 03 Thia d istric t, b y owner. 4H -tth Avenue 1 ®p •««- N on h ,-P h o n e 733-C07t. .■ p,

VERY nttractivQ 2-bedroom home. C T Furnished o r unfurnished. Near'1 high school. See a t 476 North Ma- .

droflnT'TwIn F allt. —11CO. BY OWNER; 3 bedroom home, car-

pel. gas, G randview Drlvo. Phono- 733-0496._________________________ 1(

. . DY OW NER: Small three bedroom Drn*™ ' bome, gas furnace. Good locotlon.

' By”*OWnT r I ^ « c - r c d r ™ m ^ h ^ l i'• *8.700. Close to Lincoln SchooL Z l l

E a ,t , . Ehono

'shod.' home, fun ' bMem^nt* and™double gJwner ga raga. 733-5881._________________ ___fi

. T H R E E bedroom*, full basem ent. P fcnccd y a rd . Low equity, assum e

icy - GI Loan. Phone 733-7681 3;

— "icS-SF"'1- . - BY OWNER, three bedroom home. h

ooms basem ent, garage. Assume *1place.’ ■ iqftnM ow equity- 733-7388. Tnchcd KIM BERLY. U nutual three bedroom Vitcap- homo. *23,000. Phone 423-520Q. ^350. — ...................................................................... *

O u» o f T o w n H o m o i 51 Ie-bed- IN KIM BERLY, reflccoroted two -— 500 o r bedroom homc with partly finished

basem ent. Largo fenced ynrd. Buy >' m y equity and assume 0% con- J

'• tr a c t, sm all monlhly payment.Phone 733-0725, J

33-5597 MODERN 4 bedroom home (or sale rrr 810 in H agerm an, Ncw siding, new------------ carpeting , new furnace and new ■

paneling Inside. (137-4798 or see a t \ lement .,,,0 co rner of 3rd nnd Salmon _ !1 font- s tre e t, evenings.__________ ______ t ,i

largo TH UEU bedroom modern houwi nn *2‘i co rne r lots, Hansen. Phone <

F a r m s F o r S o lo 5 2 :J b e d - -------------------------------- ----------------------- =125,500- j 50(, > c n R combination — 1.000 Bt

- a c r e s culllvnied - BOO acres — l)K 6 for cow-cnK or feeders, Abun- 33-1088 danco deep well w ater supply.

t i s ’f

2 bed- lent 3 bedroom home, goodbuildings, IA miles from l> l n .Only *43,000 and buyer can as-

,T Y sume 3W% nnd iy ,% loans. One33-ri21l J ^•7100. . T W O .-^.-.laO -ncro-farm s.-T w in ■d fram e Fall* -water, Plnail producers,i' bullt-ln I 'n rh —pricpd at *800 nn acre..o?.‘l,5nM -K » e h - l 'o •mllei'from -Tw tiT .-- —ivantaga (tos A CRI'S, Finest «tqck Rnnch 1.nil now. nil deeded, (uj! water. .1 homes, ZZd hom»i, puia 3.7 pounds dally on *000S t 'n n n * teodcrs , *:i:iO,ooo, . - ' cT'n'dlmnn: • C .- L 'O O N E Y ' _ j- mo.l.-rn R E A L T O R c t;in l'« lls, 73.1-4081 _'2fP"lV.n- 80 ACRll.'i, 2 'hom es, good out- inymnnt. hulldlnHi, I heudgala. None bei- m, 7nr,o le rt *W(i,ooo. one 37D-

F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S; ■ 1/ 875' I 'llo r Ave. 73:i.|0B8“drnon.i' ^ ILS" (140 ACHi;.<i. 1,00 acres grav-lilut one Ity Irrlua ied , 530" or wnler. Ncnrly

snroiid niiw nil m odern 3 bodronni l.on.e.■ orricr, o th e r Imiiriivomenis Ko<id, all42:i.(12HD. fenced, 'Ihl* Is n real hiiy j‘rlced•Jini Of ‘‘"or“ “ “; i f"

= n = j ; E : r a ! ! i « M r t e.nlfonnis n „ , | r y M nlhrrt, 7a3.H4V:l.

, . i , ; ; 5 , ' I f ' , =_ o( te rm s to .iuallficd buyer. Meo N

IrK mlln l(«-il I 'a lle isiin (or nppuli.tmnnt. ~ lUiieti.lil, W.'jit W.-.t

inie limij, 4 ■lanclilon walk through bnrn! Miiia 7.13- |,„ i r „„ii„iildin«t, J'rlrecr n t only

Ml.OOO. Mtisi tw to HOnrecialo. umMilirS J 'T un io Hi-nlly and /iitu .nnco , lv (uncBd JHt^ltsiin, broher, 324-«H8i AJ

l-ancaslar, n.KI.'HDt. ll ll.iliert So'A(::UIUi oV ')7lt~; iiooii valira will)

Cnn bn full w ater rlglii. Will produce nM

_______ V""”; '" 'I ’«'ivrm.mis. Price »2il,m>t>.

IIU, fully KH) ACHK.S dneTie<rVo’iintil u ia tln ggii, nl<-o land, lornlad ln I 'n lrf lelif nrai..iTle new. Anyono In lrietidd In seiiliiH ll, 7)3.9074 m ust .10 Iird.re snow frill. I’rlreX.'______ »ll).lH)0, 29% d<iwn, Wendoll Kenl.Ii.iii.e .>1. ‘‘r ‘T 63(i-JVialU*r'**Iin' 41) AtJIUvS *01111. ii( jnruiiiii, j'lilla moi.lii w ater. *24,000. 270 a..rr)i no.ihsl.lo lk Ilooih, w ater, 2 liomes, only S49,.iod,

ilnntty, ffiochmnn'a Jicaliy, noo Noun. i.in .

n gnioro, liTTTli.l tlo Aero*! Comfo.ii.I.lii'|i»m,V per, 7.13- lio i lh aa tt loratlon. Year nroiini I Jlra liy , w nler. Ideal (or ti(ii:k nr row n o p . ________ ft*!'-

ir 'lom*."! i^ } ,C ^ a s* ? f 'n ‘‘r ’/ ‘' ”r\i»i!’*7J3'

r r - r a ;?r Moi'ill '.xcliani{>ir._flll Main'’ North,""73!!!

c irS lie iit ^ fu f 'V irk 'k i!imliII’"li«ivv’*?oiL'” ^[£r_e. r?.r. *ir>.000. Ace llaall)!, 7;il.

1' Ilrnlly', F o i tT V A rr i 'i '. i i i r lh o f.lo ron ie, i'u ll w nler rlHhts, I 'nur bodroom home,OwmTr. ll^.'i'il.n,’" ' " r

1,000- A re 57rAl':'lti;S~luin''vy''so!l, uoii.l Inip.ovn.'________ m ci.lt n e a r Twin f'all*, iSll.noo,ca, ba te- trad e able. A re Henlly, 733-9217, 7

'jo "* (lo n ' **iMfini(. ! t o n * " u ^____ ___ ...,7W4......... .................................... ...........

\ -

50 F a r i i i s f o r S o lo ______________ 52 M o b l.ome CATTLE RANCH. .100 ncres.. on deeded. 8 months rnnge right for k _ _ -wlth 50 head- One mile o( .Snake Riv-

.. cr.froniac<!_ '6 'ill-« '’n»ldr[LJ.rnd<?,________lom a TWIN FA L l^ County Fnrm . it In 1800 acres, bean, beet* and no- Slock tnlo Innjl. Excellent production /- ^

rccord:-.W lll consider trade , ^, TTie

w llh SILVER CREEK Rnnch, 280 • WE port, acres wllh good. , range righ ts. men

*53,000 with lerm s. pet ,

R O C K Y M O U N T A IN p” ' R E A L T Y

W ayne Daiier. DVoker 733-1408 7Mel Moneur J . P . " J a c k " Smith •*

s i s ' ' 300 ACRES ■■ ,

v r "th ree large springs. 175 BLM I t ,

(nm- g rn tlng . right* for- 7 months.•oom. Feed corrals for 1000 head. -------lining ■ Beautiful, near new, 4 bedroom a _ _ rage . homo with private tro u t pond.

. Prico *125,000 for quick sa le. . cOLl 20% down, balance ove r long ^oiterm . Davo Nicholson, Phone p«n

2 9 837-4731. H agerm an. Idaho. ^p ,I M P O S S I B L E ? ? e «

- 60% L o an ! . fvTo 60 Y e a t s T o P a y ! .

--li^.Tflterclst ' 'Jg.”We havo all thTsnn this good 240 g70

_______ «'■;? mile* from Twin ^ r f lta i l s . Th;

B A R N E S R E A L T Y X 3oom*. I______________ 7M-8227

400 H E A D COW R A N C H All p rivate allotm ent, located In one of the finest ureas fo r rais-

e^nn log Bccf Cows In Idaho. Can be THR 2± !2 2 _ purchased for less thnn *450 p e r Cle t home, cow unit. F o r moro Informntlon fur nly one cn il: om

H A N D Y R E A L T Y s m a :<0* South Lincoln Je rom a Jloi

HnD«r 324-4339 evenings 324-2902 k *'____________ and 324-545C __________ Mb

.nances. 80 A C R E S ^tjlA'fen ced 80 ahares w ntcr. 3 bedroom aii*27.500. home agd outbuildings boiween J'g;

Je rom e ifnd Twin Fails . P rice SxS ur^hed *29.000 Includes full lino o( ma-trlu r-r chlnery. This Is an outstonding TWOtrailer . ^ ^ desirable location. fur

It. ove- W E N D E L L R E A L T Y

hopping i b3 ACRES. mile* W est of nic-Ayenue 1 pn g r. Highway 30;Tixcellent Im- onl_____ _ provem enis. 4 bedroom home, b a s '1 home. Corrals for 300 head. .„lI. N ear H A R O L D ’S A G E N C Y S irth Mn- Across from Scnr* 733-5532 181— — ----- F o r FARMS I f a BARNES----- THR? Phono B A R N E S R E A L T Y

1037 Blue Ijjke* n a Main W; ‘ h.,edroom Boulevard North WendeUlocation! 733-8227 638-::02«7.13-5331. ' • — . - — fui’ ghome. L o ts a n d A c r o a g o s __________ 54 ^_______! C H E A P l C H E A P ! ?o'm brick ^ A cro In Je rom e, 3 bedroom*. tei

double ga rage, nice Inwn, to ta l p rice or_______ ilO.OOO. No dowa to rellabl* DUisement p a rty . eliassum e L & N R E A L E S T A T E w .______ 324-4800____________ Je ro m a ONE

J>ulli-ln HORSE Lovers, here '* your chancel vaAssume T otal 4W ncres, K imberly. One „ £ £

_______ acre riding arcnn, corrals, ncw NIC:n home, horso barn w llh tiiree I n r ^ box u iAssume n c r « d*v°ded pastu re new- r r a

bfdroom seeded, fenced. Chlckon coop, r^'abbltry, fruit,

= = X ' - s ; ; ; r i s " '& . " 'T e i - S s : ' ° s ? ; i e m

Z 3 I^*f?nls^d ONE Acre w ith one bedroom home nrd. Buy in K imberly. H as p a u iire gar- J ’

and new}r see a t 054-2011 or 300 South S.H east, q n : Salmon ' ' _______________ '

= = F c 'u r 'sXi.t-::' City Lots. BM til 'gh: ^52 3Rm'’ ’ c a n 73J. ti

------------- - - - ■ - - ~ p- 1.000 B u s in o s s P r o p o r ly 56^Abun*. F 0 R ” S A L Einu'aiiy. C o m m e r c i a l B u i l d i n g

151 M a x w e l l ^E x” l: A c c e s s ib ility R a ilr o a dlowin'* T r a c k a g e

i ; ” 5 . . M u s t B e S o l d

' t . „ . " B y O c t o b e r 1 0 i.733-9633 • ~

n .- C u r n m e K la ^ P r ^ r ty ^

Rnnch Feldtm an R ealtor* 733-IWS „ hnmes, ' an” r ,000 C o m o le ry L o ls 59 S R

c o m p o f ______________^

N E W ' J*’ S H IP M E N T JU S T A R R IV E D

’O R S W o o d lln cs^-C-8-Siocpcr.t p

" ‘NcaM ; R E D U C T IO N Sin’i I.ome. A T

D & R -C A M P E R SA L E S

733-08 "8° «^i;fl^n';,-'?J3.5a2077,-.- |i- r r SAFIiTY Camper for sale. F ils nl- .m hoi.iefor <l'il>:k __________________________1. "i»“ M o b l l o ' H o m » i

™ a n d N O W !

S s B A K E R ’S

t S ' m o b i l e h o m e siitu ianco. P ro u d ly P rtsson ln

<-«H8, Al T },0 rn co m p iirn iilo N ow



T R A I L E R!3.14. for tlin m o s i ditfrlm lnaling

t il if 'n re ’if Coii*o'seef"YVm'u*be^ dellgl.todf» 'i . .H ll J U S T A R R I V E Dfnll rili'O Ucvt imiii KII coii.paninn 23'doll ini.l. ,el(.c<ii.talnrd tri.llrr In bolh ir 83<J-J0IH m in and doublo bed i.todel*,'______ ^ Now liiiiil 27' *olf-tonialned'K Umio, J'lill Companion.

'"li BAK ER’S! 5 I f M o b i l e H o m e s

....... ...a' l w a y s

i M u f l i r B E T T E R B U Y SMAGIC VALLEY

"n H o « S M O B I L E H O M E Slorth, 73!l- |U mlla* wa*t tit W esl B Point*________ 7M-8UI — Cloaod Halurday* •i ^ i o n O T 6|,op In BUHI.KV befor* you buyV'll' ,‘%‘4? I-I & W- fr, a - r u l l T R A I L E R S A L E Slom homo, a7l-»«n" • ‘•Il'llO d* - P H lc i'.l. to te lh l u i f l ' l o .w 2.1,ait;- roo.n moliila honia, Huralloni con-

'iUfi ri(« •ftarnoon* or

Iliiyjiii 'o f ^*oV>na‘ *linm’» .‘*a ''badrnom t, bath, saliy , 733-


52 Mobil* Homos ' 64 Twin F

s B A K E R ’ S ^ — ^id e ,_ B r e a k T h n A f-^ rtnrm • P r ic o B a r r ie r ! lov

ssi. r-j J u s t A r i ' i v e d Sp™-TTie new 12' x 60' NASHUA 3 0 Dl

280 • WE-STPORT^ 2 and 3 bedroom l o VELhts. models. Double Insulation, car- • Avnllt

Eet. over-slie fu rnace and w ater place:enter. S torm windows. D o t h MornI

priced well below *8.000. der I

:: BAK ER’S m— M o b i l e - H o m e s -

IJ Year* Serving M agic V alley JjVrJii <412 Addison Ave. W. 733-3358 P?7hMl

ead. ..............• — 4028.A p a r tm e h ls — Furriishad 70 t w o rCOLLEGE G IR L would like young and i

Ions woman as room m ate to sha re ex- 2M9.lone penies In n ttrac ilve two room f tr , . , . '.

a p a r tm e n t. 'In q u ire : 347 7th Ave- ^eatnue Norlli, A partm ent-N o; -4>,jiui»k. • J|,rni’,ends. ' , 1,1 7

. TWO' H ddM . L arge kitchen, wall-to- - w all w p a t l t ig . E4dr<jon\ — living

,room. Close to downtown. All ullll- . 1240 t^„« « » e p t e lec tricity . *35.00. 733- ^

rwlB ATTRACTIVE four room s and bath. ®Adi‘ii Third A venue N orth. *7S ii*r J p , mon^h^^ Phone K im berly, *23-4377,

H------ ^ l ^ r ^ g a * ° - ^ a r '’“' i ‘7e*r‘ a 1i°i“o‘‘“ 5 ; ; . f V j i i f i s " - '”-[ b i r i'inK H li^rge room* w ith bath. ,p e r Clean, close In. H ea t and w ater ----------

Itlon furnished. Inquire 7IB Third Ave. HoUSC

^ lA L L .APARTM ENT, good lOCa-ome tion, ground floor. R efrigerator, 5*3“t kitchenette, a ll u lllltles furnished. ??[

Man prefei-red, 733-2533.__________ atreaSMALL, bright chee ry apartm ent. • ferre

Carpeted, m ostly now furniture, germoom All utilities paid. Ideol fo r working = g p p ,

ding TWO r o o m tn n d ba th . Alf litllliioi fjo . ‘ in. fu rn i ih e d .^ ro u n d - f lo o r and prl- Robe

T H R ^li' room s, bkth'. 'iiie~'*Kowe'r: ^Vng ‘I ,. wall to wall c a rp e t. Clean and furno

t ot nice. M oderately p riced . AduIU U5 on ly -n o pet*. 73a-<8«l.

, ro « n !^ n il uB!ltfci*”pald.*'*AdulU yoorf?o'y. No pet*. SM.OO. Phone 733- Aven

•5532 1818 a fte r 8 p .m . iES----- THREE L argo^room i. featii. clean,r nicely furnl*hed. H eat. w Ater and ferre‘ „ . . sanitation fu rn lihed . *85. No Suit- ^922 SrtMl day call*. Adult*, no pel*. 733-BI22.20 TH REE room*, fu m iih ed apartm ent, new ______ W ater, ian lta tlon and ho t w ater nu r.

10x55' mobile hom e. A vailable Sep- tw U >om*. tem btr. Phone 733-7814 sfternM n

iabl* D U P L E X , two bedroom*, very va'll clean. Soma uUlltle*, oil heat. rCTTT

E w asher-dryer hook-up. 733-8819. ron’* ONE bedroom ,'elose-in , clean, ori- - Sigg,nance. ^ ^ 7I. ncw NICE three room and bau i fo r two. {.^1^ 00” tV‘" A ‘*' S ^ a l

r = ! ^

T im E 6 °i- .o m .p . r m .n t .or 733- W ater . san ita tion , SSS. Phona 733-

6235 afuor 4 p.m. . Sl E E

p s ^« . oast, ONE bedroom furnlshod duplex. 42a _______ 4th Avenue E as t. Call 733.8183.

'R ea lty ' A porlm tnti— UnfurnUhod 71 ^m^orII I I. - - ahontcnt. w asher-drycr hookup, elec. n „ , | ,

a ll 733- tr ie range, refrigera to r, disposal;Caroeled, close to Lvnwood Shoo-

= = ping Cenler, Go* heal. No pels, X C i Avftllnble OcloBrr 1st. Call collect r.',V,

____ ^ -843-5890 for appointm ent. ’Sl“‘SPAOlOlJii one bodroom apartm ent S S

near Lynwood. Id ea l for working 2 ^ n s couple. H eat, l lg h l i, w ator. range = = =

® and refrigera to r fu rn lihed . Mo pjifm

‘d ’iv.S' ^nished. 258 Blue Lake* N orth. 423- Dar8903, Kimberly.__________________ — .

I n ONE bedroom p leasan t apartm enl. W a n L v l nicely decorai«d. Excellent .build- nrTKT1 f t - ? S

liA eH lil.6H Iran i ip . r lm .n l , f l o . . .In, Heat, w ater, appliances, aanl> ' i . p

' V latlon fum tihedr Adull*. No DSIi. —— I.

— •p y a r a 7 r r i ; , ; r i ; r i i : . 7 ~ ; ; «

59 6 h u " bedroom, ranga , refrigerators r :

' • - • ^{ihK H room* an'd’ bati., clean, w a. CAI — - lor, sanltailon, law n cara (urn lih . tor A 'l Dd. R adiant heat. 733-1018. CA!

____— roVBlV i ' hVdroom duplo x -T pT i: V ?mant, bulll-ln K ove, w atar . aanlia. tion furnished. Nn pe ti. 733-8718.

V E D ,ferred. Phona 733-9I73. m

ATTHACTIVU, good locBHonTn"'4- plex, Ona t>«dfoom, *tove>rofrli<r‘ Bob

; ator furnished, 733-24»2 o r 733.Bi<4.

Mobllo Homos 64 Mob


“ G A T E ’ V ^



O F VAImating


Sopiorpber 27tli, 28l

A ll ii8C(1 M ob llo H o m es, ftntl P l c k u n C a m p e rs Redi

> 0 1100 O fl L is l P r ic e ,

v Q c M n n y N e w lOflB M nb lla H oma n d P ic k u p C a m p e rs red u c


OPEN «lOO A.M.Polnta

rd«yi S U N D A Y 10:00 A .M .ou buy


C E N T E R ,

ll* b'aih! Addison Avenua West a” *■ Twin r a i l

64 Twin F o ils’rimoj-News 1 5 ' - ^ ------ Friday. iSept. 27, 19&B. '

Ar-'artmenls—«Unfornlsh*d’'71LOVELY TWO Bedroom apart.“ .•

tnent. A ir ciindltloned, carpeted, {•

LYNVoOD'^yANOR*’ t ,lUA 3 0 Blue Lakes North 733-38et l'oom LOV^iiLY T hree bedroom d u p l T Z 5 car- • Availablo soon. Carpeted, two fire- .

■ ss.der 12 not preferred. Phone 733- v2282. I.;.s r s'jn iblerpyonB ‘ '73‘3”-43l0°'*'‘° ' '|:|

Houses— Furnishod 73

i s - T o { J i ^ o ^ “” ‘n i ? u % n f - ; t f r n V e r - ------- VMiddle aac people only. Oft street

^ s a ; ; 3 ‘ - J ’o n % ,3 K .- .;“; K & | ;

70 tw o "ROOMS and bath, suitable oKe-------- adult, downtown location. W ater ‘youmt a^d^ ian lta tlon furnished. 130. 733- P

' furnished. Adu1ts"preferred."'jkpply j

NICELY (urniihed two bedreotn • !: '

I' fe^^be 'd room a S iV t" ;^ n V '% f« ^0. 733- g?. required^ 733-1M6 , .SMALL HOUSE, partly furnished ^

5 lief- ■' <1,“''*. “ O'y- No Pets. Phene 733- r*!* 4-4377 -V^ Ikvenue **ba,h |^su itab lV "r*r*ono adu?t*. *S25 - g j j j p m onth. Phene 733-5097.___________ 9'

i ' av^ Houses— Unfurnlibed 74 V

'®,'V ^d?nl?g*^ hIlp°% r^*”ow*remaU ?)Vo ?'■ llshed.’

m e n L • ferred?" RefeirencV**.^*837-47S7* ? l»r \

'orklng -t-|^r e h bedroom brick oU-Vun?ac^ i' n . can 228 M oreland. *95. Tn'ree bedroori v .

g a ra se . coal stoker, 1412 4th E a it, 'itllllto* {M. c a ll beforo il p.m ., U oyd i' d prl- Rober*on A gency. 230 Main N orth,

“* _ Jhower' *^Vlig°r6oin,™ kirelien, g a ra g e , ' 'g a a ' n .n 'l 'l furnace. 301 3 rd Avenuo N orth . fv. Adults gS5. Phona 733-8814.— r — TWO bedroom s. 3rd bedToom-lamHy

’• ’ Avenue Ea*t.

-a i in r K S S 'n " ,* '; , ! ? . “A a f ." ? ; . ': r s S 7U,33-8122. 'p 'o R R E N T ; t ie a n 2-be'droia'm~Kou5 'rtm ent. new ga* furnace . Drive by 310 Vatt f”

w ater puren , then call 733-5071 d a y i; 733-Land 8349 evenings o r weekends.

..... -Mt;, TWO and H bedroom*, oil furnace.m iw a close to school*, 4th Street N orth,t e r n ^ m . 855-430.

........... d?eoraled*. ^f^ l"ba*em ent"*w £l "to ;

. v e ^ wall c a rp e t. Phone 733-oi35. WSMALL house p a rtly furnished. In - >j

^ 637 Jef/er*on o r phona 733- . | |

‘ ‘0 »” • TWO®’bedroom*, ga* furnace, a t- g — lached g a rage . A dulu o r am all P

• ■.. C arden and room for lom a live- i eofM m »ioek. 733-3981; 733-4809._________

PO R R E N T : M odem 3~bedro«aa-

Rooms— Board and Room 76

y r p j j j C L O S E -lN 'c lean j prlvato en trance , tn?' ' O'f conditioned. Day, w eek o r

m onth. 137 4th Avenua North.

ahoahone S treet South.

Sip-ffi: B u ln o .i— O tflc. R«nlol. 80Jn PRIVATE O ffice, downtown, a ir cOn.

_______ ern A ppraisal A Investm ent Com*artm ent pany. 444 Main A w nua South. 733. w orking 5-ias o r 733-3011.

Forms fo r Ront ________ 84

ea*t^f^I farm . Canat w ater. B a il B am es,,1h^ 413: D arnel R ealty . 733-8227,__________

nuSiKT. W anlad to Ront 88

• Clot*. _ B*3o! r rn ? " 7SS.m S.” calV®eo"u^<0 d»5* ^-»rry Drake,

17.;. In d u s lr ta rE q u tp n in t-------- 89 --------. r , c . n USED INDUSTRIAL igera 'tor EQUIPMENT -

4lh s t, A I.L 18-C H A I.M En9 model 110 trac to r, loader, backhoe, *S,000.

ran7w'a: CAflK model 1000 CrawU r trao- trac r.^ .

‘ »'ULL Line of New John Deeroj‘3-e718 Induatrlal Equipment.


m : ' ’" ' ' f f i t r s i . s r . " ' ’ -----------rofrli<r> Bob Houston, Sales Repraianiatlve 733.B>44._______________ 733-1400

64 Mobllo Homos 64




icr 27tl), 28th n n d 20th

bile Homes. Travel Trailers 'ampors Reduccd As Much As Price,

Mnblla Homes, Trnvel Trftllorn mpers reduced for quick snlo. ''


«!00 A.M, to fl:00 P,M.

10:00 A.M, to 6:00 P,M.


I N T E R , I N C .

'enuo West a t plake Street ,Twin F«ll«

I _ »

Page 16: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

— R E S U L l

2 D a y s a n d TWO bedroom , g as furnacc, lai

^ . g arag e , b a sem en t iPhono 733*xx

, 1 6 T w in .Falls T im es-N ew s Fa F riday , S ep t. 2 7 , 1 9 6 8 lo

Farm Implomonts 90 ’

^ U SED I B U Y S ^]— T R A C T O R S — J

-ONE M A SSE Y -FE R G U - H.SON 135 Diesel M ullipowcr 57w ith duals. Late • m odel, texcellent. ^

— C H O P P E R S — J

-ONE U sed JOHN D E E R ENo. G chopper with pickup _ ihead , excellent. ><5

-ONE GEHL choppcr w ith ^ corn and hay head, enginodrive. _ i


-TWO used JOHN D E E R E 55 hi-low combines.

-ONE used JOHN D E E R E 20"216-W wire tie baler, n early —new. __n

-----^ -M A bSL'V i-t-l^CUSON10 w ire tio baler. c o

-MASSEY FERGUSON NO. iJX10 twino tio baler. , r

^JOHN D E E R E 214-T tw ine ^ tio baler. .

-ONE 2-row Hallw ay potato ^ ?digger. 6

GEM - 1E Q U I P M E N T =

SALES, INC. Au“ Your John Deer* D en ier" ^

S . E astland Drlvo 733-7272Chester Sherrets 733-5260 fC . M. ■•Duke" R oberti 733-2821 *'

U S E D B A L E R S ^P r i c e s U p T o 5 0 % C u t

5 MF No. 10 gunrnntced to bala <3 MF No. 3 Buoronleed lo bala I4 JOHN D E E R E H-T sood v

o n F o l l o w i n g :I JOHN DEERE M-T for p a r t i 4 CASE No. ICO for Uied o r • >1 C^SE No. 33 reconditioned J1 CASE No. 31 lo r p a rts I 3 i n t e r n a t i o n a l 45-T for _ T2 fNTERNATIONAL 55-T tor

p a rii

C o m b i n e s ,P r i c e s S l a s h e d l _

I FORD reconditioned Ql:• Wns *17D5 ..........V N O W $l29S i

I MF No, 00 rocondllloned 1' Wns *1075 ............. NOW *13D3 '1 M F No, 80 m otor overhauled I

Wn* }14DS ............. NOW SI2D91 JOHN DCBRE No. 0.1 field I

I ready. Wn* *0500 . NOW S4M0

B a r g a i n s n iO n U s e d T r a c t o r s ;

I M F No. noo » Iiho now with 4 -bo ttom 2 -w a y plow. Now 18795.

1 MF No. mo 470 hours With cab

; ......Z i t l a u , M o t o r s ^ M323 So. Idaho-W endell—530-3111 < ' ----------------------------------------- , — 1

- - - 2-DAHLMAN---------- ---- p jro in to lln rv r iie ri In excellent •condlllon. Ileuilv lo ills potatoes. i WIII tiniincn wllh rlKlil p n r iln .Call 430.45Sb, even lnv 'i 43U-4D3}. “ ■duyi. ^

K linglar F nrins, Inc. r r MlnUtdkn

l.lV ICSrociT 'O I-iniA TO IlS: convert I yrnir rain dniniiHcil liny liiUi n (i| piilulahiu nnil^/ n ia riilnu i pro.Uictli'nrmUiiml)*** hny * Illm nnd" 'im ' ctr :;ii>cs unll. To he <lumunllc<l nnd “ imivBd l>y huvor. cuit IH.IKKJ. prlco ,

TRACrOR FO R SALEI'ia»<ai.S()N .IS TrnclOf H iHN I'DUI) tiiMtor —

■ w n Allli niiilM irr’» MMOOI'.I. NU i i i i: hoiin comlilnn ULtVl'.lt nno trai'tiir


7;i:i-o(H7_____________l-OK ^Al.lv: Ona cuil foiir-inw im'Iu- (7.

^ Jien.ly lo wuik. Dnn i.c>i:hw<»i.i rlin ln i, Ono l\vn-i(iw Cull puhili) ^ <l.l«ljtr wMh^ n n .» ^ ‘ i‘i'”12’- lonH. lM»il|fi^yiiiVni**4^?-!'MH,‘' ' Fi

rUNDAilTTT^Io w n ii. in l i< u sliiTli xolrlDvlnu nnd liiiiK lniiilln« luo- r - liitps, »S,lx)0. InlotniilloniO IH- T' Mflxnll No. Mil pliiw, II,noil, I'nrmhnnct linln m.irhluH nllioU. incnt, )2A0, Will <lellvi>i. Dnvhl T v n T ' -iyi"l'i‘“ Vnlloy, No-

■nM yf/S^/lT 'liiitlirl AiiikFIuiii (Im ln jT Mil, fnn it.lrli'ly n o c lrd will, IIcmii *_I Jinil wooil iilnfroini. S|>riiiil |ViO, W i'iiern M uifs D iiti iimtni s, 7.1:1- KI7U. ______ J___

N o .'2 o ’,'‘ wlln"'t!i^w^’' “‘IIId 'I'VIlS *■' (Invlnor. Iln i oow Kililicr-roalnl Chain nnd rilKhu, i:<l l ln rn rr . o |. Urn, 7;i.1-:i7l»i Iminn 7a:i.|l.MI>.

bA III.M AN (iiilitlrV w l.u iro rt'c rrn ’‘in^ 7f

..................... -Em-iTilT-IBl- to m i iHTTR-TJ "

g rnm hnd, Ford linn t <-n<t hfrni GiMer. Two hnnvy .liilv i r n r liiirk - a x lo i — 0-linls lluilil, 334-4IMR, J e . A.

•lOM.OO. ItliAN li|>ni'li>I~Ul"lnli<77i'ir. llonal ■ a 1 I • I'lopollnd roiiililnr. >'< Iteadv to ao. 4^ rnlli'* lunili >i|

- noodinu. d:h -ai(h .^O liN n iilT ltirN o . 11} ooml>lna wllh K

bei pichup, Keal «ood shnpn, Aim, naw idoa ilda raha . 7S3.|40a days, nni 733-4S34 evonriii*. n

6 XftiTl'T*Tcn.Fo— nofSirr^7Fr7.T;7r.row poiuio dlMBor w llh ckhs run- veyor. Would U nda fnr catUa or Apnlnlcmt. :i2fl.<n72.________________

K toO N tA lT T ^ila le i linplfliiionl for DAl.avnl rapnira and dnIry iu|>'p lloi, laa 2nd tionlh, 733 H4;>.____

M O Ittj t r a c to r horas pow or pe r do|.In r w ith C ast. Itqad T ra c lo r Com- ll

T /lA Cfd^li foiinlriiig, nny kind or _ m alia. Mnlynaux M nrhinery , lOSl (I I 'lo ral, Fhnno 733-7R47. .



R E S U L T S —

a y s a n d R e n t e d ,u r n a c e , la rg t j k i tc h e n , fe n c e d y a rd ,lo n o 733-xxxx.. ^

s - N e w s F a r m I m p te m s n t t 9 0 Polj? 6 8 LOCKWOOD Mark VI pointo hnr-________ vcslcr. Two potnlo beds: 14' nn-l _P1;

1C-- One b e d bcd. 14’. Lockwood -----^ two-row potiito (IlB_Ber^^wllh side Ljvo

) > H e a v y E q u ip m o n I 9 2SALE: D7—3T series C n l'o ll clutch j T ^

25 cnbic control nnd do ie r. Model ge 70 scrnpcr. 1039 iniernntlonnl i,o iruck. inndcm drive wllh 549 en- co

^ toolh. 7SS-40-V1, Hailey, evcninsii. Apj:y GOOD Conllnentnl Indumrlnl cn- ------

Sine, Model FA24X. Phone 423- _ M92, Kimberly.

:G U - H o y , G ra in o n d F o e d 9 4p o w er DAIRY I>clleis SS6-lon bulk; MB- ^ n o d e l, ton sacked. Globe Seed nnd Fe«d. L

Twin Falls.______________________WANTED: Grnin and -hny . Also, pTT

will deliver. Merlin Askew, 530-2511, Wendell. ____________ t ,,

-CBT7 CUSTOM Green Chopping with pre- ■jjiTT i E R E servaiivo ndded. L eo 'i Custom >irkiin Farm ing, Flier 326-4703. v!.

14% CALF Pellet*, j 5g bulk: iJs-Jon sacked. Clobo Seed and

W ith _£ L•nfiino ty ^wnier*“ 8fn»s. Phone“ M 3 -0 1 ^

FOK KliNT. fall pa iiu ro for 100 i n e s heart stock cows. ~ Call 733-2520.

WANTED. Haled straw . Cnll 32C-; e r e _________=:__________ “ni

UUOD cjunllly I9C7 hny- S15 p e r ton- ____Phone 4n-£gl7. ilnnsen.__________ =—

■E R E 20 ACRES-ot SIIOBVJ corn. Southeast . . . s . . of Jerom e. Phone 32<-2183.

BALED hoy for sale- 733-2179. Dan Dnnlels, 151 Rose Street Norlh.

’^??^d!*Phon‘e^ 327-5o"33'. " jc r o m e . '^ '' ~ 2 : CORN silage lor snie. Southwest of r e T

Jerom e. 324-4223. - cxN O . HAY in fleld.baled. 521 pe r ton. wc

- . , P hone 733.62SB.__________________ W

tw in e A n im a l B ro e d in g TOO ^ARTIFICIAL Dreedlng to AUS grout W

u iio in '' proven sires, nation's highest type W tatO production sire*. Also nil breeds of HOU

beef available. Buhl collect. 543- an ei02: Jerom o 324-2GS2; Hnzelton no820-5554: Burley 078-9253._____________St;

CACHE Valley Breeding Assn. Top NEV proven sires, oil breed*. -W alter kli Leitch, 543.4058, Buhl: F ile r E nter- de

^ priso 557 Twin coUect.

A u c t io n * — ' 1 0 1U 'C t2 MERIDIAN Snles Y aro. Auction ev- n r

R S ^C u t Y O U N G C A T T L E A N D _ ! l .0 bnia G R A SS CA LV ES F O R S A L E T T :0 bala HSIsieln, w hlic-tace and blackd white-fnco steeds ond helCers. ISO n h \

to 400 pounds- All shipping te v e r Vi

R o so B F a r m s batDariB Meridian, Idnhn ug0? . In M nslc Vnllcy cull: Iko Denn. nt

324.4295 or FerB Camp, 324-2259. 7 ^,cd Jerom e. We dclfver nnyw here In ‘'V*

MnBic Vnlley. Wrlto o r call fo r V.(Of prices. _

for W E S L A U G H T E R _ liiO n F a r m S la u g h te r in g

N o rlh M a in L o c k e rs ^P o r fast servico cnll 733-4981 “ f i

' Q u X E F f v ^ „ & ^ . S I s r i ^ , “/ (1293 and bull calves, Any am ount. Will Id buy ip rlnuor and open helfera. tV SI3DS Good quallly breeding bulls for ~ auTed loaa.Contncl: W estern L ivestock, L.AV SI2D9 723 H Street, Rupert, Idaho. 43G-5 field 6991,'o r Sherrll Stallings, 03I-S24S, "V 14500 collect, o r O. J . H arris , 886-2242. - i :

Shoshone. Ua;illiGISTUUUD Angi.. b u ll., j v . „ „ '

l-q Old and older, na rda llo r ond B aron 2L ,„iiK Lnkowood Dreodlng. Cnll F rnnk _ 1w with Drnko. 423-4014 <Jr- Charles Klimes, ^

Now 423-5053. 2 miles Bouih ond 1 m ile G oenst nf Kimberly. Idaho, 77T

On?v SALli: Registered A ngus'bu ll N^ 2 y e a n and under. Pop lar blood- b

lino. Also, 20 head foundntinn An- niy u« ^hewers, b reed, _ N

^ - FOR Sa l r : ooDd lint>V'urtd pasture G o 130-3111 cnives. All kinds. Holiu-lns, w hile —

. I. — ( n c |,- a n d b laeh .-324-1102 o r -324-

” I'RH-Sll or SnrlnKcr cow*, o r hoYfcra. . f, (cHlent SnrlnS2M“ or boef. H np‘ o“r‘'C lydo K T ’* r,i ■ H us he*, lluhl- B43-5R25 or IH3-S1H19. W 3U-4D3J n r i lU A i) Hoistoln“ Sprlnflar Heifcr* J ' JU4D3J. vmlahlng 1000 to 1330, lom o closo - 2 J

up, (or into or trn u r . Also can T oi llnnnco. 324-2415. Jernm n. - r<

R f lt SALU. 10 llo l .lr ln .Sprlngcir *»________ helfcrs; nlsn, 13 Y«rnrlln« llolslPln

Convert liolfori. Phone 1155.9925. HnllH ler, lUi ' 'Jn u. ? MKliKNHUY hnllrr lli monlhs. t2IH) >' proiiui i DP iiiiiiii (|,r sniHllrr cnlvvs, J’hoiio —ii Prodiicli 7,in-a5<H, WH

?l"e.l an.i i n u r - S>7177^— I tol. i r I n I.ei f n r.KKJ prlco ' ‘’r "'‘'o- ‘-‘“ ll M-1-3U0H, lluhl n fler _ i l 17o' Wen. ** P *'*'

FlH-Sr clnaa Aniiui liuilsTruRliltifnil *-------- I nnd 2 yenr olil*^ »:ioo to 1500. __11

.L E <-»ll nflnriioona, 7:':^-n750, CAI

H o r i o i 1 0 4MIU -‘iAI.Ii: 'lwi> A bllA iniiu-* wllh ''’ V

nbinn Cnunl Cliln lllly cciUa, llm 'k-n-lii>r. ^lli.i.v Iw.i-ynn-dl.l ’fllllo., ....... 1 —Ayi<iho^^A|i|iiU(i(i»ii aliillicin, lllll Shi

*■ ra riis i ih j ,, ; ,! , ,, ,„„i - ‘'VlAnywhnrn — nnyllnie, :r;i|.4n.ll, 11

________ IHinver I'Inr-, Iloiiln l . I 'lIrr, v1 ow ..i.lR- o ilN l l.rriHinllnK hnisn, anli.ll niMV', ,11I oi kwiM.i {('" '‘“ 'm l’""'*7rr(ll5A'' " —

c ' w l i c "Vlj:i.M(iH. ' I'O ll SA i.l.; Itl.iliiu 11.nrn llTTlf M n.. I' iV.i“ 'in71i '’" 'f Ariiblun. :i2<.ftl72, ,ln- —

<‘)n"? Til- 7 w (i l.uniliiu ii'i.i..-., Kl,■ *iV''7' 0llni''riK ) V

In y ," '‘no- ' mV,''ph?mo rill'l'illJ^ ‘-''I'l'l'l"!'.

iv'm.*i'i"I" S u p p l lo * 1 1 0i ' ; ' ‘ l i ^ ^ ’ s iT K i - N N i iL s I.

