061301 haverhill west newbury sp

Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division Project No. 061301 A00801-1 Document A00801 SPECIAL PROVISIONS Bridge Rehabilitation (Including Painting) Br. No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (Steel) East Main and Bridge Streets over the Merrimack River (Rocks Village Bridge) Accelerated Bridge Program in the Towns of HAVERHILL AND WEST NEWBURY Labor participation goals for this project shall be 15.3% for minorities and 6.9% for women for each job category. The goals are applicable to both contractor’s and subcontractor’s on-site construction workforce. Refer to document 00820 for details. SCOPE OF WORK The work under this Contract shall consist of the rehabilitation of the historic bridge carrying Main Street/Bridge Street over the Merrimack River and the reconstruction of the approach roadways. The roadway work is comprised of excavation, borrow, grading, installation of hot mix asphalt pavements, highway guard rails, pavement markings, traffic barriers and signals, traffic control, catch basins and other incidental items of work as listed in the Proposal. The bridge rehabilitation work is comprised of demolition of portions the existing bridge structure, complete deck replacement, stringer and floorbeam replacements, floorbeam reinforcements, truss member repairs, truss connection repairs, bracing member and bracing connection repairs and replacements, ornamental fence replacement, concrete repairs and modifications to the abutments, concrete repairs to piers, stone masonry repointing, mechanical system replacement and rehabilitation, installation of electrical conduits for signals, horns and lighting (roadway and navigation), systems, steel bridge guard rails, bearing replacements, repainting of the existing structural steel, installation of expansion joints and scuppers, fender system repairs, jacking, temporary shoring and other incidental items of work as listed in the Proposal.

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Page 1: 061301 Haverhill West Newbury SP

Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


Document A00801


Bridge Rehabilitation (Including Painting) Br. No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (Steel) East Main and Bridge Streets over the Merrimack River (Rocks Village Bridge)

Accelerated Bridge Program


Labor participation goals for this project shall be 15.3% for minorities and 6.9% for women for each job category. The goals are applicable to both contractor’s and subcontractor’s on-site construction workforce. Refer to document 00820 for details. SCOPE OF WORK The work under this Contract shall consist of the rehabilitation of the historic bridge carrying Main Street/Bridge Street over the Merrimack River and the reconstruction of the approach roadways. The roadway work is comprised of excavation, borrow, grading, installation of hot mix asphalt pavements, highway guard rails, pavement markings, traffic barriers and signals, traffic control, catch basins and other incidental items of work as listed in the Proposal. The bridge rehabilitation work is comprised of demolition of portions the existing bridge structure, complete deck replacement, stringer and floorbeam replacements, floorbeam reinforcements, truss member repairs, truss connection repairs, bracing member and bracing connection repairs and replacements, ornamental fence replacement, concrete repairs and modifications to the abutments, concrete repairs to piers, stone masonry repointing, mechanical system replacement and rehabilitation, installation of electrical conduits for signals, horns and lighting (roadway and navigation), systems, steel bridge guard rails, bearing replacements, repainting of the existing structural steel, installation of expansion joints and scuppers, fender system repairs, jacking, temporary shoring and other incidental items of work as listed in the Proposal.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


SCOPE OF WORK (Continued) All work under this contract shall be done in conformance with the Massachusetts Highway Department Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges dated 1988, the Supplemental Specifications dated February 25, 2010, and the Standard Special Provisions contained in this book; the 2010 Construction Standard Details, the 1996 Construction and Traffic Standard Details (as relates to traffic standard details only); the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices with Massachusetts Amendments; the 1968 Standard Drawings for Traffic Signals and Highway Lighting; the latest edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock; the Plans and these Special Provisions.


Prospective bidders will perform their individual, independent investigations at their own cost and responsibility to determine, if needed, the existing condition of the structures and premises. However, the MassDOT makes the following data available to bidders in a separate folder, marked as “Ancillary Information”. Bidders are cautioned that the “Ancillary Information” is not a part of this Contract and is furnished only as a general acquaintance of the work and overall guidance.

Ancillary Information:

(1) Bridge Opening Data, 4 pages (2) Bridge Repair Data, 22 pages (3) Photographs of the Mechanical System, 30 pages (4) Photographs of the Electrical System, 18 pages

DESIGNER/PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGER HNTB MassDOT Kenneth Cadman, P.E Matt Hopkinson, Project Manager 617-428-6905 617-973-8193

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301



This contract is for an Accelerated Bridge project and is subject to the provisions of Chapter 233

Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a private entity engaged in a

The mi imum plan requirements of the Commonwealth Insurance Connector Authority and its

or more information about Mandatory Health Care Requirements see the following websites:

of the Acts of 2008. The Contractor and any Subcontractors must comply with the provisions of Section 15 of that Chapter. Section 15 provides that:

construction, development, renovation, remodeling, reconstruction, rehabilitation or redevelopment project receiving funds pursuant to this act shall properly classify individuals employed on the project and shall comply with all laws concerning workers’ compensation insurance coverage, unemployment insurance, social security taxes and income taxes with respect to all such employees. All construction contractors engaged by an entity on any such project shall furnish documentation to the appointing authority showing that all employees employed on the project have hospitalization and medical benefits that meet the minimum requirements of the connector board established in chapter 176Q of the General Laws. n

Board are met when a plan contains the features listed in the Minimum Creditable Coverage (“MCC”) section of Title 956 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations, Section 5.00 (956 CMR 5.00) (2009) The Department will distribute a certification form to all new contractors. General Contractors are required not only to provide the certification form and documentation sought itself, but must also distribute and collect the certification form and documentation from any Subcontractors. Please note that the Department is not mandating that contractors provide hospitalization and medical benefits coverage unless otherwise required to do so under other relevant Massachusetts laws. The Certification and documentation sought is to determine and confirm that all employees employed on the project have such benefits whether obtained through an employer provided plan or other plan. F

https://www.mahealthconnector.org/portal/site/connector/ http://lawlib.state.ma.us/subject/about/healthinsurance.html

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


MASSHIGHWAY TO MASSDOT NAME CHANGE The following definitions in Section 100 of the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges are revised as follows: (Amend definition of Department) 1.17 –Department .....Effective November 1, 2009, St. 2009, c. 25 abolishes the Massachusetts

Department of Highways and all assets, liabilities, and obligations become those of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (“MassDOT). Anywhere in this contract the terms Commission, Commonwealth, Department of Public Works, Department, Massachusetts Highway Department, MassHighway, Party of the First Part, or any other term intending to mean the former Massachusetts Department of Highways is used, it shall be interpreted to mean MassDOT or applicable employee of MassDOT unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Furthermore, MassDOT by operation of law inherited all rights and obligations pursuant to any contract, and therefore parties to this contract hereby acknowledge and agree that its terms shall be liberally construed and interpreted to maintain the rights and obligations of MassDOT. Furthermore, the parties hereby acknowledge and agree that the transfer of all rights and obligations from the Massachusetts Department of Highways to MassDOT shall not have the effect of altering or eliminating any provision of this contract in a manner that inures to the detriment of MassDOT.

(Add a definition for MassDOT) 1.46 – MassDOT........The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, a body politic and

corporate, under St. 2009, c. 25 “An Act Modernizing the Transportation Systems of the Commonwealth”, as amended.

CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS AND ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Prospective bidders are required to submit all questions to the Construction Contracts Engineer by 1:00 P.M. on the Thursday before the scheduled bid opening date. Any questions received after this time will not be considered for review by the Department. Contractors should email questions and addendum acknowledgements to the following email address [email protected]. Please put the MassDOT project file number and municipality in the subject line.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION – CONTRACT COMPLIANCE (Revision 03-23-10) Pursuant to 23 C.F.R. § 633.101 et seq., the Federal Highway Administration requires each contractor to “insert in each subcontract, except as excluded by law or regulation, the required contract provisions contained in Form FHWA–1273 and further requires their inclusion in any lower tier subcontract that may in turn be made. The required contract provisions of Form FHWA–1273 shall not be incorporated by reference in any case. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the requirements contained in the provisions of Form FHWA–1273.” The prime contractor shall therefore comply with the reporting and certification requirements provided in MassDOT’s CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Form (DOT-DIST-192) certifying compliance with 23 C.F.R. § 633.101 for each subcontract agreement entered into by the contractor. The contractor shall provide a fully executed original copy of said CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Form to MassDOT upon execution of any subcontract agreement. Failure to comply with the reporting and certification requirement of the CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Form may result in action against the prequalification status of the prime contractor with MassDOT. PAINTING (STRUCTURAL) CERTIFICATION All Contractors or Subcontractors performing lead based paint removal, containment and collection, surface preparation, or coating of structural steel must be pre-qualified by MassDOT in the Painting (Structural) category. All painting contractors and painting subcontractors to be used for lead-based paint removal, containment and collection, surface preparation, or coating of structural steel must be certified by the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Painting Contractor Certification Program (PCCP), QP-2. Information pertaining to certification may be obtained by contacting, the Society for Protective Coatings.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


PAINTING (STRUCTURAL) CERTIFICATION (Continued) This certification must be full and not interim. The painting contractor and painting subcontractor must remain so certified for the duration of the contract. If a contractor or subcontractor’s certification expires or is nullified, the painting firm will not be able to perform any work until the certification is reissued. Requests for extensions of time for any delay to the completion of the contract due to an inactive certification will not be considered and liquidated damages will apply. BORINGS (Supplementing Subsection 2.03) The borings as indicated on the plans were taken for the purpose of design of foundations. They do not necessarily show the actual nature of the material that may be encountered in the excavation. Material encountered in the excavation may include water pipe, gas pipe, and other utility services, and may also include cribbing, piling, masonry and other materials from previous constructions. The Contractor shall make his own investigations to ascertain the presence of utilities and former constructions. The bid by the Contractor and its acceptance by the Department will be considered as a mutual agreement that the removal and disposal of all materials encountered in excavation, regardless of their nature or size, will be considered as included under the general items for excavation; and that there shall be no addition to the Contract unit price for the item if the operation is more difficult or more costly than is implied by the preliminary information, and that there shall be no deduction from the contract unit price if the operation is less difficult or less costly than is implied by the preliminary information. ROADWAY FLAGGER (Supplementing Subsection 4.06) MassDOT reserves the right to provide certified Roadway Flaggers who are MassDOT employees, at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be charged nor compensated for the use of MassDOT employee flaggers. Should the substitution of MassDOT employee flaggers result in the elimination or reduction of payable hours for Item 850.41 Roadway Flagger, the provisions of Section 4.06 Increased or Decreased Contract Quantities shall not apply. This item shall not be subject to renegotiation for any reason under Section 4.06 regardless of whether or not this item overruns or underruns. SUBSECTION 4.04 CHANGED CONDITIONS This Subsection is revised by deleting the two sequential paragraphs near the end that begin “The Contractor shall be stopped…” and “Any unit item price determined …” (1/6/2006).

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SUBSECTION 4.06 INCREASED OR DECREASED CONTRACT QUANTITIES Replace this Subsection with the following: (Revised – 3/05/ 2010) The quantities contained in the Contract are set forth as a basis for the comparison of bids only and may not necessarily reflect the actual quantity of work to be performed. The Department reserves the right to increase, decrease or eliminate the quantity of any particular item of work. Where the actual quantity of a pay item varies more than 25 percent above or below the estimated quantity stated in the Contract, an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price for that pay item shall be negotiated upon demand of either party regardless of the cause of the variation in quantity. No allowances will be made for loss of anticipated overhead costs or profits suffered or claimed by the Contractor resulting directly or indirectly from such increased, decreased or eliminated quantities or from unbalanced allocation among the contract items from any other cause. It is the intention of this provision to preserve the bid basis while limiting the Contractor’s risk exposure to 25% of each bid quantity. In the case of an overrun, the contractor will be compensated at the Contract Unit Price for a quantity up to 125% of the Contract quantity. The adjusted unit price shall only be applied to that quantity above 125% of the contract quantity. Neither party shall be required to demonstrate any change in the cost to perform the work based solely on the overrun. The original Contract unit bid price shall have no bearing on determining the adjusted unit price for an overrun. The adjusted unit price shall be based on the estimated cost of performing the added work over 125% of the bid quantity. In the event that an adjusted unit price cannot be agreed upon within 30 days after being requested by either party, a unit price will be established that is deemed to be fair and equitable by the Engineer, whether higher or lower than the unit price bid. Payment will be made at that rate until agreement is reached or until the Contractor chooses to exercise his rights under Section 7.16. To assist the Engineer in the determination of an equitable adjustment for an overrun, the Contractor shall prepare a submission in the following manner and accept as full payment for work or materials an amount for an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price equal to the following:

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Project No. 061301


SUBSECTION 4.06 (Continued) (1) The actual cost or a reasonable cost estimate for direct labor, material (less value of salvage,

if any) and use of equipment, plus 10 percent of this total for overhead; (2) Plus actual cost or a reasonable cost estimate of Worker’s Compensation and Liability

Insurance, Health, Welfare and Pension Benefits, Social Security deductions and Employment Security Benefits;

(3) Plus 10 percent of the total of (1) and (2) for profit and other unallocated costs; (4) Plus the estimated proportionate cost of surety bonds.

No allowance shall be made for general superintendence and the use of small tools and manual equipment. For work performed by a Subcontractor, the Contractor shall accept as full payment therefore an amount equal to the actual cost or the reasonable cost estimate to the Contractor of such work as determined by the Engineer, plus 10 percent of such cost. The Subcontractor is bound by the same criteria for the determination of an equitable adjustment as the Contractor. In the case of an underrun, the unit price for the actual quantity installed, if less than 75% of the bid quantity, shall only be adjusted to account for increased unit costs that result solely from the decreased quantity. The adjusted unit price shall be the bid price plus the change in the actual unit cost of performing the work due solely to the decreased quantity. The Contractor shall prepare a submission demonstrating actual increased unit costs for review and evaluation by the Engineer. No allowance will be made for loss of anticipated overhead costs or profits suffered or claimed by the Contractor resulting directly or indirectly from such decreased or eliminated quantities. The Contractor is required to furnish itemized statements of cost and give the Department access to supporting records.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


COORDINATION BY CONTRACTOR (Supplementing Subsection 5.06) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for arranging and coordinating his work with the work to be performed by others. The coordination and phasing shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. The Contractor is advised that work required on private utilities, made necessary by the construction of this project, will be performed by the respected utility companies. Also agents of either of the municipality or other public utilities or service agencies may be required to enter the work site to perform work necessary for their systems. Refer to NOTICE TO OWNERS OF UTILITIES (Supplementing Subsection 7.13) for the contact names of the private utilities in the project area. The Contractor shall perform the work in cooperation with these various agencies in a manner which causes the least interference with the operations of the aforementioned agencies and shall have no claim additional compensation or for delay which may be due, or result, from said work of these agents. PERMITS AND LICENSES (Supplementing Subsection 7.03) ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING If Contractor construction, erection, demolition, storage, or other procedures not originally allowed by existing environmental permits require work to occur in or otherwise impact water or wetland resource areas, the Contractor is advised that no associated work can occur until all required environmental permits have been either amended or obtained allowing such work. The Contractor must notify the District #4 Highway Director and Resident Engineer in writing at least 60 days prior to desired commencement of the proposed activity. All environmental submittals, including any contact with Local, State, or Federal environmental agencies, must be coordinated through the District #4 Environmental Engineer or Headquarters Environmental Programs Unit. The Contractor is expected to fully cooperate with requests for information and provide same in a timely manner. The Contractor is further advised that the Department will not entertain a delay claim due to the time required to modify or obtain the environmental permits.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


DEP – WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATE This project is subject to the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act, M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 26 through 53 and has been issued a Water Quality Certificate (“WQC”) by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The WQC and Application are to be considered part of this contract and a copy of the WQC and all plans/attachments shall be on-site while activities regulated by the WQC are being performed. The Contractor’s attention is directed to the fact that special conditions and other requirements are associated with this WQC and Application. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with these conditions and requirements and plan his/her work and schedule accordingly. The Contractor is hereby notified that s/he will be responsible and held accountable for performing any/all work necessary to satisfy and comply with the entire WQC and Application. Arrangements to view the WQC and/or Application can be made by calling the District #4 Environmental Section at (781) 641-8300. If the Contractor wishes to obtain copies, s/he shall do so at his own expense. The Contractor is advised that no additional compensation will be allowed for work required to establish, achieve, and maintain compliance with the WQC and Application, as payment for the work shall be included in the various bid items. Water Quality Certification The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to assure that the proposed activities will be conducted in a manner that will avoid violations of the anti-degradation provisions of the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards that protects all waters, including wetlands. Work in waters and wetlands shall conform substantially to the plan submitted in the application to the MA DEP: Wetland Impact Plan, Environmental Mitigation Plan, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan, Longitudinal Section, and Profile. The DEP shall be notified if there are modifications and or deletions of work as specified in the plans and specifications. Depending upon the nature of the scope change, approval by the DEP may be required. All approvals, waivers, notices, etc. required by the WQC must be coordinated through the Resident Engineer. The DEP shall be notified, attention Ken Chin 617-292-5893, one week prior to the start of in-water work so that the DEP staff may inspect the work for compliance with the terms and conditions of the Water Quality Certificate.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


DEP – WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATE (Continued) The flow of the Merrimack River shall be maintained at all times during construction. Floating silt fence shall be installed around barge spud piles and the construction work zone as directed by the Resident Engineer. At no time will direct discharge from the dredged sediment dewatering operation to the Merrimack River be permitted. In the event that dredging or dewatering is required, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a dredged material dewatering plan and/or construction dewatering plan to DEP for review and approval prior to the commencement of the sediment dewatering work. Disposal of any volume of dredged material at any location in tidal waters is subject to approval by DEP and the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management office.

Water Quality Certification (WQC) Dredge Permit: Notification Procedure for Incidents Related to Dredging Activities Following is a notification procedure that will be followed in the event of incidents related to dredging activities that have the potential for impacting surrounding resource areas and habitats, including, but not limited to: observed dead or distressed fish or other aquatic organisms, observed oily sheen on surface water, sediment spills, turbidity plumes beyond the deployed BMPs and barge or equipment accidents and spills.

• At the first indication of an incident, the Contractor shall immediately inform the MassDOT Resident Engineer (RE).

• The RE will direct all construction activities impacting water to cease and conduct an

inspection of the work area to determine the nature of the incident and, if applicable, the type and amount of material released.

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• The RE will notify the MassDOT Construction Environmental Coordinator (CEC) of the incident with all available details. If the CEC is not available, then notification will be made to the District Construction Engineer (DCE).

• The CEC or DCE will notify the appropriate Massachusetts Department of

Environmental Protection (MassDEP) regional office of the incident.

• Prior to resuming construction activities in water, the CEC and RE will direct the Contractor to implement measures to eliminate the cause of the incident and mitigate impacts to surrounding resource areas and habitats to the satisfaction of the MassDEP.

DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGIONAL OFFICES MassDEP Western Region 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Main Phone: (413)784-1100

MassDEP Southeast Region – Main Office 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 Main Phone: (508)946-2700

MassDEP Central Region 627 Main Street Worcester, MA 01608 Main Phone: (508)792-7650

MassDEP Southeast Region – Cape Cod Office 973 Iyannough Road Hyannis, MA 02601 Main Phone: (508)771-6003

MassDEP Northeast Region 205B Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 Main Phone: (978)694-3200

MassDEP –Division of Watershed Management One Winter Street Boston, MA 02108 Ken Chin: (617)292-5893

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


U.S. COAST GUARD Although this project is not subject to a US. Coast Guard Bridge Permit, it will take place in a jurisdictional waterway, and must therefore comply with U.S. Coast Guard procedures and policies regarding construction. The USCG requirements are considered part of this contract and a copy of the USCG requirements and all relevant plans/attachments shall be on-site while activities regulated by the Permit are being performed. The Contractor’s attention is directed to the fact that specific time restrictions for work in water and other conditions/requirements (e.g., permanent and temporary navigational lighting) may be associated with this Permit. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with these restrictions, conditions and requirements and plan his/her work and schedule accordingly. The Contractor is hereby notified that he/she will be responsible and held accountable for performing any/all work necessary to satisfy and comply with the USCG requirements.

All bridge closures, or bridge operating schedule changes, must be requested in writing, at least 30 days in advance, from the First Coast Guard District Bridge Branch Office. No channel restrictions, or vertical clearance reductions may be made without written approval from the above office. Waterway closures or safety zones must also be requested 30 days in advance. All submissions to the Coast Guard for review and approval must first be approved by the MassDOT or their authorized agent. All submission of plans, scope of work, and schedules of operation must be sent to the First Coast Guard District, Bridge Branch Office.

At least 30 days prior to commencement of any work, the USCG must be provided for review, a copy of the construction plans, contractor' schedule, preferably depicted in a time line graphic format, and the contractor's daily hours of operation. The construction plan package must show the following: (1) a plan of the entire waterway area in the vicinity of the project. (2) The location of work barges and any anchor lines during working and off-hours. (3) In addition, a drawing must be included, if applicable, depicting any scaffolding or containment used indicating the location and the total vertical or horizontal channel reduction. All vertical clearance reductions below low steel or concrete under the bridge as a result of the use of scaffolding must be clearly detailed on the drawings shown in total feet. (4) Emergency 24 hour telephone numbers for all responsible individuals for this project must be submitted to this office before any phase of construction begins in case of an emergency situation during off-hours.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


U.S. COAST GUARD (Continued)

Within 90 days of being issued the "Notice to Proceed" by MassDOT and at least 60 days prior to commencement of in-water work, the Contractor shall provide the information above to the District 4 Highway Director. The District 4 Highway Director will then submit the information to the U.S. Coast Guard at 408 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210-3350 with a "carbon copy" to the MassDOT Highway Division, Environmental, Attention Robert Bennett, and Construction Environmental, Attention Sandra Sprague, in Boston at 10 Park Plaza.

If, prior to construction, field conditions warrant amending the proposed work, the Contractor must notify the Resident Engineer within 45 days of the proposed activity. All amended application submittals, including any contact with State or Federal environmental agencies must go through the District 4 Environmental Engineer, who will contact the USCG office as appropriate.

Complete bridge closures and/or fouling of either side of the navigational channel must be detailed in the USCG submittal. In addition, all necessary signage and lighting to convey the navigational channel is closed shall be presented to the USCG in this submittal. The contractor is advised that the USCG has indicated that a 30-day closure will not be permitted during the boating season (April 15th through November 15th). The bridge can be temporarily closed to navigational traffic during the wintertime months (November 16th through April 14th) contingent upon approval from the U.S. Coast Guard. Contractor is advised that the construction contract documents provide for a maximum closure period for the bridge of 30 days. If the Contractor initiates any changes/modifications to this bridge closure plan, he/she shall be responsible for providing all materials necessary for obtaining any amended or additional environmental permits and will be responsible for cost/time delays associated with obtaining necessary approvals. MassDOT will not be responsible for any time delays or monetary claims associated with permit modifications initiated by the Contractor.

Spillage of oil and hazardous substances is specifically prohibited by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. Approved spill containment equipment and absorbent material must be located at the project site in the event of a spill into the waterway or the shoreline. The Coast Guard must be notified immediately at (800) 424-8802.

An as built survey must be taken upon completion of this project, approved by a professional engineer or land surveyor verifying the bridge clearances.

No additional compensation will be allowed for work required to comply with USCG requirements, as payment for the work shall be included in the various bid items. This work to comply with USCG requirements may include, but is not limited to, the following: preparation and submission of construction plans, sequence of operations, operating schedule, navigational lighting plans, photographs, reports, as-built plans and etcetera.

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Project No. 061301



This project is not subject to Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq and does not require an Army Corps of Engineers Permit. This project involves the maintenance of an existing structure in accordance with Section 404(f)1B of the Federal Clean Water Act:

“(B) for the purpose of maintenance, including emergency reconstruction of recently damaged parts, of currently serviceable structures such as dikes, dams, levees, groins, riprap, breakwaters, causeways, and bridge abutments or approaches, and transportation structures;”...which are...not prohibited by or otherwise subject to regulation under this section.”

Work in waters of the United States shall be performed in such a way that does not incur any fills (even temporary). If the Contractor chooses to make changes for his/her own convenience that will incur fill, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain the required Army Corps of Engineers Permit necessary for the work. If such work is approved by the Engineer, all costs associated with obtaining the necessary permitting shall be considered incidental and no additional compensation shall be made to the Contractor.

The project is not subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and does not require an Army Corps of Engineers Permit as there will be no creation of obstructions not affirmatively authorized by Congress, to the navigable capacity of the Merrimack River. Furthermore, there is no proposed excavation of fills, in any manner that alters or modifies the course, location, condition, or capacity of, any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, canal, lake, harbor or refuge, or enclosure within the limits of any breakwater, or of the channel of any navigable water of the United States. If the Contractor chooses to make changes for his/her own convenience that will cause any of the aforementioned obstructions, alterations or modifications to the navigable portion of the River, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain the required Army Corps of Engineers Permit necessary for the work. If such work is approved by the Engineer, all costs associated with obtaining the necessary permitting shall be considered incidental and no additional compensation shall be made to the Contractor.

All proposed work has been approved by the United States Coast Guard.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


NPDES CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT A Notice of Intent for coverage under the general permits shall be filed with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/MA DEP in accordance with the NPDES permit program. It is the Contractor's responsibility to be aware of and comply with the applicable restrictions and requirements and plan his/her work and schedule accordingly. The Contractor is advised that no additional compensation will be allowed for work required to establish, achieve, and maintain compliance with the NPDES permit program, as payment for the work shall be included in Item 756, NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, as appropriate. WILDLIFE HABITAT The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (US F&W), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife, Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP), and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries have been contacted in identifying federally and state-listed species within the project area. It has been identified that in the spring, shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) migrate up the Merrimack River to fresh water areas for spawning. Although the area of the Rocks Village Bridge has not been identified as a spawning area, it is known to be along the migration path to spawning areas upstream from the bridge.

In addition to listed rare species, many other types of fish utilize the Merrimack River for habitat. The Merrimack River serves as a passageway for other anadromous species (shad, alewife, salmon, and herring) that migrate upriver to spawn. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has identified the Merrimack River as Essential Fisheries Habitat under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act for the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). NMFS has also indicated that the Rocks Village Bridge is located in the vicinity of one of one of the largest concentrations of overwintering shortnose sturgeon in the Merrimack River. As such, NMFS has recommended the use of a manual receiver to detect any potential overwintering fish in the project area prior to engaging in any pile driving activities. If any overwintering populations are detected, a “soft start” will be required at the start of each series of pile driving installations (e.g., each time a barge is relocated). If the survey is unable to be undertaken, MassDOT will assume that overwintering shortnose sturgeon may be present and will require the utilization of the "soft start" technique each time the barge is moved.

Work in waters shall conform substantially to the plans submitted in the DEP Water Quality Certification Application to the MA DEP. Contractor is advised that any in-water silt-producing activity, including barge movements, will be restricted by the agencies outside April 1 through June 30th, unless these activities are confined to cofferdams. Barge movements outside this restriction period will require use of silt curtains.

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The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (MNHESP) shall be notified if there are modifications and or deletions of work as specified in the plans, including implementation of the Shortnose Sturgeon Protection Plan, which is a part of this contract. Depending upon the nature of the scope change, approval by the NMFS/MNHESP may be required. In accordance with the Shortnose Sturgeon Protection Plan, the contractor shall retain a shortnose sturgeon monitor with experience in telemetry of this fish species prior to construction. If pile driving (including use of spud piles on a barge) or other activities with the potential for disturb overwintering fish is proposed, use of a manual receiver may be required. MOTOR VEHICLES (Supplementing Subsection 7.04) The Department will not accept any materials delivered to any project in motor vehicles or semi-trailer units that exceed the legal maximum gross weight allowed for the particular class, as specified in Section 19A of Chapter 90 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE (Supplementing Subsection 7.09) During construction, the contractor shall maintain at least the minimum travel area shown on the Bridge Closure Plans, Temporary Lane Closure Plans and the Traffic Management Plans. The Contractor shall maintain access to all drives and adjacent private property. If access cannot be maintained, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and persons to be affected, in writing, at least one (1) week in advance of the planned discontinuance. In any case access shall not be discontinued for more than two (2) consecutive days without obtaining the written authorization of the Engineer. All construction shall be completed to base course in all Phases and Sequences prior to applying any surface course. Sweeping and cleaning of surfaces beyond the limits of the project to clean up material caused by spillage or vehicular tracking during the various phases of the work shall be considered as incidental to the work being performed under the Contract and there will be no additional compensation. Project travel ways shall be swept daily at no additional cost.

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The Contractor shall construct and maintain a fence around the perimeter of the staging/storage areas on the project site to prevent unwanted access to these areas for the duration of this Contract. The Contractor shall restore the staging/storage areas to their original condition upon completion of the work unless a new (design) condition is indicated in the Contract Documents. The above staging/storage area work, including erosion control, shall be paid for under Item 657. Temporary Fence.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL (Supplementing Subsection 7.09) The Contractor is responsible to ensure that all personnel, including all subcontractors, working on the project are issued and are wearing all necessary personal protective safety equipment while working within the project limits. This equipment shall include, as a minimum, a hardhat and a safety vest, and safety glasses, regardless of the type of work being performed. Other safety equipment shall be added as required to perform the work in which they are engaged and in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements in effect. Safety equipment shall be provided at no additional cost to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Precautions Under Electric Lines: The Contractor should be aware that there are temporary and permanent overhead electric lines near the bridge area and that their attention should be directed to the AASHTO Guide on Occupational Safety on Highway Construction Projects, Subpart N, 1926.550, relating to construction equipment clearances at overhead electric lines.

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PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY (Supplementing Subsection 7.13) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain the drainage system in the areas under construction.

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to make certain that all drainage systems, either new or existing, that carry drainage run-off from the limits of this project operate efficiently to their point of discharge. Pipes and structures requiring cleaning as a result of accumulations from the construction operations shall be cleaned without additional compensation. The Contractor, in crossing under or in running parallel to or near drains, sewers, gas pipes, water mains, poles, sidewalks and other structures, shall at his expense sustain them securely in place, cooperating with the officers and agents of the various companies and municipal departments which control them, so that the services of these structures may be maintained. He shall be responsible for all above or below ground utilities and shall repair at his own expense any damage to such structures caused by his act or neglect, and shall leave them in as good condition as they were previous to the commencement of the work. In cases of damage to utilities caused by him resulting in an emergency, the Contractor shall promptly warn the owner and shall, if requested, furnish laborers to work temporarily under the owner's direction in getting access to the utility. Pipes or other structures damaged by the operation of the Contractor may be repaired by the company that suffers the loss. The cost of such repairs shall be at the expense of the Contractor. If live service connections are to be interrupted by excavations of any kind, the Contractor shall not break the service until new services are provided. Abandoned services shall be plugged off or otherwise made secure. Before the Contractor begins any work that may possibly damage or impair the use of any subsurface structure, the Contractor shall carefully locate the structure by hand tool excavation and shall conduct all operations so as to avoid damage or impairment. If, as the work progresses, it is found that any of the utility structures are so placed as to render it impracticable, in the judgment of the Engineer, to do the work called for under this Contract, the Contractor shall protect and maintain the services in such utilities and structures and the Engineer will, as soon thereafter as reasonable, cause the position of the utilities to be changed or take such other actions deemed suitable and proper.

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NOTICE TO OWNERS OF UTILITIES (Supplementing Subsection 7.13) The following are contact names for utilities in the project area. Not all listed utilities are affected by the project. The Department does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of this list: Engineering Department: Haverhill Town Hall 4 Summer Street Haverhill, MA 01830 Attn: John Pettis, P.E., 978-374-2335

Water and Sanitary Sewer: Haverhill DPW Sewer and Water Department 125 Amesbury Road Haverhill, MA 01830 Attn: Rober Ward,978-374-2382

Fire Alarm Haverhill Fire Department 4 Summer Street Room 113 Haverhill, MA 01830 Attn: Michael Lavoie 978-722-1538

West Newbury Water & Sanitary Sewer Attn: Michael Gootee Manager/ Superintendent 381 Main Street West Newbury, MA 01985 973-363-1100 ext. 126

West Newbury DPW Attn: Gary Bill DPW Director 381 Main Street West Newbury, MA 01985, 973-363-1100 ext. 120

Electric National Grid 40 Sylvan Rd Waltham, MA 02451 Attn: Ayodele Osimboni, 781-907-3589

Gas: National Grid 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02451 Attn: Dennis Peri, 781-907-2836

Gas Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company 8 Anngina Drive Enrield, CT 06082 Attn: David Wood, 860-763-6005

Telephone: Verizon Communications 65 Merrimack Street Lowell, MA 01852 Attn: Karen Nunes, 508-991-3522

Cable Comcast Communications 676 Island Pond Road Manchester, NH 03109 Attn: Jean MacLaren, 603-695-1461

See following links for latest contact information: Utilities: http://www.mhd.state.ma.us/WebApps/utilities City / State: http://www.mass.gov

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SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS (Supplementing Subsection 8.02) Before starting any work under this Contract that affects traffic, and at least seven (7) days in advance of beginning work, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval a plan (based on the Contract traffic management plans) that indicates the traffic routing proposed by the contractor during the various stages and time periods of the work, and the temporary barricades, signs, drums and other traffic control devices to be employed during each stage and time period of the work to maintain traffic and access to abutting properties Particular care should be taken to establish and maintain methods and procedures that will not create unnecessary or unusual hazards to public safety. Traffic control devices required only during working hour operations shall be removed at the end of each working day.

SECTION 8.00 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SUBSECTION 8.03 Prosecution of Work Add/amend the following at the end of the Section:

Contractual Milestones: This Contract contains the following Contractual Milestones that are to be included in the Contractor’s Baseline Contract Progress Schedule submission. The contractor shall identify the completion of the work pertaining to each Contractual Milestone through the inclusion of a Finish Milestone in the accepted baseline Contract Progress Schedule.

• MS#01 – Contractor Completion: The Contractor shall achieve Contractor Completion within 696 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. Contractor Completion is defined as the completion of all physical contract work including, the completion of the punchlist work and the Contractor has fully de-mobilized from the field operations.

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SECTION 8.00 (Continued)

Interim Milestones:

• MS#02 – Full Beneficial Use & Substantial Completion: The Contractor shall achieve Full Beneficial Use & Substantial Completion within 608 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. Full Beneficial Use shall be described as: The majority of the contract work has been completed and the asset(s) has been opened for full multi-modal transportation use, except for limited contract work items that do not materially impair or hinder the intended public use of the transportation facility. All anticipated lane takings have been completed, except for minor, short term work items. Substantial Completion shall be described as the date that a walkthrough of the entire contract work has been performed by the Resident Engineer, and the Work required by the Contract, including paperwork, has been completed, except for work having a contract price of less than one percent of the adjusted contact price, including overruns, under runs and all contact amendments. All Material submittals must have been received by the District Materials Lab.

LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS (Supplementing Subsection 8.06) The Contractor shall be permitted to temporarily close the roadway carried by the bridge to all traffic, within the limits shown on the Bridge Closure Plan, for the period from June 29, 2012 to August 18th, 2013. The roadway shall remain open to all traffic at all other times unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The contractor shall install the detour route as indicated on the plans prior to closure of the roadway. The Contractor is advised that the bridge carries a public roadway, and other than the closure depicted on the Bridge Closure Plan, the roadway shall remain open to local traffic throughout the duration of the Contract. Other traffic lane closures on town roads will be subject to local authorities, local requirements, road opening permits and the Engineer’s approval. Parking for the Contractor’s employees or its subcontractors’ employees at any level is restricted to the storage/staging and work areas for this Contract.

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LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS (Continued) The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to assure that proposed work activities will be conducted in a manner that will avoid violations of the U.S. Clean Water Act, the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, and will comply with applicable requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. Contractor is advised that the Merrimack River hosts upstream and downstream migrations of an endangered species of fish: shortnose sturgeon. Any in-water silt-producing work outside cofferdams, including movements of barges, would be subject to restriction between April 1st through June 30th to protect this migratory species, and silt curtains will be required for silt-producing work outside this restriction period. Additional requirements about shortnose sturgeon are included under Item 754.3. The Contractor's attention is directed to the location of the work and the lack of available on-site areas for mobilization, staging and storage for the Contractor and his subcontractors. Contractor may use areas within the project limits for staging and material lay-down. Off-site areas as necessary for Contractor parking, field offices, lay-down area, work storage and work staging areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall notify Engineer as to the location of all off-site staging and storage areas used for the project.

WORK SCHEDULE Work of this Contract is in the vicinity of residential areas. All the equipment used on this Contract shall utilize noise suppressors for the duration of the Contract. Additionally, the Contractor shall abide by local ordinances and requirements concerning noise muffling or dampening to reduce disturbance.

Work on this project is restricted to a normal 8-hour a day, 5-day a week, with the Prime Contractor and Subcontractors working the same shift. Work on this Contract will be allowed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday only unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. Work on this project will be allowed on Saturday or Sunday, only with the written permission of the Engineer. No work shall be done on this Contract on Holidays. Work will not be allowed the day before or the day after a holiday without prior written approval of the Engineer.

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LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS (Continued) Access Restraints: This contract will contain Access Restraint(s) to provide an anticipated start date of certain portions of the Work that are restrained by agreements that allow this Project to be constructed. An Access Restraint is a restriction of physical work, of a specific area or operation in the Contract, to allow all bidders to evaluate anticipated work restrictions, equally, during the pre-bid planning stages. The Contract Time (duration) has considered these restrictions to the sequencing of this Project and has been accepted by MassDOT. The Contractor shall be required to communicate and coordinate with all affected Utilities, and may be required to perform support aspects of the utility relocation (as noted in the Contract Documents) well in advance of the start of the applicable utility relocation. The Contractor must clearly identify all aspects of this work as well as any access restraint outline the Contract Documents in the preparation of the Construction Schedule and throughout the contract duration. This contract contains the following utility Access Restraints that are to be included in the Contractor’s Baseline Schedule submission:

• AR#01 – Access Restraint #01: The Contractor will restrict the closure of the bridge to any traffic (foot or car) until June 29, 2012 as listed in the Contract Documents. This was an agreement between the State and affected towns limit the impact to the towns and their services to the community. As part of this work, the Contactor can request a closure once school is out for the summer and busing of the school’s students is no longer required for the summer.

• AR#02 – Access Restraint #02: The Contractor will be restricted from closing off the

navigable channels until on or after November 1, 2012 as listed in the Contract Documents, to allow for the removal and reconstruction of the swing span’s mechanical elements as outlined in the Contract Document including its sequence of operations.

In accordance with the requirements provided in Section 8.02 the Contractor shall provide a project baseline schedule, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract that identifies all affected utilities and the Access Restraints noted above. During the prosecution of Work, and as part of the Monthly Schedule Update Submission, the Contractor shall provide proof of notification to those utilities.

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LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS (Continued) If, during the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor is delayed by a Utility (Third Party), the Contractor will identify delays, as identified with the most recent schedule update, evaluate options to recover, and present to MassDOT for approval. Should the Contractor’s critical path be significantly impacted, by the actions or inactions of the Utility, and no viable recovery options are accepted by MassDOT, the Contractor may submit a request for Time Extension accompanied by a complete Time Entitlement Analysis, to clearly demonstrate the impact of the delay. Only after all of the schedule requirements have been met (see section 8.02 and 8.10 Determination and Extension of Contract Time for Completion), and it is clear that the Contactor demonstrates that it has coordinated properly and worked expeditiously with the Utility, and that none of the Contractor’s actions or inactions contributed to the delay, will MassDOT approve a Time Extension request. Under no circumstances will compensation be provided for delays associated with a Utility or Third Party. Work Restrictions: Additionally, this contract contains the following work restrictions:

• The Rocks Village Bridge – Main Street – Bridge Street Bridge between Haverhill and

West Newbury will be closed to boat traffic up to thirty (30) calendar days between November 1, 2012 and March 30, 2013 to accomplish the reconstruction of the bridge’s mechanical swing elements as outlined in the Contract Documents. The Bridge shall be restored to boat traffic by 01 April 2013.

• In this case, the Contract Time has been developed utilizing extended shifts for portions,

or all aspects, of the following construction operation: removal and replacement of the swing span’s mechanical elements as outlined in the Contractor Documents. In the evaluation of the bid price, preparation of bid documents, and the ability to meet the Contract Time, the Contractor is allowed to work 6 Days per week, for 9 hours per day, from _7_ a.m. to _4_p.m. for this identified thirty (30) day operation.

• In submitting a bid price for this contract, the Contractor acknowledges that a detailed plan has been developed to meet the Contract Time for all aspects of the Contact; including shift work; extended work hour requirements/restrictions; all of the limitations of operations; utility coordination, as well as the planning of all subcontractor and supplier operations.

• The contract time has been developed assuming that project work will occur throughout the winter season to minimize the impact to the boating community. By limiting the closure of the Navigable waterways to its offseason as outlined above.

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PRESERVATION OF ROADSIDE GROWTH (Section 8.08 shall be amended as follows) The Contractor shall take all necessary care when excavating or working in the vicinity of existing trees so that the root systems, trunks, and branches are not damaged. All precautions shall be taken to insure that heavy equipment does not damage any roots, including those that lie below the limits of excavation. Do not store equipment or stockpile materials within drip line of trees or in areas enclosed by tree protection fencing. Avoid any direct soil contamination in root zone area by petroleum, petroleum products or solvents, salts or any other pollutant during construction. All cutting or trimming of trees to be preserved shall be executed by a Massachusetts Certified Arborist. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the certification prior to any work on trees. Existing plants adjacent to construction may be protected as a group using temporary fencing as specified under Item 657., or in the event of construction close to individual trees, using Individual Tree Protection as specified under Item 102.51. Trees that, in the judgment of the Engineer, have been irreparably damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced in kind and in size, or, with a quantity of 2 inch caliper replacement trees (the quantity of which shall be determined by the Engineer) such that the cumulative caliper of the replacement trees will be up to the equivalent of diameter of the lost tree at breast height. Cost of replacement trees shall be paid by the Contractor. Cost of removal of destroyed tree, including roots and stump, as well as the cost of replacement trees, shall be paid for by the Contractor. MATERIAL REMOVED AND STACKED The Contractor shall carefully remove and stack these materials within the project area, away from the traveled way, and at a location accessible for removal by the owners.

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QUALITY OF STREAM FLOW Work in the stream shall not commence without providing for the preservation of fish life, including travel of migrating fish, where applicable. The Contractor shall comply with all permits obtained for the project. Equipment shall not be fueled in an area where a spill could potentially reach the river. Prior to commencement of any work at the site, erosion control barriers (staked hay bales and sedimentation fence) shall be utilized. The erosion control barriers shall be maintained until all disturbed areas have been stabilized. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Temporary erosion and sediment control provisions shall be coordinated with the permanent erosion control features to the extent practical to assure economical, effective and continuous erosion control throughout the construction and post-construction period. For all phases of construction, best management practices for erosion and sedimentation control shall be utilized to minimize potential impacts to natural resources and wildlife. All disturbed or exposed soil must be temporarily stabilized within 30 days of disturbance or exposure. Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall submit for acceptance its written methods and schedules for accomplishment of temporary and permanent grading, paving and excavation. The Contractor shall also submit its proposed method of dealing with erosion and sediment control and its plan for disposal of waste material in written form. No work shall be started until the control methods and schedules of operation have been accepted by the Engineer. Prior to the start of construction, a dust control plan must be submitted for approval to the Local Conservation Commission. Vehicles leaving the site must be washed to avoid tracking materials onto the public way. Trucks entering and leaving the site shall be covered in compliance with M.G.L. Ch. 85 Section 36.

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EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (Continued) The Engineer has the authority to limit the surface areas of erodible earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and fill, or any such operations, and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate, permanent or temporary control measures to prevent contamination of surface waters. Such measures will involve the construction of compost filter tubes, sedimentation basins, silt fences or other control devices or methods as necessary to control erosion and sedimentation. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be installed prior to the start of work and shall be inspected daily. Sediment shall be removed from behind hay bales as directed by the Engineer. The erosion and sediment control features installed by the Contractor shall conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Water Quality Certification and other permits and shall be satisfactorily maintained by the Contractor. In the event of conflict between these Specifications and Laws, Rules or Regulations of local agencies, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. Dewatering of excavated areas for the installation of storm drainage piping, structures and/or other facilities may be required for the installations to be completed “in-the-dry.” Temporary sedimentation basin(s) or other appropriate treatment practices necessary to comply with the NPDES permit program shall be installed to control discharges from the dewatering operations from directly entering surface waters, and as may be required under Item 183.11, Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater and/or Item 756 NPDES, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The Contractor shall maintain flow capacity of all watercourses to prevent unnatural flooding due to the Contractor’s operations. The Contractor shall maintain a log of daily entries that includes performance of maintenance activities, as required by the Orders of Conditions. If temporary erosion and sediment control measures are required due to the Contractor’s negligence or carelessness, the control measures shall be performed by the Contractor at its own expense. Construction of temporary erosion and sediment control measures, which are not attributed to the Contractor’s negligence, carelessness or failure to install permanent controls, will be performed as shown on the Plans and/or as ordered by the Engineer.

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EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (Continued) Repeated failures by the Contractor to control erosion, pollution and/or siltation, shall be cause for the Engineer to employ outside assistance or to use its own forces to provide the necessary corrective measures. The cost of such assistance plus project engineering costs will be charged to the Contractor and appropriate deductions made from the Contractor’s monthly progress estimate. Compost filter tubes for erosion control shall meet the requirements of Section 767.12, and shall be paid for under Item 767.12. Payment for other temporary soil erosion and control work, including preparation of a Construction Dewatering Plan and a NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, will be included under the various items in the Contract. ASPHALT BINDER In order to allow an efficient transition from viscosity graded Asphalt Cement (AC) specifications to performance graded Superpave Binder (PG) specifications (non-modified binder), the Massachusetts Department of Transportation is replacing AC graded products with PG binder as follows: Projects requiring AC-20 will be constructed using PG 64-28 Projects requiring AC-5 will be constructed using PG 52-34 The Contractor shall follow existing mix design requirements and produce the hot-mix using the required grade of PG binder. The binder supplier shall provide MassDOT with PG test results and a certification of the PG binder grade when PG binder is substituted for AC grade asphalt. This testing and certification shall be based on the existing lot numbering system. The binder supplier shall not mix AC and PG binders in the same tank, unless tested and re-certified to meet the specified grade. Performance-Graded asphalt shall not have a higher temperature grade than specified without prior approval.

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BIDDERS LIST Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR 26.11 all official bidders will be required to report the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all firms that submitted bids or quotes in connection with this project. Failure to comply with a written request for this information within 15 business days may result in a recommendation to the Prequalification Committee that prequalification status be suspended until the information is received. MassDOT will survey all firms that have submitted bids or quotes during the previous year prior to setting the annual goal and shall request that each firm report its age and gross receipts for the year. PROMPT PAYMENT AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE TO SUBCONTRACTORS The Contractor agrees to pay each subcontractor under this prime contract for satisfactory performance of subcontract work not later than 10 business days from the receipt of each payment the prime contractor receives from MassDOT. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the withholding of payment to the prime contractor until such time as all payment due under this provision has been received by the subcontractor(s) and/or referral to the Prequalification Committee for action which may affect the contractor’s prequalification status.

The Contractor further agrees to make payment in full, including retainage, to each subcontractor not later than 10 business days after the subcontractor has completed all of the work required under its subcontract. STRUCTURE DEMOLITION The contractor will make his own investigation of the structure to be demolished including the materials that are part of, or may be stored in the structure. No increase will be made to the bid price due to the nature of the materials involved in the demolition. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of hazardous materials, etcetera, shall be included in the bid price of the demolition item.

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GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK INVOLVING PAINTED STEEL (9/9/2011) Demolition and work involving painted steel shall conform to the requirement of Section 961 of the Supplemental Specifications dated February 25, 2010.

Work Involving Painted Steel. Hazardous materials shall be removed in the immediate area of any intended welding, heating, saw cutting or burning of steel. Hazardous material removal is required to allow the demolition of structural steel, railings, drainage systems, utility supports, steel lamp posts, etc. The contractor shall assume that the coatings on the steel contain lead (Pb), unless otherwise determined by testing. The contractor shall certify in writing to the Engineer the results of all testing, and shall also certify that any lead (Pb) coated steel removed from the project was not reused or buried, but was sent to a scrap metal recycling facility. Implement and maintain programs and procedures, which comply with the requirements of this specification and all applicable standards and regulations. Comply with all applicable regulations even if the regulation is not specifically referenced herein. If a state or local regulation is more restrictive than the regulation of this specification, follow the more restrictive requirements. This requirement is intended only for the demolition and preparation prior to repair and does not include provisions for recoating of steel. Environmental All applicable portions of Sections 961.65 “Worker Protection” and 961.66 “Environmental Protection and Monitoring” shall be followed when performing this work. During chemical stripping a hand washing facility maybe used in lieu of a decontamination/changing facility. Hazardous material shall be collected during the disassembly and disposed of as outlined in Section 961.68 “Handling of Hazardous Waste and Reporting Release Programs”. The applicable submittals shall be according to Section 961.69 “Submittals”.

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GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK INVOLVING PAINTED STEEL (Continued) Cleaning/Removal Cutting Or Burning Of Steel All surfaces to be welded, heated, saw cut or burned shall be cleaned so as to remove all contaminants and/or hazardous materials, which could be discharged to the environment as a function of the subsequent operations. Lead paint shall be removed in its entirety in an area prescribed by a 6 inch (15 cm) minimum offset from the required work. The paint removal operation may be dry abrasive blasting, wet abrasive blasting or chemical stripping. Proper level of containment shall be used when performing this work in accordance with Section 961.67 “Containment”. Full containment is not required during chemical stripping operation however; the Contractor shall install proper shielding and/or tarpaulins under the chemical stripping operations in order to catch all debris generated during this procedure. A cleaned area must be inspected and approved before the demolition operations are started. During cleaning operations the Contractor shall be required to furnish and erect temporary floodlights illuminating the steel surface at a minimum of 30-foot candles. This lighting shall be used in areas where there is insufficient lighting for proper cleaning operations and inspection. The Contractor shall supply electrical power. The Contractor shall provide support for interim and final inspection of the bridge during cleaning operations. This support shall include the necessary traffic controls and safe access to the work.

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GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK INVOLVING PAINTED STEEL (Continued) Mechanical Disassembly Of Steel All surfaces to be mechanically disassembled by shear cutting or removing bolts or rivets shall not require deleading. When shear cutting or removing bolts or rivets, the Contractor shall not use any method that will cause dust and/or particles to be emitted and/or dispersed into the environment to an extent that would expose the workers above the Action Levels of 30ug/cm3. For purposes of limiting the lead (Pb) dust, the Contractor will be required to dampen the lead paint work areas. The contractor shall install a proper shielding and/or tarpaulins under all lead-paint-coated surfaces to be shear cut or bolts or rivets ordered removed in order to catch any loose lead paint chips, dust or particles. ENGINEERS EQUIPMENT Twelve three ring binders, one inch thick with clear covers and side pockets shall be provided for the Engineer as incidental to the project and will become the property of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The Contractor's attention is directed to the necessity of making his own investigation in order to assure that no damage to existing structures, drainage lines, traffic signal conduits, etcetera, will occur. The Contractor shall notify Massachusetts DIG SAFE and procure a Dig Safe Number for each location prior to disturbing existing ground in any way. The telephone number of the Dig Safe Call Center is 1-888-344-7233.

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SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTALS. (Replace Subsection 5.02, 8th paragraph) The Contractor shall submit two sets of full-scale shop drawing prints to the Engineer for approval. If corrections are required, one set of the marked-up drawings will be returned to the Contractor for revision and subsequent re-submittal. The Engineer shall make all copies of the approved shop drawings as indicated in Table 1 of Subsection 5.02 and will distribute the drawings. No changes shall be made to the approved drawings without the written consent of the Engineer.

