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Krishna Rao Khanapur


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*because none of us have many years to live, and we can't take along

anything when we go, so we don't have to be too **thrifty.*

*Spend the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed,

Donate what you are able to donate, but don't leave all to your children or

grandchildren, for you don't want them to become parasites who are waiting

for the day you will die!!*

*DON'T WORRY about what will happen after we are gone, because when we

return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticisms. The time

to enjoy the worldly life and your hard earned wealth will be over!*

*DON'T WORRY too much about your children, for children will have their

own destiny and should find their own way. Don't be your children's slave.

Care for them, love them, give them gifts but also enjoy your money while

you can. Life should have more to it than working from the cradle to the


*DON'T EXPECT too much from your children. Caring children, though

caring, would be too busy with their jobs and commitments to render

much help.*

*Uncaring children may fight over your assets even when you are still

alive, and wish for your early demise so they can inherit your properties

and wealth.*

*Your children take for granted that they are rightful heirs to your

wealth; but that you have no claims to their money.*

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*50-year olds, don't trade in - your health for wealth, by working

yourself to an early grave anymore. Because your money may not be able to

buy your health.*

*When to stop making money, and how much is enough? *

*(A HUNDRED thousand, One million, ten million, One billion )?*

*Out of thousand hectares of good farm land, you can consume only

three quarts (of rice) daily; out of a thousand mansions, you only need

eight square meters of space to rest at night. *

*So, as long as you have enough food and enough money to spend, that is

good enough. You should live happily. Every family has its own problems.*

*Just DO NOT COMPARE with others for fame and social status and see

whose children are doing better etc., but challenge others for happiness,

health, enjoyment, quality of life and longevity.*

*DON'T WORRY about things that you can't change because it doesn't help

and it may spoil your health.*

*You have to create your own well-being and find your own place of

happiness. *

*As long as you are in good mood and good health, think about happy

things, do happy things daily and have fun in doing, then you will pass

your time happily every day.*

*One day passes WITHOUT happiness, you will lose one day.*

*One day passes WITH happiness and then you gain one day.*

*In good spirit, sickness will cure; *

*in a happy spirit, sickness will cure faster;*

*in high and happy spirits, sickness will never come.*

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*With good mood, suitable amount of exercise,* *always in the sun,* *variety

of foods,* *reasonable amount of vitamin and mineral intake,* *hopefully

you will live another 20 or 30 years of healthy life of pleasure.*

* - ABOVE ALL -*

*Learn to cherish the goodness around... and FRIENDS........... They

all make you feel young and "wanted"... without them you are surely to feel


*Wishing you all the best for the years to come.*

*Please share this with all your friends who are 50 plus and those who

will be 50 plus after some time and **also with your children.*

The CURE for all ills and wrongs, cares, sorrows and the crimes of

humanity, lies in one word 'LOVE'



The lifestyle of today is such that people always have too many balls in the air

and is competing with time. However, that is no excuse to eat junk food on the

go all the time. It leads to obesity and high cholesterol levels which are harmful

for health. Even though awareness regarding this has been generated, the

number of people suffering from high cholesterol has continues to increase

steadily over the years. High cholesterol can easily be managed by following a

few basic rules. Read on, before it’s too late.

1) Diet: The types of food you eat and the way they’re prepared can have an

immense effect on the cholesterol levels in your body. Certain food themselves

contain cholesterol which are known as dietary cholesterol. Some examples of

such foods are kidneys, eggs and prawns. However, the as compared to

saturated fats, cholesterol found in such food has much less effect on the level

of cholesterol in your blood. It is essential to cut down on saturated fats in order

to reduce your cholesterol levels.

ii. Fats and Cholesterol: Saturated and unsaturated are the two main types of

fat. Consuming foods that are high in saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels in

the blood. Foods high in saturated fat include ghee, cheese, cream, cakes,

biscuits, fatty cuts of meat and foods containing coconut or palm oil.

Unsaturated fat can actually help in reducing cholesterol levels. Foods high in

unsaturated fats include oily fish, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils and spreads. As

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Nuts are high in calories, only a handful is enough per serving. Include nuts such

as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts etcetera. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids

which are very good for the heart. Finally, reduce the total amount of fat in your

diet by avoiding fried and roasted foods. Steam, boil or grill your food. If you

must use oil, use olive oil.

ii. Fiber and cholesterol: The two different types of fiber are soluble fiber and

insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can be digested by your body whereas insoluble

fiber cannot. Foods containing soluble fiber includes oats, beans, peas, lentils,

chickpeas and of course, fruits and vegetables. Bananas are an excellent

source of fiber. Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your


iii. Another important point to be considered is the size of the portion being

consumed. Try to eat 5 balanced meals, containing small portions, a day.

Reducing your intake of caffeine can also help in lowering your cholesterol


2) Exercise: Studies have shown that exercising even 3 times a week can reduce

your cholesterol levels. The best form of exercise is to go for long walks. It doesn’t

require anything and can be done anytime, even in between your work. If you

are looking more vigorous activities then you can try cycling, running, dancing

and go to the gym. The most important thing is to enjoy what you do.

3) Drink Water: Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day as drinking more

water keeps the body fitter as it reduces fats. Our kidneys also do not function

properly if adequate amount of water is not supplied. Moreover, it also

eliminates water retention properly. It makes the endocrine gland function

properly which helps in balancing our body’s electrolytes, minerals such as

sodium, chloride and potassium, which regulate body temperature and control

blood pressure. Finally, it helps in the transportation of water-soluble vitamins and

nutrients such as protein, minerals and vitamins across the body.

4) Quit Smoking: Smoking not only increases the LDL (low density lipoproteins,

the bad cholesterol, while decreasing HDL (high density lipoproteins), the good

cholesterol levels. This damages the arteries. The nicotine in cigarettes can also

lead to heart palpitations. Smoking also makes the blood stickier by raising

fibrinogen levels and platelet counts. Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke

also raises blood cholesterol levels. Research has found that giving up smoking

leads to the rising of the HDL levels and depleting of the LDL levels. Within 24

hours of quitting, risk of a heart attack subsides. Due to all the above, it is proven

that it makes sense to quit smoking.

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The cockroach theory for self-development

> >>>>

> >>>> at a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on

a lady.

> >>>> She started screaming out of fear.

> >>>> With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with

both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

> >>>> Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

> >>>> The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but ...it landed

on another lady in the group.

> >>>> Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the


> >>>> The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

> >>>> In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

> >>>> The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of

the cockroach on his shirt.

> >>>> When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw

it out of the restaurant.

> >>>>

> >>>> Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my

mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach

> >>>> responsible for their histrionic behavior?

> >>>> If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

> >>>> He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

> >>>> It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle the

disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.

> >>>>

> >>>> I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife

that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their

shouting that disturbs me.

> >>>>

> >>>> It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to

handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me

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> >>>> More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates

chaos in my life.

> >>>> Lessons learnt from the story:

> >>>>

> >>>> I understood, I should not react in life.

> >>>> I should always respond.

> >>>> The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

> >>>>

> >>>> Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well

thought of, just and right to save a situation from going out of hands, to avoid

cracks in relationship, to avoid taking decisions in anger, anxiety, stress or hurry.

> >>>>

> >>>> A beautiful way t


How filter kaapi made it to Chennai Asha Sridhar



> - [image: Though coffee is said to have reached the shores of India,

> along with tea, in the 17th century, it was not until the end of the 19th

> century that coffee and it's `cultural other', tea, became a phenomenon in

> India -- Photo: Bijoy Ghosh]

> Though coffee is said to have reached the shores of India, along with

> tea, in the 17th century, it was not until the end of the 19th century that

> coffee and it's `cultural other', tea, became a phenomenon in India --

> Photo: Bijoy Ghosh

> -


> Asha Sridhar on the Ethiopian-origin beverage that became intrinsically

> linked to colonialism


> Chennai-bred entrepreneur S. Sujan (24) first took to coffee while studying

> in Scotland, four years ago. In his words, he "put up with the espressos

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> and cappuccinos", and when he came back home, got himself a filter and

> coffee

Powder to have "real coffee".


