---- the·wayne herald' - wayne newspapers onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

IIOR STATe L508 • ., ---- BUT tee ...... ...--...--., .............. &&'1 ' :'16 pages_ two sections THE·WAYNE HERALD' ICIB b8508 \ t 1968 PI •• Fa ... 6 H .... Soctio. NINETY-BECO)ID YEAR ' S('("nnd Po"'tlllgr PaLd at Wayne, Return Po:,tage GUOIranteed WA\'NE, !'.:EBRASKA. S81tr7, M:NDAY, M\RCH 11, liSS Publl,ht.'i1 E\l'r} Mond .. > ;and Thur.d.) .ill 114 MaLn \\ II" .. 6IJ11!1 NlNETY.J-'CJUR Open Burning Prohibited The Nebraska Fire Marshal r.. banned open fires due to the dry conditions in the stale. Wayne ClI;y COW1CU has author· lzed Fire Chl8! Ivan Beeks to call Cor eQ.foJ;"cement of the ban In tho Wayne area. grass, leaves or wood nearby. Warn Dog Owners On Leash Law owners were warned Fri- day that sue h animals mU5t be "\DIer restraint at aU Urnes and s.hall not be permitted to rm at large." Wakefield to Host Meeting With temperatures Wlusually hlah and grassland, groves and ,Rubble nelda Wlusually dry com- bined with 8 low relative humid-- iQ', fires have been reported in many areas the past week. Cluse of the danger of further blazes, the rire marshal has liNd 8 law which allows him to prohIbit open burning. Trash should not be burned in open containers. Leaves raked up should not be disposed of with tire. Nothlng should be set afire outsld@ due to the danger of sp8.rke ('Brryif1J:: over Into dr} NebraskB has gone thrOl.€"h a drycr-.thaio-U8ual winter. Weath- ermen have predicted no exten- sive moisture in the ncar future 80 the ban on open fires wU! be in effect untIl fw1hcr The fire chief calls on rural resldents to be careful 8S danger Is extensive In the rields and far lllYa rds at prescnt. Wayne Hremen man the trucks of {he rural flre district and the) do not relish battllng wind and flames at any time. All other fire districts in the area probablj would ask that the same precaution be laken by town and countr;. dwellers in their areas, Th£> danger exists all over Eastern '\;ebraskl. and Western Iowa so the warning Is a tlmel) one. WSC Championskip Teams Honored Three Wayne State College calling af\) of these buslness winter sport championshlpteams places or individuals: Sav-Mor wUl be honored at a dinner Drug; Wayne !lerald; Howan Monday, Mar, 18, at Les' Steak Wiltse; Don Echtenlffimp; and House, Wa.yne. All men of the Hoger ."·elson. area are lnvited. To be honored at the informal affair are the conference and district championship swim team, the cont'erence and district cham· plonsh1p basketball team and the conference championship wre&- Ulng team. Coache{i for the to members of Second Guessers, businessmen of the area, farmel'S and other men in the region, the dinner .... w feature no program, mere I) a steak dinner and introduction of coaches Bnd team members. squads will also be guests. Further details will be given Tkkets can be secured by in Thursday's paper. New School Head Files for Board Donald Skeahan. 33, soo of Mr. and Mrs. EdSkeahan, Wayne, is the new principal of the Oska- loosa, Ia., schools. lie isanative r::J Wayne and attended schools here. He received his bachelor's degree at Wayne State College and his master's degree at the Univen;lt;y of Nebraska. Skeahan and his a native of Lincoln, and their two sons have been at Johnston, la., just outside Des Moines, where he was prin. ,lpal. - Junior Leaders Plan Dixon County Dance Dixon County Junior 4-11 Lead- ers are sponsoring a box social and square dance Saturdaj, Mar. 16, at Allen IIIgh School gym to raise money with which to send 23 junior leaders to Washington, D. C., this summer, The 4-1l dubs of Dixon County send delegates to the nation's capital every other year, For the past two years they have been operating a concession stand at various celebrations and holding See JUNIOR LEADERS, page :1 CHARM I MllLJGAN a demure little flye-year-old, knew happlcr days whcn thiS p,cfure taken Now she lies motLOnlcH In a Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol corc belere she can enter an octlve lite ogoln Many Come to Aid of 'Charmi Fund' MAl\' more names have been added to the list of those coo- tributlng to the Charmi Milligan FLmd. It is a locaQ;-spoosored fLmd'to help cover the costs afan extended hospital stR-' under in- tensive care for a little girl who was severely burned when her nightgown caught rtre. sonal care to see that It is suc- cessful b) going out and pro- moting the benefit. Charml can finally be shown in a picture. lIer mcXher, Mrs. Ed Milligan, came home for a week 50 Charmi could get used to her being away. '- harmi is still in critical condi- tion In the Shrine Burns Cen- ter, Cincinnati. She faces sU('h a long recuperation period, spe- cialists decided her mother could not possibly stay all of the time City Clerk Dan Sherry told The Wayne lIerald that the pollce department had been receiving numerous complaint8 about running l008e. Owners 01 such qs could be prosecuted for vlolatlng city ordinance. Speaking on Speech Wayne PT,'\ will meet Tuesda), Mar. 12, at Ii p.m. in the WIIS lecture hall. Ha.} Ernster, spet>("h therapifit of Educational Unit I will speak on "Speech and Hearing'" ,\ question and answer period will follow. Wakeneld will nost the annual meeting of the !'\ortooa51 ka F.xperimental Farm \ssocla· tion Tue&da) , \ta r. I::! at t he old school. Gordon '\uernberger, Wayne, wlll be 1ne sessloo gets underway at 9:30 with coHee furnished b) the busine8smen ri Wakefleld. Welcoming remarks at III will be b) Dan C.ardner, manager a MUtoo {; ....... aldl:Dum ( 0., Wake- neld. Tarrners and BargainiIl! Pow- er" will be the topic at 10:15 with Hugo limmerman and Clenn Vollmar dl.<.cus!>lr¥; the subject. Ilmmerman is super- Intendent of \urtht'8st Station. (oocord, and \ ollmar ib chair· School Districts to Merge Three more school district sections nurthwest of WinSide, mergers are in the maklng, ac- prOjXlses to m£'rge with District to County Supt. Gladys 95H, That Is the Winsld(> school :::;. Df Wayne, District merglng, the long process re- 64 plans to merge wltt1 District (luiring as much as 90 days. 33, the school remaining in the District J6, made up of four latler district. East and a IIttl" Staff Snowed Under south of Wayne, Distr!et 2 would give up its school, and merge New subscriptions and renew- with District 47. in each of these als have continued to come in cases four sections of land are so fast since we started our Involved. subscription campaign Feb. 26, that we are S:\OWED l'XDEH in trying to keep our maIling list up to date. Please, if your newspaper is not marked up for the next few weeks do not worT)'-the re- sponse has been so terrific that personnel in The Wayne Herald office have been unable to keep up to date in' marldng the re- newals. We're making the changes on the addressing plates as Quickly ..... pofisible. We also v Jlcome the hundreds r1 new subscribers who have joined the family of Wayne Herald readers recently. The merger actioo has not been brought before the count) reorgani7.aHon board yet in of these cases. Once they are, a state hearing will be required, the superintendent will be noti- fied of the state action and she will then call for a hearing for approval or disapproval of the merger plan. This is the time of year when mergers and disolutions usuall.,:. take place. District 70 plans to merge with District 17 and that merger is in the same stage as those mentioned previously in this article. DooaHons are being taken in Carroil, Winside and Wayne. In the meantime, plans are going ahead for a card part) and dance Mar. 19 with all proceeds going to the fund, Carroll and Winside organizatioos sponsorirg that and a Id: of individuals taking per- so Mrs. Milligan will come home W"II Sh 'F P , Ski' H foc a while. be with Chacmi to I OW or ete s a e" ere rebuild her morale for a while The Gay Theatre, Wayl).e, will and then return to Cal!l'Oll agato -.. tire&ent ".for Pete's Sake!" at for a longer period until Charm! [ ho " s Tuesdav Wednes- will know that she will be back. :: :nd 12-14. Charmi seems to understandthRt One show will be given Tuesday her mother has to be with the and Thursda) and two shows Mary Costa Appears in Con cert at Wayne ment, adventure, thrills, traged,..\', love. humor and tenderness. Since it is the nrst showing in the area, it Is getting spec lal handling and is being advertised in all surrounding to .... 11S. Mary Costa, who began her .entertainment career perform- ing television commercials and now is one of the reigning so- prano queens of the Metropolitan Opera, will give a concert at Wayne State next Wednesday night, Mar. 13, at 8 in Rice Auditorium. Her performance' on the col- lege's spec ial PrtlInlms series is open to the public, and tickets will be sold at the door. She is currently on a tour at the United States under the man-. agement of S. Hurok that will take her from New York to Hooolulu. This seaSOfl Miss Costa is her fourth year at the Met, following rave notices that have been regular since her debut. She is, say the critics, Two Wayne businessmen were trYing to get a picture of 'another Wayne businessman for imme- diate use but he was gone and his house was locked. One thought he knew where a key to the -house fotmd one, tried it ,mil it unlocked a door, noticed it opened hard so gave a mighty sho.Ye, upsetting a potted plant tIIlt had been' inside the 'locked and seJdom-used door. The men had the plant Wore the owner returned in hopes nothing amiss woold be neted. A Cmcord gentleman was in Wayn. re<:tiltly. A pretty teen- qw waved as be drove down till _ and he felt flattend bocause tho girls dJ<ln't alway, DOtice him. He feh somewhat 1ISs !latt:ered when • niece he !lid DOt .... In a Icq: time -.!sited him and aslold _ come .. hadn't waved at her when she waved at him in WayM. One d. the workers m The IIorald clr<:ulatIon, 'sUed a friend to see if sbe would like to suboerlbe to the _ and belp her wln. prize. .... m In the cootest"Wo," npllod tho woman who bad boon c:alIod. "'I'bia bow come yoo're not om oow'/" came back the n_, Mary Costa a singer to see as well as to hear. ! !er beallt) and talent led her to a lucrative (3150,000 a 'year) career as the girl who delivered commercials on a Chrvsler- sponsored T\, show. But' after three years she determined to pursue her real goal, singing- hopefull) in opera. She sang with the Gl)lldebourne in Eng- land and in a London proouc- tioo of L.eQl1Brd Bernstein's "Candide," Her debuts with the San Francisco and Metropolitan Operas followed. Recent!) Los Angeles Herald- Examiner crltic Patterson Greene commented: 'Wh) does me girl have'W have everything? Miss Costa is urtreasonabl) beautiful, and she has a voice like sunlight made audible!" ,other children in the Milligan Wednesda\, famQv at times. tickets are on sale Donations the past week in- at the theatre boxoffic£> at a eluded: Farmers State Bank, reducf'd rate. Tickets may also '- anoll, Henn Spreen, Elmer be purchased the night of the Peterson, Bnl Swansoo, Han"): showing, L. Evans, Eugene Gubbels, Mel- color picture, this movie vin Magnuson Family and Win- was produced by the maker of side Veterinary Clinic; Han- "The Restless Ones." It is being sen'S Grocer), Carroll, Mrs, shown here as entertainment for people of all ages with excite- The star} COncerns youth and the family. It has its gangs, its kids in trouble and its crises. Well·haJ;1dled U1 rvery detaU, it is called superior in almost every way to previous such productions. Anyone wanting information On the tickets or the movie itseU can contact Jack March at the theatre. Thelma and Gladys Woods, Cora Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Han- sen, and Mrs. Stanley Han- sen and family and Joan Hansen; Three Groups Sponsor Girls Stater Y&L Bar, Carroll, Adolf Rohlff, David Gilliland, Mr. and Mrs, Warren Thun, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lambrecht, Vernie Hurl· bert, Roy Granfield, Mary May, Marvin Haselhorst, Bill YCUlg, See CHAR.Mt FUND, p<lge 3 Wame will have a Girls Stater this }'ear, sponsored as usual h)- t h r e e women's organizations, Woman's Club. VFW Auxiliary and Legion Auxiliary. Chosen to represent the community this year is r-.