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NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

© 2011 Joost van der LeiJ

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

This business plan is for anyone who wishes to set up their own NLP coaching practice whether or not you have any previous experience with NLP, are an NLP Practitioner or an NLP Master Practitioner.

VisionThere is a growing need for more effective mental health care. At present, there are millions of people taking antidepressants and just as many whose doctors say they should be taking them but who choose not to. Nowadays, there seems to be a certain level of mistrust towards general health care as a result of the often-disappointing results of treatment, and many of the alternative types of treatment also appear to offer little or no comfort.

Modern, hypnosis-based Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an exception to the rule, thanks to a change in approach. NLP is based on the premise that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with people who experience emotional or psychological problems; they are not sick. NLP uses an educational perspective instead of a medi-cal one. People in general have simply not yet learned how to use their brain in an effective manner. Those experiencing problems would like an answer to the question: “How can I solve my prob-lems?” Directive NLP coaching can provide the answer to that question. It provides people with concrete solutions that have been shown to have a positive effect in a large number of cases.

NLP has not been scientifically tested and is not a science in itself. It is an advanced version of hypnosis and, as such, all scientific research into hypnosis also applies to NLP. NLP owes its growing popularity to the fact that more and more people are beginning to find out what NLP can do for them. Many NLP coaches have confirmed that NLP has a direct beneficial effect for the majority of people using it. There is also a large num-ber of people who need to practice it under careful supervision before it starts to work, and also a very small group of people for whom NLP has had little or no effect.

The aim of this business plan is to facilitate those who wish to become an NLP coach. Today there are many people who title themselves coaches, but, due to the directive approach, an NLP coach is one of the few coaches that can actually answer one of the most important questions in the market: “How can I solve my problems?” Furthermore, an NLP Coach undergoes a much better training programme, which gives them a significant ad-vantage over other kinds of coaches.

MissionThe mission of the NLP coach is to help others. Some people often aspire having an impressive-sounding mission statement, but an NLP coach’s mission is quite simple: to help other peo-ple. Even if you only help one other person, you have achieved

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

something very valuable. It is difficult to imagine any other work that is as rewarding as NLP coaching. There is no reward greater than being able to help somebody solve the problems they have been wrestling with for years on end.

ObjectiveThe objective of the NLP coach is to build up a successful practice for helping people solve their problems. Experience has shown that it is almost impossible to coach more than two people in one day. Ideally, therefore, you coach one person in the morning and one in the afternoon. A maximum of ten per week. Since an NLP coach works according to the Joost van der Leij coaching format of three two-hour sessions with two weeks between each coaching session, you can realistically only coach twenty people per month. The NLP coach’s target, therefore, is twenty people per month.

As a full coaching programme takes six hours in total to com-plete, you will ideally spend 120 hours a month working as an NLP coach. The other 60 hours are taken up with marketing & sales activities. If an NLP coach has less than twenty clients in any given month, then any time left over will be spent on marketing & sales.

StrategyThe NLP coach uses the marketing strategy devised by Joost van der Leij. Essentially, this involves attracting clients to the NLP coach by means of pull marketing as opposed to ac-tively searching for those clients yourself. In order to achieve this, the NLP coach makes use of a report card that provides answers, free of charge, to any questions potential clients might have, for example: “How can I solve my problems?” By combining this with the right kind of internet marketing us-ing Google Adwords and Facebook, your own Personal Brand Essence (your own brand) and NLP sales techniques, you will have a structured marketing strategy that will lead to a con-tinuous flow of clients. This is necessary because the high suc-cess rate of NLP and its generative approach (with NLP, clients learn more or less how to solve their problems themselves) means that your clients will go home happy upon complet-ing the programme and will not need to return for more help. Therefore, you need a structured branding, marketing and sales system in order to keep generating new clients. Joost van der Leij’s marketing strategy is exactly the kind of system you require.

In order to become an NLP coach, you must first complete the NLP Practitioner course and then the NLP Master Practitio-

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

ner programme. There is a 24-month programme specially designed for NLP Group coaches that starts with the NLP Practitioner course, moves on to the NLP Master Practitioner course and reaches its completion after 24 months with the NLP Coach certification ceremony. Over the course of these 24 months, you will receive online supervision in order to ensure that the trainee NLP coach remains motivated to do what is required for the course. It also serves as a point of commu-nication for any questions you may have and to clear up any unresolved issues. All of this makes it possible for you to set up a successful NLP coaching practice after just 24 months.

