
Hope College Bnchor LDC —12 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland. Michigan Much 13.1947 COUNCIL SCHEDULES COLLEGE SING Christie, Rietberg Combine In Joint Recital March 25 The Music Department an- nounces the joint recital of Eliza- beth Christie, vocalist and Roger Rietberg, organist, on Tuesday evening, March 25, at 8:15 in the chapel. Elizabeth Christie is a Junior, and her home is in New Jersey. In 1940 and 41 she was a mem- ber of the New Jersey All-State Chorus. When she entered Hope in 1942, she wort the Freshman Voice Scholarship. After her Sophomore year she left Hope, and during the winter of 1944 studied voice with Gerald Duberta of New York. She is a music major and has been studying voice with Prof. Robert Cavanah. Roger Rietberg, a senior return- ed to Hope in February 1940 after 32 months in the Army Air Corps, serving with the troop-carrier squadron in Italy. While in Italy, he was organist for the chapel services. Roger has studied piano for eight years, six in his home town, Grand Rapids, and two while at Hope. He studied organ for fi months in Grand Rapids, and is in i his thiru semester of organ study with Mrs. Snow. He is organist and director of the Boy's Choir in the Eighth Reformed Church of Grand Rapids. The recital program is:- I These Are They. Gaul i) Mio Babbina Cara Puccini Betty Christie, vocalist II Fugue in G Major Bach Jeiui, Joy of Man's Desiring... Bach Roger Rietberg, organist III Extasc Du Pare Ouvres tes Yeur Bleus .... Massanaet Romance Debussy Betty Christie IV Chorale No. 3 in A minor ...Franck Roger Rietberg V None But the Lonely Heart Tschaikowsky Do Not Go My Love Hageman When I Bring To You Colour'd Toys ..Carpenter I Love The3 Dear Grieg VI Festival Prelude on Ein' Feste Burg Faulkes Miss Van Domelen Joins Faculty Miss Louise Van Domelen, grad- uate of Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, has assumed the position of Women's Physical Edu- cation Instructor. Miss Van Dome- len taught for three years at Te- cumseh, Michigan. During the war she joined the Army and worked at Walter Reed Hospital doing physical therapy- work. She then went overseas and returned only recently to Holland, Michigan, where her father resides. The girl's physical education was formerly under the direction of Mr. Jack Schouten who has been kept very busy with the added men en- rollment. A new instructor in phys- ical instruction will enable credit courses to be offered to help pres- ent students teach physical educa- tion in other schools. Hollander, Germans Request Pen Pals Two letters have come to the at- tention of the Anchor within the past few weeks. One is from an International Pen- Friendship Club in Germany and another from an eighteen-year-old boy in the Netherlands. Both let- ters expressed a desire to corre- spond with someone in the United States. The address of the boy in Neth- erlands is: G. Rekkers, Voorstraat 42, Wijhaan Zee, Noord-Holland, Nederland. The address of the per- son in charge of the International Pen-Friendship Club is: Miss A. M. Braun, 13b Miinchen 15, Lind- wum Bavaria writes that the club members would be willing to write in either Eng- lish or German. Sophomores Plan Spring Party After being successful in winning the pull and Nykerk cup last fall, the sophomore class is continuing its active year by having a party on March 22. Chairmen in charge of the big affair are Connie Hinga, Marie Buttlar, Bob Burton, and Walt Boerman. Working with the main chairmen are three committees. Max Boers- ma heads the program committee composed of Mary Van Loo, Irene Heemstra, and Baxter Elhart. The refreshments are being handled by Lorraine Tempest and her com- mittee made up of Paul Hinkamp and Betty De Ryke. Shirley Leslie Lee Sneden, Kay McQueen, am Duane Vander Yacht are making sure that the party is being pub- licized. All sophomores who have paid their dues are entitled to this eve- ning of fun. Those who haven't paid their dues should pay them to Betty Weaver or their chapel monitors. Modern Language Club Meets Mar. 1( The Modern Language Club held its regular meeting in the chapel on March 10, 1947. The Dutch class taught by Miss Bouvy was in charge of the program for the eve ning. Miss Jantina Holleman gave an interesting paper on the History of Dutch Music. She also accom panied the group in the singing of Dutch folk songs and Wilhelmus, the National Anthem. The folk tunes included a round, "De Be zem," "Slaap, Kindje Slaap," "Klein Klein Klentertji," "Daar Zatten Practice (1) For Sing Hope's Societies Point Toward Sing Honors March 21, the Hope College Memorial Chapel will be the scene of the All-College sing sponsored this year by Student Council. Alma Vander Hill, chairman of the event, has been working with the general committee composed of Betty Van Lente, Joe Palmer, and Max Frego to make this one of the best musical presentations the college students will hear. The All-College sing originated Of IOC/A r 0 y onv Zenen Kikkertjes," "Ik Heb Mijn Strasse, 126/A, Germany, Volgelladen" ia, U. S. Zone. Miss Braun w ®K en vo, g e,laae "- . ..... The program also included the showing of two films. The one was entitled "Zuiderzee" and the other "The Peoples of the Indies." Annual Penny Carnival Aids Sarospatak College The Woman's Activity League plans to be in the limelight on March 28, when it will again spon- sor a Penny Carnival in the gym- nasium. Last year and again this year the student® of Sarospatak College will be sent clothes bought by the p Duri ^$ast two yean, Hope student ve had the needs of these ] irian students impress- ed u ^ m. Again we students sip to bring comfort and iness to these people. Miss lizabeth Lichty, W-AJU advisor, haa received a personal letter of tnaity and appreciation from one of the college professors at Sar- ospatak. The advice from the committee is to start saving those pennies now. A variety of booths will be set up by the sororities, frater- nities, the Alcor Society, The Blue Key Society, the Y's, Freshman girls, and the faculty. For the information of the newer students, these booths will probably include games of Bingo, some games of skill, the selling of various refresh- ments, a picture gallery, a tele- gram office, fortune telling, and other activities peculiar to carni- vals. Marjorie Lucking and Betty VanBeuren are in charge of this event Lounge Committee Members Chosen The Student Council recently appointed a committee to be in charge of redecorating the base- ment of Van Raalte Hall. Com- mittee members are Prof. Avison and Miss Meyers representing the faculty; Dr. Raymond from the administration department. Student members are: Art Van Eck and Alida Kostermann as "Y" representatives; Gabby VanDis from the Student Council; and Lou Bixby and Bobbie Bilkert as Committee chairmen. This com- mittee will act on all matters . . . financial or otherwise .... con- nected with the project. It has been decided that the Blue Key Book Story will be modernized, the Koffee Kletz will stay where it is, and the Janitor's room will be shut off. Suggestions for further improvement will be taken from the questionaires re- turned by students. o Alcohol Problem Is Competition Theme Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers has been asked to serve on a six-man ex- ecutive committee of the Intercol- legiate Association for the study of the Alcohol Problem. T h i s agency is not a new or temporary movement; it is a permanent agency for education on the Alco- hol Problem, specializing in service to colleges, students and high school teachers. Because of the acute problem at the present time the organization has launched an intensive 4-year post-war program. Dr. Lubbers has been interested in this committee for a number of years. There was a chapter of the association active on Hope's cam- pus a number of years ago. To stimulate thought and action the association is staging an edi- torial contest offering a total of 19 prizes with a value of $560.00. Theme of the editorials is "Out- growing Alcoholic Culture," and contenders may write on any phase of this general theme. The contest is open to undergraduate college students, enrolled for the year 1946-47, only. Entries will be re- ceived up to June 30, 1947, but for a better chance at the extra month- ly prizes the student is advised to write early. First prize will be $200.00, second $50.00 each (2 prizes), third—$20.00 each (10 prizes), and $10.00 will be awarded for each editorial selected for pub- lication in the "International Stu- dent" magazine. o Student Addresses I. R. Club Tonight The International Relations Club will hold its regular meeting this evening at 7:15 P.M. The club will have as its speaker for this meeting Jan Van Schilfgaarde, formerly from the Hague, Nether- lands, and now at home in Hope's 'T' Barracks. Jan will tell some- thing about his own country . . . . at peace, at war, and while under German occupation. Naval Reserve Unit Visits Campus Today, Tomorrow The U. S. Naval Reserve Travel- ing Unit which is on tour through- out the State of Michigan for the purpose of enrolling veterans of all branches of the Armed Forces, in- cluding ex-waves, in the Naval Reserve Inactive Duty Program, will be on Hope's campus today and tomorrow, Thursday and Fri- day, March 13 and 14, 1947, be- tween 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Any veteran desiring further particulars on the opportunities offered through this new rapidly-growing Naval Reserve Civilian program is urged to contact Lt. (jg) J. H. Faber, Officer in Charge of the Traveling Recruiting Unit. YW Question Box Features Kruithot The YMCA meeting on March 18 will be a question box lead by Rev. Bastian Kruithof of First Reformed Church, Holland. The questions may be on any- thing and must be turned in to cabinet members by Monday, March 17. Betty Timmer and Har- riet Hains are in charge of the meeting. Election of officers will be held on March 25. March 11, Dr. Ver- geer spoke on the topic, "Giving a Scientific Explanation for Various Things in the Bible". The meeting was in charge of Rosalind Scholten and Marjorie Stephens. Glory Day Honors Basketball Champs Glory Day was held Thursday March 6, in honor of Hope's win- ning the M. I. A. A. Championship The day was spent in honoring the team that brought this distinction A pep rally held in Carnegie Gymnasium after Chapel opened the events of the day. It featum the cheerleaders, college band Coach Hinga, and the team. The group then assembled for the snake dance, which went through Senior Junior and Christian high schools At 10:00 A.M. the Holland theater was opened to the group, The movie, "The Mighty McGurk" was presented. The afternoon was left free to the students to spend as they wish ed. The general chairmen of the activities were Bud Koranda, Louise TerBeek, and Betty Van Lente. Photo Exhibition Held at U. of Mo. The second annual Collegiate Photography Exhibition sponsored by Kappa Alpha Nu, national pictorial journalism honor frater- nity will be held at the university of Missouri. Any college student is eligible to enter one to eight prints using news, features or pictorial sub- ject matter. The deadline for these entries is April 30, 1947. There is no entry fee but pictures must be sent prepaid. Prints may be of any size but must be mounted on standard 16''x20'' boards. The winner of the contest will receive a new Eastman twin-lens reflex camera, donated by "Pop- ular Photography magazine. in 1941 when the Sorosis and Emersonians were judged best. A cup donated by Mrs. Grace Fenton was presented to the group. Again in 1942 the Sorosis and Emersonian took top honors, All- College sings were then discon- tinued throughout the war. This year begins the annual event anew. Judging this year will be done by Mrs, E, Baughman of the faculty, Mr. Quackenbush of Grand Haven and a third judge not yet announced. This year judging will be on tone quality, interpretation of song, technique, selection, direction,- ac- companiment, stage presence and appearance. Each fraternity and sorority will sing their own song plus one of Iheir own choice. This year the Arcadians will present, "The Sun Goes Down"; Emersonian, "Song of Songs"; Fraternal, "The Bells of St, Mary's"; Knickerbockers, "Moon Medley"; Cosmopolitans. "Old Man Noah". The A. S. A. Freshman Girl Society will sing "The Desert Song" by Romberg; Delphi, "When Day is Done"; Dorian, "Reverie"; Sibylline, "Lamps of Evening"; Sorosis, "Trees"; Thesaurian "Sweethearts". Other committees for the sing are: publicity, LeRoy Koranda; Chapel Accomodations, Russ Nor- den; Flowers and Decorations, Ruth DeGraff; Programs, Dale Akridge; Max Frego; Judges, Phyl Haskins, Prof. Cavanaugh Releases Concert Tour Program For Men's Glee Club Anchor Staff Hears Sentinel Journalist On Friday, March 7, Mr. Allen of Holland was present at a meeting of the Anchor Staff to give them information on newspaper writing. Mr. Allen is a member of the edi- torial staff of the Holland Evening Sentinel. Mr. Allen gave the staff pointers on writing good headlines and news articles by criticism and examples of good writing. At the end of his suggestions, questions were an- swered. This is the first of several visi- tors the Anchor staff is anticipat- ing. Dr. Clarence DeGraaf, in charge of the project, is planning on several members of the Grand Rapids Press. o Rudolph Ganz Presents Recital In Hope Chapel Mr. Rudolph Ganz, director of the Grand Rapids Symphony, pre- sented a lecture demonstration and piano recital for Hope College stu- dents and faculty this morning at 11:00. Until last year Mr. Ganz was formerly the assistant director of the Chicago Symphony. He will be on the campus until 3:00 this afternoon in order to have confer- ences with music students. Int. Relations Schedules Meet At Butler U. It has recently been announced that the Sixteenth Annual Mid- western Conference of the Inter- national Relations Clubs, sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, is to be held at Butler Uni- versity in Indianapolis, Indiana, on April 4th and 5th. Three members and the sponsor of Hope's Inter- national Relations Club will repre- sent Hope's Club at the conference: Miss Metta J. Ross, sponsor, Ches- ter Droog, club president, Joanne Decker and Don Vandenberg. The theme of the conference is to be "Building the New World." Under the topic of reconstruction, the discussions will be centered around displaced persons, the mi- nority problem, the restoration of defeated nations, the democratizing of the defeated nations, and world re-education under UNOSCO. i Also to be discussed is the prob- lem of disarmament which will in- clude disarmament vs. security, an international police force, the men- ace of renascent facism, and the menace of world communism. Under the problem of perfecting the United Nations, the conference will discuss confederation vs. fed- eration, the national sovereignty problem, the role of the defeated nations, trusteeships and mandates, and a universal Bill of Rights. Hope's contribution to the pro- gram will be the rendering of three papers: Chester Droog on "Dis- armament vs. Security," Donald Vandenberg on "The Menace of Renascent Facsism," and Joanne Decker speaking on "The Role of the Defeated Nations." 9 ft Prof. Robert Cavanaugh has an- nounced the following program for the Men's Glee Club concert tour, which begins on April 7. Besides the Glee Club members there will be numbers on the organ by Roger Rietberg, piano numbers by Herbert Ritsema, and Cornet duets by Lee Sneden and Calvin Swart. Incidental solo parts will be done by Timothy Harrison, Keith De Jong, and Prof. Cavanaugh. o I The Sword of Ferrara Bullard Passing By Purcell When Through the Night Liszt Clark Berg op Zoom Netherlands Folk-Song Serenade Romberg Men's Glee Club II The Plains of Peace Barnard Fantasia Smith Holmes Cornet Duet III Hallelujah, Amen Handel God is a Spirit Scholin Ecce Quo Modo Moritur Palestrina Hospodi Pomilui..Krone Lvovsky Men's Glee Club IV Concert Etude MacDowell Malaguena Lecuona Herbert Ritaema, Pianist or Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Bach Festiva; Prelude Ein' Feste Burg Faulkes Roger Rietburg, Organist V The Four Winds Bomschein Auf Wiedersehn Romberg The Pilot Protheroe Tramp!! Tramp! Tramp {.... Herbert Alma Mater Hymn Cavanaugh Men's Glee Club