{ar) Stevenson, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs, T. H.Steven- soo, \\ayne. Winside Starts Promotion Miss Stevenson pla)s alto clarinet in the WI!S band and cI Music" and bit parts in .. Our lOwn" and .. George Slept Here." The operetta, "Guys aOO Dolls," will be presented this spring and she has a lead roll in that. A Saturday night promotioo plan has been worked out by the Winside Community Club. It is scheduled to get underway the first Saturday in April under spalsorship of the WCC and many the business places of the community. {\ccording to Butch Holdorf, chairman of the committee in ctia-rge of arrangements, the idea is: togive away $25 every Saturday night. The mooey' will be in the ·fOrm of special coupons good as gold al participating business places. Everyone 18 years old or older will be eUgible to take part except the participating mer· chants and their families. REgis- tration will be heeded just mce as the name will be dropped back in the "hopper" after each drawing. , Holdorf said a name will be drawn from the back of the fire truck at p.rn. Saturooy. If the 'persm called ls not there, another i will be called. This will be 'continued tmtil someone is pre-. , seul to claim the prize. , Signs have been obtained (or : business plaees tl8t , are portIclpatlng In this prcvam. 'RegIstratIon Is scbeduled to get I underway this month so as S<XIl as the signs go up the rogIstr&. tim sIJps will be awllable, Alphabetical lists of _ re- gistered will be l!ept '" see _ each oame Is pot just mee 80 It more thaD em bQsim;ss place is Dot: / going to do anything except waste paper. Further details will be given as the flrst nears. In the meantime, Winside area residents OVer 18 years of. age are invited to start registering when their favorite merchants ha ve the registration slips avail. able. Schwartz Family Fund Needs Boost 'The K e it h Schwartz Family Fund needs a OOost. It will get roe Mar. 20 when a benefit basket- ball game is played here, but in the meantime tile family is facir:g a crisis rtnancially. Schwartz. hospitalized in Oma- ha, does not know of the fund and probably not approve if he did know for he always coo- sidered helpfromfriends,church or organizations as "charity" and fett he was capable of making his own way. nat was before cancer struck.. He fas been critically ill and un- able to work since last Septem- ber and contracted pl1eUmonla which has aggravated the situa- tion. With his wife and 5everJ chfi... dren '" feed and -. be ba.! heeD """" tljan a little band>. cawed bot still never asked f<r help. Fris>dsl finally 'asked far help for the Ifamily as Mrs.. Schwartz bas bad to devtQ IJlI.lre and ""'"' tioJe to· him and less time to the cb\ldren. She ls in 0dJaha """. as much t::Ime as she ean with her hW!hInd.' She knows of the fmel and Is mnst graIefuI far the belp -. FrIeDds .. this are.3 <'lre taking care of the seven children, who are scattered about with various fam-- illes. Donations are being acc-epted at State Bank and will be ac!mowl- edged in The Herald. Cbe<:k> should be made out to: Keith Schwartz Fund. Dooatioos came the past week from: John 'N. Einung, John Owens, Ladas, Emil Dangberg, Dean Bnggeman, provement, Brandstetter Imple.- ment Co., Ilugbes Real Estate. Robert L. Johnson, Howard I..aJ::gemeier Anooymous. GlerIl Gran- quist, R. J. IIan5en, WnIu;! and Rowan 'Wiltse, Myrm -SclJulz. AllCItYIDOU!i. AntoD Otte ConstructiOD eo... Mrs.. Frances Cooyers. otto GerJ.e.. man, Goldenrod C I u b, IIemy Rethwi'scb, AIbe;rt l.or;Jdabl. Mrs. EIeaDor EIIls mI Melvin RI!"I .... Use _.W ..... Her .. Ads - n. UtIle Ads I I nat 00 the 81G Job Other high school activities include making the honor roU regularly, secretary of Thespians, new drama club, and member of Future Homemakers r:l America, Pep Club and Ger- man Club. " Outside school. she is a mem- l\.1ary Stevenson ber of the Methodist Church and in the choir. She tas be- longed to Brownies and Glrl Scouts in the past. WSC Plays Tuesday In National Tourney' Wayne State's baskettall team hoped Cor such a will play its first-romd game However, a Wayne victory in in the National NAlA Twmament the rtrst game would pltthe WIld- Tuesday night at 10,30 In Kansas cats against the winner of the City. Mo. The oppooeut: Eastern Guilford. N. C.-Oshkosh, Wis.., Mootam state. game- Guilford hal! No. 1 seed- Athletic Director Dale Penuy- ing. tal<er said Radio WJAG of Ner- A 'pedal tabloid sectim "P- folk plans to carry a live report pears in today's Wayne Herald, ri the game by c1osed-circuit. hmoring Wayne State's amplified in Rice Gym.. The game pim winter sports teams, espe.. will not be broadcast OIl the air, ciall,. the Kansas City-bound as far as officials bere know. cagers. PemJyba.ker, who r e c e i v e d ootice cI. the Wayne schedule F"I f om late Friday said it __ the I es or Ice WIldcats No. 16 or close to it. amcq: the 32 teams. SeedIng .... acCODJ!llish- ed by feeding a computer ties of data abtU each season schedule and' per- furmance- Thenplliriq:s were iDlIIIIltlJus: No.1 against No. 17,No. 2ajr.1inst No. 18, and 80 _ to No. 16 against: No. 32. Wape cmebes Ernest Mobs, I-..el, filed 'nm"sdV as a candidate far the W..". Camty Weed DistrId. lie ls the &ecODd to me far that of1ke, Alfred Badeo, JlaudoIpb, helIg the ffrst fli me.. There are tbree openings em the 1xJatd mI an must be !DIed by ruiaI .... -. a,,,:onti!g to Camty Clerk -.u. Weible. ma.n d the agricultural rcono- mles department at the l 'nlyersttJ ci \ebraskD. Schwnrtl., aKroooml5t from \'ortneasl mtloo, wUllIpeak at II. !!18 lIub}e<'t III \.arrow Hows, ProsphalE' 011 \LCaUa a.nd f-ertlllzlng Pasluru," \1 11:30, ·'Phosphate rnent and Time and Hate r:I \1- lrct:en '\ppllcillion" will be the topic. I eaturttd will be l'lverd AleX1!.nder, agronomist at tt.o Concord statloo. I ollowlng talk, lunch wlll be I5(!TVed, At 1:30, Hoben rttsl."ht>n 01 Northeast Slat ion, a swine Sp€- rlaHs!, will repon Of) on the Swine ttouslJ'l.! and Man- Elgemcnt Project", "Beef CAttl" &1 thl' \orttv;!aat Station" wIll be the toplr III 1:45. SDt"4k1.ng "UI be Walter Tolman, heel if the "tntioo. Thill will be foliCMeod b) talk on "Pollution-Ilow Much II \grlcullure to Illarne'?"' In· Smith. lie Is director- UI(' \WIer rehoun'l'S T(l/ilDtllrch al the I nlycrsU) a Ml&- wurl. Pollution from foodlcaa I'!lll Ix- 1Jl(' q{ hili major .orr- lidl.-rlltit.l1 •• \( :i:lO, Il board ri dir{l'("IOl"I m('('t IFf( If! 8ch('(lulcd wtlll PreK- id{'l1[ .... uernbcrger Ul rhargc. will hI.' Iht- rom Judllljj rca· lure. Sailor, Airman, Soldier Get Checks .\ sailor, an airman and a 80ldler receive-d the pIlst week. The mane) , leHen and lists of those to :-.ervlcemen We .\ppreclale ou go out elIch we-ek lCY&ervkemen who entered the armed forc1'5 while residents of v,ayne lount.l or through the local s("l('ctj"t' service board, \ am e s drn ..... n the past wee!.. were: kenneth ( hamben, son of Me. and Mrs. Dave ( hamb('n, Lincoln, '>;ell McC laT), of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Me( Winside; and Roo ...... ested·dd, ;,.on 0( Mr. and Mrs. -\lvin .... ester- hold, Pender, (hambers is a 19fi;) of Ws.\"ne Jligh '-><'hool and en- listed in the nB\-;' m I 196fi, lie took boot tl-alning In San Diego, rinlshl.ng there 1Il \ovember, 1966, a:. a >;unar technician. He wah to the t.\. .... Talbot, a new detlroyer that .... not commissioned until \prll, 1967. The ship is in the ·\tlant i( fleet and Is at port in Boston now. Last summer was spent in the Caribbean. Ken earned his chlef pett,' officer third ctass rating in De- cember. lie spent l hristmas with his parents but stUI considers Wayne as home. IUs address ls: CP0-3 kenneth Chambers, W·3 Div, DEG-4, {Is..", Talbot. FPO York, ...... 't. 02844. McClary la a 1962 graduate of Winside High School and at· tended Wayne State (allege 11, yeara. He worked at Albers Deh.i and Winside Dehy beCore being called into the army selective service. In April will have spent his two years in the service. H@ returned tast \ovember from !l )ear In Vietnam, where hi drove a supply truck. His task training was received at Ft. Leonard Woo::I, Mo., and he went from there to ft. Rile.), Kan., where he was a member of the Ninth Infantry, a unit moved en masse to Vietnam in 1966. upm his return to the States he receivCif' a month's lLUlough. He is nOW at Ft. Carson driving a truck and looking forward to }\pril. His address is; A. L'S 55856514, Co, B, fifth S&. T Bn., Fifth Inf. Div. ft. carson, Colo. 80913. Westerhold is a'1966 graduate of Pender tHgh School and en-- listed in the air force in Marcn, 1967, His basic training was re- ceived at Lackland AFB, Tex., and he went from there to Ctwlute AFB, ill., where he took mechanical schoolq. In September he was home 00 leave and then reported to OOutt AFB, Omaha. where he is re- more school..i.tg. He tas a (hambers Roo Westerhold brother-in-la"" .\ /lc Kenneth Hlnrich, who is also in the air force. Roo's address is: A/lcRonald A. Westerhold, AF 16980930, 55th strati Recon. Wg., C\"R '00. 1. Box sa5, (X'rutt ArB, Sebr. 68113. WH Has Carnival Saturday Wayne High School is SpoD- soring vistts by stu-- soring a carnival Saturday, Mar. dents, 52 cornirlJ Uet 16, from 5 to 10:30 p.m. in Twenty years later over 4.300 the DeW gym. Purpose is to students are in the cWQtry tIXSIr raise IIlCIleY to an Amer- this exchangeprogramaodA.n.r- J.can Field Service sttxient to lean yOUtg people are in 28 Wayne this coming year. countries UDder the a1!IliIIte The stWeut cOQllCil has or- American Abroad ganized the various clubs. Havener points co tlata Irajor classes and activities intooear),y part the work ci the AFS 20 _. O!fered is,ariety has been the evalmtim do sucb as an old Laurel and Hardy pective·· foreign st:OOems and movie. I::askettBD throw, games careful cooi.ce ci Amerlcall oo.t r1 cbance. tricycle race. fish families. Evidence oCtbe 5QCC85S pood and others. is the fact the exchlqe plaD Margot McKay, Australia, is DOW the large51: 0{ it! type WayDi/ s seccod AFS student, will in the be at the carnival and wants '" Thrcq;h both AFS and Ame- meet as """" as possible who leans Abroa<!, y<Jtqt people 1m- helped last ,_ to maJse it po&- prove relatioushlpa with!elloW sible fir her to be bere this IDeIl across oatia:al bculdIries. ,_, Pbadet Ga_mIst, Thoi- Wayne RIgb pupils like the ....... land ,ooth who was the ffrst gram and '""" -. ='- AFS _ bere, Is a big _ uen year, t!ms the blr :: of'" .. Tom IIaveoer of the _ The carnival ia cpm toyotq ctlUIICil poiDta out that AFS .... mI old. Evt:n )lsi 1I3Iehllg CID _ In 1914 as a wJmUer be ftm so WRi Jq>ils IqJo "'" __ In the first __ ,aa:ogsW'SlI,..- -.101 war. In 19i7 it .... wIll_..,. j l i I j i I i t I