' * llOAItniNCJ — IIUOOMINO_______ I ______________ 733.U512_ ______ >

II 1 hr .1 *’O n iil.l i (UlDilM lNil. Mu.l aorvira ' ' ‘■ le r-roaln l r-l>»Jil'l«»—.'■:<'Jaaorlra. C hril MIU ; u n r r of. ) r ' ' kimnnia, mllo wml lle.i. up *

fil'Im*'' ;f,i' t ^riiUMAN sliiMlUolia rfiiii. o ......... . ■'

'ilmni. no' l"'l>l'l«»- AKi; ii<(|IM.'lad, I'.vcty 5• I 'll! a n '- n r i r '^ n ' ' , ' ; ; } . -7C---- llPtllalnind WHmiii itn.'i iiiiiia ir n r in " k —‘ ‘il'ilJV Iiin .Jlu fil, fUJ-nii.M. ^______ 4-4IHR, Je- A.K.i:. lU iU ll i r i i» i ; i r wii'llB Iny Frt- 1 ^ B g j ; ; : ........................... :roiiililnp. I’tH tlll.l-.fr— 'j f>ri.iilllii| |,.y jiTiiln*, i)l'............. ........... ....... ......... I

l>lna wllh PniVjltAlinri PupiHoa' f..r"i'lill.lir.iT; ? = Alin, mUed polnlor nnd rnillo , m a lr i M

.400 days; faniiil<-B. IB.OO, Fhnne V.13-n323. lirr,

: . . r n .n i r . 'n .roo ini.la l.|on.\ In roIr, olvlx ] :i<iia run- wn.ka old, PI....... -/.n .o ril. rr*c a tu . or xi{<:‘i- r7 ^ ii :i! ii|-h i.in )o i7 ’iw < - r? i^

_________<>ld, (eiiKde, »l2fl. f liuno 4:nitliU.l, 4

n l r i u i ’.'i W A'm''|V l'rr’P«ily li. i,.T,. ...y i.-j,: ^ 7

clor Com- liTiTiiFi i'TTn'ia) nnuiflill----------------- inilTiiTT_________ I'VI’' ' ■II® to lin ln . Call fl7n- n

kimi or ___ r iory , lOSl (IKIIMAN lilKiiiTniTi inuM.Inii iTTi

aoln, |lna..ii>Hl)lv nif.'...l l<l...i.n i on. rnoil'v Ilul.l, ^ ‘ v.i,

_____ ___ I>ro<InrUn.l. 12». ( nil Txi-il'Ji. - 7i m n r w o iio riroN _K ti«w rnii-iK .iT .'W nii-T^,i^ m in f . ad . Call 733IIU7V. a iiu r V p.iik. g

LeI G(

9 0 t*ot» o n d P e t S u p p l l e i ’ M t»c<

14- *nnrl ^ Phonc^733^342(^*°“ ^ ** ' ______ _ ^

Ih side L iv o s to c k W a n te d H 4:___ __ DEAD-ANIMAL PICK U P-----------------

0 <> Phone c o lk c t 733.6835IDAHO HIDE t , TALLOW t

clutch J . L. UUY. products, freo pickup , .Model service for useless cinlie n n d . 5,

ntionnl horaci. Will pny Ic n pound. Cull 549 en- collect 733-7155. FOR

short ___________ Sl'piins«! A p p l ia n c e s & H H E q u ip . 1 2 0 nmi

le 423- T h r e e R o o m G r o u p______ in c lu d in g ------— ” A p p l i a n c e s

^ O n l y $ 3 9 9 , . ..I 'F c d . C A I N 'S E c o n o m y S t o r o ^_ _ 733-7111 _______ __

1.-ALL C lc .r a .c e .1 ,»od u . t j S J '

' ss.DROP In l-rlRldulro com pact ao Inch s h a k

Cuitom copper. R eposscjsed. New , , 0^-■ u w arran ty , m . Cain's.___________ ,hni

bulk: y sE D houschoio appliances. Service vac t* ana on ull m akes. C am era Ccaicr Hnll 1421

of M usi;. 733-492I.________________ X W i-

S?3.-'c"arn-s.'‘Twln' Fa^^.II 32C- LINDSAY uuloniatic w ater sotlciicr. .,oJf.______ RcBUlnr 5339,95. Now-SICS, Cntn's. pdnor ton- ___________________________________ 5221

E u rn itu ro & H H G o o d s 1 2 2______ S P O T CASH s'or

’o r t? “"_ BANNER FU RN ITU RE- Top

■ne- 127 2nd Avenue W est 733-1421 PfI'.-cat of RE FlN iSH E D Drcsserraoubio bed,

excellent springs - m a ttress . Un- p—to n ' w orn sofn bed, now portnble TV.

mlscellancou*. 239, Main Avenue • Jiui

i o n SWIVEL rockers by K rochler, aolid wnlnut nrms and bnse. Lovely

grea t "ylon tex tured fabrics. Begulnr ‘‘f,’ ’

»yyp“c* „ ^ ° s E F u r o V f u r ‘i.Uure nnd appli'“ 543- ances for only $399- E asiest tcim s m elton now n t Cnin's Econom y Cori>«f

t T f o p NEw'^°i,u»L- »...bl..>.i iiiW nlter k U ch c n * ^ birch (cspeclully or- E nter- dered for custom er). S28. Cain's. 7 3.

. |Q » stoves. Hn>i;s Furniture._________ „ph______ BUY nnd sell lycd furn itu re . Kebuild siiaion ev- nnd reu p ho ls lcrr 'P hono 733-GG37. jA K I10 Vnl- Ron's Custom Upholstery.________ wn>SS-IB72. MAHOGANY glaa* ton hl-fl, *100. JtCi= =■■" - • 12 Inch portablo TV. 424 TTxlrd ncl'

1 0 2 Avenue w'e»_t,_____________________ cUT8X12 OVAL braided ruB. multi color. ony

^ -------- a ll wool. Call 733.1187, Chi

M m ic o l I n s t r u m a n ta ________1 2 4>■ 150 NEW Yamnhn pinnos; .U sed pianos; sTO\ (over Vox guHars nniM im pllflcrs, KLH vrti--------------- itcTvo -Tt!ConV>'-pInyersT— W arner 733

Music, 131 Shoihone-N orth;' ---- sE wBAND Inatrum cnl runlQls. New and .KK

m ed. Conn, Selmer, Bundy. Bey- Sn. Dean. nolds. W arner Music. 733-70S3. TTTTTTi

c m V E iX N lT B flat c larlnot, excel- Ari« lent condition. $70- 423-5084, Scoll -------“ M cMaster, Kimberly.----------- F b R - SALE';~g^ccil.:n t condition 120 M i*'^ bass accordion. Phono 733-2fi92. C/AN

'S R a d io a n d T V S o ls 1 2 5 ? S3-4981 ONLY J279.U5 lo r H ” Color T.V. —Eli; •'•’ “o* Portnble. W ards lamoua Color. WAN

_ I, , Magic keeps colors lirlRhl nnd Ch n. w fn I" ony w here. Mom- dci

veatock'^ LARGEST aelectlon of color T V s In nn ho 43(V Idaho. Zenith and Curtia Mathe*. WA? 531-5245, ” • “**• “ “ y ' “ ’“'I hy.

' USliD 21" Zunllh TV consolL- model. c _ _' Vt'ry nood condition. Immaculiitc

d ^ a r o n ='>*>"’01. $90. Cnll 733-3214 a fle r 'JijTjJ1 F rnnk ^ I"": 1 m ile G a r a g o S a lo 1 3 0 cm____OAHACili SA I.l-ll lld lllsler Cliiii.ltr|U* bull No. 47. O.H.S. .Snliiriliiy, .Scni,:m- HUN• blood- bi.r 2H. O-n.in.-fl p.m. Corner hnuao rlf.;ion An- on Fulls Aviinuo W esl—Koso Slfcel -10-

breed, Norlh,_______________________________

■pa»iure Gb~o~d T h in g * to E a t -------- 1 3 3or'^324- Ai'l*Ll-Sl! O tr o r th iird , .toniiilii.n,

Yellow Dcllclou* nnd WInler- lln- niina, Ono mllo nnrtn-Orocn-Gliiot. =

do for • »Hhl. Idnho. rH3-fi;»i,________ _ *jj'r Clydo FOTAToTTS ic por iiniind.TH o <i 77;^ lO-SHilO wlnlcr *;i,00 a I'undrJ.I. ono blnck ■jieTfFri WashlnKlon nn I-llor A ve

liO can 'To MATOI-IS, n ihlm ur, i.i’iiiuii* nnil "T ;" . red anua.: Irvln llndcnVlnb, M;i- Alr<

jilHB. 1 nilloa norlh on Wushlnflliin.

llUiiler!" i t l i l ) HPUD-'i, carro la. 1102 Nmlh ‘H? In, lllue l.nkcs, 7:i:i-inili. No Sunday J,',,,

' WHo'Lli.'iALI-; b<-et l>y hnlf or iiuii?- JJtr r , Cut and wraniR;d. Phono fVorlh ‘> 0°

hi n fler _ hlnfn l..i, . l < o ^ ^ l.4nH2. ------H t i t .SAI.I-:; l^ihiiH .! uml 1 r<l

N .y .e |y , 7-13-fJHI, 405 l^.iiul.to $500. __I;''!.:________,______ _____________ _

CAUIlOr-S, rriijiiilalrica. IniiiVin tii .i- 1' I tlnn. (1711 .tnckann, 733-Hnn3. No .11

— I H M' ’iT w l 's V i^ i ih o r »nioU-* wilh ;a«-<(M:i. I'll.T- =

........................- ...................^ u tlin. lllll S h ru b b o r y -P la n ls - D u l l) » 1 3 6 — ------------ pmTNTT::!] 'i in7~i)7J^:il? ;;^ iVuy

i i S w !!! ':,7 - ,,i r S ' , s w . . E " " " .................■lii.iigud. *~ " " • '- - ..lv .,r F lo w c r t 1 3 011 Ai.iinl (■ilTAD-ricii all o n ..■.Inna, IrvnTllmi:4-4llI<l. <-h>li.h, 7.>;><iilim. 2 ........ on Waali-fnr m UT:

A n t ig u o t 1 3 9 iki«7rKir;ii^i'"A.iii<,uV-.;‘ iTr,7;n” <,..in

Jerom o 1,,,-. i- ,i,„ liu i... iii.u ,,., mli.r<'ll<iii.

i i i r , ; s r 'i”, ' J ' . I ? ' ' ! ' , ' ;t Iiii.iiulii,

TT q A ]rr i(H J i> !n ir» i ''i . 'in v ;r ,i~ iiu ,n ~ im----- L L r I'.iKl. lliKli llrm .mliiiin ....... .S i;..ll dny ur nluhl, l-jjll-linil, No.lhINO p lr- 'i'lrm l" '“"'* '- .T 7^ Tnnv'imriiiW ) r »-'M'''iii.u ' i i,.;. ,.-11:o il M l. tnl.lr«.irii.li». U n .' “ ■ S ...... .................

" Ti i I * iu ; ( li fii;r-Ti7,;7:i - , - - '; ' r'iT,i r.nx:'o I..... . loVB aenl, dt.ip In .f inUIn, ll I.-,.vnn,I I' vni v M«illii>i..nv.'» Anlluix-t.. •: o t ii r .

l.niiy*^ _^A<lain* and C. :i24-j;;iil, .li'iinnr,________ AN rlO tn t ' dlshea' tnl.1n»,“ chnlra,I'l pniia chirk*,' fn ......... wli.kur r.irnlluiu,>H *loi:k. love aeuta, lim pa, iri.nka, oir,,_______ 4311-3850 J 'nlil,ilB Iny FAtlHMIiN'i' aaTnTlYiinriiii., ti>', nilli'i, I 'hun.. north n( .Inioiiin, I'huno ;u i-4iiin,

/ liuilvir i)l'!il '.U I' Kli»»“ -I'«nil |iaiiin-ii pluii-v . l-hono I'olo .r.iliniinn, :iOt (iaiiih WaahliiH-

...... (a liim tt 101..I), 7:i:i.'i:M5.

' , ' iiiai’"* M I te o l l a n e o u l F o r S a lo H O

olKhi Viirnllurf., 731-1411,_____ _ i 2 iT ) i< c ir A m r i7 r . i i i r r r i in n ^ ~ T . , r

v oy o a ia ,1111,11. lor anil', lll l nn.l iiiulnr- 4.111-liiU.l. KlmlH.ilv......... ....... (Tfini) lin i nilllt liinTiaT'iiaflii j.lpiT- 'l»V K'N- IIIIPS. Now lloninallc Jilpplllina. liplo* >m l.n5_wrll'a,_.teromO| ;ia4-4lrtl^----- ,------Wl! inl.'iilld iiyilri.uli« In.'lii n fA inr-a'llfl7n‘ '' ' ' ' '

'!"» , fill Itn iirr wllh lluhla. Inn, l ull 7.1,1.J'hono HIN4.

T * i) ‘W iT ,‘i i r ’V i« 'i i:i! ii‘n : i;v rir .iin"iiuiili. ^_HH^jU*m,..^.ftllly iiiyiiiPd, Plimn.

in iN TrjiTIliig T ime, Now nmi^raTil r p.m . guiii'iiow a l Ita.l-c Tru.llnH I 'o il . 1 _

Letting Peop G ets T h e J(

11() M is c o lla n o o u s F o r S a le 1 4 0 B o o ts

“ p O L Y ~ F O " A M — 5 4 ^ ~' - % Vl- 1. 2, 3. 4" thick O'

Upliolsicry,_Cloih n '^

F ^ ;--K O P P E L ’S - —.OW t _I picKH i; . . B r o w s e v i l l e ' .

" ." .'I 152 2nd A vef'Soulh 733-7441 a n d- U l , SALIi 1 .4 ,1 " ,n a ^ i.lu ro .y . 733-1

, . SL-nleinber 2 t and 28. Knitted ■ sw eaters, knttllni; books, ni-ediei

»• ^ 2 0 nnd^ cU-^^Also^o^^^^^^ f ^ o lo j, , ,n mlU-i South of Jerom o on' oid —'U P 4.iKhwny. ^ D R v

RENT onr leaf vacuum law n »ween- jiondera nnd power rakes. Towles Rent- uniniiAll located nt Union 70 Slation on sr

• - -- corner of Mnln und A dam s. Jc- p

—--------- 7 illtlonlni!, cnrpet. n a tura l w otyiyin. HODAl•sf’ Inn^rlor. Ulto new. $1G00 last . kelts n $ia..>0. yt-nr—NOW only $995. Phono Ed new

________ Sluddnrd. 733.9100-_______________ Alturt ao Inch SHAMPOO yonr own carpet- prolci-ed. New aionnl reauit*. R ent a Clarko HOND/________ ahnmpooer w ith companion wet trail. Servico vacuum . B anner Fu rn itu re . 73> lockollc r Hnll 1421._____________ ________________ Jeror------------ A’lTUACTlVli vnrlejy o fu s c d ju m l- cyK tl^

• tu re. D resser, bed, day bed, desk. J'?” *-- ISC O.y-I. chairs, tables. Guns, new pifis ^^00- ________ 2 ^ „ off. Phono 733.5221 o r 733- MOVIN

________ NIiW iradlnK alnmp r.lft* 25 percentsotiencr. otf. .l)5od furniture, sofa bed nnd lOGH U5 ., Cntn's. Kilns- 239 Main Avenuo W est, 733- sell-

f 5 5 H O sr c lcans~carpeis ' withoiTt~>iT:t YAMAIshanlooo problems- Uae rooms In- work,sian tly . Ront m nchlne. J l . Wilson- 5075.

ICC* — —P‘!.'g^___________________________ SUZUKBATTERIES for Car. truck , trnctor. Exce

JR E - Top qunllty Hood brand , wholesale 0435. -1^1471 price. Farm & Clly Distributing, ■

,- %laln E a i l In Twin Falls.“ ■ w - M u r i i . i in s '- ,n i , . ;n .- d — i h i i ; — ; ; ; * « » » “"^veL^'e S3dVng^'” 2SllJ.”m '" “d lfilS .‘ *^ATb“otl'’a- S n E ^

AUIO supply. 121 3rd w est- 5“ ' "i„ . SAVE ON Diamond lire*- Uuy pre- 5.13.4'

njlum llres for less thnn most Begulnr ®“P* . .

~S-------TT (JSED. reCrlgeratora, f r e e z e r * , *', ranges, wTiahinR m nchlncs, oil UTlIyf'l

atovcs. AH guaranfeed. Cnm era snowCori>«!f ;:-f^cnlcr-.Hall of Music. 733.4921. $35-

—— — — PU M PS: Irrigation nnd domestic. p rn e r—WI ^n y size. Steel pipeline*- Quick In-lully or- g nllatlon. Kllllnger E lectric , phono Trucks

________ upholstery cleaner. Rent c leclric tion. Rebuild shampooor $1. GreennwalH.______733-CG37. XAKE soil nway the Hluo Lusire . .

________ wny from carpets nnd upholstery. A u to S-fi, *100. Jtent c lectrlc shnm poocr $1. Kren- ---------24 TTxlrd Rcl'S-____________________________ _________ CUT CLASS pictures m ade lo or'dcn ( ^ 6lltl color. ony style nvalkib 'e . Excellent

Chrlstm ns-gUts. Phc.no 733.0070.SMALL garden roto tlller. good con-

dltlon. Phone 423-5229 a l te r 5:30 w eekdays, nil day weekend*-

1 pianos; STOW-a-way bed for ren t. $3.00 a ;rs , KLH w*(rtc- D anner F u rn itu re , phone-W a rn e r 733=1421:-------------------------------------------J?-----------SliWING machine, open nrm . S3n.!).'i,N o w an d .SKINNER S E W I N G SHOPPE,dy. Rey- Snv-On Shopping Cenler._________

W IPING cloths. Contact Saivntlon Ml, excel- A rm v Thrift Slore. 733-05G9. ^ ,

sco tt ' ■ ' . . a™ !jm „ n M is c o l la n o o u s W a n t e d 141

-----WANT to buy C.' D ~ hnyv»“ BeanCombine, l-.B. or J r , model. Wrllo

1 2 5 R obert Knapp, Caldwell, Rt. G, or , 1. . T ,r phono 459-3973.S c o l ir l WANTliD: I '. ,n i i , or"'Norll„ki. iRhl nnd China In Rosemary pa llcrn . U.S.•c. Mom- dDStjjn pattiirn 71029. Call 423.52-IH 1 Avenue a fte r fl p.m.J________ WANTED: Furniture, nnplinnces,)r TV * In nnything ot vnlue. Call 7.ri-7754.I M athes. WAN'I'EI): Hi' aleel flat hed nnd Buy nowl hydraulic hoist lor truck. 733-cnnH.

imii^ullJa- S p o r t i n g G o p d s ____________ ^

_________ **l(’inK^l}lu^modeV'2r-Hn7fl;**f^^^------, -X niodi'l ll--3HI55(l, Jloih exi-elli-nt U-ic

1 3 0 cnndUlon- 733.5221 — 733-4907. 2;i9 t„mi'■ Mnln Avenuo W.-.l._______________ »i,.ci, .Senli-m- HU NTH ItS-llin-o Bcveral near m-w . cab.HT hnuao rlflr*. Inclndlnji -Snvaiii: nOI-'JOH,(.so S ired

'i-o i t ' SAl.l-:; Moili'l 12 — 12 jlii.im- ...... 1 3 3 . :i''^ Mi.jinum -\yin.!hftAl.T ahoiBun.

■'<""'11'*’" . 73:i.;507,i'.‘....... !' ‘ ‘,‘" ‘T i . Ii‘ im '(-'A u Tnrir M T cT.ri.in.-:'".-;> .iu .i,:r ' •cn-u i..m , - >|oiibl.. Imrrcl, I-.x. i'IImi1-T— r r —1 »I»1I|.';, 73:i-iiiin, 330 T yirr V' - ’ t , l ' < > » fiAl.l-: K.'IoimIIiiji Ii.nls for ZSi •'Ilor Ave- " ‘■rn'if'"- ' ‘i'"""

llall* m 'i'. A ir c r a f t f o r S a l o ................... 1 6 5iBhlnflliin. y_ APPROVl-:» fliHiit irnlninB,

^ v ¥ I ; l - 'n l ‘‘'" “ 'v!l.n'!"\'oo.fSr ir.'yli.^'.'i^r: viyo,. 7.ta-5:i;!Q-____________________

:>no X r u i B o a ts F o r S a lo 1 6 9 /

T ra n rr c h r v .s l t r405 1.111.1. nnalH a iu l M o io rs Ma_____ STAIK'UAI'-:' nOA'I'M AND 2lK)man t ia i . I-IH.DINO CAMI* T it A1 M 'HS Hnas, No .lE R O M I-: IM I'I.l 'iM I-N T St

M A R IN A I'Ji,

■-■■TV,:.-: ^ u tc )s f o r S a lo 2 0 0 A u lo t»____ 1 3 6 ... .................. .........- ......... ............

^ A LL

____ 1 3 9 1

i l ’68’s■ |iu<n-|m

III lUi'ir. mil, Noilh

i i Drastic:- y r - p r m

To mall.irnlluin,

>nka, n lr, , .

- t - B R A N|l->l pll.il'K., WaahlllH-


i i '■ JO H N Clilni Avn.

— miT i;;; :;! l ull 7.1.1.

-liiVTlUiin ' P O N T I A C ,'.I, Pliniit.___ ,___ 001 M nln A vo, H ,

nml iiaod"■ ‘’o " ' ' ____

People Know le Job Done

1 4 0 B o o ts F o r S a lb 1 6 9 TnI "a t t e n t i o n ^- O U T B O A R D O W N E R S I l ’s t im e to s t a r t th in k in g

1 , a b o u t w in te r s to ra g e fo r3 --------------y b u r ^ o u lb o a r d '^ o to r .— B U D ---------

—A ^ D M A R K , 3-17 M ain E a s t w i l l 'c h c c k , c le a n , w in te riz e -

33.7441 a n d s a fe ly .sto re y o u r iiio to r. muroay; 733-113-1.

Knitted . , ------- --------needles ___

'en‘*’ 4'^ M o to r c y c lo s 1 8 0

“ d r a s t i c R E D U C T I O N S . ,----------- --- '19CS end of year snle on all i1 *weep- H gndu's. K uw asakl's, ond T ri. ”es Rent. uniph’s- , atlon on Snnw.moblle Hcndquariers . • •

B L A S I U S M O T O R S >ISOS Kimberly Rond 7-33-9222

/otviyin- HODAKA IUU6. T ralU ind road sproc. V GOO last . Kelts - DOcc. Under 900 miles- Like , lono Ed new bum per carrier. See n t 1897 ‘ ________ Alturas Drive nftor e p-m. 733- ‘

Clarke HONDA 1007 90 irall cycle. Shifls HU on wet trail gear. I95C Jeep pickup with •' re . 73> lockout hubs. 747 9th-Avenuo E ast, c

,„rnl- C U S IIM A N '"S s^ le r trull blkv>. V/,■d de^k horse power, excellent condition. —w’ cifPi $200. Phone 733-9428-_____________ FOo r 733- MOVINli, m ust sell- IGOcc. HonUa. ^

Can bc seen n ftcr 5:00 p jn . a t 841 ipcrcent Morninnsiilc D rlw ._______________

bed nnd lOOH USA Victor 4'H- 980 MlU-». Mustest, 733. sell- SCOO,- Phone 733-5609 nftcr *

SuT"w^t YAMAHA 1905 Trail 90. Needs some >oms In- work. 3.000 miles- Rensonabie. 423- IWilson- 5075. Hnnsen.____________________ ^

_______ SUZUKI. I9B4. Model T-IO, 230 CC. .trnctor. Excellent condition. Phone 733- A l

•holesnle 0435. —

il;— ^ A c c e s s o r ie s a n d R e p a i r 1 8 2Abbotra' ONE se t 15" Chevrolet knock-offAODOtia racing wheels with ndnptor platcs---------- WUl sell for hnlf original cost. Call

?S^moTt 5-*’ -<528 a fle r G p.m-

U tilify T r a i le r * 1 9 5ICS, oii UTIIyf'j:¥--TRAILER suitable for one Cnm era snow m achine or two trallcyclcs- .4921. $35- Phong 733.0067._____________

Tfiitk. ___________ IM------------ FOR SALE: 1963 I-ord two-ton, iohitr ry b“>. wheel baae. 1937 Ford two-ton•ug and Faclory mg nxle. Excellent condl-

t'c c tr ic lion. Phone S37-4972.______________

hoVs"tVr7. A u to s f o r S a lo 2 0 01. Kren- ------------------------------------------------------

G e t T h e J u m p O n

i% ; WINTERBd*-

$3.00 a I9G 5 R a m b l e r■ wngon- 4-dOor Z-s»:nt, ■6-cJ'llnder. ------------- outom atlc tra'tijm isslon.3,o’ii"pt' $ 1 2 9 5

fr: .... ... • 8-cylindor, nutomntlc iransmls-

1 4 ] *ion.

Bcnn i i ! 1 5 9 5 ’I.;!. WrlloKt. o, ij(i4 chevrolcl■n ~ . " i S a ”

$ 9 9 5

I'fiS'!"' . 1963 CliQvrolel

""Was— 1 ^ , P i c k u p s“l“"Kni,Kr‘ 19GB Clicvrolct 'excellent Ij-lon, long whi-Plhiis.f, VB. fiu-

.4997. 2:10 . ti.m i.llc transm ission, p o w e r ________ alcerlnB, rndlo, heatur, custom

‘S S " " ' i i i l 9 9 5

12 Mi.iiK.' 19 (il C h e v r o l e tli-ion , 4-spccd

$ 1 0 9 5

■ig.TO ^ciiovrdiD t" .

"■ .'} l895 (—....... Cl

1 6 5

^ RICE -............ C

— ^ C h e v r o l e t , I n c . ^H MaRlo Valley-* Trnillng lX;nl*r\N n 2lK) .‘.Cl, I.U.niln .inniine. Ida, TrI,|-HS Fhiinc. 324-IB12

* I 'd (:h.ir.hM inn"N 'l'irci.rn Fnilon. It h i .k 1-o.v.-, l''rank --ih.-p|.Di.rd

2 0 0 A u lo t f o r S a lo 2 0 0 ~ A

^ . L L

2^ING c .

68’s '

stically Reco m ake I'oom for


a t

C H R IS M(A u llm rlz n il D<'iilnr I 'o r

P O N T I A C , — C A D I L L A C —


lowm e

169 r r i J c ln 1 9 6CAD

;RS 1 6 ' B E E T B E Dinking _ ____. for G ram T ype =—-B U D --------— Excellent Conditiotj______ IIH!

E a s t C a ll 536-2333 ' ------

S o r ' ' L E E - S . P O N T I A C U sed C a r’sW endcil. Idaho

T R A IL E R P U L L E R iO N sT F O R D F500on all Y? engine, short coupled, *ad- d T ri. ‘'le innfs. .Ready for commerlcnl k

^.'"'•Ividuol hauling. P rlccdters ' •••RS • - t E E 'S PONTIA C -33-9222 U sed C a r’sId sproc. Wendell, Idaho •538.2333" J ; ™ ; IH C T R U C K S -G n s & D ie se ll.m. 733. CHARLIE'S TRUCK & EQUIP. ______________ Je rom e — Phone 324-43620. Shifls HUNTER SPECIALi 1962 DOdge ?i-kup with ion pickup. P e rfcct m echanical 11 luo E ast. condlllon. V*" *toel pinto In bed,

e x tra henvy duty bumper. New bikv; VA P riced to sell $895.ondUlon^ _?.S« Cih Avenue N orth. 733-3360. i |

FO R -SA LE : 1938 Dodge. V8 long

• ' shape for beet haul. Cnll 733.0854.

ibie. 423- S2295^ Pho*ne°^07S.5a5l! But^ev!’ * *'

bne^°733^ Autos for Solo___________200

S Youree ‘= MOTOR CO.5 ^ 1 Selling ‘ = America’s No. 1 ^ Economy Car ^n t'^ond" 1968 IM P A L A C O U P E

------------ .1968 IMPALA200 sfJJoh

19G8 C H E V R O L E T) O n W-ion pickup

19G7 F O R D G a la x ie • 500 Sport Coupo

1966 F O R DGnlaxio 500 Sport Coupl a ir condlUonlng.

yilnder.----------- lOeeXHEVROEET----------------------

C aprice sport coupe

1966 IM P A L Afour door *cdan

•a'flSm'13- 1967 D O D G E =Coronet "500" *port co,up« Al

I96G M U ST A N G - - “L andau coupe, n lr condl-

C tionlng.

19G5 IM P A L A C O U P E n lr conditioning.

19C3 C H E V R O L E T it BclAlr four door. V8. *tlcl{

1962 C H E V R O L E TBolAlr wngon, VS, atlek

19G0 C H E V R O L E T ____ four door, V8, Pow er Glide

1 . ’ 1957 C H E V R O L E T, _ ',iilon, long w hrrt baae,

cuatnin •I”-’®''' Plc>'UP-

. G e t T h e N e w 1 9 6 9 1

, B u g $ 6 8 . D o w n — .

$ 6 8 . P e r M o n t h ^

Ben EldredRo . — C harlie- H utch I— Jack - Cox

■ ■ ■ CC-I" Mnln Avenue South

Open EvetiiMRs-CloKod .Siinduy.iC l li 'y u o i . l iT 1957 2-door hnrdlop,

':i27' VH. atirk, clean. Cllll n n ry Iln1vflr«..n, 7,l3.ina5; U24.2304; n ite r n p.m. .lem m e.

J , K m n ' iuw ci.iVvii.iil.1c. i^uo. will , undn^fnr^BniHUnotorcycIo, see HO

CHjKTr(H.M llrm liera. 'n u n o y , your . ' ' nuthorlied Ram bler denlor for

~ Caaain, Mlnlilnkn cn.intlea, 07B-5304.n C - CAiif— lo r cara. F lrat place pn>l

hoipltnl nn Hlway 30. DItcouni IXinlcr Auto W rrrklnn, 7.3.VS4ni. ne. Ida, c h i 'v y II limt. Ilk., now, 4-apcie<l,

'2h:I' Ph.mo 7;I3.04I5,_____________, Fnllon. lOim C H l'.V Ilo l.irr Im pala Iwn door •p|.Di.rd h 11r 1ll.11.- "an;i", I'iinne 7.ri-2Ja4.

2 0 0 ~ ^ l o i for Salo


Reduced.1 for our


M O TO RSr I'o r

tC — . GMC

Twin rolls

' ' L

M A G I C V A L L E Y T O L L F I Buhl, Castleford \

Dial 543-1648 H;Burley, Rupert, Dcclo

Paul, Norland Filer,Dial 678-2552 Jackp

196 A u tos fo r Salo 2 0 0 A uto tCADILLAC 1939 I-'iec’twood, full pnw- CllliVi

er wim air. $395 or offer, 048 2nd Wocc Weal. 733-OC

_____ Trucks I ____________ 196T rucks

N EED A PL ~ W E’VE GC*ad- _ .

1 964 I H C T r a v e l a l l $ 1 3 9 5 195:Automatic transm ission.

; custom Interior, very low

195!1963 I N T E R N ’L . S 995

lesel W-lon short bed. VB. four^ ,po .d . , . 1

195 6 I N T E R N ’L . S 295New “ •""’■

r $895. iqoi25:5— 1956 F O R D '/ , - t o n $ 395Lpecd ' Long, V8, lour speed, ndlllon. - s. _T n n n r . 1952 F O R D - 3 4 ..........In lop V8 , four speed, go

slip-in stock rack.

5 TR UCKSr"1 95 6 I N T E R N ’L . $ 1 9 9 5 19G

Diesel Tractor. 180 Cum-■ mins. Fivo speed main,

three s p e e d auxiliary■ — sion.

19G2 C H E V 80 . . . . $ 2 2 9 5T i l t cab tractor- Air brakes, 348 VS. n w speed

) - l 196

i r19G I I H C 180 . . . . . $ 4 5 0 0

Tandem drive truck and inR18' spud bcd. 345 V8- 5. loO speed, 3.*peed auxiliary.Sharp. .J

Magic \Coupl T < I •___= -^intemation

Night phone. B u d 'T ea

Truck Lane West — P:

coup# A u la * , fo r Sole___________ 20 0 A u to


■ W I L’ Glide ’ ’ ^ '

Harvest S9 6 9 1908 P L Y M O U T H F U R Y I I I . 1 I — . tw o - d o o r h a r d t o p ’s . R n d i o , ' Iu , a u t o n i a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n o n d f a

B a l a n c e o f F a c t o r y W a r r a n t e e

;-Cox D e m o n s t r a t o r s a n d ] ''!■ “ A l l P r i c e d 1

S S - VO I.K SW A G EN tw o d tio r scilIII nnry foiir spocd,.

’ S p e c i a l

. J j ; i 0 6 5

lOGO AUSTIN HEALEY ROADSTFJ ior for " overdrive,"ZlM oi; S H A R P ! o rm»eou‘ni { p 2 3 8 5

1961 PONI'IAC BONNEVILLE fou------— hcntcr, power Htccriiig, powi-r731 ru* mission, (itciory a ir condiilDnln— — ’ .O N L Y

'2 0 0 ■ i | ; i 3 7 5

I 1003 CHRYSLER VH four-door hnrdi ■tccrliiR, power brake.s, nuion

• IU S T

. $ 1 0 7 5

" 1001 V O I.K SW A G EN Iw o ilo iir «iulinpced.

A S T E A L ,Jp 7 8 B

I 1002 I'ORD 1-AIR1J\NE BOO Vfl, fontor, autoniDtlc trnnNinln»lnn.

Y O U R S F O R ($ (> 8 5

1001 COMI-:t' four-door nediui, R transniiNNlon,


1001 I-'ALCON four-door. Rmlln, lie aion.


WILLS USEB o t h l o c a t i o n s o p e n M o

Tnick Ijinn West

D IC K n O Y D 733-0M2

W O O D Y T U R L E Y fl211-.102S

1 N E W C A R DEP.330 SliONliono Rlreel Wii

Rnmhlur —• Je e p — I’lyn

L O U IE S L IM A N 733-5108

>'» D A N J O H N S O N 1______ 733-2100

r T O L L F R E E N U M B E R S W crtdcll. G ood ing ,

H a g e rm a n , 'J e r o m e o D ia l 535-2535

F i le r , H o llis te r , R o c e rs o n , . . J a c k p o t . N cv . D ia l 326-5375

200 Autot for Salo 200Tlinw- ClIliVitOLET. I0G3 Dol Air Station 48 2nd W a^n^ Real- clean. $895. Phoni

1 9 6 Trucks 1 ^ -

\ PICK U P?- D GOT ’EM1395 1952 F O R D 1/ 2- t o n $ 145slon- V8, lour speed,


1959 F O R D i /2 - to n $ 595g g g Loni!. wide, »lx-cyllnder,four

1958 I N T E R N ’L . $ 495ont: ij-lon. six cylinder, four^-'3 s(n;cd, good.


19G1 I N T E R N 'L . $ 995o a o Tri.vclul1. VR, four speed,

I. euslom, good.

D - 3 4 .................... s 345u r sp e e d , goOd 8’ s to c k rac k .

KS, T O O ..1995 1964t ?0RD F 600 S2295Cum- truck. 292 V8, 5-speed, 2-Tialn. speed, d e an .illary

1964 I H C ...................$5495190 Tilt-cab tandem drive

' "•uck- Air brnkcs, -<C1 V8,^ ^ 3 3 5-spcvd mnln, 3-spced Ea-

y\lr ion tandem.

1964 IHC 180........$2295truck. Air brakes- 3t5 VR,

- 5 - speed. 2 - speed. 205’’

4500 “"■•>«”"£ 1961 IHC .............. $2195lldry. DC n o tag nxle truck. 345

.J V8. 5-speed and 2-speed.

c Valleyational- I n c . ------le , B u d 'T e a s le y , 733--1643

2 W est — P h o n e 733-42GG '

200Aiitos for Sale 200 -

3N T IM E -a t

[ L L S;st SpecialsU R Y I I I . F o u r - d o o r h a r d t o p n n d

R a d i o , ' I i e a t c r , p o w e r . s t e e r in g ,J lo n n n d f a c t o r y u i r c o n d i t i o n i n g .