Success factorsThere are a number of important success factors that contrib-ute to NLP coaches succeeding where others fail. These are:

- Internet marketing. The internet offers an inexpensive way of reaching a much larger group of people, quickly and ef-fectively, than is possible with traditional forms of market-ing. Successful NLP coaches all make use of advertising on Google and Facebook.

- Pull marketing. People have become very tired of receiving useless advertisements that they have not solicited them-selves, but are very happy when they are able to source helpful information using their own initiative. Successful

NLP coaches all have useful information products that they provide free of charge.

- Branding. People do not actually buy products or services; they buy a ‘feeling’. From a business point of view, you have one central emotional core value that gives people a reason to want to buy from you. Successful NLP coaches have all identified their emotional core value.

- Modern, hypnosis-based NLP. NLP has been around now for more than 30 years and has undergone an overhaul three times during that period. Only a small number of NLP coaches have actually learned the most up-to-date version of NLP. All successful NLP coaches, without exception, use the modern, hypnosis-based NLP.

- Philosophical foundations. NLP is not a science and is too of-ten presented as a kind of hotchpotch of various techniques and methods. The reality, however, is that NLP works in a very integrated and combined manner. And works extreme-ly well even. Successful NLP coaches all employ Neuroso-phy® as the philosophical foundation of NLP.

- Attention to personality. Research has shown that it is the structure of the brain that is the key to our individual personality. You could consider your personality as the hardware of your brain. NLP deals only with what you have learned or taken on, i.e. the software of the brain. By com-bining NLP with the Neurogram® the NLP coach can ascer-tain the best approach for a person given the hardware of

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

their brain, i.e. their personality, and NLP then teaches you how best to put that into practice. Successful NLP coaches all combine the Neurogram® with NLP.

- Coaching on the basis of results. NLP coaches work on the basis of no cure, no pay, with the client having the final say in whether or not the coaching has worked. This modus operandi serves to attract more clients. The small percent-age of people for whom NLP has no effect is nullified by the much larger percentage of clients that you attract due to the fact that the risk lies with you and not with them. This is one sure way of avoiding disputes regarding bills. The fear exists, of course, that clients will abuse this generous set-up, but experience has shown that people are usually so grateful that they have been able to solve their problems, that this never leads to any problems. Successful NLP coach-es work only on the basis of results.

The 24-month NLP Group coach programme contains all of these success factors, unlike most other NLP programmes.

EarningsTraining alone won’t make you a good NLP coach. A good NLP training programme will teach you what you need to do, and how and when to do it. You will also gain the self-confidence necessary to encourage you to set up on your own and the motivation required to see the venture through. But an NLP

programme on its own won’t make you good at NLP coach-ing. It’s all about gaining experience. That is why a good NLP training programme not only qualifies you as an NLP coach, but also enables you to start helping other people straight away. And NLP owes its success not only to the large number of people it helps, but also to the fact that it is so easy to put into practice.

Unlike other NLP programmes, in the 24-month programme to become an NLP coach, you start coaching people after the very first weekend of training. And, after the NLP Practitioner course, you can immediately start helping paying customers. However, it is very important to view this from the correct perspective. The first 12 months are usually spent gaining experience as a trainee coach. Because of the fact that NLP is such a powerful technology, you can do an awful lot of good in the first 12 months for the people you are working with. And when you acknowledge in advance that you are a trainee NLP coach, you will see that the programme works perfectly when put into practice.

In terms of what you might earn, there is, first of all, the reward of coaching people on a one-to-one basis. The most significant costs are those for the 24-month NLP coach train-ing programme and the internet marketing. In the 24-month training programme, you will learn how to keep your other costs to a minimum. You can pay for the 24-month NLP coach

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training programme in instalments: £500 at the start and then £187.50 per month after that. (All prices include VAT. You can reclaim the VAT as soon as you have started up your own NLP coaching practice.)