ENGINEERING DIRECTIVES Contractors can access MassDOT, Highway Division Engineering Directives at: http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/highway/publications.aspx PERSONAL PROTECTIVE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL

The Contractor is responsible to ensure that all personnel, including all subcontractors, working on the project are issued and are wearing all necessary personal protective safety equipment while working within the project limits. This equipment shall include, as a minimum, a hardhat and a safety vest, regardless of the type of work being performed. Other safety equipment shall be added as required to perform the work in which they are engaged and in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements in effect. Safety equipment shall be provided at no additional cost to the Department.


Surplus materials obtained from any type of excavation, and all existing and other materials not required to be removed and stacked or needed for use on the project, as determined by the Engineer, shall become the property of the Contractor and disposed of subject to the regulations and requirements of local authorities governing the disposal of such materials, at no additional compensation.

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SAFETY FOR CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS (Supplementing Subsections 850.21 and 850.61) Safety controls for construction operations shall be done in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 850 of the Standard Specifications, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the Traffic Management Plan, and the following: The providing of safety controls for construction operations shall be considered incidental to this contract and the costs for safety controls shall be included in the unit bid price for those contract items requiring such controls. Positioning, adjusting and re-positioning of all devices such as traffic cones, high level warning devices, etc., not otherwise classified and paid for under other items in this contract, is considered incidental and no separate payment will be made. VALUE ENGINEERING INCENTIVE

A. This Subsection defines the conditions and requirements which apply to Value Engineering Change Proposals (VECPs) which are initiated, developed and submitted by the Contractor under the Department's Construction Phase Value Engineering (VE) Program to change the Drawings, Specifications or other requirements of the Contract. The purpose of the VECP Program is to encourage the Contractor to submit proposed changes to the requirements specified in the Accelerated Bridge Program contract documents, based on the Contractor's experience and knowledge of alternative, cost-reducing and/or time saving, means, methods, materials and technologies.

Value Engineering is the systematic application of recognized techniques which identify the function of a product or service, establish a value for that function, and provides the necessary function reliability at the lowest practical lifecycle cost. VECPs submitted under the Contract shall require a change to the Drawings, Specifications or other requirements of the Contract Documents. As defined in Subsection D below, the incentive to the Contractor provided under this Subsection is to share the net savings resulting from acceptance of a VECP on the basis of fifty (50) percent for the Contractor and fifty (50) percent for the Department. In order to be considered for acceptance under this Subsection, each VECP shall:

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1. Be identified by the Contractor at the time for submittal to the Engineer as submitted pursuant to this Subsection;

2. Yield a net savings in the cost of the instant Contract, as defined below, in excess of $100,000 One Hundred Thousand dollars;

3. Maintain the specified items' required functions such a s service life, reliability, economy of operation, ease of maintenance, and necessary standardized features and appearance; and

4. Shall not require an unacceptable extension of Contract Times or Contract Milestones.

B. Any VECP the Contractor submits shall be in sufficient detail to clearly define the

proposed change. The Contractor's failure to provide material of the type, detail and in a format acceptable to the Engineer, and necessary to facilitate the Engineer's review, may be grounds for rejection of the VECP. Additionally, the Contractor will not be entitled to any equitable adjustment or increased Time, due to any aspect of any of the proposed VECP concepts; including no response(s) from the Department.

Initial information provided by the Contractor shall include:

1. A description of the difference between the existing and the proposed Contract requirements, and the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each;

2. Contract requirements recommended to be changed if the proposal is accepted; 3. Any changes in the Contract Time(s) or Contract Milestone(s) that will result from

acceptance of the proposal accompanied by a contemporaneous schedule analysis; 4. A statement of the time by which the proposal must be accepted so as to obtain the maximum price reduction, noting any effect upon the Contract Time(s) and/or Contract Milestone(s).

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VALUE ENGINEERING INCENTIVE (Continued) 5. A detailed estimate of the anticipated net savings will be calculated as follows:

a. Calculate the cost of performing the construction activities in accordance with the contract documents as bid.

b. Calculate the cost of performing the construction activities associated with the VECP.

c. Estimate the costs of the Contractor required engineering, and the costs for the Designer of Record, to implement the proposed VECP. The Contractor will be responsible to contract with the State’s Designer of Record for all review time necessary to amend and approve the original design.”

d. Estimate the Department's costs to perform engineering reviews and administer the VECP.

e. Estimate all costs associated with any revisions to other project related costs, such as Environmental Permits or Right of Way acquisitions.

f. The net savings to be split between the Department and the Contractor shall be calculated as follows: a - (b+c+d+e) = net savings

6. The VECP shall be stamped by a professional engineer.

C. The Engineer may accept or reject part or all of any VECP. Approval of the VECP does not occur until a modification incorporating the VECP is issued by the Department and the Contractor re-certifies that to the current status of the originally proposed cost and/or schedule savings, to be provided within 5 days of the receipt of the Departments approval letter. Until such notice is issued, the Contractor shall remain obligated to perform the Work in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents. VECPs will be processed expeditiously; however, the Department shall not be liable for any delay in acting upon any proposal submitted pursuant to this Subsection. The decision of the Engineer as to acceptance of any such proposal shall be final and shall not be subject to the dispute resolution.

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VALUE ENGINEERING INCENTIVE (Continued) The Contractor has the right to withdraw part, or all of any VECP, prior to acceptance by the Engineer. Such withdrawal shall be made in writing to the Engineer. The Contractor shall state the period of time from the date of submittal that each VECP shall remain valid. Revision of this validity period shall be allowed only by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Engineer. If the Contractor desires to withdraw the proposal prior to the expiration of this period, it shall be liable for the costs incurred by the Department in reviewing the proposal. If the Contractor withdraws the VEC Proposal, the Department reserves the right to proceed with the VECP or any portion of the VECP as a normal change and the Contractor waives any right it may have had to share in net savings hereunder. For purposes of this provision, expiration of the time established by the Contractor for approval shall be considered as withdrawal by the Contractor if the Department requests an extension of that time and the Contractor does not provide a written extension.

D. Prior to the VECP’s final accepted by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide a:

1. A Change Order, covering an Equitable Adjustment in the Contract Price and in any other affected provisions of the Contract, shall be issued and the draft Contract changes shall be detailed in accordance with the provisions in these General Requirements.

2. The delineation of the shared net savings shall be determined by deducting from the estimated gross savings: a. The Contractor's documented costs expended for developing the proposal for the accepted VECP; As part of the final agreement of the shared savings, the Department will also provide an estimate of the additional costs incurred by processing and accepting the VECP which includes all anticipated increased costs to the Department on other Contracts and all anticipated follow-on increased costs to the Department, if any.

When a VECP submitted pursuant to this section is accepted by the Engineer, compensation shall be based on the following:

1. The VECP will be implemented and paid using the cost and resource loaded schedule as the final negotiated costs to implement the VECP.

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SUBSECTION 8.10 DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME FOR COMPLETION (TIME EXTENSIONS) Replace this Subsection with the following: A. General It is an essential part of all contracts that contractors shall perform the Work fully, entirely and in an acceptable manner within the contract duration. The contract duration is based upon the requirements of public convenience and the assumption that the Contractor will prosecute the Work efficiently and with the least possible delay, in accordance with the maximum allowable working time, as specified in the Contract. The contract duration has been carefully considered and has been established for reasons of importance to the Department. The contract duration will be enforced and it is understood that the Contractor accepted this concept at the time of the submission of the bid. The timing of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) has been taken into account in the determination of the contract duration and the timing of the issuance of the NTP shall not, by itself, be a reason for a time extension. An extension of contract time will be granted only if entitlement to a time extension has been clearly demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer by a documented time entitlement analysis, performed in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 8.02.E.8 - Time Entitlement Analysis. B. Requests for Additional Contract Time (Time Extensions) In response to a request for a time extension, an extension of contract time may be granted for demonstrated delays resulting from only one, or, in the case of concurrent delays, a combination of the following causes: 1. Extra Work Each extra work order (EWO) proposal shall include an evaluation of the impact of the EWO on contract time, expressed in calendar days. If there is no impact to the contract time as a result of the EWO, the EWO shall indicate this by stating that zero (0) calendar days of additional time is being requested. The need for a time extension as a result of the EWO must be clearly demonstrated by a documented time entitlement analysis (TEA) performed by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 8.02.E.8. A documented preliminary TEA supporting the EWO proposal shall be submitted to the Engineer as part of the EWO proposal. Also see Subsection 4.03 – Extra Work and Subsection 4.05 – Validity of Extra Work.

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SUBSECTION 8.10 (Continued) 2. Department-Caused Delays If any part of the Work is delayed or suspended by the Department, the Contractor will be granted a time extension to complete the Work or any portion of the Work only if entitlement to this time extension has been clearly demonstrated by a documented time entitlement analysis. Department-caused delays shall not include delays to or suspensions of the Work that result from the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Also see Subsection 8.05 – Claim for Delay or Suspension of the Work. 3. Increased Quantities Increased quantities of work may be considered as the basis for a time extension only if the requirements of Subsection 4.06 - Increased or Decreased Contract Quantities are met. The time allowed for performance of the Work will be increased based on increased quantities only if entitlement to this time extension has been clearly demonstrated by a documented time entitlement analysis. A decrease in quantities shall also require a time entitlement analysis to determine if a deduction of contract time is warranted. 4. Delays Not Caused by Contractor Fault or Negligence When delays occur due to reasonable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including, but not restricted to: “Acts of God”; war, whether or not declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution, or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing; acts of the Government; acts of the State or any political subdivision thereof; acts of other contracting parties over whose acts the Contractor has no control; fires; floods; epidemics; abnormal tides (not including Spring tides); severe coastal storms accompanied by high winds or abnormal tides; freezing of streams and harbors; abnormal time of Winter freezing or Spring thawing; interference from recreational boat traffic; use of beaches and recreational facilities for recreational purposes during the Summer season; abnormal ship docking and berthing; unanticipated use of wharves and storage sheds; strikes, except those caused by improper acts or omissions of the Contractor; extraordinary delays in delivery of materials caused by strikes, lockouts, wrecks, and/or freight embargoes; a time extension will be granted only if entitlement to a time extension has been clearly demonstrated by a documented time entitlement analysis. An “Act of God” as used in this subsection is construed to mean an earthquake, flood, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, or other cataclysmic phenomenon of nature beyond the power of the Contractor to foresee and/or make preparations against. Additional consideration may be given to severe, abnormal flooding in local rivers and streams that has been reported as such by the National Weather Service. Rain, wind, snow, and/or other natural phenomena of normal intensity, based on National Weather Service reports, for the particular locality and for the particular season of the year in which the Work is being prosecuted, shall not be construed as an “Act of God” and no time extension will be granted for the delays resulting therefrom.

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SUBSECTION 8.10 (Continued) Within the scope of acts of the Government, consideration will be given to properly documented evidence that the Contractor has been delayed in obtaining any material or class of labor because of any assignment of preference ratings by the Federal Government or its agencies to defense contracts of any type. 5. Delays Caused by Public Service Corporations, Municipal Departments or Other Third Parties If any part of the Work is delayed by public service corporations, municipal departments or other third parties, a time extension will be granted only if entitlement to a time extension has been clearly demonstrated by a documented time entitlement analysis. Also see Subsections 5.05 - Cooperation by Contractor, 5.06 - Adjacent Contracts and 8.04 - Removal or Demolition of Buildings and Land Takings. C. Time Extension Determination 1. When the Contractor submits a request for a time extension, placing the Department on notice of a delay due to any of the causes listed in Subsection 8.10.B, it shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer within fifteen (15) calendar days after the start of the delay. No time extension will be granted if a request for a time extension is not filed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the start of the delay. A documented preliminary time entitlement analysis (TEA) supporting the request for a time extension and meeting the requirements of Subsection 8.02.E.8 shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the request for a time extension is submitted to the Engineer or thirty (30) calendar days after the start of the delay. A documented final TEA shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the end of the delay. During the time between the preliminary and final TEAs, the delay shall be documented in statused contract progress schedules submitted in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 8.02.E.5. 2. No time extension will be granted for any delay or any suspension of the Work due to the fault of the Contractor. 3. No time extension will be granted if the request for a time extension is based on any claim that the originally established contract duration was inadequate. 4. Time extensions will only be granted for delays, including concurrent delays, to activities affecting contract milestones, the contract completion date and/or other critical path activities as demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer by a detailed time entitlement analysis that clearly states the number of calendar days of extra time being requested. 5. The probable slowdown or curtailment of work during inclement weather and winter months has been taken into consideration in determining the contract duration and therefore no time extension will be granted, except as defined in Subsection 8.10.B.4.

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SUBSECTION 8.10 (Continued) 6. Any work restriction related to weather, permit conditions, community accommodation, traffic or any other restriction specified in the Contract or reasonably expected for the particular locality and for the particular season of the year in which the Work is being prosecuted must be considered in the analysis of each individual time extension and shall not be considered, in itself, justification for an extension of time. 7. Any time entitlement analysis prepared for the purpose of requesting a time extension shall clearly indicate any proposed overtime hours or additional shifts that are incorporated in the schedule. The Engineer shall have final approval over the use of overtime hours and additional shifts and shall have the right to require that overtime hours and/or additional shifts be used to minimize the duration of time extensions if it is determined to be in best interest of the Department to do so. D. Disputes Any dispute regarding whether or not a time entitlement analysis demonstrates entitlement to a time extension, the number of days granted in a time extension or any other question of fact arising under this subsection shall be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor may dispute a determination by the Engineer by filing a claim notice within fourteen (14) calendar days after the Contractor's request for additional time has been denied or if the Contractor does not accept the number of days granted in a time extension. The Contractor's claim notice shall include a time entitlement analysis that sufficiently explains the basis of the time-related claim. Failure to submit the required time entitlement analysis with the claim notice shall result in denial of the Contractor's claim. SUBSECTION 4.03 EXTRA WORK Replace this Subsection with the following: The Contractor shall do any work not herein otherwise provided for when and as ordered in writing by the Engineer, such written order to contain particular reference to this Subsection and to designate the work to be done as Extra Work. Unless specifically noted in the Extra Work Order, Extra Work will not extend the time of completion of the Contract as stipulated in Subsection 8.10. The determination of the Engineer shall be final upon all questions concerning the amount and value of Extra Work (except as provided in Subsection 7.16). Payment for Extra Work will be provided in Subsection 9.03.

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The work under this item shall conform to the relevant provisions of Section 8.00 and Subsection 8.02 of the Standard Specifications, revised as follows, the Plans, and the following: SUBSECTION 8.02 Schedule of Operations Revise this Subsection to read as follows: 8.02 Schedule of Operations (Contract Progress Schedule) A. General Requirements The Contractor's approach to prosecution of the Work shall be disclosed to MassDOT by submission of the computerized, Construction Schedule required in this Section. These requirements are in addition to, and not in limitation of, requirements imposed in other sections. The Contractor is advised that its schedules and reports, as specified herein, will be an integral part of the MassDOT’s Accelerated Bridge Program management structure. The Contactor's schedules will be used by the Engineer to monitor project progress, plan the level-of-effort by its own work forces and consultants, and as a critical decision making tool. Accordingly, the Contractor shall ensure that it complies fully with the requirements specified herein and that its schedules are both timely and accurate throughout the life of the project. This program requires the following schedule submittals by the Contractor:

• Contract Progress Schedule (Baseline, Statused, and Revised versions)

• Proposal Schedules

• Recovery Schedules

• Time Entitlement Analyses

The Contractor shall use computer software capable of preparing, statusing, and revising critical path method (CPM) schedules using precedence diagramming methods. The software shall print activity reports and plot CPM time-scaled logic diagrams, sorted by structures, facilities, subcontractors, submittals, deliveries, change orders, and any other critical features of this Contract.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) Within ten (10) Work Days after NTP, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer sufficient information demonstrating that the CPM software it proposes to use on the Contract is fully capable of producing the specified schedules and tracking tools, change identification output, and is capable of supporting contemporaneous delay analysis, comparable to Primavera products. The Engineer shall notify the Contractor in writing, within seven (7) Calendar Days after receipt of the Contractor's notification on software, if there are any objections to the CPM software selected. In conjunction with the requirements of Subsection 740 – Engineer’s Field Office and Equipment, the Contractor shall provide to the Department one (1) copy of the approved scheduling software, licensed as required. This software shall be installed in the Resident Engineer’s Field Office, and shall be State property. Within ten (10) days after Contract award, and prior to submission of the initial baseline schedule, the Contractor shall host and conduct a schedule planning session. This session will be attended by MassDOT and its consultants. During this session, the Contractor shall present its planned approach to the project (including the Work to be performed by the Contractor and its subcontractors) including, but not limited to: the planned construction sequence and phasing; planned crew sizes; summary of equipment types, sizes, and numbers to be used for each work activity; estimated durations of major work activities; the anticipated critical path of the project and a summary of the activities on that critical path; a summary of the most difficult schedule challenges the Contractor is anticipating and how it plans to manage and control those challenges; and a summary of the anticipated quarterly cash flow over the life of the project. This will be an interactive session, and the Contractor shall answer all questions that MassDOT and its Consultants may have. The Contractor shall provide five (5) copies of a written summary of the information presented and discussed during the session to the Engineer. The Contractor's initial Baseline Schedule Revision, and accompanying schedule narrative, shall incorporate the information discussed at this schedule planning session. B. Schedule Reviews The Engineer will review the Contractor’s schedule submittals and provide comments and disposition; either accepting the schedule or requiring revision and resubmittal of the schedule. Schedules shall be resubmitted within ten (10) Work Days after receipt of the Engineer’s comments.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) The Engineer’s comments may address whether items of the Work have been omitted, if activity durations are reasonable, or that the means, methods, timing, planned resources, and/or sequencing of the Work are practicable. The planning, scheduling, and execution of the Work, and the accuracy of their representation in the Contract Progress Schedule shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be relieved from its responsibility for satisfactorily completing the Work within the specified Contract Time due to its failure to submit an acceptable Contract Progress Schedule. C. Contract Progress Schedules 1. Baseline Schedule No Application for Payment shall be approved by the Engineer beyond one hundred sixty (160) Calendar Days after Notice to Proceed until the Engineer accepts the Baseline Contract Progress Schedule, unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer. The Baseline Contract Schedule shall be submitted within thirty (30) Calendar Days after the Notice to Proceed (NTP) date. The Baseline Contract Schedule shall reflect the entire Work as awarded to the Contractor, and shall not include any delays or any Work involving Change Orders. The Contractor shall provide a complete listing of all critical and near critical submittals within twenty (20) calendar days after Notice to Proceed. This listing will be required to be updated quarterly, and the critical submittals, shall be included and tracked in the Baseline Schedule and all Progress Schedule updates. This will include the contractor’s planned submission date (of a complete submittal; incomplete submittals will not be partially accepted with regard to contract Time), the review period, resubmittals (for those more complicated submittals), and acceptance dates – all actual completion dates shall be provided in the Progress Schedule Update submissions. The Baseline Contract Progress Schedule shall include all activities and content consistent with the requirements of this section. At a minimum, the Baseline Contract Progress Schedule, as well as all subsequent schedules, shall clearly define the progression of the Work from Notice to Proceed to Final Acceptance by using separate activities for each of the following items:

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) 1) Notice to Proceed 2) All components of the Work – consisting a multiple activities defined by type of work,

location, phase, etc. 3) Procurement of permits by the Contractor or the Engineer 4) Submittal preparation and submission 5) Submittal review and return – thirty (30) Calendar Days 6) Material and equipment procurement, fabrication, and delivery to the site or storage

location. 7) Interfaces with adjacent work, utility companies, public agencies, and/or any other third

party work affecting this Contract 8) Interim Milestones listed in Subsection 8.03 or elsewhere in the Special Provisions 9) The critical path, clearly defined and labeled 10) Float, as defined below, clearly identified 11) Traffic Set-up, zone removal, nightwork, and phasing 12) Substantial Completion 13) Punchlist completion period 14) Final Acceptance

Float belongs to the project and is a shared commodity between the Department and the Contractor and is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either party. The float may be claimed by whichever party first demonstrates a need for it, i.e., that Contract Milestones and/or the Contract Completion Date, has been delayed The Contractor shall demonstrate this need as required herein. The Baseline Contract Schedule shall consist of the electronic data and reports specified herein. The Baseline Contract Schedule shall be prepared in the approved electronic format described above and shall be submitted in two formats; printed on 11”x17” sized paper and copied on a portable electronic data storage medium. Once the Baseline Contract Schedule has been accepted by the Engineer, with or without comments, it will represent the as-planned schedule for the Work. It shall be known as the Baseline Schedule and shall be the Contract Progress Schedule of Record until such time as the schedule is revised under Subsection 8.02.C.3.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) 2. Requirements for all Schedules All schedules shall conform to the following requirements: a) RESOURCES: As part of the Baseline and Schedule Update, the Contractor is required to provide a detailed narrative of the planned resources for each major operation. This requirement will be provided to validate the original plan, monitor the progress, and to analyze delays. b) LOGIC: All schedules shall divide the Work into activities with appropriate logic ties, to show; (i) the Contractor's overall approach to the planning, scheduling, and execution of the Work, (ii) consistency with the requirements of this Subsection, (iii) the Contractor's approach to conformance with any sequences of Work required by the Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, Subsection 8.06 – Limitations of Operations of Division I, Special Provisions. c) ACTIVITIES: All schedules shall clearly and separately define the progression of Work from Notice to Proceed to Final Acceptance by using separate activities for (i) all Work components; (ii) the procurement of permits (by the Contractor or Engineer); (iii) submittal preparation and submission; (iv) submittal review and return, thirty (30) Calendar Days; (v) material and equipment procurement and delivery to the site or location of storage; (vi) interfaces with adjacent work (other public agencies, private owners, and utility companies); (vii) interim milestones listed in Subsection 8.03 of Division I, Special Provisions; (viii) Substantial Completion; and (ix) Final Acceptance. d) EARLY AND LATE DATES: Early Dates shall be based on proceeding with the Work, or a designated part of the Work, exactly on the date when the corresponding Contract Time commences. Late Dates shall be based on completing the Work, exactly on the corresponding Contract Time, even if the Contractor anticipates early completion. e) DURATIONS: Activity durations shall be in Work Days. Durations shall be regulated by a work breakdown structure (WBS) of physical elements of the Work determined by work discipline, station number, or structure, which reflect the time the Contractor and/or Subcontractor require to perform the related work. In general, installation Activities shall be detailed in a manner that utilizes planned durations from ten (10) to thirty (30) Business Days, and have a value not exceeding $50,000. Activity durations, greater than thirty (30) Work Days shall be kept to a minimum, and must be approved by the Engineer, except in the case of nonconstruction activities such as procurement of materials, delivery of equipment, and concrete curing. Submittal Review Activities shall be thirty (30) Business Days, unless different review times are specified in other sections of the Contract Documents

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) f) ITEMS TO BE PAID: The Contractor shall specifically identify in the Baseline and the Contract Progress Schedules all items of permanent materials and equipment (materials on hand) for which the Contractor intends to receive payment, in accordance with Subsection 9.04 - Partial Payments, prior to the incorporation of such items into the Work. g) ACTIVITY IDs AND CODES: The Contractor shall use standard activity identification numbers, activity codes, and activity descriptions in all Contract Progress Schedule submittals as specified below. Activity Identification Numbers The Contractor shall use the following standard activity identification numbering system for all activities. # # # - # # # # # # # | | | | | + - - - - - Sequential Numbering Code | | + - - - - - LAST 3 of the Contract Number CONTRACT NUMBER: The first six characters of the activity identification number shall consist of a “C” for Contract followed by the five-digit MassDOT contract number. SEQUENTIAL NUMBERING CODE: The second set of characters in the activity identification number, the actual number of characters to be determined by the Contractor, shall consist of a sequential numbering system created by the Contractor denoting work breakdown structure (WBS), locations, station numbers, major areas of construction, structure types, structure designations, class of work, type of activity, bid item number, milestone number, and/or any other type of information that the Contractor wishes to include in its activity identification numbering code.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) Activity Codes The Contractor shall use the following sortable standard activity codes to further define its schedule’s activities. Code Code Description

DIST MassDOT District Number

TOWN Town Name

MSNO Contract Milestone Number Designation

BIDI Bid Item Number Designation

STRUC Type of Structure Designation

RESP Organization Responsibility Code OTHR Other Field DIST – MassDOT District Number: A one digit code corresponding to the MassDOT District in which the project is located. Code Value Code Value Description

Example: 5 MassDOT District 5 TOWN – Town Name: A four letter code using the first four letters of the name of the city or town in which the project is located. Code Value Code Value Description

Example: MANS Mansfield MSNO – Contract Milestone Number Designation: A two digit code corresponding to the Contract Milestone number contained in Subsection 8.03 of Division I, Special Provisions that is at the end of the activity’s sequence chain. Code Value Code Value Description

Example: 03 Milestone No. 3 – Substantial Completion

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) BIDI – Bid Item Number Designation: A seven digit code corresponding exactly, including periods and spaces, to the bid item number with which the activity is associated. Code Value Code Value Description

Example: 975.3 Metal Bridge Railing

PCM Activity added by Proposal or Contract Modification PROJ – Primary Project Type: A one or two letter code corresponding to the primary project type or type of structure as shown below. Additional codes may be added by the Contractor as approved by the Engineer. Code Value Code Value Description

Example: BC Bridge Reconstruction / Rehabilitation

BN Bridge New

BR Bridge Replacement

BP Bike Path

CB Catch Basin

D Demolition

H Highway Reconstruction (local road or state highway)

HI Highway Reconstruction (interstate highway)

P Painting

TS Traffic Signals

TU Tunnels

U Utilities

V Vertical Construction (Chapter 149)

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) RESP – Organization Responsibility Code: A one to five-digit code corresponding to the initials of the organization responsible for performing the work contained in the activity. Examples of this coding are: Code Value Code Value Description

Example: MIW McGillicuddy Iron Works

BCEC Bay City Electric Company

MDR MassDOT – Rail & Transit Division

CSX CSX Railroad Corporation

RE MassDOT Resident Engineer

MassDOT MassDOT - Highway Division OTHR – Other Field: An eight digit code reserved for the exclusive use of the Engineer as required for coding miscellaneous items such as contract modifications, submittal activities, time and material work, force account work, or other category of work activity that may prove to need such coding during the progress of the Work. Code Value Code Value Description Example: XXX A description of something other than the above ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS The activity description shall clearly describe the work to be performed using a combination of words, structure numbers, station numbers, bid item numbers, work breakdown structure (WBS), and/or elevations in a concise and compact label. h) NOT TO BE USED: Unspecified milestones or restraint dates, scheduled Work not required for the accomplishment of a Contract Milestone, use of activity durations, logic ties and/or sequences deemed unreasonable by the Engineer, delayed starts of follow-on trades, or use of float suppression techniques contrary to the provisions of Subsection 8.05 – Claim for Delay or Suspension of the Work of Division I, Special Provisions shall not be used in the Contractor's Progress Schedule.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) 3. Contract Progress Schedule Submittal - Reporting Requirements Both the initial and revised versions of the Contract Progress Schedules shall be submitted for review under the guidelines developed below. The Contractor shall uniquely identify each Contract Progress Schedule Submittal. Resubmissions shall use the same revision number, followed by the letters A, B, C, and so on, and shall fully address and comply with the Engineer's review comments. Contract Progress Schedule submittals, including resubmissions and revisions, shall include one (1) complete electronic file copy of the Contract Progress Schedule in an electronic format acceptable to the Engineer and one (1) copy of the following reports and graphs acceptable to the Engineer: a.) The schedule narrative shall: (i) itemize and describe the flow of work for all activities on

the critical path; (ii) compare Early and Late Dates for activities on the critical path; (iii) give progress highlights and quantify Work Days gained or lost versus the Contract Progress Schedule Revision of Record; (iv) describe delays, and the Contractor's plan to recover schedule, if appropriate.

The Contract Progress Schedule and Revised Contract Progress Schedule narratives shall: (i) describe resources to be employed on all remaining Work (consistent with or explaining variances from the resource/manhours identified in the specific schedule activities – loaded into the schedules); any deviation from the original plan (ii) describe the Contractor's plan and approach, methodologies and resources to be employed, as represented in the Contract Progress Schedule, for completing the various operations and elements of the Work; (iii) itemize shifts, Holidays, and if multiple calendars are applied to the activities, uniquely identify each calendar; (iv) itemize and explain any proposed changes made in activities, logic ties and restraints. This last item applies to Revised Contract Progress Schedules only.

b.) A time-scaled logic diagram on 11”x17” sheets, showing the previous month schedule

Gantt chart overlay (otherwise known as a target comparison) and the previously approved schedule if applicable/as requested, showing current duration, previous duration, current float, previous float, current and previous Early Start, Late Start, Early Finish, Late Finish, and with current logic ties displayed. These 11”x17” sheets are to be organized to be consistent with the activity codes described in Subsection 8.02.C. and shall be provided for each type of schedules submission contained herein. Activities shall be linked by logic ties and be shown on the Early Dates. The Critical paths shall be highlighted and Total Float shall be shown for all activities.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) 4. Revised Contract Progress Schedules Upon review and acceptance by the Engineer of activities and logic ties in Proposal Schedules, prepared in accordance with Subsection 8.02.C.6, and Recovery Schedules prepared in accordance with Subsection 8.02.C.7, such activities shall be incorporated into the next Statused Contract Progress Schedule as a Revised Contract Progress Schedule. All schedule changes shall be developed in accordance with Subsection 8.02.C. A Revised Contract Progress Schedule shall be due with the Application for Payment following the Engineer's acceptance of the schedule changes and shall consist of the required electronic data and reports specified in Subsection 8.02.C.4, as supplemented below. Revised Contract Progress Schedules shall include a comprehensive listing of all activities added to or deleted from the Contract Progress Schedule of Record as well as a complete listing of all logic and activity relationship changes which have been made. All changes in the schedule must be fully described in an accompanying narrative. Revised Contract Progress Schedules shall be prepared in the approved electronic format described above and shall be submitted in two formats; printed on 11”x17” sized paper and copied on a portable electronic data storage medium. Once a Revised Contract Progress Schedule has been returned by the Engineer to the Contractor as "Resubmittal Not Required," with or without comments or objections noted, it shall become the Revised Contract Progress Schedule of Record, meaning it is to be used for subsequent Statused Contract Progress Schedules, and shall be referred to by its revision number. Except as otherwise designated by a Contract Modification, no Revised Contract Progress Schedule that extends performance beyond any Contract Time and/or Contract Milestone shall qualify as a Revised Contract Progress Schedule of Record. 5. Statused Contract Progress Schedule Requirements Statused (updated) Contract Progress Schedules shall be submitted by the Contractor coinciding with the first Contract Quantity Estimate (CQE or “pay estimate”) of each month. Except as provided elsewhere in this subsection, Statused Contract Progress Schedules shall update and replace the Contract Progress Schedule of Record.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) A Statused Contract Progress Schedule shall consist of the following:

1.) A Schedule Narrative consistent with Subsection 8.02. 2.) All documentation required by the Contract to support the CQE.

Each Statused Contract Progress Schedule shall reflect updated progress to the status date, shall forecast the finish dates for in-progress activities and remaining activities, but shall not change any activity descriptions, durations, or sequences of work, planned resources, or costs, without the acceptance of the Engineer. Updated progress shall be limited to as-built sequencing and as-built dates for completed and in-progress activities. As-built data shall include actual start dates, remaining Work Days, and actual finish dates for each activity. Statused Contract Progress Schedules shall be prepared in the approved electronic format described above and shall be submitted in two formats; printed on 11”x17” sized paper and copied on a portable electronic data storage medium. No CQE shall be approved by the Engineer until the Contract Progress Schedule has been submitted. 6. Proposal Schedules and Time Entitlement Analyses Proposal Schedules and Time Entitlement Analyses (TEAs) shall be developed in accordance with this Subsection when the Contractor's operations are materially affected by changes in the Plans and/or if requested by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Proposal Schedule or TEA within ten (10) Work Days following the Engineer's request or within ten (10) Work Days from the initial occurrence which caused a deviation from the current Contract Progress Schedule of Record. This required ten (10) Work Day period may be extended as necessary subject to acceptance by the Engineer. The Proposal Schedule or TEA shall be developed using duplicate electronic files of the current Contract Progress Schedule of Record. Proposal Schedules and TEAs shall also be used by the Contractor to negotiate with the Engineer the schedule impact of an Extra Work Order (EWO.) Proposal Schedules and TEAs shall (i) incorporate all proposed activities and logic ties required to implement the EWO, (ii) detail all impacts on pre-existing activities and logic ties, and (iii) detail the actual resources expended for past critical path activities, with a comparison versus planned resources/manhours, (iv) detail the planned resources required to complete the EWO, (v) attach separate time-scaled logic diagrams with the proposed and pre-existing activities and logic ties involved in or affected by each EWO.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) Proposal Schedules and TEAs shall consist of the submittal requirements specified in Subsection 8.02.C.2. Furthermore, Proposal Schedules and TEAs shall accurately reflect all revisions and/or adjustments made to activities, logic ties and restraints that are necessary to reflect the Contractor's current approach for Work remaining. Proposal Schedules and TEAs shall be prepared in the approved electronic format described above and shall be submitted in two formats; printed on 11”x17” sized paper and copied on a portable electronic data storage medium. Accepted changes shall be submitted as "Revised Progress Schedules" per the requirements of Subsection 8.02.C.3. 7. Recovery Schedules The Contractor shall promptly report to the Engineer all schedule delays during the prosecution of the Work. The Contractor shall promptly develop a Recovery Schedule whenever one of the following occurs:

1.) The Contract Progress Schedule of Record’s critical path exceeds the greater of:

2.) A delay of twenty (20) Calendar Days, or

3.) A delay equal to 5% of the Work Days remaining until the Contract Completion Date;

4.) The Contractor cannot comply with the Contract Progress Schedule of Record; 5.) The Engineer requests it. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit a

separate Recovery Schedule, prepared in accordance with Subsection 8.02B, within ten (10) Work Days and submit it no later than the submittal of the next Statused Contract Progress Schedule.

Recovery Schedules shall be used by the Contractor to notify the Engineer of revisions to logic ties and activities of the Contract Progress Schedule of Record. Recovery Schedules shall include a separate time-scaled logic diagram of the activities impacted and a narrative describing the causes of any delay and the actions planned, and resources required, to recover schedule to meet the Contract Completion Date. Recovery Schedules shall be prepared in the approved electronic format described above and shall be submitted in two formats; printed on 11”x17” sized paper and copied on a portable electronic data storage medium. Failure to submit a Recovery Schedule could result in withholding of full or partial Contract Quantity Estimate payments by the Engineer.

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ITEM 100.01 (Continued) 8. Disputes As stated in Subsection 8.02 it is the intent of this Contract that all schedules be submitted, reviewed, dispositioned, and accepted in the timely manner specified so as to provide the greatest possible benefit to the execution of this Contract. Any dispute concerning the acceptance of a schedule or any other question of fact arising under this subsection shall be determined by the Engineer. Pending resolution of any dispute, the last schedule accepted by the Engineer will remain as the Contract Schedule of Record as described in Subsection 8.02. Basis of Payment

The project requires all Project progress submittals specified in Section 8.02 of the Supplemental Specifications and Item 100.01 SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS – FIXED PRICE $150,000 that the Contractor shall provide as specified above. A fixed price of $150,000 will be provided to the contractor for these Project Schedule Submittal requirements. The Contractor is advised and/or cautioned that this “fixed price” value is separated from what the Department considers to be the Contractors indirect/general condition costs for payment purposes only and, if the Contractor deems it necessary to include additional costs to provide all of the requirements of this section, these additional costs should be included in the Contractor’s general conditions. Note: This Fixed Price payment item is added to the Departments bid form with this predetermined and/or fixed amount. Each bidder is directed to add and/or include this fixed price bid item value to the total bid value – failure to do so will be grounds for the rejection of the bid.

Payment will be made under Item No. 100.01, SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS – FIXED PRICE $150000, with the following breakdown:

Fifteen percent (15%) of the FIXED PRICE will be made upon return to the Baseline Construction Contract Schedule as "Resubmittal Not Required" (As-Planned Schedule). The remaining (85%) will be pro-rated in equal monthly amounts on each subsequent application for payment upon the Engineer's receipt and acceptance of the monthly schedule update submittals. The number of months to be used for the pro-rating will be the number of months estimated to complete the work.

All payments are subject to retainage.

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Work under this item shall conform to the description and construction methods set forth in Section 101 for the 1988 Standard Specifications and the 2010 Supplemental Specifications. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include cost of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and tools necessary for clearing and grubbing including removal and disposal as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the work involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item. ITEM 102.51 INDIVIDUAL TREE PROTECTION EACH


Work under these items shall conform to the relevant provisions of Sections 101, 644 and 771 and the following: The purpose of these items is to prevent damage to branches, stems and root systems of existing individual trees as well as shrubs and other quality vegetation to remain, and to ensure their survival. To the extent possible, to avoid soil compaction within the root zone, construction activities including, but not limited to, vehicle movement, excavation, embankment, staging and storage of materials or equipment shall not occur underneath the canopy (drip line) of trees to remain. Where these activities will occur within 10 feet of the canopy of trees or where directed, the Contractor shall take the appropriate protective measures specified herein.

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ITEMS 102.51 and 102.52 (Continued) Individual Tree Protection, Item 102.51, shall be used when construction activities are likely to occur within the canopy of individual trees or where there may be any risk of damage to trees. Temporary Tree Protection Fence, Item 102.52 shall be used to protect areas of existing trees or other areas of quality vegetation that is to remain. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for judging the full extent of the work requirements, including, but not necessarily limited to any equipment and materials necessary for providing tree protection. Incidental to the cost of these items, the Contractor shall retain the services of a certified arborist, who shall make recommendations as to the specific appropriate treatment of trees within or near the work zone. Prior to any construction activities, the Contractor and Arborist shall walk the site with the Engineer and Town Tree Warden to identify which trees will require protection and to determine approved measures. The Arborist shall make recommendations as to appropriate methods to trees. The Engineer will have final decision as to trees and methods. The Contractor is responsible for the protection of all existing trees and plants within and immediately adjacent to the construction area that are not designated to be removed for the length of the construction period. SUBMITTALS Incidental to this item, the Contractor shall provide to the Engineer one (1) copy American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z-133.1 and A300 Standard Practices for Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance, Part 1: Pruning. These references shall be kept by the Engineer at his office for the length of the Contract. Prior to start of work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the name and certification number of the Massachusetts Certified Arborist referenced herein. Cost for Certified Arborist for all activities pertaining to this Item shall be incidental to this item.

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ITEMS 102.51 and 102.52 (Continued) MATERIALS Fence and temporary fence posts shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Fencing for individual plants shall be polyethylene fencing or chain link fence (new or used). Staking for individual tree protection fencing shall be steel posts or 2x4 lumber as directed and approved by the Engineer. Wood chips shall conform to provisions of Wood Chip Mulch under Materials Section M6.04.3. Trunk protection shall be 2x4 cladding, at least 8 feet in length, clad together with wire. Alternative materials shall be at the approval of the Engineer. Alternative materials shall provide adequate protection from anticipated construction activities and shall not injure or scar trunk. Trunk protection shall include burlap to separate trunk cladding from bark. Temporary Tree Protection Fence shall be brightly colored polypropylene barricade or wooden snow fencing for tree protection or safety fencing as shown on the Contract drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Fencing shall be a minimum of 4 feet high and supported by steel or hardwood stakes spaced at a maximum of 8 feet on center or by other means acceptable to the Engineer. Fencing shall be materials and fastenings sufficient to provide sturdy and highly visible separation of the construction activates from the trees and existing plantings to be preserved Incidental to these items, the Contractor shall provide water for maintaining plants in the construction area that will have exposed root systems for any period during construction. CONSTRUCTION METHODS To the extent possible, to avoid soil compaction within the root zone, construction activities including, but not limited to, vehicle movement, excavation, embankment, staging and storage of materials or equipment shall not occur underneath the canopy (drip line) of trees to remain. Where these activities will occur within 10 feet of the canopy of trees, the Contractor shall provide Individual Tree Protection as specified herein.

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ITEMS 102.51 and 102.52 (Continued) For individual tree protection, the Contractor shall set posts and fencing at the limits of the tree canopy. Where construction activities closer to the trees is unavoidable, the contractor shall tie branches out of the way and place wood chips to a depth of 6 inches on the ground to protect the root systems. The Contractor shall wrap the area of the trunk of the tree with burlap prior to armoring with 2x4 cladding. Cladding for tree trunks shall extend from the base of the tree to at least 8 feet from the base. To the extent possible, temporary landscaped fencing shall be installed at the limit of tree canopy and shall be staked and maintained vertical for the length of the contract. Where excavation within canopy is unavoidable, the Contractor shall use equipment and methods that shall minimize damage to the tree roots, per recommendations of the Certified Arborist. Such methods may require root pruning prior to, as well as during, any excavation activities. All fencing, trunk protection, branch protection, and woodchips shall be maintained throughout the duration of the contract. Protective fencing shall be repaired and woodchip mulch replaced as necessary during the duration of the contract at no additional cost. CUTTING AND PRUNING Some pruning of roots and branches may be a necessary part of construction. Pruning will be performed on the same side of the tree that roots have been severed. The Contractor shall retain the services of a Massachusetts State Certified Arborist to oversee any cutting of limbs, stem or roots of existing trees. All cuts shall be clean and executed with an approved tool. Under no circumstances shall excavation in the tree protection area be made with mechanical equipment that might damage the existing root systems. Any tree root area exposed by construction shall be covered and watered immediately. Exposed tree roots shall be protected by dampened burlap at all times until they can be covered with soil.

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ITEMS 102.51 and 102.52 (Continued) WATERING Water each tree within the construction area where work is in progress twice per week until the surrounding soil of each tree is saturated for the duration of construction activities. REMOVAL OF PROTECTION After all other construction activities are complete, but prior to final seeding, wood chips, temporary fencing, branch protection, and trunk protection materials shall be removed and disposed off site by the Contractor at no additional cost. TREE DAMAGE The Contractor shall be held responsible for the health and survival of the existing trees in the immediate vicinity of the of the construction area. Damage that, in the Engineer's opinion, can be remedied by corrective measures shall be repaired immediately. Broken limbs shall be pruned according to industry standards. Wounds shall not be painted. Trees or shrubs that are damaged irreparably shall, at the Engineer's discretion, be replaced per the requirements of Division I of these Special Provisions. Cost of replacement trees shall be borne by the Contractor. Where the plans show specific, individual trees to remain and where grading or other disturbance is shown within the drip line of these trees or where the Engineer determines that an individual tree must be protected, these trees shall be protected and paid for under Item 102.51 Individual Tree Protection per each tree protected. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT Item 102.51, Individual Tree Protection will be paid in the unit of EACH at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include cost of all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals for the satisfactory completion of the work, including the services of a certified arborist, water and fertilizer, and the subsequent removal and satisfactory disposal of the protective materials upon completion of the contract. Where construction disturbance, such as grading activities, will occur within the limits of the canopy of groups of trees, these trees shall be protected and paid for under Item 102.52, Temporary Tree Protection Fence.

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ITEMS 102.51 and 102.52 (Continued) Item 102.52, Temporary Tree Protection Fence, will be paid per the unit of FOOT at Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals for the satisfactory completion of the work, including the services of a certified arborist, water and fertilizer, and the subsequent removal and satisfactory disposal of the protective materials upon completion of the contract. Payment under these items shall be scheduled throughout the length of contract: 30 percent of value shall be paid upon installation, 30 percent approximately halfway through the contract, and the remainder to be paid at the end of the contract after completion of construction operations that would disturb plants and after the protection materials have been removed and properly disposed of off-site by the Contractor. Cost of wood chips, as required, shall be incidental to these items. ITEM 106.252 STONE MASONRY REPOINTING FOOT

Work under this item shall consist of removing deteriorated mortar and repointing joints in the ashlar stone masonry of the existing bridge abutments and piers. All of the deteriorated masonry joints of the existing abutments, wingwalls, and piers above the mean low water elevation (elevation -2.9 NAVD), shall be cleaned and repointed as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer. Resetting dislodged stones, replacement of missing or damaged stones, and grouting of voids are also included under the work of this item. Materials The mortar for this work shall consist of 1 part portland cement, 2 parts lime, and 8 parts sand. Cement, sand and water shall conform to the requirements of Subsection M4.01.0, M4.02.02A and M4.02.04 respectively, of Division III, Materials. New stones shall match or replicate the existing masonry and native stone as closely as possible in kind, sizes, quality, color, texture, and finish. All stones shall be clean and free from structural defects. Samples of the new stone shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

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ITEM 106.252 (Continued) Construction Methods Repointing shall be accomplished by grout injection methods or other approved mechanical methods as described herein. Cleaning and repointing work shall be performed by skilled masons. Work shall be supervised by a lead mason with a minimum of five years masonry restoration experience. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with specific documentation of lead mason’s experience. Sample The Contractor shall prepare a masonry cleaning and repointing sample, at a representative location selected by the Engineer. The sample area shall measure 10 lineal feet. The sample cleaning and repointing shall be completed in accordance with the plans and this specification. The completed sample shall be subject to approval by the Engineer, in writing, prior to commencing cleaning and repointing work throughout the structure. The approved sample will be the standard by which completed stone patching work will be accepted. The approved sample repair shall remain as part of the finished work. In the event that the cleaning and repointing sample is not approved, a new sample shall be prepared at a new location selected by the Engineer. The rejected sample areas shall be cleaned and repointed as directed by the Engineer. Cleaning and Surface Preparation Prior to cleaning, temporary protective shield shall be in place. Prior to repointing, the stone masonry joints shall be thoroughly raked out and cleaned of all loose mortar, dirt, vegetation or other foreign material. All existing pointing mortar shall be removed to a minimum uniform depth of ¾ inch or 2.5 times the joint width, whichever is greater. Any loose or disintegrated mortar beyond this minimum depth shall also be removed as ordered by the Engineer. Removal of mortar from joints shall be accomplished using hand tools and small pneumatically-powered chisels, such as Chicago Pneumatic Model CP 0456 or equal, and small electric grinders. If electric grinders are utilized for cleaning vertical joints, special care shall be used at ends of the joints to prevent damage to adjacent stones. All tools shall be subject to approval by the Engineer prior to commencing work. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s methods of mortar removal are found to be damaging to the masonry, work shall be stopped until acceptable corrective action is taken.

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ITEM 106.252 (Continued) The face of the stones shall be cleaned to remove existing mortar smears and plastered over areas, exposing the natural stone faces. The mortar removal shall be accomplished using hand tools and small pneumatically-powered chisels. All stone and concrete masonry surfaces shall then be power washed, beginning from the top to remove all dirt, mildew, graffiti, and any other deleterious material. The cleaned surfaces shall be thoroughly rinsed by power washing with fresh water. Stonework Missing or damaged stones shall be reinstalled or replaced with new stones as directed by the Engineer. New stones shall be placed such that the natural stratification is parallel to the bedding plane. Loose stones shall be carefully removed, cleaned, and reset in their original position. Bedding mortar for setting stones shall be proportioned and mixed as specified for pointing mortar. If loose stones are encountered, or if stones become loose during the work, wedges shall be carefully installed in the transverse joints, as approved by the Engineer. Installed wedges shall be slightly recessed from the surface of the joint. Grout Injection of Voids After mortar removal and cleaning work is complete, but prior to pointing, grout injection ports shall be installed in joints at void locations identified by the Engineer. Where a void is evident or suspected, but there is not an adequate opening for grout injection, the Contractor shall drill through the bedding mortar as directed by the Engineer to create a sufficient opening for grout injection. Grout injection ports shall be of a size and type approved by the Engineer. The joints around the injection ports shall be sealed using pointing mortar or as approved by the Engineer. After pointing is complete and the mortar has cured for a minimum of 72 hours, grout shall be placed through the previously installed injection ports. Immediately prior to and during grout injection, the surface of the wall shall be kept wet to deter adhesion of spilled grout. A water hose and brush shall be kept on hand during injection for cleaning any grout spills from the masonry surface. Where injection ports are located in groups, injection shall begin at the lowest injection port and work upwards. Grout shall be injected at a consistent and uninterrupted pressure to uniformly force grout into voids. The maximum injection pressure shall be 5 psi, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

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ITEM 106.252 (Continued) Grout placement shall continue until the flow of grout completely stops at the maximum injection pressure, or until grout exits from an adjacent port. If grout exits from an adjacent port, the adjacent port shall be temporarily plugged and injection continued to achieve maximum penetration. Injection ports shall be sealed immediately after feed line is removed to prevent leakage of grout. If grout exits from an adjacent port, the injection operations shall resume at that port prior to setting of the grout. Grout placement equipment and procedures shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencing grouting work. Once the grout has cured, the injection ports shall be carefully removed and the holes filled with pointing mortar. Preparation of Mortar The dry ingredients of the pointing mortar shall be measured by volume and thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of any water. Add sufficient water to the dry ingredients to produce a mortar that retains its form when hand-squeezed and released. Mix for approximately 5 minutes. Allow this mortar to stand covered for not less than 1 hour nor more than 1 ½ hours for prehydration. Add additional water in small portions until a stiff, but workable consistency is reached. The use of pigments or other mortar additives will not be permitted. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of final mixing. Retempering of mortar will not be permitted. Placement and Finish Pointing shall not be done when the ambient temperature is 40º F or below, nor when the stone contains frost. At the time of pointing, the joints shall be damp, but with no standing water present. All pointing mortar shall be placed by hand. Where the existing mortar has been removed to a depth greater than 2 inches, these deeper areas shall be filled first, compacting mortar to fill all voids. Once a uniform joint depth is attained, the joint shall be filled by applying several layers of mortar, packing it well into the back corners. The thickness of the individual layers shall not exceed ½ inch and each successive layer of mortar shall be permitted to reach thumb-print hardness before application of the next layer. The final layer of mortar shall be recessed slightly behind the face of the stones, and finished with an approved flat pointing tool. Feathered edges should be avoided. After the mortar has dried, but before it is initially set (1 to 2 hours), excess mortar shall be removed from the edge of the joint by brushing with a natural bristle or nylon brush. Care shall be taken such that excess mortar does not contact and harden on the face of cleaned stone masonry. Any material that does contact cleaned stone or concrete masonry shall be immediately removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 106.252 (Continued) Repointed surfaces shall be kept moist by water-misting at least three times a day, or as directed by the Engineer, and protected from extreme heat, freezing, high winds, and direct sunlight for a seventy-two hour period after finishing. Repointed areas shall be protected from rain for at least 12 hours after finishing. At the completion of the project, masonry surfaces shall be cleaned using plain water and natural bristle or nylon brushes as directed by the Engineer. Use of chemical detergents will not be permitted for cleaning masonry. Method of Measurement Stone Masonry Repointing will be paid for on a lineal foot basis, and will be measured by the linear foot of mortar joint repointed. Basis of Payment Stone Masonry Repointing shall be paid at the bid unit price per foot. Payment shall be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, including but not limited to raking of joints, cleaning, filling and finishing joints, wetting and protecting the work. No separate payment will be made for placement of grout material into voids. ITEM 106.253 STONE MASONRY RESTORATION SQUARE FOOT

Work under this item shall be to remove deteriorated mortar and repointing joints in the rubble stone masonry of the existing bridge abutments and wingwalls. All of the deteriorated masonry joints of the existing abutments and wingwalls above the mean low water elevation (elevation -2.9 NAVD), shall be cleaned and repointed as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer. Resetting dislodged stones, replacement of missing or damaged stones, and grouting of voids are also included under the work of this item.

