08 book of wisdom _wisdom of solomon

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Wisdom of Solomon


METS'HAFE THIBEBBook of Wisdom [Wisdom of Solomon]Chapter 1.This are Daweet child Selomon who reigned ina 'Iyerusaliem Wisdom.1; Unu nobles who rule this world - love Wisdom - an think of JAH Power ~ seek HIM ina goodly knowledge an ina wide reasonin.2; Fe HIM are found alongside the persons who don't tempt HIM. An as HIM are revealed alongside persons who don't deny HIM - seek HIM.3; As a crooked reasonin shall distance from JAH - a tested Power have reproached ignorant ones.4; Fe Wisdom won't lodge ina body that Deeyablos provoked. An fe she won't lodge ina body ruled fe sin.5; As honoured Hola Spirit Who reveal counsel ears will distance Deeyablos teachin that are evil - an as HIM go vanquishin Deeyablos from ignorant ones reasonin - pon the time HIM came HIM shall reproach Deeyablos who are evil.6; As Hola Spirit Who reveal Wisdom are man Friend - HIM won't cleanse from hardship him who insulted HIM with him lip. As JAH are a Witness pon the thing them smoke up ina them kidneys - HIM Who are a Livin Spy shall examine the reasonin an hear the thing spoken by the tongue.7; Fe JAH Life Hola Spirit have filled up ina the world. Fe HIM Who Irated all the world totally know them thing.8; Becaudis thing nothing from them lie things that are spoken are hidden from HIM.9; Becau HIM were Who examine persons who forgot the Law of JAH ina the counsel them counseled ina them reasonin - an becau them thing that them spoke are what reach toward JAH fe be a reproach pon them ina them sin - as revealin the Work won't pass by HIM ina Judgemant - nothing are hidden from HIM.10; An as HIM aren't one who hear all the Works becau envyin - the thing them grumble also aren't hidden from HIM.11; Keep from useless grumbles an prevent your tongue from slander - fe the thing them spoke slowly aren't spoken ina vain - an a mouth that speak a lie that pierce like unto a arrow - it shall harm a body.12; Prevent your tongue from slander ~ ina your Life wantin JAH don't straighten it fe death.13; Fe JAH didn't Irate death - fe HIM have Irated Iration that it might be livin - fe persons downstruction don't mek HIM Irie.14; Don't bring death by your hand Work - fe man bein Irated are fe welfare - an death poison that downstroy all alongside them weren't a sin - becau Life were what don't pass.15; An fe there weren't a realm ina this world fe buryin.16; But persons who forgot JAH called it by a word an made it a companion - an by this them perished.17; As it are due them fe be it kin - them swore oaths with it.Chapter 2.1; Without thinkin a straight thing them said thus ina them mind: - "As wi way of Life are likkle an are what sadden wi...2; An as a person death have no medicine - an as there are none who returned from a tomb bein known... But as wi have been Irated ina vain - an after wi were Irated wi shall be like unto wi weren't Irated - an wi breath ina wi nose are like unto smoke... an as wi body that are shakin wi reasonin are like unto a griddle spark...3; After wi soul were separated from wi body it shall be dust - an wi body shall be scattared like unto misty urine.4; An as wi name shall be forgotten ina the season when wi dead - fe there are noone who shall think of wi Work - an as wi way of Life shall pass like unto a cloud - an are like unto a scattared mist - fe arisin from the Sun foot an heat it have become like unto a subtle frost...5; An as wi way of Life shall pass like unto a shadow - becau this were prepared it have no prevention ina wi death - fe noone shall return it.6; Come mek wi mek Irie Ites. While wi are ina wi infancy season mek wi do a Work that mek wi Irie ina wi body by sayin 'This remained fe wi from this.'7; An mek wi drink much wine an mek wi Inoint a perfume that are smelled - an mek a cloud not herald Irie Ites fe wi.8; Mek wi mek Irie Ites before wi body perish. Mek no person live who aren't one from the Irie Ites that wi mek ina wi arrogance.9; Mek the person not live who aren't due from wi Irie Ites ~ mek wi not quit this ina each time ~ as it are wi fortune an as this are wi inheritance mek wi place a laziness thing makin a order - an mek wi rob the true poor an mek wi not be nice fe a old dawta.10; Mek wi not raspect arisin from the elder grey hair if him days an eras were many."11; As a reasonin are called weak that don't say 'Mek wi steal ~ mek wi rob' - without thinkin a straight thing them said ina them mind - "Mek this wi lootin be a true Law fe wi."12; Them said - "Come mek wi kill Nature God Kristos; fe worry have become firmed up pon wi an Him oppose wi Work - fe Him insult wi by wi lackin Law - an wi teachins iniquity.13; An fe Him say 'Knowin JAH are pon I' - an Him say 'I-man am JAH Child.'14; An fe Him have become Who reproach wi reasonin.15; Fe by Him Angel Him have become a worry pon wi - an Him Way of Life aren't similar with creatures - an Him Work are special.16; An fe wi have become scorned alongside Him - an Him distance from wi Work that them distance from sin. As Him praise kind persons endin - an as Him boast that JAH were Him Faada - come mek wi kill Him" them said.17; "An mek wi sight up that Him thing were standin ~ arisin from Him Features bein handsome mek wi test Him ina tribulation" them said.18; "If Him were JAH kindly Nature Child mek HIM save Him - an mek HIM save Him from the persons hand who oppose Him.19; That wi might know Him honesty - mek wi examine Him ina tribulation while wi insulted.20; As it were that Him have help like unto Him Word - mek wi convict a evil downbased death pon Him" them said.21; Them thought this thing - fe them evil have made them heart hidden things an by this them erred.22; Them didn't know that JAH hide an give it fe the righteous one ~ them didn't mek hope ina the reward that a kind person find.23; As HIM have Irated man ina HIM Image without sin - them didn't know the much honour that clean souls without defect receive.24; Death came by Deeyablos jealousy an entered toward this world.25; It test the persons who were from this Deeyablos fortune.Chapter 3.1; But kind ones soul are ina JAH Hand ~ sinners tribulation didn't find them.2; But fe ignorant ones eyes them resembled them who dead - an them proceedin from this world ina death were counted like unto evil are pon them.3; An them death resembled downstruction - but them are there ina Irie Ites.4; If it be said 'Them dead before man' - them inspiration alongside JAH are perfect Life where are no death.5; Havin received a likkle tribulation them are prepared ina much honour. As JAH have tested them - HIM found them bein due.6; Like unto HIM accepted 'Aron ishence testin ina tribulation that gold are tested ina furnace - HIM accepted them thus.7; An ina the season when them are visited by glory them shall shine like unto Sun ~ them shall go widenin ina glory like unto a iron spark widen that fell pon silver.8; Them shall rule the people - the peoples - an JAH shall reign fe them foriva.9; Persons who believe ina HIM will love the straight Law. As grace an honour are fe HIM friends - these HIM friends shall live firmed up ina HIM Love.10; But persons who forgot JAH shall find a evil judgemant like unto them thought ~ persons who made light of goodly Work distanced from JAH.11; Persons who scorn Wisdom an counsel ears are wretched. An them inspiration are vain - an them weariness an them tribulation are without benefit.12; An them Work are vain an them wives are ignorant an them childran are crooked.13; An them generation are cursed ~ as a barren dawta without defect nor reproach ina she who don't know a sin blanket are one who wondered an were freed from sin - this dawta who are thus shall find she reward pon the time when souls are visited.14; An as a chosen faith reward shall be given fe him - an as fortune shall be given fe him ina I-loved JAH House - a eunuch who didn't work sin with him organ an who didn't think a evil thing pon JAH shall find him reward.15; As a kind person weariness reward are honour - an it are a soul ornamant - there are no downstruction pon him fe him faadahood that firmed up ina knowledge.16; But a adulteress childran shall be diminished from number. An a child birthed from sin blanket trespassin Law shall perish.17; An even though them way of Life abound ina this world it aren't counted nothing from livin - an ina them fulfillmant them faadahood shall be wretched.18; If them dead quickly them will have no inspiration nor calmin pon the day when them sin were examined.19; Fe a wrongdoer child fulfillmant are evil.Chapter 4.1; Not birthin that are with goodliness are a perfect Work - an becau she were known alongside JAH - she name invocation are Life.2; When she are ina this world them shall honour she alongside man - an after she dead them shall totally love she ~ she shall live ina yonder world havin found she reward fe defeatin sin ina this world a honour that don't pass.3; Men childran abundance who forgot JAH are useless ~ a evil child faada aren't known an she mother don't mek a firm way of Life.4; An if a firm child are birthed from she childran - death shall downstroy him before him