Based on this information, it is possible to draw up the fol-lowing table of earnings per quarter for the first 24 months:

First quarter: helping friends and family free of chargeThe first quarter is characterised by gaining experience as an NLP Practitioner. Starting immediately after the first training weekend, you try out what you have learned on family mem-bers and friends.

Income: 0Training costs: £892 ex. VATBalance first quarter: - £892 ex. VAT

Second quarter: £25 incl. VAT per hour as trainee coach with your first clientsThe second quarter involves setting up a marketing system so that you can attract new clients in a structured manner.

Research has shown that in the beginning it is better to ask for a small fee for your coaching rather than do it for free. People who are not prepared to pay for something are usu-ally less pleasant to work with. You can always ask potential

clients who are short on cash to do some job or other for you in exchange for your coaching. Even that is better than doing it for nothing.

Income: £250 ex. VAT (1 client per month, i.e. 3 clients per quar-ter, of which 2 successful (success rate 66%). 2 clients at £125 ex. VAT = £250)Internet marketing costs: £150 ex. VAT (To find 3 clients you need to attract 30 potential clients or 600 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £150 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance second quarter: - £322 ex. VAT

Third quarter: testing the marketing system for £35 incl. VAT per hourThe third quarter is characterised by you checking to see if the marketing system that you set up in the quarter is work-ing for you.

Income: £700 ex. VAT (2 clients per month, i.e. 6 clients per quarter, of which 4 successful (success rate 66%). 4 clients at £175 ex. VAT = £700)Internet marketing costs: £300 euro ex. VAT (To find 6 clients you need to attract 60 potential clients or 1200 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £300 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance third quarter: - £72 ex. VAT

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Fourth quarter: more experience for £45 euro incl. VAT per hour

Income: £1350 ex. VAT (3 clients per month, i.e. 9 clients per quarter, of which 6 successful (success rate 66%). 6 clients at £225 ex. VAT = £1350 euro)Internet marketing costs: £450 euro ex. VAT (To find 9 clients you need to attract 90 potential clients or 1800 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £450 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance fourth quarter: £428 ex. VAT

Fifth quarter: NLP Master Practitioner (£50 per hour)The fifth quarter is given over to practice as a NLP Master Practitioner

Income: £2250 ex. VAT (4 clients per month, i.e. 12 clients per quarter, of which 9 successful (success rate 66%). 9 clients at £250 ex. VAT = £2250)Internet marketing costs: £600 ex. VAT (To find 12 clients you need to attract 120 potential clients or 2400 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £600 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance fifth quarter: £1187 ex. VAT

Sixth quarter: Expansion of own coaching practice (£60 per hour)

Income: £3000 ex. VAT (5 clients per month, i.e. 15 clients per quarter, of which 10 successful (success rate 66%). 10 clients at £300 ex. VAT = £3000)Internet marketing costs: £750 euro ex. VAT (To find 15 clients you need to attract 150 potential clients or 3000 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £750 ex.)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance sixth quarter: £1778 ex. VAT

Seventh quarter: Expansion of own coaching practice (£70 per hour)

Income: £4200 ex. VAT (6 clients per month, i.e. 18 clients per quarter, of which 12 successful (success rate 66%). 12 clients at £350 ex. VAT = £4200)Internet marketing costs: £900 ex. VAT (To find 18 clients you need to attract 180 potential clients or 3600 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £900 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance seventh quarter: £2828 ex. VAT

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Eighth quarter: NLP coach certification (£75 per hour)In the last quarter you will be awarded your NLP coach certifi-cation.

Income: £5250 ex. VAT (7 clients per month, i.e. 21 clients per quarter, of which 14 successful (success rate 66%). 14 clients at £375 ex. VAT = £5250)Internet marketing costs: £1050 ex. VAT (To find 21 clients you need to attract 210 potential clients or 4200 visitors to your website at £0.25 per visitor = £1050 ex. VAT)Training costs: £473 ex. VAT (3 months x £187.50 incl. VAT)Balance eighth quarter: £3728 ex. VAT

Quarter Training costs

Marketing costs

Income Balance

1 -892 0 0 -8922 -473 -150 250 -3223 -473 -300 700 -724 -473 -450 1350 4275 -473 -600 2250 11876 -473 -750 3000 17777 -473 -900 4200 28278 -473 -1050 5250 3727Total -4203 -4200 17000 8659

Of course, this differs for every NLP coach and is also depen-dent on the amount of energy you put into it all (see also description of the risks) but, in general, this plan could apply to anybody.