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ITEM 106.253 (Continued) Materials The mortar for this work shall consist of 1 part portland cement, 2 parts lime, and 8 parts sand. Cement, sand and water shall conform to the requirements of Subsection M4.01.0, M4.02.02A and M4.02.04 respectively, of Division III, Materials. New stones shall match or replicate the existing masonry and native stone as closely as possible in kind, sizes, quality, color, texture, and finish. All stones shall be clean and free from structural defects. Samples of the new stone shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Construction Methods Repointing shall be accomplished by grout injection methods or other approved mechanical methods as described herein. Cleaning and repointing work shall be performed by skilled masons. Work shall be supervised by a lead mason with a minimum of five years masonry restoration experience. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with specific documentation of lead mason’s experience. Sample The Contractor shall prepare a masonry cleaning and repointing sample, at a representative location selected by the Engineer. The sample area shall measure 10 square. The sample cleaning and repointing shall be completed in accordance with the plans and this specification. The completed sample shall be subject to approval by the Engineer, in writing, prior to commencing cleaning and repointing work throughout the structure. The approved sample will be the standard by which completed stone patching work will be accepted. The approved sample repair shall remain as part of the finished work. In the event that the cleaning and repointing sample is not approved, a new sample shall be prepared at a new location selected by the Engineer. The rejected sample areas shall be cleaned and repointed as directed by the Engineer. Cleaning and Surface Preparation Prior to repointing, the stone masonry joints shall be thoroughly raked out and cleaned of all loose mortar, dirt, vegetation or other foreign material. In areas where the existing mortar is deteriorated, the mortar shall be removed to a minimum uniform depth of 2 inches or 2.5 times the joint width, whichever is greater. Any loose or disintegrated mortar beyond this minimum depth shall also be removed as ordered by the Engineer.

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ITEM 106.253 (Continued) Removal of mortar from joints shall be accomplished using hand tools and small pneumatically-powered chisels, such as Chicago Pneumatic Model CP 0456 or equal, and small electric grinders. If electric grinders are utilized for cleaning vertical joints, special care shall be used at ends of the joints to prevent damage to adjacent stones. Small electric grinders will be permitted for removal of mortar from narrow portions of horizontal joints only. All tools shall be subject to approval by the Engineer prior to commencing work. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s methods of mortar removal are found to be damaging to the masonry, work shall be stopped until acceptable corrective action is taken. The face of the stones shall be cleaned to remove existing mortar smears and plastered over areas, exposing the natural stone faces. The mortar removal shall be accomplished using hand tools and small pneumatically-powered chisels. All stone and concrete masonry surfaces shall then be power washed, beginning from the top to remove all dirt, mildew, graffiti, and any other deleterious material. The cleaned surfaces shall be thoroughly rinsed by power washing with fresh water. Stonework Missing or damaged stones shall be reinstalled or replaced with new stones as directed by the Engineer. New stones shall be placed such that the natural stratification is parallel to the bedding plane. Loose stones shall be carefully removed, cleaned, and reset in their original position. Bedding mortar for setting stones shall be proportioned and mixed as specified for pointing mortar. If loose stones are encountered, or if stones become loose during the work, wedges shall be carefully installed in the transverse joints, as approved by the Engineer. Installed wedges shall be slightly recessed from the surface of the joint. Grout Injection of Voids After mortar removal and cleaning work is complete, but prior to pointing, grout injection ports shall be installed in joints at void locations identified by the Engineer. Where a void is evident or suspected, but there is not an adequate opening for grout injection, the Contractor shall drill through the bedding mortar as directed by the Engineer to create a sufficient opening for grout injection. Grout injection ports shall be of a size and type approved by the Engineer. The joints around the injection ports shall be sealed using pointing mortar or as approved by the Engineer. After pointing is complete and the mortar has cured for a minimum of 72 hours, grout shall be placed through the previously installed injection ports.

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ITEM 106.253 (Continued) Immediately prior to and during grout injection, the surface of the wall shall be kept wet to deter adhesion of spilled grout. A water hose and brush shall be kept on hand during injection for cleaning any grout spills from the masonry surface. Where injection ports are located in groups, injection shall begin at the lowest injection port and work upwards. Grout shall be injected at a consistent and uninterruptedpressure to uniformly force grout into voids. The maximum injection pressure shall be 5 psi, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Grout placement shall continue until the flow of grout completely stops at the maximum injection pressure, or until grout exits from an adjacent port. If grout exits from an adjacent port, the adjacent port shall be temporarily plugged and injection continued to achieve maximum penetration. Injection ports shall be sealed immediately after feed line is removed to prevent leakage of grout. If grout exits from an adjacent port, the injection operations shall resume at that port prior to setting of the grout. Grout placement equipment and procedures shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencing grouting work. Once the grout has cured, the injection ports shall be carefully removed and the holes filled with pointing mortar. Preparation of Mortar The dry ingredients of the pointing mortar shall be measured by volume and thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of any water. Add sufficient water to the dry ingredients to produce a mortar that retains its form when hand-squeezed and released. Mix for approximately 5 minutes. Allow this mortar to stand covered for not less than 1 hour nor more than 1 ½ hours for prehydration. Add additional water in small portions until a stiff, but workable consistency is reached. The use of pigments or other mortar additives will not be permitted. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of final mixing. Retempering of mortar will not be permitted. Placement and Finish Pointing shall not be done when the ambient temperature is 40º F or below, nor when the stone contains frost. At the time of pointing, the joints shall be damp, but with no standing water present. All pointing mortar shall be placed by hand. Where the existing mortar has been removed to a depth greater than 2 inches, these deeper areas shall be filled first, compacting mortar to fill all voids. Once a uniform joint depth is attained, the joint shall be filled by applying several layers of mortar, packing it well into the back corners. The thickness of the individual layers shall not exceed ½ inch and each successive layer of mortar shall be permitted to reach thumb-print hardness before application of the next layer. The final layer of mortar shall be recessed slightly behind the face of the stones, and finished with an approved flat pointing tool. Feathered edges should be avoided.

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ITEM 106.253 (Continued) After the mortar has dried, but before it is initially set (1 to 2 hours), excess mortar shall be removed from the edge of the joint by brushing with a natural bristle or nylon brush. Care shall be taken such that excess mortar does not contact and harden on the face of cleaned stone masonry. Any material that does contact cleaned stone or concrete masonry shall be immediately removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Repointed surfaces shall be kept moist by water-misting at least three times a day, or as directed by the Engineer, and protected from extreme heat, freezing, high winds, and direct sunlight for a seventy-two hour period after finishing. Repointed areas shall be protected from rain for at least 12 hours after finishing. At the completion of the project, masonry surfaces shall be cleaned using plain water and natural bristle or nylon brushes as directed by the Engineer. Use of chemical detergents will not be permitted for cleaning masonry. Method of Measurement Stone Masonry Restoration will be paid for on a square foot basis, and will be measured by the exposed surface area of the portion of the abutment and piers restored. Basis of Payment Stone Masonry Restoration shall be paid at the bid price per square foot. Payment shall be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, including but not limited to raking of joints, cleaning, filling and finishing joints, wetting and protecting the work. No separate payment will be made for placement of grout material into voids.

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Work under this item shall be to jack and shore the existing bridge superstructure from the abutment and pier seats adjacent to the existing bearings to allow for the replacement of the existing bearings with new bearings and resetting of the dislodged stone block at Pier 6. The work under this item also includes jacking and shoring of the existing swing span (span 3) in the open (open to navigation) position as required to complete the structural and mechanical repairs. The work under this item shall also include designing, furnishing, fabricating, and erecting the jacking systems, including all required components. The temporary jacking and shoring systems shall be removed upon the completion of the bearing replacement. Any rivets that are removed from the existing structure to facilitate the jacking system shall be filled with the appropriate diameter high strength bolts upon the jacking material removal. The existing member sizes and dimensions shown on the plans are based on the available original design drawings, and are not guaranteed. The available original design drawings are available for review at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying all sizes and dimensions in the field prior to fabrication of any new bearing or component. No additional payment will be made as a result of discrepancies between the design drawings and the existing as-built conditions. All jacking and shoring systems shall be designed by a professional structural engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The design of the jacking and shoring system shall be in accordance with the Allowable Stress Method of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, including the latest interims. The contractor shall provide an analysis of the stresses in the existing structural members as well as the jacking system and supporting members during all phases of the jacking operation. Under no circumstance will any overstress of more than 10% above the AASHTO allowable stresses be permitted in the design. Jacking operations shall not commence until the structure is closed to all traffic. No live load shall be permitted on the structure during jacking.

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ITEM 106.87 (Continued) The jacking schemes shown on the contract plans are schematic only and are provided to indicate general design intent only. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design of all jacking systems. The schemes shown are based on the assumption that the jacking will occur after the existing deck and stringers have been removed and that simultaneous jacking of all bearings, to be replaced, in each span is performed. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the stability of the structure during the jacking procedure. The shoring system must provide for thermal expansion and contraction of the superstructure. The jacking system shall be monitored for lateral movements to ensure that the jacking system remains plumb during jacking. Vertical deflections shall be monitored to detect any movement such that if movement is detected jacking can be halted and corrective measures taken. MATERIALS Jacks and Temporary Materials used by the Contractor in shoring and temporary supports shall be in sound condition and shall meet the requirements of these specifications and the approval of the Engineer. All jacks shall be equipped with pressure gauges or other load measuring devices so that the jacking forces can be monitored at all times. Each jack shall have the rated capacity and stroke clearly shown on the manufacture's name plate attached to each jack. The minimum stroke requirement shall be 2 inches for each jack. The Engineer may require that any lifting equipment which he deems to be inadequate or faulty be removed from the project site. Materials and equipment used to perform the jacking and shoring shall be capable of supporting the actual loads on the structure at the time of jacking, including the dead loads and construction live loads (with an impact factor). For any proposed methods, the Contractor shall determine the appropriate jacking loads and required jack capacities, including a minimum safety factor equal to 1.5 of the bearing reactions. All jacks to be equipped with locking rings. The jacking system shall be capable of synchronized jacking of multiple jacks.

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ITEM 106.87 (Continued) Non-Shrink Grout shall be suitable for outdoor use, and it shall have a minimum compression strength of 8,000 psi after 28 days as determined by testing under ASTM C 109. The grout mix shall exhibit no shrinkage on setting but may exhibit slight expansion of no more than 3% when tested by methods conforming the requirements of ASTM C 827. All grout materials shall be on the MHD's Approved List of Materials. Timber for cribbing may be used for the jacking operation. The timber cribbing, if selected by the Contractor, shall be southern yellow pine or Douglas fir and designed for wet service condition. Timber for cribbing shall be free of decay, excessive knots and shakes and need not be new. Other Materials not listed shall be on the MassDOT’s Approved List of Materials. CONSTRUCTION METHODS SUBMITTALS Designs and shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer in accordance with the Subsection 5.02 “Plans and Detail Drawings", and shall be stamped by a structural engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The submission shall contain a description, design calculations and plans of the proposed methods and materials in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the system for structural adequacy. Typical jacking and steel modification related items to be submitted with the shop drawings shall include, but not limited to, the following: 1) A hydraulic schematic.

2) General jacking procedure, including jacking sequence, duration, and lowering of the structure, type and material designations for all materials used.

3) Design calculations and details for all jack supports, shoring towers, jacking beams and any other structural components.

4) Analysis calculations to check the stresses and stability of all existing members being lifted, for all phases of the jacking. This must include the effects of the longitudinal forces due to thermal movements.

5) A Proof Test Certificate for the jacks, gauges, and fittings and all accessories. 6) A certificate verifying 2% accuracy of all gages. 7) Catalog cut sheets and assembly drawings of each size of jack. 8) A theoretical conversion chart for converting pressures to loads.

9) Method of monitoring the jacking forces, movements and deflections.

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ITEM 106.87 (Continued) The Contractor shall also submit his proposed welding procedures and welder's certifications to the Engineer for approval prior to commencement of work. JACKING AND SHORING Jacking of bearings shall be done on one set of bearings (both North and South bearings of one pier) at a time. Simultaneous jacking at multiple locations within a bridge span is not allowed unless approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain the stability of the bridge by fixing the bridge at one (and only one) location at all times. The Contractor shall ensure that the existing bearings are unrestrained in the vertical direction prior to jacking, such that the bearings and existing hold-down devices provide no resistance to the jacking. This can be performed by removing the existing bearing anchor bolts after the jacks have been brought up tight against the jacking beams and/or jacking brackets. At no time shall any truss jacking be performed unless the Engineer is present. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two-day advance notice to the Engineer prior to any truss jacking operation. The Contractor shall use jacks with mechanical locking capability, or with "horseshoe" type shims\blocking, which provide the required load capacity. The jacks shall be centered under the jacking beams and/or jacking brackets. All jacks shall have locking devices engaged or blocking shall be provided once the load has been transferred to the jacks but prior to removal of existing bearings. The Contractor shall minimize the duration that the structure is supported by jacks and\or shoring, and shall inspect the shoring system at least daily while it is carrying the bridge loads. Jacking system shall accommodate the thermal movements of the structure as required.

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ITEM 106.87 (Continued) The Contractor shall carefully lower the structure by using the hydraulic system of the jacks. Such lowering shall be performed simultaneously for all jacks. 1. The Contractor shall jack the structure to a height sufficient to allow for removal and

replacement of the bearings, but not to exceed ¾ inch as measured at the center lines of the truss panels.

2. The jacks shall be mechanically locked, or the structure shimmed\blocked after each 1/8

inch of lift at each jack, and at the completion of the lift. The hydraulic system of the jacks shall not be relied upon to sustain the jacking loads once the lifting has been completed.

3. During jacking, jack pressures shall be monitored continuously and the jacking procedure

shall be suspended if deviations from expected jacking forces of more than 20% are experienced until the cause of the discrepancy is determined and resolved to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

4. The truss elevations shall be the same before and after the completion of work. 5. In the case of a failure of the hydraulic system of a jack, all jacks shall be carefully and

immediately lowered to the relative shim or lock-off height corresponding to the failed jack, and the truss panel adjacent to the failed jack shall be supported such that the jack can be replaced. All repairs as required by the Engineer (including associated design) shall be performed by the Contractor prior to further jacking, at no additional cost to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Contractor shall provide emergency back up jacks, equal in number to 25% of the amount of jacks for each rated capacity (but no less than one jack for each rated capacity and type), on site in case of a failure of a jack(s).

6. Work related to the proposed electric conduits shall be performed after completion of the

jacking. JACKING BEAM AND JACKING BRACKETS INSTALLATION All materials shall be lifted into position with care so as not to damage the existing structure. Any damaged caused by the contractor to the existing structure will be repaired as required and to the approval of the Engineer at the expense of the Contractor.

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ITEM 106.87 (Continued) At no time shall the Contractor's material or equipment be directly placed in the waterway. Once the bearings have been successfully installed, all jacking materials shall be removed. Holes in the existing steel shall be filled with high strength “twist-off” tension control bolts with rounded heads upon the jacking material removal. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all design, labor, tools, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to properly jack and shore and complete the work as specified on the Contract Drawings and in these Special Provisions. Payment shall also include modifications to the existing trusses (replacing rivets with temporary and final high strength bolts) and new jacking brackets at piers and abutments, including removal and reinstallation of minor obstructions to jacking bracket erection, shoring systems, bearing seat modifications at piers, pier strengthening, jacking material removal including subsequent filling holes in steel with high strength bolts, and any alterations to the structure proposed by the Contractor, any repair work to the existing structure required as a result of the Contractor's operation, all plates, shims, excavation and/or filling when required, and restoration of grades to the original conditions after completion of work. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the work and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to any unseen nature of the work or materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall be to remove ashlar and/or rubble stone masonry of the existing bridge abutments as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer in the field. Masonry is to be removed without disturbing portions of the abutment and wall that are to remain. Resetting and re-pointing any stones that are dislodged or loosened during the removal process will be included in this item. MATERIALS The mortar for this work shall consist of 1 part portland cement, 2 parts lime, and 8 parts sand. Cement, sand and water shall conform to the requirements of Subsection M4.01.0, M4.02.02A and M4.02.04 respectively, of Division III, Materials. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Masonry removal work shall be performed by skilled masons. Work shall be supervised by a lead mason with a minimum of five years masonry restoration experience. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with specific documentation of lead mason’s experience. Removal of masonry shall be accomplished using hand tools, wedges and small pneumatically-powered chisels, such as Chicago Pneumatic Model CP 0456 or equal. Special care shall be used at the interfaces with masonry that is to remain to prevent damage to the permanent structure. If any damage is done to the stone masonry that is to remain, or if loose stones are encountered during the removal process, these shall be repaired by resetting and re-mortaring the loose or dislodged stones to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 106.95 (Continued) Bedding mortar for setting stones shall be proportioned and mixed as specified for pointing mortar. The dry ingredients of the pointing mortar shall be measured by volume and thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of any water. Add sufficient water to the dry ingredients to produce a mortar that retains its form when hand-squeezed and released. Mix for approximately 5 minutes. Allow this mortar to stand covered for not less than 1 hour nor more than 1 ½ hours for prehydration. Add additional water in small portions until a stiff, but workable consistency is reached. The use of pigments or other mortar additives will not be permitted. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of final mixing. Retempering of mortar will not be permitted. Pointing\mortaring work shall not be done when the ambient temperature is 40º F or below, nor when the stone contains frost. At the time of pointing, the joints shall be damp, but with no standing water present. All pointing mortar shall be placed by hand. Where the existing mortar has been removed to a depth greater than 2 inches, these deeper areas shall be filled first, compacting mortar to fill all voids. Once a uniform joint depth is attained, the joint shall be filled by applying several layers of mortar, packing it well into the back corners. The thickness of the individual layers shall not exceed ½ inch and each successive layer of mortar shall be permitted to reach thumb-print hardness before application of the next layer. The final layer of mortar shall be recessed slightly behind the face of the stones, and finished with an approved flat pointing tool. Feathered edges should be avoided. After the mortar has dried, but before it is initially set (1 to 2 hours), excess mortar shall be removed from the edge of the joint by brushing with a natural bristle or nylon brush. Care shall be taken such that excess mortar does not contact and harden on the face of cleaned stone masonry. Any material that does contact cleaned stone or concrete masonry shall be immediately removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Repointed surfaces shall be kept moist by water-misting at least three times a day, or as directed by the Engineer, and protected from extreme heat, freezing, high winds, and direct sunlight for a seventy-two hour period after finishing. Repointed areas shall be protected from rain for at least 12 hours after finishing. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be measured and paid per SQUARE FOOT at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, including but not limited to raking of joints, cleaning, filling and finishing joints, wetting and protecting the work. No separate payment will be made for placement of grout material into voids. The quantity shall be the square foot measurement of the exposed vertical face of stone masonry removed.

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Work under this item shall be to remove and reset ashlar stone masonry of the existing bridge abutments and piers as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer in the field. Masonry is to be removed without disturbing portions of the substructure that are to remain. Resetting and re-pointing any stones that are dislodged or loosened during the removal process will be included in this item. MATERIALS The mortar for this work shall consist of 1 part portland cement, 2 parts lime, and 8 parts sand. Cement, sand and water shall conform to the requirements of Subsection M4.01.0, M4.02.02A and M4.02.04 respectively, of Division III, Materials. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Masonry removal work shall be performed by skilled masons. Work shall be supervised by a lead mason with a minimum of five years masonry restoration experience. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with specific documentation of lead mason’s experience. Removal of masonry shall be accomplished using hand tools, wedges and small pneumatically-powered chisels, such as Chicago Pneumatic Model CP 0456 or equal. Special care shall be used at the interfaces with masonry that is to remain to prevent damage to the permanent structure. If any damage is done to the stone masonry that is to remain, or if loose stones are encountered during the removal process, these shall be repaired by resetting and re-mortaring the loose or dislodged stones to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 106.96 (Continued) Bedding mortar for setting stones shall be proportioned and mixed as specified for pointing mortar. The dry ingredients of the pointing mortar shall be measured by volume and thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of any water. Add sufficient water to the dry ingredients to produce a mortar that retains its form when hand-squeezed and released. Mix for approximately 5 minutes. Allow this mortar to stand covered for not less than 1 hour nor more than 1 ½ hours for prehydration. Add additional water in small portions until a stiff, but workable consistency is reached. The use of pigments or other mortar additives will not be permitted. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of final mixing. Retempering of mortar will not be permitted. Pointing\mortaring work shall not be done when the ambient temperature is 40º F or below, nor when the stone contains frost. At the time of pointing, the joints shall be damp, but with no standing water present. All pointing mortar shall be placed by hand. Where the existing mortar has been removed to a depth greater than 2 inches, these deeper areas shall be filled first, compacting mortar to fill all voids. Once a uniform joint depth is attained, the joint shall be filled by applying several layers of mortar, packing it well into the back corners. The thickness of the individual layers shall not exceed ½ inch and each successive layer of mortar shall be permitted to reach thumb-print hardness before application of the next layer. The final layer of mortar shall be recessed slightly behind the face of the stones, and finished with an approved flat pointing tool. Feathered edges should be avoided. After the mortar has dried, but before it is initially set (1 to 2 hours), excess mortar shall be removed from the edge of the joint by brushing with a natural bristle or nylon brush. Care shall be taken such that excess mortar does not contact and harden on the face of cleaned stone masonry. Any material that does contact cleaned stone or concrete masonry shall be immediately removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Repointed surfaces shall be kept moist by water-misting at least three times a day, or as directed by the Engineer, and protected from extreme heat, freezing, high winds, and direct sunlight for a seventy-two hour period after finishing. Repointed areas shall be protected from rain for at least 12 hours after finishing. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be measured and paid per SQUARE FOOT at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, including but not limited to raking of joints, cleaning, filling and finishing joints, wetting and protecting the work. No separate payment will be made for placement of grout material into voids.

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This work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications Sections 960 and 112 as amended by the latest Supplemental Specifications, and the specific requirements stipulated below. Work under this item shall be to repair the existing structural steel in accordance with these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. Exact locations and extent of repairs shall be determined by the Engineer. The work under this section is in addition to the repairs shown on the contract drawings and is intended to cover the additional repairs of deteriorated or damaged structural steel not shown on the contract drawings. The work shall include furnishing, fabricating, transporting and erecting structural steel for replacing or reinforcing deteriorated or otherwise damaged components of structural steel. The work shall include all temporary shoring and bracing, post-tensioning and jacking necessary to complete the work. Work also includes the removal and disposal of existing deteriorated structural steel members and bolting new structural steel into place, including all equipment, labor, and materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Removing existing rivets and replacing them with high strength bolts, as well as field drilling holes in new or existing steel for high strength bolts, shall be included in this item. Work includes drilling of holes left by rivet removal. Cutting and grinding edges of corrosion damaged areas of steel to remain necessary to replace existing steel is also included in this item. This work shall also include surface preparation and shop-applied paint of the new steel for the repairs and member replacements. Surface preparation and painting of the existing steel and replaced/repaired steel performed in the field shall be provided under Item 961.201 Clean (Full Removal) and Paint Steel Bridge No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311). The work also includes installation of any additional miscellaneous steel plates or rolled shapes, including shim plates, fill plates, clip angles, bolts, etc., not specifically called out on the plans, but which may be required during construction to complete the repair as directed by the Engineer. The work includes all field survey, including detailed measurements of existing features and details, required to ensure proper alignment and fit. Following the initial cleaning of areas to be repaired, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to any adjustments to the approximate repair quantities and dimensions.

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ITEM 107.97 (Continued) However, the Contractor is fully responsible for the accuracy and fit of the work and must develop the final detailed geometry based on field measurements. Any components of the existing bridge that are damaged by the Contractor’s operation shall be repaired in conformance with these specifications. The costs of such repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. MATERIALS All structural steel shall meet the requirement of AASHTO M270 (A709), either Grade 50 or Grade 36, as indicated on the plans, and shall be painted. Fabrication and painting shall be in accordance with Section 960 and 961. All truss members, stringers and floor beams shall be considered main members. All truss and floor beams are Fracture Critical members. Charpy v-notch impact testing shall be completed in accordance with AASHTO and temperature zone 2. All bolted connections shall be slip-critical. All bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to Section M8.04.3 of the MassDOT Standard Specifications, except that bolts shall be “twist-off” tension-controlled (T.C.) bolts conforming to the requirements of ASTM F1852, Type 1. The twist-off T.C. bolts shall be manufactured with rounded heads. Verification testing as specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications, shall be performed by the Contractor. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M232. In locations where entering or tightening clearances do not permit the use of twist-off T.C. bolts, AASHTO M164 (ASTM A325) high strength bolts are to be used. Contact surfaces of bolted parts shall meet or exceed the Class B requirements for slip-critical joints specified in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Unless noted otherwise, the paint system used for structural steel shall be in accordance with Item 961.201 Clean (Full Removal) and Paint Steel Bridge No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311).

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ITEM 107.97 (Continued) SHOP DRAWINGS Before fabricating any materials, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for approval. A clear, signed Professional Structural Engineer’s Registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts stamp shall be affixed to the plans and calculations. These drawings shall be in accordance with Section 960.60 and are to include, but not be limited to, the following information:

a. All pertinent specifications. b. Complete details, all detail dimensions, and weights of all structural steel. Dimensions

that are based on field measurements shall be clearly differentiated from other dimensions.

c. Details and quantities of all permanent bolting and welding. d. Details of sequence of assembly, installation of temporary supports, erection, etc.

including detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and bracing. e. Supplier's name, address and telephone numbers.

In addition, for each repair type, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, in writing, his proposed construction sequence and a detailed description of the procedure he will use to complete the work for approval prior to beginning work. CONSTRUCTION METHODS All work shall be done as directed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in accordance with the details shown on the plans. The proposed repair procedure and sequence of the construction operations required to accomplish this work shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to performing any repairs. All holes for field bolted connections to existing steel shall be sub drilled and reamed to size at assembly or drilled from the solid using the steel plate being removed as a template.

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ITEM 107.97 (Continued) All existing rivets or bolts which have been removed for the purpose of performing the work shall be replaced with high strength bolts of the same diameter as the removed item, unless otherwise noted. Where the existing rivet hole is to be re-used, the rivet shall be removed without damaging the existing base metal. Existing holes are to be cleaned and reamed if required to install new bolts. Holes not used shall be filled with bolts as directed by the Engineer. Extreme care shall be taken not to damage any existing components that are scheduled to remain. Any damage to the structure caused by the Contractor shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no expense to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No field welding is permitted on existing structural steel. All repairs must be made by bolting. The existing steel structure and appurtenances are believed to be coated with lead paint, which must be removed from areas that are to be cut or burned as required for the demolition operations in accordance with Item 114.01. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for determining the required bracing, shoring and sequence for safely cutting and\or mechanical disassembly of structural members to facilitate the repairs\replacement. Whenever the work requires cutting or disconnecting existing connections, main or bracing members, a suitable substitute bracing/shoring system shall be installed prior to disconnecting the existing member(s). Unless noted otherwise on the plans, such temporary braces and shoring shall have a capacity equal to or greater than the existing member being replaced. m Where existing rivet heads conflict with a plate or member to be added over an existing plate or member that is under load, such as when a new gusset plate is to be added over an existing gusset plate, the following procedure shall be followed.

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ITEM 107.97 (Continued) Step 1: The rivets shall be removed and replaced with temporary AASHTO M164 (ASTM A325) high strength bolts of the same diameter as the rivets. The number of rivets to be replaced at any one time is limited to 5% of the total number of rivets in the gusset plate. The rivets heads shall be removed using a method that does not damage the base metal, and the shaft pushed through the hole. The bolt shall be placed in the hole and brought to a snug tight condition. Provide temporary post-tensioning or bracing as needed. Step 2: After all the rivets in the connection have been replaced with bolts, remove nuts on all bolts so the new plate\member to be added can be installed. Do not remove bolts in holes other than to insert drift pins to facilitate aligning and placing the added plate. Step 3: Once the added plate\member is its proper position, replace the temporary bolts with the permanent bolts. The number of bolts replaced at one time is limited to 5% of the total bolts in the connection. Dimensions of plates and replacement elements are given for the purpose of estimating. The Contractor is fully responsible for the accuracy and fit of the work and, thus, shall determine what measurements are required and shall allow adequate time and resources for obtaining field measurements in developing his sequence of fabrication and construction. The Contractor shall develop shop drawings utilizing the field measurements and shall not begin fabrication prior to approval of shop drawings. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be measured and paid per POUND at the Contract Bid Price, which price include all materials, equipment, tools and labor incidental thereto, for “Structural Steel Repairs”, completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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OF BRIDGE NO. H-12-020=W-20-004


Work under this item will conform to the relevant provisions of Section 112 of the Standard Specifications and the following: Prior to bidding, prospective bidders will perform their individual, independent investigations at their own cost and responsibility to determine the existing condition of the structures and premises and to verify all conditions and materials in the field. No additional compensation shall be paid for any variance in any document, plans, special provisions or any information furnished by the Engineer regarding the actual conditions of the items to be removed. Work under this item includes furnishing all labor and materials necessary to perform demolition of the entire bridge deck and portions of the superstructure as indicated on the Contract Plans. The demolition includes, but is not limited to, removal and disposal of the existing reinforced concrete deck, timber deck, structural steel stringers, timber stringers, diaphragms, floor-beams and bearings where indicated on the plans; bridge scuppers; metal deck joints, ornamental railing, and other components as indicated on the plans. The work under this item also includes all saw-cuts in concrete where indicated on the Plans. It should be noted that disposal of any treated timber is paid for under item 184.1. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation does not guarantee or represent that the bridge materials will actually coincide with any descriptions contained herein or represented on drawings. Plans of the existing bridge are available at the Office of the Director of Bridges and Structures, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to protect existing utilities from damage during his operations. Additionally, he shall coordinate the removal and/or relocation of existing utilities with their owners throughout the demolition phase. TEMPORARY SHIELDING The work under this item includes providing temporary shielding to prevent any debris, tools or incidental equipment of any kind resulting from demolition, excavation or construction from falling into the river. Any material that accidentally falls into the river shall be immediately removed at the Contractor’s expense. The work under this item shall includes designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, relocating, removal and disposal of the protective shielding.

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ITEM 114.01 (Continued) Shielding shall be in place prior to the start of the demolition and shall extend the full length of the span(s) where demolition is being performed and a sufficient distance beyond the bridge fascias. The shielding shall be installed or removed only upon the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor’s demolition plan as described herein, shall include the shielding design, calculations and sketches for review. The shielding design shall be stamped by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in Massachusetts. Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval and all shields shall be approved by the Engineer and installed prior to the start of demolition of the superstructure. The protective shields shall remain in position during removal of all superstructure components. The shields shall be installed, relocated or removed only upon approval of the Engineer. The installation of the protective shield including connections, fasteners, erection procedures and maintenance shall be undertaken in accordance with the following criteria:

1. The protective shielding system shall be designed to support all loads that it will be subjected to. The design of the shielding components shall be in conformance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The loads imposed by the shielding, both globally and locally shall not cause overstress of any portion of the existing structure and calculations shall be submitted to demonstrate this requirement has been met. The shielding shall be designed to carry a construction live load of not less than 100 pounds per square foot.

2. The protective shield shall extend horizontally a minimum of three feet beyond the bridge

parapet and shall extend vertically to a point one foot above the top of the bridge parapet wall.

3. The protective shield shall be placed to protect the entire area of demolition, including the

areas over land.

4. The protective shield shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of slurry from cutting tools, dust, chips or other small debris to the surface below.

5. The protective shield shall be tongue and groove or ship lap, lined with 6 mil polyethylene

unless otherwise specified or approved by the Engineer.

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ITEM 114.01 (Continued) Alternate methods for protective shielding will be considered and reviewed by the Engineer. Their use will be subject to the approval of the Engineer. If the Contractor proposes an alternate method, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing complete details of this method. These drawings and details shall be designed and stamped by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in conformance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Contractor may utilize existing truss members or bottom flanges of the existing steel beams as supports for the Protective Shielding. However, the Contractor will not be permitted to weld onto, drill into, or cut in the tensile zone areas of any existing structural beams without prior approval of the Engineer. If the Contractor's operations damage any existing portions of the bridge that have been designated to be retained in the proposed construction, such damage shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. All materials removed under Item 114.01 shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the job site, unless such materials are designated to be reused in the proposed construction. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall prepare and submit a demolition plan indicating Contractor’s proposed demolition procedures and methods to be used including equipment, tools, devices, crane capacity and location, schedule of operations, methods of utility protection, methods of preventing any debris resulting from demolition, excavation or construction from falling into the river and adjacent property to the Engineer for approval. The requirements for equipment and all procedures utilized shall be in conformance with the intent of Subsection 960.61D, Steel Erection of the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The demolition procedures and any necessary calculations and drawings shall be stamped by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in Massachusetts certifying that all existing structural members are suitably braced and supported throughout the demolition process. Work under this item may not commence until the Engineer has given written approval. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The Contractor shall be solely responsible for maintaining the stability of the existing bridge at all times during the demolition and construction operations. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed plan indicating his proposed demolition sequence, procedures, and methods to be used including, but not limited to, equipment, tools, devices, crane capacity and locations, temporary shoring and supports, schedule of operations, methods of utility protection, protective shielding design to the Engineer for approval.

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ITEM 114.01 (Continued) The requirements for equipment and all procedures utilized shall be in conformance with the intent of Subsection 960.61. Temporary shoring and supports required for the removal of structural steel shall also be designed to allow the installation of new structural steel and connections. The demolition procedures and any necessary calculations and drawings shall be stamped by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in the Commonwealth Massachusetts, certifying that all existing structural members are suitably braced and supported throughout the demolition process. The Contractor’s demolition method shall take into consideration any utilities on or near the bridges. Work under these items may not commence until the Engineer has given written approval. The Contractor is cautioned to use extreme care so as not to damage portions of the existing structure to remain. During the prosecution of this work, the Engineer may reject use of any method or equipment which causes undue vibration or possible damage to portions of the remaining structure. The use of heavy equipment, such as hoe-rams, for removal of the existing deck and other concrete components will not be allowed. Any damage done to portions to remain in the bridge shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer, by the Contractor at no cost to the Commonwealth. The Contractor shall take care not to damage exposed reinforcing steel or any remaining concrete or any other part of the structure that is to remain. Any of the above items damaged, or otherwise made unsatisfactory for continued use by the Contractor's operations, shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense, as directed by the Engineer. After the concrete has been removed, all exposed reinforcing steel to remain shall be cleaned by mechanical cleaning and then high pressure-washing with water that does not contain detergents or any bond inhibiting chemicals. Where active corrosion has occurred that would inhibit bonding, sandblast steel to white metal finish prior to placement of concrete. All costs in connection with such work shall be considered as included in the bid price for this item and no additional compensation will be allowed.

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ITEM 114.01 (Continued) DE-LEADING Work under this item includes selective deleading of the structural components which are to be disassembled, burned or cut to allow subsequent removal. The entire bridge will not be deleaded under this item. Lead removal will be confined only to the immediate area where the removal of welds, removal of mechanical connections, cutting or burning are to be performed. The Contractor is required to evaluate and include in costs for the proper handling, disposal and/or recycling of materials suspected to contain lead that are generated during partial demolition of the bridge superstructure, and must conform with all Federal, State and local regulations. The handling, removing, disposing and/or recycling of all lead-based painted materials shall conform to the following: METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the field survey, design, installation & removal of temporary shielding system as shown on the Plans, all labor, equipment, tools, deleading, dismantling, transportation, disposal fees, and/or all incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Miscellaneous removals and disposals that are not specifically listed for payment under another item shall be deemed included under this Item. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the structures, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to any unseen nature of the work or materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item will be to excavate reinforced concrete in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 120 of the Standard Specifications, the Plans and the following: Prior to bidding, prospective bidders will perform their individual, independent investigations at their own cost and responsibility to determine the existing condition of the structures and premises and to verify all conditions and materials in the field. No additional compensation shall be paid for any variance in any document, plans, special provisions or any information furnished by the Engineer regarding the actual conditions of the items to be excavated and/or removed. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the removal and satisfactory disposal of the concrete portions of the east abutment and concrete bearing pedestals on the piers, as indicated on the plans. In addition, the removal of the concrete curb and concrete slab that is adjacent to the retaining wall along the south side of the Haverhill approach roadway shall also be completed under this Section as indicated on the plans. Removal of deteriorated concrete for the purpose of concrete repairs shall be as described and paid for under Item 989.1, Concrete Repairs. Removal of the existing concrete shall be performed such that no debris is allowed to drop into the river or other areas below the bridge. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Reinforced Concrete Excavation Plan and schedule to the Engineer for review describing the proposed sequence, method of concrete excavation and equipment for the excavation and disposal of all materials. The Contractor shall not proceed with demolition until the Engineer has given written acceptance of the plan. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation does not guarantee or represent that the bridge materials will actually coincide with any descriptions contained herein or represented on Drawings. The Contractor must visit the bridge site prior to submitting bids to get familiar with the scope of work and bridge condition. No additional compensation, other than the unit price bid for this Item, shall be made if the materials or work provided is different than that inferred or described herein or shown on the drawings. Drawings of the existing bridge are available on request from the office of the Director of Bridges and Structures, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116.

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ITEM 127.1 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS The Contractor shall use suitable means to prevent demolition material and debris from falling into the Merrimack River or other areas under the bridge. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing any debris falling into the river. No Blasting or use of explosives is permitted. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of this Item shall be the cubic yard measurement of the concrete excavated, based on the original position of the material excavated using the cross section method, except where such measurement is impractical. In such cases, the volume shall be measured by such other methods as the Engineer may determine. In any case, payments will be made only for excavation to lines and grades as indicated on the plans or as directed. This Item will be paid per CUBIC YARD at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ITEM 180.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN LUMP SUM

It is the Contractor's ultimate responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all the Contractor's employees and subcontracting personnel, the Engineer and his representatives, and the public from any on-site chemical contamination. A Health & Safety Plan (HASP) shall be prepared by a Certified Industrial Hygienist or other experienced individual with the appropriate training required by OSHA to prepare such a plan, and it shall include the components required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(b). The preparer's name and work experience shall be included as part of the Health and Safety Plan submittal. The HASP must be stamped by a Certified Industrial Hygienist certifying that it complies with all applicable laws, regulations, standards and guidelines, and that it provides a degree of protection and training appropriate for implementation on the project during the execution of this contract.

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ITEM 180.1 (Continued) The HASP shall be designed to identify, evaluate, and control health and safety hazards associated with the work on this project and provide for emergency response if needed. The HASP shall be a dynamic document with provision for change to reflect new information, new practices or procedures, changing site environmental conditions or other situations which may affect site workers and the public. Health and safety procedures provided by the Contractor shall comply with all the appropriate regulations that address employee working conditions (e.g. OSHA, RCRA, CERCLA). In addition, guidelines of NIOSH, OSHA, USCG, EPA, etc., shall be followed. Equipment used for the purpose of health and safety shall be approved and meet pertinent standards and specifications of the appropriate regulatory agencies. A copy of the Health and Safety Plan shall be maintained on-site at all times by the Contractor. The on-site copy shall contain the signature of the Engineer and each on-site employee of the Department, Contractor and subcontractors. The employee's signature on the Health and Safety Plan shall be deemed prima facie evidence that the employee has read and understands the plan. A copy of the plan with signatures shall be submitted to the Engineer at the conclusion of the Contract, or at the Engineer's request. Signature sheets shall be submitted monthly, or at the request of the Engineer. The work to be done under this Item shall be paid at the Contract Lump Sum Price under Item 180.1 for the development and preparation of the HASP by a qualified individual. ITEM 180.2 IMPLEMENTATION OF


For all construction activities which require handling or exposure to potentially hazardous materials, the Health and Safety Plan shall specify an on-site Safety Officer. The Site Health and Safety Officer duties shall include, but are not limited to: implementation of the site Health and Safety Plan, training, evaluating risks, safety oversight, determining levels of personnel protection required, and performing any required monitoring at the site. A Daily Log shall be kept by the on-site Safety Officer and provided weekly to the Engineer. This log shall be used to record a description of the weather conditions, levels of personnel protection being employed, monitoring data and any other information relevant to on-site safety conditions. The Site Health and Safety officer shall sign and date the Daily Log. In the event that subsurface contamination is discovered during construction, the Site Safety Officer shall be present to oversee all handling, storage, sampling, and transport of such contaminated materials.

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ITEM 180.2 (Continued) The level of protection, relative to respiratory and dermal hazards, required to ensure the health and safety of on-site personnel will be stipulated in the Health and Safety Plan and will be subject to modification by the on-site Safety Officer based on changing site and weather conditions and the following factors: type of operation or activity, chemical compounds identified on-site, concentration of the chemicals, physical state of the hazardous materials, potential duration of exposure to hazardous materials, dexterity required to perform work, decontamination procedures, necessary personnel and equipment, and type of equipment to be utilized. The Contractor shall be required to provide appropriate personnel protective equipment for anyone who is working in an area either containing or suspected of containing a hazardous environment. This work will include both individuals physically working in these areas and those directing the work of same. Contingencies for upgrading the level of protection for on-site workers will be identified in the Health and Safety Plan and the contractor shall have the necessary materials/equipment on hand to implement the level of protection upgrade in a timely manner. Payment for this level of upgraded protection shall be paid for under Item 180.3. Implementation of the Health and Safety Plan will be paid at the contract bid price per hour of implementing the plan and shall include the cost of enforcement by an on-site Safety Officer. Personnel protective clothing and equipment below Level "C" shall be considered incidental to the project and shall be a cost borne by the contractor. ITEM 180.3 PERSONNEL PROTECTION


The Contractor shall provide to all workers, protective clothing appropriate to the hazard level of the work. The protective equipment and its use shall be in strict compliance with the Health and Safety Plan (Item 180.1), and all appropriate regulations that address employee working conditions. Payment for Item 180.3 will be at the contract unit price, per hour, per person, required in level 'C' personnel protection.

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An On-Site Safety Officer shall be responsible for evaluating soil with non-natural discoloration, petroleum or chemical odor, the presence of petroleum liquid or sheening on the groundwater surface or any abnormal gas or materials in the ground which are known or suspected to be contaminated with oil or hazardous materials. Soil suspected of gasoline contamination shall be field tested using the jar headspace procedures according to Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Interim Policy #WSC-94-400 (Remedial Waste Management Policy for Petroleum Contaminated Soil) and the Bureau of Waste Prevention Policy #COMM-97-001 (Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil and Massachusetts Landfills). The Engineer shall be contacted immediately when any results indicate contamination requiring soil removal or when contamination not detectable by on-site instrumentation is suspected. The Contractor shall be required to supply all personnel and materials necessary to comply with this section and to support the anticipated levels of protection and monitoring described above. Within limited areas of the project site, it is likely that excavated soils may be contaminated. Where possible, all soils originally in contact with groundwater will be replaced in the same trench up to the existing groundwater level. All soils determined to be contaminated by metals or petroleum products, through the monitoring/evaluation program will be stockpiled for disposal in accordance with all Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection statutes, policies, and regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying a disposal/recycling facility and obtaining all permits, approvals, Bill of Lading, etc. prior to the removal of the contaminated soil from the site. Any soils contaminated with hazardous materials that are not of petroleum origin shall be handled on a case-by-case basis. All manifest, bills of lading, etc. will be the responsibility of the Contractor with copies provided to the Department. The Licensed Site Professional (LSP) is also responsible for as needed, for oversight and Bills of Lading, etc. Work under this item shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit bid price of contaminated material monitored, handled and/or stockpiled which payment shall be considered compensation for all labor, tools, equipment and materials needed to do the work as described above.

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The Contractor shall provide A Licensed Site Professional (LSP) will be required to provide the services necessary to comply with the requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.000, with respect to the scope of work for this Contract. These services will include, but are not limited to, sampling and analysis of potentially contaminated media, preparation of IRA, URAM and RAM Plans, status reports, transmittal forms, release notification forms, completion statements and related documents required pursuant to the MCP. The LSP will be responsible for obtaining all permits related to the characterization, treatment, and disposal of contaminated media. The LSP will provide oversight of handling, stockpiling, re-use, treatment and disposal of contaminated media, including preparation of Bills of Lading, Manifests, and related shipping documents. Environmental technicians, including but not limited to personnel conducting field monitoring and sampling, data interpretation and support services directly related to MCP compliance, are also included in this Item. The name and qualifications of the LSP will be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval at least two weeks prior to initial site activities. The LSP shall have significant experience in the oversight of MCP activities at active construction sites. The LSP will coordinate all activities with MassDOT and the Massachusetts DEP through the Engineer. The LSP will be responsible for adequately characterizing contaminated media to insure that it meets the requirements of the MCP and, in the case of contaminated media to be disposed of off-site, to insure that it meets the acceptance criteria set forth by the disposal facility. The LSP will be responsible for adequately characterizing subsurface conditions prior to backfill in areas where contaminated soil/sediments are excavated. The cost of laboratory analyses conducted in accordance with the sampling and assessment requirements for compliance with the MCP will be paid for within the unit bid price for Item 180.4 - Monitoring/Handling and Stockpiling of Contaminated Soils and Item 181.1 - Disposal Options for Contaminated Soils. Work under this Item shall be paid at the Contractor Bid Price per hour of service provided to perform the work as described above. The bid price shall reflect the cost of the LSP and any environmental technicians providing the services described above.

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Work under this item will conform to all relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications, the Special Provisions and the following: The Engineer may, from time to time, direct the Contractor to obtain sediment samples from various locations in the project area and to perform laboratory analyses on those sediment samples to assess reuse or disposal options. These samples shall be taken as soon as practical after Notice to Proceed to allow for early identification to minimize potential extra costs and impacts to the schedule. CONSTRUCTION METHODS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS The Contractor shall collect discrete sediment sample(s) from locations within individual sediment piles or specific land area identified by the Engineer. The sediment samples shall be collected at a depth specified by the Engineer, LSP or as required by the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP’s) approved sampling procedures. The samples shall be delivered to a MassDEP approved laboratory using proper chain-of-custody documentation for the analysis of corrosivity, pH, free liquids, ignitability, reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, total solids, total organic carbon, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). The Contractor shall also collect Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analyses (Method 1311) for metals as required based on analytical results. DATA EVALUATION AND REPORT The Contractor shall review and summarize the laboratory data from the sediment sampling analyses. Test results shall be submitted within 5 business days after sampling. The data will be compared to Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) sediment standards and acceptance criteria for sediment recycling and landfill disposal facilities. A letter report shall be delivered to the Engineer outlining the sediment sampling methods; laboratory analyses results and proposed options for reuse or disposal of the sediment.

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ITEM 180.6 (Continued) METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid by the count of EACH (collected sample) at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all labor, materials, equipment, laboratory costs and other incidental costs required to complete the work. The quantity shall be the count of each measurement of samples collected, tested and reported on to the Engineer, the average count being 1 sample for every 250 tons of material to be managed off-site for analysis of corrosivity, pH, free liquids, ignitability, reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, total solids, total organic carbon, RCRA 8 metals, PCBs, VOCs, SVOCs and TPH and TCLP metals. ITEM 180.7 MISCELLANEOUS GROUNDWATER


Work under this item will conform to all relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications, the Special Provisions and the following: The Engineer may, from time to time, direct the Contractor to obtain groundwater samples from various locations in the project area and to perform laboratory analyses on those groundwater samples from excavations within the project area and to perform laboratory analyses on those ground water samples to assess possible need for treatment prior to discharge. CONSTRUCTION METHODS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS The ground water samples shall be collected from excavations or monitoring wells specified by the Engineer and LSP in accordance with sampling procedures approved by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The samples shall be delivered to a DEP approved laboratory for the analysis of pH, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals (total and dissolved), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH).

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ITEM 180.7 (Continued) DATA EVALUATION AND REPORT The Contractor shall review and summarize the laboratory data from the ground water sampling analyses. Test results shall be submitted within 5 business days after sampling. The data will be compared to Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) ground water standards. A letter report shall be delivered to the Engineer outlining the ground water sampling methods; laboratory analyses results and proposed options for any necessary treatment. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity in this Item shall be the count of each measurement of samples collected, tested and reported on to the Engineer, sample shall be obtained for analysis of pH, free RCRA 8 metals (total and dissolved), PCBs, VOCs, SVOCs and TPH. This Item will be paid by the count of EACH (collected sample) at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all labor, materials, equipment, laboratory costs and other incidental costs required to complete the work.

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The contractor shall be responsible for the proper disposal or recycling of contaminated soils. The proper methods of disposal and recycling of contaminated soils shall comply with the methods described under Item 180.4 and in accordance with all Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection Agency statutes, policies, and regulations. The following are disposal options for contaminated soils. MassDOT prefers methods involving recycling options. DIRECTLY LANDFILLED HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATED AND LANDFILLED HAZARDOUS WASTE INCINERATED HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL OF SPECIAL WASTE SOIL PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL RECYCLED AT ASPHALT BATCH FACILITY USED AS DAILY COVER AT A LINED LANDFILL METHOD OF MEASUREMENT

Measurement shall be made by the weight, in tons, of contaminated material removed from the site and delivered to an approved landfill, disposal facility, or recycling facility, and includes any costs for approvals, permits, testing, transportation and disposal. BASIS OF PAYMENT The work under the appropriate method shall be paid at the contractor’s unit bid price, per ton, which payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, tools, equipment, permits, shipping papers and materials required to do the work as described above.

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Work under this item will be to dispose all treated wood. It is assumed that the timber portions of the existing bridge deck and superstructure and the damaged portions of the fender system that are to be removed and disposed have been treated with creosote, pentachlorophenol, CCA and/or other preservative. This Item shall include all costs for sampling, laboratory testing, loading, transportation and disposal of the treated wood to a waste-to-energy facility that is licensed to burn treated wood. The Contractor is required to arrange for the loading and transportation of the treated timber to the waste-to-energy facility at the time of the demolition. The Contractor is required to submit manifests and certificates of destruction to the Engineer prior to the completion of the project. All aspects of this Item are to be completed in accordance with State and Federal Regulations. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of this Item shall be measured in tons by the actual and verified weight of contaminated materials removed and disposed of, based on quantities to be determined only by weight slips Bill of Ladings (BOL) issued by and signed by the disposal facility. This Item will be paid by the unit of TON at Contract Bid Price, which price shall include any and all costs for approvals, permits, fees, taxes, additional testing/characterization required by the facility beyond the standard disposal test set, decontamination procedures, transportation and disposal at an approved location or licensed facility, using the most cost-effective, legal disposal method.


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Work under this item will be to cut straight vertical joints in the existing asphalt pavement at locations shown on the plans and/or as directed by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The asphalt pavement shall be cut straight with an approved power driven saw with an abrasive blade. The saw cut shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) wide. The saw cut shall extend to the existing pavement bottom at the limits of full depth construction and shall be 2 inches (50mm) deep at the limits of pavement milling unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. All vertical saw cuts shall be coated with elastomeric rubberized joint compound conforming to the latest version of Federal Spec. SS-S1401. Payment will be included in the cost of this item. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Sawing the asphalt pavement overlay will be measured for payment by the actual number of feet of sawed asphalt pavement surface measured in place and accepted. Sawing asphalt pavement for the installation of curbing will be considered incidental to the respective items. Sawing asphalt and cement concrete pavements for installation and removal of traffic signal systems including, but not limited to, installation of traffic signal loops, conduits, poles and equipment will not be measured separately for payment and will be considered incidental to the applicable traffic signal Contract items. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be according to the unit bid price per FOOT of Sawing Asphalt Pavement.

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Work under this item will be to remove and discard the existing guardrail, posts and associated hardware from the bridge approaches as designated by the construction plans and/or by the Resident Engineer. Old post holes shall be backfilled with suitable material and satisfactorily compacted. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT. The quantity of guardrail removed and discarded shall be the number of foot removed, based on actual measurements.

BASIS OF PAYMENT. The work under Item 635.1 shall be paid for at the contract unit price per FOOT in place, which price includes the removal of panels, posts, spacer blocks and other hardware associated with guardrail, and all related excavation, borrow, and grading.

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Work under this item will be tofurnish, maintain and remove all chain link fence used to enclose the major work sites as shown on the plans. Temporary fence shall be at minimum 6 feet high. All temporary fence shall remain in place until the end of the contract unless it is required to be removed and reset as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. Fence provided under this item shall also include fence to be placed atop of temporary concrete barriers. Any adjustment or relocation of the temporary fence required to facilitate the construction activities shall also be covered by this item. Any gates required for the project shall be incidental to the item. MATERIALS All materials shall conform to Section 644.40 of the Massachusetts Highway Department 1988 Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges as supplemented and amended.

METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of this Item will be the length completed in place measured approximately parallel to the ground by the foot of the Temporary fence. Drive anchors, if used, will not be measured separately but will be considered incidental to the respective fence item. The contractor will not be compensated for any work necessary to maintain or re-align fencing or replace damaged fencing. This Item will be paid per FOOT at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all drive anchors, line posts, fabric, top rail, cable or wire fasteners, clips and all materials and equipment necessary to complete the work in a satisfactory manner. This item includes any adjustment or relocation of the temporary fence required to facilitate the construction activities.

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Work under this item will be to furnish and locate Floating Silt Fence around the perimeter of all spud barges used by the Contractor on the project to prevent sediments from construction operations from causing increased turbidity in the river, and to minimize the migration of the turbidity plume from the construction area. The layout and installation of floating silt fence shall be approved by the Engineer. MATERIALS

Floating silt fence shall be manufactured of flexible impervious non-reinforced polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a minimum tensile strength of 300 psi (2.07 MPa), a minimum fabric weight of 22 ounces (624 grams), and a minimum tear strength of 200 lbs. (0.89 Kn). The color of fabric shall be “international orange”. The fence shall be buoyed with floating segments which provide a buoyancy of five times the weight of the fence. The fence shall be manufactured with a horizontal galvanized or stainless steel tension cable drawn tight during installation to reduce tensile stress on the fence fabric. The fence shall be weighted to prevent drift by a ballast chain located at the bottom of the fence. Floating silt fence shall be anchored or moored to prevent relocation of the fence by wind, waves and tidal currents. The floating silt fence shall be specifically designed for use in a tidal condition. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The Contractor shall design and submit shop drawings for the floating silt fence. The depth of silt fence shall be such that at Mean High Water there is a gap of approximately 1 foot (300 mm) between the bottom of fence and the mud line. The fence must be of such a design that it can settle and fold up as the tide drops, and can re-deploy itself without tangling as the tide rises again. The Contractor shall submit evidence that the proposed floating silt fence design has been utilized on projects with a similar tidal condition. Marker buoys shall be provided on all mooring devices to warn boaters of the obstructions.

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ITEM 697.2 (Continued) The Contractor shall maintain floating silt fences in good operating condition, repairing as needed the fence fabric, buoyancy equipment, tensile cable, anchorages and moorings, and marker buoys. At the conclusion of excavation operations, the Contractor shall remove the floating silt fences, including all anchorage and mooring equipment. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The floating silt fence will be measured by the foot of floating fence installed. No separate measurement for anchorages will be made. BASIS OF PAYMENT Floating silt fence will be paid for at the contract unit price per FOOT, complete in place, which shall include all labor, materials and equipment required to provide, install, maintain, and remove the floating silt fence. ITEM 698.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR


Work under this item will be to furnish and locate Geotextile fabric for use as a separator for the modified backfill embankment and/or existing subgrade shall conform to the requirements of Section M9.50.0 of the Supplemental Specifications and AASHTO M288, Class 2. Geotextile filter fabric shall be installed at the locations indicated on the Plans and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to prevent damage. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT Measurement and payment under this item will be at the Contract unit price per SQUARE YARD of fabric in place. The unit price will include the costs of all labor, tools, materials and equipment required to complete the work.

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Work under this item shall conform to the relevant provisions of Section 740 and the following: A computer system and a digital camera meeting the requirements set forth below including installation, maintenance, power, paper and other supplies shall be provided at the Resident Engineer's Office: The Computer System shall meet the following minimum criteria or better: Case: Small form factor RAM: 4 GB Hard disk: 500GB, 7200RPM Monitor: 24" LCD with Built-in speakers DVD-RW/CD-RW: Combo drive including DVD ± RW Network Adapter: 10/100 Mbit/s USB Ports: 8 high-speed USB ports Mouse: Optical mouse with scroll, mouse pad included OS: Windows with all security updates Web Browser: Internet Explorer with all security updates Applications: Latest MS Office Professional with all security updates

Latest Adobe Acrobat Professional with all security updates Antivirus software with all current security updates.

Internet access: High speed internet access. Flash drives: 2 (two) – 8 GB USB Multifunctional Printer: Color laserjet printer, fax, scanner, and copier A Digital Camera shall meet the following minimum criteria or better: Resolution: 10 Megapixel Optical Zoom: 10X Memory: 8 GB SD card USB Port: USB 2.0 with PC cable Screen: 2-inch LCD with scratch-resistance and anti-reflectance Battery Power: 2 sets of rechargeable batteries with battery charger Carrying Case: Rain-proof with shoulder strap Video Capability with sound The Engineer's Field Office and the equipment included herein including the computer system and camera shall remain the property of the Contractor at the completion of the project. Disks, flash drives, and card readers with cards shall become the property of the Department. Compensation for this work will be made at the contract unit price per month which price includes full compensation for all services and equipment, and incidentals necessary to provide equipment, maintenance, insurance as specified and as directed by the Engineer.

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Work under this item shall be to provide compost mulch for erosion control and better seed establishment. Hydraulic application equipment will be required for this item, unless otherwise directed. Unless otherwise specified on the drawings, depth shall be 2 inches. MATERIALS Coarse compost shall be compost meeting the Standard Specifications. No kiln-dried wood or construction debris shall be allowed. Organic matter content shall be between 20-100% (dry weight basis) as determined by ASTM D2974 (method A) Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils. Moisture content shall be <150% by dry weight (<60% by wet weight) as measured by ASTM D2216 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water Content of Soil and Rock and ASTM D2974 (cited above). CONSTRUCTION METHODS Prior to placement of compost, soil surface shall be free of stones larger than 2 inches and shall be tilled or tracked to ensure an uneven surface for mixing of compost and soil. Surface preparation shall be incidental to this item. Compost shall be hydraulically applied unless otherwise directed. Seed may be added to the hydraulically applied compost, however seed course shall be within ½ inch of the compost depth. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity in this Item shall be the square yard measurement of the compost installed, approved, and maintained in place. This Item will be paid per SQUARE YARD at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials required to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Work under this item shall be to provide monitoring and protection of the endangered fish specie of Shortnose Sturgeon during the construction of highways and bridges or other areas designated by the Engineer and in accordance with applicable environmental permits. CONSTRUCTION METHODS This work shall consist of three (3) primary tasks as follows: 1. Monitoring of Active Construction Areas

Prior to the start of any construction activity, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the name and qualifications of the proposed Shortnose Sturgeon Monitor for the project. The Monitor shall be a qualified biologist approved by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) that has field experience with Shortnose Sturgeon and management during construction projects. The primary objective of the Monitor is to ensure the impacts to the Shortnose Sturgeon are avoided to the greatest extent possible during the project. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has indicated that the Rocks Village Bridge is located in the vicinity of one of one of the largest concentrations of overwintering shortnose sturgeon in the Merrimack River. As such, NMFS has recommended the use of a manual receiver to detect any potential overwintering fish in the project area prior to engaging in any pile driving activities. In accordance with the Shortnose Sturgeon Protection Plan, the contractor shall be prepared to retain a shortnose sturgeon monitor with experience in telemetry of this fish species prior to construction. If shortnose sturgeon are present in the project area, a "soft start" will be required at the beginning of each series of pile installations (e.g., each time the barge is relocated) in order to provide additional protection to shortnose sturgeon near the project area by allowing them to vacate the area prior to the commencement of pile driving activities. The soft start typically consists of an initial set of 3 strikes from the impact hammer at 40 percent energy with a one minute waiting period between subsequent 3-strike sets. If the survey is unable to be undertaken, the contractor will assume that overwintering shortnose sturgeon may be present and will require the utilization of the "soft start" technique each time the barge is moved.

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ITEM 754.3 (Continued)

The Monitor shall be present as the in-water work occurs, which is anticipated to be limited to movement of barges. In-water silt-producing work shall be avoided during the anadromous fisheries migration season of April 1 to June 30 each year. Movement of barges equipped with spud piles or anchors is also subject to the work in water restriction. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has stated that barge movements on the Merrimack River within turbidity curtains would be acceptable outside this period. Outside this restriction time period, the barge should be enclosed within a turbidity curtain or other suitable barrier and the spud pile or anchor raised. Once the barge is moved to its new location, a turbidity curtain should be deployed and the area within the curtain checked for the presence of shortnose sturgeon. After installation of the turbidity curtain, the Monitor shall be responsible for searching the work area inside the barrier for any Shortnose Sturgeon and, pursuant to a Scientific Collection permit, shall relocate any Shortnose Sturgeon or protected species to a suitable habitat outside of the work zone. Once any required relocations are complete, the Contractor can begin driving the spud pile or lowering the anchor. A written report shall be provided to the Resident Engineer following each inspection. Any sturgeon encountered at the site should be reported to NHESP on the rare Animal Observation Form as soon as possible. Furthermore, the NHESP shall receive a report notifying them of the initiation of work and after the completion of work indicating the dates of all searches, species observed, and any corrective measures taken. The Monitor may modify the above noted plan, with NHESP written approval, to accommodate specific construction sequencing details of a particular project. If any whole shortnose sturgeon (alive or dead) or sturgeon parts are taken incidental to the project, Julie Crocker 978-281-9300 ext. 6530 or Pat Scida 978-281-9208 of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) must be contacted within 24 hours of the take. An incident report for shortnose sturgeon take (see enclosed attachment) should also be completed by the Monitor and sent to Julie Crocker via FAX (978-281-9394) within 24 hours of the take. Every incidental take (alive or dead) should be photographed and measured, if possible. If the fish are badly injured, the Monitor should retain the individuals, if possible, until obtained by a NMFS-recommended facility.

2. Implementation of a Worker Training Program and Notification Procedure:

There shall be the implementation of a site worker training program. This training program shall be developed and presented by the Monitor prior to the start of the project. Construction crews, project foreman, and site engineers shall participate in a special training session aimed at making them aware of the ongoing rare species concerns and the various protective measures in place to safeguard the Shortnose Sturgeon.

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ITEM 754.3 (Continued)

To help facilitate learning of the important concepts presented during the training, the Monitor shall produce a laminated ‘informational sheet’ on the Shortnose Sturgeon to be distributed to the workers during the training session and posted at conspicuous locations at the project site. This informational sheet shall include representative photographs and diagnostic features of the Shortnose Sturgeon to aid identification, an outline of the notification procedure, and contact information of the Monitor and NHESP.

3. In-Water Construction Work and Equipment Limited to One-Third of River’s Total Width at

Any Time To allow safe passage of fisheries during construction, the Contractor will be prohibited from blocking more than one-third of the river’s width at any time. For short periods between December and February, the Contractor may request, and the Resident Engineer may allow, no more than one-half the width of the river to be blocked by work or equipment at any time.

METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of the Monitor, permits, training, inspections, reports, and protective fencing, including installation and maintenance of same and all other work as described in the Item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon approval of the Monitor by the Resident Engineer and NHESP, a partial payment of 30% of the Lump Sum shall be paid. The remaining 70% shall be paid in 10% increments distributed equally throughout the remaining period of the contract. ITEM 756. NPDES STORM WATER POLLUTION


(Rev. 09/2009) This Item addresses the preparation and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and applicable Construction General Permit. Pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act, construction activities which disturb one acre or more are required to apply to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for coverage under the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities. On July 14, 2008 (73 FR 40338), EPA issued the final NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP) for construction activity. The NPDES CGP requires the submission of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the U.S. EPA prior to the start of construction (defined as any activity which disturbs land, including clearing and

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grubbing). There is a seven (7) day review period commencing from the date on which EPA enters the Notice into their database. The Contractor is advised that, based on the review of the NOI, EPA may require additional information, including but not limited to, the submission of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for review. Work may not commence on the project until final authorization has been granted by EPA. Any additional time required by EPA for review of submittals will not constitute a basis for claim of delay. In addition, if the project discharges to an Outstanding Resource Water, vernal pool, or is within a coastal ACEC as identified by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), a separate notification to DEP is required. DEP may also require submission of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for review and approval. Filing fees associated with the notification to DEP and, if required, the SWPPP filing to DEP shall be paid by the Contractor. The General Permit also requires the preparation and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the afore-mentioned statutes and regulations. The Plan will include the General Permit conditions and detailed descriptions of controls of erosion and sedimentation to be implemented during construction. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare the SWPPP to meet the requirements of the most recently issued CGP. The Contractor shall submit the Plan to the Engineer for approval at least four weeks prior to any site activities. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to be familiar with the General Permit conditions and the conditions of any state Wetlands Protection Act Order, Water Quality Certification, Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit and other environmental permits applicable to this project and to include in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan the methods and means necessary to comply with applicable conditions of said permits. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the SWPPP in accordance with the EPA Construction General Permit, provide all information required, and obtain any and all certifications as required by the Construction General Permit. Any amendments to the SWPPP required by site conditions, schedule changes, revised work, construction methodologies, and the like are the responsibility of the Contractor. Amendments will require the approval of the Engineer prior to implementation.

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ITEM 756. (Continued) Included in the General Permit conditions is the requirement for inspection of all erosion controls and site conditions on a weekly basis as well as after each incidence of rainfall exceeding 0.5 inches in twenty-four hours. The Contractor shall choose a qualified individual who will be on-site during construction to perform these inspections. The Engineer must approve the contractor’s inspector. In addition, if the Engineer determines at any time that the inspector’s performance is inadequate, the Contractor shall provide an alternate inspector. Written weekly inspection forms, storm event inspection forms, and Monthly Summary Reports must be completed and provided to the Engineer. Monthly Summary Reports must include a summary of construction activities undertaken during the reporting period, general site conditions, erosion control maintenance and corrective actions taken, the anticipated schedule of construction activities for the next reporting period, any SWPPP amendments, and representative photographs. The Contractor is responsible for preparation of the Plan, all SWPPP certifications, inspections, reports and any and all corrective actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the General Permit. Work associated with performance of inspections is not included under this Item. The Standard Specifications require adequate erosion control for the duration of the Contract. Inspection of these controls is considered incidental to the applicable items. This Item addresses acceptable completion of the SWPPP, any revisions/amendments required during construction, and preparation of monthly reports. In addition, any erosion controls beyond those specified in bid items elsewhere in this contract which are selected by the Contractor to facilitate and/or address the Contractor’s schedule, methods and prosecution of the work shall be considered incidental to this item. The CGP requires the submission of a Notice of Termination (NOT) from all operators when final stabilization has been achieved. Approval of final stabilization by the Engineer and confirmation of submission of the NOT will be required prior to submission of the Resident Engineer’s Final Estimate. COMPENSATION Payment for all work under this Item shall be made at the contract unit price, lump sum, which shall include all work detailed above, including Plan preparation, required revisions, revisions/addenda during construction, monthly reports and filing fees. Payment of fifty (50) % of the contract price shall be made upon acceptance of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention plan. Payment of forty (40) % of the contract price shall be made in equal installments for implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention plan. Payment of the final ten (10) % of the contract price shall be paid upon satisfactory submissions of a Notice of termination (NOT) when final stabilization has been achieved.

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Work under this item shall be to prepare and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and applicable Construction General Permit. Pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act, effective March 10, 2003, construction activities which disturb one acre or more are required to apply to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for coverage under the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities. On July 1, 2003 (68 FR 39087), EPA published the final NPDES construction general permit for construction activity. On August 4, 2003 (68 FR 45817), EPA reissued the General Permit for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and included state specific requirements. The NPDES General Permit requires the submission of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the U.S. EPA prior to the start of construction (defined as any activity which disturbs land, including clearing and grubbing). There is a seven (7) day review period commencing from the date on which EPA enters the Notice into their database. The Contractor is advised that, based on the review of the NOI, EPA may require additional information, including but not limited to, the submission of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for review. Work may not commence on the project until final authorization has been granted by EPA. Any additional time required by EPA for review of submittals will not constitute a basis for claim of delay. In addition, if the project discharges to an Outstanding Resource Water, vernal pool, or is within a coastal ACEC as identified by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), a separate notification to DEP is required. DEP may also require submission of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for review and approval. Filing fees associated with the notification and, if required, the SWPPP filing to DEP shall be paid by the Contractor. The owner, MassDOT, and the operator, the Contractor, must submit separate NOIs. In cases where the municipality or other party has control over the plans and specifications or day-to-day site operations, said party must also submit a NOI. The Contractor is responsible to ensure that all required parties have submitted an NOI and shall provide proof of same to the Engineer.

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ITEM 756. (Continued) The General Permit also requires the preparation and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the afore-mentioned statutes and regulations. The Plan will include the General Permit conditions and detailed descriptions of controls of erosion and sedimentation to be implemented during construction. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare the SWPPP to meet the requirements of the most recently issued CGP. The Contractor shall submit the Plan to the Engineer for approval at least four weeks prior to any site activities. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to be familiar with the General Permit conditions and the conditions of any state Wetlands Protection Act Order, Water Quality Certification, Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit and other environmental permits applicable to this project and to include in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan the methods and means necessary to comply with applicable conditions of said permits. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the SWPPP in accordance with the EPA Construction General Permit, provide all information required, and obtain any and all certifications as required by the Construction General Permit. Any amendments to the SWPPP required by site conditions, schedule changes, revised work, construction methodologies, and the like are the responsibility of the Contractor. Amendments will require the approval of the Engineer prior to implementation. Included in the General Permit conditions is the requirement for inspection of all erosion controls and site conditions on a weekly basis as well as after each incidence of rainfall exceeding 0.5 inches in twenty-four hours. The Contractor shall choose a qualified individual who will be on-site during construction to perform these inspections. The Engineer must approve the contractor’s inspector. In addition, if the Engineer determines at any time that the inspector’s performance is inadequate, the Contractor shall provide an alternate inspector. Written weekly inspection forms, storm event inspection forms, and Monthly Summary Reports must be completed and provided to the Engineer. Monthly Summary Reports must include a summary of construction activities undertaken during the reporting period, general site conditions, erosion control maintenance and corrective actions taken, the anticipated schedule of construction activities for the next reporting period, any SWPPP amendments, and representative photographs. The Contractor is responsible for preparation of the Plan, all SWPPP certifications, inspections, reports and any and all corrective actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the General Permit. Work associated with performance of inspections is not included under this Item. The Standard Specifications require adequate erosion control for the duration of the Contract. Inspection of these controls is considered incidental to the applicable items. This Item addresses acceptable completion of the SWPPP, any revisions/amendments required during construction, and preparation of monthly reports.

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ITEM 756. (Continued) In addition, any erosion controls beyond those specified in bid items elsewhere in this contract which are selected by the Contractor to facilitate and/or address the Contractor’s schedule, methods and prosecution of the work shall be considered incidental to this item. The CGP requires the submission of a Notice of Termination (NOT) from all operators when final stabilization has been achieved. Approval of final stabilization by the Engineer and confirmation of submission of the NOT will be required prior to submission of the Resident Engineer’s Final Estimate. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of the SWPPP certifications, inspections, reports, corrective actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the General Permit, Plan preparation, required revisions, revisions/addenda during construction, permits, training, inspections, monthly reports and filing fees, and all other incidentals required to complete the work. The Contractor shall make independent investigation of the work to be performed. No increase will be made to the bid price due to any unseen nature of the work or materials involved. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon final acceptance of the SWPPP by the Department, a payment equal to 50% of the Contract Lump Sum price shall be paid. The remaining 50% of the Lump Sum shall be paid in 10% increments distributed equally throughout the remaining period of the Contract. ITEM 767.12 COMPOST FILTER TUBES FOOT

Work under this item shall be to provide a linear, compost-filled tube for filtering suspended sediments from storm water flow. This item shall conform to the requirements of Section 751 and 767 of the Standard Specifications and the following.

MATERIALS Material for the filter tubes shall be compost meeting M1.06.0, except that no manure or bio-solids shall be used. In addition, no kiln-dried wood or construction debris shall be allowed. Compost shall pass through a 3 inch sieve. Tubes for compost filters shall be a minimum of 12 inches maximum of 18” in diameter, and shall be jute mesh or approved biodegradable material. Additional tubes shall be used at the direction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 767.12 (Continued) As shown in the detail, the 1 foot wide by 2 inch deep wedge of compost spread along the top of the filter tube shall be incidental to this item. Stakes for anchors, if required, shall be nominal 2x2 stakes. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Tubes of compost may be filled on site or shipped. Tubes shall be placed, filled and staked in place as required to ensure stability against water flows. All tubes shall be tamped to ensure good contact with soil. The Contractor shall ensure that the filter tubes function as intended at all times. Tubes shall be inspected after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. The Contractor shall immediately correct all deficiencies, including, but not limited, to washout, overtopping, clogging due to sediment, and erosion. The contractor shall review location of tubes in areas where construction activity causes drainage runoff to ensure that the tubes are properly located for effectiveness. Where deficiencies exist, such as overtopping or wash-out, additional staking or compost material shall be installed as directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall remove sediment deposits as necessary to maintain the filters in working condition. Filter tube fabric and stakes shall be removed by the Contractor when site conditions are sufficiently stable to prevent surface erosion, and after receiving permission to do so from the Engineer. All tube fabric shall be cut and removed and disposed of off-site by the Contractor. At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor may rake out and seed compost so that it is no greater than 2 inches (50 mm) in depth on soil substrate. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of the Item will be the foot length of Compost Filter Tubes, placed, filled and staked in place as required to ensure stability against water flows, tamped to ensure good contact with soil. This Item will be paid per FOOT at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all labor equipment and materials necessary to complete the work specified above, including, but not limited to, stakes and tube fabric, compost mulch wedge along top of tubes, removal and disposal of fabric and stakes, raking and seeding of compost.

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Work under this item shall be to provide compost mulch for mixing with seed, to be placed on designated rip rap slopes in areas where establishment of vegetation in the rock slope is desired. This item shall conform to the requirements of Section 767 and 765 of the Standard Specifications and the following. MATERIALS Composted mulch shall be an aged organic substance, consisting of a mixture of bark, wood shavings, wood chips, wood scraps and mineral grit that is an approved by-product of the lumber, paper, or landscaping industries. No manure, bio-solids, kiln dried wood, or construction debris shall be allowed. Organic matter content shall be between 20-100% (dry weight basis) as determined by ASTM D2974 (method A) Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils. Moisture content shall be <15% by dry weight (<60% by wet weight) as measured by ASTM D2216 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water Content of Soil and Rock and ASTM D2974 (cited above). Particle size as measured by sieving shall be as follows: Sieve Size %Passing 2 in 100% ¾ in 70-100% #4 30-75% #20 20-40% Soluble salts shall be <5.0 mmhos/cm (dS/m) The pH shall be between 5.5 and 8.0. Seed mix shall be as specified under the Seeding item.

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ITEM 767.77 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS Placement of compost mulch shall be as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. Compost mulch material may be placed hydraulically. Material shall be placed at approximately 6 inch (150 mm) depth (0.15 cy/sy). Seed shall be broadcast over mulch in a two-step process with the mulch placed first, followed by seeding. Alternatively, compost and seed may be applied in one operation using equipment designed for this application. Equipment must be approved by Engineer. Methods of installation shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to placement of material. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be measured and paid per SQUARE YARD at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, compost installed, approved, and maintained in place to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If seeding is applied in combination with application of Compost Mulch, compensation for seeding shall be made in Item 765. ITEM 768.13 INVASIVE PLANT MANAGEMENT PLAN LUMP SUM

Work under this item shall be to prevent the introduction of invasive plant species onto new sites through construction activities and, if introduced, to provide measures to eradicate or contain the species. The definition of invasive species shall be as defined by Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group (MIPAG): "non-native species that have spread into native or minimally managed plant systems in Massachusetts, causing economic or environmental harm by developing self-sustaining populations and becoming dominant and/or disruptive to those systems." Contractor shall walk the site with the Engineer and MassDOT Landscape Architect or other MassDOT representative familiar with invasive species prior to start of work to identify and note locations of invasive species that are already present on site. Contractor shall submit a report noting species, locations and approximate area coverage to the Engineer as well as photo documentation.

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ITEM 768.13 (Continued) Following the initial site inspection, the contractor shall submit a plan to meet the following requirements:

• Minimize soil disturbance. • Locate staging area away from any existing invasive plants. • All equipment, machines and hand tools shall be cleaned of soil, plant material and other

debris prior to coming on site. Location and method of cleaning shall be submitted to the Engineer and Engineer shall inspect all equipment and vehicles.

• Identify all sources of soil, seed, mulch, nursery material, and any other material which may import invasive plant species.

• Prior to start of work, existing invasive populations that may be impacted or disturbed by construction activities shall be fenced off or flagged to be avoided. Contractor shall ensure to the extent possible that all construction workers and equipment operators are familiar with identification of weeds to be avoided.

• Above ground growth of existing invasive species (in particular, Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), Phragmites (Phragmites australis), Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Multi-flora Rose (Rosa multiflora), Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) adjacent to work areas shall be cut as described below to avoid spreading through seeds or viable plant parts. Disposal of plant material shall be as described below.

• Any plants treated with herbicide shall be monitored for re-emergence for the duration of the contract.

• Mulch and/or seed all disturbed areas as soon as possible. • If there are invasive species on site, all equipment, machines and hand tools shall be

cleaned of soil, plant material and other debris prior to leaving the site. Location and method of cleaning shall be submitted to the Engineer and Engineer shall inspect all equipment and vehicles.

• Method of treating invasive plants determined to have been introduced through construction. Plan shall include name of licensed applicator meeting qualifications as specified below and shall be specific to plant species requiring treatment. Plan shall include specific method of disposal of plant material.

Contractor shall be responsible for control of introduced invasive plants for the duration of the contract, including the two-year wetland replacement monitoring period.

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ITEM 768.13 (Continued) MATERIALS HERBICIDES For all applications of herbicide, contractor shall submit in writing for the Engineer’s approval, treatment method and quantities and types of herbicides to be used and the species for which they are intended. Engineer shall be notified prior to all herbicide applications. Herbicides shall be labeled for the method of treatment and shall meet regulation requirements. All herbicide used within riparian areas shall be approved for wetland areas and shall not contain surfactants.

All applicators must have a current Massachusetts Pesticide License and shall have a minimum of five years experience, including the control of invasive species. Mixing, applying and/or disposing of herbicides shall always be in accordance with instructions on the labels. All applicators must wear the required personal protective equipment specified on the label.

All work shall conform to Mass Pesticide Laws and Regulations per the Department of Agricultural Resources Pesticide Bureau. Desirable vegetation shall be protected from both spray and other physical damage. Any desirable vegetation damaged by herbicide or by other means shall be replaced or compensated for by the contractor. After treatment, all dead plant material shall be removed from the site and disposed of in an appropriate manner. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Contractor shall take steps to prevent viable plant material leading to further infestations. Plants or parts of plants cut (including roots and rhizomes) shall be bagged in heavy black bags, tightly secured, and disposed of off-site in an approved landfill or incinerated at an approved facility. Disposal shall be in such a manner as to prevent invasive plants from re-establishing in a new location by seed, roots or other viable parts.

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ITEM 768.13 (Continued) If new soil brought onto the site is found to be infested with seeds or fragments of invasive species, removal and replacement of soil may be required at no additional cost to the department. In addition to standard methods of prevention and control, the following recommendations shall be followed: Care shall be taken when cutting Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). Stems shall be cut with a sharp knife. Cut shall be one foot (300 mm) or more above the ground. All plant material shall be bagged and disposed of as described above. Treatment of Mile-A-Minute (Persicaria perfoliata), which produces many seeds throughout the season, shall include the removal and proper disposal of seeds (incineration is recommended). If it is determined that Purple Loose-strife (Lythrum salicaria) has been introduced to a site due to construction activities, the contractor may be responsible for supplying Galerucella beetles as a means of biological control. Incineration of invasive species is recommended. COMPENSATION This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of site inspection, report, management plan, monitoring of site for the duration of the contract, treatment of invasive species introduced through construction, pesticide applicator, disposal of invasive plant material and any other incidentals. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon upon submittal and approval of the management plan, the Engineer will make a partial payment of 30% of the Lump Sum. The remaining 70% shall be paid in 10% increments distributed equally throughout the remaining period of the contract.

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The Contractor shall provide the number of flaggers required in either the appropriate Traffic Control Plan (TCP) template (see MassDOT’s website at

http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/Highway/flaggers/main.aspx via the webpage link “Road Flaggers”

or that the Engineer deems necessary for the direction and control of traffic within the site. A flagger shall be used as required by the engineer in accordance with 701CMR 7.00, this section, and the TCP. Any flagger determined by the Engineer to be ineffective in controlling traffic may be removed at the discretion of the Engineer. If a flagger is directed to be removed, the Contractor shall immediately comply with the directive from the Engineer and shall suspend operations as necessary until a qualified replacement can be provided. Such a suspension of operations shall not be considered as a basis for a claim or an extension of time. Flaggers used during the performance of the Work shall be at least eighteen years of age. Flaggers used during the performance of the Work shall possess a current certificate of satisfactory completion from a Department-approved flagger training program within the previous two years. Prior to the start of work, the Contractor shall provide to the Engineer a written list of certified flaggers to be used, including the most recent date of certification or re-certification for each person listed. All flaggers shall carry their approved flagging training program certification card with them while performing flagging duties. Flagger certifications shall remain valid for the duration of the project or the flagger shall be removed from the project. Flaggers used during the performance of the Work shall have completed a First Aid training course according to the standards and guidelines of the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. Flaggers shall carry their First Aid certification cards with them while performing flagging duties. First Aid certifications need not be renewed once the initial certification has expired.

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ITEM 850.41 (Continued) Each flagger shall be equipped with the following high visibility clothing, signaling, and safety devices:

(1) A white protective hard hat with a minimum level of reflectivity per the requirements of ANSI, Type I, Class E&G;

(2) A clean, unfaded, untorn lime/yellow reflective safety vest and safety pants meeting the requirements of ANSI 107 Class 3 with the words “Traffic Control” on the front and rear panels in minimum two (2) inch (50 millimeter) high letters;

(3) A 24 inch “STOP / SLOW” traffic paddle conforming to the requirements of Part 6E.03 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), a weighted, reflectorized red flag, flagger station advance warning signage, and two-way radios capable of providing clear communication within the work zone between flaggers, the Contractor, and the Engineer. The traffic paddle shall be mounted on a pole of sufficient length to be seven feet above the ground as measured from the bottom of the paddle;

(4) A working flashlight with a minimum of 15,000 candlepower and a six inch red attachable wand, a whistle with an attached lanyard, and a First Aid kit that complies with the requirements of ANSI Z308.1.

(5) An industrial/safety type portable air horn that complies with the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard.

Compensation for flaggers will be paid on an hourly basis for only the actual time spent flagging and payment will be made under Item 850.41, Roadway Flagger. No allowance or additional payment will be made for required training, equipment, travel time, transportation, or any administrative charges associated with the costs of flaggers. MassDOT reserves the right to provide certified Roadway Flaggers who are MassDOT employees, at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be charged nor compensated for the use of MassDOT employee flaggers. Should the substitution of MassDOT employee flaggers result in the elimination or reduction of payable hours for Item 850.41 Roadway Flagger, the provisions of Section 4.06 Increased or Decreased Contract Quantities shall not apply. This item shall not be subject to renegotiation for any reason under Section 4.06 regardless of whether or not this item overruns or underruns.

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Work under this Item is to furnish, install, test and place in satisfactory operating condition of power distribution equipment for the Rocks Village Bridge over the Merrimac River. Included are electrical services, enclosures with panelboards, and enclosures with a disconnect switch. All items shall be furnished and installed complete with all accessories as specified herein and as shown in the Plans.

The work specified herein shall be coordinated as required, with the work of all other Sections of the Specifications and the Plans, so that all installations shall operate as designed.

The cable and connector for providing power to the center pier are not included here, but shall be as described under "Raceway and Wiring".

The west electric service shall be relocated from the west side of the existing bridge tenders house to a new west panelboard enclosure located where shown in the plans. The contractor shall provide all work and utility coordination associated with this move.

MATERIALS The Electrical Equipment and its installation shall be in accordance with regulations of the NEC and shall conform to Division II, Group B of the latest revision, for movable bridges of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials except as otherwise provided herein.

All materials and equipment furnished under these Specifications shall be new, and to the extent possible standard products of the various manufacturers. Where more than one of any specific item is required, all shall be of the same type and manufacturer. Items of equipment or material, which are not specifically defined herein, shall conform to the general standard of quality established herein.

Each piece of electrical equipment and apparatus shall have a permanent type corrosion-resisting metal nameplate on which is stamped the name of the manufacturer, the catalog or model number, and the rating or capacity of the equipment or apparatus. All electrical devices, printed circuit boards, including their components, and any other electrical or electronic parts, shall be completely identified in such a way as to be easily procured from a sup-plier of that device. All prints and drawings of same shall show complete circuitry and identify all components as to their specific use and function in the circuit.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued) SHOP DRAWINGS Within 90 days after execution of the contract, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Full size drawings shall be submitted on those items requiring construction from such drawings. Descriptive leaflets shall be provided for standard catalog items which are mass produced.

Shop drawings shall be submitted for all motors, panel boards, span brakes, transformers, switches, raceways, conductors, wiring devices, lighting fixtures, lamps, service equipment, boxes, transfer switches, control equipment, fasteners and other such equipment, and methods of fastening to structures. No equipment is to be purchased without approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall include manufacturer's test data, shall be certified by the manufacturer, and shall identify the application(s) for which they are proposed. Incomplete or unidentified shop drawings will be rejected and returned without review. Equipment identification shall be the same as shown on the drawings. Standard drawings and catalog sheets showing more than one model or size shall be marked to indicate the model or size proposed. Shop drawings of cabinets containing electrical equipment shall include outside dimensions, areas for conduit penetrations, one-line and three-line diagrams, wiring diagrams, schematic and interconnection diagrams, terminal block arrangements and numbers if such terminal blocks are intended for connection of field wiring, and operating instructions. Layout drawings and geographic wiring diagrams shall be provided for all the electrical cabinets.

Shop drawings showing installation and mounting details shall be submitted when installation and mounting details of switches, fixtures, and devices are different from or not specifically detailed on the drawings. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for inspection, samples of the proposed substitute items at no cost to the Owner. All support data shall be submitted in PDF format for checking The Owner will not be liable for any materials purchased or work done or any delay incurred prior to their review. Failure of the Engineer to note unsatisfactory materials as received will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility. Manufacturers' guarantees or warranties on materials shall be delivered to the Engineer upon receipt of the materials.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued) Working drawings shall be made on Standard 36 inch by 24 inch sheets. Catalog cuts and manufacturers' standard drawings may be submitted on their respective standard sizes. They shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and distribution.

The Engineer will not be responsible for errors of working drawings, even though approval has been indicated, or for quantities or bills of material which may be included. Any failure of the Engineer to correct errors on working drawings, or implied approval thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the full responsibility for the safe and adequate execution of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications.

After review of the working drawings by the Engineer, no changes shall be made without resubmission for approval by the Engineer, and all changes or revisions later made shall be clearly marked and dated.

Before final payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, one set of prints on Mylar film, and pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format) copies stored on electronically readable media of all working drawings having to do with the finished structure. Prints shall be suitable for permanent storage, and any reproducible material which is subject to fading when exposed to light will not be acceptable. REFERENCES Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Whenever any article, materials, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied, except as otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTIONS Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design.

Equipment for which an acceptable manufacturer is not specifically named, or named equipment for which substitution is proposed, shall be manufactured by a company which has had a minimum of ten years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment and which, in the Engineer's opinion, has demonstrated its proficiency in the manufacture of such equipment. All equipment will be subject to the Engineer's approval.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued) PANELBOARD ENCLOSURE Panelboard enclosure shall be made of 14 guage type 304 stainless steel material and shall be NEMA 4X rated. Panelboard door shall have continuous stainless steel hinge and shall be equipped with padlockable handle. Panelboard door shall have seamless foam-in-place gasket. Enclosure shall have interior mounting plate. Enclosure shall be equipped with a rain shield.

West panelboard enclosure shall have dimensions as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. Enclosure shall be attached to the concrete platform with manufacturer approved anchor bolts and other hardware.

Center panelboard enclosure shall have dimensions as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. Enclosure shall be attached to a shelf in the center drum area on the center pier with manufacturer approved stand-off kit.

East panelboard enclosure shall have dimensions as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. Enclosure shall be attached to the east pier wall with manufacturer approved stand-off kit.

All hardware shall be stainless steel. PANELBOARDS All panelboards shall be rated for 120/240 volt, 1-phase, 3-wire. Panelboards shall be housed inside rainproof, NEMA 3R rated enclosures.

PB-W shall have 12 single pole circuits with factory installed 100 A main circuit breaker. PB-C shall have 12 single pole circuits with factory installed 30 A main circuit breaker. PB-E shall have 12 single pole circuits with factory installed 60 A main circuit breaker.

Approval documents shall include drawings. Drawings shall contain overall panelboard dimensions, interior mounting dimensions, and wiring gutter dimensions. The location of the main, branches, and solid neutral shall be clearly shown. In addition, the drawing shall illustrate one line diagrams with applicable voltage systems.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued) Manufacturer shall warrant specified equipment free from defects in materials and workmanship for the lesser of one (1) year from the date of installation or eighteen (18) months from the date of purchase.

Provide and install all panelboards as shown on the drawings. The short circuit interrupting capacity for the panels shall be no less than 22,000 amps.

Branch circuits shall be changeable without additional machining, drilling or tapping. Branch circuit connections shall provide sequence phasing, with connections permanently identified on the face of the front of the panel interior.

Mains shall be equipped with automatic circuit breakers for branch circuit protection and shall have ratings as indicated. All single pole branches shall be rated 20 amperes, unless indicated otherwise on the plans. Buses shall be rigid copper or copper alloy, installed to provide consecutive phasing. Solid neutral bus shall have solderless connectors, shall be insulated from the cabinet and shall have an ampacity equal to or greater than the ampacity of the phase buses. Equipment grounding bus shall be bonded to the cabinet, shall have solderless connectors and a main lug. All copper parts shall be plated to prevent corrosion.

Branch circuit breakers shall be of the indicating type, providing distinctive "On", "Off" and "Tripped" positions of the operating handle. All multi-pole breakers shall be so designed that an overload in any one pole automatically causes all poles to open. Multi-pole breakers shall have a single operating handle. Single pole 20 ampere branch breakers shall be UL listed for switching duty.

Breakers shall be thermal magnetic type having inverse time delay thermal trip on overloads and instantaneous magnetic trip on short circuit. Circuit breakers shall be quick-break, quick-make on manual, as well as automatic operation. Each circuit breaker shall be independently removable without disturbing adjacent units or other bus connections and shall be fastened to the main bus bars with a snap-on connection. All copper parts shall be plated to prevent corrosion.

All circuit breakers shall have an interrupting rating of not less than 22,000 amperes.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued)


Wherever it becomes necessary to terminate, join, or branch conductors, terminal blocks in boxes or cabinets shall be used. Terminal blocks shall be provided for conductors requiring connection to circuits external to the specified equipment, for internal circuits crossing shipping splits, and where equipment parts replacement and maintenance will be facilitated.

Terminal blocks shall be grouped for easy accessibility unrestricted by interference from structural members and instruments. Sufficient space shall be provided on each side of each terminal block to allow an orderly arrangement of all leads to be terminated on the block. Provide a minimum of 10 percent spare terminal points in each cabinet, box, console or enclosure.

Terminal blocks shall be provided with corrosion resistant plating on non-ferrous hardware and shall be provided with approved lock washers and terminal connectors for all external wiring. All terminal blocks shall be provided with approved permanent terminal markings for each connected conductor in service and shall be marked to agree with the wiring diagram. The marking shall be placed on a material which will not be affected by age or moisture and shall be given two applications of a clear protective substance compatible with the terminal material and the marking material after the markings are placed thereon.

Terminal blocks shall be appropriate for the size of wire being terminated. The arrangements of terminal blocks shall be as recommended in the plans. Terminal blocks must be CE marked, CSA Certified, and UL listed.

WIRING DEVICES General use, duplex receptacles shall be Arrow-Hart 5262, Bryant 5262, General Electric 4065-1, or Hubbell 5262. GFCI protection must be available for all receptacles as an integral part of the receptacle itself.

Devices installed outdoors shall be corrosion-resistant, with gray fiberglass weatherproof covers.

Cover plate for flush installations shall be 1mm (.040 inch) thick satin finished type 302 stainless steel.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued)

NAMEPLATES Nameplates shall be provided for all major pieces of equipment named on the drawings and for all devices on and in the electrical cabinets. Nameplates shall be mounted under, over and adjacent to each device for proper identification as indicated on the plans. Each terminal block, device, fuse block and terminal shall be permanently labeled to coincide with the identification indicated on the schematic wiring diagrams. Fuse nameplates shall show the type, ampere, and voltage rating of the fuses. The control relay nameplates shall cross reference the actual control relays to the schematic diagrams. Nameplates shall be made of a hot-polished, laminated phenolic compound not less than 4.8mm (3/16 inch) thick. The compound shall have a white surface 0.8mm (1/32 inch) thick, and intermediate black layer 0.8mm (1/32 inch) thick and a white back 3mm (1/8 inch) thick. All corners shall be rounded, and the edges of the plates shall be chamfered. All engraving shall be upper case, standard gothic characters, cut through the surface into the intermediate layer to show black letters on a white background. All plates shall be securely fastened with stainless steel screws or rivets.

SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:

1. One fuse and/or circuit breaker of each kind and size used. Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized cartons, with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents. The Contractor shall also provide a directory of permanent type describing the parts. The directory shall state the name of each part, the manufacturer's number therefore, and the rating of the device for which the part is a spare. The spare parts shall also be marked to correspond with their respective item numbers as indicated on the elementary wiring diagram. Each circuit card requiring adjustments shall be adjusted at the bridge prior to final delivery to the Owner.

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ITEM 880.01 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL All construction and installation shall be made by workmen skilled in this type of work and under the supervision of an experienced and qualified electrical supervisor. All work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall present a neat and mechanical appearance when completed. Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a corrected plan showing in detail all changes on construction from the original plans, especially location and sizes of conduits, complete schematic circuit diagrams and the like. The electrical installation shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances in effect at the construction site, with applicable regulations of the NEC, and with regulations of the utility companies furnishing power to the site.

METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include furnishing, installation, test, tools, equipment, services, all labor and incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing electrical system, structures, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to any unseen nature of the work or materials involved. All costs for special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work by placing the Power Distribution System in satisfactory operating condition, acceptable to the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this Item is to install and place, in a permanent operating condition, all bridge lighting standard assemblies including luminaire, photocells, poles, lighting standard arms, mounting hardware and other items as necessary to make a fully operational bridge roadway lighting system.

MATERIALS SHOP DRAWINGS Within 30 days after execution of the contract, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Full size drawings shall be submitted on those items requiring construction from such drawings. Descriptive leaflets shall be provided for standard catalog items which are mass produced. Shop drawings shall be submitted for all panel boards, switches, raceways, conductors, wiring devices, lighting fixtures, lamps, light pole, service equipment, boxes, control equipment, fasteners and other such equipment, and methods of fastening to structures. No equipment is to be purchased without approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall include manufacturer's test data, shall be certified by the manufacturer, and shall identify the application(s) for which they are proposed. Incomplete or unidentified shop drawings will be rejected and returned not reviewed. Equipment identification shall be the same as shown on the drawings. Standard drawings and catalog sheets showing more than one model or size shall be marked to indicate the model or size proposed. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for inspection, samples of the proposed substitute items at no cost to the Owner. All support data shall be submitted in quintuplicate for review. The Owner will not be liable for any materials purchased or work done or any delay incurred prior to their review. Failure of the Engineer to note unsatisfactory materials as received will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility. Manufacturers' guarantees or warranties on materials shall be delivered to the Engineer upon receipt of the materials.

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ITEM 880.02 (Continued) Working drawings shall be made on Standard 36 inch by 24 inch sheets. Catalog cuts and manufacturers' standard drawings may be submitted on their respective standard sizes. They shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and distribution. The Engineer will not be responsible for errors of working drawings, even though approval has been indicated, or for quantities or bills of material which may be included. Any failure of the Engineer to correct errors on working drawings, or implied approval thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the full responsibility for the safe and adequate execution of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. After review of the working drawings by the Engineer, no changes shall be made without resubmission for approval by the Engineer, and all changes or revisions later made shall be clearly marked and dated. Before final payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, one set of prints on Mylar film, and pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format) copies stored on electronically readable media of all working drawings having to do with the finished structure. Prints shall be suitable for permanent storage, and any reproducible material which is subject to fading when exposed to light will not be acceptable. REFERENCES Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Whenever any article, materials, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied, except as otherwise noted.

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ITEM 880.02 (Continued) SUBSTITUTIONS Equipment for which an acceptable manufacturer is not specifically named, or named equipment for which substitution is proposed, shall be manufactured by a company which has had a minimum of ten years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment and which, in the Engineer's opinion, has demonstrated its proficiency in the manufacture of such equipment. All equipment will be subject to the Engineer's approval. LUMINAIRE 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium down light fixture shall be used for Bridge roadway lighting. Luminaire shall have Full Cutoff, Type II IES lighting distribution.

Luminaire shall have cast aluminum housing. Luminaire shall consist of a ballast housing with internal reflector and horizontal lamp. Luminaire shall have flat clear glass lens. Luminaire shall have an external stainless steel bail latch. Luminaire shall be furnished with an H.I.D. ballast and socket assembly.

Luminaire shall be equipped with a swivel nipple at top for mounting to the 4” diameter arm. The globe should be easy to re-lamp. The reflector shall pivot and be secured with a captive screw for easy access to the ballast plate. The ballast and socket assembly shall be furnished with a quick disconnect plug and mount on a removable ballast plate.

Luminaire shall be vibration resistant and rated for rough environment. Luminaire shall be UL listed to be used in a wet location. Luminaire shall be painted to match the color of the bridge.

ROADWAY ARM The roadway arm shall have mounting bracket to attach to the structural member and shall also be able to slip fit on post top tenon pole.

The roadway arm shall be cast aluminum. The roadway arm should be one-piece construction. The dimensions of the arm should be as shown on the plan. Arm shall be painted to match the color of the bridge. The arm shall have a plumbizer housing for luminaire mounting.

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ITEM 880.02 (Continued) The roadway arm shall slip fit on a 3.375” O.D. x 8” high post top tenon to be installed on spans 2, 4, and 6. The arm shall be attached to the post top tenon with eight (8) socket set screws. The center finial and arm finial shall be removable.

The arm with the mounting bracket shall be attached to the structural member of the bridge on spans 1, 3, and 5 as shown on plan. The bracket arm shall have four (4) ½” dia. ASTM A325 high strength bolts to attach to the structural member. The bracket arm shall have ¾” diameter hole in the bottom of the arm for cable entrance from structure mounted pull box as shown on the plan.

The roadway arm finial shall be equipped with a 120V NEMA twist lock photocell. Photocell shall be facing North and shall not be affected by artificial light.

POLE The light pole shall be one-piece cast aluminum with a 12-flute base design. The light pole shall have 5” diameter smooth shaft and shall be made of aluminum, ASTM 6061 alloy. The base shall be heavy wall, cast aluminum produced from certified ASTM 36 or ASTM B26-95. The shaft shall be double welded to the base casting and shipped as one piece for maximum structural integrity. The base shall be circumferentially welded inside the base casting at the top of the access door, and externally where the shaft exits the base.

The pole shall have door opening for wire access in the bottom of the pole and the door shall face the roadway for service convenience. The pole shall have 10 inch diameter base. The pole shall be provided with four, 3/4” dia. ASTM A325 high strength bolts to be installed on a 7 inch diameter bolt circle. Pole base anchor bolts shall be of a length as required. Grounding screw shall be provided inside the base opposite the door. The pole shall have integral 3.375” O.D. x 8” tenon at the top for mounting arm. The pole shall have ¾” hole in the back for cable entrance from the structure mounted pull box as shown on plan.

The light pole shall be installed on only Spans 2, 4, and 6. The light pole shall have two different heights: 8 ft. and 10 ft. 8 ft. high pole shall be installed on spans 4 and 6. 10 ft high pole shall be installed on span 2.

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ITEM 880.02 (Continued) The light pole shall be attached to the top chord as shown on plan. The Pole shall be able to handle wind speed of up to 90 MPH. Pole shall have factory installed vibration damper. Light pole shall be painted to match the color of the bridge.

All welding shall be per ANSI/AWS D1.2-90. All welders shall be certified per Section 5 of ANSI/AWS D1.2-90.

Hardware accessories: slip fitters, mounting plates, screws, nuts, washers, bolts and other hardware necessary for assembling the bridge luminaires shall be provided.

CONSTRUCTION METHODS All equipment shall be located as shown on the Plans or as approved by the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include furnishing and installing the operational system as specified, and for all equipment, tools, labor, services and incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing electrical system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work by placing the Roadway Lighting System in satisfactory operating condition, acceptable to the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this Item is to furnish, install, test and place in a satisfactory operating condition the traffic control equipment for the project. Included are manually operated warning gates with flashing arm lights, manually operated barrier gates with flashing arm lights, stop lines, and traffic signs with flashing lights and/or beacons. All items shall be furnished and installed complete with all accessories as specified herein and as shown in the Plans to make a complete functional system. The work specified herein shall be coordinated as required, with the work of all other Sections of the Special Provisions and the Plans, so that all installations shall operate as intended. This work shall include installation of all gate hardware including pedestal support, anchoring, gate arm with gate arm lights, and flashers.

Conduits and wiring to the gates and signs are not included here, but shall be as described under "Raceway and Wiring".

The gates and signs shall be installed on the bridge approaches in the locations shown on the plans.

MATERIALS SHOP DRAWINGS Within 30 days after execution of the contract, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Full size drawings shall be submitted on those items requiring construction from such drawings. Descriptive leaflets shall be provided for standard catalog items which are mass produced. Shop drawings shall be submitted for all equipment along with associated boxes, control equipment, fasteners and other such equipment, and methods of fastening to structures. No equipment is to be purchased without approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall include manufacturer's test data, shall be certified by the manufacturer, and shall identify the application(s) for which they are proposed. Incomplete or unidentified shop drawings will be rejected and returned not review.

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ITEM 880.03 (Continued) Equipment identification shall be the same as shown on the drawings. Standard drawings and catalog sheets showing more than one model or size shall be marked to indicate the model or size proposed. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for inspection, samples of the proposed substitute items at no cost to the Owner. All support data shall be submitted in PDF format for checking. The Owner will not be liable for any materials purchased or work done or any delay incurred prior to their review. Failure of the Engineer to note unsatisfactory materials as received will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility. Manufacturers' guarantees or warranties on materials shall be delivered to the Engineer upon receipt of the materials. Working drawings shall be made on Standard 36 inch by 24 inch sheets. Catalog cuts and manufacturers' standard drawings may be submitted on their respective standard sizes. They shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and distribution. The Engineer will not be responsible for errors of working drawings, even though approval has been indicated, or for quantities or bills of material which may be included. Any failure of the Engineer to correct errors on working drawings, or implied approval thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the full responsibility for the safe and adequate execution of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. After review of the working drawings by the Engineer, no changes shall be made without resubmission for approval by the Engineer, and all changes or revisions later made shall be clearly marked and dated. Before final payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, one set of prints on Mylar film, and pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format) copies stored on electronically readable media of all working drawings having to do with the finished structure. Prints shall be suitable for permanent storage, and any reproducible material which is subject to fading when exposed to light will not be acceptable.

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ITEM 880.03 (Continued) REFERENCES Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Whenever any article, materials, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied, except as otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTIONS Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Equipment for which an acceptable manufacturer is not specifically named, or named equipment for which substitution is proposed, shall be manufactured by a company which has had a minimum of ten years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment and which, in the Engineer's opinion, has demonstrated its proficiency in the manufacture of such equipment. All equipment will be subject to the Engineer's approval. WARNING GATES Warning gates shall be provided and installed as indicated in the plans. The warning gates shall meet the requirements below. The warning gate shall be manually operated.