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Page 1: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

IIOR STATe L508 • .,

----BUT tee

...... ...--...--., ..............

&&'1 '

:'16 pages_ two sections THE·WAYNE HERALD'

ICIB b8508

llA~ \ t 1968

PI •• Fa ... 6 H .... Soctio. NINETY-BECO)ID YEAR ' S('("nnd (,Ia!>~ Po"'tlllgr PaLd at Wayne, ~t"brll~ka

Return Po:,tage GUOIranteed WA\'NE, !'.:EBRASKA. S81tr7, M:NDAY, M\RCH 11, liSS Publl,ht.'i1 E\l'r} Mond .. > ;and Thur.d.) .ill

114 MaLn \\ I!I~ II" N~!lnAk .. 6IJ11!1 ~LTMREII NlNETY.J-'CJUR

Open Burning Prohibited The Nebraska Fire Marshal

r.. banned open fires due to the dry conditions in the stale. Wayne ClI;y COW1CU has author· lzed Fire Chl8! Ivan Beeks to call Cor eQ.foJ;"cement of the ban In tho Wayne area.

grass, leaves or wood nearby.

Warn Dog Owners On Leash Law ~ owners were warned Fri­

day that sue h animals mU5t be "\DIer restraint at aU Urnes and s.hall not be permitted to rm at large."

Wakefield to Host Meeting

With temperatures Wlusually hlah and grassland, groves and ,Rubble nelda Wlusually dry com­bined with 8 low relative humid-­iQ', fires have been reported in many areas the past week. ~ Cluse of the danger of further blazes, the rire marshal has liNd 8 law which allows him to prohIbit open burning.

Trash should not be burned in open containers. Leaves raked up should not be disposed of with tire. Nothlng should be set afire outsld@ due to the danger of sp8.rke ('Brryif1J:: over Into dr}

NebraskB has gone thrOl.€"h a drycr-.thaio-U8ual winter. Weath­ermen have predicted no exten­sive moisture in the ncar future 80 the ban on open fires wU! be in effect untIl fw1hcr notlc~.

The fire chief calls on rural resldents to be careful 8S danger Is extensive In the rields and far lllYa rds at prescnt. Wayne Hremen man the trucks of {he rural flre district and the) do not relish battllng wind and flames at any time.

All other fire districts in the area probablj would ask that the same precaution be laken by town and countr;. dwellers in their areas, Th£> danger exists all over Eastern '\;ebraskl. and Western Iowa so the warning Is a tlmel) one.

WSC Championskip Teams Honored Three Wayne State College calling af\) of these buslness

winter sport championshlpteams places or individuals: Sav-Mor wUl be honored at a dinner Drug; Wayne !lerald; Howan Monday, Mar, 18, at Les' Steak Wiltse; Don Echtenlffimp; and House, Wa.yne. All men of the Hoger ."·elson. area are lnvited.

To be honored at the informal affair are the conference and district championship swim team, the cont'erence and district cham· plonsh1p basketball team and the conference championship wre&­Ulng team. Coache{i for the

'-~n to members of Second Guessers, businessmen of the area, farmel'S and other men in the region, the dinner .... w feature no program, mere I) a steak dinner and introduction of coaches Bnd team members.

squads will also be guests. Further details will be given Tkkets can be secured by in Thursday's paper.

New School Head Files for Board

Donald Skeahan. 33, soo of Mr. and Mrs. EdSkeahan, Wayne, is the new principal of the Oska­loosa, Ia., schools. lie isanative r::J Wayne and attended schools here. He received his bachelor's degree at Wayne State College and his master's degree at the Univen;lt;y of Nebraska. Skeahan and his wif~, a native of Lincoln, and their two sons have been at Johnston, la., just outside Des Moines, where he was prin. ,lpal. -

Junior Leaders Plan

Dixon County Dance Dixon County Junior 4-11 Lead­

ers are sponsoring a box social and square dance Saturdaj, Mar. 16, at Allen IIIgh School gym to raise money with which to send 23 junior leaders to Washington, D. C., this summer,

The 4-1l dubs of Dixon County send delegates to the nation's capital every other year, For the past two years they have been operating a concession stand at various celebrations and holding


CHARM I MllLJGAN a demure little flye-year-old, knew happlcr days whcn thiS p,cfure wa~ taken Now she lies motLOnlcH In a Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol corc belere she can enter an octlve lite ogoln

Many Come to Aid of 'Charmi Fund' MAl\' more names have been

added to the list of those coo­tributlng to the Charmi Milligan FLmd. It is a locaQ;-spoosored fLmd'to help cover the costs afan extended hospital stR-' under in­tensive care for a little girl who was severely burned when her nightgown caught rtre.

sonal care to see that It is suc­cessful b) going out and pro­moting the benefit.

Charml can finally be shown in a picture. lIer mcXher, Mrs. Ed Milligan, came home for a week 50 Charmi could get used to her being away. '- harmi is still in critical condi­tion In the Shrine Burns Cen­ter, Cincinnati. She faces sU('h a long recuperation period, spe­cialists decided her mother could not possibly stay all of the time

City Clerk Dan Sherry told The Wayne lIerald that the pollce department had been receiving numerous complaint8 about d~s running l008e. Owners 01 such qs could be prosecuted for vlolatlng city ordinance.

Speaking on Speech Wayne PT,'\ will meet Tuesda),

Mar. 12, at Ii p.m. in the WIIS lecture hall. Ha.} Ernster, spet>("h therapifit of Educational ~rvke Unit I will speak on "Speech and Hearing'" ,\ question and answer period will follow.

Wakeneld will nost the annual meeting of the !'\ortooa51 ~brB8-ka F.xperimental Farm \ssocla· tion Tue&da) , \ta r. I::! at t he old school. Gordon '\uernberger, Wayne, wlll be pre8ld~,

1ne sessloo gets underway at 9:30 with coHee furnished b) the busine8smen ri Wakefleld. Welcoming remarks at III will be b) Dan C.ardner, manager a MUtoo {; ....... aldl:Dum ( 0., Wake­neld.

Tarrners and BargainiIl! Pow­er" will be the topic at 10:15 with Hugo limmerman and Clenn Vollmar dl.<.cus!>lr¥; the subject. Ilmmerman is a~"islant super­Intendent of \urtht'8st Station. (oocord, and \ ollmar ib chair·

School Districts to Merge Three more school district sections nurthwest of WinSide,

mergers are in the maklng, ac- prOjXlses to m£'rge with District cord~ to County Supt. Gladys 95H, That Is the Winsld(> school

~ :::;. ~1J r:~:ga~zatt~ ea:~~ dl~~~~ast Df Wayne, District merglng, the long process re- 64 plans to merge wltt1 District (luiring as much as 90 days. 33, the school remaining in the

District J6, made up of four latler district. East and a IIttl"

Staff Snowed Under south of Wayne, Distr!et 2 would give up its school, and merge

New subscriptions and renew- with District 47. in each of these als have continued to come in cases four sections of land are so fast since we started our Involved. subscription campaign Feb. 26, that we are S:\OWED l'XDEH in trying to keep our maIling list up to date.

Please, if your newspaper is not marked up for the next few weeks do not worT)'-the re­sponse has been so terrific that personnel in The Wayne Herald office have been unable to keep up to date in' marldng the re­newals. We're making the changes on the addressing plates as Quickly ..... pofisible.

We also v Jlcome the hundreds r1 new subscribers who have joined the family of Wayne Herald readers recently.

The merger actioo has not been brought before the count) reorgani7.aHon board yet in an..~

of these cases. Once they are, a state hearing will be required, the superintendent will be noti­fied of the state action and she will then call for a hearing for approval or disapproval of the merger plan.

This is the time of year when mergers and disolutions usuall.,:. take place. District 70 plans to merge with District 17 and that merger is in the same stage as those mentioned previously in this article.

DooaHons are being taken in Carroil, Winside and Wayne. In the meantime, plans are going ahead for a card part) and dance Mar. 19 with all proceeds going to the fund, Carroll and Winside organizatioos sponsorirg that and a Id: of individuals taking per-

so Mrs. Milligan will come home W"II Sh 'F P , Ski' H foc a while. be with Chacmi to I OW or ete s a e" ere rebuild her morale for a while The Gay Theatre, Wayl).e, will and then return to Cal!l'Oll agato -.. tire&ent ".for Pete's Sake!" at for a longer period until Charm! [ ho " s Tuesdav Wednes-will know that she will be back. :: :nd w~urSday, ~r. 12-14. Charmi seems to understandthRt One show will be given Tuesday her mother has to be with the and Thursda) and two shows

Mary Costa Appears in Con cert at Wayne ment, adventure, thrills, traged,..\', love. humor and tenderness. Since it is the nrst showing in the area, it Is getting spec lal handling and is being advertised in all surrounding to .... 11S.

Mary Costa, who began her .entertainment career perform­ing television commercials and now is one of the reigning so­prano queens of the Metropolitan Opera, will give a concert at Wayne State next Wednesday night, Mar. 13, at 8 in Rice Auditorium.

Her performance' on the col­lege's spec ial PrtlInlms series is open to the public, and tickets will be sold at the door.

She is currently on a tour at the United States under the man-. agement of S. Hurok that will take her from New York to Hooolulu.

This seaSOfl Miss Costa is enjoy~ her fourth year at the Met, following rave notices that have been regular since her debut. She is, say the critics,

Two Wayne businessmen were trYing to get a picture of 'another Wayne businessman for imme­diate use but he was gone and his house was locked. One thought he knew where a key to the -house ~, fotmd one, tried it ,mil it unlocked a door, noticed it opened hard so gave a mighty sho.Ye, upsetting a potted plant tIIlt had been' ~ inside the 'locked and seJdom-used door. The men had the plant ~ Wore the owner returned in hopes nothing amiss woold be neted.

A Cmcord gentleman was in Wayn. re<:tiltly. A pretty teen­qw waved as be drove down till _ and he felt flattend bocause tho girls dJ<ln't alway, DOtice him. He feh somewhat 1ISs !latt:ered when • niece he !lid DOt .... In a Icq: time -.!sited him and aslold _ come .. hadn't waved at her when she waved at him in WayM.

One d. the workers m The IIorald clr<:ulatIon, ~

'sUed a friend to see if sbe would like to suboerlbe to the _ and belp her wln. prize.

.... m In the cootest"Wo," npllod tho woman who bad boon c:alIod. "'I'bia bow come yoo're not om ~ oow'/" came back the n_,

Mary Costa

a singer to see as well as to hear.

! !er beallt) and talent led her to a lucrative (3150,000 a 'year) career as the girl who delivered commercials on a Chrvsler­sponsored T\, show. But' after three years she determined to pursue her real goal, singing­hopefull) in opera. She sang with the Gl)lldebourne ~ra in Eng­land and in a London proouc­tioo of L.eQl1Brd Bernstein's "Candide," Her debuts with the San Francisco and Metropolitan Operas followed.

Recent!) Los Angeles Herald­Examiner crltic Patterson Greene commented: 'Wh) does me girl have'W have everything? Miss Costa is urtreasonabl) beautiful, and she has a voice like sunlight made audible!"

,other children in the Milligan Wednesda\, famQv at times. Advanc~ tickets are on sale

Donations the past week in- at the theatre boxoffic£> at a eluded: Farmers State Bank, reducf'd rate. Tickets may also '- anoll, Henn Spreen, Elmer be purchased the night of the Peterson, Bnl Swansoo, Han"): showing, L. Evans, Eugene Gubbels, Mel- ~ color picture, this movie vin Magnuson Family and Win- was produced by the maker of side Veterinary Clinic; Han- "The Restless Ones." It is being sen'S Grocer), Carroll, Mrs, shown here as entertainment for

~:, ~~~~~k~~~~.D~r:~~~ people of all ages with excite-

The star} COncerns youth and the family. It has its gangs, its kids in trouble and its crises. Well·haJ;1dled U1 rvery detaU, it is called superior in almost every way to previous such productions.

Anyone wanting information On the tickets or the movie itseU can contact Jack March at the theatre.

Thelma and Gladys Woods, Cora Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Han­sen, ~1r. and Mrs. Stanley Han­sen and family and Joan Hansen;

Three Groups Sponsor Girls Stater

Y&L Bar, Carroll, Adolf Rohlff, David Gilliland, Mr. and Mrs, Warren Thun, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lambrecht, Vernie Hurl· bert, Roy Granfield, Mary May, Marvin Haselhorst, Bill YCUlg, See CHAR.Mt FUND, p<lge 3

Wame will have a Girls Stater this }'ear, sponsored as usual h)­t h r e e women's organizations, Woman's Club. VFW Auxiliary and Legion Auxiliary. Chosen to represent the community this year is r-.{ar) Stevenson, daugh­ter of Dr. and Mrs, T. H.Steven-soo, \\ayne.