> New-age coffee shops, with their swanky couches and bloated prices, may

> have introduced the culture of drinking coffee to a new demographic, but

> youngsters like Sujan have chosen to keep alive a living tradition, where

> filter coffee is not just another drink.


> But, this drink which has, over the years, lapped up fierce loyalists,

> self-confessed connoisseurs and coffee puritans who spend much of their

> time contemplating the proportion in which the varieties of beans should be

> ground, its storage, how often fresh coffee should be purchased, and the

> best way of savouring it, made headway into Tamil society only in the early

> 1900s, say scholars.


> When author and historian Pradeep Chakravarthy's grandmother went to

> Ananthakrishnapuram in Tirunelveli as a new bride in 1916, she was the

> first one to brew coffee in the village. "When they first saw the coffee

> filter, discussions surrounding coffee and the filter ensued for a week,

> and gradually, even the extremely orthodox members began to consume it,"


> says.


> So how did coffee, which traces its origin to Ethiopia, make headway in the

> south and in the city? Though it is said to have reached the shores of

> India, along with tea, in the 17th century, it was not until the end of the

> 19th century that coffee and it's `cultural other', tea, became a

> phenomenon in India, says A.R. Venkatachalapathy, author and professor,

> Madras Institute of Development Studies, in his book, *In those days there

> was no coffee: Writings in cultural history*.


> The cultivation of coffee and tea was linked to colonialism, and in the

> literature of the time, it was described as a drink of the Europeans,

> before it percolated to the emerging middle classes, and in some places, to

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> The working class. Prof. Venkatachalapathy says coffee replaced traditional

> beverages like *neeragaram*, *kanji* and buttermilk.


> When coffee came to be patronised by a class educated in modern schools


> worked in jobs created by colonialism, it gained new cultural connotations,

> and came to be perceived as `modern'. And this modern drink came at a

> price.


> "Unlike tea, coffee was an expensive drink. It naturally lent itself to

> that bracket because unlike tea which brews better in water, coffee was

> brewed in milk, and milk was expensive," he says. In the 80s, it was common

> practice in Madras to borrow coffee powder from neighbours, for a day or

> two, because it was expensive.


> Venu Srinivasan, partner, Leo Coffee, whose grandfather set up their first

> outlet in Mylapore in 1971, says, back then, households were loyal to their

> neighbourhood coffee-maker, and there were only a handful of families that

> consumed coffee. "In the 1970s, our coffee was priced at Rs. 10 per kg

> which was considered expensive. It was always a niche product," he says,

> adding, it grew to be widely-consumed only over the last decade.


> And it is not just south Indians who cherish their filter *kaapi*. "Though

> we are Gujaratis, our day does not begin without a cup of filter coffee. I

> began having filter coffee as a child at my mother's place, and the

> practice continued even after I got married. While we have tea in the

> evening with snacks or biscuits, filter coffee has to be had with no

> accompaniment to be relished," says Jamuna Dave.


> And ask old timers about their favourite coffee haunts in the city, their

> answers range from Karpagambal Mess and Rayars Mess in Mylapore to Hotel

> Krishna Prasad on N.S.C. Bose Road and Vasantha Bhavan in Anna Nagar.

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The Cow in Hinduism

Why is the cow important to Hindus?

Cow in Pune, India. In Hinduism, the cow is revered as the source of food and

symbol of life and may never be killed. However, many non-Hindus interpret

these beliefs to mean that Hindus worship cows. This is not true. It is more

accurate to say the cow is taboo in the Hindu religion, rather than sacred. This is

just one example of the misunderstandings people have about the Hindu faith.

(Go here for Hindu Facts and here for Hindu beliefs.)

Furthermore, cows do not have an especially charmed life in India. Sometimes

people around the world see images of India in print or on television, or

they travel there, and see cows in public places, unfenced and unrestrained.

From such scenes, they conclude that Indians consider cow’s gods, but this is a

false idea and below you will find clarification on this subject. (See Hindu

symbols here. See Diwali in Hinduism here)

History of the "Sacred" Cow

Wandering cow in Delhi

Photo: Rossini Rose.


up cow in Goa.

Photo: Dey


Processing cow dung (gobar), which will be put to many uses? Photo: Eli.

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In ancient India, oxen and bulls were sacrificed to

the gods and their meat was eaten. But even then

the slaughter of milk-producing cows was

prohibited. Verses of the Rigveda refer to the cow

as Devi (goddess), identified with Aditi (mother of

the gods) herself.

(See Sacred Texts in Hinduism here.)

Even when meat-eating was permitted, the ancient Vedic scriptures

encouraged vegetarianism. One scripture says, "There is no sin in eating meat...

but abstention brings great rewards." (The Laws of Man, V/56). (Go here

to learn about The Vedas.)

Later, in the spiritually fertile period that produced Jainism and Buddhism, Hindus

stopped eating beef. This was mostly like for practical reasons as well as spiritual.

It was expensive to slaughter an animal for religious rituals or for a guest, and the

cow provided an abundance of important products, including milk, browned

butter for lamps, and fuel from dried dung.

Some scholars believe the tradition came to Hinduism through the influence of

strictly vegetarian Jainism. But the cow continued to be especially revered and

protected among the animals of India. By the early centuries AD, the cow was

designated as the appropriate gift to the Brahmans (high-caste priests) and it

was soon said that to kill a cow is equal to killing a Brahman. The importance of

the pastoral element in the Krishna stories, particularly from the 10th century

onward, further reinforced the sanctity of the cow.

See the Swastika in Hinduism and Om in Hinduism

Cow-Related Practices

The cow remains a protected animal in Hinduism today and Hindus do not eat

beef. Most rural Indian families have at least one dairy cow, a gentle spirit who is

often treated as a member of the family.

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The five products (pancagavya) of the cow — milk; curds, ghee butter, urine

and dung — are all used in puja (worship) as well as in rites of extreme penance.

The milk of the family cow nourishes children as they grow up, and cow dung

(gobar) is a major source of energy for households throughout India. Cow dung

is sometimes among the materials used for a Tilak - a ritual mark on the

forehead. Most Indians do not share the western revulsion at cow excrement,

but instead consider it an earthy and useful natural product.

Despite their sacred status, cows don't seem much appreciated in India. Visitors

are often surprised to see them walking neglected around city streets, living on

garbage from the gutters. But the cow is honored at least once a year,

on Gopastami. On this "Cow Holiday," cows are washed and decorated in the

temple and given offerings in the hope that her gifts of life will continue.

(See Hindu Holidays here.)

6. Introduction to Devi Mahatmya

Published on Apr 15 2014 12:16 PM | Posted by P.R. Ramchander | Articles on

Hinduism | 3,027 views

The book which relates the story of how the Devi (mother Goddess) killed

Madhu and Kaidabha as Vishnu Maya, killed Mahishasura as Lakshmi, and killed

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Shumbha and Nishumbha in the form of Goddess Saraswathi, is known as Devi

Mahatmya in

South India, Chandi in West Bengal and as Durga Sapthasathi in the northern

parts of the country including Varanasi. It consists of Chapters 74 to 86 (13

chapters) of the Markandeya Purana and has 700 stanzas. This Purana is also

authored by Veda Vyasa and is a medium sized Purana.

The stories of Devi Mahatmya are as told by Sage Markandeya to Sage Baguri.

He tells him that one king called Suradha, who was driven out of his kingdom by

his own people met one Vyasa (businessman) called Samadhi who was driven

out of his home by his wife and sons, in the forest. They discover that though their

own people have driven them out, they are both worried about the welfare of

their people. It appears to them that this is unnatural. So they approach Sage

Sumedhas who was also living in the forest. The sage tells them that all this is the

illusion created by the great Goddess called Vishnu Maya. They became

curious and want to know about this great mother Goddess. He then relates to

them the story of Devi Mahatmya, which consists of three stories in all of which

the mother Goddess kills the enemies of Gods.

The first story is that of Madhu and Kaidabha. They take birth from the earwax of

Lord Vishnu while he was asleep and start troubling Lord Brahma who was sitting

on the lotus originating from the belly of Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma prays to the

Goddess to help him continue his work of creation. The goddess appears and

takes the form of Lord Vishnu and kills both Asuras after wrestling with them for

thousands of years. Since both these Asuras were of Thamasic origin, she also

had a Thamasic form.