W a r r a n t e e . _ -------- ------------ _ -

' s a n d E x e c u t i v e G a i ' s P r i c e d T o S e l l ” ----------------- ----------------

w o-door .sednn, R n d lo , h e a te r , n iul

S p e c i a l

. $ 1 0 6 5

R O A D ST E R ; R ad io , h c n tc r , e lc c ir lc

lA R P ! O N L Y

. $ 2 3 8 5

S V IL l.E fo u r tlo o r h iird tn p . Rntlio,;riiiR , po w i'r hriikc.s, lu ilo m u llr. tranfi- ir coiK lillonlnu. C lean.

y O N L Y

■ $ 1 3 7 5

u r-d o o r h n rd lo p . R nd ln , h e a te r , p o w er rake .s , nu io n iiitlc tru n sin l-sslo n , c lea n .

•IU.ST$ 1 0 7 5

A’o -door flciliin, -Riidli), h e n te r . (our*

\ S T E A L A T

. $ 7 8 5

! BOO Vfl, fou r-door ncdnn . R iu llo , hen t- iNinln»lon,U R S F O R O N L Y

$ (> 8 5

r Hcdiui, R atllo , h c n lo r, n u tn n ii tllc


.$ 4 9 5

[*. R n tlio , l ie a i r r , n u to ii in llc tran n n ih *


$ 3 9 5

USED CARSo p e n M o n . t h r u F r i . , ' ’ t i l 9

; O ffice P h o n o 733-7.101

N IC K N I c f l O L S O N 7AT0I30

• Y S T E V E M I L L E R733-003!)

L D E P A R T M E N TT iT R ireel W oiit - 7.1.V2flO\Ico p — I’ly inou th —' T o y o ta

N D E A N E A R L733-BlOH

D O N P F E F F E R L E 733-2S20


Page 17: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent


7 D a y s and ' S LARGE medium ' w ooled rango 823-xxxx Carcy. *

Truck*_____________________ 196Tfucki

TRUCES— ----------------—----- TJ

a964 In te rn a tio n a l 19(2-ton. V8 engine.. 5-spp c d __und 2-spi:c(]. tl;2!:x20 tires,

19CG D odge 19'2-tcin. VS cnRlne. <-specd nnd 2-spced. 8;23x20 lire*.

1965 Dodge2-lon cnb over. V8 enitlne.4-speed, 2->pced. 8:23x20 - - 19(

19G2 F ordTIU cab. V8 e tis 'n e , 5- sjierd, 2 - speed , 8:23x20 jg j

1963 In te rn a tio n a l2-ton. V8 engine, eomplele overhaul. 4-speed a n d 2> ipeed. S;00x20 tire s . ]9 (

1965 F o rd2-tan. V8 engine. 4<speed and 2-9peed. 8:23x20 tires.

T hese tru c k s a r e r e a d y to go a r e e ith e rJo n g w h e e l b a s e o r <

■ C om e to

Bob Reese Di“ T h e . F a r m e r s

O p e n ’T i l

Kenny Moon — Winn Ellii

• 500 B lock 2nd Aver

' Auto* fo r Solo 2 0 0 Auto


BONANZA:------------------------------------------- ^USEDrG


j^u r l ;1001 E . M ain St. -

1 9 6 5 B U I C KWllrtciit hardlop cnupi-. Pav,’’f t r ' Cftsi.'crlnn. p o w e r b n ikcs. very »l*low mUcajje. Ono ow ner condl- lietion. ‘.’l‘

J u s t . ■$ 1 8 9 5 ■'

1 9 6 3 B U I C KShylnrk. TliU lmr<llnp rm ipe bn»Iiurkct s ra ls , nu lom allc Iran*- - niUslon, real Riinil t ir e i, lo ti of cinsi.

i f l O B S

1 9 G 3 T 3 U I C K ' ■' ..........R lrclrn 235 linr.llop cnupi:. I’ow- nr ilciorlnR. (luwor lirakcb, cut-

----------- HHn-wiiivUinicrlor., . _ _Would you hcllcve “ JJ

$ 7 9 7

1 9 6 ¥ D O D G EPolara bardUip coupe. Hiicket lon li, Oh:i vh eniilne, 4-Spee<l trnnimU slon. Ju sl

1 P 8 9 9 »

1 9 6 7 C H E VImpala hardlop sednn. Autnmn* tin irnnsiiilitlon, pnw rr s ln e rln i. power tirnkci, H27 VA engino,Inciory a ir comllilonliig. 't- "V

• $ 2 4 4 9 ■ - ■ K' III

. ' 1 9 6 5 C H E VImpiiU 4-itoi>r iP ilan. Pow er ilnnrlng, piiwiir b rnkos, biiio* . I '

1 malic iraiiam lsilnii, lilt nway „ A s leerln j wlioel, y n V8 ongHlno. •■1 1 ■' m

$ 1 4 5 5 , l :

I 1 9 6 4 F O R DJ (InlAxlo nno lianlinp coupe, row* JH nr ilflorlnfl, pownr h rn lira, au* , ■<1 loninilo truiiiiiilitloii, .'ini VH nn* ,,,a Mine. . ^ . hiI Spnclnl ■(!I J.'

1 9 (1 5 P O N T I A C(ITO. 4.i|ire<l lriui*nll««lon, Kirnt hiK rnillK'', nnw llioa, llko linw Oirouiihoul,

Uiiy Ihh fjroat c a r for$ 1 8 9 5

1 9 6 5 , T E E PW iiaonm , ai.nofi* nc iunl miIIp i , PH-whniil .lilvn wllh lin k <i«l hul>v IfA liunlria lU'lliilil, You miiiil m o IirlUls viOilclo. t'l

■ . f l f i S B


^ / I P o n t , i i v

O ' / H u i c l c H

^ . D o d f f o i

NOW SHCa t o u r h Ii o

J.IM OvprJmii!


lys and ' Solded rango yearling ewes. Call

196Truckt ._________________ ^ A utoi

cs' ^— TRUCKS- J

19C4 DodgeitCd...... ......... ..... 2.t£ia_Ar8 enRliw. 5-speed

and 2-spccd. 8:25x20 tires.

* 1955 D odge ”I,'vs 2->on. V8 cnnlne. 5-speed.

2 -spued . IC- Ueei bed, ^8:25x20 ilics. . 7

a - - 1 9 6 5 G M C2-ton. V8 engine, eompleta overhaul. 5-spccd and spc<jd, 8:23x20 tire s .

196 3 C h e v r o l e t t w i2.lon. new 2M C-cyllnder engine. 4 -sp ee d and 2- ^ o>

, , speed. 8:25x20 tire s .)icie

1966 C hevro le tT ractor, .-3R6 V8 engine. , T iu / V spcotf nnd 2-speed, full

jeed Blr ond power s ie e rln s , Ing,Ires. Bth wheel. 9:00x2j) tires,

ady to go to-w ork and m o s t a l l p^v/c 1 b a s e o r e x tra long w h e e l b a s ^ . .

C om e to Tw(

5e Dodge C ityi r m e r s F r i e n d ” J'™

; n ’T i l 8 : 0 0

Winn Ellis — Jo e B ullerF o t

t 2nd Avenue Sputh bra

200 Autos for Salo 200

roREDS OF $ $ $ E,-a t ... L.

ZA MOTORSEDGARS-------------

• ^ - P i c




M ain St. - 678-M6D

1 9 6 6 P O N T I A Cov.'-ftr' Cftlnlhiii 2-d'.or hni(llni>. Pow er - very sleering, powcr bruUea. oulomu- •

'ondl* lie trnoamlaslon, fu rto ry n lr con- dlllonlng. This cu r Is vxnctly

“ “ $ 2 2 9 2

1 9 6 5 P O N T I A C' , . Calnllnn 4.dnor sediin. Pow er ® Sleering. power brakes, nulomn-

■ ^ J ^ u .n .m l .. lo n , v . r , low „ ,llc . ^

Ju sti l iU T Y

.......... 1 9 6 7 T O N T I A C .cut- 'Cirund P rix . Pow er sloerlng, Cl

power brnkcs, au tom atic irDtis. n i----------rrvisslonT"‘ fnctn ry --a lr-o iin< lltlon -- - •

hig, cuitom vinyl roof covnr- lim, pteniy or fac tory w arrnn ly .

P riced Just3 ' ---------$ 3 1 2 0 ---------------- =

IV 'S 1 9 6 4 P O N T I A CSlur CJhlof 4-dnor sedan . Auto* iimilc tran im liilo n , now er stoor*Ing, pnwer brako i, local 1 own* er. A r ea l buy ror Ju s t

$ 1 2 6 9tnm n. '

J I f e - 1 9 6 4 O L D S'Pynnm lc Hfl. Pow er siperlnR,

' iiiiwer lirn k n , nulom atiu trnni* '

v r . ' r ; . r i$ 1 0 9 9

H 1 9 6 7 P L Y M O U T Hgglna, V uty . Pow er steering,

pownr hrakos, 383 V# engine, nuiomnilu tran im liilo n , rordovn top, fnciory w nrrnniy. This cnr Is Jusl llko nnw.

$ 2 4 7 7

ro w . 1 9 6 6 C A D I L L A C' floOnn DsVllls. A uinm atlo Irani*

/n nn. in iinon , power s teering , pow er h rnk ri, power windows, pownr in n ii, nuinmatin c ru lie conirot and rnclory n lr condlllnn ln i

, n nny it now for, $ 3 9 9 3

1 9 6 7 V O L K SKedan, I.ow liillnniia

$ 1 4 7 5

1 9 6 8 , G M C ■inllPi. Plrkup l.oiig w id t hnd. 4-ipaei1 huhi, Irniixu liilon , Vfl riiKinn , nrw

I ," ! ” ,;,I,$ 2 3 9 7

■E OUR ND NEW iP o n t i a c s■ H u ic lcH [

D o d f f o a

V SHOWINGl u r H l i o w r o o m '


WE DO3 L i n e :

9 6 A u to i fo r Sol*____________2 0 0 A o t6 ^ i

BILL w o r ; . FORE



'■ FA L L SPEeta

1967 FORD THUNTwo door hardtop, V8, au tom alic tra

2. ing, a i r conditioning.

1966 CHEVROLE';"fli ' Two d oor hardtop, V8, au tom atic tra ns. ing , low m ileage,

— 1966 t)OD(1 Tw o door hardtop, V8, au tom atic tra

—ing, rad io , hea te r, sharpI

y , ,t9fifi-T?0T?T MUTwo door hardlop. V8, au lom atic tra Ing, rad io , new rubber.

1965‘CHRYSF o u r door, V8, autom atic transm issio i b rakes, local one owner.

1966 f o r d 'F o u r door autom atic transm i.ssion, brakes, a i r conditioning.

^ 1967 CHEVROLE'JF o u r door hardtop, V8, au tom atic trj ing. low m ileage.

s T R U C-------------1966-FORDB]

Pickup. F our X four, hubs, m any e>

^ 1964 FORD RA]Pickup. Six cylinder, s tan d ard t ra r

• 1962 g h e y r o l :I-ong wheel base, two speed ax le , top shape.

3 1963 INTERNAJma. . Seoul Wagon. Four x four, hubs, al

1961 GMC 1V8, four speed, good rubber, dua ls.

r i

Z7- 1967 DODGELong wheel base, V8, fou r .speed, !■

Bill Workm:U . ■ring. Clnrcncft Y ingst-- ... 324-4810 -H er

. ^ Ic k O illenw aier . . 733-1BS7- L.

- U ri-y McMurdio . . . 7

_ 14ft Sccond~Avcn»o Enst____________

c r~= DOI

“ 0

’69r a

; l ; ; : Y o u rdovn

s m a ;l C



' I / OF. 'ISmall 1

: * '. l - ,

GLEN JEloy 3t.1 Muln Avn. W.


DO IT . . . . n3 L i n e s E v e r y D a y O n l y ?

2 0 0 A u ia f ^ f o r S o la ______________^ A u l o s ' f i


VORKMAN 10- -- — , , ,___ wll

'ORD „.„v<. ii<


s p e c i a l sTHUNDERBIRD

autom atic transm ission , power steer-

■ROLET IMPALA.„.lu tom atic transm ission , power sleer-

1SC5 P' to

6 DODGE “lu tom atic transm ission , powcr s t e e r - • jgg^ d

. , GRD MUSTANG V- ■ •lu tom atic transm ission , power stiper- b


CHRYSLER ,: transm ission , pow er-iteering , pow cr

•- : 1062' T

ford'LTD “ransm ission , powcr steering, pow er 1953 ii


ROLET CAPRICEautom atic transm ission , powcr stee r-


LUCKS - (DRD BRONGO-------ubs, m any e.xtras.


ID RANCHERO S'standard transm ission , rad io , h e a le r . hou’ e


lYROLET 2-TONspeed a x le , log axle, good ru b b e r,

DERNATIONALour, huijs, a ll the e.viras. "ir, _' . I-ord:


GMC 1-TON . J-"“ubber, du a ls . °now *


ODGE -TON Sfour .speed, 1'1,000 n tlu a l m iles. W n i l


)rkman_Eord_M>4-4810 -H e n ry -P a p e * - * . . - 7 1 ^ 0 8 0 p'“S 0-1BS7- L. E . 'Cliul) Miller . -733-8W1cM urdio . . . 7 . . . 733-2073 ■ S A ^

t__________________ Phono 7 3 il0 1 0 mo?2:

)O N’T M I S

69 C h e v r o l eI*


E P T . 2 6 1o u MU-ST SEE

TO BELIEVE lANY NICE FEA' IN T H E CAI )F T H E Y E ^Small Profit Still Prevai

• ' a t

S[ JE N K IN S a- 711:3033


. . IN M agic 'r O n l y $ 1 2 . 0 0 P e r M o n t h

200 A utos'fer Sole • 200 Auto DEAN MOTOR

— COMPANY ,Used Cars ^

1067 D A T S U N 1600 Sports. Bu|:----- sh a rp ,, low mlleas«>- m»B- — ,

w heeli. H ardlop. ; WVS2195 C «

I960 VOLKSWAGEN 2 - d o o r , bll« stnndnrd. 4-ipeed tran sm li- . Ust

. ilop. light green. ____t■r JU95 — J

19C6 COMET Cnllente 4-door au- Itomalic trBnimUslon, Very

s . « 5 ^3 IBM SIMCA Model CLS 1000.

Like n e w and rec lln ln j

J99519CS FORD 4-door Sla'lon W ag­

on. New paint, good condl*Cor< Automatic uansm ls-

slon. •289- engine. •$I2S5

IffCJ DATSUN 4-door Sedan. Ra­dio, healer. 4-speed trans-

— n\l»»Jon. Clean.c e r- ' W95

1965 PONTIAC Grnnd P ri* . au- tom n tlc.tran im liilon , power Sleering nnd brakes. Ueuu*

------UJul condition.$1795

■ 1964 D O D G E 4 - door Station • • , Wngon. V8. autom atic, pow.

e r iteerlng and brakes.Good condlllon.

_ _ . 5895 . -

1964 VOLKSWAGEN Model 113; p e r- Beautiful blue and 4-specd


19S3 FORD 4 , door Sedan. Cnl- axle 500. All power with o lr ■ and autom atic transm ission,

iw er 57951&G2 FOItD 4 - door Sedan. GnI-

axle 500 with nutomnUc tranim lsslnn. Runs good. -

$465)W er 1953 INTERNATIONAL Pickup

motlcl 1.120, »;-lon, henvy duly wheels. Good condl­llon.


D e a n M o t o r

C o m p a n y

T w in F alls 733-2022

----------------- R E P 0 SSESSr0 NS~AND— : =COMPANY VEHICLES

1066 FORD Ranchero V8, aulo- ninllc.10(15 FORD ^i-ton .pickup. V8, rour sp e e d ..1067 ROAD RUNNER -Trailer,

a t e r . hou ie : z r . like new. se lt con­tained.

733-72028:30 to S:30 Monday th ru Fridny

l e e V o n t I a c ib e r CMC t r u c k s — in j e r o m e I _



Hew slockf New prlccsl 2-dpors, 4-doois. Ilardlops. .Some"’wllh nlr, m a , 10G7, lObB Models1-'ords. I'lym ouihi. Chcvroli-is.New nnd Used Hondas. Unnk Fl* nance*: Open evenings nnd Sun-

_ _duy 423-5i79. Hanson.____________DARGF.R MATSON .. A um :^nlv»gd

now dlim antllng: 1003 I)odpo. 1001 Uulck. IfiOl Comul. iftoi T hunder. . b ird , IfiSO I'ord. IDQO'Oldi, 1039 J'ontlac,' 10. 7 CMC pickup, 196L Piilcon pickup, 1907 nu ick . 7)3-3743._____________________________

W )U SALE; 1307 Scout BOO Cuilom pickup, ion” rnnlne. 4 .ineed trnn i-

i rnlMlun, Wnrn hulii. IWOO mllei, Prlccil to sell. Cnmi^ron .Snles, Inc.

RuiH-rl, I.lnho, 4^0-3101,__________— —— I'OK «AhH I00.1--llulok Special 4.

M door A 'l conillllon. Oood rubberR 080 • • P '“ * so tr .o r snow ...tires, p rired

right 1760, Phona 733-a9«i ’ dnys; 73!l-inD evanlngs.

SA CItll'lCE liiOii dh(!Vro>«t~trnpnln, --2-door. hnrdlop. Gold, m ag wheels.

i in .A nprlo«s Plant., Wendell. MOIO 030.2314. ___________


roletD e a l e r



P r e v a i l s

'fS ChevroletT w in FftlU

[ic V alleyM o n t h s

200 A utos fo r Salo 200 Autoi^ R K M A N BROTHERS


orts. Itupert. Idaho - . 436-3478; w a n t TO SA V E’ M O N E Y ?" " ,

Come To Leo Rice Chcvylnnd.'Gooillng; ChBvrolet?, Oldsmo. _____

3 o r , bllei, Buicks Pontlncs. OK imli> Used Cars and Trucks..' J

Open Sundnyi and EveningsB O N A N Z A ~ M O tO R S J£ 2 _

r au- Pbntiac-Dodge-Opel-Buick comtR u r l e y . ' i d a h o . S K

* F ~ T H E Ysmis-

W hat All ȣ Has Be


Cnl- ___

W E II. G.il- • 'mnUcJod. -


3 r


'raller.' I d a h o ’s

Pf‘dny 712 M ain Ave. So.


I W E H i i


I I ■ BRAIN M DODGESpedal 4.J rubber ____

m :rr WE A.g wheels.Wendell,

^ - - B E L' H e


Four door sednn . 383 Cubic Jncl (llo, pow er iilcerlnB nnd lirake-i, cuNhiono. au to inn tic irunHmlHxIi RlnitH, iindcrcnatliig , bright whito wnll tirc.i.

S t i c k e r P r i c e .............................. .

S a l e ( K ,

P r i c e .....................................« P i

1968 DODGE R /T

Twn donr hnrdlop, <110 Cubic hnrrcl V8. CoiiNoh*, niitnniitlic irn jM)wer fltfcrlng, rudlii, iindnrcoai tinderhiiod pn<l. 1-' 70xl-t. Kud St DdmoHNtrnlor.

S t i c k e r P r i c e .................. .

3 S a l e ,, r t . '

P r i c e ....................................

W o h u v o DodRO C o ro n o ls , H n rd to p f l a n d T w o D oor 1 d o o r h i i rd lo p .s , ,

S a v e A B i g B u n d l e

B O If . •, M O ^^ ' 800 I

n O D G EnlU

--------- J i ----------^ ^

— R E S U L T S ■ 5 D a y s a n d So

LARGE H am m ond hom e m odel ( siereo cab inet. Phono 733-xxxx.

2 0 0 Auto»_for_Sa1o____________,2 0 0 Tw in FW E B U Y C A R S ____ Eli

c O R e q u i t y

W IL L S ‘'S7

Y ? Used C ar D epartm ent ',nH ' ■ 254 4lh Avenue W est.

Tw in Fnlls

I n d e p e n d e n t M o to r s ___ SHARP CARS • Cbr

5 300 W est Mnln Je ro m e. Idnho doc

^ '^°r?d*crs'cll. ‘’rE ^ l '* * D E A L “a u 'tO J I U -P . SALES, 1630 K im berly Bond. .See 1

E Y ’R E h e ;

All M AGIC VA; Been Waiting j


INVITE Y(T o S e e


, i

■ r ' ' p 1 7 T j ' C o f f e e a n d

■ T X v l l / J l / D o u g l i n u t s '

b ie U r igI d a h o ’s L a r g e s t O l d s - B u i c k D e a le r



H e r e A r e A f e w E x a m p le s :

iYSLER 1968’ORT - . CHiCubic Inch V8, Kn- ■I™ cubic Inch i, , , , , niilom utlu IriinNi

ml lirakcH, A lrfnnm ,Suni-(5rlpo DlffeiIranHmlHNlDn, tinted Hlcrco, r e a r neiit

, I , . , , , nnd power Hlecrlnfbright HiouldlMBs, t;i,niined rond \

cxlraH. UcnH)ii»(r

.......................$-1217.15 S t i c k e r P r i c e ,

.... $3398 P r i c e ..................

ODGE 1968 Clr r NE1110 Cubic Inch four I 'n iir dnnr hnrdlop tnninlic irnnHnilKHloii, i>r kciii, Htitomii , iindi-rcoatInK w i t h MttiTlnK and lirni H. Ued Strenk llrcH. imitii control mlrr

utishlim!!, tindorcoi

,.................... , S l l d i o r P r l c o .

a ? ' 2 ' J O ' 7 .............P r i c e ..........................................................

C o ro n o ls , P o ln r a s a n d M o n a c o s Tn F o u vo D oor H a rd to p .s ; n n d C li r y s lc r a In Fc

B u n d l e O f M o n e y O n O u r 1 '

3 B R E EMOTOR COMPANY' SOO D lo ck , S c c o n d A v e n u o S o u th

iE C H R Y S L fe R — IN

---------- — r ----------------------------------------------------

RESULTS — [ ;ays a n d Sold ime m odel organ with 4-speaker •W3-XXXX. . \

2 0 0 Tw in Falls T im es-N ow s 1 7 * ■ Friday) S cpl. 2 7 , 1968

A u lo f -for S alo 2 0 0 ' '




. Cbryiler - Plymoulhnho Dodgo' - Dndge Truckstwiiv's ___ Gooding. IdanoAUTO Jlil-P .1952. V8. noslsractlon-wlnch..

.See 107 South Waihlngton. ;

i E R E ! ' iVALLEY

ing For IQ OLDS I

E U l C K F ^ " T


e a n d

h n u t s ’ , -

i g u e nck D e a le r

Tw in F alls


1968 DODGE CHARGERtililR Inch iiinRniim Vfi, vinyl ronf, lUtlu iriinHniiHsInn, light package, •Jrlpo Dlffercntlnl, a ir 'conditioner., r e a r nent Hpcnkcr. Pow er Jbrakea , iwer HlecrlnKi cnnHoie, hend rc.itralntfl, icd rond w h reh , lends o f ' o ther . DcnioiifitrnldrH. ^ ,

o r P r l c o .................................... j A s T.OO

f e ............ $39951968 CHRYSLER NEWPORTInnr hnrdlop. 3R3 Cubic inch V0. Pow*!iit, Htitomnlic irnnHmlflfllon, power IK nncl hrnlies, Light nackago. Ro- control m irror, tinted gin.is. nlrfoam IH, tindorcoadiig. *whltu w all tlrea,

o r P r i c e ............................. $4534.30

“e ........„..$3746' .cos Tn F o u r D oors, F o u r D oor s lc rs In F o u r D oors a n d F o u r

n O u r 1 9 6 8 C l o s e O u t !

i: e s eANY ,UO South— I MP E R I A L

- I ........

Page 18: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

1 8 T w in F alls T im es-N cw s

Darrell Mai Of A Politi(

f io U R ^ . V p' ' ‘ . .77 ',

T H E FALL ELECTIO N Js ncarl working hard for ctcctlon a s ( Sccond D istrict. He w as in Twin F d ay . Hc Is, a D em ocrat from Fo la s t e igh t-years In tho Idaho Leg

Car Dealer Back After Ail-Trip i

Henry L. (H ank) W ills Is still up in tho air.

He is now back In Tw in F alls T-^j-— :-trving~to~;get~hls'~ fcct~on~thc ^

ground a fte r p a r tic ip a tin g H7 w hat had to be the m ost unique new c a r dea le r session ever staged in the country.

M r. Wills, nn official o f W ills M otor Co., partic ipa ted w ith m ore than 2,ICO o ther d ea le rs in thc event th a t saw all o f them —transported in 19 c h a rte red je t transports—trave l from the ir hom o town to Los Angolcs for th c spccial m eeting a n d then

■ hom e the sam o day., Upon a rr iv a l a t Los Angeles

■ the dealers w ere again airlifted “ "and during a sp cc ia l.45 m inute

flight w llh all of them In the n lr a t once In the JO p lanes, thoy .. w atchcd n new •l.'i-mlnmo film on I A m erican M otor’s A strocolor. ^

I t wos the fir.st au to sa le s -u m eeting In thc sky and snmo J ol" tfio denlcrs m nde a 6,000 mlJe round trip to a ttend . g

M r. Wills, who is a Jlcenscd ^ pilot and flies his com pany’s plane, com m ented:

" I still fcol up Iri. th e n lr. ol I t wns renlly som elhlng—all 0 those dealers, nnd m c, too, up C In tho n ir n t once.” C

Dtfptli Given » For Magic ; » Reservoir Jl

SHO.SMONI-: Muglc Uesor- f, vn ir contains 43,■inil n r r f fcnt of w ater coinpitrccl to ' 07,(1(10 nrri> fem II ycnr ago a t Ihin tim o, ro- ports l.oon flrlovo, m iinagcr of IJlf- Wiind Cunul Co, j.,

Two yi'iirs 11(50 tho rosiirvolr <1 rdnliilncil '20,MHI ncri* fcol, ''

Slnco lh(‘r(‘ h m nro walor tliiiii OKprclod, and nitirn w iilcr toiors cun use l i in t w alor to n . };oi>d mlvanliigo, thn M auic ('nn)* nilKoo of Big Wtxiil n iroctorii worn 111 favor o f «lcllvorlng Mai'ii; w ater (hn»ij;li Oct, S, TIui giilos will 1)0 ('li)sO(l SutTir- <lnv JifHTnnnn, Oct, Ti.

AiiuTii'nu I'lillH roM-rvoir nm - tiiitoi 7111,000 Hero fi‘i'1 <if wiiti'r <'<Miipiiro<! lo r>70.(ll)0 a your ago niul 0, ,l)00 lioro fi'Ct In'lOliO.

Amorlcan l-'ull-i wiilor will Iw <li'llv(TO(| through Oct, 10, Tlioro ; will 1)0 f;tt«-k wnliT Itt tho Mil- jior-(lmi(llM)’ t>v;iH‘tn imrlh of Jtli; WoikI Itlvor nn loii|> u'< it Is

"im t (lolriinciitiil tn tho oonoroto Iliiinii north of Shnshr)iio,

Data (JatheredW l'N DIU.I. — Harold llrown.'

rha lrina ii of tho ai;rli:iillunii roinnillloo, Kurn) Aron l)i'Vc-lu|>- nioiii, which III II i.ogiiioni of tint (loodliig (.'oimty IMuiiiiliin Coniinl;o>lon, will iiioi-l llili woi-k to gather iitiitlxtli'al inatorla l lo 1x1 coniplloil and wrllton In nnr- ru livo form.

C ly « l ( i PotorJion. rhalrn iaii, tirguH all cniiuullleo.'i lo rnin- plulu all unflnlNhoil work In ^r- <lcr th a t tho lic-oniid phaNo muy l}Q_complctcil th h fall.

NOTICE! II am mevlno my wolch r«*pair *«rvlc« frsm th* Ilk* H

Sldg, !■ a n«w loioilon. ■M y n a w lo c a ilo n I t H

2 2 0 M a in A v». N . ■TW IN PALIS ■

In lh« M n DulMlns ■


;-N cw s F riday, Sopt. 2 7 , 1968

Manning: Port •litician On Th


age.^ eve

....—.....^ ■ B H Jari^

i h ■ ^i '. - ' B oni>

'g ^ f l p *"®'£ E ’ ' ' ' f l H (

s - - K i ^ H H M H H the

trie. H

. jcgiyea





-so n

- fc r

^ ^ ^ H j H H

P a r

. X , bcccan

)N Js nearing, and D arrell M anning Is in s ction a s Congressm an from Id ah o 's a p t in Twin Falls for an interview Thurs- “ Af it from Pocatello and lia s se rved th e pub Idaho Legislature. npp

S n a k e s O u s t e dPRINEVILLE, Ore. (A P ) in

— The P rineville polico es- a tcorted th ree young m cn a n d jn 1their rattlcsHakes from tow n atoday. pla

t» _,jii A few m ihutos e a r lie r tho cal City Council enacted a n o rd - /

n r -d ts ‘nance th a t p rohibited keep- ©th■nn-4 h r ^ n g - s n a k c s - in - th e -c i ty ------------Hv

^ ^ h l^ f iy - H i l l r ^ F e d - H il l - a n d -unique )““* k'PfZS-SO wr

„ „„« r rattlesnakes m a n open b ar-n rol in a garage. Po lice Chief wll■»f W ilk Thom pson said th e ro vi(rt ^ i t h several baby snakes „oideaYeJs }? Th

iuatvi mon lived.la rie red w ere them ihrfir w aiting for the s n a k e s to ]

oTgs ^ r so t h e y no.1 thon lia thands. jx,Id then They lold the council it w as ^

rAr.,. the ir hobby.a l S d Neighhor.s com plained tho, tw; inlm lie " ’ ‘ h t ge t loose. n rI In the *......“I".......... "ll.................... a r

D e m o O f f i c e m;

L i l I n H a i l e y T o §

licensed O p e n O c t . 2 im pnny’s 1 !«'

HAILEY—P lans for opening miIhc n lr. of Dcm ocrallc H eadquarte rs Alling—all Oct. 21 w ero m ode n t th e B laine pr too, up Couniy -D e m o c ra tic W omens

Cluh m eeting 'I’ue.sday evening sen t Iho hom e of M rs. H olger poAlbtelhKcn. Mr.i: C harles D ecker Id

' l Y was c{)-lios(ess. ' iis' Mr.s. Leo n o rry , c lm irm nn of hn

tho Hoad<|iinricr.s com m ltlecisaid this y e a r’s h ead q u arte rs M

■' will ho in tho room ju s t snuih hcof Ibo J^rst Security B ank on aM ain, .Street, • ll will bc open ar

- oach day frnm 1 to (I p,’m, and' r ^ ' t m ndo' cookies nnd dofoot of ^^1,1 served. gc100 n rro j{,,turns will he lelevlsod elnc- he

; linn nli;lit. wliiagt r 01 cand ldaies Ir;

1 seoking slato nnd nallonal of-< .(.rvoir (1,,,.,, hoadquarte rs 1

' , will l)(t nniiiiiiiu'i'd Irilur, roporU 'r« w,. nr Holly McDoiuilil, p resident, pliI.T t(. m eellng will bu niwic Clint- *'“* ••‘‘'u k juarto rs room . Pi


e d u c a

IS Y O U R B E STr will Iw

SPECIAUZEDitnrlh i)f : ,• ll'l It Ih : r>totio(]i(i|)itiir — Sociulcirlciloiiiiori'to c io fk T yp iit —• Uookkoo

I I ' ' n u iln iiss Acintlriialrcitlon — IV O fV C cilcuk ilo r— llook k u u p in g a

C opying, D i/p llcnf/dg a n d WIriihur'ii — liloclilc T ypow fItors,l)i'Vrlii|)- , ' ,

I’laiinlitii SERVKIllll wi'i-k lo w In tnro it, o o v o rn in o n t O'iitorlal lo sfudon t I l o m ln a — ParMn 111 nar- p loym enl rk ico im m t — G u id

hiilrnian,lit r^tni- NATIONALLY

111 In l.r- S E C R E T A R I A L - F I N Ilawo muy

m a EXTRA-CURRlCUynow llno — Thocitor D lico u t

" I Sockils ShJtlonI C ho ir —don lb o d y A soonibllo* — • Stui

ch r«-> Ilk*

T w in F a l l s B u s i260 Socond Strool E a it

' • Accrpdltod o i a 2 y o o r tc lTCH A ccrodlllna C o m m litlo n fo r D


Portrait IThe Go I

■ ■ I D arrell V. M anning Is a young H Pocatello businessm an who got

l l ^ l in lerested in polilics a t an early H ^ f l age. Now. a t hc is o n 'th e ■

a Congressional cam paign [■^■"TTnirTJlrrliTg^ls^lrills' and popu^1 ^ 1 Jarity against two other men.1 ^ 1 . M r. M anning believes thc ■

problem s in Idaho a rc 6omm on - I only to Idolio. and solving thosc f l 1^ 1 ' p roblem s requires , the services K '

of a m an 'w h o is fam iliar w ith m 1 ^ 1 the s ta le and w hat is needed in f l

tho Second Congressional Dis- f l ^ f l tr ic t. f l^ f l . Hc has been In thc Idaho ■ ^ f l ' leg isla ture for thc p ast eight ■

f l^ f l " I push hard on farm prob- ■

Icm s becausc Idaho is a fa rm H ^ f l s ta te . We depend 100 per ccn t on f l ^ f l ag ricu ltu re . The sooner w c ■

rccognizo this, thc sooner wc H ^ f l w ill move forw ard ." f l^ f l M r. M anning said, In a recent ■ ^ f l Interview , that thc s ta te should ■ ^ f l bc -'allowed to take c a re of its ■ ^ f l prob lem s,, and work w ith thc ■

governm ent only in thosc a rea s H H b w hore cooperation is needed.” H ^ ^ 9 Sounding som ething like a con- H ^ f l -se rva tive , M r. M anning was ask- H ^ f l 'e d : " In w l^ t w ays do you dif- ■ ^ f l - fc r in opinion from your two ■ ^ f l opponents?” f lf l H ' H ts oppohcnt5 in th is clcction ■ B | ■ o re Republican Orval H ansen f

a n d A m e r i c a n Independent P a r ty candidate Joel Andorson. 1 ;

^ B “ I think there is quite a dif- f | | B B fcrcnce, and tliis. diffcrencc w ill H B H bccom e very ap paren t as th c H

cam paign swings Into full gea r H lg Is in a week o r two.” Speaking like h o 's a politician, M r. M anning said . 45 . tu rs- “ After all, m y opponents a re Re- jj„

tho publican o r conservative in theirapp roach and they look a t th in g s ------

iiimiiii a little differently, and som e­tim es less effectively.”

M r. M anning js a business- m an , and a pilot. H e Js a M ajor

;a P ) In th e A ir Fo rce R eserve and- es- a t the presen t tim e is getting a n d in nearly as m uch flying tim e as

tow n a p ro fessiona l. pilot. . " I tak e fc;p lanes to V ietnam ,” ho said

f th e calm ly . 'o rd - About once a m onth, he and !i:’

l<cep- o th e r A ir F o rce R eserve pilots f----------- ny -out-of-O gden ,-.U tahrto-V iet- ^1-and— n am rca rry ln g T iccd ed w ar m a - - r f : 25-30 te rla ls . • . fc!ba r- “ As a tesu lt. I ’m fam ilia r ^

Chief w ith som c of the problem s in j th e ro V ietnam . I know now th ere a re j lakes not easy solutions to th a t w a r. i- e the T here is no one approach , o r 7

no one answ er th a t w ill solve v: w ere the situation over th e re .”■ s to U c said he plans a m a jo r an- <. h e y nouncem ent on h is V ietnam ands- position In tho nex t tw o weeks, t w as . He said hc feels h c Is politi­

cally som ew here betw een his d tho two opponents, and a lso feels he

nnd Idaho Sen. F ra n k Church iiuiiiiiiiii a r e very close, ns friends and

m en In terested,in "Idnho .”Ho snid his cam paign Is go-

Ing welt, bu t there Is a lw ays a need for m oro m oney. I ’m

\ - v try ing to run a c lean race,' as• ^ I ’ve alw ays done, Tho Issu es* a re Im portant.”^ I - Ho said he feels G eorge Wnl-

lace will do well In Idaho, bul opening m ost of the vote fo r the form er luarters A labam a G overnor w ill be a r B laine p ro test vote,Vomcns If clectcd; h e plans to seek a evening sen t on agricu ltu re and atom ic Holger power com m ittees, w ill w ork on D ecker Idaho w ater p roserv«tion--«nd — '

■ iise, iirid \'>ill "w ork for tho ld a : — mnn of ho fn rm er," j,im ltleci Magic-VnllRy Is Im portan t tn ;• lunrters M r. M anning’s cam paign , and [ t soullt ho snid hc plans to spend j ank on a la rg e am ount of llmo In' Ihc ; e open a rea . <m, and ‘‘I need exposure here , so . cs and does lliibort llum phrey. W e’ll

get It, nnd I think w hen people ; .'d elnc- hen r whnt we hnve lo say thoy

will understand whnt we n re i idldales trying to do and voto for u s ," nnl of- ■ ' — " —luarters LAGOON IIOU.SKS WHALES ; roporlH Tho g ray wlialo's b reeding .

esident. plucc Is Mexico’s lonely Scnnt- *• will bu num Lagoon, halfway down the r 1 room , Pnclfic const of IJaja C alifo rn ia ►


IZED TRAINING:Dctulciflcil — Cxocutivo Socrotorkil j- U ookkocp ing — A ccoun ting — i I t lo n — IliM — C om pto ino io r | ko o p ing a n d P o llin g W ach ln o i — j ig a n d M fn io o a rap liln g M och lno iurs, >

SERVICES: !rn n io n t atuclont )onn»I — P arl-tlm o o m p loy inon t — Uni- t — G u ld fjncp Tosting,

> N A L L Y F A M O U S \ L - F I N I S H I N G C O U R S E

SRICUUR ACTIVITIES:)r Dlicounf TIckoti — ricnlci —Choir — Sludont Council — Slu*

o» —• Student Now tpapar,

s B u s i n e s s C o l l e g eE ait 733-6522

yoar ichool of b u iln o it by th*Itlon for Duilnoii Schooti.XOG MAILED DY REQUEST


'. ' -i

8____ ■

1 young vho in on


f l '

a r w ith m ' S H H ^ f l ^ H w ':cdcd in f l , . f l f l f l H f l l H »lal Dis-

! Idaho ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ f l B K:t eight ^ f ^ S f l B I ^ ^

n prob- a farm ■

icrmer ^ ^ ^ j f l


a con-

H ansen f . . 'ipendent -

e a dif- •. ■.Mncc j j H J B

as thc

ting like TOSSING T H E DICE aboard tho i ng said , 45.miio cru ise around New York Hai

tho ac to r is M rs. G eorge Barrio , wil aU hirigs d id quite w ell a t the gam ing tab les w i some-

R E A D T i rbusiness-a M ajo r -----------------------------------------------------------rve and


TlSl Ir^Y' — — r - -ho said 1-

h e and 1 - '"’’‘mr—■vo pilots f - -•- to -V ie t rw a r-m a - ^ ^

fam ilia r .- ^ ^ H B lB j j f lB Iblems in ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ H f l.here a re j .' .T.'f’.'.-Vxr- ' C“ ' - \ ^ T ^ 3 | ^ H f l h a t w ar. oach, or ?ill solve

najor an- . .V ietnam .............. .. ■ ..... . .............. »

5 weeks l969M uslanoSporlsRoofIs politi- m m m u m

//cen his H ■0 feels he H B _^ Church ■ Pends and M H10.” g ngn Is go- . u m

m A P Itrgc Wnl- 1 ^ ^ IIaho, bul m ^ | | 10 fo rm erIII be a . - ,

lo seek a ,d atom ic w ork on

tion--«nd — ■*/ Wc B M' tho ld a : " F S M S S B W H H I H

lortant tn < w ^ 3 B 9 8 P 9 8 8 8 f i ^ ^ ^ B B jilgn, and ['0 / l i ^ ^ f l f l ^ H B B i f l f l i 10 ' v r ^ H B N H B ^ f l ^ ^ B

here , so r ' v ^y. W e’ll \>n people ■ ;•say thoywe n re i. a ' ' '

o r u s ," V ' V>.,

7lA I.ES ' . ' ' ' vbreeding ‘ '■■ ''JJi:.