grow - an him shall dead by death Itority.5; She childran shall downstroy before them bring a limb of proportion. Fe it aren't the time - an them child are a vain child who aren't due fe sacrifice.6; Him aren't useful fe no nothing - an pon the time childran birthed from evil persons were examined ina them sin - them are evil witnesses fe them mother an faada.7; But pon the time a kind person arrived fe dyin him shall live ina rest.8; Growth bein honoured aren't by day abundance nor by eras number.9; As fe grey hair it are man knowledge - an age crown are livin without defect.10; A person who love JAH are I-loved - an when him are amidst sinners him shall go ina death.11; Before evil change knowledge pon him - an if this don't happen - before a lie lead him body astray pon him - him shall go bein snatched by death.12; Fe evil jealousy downstroy goodly Works - an a proceedin-downscendin accord will sadden a innocent reasonin - fe him shall go quickly ina death.13; Fe him body have become I-loved alongside JAH - an if him dead ina few eras him finished many eras.14; An becaudis thing him went hurryin ina death from this world where sin are worked - but special persons havin sight this up didn't pay it attention.15; Fe JAH Judgemant are fe HIM friends - an HIM Visitin ina HIM Pardon are fe the persons HIM chose.16; Them didn't lodge this interpretation ina them reasonin. But after a kind person dead him shall rule persons who forgot JAH when them were ina welfare. An pon the time a young man quickly dead - one who abounded ina them age era when iniquity were done - him shall rule persons who forgot JAH.17; Havin sight up the kind an clever person death - as them don't pay it attention - an as them don't know that HIM counseled anything becau him nor that JAH approached toward him fe anything - them sight up an wink fe one another pon him.18; But JAH shall laugh pon them.19; An after this them shall be fe a wretched death an fe the insult that dead ones insult foriva ~ as HIM shall totally separate them soul from them flesh them shall be found fallen pon them face without havin a word. HIM shall downsturb them from them faadahood ~ them shall be like unto wilderness Earth foriva. An them shall be worried an them name invocation shall perish.20; Bein afeared them shall approach fe be rebuked ina them sin - an them sin bein revealed shall reproach them before them.Chapter 5.1; At that time Kristos shall sit ina bein much revealed before the 'Ayhuds who firmed up tribulation pon Him an denied Him weariness - an who scorned the Gospel that Him spoke.2; Pon the time them sight Him up bein ina evil frightenin an majesty them shall be downsturbed - an becau Him Resurrection are astonishin them shall be astonied.3; An mek them shout while them were sad an mourned ina worried reasonin: - "Him Who were formerly a laughinstock an a insult-butt alongside wi lazy ones...4; Are This Him Whose Work wi made laziness pon Him - an Him death scorned?" - them shall say.5; Them shall tell one another - "How did Him become JAH Child ~ how about how did Him inheritance - the Kingdom of Heaven - become ina Ipostles?6; Wi erred havin proceeded from straight Law ~ Kristos Light of Him Help weren't revealed fe wi - an Kristos weren't birthed fe wi.7; An wi filled up downstruction an betrayal ina wi Work - an wi went from righteous ones bein canvicted toward Gehannem that were from the wilderness. An wi didn't know JAH Law.8; What did this arrogance benefit wi ~ how about what did 'Oreet wealthiness that are with arrogance bring fe wi?9; All this - like unto a report go that perish quickly livin passin like unto a shadow.10; Like unto a boat that Water snatch ina it fullness an whose road where it passed aren't found - lest a road be found where it limb went amidst the wave.11; Lest the trail be found where a bird go who go amidst wind. Fe him have made it followin a light wind pon the time him flew - an him spend it by him goin quickly - an him go quickly makin him wing broken - an like unto him sign where him went within the wind aren't found after him went.12; An if this don't happen - as a flung arrow wind have been divided by it - as returnin ina she time time it have become like unto formerly - lest where it went within the wind be known.13; An like unto this wi perished pon the time wi arose.14; Wi perished ina wi evil - yet it weren't due wi that wi might sight up a goodly sign. (dregs of the pregnancy)15; As persons who forget JAH inspiration are like unto a regretter name of invocation - that go lodgin one day like unto the dust that wind scatter ina wind - an like unto fine frost perish ina wind - an like unto smoke - wi perished ina wi evil yet it aren't due wi that wi might sight up a goodly sign."16; But kind persons shall live foriva bein straight an them reward are firmed up alongside JAH - an them thoughts shall live firmed up alongside JAH.17; As HIM hide them ina HIM Itority an as HIM help them ina HIM Power - becaudis thing them shall receive the Kingdom that have Glory an the crown that have a ornamant from JAH Hand.18; HIM shall totally seize the field narrows where HIM straightened fe HIM Worship ~ fe avenge HIM enemies (the Gibtsans) HIM shall mek HIM Iration a field narrows. ('Eritra)19; An HIM shall wear the True One armour ~ HIM shall be crowned the helmet wherein are no favourin.20; An HIM shall seize the True One shield that aren't vanquished.21; HIM shall sharpen HIM cuttin wrath sword - Mussie bein with JAH shall fight quarrelin with the Gibtsans.22; That it might find them quickly - HIM wrath iniquity bolt that frighten like unto lightnin shall go straight pon the Gibtsans who erred. But Righteous 'Isra'iel shall praise ina findin HIM help incirclin like unto a beautiful rainbow incirclemant.23; An stone also hastenin from HIM wrath iniquity bolt - hail shall downbase. An the sea Water shall be annoyed by HIM - an streams bein shaken shall quickly incircle them.24; A wind that have Power shall oppose them ~ like unto it bein a wind it shall mek them a drought ~ as sin downstroy all the Earth an workin evil downstroy the powerful ones throne - HIM shall scattar them.Chapter 6.1; This world kings - hear - an unu nobles who rule Earth edge - pay attention an know.2; Unu who rule Earth an are arrogant by armies abundance - hear.3; Fe JAH have given unu firmness an this firmness are found alongside Most I JAH - an HIM are Who examine unu ina your virtue an HIM examine an know your counsel.4; As HIM shall canvict unu - it bein said 'When unu are messengers who judge Truth how don't unu judge a straight judgemant ~ how about how didn't unu keep the Law ~ how didn't unu live firmed up ina JAH Work?' - hear.5; HIM shall bring over unu a shock that quickly oppose unu - fe HIM shall mek a determined judgemant fe HIM nobles.6; But Selassie shall lighten fe the poor one arisin from charity Work. But HIM shall examine powerful persons a firm examination.7;8; Fe becau JAH Irated the likkle an the great - JAH don't favour havin sight up a face. Fe Him don't raspect the rich one bein honoured - an thinkin like unto this HIM graze both the ruler an the subject.9; But a firm examination shall arrive pon rich ones.10; O unu nobles who are evil an who wrong man - I thing are fe unu that unu might know I Wisdom an lest unu be canfused ina tribulation.11; Fe them who know an keep the true Command are truly honoured - an the persons who learned she shall find pardon.12; Henceforth onward love I thing ~ be counseled that unu might find pardon an charity.13; Wisdom are totally magnified an she order don't pass - an the persons who love she shall quickly know she - an the persons who seek she shall find she.14; An she shall arrive fe the persons who love she - an shall be revealed fe them beforehand.15; As him shall find she everytime when she keep him ina him doorway - a person who march toward she won't weary.16; Fe thinkin of she are knowledge fulfillmant. A person who quickly persevere becau she shall live without sadness.17; Fe this one shall come when she seek persons who enter she. An as she shall suddenly be sight up fe them ina road bein painted an beautiful - she shall meet them ina perfect knowledge.18; Don't worship the nine words chieftain - fe him are a opponent - an lovin she an analysin by this Law are lovin she.19; An fe lovin she are keepin she Law - an hearin she Law an bein canvinced are Life of soul.20; An fe Life of soul mek a person near toward JAH.21; An fe lovin Wisdom bring toward the Kingdom.22-23; If unu nobles who rule peoples loved throne an appointmant an Kingdom - honour Wisdom that unu might reign foriva; I-man shall tell unu what Wisdom are or how about like unto what she were - an I-man won't hide she mystery from thee-I. Havin examined she situation Iginnin from Antiquity I-man shall mek knowin she revealed - yet I-man won't trespass the Truth thing.24; I-man won't live firmin up ina the jealousy whereby a envier envy25; Becau scholars abundance were the world medicine - as a person who are thus won't be one with Wisdom - I-man won't live firmin up.26; An as a knowin king are a guard fe him army - be counseled by I word ~ unu will be useful.Chapter 