The second story is of how the mother Goddess helped the devas by killing

Mahishasura. This Asuras who had the form of buffalo, drove away the devas

and Indra from their homes. They all go and approach the holy trinity for the

redressal of their grievances. This made those three gods very angry and the

innate power of the Goddess in them came out and joined together. This

goddess was further strengthened by the powers of the various Gods. She was

equipped with arms by all devas. This goddess, mainly consisting of the anger-

generated power killed Mahishasura.

The third story is of how the Great Asuras brothers Shumbha and Nishumbha

were killed by the goddess. This time the gods approach Goddess Uma who was

wandering in the Himalaya Mountains and told her of her sufferings. Out of the

body of the Goddess came Koushikhi or Chandika. She was black in colour. She

along with the powers generated by various Gods killed Shumbha and

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Nishumbha. Sage Markandeya then tells of how, the king Suradha and Vysya

Samadhi did penance on the goddess and got the boons that they wanted.

In the twelfth chapter of this great book, the Goddess tells that for one, who

reads or hears, these three stories of her, there is nothing impossible to obtain

including salvation.

In my translation I am following the interpretation of this great book by Brahmas

Kandiyur Mahadeva Sastrigal in Malayalam, which is based on the text given to

him by Sri Hari Krishna Sharma of Aurangabad, based on the commentaries on

the book given in explanatory guides of the book viz. Durga Pradeepa,

Gupthavathi, Chathurdhari, Santhanavi, Nagoji bhatti, Damsodharam and

Jagat chandra chandrika.

It is believed that just possession of this book has helped many great people to

fight evil spirits as well as getting the blessings of the Goddess herself. Several

such folk stories abound all over India. One of those famous one in Kerala was

how one great Manthrika called Kalluru Namboodhiri was asked by a king

called Shakthan Thamburan, to enter the Kodungaloor Bhagawathi temple at

night after the festival and bring back his ring from the closed sanctum

sanctorum. He did this easily by taking with him a copy of Devi Mahatmya. This

book though it is a treasure house for all those trying for super natural powers is

also a book leading one to get his wishes fulfilled and also attain salvation.

It is believed that reading of the book during Sharad and Vasantha Navarathris

is auspicious. In Appendix 1, summary of talk given by Swami Krishnanada on

“Esoteric significance of Devi Mahatmya “ is given and Appendix 2 gives the

great Sthothra with meaning which summaries the story of Devi Mahatmya.

Parayana Krama or Prescribed Methods of Reading

Devi Mahatmya is a story but each of its slokas is considered as mantras. There

are two methods of how to start reading Devi Mahatmya. The first one is called

Tryangam and consists of reading three prayers viz Devi Kavacham, Devi

argalam and Devi keelakam followed by meditation and chanting of the

Navakshari manthra given as: Om Iym hreem kleem Chamandayai, viche


This manthra is of very great power and should not be chanted unless, it is

taught by a Guru.

The other is Navangam, where nine prayers are recited before starting reading

of the book. They are chanting of 1. Nyasa, 2. Avahana, 3. Namani, 4. Argala, 5.

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Keelaga, 6. Hrudhaya, 7. Dhala, 8. Dhyana and 9. Kavacha.

It is recommended that the entire Devi Mahatmya should be read in one sitting.

After completion of the reading it is necessary to chant the Devi Suktham

consisting of the slokas seven to 36 of chapter 8, is to be chanted. If the Guru

has taught the navakshari manthra, then it should also be meditated up on.

People who cannot do this should read the Pradhama charithra consisting of

the first chapter on the first day, the Madhyama Charithra consisting of the next

three chapters on the next day and the remaining Uthama Charitha consisting

of the next 9 chapters on the third day.

Another method of completing the full reading by seven days viz one chapter

on the first day, next two chapters on the second day, next one chapter on the

third day, next four chapters on the fourth day, next two chapters on the fifth

day, next one chapter on the sixth day and last two chapters on the seventh


It is important to know that daily the parayana should start with the trayanga

manthras, text of Devi Mahatmya followed by the chanting of Devi Suktham. It is

also essential not to stop in between while reading a chapter. If for some reason,

it is stopped, the entire chapter should be read again.

It has also been told that:

“Geethi, seegri, sirakhambhi, hyakurvano vinasyathi,

Thatho jnathwaiva sampannamidham prabhyathe budhai,”

Those who sing it, those who read it fast, those who read with shaking of their

head, those who read from the text in their own handwriting, those who read

without understanding the import and those who read in a very feeble tone, do

not get the benefit of reading a work. It has also been told that any book, which

has less than one thousand slokas should be recited from memory to get full

benefit. Those who cannot should keep the book on a stand and read it without

touching it.

The benefit of reading Devi Mahatmya several times is given below:

Three times - to get rid of black magic

Five times - to get rid of difficulties caused by planets

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Seven times - to get rid of great fear.

Nine times - peace,

Eleven times - to get over fear of death, attraction of the king

Twelve times - getting desires fulfilled and destruction of enemies

Fourteen times - to attract women as well as enemies

Fifteen times - pleasant life and getting of wealth

Sixteen times - to get sons and grandsons

Seventeen times - to get rid of fear of the King

Eighteen times - to get occult powers

Twenty times - for war to end

Twenty-five times - to come out of prison

Hundred times – to get rid of great sorrow, banishment from caste, Loss of life,


Hundred and eight times – fulfilling any wanted desire

One thousand times - Goddess Mahaalakshmi will visit him and he will get all


the kathyayani thanthra mentions various other methods of reading Devi

Mahatmya. Some of them are:

1. Chant before and after every Sloka, the Navakshari manthra. This would make

your magical chants effective.

2. Chant Om Boor Bhuvah swaha before every Sloka and then chant Suva,

Bhuvah, bhoo Om after every Sloka. Chanting one hundred times would get you

occult powers.

3. Add “Jatha Vedase” before every Sloka and chant. This would lead to

fulfillment of all desires.

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4. After every manthra chant the tryambaka manthra viz.

ॐ । ।।

oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanaṁ

urvārukam-iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya mā mṛtāt

this would prevent untimely death.

5. Chant Tryambaka manthra one hundred times before and after reading Devi

Mahatmya and this will lead to avoidance of early death.

Author's Name: P.R. Ramchander



Diabetes is a chronic disease where the body does not make enough insulin, or

becomes insensitive to the insulin which is produced. It is a condition of too

much sugar/glucose in the blood.

When Pancreas (gland behind stomach) does not produces enough insulin

which moves glucose out of the blood and into cells (glycogen in the liver)

where it is broken down to produce energy. Resulting this a large quantity of

glucose is being passed on to the blood stream and where body is

Unable to use the glucose in the blood for the production of energy.

The excess of glucose in the blood is filtered in the kidney and passed out

through the urine. There is frequent and excessive urination which give rise to

constant thirst. Under stress diabetes occurs when your body begins to break

down fats for energy instead of glucose, leading to a buildup of ketone acids in

your blood.

Eating too much of sugar is also one of the major cause. Because of the high

sugar level in the blood damages the blood vessels (hardening of arteries which

lead to damage of the kidney, hear tor the brain).

Page 18 of 44

Those who suffer from diabetes have a higher chance of developing certain

serious health problems. The risk is particularly high for people with diabetes who

are also obese, who smoke or who are not physically active. Diabetes is a

disease that can attack at any age.

All forms of diabetes can have serious consequences if left untreated. There is

no cure for diabetes, but there is much that can be done from a lifestyle

perspective to improve the blood sugar level control and prevent potentially life

threatening complications.

There are two types of diabetes:

Type 1 or Insulin-dependent diabetes

Type 1 is often referred to an auto – immune disease. Your immune system

attacks the cell sin your pancreas destroying them or damaging them. Therefore

it develops very quickly within days or a week.

• It cannot be inherited. It usually happens to young people (before the age of


• Research says, the risk of Type 1 diabetes reduces in child if they been breast

fed and been exposed to Vitamin D through Sunlight.

