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Wallace Rose Hill High SchoolGraduation Project Handbook 2017-2018






Wallace Rose Hill High School602 High School RoadTeachey, NC 28464


Principal – Mr. MD GuthrieAssistant Principals – Mr. Tim Jenkins & Mr. Gary Brown

GRAD Project CoordinatorShaula Hardin

GRAD Project ChairsAmy Powers

Sarah Durden

GRAD Project CommitteeRita BakerLori Bostic

Samantha Jo Brown Julie Davis

Sarah DurdenShannon Gehen Tracey GraybarShaula HardinWilliam JeffersCory LovelaceAmy Powers

Sumer SavageRobin Scott

Mark Stampe Graham WalkerWindall White

Christie Wuebbles


General Information & Description…..…………………………………………………….……..5Fall Timeline …………………………………………………………………………………………….…...6Spring Timeline…………………………………………………………………………….………………..7Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………….….….8Ethics & Community Mentor…………………………………….......................................9Mentor ………………..………………………………………………………………………………………10Product…………………………………………………………………………………………………………11Types of Products………………………………………………………………………………………… 12


Product…………………………………………………………………….………………………………13-15 Portfolio……………….……………………………………………………………………………………...16Reflection……………….…………………………………………………………………………………….17Presentation…………………………………………………………………………………………………18Speech Outline………..……………………………………………………….…………………..19 & 20Presentation & Forms……………………………………………………………………………..…….21

Product Approval ……………………………………….………………..………..……………..22& 23 Ethical Commitment………………………………………………….…………..……………………..24 Parental Agreement and Release………………………………………………………..………...25 Mentor Forms……………………………………….……………….…………………………….. 26 & 27 Mentor Logs……………………………………………………………………………………..........28-30 Mentor Evaluation…………………………………………………..……………………………..……..31 Field Work Log……………………………………………………………………………….................32 Absentee Form…………………………………………………………………………………………….…33 Photo/Image Consent…………………………………………………………………..…………….….34 Audience Verification………………………………………………………………………………….….35 Permission for Personal Service……………………………………………………………….……..36 Fundraising and Donation Approval………………………………..……………………..…..….37 Appeal to the Graduation Project Committee…………………..……………………….…..38 Technology Verification……………………………………………………..…………………..………39 Sign of Commitment………………………………………….………………………………..………….40 Resume’……………………………………………………………………………………………….…41 & 42 Autobiography Graphic Organizer & Rubric……………………………………….……43 & 44 GP Presentation, Product & Portfolio Rubrics………………….……………..……...…45-47 Table of Contents & Final Thoughts………………………………………………………..….….48




GRAD Project is a Project Based Learning assessment that incorporates the Engineering Design Process and provides seniors an opportunity to apply their skills in writing, speaking, research, and organization. This project displays the abilities students have acquired and honed throughout their education. In addition, the project allows students an opportunity, outside of class, to investigate and integrate their various interests and courses of study.

The project helps students develop skills in the following areas:

Time management Professional communicationResearch Community awarenessPublic speaking Self-directed learningOrganization Responsibility


1. Paper/Research : In English III, a 5-8 page research paper on an approved topic must be written before taking English IV.

2. Product : Based on the research conducted for the paper, students will produce a product that is connected to the research knowledge. This component will be completed outside of class time. The time expectation for this part of the project is 15 hours minimum. Products can be performances, service projects, models, or any challenging application of the students’ research. This will be completed under the guidance of an approved community mentor.

3. Portfolio : All documentation, forms, essays, evidences, and reflections about the entire process are contained in the portfolio. It will be housed in a three-ring binder with dividers and sheet protectors.

4. Presentation : The final step to complete the GRAD Project requires the student to give a 7-12 minute formal presentation to a small panel consisting of community members and teachers. The student will prepare and give a presentation describing the research, product, and project experience through The Engineering Design Process. The presentation will address what was learned and what the student plans to do as a result of completing the project.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL seniors complete ALL parts of the Graduation Project in order to graduate from WRH. Even new students and transfer students MUST produce a paper, product, portfolio and presentation. No exceptions.



Sophomore Year: Students select topics. This must be approved prior to promotion to a junior primetime.

Junior Year: 5-8 page research paper. Students will not be promoted to English IV without successfully completing the research paper.

Senior Year: Product (15 hours minimum), 7-12 minute presentation, and portfolio. Although Grad Project is not completed in the English IV class, students complete the project based on the semester enrolled in English IV. For example, if a student is taking English IV in the fall, he/she will complete Grad Project first semester.


September 18      Community Mentor & Product ApprovalSeptember 29      Resume’, Ethical Commitment, Parent ReleaseOctober 6               Product Approval Resubmission/2nd AttemptOctober 13             Sign of Commitment, 1st Mentor LogOctober 20            Autobiographical EssayOctober 27             2nd Mentor Log/Evidence of ContactNovember 3          1st Product CheckNovember 15        Final Product Check, Reflection Essay & Final Work Log (If the product is not completed by this date, a visit to Mr. Guthrie is mandatory.)November 20       Final Speech OutlineDecember 1          Portfolio Due (Student will not be allowed to practice presentations if the portfolio is not submitted.)Dec 4, 5 & 6            Practice Speech PresentationsDecember 7          Graduation Project


February 16         Product Approval & Community MentorMarch 2              Resume’, Ethical Commitment & Parent ReleaseMarch 9              Product Approval Resubmission/2nd AttemptMarch 16             Sign of Commitment & 1st Mentor Log/Evidence of ContactMarch 23             Autobiographical EssayApril 9                2nd Mentor Log/Evidence of ContactApril 13                1st Product CheckApril 25               Final Product Check (If the product is not completed by this date, a visit to Mr. Guthrie is mandatory.)April 27               Reflection Essay & Final Work LogMay 4                  Final Speech OutlineMay 11                  Portfolio (The student will NOT be allowed to practice presentations if the portfolio is not submitted on this date.)May 14, 15 & 16   Practice Speech PresentationsMay 17                 Graduation Project



The GRAD Project will be assessed using rubrics based on those created by the North Carolina Department ofInstruction. GRAD Project is a graduation requirement at W-RH High School. A student must earn a minimum of 70 onthe project to be eligible for graduation. Any failing project will have to be reworked from scratch: new topic, new research paper, new product, and new presentation. Contact Mr. Guthrie for questions

regarding this policy.

Grade Breakdown

Paper 25% --------- The grade earned junior year will be applied. Product 25% ------- The product will be graded by faculty and community judges.Presentation 25%--The presentation will be graded by faculty and community judges.Portfolio 25% ------ The portfolio will be graded by Ms. Hardin._________________________________________________________________________________________

Judges’ Feedback (Spring 2015)Items for consideration; judges noted the following strengths and weaknesses in students.