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Hope College Bnchor LDC —12 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland. Michigan M u c h 1 3 . 1 9 4 7


In Joint Recital March 25 The Music D e p a r t m e n t an-

nounces the joint recital of Eliza-beth Christie, vocalist and Roger Rietberg, organist , on Tuesday evening, March 25, a t 8:15 in the chapel.

Elizabeth Christie is a Junior, and her home is in New Jersey.

In 1940 and 41 she was a mem-ber of the New Jersey All-State Chorus. When she entered Hope in 1942, she wort the Freshman Voice Scholarship.

Af t e r her Sophomore year she left Hope, and during the winter of 1944 studied voice with Gerald Duberta of New York.

She is a music major and has been s tudying voice with Prof. Robert Cavanah.

Roger Rietberg, a senior return-ed to Hope in February 1940 a f t e r 32 months in the Army Air Corps, s e r v i n g with the troop-carrier squadron in I taly. While in Italy, he was organis t fo r the chapel services.

Roger has studied piano for eight years, six in his home town, Grand Rapids, and two while at Hope. He studied organ for fi months in Grand Rapids, and is in i

his thiru semester of organ study with Mrs. Snow.

He is organis t and director of the Boy's Choir in the Eighth Reformed Church of Grand Rapids.

The recital program is:-I

These Are They. Gaul i) Mio Babbina Cara Puccini

Betty Christie, vocalist II

Fugue in G Major Bach Jeiui, Joy of Man's Desiring... Bach

Roger Rietberg, organist III

Extasc Du Pare Ouvres tes Yeur Bleus....Massanaet Romance Debussy

Betty Christie IV

Chorale No. 3 in A minor ...Franck Roger Rietberg

V None But the Lonely Heart Tschaikowsky Do Not Go My Love Hageman When I Bring To You Colour'd

Toys ..Carpenter I Love The3 Dear Grieg

VI Festival Prelude on Ein' Feste

Burg Faulkes

Miss Van Domelen Joins Faculty

Miss Louise Van Domelen, grad-

uate of Michigan State Normal

College, Ypsilanti , has assumed the

position of Women's Physical Edu-

cation Instructor . Miss Van Dome-

len t augh t f o r three years at Te-

cumseh, Michigan.

During the war she joined the Army and worked at Walter Reed Hospital doing physical therapy-work. She then went overseas and returned only recently to Holland, Michigan, where her fa the r resides.

The girl 's physical education was formerly under the direction of Mr. Jack Schouten who has been kept very busy with the added men en-rollment. A new instructor in phys-ical instruction will enable credit courses to be offered to help pres-ent s tudents teach physical educa-tion in other schools.

Hollander, Germans Request Pen Pals

Two let ters have come to the at-tention of the Anchor within the past few weeks.

One is f rom an International Pen-Friendship Club in Germany and another f rom an eighteen-year-old boy in the Netherlands. Both let-ters expressed a desire to corre-spond with someone in the United States.

The address of the boy in Neth-erlands is: G. Rekkers, Voorst raat 42, Wijhaan Zee, Noord-Holland, Nederland. The address of the per-son in charge of the International Pen-Friendship Club is: Miss A. M. Braun, 13b Miinchen 15, Lind-w u m Bavaria wri tes tha t the club members would be willing to write in either Eng-lish or German.

Sophomores Plan Spring Party

After being successful in winning the pull and Nykerk cup last fall, the sophomore class is continuing its active year by having a party on March 22. Chairmen in charge of the big affair are Connie Hinga, Marie Butt lar , Bob Burton, and Walt Boerman.

Working with the main chairmen are three committees. Max Boers-ma heads the program committee composed of Mary Van Loo, Irene Heemstra, and Baxter Elhart . The ref reshments are being handled by Lorraine Tempest and her com-mittee made up of Paul Hinkamp and Betty De Ryke. Shirley Leslie Lee Sneden, Kay McQueen, am Duane Vander Yacht are making sure that the par ty is being pub-licized.

All sophomores who have paid their dues are entitled to this eve-ning of fun . Those who haven't paid their dues should pay them to Betty Weaver or their chapel monitors.

Modern Language Club Meets Mar. 1(

The Modern Language Club held its regular meeting in the chapel on March 10, 1947. The Dutch class taught by Miss Bouvy was in charge of the program for the eve ning.

Miss Jan t ina Holleman gave an interesting paper on the History of Dutch Music. She also accom panied the group in the singing of Dutch folk songs and Wilhelmus, the National Anthem. The folk tunes included a round, "De Be zem," "Slaap, Kindje Slaap," "Klein Klein Klenter t j i ," "Daar Zatten

Practice (1) For Sing Hope's Societies Point Toward Sing Honors

March 21, the Hope College Memorial Chapel will be the scene of the All-College sing sponsored this year by Student Council. Alma Vander Hill, chairman of the event, has been working with the general committee composed of Betty Van Lente, Joe Palmer, and Max Frego to make this one of the best musical presentations the college students will hear.

The All-College sing originated

Of IOC/A r0y onv Zenen Kikkert jes ," "Ik Heb Mijn Strasse, 126/A, Germany, Volgel laden"

ia, U. S. Zone. Miss Braun w ®K e n v o , g e , l a a e " - . . . . . . The program also included the

showing of two films. The one was entitled "Zuiderzee" and the other "The Peoples of the Indies."

Annual Penny Carnival Aids Sarospatak College

The Woman's Activity League plans to be in the limelight on March 28, when it will again spon-sor a Penny Carnival in the gym-nasium. Last year and again this year the student® of Sarospatak College will be sent clothes bought by the p

Duri ^$ast two y e a n , Hope student ve had the needs of these ] irian students impress-ed u ^ m. Again we students

sip to bring comfort and iness to these people. Miss

lizabeth Lichty, W-AJU advisor, haa received a personal letter of tna i ty and appreciation from one of t h e college professors at Sar-

ospatak. The advice from the committee

is to start saving those pennies now. A variety of booths will be set up by the sororities, frater-nities, the Alcor Society, The Blue Key Society, the Y's, Freshman girls, and the faculty. For the information of the newer students, these booths will probably include games of Bingo, some games of skill, the selling of various refresh-ments, a picture gallery, a tele-gram office, fortune telling, and other activities peculiar to carni-vals. Marjorie Lucking and Betty VanBeuren are in charge of this event

Lounge Committee Members Chosen

The Student Council recently appointed a committee to be in charge of redecorating the base-ment of Van Raalte Hall. Com-mittee members are Prof. Avison and Miss Meyers representing the facul ty; Dr. Raymond from the administration department.

Student members a re : Art Van Eck and Alida Kostermann as " Y " representat ives; Gabby VanDis from the Student Council; and Lou Bixby and Bobbie Bilkert as Committee chairmen. This com-mittee will act on all matters . . . financial or otherwise . . . . con-nected with the project.

It has been decided that the

Blue Key Book Story will be modernized, the Koffee Kletz will s tay where it is, and the Jani tor ' s room will be shut off. Suggestions for fu r the r improvement will be taken from the questionaires re-turned by students.


Alcohol Problem Is Competition Theme

Dr. Irwin J . Lubbers has been asked to serve on a six-man ex-ecutive committee of the Intercol-legiate Association for the study of the Alcohol Problem. T h i s agency is not a new or temporary movement; it is a p e r m a n e n t agency for education on the Alco-hol Problem, specializing in service to colleges, s tudents and high school teachers. Because of the acute problem at the present time the organization has launched an intensive 4-year post-war program.

Dr. Lubbers has been interested in this committee for a number of years. There was a chapter of the association active on Hope's cam-pus a number of years ago.

To st imulate thought and action the association is s taging an edi-torial contest offering a total of 19 prizes with a value of $560.00. Theme of the editorials is "Out-growing Alcoholic Culture," and contenders may write on any phase of this general theme. The contest is open to undergraduate college students, enrolled for the year 1946-47, only. Entr ies will be re-ceived up to June 30, 1947, but f o r a bet ter chance at the ext ra month-ly prizes the student is advised to write early. F i r s t prize will be $200.00, second — $50.00 each (2 prizes), t h i rd—$20 .00 each (10 prizes), and $10.00 will be awarded for each editorial selected for pub-lication in the "Internat ional Stu-dent" magazine.