7.1; Fe I-man who levelled ina death like unto everyone am a perishable man - an I-man am Earthly 'Adam child who were Irated beforehand - an I-man have been shaped bein flesh ina I mother womb.2; Fe I-man have sat kickin ina bloodiness ten months - through lovin bed ina intercourse time an through seed separated from faada.3; An fe pon the time I-man were Irated I-man held a wind like unto everyone an I-man alit toward Earth. Havin dead I-man wept a weepin beforehand ina them image who weep fe I.4;5; As I bein birthed from the kings aren't special - I-man grew up while I-man flourished wrapped ina cloth.6; Fe all man advent from yonder world toward this world are one - an him bein birthed are most level.7; I-man begged becaudis thing ~ knowledge were given I ~ I-man begged ~ Hola Spirit that reveal Wisdom lodged ina I.8; I-man honoured she more than Kingdom way of rulin an throne ~ I-man made riches like unto a trifle alongside she.9; As all gold are scorned alongside she - an as the silver are like unto mud ina she - I-man seemed fe she ina jewel without value.10; I-man totally loved she more than livin ina welfare an more than comeliness. As it aren't delineated from a light that proceed from she an as it won't perish - I-man chose she that I-man might have she becau light stead.11; Inity with she - all these Irie Ites came fe I ~ riches without number came fe I by she.12; As this Wisdom are all these ones chieftain - I-man am Irie ina all. Precedin this I-man wouldn't know that all these ones thoughts were Wisdom.13; Pon the time I-man knew this I-man teach she without jealousy nor envy - an I-man won't hide she mystery.14; She are a fatted one who don't finish up fe man ~ becau she were a counsel ears Work who reveal wealth - all persons who made she a money became friends arrivin from alongside JAH.15; An JAH gave fe I that I-man might speak the thing that HIM love. As HIM are Who lead toward Wisdom an as HIM are Who straighten up scholars Work - HIM gave I that I-man might think the thought that are due fe the man HIM give.16; Becau I&I all were seized ina HIM Hand - fe all I&I thing an knowin I&I Work an bein canvinced have been seized ina HIM Hand.17; HIM taught I a livin knowledge thing without a lie - that I-man might know the order whereby the world live firmed up. That I-man might know moon an Sun an stars Work.18; The Iginnin - the endin - the era middle - the day changin an each time changin.19; An the era changin an stars way of Life.20; An animals nature an beasts character. An winds mystery an man thought. An HIM taught I fe distinguish an know woods an that I-man might know them Work mystery.21; As HIM Who produce all the Works have taught I Wisdom - I-man knew all the revealed an the hidden.22; Fe the praised Hola Spirit - Who were civilised at birth an Who reveal knowledge - are existin by HIM. When HIM limb are one HIM are divided ina many - HIM Who are subtle - an Whose administration have quickened - an Whose Word are beautiful when HIM teach - an Who are Knowin - ina Whom are no sin an ina Whom are no wearyin - Who were precedin the world - Who have no Antiquity; Who love charity - Who are Knowin - Who have none who prevent HIM pon the time HIM said 'Mek I lodge'.23; HIM Who do a goodly thing - Who were man Friend - Who are Wisdom Agreer fe she - Who are truly Knowin - Who are without obligation - Who able fe everything - Who visit everything - Who lodge pon bodies that were clean an subtle an clever.24; As Wisdom administration shall quicken that them pour the jug ina pitcher - becau she were who lodge an cleanse she shall live lodgin ina all.25; Fe JAH Child are HIM Power Revelation - an she are HIM Lordship Revelation that seized all - fe she are HIM Power Revelation whose features are known an blessed an clean. Becaudis thing there are none who find she any sin.26; Fe the Precedin Faada Child are a Revelation - fe this are who reveal JAH Work that don't pass.27; An as she are who reveal HIM charity - when she are one she can do all. When she are ina precedence she renew all ~ alightin from the one generation toward the one generation she lodge ina nice ones body. Apart from a person who live firmed up with Wisdom...28; as there are none whom JAH love - she shall mek them scholars an JAH Friends.29; Fe she shine more than Sun an she surpass all stars light. Pon the time she were measured with light she shall be found before HIM exceedin it.30; Fe night change the light but no evil thing won't strengthen pon Wisdom.Chapter 8.1; She shine from edge up til edge bein saved from darkness an she work all ina she charity. I-man loved this Wisdom an sought she Iginnin from I infancy.2; An I-man loved that I-man might Inite she.3; As she relation charity shall bring near toward JAH - I-man became one who love she comeliness.4; As she are a counselor fe know JAH mystery - HIM Who rule all loved she - an she surpass all Irations.5; An she are riches from alongside where she are ~ she are chosen more than all by the persons who made she a money ina this world.6; What are it that surpass Wisdom who do all? an if knowledge are done it are by she.7; Who from them ina this world are clever surpassin she? An if a person live who loved Truth thing it are by she ~ as she wearyin are beautiful she teach Wisdom an purity - firmness an Truth - nice ones an good deeds. There are nothing ina this world that are better an that benefit more than she ~ she are man Life.8; If a person live who knew nice ones an much knowledge it are by she. An if a person live who knew what passed an what shall come it are by she. If him know interpretin quickly an a thing answer it are by she. If him know miracles an the sign beforehand an if him know eras an iwas changin it are by she.9; Knowin that she were who admonish an counsel fe a goodly thing an who lead astray mournin an sadness - I-man loved that I-man might seize she fe live with I.10; Becau I-man seized she I-man who am a infant found praise alongside many persons an honourin alongside scholars.11; I tongue became what sharpened fe judge - I reasonin what ate a thing. An I-man were astonied before the powerful ones.12; When I-man were silent them would patiently await I - an when I-man spoke them would hear I. An if I-man multiplied speakin them would sit seizin them mouth ina them hand.13; Becau she I-man found not dyin - an I-man also quit a remembrance foriva pon persons who shall arise after I.14; I-man would graze the people - an peoples would be ruled fe I.15; Shockin nobles who are ina this world would fear I hearin I name. I-man would be sight up bein kind ina council - an ina quarrel time I-man would be sight up bein firm.16; Fe there are no sadness ina livin with she - an sadness won't approach toward she - an pon the time I-man returned from a campaign toward I house I-man would rest ina she. Fe apart from perfect Irie Ites sadness won't approach toward she.17; I-man lived churnin this over ina I mind. An I-man struggle pon she ina I reasonin ~ as Wisdom kinship are without dyin I-man perservere ina she ina I reasonin - knowin that it aren't possible fe I fe be cleansed from sin.18; An as there are goodly Irie Ites ina lovin she - an as there are riches that don't finish up ina the hand Work - as one shall find a knowledge teachin by checkin up she mystery - an as a thing that mek proud shall be found by bein one with she - I-man turned ina all the country when I-man sought that I-man might marry she fe be a bride fe I.19; I-man who am a knowin child turned - an I body became goodly fe I.20; As I-man am kind I-man entered toward she flesh that were clean21; pon the time I-man knew that bein cleansed from sin aren't possible fe I unless JAH gave I she. Counsel were arisin from Wisdom - an I-man totally begged toward JAH that I-man might know that this gift were fe anyone.Chapter 9.1; I-man said thus ina I complete reasonin - "I Faada Irator - Charity Owner.2; Who Irated all the world by Thy Word - Thou Who made a 'Adam Irated by Thy Command fe rule man by Thy Wisdom - fe live ina this world - fe work the world by Him charity.3; Thou Who made Him fe judge judgemant ina truly straight reasonin.4; Thou Who live ina Keerubiel trust - give I Wisdom.5; Don't separate I from amongst Thy slaves ~ as I-man am Thy dawta slave child slave - as I-man - who am a man whom Power weakened - whose era diminished I - who am a humble mind fe know the Law an the judgemant - am thy dawta slave child slave - don't separate I from Thy slaves.6; An if a person live who were perfect from man childran it are by she - fe if Wisdom that are found alongside Thee-I distanced from him - him would be like unto one trifle.7; Thou chose I makin a King fe I kindreds - an Thou made I a Ruler fe Thy dawta childran an Thy male childran."8; I-man said "Mek a Temple be worked ina Thy praisin place - an mek Thy altar be worked ina the Tabernacle Image that Thou made Iginnin from Antiquity ina Thy restin country where Thou are praised bein called 'Hola Hola Hola'."9; Wisdom that are with Thee-I would know Thy Work - an she were there pon the time Thou made the world ~ she would help that anything mek Thee-I Irie before Thee-I an that anything be straight fe Thy Command.10; Thou sent she toward I from honoured Heavens - Thy Lordship Throne - that she might arise an come. Mek I know fe what it were that mek Thee-I Irie - that she might live an weary with I.11; Fe she know all the Work that Thou know.12; Mek she lead I toward all Works makin clean ~ mek she keep I ina she glory ~ mek all I Work be I-loved ~ mek I rule Thy kindreds ina Truth - an mek I be prepared fe I faadas thrones.13; Who are a person who know JAH Work?14; As dyin ones thought are demolishable - an as them thought are crammed - who are it who think of an know what JAH love?15; Flesh that are demolished will vanquish a soul - fe it stun she - fe earthly flesh stupify a heart. 