Type 2 or Non-insulin dependent diabetes

Pancreas not functioning properly your Beta – cells are 80 percent dead before

we realise we have diabetes. It is closely linked to obesity and runs in the family



© Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust, Page 3 of 28

Know the warning signs. Without treatment, the main symptoms of diabetes are:

OBESITY- Are you at Risk?

Obesity is one of major cause of Diabetes therefore we need to understand

when we come obese.

Following are few ways to find out if you are obese:

• Pinch test – if you can pinch more than an inch of fat on your waist then you

have to lose your weight.

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• Hip to Waist ratio- For male is 1 or below and for female 0.85

• BMI- Measure height in metre (1.7m), weight in kg (65 kg), BMI =65/1.7x1.7=22.5

(If your BMI is under 18 you are under weight and 18-25 you are healthy, 25-30

overweight, over 30 obese, over 40 very obese. *Note: obesity also linked to


You are also more at risk of developing Type-2 diabetes if you have

• Type 2 diabetes runs in your family, • Not been physically active enough. Lack

Of Exercise

• Unhealthy Diet • Being overweight or obese.

• You have high blood pressure or high


• Mental stress, Nervous weakness

• Unhealthy liver • you are a woman who has given birth to a large baby

(Over 9 lbs/4 kg).

• You are of Asian, Afro-Caribbean or

Middle-Eastern background, or

• The risk of developing Type-2 diabetes

Also increases, as you get older.


You are diabetics, if blood glucose level is:

11.1mmol/l or over- after eating

7.0 mmol/l or over – after fasting.

• Going to the toilet a lot

• Weight loss

• Feel Exhausted

• Increase thirst (dehydration)

• In case injury/wound- it takes longer to


• Body temperature reduces- feel cold

• Calf Muscles are in constant pain

• Mood became dull

• Body resistance power reduces Itchiness around the groin

• Frozen Shoulder

• Blurred vision, caused by the lens of your eye becoming very dry

• Skin becomes dry.

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• Raise awareness to reduce the risk by understanding the warning signs for

early diagnosis.

• Raise awareness to reduce the risk factor of Type –II diabetes by taking proper

preventive measures.

• Raise awareness & promote actions to prevent and delay the complications

of diabetes.


High level of glucose can damage many different parts of the body as results of

having too much glucose in the blood and not enough in the cell.

• Coronary Heart disease/stroke: When arteries become blocked and narrow.

This can lead to high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and poor circulation,

particularly in the legs. Being overweight and smoking increases risk.

• Kidney function: Damage to the kidney.

• Eyes: Damage to the back of the eye and can lead to blindness.

• Nerve Damage (Gangrene): Damage to the nerve and may produce

weakness, numbness and burning, particularly in feet and legs (pin and needle).

• Sexual Impotent


“How to reactivate the Pancreas to produce insulin”?

To reactivate the beta cells in Pancreas we use five methods:






Adopting the simple rules of above in daily lifestyle brings a healthy lifestyle and

helps to prevent Diabetes.

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(For detailed information on above please refer to Book ‘Patanjali Yog Part – 1’

Second edition, March 2009)

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A. PRANAYAM (Breathing exercises, control of the life force {prana})


Physically, Pranayama appears to be a systematic exercise of respiration, it

works on exercising your internal organs and in turn regulating hormone levels.

Breathing is important for two basic reasons:

• It is the only means of supplying our bodies and its various organs with oxygen

which is vital for survival

• Breathing is one of the ways to get rid of waste products and toxins from our

body. 70% of waste is eliminated through breathing.

There are eight key Pranayama; Kapalbhati Pranayam is one of the key

breathing exercises that help diabetes sufferers.

1. Bhastrika – 5minutes

2. Kapalbhati – 15-20minutes

3. Baahya – 3 times

4. Ujjayi – 7 times

5. AnulomVilom-15 minutes

6. Bhramri – 5 times

7. Udgeeth – 5 times

8. Pranav – 3 minutes

Note: One should start Pranayam with 3 times Omkar, after Baahya Pranayam

one should do Agnisar Kriya.

C. ASANAS (Exercise)

Asanas helps with positive effects on digestive, endocrine and reproductive

systems. It improves cholesterol, Obesity, Diabetes, Lung disorder, Osteoporosis,

blood vessels elasticity, relaxation, muscle strength and internal organ exercise.

Main Asanas for Stomach problems, Diabetes and Obesity:



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MANDUKASANA – It activates the pancreas and thereby secrets insulin in

sufficient amount. This asana is very beneficial for controlling diabetes and also

works wonders in stomach and heart disease.



Light Exercises: for maintaining healthy joints and providing strength, agility and

soundness to the nervous system, Grinding- For the stomach and waist.

1. YOG

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Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian science that uses natural remedies to

control and prevent various health problems. Prevention is better than cure –

find possible causes and try to eliminate causes. All boils down to lifestyle

choices; unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical exercise and stress due to

hectic lifestyles can all lead to developing diabetes. Allopathic medicine acts

as pigeon whole treatment, whereas alternative therapies such as yoga are a

holistic approach to better health, it can treat the root of the problem.

♦ the primary aim of Ayurveda is to protect health and prevent diseases.

♦ Health depends on the conditions of the tri-dosha (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata) in

the body.

♦ hence, to maintain the balance of the tri-dosha through the day and the year,

Ayurved prescribes health and life style rules suited to the season and the time

of the day: o Dincharya – behavior patterns and food habits during the day and

night time. O Ritucharya- seasonal patterns and habits. A life style model on

these perceptions not only maintains health, it protects against the onslaught of

Diseases. The climate also plays a vital role in its effect on the body. For instance,

in the summer or in hot climates buttermilk will be useful, but not in the monsoon

season. In the monsoon season buttermilk should be warmed and black pepper

and ginger should be added to it before drinking.


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♦ First thing in the morning drink half cup of fresh juice of green coriander.

♦ Take two lady-fingers and cut them half-length wise and soaked them in half

cup of water overnight, squeeze and strain them and drink it.

♦ 300 grams of Amla powder plus 100 grams of ginger powder and take twice a

day one teaspoon.

♦ Dissolve turmeric & Jaggery (Gur) in hot water and drink it. It relieves swelling of


♦ Aloe Vera juice – taking daily.

♦ Amla + Bitter gourd juice – stimulates the pancreas that secrete the hormone


♦ Drink hot water + one clove + black pepper + some basil leaves.

♦ Chew 3 –4 basil leaves every morning (if possible)


21st century living is having effects on our bodies that even the healthiest

amongst us cannot avoid. Toxins are everywhere but food is our biggest culprit -

we consume pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial colourings, flavourings

and preservatives in the food we eat. Most people are now aware of the

dramatic links some people, often children, have towards heavily processed

food. If it affects them, it affects you. We absorb toxins in the air that we

breathe, but not just outdoor pollution. The average UK home is now thought to

be 10 times more toxic than outside. The Great News is that you can do

something about it.


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Apple: it helps body to excrete food preservatives.

Avocados: makes fat-soluble toxins to water – soluble.

Artichokes: Increases the bile production to help toxins to move to bowl.

Beetroot: Helps purify the natural waste products for the body

Cruciferous Vegetables: Helps lever to produce enzyme, neutralises toxins body.

Garlic: removes food preservatives and helps body to be alkaline

Kiwi Fruit: works as a powerful anti-oxidant

Prunes: A natural laxative

Seaweed: helps removing radioactive waste from body, contains Iodine.

Watercress: contains chlorophyll, increase Detox enzymes in the body.

Alfalfa: its ability to bind to toxins including drugs and food additives, high in


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Asparagus: Rich in Vitamin C & fibre.

Banana: Exceptionally high in minerals, helps to reduce fluid retention.

Brazil nut: Contains Selenium, which neutralises free radicals

Carrot: contains Beta carotene, ability to bind with heavy metals in body and

helps reducing cholesterol & Blood sugar level.

Sprouted Grains, Seeds & Pulses: Once it germinates, the nutritional value

increased to as much as by 30%




♦ lowers the blood sugar level


♦ Effective in losing the weight & unwanted fat


Contains 84 types of mineral in

Natural ironic form (previously been absorbed by

Rich plant life. Therefore, easily absorbed by

Body cell).