Winside Starts Promotion Miss Stevenson pla)s alto

clarinet in the WI!S band and

:~sha~ ~~ ~h~~d ~t~~~ cI Music" and bit parts in .. Our

lOwn" and .. George Was~on Slept Here." The operetta, "Guys aOO Dolls," will be presented this spring and she has a lead roll in that.

A Saturday night promotioo plan has been worked out by the Winside Community Club. It is scheduled to get underway the first Saturday in April under spalsorship of the WCC and many ~ the business places of the community.

{\ccording to Butch Holdorf, chairman of the committee in ctia-rge of arrangements, the idea is: togive away $25 every Saturday night. The mooey' will be in the ·fOrm of special coupons good as gold al participating business places.

Everyone 18 years old or older will be eUgible to take part except the participating mer· chants and their families. REgis­tration will be heeded just mce as the name will be dropped back in the "hopper" after each drawing. , Holdorf said a name will be drawn from the back of the fire truck at ~ p.rn. Saturooy. If the 'persm called ls not there, another

i will be called. This will be 'continued tmtil someone is pre-. , seul to claim the prize. , Signs have been obtained (or : ~ business plaees tl8t , are portIclpatlng In this prcvam. 'RegIstratIon Is scbeduled to get I underway this month so as S<XIl

as the signs go up the rogIstr&. tim sIJps will be awllable,

Alphabetical lists of _ re­gistered will be l!ept '" see _ each oame Is pot InIothedra~ just mee 80 ~ It more thaD em bQsim;ss place is Dot:


going to do anything except waste paper.

Further details will be given as the flrst dra~ nears. In the meantime, Winside area

residents OVer 18 years of. age are invited to start registering when their favorite merchants ha ve the registration slips avail. able.

Schwartz Family Fund Needs Boost 'The K e it h Schwartz Family

Fund needs a OOost. It will get roe Mar. 20 when a benefit basket­ball game is played here, but in the meantime tile family is facir:g a crisis rtnancially.

Schwartz. hospitalized in Oma­ha, does not know of the fund and probably ~ not approve if he did know for he always coo­sidered helpfromfriends,church or organizations as "charity" and fett he was capable of making his own way.

nat was before cancer struck.. He fas been critically ill and un­able to work since last Septem­ber and contracted pl1eUmonla which has aggravated the situa­tion.

With his wife and 5everJ chfi... dren '" feed and -. be ba.! heeD """" tljan a little band>. cawed bot still never asked f<r help. Fris>dsl finally 'asked far help for the Ifamily as Mrs.. Schwartz bas bad to devtQ IJlI.lre

and ""'"' tioJe to· him and less time to the cb\ldren.

She ls in 0dJaha """. ~ as much t::Ime as she ean with her hW!hInd.' She knows of the fmel and Is mnst graIefuI far the belp ~ -. FrIeDds ..

this are.3 <'lre taking care of the seven children, who are scattered about with various fam-­illes.

Donations are being acc-epted at State Bank and will be ac!mowl­edged in The Herald. Cbe<:k> should be made out to: Keith Schwartz Fund.

Dooatioos came the past week from: John 'N. Einung, John Owens, Con~lie Ladas, Emil Dangberg, Dean Bnggeman,

~=~~~~r::~ provement, Brandstetter Imple.­ment Co., Ilugbes Real Estate. Robert L. Johnson,

Howard W~ I..aJ::gemeier Inc~ Anooymous. GlerIl Gran­quist, R. J. IIan5en, WnIu;! and Rowan 'Wiltse, Myrm -SclJulz. AllCItYIDOU!i. AntoD ~ Otte ConstructiOD eo... Mrs.. Frances Cooyers. otto GerJ.e.. man, Goldenrod C I u b, IIemy Rethwi'scb, AIbe;rt l.or;Jdabl. ~Carl~, Mrs. EIeaDor EIIls mI Melvin ~

RI!"I .... Use _.W ..... Her .. Id:.!t~ Ads - n. UtIle

Ads I I nat 00 the 81G Job

Other high school activities include making the honor roU regularly, secretary of Thespians, new drama club, and member of Future Homemakers r:l America, Pep Club and Ger-man Club. "

Outside school. she is a mem-

l\.1ary Stevenson

ber of the Methodist Church and s~s in the choir. She tas be­longed to Brownies and Glrl Scouts in the past.

WSC Plays Tuesday In National Tourney' Wayne State's baskettall team hoped Cor such a ~.

will play its first-romd game However, a Wayne victory in in the National NAlA Twmament the rtrst game would pltthe WIld­Tuesday night at 10,30 In Kansas cats against the winner of the City. Mo. The oppooeut: Eastern Guilford. N. C.-Oshkosh, Wis.., Mootam state. game- Guilford hal! No. 1 seed-

Athletic Director Dale Penuy- ing. tal<er said Radio WJAG of Ner- A 'pedal tabloid sectim "P­folk plans to carry a live report pears in today's Wayne Herald, ri the game by c1osed-circuit. hmoring Wayne State's c~ amplified in Rice Gym.. The game pim winter sports teams, espe.. will not be broadcast OIl the air, ciall,. the Kansas City-bound as far as officials bere know. cagers.

PemJyba.ker, who r e c e i v e d

ootice cI. the Wayne schedule F"I f om late Friday said it __ the I es or Ice WIldcats ~w No. 16 ~, or close to it. amcq: the 32 teams. SeedIng .... acCODJ!llish­ed by feeding a computer ~ ties of data abtU each ~'s season schedule and' per­furmance-

Thenplliriq:s were iDlIIIIltlJus: No.1 against No. 17,No. 2ajr.1inst No. 18, and 80 _ to No. 16 against: No. 32. Wape cmebes

Ernest Mobs, I-..el, filed 'nm"sdV as a candidate far the W..". Camty Weed DistrId. lie ls the &ecODd to me far that of1ke, Alfred Badeo, JlaudoIpb, helIg the ffrst fli me.. There are tbree openings em the 1xJatd mI an must be !DIed by ruiaI ....-. a,,,:onti!g to Camty Clerk -.u. Weible.

ma.n d the agricultural rcono­mles department at the l 'nlyersttJ ci \ebraskD.

E~t'ne Schwnrtl., aKroooml5t from \'ortneasl mtloo, wUllIpeak at II. !!18 lIub}e<'t III \.arrow Hows, ProsphalE' 011 \LCaUa a.nd f-ertlllzlng Pasluru,"

\1 11:30, ·'Phosphate P\ac~

rnent and Time and Hate r:I \1-lrct:en '\ppllcillion" will be the topic. I eaturttd will be l'lverd AleX1!.nder, agronomist at tt.o Concord statloo. I ollowlng h~ talk, lunch wlll be I5(!TVed,

At 1:30, Hoben ~ rttsl."ht>n 01 Northeast Slat ion, a swine Sp€­

rlaHs!, will repon Of) 'Pr~re8P; on the Swine ttouslJ'l.! and Man-Elgemcnt Project",

"Beef CAttl" I!o~rch &1 thl' \orttv;!aat Station" wIll be the toplr III 1:45. SDt"4k1.ng "UI be Walter Tolman, heel ~pcd.U.1 if the "tntioo.

Thill will be foliCMeod b) • talk on "Pollution-Ilow Much II \grlcullure to Illarne'?"' In· [~oTJ.!e Smith. lie Is director- ~ UI(' \WIer rehoun'l'S T(l/ilDtllrch ~t'ntcr al the I nlycrsU) a Ml&­wurl. Pollution from foodlcaa I'!lll Ix- 1Jl(' q{ hili major .orr­lidl.-rlltit.l1 ••

\( :i:lO, Il board ri dir{l'("IOl"I m('('t IFf( If! 8ch('(lulcd wtlll PreK­id{'l1[ .... uernbcrger Ul rhargc. rhl.~ will hI.' Iht- rom Judllljj rca· lure.

Sailor, Airman, Soldier Get Checks .\ sailor, an airman and a

80ldler receive-d ~v,,\~ dlf"('~tI

the pIlst week. The mane) , leHen and lists of those bel~l.ng to :-.ervlcemen We .\ppreclale ~ ou go out elIch we-ek lCY&ervkemen who entered the armed forc1'5 while residents of v,ayne lount.l or through the local s("l('ctj"t' service board,

\ am e s drn ..... n the past wee!..

were: kenneth ( hamben, son of Me. and Mrs. Dave ( hamb('n, Lincoln, '>;ell McC laT), s~ of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Me( lar~, Winside; and Roo ...... ested·dd, ;,.on 0( Mr. and Mrs. -\lvin .... ester­hold, Pender,

(hambers is a 19fi;) ~raduale of Ws.\"ne Jligh '-><'hool and en­listed in the nB\-;' m I ('bnwr~,

196fi, lie took boot tl-alning In San Diego, rinlshl.ng there 1Il

\ovember, 1966, a:. a >;unar technician.

He wah ~~ to the t.\. ....

Talbot, a new detlroyer that .... ,,~ not commissioned until \prll, 1967. The ship is in the ·\tlant i( fleet and Is at port in Boston now. Last summer was spent in the Caribbean.

Ken earned his chlef pett,' officer third ctass rating in De­cember. lie spent l hristmas with his parents but stUI considers Wayne as home.

IUs address ls: CP0-3 kenneth Chambers, W·3 Div, DEG-4, {Is..",

Talbot. FPO ~ew York, ...... 't. 02844.

McClary la a 1962 graduate of Winside High School and at· tended Wayne State (allege 11, yeara. He worked at Albers Deh.i and Winside Dehy beCore being called into the army ~. selective service.

In April ~ will have spent his two years in the service. H@ returned tast \ovember from !l

)ear In Vietnam, where hi drove a supply truck.

His task training was received at Ft. Leonard Woo::I, Mo., and he went from there to ft. Rile.), Kan., where he was a member of the Ninth Infantry, a unit moved en masse to Vietnam in ~ovember, 1966.

upm his return to the States he receivCif' a month's lLUlough. He is nOW at Ft. Carson driving a truck and looking forward to }\pril.

His address is; S~ ~eU A. ~cClan, L'S 55856514, Co, B, fifth S&. T Bn., Fifth Inf. Div. ft. carson, Colo. 80913.

Westerhold is a'1966 graduate of Pender tHgh School and en-­listed in the air force in Marcn, 1967, His basic training was re­ceived at Lackland AFB, Tex., and he went from there to Ctwlute AFB, ill., where he took mechanical schoolq.

In September he was home 00

leave and then reported to OOutt AFB, Omaha. where he is re­cei~ more school..i.tg. He tas a

~'n (hambers

Roo Westerhold

brother-in-la"" .\ /lc Kenneth Hlnrich, who is also in the air force.

Roo's address is: A/lcRonald A. Westerhold, AF 16980930, 55th strati Recon. Wg., C\"R '00. 1. Box sa5, (X'rutt ArB, Sebr. 68113.

WH Has Carnival Saturday Wayne High School is SpoD- soring vistts by exc~ stu--

soring a carnival Saturday, Mar. dents, 52 cornirlJ Uet )'MI'~

16, from 5 to 10:30 p.m. in Twenty years later over 4.300 the DeW gym. Purpose is to students are in the cWQtry tIXSIr raise IIlCIleY to ~ an Amer- this exchangeprogramaodA.n.r-J.can Field Service sttxient to lean yOUtg people are in 28 Wayne this coming year. countries UDder the a1!IliIIte

The stWeut cOQllCil has or- American Abroad ~ ganized the various clubs. Havener points co tlata Irajor classes and activities intooear),y part ~ the work ci the AFS 20 _. O!fered is,ariety has been the evalmtim do ~ sucb as an old Laurel and Hardy pective·· foreign st:OOems and movie. I::askettBD throw, games careful cooi.ce ci Amerlcall oo.t r1 cbance. tricycle race. fish families. Evidence oCtbe 5QCC85S pood and others. is the fact the exchlqe plaD

Margot McKay, Australia, is DOW the large51: 0{ it! type WayDi/ s seccod AFS student, will in the ~ld. be at the carnival and wants '" Thrcq;h both AFS and Ame-meet as """" as possible who leans Abroa<!, y<Jtqt people 1m-helped last ,_ to maJse it po&- prove relatioushlpa with!elloW sible fir her to be bere this IDeIl across oatia:al bculdIries. ,_, Pbadet Ga_mIst, Thoi- Wayne RIgb pupils like the ....... land ,ooth who was the ffrst gram and '""" -. ='­AFS _ bere, Is a big _ uen year, t!ms the blr

~bac': :: :':~":;n..;;: of'" the~50:,..:b .. Tom IIaveoer of the _ The carnival ia cpm toyotq

ctlUIICil poiDta out that AFS .... mI old. Evt:n )lsi 1I3Iehllg CID _ In 1914 as a wJmUer be ftm so WRi Jq>ils IqJo "'" __ In the first __ ,aa:ogsW'SlI,..--.101 war. In 19i7 it .... ~ wIll_..,.

j l i I j

i I

i • t ~


Page 2: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

EDITORIAL ~ Tlu ~diloriaJ d~PQrlmUII of a wully

nf'.ws{lnpu iI an important drpnrtnunl. Nor. mllJ/y il is on~ '~rron'r opinion of lopia Ihat conant mOJI of OU r~ad~rJ.

