08 biology final

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  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final





    Ch. 1

    1. Biosphere is

    -all parts of Earth inhabited by living things.

    2. Squirrel and oak tree are examples of individual


    3. Lifes basic unit of structure and function is the


    4. Each distinct form of life or type of organism is called a


    5. Organizing similar species into larger groups is called


    6. Unlike the members of domains Bacteria and Archaea, the members of domain Eukarya

    -have nuclei

    7. Process by which organisms keep their internal conditions relatively stable is called


    8. The term for a localized group of organisms belonging to the same species is called a


    9. Cells of multicellular organisms are often

    -specialized to perform particular functions

    10. This list represents the levels of organization in a multicellular organism from the simplest level tothe most complex level:

    -cell, tissue, organ, organ system

    11. This organizational level includes all of the other levels:


  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    12. Many biologists call the broadest category of life a


    13. Which of the following is NOT a theme of biology?


    14. This statement best explains why birds fly south for winter:

    -Living things respond to their environment

    15. Cell specialization in multicellular organisms allows cells to

    -perform different functions

    16. The amount of light and temperature are examples of

    -factors to which living things respond

    17. Specialization refers to cells having different jobs in an organism.

    18. Group of cells that together perform a similar function is called a


    19. Organ system is a group of organs that

    -work together in performing a major body function

    20. false; Living things can be studied at different levels of organization, from the molecular level to the

    largest level, the ecosystem.

    21. false; Biologists have so far identified more than 1.5 million cells.

    22. true; An organisms biological classification is like a postal address.

    23. false; Most eukaryotes are unicellular organisms.

    24. true; A typical organ is made up of many different kinds of cells and tissues.

    25. true; Along the length of each DNA molecule are units of inherited information called genes.

    26. false; A(An) Biosphere is the community of living things in an area, along with the nonliving features

    of the environment that support the living community.

    27. false; The smallest living things are single organisms.

    28. true; There is a division of labor among the cells of mulitcellular organisms.

    29. true; A combination of parts can form a more complex organization called a system.

    30. true; Natural selection works by the natural environment selecting certain inherited traits the

    increase an individuals likelihood of survival and reproduction.

  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    31. DNA is the chemical responsible for inheritancethe passing on of traits from parent organisms to

    their offspring.

    32. Reptiles is a broader category than iguanas.

    33. The entire body of a unicellular organism consists of just a single cell.

    34. Plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight in the food-making process called photosynthesis.

    35. The generation-to-generation change in the proportion of different inherited genes in a population is

    called evolution.

    36. The science of biology reaches from the scale of the whole planet down to the microscope world of

    the molecules.

    37. Biology explores life/science at many levels.

    38. Eukaryotic cells contain nuclei that separates DNA from the rest of the cell.

    39. Cells without nuclei are called prokaryotic cells.

    40. Consumers are animals and other organisms that eat food made by producers.

    41. An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its particular


  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    Ch. 2

    1. false; The everyday meaning oftheory is the same as the scientific meaning.

    2. false; Most scientists rarely communicate with others.

    3. true; A condition that can differ within an experiment is called a variable.

    4. false; The bird has brown spots on its wings is an example of an inference.

    5. true; Scientists are persuaded by logical arguments that are supported by evidence.

    6. true; In science, evidence consists of a collected body of data from observations and experiments.

    7. true; A falsifiable hypothesis is one that can be proven incorrect.

    8. false; The goal of science is to apply scientific understanding for some specific purpose.

    9. true; An important goal of a scientist is to ask questions about the natural world.

    10. false; A childs height is an example of qualitative data.

    11. The use of genetic engineering to produce medicines is an example of


    12. A model is useful if it

    -predicts new observations

    -matches new observations

    -explains new observations

    -all of the above

    13. The ability to reproduce results is an important part of any


    14. 3240mg= 3.24g

    15. You suggest that the presence of water could accelerate the growth of bread mold. This is a


  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    16. A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test

    -a single variable.

    17. An experiment that tests the effect of a single variable is called a

    -controlled experiment

    18. A falsifiable hypothesis is one that

    -can be proven incorrect

    19. Measurements of a plants growth over a two-week period represent


    20. 97cm= 0.0097hm

    21. The Pfennings experiment included plain brown artificial snakes bc

    -brown snakes were needed as a control.

    22. A well-tested explanation that makes sense of a great variety of observations is a


    23. 1.6L= 1600mL

    24. The work of scientists generally begins with

    -making observations and asking questions

    25. Jane Goodalls research on chimpanzees in the wild is an example of

    -discovery science

    26. A hypothesis

    -may be disproved by a single experiment

    27. 150cm= 1.5m

    28. Thinking that someone is at the door when you hear that doorbell ring is an example of an


    29. A theory

    -may be modified or discarded

    30. The idea that all living things are made of cells is a


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    31. Which of the following might be a valid hypothesis for why a plant appears to be dieing?

    -the plant is not being watered enough

    -the plant is receiving too much sunlight

    -the plant is being watered too much

    -all of the above

    32. Biology is the scientific study of


    33. A logical conclusion based on observations is called an


    34. When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes a


    35. A map is an example of a


    36. In science, a hypothesis is useful only if

    -it can be tested

    37. 5130L= 5.13kL

  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    Ch. 6

    1. The plasma membrane contains channels that help move materials from one side to the other. What

    are these channels made of?


    2. An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst bc osmosis causes

    -water to move into the cell

    3. Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from

    -an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

    4. Which organelle releases energy from sugars and other molecules?


    5. Which of the following is a function of the plasma membrane?

    -regulates which materials enter and leave the cell

    6. The structure labeled I in figure 6-1 is a thin, flexible barrier around a cell. It is called the

    -plasma membrane

    7. Which cell structure contains the cells genetic material?


    8. Which organelle makes proteins using instructions that come from the nucleus?


    9. Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not in animal cells


    10. The main function of the cell wall is to

    -protect the cell and maintain its shape

    11. Prokaryotic cells lack

    -a nucleus

    12. Which structures carry out cell movement?


    13. Which of the following is NOT a principle of the cell theory?

    -very few cells reproduce

  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    14. Light microscopes can magnify objects

    -up to about 1000 times their actual size

    15. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cytoskeleton?

    -helps produce proteins

    16. Which sequence correctly traces the path of a protein in the cell?

    -rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, released from the cell

    17. The passive transport of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called


    18. Which organelle breaks down macromolecules into particles the cell can use?


    19. When the concentration of molecules on both sides of a membrane is the same, the molecules will

    -move across the membrane in both directions

    20. Which of the following is a function of the nucleus?

    -directing the activities of the cell

    -stores DNA

    -contains the information needed to make proteins

    -all of the above

    21. Which of the following contain a nucleus?


    22. Which means of particle transport requires input of energy from the cell?

    -active transport

    23. true; The cytoskeleton helps to move organelles within the cell.

    24. false; If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a prokaryotic cell.

    25. true; The nuclear envelope is a pair of membranes that surrounds the nucleus.

    26. false; A red blood cell placed in pure water will shrink.

    27. true; The main function of the cell wall is to provide support and protection.

    28. false; Cilia and flagella are made of protein fibers called endoplasmic reticulum.

    29. true; The cell represented in Figure 6-2 is a eukaryotic cell.

  • 8/3/2019 '08 Biology Final


    30. true; Ribosomes stud the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

    31. false; The parts that make up ribosomes are contained in a ball-like structure called the chromatin.

    32. true; Once equilibrium is reached, roughly equal numbers of molecules move in either direction

    across a semipermeable membrane and there is no further change in concentration on either side of the