♦ Removes deep seated toxin

♦ Stimulate immune system

♦ Kidney rejuvenation, Purify Blood, Anaemia

♦ Improves function of Pancreas (Diabetes)

TRIPHALA – It balances all three doshas –

Vata (air), Pitta (fire), Kapha (kaf).

♦ Purify blood

♦ Energises liver

♦ Colon cleanser

♦ Nourishes nerve system and muscles

♦ Anti-inflammatory and anti-viral


♦ Liver toner (strengthens the liver)

♦ Glaucoma

♦ Respiratory infection (lungs)

♦ purifies the blood

♦ Tone up heart muscles

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CHANDRAPRABHA VATI – It is a wonderful

Preparation for urinary tract disorders and diabetes.

♦ Helps in joint pain (arthritis)

♦ Rejuvenative

♦ Nourishes tissue elements

DIVYA PEYA - The best substitute for tea.

♦ Promotes immunity in the body

♦ Stimulates power of digestion, strengthens

Body, liver & brain

♦ Controls cholesterol & protects from heart



♦ Liver tonic

♦ Supports gastro intestinal health

Note: these are not the replacement for your medicine let the doctor is in


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Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on

the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. When

these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the

circulation of blood and the body's life force to aid healing. With the

acupressure system the foreign matter is removed out of the body and

necessary elements are produced by the internal immune system. This method

by awakening the electrical forces of the body produces power, energy and

activeness. Acupressure completely helps in removing the deformities of the

nervous system. With this system, functioning of all endocrine glands like thyroid,

Pituitary, pineal, pancreas, etc can be regulated. With acupressure, adequate

improvement in the normal functioning of the internal organs of the body can

be brought about. The acupressure point for your pancreas is approximately 1

inch below the centre point in-between your ring and middle finger. Work on

pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, governor vessel and lymphatic system.



Just below the nose, in the middle of the groove above

The upper lip.

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Take the fingertip or nail of the index or middle finger

And apply gentle pressure perpendicularly for about 30

Seconds. Breathe freely and visualize a clear mind

With sharp mental function.


Relieves swelling of the face and helps with the

Excess fluid.



On the inside of the ankle in the depression level with

The tip of the anklebone.


Place the fingers of the opposite hand behind the

Ankle for support and locate the point with the thumb.

Apply pressure perpendicularly or use small rotations.

Repeat on opposite foot.


Improves kidney function, decreases frequent

Urination and relieves pain in the lower back related to

Weakness in kidney function.

3. ACUPRESSURE (Pain Killer)

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Measure up 4 finger widths from the ankle-bone with one hand and then use

the thumb of the other

Hand to locate the acupoints. Apply acupressure perpendicularly and repeat

on opposite leg.


Regulates the functions of the bladder and kidneys and improves urinary

control. It works on the

Endocrine, urinary and reproductive system.

Liver Point

On the top of the foot in the web between the first and second toes, just before

the join of the small

Bones of the foot.

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Points calm the nervous system and strengthen the liver and immune system.

Lymph Gland

The point of this gland is in the middle of the wrist. This controls the immune

system, prevents the

Formation of pus and help to heal the wound. This point helps to clear the toxin

from the body,

Clears the dead cell from the system.

** If there is pain on this point and also at the point of pancreas that indicates


Increase of glucose in the blood.

Methods of confirm whether the solar plexus is in order or not:

Join the two palm of the hand lining the heart line

Then upper line in the small finger of both hands

Should match. If line doesn’t than your solar plexus

Has shifted.

(Note: this cannot be cured by drug).

Pic-1: Check your Solar Plexus

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Keep your right palm on the joint of hand elbow

And then jerk bring the left hand and try to touch

The left shoulder with open thumb. Repeat 5 times

And do this for right hand also.

*Note: This could be done every morning.

Pic-2: Correct the Solar Plexus

Acupressure on palm of the hand

a) Rub both palm of your hand together to warm them up

b) First touch the finger of one hand with those of other (thumb to thumb,

middle finger to

Middle finger and so on) and exert pressing

c) With the help of one hand bent forcefully the finger of the other hand


d) Clap both hands forcefully in the rhythm 1-2, 1-2-3 for couple of minutes

Note: this energize the nerves on palm of the hand for the acupressure to begin

• Press for 2 minutes in middle of the right arm (the point between the palm of

the hand and

The crease of the elbow

• Roll your soles on the roller

• Press the pancreas point

• Press the lymph gland point (is in the middle of the wrist just below the palm of

the hand)

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• Press thyroid gland point on hand regularly


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Mudras are developed forms of Asanas, they are also very important. This whole

universe has been

Constituted by five elements. Our body has also been made from the union of

five elements.

The five fingers in our hand represent the five elements. The thumb represents

fire, index finger – air, middle finger – space, ring finger – earth and the little

finger – water. The body remains healthy if the five

Elements are in balance, whereas any disturbance in this balance results in

diseases. According to the science of mudras, the coordinated action of these

five elements controls the internal glands, body parts and their functions are

regulated and the dormant powers of the body are awakened.

• Gyan Mudra - Improves concentration and memory, better meditation, brain

nerves become

Strong. Helps to release stress and decreases blood pressure

• Udan

Mudra - Cures the imbalance or blockage of nerve impulse in the region of

throat. Make

Prana flow freely. Improves stammer and defective speech

• Prana mudra - Body becomes active, healthy and energetic. Cures eye

problem and improves

Eye- sight. Enhances body immunity.

• Vayu mudra - Useful in Vayu related problems -gout arthritis, Joint Pain,


Parkinson's, Sciatica, knee pain and gas formation. It provides relief in neck and

spine pain.

Useful in disorders relating to blood circulation

• Apana Mudra- Get rid of toxins, problem related to kidney, teeth trouble, piles



• Surya Mudra- Keep the tip of the ring finger at the root of the thumb and press

it with the

Thumb, it balances the body, reduces weight and obesity and increases heat in

the body which

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Helps in reducing stress, enhancement in body strength, reduces weight,

cholesterol and helps in

Proper digestion, Liver problem and diabetes.

• Apana Vayu Mudra - Makes the body healthier, it is useful in heart and Vata-

dosha related

Problems. Provides relief in the event of a heart attack and also useful in

eliminating Headache,

Asthma and high-blood pressure. Provides comfort if performed 5-7 minutes

climbing stairs.

Gyan Mudra Udan mudra Prana Mudra

Vayu Mudra Apana Mudra Surya Mudra Apana Vayu Mudra

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The principles of Naturopathy looks beyond the disease and its symptoms and

recognises human

Beings as a whole when establishing the root cause of the ailment and finding

cure in the laws of

Nature. According to Naturopathy, healing comes from within the body.

Naturopathy involves living

With nature. It is a scientific and eco-friendly way to keeping the body in good

health. Nature cure

Treatment gives importance to eating habits, fasting, dieting, baths using

sunlight, mud, water,

Scientific massage, enema, Yog and exercise.



1. Do no harm. 2. The self-healing power of nature.

3. Identify and treat the cause. 4. Naturopathy as a teacher.

5. Treat the whole being. 6. Prevention is better than cure.


Nature care means following the rules of nature and curing diseases with help of

the elements ofNature i.e. earth, water, sun and air in such a way that toxins

collected in the body are expelled so

That the body becomes pure and powerful and enables it to work efficiently.

Earth: A basic element our body is made of. Earth provides stability and structure

to our body.

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Water: Drinking plenty of water, 8 to 12 glasses every day (preferably Luke

warm), especially in

The morning has great benefits. (Boil 2 to 3 glasses of water previous night and

kept in a Copper vessel and drink in the morning).

Air: Pure air is a great doctor. The benefits are well explained in Pranayam.

Sun: All life on Earth gets their energy from the sun and this energy is abundant

and unlimited, So it should be used to the maximum. Half an hour walk gives you

Vitamin D, which helps The body to absorb calcium – necessary for healthy

teeth & bones.