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSESpride in projects **grammar, written and spoken

**public speaking nervous and stressed about public speakingrisk taking and leadership too few research facts

**confidence weak voice inflectionownership poor communication skills

interest in topics developing timelines**knowledge of topics **public speaking

understood expectations **slang; colloquialism**well-prepared too much observation as a product

**technology skills unclear speaking voicepunctual elaboration

project depth lack of concrete products and/or evidenceprofessional appearance procrastination

motivation inequity in time and work between studentspoise


positive attitude **Starred comments were listedeye contact by multiple judges**politeness

well versed


INTEGRITY AND ETHICSPlagiarism, dishonesty, and cheating are unacceptable and have serious consequences.

Forgery of signatures/ initials or making up information on GRAD Project sign-off sheets is dishonest. Not completing the work as you have agreed to is an ethical issue. Be careful to complete all parts of

the project as approved. If anything changes, complete an Appeal to the GRAD Project Advisory Board form. A copy of this form is available in the forms sections of this packet. These ethical issues can result in a failing grade on the GRAD Project, ISS, suspension or expulsion.

Each student is to fill out and sign the GRAD Project Ethical Commitment form in the forms section of this packet along with the Parent Release form.

Be a man/woman of your word; be honest in your dealings with Grad Project.

COMMUNITY MENTOR Students at W-RH High School are required to have a community mentor. Working with a mentor is NOT optional and is an integral part of the GRAD Project.

Community Mentor: A mentor is any caring person who develops an on-going one-on-one relationship withsomeone in need. A mentor’s role is similar to encourage, listen, give advice,advocate, share information and experience, and be a positive role model. The community mentor MUSThave expertise &/or experience regarding your topic and/or product choice.


is knowledgeable in the topic and/or product you have selected

be a relative who lives in the same household

is selected by you, not assigned do the work for you, but may assist youis available to work with you be a WRH HS teacherhelps you define the exact product be convicted of a serious crimeverifies that the product has been completed and signs the mentor logcan confirm the number of hours you spend working on your projectis at least 21 years of age

Note: Procrastination is a key reason for failure when it comes to the mentorship. One of the first things you must do is locate a mentor, meet with him/her, and assure that this person is willing and able to provide the required time and support.


Tips for how to go about finding a mentor:

Talk to parents, friends, and teachers about mentor possibilities. Other people who may helpstudents locate a mentor include:

o WRH facultyo Employers and co-workerso Contacts at churcho Contacts through community service organizationso Contacts through athletic organizationso Community business ownerso Professional organizations employeeso Newspaper staff

STUDENTS:**Ultimately, it is YOUR responsibility to locate a mentor. This may require stepping outside your comfort zone. Don’t procrastinate about finding a mentor; he or she is a priority as you start your work. Until your community mentor is approved, you will not be allowed to continue with Grad Project; however, you will still be penalized for failure to meet deadlines.

Working with a mentor:o Begin by making initial contact.o Explain the overall project goals and product ideas.o Decide how you and your mentor will communicate and work together.o Create a timeline and a scheduleo Decide what parts of the product you can work on independently and which parts will require the

assistance of the mentor.o Be considerate, flexible, and respectful.o Professionals are busy people, so be organized to make efficient use of their time. Never use profanity

or slang, and always behave professionally.







Purpose Create a tangible product related to your research. Reflect applications of:

o Learningo Critical thinkingo Problem-solvingo Teamworko Personal employability skills such as

Responsibility Persistence Independence

Requirements: Select, design, and complete by the student. Reflect a minimum of 15 hours of out-of-class work. Only time actually committed to the product

counts toward the 15 hour requirement. Time spent filling out paper work, writing, practicing the presentation, or organizing the portfolio cannot be counted toward the product hours. If you only complete the minimum hour requirement, your score for this portion of the product will be considered average and reflected as such on the grading rubric.

Finish with the collaboration of a mentor. Document with photographs, videos, logs, letters, receipts, certificates, etc. Must be short-term or long-term, personal or public products. Provide a learning stretch; students may not work on something in which they are already

accomplished unless they can demonstrate how their product is taking them above and beyond what they already know and can already do.

Approved by a GRAD Project committee at the beginning of the process. Include step-by-step proof of product. The end result is not as important as the process a student goes

through to get to the finished product.

Notice: Products do not require that students spend any money. Many products are service related and serve

the community – for free! A student may not profit or make any money from his/her product. Any costs incurred by the student are by his/her choice and should be discussed very carefully with

parents. Students must choose a product they are legally allowed to complete. For example, tattooing requires

that all persons be at least 18 years old and licensed. If you will not be 18 prior to your product completion, you will not be allowed to complete such a product.

Students must be creative with product ideas and cost solutions. The product idea is the student’s responsibility; even if the initial idea is rejected, he/she must revise it to meet specifications. Weak product ideas or laziness in creating original ideas will be no excuse for missing deadlines and no one else’s burden but the student’s. The mentor, teacher, parent, etc. may help with brainstorming, but developing an appropriate product is not their responsibility.


Types of Products and Examples:Products generally fall into six major categories; however, students often combine types for a stronger product. Many products do not incur any costs or require the purchase of supplies. The following projects have been successful:

Physical Artifacto Models, computer programs, fashion clothing, architectural design, pottery, car mechanics,

building furniture. Written Artifact

o Short story, book of poetry, novelette, journal of reflective essays, cookbooks, or “how-to” books.

Performance-Basedo Choreography of a dance, music video, magic show, instrumental recital, cooking class, signing,

acting. Teaching or leadership

o Teach middle-school students about eating disorders, coach a little-league team, start a tutorial group, teach about drug abuse or gang violence.

Career-Relatedo Job-shadow a police officer and develop a crime prevention program for your school or

neighborhood, observe a teacher and develop a lesson plan and teach a class. Community Service

o Volunteer at a homeless shelter and organize a food drive, habitat for humanity, organize a recycling program.

Products Cannot Be:- Job shadowing alone. Students may shadow; however, they must take what they learn on the job

and then create something with the information.- Completed without the advisement of a mentor.- Presentation boards describing the research paper.- PowerPoint presentations or videos. These are not products unto themselves. They may be part of

a presentation used while teaching, but they alone are not a product. Also, unedited videos are not products.

- No brochures accepted.- One cannot change the product!!!!! (Judges will flag your GP if it is different than the one on the

PRODUCT APPROVAL form.)- All classes, workshops, events, etc… must be completed OFF CAMPUS. Students may no longer

teach classes at school. One must learn to make appointments, plan and manage this product.



EvidenceAll work on the product is to be done by the student. Product changes must be approved through the designated process. Products, which do not match the Product Approval Sheet, will be stiffly penalized or not evaluated at all.

Documentation throughout the creation of the product is required for the portfolio. Documentation includes: Field Work Log - Chart where students record and verify all product hours. The mentor, teacher, or

other responsible adult willing to attest to the student’s work may verify hours. Mentor Logs: A minimum of two are required to be completed and signed to verify the student met

the required meeting times with the mentor. Students are encouraged to meet with their mentors more than three times, but only two are required to be verified with mentor logs.