Student Addresses I. R. Club Tonight

The International Relations Club will hold its regular meeting this evening at 7:15 P.M. The club will have as its speaker for this meeting Jan Van Schilfgaarde, formerly from the Hague, Nether-lands, and now at home in Hope's 'T' Barracks. Jan will tell some-thing about his own country . . . . at peace, at war, and while under German occupation.

Naval Reserve Unit Visits Campus Today, Tomorrow

The U. S. Naval Reserve Travel-ing Unit which is on tour through-out the State of Michigan for the purpose of enrolling veterans of all branches of the Armed Forces, in-cluding ex-waves, in the Naval Reserve Inactive Duty Program, will be on Hope's campus today and tomorrow, Thursday and Fri-day, March 13 and 14, 1947, be-tween 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Any veteran desiring f u r t h e r particulars on the opportunities offered through this new rapidly-growing Naval Reserve Civilian program is urged to contact Lt. ( jg) J . H. Faber , Officer in Charge of the Traveling Recruiting Unit.

YW Question Box Features Kruithot

The YMCA meeting on March 18 will be a question box lead by Rev. Bastian Kruithof of First Reformed Church, Holland.

The questions may be on any-thing and must be turned in to cabinet members by Monday, March 17. Betty Timmer and Har-riet Hains are in charge of the meeting.

Election of off icers will be held on March 25. March 11, Dr. Ver-geer spoke on the topic, "Giving a Scientific Explanation for Various Things in the Bible". The meeting

was in charge of Rosalind Scholten and Marjorie Stephens.

Glory Day Honors Basketball Champs

Glory Day was held Thursday March 6, in honor of Hope's win-ning the M. I. A. A. Championship The day was spent in honoring the team that brought this distinction

A pep rally held in Carnegie Gymnasium a f t e r Chapel opened the events of the day. It f e a t u m the cheerleaders, college band Coach Hinga, and the team. The group then assembled for the snake dance, which went through Senior Junior and Christ ian high schools At 10:00 A.M. the Holland theater was opened to the group, The movie, "The Mighty McGurk" was presented.

The afternoon was lef t f ree to the students to spend as they wish ed. The general chairmen of the activities were Bud Koranda, Louise TerBeek, and Betty Van Lente.

Photo Exhibition Held at U. of Mo.

The second annual Collegiate Photography Exhibition sponsored by Kappa Alpha Nu, national pictorial journalism honor f ra ter -nity will be held at the university of Missouri.

Any college student is eligible to enter one to eight pr ints using news, fea tures or pictorial sub-ject matter . The deadline for these entries is April 30, 1947. There is no entry fee but pictures must be sent prepaid. Pr ints may be of any size but must be mounted on standard 16''x20'' boards.

The winner of the contest will receive a new Eas tman twin-lens reflex camera, donated by "Pop-ular Photography magazine.

in 1941 when the Sorosis and

Emersonians were judged best. A

cup donated by Mrs. Grace Fenton

was presented to the group.

Again in 1942 the Sorosis and

Emersonian took top honors, All-

College sings were then discon-

tinued throughout the war.

This year begins the annual

event anew. Judging this year will

be done by Mrs, E, Baughman of

the faculty, Mr. Quackenbush of

Grand Haven and a third judge not

yet announced.

This year judging will be on tone quality, interpretat ion of song, technique, selection, direction,- ac-companiment, s tage presence and appearance.

Each f ra te rn i ty and sorority will sing their own song plus one of Iheir own choice. This year the Arcadians will present, "The Sun Goes Down"; Emersonian, "Song of Songs"; Fra ternal , "The Bells of St, Mary 's" ; Knickerbockers, "Moon Medley"; Cosmopolitans.

"Old Man Noah" . The A. S. A. Freshman Girl

Society will sing "The Desert Song" by Romberg; Delphi, "When Day is Done"; Dorian, "Reverie"; Sibylline, "Lamps of Evening"; Sorosis, "Trees" ; Thesaurian "Sweethear ts" .

Other committees for the sing are : publicity, LeRoy Koranda; Chapel Accomodations, Russ Nor-den; Flowers and Decorations, Ruth DeGraff ; Programs, Dale Akridge; Max Frego; Judges , Phyl Haskins,

Prof. Cavanaugh Releases Concert Tour Program For Men's Glee Club

Anchor Staff Hears Sentinel Journalist

On Friday, March 7, Mr. Allen of Holland was present at a meeting of the Anchor Staff to give them information on newspaper writing. Mr. Allen is a member of the edi-torial staff of the Holland Evening Sentinel.

Mr. Allen gave the staff pointers on writ ing good headlines and news articles by criticism and examples of good writ ing. A t the end of his suggestions, questions were an-swered.

This is the first of several visi-tors the Anchor staff is anticipat-ing. Dr. Clarence DeGraaf, in charge of the project , is planning on several members of the Grand Rapids Press.


Rudolph Ganz Presents Recital In Hope Chapel

Mr. Rudolph Ganz, director of the Grand Rapids Symphony, pre-sented a lecture demonstration and piano recital for Hope College stu-dents and faculty this morning at 11:00. Until last year Mr. Ganz was formerly the assistant director of the Chicago Symphony. He will be on the campus until 3:00 this afternoon in order to have confer-ences with music students.

Int. Relations Schedules Meet At Butler U.

I t has recently been announced that the Sixteenth Annual Mid-western Conference of the Inter-national Relations Clubs, sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, is to be held a t Butler Uni-versity in Indianapolis, Indiana, on April 4th and 5th. Three members and the sponsor of Hope's Inter-national Relations Club will repre-sent Hope's Club at the conference: Miss Metta J . Ross, sponsor, Ches-ter Droog, club president, Joanne Decker and Don Vandenberg.

The theme of the conference is to be "Building the New World." Under the topic of reconstruction, the discussions will be centered around displaced persons, the mi-nority problem, the restoration of defeated nations, the democratizing of the defeated nations, and world

re-education under UNOSCO. i Also to be discussed is the prob-

lem of disarmament which will in-clude disarmament vs. security, an international police force, the men-ace of renascent facism, and the menace of world communism.

Under the problem of perfecting the United Nations, the conference will discuss confederation vs. fed-eration, the national sovereignty problem, the role of the defeated nations, trusteeships and mandates, and a universal Bill of Rights.

Hope's contribution to the pro-gram will be the rendering of three papers: Chester Droog on "Dis-armament vs. Security," Donald Vandenberg on "The Menace of Renascent Facsism," and Joanne Decker speaking on "The Role of the Defeated Nations."

9 ft

Prof . Robert Cavanaugh has an-

nounced the following program for

the Men's Glee Club concert tour,

which begins on April 7.

Besides the Glee Club members

there will be numbers on the organ

by Roger Rietberg, piano numbers by Herber t Ritsema, and Cornet duets by Lee Sneden and Calvin Swart. Incidental solo pa r t s will be done by Timothy Harrison, Keith De Jong, and Prof. Cavanaugh.

o I

The Sword of Fe r ra ra Bullard Passing By Purcell When Through the

Night Liszt — Clark Berg op Zoom

Netherlands Folk-Song Serenade Romberg

Men's Glee Club II

The Plains of Peace Barnard Fantas ia Smith — Holmes

Cornet Duet III

Hallelujah, Amen Handel God is a Spirit Scholin Ecce Quo Modo

Moritur Palestrina Hospodi Pomilui..Krone — Lvovsky

Men's Glee Club IV

Concert Etude MacDowell Malaguena Lecuona

Herbert Ritaema, Pianist or

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring — Bach

Festiva; Prelude Ein' Feste Burg Faulkes

Roger Rietburg, Organist V

The Four Winds Bomschein Auf Wiedersehn Romberg The Pilot Protheroe Tramp!! Tramp! Tramp {....Herbert Alma Mater Hymn Cavanaugh

Men's Glee Club

Page 2: 03-13-1947

Page Two i

Hope Col lege flnchor Member

Pbsocided Cc)0e6iale Press


Vivian Dykema Editor-in-Chief

Renze L. Hoeksema (Associate Editorf Robert Wildman J

Louise Ter Beek Business Managei Joseph Palmer, J r Asst. Business Manager Harriet Hains News Editor Barbara Bilkert Feature Editor Glenna Gore Society Editor Owen Koeppe Sports Editor Mary Young. Circulation Manager

Dorothy Davis J Typists Janet PfeiflFer (

Dale Ackeridge Art Editor Adrian Bos Photographer


Lou Bixby, Rachel Dykstra, Virginia Hemmes, Caro-lyn Ingham, Alida Kloosterman, Ernest Meeusen, Jean Meulendyke, Lois Meulendyke, Ruth Quant, Eleanor Rubingh, Ruth Ruys, Jean Thompson, Dick Vriesman, Vergil Dykstra, Bob Hill, Casey Friesma, Beatrice Reyst.

Hope College Anchor


Walter Boerma, Dick Brown, Marie Buttlar, Marian Hanna, Carolyn Ingham, Jan Joldersma, Rodger Kempers, Lyn Lundberg, Don Vanden Berg, Robert Wildman.


Ruth Bartholomew, Marcia De Young. Donna Slig-ter, Evelyn Van Dam, Bonita Zandbergen.

student to hold one major office during a given school year. The mechanics of such a system would have to be ironed out in a committee, possibly of the Student Council and Women's Activities League.

Instead of waiting until the time that alections are being held, or else have been held, and then worrying about how to limit the number of positions per student, some-thing should be done before then. Not only does the person involved suffer, but the or-ganizations do not receive the best that they could and should receive. Real accomplish-ment comes only with undivided attention.

The solution of this activities problem rests in the hands of the students themselves. If you feel that Hope lacks things to do, in-vestigate the opportunities which are at your fingertips. If your organization fails to meet the need of satisfying those who do not at-tend because interest is lacking, evaluate and revise so that this need may be met. And if you are burdened with too many activities, consider others who may find themselves in the same predicament unless some plans are made soon. The problem can be solved, but it will require immediate cooperation from everyone.


M \ {M F H

In response to the question, DO YOU T H I N K T H E R E ARE ENOUGH ACTIVITIES ON CAM-




Activities - Plus or Minus Anyone who attends campus organizations

will readily say that meetings are seldom well-attended, even by regular members. Clubs such as International Relations Club, English Majors, Y.M. and Y.W.C.A., and P & M comprise only a small proportion of the student body. Yet these organizations conduct and sponsor programs which would benefit the intellectual, social, and spiritual natures of each one attending.

It may be that upperclassmen get into the swing of things because of the offices they hold. But they would never have attained their positions if they had not entered the clubs and performed some of the less impor-tant tasks while they were still underclass-men. That is undoubtedly why the majority of upperclassmen will agree that there are enough activities.

The problem, therefore, lies mainly in drawing underclassmen into clubs in which they are interested and in which they will be willing to expend time and effort. By be-coming actively engaged not only in carry-ing on the organization, but also in building it so that it will not sink into passiveness is an absolute necessity. The maxim still holds true that a person gets out of something only as much as he is willing to put in.

If students would participate wholeheart-edly in the activities now existent, the cry for more things to do would decrease imme-diately. The variety of clubs is so broad that no one could be excluded on that account. Although some organizations restrict mem-bership to those who are majors in that field, there are numerous others which do not make that stipulation.

W anton joining of clubs is going from one extreme to the other. One or two in which a person has a definite interest is better than three or four. Concentration of talents rather than spreading one's abilities over several produces better results for all concerned. We know that is true from discussing this prob-lem with others as well as from personal experience.