It ;J th~ duly of an ~d;loritJl writ~r to ,,'arch aJl ntJailnb/~ 10.11 b~for~ Iu JiJJ down 10 wriu. From this baJis tlu wriln- l1rould be ablr 10 gitJr a clear picturr 01 Importanl topi(l.

I .

COMMENT You may not agr" wit" 111t rditorinl

- but il you r~aJ th~ ~d;toriol and §iw ur­il}UI thout}ht 10 ,I" tubjut dis.uJud you "ave 9aintd. You, as a rttuJrr, ht7fJ~ ~m Ctlrrlul ,IIou9'" to an important p,.ohJ~m rind III, writr,,· U "rouJ to "Qt1' (aJ/rd you.r (/lIrnl;o" to an important rubial thnl you may hOVf ov'rlool,d.

A Word from Schuyler Perhaps it is tlme to pause (or a message merce men. TIley lad always encouraged new

from Schuyler, a boomq city 55 mBes south r1 bualnen to come to Schuyler and they adm!tted Wayne that is grow~ (and not just in size r1 a allowing center would be new business but they basketball players either, but in number of people' expressed the oplnlm that they would prefer tosee

~ moving to a town that refuses to give up). new ws1neues located in the downtown area. Everyone knows Schuyler has 8 new packing Well, Wayne, there 11 Schuyler's problem.

plant going up. The SchuYler Sun now comes forth That's what they get for attracting lndustry. Is with the lnforrnatloo that a shopping center Is that a good reasoo for beq opposed to industry more than a remote possibility there. (or this city'? Perhaps It'll • good relSOO (or

Let's put Wayne in Schuyler's place and see preparing for the eventual threat of a shopping what you as a buBinessman mIght decide to do center belzw started here. l! you were faced with a shopping center corniJw Do we start talking about modernlz~ our down-tn. Would you right it, join It or ignore it? town area, lmptOYi.r€ our shopplI@ taclUties and

Ignoring It Is no solution- Ignorance never providing more park1r1l: now or do we wait until 111. That leaves two choices, you fight It or you we're at the bri~e and have to act or else? join 1t. U you join it and keep the business you We have all seen examples ci what happens have, you are ftght~ yourseU. If you move to when towns deterlorate. It is ea.!!1er to keep them the shopping center, you are cutting the throots from going downhill than it Is to try to buUd them of those who remain in the central core area. back up. David CUy is an example ci where

Now maybe Wayne wtll never have to face people did somethhlJ and tt seems to be working. this situation, M maybe by good fortWle and hard Maybe Wayne should find some cities r1 comparable work this city wU! someday become as boomlr1!: size and see what thaY have done or what they as Schuyler Is. Do we declde now how to face pr~se to do. the !.des. of a shopping center or do we wait untU Even Laurel. a growi.r1!: town that has big we get to that bridge? ideas, has a pr~1 Imder consideration for im-

The Sun points out that Fremont acrords a proving the downtown area and maldngtheentrance good example of what happens when a sh<llping rrom the hlghway to the oosiness district mure center Is started. There are now 22 vacant build.. attractive. If nothing else, Wayne should look to lngs in downtown Fremoot and some bankruptcy Laurel (or inspiration. cases have been filed. Schuyler I.s only 20 m:les from Columoos, 28

Some Schuyler businessmen report they have from Fremont and 61 from Omaha. Has Uat been approached as to their interest 10 relocating stowed Schuyler? Nope, and apparently the busi-in a shopping center. From the tone of the article nessmen there are not about to let proximity it appea r s that Schuyler is "running scared," to bigger cities mean anything. They are just as pleased with prospects for more building, business capable of having good business as they are of and growth but fearful of what the long-term re- having good basketball tearn.'! and they aim to be suIts wUl be downtown. winners 00 main street or on the cage court.

A Fremont leader said if Fremont had pre- It is easy to overlook the threat of a shopping pared rive years ago to meet the competiUon of center here because as far as is known no we a shopping center it would not be in the precarious has suggested one. However, no one suggested situatloo it I.s in now. He said some signs of a one at Schuyler ooe day and the next day tt was downtown comeback appear possible with more off- an idea that was making the rounds. street parking being provided. Di.d Schuyler wait Wltil too late? Is all lost?

Fremont leaders visited towns that have made WUl downtown Schuyler become an area cI vacant malls of main streets, have converted property stores, a detriment rather than an asset? Knowing in front and In back of stores Into parking areas Schuyler, it Is ea.!y to say "No!" to -each of these and have made other moves to keep oosiooss questlons. Now answer the same questions about coming to the downtown area. Business places Wayne. Be truthful: What would your reactioo be accessible from both rroot and roar are a popular if you heard a shopping center was to be establl.shed cooception to meet shopping center competition. just outside Wayne'?

So much ror Fremont.TheSchuylermonwho Pleasant dreamS-just don't sleep too heard about Fremont's pl~ht were C'hamber of Com- long. - CEG.

Kids Are Some people have mighty short memories.

Older, wiser and grouchier now, they sometimes rorget that kids ve people and are deserving do. consideration,

Examples of bad manners, rude, crude and uncouth handling or a child attempting to do some­thing constructive and some uncalled-ror vile language was given last week while Cub Scoots (in a town we won't embarrass by ldentifying) were putting out Goodwill bags ror items to help the people at GoodwUI Industries support them­selves.

"Get that d- thing out of here I" one irate man said to the well-meaning Cubs who brO\l!:ht a Goodwill bag to the door. At another house a lady (?) treated the Cubs just as nasty without anY vulgarity.

These same people will be the ones who coo­denm younger people for their behavior. They will "tto;', t5k" at some of the activities of t~ young and yet they cannot rind enough kindness In their hearts to encourage these youngsters who are on1,y ~ to do a good turn as they work 00 a

People prcgram that is aimed at t:unli.ng them into better adults.

Why 1s it some people cannot remember that they were young ooce? Why can't the) be civil to the young? Why are they bitter atout all actlvtties of' teenagers, coodemnirl8 them as a group for the misguided efforts of a few?

If all of the aduh world were to be ju:lged by the actioos or just two people last week, there would be some mighty wails r1 protest. As it is, only a few will know who did what they did. Some­one should have a guilty conscience.

Kids are little peqlle. It is to be hoped they will grow up to be nice people-a heck a. a lot nicer than some ri. the grown-ups some en­countered recentl,y. Thank gocrlness the two men­tioned are the exceptioos and not the rule - re­member that the next time you condemn an entire age group because ci the actions eX a few. After all, somewhere someone may be engaged in some activity that is not exactly a credit to the age groop to which they beloog-and it could be YOOT age grou,pJ-CEG.

Not at Norfolk; Part II lltst week The Herald indicated' displeasure

over the handling r:J. the district basketball tooma­ment at Norfolk. The people were niee en~h but the facilities simply are not there.

For the coaches of the area, here is more food for thmght. South Sioux City, Norfolk, ColUm­bus and. Fremmt played the Class A tournament on the Columbus court; North Platte. Scottsbluff, Alliance and Ger~ played a Class A tournament 00 the Seatt.blulf court; Randolph and Randolph st. Frances played a district tournament on the RI--E court both teams use; Wakefield was host to the Class C tournament in which it participated.

Want to know something? Of those tournaments, on1y C;:o1umbus woo among the home teams in­volved. Wakefield had a better team ttan its season

Pig scours? Ask for ••• PURINA Pura-Mycin

Jndicates and still lost at home. Scctt.sbluff is always good on its home court and had played North Platte even-eteven duri.!1l the seasoo tu lost at home during the tourney. Randolph had a bettefl­than-average team but couldn't win at home.

Next year let's have the tournameot where the facilities are - at Wayne State College. Ask the fans who had to stand. rutside and hope far a seat or else drove to Norfolk ooly to be tw"ned away. This happened two nights in a row and it was not necessary.

The NSAA needs the money. If nothirg else, let the NSAA decIde where the tournaments will be. TIten this pettiness tl11t has entered the pic­ture can be dispensed with and teams can get down to the business c1 playirg basketball.- CEG.

March Busy for Some ~lIen High Students

March is a 00sy maJtb for some studeots at Allen Hjgh Sehool. TIe past 'In!ek they bad the Lewis & Clark speech fest!­.aI at IIartiIwIoa and now are ~!orthree ........... _ wDI lake them 10 further c....,.,tltlaoi.

Feeder pigs with scows snap out of trouble fast with Purina Pura-Mycin in their drinking water. Pura-Mycin is a liquid Terramycin prod­uct that's a "natural" to use when bacterial enteritis hits your hQgs.

medication barrel or auto­matic wat.er proportioner. It's easy to mix, works fast, won't freeze in cold weather. Hogs go right on eating and drinking while Pura-Mycin goes to work.

Mrs. Ed KeUy is ~ to lake her-'Iothestote fine arts !estbal In Llnc:oID 1Iar_ 29-30. Todd Toel!er wDI lake fwr voc:alists to the mnsIc: dIvi­

. SIoo ~ the lesliftl the same -.. ~ -.. has two big .-~ ... foI'FFA..mem­bora.. A _k ~ tum wDI go 10 the _ at SlIm

Stop in or phone and ask YoucanaddPura-Mycinto us for a gallon of Purina drinki~g water through a Pura-Mycin.

FEEDERS ElE'# ATOR,. INC. Cily liar. 15 and the FFA wDI _the __ 1D

LiDI:oID liar. 28-30. ___ Baa-

""'"- Bob A-..a. IcQ Carr ODd BIll Soe_ are .. tile , _~team.

R .... __ 11IoW __ W_,.

(for your own sake, use your seat belts)

~ Published 10 save lives In cooperation With The Advertising CounCil and the National Safety CounCil Fo, free copy of Seat Belt Fact Sheet write N S C 425 No Michigan Avenue. Chicago. III 60611

Nebraska Bridges Bridge-making in ~ebraska has

awarently come 8 lOll!: way, from the pioneers' rough con­structions to the modern steel and concrete spans of Interstate 80 which now cross the Missouri River. But although many early bridges may not have been 8S

durable, some were definitely more unique than their modern­day counterparts.

The ~ebrask:a State Historical Soc1ety has pictw-es and a de­scription of one such bridge9

built across the MLsscw-i River at Nebraska City.

The bridge was composed ri sections floating on the surface (j the water. This floating bridge, or pontoon bridge, could be open­ed to allow river OOa.ts to pass by. Its rutlders claimed it was the "only draw bridge opened and closed by the river ttself, dis­pensing with steam e~lnes, fuel and ergineer."

The bridge could be opened to a width of 540 feet, whlc h the builders claimed to be the "largest draw in the world." Harper's Weekly featured a pic­tw-e d. the bridge in 1ts issue of Sept. 22, 1888, and nct.ed that the bridge "is said to be the longest of its kind in t~ world;'

Con&truction began In Novem­ber, 1887, and was completed on June 8, 188&.. The bridge was used In the summer and Call of. that year. During the winter, the nallting sections were taken out do the river, and crossings were made on the iee. The p0n­

toon sections were replaced In the spring d. 1889, but melting Ice caused the river to rise and fall canst:antly. and they were soon washed rut.