Iv Scnnt- J-. • '/.-—-•“‘■■'i,..- tlown lhe r: ' lallfornla. k,;. . .....................



■torkil " ' ' r ’

“ “ •. • ifilnoj [ ’ '' "

)onn»■■ 1969 M uilnno.

All new , nil ovorl 5 groat mode Moro onQinoi tiuin ovor.

; i - Ihny'fi) IIVo ini Musl(nlfl» you'voiiinfi bdlorol loiKiiir, Widof. K’nc- frnnl nnd htirk. And lur, lur iin lu k o ilwi now MuMtinii Mill ll I. O iiilnii% Gniridil, (Juiuii> luiidlop, |

Cl ~ rno( nr cnnvnrl(blr). llion flip Info ci_ S lu. llJl of opllon* ami dosiun your Mus

| 0

-6522 The place yoy th*



' -i ,

Z aboard tho S.S. R otterdam , film ac to r Ai New York H arbor for (h:> benefit cf the An •ge B arric , wife, of lhe president ol a cosm iming tab les w hile on tho cruise. (AP w ire;

R E A D T I M E S - N E W S W A N T A



» V

196 9 Torino.5 o ro a t m odoU , Tho w ln n o r’i bock (o

n ovor. w llll tw o I to ln o w Co

,isl(nifl» you'vo (ivof Torino lor'A9 coinns or(ir, Widor. K’nciiiilnr, luKiidoiM 01 ynund llir, Ictr !innrli6 r. nil tito wiiy it|> tn <t <1VII<111(1 Ml 11 ll I. O r kiK- l\<iiii-Air V fV for 101 Im11)11) luiidtop, ^|lf)lls• ■l(lvl(l(| (iilfkirj. rlinom llion flip Info ct lono '< 9 f^tilflrxnn, io u <il| A

Idilun your Muslnnu, I orda lodoy,

)!ace you’ve got to go

IBi Fi

L whe sho to s

0 slai cen me; froi wal j ;

m ac to r Audio M urphy takes p a r t in a t ot the A m erican C ancer Socicty. With

of a cosm etics firm . Audio risportcdly (AP wlrcpholo)

/ A N T A D S_________ ;________________________________


10 . 1 9 6 9 Ford, ir’i back fo r m oro , . . lo n a o r . W ider, itol now C o b ra i lo boo ll A n d a lo n o in ll

>9 coin«!i cm |iisl (is hot or (is Tor 19('>7,FokI Iroll ynu [iloir.o. f.iKjInns iniiiio rjiiioollii your rl(up In <1 <1VII'Cu, In. ( '9 I1KI Jilt Ikiso tiinn Clius

IV Inr Inilnci M’ldt wllh nxlici iKindinom nml liflnrj. rlinom [iniii ulnlit. iiii'A' lill|inil(lt. Tllil11, io u <ill i>‘?. ol l/io rmw 'AV t‘t rUlu nviiit oiJ. y, ' foi.lo<|ulului lltui

to go to see wiiat's go

British‘Minis’ S , Face Tax Bite c“arE

LONDON (A P) - The women , who’ve been saving m oney by uS E showing skin ore going to havC to shell out a fte r Nov. 1. I a i

On that d a te the tax man I sta rts collecting B rita in ’s 12 p e r ,I cent sales . tax on m iniskirts J . m easuring 20 in ch es.an d more I from lhe hem to thc top of the I w aistband. . 1 4 2 4

W earers o f 'th e m inis now cs-

D i A M O N C

SO N A T A . . .

i"i.!: N i•tedly --------------------- \i


19A9 ITD b y fo rd , 2 -D oor I

' Ford . - -Aor. W ider. Q uio tor. Ua lo n o in III c l a n . 1

>f,7, f o u l Irncki o j w ldn o i Cctd lllnc.Illll y o u r rldo w llli n lu iiunr w linni-

tIuin C liuvioliii, Mill inurit l io n l m nm nm l Innrnortt Ilinn n C ltry i lo r B n |ik il. Tllll '<'>V r m d LTD it t io i lu n o d V a1,1 itvm lhan Jho J.7U IhfiJ ■ ■<iulului lltun KoNi-Koyco. H I


t’s going on-Your Ford


cape the ta x because any sk irt shorter than 2-1 Inchcs is classcd

. , as a child’s skirt. No sales tax Is charged on ch ildren 's clothes.

ey"™ . USE T IM E S -N E W S W A m ^ M I have

A U T O I N S U R A N C E .12 per S E E'sk irts ; .

moreof the — S —

4 2 4 M ain N . 73 3 -0 G 2 6ow cs-

■ ,

A M O N D . R I N G S

4ATA . . . . FROM « 1 0 0 .......

r s i i f e rJ ,

^ ■ .

~Z r ------

i i i i i i ®

)S)AY!^ ~~i767T6rIrto~GTS'pOfl8Roof---------------------------

' ‘. . ''J

. .

■ '■ ./'r 'f '-V ::''’ ' '- iI .■ v 'l , ' . ’ • ' ■ .. •: ■. \

.- J ; I ■ . J

..'I ., i. , i.'y . i . - ' i r:,-.', Xford, 2-Door I kirdtop

ir Ford Dealer.

Page 19: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

■ '

EAR OF CORN Is telng examl . Ihls e a r looked veryaood'*B d;i

------ . soon will be h a rv c s tl^ thek;cpc


F arm en througliout. the vallej barvestlog commercial and contrai bean crop In the area bas been c which have not yet been cut. Otn< ground for winter wheat while oth

Wilbur Henke of Twin Falls ha Mr. and Mra. Bob Robinson of Ti lives in the tenant house. '

Mr. and M rs. Jack U sie and s , , and v ac c ln a t^ and cut off horns <

Hill Sunday. They were assisted b tie Meadows, Hill; Charlie tette, Filer.

ka ri Carnahan Is cutting corn ; of King Hill. The ctirn ia being I will be used for winter feeding e area are also cutting corn. ■

Walter Schum acher'Is also .cu Ranch, north of King HUI, owned mately 107 acres are being harvi

Mrs’ Knox, is having her weane Ranch,^south^ofH ill^C l^.t^theF

- ..... — Janie. aml-Annr®pent the weekonc. participated In the cattle drive gi

the King Hill Ranch.

Mrs. M aiy iKnox purchased the one-half miles west of King HIU named i r the River Ranch. Mr; aii in the house. Mr.’ Jarvek is emp Entry aod M rs. 7arvek works'ai and M rs. Robinson and family m

The famous race-horse. Truly and Mrs. Clay Burpum, North from relatives (n. California. The a t a race Jn California, having e and won a purse Of $111,300, Mr. . fomla for the I^os Alamltos Derb horse’s time was 19.8 for ihe qui

The n rs t trost o f the seasoa ci wllh a low of 21 degrees. The was II . Not much damage w u : proitresslng rapidly.

Elba well driller Arlo Uoyd Is Mr.. and M rs. Ivan Darrington of

Membeni ot the EHni Cattlem cattle In the bilU west ef Elba tl onivarlous forest pastures durini put In tbe beer pastures, which they will remain unlll they are taken te tha various ranches in t

Mf. and M rs. Gerard Luttmer Tuttle from Mr, and Mrs,. Fores Mrs, Luttmer. and children have have leased It for several yea rs..

Glenn Berryman trucked his ste 4o his farm south of Burley this pasture en the ranch this summ teM lots. E llis Parish of Elba asi

Production DownWASHINGTON (AP) - PrO

duction of Merlon Kentucky bluegrase seed this year is esti* mated a t 4,479,000 pounds (he Agriculture Department re­porls.


' For your fine iiipport Dan, Oleni

v ^ M B S f V ^ s B l § J 9 f F T I « ■ J H

I" 2 s m p ^ ^ B B S I^ S S

«Ing examined by E d Koester; Gooding Coui 'and} the-field should have a good

| ' t h e k ; c m craps... > ^

Fences AndLj Canals |«the valley were busy this past week g,]

and contract beans. Although most of the tu has been cut, there are some late fields st a cut. Otner farmers are busy preparing of t Willie others are cutting alfalfa. . - du

n Falls has recently begun working for Inson of Tuttle with the ranch .work jw d '«♦ ' _______. • • , . ' F[Jsle and w ns, Jack and Webb, branded qI off boras of calves at.thelr ranch In King of I assisted by James Stokesberry and Mat* «i, 1; Charlie KUton, Boise, and Stan Bnr^ ig

Itlng corn a t the Lee Trail Ranch, south ?!is being hauled to a pit for silage and o

r feeding of stock. Other farmers in the . . ofn- ______ • . . clIs a lso . cutting com at the Pitch Fork ^ liii, owned by Mrs. Mary Knox. Approxl* g,

lier weaner heifers Hauled from the Dry i\ ty. to the Pitch Fork Ronch north of King « >e. ffidi-diirrng .iheiJvlntcr^ Hcr—daughterSr — he weekond-at-the Dry-Ranch-where-thcy - tie drive gathering cattle to be moved to jj

chased the J . W. Robinson ranch one and 1 ! King Hill on the Snake River and has Mh. Mr; ahd Mrs. Larry Jarvek are living 'ek is employed a t (he_Ri.ng.Hlll.Port.of v. k works a t (he' Glenns Ferry Bank. Mr. n 1 family moved to Hawthorne, Nev. Q rse. Truly Night, died according to Mr. u m. North Shoshone, who received word p ornla. Jh e horse was injured from a fall g I, having earlier set a near world record 1,300, Mr. and Mrs. Burnum were in Cell- tl mltos Derby In which tho horse won. The v, for the quarter of a mile. li

) seasoa came lo Richfield Monday night a rees. The low temperature Sunday night a nage w u reported and harvest has been o

lo Uoyd Is nbw drilling a stock well for c rrlngton of Almo. p

Ml Cattlemen’s Association are gathering I ef Elba this week, lh e caKle have been

ures during (he summer and will n«w be res, which are the lower pastures where (hey are moved off the range U ter aiid

anches in tbe area.

d Luttmer have-purchased 120 acres near Mrs, Forest Weaver of Wendell. Mr, and Idren have been Iving a t the ranch and irat yea rs..

:k ^ his steers irom h li ranch west of Elba lurley (his week. The steers have been on this summer and now wlU be put la b b of Elba awlsted Berryman. .

D n w n .'This Is 28 p e r cent less than l / U W I I the 1967 production, but 18 per > — Pro- cent more than average, the de- Kentucky partment ia]d. Both .acreage a r is esti* and production .were leas than lunds (he lasryear in (he major producing lent re- states of Washington, Oregon,

Idaha and California. ,


lODUC&COMPAHY IIL BUILDERS 7 ^• ilipport o f lh e 4^R program s,Dan, Olenn. KTm an d Ann Sheumake#


i i i l a |jE M B ^ ^ J l

* KI\ Com

I F hasw H n r

MiniHydM l ■ Al

g H f i U n r f V 'w%. g g a sonr

, I iBH fronW t S B i ^ stru

^ j J H v B | | n | ^ D . . . .E l> irt ly i


-wor mal

- tive




dev•odlng County Agent. Mr. Koester said Mai I good j ^ U . Gooding County farm ers wal

. wei» = * ■ N

J Top Angus FeaturedTAt “ State Fdnr fn '• A high quality showing of An- the

t weeK gus breeding cattle was a fea- clo * ft® Wre of. the 1968 Eastern Idaho Hai e fields Slate Fair in Blaekfoot. Judge | eparing of the black, hornless beef pro- aw

' ducers was Herschel Boydston, url , College of Southern Idaho,.Twla ere

:ing for paUs. . . cjrk A n d ■ The^diamplon bullJBwrger.of elo

FV 2..-was an entry M Fairvlew url . Ranch; Big Timber, Mont. They sat

branded also showed the first prize get- tur ^ M ♦ ol'Slre and won with entries dei a Bwt- B ifrget' of Lakewood o ^

Nonpareil A n g u s R a n c h , hol .. Blaekfoot, won the heifer cham- In

1, south pionship with Black Watch J‘ ®.u- Blackcap 6C54 and they won the aul

I in me reserve championship of the bull yslclasses with their Black Watch iro

.U Elevate. Calves sired by Black onn Fork ^\pproxi- gei^)f.sire class. ~ - tlo

■ The reserve champion heifer, sei JRS Pride "22 M 66. was ex- f=

I f iS ^ h ib i te d by Stevenson A n g u s uphtorft Ra«ch. Hobson, Mont. .8 re -th cy--------- --------- -— = = = ----- — -

Milk Production oa, For August Downre living Milk prcfducHon during August .P o rt .of was-esUiflOted-at-9,567 milUon ink. Mr. pounds by the Crop Reporting !v. Board. This was one per-cent

to Mr. less than a year ago and five 5d word per cent under the 1062-66 Au- tn a fall gust average,J rocord Total milk production' during

in Call* the first eight months of 1968 iron. The wos 1.0 per cent down from

last year.Milk output per cow was et

ay night an average 736 pounds during Ry night August. This wasUwo per cent las been over last year*and 13 per cent

above average. Daily putput per well for cow during August was l3.7

pounds. , , , , '

lalherlng USE TIME^NEWS WANT ADS ive been

n«w be •

(B G iQ Q M Q y ir « n . . r ijOLL-O-MEASUREMr. and nch and

. . duction a t E v tiyM llk lngl t of Elbabeen on QIaaaaphera

II In H« _ w l lh . '« u « l . ,I calibrations

l « . th . n IIt 18 per iV w H V In l ■'•th eU e-. acreage I . level milkingeaa than I - advantagettirwluolng V , J » k«p.'bl(iody

Oregon, m llkoutofIlnM..

'■ , ' Y oii c a n a d d R ijjl-p * -

M e a s u r a t t o y o u f

p r a i a n t p l p o l l n a , o r

' o r d o r w i t h y o u r n o w

C h o ra - B o y S y a t a m ; 'Nr iMHi ’4*lail» mU Imiw


, 304 Robbins Ava, .’® y a » 6 6 » a ■ Twin m u

......> ' '

H B i r e e t o f - Q # ^ £ H From 10-Mohtl]H q • KIMBERLY A. R. Rohln- ' B a p . eon, dlrector.of the'Snake River ■ ■ H Conservation'. Research Center,^ S | j has returned from' a 10.month

assignment a t the. University of- Minnesota’s St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic ' Laboratory.

At the university, Mr. Robin* iM M | son worked with University Mr*

sonnel and the Agriculture Re- search Service doing a special ■ ■ reseacch project on the me- H n chanics of erosion and scour

I ^ H j from irrigation and flow control h BIR ^ K l , structuries.4 ' o t IR ^ H I . . Erosion and scour control " ^ H l from the action of falling watec.

is always a problem, particular- yS jt a WH ly in irrigation. A tremendous

ambunl°of tim e and money is spent trying to dissipate the en- ■Ag

l u n J i flowing streams. •--Th^ problem Is g e n e r a l l y workiltB<with-nature-ln-tr7insTto-^H make the flow work constnic-

- tlvelv rather than destructively. by designing b e t t e r control structures to take advantage of

■ f i^ E site and soil •conditions. - m M U Many times structures a r e r ^ H

used which are not designed- propertly and wash out. result- ing In-an even worse s i tu a tio n ,.^ ! than origlnallv existed.

The St. Anthony Falls labora- tory has been a leader over the years developing structures for water and erosion control.- Most small reservoirs now be- C ing constructed utilize spillways Coi and stilling basins which were a .

■ ■ H developed a t the S t Anthony fro Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, a t

e r said Many of the struchircs used for Lal armers water control along highways of

were developed there. tuiMr. Robinson worked with the

group in Minnesota in.stSi^ng-o sean a large scale study and in set- the^ ting up laboratory equloment turej

------ to-make-models- of-eroslotrcon^ tbst\ f ; trol structures. __ of e

During the . period, several for s phases of study were completed Th In the laboratory and the staff berh of the labdrotory are continuing sear,

ng of An- the studv alon? the same prin- coun as a fea- cioals that Mr. Robinson lni* gatic irn Idaho Hated. aro3t. Judge Electronic Instrumentation was vice; beef pro- available and set up for meas- mat! Boydston, urIng the factors important In wate iho,.Twla erosion studies. M<

' One Item waa an automated grar B «r« r.o f electronic probe-osed-for meas- fdr i Fairvlew urlm; the movement of soil <fe use ont. They sand downstream from a struc- cam prize get- ture as time progresses. Other M: h entries devices measured tho amount a f< Lakewood of flow, energy of. the flowing iabo

stream,, size of resulting Tscour s ta r R a n c h , hole ahd other factors Important els fer cham- In a studv of this nature. strui

Watch All of the data was recorded of f y won the automatically on tispe with anal- usat )f the bull ysis being made by computer wat« ck Watch >rom the information recorded by Black on tape.the junior The study has direct applica- T t — ‘ tion to the Snake River. Con- the on heifer, servatlon Research Center's re- Natl ■ was ex-A n g u s ^ ______

Down START Pe f * f o r y o u r ; f a l l P i pReportlnn ■

, ?nd"fiv"i B e f o r e w i n t e r f r <062-66 AU- I . I . i! I I

,on ,h,„n« ‘ • “ " " 9 ' « » « ^ a l lIS of 1968 own from

^ WE HAVE1 per cent p » p u t j» r ...

[ 3 Q 5 ' A l l s iz ^

ISURE __N't Piii^Mllklngl

S. COMPLEI Sh - UNE OF,imif- , ........nllklng A l l t f L

All Shai'bloody . . . I'u to f p

Sooi ' fiP E ,

I l y V 2B 0 8 o u lh lI ' A

win Fotli ^ ■ . . . . . •

...... J.

F a r m. - Frldoy, Sept. 27

M = R e s e j E ^ d r € e n t < VTonth Special Asf

Rohln- — - - '' ce River Center,

O.month o f '

y Falls

Robin- sity Mr-, ure Re-

special :he me- d scour ' control

control ig watec. rticular- mendoiis loney is ! the en-

o r a l l yt r 7 h t S T to - ^ ^ W h r ? f ^ |B:onstnic-uctlvcly. J

control ntage of

resdesigned' t, result- situaUon^

: labora-ler over B M 'tructures i ‘'~'•'nwfeiW

control.'now be- CHECKING -an automatic che spillways Construction Research Center’ ich were a . R. Robinson, director of the i Anthony from a lO-menth assignment In I joratory. a t the University ot Minnesota’s used for Laboratory doing a special resea lilgtiways of erosion and scour from Irrlg;

tures.with t h e ----------- ^ ^ ^ --------t5i=nng-a search program for Improving I : in set- the design of irrigation struc- J ^uloment tures, A field study is in prog- sioircon» Tess*Tiear^erome'^n‘Th6~de5lgii ‘

__ of check and drop structures Jseveral for small irrigation ditches. ,

ompleted The research center at Kim- the staff berly is one of the leading re- ontinuing search Installations in this me prin- country on structures for irrl- ison inl- gation needs. Particularly they i

aro noted for research on de- < atlon was vices and structures for auto- or meas- matlcally -cohtrollnig irrigation c srtant In water. (

Most of the research pro- . utomated gram s are aimed a t structures . tor meas- fdr'«)n*farm dr'i^lgatioA' system , if soil oV usa ra ther than those, for l a r ^ , 1 a struc- canal or river installations. is. Other Mr, Robinson said that within < amount a fe ^ months the hydraulics | ) flowing laboratory a t the center will < hg Tscoiir s tart a study project with mod- < mportant els on erosion and flow from ' ire, structures, with the end result * recorded of getting better, cheaper and | vith anal- usable structures for flowing • computer water. «recorded ■ ■ •

LUNCH WEEK SET i t applica- The President has proclaimed i ^er. Con- tho week beginning Oct;. 13 as i nter's re- National School Lunch': Week., <

tT P U N N iiiif a l l P i p e l i n e a n d P i p e

i n t e r f r e e z e - u p . G e t r e i

I t e f a l l s l a c k t i m e .


P I PA l l s i z e s f r o m V i " t o

' S f " 1 1Ml Shapes . . . Type . ^

^ ■ '•■ ■ ■ '' ' '''

(outlierii Idl IPE & S t i l l!B0 S o u t h P a r k A v * ,, T w i n f l a i l s , :

A r c n i a k a n g d o n , M g r .

n - S aP

/. Sept. 27, 1968 Tv^In Falls Times-Ne

?enter^eterns= * 1 Assignment z

cmaHear^B nM rRaWil

’' > ' rei



ex( ' sei


omatic check gate a t (be Snake River ch Center’s l^draullcs laboratory Is itor of the center wbo has Just returned snment In Minnesota. Mr. Roblnsoo was uw eso ta 's St. Aathooy Falls Hydranllcs >eclal research pro|ect on the mechanics ifrom lrrlgati(m and flow control struc*

on* stru^ i B i U M a u d e Iin prog- _ ^

S I S M a s t e r O f

' a l f ^ T u t t l e G r a n g efor irri- TUTTLE—Willlam Maude was

ariy' they rc-electcd m aster of the .Tuttle h on de- Grange.for nuto- o u ,e „ e j Davlj,irrigation overseer; Mrs. Boyd Graves,

. treasurer: Mrs.'Glen! Patterson, irch p r ^ secreUry; GieiLBalterson, stew- stractures and; M r8..R ..Xow*;ChaplaIn,

“oS kSitions *lat within Mrs- Gene Miller was elected lydraulics as lecturer; Hubert Evans, gate- inter will keeper; Mrs, William Maude, with m od-ceres; Mrs. Wlllls H a w k e s , low from flora, Mrs. Dean Williams, Po- md result mona, and Mrs.''Ed Davl^.lady aper and assistant steward. Mrsi Graves r flowing Is also the director of women's

activities.— The. Tuttle Grange officers SET wlll be Installed at a Joint ser- roclttlmed vice of the Pomona Grange and let;,. 13 as most of the subordinates in the rW cek .., county Monday... ... . •.. _____

P i p e I n s t a l l a t i o n s - I

5 e t r e a d y f o r ~ s p r i n g I


^ E : :i " t o 3 6 "

(TEEtp e . . . S i z e s

I d d i l i b

:EL, I n c .

n l^alla, 733-8S99 n, Mgr. .

. a n c h ’^ S ' lTimes-News A-T _________ -

S= KtrispatricfcHeaMURTAUGH — Jam es Kirk- appr

Patrick w as electcd . the new mam m aste r o f M urtaugh G range a t boot]a m eeting a t th e n a il . ....... Ha

i g ^ -O ther o llic c rs e lectcd a re Nor- cultv m an P e te rsen , overseer; M rs. tion H enry P e te rse n , lec tu re r; Rich- a m a rd C arrie r, stew ard : Ralph Oct.

' B reeding, a s s is ta n t s t e w a r d ; Fail; M rs. J a m e s 'S a rg e n t , chaplain; a ttc t

^ ^ B R alph D enton, tre a su re r ; M rs. the W illiam McCoy, secre ta ry and Co. rep o rte r, a n d 'E a r l Young, gate- miss keeper. .. Th

M rs. E a r l .Young w as elected was ^ ^ B se rv e a s C eres; M rs. Norm an the

P e te rsen , P om ona: a n d 'M r s . Tl; H arold M enser, F lo ra . M rs. Ing R alph B reeding Is lady assis- beer ta n t s tew ard . > beca

Ja m e s S a rg en t w as elected H H executive com niitteem an to Re

serve a th ree-y ear term . M rs. M r. M enser w as .p re se n te d a gift ln and

w™ D U R IN G O L

s B E L O W

i : x io s i - i—— Wa'ra cleaning hous* le maka of snow tlras, cold-waothor n*i ) discountsll______ • • .' •<■ . ' .■ .

nge ^r DAMS I

5021 JlhapUin,n t s t e w V ■ ■ . - •


: UIIDE _ I V I I I E .

officers ......3lnt aer- C ] ^ 5 0nge and . % m ill TI in the ro l l . . . i ■\Jlk

: I':"" li 49 '*•

i g I I ' . 'I B . ' T h i s | s t o p <l ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ ^ A m e r l c a n m a

6 rollar hydro,110 BOI. .poxy.I lined tank.

• R « 8 . 92B B .0B S A L E

. I r

j f e a

S . E C T I O I V

I r f f c a d s - G r a i ^ e ^ " ^J Kirk- appreciation for h e r services a s . i e new m anager of the G range’s foodinge a t booth a t,th e fair. — : .......... r -

Harold M enser m ade an agri- re Nor- cu lture repo rt on th e bean situa- ; M rs. tion and Will Beck announced ; Rich- a m eeting to be held a t 9 a .m . '■"' /,

R alph Oct. 17 a t the ho liday Inn. Twin v a r d ; F alls, w ith 'th e public urged to . - ' - ap la in ; a ttend . The m eeting will be w ith -; M rs. the Mountain S tates Telephone ry and Co. qnd Public Utilitliss Com- J, gate- mission.

T he Pom ona G range m eeting elected w as announced for ■ Oct. 12 a t ''ri Borman the Lucerne G range hall. .vi 'M rs . The M urtaugh G range m eet- • !

M rs. Ing scheduled for Oct. 4 has ’ assis- bM n changed to 8 p .m , Oct. 5

b ecause of the high schoolelected activities.in to R efreshm ents w ere served by '\. M rs. M r. and M rs. Henry P etersen 'j g ift In and M r. and M rs. R alph D enton,'




iSi-OUTIis* fo m aka room fo r w in ter slocks w aothar naads, end . toys. Big prlca

W E E D ' ~



iia G arden e CART j

1 5 2 _ 9 ^ ^

3 s , . C « . . . 3 4 " « . -

9 ‘ «.

hi* I* top quality ; '.s ^ irican m ads chain


1 i uviw lsl^ IM O W E R I t

o'. 3 H .p . B riiM .; ... J l ' w,.).

>•: ' ■?' 5 , dopth whaela.. .1.' R*S.$S9.fi5 < '|

K * 3 9 * ’ i

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8 B t t , c r r , 6 N O F J Is

m m i i■ochiry Haod Tin

Page 20: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

.T w in Fd))*, TIrtV»*Ne>v»

W "- Magic Vi I 4-H Sc

4-H W eek T o BeSH6s H0N E — UncoJn County Tor

4 H c r s w l 11 obstrvb. National _Ii-------4-H Wee^TJbT-S^JS tHrwigh:dJs: BoJ

tolays an d exhibiu, reports Mary by Lou Ruby, extension home eco- Kal nomics. Agents.. Kts

Johiuiy Urnitift-snd-Ousty and Val . .' M ark .D ixon ara in charge^ of S

: ..,V displays;' '. mli’ , i F our '4-H members will pre* ser

sen t ta lks to Rotary Wednes&y. 1• .Oct. 9; T h ^ are Daivld Ross, of. ' '.:;'l>i8ty;lM^; Geolne KlsUng and bet ■ . s .— ing


to!' 4-H

H M m I I e| H B K | a I ^ H ^ h f


Y O U C A N ’T S E A T O U Rp r o d u c t ?S

B u t I t ' s n e c e s s a r y t of a r m e r s a n d r a n c h e r s *

-------- j u s t ’t h e s a m e . W e 'v e “ I‘b e e n e te n d ln g . s o u n d »“ *l o n g - t e r m a g r ic u l tu r a l !?"c r e d i t t o f a r m e r s a n d ^r a n c h e W f o r t h e p a s t i

' 5 0 y e a r s . — S e e u s resa b o u t y o u r lo n g - te r m mil c r e d i t n e e d s .■m aaiaBBMtniaM M niinM pnj

tur_ WT

- - das the

■ forco>

. . h u’ ■ la ig l iH R W I W > ate' yM M M B K w the



m / j S - S I S

RUPERT "I«0 »HT L tUCH 5 “'

« M « 1- ■ by


____ J ________________________

A. McCOMIS . J"'

n i i a r i U T l M M I I I I X M I I M ]



• , ll won’t ba long unlll you’ll I; " ' , • - it now, b* ready . .

“Siiejl” or "Unlco" F

ANTI-FF^I'n c a ? e lo t s

P a r g a l lo n .................. ...

POLYETHYL, ' F o r sllag* c r hay covon u ivS to 40 f t. wldo

, th e r o l l .......................

. .1 F^Iaco yoM r o i ^ e r


B l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

p Q e to u rp r lc « i

I FALL SEEDg lm f ri l l M i i Q l iE ^ B siiico s

New s , Fridoy, Sspt-s2 7 , 1968

Ic Vailey’a ^H Scene

:0 B e O bserved iCounty Tom Dallas. 9ational -.Idaho^Pride.m eeting held In ■ Bh:dJs* i^JSe ucli ju-ji wjjj i>e auendcd ~ S i Mary by Gary F reem an,- delegate; - le eco- Katie Hansen, delegate:. Genlne

KlsUng. David and Arnold Ross,ityand V al'^nd 'Johnny'U m itla;---------rge' of Some twni be asked by their r ,.

m inisters to assist with Church 11 pre- services during the 4-H week. ,;v tesday. The county agents are proud

Ross, of the Uncoin County 4-H mem- ing and bers who are ‘‘learning- by do- A ■ ' ," ing.” . The youth and county

agents would Uke to thank the U 19 4>H leaders in the county

■ ■ who give of their time and en- a a M e r ^ to guide, counsel and .« t l ^ j toliaiow boys and girls in the

4-H program.

H E x tra Loans | H A re P la im e d I H F o r Farm ers §jj^ H ' ^ A P 'Fam i W riter' m ,I H WASHINGTON (AP) ~ About ^

SSSO milUon.in extra loans wUI „ m H ba made available to farm bor-

row ers,by spring planting time i --- xmder a blH -pasK d'Friday W - r j T the Senate, sayis the Farm cred* Q

.. It Adminlstratioo. •The measure, which now goes i

: to the House, would let the FCA

r em pay off capital held by L _ government and run its loan jf progmms without fM eral budg- .boi

y t o e t control.' Hresh e r s About S148 mitUon of federal k m e 'v e capital is tied up in FCA's O- lu n d billion enterprise. For this rea- n

son the government has final o if ' say on how much the credit sys- *i^ tern, can feijd farmers.

past Hm wu would .How FCA to nui I US restore on its own about $650 i>gt e r m mlHIon cut from A e agency’s ,_,i,

lending budget this fiscal year.A slmHar bill has been ap- w -

*■■■ proved by the House A ^ c u l- t” , ture Comm ittee,'but Chairman j^_ W.^R. Poage, li-Tex.. said t i f «

^ day he wasn’t certain whether the measure could be cleared

h J I ftor Houae action this session of W Congress.

Poage said he plans to have hls committee act on the Sen- f, , ate-paesed' bill next week and tbCT urge the Rules CoiiwnUlee to clear It for House acUon. v?.

" I think we can pass it if we can got Jt before the House," ’

.lUI^ Poage said. “ I can 't conceive that the House would tum It

n p . down.'*, ,* . 'r to -FCA o v e rs w thre« basic

comwnents: Federal Land Banlu, which make long-term Q loans to farm ers, mostly f o r land; Intermediate C r e d i t Banks, which serve production inci credit associations to m a k e to short'term loans for farm o|)er- nex ating expenses, and the Cooper* A ative Bank system which helps you finance farm coops. moi

Virtually all the montfy loaned S16i by the various institutions head- fits ed by FCA comes from sale of ber bonds and debentures to private tha: investors.--^— —-ri=:;=sr=x=^-— tho

__ — ■ tha. • , . , bUi- - ^ l U CJrABLETS —

-------- -*TTnrT6iTftifii~Df-the~Medrcal TOSociety of New Jersey says tluit sho miUc tablets now are available soc

> fo r ulcer patients. The tablets - A• ----- are-m ade of-hlgh^Jrotein,-pow- sig

■ dered milk. tlmi l i M U U M U U M H U U I U j H

EADY FOR fi FER NOW! li!llll you’ll b a needing th a followlnfl B og. > ready . . . AND SAVEI ' E

B agi"Unico" Perm anent Typ® g

JTI-FREEZE if*1 .38 fa



ii^r o i l e r s novy f o r . . . 8

R D EEN C O A L ” IH e a t i n g o i l s " |

iir p rlca . on quailty , |


: ' ' ouillni,. '."1 "

............................- ' . I , .

' I .

a ' ,

1V ' i '•hi

eld inrenfleaegate; -jenlneRW3. ^

^urch n ■‘iHeek. ,proud

by do- -i' “ county nk thecounty 'w l j r a U f lg f l f lH H B H H B f lf l lnd en- ad g e t in die


^ WHEAT OIUSSES’ on V . S. Fir® b liu luoal In i m by the M igle fli«

fc' re'? Soda! Security Bj ; Question B ox Qs I< ^ If you have any questions budg- about your social security, ad- . dress them to Jim Davis, Box ^7"

^ e r t l 1239 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. . W/i's C- . , ___L . , . looni

Q- ' My husband is S7 ye a rs (orce final Qi(j anjj diabetes for

the last 18 years. He has only been able to do limited work. c«»u

r «(M to two operations In the Wedi• last three years and poor circu-

* Iation in his legs and feet, he _ _y“ jf* is unable to hold a steady job.

We would li2 e to know If there V*< I™"** is any kind of social security

tanetlu-ta-couM -receive.-------- - C *W W A, It would not be possible

for us to give you a yes or no answer a t this point. We

'ion OI suggest that your hus- w /ham Bee the social ..g j.

• c«n- security represetvtatlve when he uves I . j j is in your area or visit the it; ,, mlltM Twin * for 1claim for dfsabllfty benefits. A *if w, determination can then be made .JL:

ousa •• on whether you quality for dls- ncelw “•’•••ty benefits. P lease b r i n g S it your birth or baptismal certifP .

cate and your last Income tax Hf*»basic ^«tum when j^ou:-come in to

g-tetm ” Q.*i’ win have earned about ^V f o r MiOOO when I.retire on Novem* ?^Bdlt ber 1st of this year. Does this luctlon mean that I wlU not be able • m a k e to receive any benefita-until jUre I oper- next year. ®*t o :oop«t' A. V ot necessarily. Aithougli J™jj I helps you will have earned' much

more than the annual limit of . loaned S1680. you could still get bene- ‘ » head- fits for Novfembcr and Decem- twIc sale of ber If you do not earn more private than $140 wages in either of

those-two-months-or-work-more than 45 hours per month in a '

. business of your own. . “J*- r a x 5*“ffeorcai TOw long beforo then or when ys tluit should I sign up for my social callable security? !"8 ‘tablets • A. W e-adv lse -a-person -to », pow- sign up three months ahead of "O"

time to allow time for obtaining ig g g B necessary proofs and time for “ 1“ '■ ■ ■ * processing the claim so that

B your check wlH s ta rt arriving *“*' 9 E soon nfter you retire. The aec-V B ond part of your question apnar-

B ently asks whether it would bbg better to wait until you are 65 * 9' B years old to sign up. This Is a n matter of individual preference, m®' B A person receives BO per ccnt, at

Infl B ‘‘8^ • ’’ omount he would B receive at age 03. His benefit does .

■ B not raise to tho full amount at f i age 65 after he has been receiv- . B Ing benefits for three years. It B remolns 80 per cent of t h e , B amount ho wpuld havo received ?"‘J B if he hod waited until «m 65 B to start receiving his beneflti.