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We are living in an era that as individuals we spend most if not all our time and

energy trying to live

Up to the high expectations that society place on us and us on ourselves. In the

hustle and bustle of

Living up to someone else’s expectations, we often ignore our ‘whole’ selves;

yes we manage to

Afford the home that shelters our family, the clothes that cover our body, the

food that provides us

With nourishment. However, we often neglect to stop and think about ‘feeding’

our mind and our

Spirit. Balanced Living involves adopting a holistic and balanced approach to

life. The answer lies

Within you; all you need is a helping hand.

“By changing your lifestyle you can create a life that is full, happy, energetic,

healthy and


1. Effectively reduces stress – improve insulin action.

2. Weight loss

3. Muscular relaxation – it improves the blood supply to muscles.

4. Blood pressure

5. Postures to produce stress on pancreas which is likely to produce more insulin.

Yog / meditation gently tones and shapes the body, improve posture and

flexibility and contribute to

Feeling of wellbeing. Profound effect on improving circulation, blood vessel

elastic, reduces high

Blood pressure.

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Learn to fall in love yourself

1. Write down all your problems. First tackle the problem which you can and

then try the


2. Self- knowledge can be overrated: Ask friends and family for their help and


3. Feel happy with yourself when you tick off your ‘To Do List”.

When we are unhappy regarding something then we must take action to

resolve that issue.

• If you are under stress/ tension. Base of the middle toe of both legs will have a


Sensation when pressed.

• Claps your hands inter-locking the fingers than with the left hand finger press

on the

Back of right palm (repeat with the right hand also).

• Saravana


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It is important that everyone with diabetes has access to good and regular

healthcare. It is equally to

Important to understand the true scenario behind ‘Diabetes’.


We all tend to be less active these days and a lack of regular physical activity

significantly increases

The risk of developing diabetes in all people, especially if you are overweight.

Keeping active and healthy is a very important part of managing your diabetes.

Regular physical activity (this could mean simple walking, gardening, sports etc)

will help to lower down the blood

Glucose level, as your muscles are encouraged to use the glucose in your blood

for energy. If youNeed to lose weight; keeping active will help you lose it. Find

an activity that you enjoy and start

Gradually participating in it so that you are more likely to keep it up, for

example- try

Walking/cycling instead of taking the bus or car.

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Take the tablets or insulin that your doctor has prescribed for you. If considering

about abandoning

Your medication or diet, you should talk this over with your doctor or nurse, as

your health will be at

Risk. If you are religious and wish to fast, you should speak to your family doctor

before doing such

Practices which will manage to control diabetes while fasting.


Eating too much sugar causes diabetes eating a lot of sugar can make you


Which increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes?

You cannot eat sugar if you have diabetes Sugar can still be included in your

diet. Excess

Sugar also depend on the amount of Fat

You can catch diabetes. Diabetes tends to run in families but it cannot be

Caught like a cold.

You may only ‘mild’ diabetes. Diabetes is a serious condition.

You can be cured to diabetes. It can be managed but there is no cure


People with diabetes must not exercise. Physical activity is important in helping

to control your blood glucose level and keep you healthy.

The diet for diabetes is very strict and you

Have to eat special food. You should eat the same healthy diet advised for

Everyone. Special ‘diabetic’ foods are expensive and unnecessary.

There are herbs and other preparations, which can replace insulin or tablets

You should continue to take your prescribed medication and tell your doctor if

you are taking herbal treatments. You cannot drive if you have diabetes you

can drive if you’ve diabetes. You will not easily be able to get a job having

diabetes doesn’t mean that you cannot get or keep a job.


© Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust, Page 15 of 28 Being diabetic you need to pay

special attention to your diet intake, regular exercises and discipline.

Medicines will not give good results if the diet is not followed. If you pay special

attention to the diet and regimen then diabetes can be controlled very easily.

Diet is the biggest medicine in this case and selecting the right food is even

more important.

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First and foremost stomach should be cleaned (i.e. bowels should be empty).

Using the tools mentioned above, we are trying to get rid of toxins from the

organ and then energising it through acupressure and exercises and then

nourishing it with oxygen and food it requires. In this case we work upon our

system not on our symptoms. And this can be done by removal of the toxins

from our body and nourishing with right food.


Gargling with water in the morning help to remove cough accumulated in the

throat & mouth.


Covering the right side of your abdomen, 3-4 times for 15 minutes a day helps

keeping your Liver healthy.


Sit on a Chair & drink 4-6 glass of warm water with salt at 44oC quickly, then

bend forward to press abdomen. After that tickle your loka with finger & vomit till

you feel your stomach is empty. Sip cold water & relax.

** People with High Blood pressure, ulcer, colitis, piles, Hernia & weakness should

avoid this.

LAGHU SHANKAN PRAKSHALANA (Six Monthly) – Colon Therapy

The colon is sewage system of the body. It is the place where the body stores

waste material. Proper

Elimination is must if one has to regain optimum healthy body.

When we do not eliminate our waste, toxins accumulate in our system which

can result in

Indigestion, constipation, gas, bad breath, piles, colitis, asthma, insomnia,

allergies, week immune

System, menstrual problems, foot & body odour, obesity, arthritis and depression.


The sauna bath provides an environment for overall mental and physical health.

The combination of

Body perspiration, rest and rapid cooling stimulates blood circulation, reduces

tension. By openingPores in your skin and flushing unhealthy toxins through

sweating it regulates body temperature andHelps in a smooth circulation of

blood throughout the body.

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DIET (Steps to eating well in your daily life)

1. Eat three regular meals a day – Helps to control your blood sugar level.

2. At each meal include starchy carbohydrate foods:-

• Sweet potatoes, yam and new potatoes


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• Pasta

• Brown basmati rice

• Porridge oats, all bran and bran flakes

• Grainy breads

• Flour + Soya in 4:1 ratio

3. The high fibre varieties of starchy foods will also help to maintain the health of


Digestive system and prevent constipation. (Peanuts soaked in water for one

hour; added to

Salad is a good source of protein)

4. Cut down on the fat you eat: Saturated fat – Linked to heart disease (coconut

and palm oil,

Butter, Ghee, margarine and cheese.

5. Eat more fruit and vegetable – Five serving a day to provide vitamin and fibre.

• A whole banana or apple

• A slice of melon

• Two plums

• A handful of grapes

• A cereal bowl of salad

• Three heaped tablespoons of vegetables.

6. Include more beans and lentils into diet: These include kidney beans, butter

beans, chick peas, red and green lentils, as these can help to control your blood

glucose levels ad blood fats. (Raw sprouted seeds – Soaked in water for 12 hours

and then kept tightly covered in wet cloth for 12 hours – seed sprouts)

7. Aim for at least two portions of Omega 3- It helps to protect against heart

disease. Lin seed, Soya milk, wall nuts, Hemp seed.

8. Limit Sugar and Sugary foods- This does not mean you need to eat a sugar

free diet. Sugar can be used in foods and in baking as part of a healthy diet. It

means that favourites like sugar cake, sweet potato pie, duckunoo (blue

drawers), pudding, cakes, condensed milk, nourishment and malted drinks

should be limited. Try using sugar- free, no added sugar or diet squashes and

fizzy drinks, as sugary drinks can cause blood glucose levels to rise quickly.

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9. Reduce salt in your diet to 6g or less a day- More than this can arise raise your

blood pressure, which can lead to stroke and heart disease. Limit the amount of

processed foods. Try flavouring foods with herbs and spices instead of salt and

soak your food for a possible before cooking.

10. Drinking alcohol in modernisation- Zero tolerance.

11. Don’t be tempted by diabetic foods or drinks, as they offer no benefits.

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12. Smoking: Being diabetic patient, it already puts an increased risk of

complications, such as hardening of the arteries, and smoking puts you at a

higher risk of heart attacks, angina, strokes and poor circulation. It is due to

these reasons; smoking is strictly barred for diabetes patients.

13. Drink lemon with warm water first thing in the morning (to stimulate the

digestive system and promote the bowel movement)

14. Confirm whether the solar plexus is in order or not (This could be done every


15. Diva Peya - The best substitute for tea (While boiling add on - cardamom,

saffron, cinnamon powder). Before drinking add honey and milk to taste.

16. Power Drink- 300 grams of Amla powder plus 100 grams of ginger powder

and take twice a day one teaspoon.