The gate shall be designed for use as a warning, traffic control and access control gate where manual operation is desired for closure of up to two lanes.

Gate stand shall use heavy structural steel, welded in a rigid configuration. Entire stand shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication. The base shall be mounted to a foundation specified by the project engineer with four ¾” diameter by 12” long L-shaped anchor bolts or alternate anchor bolt as specified by the project engineer. The manufacturer shall provide standard anchor bolts and template.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued)

Steel, hot-dip galvanized side arm channels and cross members shall form a sturdy mounting frame to support the arm. The cross member section shall provide for mounting of the arm base.

The design shall permit 90 degree vertical rotation of the arm. The arm shall latch in both the open and closed positions. Provision for padlocking shall be provided in both the raised and lowered positions.

Permanently lubricated, bronze spherical bearings shall be provided as standard equipment for smooth, reliable operation.

The gate arm shall be 4” square (102mm), 6005-T6 aluminum extruded tubing with a 3” square end section of high-strength UV-resistant fiberglass tip section. Maximum arm length shall be 30’ (9.1m) from the centerline of the pivot. Front and rear arm surfaces shall be covered with red and white high intensity reflective sheeting. Stripes shall be 16” (406mm) wide, and shall slope at 45 degrees down toward the arm tip. Remaining exposed arm surfaces shall be painted white. The arm base shall be designed with a shear pin mechanism to reduce damage to the gate and vehicle in the event of a collision. In the event of an impact, the shear pin shall break, allowing the arm to swing approximately 85 to 90 degrees. At the full open position, a spring-loaded latch shall engage, preventing the arm from swinging back into traffic. To reset the arm: manually release the latch, rotate the arm back into position, and replace the shear pin.

All common accessories and modifications shall be available. Custom modifications and accessories shall be available through coordination with manufacturer. A 2 year warranty shall cover the gate and related equipment against defective material and components.

Gate arms shall be equipped with flashing lights in the quantity shown in the plans.

The gate arm light housing shall be of high impact plastic. Assembly shall be double-faced. Light assembly shall be mounted to gate arm using an aluminum adapter plate.

Gate arm light lenses shall be red fresnel plastic, approximately 4” diameter.

Gate arm lamp shall be 120V, LED lamp.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued)

BARRIER GATES Barrier gates shall be provided and installed as indicated in the plans. The barrier gates shall meet the requirements below. The barrier gate shall be manually operated.

The barrier shall be designed for use as a warning, traffic control and access control gate where manual operation is desired for closure of up to two lanes.

Gate stand shall use heavy structural steel, welded in a rigid configuration. Entire stand shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication. The base shall be mounted to a foundation specified by the project engineer with four ¾” diameter by 12” long L-shaped anchor bolts or alternate anchor bolt as specified by the project engineer.

Steel, hot-dip galvanized side arm channels and cross members shall form a sturdy mounting frame to support the arm. The cross member section shall provide for mounting of the arm base.

The design shall permit 90 degree vertical rotation of the arm. An adjustment plate shall allow adjustment of the raised and lowered positions to account for sloping roadways. The arm shall latch in both the open and closed positions. Provision for padlocking shall be provided in both the raised and lowered positions.

Permanently lubricated, bronze spherical bearings shall be provided as standard equipment for smooth, reliable operation.

The gate arm shall be 4” square (102mm), 6005-T6 aluminum extruded tubing, fitted with an aluminum eye at each end to slip over the bollards. Standard maximum clear opening between the bollards shall be 30’. Front and rear arm surfaces shall be covered with red and white high intensity reflective sheeting. Stripes shall be 16” (406mm) wide, and shall slope at 45 degrees down toward the arm tip. Remaining exposed arm surfaces shall be painted white.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued)

Inside the arm tube shall run a continuous loop or loops of nylon strapping, of a size and quantity to suit the capacity requirements of the project. Resistance straps shall be guided through the eyes at each end of the arm such that the loop will engage the bollards in the arm-lowered position. Arm design shall fully enclose the straps to protect them from exposure to sun and weather so far as possible.

A pair of heavy steel bollard posts shall be mounted on either side of the roadway. The bollards shall be designed as the load carrying structure in the event of a vehicle collision and shall have a lip to assist in retaining the resistance straps.

A 2 year warranty shall cover the gate and related equipment against defective material and components. Gate arms shall be equipped with flashing lights in the quantity shown in the plans.

The gate arm light housing shall be of high impact plastic. Assembly shall be double-faced. Light assembly shall be mounted to gate arm using an aluminum adapter plate.

Gate arm light lenses shall be red fresnel plastic, approximately 4” diameter.

Gate arm lamp shall be 120V, LED lamp. DRAWBRIDGE AHEAD SIGN

The Drawbridge Ahead sign shall be composed of a combination of a Drawbridge sign and an Ahead placard.

The Drawbridge sign shall be a 24 inch x 24 inch reflective sign and the Ahead placard shall be a 24 inch x 12 inch sign. Both shall have the following features:

• 0 .080" Aluminum • Pre-punched 3/8" mounting holes. • Radius corners. • Meets MUTCD Specifications for Highway Use.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued) The Drawbridge Ahead sign shall be mounted with a yellow flashing warning beacon on a Traffic Sign and Signal Post where shown in the plans.


The Stop Here on Red sign shall be a 24 inch x 36 inch reflective sign with the following features:

• 0 .080" Aluminum • Pre-punched 3/8" mounting holes. • Radius corners. • Meets MUTCD Specifications for Highway Use.

The Stop Here on Red sign shall be mounted with two red flashing warning beacons on a Traffic Sign and Signal Post where shown in the plans.


The Right Turn Prohibition When Flashing sign shall be composed of a combination of a reflective Right Turn Prohibition sign and a reflective When Flashing placard.

The Right Turn Prohibition sign shall be a 24 inch x 24 inch reflective sign and the When Flashing placard shall be a 24 inch x 18 inch sign. Both shall have the following features:

• 0 .080" Aluminum • Pre-punched 3/8" mounting holes. • Radius corners. • Meets MUTCD Specifications for Highway Use.

The Right Turn Prohibition When Flashing Sign shall be mounted with two red flashing warning beacons on a Traffic Sign and Signal Post where shown in the plans.

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Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued) STOP LINES

Stop lines shall be furnished and installed where shown in the plans.


Flasher boxes shall be furnished and installed on each gate and traffic sign. Boxes shall consist of a NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure with padlock provisions installed. Flasher / beacon modules shall be installed in each box. The warning gate flasher boxes shall also be equipped with a selector switch to allow turning on or off the power to all flasher modules on the same side of the bridge.

The flasher shall be moisture and corrosion resistant and shall be capable of dissipating heat sufficient for continuous duty.

The flasher shall have two alternately flashing circuits. Each circuit shall flash .50 seconds on and .50 seconds off.

Standard input voltage shall be 120VAC. The flasher shall operate properly for input voltages within 10% of nominal.

The circuits shall be rated at 10 amps at 120VAC each (10 amps total load). A voltage drop of up to 6 volts to the output terminals shall be acceptable.

Fuse shall be 10 amp, 250 Volt, fast-acting, cartridge-type, ¼” diameter, 1 ¼” long, UL and/or CSA approved.

Terminals shall be clearly labeled and shall be compression type screw terminals.


All traffic signal housings to be used in this project shall be equipped with tunnel visors and shall have all signal indications equipped with light emitting diode (LED) traffic signal modules. Five inch black louvered backplates shall be provided on all signal heads. The manufacturer's name, trademark, serial number and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED signal module.

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Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued) LED signal modules shall fit without modifications into new traffic signal housings conforming to "Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Heads" (VTCSH) published in the Equipment and Materials Standards of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The LED signal module shall be a single, self-contained device, not requiring on-site assembly for installation. The LED signal assembly construction shall conform to the applicable ASTM specifications for the materials used to fabricate the module.

Each LED signal module shall include a smooth surfaced Red UV stabilized polycarbonate outer shell, multiple LED light sources, a power supply and a polycarbonate back cover assembled in a gasketed or silicon sealed unit.

The minimum luminous intensity values and light output shall be maintained within the rated input voltage of 117 Volts AC. LED signal modules shall not be allowed to fall short of the minimum intensity values at any of the 44 measuring points of the standard when lamp is turned on cold for measurements and after a 30 minute warm-up time period at 100% duty cycle.

The maximum wattage for 300-mm circular indications shall be 25 Watts and 14 Watts for the 300-mm arrows.

The LED sources shall not be powered above 70% of the manufacturer's specified rated load. This shall be clearly shown in layman's terms through calculations, schematics, catalogue cuts, etc.

The LED signal module will be replaced or repaired by the manufacturer if it exhibits a failure due to workmanship or material defects within the first 60 months of field operation. The LED signal module will be replaced or repaired by the manufacturer if it exhibits either a greater than 40 percent light output degradation or a fall below the minimum intensity levels within the first 36 months of field operation. TRAFFIC SIGN AND SIGNAL POSTS AND BASES Signal posts shall consist of a tapered aluminum shaft with a cast aluminum transformer base. SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:

• One fuse and/or circuit breaker of each kind and size used. • Four gate arm lenses of each type installed. • Two gate arm bulbs of each type installed.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued) Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized cartons, with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents. The Contractor shall also provide a directory of permanent type describing the parts. The directory shall state the name of each part, the manufacturer's number therefore, and the rating of the device for which the part is a spare. The spare parts shall also be marked to correspond with their respective item numbers as indicated on the elementary wiring diagram. Each circuit card requiring adjustments shall be adjusted at the bridge prior to final delivery to the Owner. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance in part and as a whole of the electrical equipment provided for the operation of the bascule leaves and related parts for a period of one year after the completion of the operational testing period. During the first year of operation, the Contractor shall correct at his own expense any difficulties in the operation that may arise as the result of defects of material, equipment and manufacture. Responsibility for such correction shall include the repair, readjustment and replacement not only of such defective parts, but other parts that may have been damaged thereby. The Owner reserves the right to correct any such defects and the Contractor shall pay the cost thereof. The Contractor shall give a written guarantee satisfactory to the Owner to insure the carrying out of the obligations. CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL All construction and installation shall be made by workmen skilled in this type of work and under the supervision of an experienced and qualified electrical supervisor. In addition, the approved Control System Vendor shall provide supervisory assistance to the electrical contractor as specified herein before. All work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall present a neat and mechanical appearance when completed. Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a corrected plan showing in detail all changes on construction from the original plans, especially location and sizes of conduits, complete schematic circuit diagrams and the like. The electrical installation shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances in effect at the construction site, with applicable regulations of the NEC, and with regulations of the utility companies furnishing power and telephone services to the site.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.03 (Continued) All pieces of equipment identified in this specification and/or in the Plans shall be installed as indicated. The electrical wiring to this equipment shall be installed with approved sizes and types of wire terminals and splice fittings. Each gate and sign shall be mounted on the bridge approaches at the locations shown on the plans. The Contractor shall furnish and install anchor bolts into the pedestals based on the actual mounting hole arrangement of the approved gate. Anchor bolt size and quantity will as per the manufacturer’s requirements. Gate cabinets shall have an open bottom and are to be installed over the conduit stub and wiring which is to serve power and control to the gate. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include furnishing and installing the Traffic Control System, including all equipment, tools, labor, services, design, test, dismantling, transportation and incidentals required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing systems, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work by placing the Traffic Control System in satisfactory operating condition, acceptable to the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301



Work under this Item is to furnish, install, test and place in a permanent operating condition a system of Coast Guard approved navigation aids and associated equipment. Included with this item shall be furnishing and installing the air horn with compressor, fender / pier lights, span lights, and a battery with battery charger. Also included is the retrofit of existing navigation lights.

The west fender lights will be 120 VAC lights powered from the west electric service.

The center fender and span lights will be 12 VDC lights powered via a 12 VDC battery system powered from the west electric service.

The east pier lights will be 12- VAC lights powered from the east electric service.

The air horn compressor will charge a tank when west electric service is connected to the center pier via the west and center disconnect boxes. No power will be provided to the horn compressor when center pier power is disconnected. The horn will be operated via manual valves using stored compressed air in the air horn tank. Two pairs of horns will be provided so that in either the open or closed position of the span, the horns being sounded will be directed upstream and downstream as per Coast Guard requirements. MATERIALS SHOP DRAWINGS Within 30 days after execution of the contract, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Full size drawings shall be submitted on those items requiring construction from such drawings. Descriptive leaflets shall be provided for standard catalog items which are mass produced. Shop drawings shall be submitted for all panel boards, switches, raceways, conductors, wiring devices, lighting fixtures, lamps, service equipment, boxes, control equipment, fasteners and other such equipment, and methods of fastening to structures. No equipment is to be purchased without approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall include manufacturer's test data, shall be certified by the manufacturer, and shall identify the application(s) for which they are proposed. Incomplete or unidentified shop drawings will be rejected and returned not review.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.04 (Continued) Equipment identification shall be the same as shown on the drawings. Standard drawings and catalog sheets showing more than one model or size shall be marked to indicate the model or size proposed. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for inspection, samples of the proposed substitute items at no cost to the Owner. All support data shall be submitted in PDF format for checking. The Owner will not be liable for any materials purchased or work done or any delay incurred prior to their review. Failure of the Engineer to note unsatisfactory materials as received will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility. Manufacturers' guarantees or warranties on materials shall be delivered to the Engineer upon receipt of the materials. Working drawings shall be made on Standard 36 inch by 24 inch sheets. Catalog cuts and manufacturers' standard drawings may be submitted on their respective standard sizes. They shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and distribution. The Engineer will not be responsible for errors of working drawings, even though approval has been indicated, or for quantities or bills of material which may be included. Any failure of the Engineer to correct errors on working drawings, or implied approval thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the full responsibility for the safe and adequate execution of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. After review of the working drawings by the Engineer, no changes shall be made without resubmission for approval by the Engineer, and all changes or revisions later made shall be clearly marked and dated. Before final payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, one set of prints on Mylar film, and pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format) copies stored on electronically readable media of all working drawings having to do with the finished structure. Prints shall be suitable for permanent storage, and any reproducible material which is subject to fading when exposed to light will not be acceptable.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.04 (Continued) REFERENCES Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Whenever any article, materials, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied, except as otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTIONS Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Equipment for which an acceptable manufacturer is not specifically named, or named equipment for which substitution is proposed, shall be manufactured by a company which has had a minimum of ten years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment and which, in the Engineer's opinion, has demonstrated its proficiency in the manufacture of such equipment. All equipment will be subject to the Engineer's approval. SPAN NAVIGATION LIGHTS The three existing span navigation lights shall be reused and retrofitted with 12 VDC LED type bulbs. The span light in the center is currently located too low per Coast Guard standards. It shall be raised as indicated in the Plans.

New conduit and wiring shall be as described in the Raceway and Wiring section of these Special Provisions.

EAST PIER NAVIGATION LIGHTS Three new pier lights shall be furnished and installed as indicated on the plans on the east pier. The pier lights shall be provided with a cast aluminum housing. Lenses shall be of a rigid, heat resistant glass. The light bulbs shall be 120 VAC, LED type. The fender lights shall be mounted along the side of the pier as shown in the plans. The lights shall be mounted so as to limit damage from collision with marine traffic but shall be mounted so as to remain visible to marine traffic.

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ITEM 880.04 (Continued) The navigation light shall be designed for use as a marine signal light for marking stationary piers and fenders, per Coast Guard requirements, where the light must be mounted to a vertical surface.

The housing shall be of cast aluminum. Casting alloy used shall be suitable for marine environment. Construction shall be rain-tight and fully gasketed. The light assembly shall be designed for heavy duty, long life service. Design shall provide ready access for lamp service.

The light shall incorporate vandal resistant features. External fasteners shall be stainless steel and tamper resistant. A lens guard formed of expanded stainless steel shall provide protection from projectiles such as rocks or other thrown objects. Lens guard shall be painted black.

Lens shall be heat-resistant fresnel glass. Nominal lens section shall be 180 degrees. Inside lens diameter shall measure approximately 7” (175mm). Outside lens diameter shall measure approximately 8” (205mm). Color shall be red.

Lamp shall be 120 VAC LED type.

Lamp fixture head and base shall be mounted on a 1 1/2” schedule 40 pipe, 1.90” O.D. (48mm). Pipe material shall be galvanized steel.

Base shall be cast of the same material as the fixture head. Light assembly shall mount to a vertical surface via four 1/2” diameter bolts through the base, provided by installer to suit installation.

Vandal Resistant and/or Pier-Mounted Models: Please see separate specification. WEST PIER NAVIGATION LIGHTS

The existing west pier navigation lights shall be reused. They shall be retrofitted to be vandal resistant as described for the East Pier Lights. They shall also be retrofitted with 120 VAC lamps and corresponding lamp sockets.


The existing center fender lights shall be reused. They shall be retrofitted to be vandal resistant as described for the East Pier Lights. They shall also be retrofitted with 12 VDC LED type lamps.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.04 (Continued)

One additional center fender light shall be installed. It shall be vandal resistant as described for the East Pier Lights and shall be equipped with a 12 VDC LED type lamp and corresponding lamp socket.

BATTERIES Two (2) batteries shall be used to power the 12 volt system. The batteries shall be lead acid type. Each battery shall be rated at least 50 amp hours. Each battery's maximum dimensions shall be less than 13x7x8.5 inches. The batteries shall be EP type, or deep discharge type batteries.

The contractor shall be responsible for fitting the 2 batteries and battery charge within the battery cabinet. BATTERY CHARGER The battery charger shall be capable of charging 12 volt batteries from a 120 VAC source. The battery charger shall charge and maintain the battery using at least the following modes:

Absorption, Constant current mode: The charge shall supply a constant current to the batteries. The charging current shall be between 10-30 amps (for the 2 (50 amp hour) batteries). This mode continues until the charging voltage exceeds the constant voltage mode. Topping, Constant voltage mode: A temperature compensated voltage is supplied to the battery. The voltage is adjusted according to the ambient voltage. This mode continues until the charging current is less than approximately 3% of the constant current mode, or the charging current no longer decreases.

Float, Maintenance: A maintenance or float voltage shall be applied to the battery to maintain the charge. This ambient temperature compensated voltage is typically less than the constant voltage mode. Different charges which may have a pulsing or monitoring float or maintenance system, are an acceptable float or maintenance mode.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.04 (Continued) Some battery chargers may have additional charging modes, such as charging a deeply discharged battery, or a cyclical battery plate maintenance cycle. These chargers are acceptable.

The charger must be capable of retaining any settings if the AC power is interrupted. Any settings must persist when the AC power is reapplied.

The contractor shall be responsible for fitting the 2 batteries and battery charge within the battery cabinet. BATTERY ENCLOSURE

The battery cabinet shall be a NEMA4X cabinet. This cabinet shall contain a drain hole at the bottom of the cabinet to drain water or battery leakage. The battery charger shall be mounted on a shelf above the bottom of the cabinet, so the charger is not subject to battery leakage products are water accumulation on the bottom of the cabinet. Dimensions shall be as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. AIR HORN The Contractor shall furnish and install a complete self contained air horn signaling system consisting of air compressor, duplex air horn, piping and all hardware required as shown on the plans. The duplex air horn shall be capable of 120db discharge intensity at 3.08m (10 feet) at 50 psi discharge pressure. The horn shall be of weatherproof construction made of polished zinc, die cast. The compressor shall be the oscillating diaphragm type, quick in response and directly connected to the motor, signal shall be capable of being instantly actuated the moment current is applied. The compressor motor shall be standard speed, .75KW (1 hp) motor, equipped with lifetime lubricated sealed ball bearing. Motor shall operate at 120 volts ac, 60 hertz. Air horn system shall be B & B Electromatic Corp. Model 55-50 or approved equal by Automatic Power or Federal Signal.

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Project No. 061301


ITEM 880.04 (Continued) AIR HORN ENCLOSURE

A NEMA 4X enclosure shall be equipped with two manual horn control valves and installed where shown in the Plans. All piping and accessories required to make a complete fully functional horn system shall also be furnished and installed. Dimensions shall be as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:

• One fuse and/or circuit breaker of each kind and size used. Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized cartons, with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents. The Contractor shall also provide a directory of permanent type describing the parts. The directory shall state the name of each part, the manufacturer's number therefore, and the rating of the device for which the part is a spare. The spare parts shall also be marked to correspond with their respective item numbers as indicated on the elementary wiring diagram. Each circuit card requiring adjustments shall be adjusted at the bridge prior to final delivery to the Owner. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance in part and as a whole of the electrical equipment provided for the operation of the bascule leaves and related parts for a period of one year after the completion of the operational testing period. During the first year of operation, the Contractor shall correct at his own expense any difficulties in the operation that may arise as the result of defects of material, equipment and manufacture. Responsibility for such correction shall include the repair, readjustment and replacement not only of such defective parts, but other parts that may have been damaged thereby. The Owner reserves the right to correct any such defects and the Contractor shall pay the cost thereof. The Contractor shall give a written guarantee satisfactory to the Owner to insure the carrying out of the obligations. CONSTRUCTION METHODS All construction and installation shall be made by workmen skilled in this type of work and under the supervision of an experienced and qualified electrical supervisor. In addition, the approved Control System Vendor shall provide supervisory assistance to the electrical contractor as specified herein before.

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ITEM 880.04 (Continued) All work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall present a neat and mechanical appearance when completed. Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a corrected plan showing in detail all changes on construction from the original plans, especially location and sizes of conduits, complete schematic circuit diagrams and the like. The electrical installation shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances in effect at the construction site, with applicable regulations of the NEC, and with regulations of the utility companies furnishing power and telephone services to the site. The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Coast Guard for any disruption of navigation lighting or temporary construction navigation lighting required during staging of construction. All pieces of equipment identified in this specification and/or in the Plans shall be installed as indicated. The electrical wiring to this equipment shall be installed with approved sizes and types of wire terminals and splice fittings. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include replacing existing navigation lights, furnishing and installing the Navigation Aids System, including all equipment, tools, labor, services, design, test, dismantling, transportation, and incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Providing and maintaining the navigation lighting during demolition and providing, paying for and removing of any utility company service required for temporary navigational lighting system will not be separately measured for payment, but all cost will be considered incidental to and included in the Contract Bid Price of this Item. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing navigational lights, electrical system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for incidentals, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work by placing the Navigation Aids System in satisfactory operating condition, acceptable to the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this Item is to furnish, install, test and place in a permanent operating condition all electrical underground and bridge mounted junction boxes, grounding rods and cable, conduits and wiring shown in the plans. This item includes all raceway and wiring work within the limits of work including work on the movable bridge span, the center pier and fender area, the rest piers, the bridge approach spans and the non-bridge approaches. Included in this work shall be installation of raceways and wiring to accommodate the gates, signals, electrical service, convenience receptacles, and roadway lighting as shown on the plans. Also included in this work shall be all associated connectors, grounding, and assemblies within the junction boxes.

All terminal, junction and/or pull boxes and other items which shall be required in the installation of Raceways and Wiring shall be considered incidental to this pay item.

The electrical installation shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances in effect at the construction site, with applicable regulations of the NEC, and with regulations of the utility companies furnishing power services to the site.

CIRCUIT SCHEDULES Descriptions of minimum bridge power and control circuits are included in the Plans in tabular format. These schedules are intended to assist the Contractor during installation of cable and conduit. The Contractor shall size conduits to accommodate the circuits to be installed in accordance with the NEC. In doing so, the Contractor shall consider any changes made by the equipment vendors as well as the original circuits as described in the tables, herein. Actual circuits and conduits may vary due to factory and/or field alterations. Therefore, the schedules are to serve only as a guideline to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide all raceways and wiring required to make a fully functional system. The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for assuring that conduit sizes and conduit fills are in compliance with the National Electrical Code. The Contractor shall consider all conduit and wiring required for installation of all of the equipment described in the Plans and Specifications. No additional payment for conduit and wiring for this equipment shall be made.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for providing all required raceways and maintaining conductor fill within NEC limitations. The routings shown are suggestions which may be altered with the Engineer’s approval.

MATERIALS GENERAL The Electrical Equipment and its installation shall be in accordance with regulations of the NEC and shall conform to Division II, Group B of the latest revision, for movable bridges of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials except as otherwise provided herein. All materials and equipment furnished under these Specifications shall be new, and to the extent possible standard products of the various manufacturers. Where more than one of any specific item is required, all shall be of the same type and manufacturer. Items of equipment or material, which are not specifically defined herein, shall conform to the general standard of quality established herein. Lock washers shall be provided on all mechanical fastenings. In order to prevent deterioration due to corrosion, all bolts, nuts, studs, washers, pins, terminals, springs, hangers, cap screws, set screws, tap bolts, brackets, and other hardware fastenings and fittings shall be of an approved corrosion-resisting material such as silicon bronze, or stainless steel. Hot-dip galvanizing, per ASTM Specification A153, will be considered approved treatment for all non-moving ferrous hardware. SHOP DRAWINGS Within 30 days after execution of the contract, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Full size drawings shall be submitted on those items requiring construction from such drawings. Descriptive leaflets shall be provided for standard catalog items which are mass produced.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Shop drawings shall be submitted for all panel boards, switches, raceways, conductors, wiring devices, lighting fixtures, lamps, service equipment, boxes, control equipment, fasteners and other such equipment, and methods of fastening to structures. No equipment is to be purchased without approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall include manufacturer's test data, shall be certified by the manufacturer, and shall identify the application(s) for which they are proposed. Incomplete or unidentified shop drawings will be rejected and returned not review. Equipment identification shall be the same as shown on the drawings. Standard drawings and catalog sheets showing more than one model or size shall be marked to indicate the model or size proposed. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for inspection, samples of the proposed substitute items at no cost to the Owner. All support data shall be submitted in PDF format for checking. The Owner will not be liable for any materials purchased or work done or any delay incurred prior to their review. Failure of the Engineer to note unsatisfactory materials as received will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility. Manufacturers' guarantees or warranties on materials shall be delivered to the Engineer upon receipt of the materials. Working drawings shall be made on Standard 36 inch by 24 inch sheets. Catalog cuts and manufacturers' standard drawings may be submitted on their respective standard sizes. They shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and distribution. The Engineer will not be responsible for errors of working drawings, even though approval has been indicated, or for quantities or bills of material which may be included. Any failure of the Engineer to correct errors on working drawings, or implied approval thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the full responsibility for the safe and adequate execution of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. After review of the working drawings by the Engineer, no changes shall be made without resubmission for approval by the Engineer, and all changes or revisions later made shall be clearly marked and dated.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Before final payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, one set of prints on Mylar film, and pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format) copies stored on electronically readable media of all working drawings having to do with the finished structure. Prints shall be suitable for permanent storage, and any reproducible material which is subject to fading when exposed to light will not be acceptable. REFERENCES Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Whenever any article, materials, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied, except as otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTIONS Reference to a particular product by manufacturer, trade name, or catalog number establishes the quality standards of material and equipment required for this installation and is not intended to exclude products equal in quality and similar in design. Equipment for which an acceptable manufacturer is not specifically named, or named equipment for which substitution is proposed, shall be manufactured by a company which has had a minimum of ten years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment and which, in the Engineer's opinion, has demonstrated its proficiency in the manufacture of such equipment. All equipment will be subject to the Engineer's approval. RACEWAYS - GENERAL All conduits shall be free from blisters, cracks, or injurious defects. Any lengths shown on the plans, are included solely as a convenience to the Engineer, and are not guaranteed to be accurate or correct, and will not be used as a basis for payment.

Conduits shall be manufactured (not painted) to match with the architectural color of the bridge structure. The conduit shop drawing submittal shall include color information for approval.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) All conduits shall be fiberglass reinforced epoxy conduits. Fittings for use with all fiberglass reinforced epoxy conduits shall be compatible products produced by the same manufacturer producing the conduits.

Conduits shall be installed so as to be continuous and watertight between boxes or equipment. Conduits shall be protected at all times from the entrance of water and other foreign matter by being capped or well plugged overnight and when the work is temporarily suspended.

All conduits shall be installed so that they will drain properly and drainage tees shall be provided at low points where required, and as directed by the Engineer.

All field bends shall be in accordance with the NEC and shall be long sweep, free from kinks, and of such easy curvatures as to facilitate the drawing in of conductors without injury. Conduit runs shall be made with as few couplings as standard lengths will permit, and the total angle of all bends between any two boxes shall not exceed 360 degrees. Long running threads will not be permitted.

Pull boxes shall be used wherever necessary to facilitate the installation of the conductors. Condulets shall not be used for pulling more than ten conductors or for making such turns in conduit runs or for branching conductors, except for indoor wiring to lighting fixtures and receptacles.

Exposed raceway runs, whether or not described in the Plans and/or specifications, shall be straight and shall be parallel or at right angles to the general structure lines. Attachment to steel or concrete shall be by stainless steel hardware. Routing shall be approved by the Engineer. Concrete inserts for raceway support shall be Unistrut, B-line, Midland Ross, or approved equal, fabricated from stainless steel.

Except where indicated otherwise in the plans, conduits mounted exteriorly on parts of the steel work shall be set not less than 2 inches clear from the supporting structure to prevent accumulation of dirt, and they shall be securely clamped to the steel work to prevent rattling and wear. The clamps, in general, shall consist of stainless steel u-bolts attached to stainless steel angle or channel supports bolted to the members. The spacing of the clamps shall not exceed 6 feet on centers.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Supports for electrical work which are fabricated from structural plates or shapes welded or bolted to structural members and which are shown or requested to be included on the steel drawings, will be paid for under the items shown on the plans. Additional alterations and supports not shown or requested, but that are found necessary after completion of steel fabrication plans, shall be included for payment and additional compensation will not be considered.

At any point where a conduit crosses an expansion joint, or where movement between adjacent sections of conduit can be expected, expansion fittings shall be installed.

All conduits shall be carefully cleaned, both before and after installation using methods as recommended by the conduit manufacturer. The conduit manufacturer’s recommended methods shall be submitted along with shop drawings for review by the Engineer.

FIBERGLASS REINFORCED EPOXY CONDUIT. All conduits shall be fiberglass reinforced epoxy (FRE) conduit. All FRE conduits shall be provided in a heavy wall / bullet resistant configuration for all sizes for which a heavy wall configuration is available from the conduit manufacturer. All conduits shall be sunlight resistant.

The conduit shall comply with UL Standard 1684A.

All conduits shall be manufactured from E or E-CR glass and epoxy resin with no fillers and shall have a resin content of 32%, plus or minus 3%. All joints shall be inside tapered bell end and of even socket depth throughout the raceway. Conduits shall be equipped with one-piece injection molded push-fit integral bell and spigot. All conduits shall be installed using the manufacturer’s recommended installation methods and materials. The manufacturer’s installation instructions shall be included in the Contractor’s shop drawing submittals for review by the Engineer.

STRUT CHANNEL Strut channel shall be solid, non-slotted, stainless steel, 12 guage channel. Contractor shall field drill the holes in the strut channel to attach it to vertical structural member of the bridge. The length of the strut channel should be same as the width of the mounting bracket. Depth of the strut channel should be 1 5/8 in.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) CONDUCTORS - GENERAL Insulated conductors and conductor accessories shall be furnished in sufficient quantities for a complete installation. Installation shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, and shall include placement, splicing, terminating, identification, testing, and verification of each circuit and conductor. Cable types, as shown in the Plans, shall be as shown on the cable data sheets. The "type" as shown on the circuit schedules in the common provisions section is the "type" referenced to at the top of each cable specification sheet. The "Outside Diameter" is the nominal diameter used to calculate the required conduit size. If actual cables used are of larger diameter, the Contractor shall increase the size of the affected conduits, as required by the NEC, at no additional cost to the owner. Determination of correct cable lengths and final conduit size is the responsibility of the Contractor. Acceptable manufacturers are Okonite, American Insulated Wire and Cable, Rome Cable, DRAKA or approved equal. A durable marking shall be provided on the outer surface of all cables or conductors at intervals not exceeding 610mm (24 inches). Marking shall include manufacturer's name, insulating material, conductor size, and voltage class. Each conductor, of power, control and signal wiring, shall be color coded with colored insulation. Color coding of conductors shall be as follows:

120/208 volts 277/480 volts Phase A Black Brown Phase B Red Yellow Phase C Blue Orange Neutral White Gray

The drawing of wire and cables into conduits shall be done without injury to the wires or their insulation or covering. Any replacements deemed necessary by the Engineer as a result of damage during installation shall be at the expense of the Contractor.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) All cables shall be installed as recommended by the manufacturer. The manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tension and minimum bending radius shall be adhered to during installation. The Contractor shall use the necessary guides, pulleys, sleeves, and pulling aids to prevent abrasion and damage to the cables during installation. Lubricants recommended by the cable manufacturer and acceptable to the Engineer shall be used for the pulling of conductors or cables. All outgoing wires no. 8 AWG or smaller in the electrical cabinets, and in terminal cabinets shall be connected to terminal blocks. Both ends of every single length of conductor shall be permanently and clearly identified with sleeves marked in accordance with the same number and designation shown on the Control System Vendor’s wiring diagrams. The marking shall be done on a sleeve not less than 13mm (½-inch) long. The inside diameter of the sleeve shall be such that it will slip snugly over the insulated wire. Each sleeve shall be marked so that the identification shall be permanent and waterproof. Marking shall not be done with a pen. Marking shall be done with a machine such as the Brady labeling device. Adhesive type labels are not acceptable. Spare conductors of a multi-conductor cable shall be left at their maximum lengths for possible replacement of any other conductors in the cable. Each spare conductor shall be coiled and then taped to the conductors being used. Conductors inside electrical enclosures shall be neatly formed into bundles and bound using approved plastic wire ties, with the individual conductors leaving the bundle at their respective terminal points. These conductors shall be looped to allow not less than 76mm (3 inches) of free conductor when disconnected. These formed cables shall be held securely away from the terminals and from contact with the cabinet by means of approved insulating supports. Spiral-wrap shall be used for all connections between the door mounted devices and the equipment mounted on the backpanel. Wiring duct meeting JIC standards will be acceptable. Splicing of conductors will not be permitted except for wiring to service lighting fixtures and receptacles. All splices, T-taps, and free ends of 600-volt cables shall be insulated. General use cables shall be insulated with No. 33 tape. High ambient cable shall be insulated with 3M No. 70 tape. Cable connections for No. 8 AWG and smaller, for making terminations and splices shall be with high-pressure indent type pressure connectors. Connectors shall be copper and as manufactured by Buchanan Products, Burndy, Thomas & Betts, or approved equal.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Cable connections for No. 6 AWG and larger for making terminations, T-taps, and splices shall be with a high compression or bolted type pressure connector. Compression connectors shall be Thomas & Betts series 54000 using manufacturer's recommended tooling for installation. Bolted connectors shall have a non-rotating pressure cap and as manufactured by Burndy, O.Z. Electric, Buchanan, or approved equal. 600 Volt flame resistant SINGLE CONDUCTOR POWER CABLE.

Reference: ICEA S-66-524 Conductor: Class B stranding, 90 degrees C, standard round Uncoated copper Insulation: Flame resistant thermosetting chemically cross linked polyethylene Jacket: None UL listing: XHHW-2 Tests: Flame test requirements per IEEE 383, using a gas burner flame

source. SOW-A CABLE This cable type shall be used as indicated on the Plans and / or for the cable connection (between the Span Power Disconnect Boxes) between the stationery structure and the movable span within the center drum. Cable must be capable of supporting its own weight over the length required. Cable shall be SOW-A type cable with features as follows:

Reference: ASTM B-33, ASTM B-174, UL-62 Conductor: Extra-flexible stranding (Class K), soft-drawn tinned copper Separator: Paper Insulation: Color coded Thermoset (EPDM) insulation per UL-62 and ICEA S-

68-516 Cabling: Conductors are cabled (maximum of two layers) with non-wicking,

non-hygroscopic fillers with an overall binder of rubberized fabric tape

Jacket: Black, oil and flame-resistant, reinforced thermoset (neoprene) jacket; per UL-62 and ICEA S-68-516

Special Construction:

Shall be manufactured as a multiconductor, 10 AWG cable.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) MULTICONDUCTOR MARINE & OFFSHORE TYPE P CABLE This cable type shall be used as indicated on the Plans for navigation lighting. Cable shall be type P cable with features as follows:

Reference: ETL/Intertek Testing Services Listed as Marine Shipboard Cable in accordance with IEEE 45 (1998), IEEE 1580 (2001), UL 1309/CSA245 and the performance requirements of IEC 60092-3.

Conductors: Soft annealed stranded tinned copper per ASTM B 33. A polyester tape separator is used over the conductor.

Insulation: Type P chemically cross-inked polyolefin (XLPO), meeting IEEE 1580 (2001).

Jacket : Flame-retardant Arctic Neoprene, complying with Type N Neoprene as required in IEEE-1580 (2001).

Armor: Braided bronze in accordance with IEEE 1580 (2001). Sheath: Flame-retardant Arctic Neoprene applied over the armor, complying

with Type N Neoprene as required in IEEE 1580 (2001). Thickness as shown in tables on opposite page.


Conductor: Conforming to ASTM B-3 for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire Conforming to ASTM B-8 for Concentric-Lay Stranded Copper Conforming to Federal Standard QQ-W-343

Insulation: None (except if in contact with aluminum; then the grounding wire shall have a green PVC jacket.

BOXES The Contractor shall furnish and install junction and pull boxes, reducers, and other fittings as required by these specifications or where required by the NEC, or where required to facilitate pulling, whether shown on plans or not. All areas on this bridge shall be considered “external,” “exposed” or “exterior.”

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) All pull, junction, splice, and terminal boxes shall be stainless steel, NEMA 4X, unless otherwise stated and shall be provided with hinged, overlapping covers of the same material, with pad-lock provisions. Exterior boxes mounted on the bridge steelwork shall be primed and painted the same color as the bridge. All boxes shall be provided with mounting lugs and shall be securely fastened to the structure or supports with not less than four through-bolts. Enclosures shall be hydraulic punched to receive the conduit ends, which shall be secured with insulated hub connectors. The conduit ends projecting into all boxes and enclosures shall be equipped with insulated bushings. No box or enclosure shall be hydraulic punched for more conduits than actually enter it. Device boxes shall be fastened to the mounting surface with not less than two bolts. Framework for supporting boxes, switches, and other externally mounted electrical devices shall be stainless steel strut channel. All mounting bolts, nuts, washers, and other hardware used for fastening boxes, disconnect switches, devices, lighting outlet boxes, conduit clamps, and similar devices shall be brass, monel metal, or stainless steel. Bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal, and bolts smaller than 9.5mm (3/8 inch) in diameter shall not be used except as may be necessary to fit the mounting holes in small devices, outlet boxes, and similar standard equipment. Exposed outlet boxes mounted on the surface shall be weatherproof cast alloy type with threaded hubs and suitable matching covers for switches and receptacles.

There shall be no holes in boxes that are not used for conduits or cables. IN GROUND JUNCTION BOXES All in ground junction boxes shall be pre-cast polymer concrete. The Contractor shall provide and install these boxes and the dimensions shall be as shown in the Junction Box and Enclosure Information section. Enclosures are required to conform to all test provisions of ANSI/SCTE 77, Specification for Underground Enclosure Integrity. When multiple tiers are specified, the boxes must physically accommodate and structurally support covers of the highest tier rating. All covers are required to have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50 in accordance with ASTM C 1028.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Final sizes and locations shall be submitted along with catalog information for shop drawing review. The boxes shall be similar to Quazite series PG3048BG24 stackable enclosures, Highline Products, Armocast Products or approved equal. JUNCTION BOX AND ENCLOSURE INFORMATION Junction box and enclosure information shall be as follows. They shall be installed as shown in the plans.

Junction Box/ Enclosure Location Description Type Size


EC1 center span, west side, roadway level

span power disconnect

enclosure, nema 4x ss 16x12x8

EC2 center span, drum contains pb-c enclosure, nema 4x ss 30x24x12

EC3 center span, drum

battery enclosure (batteries & battery charger)

enclosure, nema 4x ss 24x20x12


center span, center, roadway level, north side

air horn control enclosure at roadway level

enclosure, nema 4x ss 10x8x4

EE1 east side, near service entrance contains pb-e enclosure, nema 4x

ss 30x24x12

EW1 west side, near service entrance contains pb-w enclosure, nema 4x

ss 41x25x16

EW2 west span, east side, roadway level

span power disconnect

enclosure, nema 4x ss 30x24x12


center span, roadway level, north side

conduits to: jbc4, center span roadway lighting, pb-c (ec2), span power disconnect ec1

jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


center span, roadway level, north side

center span power, conduit to sow-a jb, nema 4x ss 20x16x6

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued)

Junction Box/ Enclosure Location Description Type Size


JBC03 center span, pier level

marine navigation pier and axis lights jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

JBC04 center span, center, upper truss

marine navigation swing span lights jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

JBC05 center span, drum floor sow-a to conduit jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


center span, 17+69.00, north of road

roadway light jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


east approach, near service entrance, south of road

service entrance jb, nema 4x ss 16x12x6


east approach, north of road, across from service entrance, pier face

connects: jbel1, pb-e, jbe3 pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, barrier gate, north of road

barrier gate feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, between barrier and warning gate, north of road

pull point pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, warning gate, north of road

warning gate feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, across bridge st from jbe5

under road conduit termination pcrejb 17x30x12

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued)

Junction Box/ Enclosure Location Description Type Size



east approach, across bridge st from jbe8

connects: jbe6 jbe8 jbe9, under road conduit termination

pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, bridge st, sign (stop here on red)

sign flasher feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, bridge st, across from jbe10

under road conduit termination pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, bridge st, sign (drawbridge ahead)

sign flasher feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, river rd, sign (right turn prohibition)

sign flasher feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east approach, river rd, sign (drawbridge ahead)s

sign flasher feed pcrejb 17x30x12


east span, 20+93.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


east span, 19+93.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


east span, 18+82.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued)

Junction Box/ Enclosure Location Description Type Size



east span, 17+69.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


marine navigation lights

junction boxes for type p cable with type n jacket and sheath, for fender/pier lights

jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


west approach, east of service entrance, north of road, on wall

transition between underground and above ground conduit

jb, nema 4x ss 16x12x6


west approach, west most pier, north side

connects: jbw1 jbw3 jbwl1 jb, nema 4x ss 24x20x10


west approach, barrier gate, south of road, on wall

barrier gate feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


west approach, warning gate, south of road, on wall

warning gate feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

JBW5 west approach, on west abutment

conduit to type P cable jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued)

Junction Box/ Enclosure Location Description Type Size



west span, 13+46.50, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


west span, 14+48.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4


west span, 15+50.00, north of road

roadway light feed jb, nema 4x ss 6x4x4

SERVICE GROUNDING Grounding assembly shall be furnished and installed near each service meter (east and west). The incoming electric services shall be solidly grounded to its respective grounding assembly. An additional grounding assembly shall be installed at the center pier as the center pier equipment will be disconnected from the west utility service during bridge openings.

Ground rods shall be 8 ft x ⅝ inch copper-coated steel ground rod as specified by ANSI/UL 467. Grounding assemblies at the east and west electric service should be driven into the ground near each service meter. The center pier ground rods shall be driven into waterway bottom at location shown in the plans. Terminal lugs and the metal framing and enclosures of all electrical equipment shall be bonded to the grounding grid assembly.

TERMINAL BLOCKS Wherever it becomes necessary to terminate, join, or branch conductors, terminal blocks in boxes or cabinets shall be used. Terminal blocks shall be provided for conductors requiring connection to circuits external to the specified equipment, for internal circuits crossing shipping splits, and where equipment parts replacement and maintenance will be facilitated.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Terminal blocks shall be grouped for easy accessibility unrestricted by interference from structural members and instruments. Sufficient space shall be provided on each side of each terminal block to allow an orderly arrangement of all leads to be terminated on the block. Provide a minimum of 10 percent spare terminal points in each cabinet, box, console or enclosure. Terminal blocks shall be provided with corrosion resistant plating on non-ferrous hardware and shall be provided with approved lock washers and terminal connectors for all external wiring. All terminal blocks shall be provided with approved permanent terminal markings for each connected conductor in service and shall be marked to agree with the wiring diagram. The marking shall be placed on a material which will not be affected by age or moisture and shall be given two applications of a clear protective substance compatible with the terminal material and the marking material after the markings are placed thereon. Terminal blocks shall be appropriate for the size of wire being terminated. The arrangements of terminal blocks shall be as recommended in the plans. Terminal blocks must be CE marked, CSA Certified, and UL listed. NAMEPLATES Nameplates shall be provided for all major pieces of equipment named on the drawings and for all devices on and in the electrical cabinets. Nameplates shall be mounted under, over and adjacent to each device for proper identification as indicated on the plans. Each terminal block, device, fuse block and terminal shall be permanently labeled to coincide with the identification indicated on the schematic wiring diagrams. Fuse nameplates shall show the type, ampere, and voltage rating of the fuses. The control relay nameplates shall cross reference the actual control relays to the schematic diagrams.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Nameplates shall be made of a hot-polished, laminated phenolic compound not less than 4.8mm (3/16 inch) thick. The compound shall have a white surface 0.8mm (1/32 inch) thick, and intermediate black layer 0.8mm (1/32 inch) thick and a white back 3mm (1/8 inch) thick. All corners shall be rounded, and the edges of the plates shall be chamfered. All engraving shall be upper case, standard gothic characters, cut through the surface into the intermediate layer to show black letters on a white background. All plates shall be securely fastened with stainless steel screws or rivets. POWERWELD CONNECTIONS The Contractor shall bond the bridge approach and movable spans to the electrical cabinets. Use the submarine cable armored layer to bond the North side of the bridge to the south side. These specifications cover Powerweld exothermic welding system for use in making electrical connections of copper to copper or copper to steel. The Powerweld system shall include weld metal, molds, and accessories. National standards - The Powerweld welding system furnished under these specifications shall meet the applicable requirements of IEEE-80, chapter 9, section of conductors and joints. Powerweld exothermic connections are approved in NEC 250-113 and 250-115. Applications - two styles of powerweld welding connections shall be available: "Smokeless/Sparkless" for indoor and the other for outdoor usage. Welded connections to be used outdoors shall be suitable for exposure to the elements or direct burial without degradation over the lifetime of the grounding system. "Smokeless/Sparkless" connections to be used indoor shall be of the low smoke, low emission type - but shall be metallurgically similar to the above connection. Material - molds shall be made from graphite material with standing high temperatures and shall be designed to provide an average usage life of not less than 50 separate exothermic welds before degrading.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Starting material shall consist of aluminum and copper oxides. Weld metal used for grounding connections shall contain copper oxide, aluminum, and not more than 1 percent tin. Weld metal used for cathodic connections shall not contain tin or vanadium. Marking: Molds shall bear the permanent marking indicating the name of the manufacturer, the mold model, the type and size of welding mixture compatible with the welding process, and the size of the cable or bus connection. Instructions detailing general safety information, connection preparation and welding procedures shall be provided with each mold. Weld metal packages shall be identified as to the part no., size, and type of metals to be connected, such as copper to copper or copper to steel. Weld metal packages for cathodic connections shall be so identified. Weld metal packages shall be clearly marked to indicate whether they are for standard (for outdoor), or smokeless/sparkless (low emission) applications. Weld metal shall be controlled at the factory and subjected to routine and rigid quality control inspection procedures. The batch control numbers shall be packaged with the product prior to shipment for the factory. Manufacturer must be able to certify that all material of his manufacture can be safely and satisfactorily interchanged with competitive product or products. Packaging and shipping: containers for weld metal shall be moisture resistant and shall be packaged to prevent damage or spillage during shipping. Weld metal and starting material (if used) shall be measured and packaged together in a non-absorbing container. The starting material shall be at the bottom of the container to allow the starting material to be dispersed uniformly over the top of the welding mixture when placed in the crucible for a more uniform ignition and exothermic welding process. The local distributor and local sales personnel shall have provision for responding to field calls within 24 hours, as well as providing training for construction forces on the proper techniques for making Powerweld connections. GROUND RESISTANCE Ground resistance shall have a value of 5 ohms or less after connection to the service equipment and shall be measured with an approved ground tester.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) Ground resistance measurements shall be taken as follows:

1. The resistance of each individual ground rod shall be measured at the time of installation and before connection to the ground bus. If the resistance is greater than 25 ohms, sections of rod shall be added to the rod being tested until the desired resistance is achieved. If after 2 sections have been added (total 9.14m (30')) and the resistance has not been achieved, call the Engineer for a determination.

2. The resistance of the ground bus shall be measured, with all rods connected to the bus prior to connection to the service equipment.

3. The resistance of the ground bus shall be measured with all rods connected to the bus after connection to the service equipment.

4. A report of the test shall be forwarded to the Engineer. 5. It is preferable that all ground rods have approximately like resistances so that when

paralleled all rods will carry very nearly the same current. In those instances where a wide variance of resistance is encountered, additional sectional rods shall be added to those already installed that have the high resistance.

6. Letters of certification: upon request, a letter of certification shall be furnished by the manufacturer or distributor with each shipment.

CONSTRUCTION METHODS All construction and installation shall be made by workmen skilled in this type of work and under the supervision of an experienced and qualified electrical supervisor. All work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall present a neat and mechanical appearance when completed. Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a corrected plan showing in detail all changes on construction from the original plans, especially location and sizes of conduits, complete schematic circuit diagrams and the like.

Pull boxes shall be provided where shown on the plans, required by the NEC, or as directed by the Engineer. The electrical contractor is responsible for bringing all conduits and wiring to the roadway devices and performing all necessary terminations to complete the installation and make all equipment fully operational to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This work may include necessary fine tuning adjustments of the gate limit switches, or any other necessary adjustments on the traffic devices. TESTING OF GROUNDING SYSTEM The Contractor shall perform testing of the equipment grounding system in the presence of the Engineer in accordance with the Standard Specifications.

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ITEM 880.05 (Continued) WIRING METHODS.

After all wiring has been installed and connected in the proposed permanent manner, but prior to the above operation period, each circuit conductor shall be given an insulation resistance test by the Engineer. The insulation resistance for each conductor shall exceed 5 megohms after charging for 30 seconds at 500 VDC or 1000 VDC.

If the insulation resistance test of any conductor indicates a value of less than 5 megohms, the Contractor shall locate the fault. If the fault is in a conductor between terminal connections, the conductor shall be replaced. If the fault is at a terminal connection, the terminal device shall be replaced or repaired as directed by the Engineer.

METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost to furnish, install, test and place the Raceway and Wiring System in a permanent operating condition comprising all electrical underground and bridge mounted junction boxes, grounding rods and cable, conduits and wiring, all raceway and wiring work including work on the movable bridge span, the center pier and fender area, the rest piers, the bridge approach spans and the non-bridge approaches, including further all equipment, tools, labor, services, design, dismantling, transportation and incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. All terminal, junction and/or pull boxes and other items which shall be required in the installation of Raceways and Wiring shall be considered incidental to this pay item, including installation of raceways and wiring to accommodate the gates, signals, electrical service, convenience receptacles, and roadway lighting as shown on the plans. Also included in this work shall be all associated connectors, grounding, and assemblies within the junction boxes. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for incidentals, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work by placing the Raceway and Wiring System in satisfactory operating condition, acceptable to the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this Item is to furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the removal and satisfactory disposal and / or salvage of electrical equipment and systems on the Rocks Village Bridge over the Merrimack River. Materials as described in the plans and these Special Provisions. The prospective Bidder is advised to conduct a field investigation prior to bidding. Bidder shall verify all conditions, dimensions and materials in the field and shall base the bid on Bidder’s own findings without any additional compensation for variances from the Plans, other information and/or these Special Provisions regarding actual conditions for the materials to be removed. Demolition and construction work involving the navigation lighting (and associated equipment such as conduit, cabling, and battery boxes) on the existing Rocks Village Bridge over the Merrimack River shall be staged so as not to leave the bridge without operational navigation lights at any time. SUBMITTALS. The Contractor shall submit a demolition plan and schedule to the Engineer for review describing the proposed sequence, method of demolition and equipment for the demolition and disposal / salvage of all materials. As part of the bridge demolition and sequencing plan, the submittal shall also include proposed sequence and method to provide working navigational lights at all times. As a minimum the submittal shall include the locations and description of all materials to be removed.