However, the fact that many students do seek more things to do remains. The blame must of necessity lie partially in the clubs themselves. A self-evaluation and critical view might cause revitalization. The changes effected might attract non-members. With both groups working together in harmony, the griping would definitely be cut to a mini-mum and the quality of as well as quantity in clubs would increase.

It would not be fair to ignore the other point of view on this topic: that there are already too many activities. Anyone who has tried to secure a date in the social cal endar knows that the next three months are solidly filled.

The solution of the problem — that of cut-ting down the number of activities — seems to be restriction in the first place. Limiting the number of organizations in which a per-son can participate would just be the begin-ning. The next step would be to allow a

It s All In A Signature Since I have been on Hope's Campus I

have been invited to afix my signature on two petitions being circulated among the students — especially the veterans. Neither petition received my signature.

As I remember, the first petition listed ten reasons why the United States should not loan money to Great Britain. The authors of this petition seemingly forgot that we were loaning Britain money to help ourselves. Britain had to have capital to get back into action as the biggest single trading nation in the world. Before the war, the British people, who number less than three per cen. of the world's population, bought about twenty per cent of all the goods that were exported from all the countries in the work — about seven times their share. THE SIGNERS OF THIS PETITION SPOKE FOR ECONOMIC ISOLATION but the world has gotten to a stage in economic de velopment where NO nation, not even the United States, can stand alone without great loss in income and a correspondingly low standard of living for its people.

Fortunately, this petition was stereotyped to the degree that any thinking congressman would disregard it, and, too, it was still be-ing circulated on Hope's campus after one house had passed the loan bill, unbeknown to my "petition-bearing" friend.

The second petition dealt with an increase of a flat $35.00 a month in veterans' subsist-ance checks, plus $10.00 for each child. A veteran handed me a pen with which to sign said petition plus the statement that every-one will sign that petition because it means more money. 1 didn't! At the same time I was given a questionnaire re my living ex-penses. The fellow next said to his chum, "You better pad that up in good shape" and the answer was, "Don't worry, I will."

Our fathers had to sacrifice to gain an education and then usually graduated with a debt of several thousands. Thanks to Uncle Sam, we won't. The bulging walls of every educational institute in the country testifies that we are approaching our capacity. Let us not make our educational system a gravey train. Every veteran should have the privi-lege of gaining an education and I believe he has that privilege with a little sacrifice. Everything worth having usually requires sacrifice.

Further, if veterans are pushed to the ex-treme financially and need additional assist-ance there are ways other than by sending a stereotyped petition to our congressmen. Hope is a Christian institution and a well worked out petition signed by honest Hope students will carry more weight with our rep-resentatives than the farce that recently hung on our bulletin board asking for a flat $35.00 subsistance increase.

Let's go slow! Let's think things through! Let it not be said of us, "After us the deluge."

R. L. H. o

This ColUgiatc

World By A CP

You a Builder? The popular conception of what

college will do for a person is be-coming more exaggerated. The gen-1 eral belief is that spending four P U S . AND IF NOT, WHAT years in an institution of higher W 0 U L D YOU LIKE TO SEE IN-learning qualifies a person for S T I I ^ T E D ? I received many an-membership in that select class — s w e r 8 i n t h e affirmative to the first the intelligentsia. of the question — especially

If students would stop and an- r r o m "PPerclassmen. Some of the alyze themselves, they would real- a n 8 w e r 8 a r e as follow: ize the fallacy therein. The process ELAINE MEEUSEN (Senior): of becoming educated never ends, There are already too many activi-because the educated person knows ^ e 8 , ^ I o r e people should be active he has much yet to learn. He keeps ' n t ^ e m a n ( I n o t a definite few. striving for more knowledge. These activities should be spread

Holders of college degrees should o u ^ 8 0 ^ a t more people can par understand that the university helps them. I believe each them to build a solid foundation, Hopdte has a definite place in a but they alone must construct the c a r n P u s activity and are important rest of the house. Continuous study t o t h i 8 activity.

and life's experiences combine to ARLENE POEST (Freshman) : )uild mental and moral powers. Col- Oh, heavens, NO! I don't think lege is the stimulus which serves there are enough activities on cam-to awaken these latent powers. pus. Af t e r the square dance in the

ACP (Texas Christian Skiff). Gym Dutch Treat Week, I heard a lot of girls say they'd like to

a • w , , | h a v e some more. I'd like more Actor Vandenbera square dances.

^ BUD NEWTON (Freshman) : Some say that "he appears and There are enough activities but not

acts just as Hollywood would have the right kind. Wendell Willkie a senator appear and act." Others s a id "ONE WORLD." I'd say say that he "has stood squarely on "ONE SCHOOL." I think there both sides of every issue for the should be a program whereby the past ten years." college supplies cars for students.

But when it comes to discussing JACK YEOMANS (Junior) : Yes, liis work at the UN meeting, nearly there are enough activities but I'd all agree that more than once it 'ike more square dances in the has been Sen. Arthur Vandenberg's coolness and level thinking that has saved the face of the United States. R p v m t i / / I- / -Whatever his vacillations in the l i C V I C n U 1 JullUS C d C S d r

past, the harness maker's son is di- On Wednesdav, Februarv 2fi . n * rectly responsible for a sizeable 7:16 P.M. the English Majors Club mnai , ' S f ™ y f a r t h e

portion of the UN's points. and the PaTlette and Mas que Dra S e n a l t ' V e I , e r f o r m a n e e -—ACP (Daily Kansan) | matic Society went to Grand Rap-

ids. They returned home around 1 i I A.M., Thursday, February 27. The

1 3 . r 3 , Q G object of their pilgrimage was to , #

s e e Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

Of Ooinion M os t p e o p l e Will say that the H vjrand Rapids Civic Players were

Columbus, O h i o — ( A C P ) — T h e v e r y b r a v e e v en to a t t e m p t


ROZY SCHOLTEN ( S e n i o r ) : The number of activities is suffi-cient; however, there is a definite need fo r a point system to limit the number of organizations in which a student may participate. If this system were installed, the individual student would be able to devote more t ime to fewer ac-tivities, making these activities more worthwhile and meaningful to our college.

LOWELL D. HENEVELD (Sen-ior): I don't think the activities on the campus are sufficient for the increased enrollment we now have. Any pre-war Hopeite who has been in the service longs for more ac-tivity than is offered here. I feel that one step toward solving this

problem has b^en the town sponsor-ed dances in the Lit. Club. To me, though, the greates t step toward solving this problem would be returning the f r a t e r n i t y houses to the respective f ra te r -n i t i e s . Occasional smokers, ex-change dinners, and a p l a c e to meet your friends would go a long way to offset many of the needs that are now present.

JIM KLOMPARENS ( S o p h o -more): What I can't understand is that if they can have square dances in the Gym, why can't they have the other kind?

By Ginny Hemmes.

v-uiumuuh, w n i o — l A L - r j — ine • even 10 a i i e m p t a ability to "produce greatness when ^ a ' < e s P e a r e a n production; I agree greatness is needed" is a requisite w , t h t h i s - B u t even though the for the presidency, Dr. Arthur M. C i v i c p , a y e r s ' Julius Caesar was Schlesinger, professor of history at m u c h ^ t t e r than their presentation H a n a r d University, told an Ohio o f M a c b e t h l ast year, the show State audience recently. lacked much of the finesse that

Through a poll of 55 noted histo- e v e n a n a m a t e u r production should nans and political scientists to de- m c , U ( l e - I think that Burton Yar-termine the qualities of greatness o u g h ' . i n directing, was a little in presidents, the results showed t 0 0 c o n s c ' o u s o f the chorus-line ef-that Lincoln, Washington, Franklin ] e c t a n ^ disregarded some of the D. Roosevelt, Wilson, Jefferson and ™ o r e , m P o r t a n t facets that the Jackson ranked as the "great ." characters were supposed to por-

Dr. Schlesinger pointed out that p r a y ' ^ a m s P e a ' < ing particularly of great men often made poor candi- J*U88el1 V a n Koevering, who would dates. He declared that moral lead- m a ( ^ e o u t . m u c h bet ter in one ership, popular acclaim and the [ f r > e n n s > ' , v a n » a ' 8 Mask and Wig golden opinion of posterity really , 0 W S t h a n a s t h e Powerful, entire-determined the greatness of a pres-1 y m a s c u l m e f igure of Marc An-

tony. Van Koevering was to me the most glaring defect of the produc-tion. For the most part , the other characters hewed closely to the line — and especially William Whitlock,

ident. He reminded the audience that in politics as in chemistry, action induces reaction, and that big persons often have big faults.

The setting by James Mitchell was well planned and constructed, but somehow I could never quite forget that the Roman forum was made of wood. The costuming was effective, even though in scenes Cassius looked like a flapper from Rome's "roaring twenties", and the lighting and music were used quite sensibly, as they helped to smooth out the continuity.

Mr. Yarborough is a full time director of this Grand Rapids dramatic group, and I expected a little more intensity in the individ-ual scenes of the play. To be sure, both Caesar 's death scene and the torment of Brutus by Caesar 's ghost were executed very well, but the predominant feeling evoked by the suicides of Cassius and Brutus was that of, " I t ' s almost the end of the play, and then we can go home!"

Since Julius Caesar is seldom produced, I was glad to have the opportunity to see it, and, al-though there were a number of faults, the audience left the theatre as if it had been great ly imbued with culture.

Douglas Cameron

La Jolla, Calif. — (ACP) — Take the word of science for it—"silent as a clam" is a scientifically sound expression. Clams make no noise. This was revealed today as one of the incidental results of an exten-sive wartime investigation of nat-ural underwater noises by the Uni-versity of California Division of War Research.

In searching for the source of a peculiar crackling noise which trou bled sonar operators on submarines, the scientists found that the popu-lation of tiny pistol shrimp were responsible, making the clatter by snapping their oversized claws. Even crabs and barnacles were found to be on the noisy side. But not clams. They are silent as — well, as other clams.

molecules and atoms — so l e t ' s 866° I ' ^ b e f 1 " 6 ^ 8 U n i o n S ' t h e 8 e d a y 8 -what they've managed to turn out h L ! " 7 f e W w l 8 d o m t o o t h (it this time. g 0 1 0 U t h u r . t 8 . t o o> t h a t Jeanella De Kline

Spring Fever Here I sit t rying to write a poem But it 's got me. In classes my mind just roams Cause its got me. I see the gentle breezes play, I'm waiting for the flowers of May, And i t ' i got me. I want the snow to melt away; I want the green to come to s tay; I fel t it again just today; It 's got me. Just a mild brisk air, A light blue sky, and V That feeling comes, and Spring is nigh. R. J. Quant

During the showing of "The Merchant of Venice," recently a t the University of Texas, some wise-acre, a f t e r the final curtain, stole the show with cries of "Author, Author."

March Let the March winds blow. Let them bring snow. Let gentle breezes play. And blow the clouds away. March is a mighty lion; March is a tender lamb. Sired by February, Mothered by April: March is a mongrel But she is as good as she is able. March is a mighty lion; March is a tenden Iamb. She glimpses the future. She reviews the past; But she ia highly individual From the first until the last.

R. J. Quant

One can always s tar t on that lovely and longed for subject "Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year" by Prof. Lampen. Be-sides, we're gett ing tired of taking walks to see the ice bergs — s a y Marian Dame and Jack.

Oh la de da, my wasn' t Glory Day a Hallelujah Day - especial-ly for Dick Brown and Bud Kor-anda who kept mumbling some-thing about a truck with a band on it convertibles, and then some-thing about riding on a rope. I'd say both of them were a bit f rust ra ted, Prof. Haverkamp.