17. Alovera Juice – Taking Daily.

18. Eat lots of raw or lightly cooked vegetables & lots of fruits.

19. Not more than 1tsp of salt in a day,

20. Eat lot of turmeric, herbs and spices

21. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol- replace them by herbal tea.

22. Lots of beans and pulses, sprouted grains & seeds.

23. Eat more starchy foods. The best starchy food to choose is those high in fibre

as they are

high digested slowly making your body to control your blood sugar.

24. Vitamin D – A natural resource available to everyone through sunlight is

essential for

Absorption of Phosphorus and Calcium in body. It also helps develop the

immune system and prevent excess inflammation. All it needs is a little sunshine.

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(Important- Chew your food properly and avoid carbohydrate)


Calcium: To build bones and teeth to keep them strong, vital to nerve

transmission, blood clotting

And muscle functions. Soya milk, Soya products & Sesame seeds. It helps to

prevent Colon Cancer,

Osteoporosis, Migraine and PMS.

Page 36 of 44

Chromium: increases the effectiveness of insulin by stimulating glucose uptake in

the cell. It also

Helps to control levels of fat in the blood. Deficiency of this mineral can lead to

high cholesterol

Level. Whole grain cereals, Onion, Garlic, Cheese, Molasses, and Fennel.

Copper: provides relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis. It provides structure, strength

and elasticity in

Blood vessels, nerve, immune system, bones and joints.

Iron: It is the oxygen transporters of the blood. It keeps your immune system

healthy and helps to

Produce energy.

Magnesium: supports vascular and Respiratory health. It prevent airway spasm

in asthma, lowers

High blood pressure (contributing factor in heart attack stroke), prevents

migraine attack and restore

Normal sleep patron in women, associated with menopause.

Potassium: It works with sodium to maintain the fluid balance within the cells to

keep heartbeat

Regular and maintain normal blood pressure. Essential for the transmission of all

nerves impulses.

Avocados, sunflowers seeds, pump seeds and nuts, bananas, potatoes and


Sodium: Works with potassium to regulate food balance, essential for nerve and

muscle function.

Zinc: is good to maintain the bone health for older person. It is very important to

have zinc food to

Increase your bone density. It helps in cell division, cell growth, wound healing

and break down of carbohydrates. Sunflower seed, milk spinach are good

source of zinc. Zinc is destroyed when food is

Processed, so eat them in natural form. Zinc level also goes down due to stress.


Aduki Beans: Rich in fibre and Potassium. Useful for maintain healthy cholesterol

and blood

Pressure. They also contain magnesium, iron, zinc and Vitamin B, which are good

for energy.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Rich source of Vitamin C and soluble fibres.

Apple: They are good source of iron, Vitamin C, bioflavonoid and soluble fibres.

It helps develop

The immune system of body.

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Avocados: Raw or cooked – It has potassium and chromium, which helps to

regulate blood

Cholesterol level, without reducing good cholesterol (HDL). Source of Vitamin C

and E, which

Prevent the narrowing of the artery and potassium will help you to control the

blood pressure.

Asparagus: Rich source of vitamin B that prevents anaemia. It also contain

antioxidants, vitamin C,

Beta – carotene, Vitamin E. All of which will help maintain a healthy heart and

skin plus it had mild

Diuretic effect that can counter fluid retention.

Butter Milk: Drink butter milk, removing the butter after churning and adding a

pinch of black


Bitter Gourd: It works instantly. Cut in into small pieces and boil in water for 15

minutes on low

Flames. Sieve the juice with cloth and drink it empty stomach, this juice is very

beneficial in curing

Diabetes. Also helps in curing the enlarged liver, and in purification of blood. The

bitter Gourd juice

Can be taken with leaves of Basil. Helps in improving the function of Liver.

Benecol: It reduces LDL by partly blocking the cholesterol from entering into the


Cucumber: It is beneficial for the diabetes patient and also very good to take in

between the breakfast and meals whenever you feel hungry.

Flax Seed (Oil) (Contains Omega 3, Amino acid, Dietary fibres, Lignan, Calcium,

and Iron &Zinc): The flax plant is a rich source of the essential omega 3 fatty

acid. This is one of the best ways to boost your intake of omega 3s and lower

your cholesterol levels. Flax seeds have a pleasant, nutty

Flavour and can be sprinkled on cereals, yoghurts and smoothies. It can also be

taken as a drizzle on salads and vegetables. It is also needed for brain function,

balancing hormones and healthy skin, hair and nail. It is great source of protein,

fibre and antioxidants, Vitamin E, which is useful for maintaining immunity.

Fennel: Low in calorie, high in fibre, source of beta carotene an important anti

oxygen for the immune system, as well as the Folate- which is needed for

healthy blood and potassium to health control blood pressure.

Figs: Richest source of Calcium, contain pectin – a form of soluble fibre that can

help to reduce blood cholesterol level – and also insoluble fibre which helps the

movement of food through the gut, helping to prevent constipation and other

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Bowl problem. A hand full dried Fig remedy for constipation – and laxative


Guggul: Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride while making or improving HDL to

LDL ratio.

Garlic: Lowers Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and helps to remove excess fat as well

as improve

Blood Flow (1-2 cloves daily).

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Green Peppers: Vitamin C, Beta-carotene and bioflavonoid, which acts as anti-

oxidants –

Preventing cholesterol from blocking and damaging artery.

Lemon Juice: Excellent source of Vitamin C a healthy alternative to salt. It

contains bioflavonoid

Which acts as antioxidants to Free Radical damages? It reduces weight. It plays

a vital part in a body

Natural detoxification process, aiding digestion and intern, helping us to lose

weight safely. It stimulate the flow of Silvia and gastric juice, they said the lever in

producing bile and their packed

With vitamin C.

1. Drink lemon with warm water first thing in the morning (to stimulate the

digestive system and promote the bowel movement)

2. Vitamin C – (to help with fat metabolism and weight loss)

3. Balance your blood sugar level

4. cut down your sugar (to avoid over working liver)

5. Forget low fat (20-25% of your diet should be good fat)

6. Eat lot of fresh whole food (it support your detox system)

7. Know your digestion: Do’s and Don’ts (to avoid putting stress on your digestive

system, chew your food properly)

8. Take lemon water half hour before the meal

9. Steam cook sprouted Moong add tomato, onion, cucumber and ginger and

some nuts. Eat regularly.

Mushrooms: good source of protein and does not contain any starch. Very

beneficial for treatment

of diabetes. Controls the sugar contents in Urine

Nuts: Almonds, walnuts – antioxidants, fibre that helps lower LDL, which maintain

HDL level.

Neem Juice: Good for diabetes, liver stimulator & blood purifier.

Onion: Rich in antioxidants like selenium, which helps to raise HDL level.

Orange: Beneficial for whole body. It’s sweet and sour taste.

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Olive Oil: Rich in vitamin A. It has chemical, which lowers blood cholesterol.

Papaya: Eat raw papaya.

Quinoa [Keen-Wah]: High in protein, great in controlling blood sugar level, high

in fibre and

gluten free.

Sesame Seeds & Sesame seed oil: Good source of Calcium, magnesium,

copper, phosphorous,

Vitamin B1, zinc and fibre. These have cholesterol-lowering effect and prevent

high blood pressure.

Also seems to protect liver. These are also cardio protective. It is great for

maintaining healthy

Nervous system, bone and teeth.

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Soya Bean (Tofu: Soya Products): Extremely good source of Calcium, packed

with the amino acids ~ (proteins) therefore, great for controlling blood sugar

level and cholesterol. 25 gm of Soya

Beans, as a daily part of the diet can help in reducing cholesterol.

Soya Milk: Lower in saturated fat, omega 3 and 6, helps to lower cholesterol, rich

in calcium and Vitamins C.

Stevia: Natural and healthy sugar substitute (in place of sugar or saccharin).

Tomato: It has zinc which is fat soluble (tomato+ olive oil) is said to control sugar

content of urine through regular consumption

*** Tahini, Humous, Brazil nut, Gojiberries, Chick peas, Peers (Soya Paneer), Water

Cess, Spinach, Methi, Ajwain, tamarind, pepper, ginger & sprouted Moong are

food items which can be included in diet to prevent diabetes.