16; If I&I examine ina much perseverance an much obligation an worry - I&I shall find the Work worked pon Earth ~ by wearyin I&I shall find the Work that I&I caress ina I&I hand. But who examined the Work that are ina Heaven ~ how about who knew Thy counsel?17; Who knew Thy counsel unless it were Thou Who gave him Wisdom an unless it were Thou Who sent honoured Hola Spirit toward him?18-19; Persons Work who are ina this world staightened pon them becaudis - an persons knew ina Wisdom the thing that mek Thee-I Irie - an by this them were healed."Chapter 10.1; This Wisdom kept 'Adam who were Irated alone beforehand. An after him were Irated she kept him like unto a trust item an saved him from him ras self sin.2; An she gave him Power that him might totally rule.3; Pon the time a person who were a wrongdoer distanced from she - him perished ina JAH wrath with persons who kill them bredren.4; Again pon the time Earth perished ina Water of Downstruction - Wisdom saved Noh an tranported him ina scorned wood vessel.5; Pon the time peoples went guzzled toward thirst an evil spice she pointed up 'Abriham - an if him were ruled fe JAH without defect nor fault she kept him. An she kept him child who firmed up ina charity.6; This Wisdom separated an saved Loth from persons who perish an forget JAH ~ pon the time fiyah downscended pon the five countries she saved him ina fleein.7; Fe be a witness fe them evil she are there smokin bein a wilderness up til today - an if she plants flower ina she time time them are imperfect. An a body who didn't believe stood bein a salt stone that are sight up bein a remembrance. (the Pillars of Loth)8; As these ones are who trespassed HIM Command - like unto the measure that it weren't possible fe them fe hide the iniquity them wronged - them quit a remembrance fe them laziness ina this world - yet it aren't that them perished like unto that by knowin the wrath that arrived pon them like unto the 'men of substitution'.9; As fe Wisdom - she saved from weariness persons who serve she.10; This one led toward a straight road a kind man Ya`iqob who fled arisin from him bredda anger. An she showed him JAH Kingdom (grammar of gold) an gave him fe know the Angels - an arisin from him weariness she multiplied him riches fe him.11; She stood fe him bein a guard from the persons who rob an strengthen pon him.12; She helped him an kept him - an she kept him from him enemies like unto a trust item an saved him from the persons who incircled him. Pon the time she gave him a firm sainthood - that him might know that bein well ruled firm up most fe JAH - she sent forth a name fe him.13; This Wisdom alit together with a kind man Yosief toward Gibts - yet she weren't separated from him pon the time him were sold - an she saved him from sin.14; An she didn't separate from him where him were bound up til she brought a rule an kingdom Ipointmant fe him pon the persons who strengthened pon him. An she revealed him scorned an fugitive slave bredren lie pon them. An she gave him a Iternal Ipointmant.15-16; An this Wisdom saved a kind kindred 'Isra'iel ~ she saved the child without defect or fault from worrisome peoples ina JAH slave Mussie body trust ('Isra'iel) ~ she opposed many kings ina miracles an worship.17; An she gave them them wearyin reward an led them by a amazin road ~ she were a shade fe them by day an ina night she shone fe them bein a light becau stars light stead.18; An she transported them by a feared sea an passed them amidst wide Water.19; But she drowned them enemies; but she sent forth 'Isra'iel from a large sea.20; Becaudis thing 'Isra'iel captured the Gibtsans who forgot JAH. An Lord - them praised Thy Hola Name.21; Fe Wisdom have revealed mute ones mouth an have made infants tongue straight speakin - an them praised Thy Itority Inity that are warrior-conquerin.Chapter 11.1; As HIM have straightened them Work by the honoured prophet Itority - them lived goin toward a wilderness where noone lived.2; An them planted them tents stake ina place unkicked by man shoe.3; Them opposed warriors an them avenged enemies.4; Bein thirsty them begged Thee-I ~ Water were given them from a flint stone.5; An Water were given them from a firm stone fe distance them thirst fe them. An them enemies the Gibtsans were punished fe this Work an perished.6; But pon the time them were worried bein seized by the tribulation - Thou did a goodly thing fe these ina this image.7; Becau the undiminishin river spring stead that these Gibtsans stirred up ina the dead childran blood.8; Fe be a reproach pon Gibts who kill infants - Thou gave them much Water that Thou poured quickly without sayin "Count of three".9; After them thirsted Thou judged pon 'Isra'iel who oppose Thee-I like unto this pon the time them tested Thee-I.10; But them were saved by Thy mercy pon the time 'Isra'iel who forgot Thy Law were canvicted them knew that the Gibtsans vexed ina wrath.11; Thou counseled these 'Isra'iel like unto a faada who punish.12; But Thou followed an rummaged these Gibtsans like unto a King without gentleness ~ ina this King without gentleness Image Thou downstroyed them.13; Fe manifold sadness have found them - an Thou saddened the Gibtsans both when them were ina them country an without them livin ina them country. Evil Fer`on knew it an the nine chastisemants that passed were remindin up the death of the firstborn.14; An pon the time 'Isra'iel heard that HIM did a goodly thing fe them ina them tribulation - them made it a Ites found from JAH.15; An again Midyam - who earlier ina them evil cast him ina sea - went an missed Mussie - an after this them perished ina gnats that are a jest. The Gibtsans marvelled arisin from the death of the firstborn that are the nine chastisemants fulfillmant ~ the Gibtsans aren't ones who thirsted like unto righteous 'Isra'iel thirsted.16; Fe pon the time them erred ina this becau them reasonin evil that have no mind - them have worshipped a gift that are scorned an vain - a animal that don't speak.17; That them might know that a person are canvicted by the Work whereby him wronged - Thou brought many animals that don't speak pon them.18; Fe it won't fail fe Thy Itority that able fe everything. Fe it won't fail fe Thy Itority - that Irated the world from a void - that she might bring pon them angry lions an many bears.19; An without it failin she - if this don't happen it won't fail she that she might bring suddenly Irated unknown beasts full of wrath who breathe a fiyah that stamp out an exterminate - an if this don't happen - them who breathe a stinkin smoke fragrance - an if this don't happen - them who ignite what resembled a iron spark from them eye that are evil.20; Them appearance would have frightened an downstroyed them - yet it aren't only them evil an them ability that able fe downstroy them ~ without it failin she it won't fail she that she might bring beasts filled of wrath.21; When Thou send them forth ina death by Thy Word an when Thou downstroy them ina the Power whereby Thy Itority are revealed - it would also have been due them that without this them might perish ina one sign - yet without it failin she it won't fail Thy Itority who do thus thus.22; Fe Thy Ibility Fame are with Thee-I everytime - however Thou worked all ina measure an amount - all the world before Thee-I like unto a balance tongue tip at firstlight pon Earth.23; An as it are scorned before Thee-I like unto a dew drop that alit - who are it who oppose Thy firm Itority?24; As Thou are HIM Who Able fe All - Thou pardon all - an Thou ignore a person sin while Thou delay him fe repentance.25; Thou love all the persons ina this world ~ as there are none whom Thou hated an Irated - there are no nothing that Thou scorn from the Iration Thou Irated.26; An if Thou hated it how would it have firmed up before Thee-I? An if Thou hated it - or how about if Thou didn't love it - Thou wouldn't have Irated nothing. If it weren't what Thou loved an Irated how would it have been kept?27; An Thou are nice fe all the Iration ~ Thou pardon.Chapter 12.1; Fe Lord - Thou Who are man Friend - Wisdom are Thy money. Fe Thy Life an Hola Spirit where are no downstruction are ina all the world.2; Becaudis thing while Thou tell the persons hindered by sin likkle likkle that it be canvenient fe judgemant - Thou will reproach them ~ pon the time them were canvinced of them sin havin distanced from them evil - Thou Lord will admonish them that them might believe ina Thee-I - while Thou