And now f o r a squint across the street a t the Seminary — I E "Angel Factory". We knew that Harriet Muyskens is very inter-ested in the missionary field, but we didn't know that her appoint-ment had been made so soon yet. Oh well, now we know why John-ny Maaaaen gave such a good ser-mon last Saturday morning.

I see a Soph named Jerry Her-shey has been flashing around with a certain Johnny Parsens — Take heart, chickens. Spring ia just around the comer.

You and I have heard a lot about

wished she could have flashed a member card when her "employ-ers" got her in a t one o'clock last week. Oh well, I guess Mrs. Que made 'em see the light.

Then of course, we musn' t for-get our dear seniors. I heard that Trudy Maassen got a little nervous about seeing Del's pros-pective charge. Keep your chins up kids, when you let 'em down »t s a sign you're get t ing old.

Orchids to Pierce Maassen (they certainly make the column this week) and Jack Brinkerhof for forming the "How to Keep 'Em Happy Weekend Club."

Here's a little note for the • Iilestone Photography Depart-ment. Co-eds of Voorhees Hall have organized a "knitten" Club

will it be satisfactory if W e come for our M i W o n e picture next Monday night? ^If thia date isn't satisfactory please nqtify any gal who looks as if she's a stitch lately.

Whoops! — I see that my y is running short. I wonder wl sort of design we can knit up for next time — keep your eyes and ears open — bye now. / * •

I C M .

Page 3: 03-13-1947

N o p e Col lege Anchor

The Moral Basis of Peace




I • »


L, '*

• i-






The following is an oration of

Charles R. Previte on a topic that

should be of interest to everyone.

The ideas set for th meri t the time

required to read and to consider


Charlci R. Previte


Over a yea r and a half has passed since

Wor ld W a r I I ended . Yet t he world 1h not

at peace. Indeed , f a r f r o m se t t l i ng the

fierce t ens ions which aff l ic ted the wcr ld .

t h e w a r served mere ly to u s h e r in new

f e a r s and t ens ions , m o r e t e r r i fy inK than

those we faced be fo re t he w a r : iwlit ical

f r u s t r a t i o n s a t the peace t ab le , economic

u n c e r t a i n t y a t home, a wor ld b r o k e n , s ta rv-

i n g a n d exhaus ted by trlobal w a r . a n d over

it a l l the d readed a tomic bomb hnnginK like

t he sword of Damocles over t he head of h u m a n i t y .

In the mids t of th is new p o s t w a r s i tua-

t ion A m e r i c a n s , by a n d Inrjte. a r e behav-

ing wi th typical ch i ld i shness . W e a re re-

suminK o u r p o s t w a r l i fe a s if t h e w a r had

been n o t h i n g more t h a n a thr i l l inR footbal l

g a m e wi th t he Un i t ed S t a t e s as t he win-

ne r . We a r e a l ready f a l l i n g in to t h a t same

a t t i t u d e of complacency which made pos-

sible the w a r and the p resen t cr is is . Our

c reed is still ' •Business a s u s u a l . " W e seem

to th ink t h a t t he be t t e r world will come

about by some a u t o m a t i c process of h is tory ,

independen t of wha t w e t h ink o r do. a n d

w i thou t a n y real inconvenience on our p a r t .

If we a r e ever to e m e r g e out of th is

vicious cycle of r e c u r r e n t w a r . we must

u n d e r s t a n d t h a t the m e r e e n d i n g of the

w a r was not the a u t o m a t i c g u a r a n t e e of

p e r p e t u a l peace and f r e e d o m . The w a r

w a s mere ly an open p h a s e of a con t inu ing

world cr is is in which a l l m a n k i n d , indi-

vidual ly and collectively is involved. If we

i g n o r e th i s crisis it will become increas-

ingly acute unt i l it explodes in some f e a r -

fu l world c a t a s t r o p h e . But if now. whi le

t h e r e is yet t ime, we seek to discover th«

causes of o u r d i s t ress , a n d if we t ake the

necessary ac t ion , t he c r i s i s can be allevi-

a ted and m a n k i n d can move toward " t h t

b r a v e new w o r l d " fo r which w e f o u g h t .


T h e essent ia l n a t u r e of t he tens ions that

d i s t ress m a n k i n d today a r e ne i t he r |>olitl-

ca l . economic nor social — they a r e mora l .

T h e collapse in the o u t w a r d s t r u c t u r e of

society represented a co r r e spond ing b reak-

d o w n in the fa i th upon which modern so-

ciety was buil t . SomethinK wen t w r o n g

wi th t he f a i th upon whch modern m a n

buil t his society because w a r s and cr ises

do not occur where society is built upon

a t r u e phi losophy.

The chief problem for us. t hen , is to

IH-netrate benea th the o u t w a r d flux of

t h i n g s on the s u r f a c e of l i fe to the rea lm

of e n d u r i n g pr inc ip les tha t do not change .

No suiH'rficial t i n k e r i n g o r squahblinK over

IHtlitical or economic sys t ems is suf f icent

We need to gain a c lea r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of

t he unde r ly ing n a t u r e of our wor ld , and on

t h a t basis rebuild a be t t e r wor ld .

Men today a r e c o n f u s e d and incapable of

resolving the t ens ions of society chiefly

because they do not know how to th ink in

t e r m s of mora l p r inc ip l e s a n d puri>oses.

T h u s they lack a dependab le c r i t e r ion and

a cen te r f r o m which to view and under-

s t a n d society. They suppose, f o r example ,

t h a t the roots of evil in society a r e to be

f o u n d in poli t ical a n d economic sys tems

r a t h e r t han in w r o n g p r inc ip l e s upon

which these sys tems a r e bui l t . S imi la r ly ,

o u r educa to rs pu t t h e i r t rus t in reuson and

educat ion as the cure-a l l fo r m a n ' s t rou-

bles, wi thout t h i n k i n g tha t reason itself is

but a tool tha t can be used fo r des t ruc t ive

purposes by evil m e n . A m e r i c a n cap i ta l i s t s ,

m a k n g the same e r r o r as t he Russan Com-

m u n s t s . have put t h e i r t rus t for a bet ter

world in an economic sys tem, as though



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a decent world Order were the by-product of economic progress.

Our c i v i l i u t l o n i t in danger of perishing

today because of the shal lowness of such

views which fail to reckon wi th the bas ic

fact that we live in a universe of m o r a l

order and purpose. Men must understand

•hat there Is an implacable moral order built into the very nature of things that

cannot be violated without fatal coose-quencea; an order that recognises no arti-flcial distinctions of race, class, nation or creed and guarantees that the only k ind

of society that shall endure is one which works for the common enrichment of all

people. It means that the l i fe of all man-kind is inseparably bound together, so that none can be safe until all are safe, that none can be permanently free until all are free, and none can be permanently at peace

until all are at peace. The universe was made to fulfill a creative moral purpose

and any society that fai ls to work in har-mony with such a purpose is simply run-ning up against the nature of reality and thereby underwriting its own doom.

E x a m i n e the evils which affl ict o u r

world today and it will become ev iden t

h a t in t he final ana lys i s such af f l ic t ions

nre v io la t ions of th i s u n s h a k a b l e mora l o r -

der. T h e inadequacy of o u r la issez-fa i re

economy which p u t s indiv idual profi ts a n d

acquis i t iveness above coopera t ion for t h e

service of all ha s become evident in t he

s teady sp i ra l ing of pr ices . T h e labor move-

m e n t , though basical ly cons t ruc t ive , ha s

o f t en appeared as merely a n o t h e r in te res t

g r o u p by a s s e r t ' n g i ts own r i g h t s above th»

w e l f a r e of the n a t ' o n . I t t o i k a world w a r

to convince the Un i t ed S t a t e s t ha t isolat ion is basical ly immora l and tha t no na t ion Is

sufficient unto i tself . And on the i n t e r n a -

t ional level the bui ld ing of a peaceful wor ld

r e m a i n s a d ream ps long as na t ions a r e

u n w i l l i n g to limit the i r na t i ona l sovereignty

and to repl rce power pol i t ics with a co-

ope ra t ive assoc ia t 'on of peoples fo r t h e i r

common be t t e rmen t . In b r i e f , by i gno r ing

(Jod's mora l o rde r a n d purnose , society has

gone to pieces, men have lost ail sense of

the i r essent ial b r o t h e r h - o d , and our pol i t i -

cal a n d economic in s t i t u t ions have become

our m a s t e r s ins tead of o u r se rvan t s .

Today men a r e confused a n d despondent .

They fought and sacrificed to dest roy a n

Id w r r l I of i " j ' i ' t i e a n d t y r a n n y only to

find themselves f r u s t r a t e d in a t t e m p t s a t

bu i ld ing it anew. But above the c o n f u s i o n s

of m e n this one s u p r e m e cen t ra l f a c t re-

m a i n s sure and c o n s t a n t : There can be

no e n d u r i n g world pei ce a n d no real se t t le -

men t of ccon-'m c i n l political t ens ions

w i thou t a recogni t ion of t he moral n a t u r e

and purpose of o u r world. To a t t e m p t to

build world peace on any o t h e r basis t h a n

th i s will not be peace, but merely a t r u c e ,

fo r it will fai l O correct the basic social

•n rv ra l i t ies and in jus t i ces t ha t cause w a r .

But to achieve i>ei'ce on th i s basis is to

i n s u r e it pe rmanen t ly in every political and

economic sphere .

T h e de ' in-ra te need of m a n k i n d today is

a P u r p o s e a r o u n d which to organize and

u n i f y life: a P u r p o s e tha t can un i t e all

peoples and inspi re them to common sacr i -

fices f o r the common wor ld good. It is

precisely just such a need which God's

Moral PuriK»se fo r our world fulf i l ls : H e r e

is t h e Purpose t h a t csn un i t e all peoples

a n d races in to one f ami ly and insp i re

t h e m with the vision of a world c o m m u n i t y

of jus t ice and love. It is only wi th in t he

f r a m e w o r k of th i s P u r p o s e tha t the poli t i -

cal and economic confl ic ts of men c a n be

resolved in a h ighe r loyal ty, and tha t t he

ba s i s of las t ing i>eHCe a n d wha teve r o t h e r

va lues we cher i sh be f -und. It is, t he re -

fo r e , to th s Puri>ose a n d to th is t ask , upon

which eve ry th ing else u l t ima te ly depends ,

t h a t we must dedicate ourselves . N o o t h e r

task is more w o r t h y of o u r complete devo-

t ion and sacrif ice, none more u r g e n t , and

n o n e more necessary . For if we fail here ,

t hen all our g r o p i n g a f t e r a bet ter wor ld

will be in vain a n d in a few years t he re

will be no civi l izat ion benea th the indi f fer -e n t s t a r s .


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Enjoy our C i d l w l Meals Daily and Sundays

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u a t c

With a blast of a horn, the lid of the Music Box is blown open this week. Yep, if you hear anyone tooting a t you in the next couple weeks, look q u i c k l y and you'll probably see a new grey plymouth belonging to the Snow family. With four drivers, and four fenders, it will be interesting to see how long the car c a n be kept w i t h o u t wrinkles.

Congratulat ions are in s tore for Alma Vander Hill on a wonderful recital. I t was a fine performance, and we look forward now to Alma's Senior recital next fall.

Next in line for recital appear-ances a re Betty Christie and Rog Rietberg. This joint voice-organ program promises to be a very fine evening's entertainment.

If you have a pencil handy, you might check the following dates on your calendar; Tuesday, March 25, Christie-Rietberg recital; Tuesday, April 29, Nellie Mae Ritsema re-cital; S u n d a y , May 4, Marion Slinn, p ano recital; Tuesday, May 6, P>yllis Darrow-Dick Vriesman, joint vocal recital, and Tuesday, May 13, Betty Van Lente, piano recital.