Any change to this demolition procedure will require prior review by the Engineer. The work under this item shall also include the designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, relocating, removal and disposal of protective shielding that may be required to prevent material and debris from falling into the Merrimack River. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing any debris falling into the river. Protective shielding shall be as described in Item 114.01. The Contractor shall not proceed with demolition until the Engineer has given written acceptance of the demolition plan. JOBSITE CONDITIONS The materials and structure which adjoin the materials to be removed shall be protected and the Contractor shall leave the same in a safe and satisfactory condition.

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ITEM 880.06 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS DEMOLITION OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS Demolition of materials shall be in accordance with the accepted demolition plan. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to remove and legally dispose of materials on the existing Rocks Village Bridge over the Merrimack River, as identified in the Plans and as determined through field investigation. Navigation lights (existing or, at the contractor’s option, temporary) must be maintained on the bridge as the bridge demolition and construction proceeds or as otherwise acceptable to the agencies having jurisdiction. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the field survey, design, installation & subsequent removal of temporary shielding system, all labor, equipment, tools, deleading, dismantling, transportation and incidentals as required to complete the work of Electrical Equipment Demolition as specified and as directed. Miscellaneous removals and disposals that are not specifically listed for payment under another item shall be deemed included in the Contract Bid Price of this Item. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing electrical system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for incidentals, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this Item comprises Contractor’s responsibility to instruct the owner's operating personnel in the operation of equipment during test runs and prior to acceptance. This training session shall be video taped and given to the owner at the completion of the training session. The Control System Vendor shall ensure maximum reliability and ease of maintenance for all components of the operating system and shall be responsible for all training of the bridge operator staff and for the supervision of all trial operations. FULL SIZE PLAN SET The Contractor shall furnish 20 complete full size sets of final as-built drawings, including all electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, terminal listings, ladder logic, panel layout, conduit layout and electrical cabinets and panels. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL As part of Training and Documentation, the Contractor shall furnish operation and maintenance booklets for all major portions of the electrical systems for this bridge. This shall include, but not be limited to the electrical power and control system, manual transfer switch, electrical cabinets, solar power system, drive motor, machinery brakes, motor brake, lighting systems, barrier / warning gates, traffic signals, signal controllers, and other electrical items pertaining to the bridge. Each booklet shall be bound in a heavy-duty, nickel-plated three-hole binder with three trigger positions: lock, unlock and open. Binder shall allow sheets to lie flat when booklet is open. Covers for binder shall be stiff, heavy-duty board type covered by a heavy-duty plastic or other approved material. Each booklet shall be approximately 9 inches by 12 inches and thickness will depend on amount of material contained within, but booklet thickness shall not exceed 3 inches. Each booklet shall be neatly entitled with a descriptive title, the name of the project, the location, year of installation, owner, manufacturer, Contractor and Engineer. The method of binding, materials to be included and the text shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer.

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ITEM 880.7 (Continued) Preliminary volumes of the booklets shall be completed and made available to the bridge site for use during the field testing periods of the electrical systems. Any corrections resulting from the field tests shall be incorporated into the booklets for the final volumes. These manuals shall include operation of the equipment, programming of the equipment, theory of operation, maintenance information, schematics of all cards or units within the system, and point-to-point wiring diagrams. The booklets shall as a minimum be divided into the following books: BOOK 1 - BRIDGE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM.

Each booklet shall as a minimum include the following:

1. Table of contents, in numerical page order and index, in alphabetical order. 2. Operator’s instructions, which shall cover in full the step-by-step sequence of

operation of the system and its auxiliaries, and shall note all precautions required for correct operation. The step-by-step sequence shall be for the normal operation and the emergency operation. Troubleshooting charts listing possible faults and problems with causes and recommended corrective measures or minor repairs shall also be included.

3. Detailed maintenance instructions for maintaining, adjusting and lubricating the system, including manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance schedule.

4. The complete spare parts list, including local representatives’ and suppliers’ phone numbers and addresses.

5. A set of catalog cuts, descriptive leaflets, bulletins and drawings covering all items of equipment and accessories that make up or are part of the above systems. The catalog numbers of each component shall be included in case it becomes necessary to order replacement parts from the manufacturer.

6. A complete half size set of drawings (same drawings as provided in the Full Size Plan Set).

7. Where applicable, include drawings accurately recording the actual location of all lightning protection system equipment including air terminals, bonding/grounding equipment and conductors.

8. Copies of all warranties on equipment supplied to the project.

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ITEM 880.7 (Continued) Books may consist of multiple volumes to maintain the maximum size of each booklet as previously mentioned. Once the complete set has been approved and placed in final form the Contractor shall furnish 10 copies of the manuals to the Engineer for distribution. MAINTENANCE CHART The Contractor shall furnish three copies on Mylar of a maintenance chart showing the location of all points of the electrical equipment which require routine maintenance of any kind. The chart shall show the kind of maintenance to be performed at each point and the frequency of maintenance. A print of the chart shall be laminated and shall be placed inside a control cabinet door or as directed by the Engineer. The control cabinet door shall permit periodic replacement of the maintenance chart due to wear or damage. TRAINING Provide a minimum of 2 hours of classroom instruction in bridge electrical system maintenance and troubleshooting. Provide each attendee (up to 12) a notebook which includes the course outlines and manuals or textbooks pertaining to the subject matter to be covered in the course. The two hour session will have a course outline as follows:

1. Electrical system basics. 2. Preventive maintenance procedures. 3. Troubleshooting and minor repairs. 4. Electrical operation of the bridge.

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ITEM 880.7 (Continued) Provide an additional 2 hour session of on-site instruction related to the topics covered in the classroom. Provide additional training as necessary to thoroughly inform of changes made by the Contractor during the warranty period to make the system consistent with the requirements of these plans and specifications. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of furnishing all items and services as specified, and for all documentation, labor and services, and all other incidentals necessary to complete the work. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for incidentals, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item. ITEM 911.7 REPLACE EXISTING RIVETS


Work under this Item shall consist of replacement of existing rivets with high strength bolts in accordance with these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer, which are not specifically included for payment under any other items. The work shall include furnishing and installing high strength bolts, nuts and washers to replace loose, missing, deteriorated (including missing rivet heads) or otherwise damaged rivets, and shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications Section 960, 961 and 112 including the latest Supplemental Specifications, and the specific requirements stipulated below. The removal of existing rivets and replacement with high strength bolts in order to make steel repairs in Item 107.97 and installation of new structural steel in Item 992.1 shall conform to the technical requirements of this item. The replacement of existing rivets with high strength bolts for temporary jacking and shoring of superstructure shall also conform to these provisions. However, the costs of rivet replacement for these items are not included in this item.

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ITEM 911.7 (Continued) MATERIALS All bolted connections shall be slip-critical. All bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to Section M8.04.3 of the MassDOT Standard Specifications, except that bolts shall be “twist-off” tension-controlled (T.C.) bolts conforming to the requirements of ASTM F1852, Type 1. The twist-off T.C. bolts shall be manufactured with rounded heads. Verification testing as specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications, shall be performed by the Contractor. In locations where entering or tightening clearances do not permit the use of twist-off T.C. bolts, AASHTO M164 (ASTM A325) high strength bolts are to be used. Washers shall conform to AASHTO M293 (ASTM F436). CONSTRUCTION METHODS All work shall be done as directed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in accordance with the details shown on the Plans and these specifications. The proposed procedure and sequence of the construction operations required to accomplish this work shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval.All high strength bolts shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 960 and M 8.04.3 of the Supplemental Specifications and Division II, Section of AASHTO “Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges”. The Contractor should note that existing rivets may vary in diameter. Replacement high strength bolts shall be generally the same size as the rivet replaced, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Open rivet holes to receive new high strength bolts shall be standard size holes, 1/16 inch larger in diameter than the bolt diameter. In the event that upon removal of the existing rivets, the hole is found to be out of round or the connected elements have corroded to the extent that required fit cannot be made by cleaning, the hole shall be drilled and reamed as required to provide a full section of metal in the connection elements and a larger diameter bolt shall be installed. High strength bolts shall be installed after the nicks, burrs and foreign substances that might interfere with seating of the bolt head and nut washers are removed. Light grinding may be ordered by the Engineer.

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ITEM 911.7 (Continued) Existing rivets may be removed by chipping, chiseling, or other mechanical methods that will not damage members to remain and as approved by the Engineer. Flame cutting of existing rivets shall not be permitted. Existing rivets are to be removed by sheering the head using a pneumatic rivet breaker (helldog) and driving out the shank with pneumatic punch. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, punching will damage the base metal, the shank shall be removed by drilling. Unless otherwise noted on the plans or herein, not more than 5% of the rivets in a particular connection may be removed before temporary replacement high strength bolts are installed. High strength bolts once tightened shall not be loosened and reused. Extreme care shall be taken not to damage any existing components that are scheduled to remain. Any damage to the structure caused by the Contractor shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no expense to the Department. Contractor shall submit procedure for rivet removal and provide a field demonstration of method for the Engineer’s approval. Use of Magnetic drill is allowed. Mechanical disassembly of steel shall confirm to requirements in Item 114.1. Localized paint removal shall confirm to requirements in Section 961. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of this Item shall be measured by the actual number of new bolts (including nuts and washers) installed in the structure, completed and accepted. No payment for temporary bolts or rivets replaced for jacking and shoring shall be made. Rivet replacement for steel repairs, included in Item 107.97 and Item 992.1, shall not be measured for payment under this item. This Item will be paid by the count of EACH rivet replaced at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include all labor, tools, equipment, materials, and all other incidentals required to complete the job as specified and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Work under this Item shall consist of drilling holes in the existing structure (either concrete or stone masonry) for steel adhesive anchor bolts for bearing replacements, as shown on the Plans. Anchor bolts are to be installed in place in the new or existing holes as part of this item. Anchor bolt embedment shall be as shown on the Plans. MATERIALS The adhesive anchors to be used for these anchor bolts shall be one of the following:

1. “Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX-SD”, as manufactured by Hilit, Inc. 2. “Simpson Strong-Tie SET-XP”, as manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. 3. “Chemofast C-RE 385”, as manufactured by Chemofast Anchoring 4. An approved equal. A copy of MassDOT’s Approved Products List may be consulted and

is available on its website. The use of “fast set” adhesive anchors is prohibited. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the product data on the adhesive system selected along with the manufacturer’s recommended hole size prior to drilling and installing the anchor bolts. The adhesive system shall have a minimum allowable shear capacity of 17.0 kips per anchor bolt. Anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall meet the requirements of ASTM F1554, Grade 105. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 (AASHTO M232). All anchor bolt holes shall be air drilled provided that the minimum edge distance of 3" is observed. Should, in the Engineer’s opinion, air drilling be inappropriate due to questionable strength of the existing substrate or insufficient edge distance, the holes shall be diamond core drilled. The inner surfaces of diamond core drilled holes shall be scored to develop sufficient keying action. The method of scoring of the hole’s inner surfaces shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

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ITEM 913.21 (Continued) The diameter of the drilled holes shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer. The holes shall be blown clear of any debris and shall have the approval of the Engineer prior anchor bolt installation. The drilling operation shall be performed without damage to any existing reinforcing or portion of the structure that is to remain in place. Any damage to the existing concrete that is to remain in place shall be repaired to a condition equal to or better than that existing prior to the beginning of the Contractor’s operations and shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense.The Contractor shall strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer for anchor bolt installation. Any excessive epoxy around the hole after placement of the dowel or anchor bolt shall be struck off smooth while the epoxy is still fresh.

Anchor bolts shall be set as shown on the plans unless the Engineer permits changes. If anchor bolts are cast in substructure concrete, templates, or other suitable means, shall be used to keep the bolts vertical at the required embedment and in the correct horizontal position during placement. If the Contractor elects to drill the finished, cured concrete in order to set the anchor bolts, the reinforcing steel shall be positioned prior to casting the concrete so that it will not be damaged during drilling. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This work will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per each for "Adhesive Anchor Bolts" complete in place and payment shall be full compensation, including all equipment, materials, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work.

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Work under this Item shall consist of coring and grouting holes in the existing structure for steel reinforcing dowels in concrete or stone masonry, as shown on the Plans. Dowels are to be grouted in place in the new or existing holes as part of this item. Dowel spacing and embedment shall be as shown on the Plans. MATERIALS The grout to be used for these anchor bolts shall be one of the following:

1. “Garonite HD”, as manufactured by Garon Products, Inc. of Wall, New Jersey 2. “FX-228”, as manufactured by Fox Industries, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland 3. “Five Star Grout”, as manufactured by U.S. Grout Corp. if Fairfield, Connecticut. 4. An approved equal. A copy of MassDOT’s Approved Products List may be consulted and

is available on its website. Epoxy, vinyl, or polyester resin adhesives shall not be used. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the product data on the grout selected along with the manufacturer’s recommended hole size prior to drilling and grouting the anchor bolts. The Non-Shrink Grout shall have a minimum compression strength of 8,000 psi after 28 days as determined by testing under ASTM C 109. The grout mix shall exhibit no shrinkage on setting but may exhibit slight expansion of no more than 3% when tested by methods conforming the requirements of ASTM C 827. All grout materials shall be on the MassDOT's Approved List of Materials. Steel reinforcing bars used for dowels shall be epoxy coated and shall meet the requirements of Section 901. CONSTRUCTION METHODS All holes for dowels shall be air drilled provided that the minimum edge distance of 3" is observed. Should, in the Engineer’s opinion, air drilling be inappropriate due to questionable strength of the existing substrate, or insufficient edge distance, the holes shall be diamond core drilled. The inner surfaces of diamond core drilled holes shall be scored to develop sufficient keying action. The method of scoring of the hole’s inner surfaces shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

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ITEM 913.31 (Continued) The diameter of the drilled holes shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the grout manufacturer. The holes shall be blown clear of any debris and shall have the approval of the Engineer prior to the placement of any grout material. The drilling operation shall be performed without damage to any existing reinforcing or portion of the structure that is to remain in place. Any damage to the existing concrete that is to remain in place shall be repaired to a condition equal to or better than that existing prior to the beginning of the Contractor’s operations and shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer for mixing and placing the grout material prior to the placement of the dowels. The Contractor shall adhere to the ACI code requirements regarding minimum and maximum temperatures while placing the grout. Any excessive grout around the hole after placement of the dowel shall be struck off smooth while the grout is still fresh. Dowels shall be set as shown on the plans unless the Engineer permits changes. If dowels are cast in substructure concrete, templates, or other suitable means, shall be used to keep the dowels in the correct alignment and at the required embedment during concrete placement. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT & BASIS OF PAYMENT This work will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per FOOT of hole cored and grouted for "Coring and Grouting Dowels" complete in place and payment shall be full compensation, including all equipment, materials, tools, labor and all other incidentals necessary to complete the work.

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Work under this Item is to remove damaged timber walers and steel armoring from existing fender system, furnish and install new treated timber posts and walers, re-install the existing steel armoring and dispose/transport the unused material offsite. The approximate extent of work is indicated, but not guaranteed, on the plans and will be independently investigated by the Bidder before submitting bid. All damaged walers above the mean low water line are to be replaced as directed by the Engineer in the field. All required bolts, nuts, washers and other hardware shall be included in this item. Disposal of treated wood will be paid under Item 184.1. The system shall be installed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 940 of the Standard Specifications and the following: MATERIALS The treated timber beams (walers) shall conform to the requirements of M9.05.1 of the Standard Specifications. All bolts, nuts, washers and other hardware shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A307 or ASTM A 449 and shall be hot dip galvanized. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The timber walers and supplemental posts shall be installed in accordance with the details on the Plans and in a workmanlike manner. The Contractor shall supply competent workmen and equipment sufficient to install the system in a safe, accurate and workmanlike manner. In addition, the timber walers shall be installed so as to ensure a uniform and even appearance with no visible depressions or bulges along the length of each waler. The Contractor shall shim the walers if necessary due to any misalignment of the piles along the length of the system. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of furnishing the items as specified, and for all labor, tools, equipment, transportation, dumping fees, and all other incidentals necessary to complete the work. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the existing system, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of the existing systems and materials involved. All costs for incidentals, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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BRIDGE No. H-12-020=W-20-004 LUMP SUM

Work under this Item shall conform to the relevant provisions of Section 960 of the Standard Specifications, Section 961 of the Supplemental Specifications dated February 25, 2010 and shall consist of full removal of the existing paint system and painting of the steel of Bridge No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311) to the following limits: • All existing structural steel to remain in place including but not limited to: truss members,

floorbeams, stringers, bracing, diaphragms, bearings and connections. Full paint removal and painting of the interior surfaces of built-up box-shaped members, including lacing bars is also included.

• All proposed replacement steel as shown on the plans including but not limited to: new stringers, diaphragms, railing posts, floorbeams, truss members, lateral bracing, sway bracing, gussets and connection plates.

• All repaired members and connections. • All structural steel surfaces that are to come in contact with concrete shall be painted with the

prime coat only. • This item also includes environmental protection, containment of work areas and waste

disposal. TEMPORARY SHIELDING The work under this item includes providing temporary shielding to prevent any debris, tools or incidental equipment of any kind resulting from of the full removal of the existing paint system and painting from falling into the river. Any material that accidentally falls into the river shall be immediately removed at the Contractor’s expense. The work under this item shall include designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, relocating, removal and disposal of the protective shielding. LIMITS OF WORK Bridge No. No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311) Main Street\Bridge Street over Merrimack River Area: Superstructure – Structural Steel Surface Preparation: Full Removal Paint 3- Coat System – (Full prime, intermediate, & finish coat) Paint Color: Federal Standard 595B – Color No. 14272 (Standard Green).

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ITEM 961.201 (Continuous) Item 992.1 Alteration to Bridge Structure No. H-12-20 = W-20-004 includes surface preparation and shop-applied paint of the new steel for the repairs and member replacements. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the field survey, design, installation & removal of temporary shielding system, all labor, equipment, tools, materials and/or all incidentals as required to complete the work as specified and as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the structures, materials and premises prior to submitting bid. No increase will be made to the bid price due to the nature of the work and materials involved. All costs for special handling of any material shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item will be to repair concrete in accordance with the applicable provisions of Sections 112 and 901 of the Standard Specifications and the specific requirements stipulated below. Work under this item shall consist of surveying the existing concrete structure as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor, under the direction of the Engineer, shall locate and remove loose concrete, deteriorated concrete, and concrete overlaying hollow areas; patching these areas as well as spalled and scaled areas with patching material to the original contour, in accordance with these specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The repair shall include preparation of areas to be patched (including exposed reinforcing) and the application of a two-component epoxy polysulfide bonding compound for bonding new concrete to cured concrete. The surfaces to be bonded are as indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not perform any repair work without prior approval of the Engineer for locations, limits and types of repairs. MATERIALS PATCHING MATERIAL Patching material for Concrete Repair Types A and B shall conform to the requirements of Section M4.02.00, 4000 psi, 3/8 inch, 660 Cement Concrete. Patching Material for Concrete Repair Type C shall be a polymer-modified, cementicious, 2-component, fast-setting, trowel grade patching mortar. The polymer-modified cementicious mortar shall be listed on MassDOT’s Qualified Construction Materials List for Concrete Repair Materials for the specific type of application (vertical/horizontal surface).

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ITEM 989.1 (Continued) EPOXY BONDING COMPOUND The epoxy bonding compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M235, Type 5. The final formulation shall be a 100% solids system and no diluents, wetting agents, or volatile solvents shall be incorporated. CERTIFICATION A Materials Certificate and Certificate of Compliance will be required in accordance with Section 6.00, certifying the conformance of the materials to the requirements set forth in this specification. CONSTRUCTION METHODS CONCRETE REMOVAL AND SURFACE PREPARATION A survey of the existing structure shall be performed by the Contractor, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to determine the exact limits and locations of all areas to be repaired under this item. The limits of application shall not exceed the requirements as specified herein. Spalled and scaled areas shall be made free of all loose and deteriorated concrete. Loose and deteriorated concrete shall be chipped away back to sound concrete. The exposed surfaces shall be thoroughly sandblasted and vacuumed immediately prior to applying the patch material. Hollow areas in the existing concrete shall be completely exposed by chipping away the overlaying concrete. The exposed surfaces shall be chipped away back to sound concrete and thoroughly sandblasted and vacuumed immediately prior to applying the patch material.

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ITEM 989.1 (Continued) Extreme care shall be taken where reinforcing steel is uncovered not to damage the steel or its bond in the surrounding concrete. Pneumatic tools shall not be placed in directed contact with reinforcing steel. Maximum 15 lb. size hammers shall be used for general chipping and removal. Exposed reinforcing shall remain in place except where specifically indicated for removal by direction of the Engineer. Exposed reinforcing steel shall be sandblasted in accordance with SSPC-SP-6, Commercial Blast Cleaning, to remove all contaminants, rust and rust scale. The exposed blast cleaned reinforcing steel shall be coated with the single component zinc primer by brush. All application of the zinc primer shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. All compressed air equipment used in cleaning shall have properly sized and designed oil separators, attached and functional, to assure the delivery of oil free air to the nozzle. Where the existing reinforcing steel is severely corroded or damaged, it shall be cut out and replaced with new reinforcing steel of the same size with a minimum length for lap splices as required under the tension lap splice requirements set forth under the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. If larger size bars are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. When existing steel is determined by the Engineer to have insufficient cover, it shall be either replaced or adjusted as directed. Concrete shall be removed to a minimum depth of 1 inch behind the existing steel. When using sandblasting equipment, all work shall be shielded for the protection of the public. Adequate measures shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent concrete chips, tools and/or materials from entering into adjacent roadway lanes or dropping to areas below the structure. All debris shall be promptly swept up and removed from the site. All materials removed shall be satisfactorily disposed of by the Contractor. The surfaces to be patched, including exposed reinforcing, shall be free of oil, solvent, grease, dirt, dust, bitumen, rust, loose particles, and foreign matter. If an air hose is used, care shall be taken to avoid deposit of oil by the air pump.

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ITEM 989.1 (Continued) Before the repair concrete is applied, the surface to which it is to be bonded shall receive a coat of epoxy bonding compound. The Contractor is alerted to the fact that some of the repair areas are large. Special procedures may be required in order to perform the concrete patches within the material setting time. Otherwise an epoxy compound with extended setting time should be used. If the bonding material has passed its contact time, concrete shall not be placed, and the Contractor shall follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for removal and re-application requirements. INSPECTION OF COMPLETED PATCHES Cured patches shall be sounded by the Engineer to detect the presence of any hollow spots. Such spots shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor, at no cost to the Commonwealth, until the work is found to be acceptable to the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per CUBIC YARD at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall be the full compensation for locating and removing deteriorated concrete, any required sawing, sandblasting, cleaning and surface preparation of the patch areas, epoxy bonding compound. It shall also include furnishing, placing, finishing and curing the concrete patch, including all equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Work shall also include the replacement of reinforcing steel within repair area. The quantity shall be the cubic yard measurement of the concrete repaired, based on the original position of the material excavated using the cross section method, except where such measurement is impractical. In such cases, the volume shall be measured by such other methods as the Engineer may determine. In any case, payments will be made only for excavation to lines and grades as indicated on the plans or as directed

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STRUCTURE NO. H-12-020=W-20-004 LUMP SUM

Work under this item will conform to the applicable provisions of Section 995 of the Standard Specifications and the specific requirements stipulated below for component parts of this Item. Where no specific requirement is stated for a particular component, the Standard Specifications shall apply except for payment. Payment for components shall be included under the Lump Sum Price for Item 992.1. The work under this item shall include all materials, equipment and labor needed to construct the proposed FRP bridge deck, steel stringers, steel floorbeams, shear connectors, diaphragms, strip seal expansion joints, steel repairs, bearings, railing posts with attached pipe rail and railings in all spans as shown on the Contract Drawings. In addition, the work includes all structural steel, concrete abutment backwalls, approach slabs, pier pedestals, light pole attachments to structure, and warning/barrier gate foundations as shown on the plans. In addition, the work under this item includes all temporary bracing required to construct the repairs shown on the plans. Details of sequence of assembly, installation of temporary bracings, erection, etc. including detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and bracing. The Contractor shall submit detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and braces. All original design calculations and plans prepared by the Contractor for temporary braces and shoring shall bear the seal of a Professional Structural Engineer registered in Massachusetts, in accordance with Section 5.02. The work does not include any items listed separately in the proposal. Payment for materials shown on the Plans as being part of this bridge structure or which may be incidental to its construction and are not specifically included for payment under another Item shall be considered incidental to the work performed under this Item and shall be included in the unit price of the component of which they are a part. Structural steel repairs not indicated on the plans are not included under this pay item. If required, these will be paid for under Item 107.97 Structural Steel Repairs. Field welding required for permanent work as indicated on the plans is included under this pay item. Concrete repair is not included under this pay item. It will be paid for under Item 989.1 Concrete Repairs.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) CONCRETE STRUCTURES Concrete structures shall meet the requirements of Section 900 and the following: The work under this heading does not include any items listed separately. Form liners, threaded inserts, miscellaneous steel, Styrofoam, preformed fillers, closed cell foam, joint sealers, waterstops, expansion joints, construction joints, mechanical reinforcing bar splicers, utility sleeves, and work for closing utility openings shall be considered incidental to the work involved in the furnishing and placing of concrete. 4000 PSI, 1.5 IN., 565 CEMENT CONCRETE The work to be done under this heading shall conform to the relevant provisions of Subsection 901 of the Supplemental Specifications and the following: 4000 PSI,1.5 IN., 565 Cement Concrete shall be used to construct the approach slabs, warning gate foundations, and at those areas designated by the Engineer, and/or as designated on the Plans. 4000 PSI, 3/4 IN., 610 CEMENT CONCRETE The work to be done under this heading shall conform to the relevant provisions of Subsection 901 of the Supplemental Specifications and the following: 4000 PSI, ¾ IN., 610 Cement Concrete shall be used to construct the barrier gate foundations, abutment backwalls and pier pedestals, and at those areas designated by the Engineer, and/or as designated on the Plans.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) BRIDGE DECK Contractor shall furnish, deliver, and install the Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bridge Deck, grout in-fill, embedded steel plates and other miscellaneous steel components (or other related forming materials), as shown in the contract drawings and in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. This work shall consist of providing the necessary materials and equipment to furnish, deliver and assemble fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge deck panels in accordance with the contract documents and as directed by the Engineer. This work shall include the fabrication of the panels, all necessary holes and closeouts, supplying materials and procedures for panel-to-panel connections, supplying materials and procedures for panel to supporting stringer connections and for all other operations necessary to complete this work according to the contract documents. The work includes installing the haunches and grout in-fill panel at supporting stringer connections, railing connections, expansion joint plate connections and capstan plates. The manufacturer shall be responsible for the final design of the deck system. The design shall be in accordance with the latest version of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. General dimensions of the bridge deck shall be consistent with the design intent shown on the contract plans, but the final dimensions and fit shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The design live loading shall be AASHTO HS-25 vehicle plus impact. An environmental durability factor of 0.90 shall be applied to the material properties to account for degradation of properties over time. The strains in the panels under full dead load and design live load shall not exceed 20% of ultimate capacity of the FRP material. The strains in panels under dead load alone shall not exceed 10% of ultimate capacity of the FRP material. The ultimate strength is based on coupon testing and shall be noted in the approved plans. The deck system shall be designed for a minimum fatigue life of 2,000,000 load cycles. Deck deflection due to live loads plus impact shall be limited to L/500, where L is defined as the distance between the centerline of adjacent girders. The panels shall be designed for a temperature differential of 100ºF between the top and bottom of the panels.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) The design of the interface between the beams and decking shall either insure adequate capacity to prevent failure of the connection or provide a slip mechanism to prevent transfer of forces between the FRP Deck and girders. The Manufacturer shall be responsible to provide all necessary provisions to accommodate the connections (holes, closeouts, etc.) and for the supplying all the connection hardware (studs, bolts, nuts, clips, shims, washers… etc.). The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of all connection hardware. The bridge deck shall be capable of accommodating a variable haunch that will provide continuous uniform bearing between the bottom of deck and the top of the girders. The bridge railing shall be supported by the FRP deck as indicated on the plans. The railing connection to the deck shall accommodate the railing loads to develop the capacity of the railing posts. The field splice between panels shall be designed to be fully capable of transferring design shear and moment and shall be watertight. The wearing surface shall be provided and installed by the Contractor in the field. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for properly preparing the panel surface in the shop to receive the wearing surface. MATERIALS FRP Decking Acceptable FRP bridge decking products include the following: Zellcomp 7” 2-Part Deck System Zellcomp Inc. 3711 University Drive, Suite A Durham, NC 27707 Fiberspan Composite Advantage 401 Kiser Street Dayton, OH 45404

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) GROUT IN-FILL Non-Shrink grout shall be used for in-fill of the FRP deck at connections and details as shown on the plans. The grout shall be suitable for outdoor use, and it shall have a minimum compression strength of 8,000 psi after 28 days as determined by testing under ASTM C 109. The grout mix shall exhibit no shrinkage on setting but may exhibit slight expansion of no more than 3% when tested by methods conforming the requirements of ASTM C 827. All grout materials shall be on the MassDOT's Approved List of Materials. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit the following information from the selected FRP deck manufacturer prior to fabrication: 1. Manufacturing process and material specification documents that detail the manufacturing and

raw materials of the deck including the following: a. Detailed Raw Material Descriptions. b. Assembly Process Summary c. Manufacturers Quality Control Procedures.

2. Installation Instructions for the deck, including the following:

a. Procedures for storage, handling and transportation b. A description of the installation method and sequence c. A description of tools required for installation

4. Detailed shop drawings. Such drawings shall include dimensions and specifications of all

bottom and top sections of the decking system, splices, connections, and required appurtenances. The type and size of all fasteners shall be detailed. A layout drawing of the numbered sections of the decking system in their positions on the bridge shall be included. Drawings shall bear the seal of a professional structural engineer registered in the state of Massachusetts. Shop drawings submitted to the Engineer shall include the following information as a minimum: • Plan and elevation views showing centerline of structure, framing system and substructure • Cross-sectional and overall dimensions • Location and layout of all connections and openings, layout of grout in-fill panels, shear

stud hole layout, location and details of all items embedded or attached to the deck panels • FRP architecture, ex. ply thickness, fiber orientation, stacking sequence • Material references • Recommended lifting method and locations • Instructions and recommendations for panel delivery, storage and installation

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) 5. Certifications for the pultruded components, if not manufactured by the FRP deck

manufacturer, certifying that they were manufactured to the FRP deck manufacturer’s specifications.

Finished Geometric Tolerances: The finished dimensions of the deck panels shall meet the tolerances listed below:

• Overall depth of panel: ±1/16” • Panel out-of-straightness: ±1/8” in 25’ • Panel length and width: ±1/4”

The Manufacturer shall provide the materials necessary for the field splice between panels. The Contractor shall be required to provide a dry storage area at the bridge site for these materials. Personnel other than those approved by the Manufacturer will not be allowed to perform such work. The field splices shall not be disturbed or loaded until the connection has attained a sufficient strength. No more than 6 people will be allowed on the bridge deck at any one given time, during and after erection, until all the field splices have attained strength unless otherwise approved by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall provide the materials necessary for the panel to supporting girder connection. The Contractor shall be required to provide a dry storage area at the bridge site for these materials. The Contractor shall install the panel to support girder connection. EPOXY-URETHANE COPOLYMER WEARING SURFACE The work included in this item includes furnishing and installing an epoxy-urethane copolymer wearing surface on the FRP bridge deck. This is a two-part polymer resin system applied as a pretreatment and saturated with a broadcast aggregate before it cures. The polymer uses volumetric mixing proportions according to the Manufacturer’s recommendations.

SUBMITTALS Manufacturer: - Submit the name of the Manufacturer of the polymer overlay materials and the name and phone number of the Manufacturer’s Technical Support Representative at the Pre-Construction Meeting. Certificate of Compliance: - Submit to the Engineer for approval at least 10 days prior to placement a Certificate of Compliance from an independent nationally recognized laboratory stating that the polymer overlay materials meet the requirements listed in Tables 1 - 5 and other material requirements contained in this specification. Additional approval needed for any substitutes.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) The Manufacturer furnishes at least one-quart sample of each component from each lot to the MassDOT laboratory to verify material supplied.

POLYMER OVERLAY MATERIALS Thin bonded polymer bridge deck overlay system using a epoxy-urethane co-polymer, which includes all materials, surface preparation, application of a pretreatment for crack filling and bonding, and two coats of a polymer resin broadcast with a high wear, high skid aggregate that chemically cures to provide an impervious wearing surface.

TABLE 1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE POLYMER OVERLAY SYSTEM Property Value Compressive Strength, min. psi 7,000 Tensile Strength, min. psi 2,500 Tensile Elongation, percent min. 35 +5 Water Absorption, percent by wt. Max. 0.20 Shore D Hardness, 77°F min. 65 +5 Gel Time, minutes 22-31 Abrasion Resistance, oz., max. 0.003 Adhesion to Concrete 100% failure in concrete Flexural Creep: Total Movement in 7 days .0065 inches minimum Flexural Yield Strength, min. psi 5,000 Percent Solids 100

1. The cured epoxy-urethane system conforms to a load bearing capacity of retaining 85 percent

of its original load bearing strength at (tensile strength) as 20 percent strain using ASTM D 638.

2. Epoxy-Urethane Co-Polymer: Provide Polymer resins consisting of a blend of epoxy and urethane materials that meet the physical requirements outlined elsewhere in this Section. The polymer overlay is to be free of any fillers, volatile solvents, and the use of external/conventional flexiblizers is not permitted. The use of metered mixing equipment as outlined in other parts of this Section is required with the use of this material.

3. The modulus of the cured polymer system complies with the requirements of Table 2, using a variable temperature Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) at a frequency of 1 HZ with a 0.3 percent strain using ASTM D 4065.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued)





14°F 1.45X105 8.70X103 68°F 1.01X105 1.30X104 122°F 5.80X103 4.35X103 140°F 1.45X103 1.01X103 158°F 8.70X102 2.90X102

B. Steel Shot Blast recommended by Manufacturer. C. Pretreatment and Crack Filler to comply with the physical properties in Table 1.

TABLE 3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PRETREATMENT SYSTEM Property Value Compressive Strength, min. psi 5,500 – 6,000 Tensile Strength, min. psi 3,100 – 3,400 Tensile Elongation, percent min. 35 ±5 Water Absorption, percent by wt. Max. <0.10 Shore D Hardness, 77°F min. 70 ±5 Gel Time, minutes 48-52 (7 oz.) Adhesion to Concrete 100% failure in concrete

(1) Surface tension

Less than 0.0012 pounds/in3

Percent Solids 100

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) Material Requirements: Meet the properties specified in the tables of this Section and other sections of this specification, and also meet the following correspondence tests for quality control: 1. Compressive Strength: Refer to ASTM C 109 Thoroughly mix the two components of the

resin in their appropriate ratios. Add two volumes of graded silica sand to one volume of mixed resin. Refer to ASTM C 778. Prepare the samples and cure for 7 days at 73° ±4°F. Refer to ASTM C 109.

2. Tensile Strength and Elongation: Cure samples at 73°F ±4°F and 50 ±5 percent relative humidity. Refer to ASTM D 638 for specimen Type I or Type II. Speed of testing: 0.5 inch/min.

3. Water Absorption: Prepare sample specimens and cure at 73°F ±4°F and 50 ±5 percent relative humidity. Refer to ASTM D 570 4.1. Perform tests as per Section 6.1 ASTM D 570

4. Shore D Hardness: Prepare specimen per ASTM D 570 Section 4.1 and cure at 73°F ±4°F. Refer to ASTM D 2240.

5. Gel Time: Determine gel time using the following procedure: Measure 4 oz. of Part A and 2 oz. of Part B each at 77°F, into an unwaxed paper cup and record the time and mix immediately. Pour 3.5 oz. of this mixture into a 6 oz. unwaxed paper cup and placed on a wooden bench top. Probe the mixture every 2 minutes with a small stick until a small ball forms in the center of the container starting 20 minutes from the time recorded above. Consider the gel time as the total time, including mixing, required for the ball to form. Perform the test in a room or enclosed area maintained at 77°F ±4°F and 50 ±5 percent relative humidity.

6. Abrasion Resistance: Tests to be done using a CS-17 wheel and a 2.2 pound load for 1,000 cycles. Refer to ASTM C 501.

7. Adhesion to Concrete: ACI-503-R, Pull Out Test. 8. Flexural Creep: California Test Method 419. 9. Flexural Yield Strength: ASTM D 790. 10. Surface Tension: ASTM D 971. Aggregate 1. Non-friable, non-polishing, clean, and free of surface moisture. 2. Proven record of durability in this type of application. 3. 100 percent of the aggregate has at least one mechanically fractured face for materials being

retained on the #10 sieve. 4. Thoroughly washed, kiln dried to maximum moisture content of 0.2 percent by weight per

ASTM C 566. 5. Washington Stone is recommended. 6. Use alternate aggregates with Manufacturer’s and Engineer’s approval. 7. Meet the physical properties of Table 4 and Table 5:

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued)

TABLE 4 GLACIAL GRAVEL AGGREGATE PROPERTIES (BASALT QUARTZITE GRANITE) Properties/Materials % by Weight Si02 75.03 Al2O3 11.49 Fe2O3 3.57 CaO 2.84 MgO 1.59 SO3 0.08 Na2O 2.58 K2O 0.99 Combined Alkali 3.20 Ignition Loss 1.72 Mohs Scale Hardness 6.50 ASTM 566 (water absorption) 0.2%


AGGREGATE GRADATION Sieve Size Percent Passing 0.187 inch; No.6 100 0.078 inch; No.10 10 – 35 0.033 inch; No.20 0 – 10

SURFACE PREPARATION Shot-Blasting - Clean the entire deck surface with steel shot blast to remove any oil, dirt, rubber, or other materials that may be detrimental to the polymer overlay bonding and curing according to the Manufacturer recommendations. Refer to ASTM D 4285. Weather - All treated surfaces are to be dry at the time of application. Do not apply the polymer overlay system when it has rained within 24 hours or is expected to rain within 8 hours. Moisture content of the substrate is not to exceed 4.5 percent when measured by an electronic meter. The minimum recommended temperature is 50°F and increasing.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued)

APPLICATION A. Check the Deck Surface - Clean the deck surface and apply a two-component pretreatment and

Polymer Overlay Systems to the bridge deck to fill seams and increase the bond strength between the overlay and the deck surfaces according to the Manufacturer’s specifications.

B. Use Metered Mixing Equipment

1. Use special equipment capable of metering, mixing and distributing the polymer. 2. Use machinery that is approved by the polymer Manufacturer. 3. Use an application machine that features positive displacement volumetric metering pumps

controlled by a hydraulic power unit. 4. Store components in temperature controlled reservoirs capable of maintaining 100°F ±10°F

to insure optimum mixing. 5. Check mixing ratio at the pump outlets as well as cycle counting capabilities to monitor

output on standard features. 6. Use motionless in-line mixing so as to not overly shear the material or entrap air in the mix. 7. Maximize material working time by mixing it immediately before dispensing.

C. Verify the Thickness of Individual Layers - Manufacture recommends the number of layers

and the application rates of the liquid in the various layers in order to achieve an overlay thickness of 0.50 inches.

D. First Layer - Manually or mechanically measure and mix the components and evenly distribute

the liquid on the clean, dry deck surface at the rate recommended by the Manufacturer. Wet the entire deck surface and allow 1-2 hours for the liquid to achieve full depth penetration into cracks as well as adequately encapsulate any steel grid. Evenly broadcast medium size coarse silica sand after the liquid is allowed to penetrate and apply subsequent application after 8-12 hours.

E. Second Layer - Completely remove excess or loose aggregate from the previous coat by

vacuum or with compressed air prior to the application. Mix the components with the mechanical application equipment and evenly distribute the liquid on the clean, dry deck surface at the rate recommended by the Manufacturer.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) F. Time Limits for Aggregate - Use the following maximum time allowed between the first

and second coat of liquid before broadcasting the aggregate:

Above 90°F 10 minutes 80°F to 90°F 15 minutes 70°F to 80°F 20 minutes 60°F to 70°F 25 minutes 50°F to 60°F 35 minutes

G. Broadcasting Aggregate

1. Use truck-mounted equipment capable of dispensing the aggregate onto the deck in a uniform manner as directed or approved by the Manufacturer.

2. Broadcast the aggregate to cover the surface so that no wet spots appear and before the polymer begins to gel.

3. Drop the aggregate vertically so the level of the liquid is not disturbed. 4. Broadcast the aggregate in the first and second layers of the liquid according to Table 4 and

Table 5 to saturate until no wet spots remain. H. Remove Excess Aggregate - Remove all loose and excess aggregate after the overlay has

hardened and before applying subsequent coats using a power vacuum or other method. I. Longitudinal Joints in the Overlay - Stagger and overlap joints between successive coats so that

no ridges appear between two adjacent lanes. J. Traffic - Allow traffic on the final layer or in between layers only after the resin has cured as

determined by the Manufacturer and after removal of all excess and loose aggregate. K. Job Site Material Storage - Store on the job site in a dry, weather protected facility away from

moisture and maintain the material within the temperature range of 50-100 degrees F or as per Manufacturer’s recommendations, during transport to the job site and in the application machine tanks.

L. Handling Liquid Materials on the Job - Provide protective gloves, clothing, boots, and goggles

to workers and inspectors directly exposed to the material. Provide product safety data sheets to all workers and inspectors as obtained from the Manufacturer.

M. Aggregate - Store all aggregate in a dry, moisture-free atmosphere. Fully protect the aggregate

from any contaminants on the job site and stored to not be exposed to rain or other moisture sources.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) Quality Control - Manufacturer’s representative is on the job site at all times and may consult with the Engineer to suspend any item of work that is suspect and does not meet the requirements of this Section. Work may resume only after the Manufacturer’s representative and the Engineer are satisfied that the Contractor has taken appropriate remedial action. SHEAR CONNECTORS Work under this heading includes furnishing and installing shear connectors as indicated on the plans. All shear connectors shall conform to the requirements of Section M8.04.1 of the MassDOT Standard Specifications. STRIP SEAL BRIDGE JOINT SYSTEM Strip Seal Bridge Joint System shall meet the requirements of Section 972, and the following: Strip seal bridge joint systems shall be welded to the embedded steel plates of the FRP deck or set in abutment backwall blockouts in accordance with the details shown on the plans. Embedded steel plates for strip seals, steel extrusions, strip seals and attachments shall be paid for under item 992.1. REPAIR OF COLLISION DAMAGED TRUSS MEMBERS – SPAN 3 Work under this heading shall conform to the applicable provisions of Section 960 of the Standard Specifications, amended as follows: This work includes restoring and correcting upper chord member U2-U3 in Span 3 South Truss that has been damaged as a result of over height vehicular impact. The Contractor shall make his/her evaluation of existing truss conditions and facilities and shall design and repair the damaged truss members noted on the Plans. Please refer to the document “Bridge Rating Update – H-12-020 (311); Rocks Village Bridge over Merrimack River for Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Haverhill, MA,” prepared by AECOM Technical Services, Inc., dated August 2011 for specific damaged Span 3 truss member locations and noted distortions. As it is possible that the truss may be further impacted by vehicular collision at the time of Contract Notice to Proceed, the Contractor is required to field verify existing conditions and note any changes to the distorted members as outlined in the AECOM report. Changes shall be reported to the Engineer prior to the start of any repair work.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) All work performed shall be in accordance with the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 271, titled “Guidelines for Evaluation and Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Members”, including the inspection and assessment of damage, selecting the appropriate repair method (i.e. flame straightening, hot mechanical straightening, cold mechanical straightening, welding, bolting, partial replacement, or complete replacement) and repairing the damaged steel members. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting a Damaged Steel Repair Plan to the Engineer for approval. The Plan shall be prepared by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Plan shall include an existing conditions plan (following inspection to verify existing conditions), proposed repair plan, design calculations, and detailed repair procedures to perform the work. The procedure may also include the use of auxiliary force and external supports to properly correct the damaged truss members. The Contractor is cautioned that the existing structure may contain lead paint coatings. He/She shall remove all coatings in the vicinity of the work. This work shall be accomplished in conformance with all MassDOT specifications in addition to all applicable State and Federal regulations. The proposed Contractor/subcontractors performing the repairs should be prequalified by MassDOT for the prescribed work (i.e. heat straightening, field welding, etc.) as determined by the Contractor’s Engineer. STRUCTURAL STEEL COATED STEEL This work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications Sections 960 and 112 as amended by the latest Supplemental Specifications, and the specific requirements stipulated below. Work under this heading shall include replacing and/or repairing existing structural steel as indicated on the plans, in accordance with these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. Additional repairs to address areas of deteriorated structural steel not shown on the contract drawings that are discovered during construction are to be paid under Item 107.97 Structural Steel Repairs. Any additional structural steel removal as a result of any deteriorated steel not shown on contract plans shall be paid under Item 114.01.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) The work shall include furnishing, fabricating, transporting and erecting structural steel for replacing or reinforcing deteriorated or otherwise damaged components of structural steel. The work also includes all miscellaneous temporary shoring and bracing, post-tensioning, and jacking necessary to complete the work that is not covered under Item 106.87 Jacking Superstructure. Work also includes the removal and disposal of existing deteriorated structural steel components and bolting new structural steel into place, including all equipment, labor, and materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Removing existing rivets and replacing them with high strength bolts, as well as field drilling holes in new or existing steel for high strength bolts, shall be included in this item. Cutting and grinding edges of corrosion damaged areas of steel to remain necessary to replace existing steel is also included in this item. Details of sequence of assembly, installation of temporary shoring, erection, etc. including detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and bracing. The Contractor shall submit detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and braces. All original design calculations and plans prepared by the Contractor for temporary braces and shoring shall bear the seal of a Professional Structural Engineer registered in Massachusetts, in accordance with Section 5.02. The work shall also include replacement of the entire existing ornamental steel fence on both sides of the bridge. The new steel fence is to closely match the configuration and detailing of the existing fence, which varies across the length of the bridge. This work includes fabrication and installation of new steel rosettes to match the existing rosettes and endposts. Work includes field survey prior to submittal of shop drawings and fabrication of fence. Contractor to verify connections to truss members to ensure bolt layouts match existing. All proposed steel for fence shall conform to AASHTO M270 Grade 36. The removal of existing rivets and replacement with high strength bolts in order to make steel repairs in Item 107.97 and installation of new structural steel in Item 992.1 shall conform to the technical requirements of this item. The replacement of existing rivets with high strength bolts for temporary jacking and shoring of superstructure shall also conform to these provisions. However, the costs of rivet replacement for these items are not included This work shall also include surface preparation and shop-applied paint of the new steel for the repairs and member replacements. Surface preparation and painting of the existing steel and replaced/repaired steel performed in the field shall be provided under Item 961.201 Clean (Full Removal) and Paint Steel Bridge No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311).

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) The work also includes installation of any additional miscellaneous steel plates or rolled shapes, including shim plates, fill plates, clip angles, etc., not specifically called out on the plans, but which may be required during construction to complete the repair as directed by the Engineer. The work includes all field survey, including detailed measurements of existing features and details, required to ensure proper alignment and fit. Following the initial cleaning of areas to be repaired, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to any adjustments to the approximate repair quantities and dimensions. However, the Contractor is fully responsible for the accuracy and fit of the work and must develop the final detailed geometry based on field measurements. Any components of the existing bridge that are damaged by the Contractor’s operation shall be repaired in conformance with these specifications. The costs of such repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. MATERIALS All structural steel shall meet the requirement of AASHTO M270 (A709), either Grade 50 or Grade 36, as indicated on the plans, and shall be painted. Fabrication and painting shall be in accordance with Section 960 and 961. All truss members, stringers and floor beams shall be considered main members. All truss and floor beams are Fracture Critical members. Charpy v-notch impact testing shall be completed in accordance with AASHTO and temperature zone 2. All bolted connections shall be slip-critical. All bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to Section M8.04.3 of the MassDOT Standard Specifications, except that bolts shall be “twist-off” tension-controlled (T.C.) bolts conforming to the requirements of ASTM F1852, Type 1. The twist-off T.C. bolts shall be manufactured with rounded heads. Verification testing as specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications, shall be performed by the Contractor. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M232. In locations where entering or tightening clearances do not permit the use of twist-off T.C. bolts, AASHTO M164 (ASTM A325) high strength bolts are to be used.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) Contact surfaces of bolted parts shall meet or exceed the Class B requirements for slip-critical joints specified in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Unless noted otherwise, the paint system used for structural steel shall be in accordance with Item 961.201 Clean (Full Removal) and Paint Steel Bridge No. H-12-020=W-20-004 (311). SHOP DRAWINGS Before fabricating any materials, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for approval. For all submittals that include Contractor-designed elements or procedures, shall be sealed and signed by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The seal and signature shall be original and affixed directly to the plans and calculations. These drawings shall be in accordance with Section 960.60 and are to include, but not be limited to, the following information:

a. All pertinent specifications. b. Complete details, all detail dimensions, and weights of all structural steel. Dimensions

that are based on field measurements shall be clearly differentiated from other dimensions.

c. Details and quantities of all permanent bolting and welding. d. Details of sequence of assembly, installation of temporary supports, erection, etc.

including detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and bracing. e. Supplier's name, address and telephone numbers.

In addition, for each repair type, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, in writing, his proposed construction sequence and a detailed description of the procedure he will use to complete the work for approval prior to beginning work.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS All work shall be done as directed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in accordance with the details shown on the plans. The proposed repair procedure and sequence of the construction operations required to accomplish this work shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to performing any repairs. All holes for field bolted connections to existing steel shall be sub drilled and reamed to size at assembly or drilled from the solid using the steel plate being removed as a template. All existing rivets or bolts which have been removed for the purpose of performing the work shall be replaced with high strength bolts of the same diameter as the removed item, unless otherwise noted. Where the existing rivet hole is to be re-used, the rivet shall be removed without damaging the existing base metal. Existing holes are to be cleaned and reamed if required to install new bolts. Holes not used shall be filled with bolts as directed by the Engineer. All high strength bolts shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 960 and M 8.04.3 of the Supplemental Specifications and Division II, Section of AASHTO “Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges”. The Contractor should note that existing rivets may vary in diameter. Replacement high strength bolts shall be generally the same size as the rivet replaced, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Open rivet holes to receive new high strength bolts shall be standard size holes, 1/16 inch larger in diameter than the bolt diameter. In the event that upon removal of the existing rivets, the hole is found to be out of round or the connected elements have corroded to the extent that required fit cannot be made by cleaning, the hole shall be drilled and reamed as required to provide a full section of metal in the connection elements and a larger diameter bolt shall be installed. High strength bolts shall be installed after the nicks, burrs and foreign substances that might interfere with seating of the bolt head and nut washers are removed. Light grinding may be ordered by the Engineer. Existing rivets may be removed by chipping, chiseling, or other mechanical methods that will not damage members to remain and as approved by the Engineer. Flame cutting of existing rivets shall not be permitted. Existing rivets are to be removed by sheering the head using a pneumatic rivet breaker (helldog) and driving out the shank with pneumatic punch. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, punching will damage the base metal, the shank shall be removed by drilling. Unless otherwise noted on the plans or herein, not more than 5% of the rivets in a particular connection may be removed before temporary replacement high strength bolts are installed. High strength bolts once tightened shall not be loosened and reused

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) Extreme care shall be taken not to damage any existing components that are scheduled to remain. Any damage to the structure caused by the Contractor shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no expense to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No field welding is permitted on existing structural steel. All repairs must be made by bolting. The existing steel structure and appurtenances are believed to be coated with lead paint, which must be removed from areas that are to be cut or burned as required for the demolition operations in accordance with Item 114.01. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for determining the required bracing, shoring and sequence for safely cutting and\or mechanical disassembly of structural members to facilitate the repairs\replacement. Whenever the work requires cutting or disconnecting existing connections, main or bracing members, a suitable substitute bracing/shoring system shall be installed prior to disconnecting the existing member(s). Unless noted otherwise on the plans, such temporary braces and shoring shall have a capacity equal to or greater than the existing member being replaced. The Contractor shall submit detailed plans and design calculations for all temporary shoring and braces. All original design calculations and plans prepared by the Contractor for temporary braces and shoring shall bear the seal of a Professional Structural Engineer registered in Massachusetts, in accordance with Section 5.02. Where existing rivet heads conflict with a plate or member to be added over an existing plate or member that is under load, such as when a new gusset plate is to be added over an existing gusset plate, the following procedure shall be followed. Step 1: The rivets shall be removed and replaced with temporary AASHTO M164 (ASTM A325) high strength bolts of the same diameter as the rivets. The number of rivets to be replaced at any one time is limited to 5% of the total number of rivets in the gusset plate. The rivets heads shall be removed using a method that does not damage the base metal, and the shaft pushed through the hole. The bolt shall be placed in the hole and brought to a snug tight condition. Provide temporary post-tensioning or bracing as needed.