If you do not expand your coaching practice any further, then you will have an income of £4200 per quarter (training costs no longer apply) or £16400 per year. Expansion is not dif-ficult to achieve. When put into practise, this business plan tends to hit a ceiling of a maximum of 20 clients per month, an hourly rate of £150 and a success rate of about 80%. When you add all this up you get a theoretical ceiling for income of £132,000 per year. To achieve this you need 48,000 visitors to your website. For the sake of comparison: Joost van der Leij’s website,, has more than 200,000 visitors each year, of which 85% do not find what they are looking for on and continue browsing elsewhere. This tells us that there is sufficient demand. This is, of course, a theoretical number because in reality you will also want time for holidays. It also happens that successful coaches are quick to change their fo-cus to workshops and training programmes, which increases their income even further.

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

Risk analysisWhen you start working as an NLP coach, you usually do so from your own premises. This makes you an entrepreneur in your own right. We call someone an entrepreneur when they start a business at their own expense and risk. It is therefore always a good idea to study the risks thoroughly. We have recognised the following risks attached to NLP coaching as a business:

1) NLP doesn’t work for a client. The chance of this happening is almost negligible, but the

consequences can be far-reaching, so it has to be consid-ered a large risk. The best way of handling this is to ensure that your NLP training is very thorough. Any problems that arise from NLP are usually the result of poor training. With proper training, the very worst that can happen is that you achieve no result. NLP will then obviously, and unfortu-nately, have not worked, but neither will it have any reper-cussions. And certainly not when the NLP coach works only on the basis of results and so, in those cases when NLP has no effect, does not charge anything for their services.

The reason that we know that things sometimes do go wrong, and how rare an occurrence this is with our NLP coaches, is because the NLP Group Foundation employs extremely strict quality control measures, including the right of complaint

and disciplinary powers. In all the years that NLP coaches have been working with this quality control system, we have not received one complaint concerning our NLP coaches. This can-not be said for (NLP) coaches not recognised by the NLP Group Foundation.

2) Lots of visitors to the website, but no sales. The chances of this happening are very small, but the

consequences can be significant so we have to consider it a risk. Experience has taught us that in this case one of the following elements of the marketing & sales system has probably not been implemented properly: correct branding or a clear call to action in the free report card; or it may be the case that you are afraid to ask someone to pay for your services.

The solution for this is to test the marketing & sales system on a small scale and to concentrate on achieving the targets for each quarter before looking to expand, even if this hap-pens to take longer than anticipated. Each element of the 24-month programme needs to be implemented properly. If one or more of these has not been properly carried out, that must first be addressed before you can plan further ahead. There is no point in continuing on blindly. That is why the on-line supervision is so important. It makes it easier to carry out the necessary adjustments based on the results.

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

Additional marketing tacticsThough good internet marketing is crucial to the success of the business plan, it does not negate the need for developing other effective marketing ideas. It is important to remember that the market needs to be aware of exactly what it is the NLP coach has to offer. Attention should therefore be focused on a free of charge information product or on making NLP as accessible as possible to people so that they can find out for themselves what it can do for them.

Additional matters worth considering:

- Sending out a brochure. Experience has shown that 0.5% of the people who receive a brochure actually become clients. So, if you send out 5000 brochures, you will get 25 extra clients.

- Advertising in free local papers. In much the same way as you can place a small advert on Google or on Facebook; you can also do this using traditional forms of media such as free local newspapers.

- Social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. In reality, it seems that these do not deliver many clients, but they are a useful and fun extra.

NLP Group FoundationThe NLP Group Foundation manages the largest online NLP forum in the Netherlands on, which at-tracts 50,000 visitors each year. Everybody is free to ask ques-tions or promote themselves on the forum.

There are a number of extra promotional activities for NLP Group coaches:

- Participation in the referral system in order to gain more clients.