The pcmoons were never re­placed. Just seven days after the completion of the floating bridge, the. Burlington Railroac\ bad completed a steel span over

the Missouri a short distance away.

or much longer life was a bridge constructed across the North Platte River about 3 miles west of the pre sent town r1 Bridge­port. Henry Clarke, a bridge builder for the Unl00 ?acUlc Railroad, directed the project.. The bridge was CClnBtructed en­tirely ~ wood which had been transported by raU and wagon from~, llllnoJA, &.ndDeven­port, Iowa.

C):lened May 10, 1876, the bridge was known as the Clarke Bridge. It was tec hnlcally de­scribed as "a sixty-(J[W span truss bridge" and was alxU 2,000 feet In length. It. ph<t""""h may be lound. on the cover do N&­braska History for September, 1959. Desp11e heavy loads, ice and floodS, the bridge stocd ror 25 years..

Althoog h its purpose was to facilitate the movement of men and S1..lppliestothem.inJ.ngregions or· the Black H.llls, the Clntgroup to cross the bridge was not going TO the Black HIlls, but coming BAC K In disappointment and disgust..

Probably the most tmIque bridge ever attempted In Nebras­ka, perhaps even In the United States, was unsuccessful.. Begin­ning In 1874, John J. Cozad.. the fwnder d the tmm d Cozad, spent a great deal r:1 money trying to build a sod bridge across the Platte River south d Cozad..

He planned to pile sod abwt 200 or 30 0 !eet out into the river, then leave space d 100 or 200 feet which would be spanned by an

~:..~ ~odldg=~'::::"~;: another bridge, ~ lDlt:ll the river was completely croesed.. Unfortunately. C07lId le!t ""bra&­ke ip 1882, and the project ended unsuccessfully.

'Tis A Fine Time for

Celebrating So

!DINE and DANCE 'to the Music of ARnE SCHMIDT and His Combo

March 16 at


poq,Io _ ro~ 10 .... tho -._

GS AGO who MIl -. prorIdod lar tho 00 ........ (1'..­... !Ida and • llitIo IlIOn doIcrilltlon. tho __ ~ tilt II!l.aala, tho toooer. IDII tho pr\cM ... YEARS

THIS WEEK Tho Wayne IIol'lid. Mar. 12, 1903

About a million or leal number r1 tNehtn loft wlynO Saturday mom'" 10 atlOlld tIJololehor. rneethw at Emerson.

Iqan Creek, sCKAh r1 town overflowed its banks Friday DIg~, owq to the lmmense amount r1 water running into it Friday dur_ the tt.". Most fA the 8no" has dlsappeared and a great deal r1 the frost I..s: out r1 the ground.

Misl Leona Hunter, one d. the l.ead1rw teach­ers at Manlla, in the PhUlpplne Islands, hal received notice (rom this government, that her salary has been increased to $1,200 per year, U.s, milDey. Wayne comrty can .... ell appTeC"late this mark d talent in one. d her dat,g!"ters.

It would be 8 good thing II Cuba Wh a part r1 your Uncle Sam's domain. A lot at time t.od legislation would then be saved. CEditor1a1 com­men!).

J. R. Mundy has put 8 new light plant in hia store which mnkes hiB store showup lngood shipe. Our "I John" 18 always ready to rM in new im­provements. (Winside News).

Sherman Gllmore r1 Columbus, an expert l'orse shoer, hils leased the premises vacated by Horace Gregory and wUl engage In the horse shoelJw business. Gandy of Wisner will occupy the Lewis buUd~ near Rundells with a confectionary stare and Ed. A. Johnson wIll establish a large rumi­ture business 10 the buUdirt: north 01 Terwilliger Bros., recently vacated by Taylor Store.

A record breaker in Nebraska was the sale eX Short Horn Cattle-age considered, held at Strahan & Wernock's barn In this city last Satur­day afternoon, at which time Carey M. Jooea ci Dubuque, Iowa, sold ror Wm. Lessman, one c4 the prosperous farmers 1lviJ"w a few miles north-­east c:I. Wayne, thirty head of. Short Horn Cattle for $3,425. The sale was a most remar~ble me and clearly demonstrates that It pays to raise thoroughbred (sic) cattle, when tt ls known tmt (ive of the animals were under one year ~ age and twelve under two years of age. The day was a beautiful one over head and for a long t[1T\l! so many people have not been seen on the streets d. Wayne, in one day. The ten buUs and twerrty heller&, were sold in less than two hours and the

11-. Soma ~ tho .......... , FIft/I a- ~ PIouart Rldre. Jolin IIr'l!taI. IilAbol'l' ..... ez»­lop price paid, PrIne .... B. p. Poteraco, car.. roll, '120, IlQl'tlSeote-". Out. W-...s, W ... !laid, '100, 1loiii DuIIo. P. II. Corbit, W_ "00, DuIIo ~ Prlneon. F, E. StrtbtA, w.,..,., '100), ~ tho !act tlltt tho rOICIa _

the ""l'It ~ tho ...... llIty.au-oo w ..... _ teachera lot to the train. to attend tho ))tm .... .oclat1crl t1 the teaet.r. r1 Dlxon, Dakota, 'tlur .. ton and Wayne cOd'lt1ea. held at Emar.:m lUI; Satunlly.

<Ale bridge eut ~ Wayne, oa the L.c:po lind two west on Deer Creek and Lqpn Creek ".re washed out to' tM hIIh water Saturdlrnielit..

N1neteen clr load. d. cattle were .~ from Wtyno '" Omaha late StmdaJ' nl4l~ the trIIo havt.., boon delayed "'"'" '" the .... tnt be­tween Wayne and Waket1.eld. Amq the .htwer. "ere VI. S. Brown, £11 Re .... lard. J. C. ForbIl, W. H. Buetow, J ... J. Alpr d Wayne, The P'r'1ce Bros. and Len Neddhlm fA Wlnaide, bedda. sevenl loedl from Carroll and Randolph.

Randol:>h tad on dopooU March 4th, tilt blip_ check ever drawn In flOlthIAJtern NebralKa.. n. piece t1 paper La al.ined ~ Sherman ~I. too Bloomfleld banker. and cUll for the payment ct $103,000 In do .... the dotl I", tilt bioi PIa!zIor latxI sale a. last AlVUSt. The dell caU. for Itnt transfer d ',600 &ere. d. i.m,proved Laod lD Cedar. Wayne and Pterce CCU1t1e., U. purehiae price being S167,900 and the bqera a ~ ci Randolph men. The lnt4 reat on the ;m'C~ price amounta to about f225 prltr ... k.

Ralph Benedict, tMcher i.'l • rural dUtr1ct near Blair, W3. Ilrrested two WMk.. aeOOO I clarKe r1 cruelly whipping a 13-year..o!d rlrl. n. ~h­era main defense wa. tbU the airl had t..J di&obed1.ertt and saucy in her larwuIrP durq U. woole term d. school. The cro"d wa. 10 I.ar1"e the 1udire had to adjourn to the county court roam.. much lntereat beiJll: taken in the outcome r:1 U. case. The jury dl~eed and Bened1:et will law to be tried aga1o.

Two men arrived from Chlcae-o la .. week to put In the new pipe organ at the Methodist Clu"c:h.. A fine pr~ram will be arranged for the ~ which wUl occur when the 10strument t. rMI:ty for service.

A. G. Bergt 01. Altooa, was a Wayne vUltor Saturdlly.

Four Draw Fines in

Court First of Week

Gene Claussen, Wayne, paid $10 rlne and $5 court costs for crver­time par~, orncer Ron Pen­ler1ck riling tt.l complaint.

$10 tine and "5 coata t~ aa.m­day on • IIop • "'" v\o1atIorl craree, Trooper Terry Rarerl, Nebraska State Patrol, waa com­pla~ofncer.

F oor were fined In county court Monday and Wednesday of lallt wee~ They all answered chargee d. trattlc violations.

.. hearing was held Mar. 4.

Three hearllws were held Mar. 6. Terry Miller, Columrus, pald $15 tttal fine and costa OIl • speeding charge. Trooper C. Hoeman, NSP, fUed charges.

Sandahl, Wayne, pald

Gayle Vollmer, Beemer, pald SIS fine and costs m a spM6-lng ct-arge. otncer M.lvtn l.&mb signed the complaint.






KEITH JECH, CL.U 375-1429 4{)8 Logan, Wayne

~ Dependable I nsurarce


Mayor -Dr Wm A. Koeber 375-3584

City Treasurer -Leslie W. ElDJ _. 37~2t:t'3

City Clerk -Dan Sherry 315·2842

City Attorney -J onn V. Addi&on _ . .375-3115


BOB LUND It.caurod Pbarmadil

SAV·MOR DRUG Pboae 37.5-1""

Councilmen - ---::-===-==-:-=0---~ ri"1~':;lth . __ ;:;t: _-,O_PT_O::..M_fT_R_I..::S_T __

I r.~k'Ku.~:~a_;:;t= w. A. KOEBER, 0.0. R H. Banister _. __ .-375-_ OPTOMETlUST Bob McLean ... 375-2313

POLlCE 375-2826 111 Wen ZDd Phone 3'THlA6 FIRE Csll 375-1122 Wayne. Nebr HOSPITAL 375-3800 _____ -,---___ _


111 West 3rd Wayn~ Jug~~d J Harne!' 375-1622 ---------- Sherif{: Don Weible __ 375-1911

Formers Ins. Group I DS~~~·ThompsOD 315-l389 All Your Insurance Needs Supt.: Gladys portn _.315-ITn FAST - FAIR - FRIENDLY Treasurer·

Leona Bahde 375-3885 CLAIM SERVICE Clerk of District Court:

CHRIS E. BARGHOLZ John T. Bres,ler 37,._

--------George L. John, M.D.


114 Eut 3rd St:reet Office PboDe 31.5-UTl

Phon, 375~2764 Wayn, A~~~~.~ent ... 37,.3310 ELECTRICIANS Assistance Direct:or: ----------


WIRING CONTRACTORS To Fit All Your Needs In Reliable Companies

State "'ational Bank Phone 315-1130 122 Main

Don Reed __ .375-3585

Veteran.s Service Officer: Farm - Home - Commerd&l Chria Bargbo\> -.-375-27"

Pbone ;r;5-2l!22 W._, Nebr. Commissioners:

DisL 1 __ .-1obn Surber Din. 2 ~ __ George StolJ: YfTERIN' 8·· .. S ~ct3 p;:;,b.-_--Offiu:.,D.vt. ---,---,---""'--"-"'-~

William E>'DOD ~375-1250 WAYNE


Pbooe :maD IrK v_ 011 duI7

Willis Johnson, agent STATE FARM INS. co~

AUTO - LIFE - FIRE Prompt, Personal Serviee

llDi. North ~ Wayne OD By. 15 TRIANGLE FINANCE 1 mile east OD 7th street

Office, 375-3<70 - Jles~, 375-.... Personal _ Mochinery ---S-E-R-Y-I-C-ES----.:..

Northwestern Mutual and Automobile Loans WAYNE .

Life _ \857 Pbooe 375-= 1115 W. 2Dd



112 West 20d ~""""'""' Bldg. 375-1811 or Res. 315-21.17


Tiedtke Plumbing . Heating & Appliances

First Nationot Bonk INVESI'lfENTS SAVINGS



S. S. Hillier. D.C. sa..m_·5p.m.

us West 3nI I'lL lm-3Io5O 1IoIL, Ths .. 'l'IIurs., Fri.

Wed.. Sat.


Loeal J..~ O::-Grala!laaliotf. Ward'. lIIv.m.se BoIledoo '

FIIrgnxmd A ..... I'IxIPa 375-21# ~ a NI&Ido __


Sale E • ...,,· 'l'nesday


i' 1



I ~

Page 3: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

ICI~h.n Ut.nlill Aid' J~,oYic.I in Millinery , ,~It'-h members c( Acme

,llll,ib make no pretellJe c( bo", ."""rt. In the mUllnery Ileld. ~ did prOVe that "excltlJwh tlNattm. could be 14lhlmed from artlcles 'round In the home. All JIli8mber. modeled homemade

,dltpeaua at M9fldars meetbw In the home ~ Mrs. Hazel Brel~ Jer.

·jMrs. Allan Wittig was rvuned ,t~p, winner with her sprq bon-­

: ~~' fashioned ol tresh vegetables. :~8. Martha Biermann won sec-0\1~ prize with a hat mad. c( Ion 4,~'orated with plasUc forks and eJ~s,etc.