remind of the iniquity them wronged.3-4; Thou havin hated them root diggin an leaf snappin Work that are hated - an Thou havin hated them festival that distanced from Truth.5; An Thou havin hated them killin them childran without gentleness. Fe Thou hated them adjournin that a fiyah eat persons innards - an Thou hated the men of Kene`an Work who live an preceded ina Kene`an - an knowin Thy Lordship Mystery have distanced from them reasonin.6; Fe Thou hated them burnin them flesh an spillin them blood - an them kill a body that are without help from anyone - Thou havin hated this.7; Fe Thou have loved that JAH childran 'Isra'iel might seize Kene`an - that were more honoured alongside Thee-I than all the countries entered by them - that Thou might downstroy them by I&I faadas Itority.8; However like unto Thou pardon the other man Thou also pardoned them. Pon the time Thou sent a gnat invasion precedin Thy kindreds fe downstroy them while them told them likkle likkle - however Thou pardoned like unto Thou pardon the other.9; An without it failin Thee-I - if this don't happen it wouldn't fail Thee-I that Thou might cast Kene`an persons who forgot JAH ina kind 'Isra'iel hand that them might capture them ina each of them kins - an without it failin Thee-I - if this don't happen it wouldn't fail Thee-I that Thou might give them fe evil beasts - an without it failin Thee-I - if this don't happen it wouldn't fail Thee-I that Thou might downstroy them commandin ina one Word.10; Thy givin a repentance era fe these ones - havin judged that this them downstruction might be ina likkle likkle - an Thy doin this - like unto them way of livin were evil an like unto them evil were quite much.11; Fe them are childran cursed Iginnin from Antiquity - an it aren't without Thy knowin that them reasonin are what won't return foriva ~ Thou haven't raspected noone whom Thou give a while of repentance fe them sin that them wronged. Who are it who tell Thee-I 'Why did Thou do thus'? ~ how about who are it who oppose Thy Judgemant?12; Who are it who dispute with Thee-I workin a thing - or how about who examine Thee-I becau the peoples whom Thou Irated perished?13; As apart from Thee-I there are no other Irator Who think becau everyone - that Thou might reveal that it aren't ina downgression that Thou judged - who are a judge who will arrive toward Thee-I fe argue becau wrongdoer persons?14; Fe Thou are a True One Who prepare all ina Truth - while Thou gossip becau the persons Thou canvicted.15; An be him a king or judge or official him cyaan sight up ina quarrel with Thee-I. That Thou might judge - Thou made a special Work that aren't due fe judge arisin from Thy Ibility.16; As Thy Ibility are charity Iginnin - Thy Iratin all an Thy rulin all mek Thee-I pardon all.17; As Thou have revealed Thy Power pon Fer`on fe him who don't know Thy Ibility completion - an as Thou have revealed pon the Gibtsans who aren't handsome - Thou will reproach them by them emboldenin reason.18; As there are Ibility alongside Thee-I when Thou Who judge ina innocence are a Knowin Judge - Thou place I&I with much charity havin loved fe canvict I&I whensoever.19; Thou pardoned Thy kindreds 'Isra'iel by such a Work - that a nice person friend 'Isra'iel might be that I&I were I-loved. Thou made a goodly inspiration fe Thy childran 'Isra'iel. As Thou give repentance fe a wrongdoer - Thou spoke fe Thy childran 'Isra'iel.20; Thou Who ina such patience judged from alongside these Thy childran enemies who are due fe death - an Thou Who gave them a era an gave them opportunity of repentance that them might then be saved from a evil thing.21; While Thou counseled I&I around what it are that Thou carefully judge fe Thy childran - fe whom Thou gave a oath an a Word Covenant fe goodly promise.22; Thou downstroy I&I enemies while Thou counsel I&I enemies an hence I&I - many times ina much sentancin - that I&I might think of Thy charity pon the time when Thou canvicted them - an that I&I might resemble Thee-I.23; An I&I mek hope ina Thy pardon pon the time Thou canvicted I&I - wrongdoer persons who lived ina sin an laziness era - by this Thy anger.24; As them have been harmed by error Work many eras while them called downbased cattle that are beside them 'gods' - Thou canvicted them ina each of them ras self sin.25; Them spoke a lie like unto childran without knowledge. Becaudis thing - becau them became like unto infants without a mind - Thou brought sentance pon them like unto them jest measure.26; If them didn't return by the ten chastisemants that HIM judged an brought - as these ones have grumbled pon the tribulation that found them an as them have ignored - mek them taste JAH flatbread depth - HIM Who are Nature God.27; Pon the time them are canvicted pon these idols them have called 'gods' - them shall know them Irator Whom them formerly betrayed ~ them shall know ina Truth that HIM were them Irator. An becaudis thing a depth that are the ten chastisemants fulfillmant arrived pon them.Chapter 13.1; As all persons who have a knowin-JAH deficiency ina them reasonin are truly vain - it failed them that them might know HIM Who are ina this world by these Irations that are sight up - an while them sight up HIM Work these ones didn't know them Irator.2; Them pretended fe 'gods' wind that blow quickly an also stars that sow fiyah - Water that go gushin - stars an Sun Irated fe shine fe the world - yet them didn't know them Irator.3; If them made moon an Sun 'gods' like unto this pon the time them were Irie by them light bein beautiful - as HIM Who Irated light have Irated this Iration - mek them know that these ones Irator totally surpass.4; As fe if them were astonied arisin from them light an them heat - mek them mek heart that HIM Who Irated them totally surpass.5; Truly Sun an moon light - that resembled JAH ina Sun an moon - are alongside HIM Who successfully Irated them - an Who Irated the persons sightin up Sun an moon.6; However the reproach pon them with this again aren't likkle - fe HIM shall canvict them - it bein said "Would that them had sought HIM - havin returned toward examinin Sun an moon - while them sought the Irator pon the time them erred - an while them loved that them might find HIM" - yet -7; The reproach that are pon them aren't likkle ~ as the moon an Sun that are sight up are beautiful an I-loved - them made it enough fe sight up Sun an moon.8; An again them reasons are many.9; That them might sight up til it are due them fe know the world an be canvinced - as fe if around this were possible fe them ina this Work.10; As HIM shall canvict them - it bein said "How were it not possible fe them that them might examine an find Sun an moon Irator?" - as fe them - them are wretched - an these ones who praised callin 'gods' man hand Work them worked from silver an gold ina Work blessin - them inspiration ina Work are passin. These ones who praised callin 'gods' a animal image an the stone that are a former hand Work that are useful an benefit - them inspiration are passin.11; Fe if a carver live who carve the wood that stood an were laid flat - him have carved all the bark cuttin the wood that grew well.12; As it have distanced pon him well - as him have worked it makin a item that are useful fe be a service fe livin - as him have finished carvin the Work by persuadin fe be a service fe food - him sold an changed this an satta.13; Pon havin the Work analysed - takin an carvin again the chunk leftover from wood that aren't useful fe no nothing - an this are havin a knot ~ it structure from it root up til it tip are crooked ~ after this him shaped it pon the day when him were idle - an it seemed fe him ina man image.14; An pretendin it ina animal image that are vain him painted it a black colour. An introducin red colour pon him finger him made it red. An him introduced a colour that are him filth.15; Him worked a beaten an worked house due fe it ~ him placed it ina the place him worked fe it ~ shelterin from the lime him nailed it pon iron.16; As it are a image an as it want what help it - knowin that it cyaan help it ras self him had it analysed lest it fall pon him.17; Havin worked thusly him beg alongside it becau him money an him wife an him childran - him don't shame when him converse with the idol without a soul.18; Him beg a welfare thing from alongside the sick idol. An him beg a dead idol becau Life ~ him intercede an beg a possession thing from alongside the idol without a mind.19; An him who cyaan able fe move a road gait thing beg from alongside the idol who don't step one step. Him beg a Work an wealth thing - a findin money thing. Him beg fe straighten a hand Work from alongside the idol whose hands work nothing. An him want speedin up Work from him.Chapter 14.1; Again him beg pon the time him loved fe go amidst the evil waves an sent a person seaward ina ship ~ one who are weaker than the ship that carried him beg from alongside the downbased idol.2; As him have worked this idol by lovin profit - an as a clever one have worked it ina him Wisdom - him beg from alongside the downbased idol that are weaker than the ship that carry him.3; But O Teacher an Faada - Thy Itority graze all - fe