- Inclusion on the Google map with all other NLP Group coaches

- Use of the NLP Group quality logos- Use of the NLP Group’s quality control system- Inclusion in the NLP coaching guidebook- Presentation at the NLP Group open day

Future plans include setting up in the UK.

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

24-month NLP coach programme The 24-month programme starts with the NLP Practitioner phase. In this phase you will learn all of the NLP techniques and methods. The NLP Practitioner phase is divided up into four blocks and each block deals with a different theme. These themes are:

Theme 1 – Learning to use your brain effectively (the Neuro module in NLP)Using the NLP basic techniques helps you to master your emo-tions. You learn how to arrest a bad feeling and turn it into a good one. You learn how to neutralise bad memories and to transform worries about the future into hope. You learn to stop negative thinking and to transform it into positive thoughts. Using the Neurogram® you can also get to know your own personality and that of others. You learn how to apply all of this both to yourself and to others because we be-lieve that a good NLP coach must first experience everything themselves before they begin to help others. In this block you will learn the most important NLP techniques that you can use to help other people.

Theme 2 - Excellent communication skills (the Linguistic mod-ule in NLP)In this block you will be taught the two communication mod-els used in NLP. In one you will learn how to exchange infor-

mation clearly and precisely and in the other how to influ-ence people. An NLP coach needs both because you need clear information in order to be able to find out what is going on in a person’s head and how you can influence them so that they can solve their problems. This information is gained under hypnosis. NLP was conceived in the 1970s so as to facilitate hypnosis. With hypnosis becoming more and more accepted, we always make it very clear to our clients that NLP works with hypnosis. In this block you will learn that hypnosis is a natural form of relaxation that can be used to solve a person’s problems.

Theme 3 – Smart strategies for a better life (The Programming module in NLP)NLP started out as a method for determining excellent behav-iour. Over the last 30 years it has led NLP coaches to uncover and develop the kinds of strategies that can be used to help people. In this block you will learn the most important NLP strategies: how to focus more on love and humour, how to laugh more, how to gain more self-confidence and, finally, how to make the best use of the time you are given so that you can achieve everything you want to achieve while at the same time enjoying life to the full. These are the strategies that an NLP coach teaches his clients after their problems have been solved. It is extremely important that people are able to live their lives in a positive way after all the negativity has been removed.

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

Theme 4 - The NLP coaching practiceIn this block you will learn which NLP techniques go with which problems. You will be given a complete NLP coaching format that you can start using straight away. You will also identify your own emotional core value, which will be the primary reason why clients will want to hire you as their NLP coach. Finally, you will also be provided with the complete marketing & sales system for NLP coaches as designed by Joost van der Leij. Armed with everything you have learned from NLP, your high level of self-confidence and the marketing & sales system, you will be ready to start immediately after the completion of this block.

After completing the NLP Practitioner module, it is a good idea to gain some experience as a trainee coach so that you can dis-cover both where your own limitations lie and the limitations of the standard NLP techniques. That is why it is recommended that there be at least one year between finishing the NLP Practitioner module and starting the one for NLP Master Prac-titioner. Thanks to the monthly online supervision, including various assignments and the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback, you will remain active in practising NLP in the period between NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner. The NLP Master Practitioner module is also divided up into four blocks. The main difference between the two is that with the NLP Practitioner module the emphasis is on learning the NLP

techniques and methods, whereas with the NLP Master Practi-tioner module the emphasis lies on improving your personal skills. In reality what happens is that you take a step back from the NLP techniques you have learned in the NLP Practitioner module and learn, based on your own creativity and intuition, to develop your own new techniques when they are required. By combining your own techniques with your own personal background you will discover your own particular methods and your own style of NLP coaching. The NLP Master Practitioner module also consists of four different themes:

Theme 5 – Developing creative, new NLP techniques on the basis of your own intuitionIn the Master Practitioner module, NLP tends to deal more with developing a feeling for the process in relation to the cli-ent than with following a fixed protocol. A sense of freedom and the ability to approach NLP in a flexible manner will take you to an even higher level as a coach.

Theme 6 - Deep trance and solving problems through hypnosisAbout 25% of the NLP Practitioner programme is taken up by hypnosis. In the Master Practitioner programme that figure is about 70%. In the second block, you will learn a number of ways in which to bring people into a state of trance. But even more importantly, you will learn how you can use deep trance to solve particularly difficult problems like psychosomatic complaints or chronic pain.