Pictures and/or video, extensive journaling, handouts, etc…, documenting the product process. The actual item created, if your product is physical; however, documentation of progress is also

needed.Be sure that all forms are signed at the time the meetings take place. Do not put the mentor in the position of filling out documentation at the last minute.

Products with Special RequirementsMedical Field ProductsAny product involved with medical/psychological/sociological patients must have a clearly stated mentor willing to take responsibility for patient privacy and confidentiality.

If a student takes photographs or videos of patients, the patient or their parents/guardians must sign releases. These releases go into the Product section of the portfolio. The student may print the copies needed or request copies from the English IV teacher.

Photography ProductsAny product involving photography will require the printed photos as evidence of the process. These should be placed in the Product section of the portfolio.

Job Shadowing ProductsWatching others work for the entire 15 hours is NOT adequate for Grad Project. Job shadowing must be done in conjunction with some other type of product. For example, Octavia Hicks shadowed with an obstetrician and then created a 3-D paper-mache’ model of a pregnant stomach revealing all the layers from the outer skin to the fetus. Students incorporating job shadowing will need to take special care to gather evidence to document their experience. Keeping a journal of the experience is one way to document. Again, students who job shadow must take what they have learned and experienced and DO SOMETHING with it. Students may NOT be paid or compensated in any way during their job shadowing hours.


Performance or Exhibition ProductsProducts that involve a performance in front of an audience will require audience members to fill out the Audience Verification Form. These forms can be printed from the WRH website or requested from the teacher as needed. Have copies of this form ready to be passed out to the audience BEFORE the performance. After the audience has viewed the performance, have them complete the forms. Collect the forms before the audience leaves. Put these forms in the Product section of the portfolio.

Personal Services ProductsAny student choosing a product involving a personal service such as in the field of cosmetology, barbering, landscaping, etc. must have their clients fill out the Permission Form for Personal Services. These forms can be printed from the WRH website or requested from the teacher as needed. The client’s parent or guardian must sign the form if he/she is under the age of 18. The service performed by the senior may NOT involve chemicals (hair color, perms, etc…) or body modifications (piercing, tattoos, etc.). Volunteering ProductsStudents must provide some sort of physical evidence of active participation in the volunteering activity. Some possible types of evidence are: pictures, videos, documented time log, journal log, etc. Video documentation is strongly encouraged for these products. The student should make sure that he/she APPEARS in the pictures/video.

Fundraising ProductsThe principal must approve all fundraising. Students MUST show results and receipts of the fundraising. Funds given to WRH should establish an account through Ms. Denise McAllister.

Any product involving use of a school facility must have an administrator’s approval.Documentation of approvals must be in the portfolio.

Procedure for fundraising projects at school:1. Submit to the principal and the Grad Committee in writing the following information:

a. For whom will you be raising money?b. What will be your activity/event? c. What will your expense be?d. When and where will the event occur?

2. Complete the Product Worksheet and attach the information previously mentioned.3. Complete the Fundraising Form4. See the W-RH Financial Secretary (Denise McAllister) to open an account for the money you raise.

Also, provide her the contact information for the organization.5. Turn money in daily. DO NOT hold any money for any length of time.6. Check with the advisor or mentor; he or she must be willing to attend your event.7. Fundraising products cannot be done at the last minute due to the permissions one must attain from

administration and possibly the Board of Education.


Teaching ProductsAny product involving teaching a class must include the following:

Your class must contain at least 10 people and be taught OFF CAMPUS. Lesson plans must be completed for each teaching session. Use a five or six step lesson plan. Maintain a notebook/folder of handouts, activities for each lesson, and student work samples. Provide evidence in the form of pictures, videos, work samples, journaling, etc. If you photograph students, be sure release forms are completed. Complete at least one group activity during the teaching sessions.

Coaching ProductsAny product involving coaching must meet the following criteria:

Must have a clearly identified audience to coach, a specific team or group must be identified. Groups or teams of fewer than 10 are not allowed.

Must have a well-written practice plan for each coaching session containing specific techniques or drills. These plans need to explain in detail how each session will improve the individual’s or team’s performance. There needs to be pre-and post- standard measurement. This can be done by measuring timings, counting completed tasks, or videos of improved performance.

If you photograph participants, be sure release forms are completed. There must be an obvious LEARNING STRETCH (Going from player to coach is not a sufficient learning

stretch.) You need to coach in areas you are not as familiar. For example, if you are an offensive player, then you need to learn defensive techniques or drills and demonstrate your teaching of these areas.


THE PORTFOLIO The portfolio is the paper trail of Grad Project. It will house all documents and evidence. Portfolios will be available for the panel of judges to review before each presentation; therefore, it is imperative thatstudents put forward their best effort in every aspect of the portfolio. Remember, first impressions count!

Portfolio Basicso White three-ring binder with plastic sleeve on the cover.o Format and appearance should be neat and orderly.o Organize using the table of contents provided by Ms. Hardin; page numbers are not required.o Forms and content must meet the requirements of the portfolio.o Demonstrate depth in academic and personal growth.o Provide insight into how the student has anticipated and dealt with challenges/changes.o Employ technology.o Include dividers and all papers inside separate sheet protectors. o Place Sign of Commitment within the cover of the binder. o Save copies of all materials. ALL work is typed and forms filled out in ink.

Portfolio Contents & Table of Contentso Sign of Commitment on the cover of the portfolioo Autobiographical Essayo Resume’o Ethical Commitmento Parental Releaseo Final Reflective Essay

DIVIDER – Researcho Research Paper from junior year o A clean copy of the paper is preferable; be sure to include the Works Cited PageDIVIDER – Producto Product Approval worksheeto Copy of any appeals and responses (not all students will have these) o Work Logo Evidence of Product (pictures, surveys, letters from participants, etc.)o Additional forms if required due to the nature of the product: Audience Verification, Photo Consent,

Personal Service, Fundraising form, etc. DIVIDER – Mentorship

o Mentor Registration Formo Mentor Commitment Formo Mentor Logs – one for each visit with the mentor, minimum 2o Evaluation FormDIVIDER – Presentationo Presentation Outline This outline is not a PowerPoint Outline. This outline is a sentence outline

constructed using MLA format and including all the information provided in the presentation section including the Engineering Design Process. Students will be developing this outline throughout the semester.

o Printed copy of Power Point Presentation with Engineering Design Process


o Technology Check Verification

Final Reflection

For GRAD Project, students will be writing one extensive final reflective essay.o Must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, with one inch margins on all four

sides.o Must be at least two pages in length. o Failure to adhere to formatting guidelines will result in a grade deduction and required revision.o Use an MLA heading on the reflections.

An MLA heading begins on the first available line of the paper, is left justified, and double-spaced. It includes student’s name, the course name (for this please put – Graduation Project), teacher’s name, and the date. Center the title on the next available line. Do not put additional space between the heading, title, and start of the reflection.

Example of the MLA heading format:

James Smith

Graduation Project

S. Hardin

12 February 2018

(Title) Final Reflection

………………………………………………………………………………..FINAL REFLECTION

In this essay you will address all of the following questions. The paragraphs in the essay should be detailed. Use specific details, examples, and anecdotes from your GRAD Project experience.