Thou have given a road ina sea - amidst the tide like unto the measure that healin all ina Truth are possible fe Thee-I.4; Fe Thou show a firm track - an Thou have saved Noh by sendin forth toward a ship.5; Becau Thou loved lest Thy Wisdom mystery be idle - Thou have again passed ('Isra'iel) without a ship - but Thy Itority graze all ~ becaudis thing persons trust them body ina scorned an downbased wood - an them shall be saved crossin amidst the tide ina great an likkle ships.6; An pon the time the Watchers who are formerly arrogant ones perished - Noh who are the world hope were saved bein a cargo sheltered pon a ship - an bein chastised by Thy Itority him quit man seed fe the world.7; As this ship have been blessed by the money where Rightness are worked ~ him were saved ina ship.8; But this idol worked ina laziness are cursed an him who worked it are cursed ~ as this Work are a Work that will perish - what will perish were called a 'god'.9; Becau alongside JAH the Work an the worker were equally hated.10; Fe the worked Work shall be canvicted with the worker.11; Becaudis thing a examination shall be done pon peoples idol.12; As this idol have been worked fe downstroy man - an as it have been worked bein a hindrance fe persons bodies - an as it have been worked fe hinder lazy persons foot of reasonin - becaudis thing there shall be a examination - fe adultery Iginnin are thinkin sayin 'Mek mi work a idol'.13; Findin this idol are a body downstruction. Fe it weren't there Iginnin from Antiquity an it won't live foriva.14; Becau it were what speeded up them goin fulfillmant bein snatched by death - a vain idol entered toward this world by it glory reason - that are a vain man.15; As Seeruh would strive an weep fe him one child - becau when him child were a infant him were quickly snatched by death - after this them thought of workin a idol. Them who worked fe the dead man honour formerly - them honoured the image today makin like unto a 'god'. Persons who were ruled fe sin made a festival fe him ina public an worked a sacrifice fe him ina secret.16; After this pon the era distancin - a forgetfulness an iniquity custom were seized bein a order - an them kept it makin like unto a Law. An them worshipped idols pon evil nobles command - an them worshipped persons whom it aren't possible fe them fe honour face fe face.17; As them are afar - them shaped them features. Them worked a magnified Itority fe a King whose features are afar an who are honoured alongside them - makin him who weren't there like unto him were.18; An them beg diligently. An persons who didn't know them error firmed up ina them worship. An them returned JAH Glory toward the idol that are man hand Work.19; Again there are him who love that him might favour an mek the rulin king Irie. Him were subtle ina workin the image ina beautiful an excellent money.20; An becau them were Irie fe be beautiful ina the Work appearance - many persons were drawn by this - but them made a man like unto a 'god' today - who a few days beforehand were ina likkle honour.21; As everyone have been ruled by trouble an obligation - this idol became a hindrance fe man ~ them made fe stone an woods the Irator Name - that have no Inity with the stone an wood that will benefit them if them are fe Work22; Fe them error didn't suffice them with them not knowin JAH - fe them sacrifice them childran fe a idol.23; When them who lived ina laziness around this era are ina firm formation - these ones who made such a evil idol a famed 'god' an called it a 'Love god' - them error didn't suffice them with not knowin JAH. An again them work a hidden mystery - an yet if this don't happen - that them might think while them ran wild ina another order proceedin from them Law.24; A companion kill him companion - an yet if this don't happen him cajole him an give him hope ina the money that mek him sick - yet him didn't keep them Law an them palace Work fulfilled.25; All them Works - with spillin blood - with killin a soul - with stealin - with lie - with downstruction - with diminishin praise - with not believin - with swearin ina lie.26; With downsturbin the goodly man - with not thinkin of the reward that JAH give him - with pollutin a body. It are mixed with changin Iration - with demolishin a palace order - with adultery - with disgustin Work.27; As worshippin idols without a name are all evil Iginnin an sin fulfillmant - if the persons who worship them are Irie like unto these ones - as them lack them mind them sacrifice them childran.28; An if this don't happen them speak a lie - an if this don't happen them save the death sentance - an if this don't happen them quickly swear ina lie.29; Fe like unto the All-knowin Irator Word - these ones who have knowledge trust a false dumb idol without a soul - fe them don't think of hope that HIM might canvict them if them swear by this idol.30; A sentance Inity that are fe true shall find them - fe them have thought a evil thing pon JAH pon the time them checked up the idol - fe them have sworn by it ina violence an ina lie - havin scorned an made light of the Irator true Word.31; A sentance that are Truth shall find them. Fe the judgemant them were canvicted ina them sin are fe pass - yet it aren't that them swore sayin 'HIM shall reveal HIM Power pon wi'. Mek a sentance come pon them pon them crime that them wrong a man everytime.Chapter 15.1; But Thou I&I Irator are charitable ~ Thou are a Pardoner ~ Thou are Who indure. Whether I&I wrong or don't wrong while I&I knew Thy Ibility...2; As I&I are Thy kindreds - Thou work all ina Thy charity. However as I&I know that I&I were Thy kindreds.3; Fe knowin Thee-I are a complete honour - an knowin Thee-I are soul Life.4; Fe HIM Who are man Wisdom won't mislead I&I ina idol evil reasonin - an this are a weariness that have a ornamant it don't have - that are a man Work who change them appearance by paintin colour.5; Them appearance - that pull a ignorant man that him might come lovingly - won't mislead I&I - however him love a dead idol that are without movin nor a soul.6; These are ones who love evil ~ such a hope are due fe them who lovingly work them an worship them.7; Pon the time a worker kneaded mud that him smoothed - him work various Works that are due fe serve fe each an everyone from I&I - however him work clean Works fe be a service fe Works that were cleaner than that mud - an him work makin fe other Works like unto these ina these ones image - an all these ones Work are fe fulfill each an everyone accord. An a man who work this mud are a judge who judge Truth an judgemant.8; But a person who weary fe evil will work a vain idol from that mud. An this were worked from Earth a few days beforehand - an after a few days him have that him might return toward the Earth from whom him were found. HIM (Selassie) shall examine him becau him body judgemant.9; Fe him have that him might totally weary - however it aren't without him perseverance bein known from alongside him. It are that him might oppose persons who work gold an silver an resemble persons who work brass - yet it aren't without him knowin that it way of Life were a few days. After him worked this wretched idol him give it glory.10, 11; The person like unto this - him reasonin are ash - an him inspiration - him inspiration are more wretched than ground - an as him didn't know the Irator - HIM Who Inited a soul that civilise what HIM Irated an that are a knowin blood of soul Life - him way of Life are scorned more than mud.12; However these ones thought of I&I era makin idle jest - an them made I&I Way of Life fe a sign fe profit - fe him have said 'It worry mi becau mi lacked a idol'. After this him honour ~ him buy a idol.13; Fe him have worked a idol shaped from the wood that are sight up pon Earth an quickly perish. This were totally known fe be most totally evil.14; However all are ignorant an wretched ones ~ all these who are from captured kins are separated from knowledge ~ persons who firmed up ina the idol will multiply laziness more than the infants body.15; As them fe whom workin aren't possible have thought of the peoples idols makin 'gods' - as them fe whom sightin up by them eye - smellin a soul by them nose - hearin by them ear - caressin by them hands finger - aren't possible - an whose feet were idle from goin - have thought of the peoples idols makin 'gods' - them multiply laziness more than the infants body.16; Fe man have worked them - an a man divided from 'Adam have worked them - an it aren't possible fe man that him might pretend an work a 'god'.17; When him are demolishable an rottable him work a dead idol by the hand that conform with sin - as him are well but as these ones totally aren't well - becau him were better than these idols him work a idol.18; An these ones who made animals 'gods' ina laziness worship them ina laziness. But if them examine these ones ina reasonin - them are more evil than other 'gods'.19; A person who loved fe fulfill him accord - check - him fulfilled him accord pon the one animal member from these ~ him transgressed by the one - fe JAH glory an praise have distanced by this.Chapter 16.1; As it are due them - becaudis thing them