',i'Mar. 18 meeting will be held at Miller's Tea Room with Ptirs. :,~~rmann 8S hostes.

TUES, & THURS, "10 P,M,


Betrothal Announced Lt. Col. .... Mn. J ..... E.

ea ... lberry. wUUamabarl. h •• .......,. tbo _._ Ittbolr

daLVlUr., JCIID, to Nar71a A. Nle1 .. n, lIOn of Mr. an4I Mr •• Elmer N"Ioon, WInoIdo. I

. M1Bs Casselberry 18 • r4!8i .. tered medical assistant [preaerJt.. ly employed at the U~lV8r11ty c1 Nebraska Hospital, 1 Omaha.

Church Wom.n SponlOr World Do," of POroy.r

Sewnb'-ft .. perloal ..,.. pn_"" World DI¥ c( Pn,yor Benke. Mar. ~ II Firat IIII1IIII Chureh. Mr.. Nlldrocl Wool .... ~. Mr •• JllI:honl Cor\Jon, ac._1ec1 it' MIl, _eon, _.0010.

Rev. Frank PederHDpve the meditation and benediction.. ,.. ..... PlITt In the eorvlc. wer • member. fl. st. Paul'. Lutheran, Redeemer Lu~her.n. First Method"t, Fir" BaIJlllt and UnIted Presbyterian Church.

Morllot McKoy 5",0'" At Central Club Meet

Morgot MeKay. exehilJWe _ dent from AuItnUa, hu been buoy IIIl1ng .pooldlw_ ...... 10< clubo throughout tho ...... Tuoldly .~ ..... guell c:I. Central Social 'Circle In the home f1 Mrs. ArlaOO Thies. Miss McKay showed elides d. her homeland and Inlwered que5-tlOOI tor club members cmcern­h¥J eustoms In Australia, Apr. 2 rneetUw will be wtth Mrs. Alvin WUlers.

Royal Neighbors Meet Royal Neighbor, met Tuesda.Y

at the Woman's Club Room with 12 members present. Mrs. Rich­ard Banister and Mrs. Ivan Jen­sen were in charge ~ serving. Next meeting is Apr. 2.

Sh. trained 18 months ~. a lab BC Club Meeting Held ~~=,a~~JJvtan OIpltal, Be Club met Mar. 1 with Mrs.

Her fiance, a 1966 graduate Virginia Johnsoo with 10 mem­cL the University ci Wlsconllln, _ bers present. Prizes went to Mrs. Is employed by the l)lebl"a8ka Lm Soden and Mrs. V I c tor Division of Employmeqt. As a Kn1es.che. Apr. 5 meet~ wUI pitt time graduate st~ he ~ with Mrs. Kniesche. has attendedWayne5tate:College. North Dakota State Un,1versity. University (( Montana 4nd Oma­ha Municipal Unlversit3r. He 18 working toward a ll}8st.er of science degree in, applied s4?C lolcgy.

A July wedding I. being plan­ned.

Mar. 4: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grone, Wayne, a son, Edc James, 9 Ibs., 5 oz •• Wayne HoSpital.

Mar. 6: ,Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wlsness. Mlimeapolis, MInn., a daughter, Angela Marie, 6 lbe., 9 oz. Grandmother is ~8. Har­old Gunnarson, Cmcord.

Charmi Fund -(Continued from page 1)

Doc Roberts. Erwin Hene:chke, Bob Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Wacker;

First National Bank, Wayne. Albert Soules, Roy Christensen, Ed Smith, Mel v i n Samuelsoo. Otto Saul, Heinie Wehrer. Frank Weible, Alice Davis, Susi~ Wert, Dorothy Llveringhouse. Jim Kah-ler, Mike Draghu, Anton Peder­sm. Joe Lowe. Anonymous, Goldenrod Club. Jimmy Hummel, Griess Rexall Drug, Mrs. David Lutt.

Pat Atkins, John Owens. Anooymoust Howard Witt, Vern Schulz. Roy Langemeter. Alvina Bush, James Bush, Ed Ccfiman.

Th~~~¥."~·"~H:",Y@,IgJ. :' Sert'ing NOfth.a .. Nebrasko', Great Farming Ar~

State Award Wi_ner NATIONAL NEWSPAPER _'

+U:2~~~§: 19 . ~7 -""

General beellenee C~nte,t Nebraska Pre" A."o~'iation

Gordon Maronde, Larry Koehl­moos, August Dorman, Dick Karo, Rod Hughes, Letoy Echten-

,,,"- JaclONUes. -"~-~ObS;'~oyd Hedrick,

Harry Kay. Dean Bnaeman, Ross Porterfield, Albert Ltm­dahl, Marra Home Improvement. H..,he, R .. I Estate. Alvin R_. Annie Casson, Susie Perrin, Kurt R. J. Hanson, Carl Nurenberger. Adolph Baier and Sixth GradeSun­day School Class at st. Paul's Lutheran Church.

114 Main St,Ht Wayne, N.b,uka 61717 Phone 17S·HII

Established in 1875, a n~wspaper published semi-weeklv,1 Monday and Thursday (except holidays), bv J. Alan Cramer, elltered in the postoffi~e at Wayne, Nebraska 68787'1 as second dhs mail matter. R~lurn Postage Guaranteed. ,

ChiS Greenlee 1 Jim Man~ News Editor I Business Manager

~:::r~o~ T~:v;':Yli~er~~~a~~I~::s Th~lr:f:r~r:O:tr~t~;a~~t ~aac~~p~~ rqr free publlcalion. "

Official H •• spa.,., of the City of W,vne, the County of Wayne and th. State of "r',a.ka

SUBSCRIPTION itA-TIES In «rayne Pierce Cedar· Dixon Thur~on CuminJ/: - Stanton and Madison counties, $6.50 per year, SS for SIX months, SJ 2) (or Ihree months. Outside counties men lone'd. 57.!j,() Rer vear, •. 00 (or six, months, $4.75 for three mont s Single copies IOc_

Junior Leaders -(Continued from page 1)

other benefits to earn the money for this year's trip.

Girls, ladies and tiny tots are asked to bring box hmches for two. In previous years the high­IJght cL the evening has been little boys start bidding.

Jim Warner, Allen. and Jerry JlD1ck, Carroll. will aurtim off the box lunches. Junck will also call for the square dance.

All residents of the area, square dancers or not, are invited to the affair starting at 8 p.m. [t should be fun and it will be helping some y~ people who have worked two years on a worthy project.


. I .

We have just completed remF,ling and invite yo\.! in t~

'browse around and see all QUI' many improvements. I


New Winside Superintendent, Principal Tbo WIYM ~.) Ilerald. -.. March II. IOf ••

A now I ..... r_ ..... lie hoe ta.lt II C"'IIopId. <eIIIocI!rom tbo IC>IIoIrqI 1Ir.. Children s Play Has Extra Showing prlncljJll '/llv. been h1rec! lor' IIId R_II ..... WI. plio pr1n- Jame. Tr ........ 22 f ..... In Boca_ c( oolklut .rowdIlI tor., PrlocUia S_lalll .... tbo 19l1~9 term II. WIn.1de eljlol II tlN\ 1attor town. lie _ tbo 1Y1Io ... mIIb .... bIoI!lIY, provloul chlldno'. pIor. ., J_ Morl~. ocq. rna .... ra; ...bll< SchOol •• contracta...... to Wood ... ke II ..... .-nt 8W Schmllt. plly.1taI ~ WIYM State Collole. "All .. In ...... Eo« , and Pam ww ..... . .Iined the po.t week' with M.·.... then .pont nv., yoera at .... _ .. I lrio, Mr •• 8U1 W_r....,.· wUl bo pro-.d chorqriphera; Ste .. M!\lnll .. J. "Joe" Masten, Or~tard, to Orctard, the rtJ'lt two years Schmitt. Spanlah; one extn performaDCI. acc0r6- Steve'Ta)'lor,Johnl.1ndahl.,TVI"')' be superintendent, and Ron as principal and the Jait three Judene Zechln. bomea:aldrw .. to Dr. ~"len Rua .. ll,t11rector Karel, Drad }'ord, nlct.rd Kue~ Kramer, Pierce. to be prfnClpaJ. years a. superintendent. and cherniatryj Darrel Fuelbtrtb. ~ theatre at the collie.. ler and "(In Wachholh. Itq,

Masten :rtW succeed James Hle wtle is the rormer Ella mathemaUcl and tclanc •• Mr.. The production wUl 'bI pr. c~w; ChrlJtensen. who Is 1ea~ the Marte Miner, Plerce.1'he¥ tave Carol Maronde. EQsUlh; Mr.. Iem.d at 1 p.m. Agr. 3, 4, 5 l.inda Knoebol, ('.rol.rn~'a.afQ', system. Krtlmer ",m be the rtrst tour ch11dren, Joey, 10; Jean R~h Pull. third aradeiudDavtd and fi and at 8 p.rn. Apr. 5. r~Of'iia 1l91">', Judy Mooaoo. rulltime principal WI.nJk!e hi... Marie. 8; and Ronnie andDonnle, Robinson. history and 1PMCh. It will be the tnh annual ('bUd- l..ImI Cantln end Rlta f~llne •• had In a oomber 01 years. 7. Ctnracta have been.!pled ren'. production tor the dra- PllnI. crew; Vicki Ankentar and

The new super1ntendent t. a At the same tlnie ttv, board by the followq: Pete KrqJp, mallc. department. Nancy Wolt.,r., publklty dlllr· native d WalthUl, gradtJlt~ announced these !'lanqs. It an- driver's educatloo, Induatrlal Beverly Fultn.r tal been men; Arne Nelson, Lana firennan. from hlgh school In 1948. He lMUIced elgft teachers at Win- arts. phYsical education and foot~ choMn to play Alice. ()'ter leadl S h I r ley lIosllitlo, S ha ron served four years in the navy side fave Tes1ped. With the ball c<JlCh; Mrs. Pete KroIJp, are: Steve Mlllnitz &I tt. Whtte Doescher and Mary Wol~, pub-and then went to Wayne State ~ resignation at Supt. Christensen, musici Jim Connick, phyatcal ~bblt; Susan CtXMI, and EHzabeth lIcl~- crew; Culleee, graduating with his' it makes nine leavqthesystem. education. Ubrary and.l::alketbllll Rldao as Tweedlodee and Twoe- Marjorie Frescheltc nod AIlcf bachelQl"I degree In 1958. ResUmatlons have been ac- c(JlChi Mrs. Marionlvenan.aev.. dledum; Ron Wachholtz II the lIenchetd, costume dosIeneTl;

enth and el.ihth; Mrs. FauneU Mad Hatter; and RI~hard Kuebler Linda flOUndli, F.Ueen Hlltzk1li.

Adult Health Film Topic Lynch, commercial; al the March llare. PhylllA McMullen, Kathy Max~

Mrs. Reba Mann, kinderpr- Other cast members aM! Steve well, Joyce Rasmus80nand KathY ten; Mrs. Ruth Grone, flrst; Mrs. Taylor, Jean StadIllI, Chrll L<q{, seaMstreSM'ls; Claudia Shirley Trautwein. second; B<cer, Gary Ehlert, Rita Mines. Thomas, ("hrls Bc;w:er, Jean

An adult health pr<lrnm open out that the death rate Crom to the pubUc wllI be held Tuesday, some types oC cancer could be Mar. 12. at 7:30 p.rn. in the cut 100 per cent If women would

Gladys Reichert. Courth; Mr.. Mary Welke, Linda Garvln, Arne Stadlzt:. Ka,lhy MIIJleldl. Debbie Lola Breuler. fifth; and Mrs. Nelson. Brad Ford. Terry Karel, McClure, Leslitl Brown, ('hrls Lena Mlller. sixth. KathY Mia!eldt. Debble McCltve Cook, DOOI)8 Tchrilller, Marva

Winside Auditorium under sJ)OO- see doctors early and wOuld have sorshlp ci the Winside Federated pap tests once a year. Woman's Club. LWlg cancer is the tq,ic 01 an-

FUms wllI be shown from the ~her fUm that wUl be shown Amertcan Cancer SocietY with If it arrives in time. It concerns Mrs. Chris Tletgen In charge as- the e ff e c t B of smoking In de­sisted by Mrs. Allred Sievers. terioratlng the lungs. Dr. George John wlll answer There is no charge Cor the questions concerning points program and all adults are wel­brqht up In the rums. come. Following the pr~m

Breast cancer and uterine can- and discussion period, Winside cer are the main subjects cover- FWC members wUl serve re­ed in the ACS fUms. They point rreshments.