1. What were the best moments of the entire process? What were the worst moments of the entire process?2. How has GRAD Project affected the way you approach work, deal with people, or present yourself in public?3. What would you change if you could do this again?4. What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?5. Which aspect of GRAD Project process stretched you the most? How did you react to this challenge? How do

you feel now that it is over?6. Has this experience influenced your future planning in terms of work, education, or the development of personal

interests?7. In what way(s) has GRAD Project changed your concept of yourself? Are you more confident of your abilities?

Are you more focused and directed? Are you more willing to take a risk? Has it raised more questions than given answers?



Requirements: 7-10 minutes; uninterrupted student presentation. 4-5 minutes of follow-up questions (These are questions asked by the judges and are

not included in the required time allotment.) Contain some form of audio/visual technology component

EXAMPLESo Power Point Presentation, Prezi, Google Slideshowo Videoo Pictorial Slide Show

Thorough examination of the product through the Engineering Design Process is expected. Students should focus on:

o ASK – What is the product? What can be done? Describe. o IMAGINE – Brainstorm ideas. How will you solve? Goals? o PLAN – Process. Materials. Plan of Action. Steps. Diagram. o CREATE – Follow plan. Make it. Final evidence. Complete product.o IMPROVE – Successes. Failures. Modify. Self Reflection.o Hours spent on the product. Working with a mentor.

Products and/or proof of products must be brought to the presentation. Formal business/professional attire. Students must have successfully completed the research paper, portfolio, and product

prior to the presentation.


Complete using MLA format; this should be a thorough sentence outline, basically your script for the presentation. Add in A’s, B’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, etc. where needed depending on the amount of information shared.


Santa ClauseGraduation ProjectS. Hardin12 November 2017

Speech Outline

I. IntroductionA. Introduction yourselfB. Define the productC. Hook (30 second video or clip imbedded within the Prezi.)

II. Project Idea (ASK & IMAGINE)

How did you develop your project idea? What did you set as your ending goal? Yes, one of your goals was to finish the project so you could graduate, but what else did you set out to accomplish with your topic? Did you want to explore a possible career? Did you want to help your local community? Did you want to give awareness to your peers about an issue? Did you want to learn a new skill? A. Why did you choose this category/subject/idea?B. Career, Hobby, Family, Interest

III. Community Mentor (PLAN) A. How did you find this person? B. What is his/her area of expertise? C. How did that person help you to be successful?

IV. Changes (PLAN) If there were changes in your project, tell the highlights of your original plan and what you had to do to modify it as the project developed. **If your project is what you proposed in the beginning you do not need to address this point, but if you had to make changes from your original idea, explain those changes to the judges and why they were necessary.

V. Research (PLAN) Discuss your research. Present your thesis and discuss your main points. What are some of the things you learned about your topic during this process that you found especially meaningful or interesting? **Last year’s judges wanted more research facts presented. You did the work, so be sure to share some of it with the judges. Explain how your research paper connects to your final product. For example, in my paper I wrote about animal abuse and for my product I volunteered at the humane society where I worked with and observed abused animals. I was able to see some of the situations I wrote about first hand while completing my product.

A. ThesisB. Fact/StatC. Fact/StatD. Research tie in with product

VI. Skills and Knowledge What skills did you already have that would lead toward a successful project? What knowledge did you need to gain to be successful?

A. Possessed/KnewB. Learned/Gained

VII. Product (CREATE) Do not neglect this portion or rush through it; the judges are grading your product. They must fully understand what you did, otherwise, your grade will likely suffer in this category. It is not the judges’ responsibility to figure out what your product is; it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the judges clearly understand what the actual product was. (CREATE)

A. What is it? – Explain it, describe it, and sell it to the judges. They must be convinced you did an appropriate product.

B. Explain the process of completing your project (beginning, middle, end). 1.2.3.


C. How much time did you spend working on your product (REMEMBER, YOU SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 15 HOURS OF PRODUCT WORK). Explain how your time was spent.

D. Explain how this product was a learning stretch for you; how did it take you above and beyond what you already knew and could already do?

VIII. Learned (IMPROVE) What have you learned from doing the product? A. You can discuss what you learned about your topic and what you learned about yourself. B. What did you do well and what could you have done better?

THE JUDGES DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT PROCRASTINATION. Once a judge actually commented, “Alright already, we get it…” THEY ARE TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT!

IX. Closing What can you tell the audience about the GRAD Project experience for you? Was it good, bad, interesting, stressful, challenging, rewarding, etc. Be sure to provide details that support your description; why was it good, bad, etc.? (Try to be positive at this point; do not end it with negativity.)A. AdviceB. ThanksC. Acknowledge judges

X. Quote & ExplanationPick a quote to sum up your experience or what you learned. Use correct quotations and provide the name of the person. Open the floor to questions. A. QuoteB. Tie the quote into your experience

**Before you leave be sure to thank the judges for their time.

**As you refine your Power Point/Prezi, be sure to include main points and the Engineering Design Process. For example, don’t just have a slide that says, “What did I learn?” You can title that slide, “Lessons Learned” but give some points that reflect what you are discussing. Example:Lessons Learned

Nursing is not for me (then verbally elaborate). Time management is important (then verbally elaborate). Public speaking is not as scary as I once thought (then verbally elaborate)

**People love to see you in action, so use pictures when possible to enhance your presentation.

PRESENTATION GUIDELINES AND TIPS1. You will receive your presentation room assignment several days prior to the presentation date. It is YOUR

responsibility to visit the classroom and test your technology prior to the presentation day.


2. Professional dress is required. You may wear apparel that matches your topic if it is necessary for your presentation. For instance, if you are performing a dance, you would wear a dance costume.

3. First impressions count, so be organized and have all materials ready.4. Introduce yourself to the judges.5. Do not chew gum.6. Maintain eye contact, look around, and smile occasionally.7. Do not read your presentation from the screen or note cards. These tools are intended to help keep you on

track, but under no circumstances should you be reading your presentation. 8. If the judges did not take your letters before entering the room, pass one out to each judge.9. Practice, practice, practice. There is no substitution for preparation.10. Try to anticipate and prepare for judges’ questions.11. Speak formally, and avoid colloquialisms, slang, and improper grammar. THIS HAS BEEN A PARTICULAR AREA

OF CRITICISM FROM THE JUDGES in recent years. The adults of our community want to know that you can speak intelligently and appropriately in a formal setting.

12. Also, avoid the following words and phrases: a. “and stuff”b. “you know”c. “I guess”d. “and all of that”e. I “did” French cookingf. “um” “uh”g. “Yeah”

Practice Questions:1. Why was this topic important to you?2. What were your best and worst moments of the entire process?3. If you could change one thing about your product, what would you change and why?4. How has the project been a learning stretch?5. What advice would you offer future seniors?6. What resources helped you the most?7. What are some problems you encountered and how did you handle these problems?8. Does your topic relate to your career goals? If not, what are your career goals?9. Now that it is all over, how do you feel about Grad Project and what you have accomplished?10. What was the most interesting or shocking fact you learned about when doing your research?11. What unexpected lessons did you learn along the way?



