1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n....


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Page 1: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy


Page 2: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

1.be/ go on a diet2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do…3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy wealth--- wealthy---wealthily5. anxious--- anxiety be anxious about= be worried about… 为…担忧be anxious for… be anxious to do 渴望, 盼望6.injury--- injure be / get injured hurt---hurt---hurt be/ get hurtpain --- painful have a pain in…..pains n. 辛劳,努力 No pains , no gains.

Page 3: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

7.eye Vt. eye---eyed—eyed—eyeing(eying)8. weigh---weight---overweight

9.I have a sore throat.10. breathe---breath breathe in / out (be) out of breath 上气不接下气catch / hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 11.prescription---prescribe description---describe

12. awful—awfully—awe (敬畏,惊惧)

Page 4: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

1. 早睡早起身体好 , 精神好,聪明才智往这跑

2. 当周凯的母亲看见他不穿夹克衫正朝门口走,她焦虑看着他。

3. 两年前,当我踢足球时我伤了我的胳膊。

4. 躺下,我给你检查身体。

5. 好的不能再好了。我非常同意。

6. 英国是世界上第一个有政府支付医疗保险系统的国家。

Early to bed,early to rise makes a man heathy,wealthy and wise.

When Zhoukai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.

Two years ago,I broke my arm piaying football.

Lie down and I will examine you

That couldn’t be better . I couldn’t agree more.

Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government.

Page 5: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy


Fill in the blanks with proper words:1.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man ________ 、__________ (健康、富贵) and wise.2.I ________( 很少 )get toothache.3. We should have a healthy _____( 饮食 )every day.4.This food isn’t _______( 适合 ) to eat. Having sports can keep you __________ /______( 健康 ).5.He went to the _________( 牙医 ) to have his teeth pulled out.6.I don’t eat much ______( 脂肪 ), for example, ________ ( 肥肉 ) meat.7.He has had _____________ ( 感冒 ) for a week.




healthy fitdentist

fat fatty

flu / a cold


Page 6: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Zhou Kai

Read Zhou Kai (1)Answer these Questions.1.Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious ?2.What does she think will happen?3.What does she ask him to do?


Page 7: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Retell the text : Zhou Kai (1) When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him ________________

( 朝前门走去 )the front door_____________________

( 没穿夹克衫 ), She _______him____________and asked hi

m ________________________ ( 要到那里去 ).

Zhou Kai told his mother that he was going to the park to


It was raining and his mother asked him to get his jack

et ____________in order not to ___________________

( 感冒 ) .Zhou Kai went and _____________________.

heading towards

without a jacket on

eyed anxiously

where he was going

play football

at least catch a cold

did as he was told


Page 8: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Read Zhou kai (2) .Choose the correct answer.

1.Zhou kai’s family________(a)avoid eating too much fat or sugar (b)eat a lot of v

egetables fruit and meat2.Zhou Kai ________(a)Sometimes gets colds and flu (b) seldom gets cold

s or flu3.A week ago ,Zhou Kai _________ (a) caught a cold (b) injured his arm 4. Two years ago ,Zhou Kai ______while playing foot

ball(a) hurt his leg (b) hurt his arm 5. Zhou Kai describes himself as_________.(a) crazy (b) someone who loves football

Page 9: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

My mother has always ________________we eat very________and fresh fruit and ______________are very important part _____________________. We havefish _________________( 每周四次) . We don’t eat much__________ (脂肪和糖) I’m not too______,so I never ______________ (不必节食) ,or_____________ ______ (也不必做其它类似的事情) . I ’m quite ___________. I very _________gets cold.Last week I had a bad cold and_________________becauseI was __________________to play football ____________I don’t get things like ______either because I take _____________ (大量锻炼) and I _______________.

made sure

healthily vegetablesof our diet

four times a weekfat or sugar heavy

have to dietanything like that

healthy rarelya bit of fever

stupid enough in the rainflu

a lot of exercise am very fit


Page 10: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

How to keep fit

• have a balanced diet

• take exercise

• get rid of bad habits

• take an active atittude

Page 11: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Home work

Writing:How to keep fit

Reading:B C D

Page 12: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

1 有。。。有联系2 朝。。。方向运动3 担心地盯着4 踢足球5 感冒6 至少7 确保8 喜好甜食9 不必节食10 有点发烧11 患感冒12 进行大量锻炼13 对。。。着迷14 胃口好

Pick out the phrases from the text:be connected withhead towardseye sb. anxiouslyplay footballcatch a coldat leastmake surehave a sweet toothnever have to diethave a bit of a feverget flutake a lot of exercisebe crazy abouthave a good diet