Thanks are in store for the Student Council in bringing Mr. Sp cer here for a concert, and also to the college for the appearance of Rudolf Ganz.

We wonder sometimes, just how crreat would be the strain if all of the student body and faculty joined in on the hymn-singing. We should be proud of our new hymnals, and if you can't read the notes of unfamil iar hymns, just sing any-way. The only way to learn these hymns is to sing them.

We've heard a lot of talk lately about what to do on Sunday af te r -noons, and evenings dur ing the week, and yet, come recitals and "Where are the people?" The stu-dents giving these recitals have worked long hours in prepar ing for them. We know that almost every student at tends basketball games or is interested in them, and we can be proud of our teams, but why not show these student musicians that we're behind them. If you think preparing for and giving a recital is fun, try it sometime.


Contest Winners Will Receive Trip To Netherlands

To commemorate the g rea t mi-

gration of 1847 from the Nether-

lands to the Middle West, one hun-

dred years ago, the Centennial

Commission, Holland, Michigan, is

sponsoring an essay contest on the

subject : "The Influence of Dutch

Sett lement on American Civiliza-tion." The contest will be divided n two non-compefng classes; one

for high schools and one for col-lege and university students.

Generous prizes are offered in this contest. First , second and third prize will be a tr ip to the Nether-lands of about six weeks in the summer of 1947, as a special guest of the Netherlands Government. During this visit the winners will be shown all the well-known char-acteristics of the Netherlands: the Dutch paintings, the windmills, the canals, the polders, Marken and Volendam with their typical cos-tumes, as well as modern develop-ments such as the harbors and in-dustries. Fourth, fifth and sixth prize will be a tr ip to Holland, Michigan, in August, 1947, as a special guest at the Centennial fes-tivit :es. " H o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n awards will consist of interest ing and valuable books on the Nether-lands.

Essays must be in the mail before May 1, 1947, and should be ad-dressed to Dr. Clarence De Graaf , of our own English Department. A jury of nationally-known men end women will choose the winning es-says. Posters giving fu r the r de.ails as to where l i terature may be found on the subject, part iculars about the Centennial, and details about submission oi the essays will be sent to 25,()()() public and 3,000 pri-vate high schools, and to 1,400 colleges and universities.

P a g e Three

Marian Korteling Places Third in MISL Contest

Hope's orators, Miss Marian Kor-teling and Mr. Vergil Dykstra, journeyed to Kalamazoo on March 7 to part icipate in the oratorical contest sponsored by the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League. Mar-ian, who won the annual Adelaide Oratorical Contest for women last December, placed third in the women's contest held in the a f te r -noon. Her oration was "Renas-cense."

Firs t place in the women's con-test was won by Miss Gloria Pat-ton of Michigan State College, speaking on "Unto the Least of These, My Brethren," while second place winner was Miss Marjorie J . Van Volkenburgh of Albion whose oration was entitled, "Why Not M a n ? "

Although Vergil placed first in the preliminaries, he failed to place

in the finals which were held that night. His oration was "The New America." Fi rs t place in the men's finals was won by Seymour Tee-chow of Wayns University whose subject was "The People Make His-tory."

Accompanying Hope's orators to Kalamazoo were Miss Joann? Deck-er, president of the MISL, who pre-s ide! a t the af ternoon contest for worr.on, and Dr. William Schrier, head of Hope's Speech Department. Dr. Schrier aceed as toastmaster at the banquet which was held that evening in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the organiza-tion.

Speaker and honored guest was Dr. Frederich Goodrich of Alma, who has been with the school since 1892 and has missed only one league contest.

S t u d e n t Wives to H o l d

M e e t i n g O n M a r c h 1 8

The Student Wives Group will meet March 18, at 8:15 in the Tem-ple Lounge. Mrs. Gerry Gnade and Mrs. Bill Reay will be in charge. The meeting has been set aside as "Game Night ." All wives are in-vite .1 to attend. The last meeting was led by Mrs. lienze Hoeksema, formerly f rom Australia. She spoke about life as she knew it there.

Holland High Student

Wins Organ Scholarship

Annual t ryouts for the f reshman organ scholarship were held in the chapel on February 2(5, with three persons auditioning. The recipient of the scholarship receives a year's instruction in organ. The winner this year was Virginia Montrose, a senior at Holland High. Other contestants were Donna Speet and Lloyd Kooyers.

Veterans' Affairs Terminal Leave Bonds

Student veterans who wish to as-sign their terminal leave bonds to the Veterans Administration as payments on their National Service Life Insurance should obtain the necessary forms from their nearest V.A. office. V.A. representatives will assist veterans in assigning their bonds and will give up-to-date information regarding their G.I. insurance.

^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^ 9


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Page 4: 03-13-1947

Page Four Hope College Anchor

I f l o p e J V m b a B a a f c o r f i

Biarritz To Basque Land Thoman Van Dahm

In p^acelime, Biarr i tz , France ranks wi th the Rivera a s one of Europa ' s most e legant p layground spots; bu t f rom Augus t , 1945 to March 1946, i t was l i t t le more than an American college town. The U. S. Army had establ ished a complete universi ty there , equipped to handle a s tuden t body of 4,000 and s t a f f e d with picked teachers f rom many American colleges and universi t ies and qualified a rmy personnel — mostly d r a f t e d teachers .

It was my good f o r t u n e to be a s tudent a t this unique school and to remain , a f t e r my al lot ted eight-week t e rm , a s a member of the universi ty opera t ing s t a f f . Thus I had the oppor tuni ty to wander about the count ry somewhat and to observe the cos tumes and customs of those fasc ina t ing people. The Basques.

Biarr i tz itself is qui te cosmopolitan. Many r i tzy Par i s shops have branches there and modern hotels and villas border the beach. But the town has lost much of the charm it had when Victor Hugo wro te so enthusiast ical ly of its a t t rac t ions . Almost the only t race of Basque left in Biarr i tz is its name.

However, to the south and eas t of Biarr i tz is the t r u e "Eskual -He r r i a " or "Basque-Land" which consists of the old French provinces of Labourd Basse-Navarre , and Soule, and the Spanish provinces of Navar re , Alava, Biscaya, and Guipuzcoa, all located in the Basse-Pyrenees on or near the At lant ic coast . The cl imate is mild, general ly , a l though it does f reeze occasionally and the ocean breezes a re some-what less than balmy dur ing the winter.

F a r m i n g is the Basques main occupation. P a r t of every rural scene is the inevitable team of oxen pulling a creaky old two-wheeled oxcart . The f a r m e r , clad in peasant g a r b topped off with a beret , walks beside his oxen and lends moral support , which of ten consists of a few s t ra teg ic jabs with his makhila, a sharp-pointed stick used fo r moun-tain climbing and whatever else seems to require a sharp-pointed stick.

The Basques have been tak ing advantage of thei r position on both sides of the Franco-Spanish f ron t i e r by indulging in the hazardous occupation of smuggl ing. These hardy folk a re expert mountain-climbers and swimmers and seem to regard smuggl ing as a perfect ly just way of supplement ing their f a r m incomes.

Incidentally, the leading Basque export is — Basques! They have acquired the vicious habit of having large famil ies ; but land, economists say, is non-reproductive. Thus, the f i rs tborn ge t s the fami ly plot and the res t get the gate . Many have migrated to the United S ta t e s but the major i ty have made thei r homes in South America.

Basque musicians a re exponents of the one-man-band system. Each pe r fo rmer plays, with his r ight hand, a long tubu la r ins t rument called a xirulu or txistu (wrap your tongue around those!) which looks like a clarinet but sounds like — a flute. It has four holes and a r ange of an octave. With his left hand he plays a tambourine-l ike gadge t called a t t un - t tuna . The musicians, a lways men, t ravel about dur ing holidays. They march awhile, then play a tune while doing a fas t dance-step, and pass the t t u n - t t u n a s for contributions. Some of their tunes sound quite Spanish, but o thers a re authent ic Basque melodies.

The origin of the Basques is unknown. Ethnical ly, they const i tu te a separa te racial group, and they speak a language tha t is total ly different f rom their Spanish and French neighbors — in fac t , totally different f rom any o ther language in the world.


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DUNLOP TENNIS BALLS 3 in can $1.75

BASEBALL GLOVES $4.50 to $15.50

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Hope College Stationery Seven New Styles from which to Choose

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Otte's Beauty Shoppe

P E S K E F ^ ^ T B A N K wishes for Hope College and The Anchor

the Success it Merits


Knicks Initiate 12 New Pledges

The discussion of slave-week and

informal ini t iat ion held top bill-

ing wi th the Knicks in thei r pas t

two meet ings. On Feb rua ry 28, t h e

twelve pledges were pu t on the

block and sold as s laves by auc-

tioneer Roger Dekker . With t h e

dismal recollection of a week of

hor ror still in the i r minds t h e

pledges came to the next meet ing

only to hea r talk of gues t n igh t

and informal initiation.

The twelve pledges still having

to go th rough half of thei r init ia-

tion a re Herber t Arnold, Richard

Fairchild, Theodore Gillstedt, Ro-

bert Hill, Wade M o o r e , Daniel Paul, George Priest , Donald Schip-pers, William Smith, Marvin Van Eck, Eugene Vis and Robert Vivers.

On the l i te rary side of the Knick meetings, the serious paper of Har -old Grissen received a unanimous vote f rom the members to be entered in the archives. His paper gave some of the principles of Communism with special emphas is on its e f f ec t s on the Russian People.

Cosmos Witness Formal Ceremony

Bro the r s of the Cosmopoli tan

f r a t e rn i ty witnessed an impress ive

ceremony when pledges were f o r m -

ally ini t ia ted Wednesday, March 5,

in Walsh Music hall. T h e event

was a candlel ight service. Preceed-

ing the ini t iat ion services songs

were s u n g by the g r o u p wi th

B r o t h e r Knooihuizen s e r v i n g as

choral m a s t e r and Brother Semme-

link as accompanis t .

Vice Pres ident "Chuck" Knooi-

huizen acted as Cha i rman pro- tem

dur ing the absence of Pres ident

Vanden Berg a t a meet ing Feb ru -

ary 27 in the lounge of t h e Temple

building. Clerk Wyba Nienhuis p re -sented minutes of the previous group meet ing followed by Bro ther Maassen who of fe red p raye r .

Bro ther Barendse presented a serious p a p e r enti t led, "Appren t i ce -ship vs. Mechanizat ion" and Cosmo Cliff Onthank ' s humor paper , " D r y Goods", regis tered the " l a u g h s " for the evening. Criticism of the l i terary pa r t of the discussion w a s provided by Cosmo Dale Vanden Brink, m a s t e r critic.

According to the la tes t Basque g r a m m a r , there are twelve cases,

th ree numbers, five voices, and 196 tenses in the language — and

you complain about French and German! The Basques are qui te proud

of the i r complex language. They have a proverb t h a t the Devil once

came there to learn Basque; but a f t e r f o u r years all he knew w a s

"bai eta ez" — "yes and no," and as soon as he had left he couldn' t

even remember those. Although they are required to learn the l anguage

of the country, French or Spanish, in school, they speak nothing but

Basque in the home and in the village.

For economic reasons the Basque provinces have annexed themselves

to France and Spain, but the people are f iercely independent and ha te

oppression. Intensely proud of his heri tage, a Basque is f i r s t of all

Basque, then French or Spanish.

Arcadians Emphasize Wor ld Of Future

"Twenty-f ive Y e a r s Hence" w a s

the theme of the Arcadian L i t e r a r y

meet ing las t F r iday . An excellent

sarious paper w a s presented by

Marv K r a g t . Ti t led " T h e Atomic-

Age" , it described t h e nuclear chain

reaction and pointed ou t the t r e -

mendous d a n g e r s and possibil i t ies

for good in a tomic energy . He in-

dicated the necessi ty f o r in t e rna -

tional control of the a tom.