Required forms for all studentsProduct Approval WorksheetEthical CommitmentParental ReleaseMentor Registration FormMentor Commitment FormMentor Logs (minimum of 2)Field Work LogEvaluation FormTechnology Check

Additional forms for specific products or issues (These forms are available from the teacher as needed)Audience Verification Absentee (must be completed prior to the absence)Permission to be a Subject for Personal Service Appeal to the Graduation Project CommitteePhotograph/Image Usage Consent Fundraising/Donations Form

**All forms must be completed in blue or black ink. No forms (including signatures) will be accepted if in pencil.


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project PRODUCT APPROVAL WORKSHEET Name_______________

(Must be typed or completed in pen)

1. GRAD Project Topic ___________________________________________________________________2. Research Paper Thesis:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Product: Describe the product you wish to complete for the GRAD Project. Be specific and thorough.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________________________4. Which of the following categories apply to your product; include a brief explanation. (Check and explain all that apply)

____ Learning __________________________________________________________________________ Teaching/Leading/Coaching___________________________________________________________ Fundraising ________________________________________________________________________ Volunteering _______________________________________________________________________ Making/building/creating _____________________________________________________________ Job Shadowing ______________________________________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________________________________

5. What evidence will you provide to substantiate your product? Will you use photos, video, participant forms, journals, etc. The process of all products must be documented. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Your GRAD Project must demonstrate a learning stretch. What will be new and challenging for you in regards to your product? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. I estimate the total cost of this project to be $_______________. I have reviewed my child’s proposal, and approve of his product choice. PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ DATE _______________







Reasons for disapproval:____ Connection between paper and product is not clear____ Product does not follow W-RH guidelines____ Learning stretch is not clear____ Product is similar to one already part of the curriculum____ Product is unclear____ Too simple; does not represent a reasonable challenge____ Other: _______________________________________________________________________

Suggested modifications: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Approval with special conditionsAlthough your proposal has been accepted, you will need to make sure you:___ include lesson plans for the lessons you teach ___ appropriately edit the video tape of your product___ work with an approved food service institution___ follow all county protocol for fundraising – consult the financial secretary ___follow the guidelines for your product as outlined in the handbook.

COMMITTEE MEMBER SIGNATURE ________________________________________ DATE_______________



Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project ETHICAL COMMITMENT

STUDENT NAME (print) ___________________________________________________________________Ethics - morals or principles of right and wrong behaviorIntegrity – honesty; soundness of moral character

The administration and faculty of Wallace-Rose Hill High School are dedicated not only to academics but also to fostering integrity among students, the future leaders and citizens of our community. As such, we believe that students should be encouraged to recognize, understand, and practice ethical behavior in all their endeavors. This guide is intended to help students recognize and avoid unethical behavior and guide them to acceptable conduct as they complete their GRAD Project. Please read and sign the following ethical commitment:“As a participant in the Wallace-Rose Hill High School GRAD Project, I pledge to adhere to the following as a demonstration of my honor and integrity. I understand that if I fail to adhere to these standards, I will be ineligible to successfully complete the Grad Project. I also understand that Grad Project is a graduation requirement at W-RH High School.”

I will complete all the work necessary for the project myself. I will adhere to all requirements and complete the product approved by the project committee. If

changes are made, I will complete the necessary forms and attain approval from the committee prior to beginning work.

I will not buy or falsify the completion of a product. I will not exaggerate or misrepresent my project in any way. I will collect accurate verifications on all the work requiring signatures. I will not forge any verification documents or project hours. I will faithfully complete a minimum of fifteen product hours. I will work with an approved community mentor. I will meet regularly with my teacher advisor to discuss my project.

________________________________________________ ____________________Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Pledge: I have read the above expectations, and I will encourage and help my child uphold his or her ethical commitment to the GRAD Project.

_______________________________________________ ____________________Parent Signature Date


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project PARENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND RELEASE

Student Name: (print) _________________________________________________________________Project Topic: _______________________________________________________________________

Dear Parents:The purpose of the GRAD Project is to give students an opportunity to integrate knowledge from across the curriculum and exhibit the skills they have acquired throughout their educational journey. The project allows students to explore a topic of their choice and apply their knowledge by creating, serving, or experiencing something new. Please understand that although the project is housed in the English department, it is a school project not an English project.

Your support and participation in this endeavor is invaluable. Please familiarize yourself with your child’s topic and product choice and the expectations listed below; check each box as you read and sign at the bottom .

I have read the proposal and approve of the product chosen by my child. Seniors are responsible for obtaining and working with a community mentor. The product must demonstrate a learning stretch, going above and beyond the student’s current

knowledge and experience. W-RH HS is not responsible for transportation or expenses associated with GRAD Project. The product portion of the project requires a minimum of 15 documented activity hours. These hours

are to be completed after school, on weekends, or over breaks. W-RH HS is not responsible for any injury received by the student during the course of the GRAD

Project fieldwork and/or product work. The product may be a physical product, written product, performance, teacher or leadership

experience, physical experience, and service-based or career related product. Job shadowing alone is not a sufficient product; it must be incorporated with one of the previously listed product forms.

The product must be approved by the GRAD Project committee and completed as approved. Any changes in the product must be submitted for approval prior to beginning the work. Not completing the approved product is an ethical violation.

This project is not only a test of skill but integrity; plagiarism, forgery, cheating, or any form of dishonesty will result in failure of the project and forfeiture of graduation.

The product must be completed independently under the advisement of a teacher advisor and community mentor

.Please complete the following:Parent or Guardian Name (Please Print): _____________________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________ Work Phone: ___________________ Cell Phone: _________________

Email: _________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________Date___________________________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project MENTOR FORM(Page 1: To be completed by the student)

Working with a mentor is NOT optional. It is your responsibility to find your mentor.Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________GRAD Project Topic _________________________________________________________________________

COMMUNITY MENTOR INFORMATIONMentor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________Home Phone: ______________________________Work Phone: _______________________________Cell Phone: _______________________________Email Address ______________________________________________________________________________Occupation, Position, and/or Title: ____________________________________________________________

**If available, attach your mentor’s business card at the bottom right of the page.

Answer the following questions with complete, articulate sentences.1. How did you find your mentor?

2. In what field is your mentor an expert?

3. Describe your mentor’s expertise and how you will benefit from working with this mentor.

4. Have you known this person prior to beginning GRAD Project? Is so, how?

MENTOR CHECKLIST: Please review and check the following criteria to assure your selected mentor qualifies.