8 § Q. I'm OS years old and al- B ready signed u p ,fo r Medicare. — H My employer has put me on B a part time basis, l^ ls wiU cut H my earnings to $3000 per y iar.B Can I get anything now from B social security?.B A. With the incrense In social S security benefits and the liberal*

r r B ic tlon .of tho amount a personm IP


| CORRUGATORS, B High; Spood dorru*

EB gators Cut C^wn WaierB WaMol Cut Down Eroilonl

. B Cur D ow n 'L abo r ColH1 ConlroV Saluratlonl^^


. , ' . 1 1 '■

n U. S. Forest S e rv ice -ra ag e ^ t-w aa -— Rang le Magic fire have now re au ed a point . Wbei support livestock. Here Heber L m i^ ServI

Mmty commissioner, left, and Forest laM

i^B aM om ngC roi Hike In Farm P

SS,**«d- By DON KENDALL . Chal 'is Box AP Farm Writer b'udgei83301. WASHINGTON (AP) — Bal- crop (

looning crop production m ay of live 7 years ^orce the government to hike for. n: •les for price-support payments creaseas only mlUlon this year, an Agri- TheI work, culture I>epartment.expert said top of

In the Wednesday. the dir circu-

w IC a tt le F e e d in g E x ^ ta te s ^ i th rF e e dy®* By DON KENDALL um gi

AP Farm Writer the Sur hus- WASHINGTON (AP) V The greatl e social gpeag which produce the m ost feedln fben he livestock feed grains tradlUonal- - ‘Th

fli. iy ‘•’® most fat cattle coursj,*‘*® ■ for the nation’s slaughter m ar- decen

efits. A ket. * packirl ^ d l ^ This has been true about the a i^ tl i .. I « o com belt of the upper Midwest. “J lL u P But the feed grata production «afO '

Vi_ ba* been expanded far beyond beef. ?n to lowaflUlnols. heartland. and »P«nd

* *“ • cattle feeding .now.is important more rl Mhni.f to many areas that a few years ^ The

aga-had to ship stock hundred*« r t h f ; to "■ . ' ■ 2«?"be able - A recent study by tne Agrlcul-

‘"-'■"“-I S t K a s i S v s ””,1; [-“s a p'S3a . T o' , u®o s i r . r H 'limit of L as' y « ’’ “«>M »“ « • mai-kol- S ' *’ et bene- ^ «bout 22 million fat catUe, jt?," DeVem: twice as many as in 1855,-the

‘‘r r I l l i n o i s , WIS- rrk-more coosIn^and-Minnesota'marketed ^ 2 ^ ahT n 7 7.1 minion; Nebraska and Kan- n

sas 4.4 million; TekflS,-New ' v

=w s S l Nevada 2.8 million; Wash- „Th« ly »ocmi Oregon, Wyoming, Mon^ Rep®rson -to tana,-Idaho and Utah 1.4 mil- t*mat ihSod of llon;. -Indlana. ,Ohio,-, Michigan, h* .cJ Jbtainlng Pennsylvania 1.3 million; North b“tcl iimil fo? Dakota- ‘ and South - -Dakota M thnt nJ»«on. and the 11 South- a y*■rriuina eastern states, plus M aryland----- r

•n S see- ««'» New York 795.000. S Hm aonar. These states were grouped ac- Lvauid bb cording to similar livestockII arn CS economies, the department said, rhis Is a J®*’" T. Larsen of the depart- eforoneo ment'R economic research serv-r gent, nt ><=0 sttld the production of sorgh- ^ he would «r

can earn and sill! rccolvo bene- « re c e l5. ''««>' P<«slble y o u"oars It»h * y«ar. F o r exwnple, if you aro

entitled to $140 per month in J M benefits and earned $3000, you

coutd get as much as $960 in -! ll l l social security benefits for the „ I ano ai- v«ar smm'

Medicare. ----------------------L_--------------I me on I will cut


. . . com a out, look ua ovar, t w * hav a aa ch w a a k . . .

^ BOARD & BAT SIDIKG ...' r«r Uwt*, komi, ................. ............

CORE PLYWOOD...4rI* tliMii ........................... ............

" Pre-Bullt TRUSSESS 4 r » * ( U n | ...................... . Sp«

i i r SPECIAU One lot Mlll-ruh _ Q 0 foo t long 2 x4 *1 . . . . . i ............

DRSdorru* thiii am ^uit a n w bp thiWater

: NORM'S. f U' ' ' ' ' '1 A

E'|2 4 B lu * ’u i< asl!lvd . S .‘

k i i ' . - V ' ^ 1

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t wa s — R anger G w r g r F iy r t o i p R t i B ^ polat . Wbeatgrass that were planted In d

00^ Service portion of tha n,000-aere t i’orast laM aad private land also Is ver;

g C r o p P r o d u c t io l a rm F r ic e -S iip p o iL, . Charles I.. Grant, departm ent wc

budget director, said the Sept. 1 pa- Bal- crop estimates for larger crops1 m ay of livestock feed grains account de 0 hike for. most of the expected in- fis yments crease. aca Agri- The $150 mlUIon would be on Tt r t said top of an extra ^ 0 0 mililon or so ho

the department said earlier it $3

in g E xpanding T o Ft

iFeed^GraiHs—— |L um grain the Great Plains and i

the Southwest has contributed cu— The n ea tly to rap id . expansion of nc e m ost feeding In those areas. ac llUonal- - ’There, are other factors, oft cattle course,” Larsen said, "such as In :r m ar- decentralization cf the m eat su

packing Industry, transportation ot out the and the supply of feeder cattle ." m [idwest. "But," he added, “ the main nc duction reason Is the big dem and for th beyond beef. With more money to n d .and spend, peoj?le seem to , want ejipo'rtant more meat.l ' aiV years The biggest expansion has pt lindreda been In Kansas and 'N ebraska si

1 2 ^ r cent a year from 1055 to it,

Blit the western com belt area la cSma Missouri, Wis-i . consin and Minnesota produces w ains one-third of the fed cattle. SUU,

the department said, thla Is lesscattle P®*' ^QDK itlA 1955.

MO,. in« remains as tha leading|. ^ 1, fat*cattte suite, producing al- laVketed S f nd Kan-S .-N ew ^ - v - ' -------- -------

X r S s -----' Wash- The Idaho Crop and Livestock lg, Mon- Reporting Service reporls an es* 1,4 mil- tim ated-607,000 chicks - w e r e llchlgan, hatched In Idaho's commercial

North hatcheries during August, about -Dakota fo'ur.per.cent abova the hatchingil S ou th -a year. ago. -laryland —

ivealo^k POULTRY I I

PROCESSINGW« <«»lam dnii oil typti•r ftogiinr, riic«i iioft «i io<

va bene- le y o u

VS“ni5o' PO U L T R Y s s : v ; SU PP L Y

$960 In Sia 8lh Av*. W. 793-3UI for the BBgn m M M i g M u n j f

BUILDING BUYSZ MORE HERE ON 3UILDINQ SUPPLIESok ua ovar, aaa th a m an y aavlnga k . . .

SIDIKG 4nI’ . * 4 . 8 0 1

^ ....... .,.,...*12.95“I'ir..:.. ... HURRY!


'' ‘ o o . '

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IBkM I p ^^ mill

^ H ^ ^ H l S ^ B H B i K a B ^ ^ ^ E I coui' ~F<

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H H H B B H H H B B H ^ H H B

0,000-aere bum. The grass oa the BLM lar also Is very good. firs ------------------------------------- ;-------- , ' ; Cat

C tion May Force g; pport Pa^yments iartment would-heed to make support •«, Sept. 1 payments to farm ers this year. W

ir crops Last January, Grant said, the account department es tim ated 'its 1969 a :ted in- fiscal budget'for price.support A

acUvitles a t about $2.9 bUUon.1 be on Tbe additional funds would / " 5n o r so ^ s t tolal expenditure to about V irlier it $3.8 bUUon.

The payments are provided by law to farm ers cooperating

r I r \ m ■ federal farm programs.1 ^ Farmers agree to restrict crop r j

production in return for a guar------------Hnteerthat-minimum-price-sup' —/

port payments wiU be available. «eii lins and Jlierefore, -Grant said, budget tributed cuts ordered by Congress can- ‘O* islon of not be applied to price support *aj

activities concerning farmers.’ P " ;tors, of But some-posslbly all~of the such as Increased spending for price e m eat supports mav be spread among I®" ortatlon other agencies of the depart- cattle ." ment. A spokesman said It was ^ le main not certain a t this Uma what p.n and for this might total. ser

‘J f we had to pass on aU the 1 to , want extra, spending under the: price an<

v.= support• progranf to other da- o « 2k-.1^5 partment actlvIUes, I'm hot Lo.

could absorb rla



' ■ . i

■■ ■

I R esid ts O f T.F. C f| ASC E lection Are

Results of the 1968 election of The ASC corAmunlty committeemen tee c

- for the T ^in Falls County com- and tJ m unltles.are announced,by Carl matic Boyd, chairman of the Twin the' ' Fails County Agricultural Stabl* farme

'M. lization and Conservation Com- vacar 5® mittee. comn-

The electiona vw te 'he ld , by mittci mall and ballots.were tabulated delegi

- publlclv-bv-theJncumbentJASC _ ’a e _ county committees. ■ ~ heJO' “ Farm ers elecB fflb the com- Oct. 3 ; mittees are: • Is op

Buhl — B arto n 'E . rSonher, Afii , chairm an; Richard Atkins, vice men . chainnan; Chester Noh, regular deten

member; BUI Watt, f in t alter- comn ‘ hate, and Gordon Bennett, sec- comn

ond alternate. - chainFUer R. W. Pierce, chalr^ AS(

man: Glen Leonard, vice chair; f a r i m an: Jay H. Cobb, regular chars

' m ember: Victor E . Mal, first of sti . altem ate , and Everett Andrews, the

second alternate. ProgiCastleford ~ Jake Prudek, ment

chairm an; Calvin Graybeal, vice progr chairm an; 9Im Wheeler, regular progt m em ber:. John Ensunsa, first gram alternate, and Marvia Cox, sec- modii ond alternate. i ^ lo. Twin Falls —-iT erry L. Sul-ers t

llvan, chairman: Kenneth H. throu : Poe, vice chairman: Noah D. farm-

Oliver, regular member; E a r l = m O’Harrow, first altemate, a n d Dlck^ Stafford, second alter- ^

> r ^ chairm an; Jake S ^ u n d , . r^ i i- 3LM la r member: Richard (^esneU,

first, altem ate, and Richard A.. ' ; C arrier, second altemate. ? \

Salmon Tract — O ran‘Jones, —1 ' / • f t chairm an; Glenn Nelson, vice

chairm an; Lester* E . Joslln, regular, member; Lee Bitxen-

I T G b u rs , first altemate, and EUis 1 |U 9 Fuller; second altemate.

iS! M eetings On » £ A lfalfa-W eed'S t C on tro l Set

A number of alfalfa weed con- trol meetings has been sched- uled by Gelgy Agricultural

? Chemicals in Idaho, starting In m l« )cu .be r.

:e-8up ' —At-the-meetingsrGelgy-repre* lilabte. sentatives wUl discuss control budrnt 0 ‘ cheatgrass. shepards purse,!9 can. foxtail and other weeds In. al- lUDoort ^alfa. They will also review the

principles of herbicide applica- tions, a s well as weed control

I ® around the fai-m and ranch In . P „ 5® fence rows, ditch banks and

(annyards. it was AU meetings will start a t 8 I what p.m. Refreshments. wlU be ^

served.aU the The Idaho m eeting, locatlona >: price and dates, are: Burley, .Ponder- ler da* osa Inn, Oct. .21;- Rupert.-Eiks n hot Lodge, Oct. 22; Gooding, Memo* absorb rial Building, Oct. 23,-and Twin

F a tb . Holl&y fan. Oct. U. 1 ^

r / ►» VAK r £ j' ! / a m\ / ’• l i j m . i i t J l -

I t v ' i - » -- i rrJf >Q

I ' j ;

•, ........ ......... '■ ------- , ' ' ------

r.F. C ounty »n A re L isted ■lon of The ASC Community Commit* semen tee chairman, vice chairman,' com- and tnlrd regular member auto- / Carl matically. become delegates to

Twin the' couhty convention, where Stabl* farmers are . elected to fill Com- vacancies on .the ASC coijnty

committee. The alteriate com- :ld. by mitteemen become w ftm ate lUlated delegates to the convention.. tJASC -_The_CQUntV-Conventlon will b_e

__ heJd a t tiie couniy ASC~'office,rcom i O cir3 .'a t‘8"p:m7ThIs‘convention ' '

Is open ,10 the public, onher, After the county committee- 'J, vice men are elected,, the delegates egular determine which of the riegular alter- committeemen will serve as the

t, sec- committee ' chairman an d . vice chairman for the coming year,

chair- ASC county and community chair: f a r m e r - committees are In

egular charge of local administration , first of such national programs as drews, the Agricultural Conservation

Program, the Cropland Adjust- 'rudek, ment Program, the feed grain ll, vice program, the voluntary, wheat egular program, .the National Wool pro- ■', first gram, the Sugar Program, com- X, MC- modity loans, and storage facil­

ity loans. Each ^ r , local farm- • Sul- ers earn thousands of dollars

th H. through, participation fai t h e s e «h • D. farm-acUon-jrogram.s^ ^ 7;- •■' ' '

S A Q U A l'” - Jonis, -.W ATER.PURlHSr

>. vicejo>iin.B lton- S %». d EUis V

— T ' "

t.ed con- ^ Hsched- • /, w ^ u«

:ultural . i C S J ■■ting In ^ • • • 1


lew the I ^ ^ S h ippllca- control


a t '8lU be

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Page 21: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

____ -

North. DakDta Raises Good Potato Seed i

. ' FARGO. N. D. - A gain this year, • North Dakota . potato

• growers were blessed wUh Ideal growing conditions to produce a riood crop of high quality seed potatoes.

Tho -certified , acreage w a s ,

so there should be a fairly Rood-• suoply of Norgold Russets, Ken-

nebccs. Red La Sodas. Red Pontiacs, Norlands, Norchlos, . LaR ouges-and .o th e r popular ‘ varieties.

Norgold Russets, whicli w e r e developed in Norlh Dakota have been acccpted widely and enthusiasticaly throughout the m ajor .part of the potato grow­ing areas o( the United States. , Norgolds consistently out yield ,

' Russet Burbanks and Early . Gems. Thev are highly resistant to scab. Thev sell well because - of their beautiful, golden, smooth netted skin, shallow eves and oblong to long shape. They are excellent both for bakfng a n d boiling and are exceptionally white and mealy when cooked.

Norchip, a new whife variety also developed in North Dakota is gaining wide popularity be­causo of Its desirability as a chipping potato. It Is a smooth - No. 1 potato, an excellent plant

duction In North Dakota should be about the same as last year I but since there was a shortage J of some of these popular new varlelies last year, it would be a good idea for growers and a dealers to book seed now so r as to be assured of a-sufficient e supply of this high quality, ii disease-free seed. •“ t

• ------ ------------------ . : I

T. F. Pomona j Crange E lects' New Officers =

A. E. Harper, Filer, was re- ' elected master of the-Twln Falls c County Pomona Grange a t a re- i cent grange meeting. 1

. Other-Officers also re-elected Include Burton Harmon. Kim* s

_______-berly. overseer: Mrs. John Mov- (er, Castleford, chaplain: Mrs: j J . R. Durk, Kimberly'secretary; i Earl Young;.Murtaugh, treasur- } er, and John Dean, Twin FaUs, ] gatekeeper. 2

Officers elected were Mrs. i Ogle :Wall, Kimberly, lecturer; t John Moyer. Castleford, stew- 1 an i; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ward. . Buhl, assistant steward and lady < assistant steward; Mrs. Joe Ku- | cera. Buhl, ceres; Mrs. Kenneth Poe, .Twin Falls, Pomona; Mrs. Tom Barron, Buhl, Flora, and Mrs. Lyle Schnitker, Twin FalU,

' women's activity Chairman.Mrs. Craig Dunlap, outgoing

women's activity chairman, an­nounced the needlework n n d

' baking contest winners. They were Mrs. Lorn Mitchell, first in place mats; Mrs. Bertha Tll-

- ley, first; Mrs. Arthur Bell, second, and Mrs. W. W. Ward,

'th ird , In edgings, and Mrs. Rex Galnsforth, first, and Mrs. Ar­thur Bell, second. In baby sets.

M rs. R uth Pace, firs t, afghan; M rs. H _ en .ry D ahlquist. firs t,

---------- - t a"b cToT h's;- Mrs. BlancheSmith," first.- center pIcce, and

‘ _Mr.H. .T. H. .Shfirn flrsr. iind Mra.___ ___ H. G. Cobb.-«condr-potholdcr8.

' Baking contest winners were Mrs. Chris Hessclholt, first.with hor prune bread, and Mrs. Aud­rey Moore, second with her ba­nana cherry, nut bread. In fruit

•........ .. bread-class,"and Mrs. Lee Mat*tliows, first; Mti. Roy Durk, second, and Mrs. Rex Golhs- forth, third, In yeQst bread;*

The next P 0 m 0 n a . Grange meeting will be Oct. 12 In the Lucerne Grange Hall.

Bliss Girl Visits India For 6 Months

WASHINGTON. D. C .-R ebec- ca Sue Butler. Bliss. IdahOj Is ono of 45 young people from the United States who began vis­its In foreign* countries as Inter­national F ai^ 'Y o iith Exchange delegates. They will > spend six months In a host country, living and vrorking with'farm families. Miss Butler is a delegate to India.- Miss Butler was selected by

the Idaho VH organisation su- porvlsed by the University of Idnho extension scrvice. H e r trip is sponsorcd a t the national level hy the International Min­erals and Chemical Corporation and tho Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U S . Depflrtmertt of State.' The dolegdles are thei third group of IFYE*s to leave the United States.thin year, bringing the 1068 total to 103. Iq reiurn, 00 exchanges from 36 countries have come to the United States. Two wore In Idaho.

More than 4000 younfc people have bcen exchanged between the United Stales and 7^ coun­tries since the beginning of the IFYE program In ItMB. The pro­gram Is conducted by (he Na* llonal 4-H Club Foundation.

Cluer ElectedFAIRFIELD - Doinn Cluei

was elected to a t h r e ^ e a r term on the Camas County ASC com­mittee. Jamen Thornton was first alternate and Frank Woll sccond alternate. Boyd Harrison and Willlam-'A. Simon

*^A^r25rB^fratlon meellng'wHl t» held tsov. 7 to elect a chair* man, according to RusieU Pate, ASC officv manager.

O t a .. ^

d T - ' ^

this potato

ith Ideal produce Ilty seed

;e w a s , .

rly good ils, Kcn-

Red lorchios, popular

h w e r e 'Dakota

Icly and lOUt the to grow- 1 States. .)Ut yield .1 Early resistant because • smooth

vesrhey are

a n d ptionally cooked.

! variety EFFECTIVE USE of chemical I Dakota }q coodlng.County was exiirity be- toured several areas of the coun ‘y as a ttjo oa (he left shows partI smooth -----------------------------------------------jnt plant

Idaho Falls Sug S S Plans New Stor;liar new«ould be IDAHO FALLS — A new stor- ci ?ers and age..concept that will further now so modernize Eastern Idaho’s pro- fit

sufficient gresslve beet sugar. Industry is fa quality, In -the final Installation state a t b<

— the • sugar factory near Idaho sl— : Falls. dl v M c i Utilizing the storage of becl PJ w x la , juice rather than refined sugar, tJ

■ the new system wfll be ready w A p f - c for operation when the big fac- hi

tory starts up in a few weeks ci to process the record crop of

ftT JS i sugar beets grown in the area ^ ^ r this year. The new technique ta was re- will require two campaigns to w

win Falls complete processing the ,19C8 al s a t a re- beet crop, for the first time in A

Idaho. «•e-electrf The technique Involves con- )n. Kim- struction of a huge tank capable “ ohO-Moy- of holding six million gallons of “ in; Mrs: julcer-The-tank-i»-located-im ^ “ ecretary; mediately west of the Utah-Ida- », treasur- ho Sugar Company factory a t . lin Falls. Lincoln. Made of welded carbon “

steel plates, it Is 146 feet in dia- ” re Mrs. meter, almost half the length of ^ lecturer; a football playing field, and is 4 ^ rd, stew- feet tall. At the base of the ° R. Ward, structure the steel plates are " and lady one and one-eighth inches thick,

. Joe Ku- gradually decreasing to five-six- ® Kenneth teenths of an inch-at the very ”

ma; Mrs. top. The roof is held up by sup- ^ Iqra, and ports made of ten-inch pipe. “ vm Falla, Contractor, for erection of the *' man. tank was G e n e r a l American I outgoing Transportation Company. *

•man, an- The Juice storage system at rk a n d Idaho Falls la the first of Its * r*.. They kind in Idaho although U and I lell, first previously has used s i m i l a r “ ertha T l^ tanks successfully at its Colum- ® lur Bell, bla Basin factory near Moses P W. Ward, u k e , Washington. JMrs. Rex The Idea behind use of Juice } Mrs. Ar- storage Is to allow processing ' »aby sets, of the area’s, sugar beet crop ’ t. afghan; in a minimum of time yet allow f 1st. first, maximum flexibility- in_proyid*' . Blanche fng the exact types of sugar de- . lece, and sired.by.U and-H ndustrial cusr I and Mrs. iomers_Ever-*lnce-the-end-^»f ‘

otholdcrs. World-War l l a gradual change ‘ lers were has been taking .place toward flrs^wlth greater distribution of sugar to * Mrs. Aud- industrial users as the Amerl- I , . * ’« .! housewife changed her hab- * 1. In fruit Jts and moved toward buying * Lee;Mat* lii-eparea'Tnlxeir an d ' convenl- ‘ ay Durk, ence foods rathec-than doing ex- I 5x Gains- tensive food preparation herself. { readi* Industrial users have highly ' a-Gfang® precise formulas for their pro- 12 In the ducts and may find It necessary '

(0 requ ire ' specific grain sices In their sugar supplies o r to ask for other particular specifica­tions. I

Dy storing Julco In the tank 1 mn rather.than storing it as refined 1 l « l sugar, U and I will be able to 1

provide sugar later In ihe year i i t n f l In the exact form*, desired by t

:.-R ebec- D .IdahOj Is S

5ple from 6 _

EVERYBspend six N I V C i l ltry. living S ' ^ f f m M rA L ln families. B(legate to S ^

fiat/on PLANIversitv of S \ J (Ice. H e r 5 ; . T h a t Prolle national a , b . i,lonal Mln- 8 -> . • .lorporatlon S ‘ i ................. . ,

fA R M ;sleave the 8 ■ « m b W

THAT’S1 countries B . _ : _ !Ited States. ^ A Farm Service program , ul

' S v an ta g e a n d produces top d"*te*iween S proflrom that d o ein ’l d 7^ coun- & schedule an d can take oi

^ of an Iddho spring.


rnton ^was B \ l U f !■” . ; frank WoU S ^d Harrison B ' > '' l _ i ' I I i f v

iMiiirg wni S -M l ; ; I B O * 3 9 2 , K im h

' [

^ i . T l, ' V - ^ L i J j j S

f chemicals for the control of dox Ioos fe)ty was explained to these farmers who re )f (be county which had been sprayed. ar ihows part of-the group studying the el- ct

s - S u g a r - E i r - m — ,----------------

S t o r a g e C o n c e p t ^ew stor- customers. 0

further Juice storage also has a bene- lo’s ' pro- ficial effect on operation of the c ustry is factory, inasmuch sis Juice can I state a t be pumped Into the tank if the z r Idaho slicing end of the factory Is pro- i

ducing it faster than the sugar of becl portion of the, plant can finish

d sugar, the processlng.into sugar. Or. if . e ready the slicing end., should fall be- . big fac- bind temporarily, the sugar end 'V weeks can pump juice from the tank crop of and maintain maximum.output.Ae area Juice tha t is stored in the « schniQue tank will be fully purified and . algns to will be a thick liquid containing ik he 1968 about 68 per cent sugar solids. H time in Assuming that the big tank is

full when the regular campaign g- „ fr,„. a t Idaho Ealls ends In mld-wln- ^ c a n d le it will contain enough Juice

Biin^ of to produce approximately 35.- T Jm 000.600 pounds of sugar and 1

iSS lw a: abourWKnonsTrf-inDlasses:--------Sometime in late spring, when i

4 the bag warehouses and tower- el • t ^ dla- *"8 concrete bulk bins which n j iLffth of store refined sugar a t I d a h o da

4 Fa»s have been partly emptied m . Af ih l by deliveries to U and I custo- re

are m e« . the. factory will r ^ p e n gi M tWrtf for a second campaign. This will jc five-six- the first time in the 66-year m

f i - V pw history of the sugar industry in co , hv «ii5 . Waho that two campaigns have

been held. Only the sugar mak- ^ , itf; ing portion of the plant will be ^ L « l 2 n required. The JuICe. which aj- J ^ ready Is purified and thickened **

«t will be taken into the factory5 I? ul through a pipeline, heated, re- ” u ? n d i *>tter^. anS taken direcUy- to ^

I in 11 a r the huge vacuum pans where ^ \ crystalllratlon, of sugar takes gir moscs sugar Is spun away

,,,1-,. from its surrounding molasses ut in centrifugal spinners, t h e n Gi

crSn washed nnd dried prior to stor- n S a l l i ^ age in the bins or bagging for le, rn rn v w - warchouso-storage.,,, m

CPresehf-esUmatfiB are.that-the \ trial cufr s e c o n d campaign^wm la ^ s<

B toward **fn co n tu S o rT with t h ^ juice m

a Amerl portlon of, the foctory. has been p, harTab. modified this summer so that U y/

can cut a-bout 500 tons of beets ^conw^S more-each. MJwu£s_thon n the d r , jn r « past,'which will bring Ifs capa-

f e ’ iip to -about 4;500 tons of “ beets ? day. Idaho Falls Is the -

he lf K second largest factory in the U necessary

5r"to“ « k f e e d co w s WELLspeclfica- Nutritionist W. J . Byer says

that If you feed a cow well the tank as a heifer, she will breed young

IS refined and calve at; 24 monlhs. rather e able to than 28 and a fanner will get the year 8.000 pounds more milk out c4

Bsired by a cow’s productive life._______WMMMMJrMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMWMA

S U R E ^


But Who Offors a J

PLANNED PROGRAM IT h a t P r e j a e t a A tl Y o u r F a r t l lU I n g S P r o m P a l l A p p ll 'c a M o h t o H a i rv « « t7 ^

h s e ^ i c e IAT’S W HO! I>ro^ram.utlllzei tliria to.|(ha best a d ^ ' s duces top dollar refurniV' It Is a flex- S a t doesn’t comnr>H-you'to a rig id , S n take a d v a n tag e o f t^a vagaries ' f iO’ .■.‘S


; \ I

Klniberly * :423-5S8«;?S

h , \


-------- 3-------------- ------------------------------------------

............, ^

Doxleos feet 2,4-D had oh Canadian Thistle 1 ers who result of spraying thistles a few day iprayed. amlned by the group In the olher ph i the el- chemicals also was shown oa the to

S D t Cattlem en c a n Increase Gl ST the lifetim e beef production

of. a 2-year-old heifer by IS a bene- having her calve early , in the. 1 Ion of the calving season, according to Juice can D r. Jam es S. Brinks. Colo- ®t ink if the rad o S tate -UoiYfiisity ani- ®’cci )ry Is pro- m a l scientist.

said cows w hich calve ®O r !f their f irs t tim e tend

im oulput. “ ''=!«>='>"• Mrsid in the .................................... . Mrsrlfied and urer

National . S 5 I S Grange Aide g g Sd Is Appointed Sring, when WASHINGTON, D .C .-H ersch - In ind tower- el D. Newsom, m a s te r o f the will Ins which N attenal G range, announced to- grai it I d a h o day th e appointm ent of R obert t I ly em ptied m . F r e d e r i« a s leg isla tive rep- oah id I custo- resen tative fo r th e N ational wer ill re-opeij G range. He will be w oridng witti obll 1. This will Joseirti 0 . P a rk e r and L. Alton a l( he 66-year Dtenslow. long - tim e legislative f . industry In counsels fo r th e G range.

F rederick is a g rad u a te o f tak< Ohio S tate U niversity w ith a whc

nu B achelor of Science degree In pltp agricu lture . H e is cu rren tly self- mei

hW farton? em ployed a s a resea rch and de- can r i l velopm ent consultan t conducting Imp tn studies in tho a re a s of trans- A

portalion, labo r, packaging and Hos inirp< financing for la rg e foliage firm s for

,?IL h ih* In F lo rida . boo?ans tn e .spun aw ay P reviously h e serv,ed a s exec- ; m olasses utive sec re ta ry of th e Vegetable irs, t h e n G row ers A ssociation of A m erica p . , ,or to stor- In W ashington. D .C ., handling agging for leglBla^ion. re sea rch pro jects, P|l“

m arketing and tra^sporla tio^.^ reH fiarthe V H e l s o W e d ; : ^ : ^ ^ ^ ! ^ . ^ oiU will lost South P ac ific during ,W orld-W ar a

:f the Juice II and ta ' a reeinrftnt Qf_Ohlo llled..— S la t« -J! 'a rm er’s-.A w ard .--H e la boa I the lulce m arried and h a s tw o childreni Ced }«et slicing F rederick Is a m em ber of tho blu / . h as been Pood T ranspo rt Com m ittee in 20 ' r 80 th a t U W ashington, D.C. and the F lor- anc « 0* beets Ida A gricultural Council. He is froi th“P I"-tfl® aU o -a - lo n g 'tim e-G range m em- of I

S o "? o K '“ -......- .......—7alls Is the y in the U

s , .„ HUNTERS!cow well

I S f f f i 'r Stop h«r« for your hur S i l T M ,w . n .v . r c l o . . . . . b e

______ doily w e ca n g e t you gcWJTMm'A

^ • TIRES (Cora, trui



I • G A S O L IN E S

§ • W H IT E G A Sllixing Brv«at7 l l • K E R O S E N E

* E I • V A N G A SI • F L A S H LIG h

^ • A N T I FREE2

• M O T O R O il

'ag a rla i ' I I , • L U B E S E R V I

I • A C C E S S O R I

J Y ou'll lliie th e iqi

' friendly eervlce, day

j i i i i

"v ....... 'ti' ...................................

...... ....................P r .3 . :

' • - " — I^ 1^ . I

B l y - L Z T T W s



' 01 h:



Bdlan Thistle along a lateral bank. .The fi ties a few days prior to thd ,tour Is ex- n the other photo. The usage* of various h jown oa the tour. ,______ ____________^

C e d a r J D r a w |

• c r ta s s G r a n g e N a m e s !d u c tio n O J

y 'L f i . N e w O f f i c e r s ' - ' j

i'^^C§)lch BUHL — P reston G en try w as | tv ant- elected m as te r of th e C edar !

D raw G range during a special Jelection m e e t i n g . .................... I

O ther officers e lected include J Henry D ahlquist. overseer; M rs. \

tVli R alph A ssendrup. lec tu re r: Em - 1 1- . m ctt Bauer, s te w a rd ;-G o rd o n J

om ja i- Hendrix. a s s is ta n t--s te w a rd : , M rs. H enry D ahlquist. chaplain} 1

iimiimiiiu M rs. H arvey G rindstaff. treas- j u re r : M rs. Lonnie M oore, secre- { ta ry : Herm an V an Z ante , gate- \ keeper; M rs; Gordon Hendrix, 1 lady a ssistan t stew ard ; M rs. j

* 1 Ted Hicks, C eres; M rs. H erm an I Q C Van Zante, F lo ra ; M rs. W. R. 1

W ard. Pom ona; John Luntey. ] executive com m itteem an, a n d

. I 6 C I M rs. E . B. H icks, w om en’s ac- 1— ---------- tlv i^ c h a irm a n ; -------------------------- 1

H ersch- Installation o f new officers ir o f the will be held w ith Pom ona lunced to- g range In October, of R obert T he applications o f Eddie a tive rep -D ah lq u is t a n d Connie Hicks

N ational w ere approved and th e grange t obligation w ill bo given duringL. Alton a la te r m eeting . .

legislative H erm an R ieder, chap-8®’ lain, reported th a t flov/ers w ereidu a te o f taken to M rs. Gene Rutherford y w ith a who Is In the tuberculosis hos- degree in pit^l In Gooding and asked ■ently self- m em bers to rem em ber h e r with :h and de- cards. A rthu r Bell w as reported »>nductlng Improved.of trans- Agricultural chairm an . Ralph

aging and Hostetler, thanked th e m em bers lage firm s for the ir cooperation on th e fa ir

booth and passed o u t th e pre- 4 m lum checks. M rs. L o n n i e

Moore repo rted tha t a check for *15 was received from the Twin Falls B ank a n d T ru s t fo r first place In quality produce and

' lh«t « c h c * '» r »5 trom M A

h s m the originality. ...........V orid.W ar a p laque a lso w as pre'sented t n f OJila to—the—gtango-fK M n—th e _ fa i t rd. He la board for b est quality-produce.- ) children. C edar D raw -g range received 34 ber of tho bluo ribbons, 34 red rlbbons-and im lttee in 20 w hile ribbons. T hreo hundred

the F ior- ond ninety do llars w ero reali«sd icll. He is from the foIr booth a s most nge m em- of the p rem ium checks w ere do- ------- n a ted ,to the .g range .;,

TERS! LOOK!3r your hunting trip needs . . . . ose . . , being open 24 hours I get you going a t your leisure.

(Cora, truck*, trallvra)


f t e r Ie s

5 0 L IN E S




,SH U G H T S ,.„ rB .« .n . . ,




C E SS O R IE S , ^,0.

I Ilk. th» quick, •fflcl^nt,■iyl«, day or night; iat t h . —

...............J ________

Farmer-O^med ] - Has$500M illio

> B | Southern Idaho fa rm ers and tal .. ^ ran ch e rs m ay not realize it,' b u t m<

C they h av e ju s t helped w rite a Ni ^ ^ ■ 8 m em orable ch ap te r in N orth- bll

w est fa rm finance. hcL x f * “The F edera l Land B an k of so m h H Spokane, la s t week, passed the F t

m ilestone of $500.million in cap- or ita l loans ou tstanding to fa rm ers H< of Idaho . M ontana. W ashington, sc

H g _ Oregon and A laska.’’ M id W. R. W

Land B ank A ssociation of Tw in ki F a i l s .—

-The h is to ric •'half-billion-dol- la r” m a rk w as passed , w hen a , loan to a farm er, on the Colum- >“ b la B asin Irriga tion P ro jec t in E as te rn W ashington w as placed. ^

S g S iW on th e books of the bank . T here . S g H had been keen interest-, am ong

tho 61 Land B ank Associations >3 a s to w hen and w here the “ half- billion” loan would fall. ' of

O fficials had sensed ea r ly la s t ^ Spring the outstanding F ed e ra l ^

^ B U H . Land B ank ‘lo a n s fo r p rogress” tn ■ | S would p ass the $500,000,000 m ark §' ■ B a l . som etim e la te in 1968. B u t th e f l

da te cam e ea r lie r than h ad been tt an tic ipated . T he presen t $500.- b<

H B B B 000.000 Land Bank loan total ' •. com pares w ith $466 m illion in ta lk. .The force on Jan . 1. 1968. tor Ib ex- The F edera l Land Bank, -with ai various h eadquarte rs in Spokane,.,Is to- ei

i m e s 5 . . . W e have o tr


?d include ^ '

I I A D l i H A Kinte, gale- S

Hendrix, 5 :ird; M rs. N __ ___i. H erm an S M V V rs. W. R. ^ S p E n Luntey, 5 v P K K ian , a n d 9 imen’s ac- B

r o f f ic e r s ^ .Pom ona ^

It E ddie § Nnie Hicks S L l r i | | Hhe grange S / S . S l 1 « ™ 'en during ^ V /

ler, chap* S \ A / J s B l ^ Rv/ers were S * *Rutherford 5 ulosis h o s-Smd asked aT her with 3 's reported ^

inn, R alph ^ 0 4 - 9 0 7 1 9 6 4 - i B A U i

a 0 4 - 7 9 2 1 9 6 2 B A U E! t h . ■ . 'E n g in e d riv .,V J n J l e S . condition ;I c h e c k to r a 0 4 - 8 1 8 . 1 9 6 5 C H A II t h e Twin S E n g in e d r iv e rIt fo r first 5 , . e r , very , g o o dfriS wJ S 0 ‘» - 8 3 4 1 9 8 3 L O C K

presented ( 0 4 - 8 3 2 1 9 M L O C Ki-Jhe. ..fait S..:.—,_______ PT Q d riv e ny-produce.- g ------------------------^ch a liv rd ev ln er

£ ^ ' j ; ' ‘a n " d 5ee hundred ^ d«uf{«rTO realised S ..............- . - ch a in devlnerI a s most B -* 04-810 19eS*LOCK IS w ere do- 6 P T O d r iv e , r<


iTilT”®^ 04-848 Lockw^ ^ B 04-768 LoclW

§ 0 4 - 8 4 3 C U R L 4-R <S 0 4 - 9 0 1 1 9 6 1 C U R l^ E n s i n e d r iv e i^ 0 4 - 9 0 4 . 1 9 6 6 H A L L

§ p |e^e7y re c o il3 04-905 196 5 CURIa R T O d r i v e , r^ c o n d i t i o n e d .^ 04-930 196 6 DAH8 V T r a c t o r m o u

. S c o u l t e r . V e r>a 0 4 - 9 3 9 1 9 6 4 F A R I

. S E n g i n e d r lv «^ Q o o d c o n d i t l


rie* ) ' a 04<785 Lockwa 04>788 B au ^ ra 04-652 F o ^ e iS 04-840 Lockw8 04-885;, Curl 4a 04-844 Curl 75 0 4 - 9 0 6 1 9 5 9 1

. a ,

6 A.Uo on hand It a go< S • ers, and bulk boxes •

O F ' , ' , S ' V.