Your kitchen is a treasure of medicine. Spices kept in your kitchen can be used

to treat many

Diseases. Below is listed few examples of Spices helpful in preventing Diabetes.

Ajwain: Helps in regulating bowl movement, digestion of food, stomach ache

and cough.

Cinnamon: helps to reduce blood sugar level and cholesterol. Take ½ tsp daily

with cereal, oat meal

Or yogurt.

Cumin Seed (Jeera): Keeps the digestive system fit. After child birth Cumin seed

in boiled water

Increases milk in breastfeeding mothers.

Curry leaves: For centuries it is used in Indian cooking, it has the potential to

control diabetes and

Treat cancer. It contains agents that slow down the rate of starch to glucose

breakdown. Also it

Controls the amount of glucose entering to the blood steam.

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Fenugreek (Methi): (Seeds, sprouts and powder) - Fenugreek vegetable and

seeds are very

Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Rich in protein and fibre which binds

cholesterol in the body

And aids in its elimination. Make a fine powder with fenugreek seeds and eat it

on empty stomach

Daily with water.

Rock Salt: Rock salt is the best salt. It is light, digestive and balances the all

doshas in body.

Turmeric: Fights free radicals and aids circulation, lowers cholesterol, improve

blood vessel health

And inhabits clogging.

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500g wheat+500g rice+500g bajra+

500g moong dal (split) +20g ajavayana+

50g white til (sesame seeds)


1kg Gahu+100g Chana+ 100g Javari+

100g Bajra+100g Mackee+

100g Jov/Barley+200g Cholayee+200g Singara


3 Small Zuccini+12-15 String Beans+

1/4head of small cabbage+1/8 beetroot+

1/2 small potatoes+1/2small bell pepper+2 small carrots

Boil with enough water and salt to your taste

Blend, Add roasted Jira

Add fresh lime or lemon just before eating


8 large onions+ 2 green pepper+

2large cans tomatoes+1 head celery+

1/2 cabbage + stock cubes + cranberry juice


Drink one glass of green juice (Leaves of spinach, Methi, celery, lettuce,

cabbage, green coriander,

Pudina, basil, mint, cucumber, radish, capsicum, wheat grass, sprouted cereals

etc.) + 1tsp honey

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To control diabetes it is very important to control the cholesterol level in blood.

Many food items we

Consume on daily basis have high cholesterol content.


Butter - 250 Cottage Cheese - 15 Ice-cream - 45 Skimmed Milk – 5

Cheese - 100 Margarine - 65 Milk (1 Cup) - 34 Sponge Cake – 130

Cheese spread - 70 Mayonnaise - 10 Dried Milk - 85 Milk Chocolate - 190

Bread - 1


• Honey + cinnamon

• Amla + Bitter Gourd Juice

• Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Pumpkinseeds, Pist• Beans

• Soya beans

• Gojiberries

• Lin seeds – Omega 3

• Sweat potato.

• Pecon nut.

• Wheat Flour (4 portion) + Soya Flour (1 portion)

A balance diet should consist of 20% acid forming foods to 80% of alkali forming





Beef Jams Milk Wheat Lentils

Pork Biscuits Butte-milk Rice Chick peas

Lamb Pastries Yoghurt Oats Dried peas

Meat broths Soft drinks Fresh cream Barley Nuts

Extracts Ice cream cheese Come Walnuts

Meat soups Sugar products hard cheese not millet Cashews percari

All fish +








All bread

All flour esp. White

Breakfast cereal

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Peanuts butter

Note: 100% wholegrain products ego. Flour and rice, is less acid forming than

white flour and rice.

Seeds such as sunflower, sesame and pumpkin may be regarded as neutral.



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Fats – butter and vegetables oils such as olive, sunflower, and safflower and

sesame oils are neutral.

Cow’s milk is a food for your mammals and should always be used sparingly by

adults. It should be

Regarded as a food, not a drink and should not be served at a meal containing

meat. It should be used

Only in moderation with cereals and starches.


FRUITS Apple, Fig, Lemon, Peach, Raspberry Apricot, Gooseberry, Orange, Pear,


Strawberry, Mango, Pineapple, (fresh) Cherry, Grape, Melon Currant, Grapefruit,

Dates, Kiwi, Papaya, Raisins.

VEG. Asparagus, Cabbage, Chives, Kohlrabi, Onion, Runner Bean, Tomato,


Calabrease, Courgette, Leek, Parnip, Lurnip, Avocado, Carrot, Cucumber,

Lettuce, Pepper, Spinach, Watercress Beetroot, Cauliflower, Endive, Marrow

Potato in

Skins, Watercress Broccoli, Celenac, Fresh pea, Mushroom, Spring onion, Brussels

Sprout, Celery, Kale, Mustard/cress, Radish, Swede

NUTS Almond, Brazil Chestnut, Hazelnut, Pine Kernmel Grains, Millet

Vegetables and fruits are the richest source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Raw food vegetable

And fruit juices detoxify the whole body and give greater energy to maintain

good health. It is the

Most effective way to restore health and rejuvenate the body. Cooked food

takes 5 –6 hours for

Digestion whereas raw juices are digested with 25 –30 minutes. Diseases are

caused because of

Deficiencies of the body which lack essential constituents. It has been proved

that raw juices have

Shown miraculous results in incurable diseases.

The raw juices nourish and vitalises the whole body, which absorbs juices quickly

and helps in faster

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Recovery. The whole body system is cleansed and purified and gives

physiological rest of digestive

Organs because it contains hormones and anti-biotic substances. Fruit juices

purify the blood casts

Out toxins from cells, which increases the quality of urine? Whereas, vegetables

juices do

Reconstruction works in the body and produce new cells.

1. Bitter Guard + Cucumber + Tomato- on empty stomach


♦ 1 Papaya + ½ Melon + 3 ½ White Grapes} Fruit in A Procession


♦ ¾ cup of steamed Spanish.

♦ 4 ½ of broccoli flower, 2 apple, 1 tea spoon of lemon juice} bust on with

Vitamin A, B and C,

Contains as much as calcium as milk. Replenish Vitamins re -hydrate the body.

Ideal cure for



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♦ 1 small avocado, 3ozs asparagus spears, handful of parsley, 2 large oranges

and lemon juice}

Are the source of Vitamin A and E, great cleanser, skin tonic and antioxidant?


♦ 1 kiwi fruit, ½ large pine apple, 2 apple, ½ mug Alfa sprouts, ½ mug watercress,

½ mugs

Parsley, ½ mug kale, ½ mug broccoli and wheat grass.

♦ 2 Sticks of celery+ ½ medium cucumbers, hand full of Spanish +wheat grass.

Use asparagus

As a garnish.


♦ Carrot, tomato, celery, parsley, almond and sunflower seeds, herbs and spices



♦ 2 Apple + ½ Lemon + as much watercress you like – Put all these through juicer.


♦ 2 Lemon + 2 tsp maple syrup +1/2 tsp ground ginger + ½ tsp ground cinnamon

– Put the

Juice in a small saucepan, stir in a water or tea and mix all together, allow to

boil, then

Simmer for a few minutes.

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♦ ½ Garlic clove (finely minced) + 1 tsp sea salt + 3 tsp extra virgin olive oil + 1tsp


Squeezed lemon juice – Add these in a salad bowl and seasoning for taste.



DAY 1 – Fruits and juices only: Apple, Pears, Berries and Melons

DAY 2 – Drink all Herbal Teas: Camomile, Peppermint and Chinese Tea

DAY 3 – Eat all vegetables: raw or steamed.

DAY 4 – Vegetables soup.

♦ Patanjali Yog Part -1, 2nd Edition March 2009 – Sunita Poddar

♦ Aastha Channel

♦ Yog its Philosophy & Practice – Swami Ramdev

♦ Ayurveda Its Principle & Philosophies – Acharya Balkrishna

♦ Aushadh Darshan - Acharya Balkrishna

♦ Pranayam Its Philosophy & Practice – Swami Ramdev

♦ Yog in Synergy with Medical Science - Acharya Balkrishna

♦ Yog for Diabetes – DVD by Swami Ramdev


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