___ My proposed mentor is not a relative who lives in the same household as I do.

___ My mentor is at least 21 years of age.

___ My mentor has not been convicted of any serious crimes.

___ My mentor has expertise in my topic and/or product.

___ My mentor is not a WRH HS teacher.

___ My mentor is accessible to me.


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project MENTOR COMMITMENT FORM(To be completed by the mentor)

Part 1: Contact InformationMentor’s Name _________________________________________________________________________Mentor’s Address ________________________________________________________________________City: _________________________________ State ______________ Zip ________________Mentor’s Phone Numbers: (Work) ___________________ (Home) _____________________(Cell) ______________________ (Email)___________________________________________

Part 2: Project InformationI have agreed to mentor _______________________________________during the Grad Project Process.The student’s research topic is ______________________________________________.The student’ physical product will be__________________________________________.

Part 3: BackgroundDescribe your qualifications for serving as a mentor for this topic:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe your previous knowledge or experience with this student: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part 4: Commitment AgreementI will help this student in the following way(s):____ assist with information and resource location____ provide facilities in which the student may work on his/her product____ guide in the completion of the product____ assist with problem-solving____provide constructive feedback throughout the project____ verify successful completion of a valid product that represents a “learning stretch”____ verify hours when the student works under my supervision____ other ________________________________________________________

Part 5: Verifying SignatureI __________________________________ have never been convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic violation, and I am not a relative or guardian of this student.

Mentor Signature ___________________________________Date____________________

Part 6: Parent SignatureI approve of my child being mentored for Graduation Project by the aforementioned community mentor.Parent Signature___________________________________Date_____________________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project MENTOR LOG

Students must document four contacts with the mentor and should present a log sheet to his/her mentor at each visit. The log should be completed by the mentor in the mentor’s handwriting and signed.

Student: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Student arrived at ____________________ and left at _____________________.

Total time spent with mentor: __________


Mentor, please comment on the following categories:

1. Type of work completed by the student today:_____ interviewed mentor_____ observed mentor_____ practiced skills with mentor_____ worked on the creation of the product_____ other, describe: _______________________________________________________________

2. Rank the student’s use of time today:Poor Average Good 1 2 3 4 5

3. Rank the student’s punctuality and professional demeanor. Poor Average Good

1 2 3 4 5

4. What are the goals for the next visit?

5. What do you expect the student to do before the next visit with you?

Additional comment or concerns:

Mentor Signature ______________________________________________________________

Student Signature ______________________________________________________________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project MENTOR LOG

Students must document four contacts with the mentor and should present a log sheet to his/her mentor at each visit. The log should be completed by the mentor in the mentor’s handwriting and signed.

Student: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Student arrived at ____________________ and left at _____________________.

Total time spent with mentor: __________


Mentor, please comment on the following categories:

1. Type of work completed by the student today:_____ interviewed mentor_____ observed mentor_____ practiced skills with mentor_____ worked on the creation of the product_____ other, describe: _______________________________________________________________

2. Rank the student’s use of time today:Poor Average Good 1 2 3 4 5

3. Rank the student’s punctuality and professional demeanor. Poor Average Good

1 2 3 4 5

4. What are the goals for the next visit?

5. What do you expect the student to do before the next visit with you?

Additional comment or concerns:

Mentor Signature ______________________________________________________________

Student Signature ______________________________________________________________



Students must document four contacts with the mentor and should present a log sheet to his/her mentor at each visit. The log should be completed by the mentor in the mentor’s handwriting and signed.

Student: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Student arrived at ____________________ and left at _____________________.

Total time spent with mentor: __________


Mentor, please comment on the following categories:

1. Type of work completed by the student today:_____ interviewed mentor_____ observed mentor_____ practiced skills with mentor_____ worked on the creation of the product_____ other, describe: _______________________________________________________________

2. Rank the student’s use of time today:Poor Average Good 1 2 3 4 5

3. Rank the student’s punctuality and professional demeanor. Poor Average Good

1 2 3 4 5

4. What are the goals for the next visit?

5. What do you expect the student to do before the next visit with you?

Additional comment or concerns:

Mentor Signature ______________________________________________________________

Student Signature ______________________________________________________________


WRH GRAD PROJECT MENTOR EVALUTATION FORMBased upon what you have observed during the GRAD Project process, please rate the student using numbers 1-5

5 = Exceeded expectations 4 = Fully met expectations 3 = Adequately met expectations 2 = Barely met minimal expectations 1/0 = failed to meet minimal expectations

Category Criteria Rating CommentsInitiative/Energy Demonstrated initiative; asked appropriate questions; exhibited enthusiasm;

general attitude; ability to work independently; effort; follow throughTimeliness/Organization Punctuality; organized time and tasks effectively; efficiency

Commitment/Dependability Established reliability, kept scheduled meetings; responsibility;showed dedication to success

Problem Solving/Creativity Provided ability to overcome setbacks; sought alternative solutions to problems; looked for ways to improve

Attitude/Etiquette Dressed appropriately; accepted constructive criticism; courteous/worked well with others; used appropriate communication skills; general attitude

Do you have any suggestions regarding your mentee’s performance during GRAD Project or for future success? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any suggestions for improving W-RH HS GRAD Project, particularly in the area of mentoring? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other comments/suggestions ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mentor Name __________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________Date__________Thank you for your time, patience, and participation in this program


WRH GRAD PROJECT - FIELD WORK LOG - PRODUCT HOURS ONLY Only time spent directly on the creation of the product can be recorded as product hours. Hours spent on research, presentation, portfolio paperwork, reflection writing, talking with the teacher advisor, etc. ARE NOT product hours.









Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project ABSENTEE FORM

Students are entitled to one excused absence for the purpose of Grad Project. All other work associated with the Grad Project must be completed outside the regular school day. All

attendance and make up work policies apply.

Complete this form PRIOR to the scheduled absence.

Before the absence, take this form to Ms. Miller. (Data Manager)

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Date and times of absence _______________________________________________

Description of why the absence is necessary _________________________________



Teachers’ Signatures

1st Period ______________________________ Date _______________________

2nd Period ____________________________ Date _______________________

3rd Period ____________________________ Date _______________________

4th Period ____________________________ Date________________________

Principal’s Signature ____________________________________________________

Date ___________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project


Photos or videos taken by a student completing the GRAD Project will be used as evidence of work and participation only. These images will bed used as part of the presentation and will be viewed by a number of students and a small panel of community judges.

_____ I DO give permission for my image or the image of my child to be used as part of the

Graduation Project.

_____I DO NOT give permission for my image or the image of my child to be used as part of

the Graduation Project.

Name of Participant ___________________________________________________

Participant’s Signature ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________

Wallace-Rose Hill Student Name ____________________________________________

Project Topic ____________________________________________________________

Date ___________________________________________________________________

**Print additional copies as needed


Wallace Rose Hill High School GRAD Project Audience Verification

**To be used by students whose products an outside audience will view. Music and other fine arts performances, teaching situations, classes or clinics, or speeches to a specific audience are examples of products that require Audience Verification. Submit completed documents to your portfolio. A student must have at least 10 audience members and Audience Verification Forms completed to justify a performance.

**If the presentation is done to students too young to complete this form, the supervising adult(s) may complete one form for the entire audience.

Student Name ___________________________________________________________________

Teacher/Adult in Charge of Audience _________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________

Location of Presentation ____________________________________________________________

Date of the Presentation ___________________________ Length of Presentation ______________

**If an adult representing an audience too young to complete the Audience Verification form, how many children were present for the presentation? ________

EvaluationPlease check the appropriate box for each question.

Outstanding Average PoorWas the presenter prepared (all equipment, materials, etc.)?Did the presenter use good speech habits, such as volume, gestures, and eye contact?Did the presenter appear to have a good working knowledge of his/her subject matter?Did the presentation offer new, interesting or educational information?Was the presenter organized in terms of presentation content?Did the presenter offer quality answers to questions posed to him/her after the presentation?Did you feel the presenter was enthusiastic about his/her subject area and performance?Was the student dressed appropriately for the occasion and audience?How would you rate the student’s overall presentation in terms of quality?


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project


I agree to have _______________________________________(student’s name) perform the following personal service for his/her GRAD Project. I understand that this student does not have a license to perform this service. I will not hold WRH HS or the student responsible for the outcome of the service. I will not pay for this service. This service may NOT include chemicals used on the body (such as hair color, perms) or body modification (piercing or tattoos.)

Explain the personal service to be performed: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of person receiving service:______________________________________________ Printed name_________________________________________________________________Contact information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project


You must answer the following questions:

1. Describe your event or activity.

2. When and where will the fundraising occur?

3. What expenses will be incurred?

4. What is your profit or donations goal?

5. Name and address of the benefiting organization and/or person.

6. Will this fundraiser be conducted at Wallace-Rose Hill High School and involve students and staff during school hours? If yes, follow the protocol in the product section of the packet. Any use of school facilities must be pre-approved by Mr. Guthrie.

7. A teacher must supervise any activities done on campus for the purposes of this project; have you confirmed a teacher’s willingness to supervise your proposed event?

Student Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________________

Teacher Signature ________________________ Date ___________________________

Mr. Guthrie’s Signature if school facilities are involved _____________________________________


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project

Appeal to the Graduation Project Committee

If you need to change any part of your approved GRAD Project, the following form must be completed and returned to Room 16. Procrastination is not an excuse for an appeal. By this time, if you have been diligent about your work, all issues should have been evident and efforts to resolve them exhausted.

Student Name ______________________________________Topic_____________________

What aspect of the project are you appealing? _____________________________________

Explain your appeal; be specific and thorough: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date appeal was submitted: _________________________

Appeal Approved Appeal Denied

Appeal was reviewed by _______________________________________________________





Go by the classroom where you are presenting and check technology to confirm functionality.

Student Name _____________________________________________

Presentation Room ______________

Date of technology check ______________

Signature of the occupying teacher _____________________________

Were there any problems with the technology in this room?

Are there any other items (of any kind) that need to be in your room when you present?

Student Signature __________________________________________________


GUIDELINES, FORMATTING, EXAMPLESSIGN OF COMMITMENT – A representation that visually illustrates the student’s Grad Project.

Guidelines and Content: Size: 8 ½ by 11 (size of a standard piece of copy paper) Orientation can portrait or landscape Student name Project topic Research thesis Product description Must include at least one picture that reflects the topic Should demonstrate a student’s creativity



Thesis: The Eastern Art of yoga teaches relaxation, focused breathing, and stretching exercises in order to achieve a balanced lifestyle in today’s stressful world.

Product: I will learn yoga in order to plan and execute a beginner’s yoga class for students and teachers after school two times a week for three weeks.


Resume’A resume’ is a document used to present one’s education, background, skills, and experiences.

Resumes are often required by employers during the application process; therefore, this document is one you will likely use in the future. Keeping a current and through resume on hand is a good life skill.

Format: Resume’ templates are available through Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher. In addition, countless examples can be located on the Internet. The resume’ should be concise, neat, and easy to read.

Content: Since each of you has individual accomplishments, each resume will include slightly different headings; however, the headings on the resume should follow the order below.

1. Objective: To attend a four-year university To attend a two-year collegeTo obtain permanent employment To join the military

2. Education: Type the name of your school: Wallace-Rose Hill High School, Teachey, North Carolina Will graduate June 2017 GPA: only if it is respectable

(If you wish to add any course concentrations or specific programs, list that information here in a bulleted list)

3. Examine possible headings and select those that apply to you. Sample heading: Employment, Community Service, Extracurricular Activities, Honors, Athletics, etc. Only use heading that apply to you; under no circumstances should you have a heading with no information.

4. Always list the most significant or impressive heading first after Education.

5. Use strong action verbs to explain duties and responsibilities.

6. List education, work, and volunteer experience in chronological order with the most recent accomplishments first.

7. Use a listing format rather than complete sentences. See examples below.Extracurricular Activities

Varsity Football Student Council: Senior Representative, Sophomore Vice President

Employment:Piggly Wiggly, Wallace, North Carolina (Summer 2014 – present)Cashier: Operate cash drawer; work directly with public

8. Reference Sheet. This paper is separate from the resume’. A reference is someone who knows you well and can recommend you as hard working, of good character, etc. Solid references may include a teacher, boss, minister, club advisor, volunteer coordinator, principal, guidance counselor, long time friend, etc. Include three references with contact information.

Example: References for Jan Smith Jeffrey Banks, Minister 123 Banks Lanes, Richlands, NC 28574

(910) 444-4444 Email: [email protected]



John Doe 111 West South Street, Wilmington, NC 28577(910) 444-4444 Email: [email protected]


OBJECTIVE To attend a four-year university to study nursing

EDUCATION Wallace-Rose Hill High School- Will graduate – June 2016- GPA: 3.4- Concentration: Health Sciences

HONORS A/B Honor Roll BETA Club

SKILLS AND CERTIFICATIONSExcellent verbal and written communication skillsComputer competenceLeadershipCertified: CPR; First Aid; Career Readiness – Gold

EXTRACURRICULAR Varsity Football ACTIVITIES Student Council:

- Senior Representative - Sophomore Vice President

Free Will Chapel Youth GroupRecreation Baseball

VOLUNTEERING Lakeside Rest Home, helping elders with activities Lynda’s Play and Learn, tutoring 4th grade students Kingdom Builders, mission trip to Haiti

EMPLOYMENT Krispy Kreme, Wilmington, NC (May 2014 – present)Donut Finisher - Responsible for adding filling to donuts









⇒GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY/PERSONAL ESSAY Creative title, MLA Format, 5 Paragraph Essay, 12 Readable Font Sheet Protector: Graphic Organizer, Rough Draft and Final Copy Rough Draft must be proofed and edited by a peer, parent or adult Audience equals the judges and me Use “I” throughout the paper and do not use “you” The first sentence should capture the reader   Do not just state your name (opening) or major points will be deducted The quote should symbolize YOU and expand on how it represents YOU Demonstrate TRANSITIONAL PHRASES/WORDS to add flow to your paragraphs Enhance this essay with detail, figurative language and descriptive adjectives


____SCORE                                      ___________________NAME                       COMMENTS:


Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project PRESENTATION GRADING RUBRIC

(Rubric aligns with English Language Arts IV NC Standard Course of Study)

STUDENT NAME ___________________________________TOPIC__________________________ START TIME______ STOP TIME______SECTION 1: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Lo


A. Consistently spoke with appropriate volume, tone, and articulation (Um, Uh, & Like are minimum)

1 2 3 4 5

B. Steadily employed appropriate eye contact, posture, & non-verbal communication techniques

1 2 3 4 5

C. Continuously revealed poise, enthusiasm, and confidence 1 2 3 4 5E. Adequately reflected upon the product during the presentation and the length is 7-12 minutes

1 2 3 4 5

F. Wore appropriate professional or authentic attire 1 2 3 4 5G. Employed creative use of visual aids that enrich or reinforce presentation 1 2 3 4 5

Total Points ___/30SECTION 2: CONTENT AND COHERENCEA. Effectively defined main idea and clearly adheres to its purpose 1 2 3 4 5B. Prezi/Powerpoint validated sequence of ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS (I. Intro, II. Proj Idea (Imagine), III. Comm Mentor, IV. Research (Plan), V. Skills, IV. Product (Create), VII. Learn (Improve), VIII. Closing

2 4 6 8 10

C. Demonstrated exceptional use of supporting details/evidence 1 2 3 4 5D. Speech paralleled ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS steps on the Prezi/Powerpoint

1 2 3 4 5

E. Presentation was thorough and convincing 1 2 3 4 5

Total Points ___/30SECTION 3: SELF-REFLECTIONA. Offered an insightful evaluation of the project process 1 2 3 4 5B. Shared successes and challenges with exceptional depth and insight 2 4 6 8 10C. Extensively revealed collaboration with the mentor 1 2 3 4 5D. Reflected on lessons learned and gained knowledge as a result of the project 2 4 6 8 10

Total Points ___/30SECTION 4: EXTEMPORANEOUS RESPONSESA. Student was polite and receptive to judges questions/comments and genuinely attempted to answer all questions

1 2 3 4 5

B. Student elaborated when answering questions (“yes” “no” answers were avoided) and articulated eloquent responses 1 2 3 4 5

Total Points ___/10Comments:


GRAND TOTAL ____/100

Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project PRODUCT GRADING RUBRIC

(Rubric aligns with English Language Arts IV NC Standard Course of Study)STUDENT NAME ____________________________________________________TOPIC_________________________________SECTION 1: TIME Lo




1 2 3 4 5

B. Obvious input and time spent with mentor is apparent 1 2 3 4 5C. Appeared to demonstrates effective time management (clear that product was not completed at the last minute)

1 2 3 4 5

NOTE: Students should complete a minimum of 15 hours on a product.Some of that time should be with a mentor.

Total Points ___/15SECTION 2: LEARNING OVER TIME AND DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGEA. Chose a challenging product representing a significant learning overtime 1 2 3 4 5B. Demonstrated a logical and relevant link to the research topic 1 2 3 4 5C. Established an original product that conveyed problem-solving and decision making capabilities

2 4 6 8 10

D. Evident learning stretch was apparent 2 4 6 8 10

Total Points ___/30SECTION 3: QUALITY OF WORK/EFFORTA. Exhibited creative and exceptional results using talents, abilities, and varied resources

2 4 6 8 10

B. Displayed attention to detail; work is thorough and complete 2 4 6 8 10C. Showed evidence of consistent self-directed action 2 4 6 8 10D. Product met expectations in work quality and effort for a SENIOR in high school Product matched PRODUCT APPROVAL SHEET in the PORTFOLIO ***Please, star this section if there was doubt, suspicion or cheating ***

1 5 10 15


Total Points ___/50SECTION 4: GENUINENESSHow convinced are you that this student’s work was genuine? He/ she completed theproduct independently with the exception of a mentor, devoted the required 15 hours of work time, and appropriately collaborated with his/her mentor?

1 2 3 4 5



Points ___/5Comments:

GRAND TOTAL ____/100

Wallace Rose Hill High School Graduation Project PORTFOLIO GRADING RUBRIC

STUDENT NAME ______________________________________TOPIC_________________________________SECTION 1: FORMAT AND APPEARANCE Lo


A. Binder, 2-3” wide with plastic sleeve on cover, no cover embellishments, professional

0 1 2

B. Sign of Commitment – name, topic, thesis, product –on front of binder in plastic sleeve

0 1 2 3

C. All documents are separated and in plastic sleeves 0 1 2 3D. Neat and clean 0 1 2 3E. Employed technology 1 2 Total Points ___/13SECTION 2: ORGANIZATIONStudent used appropriately labeled dividers and materials are in the correct order; complete and accurate table of contents(Engineering Design Process)

1 2 3 4 5

Total Points ___/5

SECTION 3: COMPLETENESSA. Autobiographical essay 0 1 2 3 4B. Research paper 0 1 2 3 4 5C. All forms were present, complete (with all signatures) 0 1 2 3D. Logs: product (15 hours minimum) and mentor (2) 0 2 4 6 8 10E. Product evidence 1 2 4 6 8 10F. Final Reflection 0 1 2 3 4 Total Points

___/36SECTION 4: STUDENT GROWTH AND REFLECTIONA. Logs and reflection were complete, thorough, and thoughtful 2 4 6 8 10B. Writing skills – structure, coherence, grammar 0 1 2 3 4 5C. Challenges and successes were addressed 0 1 2 3D. Demonstrated an obvious learning stretch 0 1 2 3 Total Points



SECTION 5: TIME MANAGEMENTStudent met all deadlines throughout the semester 1 5 10 15 20 25

Total Points ___/25


PORTFOLIO CHECKLIST Student _________________________

Items should appear in the following order Topic ___________________________Portfolio Contents Table of Contents

___Sign of Commitment on the cover of the portfolio___Autobiographical Essay___Resume’___Ethical Commitment___Parental Release___Final Reflective Essay

___DIVIDER – “Research”___Research paper from junior year ___DIVIDER – “Product”___Product Approval Worksheet___Product Hours Log(s)___Evidence of Product (pictures, surveys, letters from participants, etc.)___DIVIDER – “Mentorship”___Mentor Form___Mentor Logs and/or email correspondence ___Mentor Evaluation Form___DIVIDER – “Presentation”___Presentation Outline ___Printed copy of Power Point/Prezi Presentation with evidence of the Engineering Design Process (print 2 – 4 slides on a page)___Technology Check Verification

**The following are required depending on the student’s product and are to be included at the end of the product section.____ Audience Verification Forms____Photo Consent Forms (**Any student who includes the picture of someone in your portfolio, this form must be filled out)

____Fundraising Approval Form____Permission to be a Subject for Personal Service

FINAL THOUGHTS from Ms. Hardin:

1. Do your best.


2. DON’T PROCRASTINATE.3. Take advantage of your community mentor.4. Be proactive, and ask for help when you need it.5. Remember, this is a school project, not an English project. 6. This is a graduation requirement.