Page 13: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Language points :

1.head towards

head vi. head for/towards 向…前进

eg: head for / towards Beijing

head eastward


n. hit sb. on the head be taller by a head

a head of a state use your head

keep one’s head 保持镇定

lose one’s head 慌张

Page 14: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

2. Eye Vt. 看,注视 eye sb. narrowly He eyed me with astonishment.



N. 眼睛 see sth. with one’s own eyes long/short –sighted eyes keep an eye on sth.

Similarly: 英语中有许多名词同时也可用做动词。Eg: finger hand face head name diet house work nurse dress ship …


Page 15: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Complete the sentences using the words as verbs. finger hand eye head house mother taste

5 Can you _____me those papers ?

4 It _____ really delicious.

3 She ______ the silk gently.

2 This apartment ______ six people and a dog.

1 When Zhou Kai ‘s mother saw him______ towards the front door without a jacket on, she ____ him anxiously.






6. Stop_____________me! I’m not a child.mothering

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Ways of paying for the health care system

Problem of the health care system





By the government

People themselves

By the government

The government has not put enough money into the systemPoorer people don’t have the money to pay for private health insurance

People themselves


Cultural corner : Fill in the blanks

Page 17: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Pick out the phrases and useful sentences from the text:

1. 医疗保健系统2 免费医疗保健3 直到最近4 私立医疗保险公司5 医疗费6 英国是第一个拥有医疗保健系统的国家。 Britain _______________ country in the world ____________a free health care system paid for by the government.

health care system

have a free health care

until recentlyprivate health insurance

medical fees

was the firstto have

他总是第一个来最后一个离开He is always the first one to come and the last one to leave.

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7 医疗保健对居住在英国的每个人都是免费的。 Health care is_________ for everyone_______________in Britain

8 这种系统的问题是人们没有足够的钱付个人医疗保险。 The problem _________this system___________ poorer people don’t have the money to pay for private health insurance.9. 医生们个人独立工作并且医院也是归个人拥有。 Doctors work _______________and hospitals are privately __________.


with is that



Page 19: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

a. He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migaraine.

b. I see lights in front of my eyes and JI have to sleep in a dark room.

c. He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.

d. For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four

times a month.

e. And now I don’t get migraines any more. I feel great!

f. I am a sixteen-year-old boy.

g. So I stopped eating chocolate and cheese.

h. Two months ago I went to see a dictor about my headaches.

2 Put these sentences in the right order to make a paragraph.

f d b h c a g e

Page 20: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

Answer the questions about these words.

Which words mean …?

1 a photograph of inside the body _____

2 something shows that you have an illness _______

3 to take air in and out of your lungs ______

4 an illness in which your chest hurts when you breathe _______

5 to be hot when you are ill _______________

6 a piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the medicine a sick person needs __________

2breathe have a temprrature pneumonia prescription symptom X-ray





have a temprrature


Page 21: 1. 1.be/ go on a diet 2. keep fit / healthy be fit for… be fit to do… 3.toothache ache n. headache / backache / stomachache 4.health--- healthy--- healthily---unhealthy

18 feed sth. to sb./feed sb. on sth./feed sb. with sth.

feed on sth. live on sth.

19 too much fat

much too fat

20 hurt / injure / harm / destroy / wound

21 describe sb. /oneself as

22 have a sweet tooth 喜爱吃甜食

23 would rather do… 宁愿做……

would rather do…than… /would do…rather than

宁愿做……而不愿做……24 be off work be out of work be at work

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25 lie down




28 ring sb./ call sb. up / telephone sb.

29 think of sth/ think about sth/ think sth. over

26 pick (sb) up

27 I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.

形容词(副词) + enough to do…


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30 lose weight / put on one’s weight

lose heart take heart

lose one’s heart= fall in love

lose one’s way

31 be owned by sb = belong to

one’s own/ of one’s own

on one’s own= by oneself= alone

32 get a sore throat

get a temperature of .. / get a (high) fever / get pneumonia

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1) Mr Chen has got a temperature of 37°c.

2) Mr Chen has had the temperature for four days.

3) Mr Chen probably got pneumonia.

4) Mr Chen allergic to penicillin.

5) His wife is going to pick him up in half an hour.

6) The doctor imagines Mr Chen will be off work about

three weeks.

True or False?







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Put these sentences in the right order:

A He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migraine. B I see lights in front of my eyes and I have to sleep in a dark room.C He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.D For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month.E And now I don’t get migraines any more. I feel great!F I am a sixteen-year-old boy. G So I stooped eating chocolate and cheese.H Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches.