· web viewmy project is going to be a 2 and half-minute...

GO TO CONTENTS Department of Media and Communication EXTENDED PROJECT PORTFOLIO Academic Year 2016/2017 1 Student Name Year 1 – Write the title of your pathway Unit 8 – Extended Project

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Department of Media and Communication


Academic Year 2016/2017


Student NameYear 1 – Write the title of your

pathway Unit 8 – Extended Project


Department of Media and Communication



LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................5

LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................................5

DEFINITION OF TERMS...................................................................................................................5

Unit 8 - Project Proposal.......................................................................................................................7


Project Action Plan and Timetable.....................................................................................................11


Continue on filming… (as soon as opening sequence is recording edit it first of all)..............12

CHAPTER 1...........................................................................................................................................13



The Background of my Project........................................................................................................13

Who am I?...................................................................................................................................14

What did I learn on my course?..................................................................................................16

What is my project about?.............................................................................................................16

Why my project is important?........................................................................................................17

CHAPTER 2...........................................................................................................................................18

Literature/Resources Review.............................................................................................................18



Media sources, literature search and evaluation...........................................................................18

Requirements for my creative media production project..............................................................19

CONCLUSION - Who/what was my inspiration? /Contextualisation of my study.....................19

CHAPTER 3...........................................................................................................................................20

Research Design and Strategies..........................................................................................................20



AC 1.1

AC 1.1

AC 1.1 2.1

AC 1.1 2.1

AC 2.1 2.2


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Research Questions........................................................................................................................22

Research Design Evolution..............................................................................................................23

CHAPTER 4...........................................................................................................................................26

Writing and presenting my research findings....................................................................................26


Findings/Data analysis....................................................................................................................26

Conclusion - How did the research help me with my project? (Interpret Research).....................26

CHAPTER 5...........................................................................................................................................28

My Project...........................................................................................................................................28






CHAPTER 6...........................................................................................................................................30

MY EXTENDED PROJECT - FINAL PRODUCT........................................................................................30


CHAPTER 7...........................................................................................................................................31

Project Evaluation...............................................................................................................................31



Extended project in creative media production Learning Outcomes and Assessment.................33

1. Understand the requirements of a creative media production project...................................33

2. Be able to use research methods to inform ideas for creative media production...................33

3. Be able to use skills, knowledge and understanding in the completion of a creative media project.........................................................................................................................................33

4. Be able to evaluate a creative media project...........................................................................33



AC 2.1 2.2

AC 3.1

AC 3.1

AC 4.1


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Figure 1- What is research...................................................................................................................15Figure 2- How to ask good questions...................................................................................................16Figure 3 - My exercise 1.......................................................................................................................16


Table 1 - Project Proposal......................................................................................................................6Table 2 - Project Action Plan and Timetable..........................................................................................9Table 3- My research Plan...................................................................................................................11


EP – Extended ProjectUAL – University of the Arts London



Department of Media and Communication

Unit 8 - Project Proposal

CandidateName Carla BinderCandidate NumberPathway Film &Tv

Project TitleIsolation

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 100 words)


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My main concern is to create a 2 and half-minute short experimental film. Which will be about how technology has divided us from the real world, as we end up becoming isolated from reality. This will be through a young person’s perspective. My reason for producing this is to create social awareness about how much technology can take over our social lives and the effect it can give us mentally.

Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

My project is going to be a 2 and half-minute short experimental film about how much technology has created a division through changing our social and mental state as a generation. My aim for this project is to be able to spread awareness and get people to think about what is happening through using various social media platforms and festivals to promote this issue. My two main influences for this project is seeing for myself everyday technology beginning to effect relationships and friendships. My other influence was a short film called ‘Look Up’ by filmmaker Gary Turk this short film is based on missing moments through the use of technology distracting you. Through my idea, I will be researching various elements such as case studies on teenagers that have been effected by this mentally and any medical or addictions being formed by the use of technology, Articles about the research that many have done about the way technology can effect you, University lecturers that may have an understanding on this and phycologists that have dealt with these issues before. My target audience will be 16-25 year olds who are interested in how the mind works and the effects of why we get obsessed with technology, My role for this production will be the mainly the director as this role has the most creative and visionary mind-set. However, I will also be interpreting other roles to complete this project such as a camera and sound operator and editor too. Through this, I will be using various techniques such as using after effects to create a text message and hologram effect and equipment such as a Steadicam to stabilize some of the shots, camera, shotgun mic, Avid media composer, Tripod and led lighting.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 50 words)

To evaluate the process of my project I shall produce several documents each week such as an evaluation, a daily production diary and post production stages. I will be producing various evaluations to reflect on what I could have done better and what I liked or disliked about each individual tasks within that specific week. This will include peer reviews as well as a self evaluation too.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) (2015). Technology Addiction | Internet Addiction. Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].



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Anon, (2014). Available at: [Accessed 23 Apr. 2017].

CGBros, T. (2012). A Sci-Fi Short Film HD: "Sight" - by Sight Systems. Available at: [Accessed 21 Apr. 2017].

Davis, M. (2015). We now spend more time on phones and laptops than we do SLEEPING. Mail Online. Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].

Disconnect - Trailer. (2013). Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2017].

Disconnect. (2013). Directed by H. Rubin. Los Angeles,Califonia,United states: Ld Entertainment.

EA, P. (2014). Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?. Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2017].

Hough, A. (2011). Student 'addiction' to technology 'similar to drug cravings', study Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].

How social media makes us unsocial | Allison Graham | TEDxSMU. (2014). Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017].

Lam, W. (2010). Microsoft Windows Phone 7 - Funny Smartphone Addicts Commercial. Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2017].

Men, Women & Children. (2014). Los Angeles: Jason Reitman

Miller, J. (2014). Britons spend more time on tech than asleep, study suggests - BBC



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News. BBC News. Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].

Nerve (2016 Movie)- Official Trailer-'Watcher or Player?'. (2016). Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017].

Nerve. (2016).Directed by A. Schulman and H. Joost. Santa Monica,Califonia,United States: Lionsgate. (2017). Science Museum to reveal remarkable 500-year history of robots in new exhibition. Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2017].

Tucker, E. (2017). Aram Gallery exhibition questions our digital addiction.Dezeen. Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017].

Woollaston, V. (2013). How often do you check your phone? Most do it 110 times a DAY. Mail Online. Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].

Table 1 - Project Proposal

Project Action Plan and Timetable

This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out to complete your project in the agreed time frame. The more time and thought you give to planning your project the more successful it is likely to be. It is important that you consider how you will balance


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ambition, time and realism in the realisation of the project. You should also include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. Remember to include: time spent sourcing materials and other resources to conduct research, seek feedback from tutors and peers, and identify when you will carry out independent study.Back of the Learner’s Progress Tracker Book, is an academic calendar. Please refer for dates.Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date WeekBeginning

Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study

Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops


Looking at research techniques/ looking at 3 initial ideas.

Using YouTube for short films and various techniques that I might want to use within my short film.


Finalise ideas, present them to tutors and start on the project proposal.

YouTube, Project proposal (VLE)


Present project proposal Continue research contact university lecturers on their views on the obsession of technology. And continue researching case studies. Start pre-production/look at locations.

PROJECT PROPOSAL (VLE), Hotmail, google maps.


Continue the pre-production process, layout storyboard ideas and techniques I might want to use. Also, scout out locations beforehand and ask for permission too.

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound.


Still continue the pre-production and make sure it is all finalised and a presentation ready for the following week.

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound plan.


Present my production plan in front of a panel and start planning what to film first to be the most efficient as possible and film the opening sequence.

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound plan. Equipment.

7 22/05/17 Continue on filming… (as soon as opening sequence is recording edit it first of all)

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound plan. Equipment.

8 29/05/17 Finish filming and start editing draft should be finished by the end of the week.

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound plan. Equipment and Avid media composer.


Continue editing and finish it by the end of the week to finalist.

Storyboard template, location recce, health and safety, Scripting, schedule, cast & crew contact list, lighting and sound plan. Equipment



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and Avid media composer.10 12/06/17 Evaluate and check through everything to

make sure it all is there and up to standard that I want it to be.

Checklist, evaluation, evidence sheet, pre-production, production and postproduction sheets and final product. (downloadable/online)

Table 2 - Project Action Plan and Timetable



This Project portfolio is a reflection and report on my process during my Extended project. Within the first year of studying UAL Diploma Film and Tv. This project will be a short experimental-narrative film, about the obsession of Technology and what our communication could be like in society within many years to come. The first chapter will be showcasing my project proposal in more detail. This will express the process and background information that has led me to create my final idea about the obsession of technology. I will be questioning what influences me, what I have learnt in the past year on my course and what experiences have inspired me. As well as questioning this I will also show in what I believe is the passion and the importance of my project.


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The Background of my Project

This section is intended to provide a context for your project. It answers this question: “What special factors were at work that might have influenced the conceptualisation and execution of your project?”

Here you can take some of your previous writings and blog posts to address some of following questions. You can use any medium (Videos, photos, audio, sketches, etc.)

Answer the following questions using your Project Proposal to help you, but this is an opportunity to develop your rationale in more detail.

What is it that makes me do my project? (refer to your Who am I Task and your previous work over this academic year)

My personal experiences that influence my choices (idea for the project, my role in the project, how it relates to my future career)

What is the basic premise of my project? (what is the idea for the project) What do I seek to achieve and how it relates to my target audience?

I believe what makes me do my project is my passion and excitement I get when creating an idea even if its one I wont use, I can visualize it all playing in front of me and it gets me thinking more into the idea I might have come up with. As I always try to create films or ideas that make people think about what has just happened or in society. With the conflicts I may have within my family because of generation gaps it makes me even more passionate and thoughtful to what I want to create. However, my influences are always based around society, social media, news and short films. As well as experiences and influencers I may have had or seen from when I was a child to now. Within this project I will have various roles such as producer, Director, camera women and editor. The reason I chose a variety of roles is because it will enable me to gain more skills and understand the process even more each time I take on these roles. Although my main position was Producer and director the reason for this is because it reflects the future career pathway I want to aim for within the Film and Tv industry. My idea for my project is based around technology and how it has divided us from the real world through experiencing it myself we are beginning to become isolated within society and forgetting the lives we had before technology had surrounded us. The reason and aim for this project is to create social awareness about how much technology can take over our social lives and the effect it can give us mentally. This aim is relatable to my target audience because social awareness is one of the things I believe is important and suitable within our generation, age range and interests within the target audience I have produced and basing it within my short film I will be creating. As I am basing it around people that are either worried or obsessed with technology whether that’s for the present or future. Another aim is to get people thinking about situation or issues you don’t think about until looking from the outside of society instead of in.



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Who am I? Here is a mind map which reflects who I am whether that’s people I may have met or seen on the television screen or experiences that may have impacted me from why I am creating films today. Each image shows how much its helped me boost my passions even more to produce ideas about society or issues we face or sometimes forgot.

I believe this has helped me reliase what has created my ideas throughout the years and what has influenced me even if it was the tinniest of things. This helped me come up with my serval ideas as they are all issues that I believed needed to be heard.



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Scan in the mind maps produced previously in the academic year. Include a short introduction and reflect on the task and how it has helped you.

What did I learn on my course?

Scan in the timeline you created where you depicted skills and knowledge you have acquired during your course.

Demonstrate your achievements through proposing and realising a project, which integrates the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired throughout the course. Write about your one-year experience on the course and what you have learned during the course. Also, compare where you were when you enrolled on the course and where you are now.

What is my project about?

Explain the subject matter for your project, and why it is important. When defining your interest and or topic and or theme, define it regarding some observable event. Also add your role in the project

In society today all you hear is the sound of notifications turning on, and the sound

of our voices and convosation is beginning to be drown out. We are becoming to

obsessed with technology to much to the point, we worry about calling someone up.

the communication that elder generation used to have is some what disappearing.

This issue is giving us isolation and that’s what one day might happen, this short film

is going through the eyes and mind of a young teenager girl called RIA and how she

experienced becoming obsessed with technology through social media.

My role in this project is Producer/cameraman and film director.

Why my project is important?



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Describe this in general sense as a statement of why you wanted to do the project. For example, as a desire to improve something or a desire to understand something, to entertain, inform, educate, to develop skills and knowledge in given media

industry context, etc.

The film I am going to create will be the benefit to inform the public and my target audience what is really happening around us in our daily lives, no convosation the undergrounds of London used to be bustling of noise and now all you can hear is the sound of the screeching as the tube arrives. It tries to grab people’s attention just to make them think for even a second to create the realism of them looking from the outside of society rather than being stuck in it. Another thing is also to educate the younger generation to make them face reality and think about how much social media is surrounding us and making us obsessive to the point we feel anxious if we don’t have our phones with us or if its out of battery. This is why I think its important to create this short film on the obsession of technology because its easily relatable to what’s becoming towards in any age.



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Literature/Resources Review

Introduction Include the introduction from your blog post for your Literature/Resources (2.1) here. The introduction should be relatively brief, simply providing an overview of the chapter

For example

“A large body of resources (films, web pages, literature, magazine articles, etc.) on the short film, roles of writer, producer and film director, the topic of unemployment and youth crime, professional skills and practices provide a basis for my Extended Project and final short film.

This chapter will present a review of different literature and resources I have consulted for this project and how it influenced my further research, study and development of the final idea for the project. The chapter will start with my Practitioners Report looking at two prominent film directors. It also looks at the magazines and web sources relating to unemployment and youth crime. The chapter concludes with ideas and key conclusion of all resources used in this chapter. “

Here is some guidance for completion of this chapter. This is important, as it will:

Tell the reader what you have learnt from previous work/literature/resources and how you position yourself in relation to previous work in chosen discipline/theme/topic/interest, within which your project is located.

Provide evidence that you are well informed.

Examine and explore existing media products, practices and ideas in the spirit of creativity and imagination (What makes different media product distinct from one another?). Identify different media projects and other research sources related to your media project. Record and analyse findings. (You can use any media format to record your findings). Answer questions (What? Why? /How? /Look for specific problems and issues (theoretical and practical)/how media product communicates with the audiences/background of the artist and the project).

Media sources, literature search and evaluation


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You should have already answered these questions in your Literature Review (blog post 2.1). So use that work to enable you to answer these questions.

Examine and explore existing media products, practices and ideas in spirit of creativity and imagination

Answer these questions What? Why? How? Look for specific problems and issues (theoretical and practice)

how media product communicates with the audiences/background of the artist and the project

What makes one media product different from another?

Requirements for my creative media production project

This is work you have already produced for Understanding the Requirements of a Creative Media Production Project (1.1) In this section, you should present your findings of the media industry and jobs related to your media project.

Demonstrate the requirements of media industry – organizational structures, roles and processes

Detailed job analysis – core skills and abilities required for my project Detail the equipment, technology, relevant to the project and chosen media Health and Safety – risk assessment Detailed Analysis of Target Audiences Legal and ethical requirements Detail the Design/Style/Form/Genre/Aesthetics of your project Detail the Skills/Techniques needed for your project

CONCLUSION - Who/what was my inspiration? /Contextualisation of my study

Answer the following questions

What are similar media products and how is my work related to them? (position yourself in relation to similar media products)

How similar media products influence my project? How they shaped my project? (Thought and action)?

What did I learn from similar media products? (compare similar media products, how it influenced my perspective and ideas for the project)



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Identify requirements for your media project


Research Design and Strategies


This chapter is ‘How-to’ section of your Extended Project. In this chapter you have to introduce and explain the design of your research and experimentation activities and how your information/data was collected.

Examples of the activities you may have conducted are:-

Experiments, exercises, workshops, interviews, focus groups, photography, observations, museums, galleries, drawing, filming, visual and audio surveys, character profiles, location surveys etc.

Content research, production research, people, locations, events, other materials i.e. props, costumes, scenery etc.

The introduction should be relatively brief, simply providing an overview of the chapter.

For example

“This chapter explains research design for my Extended Project. It starts with research questions and follows by the description of the research design and research methods used in my project.”


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Figure 1- What is Research



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Research QuestionsStart with stating the intent of your Extended Project.

What are the key aims and objectives of your project?

Outline the key characteristics of your project.

Write about your questions? You have to base your research design on questions and interests.

Ask yourself: “What do I want to find out?” Write to the reader clear research questions, what you wanted to find out?

Figure 2- How to ask good questions



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Figure 3 - My exercise 1

Research Design Evolution

In this chapter, you will expand on what you wrote in your project proposal. Write about what you researched and how you collected your information/data (research activities). Remember, in this chapter, you will only write what you have researched and what research activities you used. In the next chapter, you will write about your findings, analysis and conclusions (2.2). In the following chapter, you will write about your findings and analysis using the same themes (see below) for the sub-titles.

Detailed below are possible methods you are could use for your research. This will be the research activities you have conducted. The secondary research about your subject will be in your Literature Review. (Chapter 2)

This is anything done by you, and it could be such as:-o Online questionnaire – you could ask your Facebook friends to comment on your project

idea and give you some additional ideas how you can make it better.o Get the feedback from your lecturers and peers and reflect on it in relation to your

journey.o You can contact companies, council, artist depending on what is your project about to

get their opinion on your project idea. o You can use your phone or tablet to research, take photos of possible locations and

places that you can use in your project. o Practical activities such as creating models, drawings, recording, filming, working in




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You could use the following research themes as separate sub-headings

• Target audience

Ask yourself questions: Who? What? Where?

o Who is your target audience? Who are you aiming your product at?o What type of audience is it? Investigate the target demographic and record the

type of media or entertainment they consume. o Where can you find this out? You can use, ‘YouGov Profiles’ site to find out

about your target audience demographic. (secondary)o You can set up interviews or record a ‘Vox Pops’ (primary) to find information

about your audience.

• Skills and techniques

o Come up with the plan of what skills and techniques you will need to research to produce an effective, original and to near professional standard project.

o For example, you can watch tutorials or read about how to achieve specific skills and techniques that you will need for your project (secondary)

o Experiment with range of skills yourself (primary)

• Production research

Explain what and how: o People needed for the production/availability (how: emails, Facebook, Skype

conversation, etc.) o Research production roles that you will need to carry out and how to do it

successfully (how: the internet, media books, etc.) o Production schedule (how: create your own) o Budget (How: secondary internet, primary ask yourself) o Recce research/location needed (how: take images, contact individuals for

permission, etc.) o Health and safety research ( How: take images, check locations yourself, ask for

permission) o Visual ideas (storyboard optional) (How: take images, create sketches, get

inspired by other people ideas, etc.) o Props (how: make a list, ask to borrow, make it, buy it, use what you have)o Production (techniques, hardware, workflow) ( how: research what you need /

how: try it yourself) o Post -production (Edit, colour correction, VFX, etc. ( how: read, watch how other

people/professionals do it, try it yourself)



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List all research activities

What activities did you conduct to answer your questions and collect the data? Write about information/ data you collected; your choice of data presentation and how you structured your information/data analysis.

The research activities should be identified such as:

Observations (observational drawings; using photography, video and audio to collect data)

Documents analysis (written, but also video and audio documents) Workshops Interviews Focus groups Surveys (visual, audio, etc.) Experiments Tests and measurements



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Writing and presenting my research findings

In this chapter, you will summarise the collected information/data and the statistical treatment, and/or mechanics, of analysis. You should start this paragraph by briefly restating the topic/theme of your project (take it from Chapter 1).

Explain the object of each question, research activity, point out results, and present those results in a chosen form of summarised information/data. Select method of presenting data carefully.

In a quantitative study, the results usually begin with a description of the sample (e.g., sample size, description of participants who were excluded and why, handling of missing data). Next, descriptive statistics (e.g., frequencies/percentages for categorical variables, means, standard deviations, and ranges for continuously measured variables) are presented.

In a qualitative study, the results often include many quotes from participants who were interviewed. Here you should also present your non-textual elements such as photos, videos, audio files, maps, tables, charts, mind maps, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, etc.

Findings/Data analysis

What strategies did you use to analyse your data?

What did you find out?

Conclusion - How did the research help me with my project? (Interpret Research)

What did you learn from your research and how it informed your project?

Present explain and contextualize findings

Background and context of the work (refer to work produced in Chapter 1)o What is it that makes me do my project?o My personal experiences that influence my choices (idea for the project, my role

in the project, how it relates to my future possible career)o What is the basic premise of my project?o What do I seek to achieve and how it relates to my target audiences?


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Use Findings to contextualize my Project (Present and Discuss Findings) (refer to work produced in Chapter 2)o What are similar media products and how my work relates to them (position

yourself in relation to similar media products)o How do similar media products include my project?o How they shaped my project? (thought and action)o What did I learn from similar media products? (compare similar media products,

how did they influence your perspective and ideas for the project – talk about both script and techniques)

Organise and express your idea (Pre-Production Portfolio) (three ideas from week 2)o Originate a range of ideas – list all ideas you had and explain how you chose the

final idea o Analyse each idea for viability - use focus groups and lecturer to supporto Map and analyse your Ideas (Mind mapping, SWOT analysis - strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats).



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My Project

Introduction In this chapter you should present the level of self-direction, personal initiative and commitment necessary to progress ideas and find solutions, and the practical, theoretical and technical comprehension, appreciation, knowledge and proficiency necessary to achieve identified goals. The ability to plan and organise work within a given timeframe and the efficient production of outcomes both individually and collaboratively.


Produce Pre-Production Portfolio, which will formally define your project (location survey; risk assessment; treatment; script; budget; schedule, character bibles, design documents etc depending on your project.)

Identify your role - directing (managing the team) crew, actors, games designer, concept artist, foley artist, sound design, model maker, camera, yourself etc depending on your project

Collaborating and working as a team – do not worry if you are working on your own!

Dealing with production problems (delays, equipment breakdowns, changes in schedule, etc)

Use of visual, audio and interactive media skills to complete your media project Pitch your proposal to the production board (video recording of your production

board presentation) Analyse your target audience. Investigate the target demographic and record the

type of media or entertainment they consume

Production Management techniques, (notes of team meetings, or daily diary reflections if

working on your own, production and post-production schedules; call sheets, etc.) Team and individual performance monitoring (weekly check against schedule) Development – Demonstrate development (photos from the shoot, screenshots

from computers). Keep daily production and post-production diary and reflect on your production

process. Feedback from Lecturers and Peers and Social Media


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Post-production Describe post-production of your project. Assess your production and post-production process. Describe, and critically

analyse any production problems and the solution you experienced. Prepare material for edit and further manipulation QA Testing Critique of visual art User Testing Render Presentation and Publication (walk-throughs, voice over, portfolio) Use and clearing of copyright protected material (music and licensing) Preparing credits if applicable Editing (manipulating) Fine tuning special effects, mixing, colour correction, rendering, compressing, etc



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Here present your finished practical project


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Project Evaluation

Critically evaluating your final media project against the agreed requirements and parameters.

Answer the following questions:

Introduce the project in your own words What was the purpose of the project?

o What did you hope to learn? How much reference material did you find?

o Do you think you could have done more? If so, explain what you think you could have done

How did you develop your ideas? List five strengths and five weaknesses in your final design Was there a theme for the design ideas?

o Can you describe it? o Can you reference any influences here? - art movements, designers,

media companies/campaigns, etc. What experiments and exploration did you do?

o How did it affect your development? Find a similar type of design publication - place it next to your own - what

comparisons/difference can you identify? What were the key areas of development in this project? - use your daily

reflections to help you with this Which technical skills, processes, methods and techniques did you use? Review your proposal - what changed, what developments did you make, did

you manage to complete everything you set out to achieve? What did the client/lecturer think of your original concept/idea?

o How did that make you feel? What could you do to adapt the work produced to improve and develop it? Is the final work appropriate for the needs of the project?

o Does it sufficiently answer your brief? (Project Proposal) Reflect on your pitch to the board; how did you feel about it before? #


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o Did the pitch go better or worse than you expected? o What was the feedback from the client/lecturer about your pitch?o What do you think you could improve next time when doing a pitch?

Did the project as a whole, go better or worse than you expected? What was the feedback from the client/lecturer on the project as a whole? What do you think you could improve about the project as a whole, if you did

it again?



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Extended project in creative media production Learning Outcomes and Assessment

1. Understand the requirements of a creative media production project.1.1 Analyse the requirements of a creative media production project.

2. Be able to use research methods to inform ideas for creative media production.

2.1 Review a range of research sources to support a creative media production project. 2.2 Interpret research to develop ideas and effectively communicate to an audience

3. Be able to use skills, knowledge and understanding in the completion of a creative media project.

3.1 Apply practical skills, knowledge and understanding to complete a creative media project within an agreed timeframe.

4. Be able to evaluate a creative media project.4.1 Critically evaluate a creative media project against the agreed requirements and




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Make sure you use Harvard referencing. The bibliography should be continuously updated as the project progresses.

Anon., 2017. BBC News. [Online] Available at:

Smith, c., 2017. Fun with Flags. 5 ed. canterbury: media.

Anon., 2017. BBC News. [Online] Available at:

modley, a., 2017. fun with face. 5 ed. canter: zoran .

Smith, c., 2017. Fun with Flags. 5 ed. canterbury: media.