perished by demons who resemble them idols ~ these ones who are evil were worried by gnats who are many.2; Thou did well fe Thy friends before them enemies ~ Thou gave them a likkle fe be food fe them - that them fulfill them accord by it. An Thou gave them that them might eat Menna whose taste were special.3; But becau that - becau a thing were sent pon them pon the time them loved that them might eat food - them return from eatin toward not eatin ~ them scorned a food that are a Itinual custom. But pon the time worry found them an them sight up a likkle season - them were prepared fe a food whose taste were special.4; As Mussie have prayed an brought pon them that him might reach a sentance without gentleness pon them becau them were neglectful an evil - an that these ones might know that them enemies were worried alone - them scorned a food that are a Itinual custom.5; If evil beasts anger come pon them - if them finish up ina Earth evil beasts chomp.6; Them were downsturbed that them might be punished a likkle season - yet it aren't firmed up pon them foriva - an this sign became welfare fe them that it might remind them up Thy Law Order.7; Becau a man who returned bein saved from these believed ina Thee-I - O Thou Who save all...8; Him were saved - yet him aren't saved only by sightin up ~ Thou tested them ina this.9; As a pinchin fly an a locust chomp have downstroyed these ones - Thou canvinced them that Thou are HIM Who save from all the tribulations. Fe it are due them that Thou canvict them by such a example - however nor did them find welfare fe them soul.10; But pon the time the snakes tooth that have poison were commanded pon Thy childran 'Isra'iel - Thy charity have come fe them an saved them.11; Fe them have tasted this tribulation fe think of Thy Law. Them were quickly saved lest them quickly fall ina firm denial - lest them proceed from thinkin of Thy miracles an fall ina tribulation an other Work.12; Lord - Thy Word that save all saved them - yet the wood them drink an the sorcery them paint aren't what saved them.13; As Thou have Itority fe Life an fe death - Thou lower toward a tomb an Thou send forth from a tomb.14; But a man kill evilly ~ after soul were separated from flesh him won't return ~ soul separated from she flesh won't return.15; But it aren't possible fe be saved fleein from Thy Itority - an it aren't due fe say 'Mi shall flee an escape'.16; Pon the time Thou knew that persons who forgot Thy Law deny Thee-I - them perished bein punished by Thy Itority Power. Them perished ina Heaven shower that alit without restraint an without gentleness ina hail an special rain - an them perished ina fiyah.17; As fe a wonder - a Work that aren't possible that them examine - this fiyah are kind ones help ~ all fiyah that perish ina Water were made amidst the Water an civilised.18; Fe HIM have accustomed a fiyah burnin sent pon persons who forgot JAH - that it burn animals - however pon the time them sight this up them shall know that them perish by JAH Judgemant.19; The fiyah hosts would totally burn amidst the Water that it might downstroy Gibts fruit - she who are a wrongdoer.20; Becaudis HIM fed a chiefs food becau the fruit stead ~ Thou sent fe them a Loaf prepared ina Heaven without wearyin - that provide all the taste surpassin all the sweet taste.21; Thy Heavenly Features Likeness revealed Thy Love sign Menna fe Thy childran ~ the taste would be transferred fe the man who eat from this Menna - an what them thought of from foods kind would also serve them totally fe fulfill what them loved.22; Frost an hail stood firmin up with fiyah ~ them didn't melt while the fiyah burned amidst the hail an ignited amidst rains - that the Gibtsans might know that she totally downstroyed the fruit that them sowed.23; Pon the time 'Isra'iel were fed this again - them quit them field that them ras self are fed.24; Fe all the Iration serve fe Thee-I - Thou Who Irated all. Thou bring Thy revered sentance pon the Gibtsans - an hence Thou give Menna that it might reach toward 'Isra'iel who believe ina Thee-I.25; Becaudis thing while Thy gift Menna were transformed toward all the Works - Thou would serve ina all the food that them begged an loved.26; Lord - Thy Word keep persons who believed ina Thee-I - yet Thou would serve them while she were transformed - that Thy childran ina 'Isra'iel whom Thou loved might know that what are fed aren't only various seed fruit.27; Fe the Menna that fiyah downstroy fe be rotten have heated an melted ina likkle Sun heat.28; It are that Thy favour might be known - fe the Sun want that it might come toward I&I - that I&I might praise Thee-I an that I-man might beg toward Thee-I from alongside where the Sun rose.29; Becau him who don't praise Thee-I - him inspiration were meltin like unto summer frost an flowin like unto useless an disgustin hand wash Water.Chapter 17.1; Fe Thy Judgemant are firm an are worryin fe speak. Becaudis thing bodies without the Irator Teachin erred.2; Fe pon the time the Gibtsans seized a kind kindred 'Isra'iel an strengthened pon them - at that time these Gibtsans have been bound an banished from them house defense root ina lengthy night darkness. Havin thought of the iniquity that them wronged more than a service Order that are foriva....3; Them were found havin fled ~ each one would be forgotten hidden ina dark ina house where no light were within ~ them were scattared ~ them melted like unto wax arisin by a shock while them were quite astonied.4; Deeyablos who are adulterous couldn't able fe keep them without shock - however a great word voice that mek a body cringe began fe downsturb them. It downstroyed all that the evil illusion features face mourned.5; An the fiyah light couldn't able fe shine one iwa. It weren't possible fe it that it might shine a shinin stars light that were Irated fe shine fe this night darkness.6; Pon the time them did a laziness wearyin that are a tormant Work - a fiyah were suddenly sight up fe them - whose majesty are more perfect than fiyah sight up ina this world bein found from spark an kindlin that are sight up - yet a fiyah light couldn't able fe shine.7; An this are gold an silver arrogance fe be a reproach pon the Gibtsans.8; Fe HIM Who downsturb these ones who gave promise that them might downstroy a body shock an downsturbance seized ina tribulation - if the nine chastisemants didn't frighten them none - HIM have downstroyed them by a gnat frightenin that are a jest.9; HIM sent them way by gnats that are smaller than all Iration - that fly ina man face arisin from wind - an HIM made them flee bein shocked. It weren't possible fe them fe stand arisin from the gnats that flee from before all man ina wind limb.10; Fe evil Fer`on - pon whom Selassie are a Witness an whom HIM canvict - him Work are rebellion. Him receive a command from Mussie everytime ~ while it were known fe him reasonin an while him check up ina the reasonin that have knowledge - hence him work a thirst an evil Work.11; Him would remind up the chastisemant - sayin ina him reasonin - 'HIM downstroy mi by this that downstroy mi by this' - yet as it aren't that them made any fright - him work a thirst Work.12; It were what were totally thought bein said - 'If a likkle reasonin doubt live fe thee-I it are by ignorance an laziness' - an it are what give a road fe Judgemant.13; At the time when that night truly proceeded from worrisome See'ol that are impossible fe indure - an truly covered them from them - them had slept ina day14; Fe shockin demons have shocked them. Them said 'Mek them downstroy them by showin the illusion' - an there are one who tire a body inspiration ~ the fright an shock that them didn't think of nor doubt suddenly arrived pon them.15; Everyone who were anyone here are thus - whether him be one who slept - or be him kept ina prison bound ina leg iron - or be him kept without a leg iron.16; Or be him a plower or be him a shepherd - or be him a hired shepherd who sit ina wilderness an weary pon plowin Earth.17; Becau all them kin were bound ina night darkness - as him have indured that worrisome tribulation without fulfillmant that met him - everyone an anyone there are thus - an the illusion that found them are thus ~ it are a whistlin illusion ~ arisin from veilin dense trees it voice are a beautiful tips word. It tune are arisin from beautiful birds voice.18; An it are a Water shower voice that go gushin - an it are caves voice overturned by frightenin - an them course that them run are unseen cattle course. An it are beasts word who roar ina frightenin great word - an it are mountains voice who return an frighten - havin exchanged one another voice arisin from beasts an birds word. The tribulation that shocked an downstroyed them are thus.19; Fe all the world would shine up ina shinin light - fe it would finish it Work without prevention nor idleness.20; But a firm night darkness - that have that it might find these ones alone an that are a Gehannem darkness example - cared fe them - an them are firmed up more than darkness fe them ras selves.Chapter 18.1; But alongside Thy friends 'Isra'iel a kindly light would shine ~ all those ones would hear them word but them wouldn't