NLP CoaChiNg BusiNess PLaN

Theme 7 – Creativity and personal charisma In this block you will learn, through a full day of voice coach-ing, how to use your voice in such a way as to transmit more charisma. You will also learn personal presentation skills and how to take people on a healing emotional journey by using metaphorical stories. Finally, a full day is devoted to painting classes so that participants can discover that they are prob-ably more creative than they originally thought they were.

Theme 8 - MotivationIn the eighth block, we will work on your motivation system, which involves actually doing all those things necessary to make your NLP coaching practice a success. These sessions are recorded so that you will have access to a tailor-made hypnot-ic story in times when you need that little bit extra in terms of motivation.

Upon completion of the NLP Master Practitioner module, you will have learned everything that you need as an NLP coach in order to best help your clients. However, it is also important to continue the online supervision for at least 12 months so that your coaching practice can expand to its full potential. The NLP Coach certification weekend follows after this period and there we can see just how much progress you have made, and compare it to the progress made by other NLP coaches who participated in the programme so that you get an idea of where you stand and what improvements can still be made.

We will also have a look at a number of case studies so that you will always know how to deal with any eventuality, even in the most extreme circumstances.

The 24-month programme can also be ordered per module, but that will mean that you will miss out on the 24-month online supervision. The prices for the individual modules are:

- NLP Practitioner: £2750 incl. 19% VAT- NLP Master Practitioner: £2750 incl. 19% VAT- NLP Coach certification: £795 incl. 19% VAT

You will receive a certificate for each module from The Society of NLP, signed by Richard Bandler, the original architect of NLP. You will also be given a license that authorises you to use The NLP Seal of Quality in your marketing: The complete 24-month NLP coach programme costs only £5000 incl. 19% VAT, which can also be paid in instalments consisting of a one-off down payment of £500 and then £187.50 per month.

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Terms & ConditionsAs with any venture, we also have our terms and conditions. However, our terms and conditions are not only crystal clear in terms of agreements made, they are also the best terms and conditions you will find for any NLP programme. Our ba-sic aim is to ensure that you become an excellent NLP coach. These very attractive terms and conditions are as follows:

1) Start of programmeThe NLP Practitioner programme commences in July and Sep-tember every year. Check the website for exact commence-ment dates of the next programme. After you register, one of the staff will contact you with information about the dates.

2) CancellationIt is our policy to inform potential participants as fully as possible, just like in this business plan. However, it is of course always possible that a person will change his or her mind as regards participation in the NLP programme. This is not a problem as you can terminate your participation when-ever you wish. The costs will then be calculated on the basis of the number of training days up to that point.

3) Right of repetitionIf you have completed the NLP Practitioner programme and have not yet moved on to the next level, you retain the right to repeat certain elements of the programme free of charge. This right will be deemed lapsed as soon as you become an NLP Master Practitioner, but then you still have the right to assist another NLP Practitioner, which is more or less the same thing even if it means taking on a slightly different role.

4) AssistingAs an NLP Practitioner you have the right to assist at the In-tensive NLP Clinic. As an NLP Master Practitioner you have the right to assist an NLP Practitioner. As an NLP Trainer you have the right to assist an NLP Master Practitioner. Placements are assigned on a proportional basis to those interested but this is only done if and when the group is large enough, which is usually the case.

5) LogisticsThe training takes place in Edinburgh. Times are 10am to 5pm and 7pm to 10pm.

6) GiftYou will receive a copy of my book “You Unlimited: mind read-ing the masses” as part of the package.

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7) All-in pricesThe prices quoted above are all-in, excluding expenses for travel and accommodation. The price covers all of the train-ing, materials and certification. There are no hidden costs.

8) TrainersAll of the training is given by NLP Master Trainer Joost van der Leij.

In order to make sure that you get the best option for your NLP training, there is always first a consultative call with Joost van der Leij. In this free call there is an in depth check to see whether this training fits your needs and desires. Please, go to the following page, to book your free consulta-tive call with Joost van der Leij

Free Consultative Call