H O ' '■ ^

ned Land Bank [illion In Loans ■ jfronrs and ta lly owned and directed by fa r- _ j..l it,' b u t m ers o f the five s ta te s , says M r. J;. ,

write a Nutting in announcing.the “ half- ' N orth- billion m ilestone.” Ownership- is _

held through 61 Land B ank as- a n k of soclatlons,. sim ilar to th e Tw in .b . , sed the Falls Association. A rea direct- 3 ' in cap- ors locally include C larence W. a rm e rs Hollifield, Hansen; E lm er Dos- tington, sett. Twin F a lls ; W illiam M. i ,.1 W. R. W hittington, E den; M elvin. J a -

teolif.—Gltivui Oeorfl4> I I . At c s s i )f Tw in kins. BuhL ' - _ SIt « Currently, South I d a h o ‘f a m - tiori

and ranchers.'have oi.lstand- ide. ^ 1 ^ Ing loans of $117 m illion- in ' ~

force, w ilh $9,704,000 ex tended v j pltjced the Tw in F a lls Associa-. JM

-alnong ” “ N ot one penny of those loans F(clations is governm ent m oney,” N utting fe “ half- “ F arm er-rancher d irec to rs has

. o f associations, like ou rs, rec - arcirly la s t onim end and serv ice a ll loans. in.<F ed e ra l Th^y I'"®’* local conditions a n d oogress” the ir neighbors’ p roblem s. They pre 00 m a rk S®t the loan m oney through th e pre B u t th e Spokane Land Bank, w hich in t a r ad been turn gets it through the s a le o f sen t $500.- bonds to the investing public, genn to tal "A half-blllion dollars, in cap i- T Hlon in ta l loans certa in ly Is a trib u te thii

to the cooperative dete rm ina tion lk. -with and ability of N orthw est fa rm - US) 5, is to- ers. Out here w e’re a long w ay FO

!P r> C C T n I 1i l % E i 9 l l i l i - ^tave o n handr-ready to go to w ork


^ ^ ^ C K W C

AT f

4 ^ B A U E R .......... ...................2 BAUER . . . .....................................In a d r i v e n , r o l l e r t a b l e , b l o w e r d e v ln e i H tio n ;5 CHAMPION ...................................Ine d r iv e n , c o u l te ra , e te e r a b le a x le , v in e /ery. s o o d conc^itlon. . ’ .3 LOCKWOOD M A R k VI .............f d r iv e , ro lle r ta b le , c o u l te r s , v in e c h a l id ^ ra n a m la a lo n ,T * p e c la h v n a r r a n ty . i i - -_ ..4 LOCKWOOD MARK VI . . . .> rfriv ;a ._ rQHar ta b te . c Q U ite r e .- e te e r a b r t-d a w ln e r f jp a c ta i w a r r a n ^ . , ■ _:— ,4 DAHLMAN PULL TY P E ; . . . *) d r i v e , - r o l l e r to ib le , e t e e r a b l e . a x l e , c n d e v l n e r , - v e i y - g o o d - c o n d l t l o n . — .- :—5 LOCKWOOD m a r k VI . . . . . .) d r i v e , r o l l e r t a b l e , c o u l t e r * , v i n e c h a i nw arran ftfv :;...— ' -y- • • v:

Lockwood M ark V, very good Lockwood M ark V, read y to dig

RL 4-R O W 'D IQ G E R ..................n CU RL 9 0 . . . ______; in e d r i v e n , r o l l e r t a b l e , b l o w e r d e v l n e r .>6 h a l l w a y 11 : ............................l in e d r i v e n , r o l l e r t a b l e , c o u l t e r e , b l o w e r < e l y r e c o n d i t i o n e d .35 CURL 4 5 ............... ................... ..0 d r i v e , r o l l e r t a b l e , b lo v \re r a n d b r u s h . C i d i t l o n e d .36 DAHLMAN .................. ........ ..i c t o r m o u n t , P T O d r i v e , r o l l e r t a b l e , t r a i l i t e r . V e r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n . <54 FARMHAND .................. ..l i n e d r i v e n , r o l l e r t a b l e , v i n e c h a i n d e \ 3 d c o n d i t i o n .

. Lockwood M ark Vi could u s e son B au p r Split Bed. read y to d ig ^ F o rbes B ucket TVpei read y to , di Lockwood M ark. V, could u s e soi

, Curl 4-rbw Digger, read y to d ig Curl T racto r M ount I n d l r ^ i me 1 9 59D ah lm an 195 9 F orbes ; , .

1 is a good ^election o f useid 'pllere, c boxes — all priced to

i from the m ain money markets.'" 'C'J bv fa r- “ Th®n*“ to Land Bank asso-

M r clations, farm ers have m ajorcontrol of both lending and bor- ' -

® v i_ . , , rowing. Loans a re m ade on f a r r .«L m er-suggested lines. They m ay • :

le T W ^ * 5 gradually, on ten n sadap ted to the fa rm er's needs, .r"-

w they m ay be repaid a h e a d . , n . n Z ' of schedule, without penalty.

M -'C ontract Interest ra tes can’t .To' raised during the life of the . . loan, but thev can be lowered— '■

*=**==*** kill! iidu« buuM. Pnjbably .-m osf^---; popular of a ll^savings In opera*.

0 f a m - tion costs a re distributed a s div- ■ iitstand- Idends to association m em bers.” > ' li io n - in ■ ■■ ----------- =

Associa-- iNew 4-H Club Is se loans Formed At FilerN utting FIL E R — A new 4-H club

lirectors h as been formed in the F lie r rs . rec - a rea . The new club Is the Cook- 11 loans. in-Sew-In 4-H Club. . ' ’ons a n d Officers include Janice Moore, ' IS. They president; Karen Foutj, v i c e )ugh th e president; Diane Fouts, secre- /hich In ta ry -treasu rer; Sharon Jorgen-

sa le o f sen, recorder, and Diane Jo r- . }ubitc. gensen, recreation leader, in capI- T h e club meets every f irs t an d

trib u te th ird Saturdays of each-m onp). n ination —st fa rm - U SE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS )ng w ay FO R FAST SELLING RESULTS

n p ■ ■■

} . t o w o r k t h e f b l i o w l n g .


......................... ... $ 3 , 0 0 0 S

.................................................... $ 3 , 0 0 0 S ,v e r d e v l n e r , v e r y g o o d ’ ’{§ <'

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 , 5 0 0 S '1 B X le , v i n e c h a i n d e v in - B •:

I . .................................. .. : $ 5 , 5 0 0 - S -, v i n e c h a i n d e v l n a r , 3 ' S ’

I -------- . V.".' *6,000■s.j - s t e e r a b l e a x l e , v i n e ’- -- u '—- g c.;

• E ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 , 5 0 03 le . a x l e , c e u l t e r a , ' v i n e ' 'B .

— ,— ;--------- :— ----- :------I . . . ----------- . . . . . . . $ 6 , 4 0 0 g .v i n e c h a i n d e v l n e r , » p e - S '

^ g o o d SJ y t o d f g H .v

..................... ..............................$ 1 , 7 5 0 I

.................................. . $ a ; 5 o o , §i r d e v l n e r . -

rV ’ b l o w e r d e v ln e r ,* c o m - B

. ------------- $ 3 , 5 0 0 B ii d b r u s h . C o m p l e t e l y r e - .. • H

$ 6 ,O O 0' t a b l e , t r a i h v i n e c h ^ l n , ' S

. . . . . . . . . . , i l v . $ 3 ^ 5 0 0 B i -I c h a i n d e v l n e r , b lo w e r ; • \

d u i i e •b n rje jW d rk ', '! '',; '; -

f S d y ^ o d l g : • ■ ,•I d u s e s o n n e .W o r k ; " \ , . l y t o . d i g , . .■l l r e c t . N e w e r & b r u s h

e d 'p l i « r « , ! d i g |» n l ; ^ v t r i #

_ Tw in Falls T m les-N ew i A«3 i___ ^ F r i d o y . ; S e p t .

Page 22: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

' ■

S ^ n d C o n t r a c t

p P l i^ c ' i i s s e d A t ' .'

w j E t i i i t l i e y M e e t - r;;-- n i e . ' i ^ potato i'

^yC O B tncts W8S the topic of dls> > J 2M ?*«|ssIon. during the meeting of ■ 1 iVmttniS .local Idaho Potato Growers ' \ ;.^;?‘lAs8ociatlon : recently a t Dwor-

P iliu u f C iia!a=G onrad; ==H jr^^ W tsident .of the local associa- :

conductisd the. meeting..About 60 growers were In at- '

i^ i,^ .'t«dance who have contracts . j Ore-Ida Foods, Inc.- for

; th is y«r*8, crop. !-v .: ; Representing. Ore-Tda Poods,

.m r e j £ y ? RobiM, field- '^ /r<m anj':and J i'-w . Connolly Jr.; .~ 'i i^ « u p re 8 id e n t of,planning a n d

Other specialist* i;. :. attending.:, were Leo Golden, .

fresh fruit and vegetoble chief > -viibpector for Idaho; Bill Kell-

a S o r“. f W a ; M, ^ potato Inspector: The inspectors

- dJscussed and answered ques- , ' ’ tions o n /inspection 'ru les and I

• regulatiomO a re n w P arr , Btvley, Presi- ,

den t of Idah6 Potato'G row ers ] Association asked <iuestions con- | cem ing the. contract signed by

• th e growers.' - One of the contracts has a f l

—U ljh n ils e - ire e -clause_-.which._was :-I ----- dIsCTgsed and eacplalnCd by Mr. ^

The potatoes are dipped In a /* caustic solution and let stand I fo r awhile. Potatoes that out- V wardly show no sign of-bruise , a f te r being in the solution sh o w - • the 'e ^ ^ n t and depth of bruise *®1 t y a dlscoIorizaUon, which is a SJ gray color in the brushed por- ^ Son of the potato. Using a slid-

...... ing scale of bruise free potatoes! -contract in the long run b r i n g fJ' more , money to the growers.

- The handling and digging of K potatoes was discussed. It was ^ pointed out that fresh dug P

......... potatoes on crisp coldtnom ings Yu, t t e potatoes b ru i^ very eaw . “

! The speed of chains on equip. ^- m ent and dropping distance of ST

e toes is the great factor of much bruise will be in the ,

potatoes. vijThe grading of fresh potatoes ..

Js by samples. The samples are taken from trucks a t point of

1 delivery. On a . seven-ton truck ?"--------- load-of-potatoes-four samples

a re taken as the truck is be- ^ Ing unloaded. Mr. Robins re-

1 ported the samples are care- fully handied^nd taken to the __ Inspection room.

Mr. Heiner told th^ group of J , . . growers that they-were welcome .

. a t any time to view the process . " o f inspection in action.

“ Growers were urged to slop ' a t the Ore-Ida Foods plant and iu see the various steps the pota- bv toes go through .from the time tu

, , they enter the. .Plant to being n u ked- ready for shipm ent^ al

I Koblns said. th' I “These meetings and - discus- .vc 'I slons of th6 various contracts ^

twtween grower and processor Hi with a better understanding as

(■ to what contracts call for could tu In tha future bring about bet- re

•;■■ ■ te r contracts more easily undet^ di .. stood which would benefit both fa

6 r f P a ^ sS M .”'* ?i(Mr. Kellogg staled, “ this type ax jneeSJpSj-J* beneficial to the ^

' ^ . ^ f a tq - g r o w e r r ^ r o c e S s b r ^ d -=I inspection service .for it brings fa

t . lo ts of amall items." qip - : - . - -■ ■ U;

~ “ T i F r H o l s t e i n - 1.__ . d(

r t l s D a i r y m a n H a s r

^ ^ a d e m a r J t —-Mike Hoifowoy.'lVrin Fails; ^

V,; ..will have the exclusive uso of Pi• "MiWiw," as the prefix In nam-

V ing all Registered HoUicina bred « In the herd. The use ol thia H

; i. , herd Identification name has gt I been p a n te d by Hohtein-Frles- [. ■ lan Association or America, ci j i, BratUeboro, Vermont. I t . be- Ui I •! com es one of more than 48,000 w j officially recorded prefixes In ol

, th e Association’s files. ai : V B y r ^ r v in g a prefix, a Hol- is ; . fltein dairyman eatablishes a : v \ “ trad® which is used In

; !„ aU. published informallon con- L I com ing the performance of his - t : .^;''capIe. I t becomes tho first part i o f . th e ,n a m e of every animol

the herd. liV ,-Tho origin of prefix names

t ; Aften stems from farm names,! ',' ftunlly: name combinations or V. v'Unlque geographical or historl- :ir>;’Cal features of the farmsiend. ^ ..U .M i^bers of the immediate fam-

) tha person for whom theu rtfix il'recorded may also be

'MaHowfltf'to use tito prefix when y he^ ulngle un it

ff' i ^ '" '|v tEA C H ER 5 ASK BONUS ■ r iVEOAS, -N ev.' (AP) ■ - |

' ‘'; : '' ': i^ o l^ '> w e re aaked'what they G iV' ' thm gni: should be done with half G

l-'Of/'/a surplus in the fib( v r 4 Ifk lc t ^ d g e t . Most reo> Ir ; a \ ^ i s t m a s bonus t V, yibr.^ tw pbers. t h e school board [ St vi^ffiffff^iKiiro y id '^ this, . E

m M P l i O I L : ,

.Twtn .F alls T im es-N aw * I

of dis- of < .

irowers .,Dwor- V F s

^ r e d ,- B Si s ^ i a - ;

mtracts V

Poods,I. field- Ily J r ., :■s ^cialists Qolden, . b chief 'U Kell- ;tor for


rictors ques-

P ^ . SHAKMG HANDS doHng a re

m m ” &llt’L S e C l ^ r £ s ? S .“c ^Steel, on tbe lef^ and Jobn Beltn

STodd Treml S O f AreaPlan’’3 l S TaM Trembley, Magic Val- on hniUft ley Growers, was named presi- hav

ch is a ‘•“ i of thexSouth Central Idaho ablj M Plant Food Association during a soU• recent meeting in Twin Falls, grei

iQtatQM Mr. Tremblay took the office andafter John Reitmeler announced abo

v Z n tliat he Is resigning from t h a t II 'fwf position because t e is being tret

transferred by Pacific Supply rea. t, ^ Coop to Boise. Mr., Reitmeler Jnoj opntn« held the position of president of reaiLf e S y J ^ u a f y - ^Featured speaker a t t t e I » n 2 r ^ group’s recent meeting vJas Dr. stat

«{ Dale E. Behmer, Salt Lake soil , . " th a City, U.S.S. Chemicals, a di- tio

*" vision of Unlled States Steel, optl Dr. Behmer told the group als(

that the addition of massive and 12 amounts of elemental sulfur, ferl

and its subsequent acidification, E inm ni^ has been shown to increase the con

plant av a iiS B n i^ f phosphDTus san ,ln« ^ aod potassium In greenhouse por » r n r ^ StUdlCS. of

Certain reslricUons, he said, pou

^ The Secomto stop The United States Is not wait- Fai ant and log till war’s end to help re- Slnl le pota- build South Vietnam’s agrlcul- pur tie time ture. ■ gina being Scores of American agrlcultur- I p m e n ^ a l technicians, financed through Am

I te Agency for Internationat De- hei -discus- .velopment (AID), aro fighting whi Dntracts tha ‘’other war’ —The War On yie rocessor Hunger. tie:ding as As a result, Vielnam agrlcul- — >r could ture has already seen dramatic >ut te l- results despite the ever present f undet^ problems and se t-b ack s caused V fit both by war. This spring, thousnads ^ essors," of acres were planted to new I

rice varieties that can triple and ^ tiis type quadruple yields of traditional■ to the varieties.) t f a n d " T ^ T Ie ^ e 'S o u lh ’ Vietnaihese• brings farmers may have', some .-dlffl- \

“ R - fBquired by the new seeds. AII> ed USDA speclallsls predict a t Sej

• least doubled incomes for those me • usIrig l R ^ r c e varieityl No won^ 1

der the Vietnamese - a re refer- ryc t T ^ _ r ln g 'to lR-8 as "Than Nong- yet [ X c t B 8”^*Thnng‘ Nong” means'**God SB] _ of Agriculture.” bii!» lr* * Some farmers, such as those^ lh‘’ th"d“M»tejng13eJta,-can-eaBily blfi ” Fails, Increase this -oven -more - by

uso of planting two crops. With an ade. bin In nam- q«ate water supply, two crops <• Ins bred can bo grown each yenr wllh “ *'= ot this IR'S because it has a shorter

no has growing season.In-Fries- Without sufficient w ater, a S ^merica, crop con be grown only during ■„

I t . be- tho rainy season. Even thon, t,ni n 48,000 whon rainfall or tho annual rise *i fixes In of the m ajorrivers is irregular,

a large portion of the rice cropI » >• IMI- ............. - ml

USDA IrrigaUon apeclallitJ re- po usea in port that two areas aro work- an

on con- (ng q,j improved irrigation, co e 01 nis ......... ■■ ■■ ■■■■.■ i-m -.TTTirflt part g wwnnnnnnnnfinnnnnnnnnnnfmwoof l ^

•n lm a lB ,

: . r . ’ i W IN T E R F E E D INhUfftH*" I S ae u s fo r a corr

r m S i PELLETED and /iate fam- R ^ ^hom the 8 E E Ealso t e a ' - P E E -

t a when 9 ■ B i B i

- • D a i r y C a t t l e• B e e f C ^ t l e* R a n g e C d t t IWith naif I . .• S h e e p • H c

is bonus Il Check our SPEC 1 , - Program fo


i 'x ' : . , P H O IIN^^v . ru.'W. . h .1 ....... I* V,.'.

N e w s ^ ;

' ' V ' ......... ^

n ^ M

iHng a recent Sooth ( ^ t r a l Idaho wh<meeting are Dr. Dale E . Behmer, Val

Cbemlcsl^ B division o t United States m sfobn Beitmeier, Pacinc S ^ l y Coop, Rai

emblay™New-E Plant Food Asi: Val- on the rapidity ot this reaction wate presi- havo been observed. Most not- the 1 Idaho ably, these restrlctioiis a re . (1) “T

irlng a soli temperature telow 77 de- sulfu Falls, grees, (2) coarse particle size, ted offlco and (3) soils of PH 7.1 a n d wate

biiiiced above. respt h a t It was also reported' that sour t e l ^ treble super phosphate aides the Valli

Supply reaction on acid soils and am- to at tmeler jnophosphate fertilizers aid the prob lent of reaction on alkaline solb, Dr. zone ry. Behmer added. ’ ed a

the It was further observed, he *T as Dr. stated, that on some alkaline zone

Lake soils, a phosphate to sulfur ra -tak a a di- tio of between 4:1 and 2:1 gave and

Iteel. optimum crop response a n d in ti group also the te s t response when iron etati

lasslve and zinc w ere included In the spon sulfur, fertilizer formulation. > Re cation. Dr. Behmer said, “The sulfate Petti ise the content of Snake River water on \ ^DTus sampIeTnehr-MihTaoIca^^ Y6- MTT nhouse p o rt^ 128 pounds per acre foot mei(

of water as contrast lo 23 worl I said, pounds sulfate per acre foot of ho 1

jonrf War In 1t wait- Farm ers in the Thel Son and for 1 ;lp re- SInh Tach have already bought red agrlcul- pumps and motors, and are dig- po

glng their main ditches. Thle Icultur- In vegetable producing areas, v iei hrough American county agents are veee lai De- heipfng introduce new varieties an Ighting which are producing h i g h e r tean 'a r On yields. These improved varle- slon

ties, coupled with higher prices gout

amatlc , help

MUsed C.arryover “? s S Of Soybean “ S t Q c k s ^ s m g . ^ !Bt^dlffl- WASHINGTON (AP) - Ca^ “bu aphistb ryover aiock of soybeans and opei

r«lng-rapIdly-andj«e£e.callmflF m .0 I. AID- ed a t 168.6 million bushels as of char let a t Sept. 1, the Agriculture Depart- ing r thoso mont reported Tuesday. tionto won= This compares - with n ca^ Tl

refer- ryover of 90.1 million bushels a not Nong- year earlier, 3S.6 million on |nat

s -G o d SBpt.-^ri0697-and 29.7 millloa <he- bushels bn tho date In 1065.^ --- ady

s thoso The increase is due mostly to mui reaslly b lgg*fc-^p3 ._Jh lL year;s esti- a ri rro bv rooted a t a record 1.1 Hlllon golr in ado. bushels.I crops ‘be total carryover Sepl. 1,,r with ^bo departm ent said 29 million shorter bushel* wero owned by the com-

modity credit Corp. about 61 lot« « million bushels were stored on “*

^arms and nnother 105.0 million . .fci!? la mills, elevators and ware- y» / b w , houses. 1 =i^ri.u r *rhe Sept. 1 stocks indicated a egular, for the yenr of about 896 CO crop million bushels, including 876

million crushed, 267 million ex- lists re- ported and 40 million for seed ) work- and feed, plus othor uses not re- Igation. corded. ____________■

iE L P P iJV N Y O U R I E E D IN G P R O G R A Md r a co m p lete line o f R£0 a n d /o r BLENDED R

EEDSC a t t l e I

b a t t l e ' I

C a t t l e I

• H ogs • H ortes I

lurSPmftedlng" 1gram for Calves


P H C iN E ,v 7 3 3 - 4 5 8 3

m « l k ky inw S'guih (Truck Un>)


Idaho who Is te ln g transferred to ^ I s e .>hmer, VaUey Growers, far left, Is tha new ptStates m ltlo n held by Mr. Reitmeler sinceCoop, Rangen’s, Inc., Buhl, Is on the rfgb

iw-Eresident De

d Associationreaction water In the Payette River near " C [ost not- the Black Canyon Reservoir.” . a re . (1) "This high amount of sulfale-

’ 77 de-sulfur,” ho sold, “ being distrlbu- cie size, ted In Mogic Valley irrigation M a n d water should cancel out plant 6‘/ ‘ ®

response to fertilizer sulfate . ed' that sources. Nevertheless, M a g i c b u tto ildes the Valley soils frequently respond > and ara- to additions of elemental sulfur, “ fs, aid the probably because of very smaU

>Ib, Dr. zones of strong acidity general- consul ’ ed around sulfur particles. stoc

■ved, he ‘T he presence of minute acid tie dl alkaline zones improve plant root up>- since jlfur ra- taka of phosphorus, potassium the t 2:1 gave and some mlcro-nutrlents which the hi se a n d in tum promotes improved veg- xhe v hen iron etative growth and yield re- ed in 1 In the sponso to elemental sulfur.” slrloli

> Reports were given by Larry burge e sulfate Pettington, Simplot SolIbuUders, r water on vehicle Inspection laws, and -Was re- M m te m b lf ly -a n d -M rr-R e I t= ment- icre foot meier on soil test correlaUon : lo 23 work that the University of Ida- bides » foot of ho Is conducting.______ ■ ^elop

T T T *In Vietnam .zed bj

Son and for farm ers, have greatly spur^ ing n r bought red vegetable production. In a 1are dig- p o j years, -the Hue and Thua Ma

Thien Province areas in Soulh lowei g areas, vietaam produced most of .‘ he 25 pe nts are vegetables consumed. In 1964. ly in wrielles an international agricultural partr I g h e r team from the U.S. AID mis-

d Vorle- gion, the Republic of Chino and J j sr prices south Vietnam began working X_ _

with farm ers In other areas 'to “ help them establish both home “1 “ and commercial vegetable and cut flower gordens.

Extensive demonstrations In ”0i n 1H4 and 1965 proved vegetable per • “ production practical with fertil-searc• izotlon nnd pest conUol. tureri n y As **The Second F fo n f' moves “Tl — 0 = f OTTi w a-r d r- thg-Tlevelopment ateu — Cor- “building blocks” f working co- on n

ians and operatives, credit systems nnd ning IcallmSF m o a e r n fotn^ihtt methods Tate, lels as of change f r o m mere “build' expei > Depart- ing .blocka'.*_to...“ fltrong..founda- |11.4

tlons.” port'n ca^ The seeds of new ideas a r e - B u

lushels a not only planted but they germ, iflcs Illion on jnate and s tart to grow. Throliah its tt 7 mlllloa ihe-helpIng-hand'of-USDAAlD -rrn., 1965.- - advlseffl,- tho-agrlculture com- - - 3 mostly to munlly is preparing Itself for of ,

T H l S "

f l S i o n EGOS STEADY pg*Sthe com- Idaho’s August egg production coul<

about 81 os?®* *bo same the 1itor«d on as te th Juno and July produc- ques 6 million bOt down one million from geno

dicated a - - -about 896 idlng 676lilllon ex- le f c a f c vfor seed _______ • W P f J


r n 8K I e v e n t s

I rW M 50 amiR ** reco rd iB ObhxUole,B H K iA H R Idaho BvcH you eoohB «»ek B 50 YEARS AGO .B Tilt Twtn FalU Couniy J tn ty SntrfaiB M vi, a l th* Minidoka. C a., fa ir , MniaB C. I , U n s ond Ray AtUn a t Iv h l, ai

' B . >h«lw*ll a l Twin F«Ut,B Tht Ucal M Cr«M IKB fram m t>art» s'v*" I’T *h* n»ld«rB fai.90 from Chai, I . lyon en«t. $S tranB Imail H. OaUi, an artMltcl NiMlnsR n(*lv*d a cammliilan In Army InslnMr

a s B HINDiNBUHO lINi OROUND TO r ilCBI 30 YEARS AQOB ' lu g tn * I , Clark, a 24 y*or *14 0 (

du litt- 01 Satralary t l iha Twin N lU f in t laifc wltl. I t t - f t ( t-ap « f« it In I

lAVT CQAs/MuSwCAHIWItt m *4 lacal anh« rt'w (tl |»ertl<l|i«l« In Ai

M ill V*rnli Richard). I . P. O iflM d, , ’ M tt r t .

1968 CHRYSLERF o u r d o o r m d a n . S U C ublo 1

M a ta s r in s an d b ra k as . A lrfoan tranam iasion ; tin te d slaaft,-'

BOB REESIElon*) 500 lloch, 2n^ Avinu* $oul»

' j'j’ ;■ q


' "Vt ' cull

M lthe


4 QHM* amk U loti

• t m a n m fH' H H k P ^

o i f l Hbai


f ew M B B w a m iW ....... . I I W M thi

ed to ^ I s e . Todd TMmblay, M a^e , Is tha new president of t te group, .t te pn fltm eler since January. Bob. Carlson, u* is on tha right. ]

' ---------- -------------------------------- thi

i t - D e m a n d F o r “

r j | . H i d e s C o u l d gi

„ „ , „ B e D e v e l o p e d “By DON.KEITOAU. fn

iM i k t AP F ,n n wHler tnrlratlon -WASHINGTON <AP) — A cily t ^ la n t 8lrl once descriljcd a -Ude as , ' fiulffltft “sometliing a cow cornea In"

H f td c but to the tonning industry it’s a resMnd ^aw material for shoes, hand- fa

mfifer bags, belts and other important V® V small accessories for the w eU n ir^ed .

consumer. ------ ges. stockmen have-relatively li t- fn lie acid tie direct business.with, hides, 10 DOt up>- since cattle—the main source in m tasslum the United States—are sold on ^ 5 which the hoof-to slaughtering plants, ed veg- Xhe value of the hide is comput- _ eld re- ed ih the sale, along with the I 'ur. sirloin steaks, roasts and ham- **■ f l^ r ry burger. nm a” d ^ Agriculture Depart-- J|t— e lt= ment-suggesis-lhat-the-UiS^-tan- -relation ning Industry^whlch converts % ’ of Ida- bides to leather—could help de- ».

Velop demand for Its product — — and thug add somewhat to ,,

stockmen's Income.“Capital Investment, in new c

f i t / plants and.equipment Is regard- L ed by many as the m ost press- p

ly spur^ ing need.” t te department says ti I. In a report. liid Thua Many industries today have ® n Soulh lowered processing costs 15 to ; of .‘ ha 25 per cent by reinvesting heavir V In 1964. ly In capital equipment, tha de- Icultural partment said. *

"Yet tho tanning industry In- f, um^inS vested only about 1.3 per ccnt of a IrMQ'tn 1^ net sales in new equipment h In 1905, compared wllh 6.7 per ih u ’inrt ccnt for the textile Industry,•’ a ble and added. rtions In “One major food firm puta 10 egetabla per cent of net sales into re- 8 th fertil- search and some drug manirfac- » I. turers as much as 30 per cent.” ^'• moves ‘T he 'chomlcnl Industry spent . ilopment ateut4.3:percontof-Ita n e tsa le s i •king C O . on research In 1905. If tho tan- 1 ims nnd ning Industry spent a t the same ( methods Tate. reseirrch-and-*developm«nl J

“build- ex^ndliures ' would b e ' aboiit ‘ ..founda- fll.4 million annually,*’ the ro-

port addrf. leas are - B u t tho-tannlng-lndustry-In . IV germ, lacs budgeted onry $118,000 for \T hrplirt Ita tanners councinaboratory.,-. , >DA-A1D - ’njB-hide-m arket-frt-com plex » r »i» i? I and may vary 'greatly tecause (

t.i » ot quality, domestic demand < uth Viet- n n j ujp exporl-import lliuntion,' 7----- ;----- a department-spoJwsman safd. tr .......... “ But If new uses for lealher— t

particularly from cattle hides— f oduction could bo found to compete with ~ Iho somo the new oynthelics. thera is no

produc- question that the industry in lon from genorol, jnctuding cattle produo- ________ ers, could benefit,” he aald.

50 ami 30 YEARS AGOas recorded In The * ^ ln FaJIA 1 onrofUda. Twm Fails Hews and Idaho Bveniog Ttmes. Brought to

Bob R eesea o . ,ly J t n t y S n i d t r t ' tnhlbd t f filantt fyp t . Ca. fa ir , M nialntd aihlbli* fram h*rd» « l Mlin a r Iv h l, and S. H. Kayltr ond^ W. M.

A tlm tw ltd s ti lha r tn lp t t l |4 I , I 0 , i h t pro- tn ky th* r ttld tn l i t l Ju ilam trt Inn a n d a li*.yon and. $S Irtm M lii ly li Varnty. arth iltc l N ild ln s •■«(* 1909 In Twin PalU’ho* n Army In s ln ta r Ctrpi.»ROUND TO rilC IS UNOIR TMRiriC SMASHIS

a'O ''.24 y to r e ld O s ^ n butlnttim an l a k i i .e v t r tha Twin N lU Cham bv i l C tm m trct. HU (t-ap tfo ia In hondllnfl th* In ltm a tltnd l 4 <

a m m l u 7 o4. “pertU lpait In A rchtn Doy a l B tlit, T hty Hr*I . P. O iflM d, A. 0 , M trlti^itn and W. T.

HRYSLER NEWPORT '", 3 8 9 C u b l o I n c h V8. R a d i o , p o w a r i k a a . A l r f o a m c u s h io n s , a u t o m a t i p i t e d s l a a f t , - 'u n d o r c o a t i n g , ‘b r i g h t

EESE MOTOR CO.^ y a n u • S o u t h T w lr i. M UC H w nu ii iMPWiAi w m ca *

' ' ■.............

H Freeman To i I Study Meat | B impio^lssue i

B y 1 ^ K E l ^ A l X f lV Xp Farm wrlt«r f i

WASHINGTON ( A ^ ~ Agri- Sculture. Secretary-'OryUla L. BFreeman must decide S e ^ ■

^ E ^ 30 whether meat Imports during - Hthe last'quarter.of 1968 require ■

^ E ' tlj^ ter restrictions -on -furtte r ■shlpmenta; . ■ H

^ E ' under law tte .sec retary must ■

S r ^ ^ s k S t ' i o n ^ ^ t S ^ e s ^ r t« B I nieat Imports for the coming ■ i Q . quarter An adjusted quota Is ■ E B Bct each year to allow a tes ic ■ B H amount of fdreim m eat to come ■ B H ' Into tba United States. ' . S ^ E The adjusted quota fo r 19BTUr p ^ E 950,3 mllUon. poQods of actual . i ( E H product w e l^ t Tbe law allows R @ i | ' , up to 10 pec cent more t te n tHe w

basic quota before a so<aUed - » a M “ triggering action” occurs. M S E - ^ - ‘ In this case, t t e trigger point H £ ^ H Is 1.043 billion pounds. If Free- ■

man decides t t e t Imports sid>> ■ ject to quotas the remainder of ■ the year are Hkely to ei^eed Bl this amount, the government ■

■ . WiU Ughteo the pipeline. ■ nagie Freeman has been under ■ Pl the pressure, particularly from cat- ■ xlsoa, Uemen. B o fan h isy ea r, . ■

Meat subject to Quotas ^ ---------- through July totaled 542.9 mil­

lion pounds, compared wilh kt« 466.3 million the first seven u ► r months of 1967., ■ \

d This meat includes fresh, frcK 1 zen and'chllled beef. veal, mut- 1, ton and goat meat, but excludes —

1 canned and preserved m ea t l A Q J u ^ Importa to ta l s se mlUion trlt

pounds, down three per cent to-1 i . from a j^ a r earlier, but August «

and September figures are not - A citv available yet. - i fhw* M Australia and New-Zealand Vh. nes in” iniports are weighing-heavily In r a f f ’s fl the slluation, with both boosting !?^haJ£ sales to the United States thfi ^

^ ^ » e d ^ Through July A u s t r a l i a ^ •ar«9 »eu jg j.j pounds to. the United States, up 12 per cent f "

irtly lit- from 1967, and New ^ a l a n d V bides, I08.3_mimoo. anJncreMa.i)I_28 ^ ource in per cent.sold on ^ --------------- — — US[ plants. tm,

« Plant Nut ,Depart-- [Trees For - |isHH Shade, Friiit ^

Not many pw ple plant nut | . trees today, but they should, for S 1 compared wilh m any odier

In new crops tbey are easy to grow.I regard- Likewise, they make jd e a l duak - st press- purpose trees. T tey a re as^at- ent says tractive as any other tree, and

in time, furnish the extra tenus «v have of delicious nuts.^ 15 to require no more careOff hMvU tbon a moplo or ook. they are

Hi long-lived, most are deep-rootlhg ’ and thus HttJe a f fe c t^ by tte

vagaries of tho season and teve ustry In- few pests. .What m ore-can one ir ccnt of ask?quipment while Septemter is not the I 6.7 per best time to plant them, it Is ndustty, an ideal time to .make up your

mind as to w te t type and where I puta 10 ^ plant You can still see how into re- auch trees cast their atede in

manirfac- summer, yet let through the or c e n t” welcome warmth In winter, rv Boent Furlhor. tefore fall Is over

S lK m u ' s i X ” ii'?ii''-‘. jlho°»a’me p e » . T h t n , when

“ ' ' ”'i to ,J ro -J I« ii t . 'n ie ia _ . _ h. With your shovel make a hole

th re e -fe e t ■across-'^nd - tw o In S ru Th*" withrotory. ,-. ^ good top soil, into which has - ^ p l o x taSn-mlxcd two buciosta ol peat ' tecause br other humus and a'half buck-

dempnd et or more of dried cow manure, lliuntion,' 'Also',“ lf 'your soil la p (w ,-B t in said, this season yau.can risk adding lealher— two pounds of a good vegetable e hides— fertilizer. It will t e wmi dls- pele wllh ' ' ' ' ' sra is no


All Magk Valley Sales Psied Here

r . j / a ' i ponaw M «i*Portn**ni i«r Mmiiliia

covtrogt |oy«r 70 ,0 0 0 raa d tr i - • In Moolo Volleyl ■odvorw* btik

■lu’hiat A" •PKlal low rate.evtry m U lli itd In thU Parm '

itASHIS CqUndar lor 10 . d o y i

S I M l 'j*MAX R.- aUCK .

ll«frie*r«HtB Ct, •anhrvftliy Sale

' SEPT., 20 ■ ■.........’’•X * 7 WARM SPRINOI M N C H ^ T I H A I

W. T. iiTATI AUCTIONAdvtftlitmtnti Itp l. aa and 91 AHctUnttrt. Wart, U ltn ; Wall '

OOWar and M mtifmlih, ■ '

'OCT. 4' ' ' ' ' • JAMkS MICfi, M U AdyfftlHiMMi O il, a A '»' ’ K ' • ' A adoM tni H«nl4 tU aar-.."-

■ M M M ' . ' m i JM PufU k

a : I h m M Wiqu lre u t t e r .I


—’b>slc l l j U I | | | | ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | 9 | r ac o m a

i9BTUr' actual

> n ,tl ie

s sid)> d e r of u rc e e d n m e n t

u n d e r a c a t-

q u o ta s« , • G R A H A M E . M

w l ^ . . . I s t t e n e w G o o d in g C o n n te s e v e n H o o p e r w ill t e w o rk in g w ith E d »

^ ^ WlU t e r e s p o n s ib le t o r t t e .441 w o r b . iffy IM 8 g i a a a ^ r f f l i ^ ^ W w t f t y ^ I. m u t- b e r e c e iv e d a & S . d e g re e l a a n im a lic ludes — — ^ --------- j-------a tm illion tr ib u te d b y s p r in g , a n d u n lik e ly h r c e n t to - b i im . ]\\

W t e t to p l a n t M h f t c h o ic e I s i} , .re n o i „ p to y o u . T t e fo llo w in g a r e l l J

r a t t e r w id e ly a v a i la b le . T h e ' * ? “ *)“ T t e m a s b la c k w a ln u t is t e r d y , i | * .

b e a r s w h e n y o u n g a n d p ro d u c e s | i * . l a r g e , e a s y - to - c r a c k .n u ts . I f y o u i »

es th i s E „ J i i3h w a ln u ta . th e | | ?. ■ 11. C a r p a th ia n s . T h e s e a r e t h a h .

♦« t e r d i e s t , g r o w in g e v e a In to C a n - tH ,; * a s t g r o w in g a n d g o o d |}

*or s t e d e . P l a n t tw o f o r p r o p e r ij, ,, po iito .u .., . j! U


" R A H C H - R I I E " H A I

ITm t n u t I 8 « I a ^ h e r * a r * o n ly a f e w c u ld , f o r 5 f o r f a r m a n d r a n c h u s a .

o th e r j T A K B A D V A N T A Gi i t t j - ' n s w s h i p m e n i j u s t

ROLLER .Cre c a r euey a r e ^ 5 0 — 1 0 f t . . . . ................-ro o U n g ^ by the

nd t e v e» n o n e ^ — 10 f t ......................... ... ,

no t th eSWATHER C

d w t e r e f o r a l l m a k a .B Vle e how h a d e InIgh th e ^ 1 1 ^ * •ta-o«r I x a f ° ° t . . . X O

S'SrH htlFiyA CKS- -to p u S ! “ '•• 'I '-

an J 8 _,7 ”PRIDE O F Thii

i S j STOCK W /iich h a s 5 C a a t i r o n t r o u s h t a n

S ' r ^ J l i S r T A f s o ^* » i * . - . I V # S h

Jg e tab ledls- •’R E M I N Q T O N ’*


1 is


\R i OUTFIT 6a

HYDRAULIC* T « , ................ 1 3 . 4 9 b

B T o n ................ 1 8 . 9 0 l a• ’farmr 'i S i : 2 0 T 6 n ; . . . .


' :'\SIQN■ t o . 2 , 9 1 ................. X " •


I M II - E a i l l a n d D r i n S o u lh

■ r" ; v : , .

UHAM E . H O O P E R ,id lng C o n n ^ a g rk Q U n ra l a g e n t . H r .; with Ed Koester, county agent, andt t e .441 w o r k I n t t e c o u n ty . H a b at e i v « a I t y ^ C i r i i r d e a t ^ m W w b a > * ^ ^ ^e e l a a n h n a l s c ie n c e .