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) Step 2: After all the rivets in the connection have been replaced with bolts, remove nuts on all bolts so the new plate\member to be added can be installed. Do not remove bolts in holes other than to insert drift pins to facilitate aligning and placing the added plate. Step 3: Once the added plate\member is its proper position, replace the temporary bolts with the permanent bolts. The number of bolts replaced at one time is limited to 5% of the total bolts in the connection. Dimensions of plates and replacement elements are given for the purpose of estimating. The Contractor is fully responsible for the accuracy and fit of the work and, thus, shall determine what measurements are required and shall allow adequate time and resources for obtaining field measurements in developing his sequence of fabrication and construction. The Contractor shall develop shop drawings utilizing the field measurements and shall not begin fabrication prior to approval of shop drawings. All bolts, nuts and washers used, including those to replace existing rivets for the purpose of replacing or repairing steel as shown on the plans, shall be included in the cost of this sub-item. The cost of replacing bolts in holes that are no longer used for connection purposes shall also be incidental to this sub-item. ELASTOMERIC BRIDGE BEARING PADS Elastomeric bridge bearing pads shall conform to the requirements of Section 933 of the MassDOT Standard Specifications and the following: This work consists of fabricating, delivering, and placing bridge bearings at the locations indicated on the plans. Also included is repair of existing bearings as shown on the plans. Materials shall meet the requirements specified in the following Subsections of Division III, Materials:

Anchor Bolts/Rods, Nuts and Washers .........................................M8.01.5 Elastomeric Bridge Bearing Pads..................................................M9.16.0 Galvanized Coatings ......................................................................M7.10.0 Galvanizing Repair Paint ............................................................ M7.04.11 Structural Steel………………………………………………….M8.04.1

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ITEM 992.1 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS All bearing pads shall be marked prior to shipping with the location of the bearing on the bridge. Bearing pads that also include a tapered internal load plate shall be marked with a 1/32” deep direction arrow that points up station. New concrete bridge seats for the elastomeric bearings shall be prepared in accordance with Section 901.68, C., 4. Bearing Areas for Superstructure Metal. Elastomeric bearings placed on existing stone masonry shall be ground to a true level surface prior to installing bearings. BEARING INSTALLATION General - The sole plate assembly shall be positioned so that it is centered around the anchor bolts and the elastomeric pad shall be centered under the sole plate. The bearing position shall be set when the ambient temperature is between 50ºF and 77ºF. If the bearings are set at other ambient temperatures, the structure will have to be jacked up and the sole plate assembly and the elastomeric bearings shall be re-centered when the ambient temperature returns to that range. Protective Coatings - The sole plate assembly and retainer plates shall be hot-dip galvanized, except for, 1” wide strips where the sole plate shall be welded to the bottom flange (in cases where the sole plates are to be welded to the beams). After welding, galvanizing repair paint shall be applied to these strips. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be hot-dip galvanized. Jacking and shoring to facilitate replacement of the existing bearings is described and paid for under Item 106.87 “Jacking Superstructure”. SCHEDULE OF BASIS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT

Within ten (10) days of award of contract, the Contractor shall submit, in duplicate, for approval by the Engineer, a schedule of unit prices as listed below for the major components of the bridge structure No. H-12-020=W-20-004 under Item No. 992.1. The breakdown quantities provided below are estimated and not guaranteed. The total of all partial payments to the Contractor shall equal the Lump Sum Contract Bid Price of Item 992.1 regardless of the accuracy of the quantities furnished by the Engineer for the individual bridge components. The cost of labor and materials for any item not listed but required to complete the work under Item 992.1 shall be considered incidental to Item 992.1 without any further compensation.

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Sub-Item No.

Description Qty. Unit Price Per Unit Total Amount

107.98 Fiber Reinforced Polymer Deck 18,750 SF

Epoxy-Urethane Copolymer Wearing Surface 2,100 SY

901 4000 psi, 1.5 in., 565 Cement Concrete 31 CY

904 4000 psi, 3/4 in., 610 Cement Concrete 80 CY

910 Steel Reinforcement for Structures 3,790 LB

910.2 Steel Reinforcement for Structures – Coated 11,970 LB

911.1 Shear Connectors 3,625 EA

Repair of Collision Damaged Truss Members 1 LUMP


933 Elastomeric Bridge Bearing Pad 20 EA 960.1 Structural Steel – Coated Steel 437,224 LB 970 Bituminous Damp-Proofing 140 SY 972. Strip Seal Bridge Joint System 119 LF

Rivet Replacement 6,226 EA Ornamental Fence Replacement 29,900 LB


The above schedule applies only to the Bridge Structure No. H-12-020=W-20-004 under Item No. 992.1. Similar materials and construction at locations other than this bridge are not included under Item 992.1. Sub-Item numbering is presented for information only in coordination with MassDOT Standard Nomenclature.

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Work under this item shall consist of demolition of machinery including removal, packaging and transportation of existing turning machinery, rollers and track plates, end lifts and end latches.

All work to remove the existing center pivot and furnish and install the new center pivot shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.004 Center Pivot Assembly.

CONSTRUCTION METHODS The Contractor shall remove the existing span operating machinery, roller assemblies, track plates, end lifts and end latches as required to execute the work depicted on the Plans. All materials removed shall become the property of the Owner and shall be stored or disposed of as directed by the Owner. Machinery components which are to be preserved for historical purposes shall be suitably protected and delivered to a location as directed by the Owner. The Contractor shall take care during removal operations to prevent damage to adjoining parts and components which are to be reused. All components damaged by the Contractor, unless scheduled to be discarded, shall be repaired or replaced, as directed by the Engineer, at no cost to the Owner. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals as required to complete the work for removal, packaging and transportation of existing machinery as specified and as directed. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall consist of furnishing the turning machinery including all labor, equipment, and materials as shown on the Plans and specified herein. This work includes manufacturing, testing, shipping, installing, alignment, adjusting, field painting, lubricating and field testing to place the turning machinery in satisfactory operating condition. Mechanical demolition work including removal of end lifts, end latches, turning machinery, tapered roller assemblies and tracks shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.001 Machinery Demolition.

All work to furnish and install the tapered roller assemblies and tracks shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.003 Tapered Rollers and Tracks.

All work to remove the existing center pivot and furnish and install the new center pivot shall be paid for and conducted in accordance to requirements specified in Section 997.004 Center Pivot Assembly.

SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The design, material requirements, workmanship, and erection of all machinery components shall meet the applicable requirements of the AASHTO 1988 Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges and subsequent Interim Specifications, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Specifications, and any other specification or standard as specified herein or as shown on the Plans. REQUIRED DRAWINGS AND DATA The Contractor shall furnish data and detailed shop drawings on the mechanical equipment as specified herein and as required elsewhere in the Plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall submit shop procedures for all welding, heat treatment, and testing and shall submit to the Engineer for review and approval.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) WORKING DRAWINGS

Working drawings as necessary for the fabrication and assembly of the turning machinery shall be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval as described in the Special Provisions, and as required herein. The drawings shall include complete details of fabricated machinery parts, catalog and data sheets of standard components, and a tabulation giving the name of the part, description, function, weight, manufacturer, rating, type, model, and catalog and serial number of each component. Each component shall be identified by an item number and complete assembly layout drawings shall be furnished identifying each component by the item number. The assembly drawing(s) shall be developed to a level of detail to ensure interferences do not occur during or after the completed installation. The Plans show general details of the machinery, in keeping with the contract design requirements and in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The Plans are not intended to be complete in all details. The ratios of teeth between individual pairs of gears shall be maintained; the size and strengths of all machinery parts are proportioned to conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and maintain the original (1883) design intent. The standard of quality in details as shown in the Plans shall be maintained. It is the intent of this design to essentially replicate the original machinery components where practical and appropriate. Dimensions of new machinery components which are essentially in-kind replacements of existing components shall be verified against the existing by the Contractor. As is the nature of rehabilitation work, all dimensions shown on the Plans must be verified by the Contractor. Structural support for machinery, and exact positions of parts, shall be detailed by the Contractor after the final machinery layout has been determined. Minor parts, which are required but not shown in detail in the Plans, shall be detailed by the Contractor in accordance with best standard practice. Working drawings shall show all parts completely detailed and dimensioned. The grade and extent of finish machining, with all tolerances and allowances, shall be stated for each part for which a specific fit is required. Finished surfaces shall be as defined by the ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture; and fits shall be as defined by ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, unless otherwise stated herein or on the Plans. ANSI B4.1 shall also apply to fits for non-cylindrical parts.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) Manufactured components shall be shown in outline on the drawings, with sufficient dimensions and data to determine the clearances required for installation and operation. Manufacturer's certified dimension prints shall state the name of the job; pertinent ratings of the equipment; and shall indicate, where applicable, the method of lubrication and type of fittings. The Contractor shall furnish complete data regarding the design and construction of all manufactured items to be furnished under this Contract, including material specifications and certifications. Complete shop bills of materials shall be made for all machinery parts. If the bills are not shown on the working drawings, prints of the bills shall be furnished for review in the same manner as specified for the drawings. Working drawings shall give identifying marks and critical dimensions for locating each part or assembled unit with respect to the structure. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review the required number of prints of all working drawings. In case of correction or rejection, the Contractor shall resubmit the required numbers of prints until drawings are approved and such procedure shall not be considered a cause for delay. The Contractor shall bear all costs for damages which may result from the ordering of any materials prior to the approval of the working drawings; and no work shall be done until the working drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with as many prints of the approved drawings as required. Contractor shall submit a stress relief heat treatment procedure to the Engineer for approval for all conditions as required and specified herein. The procedure shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber, and any other information to fully explain the procedure. Approval of the working drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the satisfactory construction and operation of the turning machinery.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ORDERS Within 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the Engineer that all the mechanical equipment as shown on the Plans and/or as specified herein has been ordered, to the extent that production of shop drawings will not be delayed. Evidence may be in the form of copies of purchase orders or a signed written statement showing dates and company from which each item was ordered. MATERIALS The materials shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein, or as specified on the Plans if plan requirements are more stringent. The Plans show equipment schedules listing the minimum design requirements for the new equipment. All equipment and materials furnished under the items specified herein shall be brand new. All equipment, materials and workmanship shall be first class in every particular, and shall be manufactured to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All recognized industry or association standards or specifications referred to herein as being a requirement of these Special Provisions shall be considered as binding as though reproduced in full herein unless supplemented and/or modified by more stringent requirements of the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated the reference standard or specification which is current as of the date of issuance of these Special Provisions shall be governing. The following abbreviations will be used herein and on the Plans to designate standard specifications for material and workmanship:

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO American Gear Manufacturers Association AGMA American Iron and Steel Institute AISI American National Standards Institute ANSI American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM American Welding Society AWS National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council) SSPC American Bearing Manufacturer’s Association ABMA

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) STEEL CASTINGS Patterns for castings specifically cast for this project shall be substantially constructed and shall be finished to give a neat appearance to the castings. Unfinished edges and inside corners shall have rounded edges and fillets. Draft in patterns shall assure a minimum thickness equal to that shown on the Plans. Ample thickness of material shall be provided so that after finishing, the thickness of metal at every point will not be less than shown on the Plans. The allowance for draft shall be as small as is practicable. After use, patterns shall be shipped to the site and stored at the location as directed by the Engineer. Each pattern shall have a distinctive mark to correspond with their respective item numbers that will show on the castings, in its final installed location/position. These marks shall be so located to minimize the visual impact of such identifiers when the castings are installed in their final locations. All steel castings shall be fully annealed per approved heat treatment procedure. Castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blowholes and other defects in positions affecting their strength and value for the service intended. All castings shall be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand to present a smooth, clean, and uniform surface. All unfinished edges of castings shall be neatly cast with rounded corners, and all inside angles shall have ample fillets. All surfaces requiring finish shall have adequate material allowance for machining to finish dimensions. All bolted mating surfaces shall be machined and finished to permit proper alignment as shown on the Plans. Where indicated on the Plans, machined bosses shall be provided on cast steel machinery parts to give proper seats for bolt heads and nuts. Blowholes appearing upon finished castings shall be so located that a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than one (1) inch in any one (1) foot, nor shall any single blowhole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greater than one-half (1/2) square inch. Blowholes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects that do not impair the strength, with the approval of the Engineer, may be welded by an approved process and be inspected by magnetic particle examination. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling, or other satisfactory method, and, after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if required by the Engineer. Castings which have been welded without the Engineer’s permission will be rejected.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) All castings shall be 100% ultrasonic tested by a certified technician in the presence the Engineer. Any defect(s) found violating the above criteria or any other flaws including but not limited to, shrinkage, filamentary, micro/macro-shrinkage, cracks, hot tears, airlocks, and gas holes that demonstrates a change in the strength of the casting shall be grounds for rejection of the piece. STEEL FORGINGS All steel forgings shall conform to the material requirements as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. Contractor may submit alternative material types to the Engineer for review and approval.

All forgings shall be reduced to size from a single bloom or ingot until perfect homogeneity is secured. No forging shall be done at less than a red heat. All forged shapes shall be true, straight, and free from all injurious flaws, seams, or cracks. Forging shall provide adequate material allowance for machining to finished dimensions. All forgings shall be thoroughly annealed before being machined.

OPEN GEARS All open gears, including the rack and rack pinion, shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Specifications and the requirements for accuracy of the AGMA Standard 2101-D04, “Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth”, except as otherwise provided herein or shown on the Plans. Open gears shall have an AGMA quality number of 7 or higher.

Working drawings shall indicate the final tooth dimensions and assembled backlash requirements. SHAFTS Shafts shall be of the type and size as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. All shafts shall be accurately finished, round, smooth, and straight; and when turned to different diameters, they shall have rounded fillets at the shoulders or tapered, as shown on the Plans. All shaft ends shall have a 60-degree lathe center and chamfered edges as shown on the Plans. All journal areas and mechanical component areas on shafts and pins shall be accurately turned, ground, and polished with no trace of tool marks or scratches on the journal surface or adjoining shoulder fillets. Shaft diameters shall be finished to the limits specified in AASHTO Specifications and as required by the manufacturer of the mating equipment at that location.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) BEARINGS All bearings shall be of the size and designation shall be as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. All bearing fits and finishes shall be in accordance with ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts and ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture. Bearing loads on rollers shall not exceed loads per linear inch as specified in AASHTO section 2.5.14 “Bearing on Rollers”. Complete details of bearing assemblies shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Bearing housing materials shall be as shown on the Plans. Two-piece split construction shall be provided for accurate cap and base registration. Cap bolts shall be secured with double hex nuts and base bolts shall be sub-drilled in the shop to permit final reaming in the field. All bearings shall be equipped with giant button-head lubrication fittings for lubrication of internal parts as shown on the Plans. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination between bearing and shaft manufacturers. KEYS AND KEYWAYS Keys and keyways shall be provided in gears between their respective shafts. Keys and keyways shall conform to the dimensions and tolerances for square and flat keys of ANSI B17.1. All keys shall be effectively held in place, preferably by setting them into closed-end keyways milled into the shaft. The ends of all such keys shall be rounded to a half circle equal in diameter to the width of the key. Keyways shall not extend into any bearing. All key material shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 668 of the class indicated on the Plans. SHIMS Where shown on the Plans and anywhere required for leveling and alignment of equipment, machinery shims shall be provided full width and length, neatly trimmed to the dimensions of the assembled parts. Holes for bolts shall be as shown on the Plans. In general, sufficient thicknesses of shims shall be furnished to secure variations of the shim allowance plus one shim equal to the full allowance as shown on the Plans. Shimming of equipment shall be performed with the least amount of shims needed to fill the space. No more than five (5) shims shall be used unless approved by the Engineer. Shims shall be fabricated of material as shown on the Plans. Corrosion resistant precision thickness shims will be permitted if desired by the Contractor, subject to approval by the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) FASTENERS The following requirements for bolts, nuts, studs, cap screws, lock washers and cotter pins, shall apply, except where otherwise called for herein or on the Plans. All bolts for connecting machinery parts to each other or to supporting members shall be either high-strength bolts or turned bolts as shown on the Plans or as specified herein. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.6.18 Fasteners and Section 3.3.15 Bolt Holes and Bolts, of the AASHTO Specifications Unfinished bolts and turned bolts shall conform to the general requirements of ASTM A 449, Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans. Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through their nuts, but by no more than 1/4 inch beyond. The surface of the body of turned bolts shall have a surface texture of 63 microinches roughness average. Heads and nuts shall be as shown on the plans and finished with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size. Diameter of shanks shall be 1/16 inch greater than the threaded portion the bolt. Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a LC6 fit. Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the nut(s), or one nut and a lock-washer, shall be used on turned bolts. All bolt heads and nuts shall bear on seats square with the axis of the bolt. On castings, except where recessed, the bearing shall be on finished bosses or spot-faced seats unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Bolt heads that are recessed in castings shall be square. Where noted on the Plans, bolts shall be ASTM A 325 Type 1 or ASTM A 449 for applicable sizes with suitable heavy hex nuts and washers. SAE J429 Grade 5 bolts will be considered as an equivalent product for interconnecting machinery components provided that head sizes are dimensionally equivalent.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) Unless otherwise noted, anchor bolts fastening machinery components to concrete or granite block shall be threaded rods conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification F 1554 with heavy hex nuts and washers, diameter as shown on the Plans. Nuts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification A 563 unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Threads shall be the Coarse Thread Series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI B1.1, having a Class 2A tolerance. Double nuts shall be used on all anchor bolts. Adhesive shall be Hilti HIT HY 150 Max adhesive, or approved equal. The dimensions of socket-head cap screws, socket flat-head cap screws, and socket-set screws shall conform to ANSI B18.3; and the screws shall be made of heat-treated alloy steel, cadmium-plated and furnished with a self-locking nylon pellet embedded in the threaded section. Unless otherwise called for on the Plans or specified herein, set screws shall be of the headless, safety type; shall have threads of the coarse thread series; and shall have cone points. Set screws shall neither be used to transmit torque nor as the fastening or stop for any equipment that contributes to the stability or operation of the bridge. All threads for bolts, nuts, and cap screws shall conform to the coarse thread series and shall have a Class 2 tolerance for bolts and nuts or Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B tolerance for nuts in accordance with the ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads." Where shown on the Plans, bolt holes through unfinished surfaces shall be spot-faced for the head and nut, square with the axis of the bolts. Positive locks shall be furnished for all nuts. If double nuts are used, they shall be of standard thickness. Double nuts shall be used for all connections requiring occasional opening or adjustment. If lock washers are used for securing screws or nuts, they shall be made of tempered steel and shall conform to the SAE regular dimension and shall meet the SAE tests for temper and toughness. WELDMENTS The fabrication of steel weldments shall conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and as specified herein.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) All welding required herein or called for on the Plans shall be done in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.5. Weldments shall be stress relieved by heat prior to final machining as specified herein. The fitting up and welding procedure shall be such that distortion of the work will be a minimum. If necessary to obtain this result, suitable welding fixtures shall be used. The Contractor shall submit welding procedures, together with the working drawings for the parts to the Engineer for approval. All welding shall be performed by welders certified for the type of work being performed. All fillet welds and partial penetration groove welds shall be tested by the magnetic-particle method in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of AWS D1.5.

All complete joint penetration welds shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of AWS D1.5 for each size and type weld. Inspection and testing of welds and basis of acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of AWS D1.5. All field welds shall be stress relieved by peening unless otherwise indicated within these Special Provisions or within the Plans or unless specific written permission is granted to omit the peening process for each particular weld. The Contractor shall submit proposed weld procedures for all field welds for review and approval by Engineer. The proposed peening procedures will be required to be included in the weld procedures before approval will be granted. No field welding shall begin until the approved weld procedures are available. All field welding shall be in accordance with requirements of the Standard Specifications. Welded steel machinery parts shall be given a stress relief heat treatment. The Contractor shall submit a schedule of the proposed stress relief heat treatment to the Engineer for his approval. The schedule shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, and the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber. Soaking times less than one hour will not be approved. Weldments shall be neat and shall have all exposed sharp corners and edges removed. Mounting surfaces shall be straight and flat such that full contact is obtained with the equipment being supported or retained.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) OVERTRAVEL BUMPERS Span overtravel bumpers shall be provided and installed as shown on the Plans. The bumper shall be manufactured of molded fiber-reinforced abrasion-resistant prime rubber. Bumpers shall have an impact recovery of 95% per ASTM F 104. Color shall be black. Hardness to be 80 +/-5 Durometer Shore A. Holes for mounting bolts shall be counterbored for the fastener head. MACHINERY GROUT Grout for leveling pier-mounted machinery components shall be non-shrink epoxy. Grout shall be stored, mixed and applied per the manufacturer’s recommendations. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the Operation and Maintenance manual containing descriptive leaflets and drawings covering all components described herein with catalog numbers indicated; printed or typewritten statements prepared by the manufacturers of the equipment covering the proper methods of assembly, installation, operation, adjustments, alignment, lubrication, and otherwise maintaining each item; a detailed description of the functions of each item in connection with the various operating steps; charts showing the locations of all lubricating fittings and other points of lubrication; and complete parts lists and replacement parts numbers where applicable. Materials for inclusion in Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be furnished by the Contractor concurrently with working drawings for review and for approval by the Engineer. LUBRICATION, LUBRICANTS AND CHARTS All items that require lubrication shall be fitted for a pressure system of lubrication using 1/4-inch giant buttonhead fittings unless otherwise specified on the Plans. All grease fittings shall be conveniently located for greasing. All lubricating equipment shall be installed in perfect working condition. No grease fitting shall lubricate more than one point of lubrication. Nameplates shall be made of a hot-polished, laminated phenolic compound not less than 3/16 inch thick.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) The compound shall have a white surface 1/32 inch thick, and intermediate black layer 1/32 inch thick and a white back 1/8 inch thick. All corners shall be rounded, and the edges of the plates shall be chamfered. All engraving shall be upper case, standard gothic characters, cut through the surface into the intermediate layer to show black letters on a white background. All plates shall be securely fastened with stainless steel screws or rivets. The Contractor shall furnish sufficient lubricant to provide for the initial lubrication of each component on the structure requiring lubrication and such additional lubricant for normal maintenance requirements for a period of two years. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary for routine maintenance lubrication of the equipment on the bridge. Each grade or class of grease shall be provided with its own separate grease guns or other equipment normally used for application of the lubricant, shall be labeled in the same manner as the grease fittings above, with labels securely attached. The Contractor shall coordinate the grease requirements with the various suppliers to attempt to limit the different greases to no more than two. Contractor shall also furnish two grease guns suitable for the lubrication fittings furnished. Each grease gun shall be provided with a fitting suitable for the grease fitting installed. If more than one type of grease fitting is used for the same lubricant, grease applicators shall be provided for each type of fitting. Each device shall have a permanently attached nameplate listing the specific lubricant within. Sufficient grease applicators shall be provided to permit storage of all types required. Maintenance lubricants shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish and install, as directed by the Engineer, charts for the guidance of the operators, outlining sequences for the operation of the span in all modes of operation. A diagram of all machinery and periodic service points shall be furnished and installed as directed by the Engineer. The diagram shall show the location of all lubrication fittings and other points of the mechanical equipment, which require lubrication of any kind, and shall show the kind of lubricant to be used at each point and the frequency of lubrication.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts for the new machinery.

1 Complete rack segment 1 Rack pinion 1 Capstan lock pin assembly 1 Capstan arm 1 Complete bushing assembly (B3) 1 Complete bushing assembly (B4)

Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized cartons with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents, and they shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. TOOLS A complete set of tools, each set located in a lockable cabinet, shall be furnished and placed as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide one set of wrenches suitable for machinery maintenance and to fit all nuts and bolt heads in the machinery installation. In addition, a full set of flat head and Phillips head screwdrivers shall be furnished which will fit all machinery components plus an assortment of punches, files, chisels and a ball peen hammer. The miscellaneous tools, grease, and grease guns shall be stored in a location approved by the Engineer in a cabinet or toolbox made of galvanized steel and having provisions for a padlock. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All manufacturers shall warrant all products and associated hardware to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed bridge contract. Final Acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Any defect within this period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at total cost including labor, parts, and transportation. The Contractor shall provide letters to the suppliers with copies to the Engineer, identifying the scheduled date of final acceptance of the bridge and therefore the date the warranty shall begin. If the date of final acceptance is extended, it shall be the Contractors responsibility to extend the commencement of the warranties from the suppliers at no cost to the Owner.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) The Owner reserves the right to receive on demand a test report from an independent laboratory certifying that the equipment furnished meets these specifications, at no cost to the Owner should the testing reveal that the equipment does not conform to requirements. The Owner reserves the right to reject an entire shipment of material covered by this specification if an item or items are found to be defective within a 30-day period following receipt of materials. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The machinery specified and approved on the shop drawings shall be installed according to best millwright practice. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting written proof to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of field installation consisting of the following requirements:

1. Millwright foreman – The millwright foreman shall have successfully installed movable bridge machinery on a previous project within the last five (5) years.

2. Millwrights – The millwrights shall have performed installations of heavy machinery of a similar character to that required within this project within the last five (5) years.

Machinery manufacture and installation shall conform to all applicable requirements in AASHTO Specifications and all applicable requirements with special requirements and additions as specified herein or as specified on the Plans. INSPECTION AND TESTING The Contractor shall give two weeks notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of work at the foundries, forge, and machine shops so that inspection may be conducted. No materials shall be cast, forged, or machined before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have been placed. The Contractor shall provide access to all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the foundries, forge, and machine shops. The Engineer shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises. Work done while the Engineer has been refused access will automatically be rejected.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. Inspection at the foundries, forge and machine shops is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors; and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the defective materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of orders covering work as the Engineer may direct. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish test specimens, as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines, tools, and equipment necessary to prepare the specimens and to make the physical tests and chemical analyses. Copies of all test reports and chemical analyses shall be furnished to the Engineer. The acceptance of any material or finished parts by the Engineer shall not bar their subsequent rejection if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. RACK PINION AND BEARING ASSEMBLY TESTING The rack pinion shaft shall be field assembled in the rack pinion bearings, and the bearings shall be shimmed and aligned on the bearing base supports, in the presence of the Engineer (or his duly appointed representative). All bearings shall be lubricated and properly tightened and the assembled units turned slowly at no load to ensure proper alignment. Bearing clearance shall be recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and the Contractor shall submit in writing the bearing clearance for review and approval of the Engineer. The assemblies shall be checked for unusual noise, excessive bearing clearance and any other detrimental operating characteristics. The assemblies shall operate smoothly and without excessive vibration or temperature rise. All malfunctions shall be addressed. In addition to the test specified above, the proper distribution of load on the rack and rack pinion gear teeth shall be demonstrated by the wear of prussian blue applied to each gear. The initial contact during preliminary alignment shall be at least 75% on each tooth face. A tooth contact report shall be submitted to the Engineer for evaluation and approval.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) PAINT AND PROTECTION FOR MACHINERY All surfaces of the new operating machinery shall be painted using a three-coat system conforming to all requirements of the contract specification, except for the following: All unfinished machinery surfaces shall be made free of all chips, dirt, rust, scale, sand, grease, and other foreign matter by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other approved means as stated elsewhere. Blasting shall only be done on unassembled parts prior to assembly, and each part shall be carefully cleaned afterward to remove any remaining blast material. After proper surface preparation, all unfinished machinery surfaces shall be given one shop coat of primer prepared in accordance with the requirements of the contract specifications. Cleaning of surfaces preparatory to shop painting shall not be by sand blast as specified for structural metal, but shall be by means of wire brushes, scrapers and other suitable hand tools and solvents. All finished contact surfaces which are not finally assembled in the shop shall be coated with waterproof National Lubricating Grease Institute No. 3 Multipurpose grease as soon as possible after being accepted and before removal from the shop, and shall be adequately protected during shipment by wrapping with burlap or canvas held by wooden bats securely wired together. During erection these surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and a field coat of this grease applied. All machinery surfaces shall be protected against any damage by contamination at all times and no sand blasting shall be permitted within the machinery area unless approved by the Engineer. All grease holes shall be adequately plugged for painting and shipment. Careful attention shall be given to the protection of all machinery parts during shipment and while stored before erection. After installation is complete, all machinery surfaces remaining exposed, except rubbing surfaces, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given two field coats of paint prepared as specified elsewhere for intermediate and finish coat. The color of paint for machinery components shall be as approved by the Engineer and/or Owner. After completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the machinery, all accumulated oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter shall be solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP1 from exposed machinery surfaces, except rubbing surfaces.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENT All finished metal surfaces and unpainted metal surfaces that might be damaged by corrosion shall be coated as soon as practicable after disassembly or finishing with a corrosive-preventative compound. This coating shall be removed from all surfaces prior to assembly and painting after installation. All machinery parts shall be completely protected from weather, dirt and all other injurious conditions during disassembly, manufacture, shipment and while awaiting erection. All shaft journals that are shipped disassembled from their bearings shall be protected during shipment and before erection by a packing of oil-soaked fabric secured in place by burlap and covered with heavy metal thimbles or heavy timber lagging securely attached. Every precaution shall be taken to ensure that the bearing surfaces will not be damaged and that all parts shall arrive at their destination in satisfactory condition. Assembled units shall be mounted on skids or otherwise crated for protection during handling and shipment.

INSTALLATION AND FIELD TESTING Prior to any work being performed on the machinery, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed mechanical work procedure. This procedure shall give, in detail, methods for providing measurements for gear teeth, bearings, clearances, alignments, detailed explanation for match marking, and installation and testing of machinery. Procedures shall include duration of time involved with the work and shall show coordination with structural and electrical contractors which will be coinciding with the mechanical work. All parts of the machinery shall be installed in accordance with installation marks and match marks. Before final drilling or reaming, all parts shall be adjusted to exact alignment by means of shims furnished for each part. After final alignment and bolting, all parts shall operate smoothly. All shafts, gears, pinions, racks, bearings, and other parts supported by machinery frames shall be assembled and adjusted in the field in their several frames and tested by operation in place.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) Bolt holes in structural steel for connecting machinery shall, in general, be drilled from the solid after final alignment of the machinery. Sufficient installation holes, sub-drilled 1/4 inch undersize for undersize temporary bolts, may be used for installation and alignment of the machinery. After the machinery has been aligned in its final position, full-size holes for the remaining bolts shall be drilled or sub-drilled and reamed, the full-size bolts installed, and the temporary bolts removed. The machinery shall be installed and adjusted by competent millwrights skilled in the type of work involved, with qualifications as specified herein. Millwrights shall provide all necessary measuring and leveling instruments as may be required including, but not limited to, dial indicators and laser alignment equipment. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and methods to the Engineer to verify proper alignment of all machinery. The drive machinery shall be installed with the utmost care in the field. Ropes, slings or other equipment used for installation shall be carefully placed to prevent scratches, abrasions or other damage. The racks and pinions shall display a tooth contact ratio as describe herein. Once the Engineer has approved the rack and rack pinion alignment, the Contractor may continue with the installation of the remaining mechanical equipment. The alignment of all components shall be checked by the use of laser alignment tools, dial indicators and/or feeler gages both before and after final bolting up of the machinery in the presence of the Engineer. Any re-adjustment after final bolting required by the Engineer in order to conform to this requirement shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. After the machinery installation is complete, the Contractor shall make a thorough inspection to ensure that all components are clean and free of obstruction, that all parts are aligned and adjusted as closely as practicable without actual operation, and that all bolts are properly tightened. All mechanical components shall be adequately lubricated to the proper level, and all rotating parts shall be supplied with lubricants as recommended by the suppliers of the units. Typical lubricants for the various locations are as follows:

Sleeve Bearings: NGLI Grade #2 Open Gears: NGLI Grade #3 The lubricants listed on the lubrication charts shall conform to the recommendations of the

manufacturers of the units and shall be coordinated with the products normally stocked by the Department. Information required from the Maintenance Department shall be obtained through the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.002 (Continued) TESTS AND PRELIMINARY OPERATION The swing span is an operating machine. The Contractor shall construct, erect and adjust every part so that the machine will function and operate satisfactorily. The Contractor shall make all necessary tests of the completed structure and all trial operations so that the completed structure, ready for acceptance, shall be in perfect operating condition and in accordance with design. During testing and adjustment of the movable span, representatives of the manufacturer of mechanical components shall be present at the bridge site and available for consultation as may be required. When the equipment is ready for testing, the entire machinery system shall be operated through not less than five complete cycles. During the foregoing test runs, all parts shall be inspected to detect misalignment or incorrect adjustment. All such defects shall be corrected at no cost to the Owner before final acceptance. The Contractor shall supply without charge all labor, equipment, and materials as necessary for testing, adjustments, and preliminary operation. Until final acceptance, the Contractor shall operate the span as required for marine traffic. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of manufacturing, furnishing, shipping, installing, inspecting, testing, and adjusting all turning machinery including such accessories as shims within machinery parts, and bolts for connecting machinery parts together and to structural supports. The Contract Bid Price shall include painting the machinery along with all materials; bolts, shims, keys, and lubricants; labor; equipment; tools and for furnishing all drawings, materials for manuals, charts, warranty, and other data and services; including adjusting and aligning, required to properly execute and place in complete working order the turning machinery. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall consist of furnishing the tapered rollers and tracks including all labor, equipment, and materials as shown on the Plans and specified herein. This work includes manufacturing, testing, shipping, installing, alignment, adjusting, field painting, lubricating and field testing to place the tapered roller assemblies and upper and lower tracks, as shown on the Plans and specified herein. Machinery demolition work associated with removal of the existing tapered roller assemblies and tracks shall be paid for and conducted in accordance to requirements specified in Section 997.001 Machinery Demolition.

All work associated with the center pivot assembly shall be paid for and conducted in accordance to requirements specified in Section 997.004 Center Pivot Assembly. SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The design, material requirements, workmanship, and erection of all machinery components shall meet the applicable requirements of the AASHTO 1988 Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges and subsequent Interim Specifications, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Specifications, and any other specification or standard as specified herein or as shown on the Plans. REQUIRED DRAWINGS AND DATA The Contractor shall furnish data and detailed shop drawings on the tapered rollers and tracks as specified herein and as required elsewhere in the Plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall submit shop procedures for all welding, heat treatment, and testing to the Engineer for review and approval.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) WORKING DRAWINGS

Working drawings as necessary for the fabrication and assembly of the tapered rollers and tracks shall be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval as described in the Special Provisions, and as required herein. The drawings shall include complete details of all fabricated parts.

The working drawing shall be included in an overall mechanical assembly drawing(s) which shall be developed to a level of detail to ensure interferences do not occur during or after the completed installation. The Plans show general details of the tapered rollers and tracks in keeping with the requirements and in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The Plans are not intended to be complete in all details. The size and strengths of the tapered rollers and tracks are proportioned to conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and maintain the original (1883) design intent. The standard of quality in details as shown in the Plans shall be maintained. It is the intent of this design to essentially replicate the original machinery components where practical and appropriate. Dimensions of new machinery components which are essentially in-kind replacements of existing components shall be verified against the existing by the Contractor. As is the nature of rehabilitation work, all dimensions shown on the Plans must be verified by the Contractor. Working drawings shall show all parts completely detailed and dimensioned. The grade and extent of finish machining, with all tolerances and allowances, shall be stated for each part for which a specific fit is required. Finished surfaces shall be as defined by the ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture; and fits shall be as defined by ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, unless otherwise stated herein or on the Plans. ANSI B4.1 shall also apply to fits for non-cylindrical parts. Manufactured components shall be shown in outline on the drawings, with sufficient dimensions and data to determine the clearances required for installation and operation. Manufacturer's certified dimension prints shall state the name of the job; pertinent ratings of the equipment; and shall indicate, where applicable, the method of lubrication and type of fittings.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) The Contractor shall furnish complete data regarding the design and construction of all manufactured items to be furnished under this Contract, including material specifications and certifications. Complete shop bills of materials shall be made for all machinery parts. If the bills are not shown on the working drawings, prints of the bills shall be furnished for review in the same manner as specified for the drawings.

Working drawings shall give identifying marks and critical dimensions for locating each part or assembled unit with respect to the center pier or station point. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review the required number of prints of all working drawings. In case of correction or rejection, the Contractor shall resubmit the required numbers of prints until drawings are approved and such procedure shall not be considered a cause for delay. The Contractor shall bear all costs for damages which may result from the ordering of any materials prior to the approval of the working drawings; and no work shall be done until the working drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with as many prints of the approved drawings as may be ordered. Contractor shall submit a stress relief heat treatment procedure to the Engineer for approval for all conditions as required and specified herein. The procedure shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber, and any other information to fully explain the procedure. Approval of the working drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the satisfactory construction and operation of the center pivot assembly.

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Within 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the Engineer that all mechanical equipment and/or components shown on the Plans and specified herein has been ordered, to the extent that production of shop drawings will not be delayed. Evidence may be in the form of copies of purchase orders or a signed written statement showing dates and company from which each item was ordered. MATERIALS GENERAL The materials shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein, or as specified on the Plans if plan requirements are more stringent. The Plans show equipment schedules listing the minimum design requirements for the new equipment. All equipment and materials furnished under the items specified herein shall be brand new. All equipment, materials and workmanship shall be first class in every particular, and shall be manufactured and installed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All recognized industry or association standards or specifications referred to herein as being a requirement of these Special Provisions shall be considered as binding as though reproduced in full herein unless supplemented and/or modified by more stringent requirements of the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated the reference standard or specification which is current as of the date of issuance of these Special Provisions shall be governing. The following abbreviations will be used herein and on the Plans to designate standard specifications for material and workmanship:

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO American Iron and Steel Institute AISI American National Standards Institute ANSI American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM American Welding Society AWS National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council) SSPC

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) STEEL CASTINGS Patterns for castings specifically cast for this project shall be substantially constructed and shall be finished to give a neat appearance to the castings. Unfinished edges and inside corners shall have rounded edges and fillets. Draft in patterns shall assure a minimum thickness equal to that shown on the Plans. Ample thickness of material shall be provided so that after finishing, the thickness of metal at every point will not be less than shown on the Plans. The allowance for draft shall be as small as is practicable. After use, patterns shall be shipped to the site and stored at the location as directed by the Engineer. Each pattern shall have a distinctive mark to correspond with their respective item numbers that will show on the castings. All steel castings shall be fully annealed per approved heat treatment procedure. Castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blowholes and other defects in positions affecting their strength and value for the service intended. All castings shall be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand to present a smooth, clean, and uniform surface. All unfinished edges of castings shall be neatly cast with rounded corners, and all inside angles shall have ample fillets. All surfaces requiring finish shall have adequate material allowance for machining to finish dimensions. All bolted mating surfaces shall be machined and finished to permit proper alignment as shown on the Plans. Machined bosses shall be provided on cast steel machinery parts to give proper seats for bolt heads and nuts. Blowholes appearing upon finished castings shall be so located that a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than one (1) inch in any one (1) foot, nor shall any single blowhole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greater than one-half (1/2) square inch. Blowholes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects that do not impair the strength, with the approval of the Engineer, may be welded by an approved process and be inspected by magnetic particle examination. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling, or other satisfactory method, and, after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if required by the Engineer. Castings which have been welded without the Engineer’s permission will be rejected.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) All castings shall be 100% ultrasonic tested by a certified technician in the presence the Engineer. Any defect(s) found violating the above blowhole criteria or any other flaws including but not limited to, shrinkage, filamentary, micro/macro-shrinkage, cracks, hot tears, airlocks, and gas holes that demonstrates a change in the strength of the casting shall be grounds for rejection of the piece. STEEL FORGINGS All steel forgings shall conform to the material requirements as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. Contractor may submit alternative material types to the Engineer for review and approval.

All forgings shall be reduced to size from a single bloom or ingot until perfect homogeneity is secured. No forging shall be done at less than a red heat. All forged shapes shall be true, straight, and free from all injurious flaws, seams, or cracks. Forging shall provide adequate material allowance for machining to finished dimensions. All forging shall be thoroughly annealed before being machined. FASTENERS The following requirements for bolts, nuts, studs, cap screws, lock washers and cotter pins, shall apply, except where otherwise called for herein or on the Plans. All bolts for connecting machinery parts to each other or to supporting members shall be either high-strength bolts or turned bolts as shown on the Plans or as specified herein. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.6.18 Fasteners and Section 3.3.15 Bolt Holes and Bolts, of the AASHTO Specifications Unfinished bolts and turned bolts shall conform to the general requirements of ASTM A 449, Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans. Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through their nuts, but by no more than 1/4 inch beyond.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) The surface of the body of turned bolts shall have a surface texture of 63 microinches roughness average. Heads and nuts shall be hexagonal and finished with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size. Diameter of shanks shall be 1/16 inch greater than the threaded portion the bolt. Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a LC6 fit. Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the two nuts, or one nut and a lock-washer, shall be used on turned bolts. All bolt heads and nuts shall bear on seats square with the axis of the bolt. On castings, except where recessed, the bearing shall be on finished bosses or spot-faced seats. Bolt heads that are recessed in castings shall be square. Where noted on the Plans, bolts shall be ASTM A325 Type 1 or ASTM A449 for applicable sizes with suitable heavy hex nuts and washers unless otherwise shown on the Plans. SAE J429 Grade 5 bolts will be considered as an equivalent product for interconnecting machinery components provided that head sizes are dimensionally equivalent. All threads for bolts, nuts, and cap screws shall conform to the coarse thread series and shall have a Class 2 tolerance for bolts and nuts or Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B tolerance for nuts in accordance with the ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads" or as specified on the Plans. All bolt holes through unfinished surfaces shall be spot-faced for the head and nut, square with the axis of the bolts. Positive locks shall be furnished for all nuts. If double nuts are used, they shall be of standard thickness. Double nuts shall be used for all connections requiring occasional opening or adjustment. If lock washers are used for securing screws or nuts, they shall be made of tempered steel and shall conform to the SAE regular dimension and shall meet the SAE tests for temper and toughness.

All fasteners which require periodic disassembly or adjustment, such as the Sleeve Nuts, shall have the threads coated with an anti-seize compound at assembly.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the Operation and Maintenance manual containing descriptive leaflets and drawings covering all components described herein with catalog numbers indicated; printed or typewritten statements prepared by the manufacturers of the equipment covering the proper methods of assembly, installation, operation, adjustments, alignment, lubrication, and otherwise maintaining each item; a detailed description of the functions of each item in connection with the various operating steps; charts showing the locations of all lubricating fittings and other points of lubrication; and complete parts lists and replacement parts numbers where applicable. Materials for inclusion in Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be furnished by the Contractor concurrently with working drawings for review and for approval by the Engineer. LUBRICATION The fitting to be used on each of the outer rods/tapered rollers shall be as manufactured by Alemite LLC, model Z741-A (flush type fitting), or approved equal. The Contractor shall furnish sufficient lubricant to provide for the initial lubrication of each tapered roller and such additional lubricant for normal maintenance requirements for a period of two years. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary for routine maintenance lubrication of the tapered rollers on the bridge. The grade or class of grease shall be provided with its own separate grease guns or other equipment normally used for application of the lubricant, shall be labeled in the same manner as the machinery grease fittings, with labels securely attached.

The Contractor shall also furnish two grease guns suitable for the lubrication fittings furnished. Each grease gun shall be provided with a fitting suitable for the grease fitting installed. Each device shall have a permanently attached nameplate listing the specific lubricant within.

Maintenance lubricants shall be stored where directed by the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts:

1 Tapered roller with bushings 1 Inner rod assembly 1 Outer rod assembly 1 Sleeve nut assembly 1 Upper track segment 1 Lower track segment 1 Complete set of hardware for one (1) track segment

Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized cartons with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents, and they shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All manufacturers shall warrant all products and associated hardware to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed bridge contract. Final Acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Any defect within this period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at total cost including labor, parts, and transportation. The Contractor shall provide letters to the suppliers with copies to the Engineer, identifying the scheduled date of final acceptance of the bridge and therefore the date the warranty shall begin. If the date of final acceptance is extended, it shall be the Contractors responsibility to extend the commencement of the warranties from the suppliers at no cost to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to receive on demand a test report from an independent laboratory certifying that the equipment furnished meets these specifications, at no cost to the Owner should the testing reveal that the equipment does not conform to requirements. The Owner reserves the right to reject an entire shipment of material covered by this specification if an item or items are found to be defective within a 30-day period following receipt of materials.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL The machinery specified and approved on the shop drawings shall be installed according to best millwright practice. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting written proof to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of field installation consisting of the following requirements:

1. Millwright foreman – The millwright foreman shall have successfully installed movable bridge machinery on a previous project within the last five (5) years.

2. Millwrights – The millwrights shall have performed installations of heavy machinery of a similar character to that required within this project within the last five (5) years.

Machinery manufacture and installation shall conform to all applicable requirements in AASHTO Specifications and all applicable requirements with special requirements and additions as specified herein or as specified on the Plans INSPECTION AND TESTING The Contractor shall give two weeks notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of work at the foundries, forge, and machine shops so that inspection may be conducted. No materials shall be cast, forged, or machined before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have been placed. The Contractor shall provide access to all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the foundries, forge, and machine shops. The Engineer shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises. Work done while the Engineer has been refused access will automatically be rejected.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. Inspection at the foundries, forge and machine shops is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors; and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the defective materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of orders covering work as the Engineer may direct. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish test specimens, as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines, tools, and equipment necessary to prepare the specimens and to make the physical tests and chemical analyses. Copies of all test reports and chemical analyses shall be furnished to the Engineer. The acceptance of any material or finished parts by the Engineer shall not bar their subsequent rejection if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the State. PAINT AND PROTECTION FOR MACHINERY All surfaces of the new operating machinery shall be painted using a three-coat system conforming to all requirements of the contract specification, except for the following: All unfinished machinery surfaces shall be made free of all chips, dirt, rust, scale, sand, grease, and other foreign matter by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other approved means as stated elsewhere. Blasting shall only be done on unassembled parts prior to assembly, and each part shall be carefully cleaned afterward to remove any remaining blast material.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) After proper surface preparation, all unfinished machinery surfaces shall be given one shop coat of primer prepared in accordance with the requirements of the contract specifications. Cleaning of surfaces preparatory to shop painting shall not be by sand blast as specified for structural metal, but shall be by means of wire brushes, scrapers and other suitable hand tools and solvents. All finished contact surfaces which are not finally assembled in the shop shall be coated with waterproof National Lubricating Grease Institute No. 3 Multipurpose grease as soon as possible after being accepted and before removal from the shop, and shall be adequately protected during shipment by wrapping with burlap or canvas held by wooden bats securely wired together. During erection these surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and a field coat of this grease applied. All machinery surfaces shall be protected against any damage by contamination at all times and no sand blasting shall be permitted within the machinery area unless approved by the Engineer. All grease holes shall be adequately plugged for painting and shipment. Careful attention shall be given to the protection of all machinery parts during shipment and while stored before erection. After installation is complete, all machinery surfaces remaining exposed, except rubbing surfaces, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given two field coats of paint prepared as specified elsewhere for intermediate and finish coat. The color of paint for machinery components shall be as approved by the Engineer. After completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the machinery, all accumulated oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter shall be solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP1 from exposed machinery surfaces, except rubbing surfaces.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENT All finished metal surfaces and unpainted metal surfaces that might be damaged by corrosion shall be coated as soon as practicable after disassembly or finishing with a corrosive-preventative compound. This coating shall be removed from all surfaces prior to assembly and painting after installation. All machinery parts shall be completely protected from weather, dirt and all other injurious conditions during disassembly, manufacture, shipment and while awaiting erection. All shaft journals that are shipped disassembled from their bearings shall be protected during shipment and before erection by a packing of oil-soaked fabric secured in place by burlap and covered with heavy metal thimbles or heavy timber lagging securely attached. Every precaution shall be taken to ensure that the bearing surfaces will not be damaged and that all parts shall arrive at their destination in satisfactory condition. Assembled units shall be mounted on skids or otherwise crated for protection during handling and shipment.


Prior to any work being performed on the machinery, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed mechanical work procedure. This procedure shall give, in detail, methods for providing measurements for clearances, alignments, detailed explanation for match marking, and installation and testing of the tapered roller assemblies and tracks. Track plates shall be installed level such that all points along the flat surface of the roller contact side are within +/- 0.010” in elevation. The upper and lower tracks shall be installed such that the pitch line of each complete track assembly is circular to within 0.030”. The true position of the circular center of each track assembly shall be within 0.030” of the centerline vertical axis of the center pivot and within 0.030” of the circular center of the other track assembly. Note that the center pivot includes a machined reference surface to aid in alignment of these components.

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ITEM 997.003 (Continued) After the machinery installation is complete, the Contractor shall make a thorough inspection to ensure that all components are clean and free of obstruction, that all parts are aligned and adjusted as closely as practicable without actual operation, and that all bolts are properly tightened. All mechanical components shall be adequately lubricated to the proper level, and all rotating parts shall be supplied with lubricants as recommended by the suppliers of the units. Typical lubricants are as follows:

Tapered Rollers: NGLI Grade #2

The lubricants listed on the lubrication charts shall conform to the recommendations of the manufacturers of the units and shall be coordinated with the products normally stocked by the Department. Information required from the Maintenance Department shall be obtained through the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of manufacturing, furnishing, shipping, installing, inspecting, testing, and adjusting all tapered roller assemblies and upper and lower tracks including such accessories as shims within machinery parts, and bolts for connecting machinery parts together and to structural supports. The Contract Bid Price shall include painting the components along with all materials; bolts, shims, and lubricants; labor; equipment; tools and for furnishing all drawings, materials for manuals, charts, warranty, and other data and services; including adjusting and aligning, required to properly execute and place in complete working order the tapered roller assemblies and tracks. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall consist of furnishing the center pivot including all labor, equipment, and materials as shown on the Plans and specified herein. This work includes manufacturing, testing, inspection, shipping, installing, alignment, adjusting, field painting, lubricating and field testing to place the center pivot assembly, as shown on the Plans and specified herein. The removal of the center pivot shall be performed per requirements as specified herein. All work to furnish and install the tapered roller assemblies and tracks shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.003 Tapered Rollers and Tracks.

SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The design, material requirements, workmanship, and erection of all machinery components shall meet the applicable requirements of AASHTO 1988 Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges and subsequent Interim Specifications, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Specifications, and any other specification or standard as specified herein or as shown on the Plans. REQUIRED DRAWINGS AND DATA The Contractor shall furnish data and detailed shop drawings on the mechanical equipment as specified herein and as required elsewhere in the Plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall also submit shop procedures for all welding, heat treatment, and testing to the Engineer for review and approval. WORKING DRAWINGS

Working drawings as necessary for the fabrication and assembly of the center pivot assembly shall be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval as described in the Special Provisions, and as required herein. The drawings shall include complete details of fabricated parts and a tabulation giving the name of the part, description, function, and weight of each component.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Each component shall be identified by an item number and complete assembly layout drawings shall be furnished identifying each component by the item number. The assembly drawing(s) shall be developed to a level of detail to ensure interferences do not occur during or after the completed installation. The Plans show general details of the center pivot assembly, in keeping with the contract design requirements and in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The Plans are not intended to be complete in all details. The size and strengths of all machinery parts are proportioned to conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and maintain the original (1883) design intent. The standard of quality in details as shown in the Plans shall be maintained. It is the intent of this design to essentially replicate the original machinery components where practical and appropriate. Dimensions of new machinery components which are essentially in-kind replacements of existing components shall be verified against the existing by the Contractor. As is the nature of rehabilitation work, all dimensions shown on the Plans must be verified by the Contractor. Working drawings shall show all parts completely detailed and dimensioned. The grade and extent of finish machining, with all tolerances and allowances, shall be stated for each part for which a specific fit is required. Finished surfaces shall be as defined by the ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture; and fits shall be as defined by the ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, unless otherwise stated herein or on the Plans. ANSI B4.1 shall also apply to fits for non-cylindrical parts. The Contractor shall furnish complete data regarding the design and construction of all manufactured items to be furnished under this Contract, including material specifications and certifications. Complete shop bills of materials shall be made for all center pivot assembly parts. If the bills are not shown on the working drawings, prints of the bills shall be furnished for review in the same manner as specified for the drawings. Working drawings shall give identifying marks and critical dimensions for locating each part or assembled unit with respect to the center pier or station point.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review the required number of prints of all working drawings. In case of correction or rejection, the Contractor shall resubmit the required numbers of prints until drawings are approved and such procedure shall not be considered a cause for delay. The Contractor shall bear all costs for damages which may result from the ordering of any materials prior to the approval of the working drawings; and no work shall be done until the working drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with as many prints of the approved drawings as may be ordered. Contractor shall submit a stress relief heat treatment procedure to the Engineer for approval for all conditions as required and specified herein. The procedure shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber, and any other information to fully explain the procedure. Approval of the working drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the satisfactory construction and operation of the turning machinery. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ORDERS Within 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the Engineer that all the mechanical equipment/materials, as shown on the Plans and/or as specified herein, have been ordered, to the extent that production of shop drawings will not be delayed. Evidence may be in the form of copies of purchase orders or a signed written statement showing dates and company from which each item was ordered. MATERIALS GENERAL The materials shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein, or as specified on the Plans if plan requirements are more stringent. The Plans show equipment schedules listing the minimum design requirements for the new equipment. All equipment and materials furnished under the items specified herein shall be brand new. All equipment, materials and workmanship shall be first class in every particular, and shall be manufactured and installed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) All recognized industry or association standards or specifications referred to herein as being a requirement of these Special Provisions shall be considered as binding as though reproduced in full herein unless supplemented and/or modified by more stringent requirements of the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated the reference standard or specification which is current as of the date of issuance of these Special Provisions shall be governing. The following abbreviations will be used herein and on the Plans to designate standard specifications for material and workmanship:

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO American Iron and Steel Institute AISI American National Standards Institute ANSI American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM American Welding Society AWS National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council) SSPC

STEEL CASTINGS Patterns for castings specifically cast for this project shall be substantially constructed and shall be finished to give a neat appearance to the castings. Unfinished edges and inside corners shall have rounded edges and fillets. Draft in patterns shall assure a minimum thickness equal to that shown on the Plans. Ample thickness of material shall be provided so that after finishing, the thickness of metal at every point will not be less than shown on the Plans. The allowance for draft shall be as small as is practicable. After use, patterns shall be shipped to the site and stored at the location as directed by the Engineer. Each pattern shall have a distinctive mark to correspond with their respective item numbers that will show on the castings. These marks shall be so located to minimize the visual impact of such identifiers.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) All steel castings shall be fully annealed per approved heat treatment procedure. Castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blowholes and other defects in positions affecting their strength and value for the service intended. All castings shall be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand to present a smooth, clean, and uniform surface. All unfinished edges of castings shall be neatly cast with rounded corners, and all inside angles shall have ample fillets. All surfaces requiring finish shall have adequate material allowance for machining to finish dimensions. All bolted mating surfaces shall be machined and finished to permit proper alignment as shown on the Plans. Machined bosses shall be provided on cast steel machinery parts to give proper seats for bolt heads and nuts. Blowholes appearing upon finished castings shall be so located that a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than one (1) inch in any one (1) foot, nor shall any single blowhole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greater than one-half (1/2) square inch. Blowholes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects that do not impair the strength, with the approval of the Engineer, may be welded by an approved process and be inspected by magnetic particle examination. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling, or other satisfactory method, and, after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if required by the Engineer. Castings which have been welded without the Engineer’s permission will be rejected.

All castings shall be 100% ultrasonic tested by a certified technician in the presence the Engineer. Any defect(s) found violating the above blowhole criteria or any other flaws including but not limited to, shrinkage, filamentary, micro/macro-shrinkage, cracks, hot tears, airlocks, and gas holes that demonstrates a change in the strength of the casting shall be grounds for rejection of the piece. STRUCTURAL STEEL Structural steel for machinery items shall be as shown on the Plans, and conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Steel components of manufactured items shall conform to the materials recommended by the manufacturer. The Plans indicate minimum requirements for structural steel plates for the center pivot assembly. The material thickness shown on the Plans are to be considered the minimum acceptable and should be increased if appropriate for the application.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Top surfaces of all steel plates to which other components are mounted shall be milled after fabrication to provide a uniform surface. All surfaces requiring milling shall have adequate material allowance for milling to the minimum finish dimensions as required by AASHTO Section 2.5.17 “Fits and Surface Finishes”, or as shown on the Plans. WELDMENTS The fabrication of steel weldments shall conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and as specified herein. All welding required herein or called for on the Plans shall be done in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.5. Weldments shall be stress relieved by heat prior to final machining as specified herein. The fitting up and welding procedure shall be such that distortion of the work will be a minimum. If necessary to obtain this result, suitable welding fixtures shall be used. The Contractor shall submit welding procedures, together with the working drawings for the parts to the Engineer for approval. All fillet welds and partial penetration groove welds shall be tested by the magnetic-particle method in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of AWS D1.5. Radiographic testing shall be used for examination of complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints and for complete penetration groove welds in T-joints, and corner joints shall be tested by ultrasonic testing. All field welds shall be stress relieved by peening unless otherwise indicated within these Special Provisions or within the Plans or unless specific written permission is granted to omit the peening process for each particular weld. The Contractor shall submit his proposed weld procedures for all field welds for review and approval by Engineer. The proposed peening procedures will be required to be included in the weld procedures before approval will be granted. In addition, any existing structural steel being field welded shall be tested to determine its chemical composition. The actual chemistry of the existing steel shall be considered when developing the proposed field welding procedures. The chemistry of each and every existing plate or shape shall be determined. No field welding shall begin until the approved weld procedures are available. All field welding shall be in accordance with requirements of the Standard Specifications.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Welded steel machinery parts shall be given a stress relief heat treatment. The Contractor shall submit a schedule of the proposed stress relief heat treatment to the Engineer for his approval. The schedule shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, and the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber. Soaking times less than one hour will not be approved. Weldments shall be neat and shall have all exposed sharp corners and edges removed. Mounting surfaces shall be straight and flat such that full contact is obtained with the equipment being supported or retained.

FASTENERS The following requirements for bolts, nuts, studs, cap screws, lock washers and cotter pins, shall apply, except where otherwise called for herein or on the Plans. All bolts for connecting machinery parts to each other or to supporting members shall be either high-strength bolts or turned bolts as shown on the Plans or as specified herein. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.6.18 Fasteners and Section 3.3.15 Bolt Holes and Bolts, of the AASHTO Specifications Unfinished bolts and turned bolts shall conform to the general requirements of ASTM A 449, Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans. Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through their nuts, but by no more than 1/4 inch beyond. The surface of the body of turned bolts shall have a surface texture of 63 microinches roughness average. Heads and nuts shall be hexagonal and finished with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size. Diameter of shanks shall be 1/16 inch greater than the threaded portion the bolt. Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a LC6 fit. Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the two nuts, or one nut and a lock-washer, shall be used on turned bolts. All bolt heads and nuts shall bear on seats square with the axis of the bolt. On castings, except where recessed, the bearing shall be on finished bosses or spot-faced seats. Bolt heads that are recessed in castings shall be square.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Where noted on the Plans, bolts shall be ASTM A 325 Type 1 or ASTM A449 for applicable sizes with suitable heavy hex nuts and washers unless otherwise shown on the Plans. SAE J429 Grade 5 bolts will be considered as an equivalent product for interconnecting machinery components provided that head sizes are dimensionally equivalent. Unless otherwise noted, anchor bolts fastening machinery components to concrete or granite block shall be threaded rods conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification F 1554 with heavy hex nuts and washers, diameter as shown on the Plans. Nuts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification A 563 unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Threads shall be the Coarse Thread Series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI B1.1, having a Class 2A tolerance. Double nuts shall be used on all anchor bolts. Adhesive shall be Hilti HIT HY 150 Max adhesive, or approved equal. All threads for bolts, nuts, and cap screws shall conform to the coarse thread series and shall have a Class 2 tolerance for bolts and nuts or Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B tolerance for nuts in accordance with the ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads." All bolt holes through unfinished surfaces shall be spot-faced for the head and nut, square with the axis of the bolts. Positive locks shall be furnished for all nuts. If double nuts are used, they shall be of standard thickness. Double nuts shall be used for all connections requiring occasional opening or adjustment. If lock washers are used for securing screws or nuts, they shall be made of tempered steel and shall conform to the SAE regular dimension and shall meet the SAE tests for temper and toughness. LUBRICATION, LUBRICANTS AND CHARTS The center pivot spool shall be fitted for a pressure system of lubrication using 1/4-inch pipe-size giant button head fittings. Grease fittings shall be located shall be as shown on the Plans.

The Contractor shall furnish sufficient lubricant to provide for the initial lubrication of each component on the structure requiring lubrication and such additional lubricant for normal maintenance requirements for a period of two years.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) The Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary for routine maintenance lubrication of the center pivot. The center pivot grease shall be provided with its own separate grease guns or other equipment normally used for application of the lubricant. Contractor shall also furnish two grease guns suitable for the center pivot fittings. Each device shall have a permanently attached nameplate listing the specific lubricant within. Maintenance lubricants shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. SPARE PARTS None required. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All manufacturers shall warrant all products and associated hardware to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed bridge contract. Final Acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Any defect within this period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at total cost including labor, parts, and transportation. The Contractor shall provide letters to the suppliers with copies to the Engineer, identifying the scheduled date of final acceptance of the bridge and therefore the date the warranty shall begin. If the date of final acceptance is extended, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to extend the commencement of the warranties from the suppliers at no cost to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to receive on demand a test report from an independent laboratory certifying that the equipment furnished meets these specifications, at no cost to the Owner should the testing reveal that the equipment does not conform to requirements. The Owner reserves the right to reject an entire shipment of material covered by this specification if an item or items are found to be defective within a 30-day period following receipt of materials.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL The machinery specified and approved on the shop drawings shall be installed according to best millwright practice. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting written proof to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of field installation consisting of the following requirements:

1. Millwright foreman – The millwright foreman shall have successfully installed movable bridge machinery on a previous project within the last five (5) years.

2. Millwrights – The millwrights shall have performed installations of heavy machinery of a similar character to that required within this project within the last five (5) years.

Machinery manufacture and installation shall conform to all applicable requirements in AASHTO Specifications and all applicable requirements with special requirements and additions as specified herein or as specified on the Plans. INSPECTION AND TESTING The Contractor shall give two weeks notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of work at the foundries, forge, and machine shops so that inspection may be conducted. No materials shall be cast or machined before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have been placed. The Contractor shall provide access to all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the foundries, forge, and machine shops. The Engineer shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises. Work done while the Engineer has been refused access will automatically be rejected. The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these Specifications.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Inspection at the foundries, forge and machine shops is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors; and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the defective materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of orders covering work as the Engineer may direct. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish test specimens, as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines, tools, and equipment necessary to prepare the specimens and to make the physical tests and chemical analyses. Copies of all test reports and chemical analyses shall be furnished to the Engineer. The acceptance of any material or finished parts by the Engineer shall not bar their subsequent rejection if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. PAINT AND PROTECTION All surfaces of the new center pivot assembly shall be painted using a three-coat system conforming to all requirements of the contract specification, except for the following: All unfinished machinery surfaces shall be made free of all chips, dirt, rust, scale, sand, grease, and other foreign matter by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other approved means as stated elsewhere. Blasting shall only be done on unassembled parts prior to assembly, and each part shall be carefully cleaned afterward to remove any remaining blast material. After proper surface preparation, all unfinished machinery surfaces shall be given one shop coat of primer prepared in accordance with the requirements of the contract specifications. Cleaning of surfaces preparatory to shop painting shall not be by sand blast as specified for structural metal, but shall be by means of wire brushes, scrapers and other suitable hand tools and solvents.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) All finished contact surfaces which are not finally assembled in the shop shall be coated with waterproof National Lubricating Grease Institute No. 3 Multipurpose grease as soon as possible after being accepted and before removal from the shop, and shall be adequately protected during shipment by wrapping with burlap or canvas held by wooden bats securely wired together. During erection these surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and a field coat of this grease applied. All machinery surfaces shall be protected against any damage by contamination at all times and no sand blasting shall be permitted within the machinery area unless approved by the Engineer. All grease holes shall be adequately plugged for painting and shipment. Careful attention shall be given to the protection of all machinery parts during shipment and while stored before erection. After installation is complete, all machinery surfaces remaining exposed, except rubbing surfaces, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given two field coats of paint prepared as specified elsewhere for intermediate and finish coat. The color of paint for machinery components shall be as approved by the Engineer. Nameplates on all manufacturers’ components shall be readable, clean and free of all paint before acceptance of the machinery. After completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the machinery, all accumulated oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter shall be solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP1 from exposed machinery surfaces, except rubbing surfaces. PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENT All finished metal surfaces and unpainted metal surfaces that might be damaged by corrosion shall be coated as soon as practicable after disassembly or finishing with a corrosive-preventative compound. This coating shall be removed from all surfaces prior to assembly and painting after installation. All machinery parts shall be completely protected from weather, dirt and all other injurious conditions during disassembly, manufacture, shipment and while awaiting erection. The center pivot journal shall be protected during shipment and before erection by a packing of oil-soaked fabric secured in place by burlap and covered with heavy metal thimbles or heavy timber lagging securely attached. Every precaution shall be taken to ensure that the bearing surfaces will not be damaged and that all parts shall arrive at their destination in satisfactory condition.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) Assembled units shall be mounted on skids or otherwise crated for protection during handling and shipment. INSTALLATION AND FIELD TESTING Prior to any work being performed on the center pivot, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed mechanical work procedure. This procedure shall give, in detail, methods for providing measurements for clearances, alignments, detailed explanation for match marking, and installation and testing of machinery. Procedures shall include duration of time involved with the work and shall show coordination with structural and electrical contractors which will be coinciding with the mechanical work. The machinery shall be installed and adjusted by competent millwrights skilled in the type of work involved, with qualifications as specified herein. Millwrights shall provide all necessary measuring and leveling instruments as may be required including, but not limited to, dial indicators and laser alignment equipment. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and methods to the Engineer to verify proper alignment of all machinery. The center pivot shall be installed level and plumb to earth. The alignment of all components shall be checked by the use of laser alignment tools, dial indicators and/or feeler gages both before and after final bolting up of the machinery in the presence of the Engineer. Any re-adjustment after final bolting required by the Engineer in order to conform to this requirement shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. After the machinery installation is complete, the Contractor shall make a thorough inspection to ensure that all components are clean and free of obstruction, that all parts are aligned and adjusted as closely as practicable without actual operation, and that all bolts are properly tightened. All mechanical components shall be adequately lubricated to the proper level, and all rotating parts shall be supplied with lubricants as recommended by the suppliers of the units. Typical lubricants for the various locations are as follows:

Center pivot: NGLI Grade #2 TESTS AND PRELIMINARY OPERATION The swing span is an operating machine. The Contractor shall construct, erect and adjust every part so that the machine will function and operate satisfactorily. The Contractor shall make all necessary tests of the completed structure and all trial operations so that the completed structure, ready for acceptance, shall be in perfect operating condition and in accordance with design.

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ITEM 997.004 (Continued) During testing and adjustment of the movable span, representatives of the manufacturer of mechanical components shall be present at the bridge site and available for consultation as may be required. When the equipment is ready for testing, the entire machinery system shall be operated through not less than five complete cycles. During the foregoing test runs, all parts shall be inspected to detect misalignment or incorrect adjustment. All such defects shall be corrected at no cost to the Owner before final acceptance. The Contractor shall supply without charge all labor, equipment, and materials as necessary for testing, adjustments, and preliminary operation. Until final acceptance, the Contractor shall operate the span as required for marine traffic. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of manufacturing, furnishing, shipping, installing, inspecting, testing, and adjusting all center pivot components including the center pivot, spool, upper and lower strut plates, and such accessories such as bolts for connecting machinery parts together and to structural supports. The Contract Bid Price shall include painting the center pivot along with all materials; bolts, shims, keys, and lubricants; labor; equipment; tools and for furnishing all drawings, materials for manuals, charts, warranty, and other data and services; including adjusting and aligning, required to properly execute and place in complete working order the turning machinery. Payment for removal and relocation of the existing center pivot shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this Item. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the bid price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall consist of furnishing the end lift assemblies including all labor, equipment, and materials as shown on the Plans and specified herein. This work includes manufacturing, testing, inspection, shipping, installing, alignment, adjusting, field painting, lubricating and field testing to place the end lift assemblies in satisfactory operating condition. Mechanical demolition work including removal of end lifts shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.001 Machinery Demolition.

SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The design, material requirements, workmanship, and erection of all machinery components shall meet the applicable requirements of AASHTO 1988 Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges and subsequent Interim Specifications, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Specifications, and any other specification or standard as specified herein or as shown on the Plans. REQUIRED DRAWINGS AND DATA The Contractor shall furnish data and detailed shop drawings on the mechanical equipment as specified herein and as required elsewhere in the Plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall also submit shop procedures for all welding, heat treatment, and testing to the Engineer for review and approval. WORKING DRAWINGS

Working drawings as necessary for the fabrication and assembly of the end lift assemblies shall be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval as described in the Special Provisions, and as required herein. The drawings shall include complete details of fabricated parts and a tabulation giving the name of the part, description, function, and weight of each component. Each component shall be identified by an item number and complete assembly layout drawings shall be furnished identifying each component by the item number. The assembly drawing(s) shall be developed to a level of detail to ensure interferences do not occur during or after the completed installation. The Plans show general details of the end lift assembly, in keeping with the contract design requirements and in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The Plans are not intended to be complete in all details.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) The size and strengths of all machinery parts are proportioned to conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and maintain the original (1883) design intent. The standard of quality in details as shown in the Plans shall be maintained. It is the intent of this design to essentially replicate the original machinery components where practical and appropriate. Dimensions of new machinery components which are essentially in-kind replacements of existing components shall be verified against the existing by the Contractor. As is the nature of rehabilitation work, all dimensions shown on the Plans must be verified by the Contractor. Working drawings shall show all parts completely detailed and dimensioned. The grade and extent of finish machining, with all tolerances and allowances, shall be stated for each part for which a specific fit is required. Finished surfaces shall be as defined by the ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture; and fits shall be as defined by the ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, unless otherwise stated herein or on the Plans. ANSI B4.1 shall also apply to fits for non-cylindrical parts. The Contractor shall furnish complete data regarding the design and construction of all manufactured items to be furnished under this Contract, including material specifications and certifications. Complete shop bills of materials shall be made for all end lift assembly parts. If the bills are not shown on the working drawings, prints of the bills shall be furnished for review in the same manner as specified for the drawings. Working drawings shall give identifying marks and critical dimensions for locating each part or assembled unit with respect to the center pier or station point. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review the required number of prints of all working drawings. In case of correction or rejection, the Contractor shall resubmit the required number of prints until the drawings are approved, and such procedure shall not be considered a cause for delay. The Contractor shall bear all costs for damages which may result from the ordering of any materials prior to the approval of the working drawings; and no work shall be done until the working drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with as many prints of the approved drawings as may be ordered. Contractor shall submit a stress relief heat treatment procedure to the Engineer for approval for all conditions as required and specified herein. The procedure shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber, and any other information to fully explain the procedure.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) Approval of the working drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the satisfactory construction and operation of the turning machinery. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ORDERS Within 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the Engineer that all the mechanical equipment/materials, as shown on the Plans and/or as specified herein, have been ordered, to the extent that production of shop drawings will not be delayed. Evidence may be in the form of copies of purchase orders or a signed written statement showing dates and company from which each item was ordered. MATERIALS The materials shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein, or as specified on the Plans if plan requirements are more stringent. The Plans show equipment schedules listing the minimum design requirements for the new equipment. All equipment and materials furnished under the items specified herein shall be brand new. All equipment, materials and workmanship shall be first class in every particular, and shall be manufactured and installed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All recognized industry or association standards or specifications referred to herein as being a requirement of these Special Provisions shall be considered as binding as though reproduced in full herein unless supplemented and/or modified by more stringent requirements of the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated the reference standard or specification which is current as of the date of issuance of these Special Provisions shall be governing. The following abbreviations will be used herein and on the Plans to designate standard specifications for material and workmanship:

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO American Iron and Steel Institute AISI American National Standards Institute ANSI American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM American Welding Society AWS National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council) SSPC

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) STEEL CASTINGS Patterns for castings specifically cast for this project shall be substantially constructed and shall be finished to give a neat appearance to the castings. Unfinished edges and inside corners shall have rounded edges and fillets. Draft in patterns shall assure a minimum thickness equal to that shown on the Plans. Ample thickness of material shall be provided so that after finishing, the thickness of metal at every point will not be less than shown on the Plans. The allowance for draft shall be as small as is practicable. After use, patterns shall be shipped to the site and stored at the location as directed by the Engineer. Each pattern shall have a distinctive mark to correspond with their respective item numbers that will show on the castings. These marks shall be so located to minimize the visual impact of such identifiers. All steel castings shall be fully annealed per approved heat treatment procedure. Castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blowholes and other defects in positions affecting their strength and value for the service intended. All castings shall be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand to present a smooth, clean, and uniform surface. All unfinished edges of castings shall be neatly cast with rounded corners, and all inside angles shall have ample fillets. All surfaces requiring finish shall have adequate material allowance for machining to finish dimensions. All bolted mating surfaces shall be machined and finished to permit proper alignment as shown on the Plans. Machined bosses shall be provided on cast steel machinery parts to give proper seats for bolt heads and nuts. Blowholes appearing upon finished castings shall be so located that a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than one (1) inch in any one (1) foot, nor shall any single blowhole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greater than one-half (1/2) square inch. Blowholes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects that do not impair the strength, with the approval of the Engineer, may be welded by an approved process and be inspected by magnetic particle examination. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling, or other satisfactory method, and, after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if required by the Engineer. Castings which have been welded without the Engineer’s permission will be rejected.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) All castings shall be 100% ultrasonic tested by a certified technician in the presence the Engineer. Any defect(s) found violating the above blowhole criteria or any other flaws including but not limited to, shrinkage, filamentary, micro/macro-shrinkage, cracks, hot tears, airlocks, and gas holes that demonstrates a change in the strength of the casting shall be grounds for rejection of the piece. STRUCTURAL STEEL Structural steel for machinery supports shall be as shown on the Plans, and conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Steel components of manufactured items shall conform to the materials recommended by the manufacturer. The Plans indicate minimum requirements for structural steel plates for the end lift assembly. The material thickness shown on the Plans are to be considered the minimum acceptable and should be increased if appropriate for the application. Top surfaces of all steel plates shall be milled after fabrication to provide a uniform surface. All surfaces requiring milling shall have adequate material allowance for milling to the minimum finish dimensions as required by AASHTO Section 2.5.17 “Fits and Surface Finishes”, or as shown on the Plans.

FASTENERS The following requirements for bolts, nuts, studs, cap screws, lock washers and cotter pins, shall apply, except where otherwise called for herein or on the Plans. All bolts for connecting machinery parts to each other or to supporting members shall be either high-strength bolts or turned bolts as shown on the Plans or as specified herein. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.6.18 Fasteners and Section 3.3.15 Bolt Holes and Bolts, of the AASHTO Specification, unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. Unfinished bolts and turned bolts shall conform to the general requirements of ASTM A 449, Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans. Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through their nuts, but by no more than 1/4 inch beyond.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) The surface of the body of turned bolts shall have a surface texture of 63 microinches roughness average. Heads and nuts shall be hexagonal and finished with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size. Diameter of shanks shall be 1/16 inch greater than the threaded portion the bolt. Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a LC6 fit. Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the two nuts, or one nut and a lock-washer, shall be used on turned bolts. All bolt heads and nuts shall bear on seats square with the axis of the bolt. On castings, except where recessed, the bearing shall be on finished bosses or spot-faced seats. Bolt heads that are recessed in castings shall be square. Where noted on the Plans, bolts shall be ASTM A 325 Type 1 or ASTM A449 for applicable sizes with suitable heavy hex nuts and washers. SAE J429 Grade 5 bolts will be considered as an equivalent product for interconnecting machinery components provided that head sizes are dimensionally equivalent. Anchor bolts fastening the end lift strike plates to the granite block shall be threaded rods conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification F 1554 with heavy hex nuts and washers, diameter as shown on the Plans. Nuts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification A 563. Threads shall be the Coarse Thread Series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI B1.1, having a Class 2A tolerance. Adhesive shall be Hilti HIT HY 150 Max adhesive, or approved equal. All threads for bolts, nuts, and cap screws shall conform to the coarse thread series and shall have a Class 2 tolerance for bolts and nuts or Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B tolerance for nuts in accordance with the ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads." All bolt holes through unfinished surfaces shall be spot-faced for the head and nut, square with the axis of the bolts. Positive locks shall be furnished for all nuts. If double nuts are used, they shall be of standard thickness. Double nuts shall be used for all connections requiring occasional opening or adjustment. If lock washers are used for securing screws or nuts, they shall be made of tempered steel and shall conform to the SAE regular dimension and shall meet the SAE tests for temper and toughness.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) LUBRICATION, LUBRICANTS AND CHARTS The Contractor shall furnish sufficient lubricant to provide for the initial lubrication of each component on the end lifts assemblies requiring lubrication and such additional lubricant for normal maintenance requirements for a period of two years. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary for routine maintenance lubrication of the end lifts. The end lift grease shall be provided with its own separate grease guns or other equipment normally used for application of the lubricant. Contractor shall also furnish two grease guns suitable for the end lift fittings. Each device shall have a permanently attached nameplate listing the specific lubricant within. Maintenance lubricants shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. LOCKS The Contractor shall furnish padlocks as depicted on the Plans for securing the end lift handles to prevent unauthorized operation. Padlocks shall be covered laminated padlocks, suitable for outdoor use, with hardened body and shackle. Locks shall be keyed alike and keyed the same as any other padlocked machinery component on the bridge. Number of keys provided shall be as specified by the Owner. SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts for the end lifts:

1 Support leg 1 Strike plate assembly 1 Strike plate assembly hardware 1 End lift handle

Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized carton with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents, and they shall be stored where directed by the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All manufacturers shall warrant all products and associated hardware to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed bridge contract. Final Acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Any defect within this period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at total cost including labor, parts, and transportation. The Contractor shall provide letters to the suppliers with copies to the Engineer, identifying the scheduled date of final acceptance of the bridge and therefore the date the warranty shall begin. If the date of final acceptance is extended, it shall be the Contractors responsibility to extend the commencement of the warranties from the suppliers at no cost to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to receive on demand a test report from an independent laboratory certifying that the equipment furnished meets these specifications, at no cost to the Owner should the testing reveal that the equipment does not conform to requirements. The Owner reserves the right to reject an entire shipment of material covered by this specification if an item or items are found to be defective within a 30-day period following receipt of materials. CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL The machinery specified and approved on the shop drawings shall be installed according to best millwright practice. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting written proof to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of field installation consisting of the following requirements:

1. Millwright foreman – The millwright foreman shall have successfully installed movable bridge machinery on a previous project within the last five (5) years.

2. Millwrights – The millwrights shall have performed installations of heavy machinery of a similar character to that required within this project within the last five (5) years.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) Machinery manufacture and installation shall conform to all applicable requirements in AASHTO Specifications and all applicable requirements with special requirements and additions as specified herein or as specified on the Plans INSPECTION AND TESTING The Contractor shall give two weeks notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of work at the foundries, forge, and machine shops so that inspection may be conducted. No materials shall be cast or machined before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have been placed. The Contractor shall provide access to all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the foundries, forge, and machine shops. The Engineer shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises. Work done while the Engineer has been refused access will automatically be rejected. The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. Inspection at the foundries, forge and machine shops is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors; and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the defective materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of orders covering work as the Engineer may direct. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish test specimens, as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines, tools, and equipment necessary to prepare the specimens and to make the physical tests and chemical analyses. Copies of all test reports and chemical analyses shall be furnished to the Engineer. The acceptance of any material or finished parts by the Engineer shall not bar their subsequent rejection if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) PAINT AND PROTECTION All surfaces of the new end lift assembly shall be painted using a three-coat system conforming to all requirements of the contract specification, except for the following: All unfinished machinery surfaces shall be made free of all chips, dirt, rust, scale, sand, grease, and other foreign matter by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other approved means as stated elsewhere. Blasting shall only be done on unassembled parts prior to assembly, and each part shall be carefully cleaned afterward to remove any remaining blast material. After proper surface preparation, all unfinished machinery surfaces shall be given one shop coat of primer prepared in accordance with the requirements of the contract specifications. Cleaning of surfaces preparatory to shop painting shall not be by sand blast as specified for structural metal, but shall be by means of wire brushes, scrapers and other suitable hand tools and solvents. All finished contact surfaces which are not finally assembled in the shop shall be coated with waterproof National Lubricating Grease Institute No. 3 Multipurpose grease as soon as possible after being accepted and before removal from the shop, and shall be adequately protected during shipment by wrapping with burlap or canvas held by wooden bats securely wired together. During erection these surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and a field coat of this grease applied. All machinery surfaces shall be protected against any damage by contamination at all times and no sand blasting shall be permitted within the machinery area unless approved by the Engineer. All grease holes shall be adequately plugged for painting and shipment. Careful attention shall be given to the protection of all machinery parts during shipment and while stored before erection.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) After installation is complete, all machinery surfaces remaining exposed, except rubbing surfaces, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given two field coats of paint prepared as specified elsewhere for intermediate and finish coat. The color of paint for machinery components shall be as approved by the Engineer. Nameplates on all manufacturers’ components shall be readable, clean and free of all paint before acceptance of the machinery. After completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the machinery, all accumulated oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter shall be solvent cleaned, in accordance with SSPC-SP1 from exposed machinery surfaces, except rubbing surfaces. PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENT All finished metal surfaces and unpainted metal surfaces that might be damaged by corrosion shall be coated as soon as practicable after disassembly or finishing with a corrosive-preventative compound. This coating shall be removed from all surfaces prior to assembly and painting after installation. All machinery parts shall be completely protected from weather, dirt and all other injurious conditions during disassembly, manufacture, shipment and while awaiting erection. Assembled units shall be mounted on skids or otherwise crated for protection during handling and shipment. INSTALLATION AND FIELD TESTING Prior to any work being performed on the end lifts, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed mechanical work procedure. This procedure shall give, in detail, methods for providing measurements for clearances, alignments, detailed explanation for match marking, and installation and testing of machinery. Procedures shall include duration of time involved with the work and shall show coordination with structural and electrical contractors which will be coinciding with the mechanical work.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) The machinery shall be installed and adjusted by competent millwrights skilled in the type of work involved, with qualifications as specified herein. Millwrights shall provide all necessary measuring and leveling instruments as may be required including, but not limited to, dial indicators and laser alignment equipment. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and methods to the Engineer to verify proper alignment of all machinery. The alignment of all components shall be checked by the use of laser alignment tools, dial indicators and/or feeler gages both before and after final bolting up of the machinery in the presence of the Engineer. Any re-adjustment after final bolting required by the Engineer in order to conform to this requirement shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. After the machinery installation is complete, the Contractor shall make a thorough inspection to ensure that all components are clean and free of obstruction, that all parts are aligned and adjusted as closely as practicable without actual operation, and that all bolts are properly tightened. All mechanical components shall be adequately lubricated to the proper level, and all rotating parts shall be supplied with lubricants as recommended by the suppliers of the units. Typical lubricants for the various locations are as follows:

End lift assemblies: NGLI Grade #2

TESTS AND PRELIMINARY OPERATION The swing span is an operating machine. The Contractor shall construct, erect and adjust every part so that the machine will function and operate satisfactorily. The Contractor shall make all necessary tests of the completed structure and all trial operations so that the completed structure, ready for acceptance, shall be in perfect operating condition and in accordance with design. During testing and adjustment of the movable span, representatives of the manufacturer of mechanical components shall be present at the bridge site and available for consultation as may be required.

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ITEM 997.005 (Continued) When the equipment is ready for testing, the entire machinery system shall be operated through not less than five complete cycles. During the foregoing test runs, all parts shall be inspected to detect misalignment or incorrect adjustment. All such defects shall be corrected at no cost to the Owner before final acceptance. The Contractor shall supply without charge all labor, equipment, and materials as necessary for testing, adjustments, and preliminary operation. Until final acceptance, the Contractor shall operate the span as required for marine traffic. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of manufacturing, furnishing, shipping, installing, inspecting, testing, and adjusting all end lift components and such accessories such as bolts for connecting machinery parts together and to structural supports. The Contract Bid Price shall include all cost of painting the end lift along with all materials; bolts, shims, keys, and lubricants; labor; equipment; tools and for furnishing all drawings, materials for manuals, charts, warranty, and other data and services; including adjusting and aligning, required to properly execute and place in complete working order the turning machinery. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the bid price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.

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Work under this item shall consist of furnishing the end latch assemblies including all labor, equipment, and materials as shown on the Plans and specified herein. This work includes manufacturing, testing, inspection, shipping, installing, alignment, adjusting, field painting, lubricating and field testing to place the end latch assemblies in satisfactory operating condition. Mechanical demolition work including removal of end latches shall be paid for and conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Section 997.001 Machinery Demolition.

SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The design, material requirements, workmanship, and erection of all machinery components shall meet the applicable requirements of the AASHTO 1988 Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges and subsequent Interim Specifications, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Specifications, and any other specification or standard as specified herein or as shown on the Plans. REQUIRED DRAWINGS AND DATA The Contractor shall furnish data and detailed shop drawings on the mechanical equipment as specified herein and as required elsewhere in the Plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall also submit shop procedures for all heat treatment and testing to the Engineer for review and approval. WORKING DRAWINGS

Working drawings as necessary for the fabrication and assembly of the end latch assemblies shall be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval as described in the Special Provisions, and as required herein. The drawings shall include complete details of fabricated parts and a tabulation giving the name of the part, description, function, and weight of each component. Each component shall be identified by an item number and complete assembly layout drawings shall be furnished identifying each component by the item number. The assembly drawing(s) shall be developed to a level of detail to ensure interferences do not occur during or after the completed installation.

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ITEM 997.006 (Continued) The Plans show general details of the end latch assemblies, in keeping with the contract design requirements and in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The Plans are not intended to be complete in all details. The size and strengths of all machinery parts are proportioned to conform to the requirements of the AASHTO Specifications and maintain the original (1883) design intent. The standard of quality in details as shown in the Plans shall be maintained. It is the intent of this design to essentially replicate the original machinery components where practical and appropriate. Dimensions of new machinery components which are essentially in-kind replacements of existing components shall be verified against the existing by the Contractor. As is the nature of rehabilitation work, all dimensions shown on the Plans must be verified by the Contractor. Working drawings shall show all parts completely detailed and dimensioned. The grade and extent of finish machining, with all tolerances and allowances, shall be stated for each part for which a specific fit is required. Finished surfaces shall be as defined by the ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture; and fits shall be as defined by the ANSI B4.1, Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, unless otherwise stated herein or on the Plans. ANSI B4.1 shall also apply to fits for non-cylindrical parts. The Contractor shall furnish complete data regarding the design and construction of all manufactured items to be furnished under this Contract, including material specifications and certifications. Complete shop bills of materials shall be made for all end latch assembly parts. If the bills are not shown on the working drawings, prints of the bills shall be furnished for review in the same manner as specified for the drawings. Working drawings shall give identifying marks and critical dimensions for locating each part or assembled unit with respect to the center pier or station point. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review the required number of prints of all working drawings. In case of correction or rejection, the Contractor shall resubmit the required number of prints until the drawings are approved, and such procedure shall not be considered a cause for delay. The Contractor shall bear all costs for damages which may result from the ordering of any materials prior to the approval of the working drawings; and no work shall be done until the working drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with as many prints of the approved drawings as may be ordered.

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ITEM 997.006 (Continued) Contractor shall submit a stress relief heat treatment procedure to the Engineer for approval for all conditions as required and specified herein. The procedure shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber, and any other information to fully explain the procedure. Approval of the working drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the satisfactory construction and operation of the end latch assemblies. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ORDERS Within 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the Engineer that all the mechanical equipment/materials, as shown on the Plans and/or as specified herein, have been ordered, to the extent that production of shop drawings will not be delayed. Evidence may be in the form of copies of purchase orders or a signed written statement showing dates and company from which each item was ordered. MATERIALS GENERAL The materials shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein, or as specified on the Plans if plan requirements are more stringent. The Plans show equipment schedules listing the minimum design requirements for the new equipment. All equipment and materials furnished under the items specified herein shall be brand new. All equipment, materials and workmanship shall be first class in every particular, and shall be manufactured and installed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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ITEM 997.006 (Continued) All recognized industry or association standards or specifications referred to herein as being a requirement of these Special Provisions shall be considered as binding as though reproduced in full herein unless supplemented and/or modified by more stringent requirements of the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated the reference standard or specification which is current as of the date of issuance of these Special Provisions shall be governing. The following abbreviations will be used herein and on the Plans to designate standard specifications for material and workmanship:

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO American Gear Manufacturers Association AGMA American Iron and Steel Institute AISI American National Standards Institute ANSI American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM American Welding Society AWS National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE

The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council) SSPC STEEL CASTINGS Patterns for castings specifically cast for this project shall be substantially constructed and shall be finished to give a neat appearance to the castings. Unfinished edges and inside corners shall have rounded edges and fillets. Draft in patterns shall assure a minimum thickness equal to that shown on the Plans. Ample thickness of material shall be provided so that after finishing, the thickness of metal at every point will not be less than shown on the Plans. The allowance for draft shall be as small as is practicable. After use, patterns shall be shipped to the site and stored at the location as directed by the Engineer. Each pattern shall have a distinctive mark to correspond with their respective item numbers that will show on the castings. These marks shall be so located to minimize the visual impact of such identifiers when the castings are installed in their final locations. All steel castings shall be fully annealed per approved heat treatment procedure. Castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blowholes and other defects in positions affecting their strength and value for the service intended. All castings shall be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand to present a smooth, clean, and uniform surface.

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ITEM 997.006 (Continued) All unfinished edges of castings shall be neatly cast with rounded corners, and all inside angles shall have ample fillets. All surfaces requiring finish shall have adequate material allowance for machining to finish dimensions. All bolted mating surfaces shall be machined and finished to permit proper alignment as shown on the Plans. . Where indicated on the Plans, machined bosses shall be provided on cast steel machinery parts to give proper seats for bolt heads and nuts.

Blowholes appearing upon finished castings shall be so located that a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than one (1) inch in any one (1) foot, nor shall any single blowhole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greater than one-half (1/2) square inch. Blowholes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects that do not impair the strength, with the approval of the Engineer, may be welded by an approved process and be inspected by magnetic particle examination. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling, or other satisfactory method, and, after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if required by the Engineer. Castings which have been welded without the Engineer’s permission will be rejected.

All castings shall be 100% ultrasonic tested by a certified technician in the presence of the Engineer. Any defect(s) found violating the above criteria or any other flaws including but not limited to, shrinkage, filamentary, micro/macro-shrinkage, cracks, hot tears, airlocks, and gas holes that demonstrates a change in the strength of the casting shall be grounds for rejection of the piece. STRUCTURAL STEEL Structural steel for machinery base supports shall be as shown on the Plans, and conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Steel components of manufactured items shall conform to the materials recommended by the manufacturer. The Plans indicate minimum requirements for structural steel plates for the end latch assemblies. The material thickness shown on the Plans are to be considered the minimum acceptable and should be increased if appropriate for the application. Top surfaces of all steel plates shall be milled after fabrication to provide a uniform surface. All surfaces requiring milling shall have adequate material allowance for milling to the minimum finish dimensions as required by AASHTO Section 2.5.17 “Fits and Surface Finishes”, or as shown on the Plans.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) WELDS All welding required herein or called for on the Plans shall be done in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.5. Weldments shall be stress relieved by heat prior to final machining as specified herein. The fitting up and welding procedure shall be such that distortion of the work will be a minimum. If necessary to obtain this result, suitable welding fixtures shall be used. The Contractor shall submit welding procedures, together with the working drawings for the parts to the Engineer for approval. All welding shall be performed by welders certified for the type of work being performed. All fillet welds and partial penetration groove welds shall be tested by the magnetic-particle method in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of AWS D1.5. Radiographic testing shall be used for examination of complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints and for complete penetration groove welds in T-joints, and corner joints shall be tested by ultrasonic testing. All field welds shall be stress relieved by peening unless otherwise indicated within these Special Provisions or within the Plans or unless specific written permission is granted to omit the peening process for each particular weld. The Contractor shall submit proposed weld procedures for all field welds for review and approval by Engineer. The proposed peening procedures will be required to be included in the weld procedures before approval will be granted. In addition, any existing structural steel being field welded shall be tested to determine its chemical composition. The actual chemistry of the existing steel shall be considered when developing the proposed field welding procedures. The chemistry of each and every existing plate or shape shall be determined. No field welding shall begin until the approved weld procedures are available. All field welding shall be in accordance with requirements of the Standard Specifications. Welded steel machinery parts shall be given a stress relief heat treatment. The Contractor shall submit a schedule of the proposed stress relief heat treatment to the Engineer for his approval. The schedule shall include a description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, including the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, and the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the chamber. Soaking times less than one hour will not be approved.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) FASTENERS The following requirements for bolts, nuts, studs, cap screws, lock washers and cotter pins, shall apply, except where otherwise called for herein or on the Plans. All bolts for connecting machinery parts to each other or to supporting members shall be either high-strength bolts or turned bolts as shown on the Plans or as specified herein. Bolts shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.6.18 Fasteners and Section 3.3.15 Bolt Holes and Bolts, of the AASHTO Specifications Unfinished bolts and turned bolts shall conform to the general requirements of ASTM A 449, Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans. Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through their nuts, but by no more than 1/4 inch beyond. The surface of the body of turned bolts shall have a surface texture of 63 microinches roughness average. Heads and nuts shall be as shown on the plans and finished with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size. Diameter of shanks shall be 1/16 inch greater than the threaded portion the bolt. Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a LC6 fit. Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the nut(s), or one nut and a lock-washer, shall be used on turned bolts. All bolt heads and nuts shall bear on seats square with the axis of the bolt. On castings, except where recessed, the bearing shall be on finished bosses or spot-faced seats unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Bolt heads that are recessed in castings shall be square. Where noted on the Plans, bolts shall be ASTM A 325 Type 1 or ASTM A449 for applicable sizes with suitable heavy hex nuts and washers. SAE J429 Grade 5 bolts will be considered as an equivalent product for interconnecting machinery components provided that head sizes are dimensionally equivalent. All threads for bolts, nuts, and cap screws shall conform to the coarse thread series and shall have a Class 2 tolerance for bolts and nuts or Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B tolerance for nuts in accordance with the ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads."

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) Where shown on the Plans, bolt holes through unfinished surfaces shall be spot-faced for the head and nut, square with the axis of the bolts. Positive locks shall be furnished for all nuts. If double nuts are used, they shall be of standard thickness. Double nuts shall be used for all connections requiring occasional opening or adjustment. If lock washers are used for securing screws or nuts, they shall be made of tempered steel and shall conform to the SAE regular dimension and shall meet the SAE tests for temper and toughness. SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts for the end latch assemblies:

1 Complete end latch assembly Spare parts shall be provided in sealed, uniform-sized carton with typed and clearly varnished labels to indicate their contents, and they shall be stored where directed by the Engineer. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All manufacturers shall warrant all products and associated hardware to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed bridge contract. Final Acceptance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Any defect within this period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at total cost including labor, parts, and transportation. The Contractor shall provide letters to the suppliers with copies to the Engineer, identifying the scheduled date of final acceptance of the bridge and therefore the date the warranty shall begin. If the date of final acceptance is extended, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to extend the commencement of the warranties from the suppliers at no cost to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to receive on demand a test report from an independent laboratory certifying that the equipment furnished meets these specifications, at no cost to the Owner should the testing reveal that the equipment does not conform to requirements. The Owner reserves the right to reject an entire shipment of material covered by this specification if an item or items are found to be defective within a 30-day period following receipt of materials.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) CONSTRUCTION METHODS GENERAL The machinery specified and approved on the shop drawings shall be installed according to best millwright practice. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting written proof to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of field installation consisting of the following requirements:

1. Millwright foreman – The millwright foreman shall have successfully installed movable bridge machinery on a previous project within the last five (5) years.

2. Millwrights – The millwrights shall have performed installations of heavy machinery of a similar character to that required within this project within the last five (5) years.

Machinery manufacture and installation shall conform to all applicable requirements in AASHTO Specifications and all applicable requirements with special requirements and additions as specified herein or as specified on the Plans. INSPECTION AND TESTING The Contractor shall give two weeks notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of work at the foundries, forge, and machine shops so that inspection may be conducted. No materials shall be cast or machined before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have been placed. The Contractor shall provide access to all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the foundries and machine shops. The Engineer shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises. Work done while the Engineer has been refused access will automatically be rejected. The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these Specifications.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) Inspection at the foundries and machine shops is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors; and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the defective materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of orders covering work as the Engineer may direct. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish test specimens, as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines, tools, and equipment necessary to prepare the specimens and to make the physical tests and chemical analyses. Copies of all test reports and chemical analyses shall be furnished to the Engineer. The acceptance of any material or finished parts by the Engineer shall not bar their subsequent rejection if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. PAINT AND PROTECTION All surfaces of the new end latch assemblies shall be painted using a three-coat system conforming to all requirements of the contract specification, except for the following: All unfinished machinery surfaces shall be made free of all chips, dirt, rust, scale, sand, grease, and other foreign matter by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other approved means as stated elsewhere. Blasting shall only be done on unassembled parts prior to assembly, and each part shall be carefully cleaned afterward to remove any remaining blast material. After proper surface preparation, all unfinished machinery surfaces shall be given one shop coat of primer prepared in accordance with the requirements of the contract specifications. Cleaning of surfaces preparatory to shop painting shall not be by sand blast as specified for structural metal, but shall be by means of wire brushes, scrapers and other suitable hand tools and solvents.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) All finished contact surfaces which are not finally assembled in the shop shall be coated with waterproof National Lubricating Grease Institute No. 3 Multipurpose grease as soon as possible after being accepted and before removal from the shop, and shall be adequately protected during shipment by wrapping with burlap or canvas held by wooden bats securely wired together. During erection these surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and a field coat of this grease applied. All machinery surfaces shall be protected against any damage by contamination at all times and no sand blasting shall be permitted within the machinery area unless approved by the Engineer. All grease holes shall be adequately plugged for painting and shipment. Careful attention shall be given to the protection of all machinery parts during shipment and while stored before erection. After installation is complete, all machinery surfaces remaining exposed, except rubbing surfaces, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given two field coats of paint prepared as specified elsewhere for intermediate and finish coat. The color of paint for machinery components shall be as approved by the Engineer and/or Owner. After completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the machinery, all accumulated oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter shall be solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP1 from exposed machinery surfaces, except rubbing surfaces. PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENT All finished metal surfaces and unpainted metal surfaces that might be damaged by corrosion shall be coated as soon as practicable after disassembly or finishing with a corrosive-preventative compound. This coating shall be removed from all surfaces prior to assembly and painting after installation. All machinery parts shall be completely protected from weather, dirt and all other injurious conditions during disassembly, manufacture, shipment and while awaiting erection. Assembled units shall be mounted on skids or otherwise crated for protection during handling and shipment.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) INSTALLATION AND FIELD TESTING Prior to any work being performed on the end latches, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed mechanical work procedure. This procedure shall give, in detail, methods for providing measurements for clearances, alignments, detailed explanation for match marking, and installation and testing of machinery. Procedures shall include duration of time involved with the work and shall show coordination with structural and electrical contractors which will be coinciding with the mechanical work. The machinery shall be installed and adjusted by competent millwrights skilled in the type of work involved, with qualifications as specified herein. Millwrights shall provide all necessary measuring and leveling instruments as may be required including, but not limited to, dial indicators and laser alignment equipment. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and methods to the Engineer to verify proper alignment of all machinery. The alignment of all components shall be checked by the use of laser alignment tools, dial indicators and/or feeler gages both before and after final bolting up of the machinery in the presence of the Engineer. Any re-adjustment after final bolting required by the Engineer in order to conform to this requirement shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. After the machinery installation is complete, the Contractor shall make a thorough inspection to ensure that all components are clean and free of obstruction, that all parts are aligned and adjusted as closely as practicable without actual operation, and that all bolts are properly tightened.

TESTS AND PRELIMINARY OPERATION The swing span is an operating machine. The Contractor shall construct, erect and adjust every part so that the machine will function and operate satisfactorily. The Contractor shall make all necessary tests of the completed structure and all trial operations so that the completed structure, ready for acceptance, shall be in perfect operating condition and in accordance with design. During testing and adjustment of the movable span, representatives of the manufacturer of mechanical components shall be present at the bridge site and available for consultation as may be required.

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Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division

Project No. 061301


ITEM 997.006 (Continued) When the equipment is ready for testing, the entire machinery system shall be operated through not less than five complete cycles. During the foregoing test runs, all parts shall be inspected to detect misalignment or incorrect adjustment. All such defects shall be corrected at no cost to the Owner before final acceptance. The Contractor shall supply without charge all labor, equipment, and materials as necessary for testing, adjustments, and preliminary operation. Until final acceptance, the Contractor shall operate the span as required for marine traffic. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT This Item will be paid per the LUMP SUM unit at the Contract Bid Price, which price shall include the cost of manufacturing, furnishing, shipping, installing, inspecting, testing, and adjusting all end latch components and such accessories such as bolts for connecting machinery parts together and to structural supports. The Contract Bid Price shall also include the cost of painting the end latches along with all materials, labor, equipment, tools and for furnishing all drawings, materials for manuals, charts, warranty, and other data and services; including adjusting and aligning, required to properly execute and place in complete working order the end latches. Prospective Bidders shall make independent investigation of the machineries, materials and premises before submitting bids. No increase will be made to the Contract Bid Price due to the nature of machineries and materials involved. All costs for permits, dump fees, taxes, special handling of any machinery/material, etcetera, shall be included in the Contract Bid Price of this item. The payment will be due upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the Contractor wants any partial payment during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule of payment for approval of the Engineer prior to starting any work under this item.