sight up them features.2; Fe those ones who love them would beat 'Isra'iel. An becau them who were wronged firmed up tribulation pon 'Isra'iel - them would praise one another.3; But these ones were Irie fe the savin gift ina what were sent fe them ~ a fiyah pillar gave them them reward that it might lead them a unknown path.4; An it gave them a Sun that shine pon a I-loved road. Fe Thy childran - who have Thy Law reward that don't perish an have that it might give them foriva - have bound an banished 'Isra'iel - but it are due fe these Gibtsans that them might lack light an be bound ina darkness.5; Pon the time them thought an counseled that them might kill kind 'Isra'iel childran - the one child fell an were saved that him be fe a reproach pon them. Thou downstroyed many of them childran by this Mussie ~ Thou downstroyed all them kin ina wide Water.6; I&I faadas knew that night that them might think of this ina Love after them knew the oath whereby them swore.7; Makin welfare fe Thy kindreds 'Isra'iel - an makin downstruction fe the Gibtsans who quarrel with 'Isra'iel - Thou accepted Thy kindreds 'Isra'iel ina help.8; Like unto Thou downstroyed the Gibtsans who quarrel with 'Isra'iel - thus Thou honoured I&I pon the time Thou called I&I.9; Fe Thy servants kind 'Isra'iel would sacrifice a beautiful I-loved sacrifice - an by agreein them have lodged Thy Lordship Law ina them reasonin. Ina this image kind 'Isra'iel received the Irie Ites - but Thou gave the tribulation fe the Gibtsans fe whom it are due.10; But I&I faadas would speak the Irie Ites while them praised Thee-I ~ them word would meet with enemies weepin an shout without them thing joinin. An slaves would listen fe them childran voice becau them childran.11; An the slave punishmant were equalised ina chastisemant with him Lord.12; An this tribulation found them equally - the troops with the King. An all dead together ina one form. As them honoured Iration have totally perished ina one iwa - becau it weren't possible that well ones might bury the dead persons - dead persons without number were corpses.13; An as all them didn't know the chastisemant that came pon them becau them dug a root an becau them snapped a leaf - by them firstborn childran perishin the Gibtsans knew that 'Isra'iel were JAH childran.14; Pon the time silence an calm that rule all covered all the world.15; Fe Thy Word - that are a conquerin Warrior an a Fighter able fe all - have avenged that night.16; Pon the time Thy Command alit from Heaven - girdin a sharpened sword that it might downstroy them without favourin - an stood amidst the Gibtsans who have a kingdom - all them diseases were filled of death ~ it burdened them alightin from Heaven an downstroyed them from Earth.17; At that time it downsturbed them by a evil cows illusion - an a shock them didn't think of had Itority over them.18; The half from these ones bein dead are there who fall ina another place ~ it revealed fe them beforehand the reason why them dead.19; The cows that downsturbed them have told them an revealed this fe them - lest them be ignorant that a evil thing will find them an downstroy them becau anything.20; An there are them from 'Isra'iel whom a tribulation found that suffice fe death beforehand. It were thus ina the wilderness ~ the chastisemant downstroyed many from these persons.21; It are clothes of ministry whereby 'Aron - a man without defect - an this one - mek a plea an burn Ishence an serve - fe him have quickly persevered seizin the field drop - however him found canfidence that the wrath lighten them sin many eras ~ him opposed the wrath an calmed the chastisemant ~ by this him made him ras self known that him were Thy Messenjah.22; Him who downstroy vanquished the plague kin ~ it are by Thy Word - that downstroy by remindin up them Word Covenant an them faadas oath - yet this aren't by fleshly Power nor by a field drop Work.23; Fe pon the time dead persons fell pon one another - whose abundance aren't numbered - the wrath have calmed after it stood amidst sick an well ones - an this aren't by fleshly Power nor by a field drop Work.24; It separated a road fe well ones - fe the world priesthood are pon him clothes edge - an the patriarchs names - carved from a jewel called Nature - are pon him shoulder an Thy Name are pon him head diadem.25; Plagues that downstroy distanced by this - an these Works frightened them - however the chastisemant would have sufficed.Chapter 19.1; But Thy wrath firmed up pon persons who forgot JAH - up til she totally downstroy them without gentleness. Fe them have known beforehand them Work that are done.2; But Thy wrath firmed up pon those ones - fe those ones have returned them from goin - an have sent them way again ina haste. Pon the time them regretted them dribbled ina course an planted them sayin - 'Fe 'Eritra are before them.'3; When them are yet ina weepin - when them weep an shout pon them corpses tomb - as a special laziness thought have pulled them - them dribbled ina runnin - that them might go - an like unto men who deserted - might follow them whom them sent way at firstlight from alongside them.4; She whom them married pulled them toward this Work that are tribulation endin (drownin) ~ forgetfulness led them astray ~ them didn't think of the tribulation that found them - that them might fulfill an fill what remained from the ten chastisemants.5; Thy kindreds went pon a amazin road - but these ones found a evil death.6; Fe while the command served again - whereby it were hence commanded that Thy childran 'Isra'iel might be kept ina welfare without evil ina whole `Eritra with she kins she wave an tide - she resemble the men of substitution chastisemant - but these ones found a special death.7; A cloud became what veil 'Isra'iel ~ 'Eritra were sight up bein more solidified than formerly an the dried Earth were sight up bein a widened pasture ~ the road amidst 'Eritra were sight up without hindrance.8; A fertile pasture were sight up amidst the firm wave where all Thy kindreds went hidden by Thy honoured an great Itority - Lord - when them whom Thou saved praised Thee-I.9; As those ones have praised Thee-I while them leapt like unto horses an colts - an as them have thought of Thee-I ina womb ina them Work - praise this Thy Itority pon the time them sight this up - Thy amazin Work.10; Becau stead that them country would produce animal Irations - how did she produce a pinchin fly - or how about becau stead that the sea would produce Irations within wide Water - how did she produce a pestilence?.11; After this pon the time Thou fed them the Menna - them sight up a strange birds Iration - pon the time them desired an begged the Irieness an Ites food that them loved.12; Fe calm them reasonin many quail proceeded fe them from within the sea ~ a chastisemant came pon the Gibtsans that distanced from lightnins an resemble the nine chastisemants host done beforehand.13; However this also are evil ~ as those ones have truly been canvicted like unto are due ina them evil - becau them totally loved hatin a stranger - chastisemant came pon the Gibtsans. But pon the time them arrived from a far country these 'Isra'iel accepted Geba`on persons whom them don't know. But when it benefit them fe do a goodly thing fe them - those Gibtsans ruled 'Isra'iel - who were strange from alongside them - ina worry.14; It are that them might have a visitation an examination pon them Work - yet it aren't only ina this that them were canvicted - fe the Gibtsans have received 'Isra'iel - who were strange from alongside them - ina worry.15; But these 'Isra'iel received ina honour Geba`on persons - who were one with 'Isra'iel who have niceness.16; Them perished by missin light - like unto those persons who were gathered from alongside nice ones doorways pon the time them firmed up tribulation pon them ina much worry - fe them have been suddenly banished ina deep darkness - an every one from those would seek him house doorway entry road.17; Fe Sun an moon had been changed from them nature pon them. As Sun an moon Irated ina each of them kinds had been changed pon them - every one would seek a Work totally measured by sightin up that a harp name are changed by knowin it tune thing - an that it live thus firmed up bein straight.18; As Irations ina dry have returned toward Water (the Gibtsans) - as trailers way of livin - them that live an swim ina Water - have returned toward Earth - every one would seek him doorway entry road.19; An the fiyah totally strengthened within the Water - an the Water hid it nature Iration.20; An if the fiyah heat that quickly perish aren't the Work - it didn't burn cattles flesh while it went an recurred to an fro amidst Waters. An Iration kind fiyah that don't perish also didn't melt frost that quickly perish. Fe Thou have totally multiplied Thy kindreds honour from the house ina all the Work. As Thou have honoured them ina all - Thou didn't distance pon I&I all the things that came toward I&I nor Thy charity - an Thou didn't neglect I&I at each time ~ Thou live ina each an every place. Mek praise due fe JAH foriva - an the whole Wisdom that 'Isra'iel King Daweet child Selomon spoke were fulfilled.SELAH.