■ ^ '> ’1 C O M P tE f t- ’- - i

AUTO REPAIR ih a rd y , l | • A u f o T r o n s m l i i lo iw \ C r u c e s h i * . C o r v o lr - S a rv le a - |


^ i{ U s o d C a r s O ro c a r f e s 1 jj 4 iZ 3 - 9 2 0 0 H A N S E N 1

T AD S\\xs’JfJ:rs’JT^^^.s'£rjr^a‘ s ’JS'£rs\


h ly a f e w o f t h o m a n y F a i l n a a d a u s a .A D V A N T A G E O F O U R M E N T JU S T I N . . . SAVE!


i f " i :

................... : . . : . . 1 4 ” "

HER CANVASa l l m a k S L B W a th a r tf

r „ » . 3 1 ”

g = . = : : ’: : 1 7 “

£ 0 F 1 ^ ^ F A ^ V

< WATERERSt r o u s h t a u t e m a i l o h a « t<

•’I m c o ” PO ST N O L I


6 ’ ® i s . - : ............1 7 9 “ ® .

" I m c o " REAR TRACTOR

>E BLADES4 f t . ......................139.B0

0 8 5 '• ....................... 149 .50y 8 ft............. .. 1 9 9 » 0

tAULIC JACKS J . 4 9 b r o n . . . : . . 1 6 . 4 9

1 . 9 0 i , t « . ........... . 2 5 . 2 0 .

3 9 . 9 5




I I I mD»»™ ond Ronch.Dlli Diaitr',' h n s j n r t

' ’r ' ' ‘ '

Page 23: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

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CTAim ^ RE^^^nS I 'siatop a Toclra point off tbs city b tbe cri(ter& nD the SinU C h u ] rock. (AP wtrephoto)

B um per Cropi G rains A re Ci

By DON Ke n d a l l ' eiAP Farm Writer It

W A S H I N G T O N (AP) - PBumper crops of livesiock feed , grains are causlns Agricultlire f Department oflicTals concern “

. about what to do about federal » farm control programs next f year. J)

The problem win be ap- ” ..... “-proache^d’O cT '-T ^rarfiT tia ;...... liftrw-nf-thB-NaHnn»l-Af1ui«ory ft____ _ CommmW— Qn_ Grains. The U------- meeting -WM~annoimccd:JHur* I

day by Agriculture Secretary c Orville L. Freeman.. li

Record yields per ocre are li............ causing llV63iocl< feed“mippllcB tl

to build up this fall to tho high* c eat level in five years, depart- t

■■ ■ ment figures show. • • .Total producUon of the major 2

feed grains this year wos fore- Ii cast N e s d a y a t 177.1 million c tons, ono per cent more thnn the ' record o f last year. This year e the department expocU focd a

Srain use to-totol about 163 mii* < on tons. tThus, If the rate continues,

tho nation could add another H t million tons to its rising caiv ryover—eitlm eted to be about * 49 million toni on Aug. 1.

The feed grain bulTdup If led < by a neaprecord crop of com this year, esUmtted a t 4.8 bil*

r - Ilon bushels, only two p er cent below the high set In IW .

Sorghum grain produotion this yeor also i i forecast at «>

, record, some, 791 .mlUlon bash-

Farm Prices Are Hit By Candidates

RUPERT—*'We must geVfarm prices' up> knd JMld farm costa down," declared • Mra. Mary Brooks, atnte senator from

'LeglsiaUve p ls tr lc t 31, who b>' aeeklng r^e lectlon ,'

She cited government figures; noting “A « tO'4» horsepower farm tractor cost t i .m In 1M4. Today the a«me tractor coets $6,000. Four years ago a farmer could buy such a 'tra c to r with 3,03a busheif of wl>eat, ^ i l « to< day It u k e t B.800 busheto. ,

“ Caught tetw een akyioctot-

mpimojUtlMjhey liitll. tanh«r»*.sl!:Tis?g:af,!5K Sto an tnag Ia IVt'Mtt, BAnlSi

" , G L O B E S E E D ^

ENIS'ol i s u t a C ^ Callh/fOniMl f the city beach recently. Police tbeorlxed tl auUk C h u Dairy (Arm durbg the night and

> 6p s O f L ivestocl re C ausing U SD Ax ' ■ els. Large crops of oats and bar» ar r ley aro expeoSH o add to the gr/AON problem. fafiSc'feed This production Is expected ce riculilire despite tighter government con- pr u n ce m ^^ed gr^ns programs m

t fedewl 'Which farmers may 'n« next agree to limit acreages In re* fo

turn for price supports and pay- cc be a p - W l e d land. ■ .

Tneeuni ■~FflTm^rrSlgnedTip-ln--the4M8 « Advisory feedJgraln jtP firam a_n_d_figreed W iB. T h e tg ak e ^ 34.3 jo

iecretS? cro S T Including” pSS^'silRkirl * loans for, grain produced and PJ

acre are land diverted from production, “WppllCB th e -fe e d -m ^ s -p ro g ra m -w lll m tho high- cost about $1.3 billion this year, ti< ;, depart- the department said. yl

• In farmers aRreed-to-ldle Cihe maior 30.3 tnllllon acrea of feed grains di ATos fore- land in return for a progrom d« I million costing $887 million.I than the ' Despite tightening controls it m rhis yenr appears higher yields per acro m cU focd aro offsetting much of what tlio yl 1 103 roil- department hoped to achieve In c<

trimming production. aiMJntlnues, . ConsequenUy, there are signs bi nother H that Freeman's advisory group sing caiv will consider much atfffer re- ti be about strictions for the 1089 crops. a I, A U nt of this came several el

lup Is led days >80 when the department 4' > of com S S S B B S B B S S S B S I m S m m It 4.8 bll* ,

£ “ 2 ONIY-St at ' ' «>

' N E W A L L IS -C

Are forage Hd & teS 2-row ctget'farmkrm^osta

ONLY..';i.... i

S i s v W « ;O i.; : l i

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Mrs. neld,l

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' her < Home ceived


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p M a M M S W H ^ S B i tends s l jd B S r a K ^ B S B B n ^ H l Chun

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of ^ . 4 l | a ■ (our

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this iw io tf fd Stbeorlxed that a group of youths took B night and hoisted it to tbe top rf the S

stock Feed | )DA Problem s |md bar* announced that the 1989 feed B I to the grains program would require a W

farm er to divert a t least 20 per S xpected cent of his base a c re a u from S ;nt con- production, and possibly a^ B -ograms much as 25 per cent. ' a s may The minimum requirement S I In re* for some years has befn 20 per 9 md pay- cent diversion from production. |6

E. A. Jaenke. associate admin- H

rot- a n a S ocvice,~B «Id-ln J J e i^ M o la e s . M_IftUM^*n i i i f fffjiiy ♦hfl» a<»reaf{a Of

'sOmOrt ^eed-grains productlon li notthe B-:e d ^ n d prijTW factor to consider.......... Sduction, 'TTie program Is a volunta^ B im -w lll m«ana-n> iiHj.tiitIng tnUil ptoduiv S _ lis year, tion to demand," he-said. ’“As S

yields Increase, tho program 3 1-to-ldle ca n .8ucceed.anly- os acreago-U B d grains decreased—unless, of course, fi- progrom demand Increases.'' B

But yields have Increased B ntrols It m arked^. Tho department esti- S )cr acre mntos this year's average com g vhat tlio yield ot 83 bushels an acre, B* liieve In compared with 78.2 Inst year S

and tho 1002-86 average of 08.3 S re signs bushels. ' Sy group Sorghum gr;iln this year is es- B Iffer re- timated to yield 69.7 bushels an w ops. acre, compared with 80,7 bush- S.,

several els last year and the average of 8 >artmcnt 47.4 bushels. . . ■ ■ B

N L Y T O S E L L |

A L U S - C H A L M E R S S

?E HARVESTER |a - r o w « r h h f i i d i ,P T O d r i v e n .................

. : : * 2 8 5 j i r s ;

P » -


g [Fai^eld G ^ T i^ I ; To Nati«[Viai4JlG

'FAIRFIELD — Suhnie Sweet.''^ ■ v , 18-year^id daughter of Mr. and B M |

Mrs. William-E. Sweet,. F^Ip i m field. Is' the first girl from Cam-

^ ■ v as Prairie to win a trip to. the H H , 4-H Nation^ Club Congress In |h H

Chicago. B H- She is going to Chicago f o r . . . 5 H her outstanding-projects in

. Home Improvement. She has re-. ceived the purple ribbon f o r

H H four, years a t the 4-H District WBm F air a t Jerome ^for her hom«

lmprovement-^>rojecls?r-r-Trrrr;r.rrrJn S - She Is-a junior a t .C a m a s

. County High School 'aad is veryM S active -in •sdj66i 'l ic t iv l t re s = S h e = |MM S has been a varsity cheerleader B f lf l B for the last two years and is w MM M an honor student. She Is a menii- ■ f l■ M - - ber of. tlie band and drill- team, j H s

' an accbmplished pianist ahd at* c t KB f l tends the Fairfield Community S H k;S B i Church-where she plays special kK KB B ' fiumbers. . iS lHS B .Sunnie Sweet has had MVen 'B f l years of 4-H club . work. SheBH B > nas itad four years in the Fat ——B W Beef club with Wesley Fields ment>iH | as leader, three years of sewing south! B f l . ander the- leadership of M n. -

' 9 of Mrs. Charles Scoggin and 1 ^ ' « » ' (our years o f home improve- * ^ . 7 . m H ment club under the leadership

- o f Mrs. Raymond Alrola, Mrs. “ u™ B f l WUlard Wilson and Mrs. William * | M sweet. She bas been a member ^ f l , of the 4-H Builders Club for " i’l* m M . three years and has had two f l B - years of junior leadership. f l B . She did blue ribbon work and ' B B I ^n>n several trophies in the^e H projects. ,

She has painted and redecor- > ^ f l ated the bedrooms of her sister f»<*J i m and her parents the last- two ” “ i'

. ^ r s which Included the antiqii- She 9 ^ 8 u g of a complete bedroom set of Im H B In her parents'room . makir^ f l ' She designed'arid decorated verslt

■ den for her father tn the bag»- pletei

Ic 'eow S ' '

II /

1969 feed B #require a 6ist 20 per g 1ose from Ssffily a ^ B

luirement 9

S i u c £ S T h e 4 - H a n d F . F . A•te admin- H

8 - - ^ h i r m e t h o d ^ ^ x j

l " « r s l i s t e a I j e l p w ^jr.,......... ............................................................f f r S . 5 C o u n t y F a i r .

Increased S P O t t l c imont esti- B 'rage com S -nn acre, B * , , W a r Q a

last year S BO of 08.3 Sw r U e ^ S A C M B M F O .......................................lushols an f i ALBERTSON’S ................. ........ <

3 - -A L B IIiT S O N 'S ................................w e ra g e o i g a U ISO N ROLIBR MILLS

m m m n \ ASOKOW seep , c o ................JO H N BARKIR AOBNCY . . . .

a BERTIE'S POULTRY FARM . . . S BERO INSURANCE CO. . . . . .3 HERSCEL B O Y D S T U N ..............S JOHNBRAOIBY . . . . . . . . . .



W ith ; OAVE CHADWICKt r a d e ' cURL M M : C O . . . . . . . . . . . .

d e p o t o w a > i ...........£ rARM ER'S NATIONAL BANK

I P - ; " : j w i M s a v | O f ; : i N < : . . . i ; ;’f " : hpELlTV N A t te N A t J A N K '. r i« 0 « M T Y > (A W N 4 iiA N K .

:, '.O B M 'e o U II> M « N T j< A U i. . . . i g f H S '.’; 'p iw i;$ iA T ! ! ;W ii ip |M , ,; ; / ,^ j w o i o w - i M o . f ' r t i n ^ :

s s 'S «asiSa?2 ia £ - iissssjasffii® :

.......... :

rl Wins Trip 4JIGoi»gi ^

SweeL'..’ V .r.^and '

to . £ ess In

10I ia . -las re-1 fo r ' .'tistrlct 'home ^ B H B ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ B B B ^

i m a s .■S'very <r e-i ^ flMBsl'JlMBUflleaderand is I B ^ M ™ W ^ a 8 a a f f l B a -I menii- -.- team, ahd at* munityspecial - g

k.” she SUNNIE 8W BCT 1he F a t -------------------------------------------- gFields raent.of their new ranch home, sejstog southeast of Fairfield.:» ---Her prolect this year was th«

re-decoraOng of her own bed- ?n iSS room. S h e . chose shades of ” green, turquoise and blue. IA

oddlUoo. to paltiling the rotim she made accent pUloWs and * lamp- She anUqued-n desk, corner table, shelves and *hub

«H t e ters. She made Ihside G utters - J with inserts of m aterial foe th^?“ windows. ,3A and An outstanding f e a l ^ of'tEe 1 these foom is a large vase covered - with paper mache and painted •edecor. * meuUic turquoMe. She.-cre- T s l^er fted tarra paper flowers to go B sst-twO ^ the v*se. . Hr antlqii. She hopes ,to make 4 icaree^ fl )om set of interior ddcorating. She is fl

making plans to attend ^ Uni- B corated versltyjif Idaho whea^iha c o m -1 le bas^. pletes her high school. | |

X $O u i * ^

n d F . F . A . Y o w t h o f T w i n

)d%f«xpr«sfin'g-lhitf hi ll low-who cFaBly iggji r . ' / ' ......... ’ ■..........

It is froi uch sypporl participate in such Wc wards of a job well di

t MILLS .................................................................CO......................................................... ..W H N C Y ........... ............................... ..IV FARM ...................... ................:B CO. ................................................IT U N ................................................

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JLTURALMH___Lr td p l t a i l o n a n d w e e k ly 'm e a n ' i / ■

1968 IHI L o P r . e p . |

I S 8 4 4 6 6 919 81 4 2 T I2 0 8 0 40 .01 I2 1 4 8 38 .2 7 |2 2 8 7 3 5 .01 H2 3 8 6 O i2 4 - 6 9 " M O - g ■

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U S U I L D E R S .

E e l l o n - T w i n F a l l s ’ ^


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Page 24: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

■ ■'. •>•.■■.• •■ ■ ■■■•^' - ' ' •'

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_ _ ! : ’ ' . T / - "• ' ' a l l e n -'sta. ' . . . If tbe new Tocatloiul ugrU

- H ^ 'S c h o e l. Prior to comiog to J Isstraetor a t Aberdeen for four ye

•B« year.

New Instructor Former Miutouj

, V«Uey.- High Schoors new Ut vocational agriculture Instructor wi Is a lonner Murtaugh area ed reaident • thi"Alien Stastny, son of Mr. and tio Mra. Ed Staatay, Murtaugh, as- Ag aomed duties a s the new in- tio structor a t Valley this fall. The tio past four years he has taught 1 vocational agriculture a t Aber- foi deen and prior to that a t Delta, tci Utah, fo r one year.- er,•Mf.^SUstnv graduated from_pa

f Hansen Explain Amending Meal' W ^H IN G T O N , D. C. - Rep. rc George Hansen. R'ldaho, said pl; today, “ The' sudden decision of qi Kew Zealand and Australia to qi halt all beef shipments to the pr United States for the remainder U. of 1968 in the lace of an im- pt

-I pending quota cut-off, j:Iearly oi , rpveals the haphazard, unbusi- ui i hessllke -operation permitted < > un d er. our present meat Im- !n i port laws which have adversely Sl affected both domestic produc* cc

era*and exporting countries. — -‘TIUs abrupt-facing of facts cc

en the part of the two major St b u r .'v e m rtin g . countries also ot means' that the Congress m u s t m reallte that those of ua who pc have introduced l e g i s l a t i o n St •mending the Meat Quota Act ■re c o r r e c t in demanding hc

------- changta.-that_not...only_.would Ijc......- benefit domestic-catUemen,- bqt ed

would give exporting countries pr------- onlyTTeasonablo-shore-of-tho er- ' - Unfted'^tates markeb—but on-a th--------lO iW r^asls.------------- ---------- -fr

"Uvestock In a quarier-of-ar, 10 ~~bniloh dollar Industry ini Idnho, Hi

— :i . in d - l t - itanda-to suffer. serious of losses if legislation which 1 be

. have 'co*8ponsored is not ad* ni ■Opl«d.~Th)rrfecWa{ton Tvmild: (c

— -,-<l)_eilminate t l ie -10 l)er- cxnt m .Vover-rlde’* on ouotas; (2) nd- so Just the base period to the years 169^1063; (3) impose quarterly. Ai fattier,than.yearly , quotas; (4) it< include canned, cooked and th cured meats In quolas. and. (5) fit Include off'Shore purctinscs for U the military in the quotas. - ci

"The present law has a 'IriK- sc p er point” — a point at whicn A' Imports aro halted — which is l« IQ ,per cent above the acluai tti quDU level. I feel It should be fc AT the quota level In order to A close an obvious loophole in ni ■•much as Importers can now hi bring .In as much an lOD.D!) per ir cent of the quota without trig- Hi gering It. I.owering the trigger point would aiso provide an op- c< portunlty for better plonning on B| ih 9 p a rt.o f Imporiera and the ni

« m rt ln g countries, tct VAdJustment of..>.ihe base lc) period from the years iOS9-iOil3 i id. 199^1963 would elimlnale tho ^

■ y ew , high Import-yenr of 1003 tt an d csTabllsh a .m ubh. moro J i

Put “EXTRA” In Your Silage Yl

l a t ua aaol coal your pi ceatV on Ih* allage I

’ ' w intiir. Raterds spollos , nufrillonoi valu'*..

, , , .1 ' ---------------------------

I . « • bafor* harvatl aiI In adding m elaisa

/ y ' ' ' ' 8 m us fo r a ll 'ty p

l l i l L A S S E SIP- '' ' ■

. V iT W ln F d ilt T lm es-N aw s

"■' ’ •• ■'


' knoi■■ and

M M # J ing «-> '* rep<

of A

V endH / ' . - . N . . V b e .B ----•— ' \ tion

te rrbrei

. s r i wte s t

• W - ' otai' :.’] B . J k init

re-e G ra In t

R ers<

S ' a rd tanl

I I E N STAiSTOY - ' ^ ' ’’Sitional agriculture Instructor at Valley , coming to Vaiiey, he was vocational lor four years and a t Delta, Utah, for

cr,P o r

ctor At Valley “w. . . . , assi

irtaugli Resident S® ' of

s new U tah S ta te U niversity In 1962 G la structo r w ith a deg ree In agricu lture H ai h a re a education. Ho is a m em ber of \

- tlie Idaho Education Associa* a p r Vfr. and tion and th e Idaho Vocational G n Ligb, a s - A gricu lture T cachcrs Associa- ]v new in- tion and th e national organiza* m a all. The tions of tho two groups. th e

taugh t Mr.. S tastny Is m arried ’ lo the froi t Aber- fo rm er R enao Nebel<er, daugh- jng t D elta, te r of M r. and M rs. Jess Nebok- of 1

e r . Tw in F ails. They a re the ad_ f[g in.J .a ren ts _ of two d^ g h je i s .____ Coi------------------------------------------------------ the

plains BiU For . |Meat Quota Act I rec

- thi — Rep. rca iis tlc b ase from which to ap- p 10, sa id p ly th e factors establishing any ge, lislon of quotas. If this w ere done, the £{., ra lia to q uo ta would bo based upon ap- 4 , . to the prox im ately six per cen t of the m alnder u . S. production, ra th er than 6.7 1 ^

an im- p e r c e n t o r a n ad justed base J* j l e a r ly of approxim ately 20 p e r ccn t 1 unbusi- un d e r th e law a s written.

erm itted “ Sharp fluctuations ex ist In ea t Im* im ports com ing' into the United dversely S ta tes , w ith a preponderance produc- com ing in tho last two q u arte rs

n trics. —d uring tho season of heavy * of fac ts cow m arketings in the U nited ' ) m ajo r S ta tes . If quarte rly quotas w ere es a lso ob tained, this would m ean a . . . s m u s t m uch m ore stab le level of hn* ce, ua who po rts com ing into the United l a t i o n S ta tes . ‘Ota A ct “ I feel an o th er obvious loop- * nandlng hole ex ists in ou r presen t law '

would because it con bo circum vent- " , ien,- b q t e d -h y placiii'g a 'fre -ih o r f ro z e n ountrles produc t in an air-tight contain- r o f - th e e r-a o -a a - to -b r in g - lt- in -o u ta id e = lUt o n -« th e -q u o ta -o l- f r e s h , ch ille d -o r t iv------- -- ■frozcn~~m cntr-Through—A priliier*of*af. lOCB.lho la test period for wtilch (,1 li Idaho, flfiures a r e available, im ports (h(

serious of .can n ed , co o k cd .an d . cured tht vhich 1 beef, vea l nnd m uuon a re run- ^oi not ad- ning a t 71.7 million pounds jo; -Tvmild: (carca.M • woiflljl) or- approxi- •• ier- c en t m atciy 38 p cr.cen t ahead .o f th e tht (2) ad- sa m e period of 19G7. of

he y ears "F ina lly , iho "B uy A m crica" re< ja rte rly . A ct s la te s tha t food and olher ~ ■las; (4) item s for tho m ilitnry purchased S ed and through approprialcd f u n d s 9 and . (5) should t>o purchased In the S

nacs for U nited StatOH. Tlicro in an ex- M las. ' cm ption for lhe purchase of 9 a ^'IriK- som o ilem s In com bat zones. S

It whlcli A lthough, to m y knowledge, no * which Is beef hns bcon purchased for 9 I acluai tt»o troops In com bat zones, I B lould be feel th n t bccousp of tho "B uy S order to A m erica" Act, In case there ■ hole in^ nro any purchnscs o l foroign 9 :an now t>cof, Ihoy H} oi'ild bn counted ns ■ 10.00 per im p o r ts ,’ thus counted loWard g nut trig- tho quota. SI trigger " T iid ' livcsiock ' iriilustry ac- ■ B an op- counts for nbout Iwo-tlflhs n t nil 9 ming on ag ricu ltu ra l incomo In Idnho m and the an d is ton im portant to tw w rit- 5

ten off by tho failure to en^ict 3 e base legislnllon Hint in vllnl to iin m 1DS9-10I13 flurvivnl. Ttio C om m ittee on S nale tho Wnyh and Moans hold Rcnoral 9

o f -1003 tn rirr and Iradn ticnrlngs in 9 h , m ore J une, a t which tim e reprcsen la- S

TRA” Food Value | | age With MOLASSES | |a l y o u r p i t a n d p u l a n "over* S gI 4 llag * b a fb r* covarlng fo r B gds •p o llo g * a n d g lv as sx lro B 9lua............. '* : • * ’ S |

harv««l a n d 1*1 u s ex p la in ih* ad> S B m e l a i t s t to y o u r t l la g * . - a

r a l l t y p t t s o f m o l a t t e a 9■i t a n k * ; l l c K a r a ; a t e , 9


Phone 733:B302. |

•N ew s F rid ay . S ep t. 2 7 .-1963


I Breed Tested I 3 In Canada |

, A dual-purpose beef b r e e d S:'-'J known in Europe for fa s t gains - 8

f a n d good m ilk production is be- |Ning tes ted in A lberta, Canada, H

reports the Canada D epartm ent Hof A griculture. W

Sim m ental cattle, a b ig red JM.-4 ; ^ a n d w hite spotted b reed , w iil f f iH M b e .te s te d a t the Lacom b6 Sta- H B B H ttfMi FvpArlmpntnl Fflrm to»<le« _ J MB n te rm ine their value in c ,r o s s - H

breed ing operations. ^a n ------B u lls - will be m ated w llh —j®

Shorthorn . Hereford and Angus r a cow s. O ffspring will be feedlotte s ted along w ith those of Char- go la is and B ritish cows in an ' Kin itia l effo rt lo app ra ise various M

breeds. m

Glassinger | ■1 WiUHead I

! Filer Grange i® SB

F IL E R - Ted G lassinger w as Wre-elected m aste r of the F ile r ^

ii l iM G range a t the regular m eeting Min the G range ^ a i l . ■

Ros'coe W alker was e lec tcd ov- w•vbH e rs e e r ; M rs. Clifford Thom as, iflB

lec tu re r; C raig Dunlap, stew-v '- w - a rd ; Clinton D ougherty, assis- ]

ta n t stew ard , and Loren D rake, Cijch a p la in .. of

. . .y E a r l Johnson w as c h o ' s e n poi._.^i t re a su re r ; M rs. Ravm ond T hom - ------

a s . sec re ta ry ; Wiii Lessels,g a tek eep er; M rs. A lfred Theen- " Dc r , C eres; M rs. Rex L ancaster, JD < P om ona, and M rs. H arley . Wil-liam s. F lo ra . | ’ .

M rs. Clinton D ougherty, lady a ss is ta n t s tew ard ;. C lyde Van-

, s . ausdeln , executive - com m ittee-I I m an ; M rs. P au l Hash, chairm an

of ladles’ activiUes; M rs. Ted L®"-. 1 1962 G lassinger. youth chairm an , and :u llu rc H arley Williams, business agent. b e r of M r. and M rs. W alker w ere ^ ssocia- appoin ted delegales to th e S tate ational G range m eeting In Caldwell. ssocm - M r. D rake, ag ricu ltu re chair- »aniia- m an , spoke on agricu lture and

,, th e h arvest. A le tle r w as read f},*''® to the fro m th e c ily council concern- jSi,?

daugh- ing garbage disposal a n d ru les J-®''' Nebek- of b Jra ln g . . ,re the A lfred Theener, Twin F a lls "T'li-------C ounty F a ir chalrm an,_reported p.att

th e F ile r G range h ad received catll th ird p lace in a rtis tic arrange- said m ent, and th ird place in quality on I in G range booths and th ird S B p lace in quality In th e .flower Wad

»*• booth, and th a t over S300 w as borr rece ived for the G range from tiem th is y e a r’s fa ir. invo

to ap- M r.. and M rs. R . J . B ennett B( ng any served refreshm ents. N ew offic- a P r ne, the cers'W lll be Installed a t the Oct. com » n ap- 4 m eeting. bred

of the ---------- ---------------- forn

.d L i ic F e e s T o I n c r e a s e « 1:r c cn t WASHINGTON (A P) — The

. , A griculture D epartm ent an- he irni»«2 nounced today a proposed In- of '

c rea se In license fees un d e r the so < S r » perishable commodlUes a c t fWl

J42 to $50 a y ea r. Inantrnf^M ■cstablisho.i a code of tefH

conduct for 10,673 firm s licensed this « ‘o d o business. Tho to ta l repre- stall

kJ* scn ts a decline from 27.000 li* , J censces a decade ago, th e de- ®‘<*e p a rtm en t snid. . rcns

« ifmrv. M ergers in the fru it and ''e'"* ■nt inw vegetab le industry have causcd iTYiv^ni. o f lhe decline, ttie depart* trr.'if.n m ont saldr Costs .of adm inister-

S i n - 'f f f ■the-act a re borne by the Ii* ~ ‘sWe — : - - AiSc

o r tivBB“ Df the '-llvestock* Industry weo A pril, supported by bill and others fact wnlch s im ila r lo it. Hov^ever. due to Ti

m porls tho dim inishing timo le ft before te s t .c u ro d th e Congress ndjourns, - i t- h hroi ro run- doubtful thn t anything will be eval pounds dono on this leglalation. trai

• " I t 'f j r ," therefore, im perathre pair of tho th a l lt be am ong the firs t o rders lly _ , „ o f business when tho Congress and

1 n lh °r reconvenes In J an u a ry ." wltl 'chased

l i ' s ALLIS-CHALM EI™ c ? 3 N O . 1 5 0 - 2 5 0 -

3 t a n k t y p e

=[ H a rIS n t nil 9 1

Idnho 9 f l B i t t L 'w rit- 9

enac t 3 to tin m

on 9 Rcnornl 9 ingn In 9resenla- S ^

:S I Ii f A L S O N O . 3g i O N H A N D

I I I ALIIS-CHALMERS OFFIfltf 9 * a u t o m a t i c ROW FINDER< , 3 pr*c lt* ly lo th * b « * li.

a • ADJUSTABLB CLBANINO R. 9 of l*ail 50% mor* claanin


S Fealura for faatura AliU^Chi9 ' : basi flaldi.

f ANDY ft1 0 2 !' I P h o n e 5 4 3 ^ 4 3 1 8

N e w B e e f . |

,1 ■ '

ed ^

> r e e 'd't gains - S B S m j M V j j an is be-;:anada, H R l M B H B M B f r ' 'artm cnt

big red ' J S S B g S E ^ m S k t Pw ill S S B n S ^ I B m

ib6 Sta- 1 .to.de*: , r o s s -

d w llh1 Angus &3s l SHUM R \ y i S C f

feedlot .. -‘ S9)f Char- .M M H i: in an 'various M B H |H | | | j ^ v :—

ger was'le F ile r a f f iB w B l i^ ^ W tB f lM B lB lB B a ^m eeting

ctcd ov- rhom as,I. slew-, assis- EXAM INING A 'H IL L of poUtoes I , D rake, Clyde M cAffee s n d G rabam Hooper,

of a group o f fa rm e rs on a weed eon 1 o s e n potatoes in th is b ill w ere very gooc1 T hom - ------- ----------------------------------------------------Lessels,

ncaste r, Beef Testing Stat ly , la d y Construction In .rimittee-' "T his Is one o f th e m ost im- m ay hairm an porlan t stcps tak o n , in m y opin* in bre rs t I S ^ " - t o w r r d im proving the the bl ,an inrf quality a n d m ark e tab ility of Ne- follow s f l« S t vada ca ttle in a long tim e," period •r w ere ^ald W illiam C. (B ill) Behrens, -jhe he S tate ^ discussing the • beef testing to pr lw«n sta tion cu rren tly u n d e r construe* and h e chair- U n iversity of Nevada purebu re and property. B eh rens is the cooper* with I

rM ri a live extension livestock special- tJons. ;TnnrA ^ is t a t the M ax C. Fleishchm ann i„ a s nd ru les College of A gricu ltu re a t the ou t al

University . and 1n F a lls "T he sta tion is being built as Again rep o tted P.arLgf_the_new ly..lnLtLated_State efTicU received cattle Im provem ent prog ram ," th ird a r ra n g e -sa id ‘ B ehrens, " a n d is located will ii I quality bn University properly e t the taken d th ird S B a r S R anch facility .n ea r eratin • flower W adsworth. M a jo r co st is to be herds MO w as borne by tho com m ercial cat- In aa ge from tlem en and p u reb red breeders out

involved." poundB ennett B ehrens exp la ined th a t la s t feedlc

ew offlc- s p r i n g a n u m b e r of Nevada qualit the Oct. com m ercial c a ttlem en and pure- who ■

bred b reed e rs g o t together to wilt 1 form th e N evada B eef Cattle the ir Im provem ent A ssociation, first steps

. 6 3 S 6 of its kind in th e Slate, The — T he prim ary pu rpose o f the group, the y

jn t an- he said. Is to upg rade quality the a losed in- of cattle in th e S tate and in relatl mder the so doing Im prove th e ir m arket- towai les a c t ability. In o rd e r to do th is they from

Inaugurated a beef perform ance j s p code of testing p ro g ram . K ey aspect of throu

licensed this p rog ram w ill b e the testing tra its a l repre- station. testin27 000 li* “ A num ber of slte s w ere con- produ

th e de- sldered for the facH ily." Bch- will g rcns pointed o u t. "b u t the Unl- casse

u ll a n d v e rsilV -p ro p e r ly . ' ‘" " S H fS ei » couscd ohosen due to th e fac t tha t the > depart* Cooperative E xtension Service rnlnlster- “ ''d the ex perim en t station a t jj IV the Ii* the UniverflJty w ill coopcrBte In

certa in phases of th e p rogram ." %2 bu Also7~ d r n l n a g e r T o i l . ' t u r a l

Industry w eather - p ro tecllo tr—a n d o ther >»ciiiir others factors 'v /ere TavOi'ftblc.'' _____. due to The pri,ncipal functions of the | “ 7 “ ft before testing sla tion , accord ing to Dc-1s, - i t- is hrons, will b e one, - to - te s t .a n d I -----

will be evaluate post w eaning herllable I n. tra ils In bulls such a s rate of I { ip e ra th r t pain and feed effic lency-or a b li-1 — s t o rders ity to con v e rt feed .In to e n o r ^ I - C ongress and growth. In th is way, bulls. I 7 3

________with t h o s e superio r qualities

:h a l m e r s "- 2 5 0 - 3 5 0 B C ■ ■

K TYPE , B iP B i l

irv e s te

NO. 300 & 400 LIFTER Ll fl ND -. READY TO GO T<lERS OFFERS A COMPLETE. HARVIROW FINDER , . . H yd ro u llc fln d * r g u ld * i Ih* I 1* b « * li.CLBANINO ROLLS . . . w llh A llli.C h alm * rt >p* m or* c lean in g ab tllfy , t h a n w(fh a t lo n d a r a b {LEVATOR IN THE INDUSTRY . , . p lu i rn a iiy 0

u ra AHU ^eholm ori' t o n k - ty p a ' h a rv o ila r i ' a ra

ITftBOB’SM3 - 4 3 1 8 y

L "of potatoes In a Gooding County Held ar abam Hooper, new assistant county agent, on a weed control tour lo Gooding County. yere very good._______ . _______.

ig Station Under I on In Nevada Ilost im- may be determined and used g" ny opin* in breeding programs. Tests on ^ ing the the bulls will run for 140 days f of Ne- following a 30-day conditioning

time," period. Eijehreps, -j-he second function will be

testing to provide -facilities for steer onstruc* and heifer progeny groups from Nevada purebred herds in cooperation rJ cooper* with the various breed associa- special- lions. These cattle will come ichmann in as calvcs and will be finished " a t the out at-850 pounds for the heifer ^

and 1,000 pounds for the steers. P built as Again rate of gain and feed e s t a t e e f f i c ^ y wilJlbe_c^^^^ ogram,*' th lr tP o p ^ llo n a f the station P* locatcd will involve-groups of 24 steers a t the taken randomly from coopera-

ty .near erating commercial cattlemen is to be herds. These cattle will come ®‘ :ial cat- in as calves and be finished breeders out at approximately 1,000 P-

pounds. They’ll h t checked for . hat last feedlot performance and carcass " Nevada quality. In this way. cattlemen w

nd pure- who participate In the, program ether to wilt have a basic idea of what ( Cattle their cattle are doing and what ” an, first stcps to take to improve them. ^ Ite, The ' ‘Much haa bcen done over i: 3 group, the years,” Behrens related, "in : -1 quality the area of feedlot nutrition, but „

and in relatively iltlie has been done K market- toward improvement of cattle 7i

this they from tho genetic standpoint, that _ ormance IB producing better c a t t l e T ispect of through inheritance of desirable 9 testing traits. This is the object of such “

testing. The' ultimate goal is to „ ere con- produce individual animals that ? r, Bch- will gain faster and produce car- the Unl- casses with more red meat, i.e.

finally larger rib, eyes and less^fat. j, w Initially the station' 'wiU .con- r,

slst of 10 .testing pens but will if Btl.on “5 be-bullt-for-expansion of six n )crBte Inogram. bulU or up to 24 steers or I2 “ helTors. B ehrens said th a t the p, ? . ®1!?" facility Win b6T>ne-of-lh(rmosf

i'Vh"? I------ BEAN—,---- 1HbS' CPMBINING3 ° n o r ^ I - ^ CAM liiLT UNIOADH I>y>bulls. I 733-7209 — Eldon Sllgar I

te r s ! I

. J

.IFTER LOADERS It GO TO WORK IETE. HARVESTINC, SYSTEM |ir guides Ih* liflar wh**lt, p

Chalm*rt tpeclal rolls you g*t B1 a tlondard b**f conveyor. f i. p lu i m aiiy other f*atur*i. 9w rv o ila r i'a r* •unbeatab le In |H» g


M n H H H MA' 'Tco (of < Grt


^ I ^ B f i H B n B H n ^ ^ H PI)'Mrs te

^ H ^ I ^ ^ ^ B B s B I ^ B l ^ B B i a

corM ran:

ort| g n 9 | ^ M B B ^ ^ H f i i B B | theH M l ^ S ^ ^ ^ H S ^ ^ ^ ^ B I S e K S I'OI

■ ----------" , Goity Held are. jfrom k ft, Walt MIgglns, a(y agent. These three iaea were part ng County, lh e three noted that the

er East Magic E' FFA District th2 Contests Set ,

Jitlonine T en ta tive schedule fo r th e 13 ® E a s t M agic F F A D istric t con- ‘es

will he tests is announced th is w eek by fOl ste e r off'iciats. H ,

ms from Th® *^rst contest o f th e y e a r ? 1 « r S w in b e the weeds a n d crops Hv M socia- i ‘*dging event, schedujed fo r 3

11 rnm n P.m . Nov. 7 a t R aft R iver. O ih- -■ finished e r con tests include d a iry p ro d - !

le hoIfAF ucts and coop contest. 2:30 p .m . ■L s t l i? s Dec. 5 a t B urley; fa rm mechan- nrt tZ rf Ics a t 3 p .m . Dec. 12 a t Minico.{fid Th^ A e m ea t identification, 7;30

ro f tr i ra . and d is tr ic t m eeting h as been S a t S i A se t fo r 9 a.m. Jan . 11 a t Minico.511 rom e an d th e S ta te F a rm e r Sifting finished Com m ittee w ill m ee t a t 9:30

v 1 OW P-™- F eb . 8 a t Minico. ■eked E a s t M agic FFA Dis- 1I tr ic t 's public -speak ing contest


m d w hat « o d e m of Its kind In th e wesl.VA th^m Completion d a te is se t for about m* ftlTr Nov. 1.' w ith th e f irs t catUe due

In a t th a t tim e. ifi«« Behrens w ill se rv e as overall

m anager of the station, • while ^ D r. Curtiss Bailey, an im al scien- !

tis t a t th e U niversity wll! handle ■- . I i record keeping and aniysls. E a rl S

L. D rake. DVM. cooperative ex- S r l # tension v eterinarian a t the Unl- Ai?i 1. v e rs lty will be In ch arg e of anI*

m al health . Dwane Conn is to 3®'* S V J*® herdsm an.

I r "F u ll cooperation w ith the i . A ' various breed associations will l e s s ^ a t . 1,8 p a r t of the p ro g ram ," Beh- m il .con- reng "w ith the resultingb u t w ll inform ation going bnck. to the

' ,.9 . p roducer to enable him to Im- will how prove h is herd. T hero w as al* ‘t^ers o r m ost.no .w ay Of ..getting th lsk ln d J!2^.-i!).e of-Jnform aU on prio r to the in- -w e most j^uRuratlon of-thu. im provem enl ,

I p ro g ram ." _____________^

~ffypuWi' ym need a

“"1s 4■ ffi


E Hare's capacity nnd spai lng ablllly. You get maxlnB ipefld sw lltiaH e stto n an B ’ ' for light draft and.oompnF and optional grab roll! meB to I ta7«600^und oapac|i

CM ’ -B Hesiton's|ae*tHBrvsBt«i*l!l B bar a t ttia tank fill!. Impr

g most adveraa (laid condlilB and lilt In ona operation. (B 1^0 you flot all lha beata.i and aisuraa propar cant<B aAow y ou fA« (n o tfa / th»t


h i g K lm fa |o r ly R o a d '

m j G o o d i n g M a n p„

H M a s t e r O f ‘

H A r e a G r a n g e ^^ B ■ T tm tE — Ira Klsltcr of with

Gooding was. elcctcd as master News ■ [ ■ of the Gooding County Pomona.partr

Grange a t a reccnt meeting-at redui ■ ■ the west Point Grange Halt. . and : I ^ H Those elected to serve w i t h

hin^ are Kirby Hilt, overseer;H I Mra. Ray Ruby, Jectiirer; Elm- I ^ B . er HansonT steward; C hester*''*^

Kwing; -assistant- steward;: Mrs, “^ S Bertha, Stickle, chaplain; Vern* ^ on. Bumgarner, treasurer;. Mrs. ■Vfl Agnes Byce, secretary; Stan t , Hoskevec. gatekeeper; M rs . r l f i Harold Butler, cercs; Mrs. Phares Schlffler. Pomona; Mrs. »

■ B Raynard Wright, flora, and ■ ■ K H . Mrs. Ewing, l a d y assistant

steward. Mr. and Mrs. Hos- i M kevec were elected as alter- - • *' ■ n nates to State Grange.,'.H H . A resolution submitted by the Q H Hagerman Valley Grange for ato ■ H a compulsory bond with a K ^ B a drivers license .was accepted |f l B H and winners in the needlework f l ■ W contests were announced by csnr | B h Mrs. Schiffler. director of worn- kaoU

ans activity. j ^ B ' A joint installation of the sub* . M gm ordinate Grange officers' and ■ n the Pomona officers was an- Doi BM8 nounced for Sept. 30 a t the n n

Gooding Grange Hall a t 8:30 r | | gins, p.m;^ijtbQma8.r^:Spefidg..''rJ^ tff S l i r part will be the installing of- “ " Jt (ha ^^cer. '_____ . M r. Hill gaVe a report on the Tf*oi

proposed—rormlng of a bean f"" '' commission for the area to pro- mote belter prices-by c o n t r o l - . ling marketing.

- a . The next regular meeting of e « r C l the Gooding County Pomona

Grange will be Oct. 28 s t th e . Wendell Grange Hall.

>r the 13 a t M urtaugh;' poultry con- rt con- test, 3 p.m. March 6. a t minico;'eek by soils judging, 2:30 p.m. April

17, Burley; dairy, cattle judging, le year P-m- May 8. Declo, and the Yo

crops livestock judging event a t 2 p.m.[ for 3 May 15 a t VaUey._____________ __ 1■r. Oih- / prod-

NEED A BEA" “ ' S ■ ■_____ ■ O R Y O U R

BIADE SHAMinico. mSifting -------------- “

I t 9:30 « Q,l QfA DU- • L*t US quo te you price* on w n ^ s t . . . CRAIN AUGERS . . . n. Feb. ■ • _

. S BWCKSMITH en duty fo thanIr . t a u t 5 V«"' “ “ Ntue due : vv . con bulld-up your PULlEto v era ll! V. « . l «f NEW HINGS. - ., • whilet 'h a n d i;: W a’btiild o r reltfie e x -: S n o w R e m o v a lhe Unl- S . ■ .of ani* a

n Is toCompl*f* moehln* an d R*|

NEIBAUR EQesulting ^

, &. WELDiiij.k!n(i J (Formerly Paul E

u dm’t have time to spareM a p m i S l l S l l l f

B E E T H A R V ]

Ity nnd tp*«d to o«t your beets FASTrwlthou get maximum tonnages for belter opefetlno

lestton are possible aa th e big 28-lncti lUtar \ ind.oomprass the dirt to "pop o u t" ih s beets ab rolls match oteenlng ability fo lifting speod ind oapaclt^. . ' ^st Harvester Is designed to iih)(t more weight o : fills. Improving traotlon to keep you going., eld condlilonB; Depth-frame toppers con be a iperatlon. Optional Hydraulic Row Finders pa) the beats. Wheel-wldth adjustability lets yotJ t -opsr centering of the lllter wheels. Come it node/ that wHl m eef your «frd



L E tm L OUTPUT UP3 U . Production of lentils In Idaho

Is placed' a t 184,000 hundred- . weight, three per cen t m ore

th an la s t year and Six per ccn t above the 1932-G6"aVcrage.

f e ---------------------------- --------------------5 Send the news from homale r of w ith a subscription to tne Tfmes- m aste r News. Call the circulation de. omona! partm ent. 733-0931. for special Ling-at reduced ra te s for sorvicem ca all. . and students. - '

w i t h = =

. ; * m S E v e r y S t o c k m a n !and

>sistanl ! < ' • I I | » - T < • 1 • L l t - j

■ aiK»p. T R E A T M E N T S A V E S S I C K C A L V E S I

Vllh a K & P Ideal fo r f S S 1 ^ B u c k . r e . i , „ ed by €cnttlmt M pu nJfM. bismuth, f worn- fc""*!**

B eit Buy on th e M irk e t a“nd in PINKEYE Remediet!

o n th e Tf*o! Promptly far Qottk WithI b e a n fn."Win PINKEYI POWDEJI — 9<v*t tn nrtv quick ond tiir* rciulli. ll li aoty !•

control-com roi ^ h lth yo« Ihoef th* pow dir l-I* ’ '

sting of B e,r I* "carry In p«ck«l «r foddU bog.?omona -

^ Drug ZinZ; Hazelton. Apriliudging, t>l«k aioxhom, «.Ph.m d the Your CommiuniW Drug Stor*t 2 p.m. Pl,. a29.346i, SJ9-5586 HoMlton

. bean bladeI y o i J r o u d

r HARPENECr• ,___ —

ids ef b*an b todas. .I prices on BEET or POTATO. BEDS GERS . . . ALFALFA GROWERS.

uty to sharpen a n d h a rd liirfac* an d PLOW SHARES.

^our PULLER WHEELS fo r dpprox.GS. .

U iid o r r e b u l j d a l l

m o v d l E q u i p m e n t

Ino an d Rapoir SHOP SERVICE


..........■ PA U L . . ■-

0 spare


<^STrWlthout saorlfioino olean« er operotlnfl prodtl Higher row '8-lncti llftar whesla run shallow . i t" ih e bools. Large rienk bade lifting speod as you fid the tank

lore weight on ttie tractor draw- yoU going ...fast...even In tho lers con be added to let you top V Finders pay their way by help- Ilty lets yoti match row spacing ' lels. Come fn today a n d /e f u s , ' <

09p»citf n q u ln m o n M


" '733-8687 ............

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Page 25: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

^ BRji£_L®

B R ID G E 6 R E E 0 k in sI S P U N IS H E D in g I

O u r ' r e c e n t . - c o lu m n s ' -have sh o w n r e w a r d s f o r g r e e d , o r a t ntxt l e a s t fo r o v e rb id d in g . . T o d a y 's Q aii h a n d sh o w s i t p ro p e r ly p u n lsh e d . m a n • T h e f i r s t i t im d We- s a w th is w h o

,— ^ h a n d ^ l i ^ f a l ^ e : j y,e r e ;S itt j^ ^' Stan

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Openlnf leadt->4 S ^ ing

w h e n h e h e a r d h is p a r t n e r o p e n - ^ c M . w d e .

W e e x p e c te d to h e a r a tr e m e n ­d o u s b id a n d wis d id . T h is N o r th P a s b id f o u r n o * tru m p i S o u th show * ^ e d n o k in g s bO t N o rth , n o t d is - x c o u ra g e d b id s e v e n n o - tr u m p i

E a s t le d a h e a r t . N o rth w e n t a r ig h t u p . w i th d u m m y ’s a c e a n d p U i t r ie d th e c lu b f in es se .- I t lo s t n e r a n d th e d e fe n se to o k f o u r h e a r t t r ic k s t o s e t N o rth f iv e a t h is ^ g r e e d y m a n ’s c o n tra c t . A s w e le lt the tab le N orth w aa explain- J™ in g t h a t h e th o u g h t h is p a r tn e r ■ w o u ld h o ld th e q u e e n o f c lu b s b e c a u so h e d id n o t h o ld a n y

T lz * y

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k in g s , a n d a n y w a y , h e .w as t r y - ^in g fo r a to p . . ^

W e fo llo w ed t h e 'f f t n d to th eS I 2 ; " “ r t w h e re s a t M ike a n d %isned . m a n y y o u n g m a r r ie d c o u p le s ■ . th is w h o p la y to u r n a m e n t b r id g e . . - P 5

s ta n d a r d e x p e r t w a y to b id th l« ■ ~ n h a n d . W e s a t In b a c k o f M ik e - S

*7 w h o w a* N o rth . H e a ls o s o r t o fJ u m p e d w h en G a l l o p e n e d o n e , w sp a d e . T h e n h o th o u g h t a w h lla a n d .b id jf iv e -n o - lru m p , •

T h is b id is th e n a n d ' s l a m ' f o rc e f ir s t . I n v e n te d b y E ly C u ^

^ b e r t s o n 'b a c k in th e e a r iy th lr*lie s . I t a s k s p a r t n e r f o r ' o n e -

a , th in g a n d one th i i i s - o n ly . T h a t • j i _ Is q u a lity o f b is t r u m p s . I m

c a i l h e ld tw o o f th e th r e e 'to p h o n o rs a n d a slX ' c a r d t r u m p s u i t T h a t w a s p le n ty o f q u a U ty ■ tor ber sevtn Bpudebld. , H

>1e Se v en s p a d e s m a k e s w i th lit- o t h Ue o r n o t r o u b le . A ll d e c la r e r U S k l i a s to d o Is to s e t u p d u m m y 's 1 % c lu b s. b y r u ff in g a c o u p le o f p . .

th e m . G a i l h a d n o t r o u U e woxic>. in g o u t th e p la y . ' j

t i J W D - S a r a E ■ . I

e m en -N o rth P a s s 2 4 P a t e 3* s h o w * l ^ - - 4 V . P a s a r

ot d is - ^ Y o u , S o u th , h o ld : m 'p i 4 A Q 8 7 « V A K 9 8 < S 4 S « l —

W h a t d o y o u d o n o w T ’ *t w e n t A —B i d 'f o n r n o - t n o ^ Y b s «n:e a n d i»U n t o x o t o a l x U y o v 9 * r toIt lo s t n e r s h o w * m e a e e . . 'J t 'h S lO D A Y 'S QDZSTION ' Ota we . h "mlaln- 5 ™ * *“ * » “ 1™ “ ®? r S ,? r ‘*“ 5 '"“ ■>»“ " > J ™

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M ' ssv w isen u a ' SO Unmixea ; ,“ -1 0 Oreel^coia' 85Clpheif:'’'^ ' . ' ; Ibodc IlX^thera . S4RankotSIr .-> .•;'

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poInU ■ • 4lJSitIce;; ■'.' . .• SSfoodflsh 42Verdlopen•h.) SiSoog. 44SOUP:,. ' . , ncnta 88 Reduce vegetiWere dleUcaUr' ' (var-) 'a o f SSContormto 45AdJseent -^ 0** standard 47. Primate .

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Page 26: 1 27, I Dirksesen Refu I To Bat iack Clot lo tu re I In ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF256/PDF/...ose HjHHH Enemy - -N,. v 'JM ... the only nm confklent

Twin Polj» 'Qmei-Nawi' f

' n ! ' '

f c


■ I ■ ' • E S .

T O P ALLAM BRICAN RO SES flO wlim ing ro se s . H ie top le f t rose. Is ro se Is tfae Gene B oen ier, a p ink t

. w orld’s g re a t ro se hyb rid izers, E . . A ngel F a c e , tiie f irs t la v e a d e r row Is tlie on ly graodU lora ro se to w lo t b l o o m s ^ b r illla a t sca rle t.

Award Wimiing Offered For Fsl]

S t a » t h ^ w r e arinounced-in —G J u n e th e fo u r 1969 AU-AmerJca app

' aw ard w inning roses have been free disp layed a t public ro se g a rd en s bun' a ll over, th is nation — In 136 win of th e la rg e s t a n d finest pub lic s ta r paries In th e country, to b e ex - the a c t. The

If ro se lo v e rs th roughout th e bud U n ited S ta te s h a v en 't p review ed ers, th e se m agn ificen t AARS win* acr< n e rs , It Is n o t th e fau lt o f All- The A m erica R ose Selections. A t e rs g re a t eJcpense, p lan ts b y th e flor thousands of th e 1969 aw ard win* to ] n in g v a r ie tie s w ere se n t to th e T

-long lis t o f- th e AAHS «m rQ ved of public g a rd en s for p lan ting tivc e a r ly la s t spring . This w as done of In o rd e r th a t everyone In te rest- The e d could se e thera grow ing a n d syn b e ab le to ap p ra ise the ir qu a lity and ■nd b eau ty long before t h e y ove Wer«^ c ffe rM fo r sale. You have a 1 to bo p re t ty su re of y ou r ro se s ma; If y o u .o re going to p u t them

• oA public d isp lay in th is fash ion rosi - . a n d the ow ners of the Al!-An}er> awt

- i « » '8 r e ' v e ry su re a n d v e ry "O" M ^isfled w ith the ir w inners. Boe

__ __ ^ITse h o n o r w inning rosea. An- scni-— -fe l F acerC om anche , Gfthe'Boer- Moi

n e r a n d P asca ll. chosen from------- iT O «T iy:ic«odldftie9 lJjecouse-.of mm_ „_ ih e J r .b e w i& ,.h r ll l ia n tc o lo ra tio n , awt

re fre sh in g frag ran ce and shape* ly grow th a r e outstanding In a li pUc re sp ec ts a n d m o st certa in ly w ill Mor dom in a te th e ro se gardens of blo< 1D69. T

P a sc a lt. th e W hitest o f w hite to i--------h ybrid ’te a s ; produces '4 vigorous of

grow ing, e re c t, w ell shaped and bor w ell clo thed plant, which is a i- a (i w ay s a .good s ta r t fo r a n y rose . S T h e p ris tin e flowers of t h i s “ re "P a s c h a l” o r E a s te r rose , a r e th r re m a rk a b ly beautifu l' In fo rm , cnn reg a rd le ss o f th e w eather. T he pxc

. ^ a c e f u l u m shaped buds open < to m edium sine blooms w hich , ^ ho ld th e ir h igh, bud-liiiie cen ters exceedingly w ell — even until >iv< th e o u te r p e ta ls drop.

T h e flower* a r e usually m ndo ‘pr u p o f 35 to ^0 petals and give fo r th Ju s t th e slightest b rea th o f frag ran ce .

P a sc a ll, a h ybrid of L O D I s P’o te tttfO r -WlBluw, n o t only h a s ‘no w on A ll-A m erica honors, b u t in ad d ition ea rn ed a aold .m edal / a t T h e H ague, a sliver m edal a t B aden-B aden, F irs t Certlfl- e a te s a t R om e and P a r is and Pro C ertifica tes of M erit a t G enevo, M adrid . London and V ienna. I ts [no p a re n ta g e is Queen E lltabo th x bio ^ I t a B u tte rfly a nd It holds U.S. ma y la n t p a te n t No. 3502.___________ for

SEED GlIL How ready for


| | p # NON CERTIFIED HI | | | i » m R Y E

I i iO B E ^ S Ef f ie m i t i* ''! * " * '' Twin. Folk

m i r ^ J



R O SES flow offered fo r fa ll p lon tlog a re thef eft rose. Is the Pascalt, (he w h itest o f w hite 1 r , a p ink floribunda w in n e r. This rose w a: d izers, E . S. Boem er, R ocheste r, N . Y. Tbe irender rose ever to w la a n AARS aw ard . Th >se to w lo a 1M9 AARS a w a rd . T his flower ! let. ____

ning Roses Now s ; r Fsll Plantingced -in —C ene -B o e rn e r—( p la n t - p a te n t agali nerlca applied fo r) is a n exceptionally build I been free-flowering, c le a r p ink florl- beds, irdens bunda. T his n ew AARS aw ard trac t In 138 w inner rem a in s in bloom con- Spj public stan tly from e a r ly sp rin g until pine: be ex - th e la te h a rd fro s ts o f autum n. 1969

The m edium , lo n g a n d pointed and u t th e buds unfurl Into c lean , full flow* th a t 'iew ed e rs, usually a b o u t 3% inchcs Ar

win* across and o t ab o u t 35 petals. niUd )f All- T he blooms a r e bo rne in d u s t- nnd s. A t e rs and often on long (fo r a tnvpi / th e floribunda) cu tting s te m s of 10 ah-^ dw ln* to 12'inches. ^ I thto th e Tho deep, r ic h p ink flowers gjQ^ proved or thfs ro se ..a r.e_ m o st_ a ttrac* whe* an ting tively se t off fay a. .background („1«» s done of thick, b righ t g reen follaco. , te re s t- The hljndsome p lan t la upright, ~ lg a n d sym m etrical, w e l l branched . J " lu a lity and covered w ith bloom s tho t Ji®!, t h e y ev en .lw as t a ligh t frag rance—I have a fringe benefit ndded to the

ro se s m any b eau tie s o f th is roso. - • ®‘LP th em This w inner, th e only pink

ash lon ro se to rece ive a n Ali*Amerlca A m er- aw ard for 1969, w as nam ed in „

v e ry honor of the la te E ugene S. " 5. Boerner, long-tim e p lan t re- 1*^ * 3, An- searcher .an d ro so . hybrJd iicr. ~E o^: M o ro n h a n - ie o -e T -h rs orrgfna^

fro m Hons have been p a ten ted ond ?/,? s e .- .o f m any.. have.,, w on .All-America. ra tion , aw ards.-shape* Comanche (p lan t pa ten t ap-

In a ll piled for). A bold, new grandl- ly w ili "lora with Inrgo, high centered sns of blooms of b rillian t scarlc t.

The long pointed .bufls unfold White to fully double four-inch flowers

gbrou's of 50 petals, T ho “bloom s "are ■ ■ sd and borno on long stro n g stem s on

is a i- a toll, well branched plant. f ro se . Sometimes tho la rg o blooms t h i s “ re Dorno singly, but m ore ofton i

e , a r e three or m oro o ccu r In fiery fo rm , cnndlelnbrna o f color on stem s

r . T he pxcellent fo r cu tting . Comanche > opon continuously in bloom. ^w hich . Tlia p lan t Is ta ll and strong, i

ren ters bushy and vigorous, reaching 1 un til *ivo feet In Iielght and producing m

nn abiinflance o f colorful blooms " ’ m ndo ‘p r ciiUlng nnd garden dccorn- d g ive *>nn. The brigh t greon. ienthery b re a th ‘Oilnge, very ro.sl«tant to dis­

ease. well covers tho Entire , 6 U l » As a s trik in g contrast,Jy h o s ‘ho new leaves a re n rich ma- b u t In «™n. ,

.m edal Tha perfcct buds, togelher m edal w ith ou lslandlng form and sub- '

Cortlfl- «‘«nce In tho full open flowers Is and provide exhibition m a te ria l of ♦, enevn, first o rder. F o r home use I na . I ts ‘ho com bination of bold, scarle t * both X blooms and a vigorous plunt, ds U.S. m akes C om nnche a lop cholco _______for plantlns In all a re a s . This

GRAINS IJy for fall pianHng



' SEED CO. I7 3 3 - 1 3 7 3 j

hw M ' -F rid ay , S ep t. 2 7 ; 1 9 6 8

w in i ^ i s i: gardcr wjih tl it doei

Ihem -Iey-' Here

T ake - m othe

4 inct diseas m ade

Taki wMBf hair (


rootln) o f sa i

soil V. rooted

A 6 makes rootin{ piQcc I ting tom. watcc- Keep sunllgl three

Afte up in

sand, add S' mixtu: b right molsti

n g a re th e se four ou ts tan d in g aw ard tip ba t o f w hite hybrid (ea s , (he (op r i ^ t You 3 rose w as nam ed fo r one of th e den f : N . Y. Tbe ro se a t bo ttom left Is the these aw ard . T he C om achc, bo ttom righ t, gonia,

d s flower haa la rg e , h igh cen te red bloodi• ~________ _____________tana i

- ■ . ' plants

«4T grandlflora w ill prov ide bright ” accents in th e g arden , showy

everbloom lng hedges, b rilliant brouc sca rle t sp lotches o f color In jj, hom e foundation p l a n t i n g

>atent agains t d a rk o r lig h t colored )nally buildings a n d In ro se garden jyjj,te fieri- beds, ,lts f ie ry beau ty w iil at- b R'

iward tr a c t a tten tio n fro m a fa r . DOOI con- S p artan x -(C arrousel x Hap* m ake

until piness) are- th e -p a re n ts of this you <lumn. 1969 A ll-Am erica aw ard w in e r --------)lnted and th e ir offsp ring is a . rose flow* th a t everyone w ill enjoy. - nounc

"obM Angel F a c e (p la n t pa ten t ap- AAR< ’Sjaif- pUdd for). New, unique, unusual menti d u s t- and to tally lovely — the firs t an 'l :

t ,® lavender ro se ov er to win nn “ imei o t ^0 All-America aw ard . Ruby buds Scnlii

w ith ju s t a h in t of lavender owers slowly u nfurl th e ir p e ta ls until. M e

when abou t onb-third-open,-they almo; round (aite thg fo rm o f a lovely laven- plant illaco. der chalice. brancnrhPfi Tho flow ers open to fully dou* <*oser

4},„. ble, tru ly lav en d er roses of per- grour mce— ^®ot form w ith peta l edges t> the curved, w avy , ruffled and touch- I

, ; ed by a sufw sion of royal ruby. The ntnk " ^ 0 bloom s o f A n g d F a c e are « to

•arge. four inches « r m o r e. tho \ ed in “ bundant, and com e In clusters ‘r®dl

c on medium leng th stem s, lasting ' All . for several days. As a finishing 1960 £ dizcr touch thn t spclls pcrfcction, the Coms rorna: lo w e rs--a ro -b lcsS ed -w lth 'a 'rltK Pttsci : and old-fashioned perfum e lhat will order lerlca. fi^I^o room w h h tru e rosq .frag- ljy .l ||

t nn- "^ho long lasting , c lea r laven* on si rnniil. ‘ or flowers a ro a n arran g er 's nurse itercd delight, a s th ey provide an op-, plant!

portunlty lo c re a te strik ing com- ceasfi infold positions In a to ta lly now rose tho p qwqrs “ ^or. A t th e New York an- over >"~afc g S B B H e i ^ ^ ^ H H S S B S i " s on •

ti fk in m Is Ihieing -•■«{;»- r ' 'looms J t . i

JKTdSmM1 sub-lowers ^ B C W w ^ B k B■nl of

use icarlot « plunt, M

cholco . This


"Dura Start" Batteries Starling Power. . . i

• ' A v a llo b I* on ly a ( th e OH

■' I ■ PLetiY^ 2 0 2 2 n d A va. N . — TWln 1

WINTERING GERANIUMS: doora h This Is the lim e o f y e a r home A te rra

‘ , g ardeners wonder w h a t lo do such a: \ ,i) wjlh tbe ir geranium s. jSome feel b randy

it doesn 't p ay to keep t h e i r Don't

§ p lants over, bOt the m ajo rity of w ith pi 1 h e n rk n o w :it-sa v e s-th c m -m o n - sw am pi ey. . . mosses,

Here, a re a few tricks we pass lings, li 1 ^ ^ along to handle the geranium You ca

problem. (1) S ta rt now plants, b u t cac T ake "cu ttings” from the causes

- m other p lant. T hese c a n be 2 to A rrar 4 inches Jong, and from non- won’t I d iseased plapis. Cut c a n bo ^von't I m ade anywhere on tho slip. side of

■ 'T^i T ake off ail leaves from lower jshed. m s B half (they’ll only ro t) and in- Appij

sert them into y our favorite w ater, rooting m ateria ls. C lean sh arp a glass

m e sand, verm iculiie. o r perllte . or tu re Io: B B plain ta p w a te r a rc used for in a li{ I M B rooting. Some root them In a pot rec t sur UfijW of ^and, p ea t an d loam mix- back sc H H lure. The sccret is to keep the niove tl H H soil w et b u t n o t soggy, until um s gl

rooted. — m ore. H H A 6 to 8 tnch c iay florist pot spend c ■ H m akes a good “ greenhouse” fo r QUE^ ■ H rooting the cuttings. You can d . p . • B B place a p lastic b ag o v e r the cut- y e a r w ^ ■ 1 ting and all, then close the bot- pears, I | H | tom. The p lastic b a g reduces ed, the

w ater loss.—haatens JP P ltn g i B e a h _ i Keep the cutting out of d irec t side. Is sunlight, and th ey 'll root in the soli

B K t three o r four' w eeks. I thin A fter rooting, pot th c cuttings

K m up in th ree o r fourrlhch clay ■ ■ pots, using a one-third m ix of G B j B sand, p eat and ' loam . You can S . H H add som e p erllte to loosen the 9

m ixture. G nnv th e p lan ts in a 9 b r l ^ t window, and keep the soil 8

i ^ H m oisture constant.. I f the cut- S . tings get a b it ta ll, pinch the S

w ard tip back to ge t a b u sh ie r p lant, f i r l ^ t You can s ta r t y our o th e r gar- [ t h e den f a V 0 r 1 t.e s th is w ay, and S s the these include coleus, fuchsia, be- 8 right, gonIa, agera tum , d u s ty m iller, tered bloodleaf, v inca, pa tience, Sul- g ____ _ tana and dozens of o thers. M ost J

Elan ts s ta rted from cu ttings w ill 3 9 a be tte r size fo r th e hom e ^ origni ad just to house condi- S

showy tions m ore read ily th a n If you S lfor in I’^ ^ B b t th e en tire m o th er p lan t ^

n t i n g " n e x t W EEK ; M ore tricks S colored ior.keepIpg y ^ r geran ium s over 2

B-ibter. ------------------ :---------- 5 --------»iU at- b r i n g i n g o u t d o o r s i n - S

DOORS: Now’s a good tim e to 5 X Hap* m ake yourself a te rra r iu m so C of this you can h av e a - b re a th of out- ^

winer —----------------------------------------------5a . rose Sy. - nouncem ent luncheon o f th e 196& ^ ent ap- AARS aw ard w inners, arrange* ^ unusual m ents of lavender Ange! F a c e S le firs t pln^^ Gene B oerner b y th e f i win an ^amed New Y ork florist. M ax S >y buds Schling, w ere abso lu tely m ag- J avender niflcent. 5Is until. M edium to low grow ing a h d g !n.-they alm ost a s b road a s ta ll, th e Sf laven- p lan ts of A n g e lT aco are” evenly f i ------

branched, w ell shaped bushes, a Ily dou* deserving- a p loce In the fo re- g of D e r - sround of eny g a rd en . T he f i

edces p lants a ro hardy , o f good v ig o r ^I touch, ond produce continuous bloom . S i l r u b v The deep, firm , g reen fo liage S oce are’ Is touched w ith copper, w hile f i m o r e tho very new grow th Is a n a t- a . clusters ‘ractive co n tra s t In m aroon . S lasting ■ All four of tho All-A m erica ^

Inlshing I960 aw ard w inners, A ngel F acc . S lon, tho Comanche, Gene B oerner an d 5 -a -rR fl P ttscn irw iII-B fe - 'Ifs te trtH -m arr f l ~ la t will o rd e r ro.w catalogs th is fall and . S iQ_frag-IjulfL®. m ore tem p era te a re a s S

o r t h o country; p lan ts w ill b e .■ laven* on sale a t 'gardon cen te rs and « anger's nursery sales y a rd s . F all ro se g an op-, p lanting hns proved highly sue* S

ig com- ccssful in m any a re a s and gives W IW rose tho pinnls a v e ry rcnl head s ta r t g rk an- over roses p lan ted In th e sp ring , g...........a i a | ^ ,

§ & O W I .

^ F o r m u l a ^

3 1 s t r o n g e r , ^

' f i M ' l o n g e r l a s t i n g g

^ IT E R I E S ! I»UCK-TRACTOR SBatteries Give You More §ver. . . and Less Cost! 3

' ' snfy a l th* o>o>old re lla b la . g

PLeS(IY,OF FREE PARKING .* § ■ ,N . — TWln Falli, 733-9233 ^ E c

met]— — wo r W ^S S W S & fK th m H I P ’ m B E B u low.

firstUMS: doors in your hom e th is w in ter, p !®** hom e A terralum is a glass container, Pc** lo do such as candy ja r , fish bow l. -P' e feel b randy isnifter. goblets, etc. ture h e i r D on't hesita te to experim ent with ity of w ith plants g r o w i n g in the ragi -m on- sw a m p s ,-w o o d s -^ m c a d o w ^ S i pejl

m o sses,-sm all evergreen s e e d - i t ^ ! pass lings, lichens, various seedlings, for inium You can use alm ost an y th ing ther >iants. b u t cac ti plants. High hum idity gre«

the causes them to ro t. ' thate 2 to A rrange y o u r plants so they low,

non- won’t be crowded o r so they n bo w on 't be •pressed aga inst the tell >• . side of the container. W hen fih- P*es lower jshed. no soil should show. “ s10 In- Apply only a sm all am ount of vorite w ate r, perhaps once a m onth. “ ^ sh arp A g lass cover w ill p reven t m ols- ®nd te. o r tu re loss. P lace the te rra r iu m Y ed for in a light place, b u t out, o f di- o f (a pot rec t sun. You m ay have to pinch thal m X- back som e leggy p lan ts, o r re - p re '

P the m ove them la te r; Some te rra i- b u t until um s give a show for a y e a r o r beei

- - "j m ore, w ithout y o u r . hnri^ng to sp n st pot spend only a je w cents. sea:i fo r QUESTION Q F TH E W EEK : beei J can D. F . of T wT * Falls: " E v e ry the e cut- y e a r we h av e n -n lc e c rop of you e bot- pears, but a f te r th e y 'a r e pick- Y ;duces ed, Jhe fru it isn 't w orth eating , pies 'Plingi F lesh is m ealy and brow n iji lina d irec t side. Is som ething lack ing the cau o t in the soil?" v a r

I think you’re le tting th e p e a rs natl

'“ c lly nix of 5u can S . • . .

YOU AFhe soil 8 e cut- S :h the g p lan t. S

:r gar- y , and S l a . b e - g m iller, 8 . . - 5. Sul- S . M ost ggs w ill ^ _______

hom e f i condi- ^

U C IIS ov e r ^

um SO I FEATURINof out- ^ ,

he 1969. S 'rrange* S I F a c e S b y th e 8 :, M ax S ' m ag- g

IB a n d §11, th e gevenly f i ---------------------------------------------------

jushes, S

j H i n

s | I I Im erica ^I F acc . Nsr an d g _________ __

“'ESPECa re a s g .......

.. VSfftC11 rose g ly sue* gi g ives f i ________ .

^ T I I L

e r . s

9’ S



II • f J 1Mile S<

t Wc


1 VAi la n d

^ Eastland Drive

X hang.on th e tre e too long. P e a rs lo u t 1 V should b e picked" g reen and ri* tree J W pencd off the , tre e . water ^ 7 \ H ere 's how lo tcll when to tree. . e » * pick : w hen the s tem of the p ea r F .

sep a ra te s from the spu r clean- beau . . . « « / ly , b u t n o t necessarily very cas- dobr r / W I “ y* it’s 't i m « . t o pick. Another door [ I w m eth o d . Is to w atch when any plan

w orm y f ru it begins lo tu rn y e t so R S : low. Such in jured fru its ripen -row B w ' f irs t and if the sound fru it is fhou v lnter Picked a t th a t lim e, i t should ri- seen lalncr', 1»“ properly- gy. 1bow l. -Pears ripen b e s t o t a tem pero- no r etc. tu re of 65. K eep yours covercd then

rim ent w ith paper a n d -s to re In a ga- read in the rag ? or- porch lo help them rl- doub V. p e n sati££actocUy.-Clappi-Eavocr up-U

seed- lte_ is - ln_prlm e_catlng condition try I dlings. fo r only, a’ sh o rt period, sft e a t cloul y th ing them w hen th e re 's still a slight and m idity green tinge to th c s k in ,.ra th e r starl

■ than w a itin g 'u n til they turn yel- ducc J thev lo"'- . . kind) thev ■ S. D. o f Tw in F a lls : "P lea se ble) st the tell m e w hy all o f th e sm all ap- A. en fih- Ples on m y tree have fallen off. for ow I t 's a la rg e t re e 15 yea rs old. put juiit o f When buds cam e out I sprayed is fi month w ith sp ray . T ree Is healthy How , m olsl and no signs of Insects." planrarium Y our problem is d ue to lack Dc pf di- o f c ross pollination. I t could be nual

> pinch th a t y o u r tree w as dependent tho o r re - p rev iously on a neighbor’s tree , will te rra i- b u t perhaps th e po llinator h ad othe e a r o r been cu t down. Since you’ve stan tng to sp rayed it ’s doubtful if any di* iawr

sease o r insect p est would h av e kille ^EEK: been so severe a s to knock all s ta r ■Every th e fru it off, a s happened to sucli rop of y ou r tree . Ms pick- Y our tree form ed sm all ap- of v eating, pies, even though it’ lacked poi- gras iwn inclination, b u t these aborted b3^ r y _ lg the causeT here ' w a s 'n u oiher-appfcr sc ? r

va rie ty ava lla lbe fo r cross-polll- can : p e a rs nation. N ext y e a r you can cu t tend


f i egm onsURING THE NEW “





I N D A Y , S


lESTER Miiie South, 2 East, ’A

Watch for Road Signj



, I

■ • ,1

’e a rs jo u t bouquets from a neighbor's 1 »d ri* tree an d put tlicm Jh ju g s of i \ U

w aler, than hang them In your - - in to tree . B ees will dp the re s t. L i o p ea r F . G. o f Buhl: "W c h^ve som e J . J . »

:lean- beautiful p e t u n i a p lan ts out* .’ cas- doors. C an they be brought In* A f * other doors a n d grow n as h o u s e

any p lan ts?” , ^ a 5‘ y e f-^ 'S o m e folks have good luck nation r/pen grow nlng petunias indoors, a l-a b o u t v i “ Ihough m ost of thc p lan ts I 'v e Augus Id ri- seen lend to'T>ecome a b it .leg- than i

gy. If you have a b righ t window ag ric i pera* no reason why you canno t grow Broi vercd them w ith lots of flow ers. One milllOiI ga- read e r sen t m e a p icture of a in Au) m rl- double petunia trained lo grow the br avoEr up-La^w indow ^JU lclher_tock'_tp eigh t dition t r y l s toJ^aJic caUings from your i,037;c 6 e a t ’double petunias (o r single ones) i,fl2S C slight and roo t them in w a te r .-P la n ts parim a th e r s ta rted from cuttings w ill pro- Egg n yel- duco sam e colors and s a m e hatchi

kinds of flowers (single and doa- estimi •lease b le )-a s the .p a ren t p lant. ' ' the saII ap- A. F . of H ailey: " I 'm w riting P rc n off; for m y m other -who is about- to the r 5 old. put in a new lawn. The new soil 3,547,1 rayed is full o f red root of Fox Tnil. a yet lalthy How should she kill it before hatch/

plan ting grass seed?” montllack . Don’t bother. This Is an an- 105.011

lid bc nual and will die down a fte r from ndent tho f irs t frost. The la^vn m ower tree , will take good c a re of th is and ,

• h ad o ther w eeds, since they cannot I ou’ve stan d th e competition from ll. A ly di* law n mower, is a good weed- WAI h av e k ille r in -m an y Instances jjnce It y ea r’s

± all s ta rv es out m any up righ t p lants, fo r p !d to such a s foxtail. heade

Most, new law ns have a crop Agrlc' 1 ap- of w eeds coming up am ong the outpu i poi- g ra ss , b u t this is nothing lo w or- per c d bS^ rv about since m o w lff—w ill V ery appfcr sCa r >e -m e m eu t .~ iw w v ^ 6 g a ^ f ta to t -polli- can be beneficial by shading the of the n cu t ten d er g ra ss sBedungs. said.


ield is tra ti(:w “BLUE KEY” QU



SIG 11 A.M.


MclNTURFJt, ’/2 South of Kimbc I Signs - Refreshments

l Y F O I I

y i i P l I Hwin FallsWMMftMMMtrMrMMMajuaUMMMMMMt.

; i . ^ ................................ \

August (3uck HatGhings

fil"; ArePutUned, . WASHINGTON (A P) — The

luck nation’s hatcheries- produced s, a l- abou t-2 ^ million ch lclu during ; I 'v e August, about one million more t leg- than a y ea r earlier, reports the Indow agricu lture departm ent, grow Broiler-type chicks totaled 234

. One million, one per cen t morc lhan of a In August la s t y ea r. This brings

grow the b ro ile r hatch during the first c k r to e ig h t: months of 1968 " to I your 1,037^000,000, com pared wilh ones) 1,925^000,000 last year, th e de­viants partm en t said;- I pro- Egg-laying-type • c h i c k s a m e hatchcd during the month wero i doa- estim ated a t 36 million, about

' the sam e-as a yea r cariicr.'rltlng P roduction of poults during out-to the monlh w as estim ated a t w soli 3,547,000. down 22 per cen l from

Tnil. a y e a r eariler. Young turkeys before hatched during the first eight

m onths t o t a l e d about n an- 105.012.000, down 18 per cent a fte r from 1967, the departm ent said,


Record Seenweed- WASHINGTON (A P) - This nce It y ea r’s production of vegetables )lants, fo r processing appears to be

headed for a record, says the I crop A griculture Departm ent. Total m the ou tput is forecast a t about 20 3 w or- per cen t m ore than la s t year,“ Hvill y c ry largC crops of com and to-

o f '^ t ^ ' i n ^ 's e f ^ T e p a r t f f t e r t t - said.__________________________ _


/ Ilio n I


'RS' I8;ooo” IODERN J

W E N T Ij "

3 0 t h I' 1

*F ’ IKimberly §r i e n t s |

l i m '

- 7 3 3 - 0 0 1 7 1

: ' . ' ' - ' i r -