Hank Kie f t , ass is ted by a duly

cooperative audience, gave a super -

lative humor paper . Cal S w a r t led

the song-fes t and t h e cri t ic 's re-

port was ably handled by J a c k


"The Southern N o r t h e r n a t i r e s " ( t ha t ' s a joke, son) popped u p (I say) and did some negro sp i r i tua l s inging of near -profess iona l qual-ity. The q u a r t e t is composed of Warren Hie tbr ink , Bob Schuller , Bill Miedema and Ken Lee tsma.

e 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 e ^ S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S g



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Emersonian Holds Literary Meeting

The Emerson ian l i t e ra ry mee t ing

on March 7, w a s called to o rder

in t h e Y. M. roof of the chapel.

The p rog ram, which was preceded

by pract ice f o r the All-College

Sing, was the f o u r t h of a ser ies

which have been planned by

the var ious occupat ional- in teres t

g roups in the f r a t e r n i t y . The

"miscel laneous" g r o u p w a s in

charge of the meet ing . Previous ones have been presented by t h e educational, p re -seminary and pre-medical s tudents .

Russ Norden w a s cha i rman f o r the evening and acted as mas te r -of-ceremonies. He introduced Bob Vander Laart who read his ser ious paper on the g r e a t personal i t ies of t h e world of science. Pa r t i cu la r a t tent ion was paid to the oddities and humorous qual i t ies of the in-dividuals concerned. At the s ame time, an excellent coverage of t h e contributions and accompl ishments of these men was presented.

The humor paper , delivered by Duane Booi, dea l t wi th the adven-tilres of two I r i shmen on a journey from somewhere to somewhere. As special music. He rb Ri tsema ren-dered two numbers , one of them being his "Disser ta t ion on Open the Door, Richard." The meeting w a s c l o s e d with L o w e l l Heneveld 's Master Critic 's repor t .



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Page 5: 03-13-1947

> College Anchor

La France •"' t Florence Tarr

Being with a headquarters squadron keeps any unit moving fas t and of ten. Our detachment was large and a lot of work was involved when we changed locations. We had been ready to leave England for r r a n e e for some t.me. At last the orders came through and naturallv excitement ran high.

France! Par i s ! The dream of thousands and we were actually on our way. We had visions of all tha t Paris meant—from stories.* Wo arrived there to find to our dismay that Paris was not for us. We had just enough of it to want more. From Paris we went to Chantilly.

Since this was to be our home for awhile, we tried to become acquainted with the town and the people. It is a town of about fortv-

ve hundred population and a very pretty place. A famous chateau and a more famous race track are -.here.

We were welcomed by the people and made a number of friends among them. As a mat ter of fact when the time came to leave some of our French fr iends, we hated to go. Even under the circumstances, they always had a smile or song for us.

The last Chr is tmas we spent in France is one which none of our group will ever forget . The weather was very cold but clear. A few days before Chr is tmas we had a light snowfal l 'but not enough to cover the ground.

Natural ly as Christmas drew near, we looked for packages from home. At that par t icular time the mail was not coming through as we thought it should. For a while it looked as though there would be no Chr is tmas except what we could provide ourselves. Few packages did arr ive in time so we devoted our attention and energy to decorations. We were going to have Christmas trees whether there was anvthing else or not.

Of course, there were no t r immings to be bought so it was up to us to make our own. Just what we were M>ing to use was a problem. Hut American ingenuity scored again! We were able to get trees, holly, mistletoe, laurel, and evergreen branches. The biggest headache was wondering what we could use on our trees. We put the grapevine into operation and let it be known what we wanted. Cra. 'ually it began to produce results. At first the boys had not disn - y e l much interest, hut as the idea gathered momentum we gathe.o.l help. Little by little things began to appear from nowhere. A lew hadlv beaten Santas a few silver s ta r s ( f rom G.I. cans) , some col .red paper, rnd most pre-cious of all, a little tinsel. The wise person did not ask " w h e r e ? " but "are there m o r e ? "

Out of this limited supply and variety our decorations were manu-factured. Nail polish surely came into its own that day. The clear polish made perfect glue. Paper angels •vith cotto-, wing;;, s tars wreaths, and figures were the results. Tho.;e •• e p . . on the doors and windows and also on the trees. One fealure \.v re.-.r rvei exclusively for the doors was painted pine cones. The coner- v v . e exceptionally large and when pamted with red nail polish, and whatever else there was. at least made something none of us had eve/ .~e > i. For instance, we had been given some blue enamel and some gilt paint. These mixed with a little ski l l .brought about some surprising novelties, but, on ihe

Attention . . . Hope Students!

Have You Ever Tried O u r Economy Fluffed Dry Service at 10c Per Pound !

SAMPLE B U N D L E : 3 »hirii . 2 d r a w e r . . 2 u n d c r t h i m , 1 p j j a m a . 3 p j i r t lockf .

6 h a n d k e r c h i c f t . 1 •hce t . 3 towel. , 3 w a i h c lo th . . Average weight . 5 p o u n d . — 5 0 c .

N O T E I. You may have any or all of the . h i r t . in th i , bund le fini.hed at 1 3c each. N O T E II. Ye. , we do Dry Cleaning, . a le a n d ab .o lu te iy odo r l e . . .



other hand, there were some lovely ones, too. Those who were lucky

enough to receive a package usually had ribbons to add some color.

Everything was salvaged from a package that could possibly be-used.

Some of you may have tried this; however, if you never have,

there is a pleasant surprise in store for you if you ever a t tempt it.

Poinsett ias made with laurel and red nail polish are amazingly real-

istic. A branch of laurel can be striped until the desired shape is reached. The leaves which compose the petal a r rangement are pointed on both sid?s and can be placed in a container in such a way that they are remarkably like the real flower.

We were not satisfied with the evergreen branches as they were, so we decided a little nail polish would help. Just the t ips were treated with red polish and a little gilt scattered through the twigs.

An incident might not be amiss here because it happened while we were gathering pine cones. There was a hand grenade imbedded in the ground and was mistaken for a cone. Fortunately there was n > neeJ to pick us off the trees.

This may seem an inappropriate time to be discussing Christmas decorations, but there will be future Christmases.

Maybe our tin s tars and paper angels were rather amateur , but to us they were the loveliest in the world.

Thesaurians Hold Mock Informal

Gleeful Thesaurians applied the

paddle to new members in a mock

informal initiation. Seniors recalled

memories of sliding barefooted

through cooked spaghett i and eat-

ing lard sandwiches — tasty, that is.

Nellie Mae Ritsema rendered

scripture in the form of Reverie.

In a serious paper, entitled . . . . Pensive Reflections, Lynn Lund-berg aired her favorable opinions about wearing crazy clothes to classes and incorporating the slave system. Hut then she admitted that she'd never experienced an inform-al initiation herself! Lois Meulen-d>ke, in her Melancholia, impressed on Judy, Dot, and others, their r ightful places as humble worship-ers of the most high . . . seniors, too yet.

To end a gruesome evening, Doris Opie made the Nightmare Come True as she sold off some of the members as slaves a f t e r ap-propriate tests of their abilities. After a subtle rendition of the deal French waiter technique, Marian Labushr was sold for one candy bar, highest bid of the evening.


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Sororities Guests Of Mrs. Lubbe rs

Mrs. Irwin J . Lubbers e iter taino:! tlie five Sororities of Hope College last Thursday and Friday ' . enings at her home. On Thursday 'ight her guests were the mem-bers of Delphi and Thesaurian; on

i Friday, the members of Dorian, sibylline and Sorosis.

On Thursday evening, with news-papers as the theme, Carolyn 'ngham read devotions in the Daily Thought, and the serious paper was presented by Alida Klooster-man as the Editorial. The funny page was next by Mildred Ver-maire, and the music was furnished by Nellie Mae Ritsema at the piano.

Prelude to Spring was the theme of Friday evening's program. Af te r a welcome by Esther liogart, Harriet Hains took charge of de-votions. Hetty Hrinkman sang a musical salute to spring and Ruth Quant added thoughts in rhyme. The humorous approach was fur-nished by Kay MacQueen.

Af ter the programs, refresh-ments were served and informal 'ind spontaneous group singing ended the evening's enter tainment .




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Page 6: 03-13-1947


Page Six

Hope Cagers Close Season

With 7 Victories, 3 Losses

Hope College Anchor

Hope Tallies Again; Takes Scoring Record

Piling up an average of almoat

C5 points per game as compared to

its opponents 49, the Hope College

basketball team rolled to another

successful season, guided by Coach

"Bud" Hinga. Besides copping the

M.I.A.A. crown, the Dutchmen com-

piled a non-conference record of

seven wins against three defeats .

This br ings the total to surteen

wins and four losses for an .800


Led by "Rus ty" De Vette, ex-Marine, Hope scored 1,293 points. De Vette scored approximately one-fourth of the total as he racked up 145 field goals and 38 f ree throws for a 328 total. Don Mulder, last year ' s captain, took the run-ner-up spot with a total of 245. Third place went to Herk Buter who had 216 points. He was fol-lowed closely by "Gabby" Van Dis with 184 points.

De Vette led by f a r with field goals, but Herk Buter copped the f r ee throw record with 68 tosses out of 99 at tempts. Mulder had the best percentage of f ree throws for the regulars, hi t t ing 70 per cent, but Nick Yonker, understudy to Mulder, showed a record of 73 per cent. The total of free throws for the whole team was 249 out of 404 for a 60 per cent average.

The honor of having the whistle blown at him the most times went to Van Dis who committed 52 fouls. However, he just edged Scholten with 51 and Buter and De Vette with 50. Van Dis and De Vette were chased from the game twice via the five-foul route. Buter, Scholten, and Ploegsma were asked to leave just once.


Hope's 'B' Squad Racks Up 7 Wins

The much unpublicized Hope " B "

team came through with a winning

season despite the lack of in teres t and coverage. They played twelve games, not counting the inter-squad game, and won seven of them. They outscored their opponents 512 to

446. Six of the team's games were in

two-game series with Calvin, Kala-mazoo, and Western. The other six were all a t home with the excep-tion of the Grand Haven game. The " B " team's best performance was probably the 49-24 whipping they handed Kalamazoo on Feb. 14 at Kazoo. Many of the fans definitely fe l t tha t they should have played the varsi ty game, too. One of the poorest games was the 40-26 loss to Calvin. The "B"8 beat Calvin la ter in the season 49-46.

S E A S O N RECORD Own O p p .

Pt* . T e a m Pt» .

39 Adr i an 28

16 Hope " H " Club 30

46 Th i rd Refo rmed 36

46 Ka la ina ioo 35

33 Western 68 49 Oakda ie Refo rmed 18

26 Calvin 40 51 G r a n d Haven 58

49 Ka lamazoo 24

26 Calv in - - <0

48 Wes t e rn 51 60 Seventh Reformed — 22


Dv Vet te 50 145 55 38 328

Mulder 45 98 70 49 245

Buter . Herk 50 74 99 68 216

V a n Dis 52 74 68 36 184

Scholti-n 51 27 20 12 66

Hut«*r. H a r v ... 20 25 14 " 57

D a l m a n . ... 21 24 19 6 54

Y o n k e r 13 14 15 11 39

H m d r i c k s o n 9 13 15 7 33

PlorKsma 24 11 15 8 30

Zuver ink 3 9 4 1 19

Brieve 14 3 6 3 9

K >rver 2 2 5 3 7

Hc lwerda 0 3 1 0 6

To ta l s 854 522 404 249 1293


Own Opp .

P i s . Team P t s .

74 Percy Jones .. 41

62 Grand Rapids J . C . .... 34

fis Adr ian .... 42 .13 Grand Rapids J . C . . .... 39 f.'.i Michigan N o r m a l .... 33 611 Wes te rn Michitcan .... 76

19 Albion .... 36

55 Kalamazoo ... .... 46

60 Wes te rn Michigan . .... 84

r>6 Alma .... 54

83 Albion .... 46

v.* Michigan N o r m a l 42

71 Calvin .... 38

71 Hillsdale 45 89 Adr ian .... 60

a:. Kalamazoo 51

56 Calvin .... 58

72 Hillsdale 36

81 Alma 44

GO Monmouth 84

1293 984


re FT 34 9

32 12

24 16

23 7

18 8 20 4

18 3

10 10

9 5

MIAA Scorinig Russ De Vette easily took the

individual M.I.A.A. scoring honors. He had 36 more points than Isaac, his nearest rival. Hope had four of the top ten scorers, all of whom scored over 100 points. Herk Buter had the unusual total ©f 45 f ree throws.

A year ago, Jack Howe of Alma won the individual honors over moon, 123-121, in eight games. The top fifteen scorers:

re F T T P I>e Vette, Hope 71 24 166

l ana r , Albion — _...57 16 130

Ed»on. Hi l lsdale 48 31 127

Moon. Albion 47 32 121

H e r b Bu te r . Hope 40 45 125 Budge, A l m a 41 31 113

Mulder, Hoi>e 45 19 109

Greenhoe, A l m a 40 26 106

H a r t t , A l m a 40 24 104

V a n Din, Hope 44 15 103

Walke r , A l m a S9 16 94

App , Ka lamazoo 84 20 88

Fox, A d r i a n _.17 7 81

Wolicamood, Hillxdale _..2I 25 77

G 'Ssnko , A d r i a n 28 17 78

T h o m p s o n , Kazoo 28 17 78

N y n h u i s


V a n Wieren

Boer De Mull

S l lkke r s


Mil ler

Ma re m a De Groot 8

F o r m s m a 8

N e w t o n 3

Kole 3

De W a a r d 1

De Wit t 1

T i m m e r m a n 1















T o t a l s 213 86 512

Bowling Statistics Feb. 28

High individual games— Kraay—Arcadian A 222 Birce—Indie A 222 Kraay—Arcadian 208 High individual series— Kraay—Arcadian A 570 Vel tman—Frater B 525 Birce—Indie A 513 High team game—Fra te r B 814

March 7 High individual games— Van Dort—Emmie A 194 Heneveld—Emmie B .192 Lan—Indie A 190 High individual series— Vel tman—Frater B . 483 Den Herder—Fra te r A 482 Van Dort—Emmie A 477 High team game—Fra te r A 768

High Averages Boersma—Knick A 167 Meengs—Knick A 164 Birce—Indie A 164 Ja lv ing—Fra te r A 163 Miller—Cosmo A 155 Fris—Cosmo A 155 inwnm n r m w i i m ia i i i j i iMUL


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Ron Korver has just connected with a free throw for Hope's 679th M. I. A. A. point. The score board reads 80 with 0 minutes to play.

Inter-Frat Ball Games Produce Rivalry, Upsets

A revolutionary change was seen

in the " B " league this past week.

Af te r absorbing an unmerciful

beat ing a t the hands of the Fra te rs

by the score of 36-12 the hapless

Arcadians came to life and gained

revenge for all their past defeats

a t the expense of the Cosmos. I n |

a s tar t l ing game with the second

seeded team in the league the ha-bitual cellar inhabitants came to life and racked up an astonishing 34-30 score. This, coupled with the Independents loss, virtually gave the " B " league championship to the high flying F ra t e r team. There is, of course, the possibility of the Fraternal organization losing its next two games but this is highly improbable.

The game which was the other half of the almost positive assur-ance of the F ra t e r victory* was the 36-27 win over the Indies. The In-dependent team a f t e r beating the Emmies in a lopsided battle by the score of 24-17, which saw the Em-mies score two points in the entire first half, gave the league leaders a good batt le but did not have enough to beat them.

Cosmo, in their other game of the last two weeks, beat the Knicks by the score of 35-27. The Knicks then went on to beat the Emmies by the score of 37-27.

Own Opp. W L Pts P ts

Fra te r 8 0 272 155 Cosmo 6 2 226 185 Indie 5 3 210 174 Knicks 3 5 235 222 Emmie 1 7 181 251 Arcadian 1 7 153 283

In a game which saw three men

leave the game on five personal

fouls, the Emmies last week de-

feated the Knicks. The score was

36 to 29 and the Emersonians com-

mitted 29 fouls and the Knicker-bockers reciprocated with 14. This

was then second loss in a row for

the Knicks who have been playing good ball but who have had the breaks go against them. They lost to the F ra te r s the week before by the score of 45-42 and the score does not describe the second half comeback of this team. They trailed the league leaders by the score of 33-13 and outplayed the Fra ters all the second half until the time ran out leaving them three points on the wrong side of the ledger.

The other game of the Emmies was a good win over the Indies by the score of 36-33. This was the first of two quick losses for the Independents. They lost their next game to the Cosmos, who are much improved, by the score of 40-27. The Cosmos have yet to lose a game since the turn of the sched-ule and the acquiring of Moose Holwerda. They beat the Arca-dians in the game prior to the In-die game by the score of 37-25.

Af te r the defeat a t the hands of the Cosmos the Arcadians walked s t ra ight into another one as they fell before the F ra te r s 46-22.

This league is still wide open as the high flying Emersonians are only one game behind the league leading Fra te rs and the Fra te rs have yet to meet the Cosmos who right now are a team to be reck-oned with.

Own Opp. W L Pts Pts

Fra te r 7 1 295 215 Emmie 6 2 247 205 Cosmo 4 4 217 203 Indie 4 4 228 246 Knicks 2 6 244 292 Arcadian 1 7 185 255

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H A N S E N ' S S T O R E

As usual Hope can again look back on a very successful basketball season. Things went almost exactly as predicted. We lost three games. (The Monmouth game was not scheduled a t t h a t time.) We won the M. I. A. A. championship, "no ties involved." (Quote Koop) Also De Vette walked off with scoring honors as scheduled. I think without a doubt Hope's greates t performance was the 83-46 beating we handed Albion. At the time no one realized t h a t t ha t would prove to be the deciding game in the championship f ight . Kalamazoo is still a r a the r touchy subject around campus. Personally, I think those who saw the game gained a much deeper appreciation of what a good team we really have as compared to wha t they might be. Of course a few chronic complainers had to immediately jump on the team, the coach, and everyone else involve^ with a flood of learned criticisms. As usual most of them didn't know what they were talking about but had to say something jus t fo r the sake of complaining.

The fac t s speak much better. Hope has won or tied fo r six M.I.A.A. t i t les during the pas t nine seasons. The o ther three years we ended second. Hope broke several school and conference records this year. 1293 points is a new offensive high for one season. 984 points is the highest season total fo r the opposition, Hope's 64.7 point average is also a record. Russ De Vette broke the individual scoring with 328 points. Hope broke the M. I. A. A. season scoring record with 679 points. We do not know for sure whether or not De Vette 's 165 confer-ence points is a new mark.

Russ De Vette was chosen most valuable player by the members of the team. The most valuable players of the other M. I. A. A. schools a r e as follows: Kalamazoo - Stanski, Albion - Isaac, Alma - Ha r t t , Adrian - Champion, and Hillsdale - Edson. Each member of the various teams ra tes the selections of the other five teams. In this way the most valuable player in the conference is selected. The votes have been cast but the results have not been released. De Vette should win it hands down.

The team certainly has plenty to say about that Monmouth game. "Boy, was tha t a good basketball game in Chicago Stadium." "You should have seen those rooms in the Stephens," "Swell hockey game." etc. etc. (Monmouth game tha t is.)

One more week and a play-off will decide the f r a t e r n i t y basketball championship. I'll make no predictions because I might be accused of being biased. Everyone's s ta r t ing to feel baseball in thei r blood. The major leagues a re practicing, Hope is practicing, and plans a r e under way for a f ra te rn i ty league. The bowling league reaches the ha l fway mark tomorrow. The best teams in the league, the Knick " A " and F r a t e r "A", seem to have carved out too large handicaps fo r them-selves and are not doing very well in the won and lost columns. I still pick one of these teams to win the league.


N. Y. Tribune Urges Students To Pick All-Star Team

To college s tudents who know their basketball, the New Y o r k Herald Tribune is issuing an invi-tation to part icipate in the selection of the players for t he East-West All-Star basketball g a m e to be played a t Madison Square Garden on March 29. Held fo r the benefit of the Tribune Fresh Air Fund, the 1946 East-West contest made it possible for over 1,000 children from New York's tenements to be sent to the country last summer.

Each college s tudent is eligible to submit his or her choice of the ten best college players in their section — East or West. Only one of the ten nominations may be made f rom the' s tudent 's own cam-pus; nine must be f r o m other schools. The individual ballots a re to be sent to : Sports Department , East-West Game, New York Her-ald Tribune, 230 West 41st Street, New York 18, N. Y.

The student nominations will aid the judges in making their deci-sions as to which players to choose from among athletes with similar records. The Sports Edi tors of the Herald Tribune want to know which players you pre fe r — as judged by the quality of their play-ing. Due public recognition will be given to the sport edi tors and the student bodies tu rn ing in the high-est mathematical average of the players finally chosen fo r the East-West game.

The names of the ten players se-lected should be typewri t ten or printed with the school of the play-er following each name. The stu-dent must sign the e n t r y and list the college he is a t t end ing with his personal address. All entries must be postmarked by March 18.


19V* W a t 8th Street

Hope Loses Battle To Monmouth Team

Hope's cagers traveled 320 miles

only to end their season with an

84-60 loss to Monmouth College.

The Monmouth Scots had grea t

trouble missing their shots as they

rolled up enough points to t ie West-e m ' s Jan . 14 rout. Hope, somewhat let down a f t e r w i n n i n g the M.I.A.A. title, missed many easy shots and had some defense trou-bles.

Hope stuck with Monmouth for minutes when the score read 13-13. From then on it was all Monmouth. They outscored Hope 35-13 dur ing the remainder of the first half which ended 48-26. The last half was strictly a formal i ty as Mon-mouth went on to win a t will.

Monmouth played very smooth set-up ball. Their f a s t ro ta t ing block set up many short- long shots. Their two big guns, Arms t rong and Talkins, did almost all their scoring on long shots. Mcllvin, Monmouth's big center, played a fine game under the boards.

For the third s t ra igh t game De Vette led Hope's scoring wi th nine field goals and two f r e e throws. The rest of the team didn' t f a r e a s well on Monmouth's fan-shaped back-boards. Monmouth will come to Holland for a game next season. Monmonth (84) FG F T T P

White, f . 3 1 7 Weckstrom, f . 2 0 4

Armstronic, f . 11 4 26 Worley, f . 1 0 2 Mcllvin. c . 2 2 6 Torrence, c. 2 0 4

Trotter, g 2 2 6 8 lay ton, g. 1 i j

Talkins, g. U 3 25

Mlnfa, k- O i l

Totala 2 0 4 Hope (M) FG F T T P De Vette, f . 9 2 20 Van Dis, f . 4 8 11 Buter, Harv, f . 1 0 2 Buter, Herk, e . 4 1 9 P l o e s i m a . e. 0 1 1

Mulder, g . 6 8 18 Yonker, g . 1 0 2 Scholten, g . 1 0 2

Totals 26 10 00

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