Name Winside Girls State Delegate PhylI1s Prince, daughter \0(

Mr. and Mrs. CecU PrimB, Win­side, has been selected as the Winside High School delegate to Girls State. She will attend the annual week~long event in Lincoln next June.

Miss Prince is a jlHlior at the high school. She appears on the honor roll regularly, has taken part In music, has been a member or Spanish Club three years and was class treasurer he.r freshman year.

'She is vice president of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. At the church she is also a member of the junior choir.

Her alternate is emnie Deck. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Deck. The delegate from Winside is sponsored eac h year by the Legion Auxiliary. Confirmation ~ the acceptance of a Winside delegate was received the oast week.

Phyllis Prince

Elettion Campaign 1 at Winside, High Winside, High School is having

a bonafide' election campaign in preparation for County Govern­ment Day Wednesday, Mar. 20. Pupils even have to register in order to be eJ.~ible to vote.

Registration forms areob­tainable from an electioo commit­tee of Diane Mann, Donna Krue­ger or Nancy Jones. These in­clude places for checking to see if there is an unexcused absence on the record, passing grades are being maintained and citizen­ship endorsement by two faculty members has been obtained.

'Ave F. Keith Wacker and Hollie Carr N; assessor, Jim Jackson and Renee Langenberg F, Andy Mann and Hetty Anderson N; attorney, Robert Wacker and Dan Bruggeman ~F, Bob Farran and Ellen Andrews N;

Commissioners, Susan Hamm, Patty Hoeman, Jim Rabe and Tom Witt F, Lee Trautwein, Kathy Pfeiffer and Beverly Gallop N; judge, Lee Trautwein and Patty lloeman F, Patty Hoeman and Lee Trautwein N; and super­intendent, Leon Hossman and Patty Ave F, Patty Ave and Leon Hussman N.

language Disability Groups Making Study

Committees working on a pos­sible Title m prceram on speell1c language disablllty 8re ma~ a study 01 future action. A brl> chure 's one d. the prime projects of interest with five committees named to prepare information.

At a meeting laat week. it was learned the public must be made aware ci the need for auch a prcwram and information on the prCWram must be disseminated

~d~,e::::~s~~Jar:':rJ:; means £1 contact with the general public.

Topics assigned include: What is specific language disabUity? Mrs. Milton Oweosi What are Its characteristics? Mrs. Leland F~e and Mrs. Cletus Sharer; What is being done about It in Northeast Nebraska? Mrs. Etta Fisher; What can be done about it? Mrs. Henry Ley; and What would be the plan for Northeast Nebraska. Loren Park and Harry Mills.

Amther group that met is a unit working on diagnosis and ldentification of specific language disabilities. This group is work­ing on getting standardized tests to help teachers recognize the disabUity and is preparing Q.ues­tionnaires to be used in getting l:ackground information from parents.

~ext meeting for the first­flamed group is Monday. Apr. 1. at 4:15 p.rn. There are also other sections meeting in smaller ~oups concerned with the young­sters needing help who might be served through a Title m prl> p-am on specific language dis­ability.

4-H Club New. Happy Homemakers

Happy Homemakers Club met Mar. 5 at the Gordon Neder­gaard home. wUh all members pre sen t. Members discussed making skirts. Apr. 5 meetq will be at the Dean Pierson home. Mary Poehlman, reporter. The p rim a r y campaign ran

Mar. 5 to Mar. 8 with the primary election Mar. 12. Then will follow the general electioo campaign Mar. 12-1.5 with the electioo Mar. 18 and the results made known Mar. 19.

Secretaries of the freshman, sophomore and senior classes

~o~ci::s ~~;!:ryOC:~ tll

If you're shopping for color TV ••.

eligible since juniors are running for offices. The three girls named above are their class sec­r:.etaries.

Lyqne Troutman is chairman for tile Federal Par\y and Denise Hansen is her National Party counterpart. Each party has se-. lected two candidates to nm for each office, except commis­siemers, there being one Cor each of those with one excepf.ioo.

Following are the primary slates (F for Federal, N for Na­tional): Clerk, Glenda Marris and Patty Frevert F, Denise Hansen and Phyllis Prince N; clerkdthe district court; Lynne Troutman and Linda Longe F. SOndra Coul· ter and Peggy Eckert N;

Sheriff'l Kevin Brockmoller and Stanley stenwall F, Leon Huss­man and' Lorence Johnson N; treasurer, Cmnie Deck and Patty

Dixon Firemen Go to Two Fires in One Day

Dixon v oIW11eer Fire Deparc,. ment made two nms Tuesday. They respooded wOOD Cmcmd VFD WI8 called to the Evert Johnson farm early Tue.,. lIlOnll!w IDd thou were c:aIIod to • minor !he tbII aftemo<D.

, Tho '!IhlO< lire _ beIdad

• the pool ofIlee. Trasb bad been _ '* mo~ .... !he _8 noticed in the dry grass a 1IttIe.1IIe'r DO<Il.

1'be firelllmedacrassavacant kit ... IIri!meu hOd no trouble gettfog the IJames ... There .... a IjgIIt breeze 00 the IJames did 'lOt travel _ .... !hemeu _''1110~ ..... to .remo" . 0IaDces 'f#. the file

; blazlqrtil_. :I"~-~·'-

better look into this one

h-II the ',Motorola Quasar .. '. with the ",orks in a druu. The \\01"11.1.: ten tnbekes. plu~.in modulea. The onl\' thing in the chaw that e,-co loob like a lube ill -lbe rectifier. Result: IIta ..... t.borne depend. .billh·. and faat. lo",.COI!l main~. Look i!110 it. \\eJU.,-c it_

~ . The Motoro~ Quasar

Color TV with the works in a drawer

Ll ,W. (Bud) McNqtt

and John Lindahl. Menlce. Suwnne Poarloo and lIandUng the tKhnlral work F.lIzaOOOl Itldno, property crew;

will be larry Lar:sen and Froo and ~n(') Wolters and Vicki Wlglrwton as t.ectmlcal d1rf;c· l\nkerSlnr, houf'l! rT\o'\tlllill.'fs.

Over 200 Expected for Conference Over 200 teachers, and pos­

sibly as many ae 350, are ex· pec:ted ror the rea-lanai confer· ence at the Nebraska Councll £1 Teachers 01 E~lish Saturda} , Mar. 23. at Wayne State College. It Ls one d. three such confer· ences planned in the state_

Mrs. Mary Ellen Sundell, Wakefield. and Mrs. Elizabeth Finn. Laurel, are c(H?halrmen. Advance reservations are neees­sary and are being made by con-­tactlng Mrs. Sundell.

The session is open to all NSEA DIstrict m elementary. secondary and college Engllsh teachers and librarians. Schools near District III have also been lrivlted to send representatives and parochial and rural teachers ,have been extended invitatIons.

In all. arQWld 1,000 teachers are eligible for Hit: conference. They represent ,around 75 schools.

ThiB year's theme {ocUBes 00 the concept oC the hero and its development from kindergarten thr~h senior grades. Thirteen outstanding teachers have been selected to explain their methods d. teac~, devices used. illus­trate relevant visual and audio aids and conduct a question and ans wer period.

Among these 13 are these teachers from the immediate

~.: F~~~A~~~Zie:~: Mildred BrowneU and Mrs. Shlr-

Ie) Hammer. Wakclleld; and Mr8_ Jud,} ~ewtOfl and Mrs. Maxine ilaUtch. l.aurl'l.

Morning sel'tlonllis will examine first, third, fifth. seventh, nloth andeleventh grades. Mtcrnoorl 8e<:tiooala wUl examIne the remalnl~ Rradcs with the 13tcurherspartldpatlni in a panel dlscusrolon showq the splrall.Jll€ hero coocept:

,\ IlOOI1 menl ",Ill be served at tile student ("Plltcr with the maln addrc!I!I, \ l'ortraU of Marl Sandol \!I OJ l'oacher ," b,) Mrs. Hub) 1\'dcrsOil rA ttl(' WS( Englisll dcp;:II"tment, The entire da) n'plac('1! the stale' spring mCt'tirij' of Y]'( \.: held In past jears.

Wayne Hospital Notes

Admitted: Melvin I- roehlkh, Wayne; !lenry \fuu, Warne; l.a. verle McDonald, I.aurel: Tom F letc he r, Wayne; Mrs. Bob Berbrt, Wayne; Mrs. Dca Karnes, Di.xon; Sophie Wieland, Wayne, Raymond Granquist, Wayne.

Dismlsaed: Mrs. Des. Kames, Dixon; Mrs. Derby Hall, Wayne; Judge Ila mer, Wayne; Tom Fletcher. Wayne; Mrs. Gerald Grone and baby. Wayne; Mrs. Harry Strehl and baby, Pilger; EmU.v Carlson, Winside.



Wayne's Home-Owned

PrlCH EH.ctl ... e Mondav and tu •• day, Marc" 11·12.

Jonathan CRISP

3-lb. bog





icChili ~ (

HORM~ 4 .' " - !;..~- ,",,~

Page 4: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol


Midshipman FlrltClassJameli 'Kern, 1«1 d Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ard Kern, Wayne, Ia a member ~ tho Naval Acodel1\)' GI .. Club, Annapolis, 'which wlll leave Mar. 24 lor 8 one-week concert tour c:A Kentucf(y, Arkansas and indi­ana. The local youth has been In the IOO-voice choir since 1965. Recent performances Included the Miss America pageant, Azak. 'Festival, Pan American Unton, Ed Sull1van Show, Mike Douglas Show and Telephone Hour.

SA Pat Vrt1lka, soo r1 Mr. and Mrs. Adrtan Vrt1lka, Wayne, arrived home Feb. 28rromGreat Lakes Naval TraJnIng Center, m., where he had been In boot camp since December. He will leave Mar. 12 to return to Great Lakes for school~ 8S agwmers mate tectmiclan. The course starts Apr. 15 and lasts eight weeks. When he .completes that he Is scheduled to go to Albu­querque, N. M., for mRe school­Ing. Pat I. a 1967 graduate 01 Wayne HIgh School and enlisted under the delayed ~all prCWram. His new address is: SA Patrick p. Vrtlska, B-629188, A School, NTC, Great Lakes, lll.

Letters and card. will be ap­preciated by keith Qamble, former WtnllcSe High School IItu­dent, soo ol Mr. and Mrs, Al­bert Gamble, Wayne. who la re­cuperating In a hospital from' to.. Jurle8 r~elved in V1etnam. He says he races a lorw recupera.­tion period. His address 1.&: Sp-4 Keith E, Gamble, US 56542370, Fltzslmons General Hospital, Ward 502, De~v:r! Colo. 80240.

A new member ~ the armed torces Is Curtis Brudlgam, son of Marvin BrudJgam, Wakeflel~. He left Feb. 18 (or basic training In the army. His address Is: Pvt. Curtis Brudigam. US 56544968, E-2-1-USATC (4th PIt.) Ft. I...ewls. Wash. 98433. ...

RM-I Kenneth Kl~e, soo of Mr. and Mcs.E.A. KIug~, Wayne, is doing radio work in Vietnam, He reports getting ~ a valentine from BUI .Brader, Carroll, whose class at CGS was sending val..,.. tines to servicemen. Kenneth .. peets to be home In June and he may be ready, from SOO18 r1 the hair-raising experiences he goes thrqh. An example: He was going to work in the cince, bent oV"er to down and shots weqt just him where his head

hid been. Six 'or IO ... hlItho wall ...... hbn. lie ~ It, Tho, ........ I. .... lOCI 30 mile. 1l'0III Sa...." ... b<>uI onMhlnI burned '~'thore I.,actlon much ~tho tbno. HIa addre .... : RM-L Ken­not~ J. m.... NSA Dot. B, FPO San Franc ...... C.III. Me23. ...

'~Alrman 01 the Month" was the' tllle bestowed "-' _U ~erf am· d Mr. and Mrs. WUtred MlUer, Staron. He was choMn tor tt. monthdFebrulry In the 456th Security Pollee Squadron, Belle AFB, Calif .. RQger II a 1965 graduate d. Wlft.,

side High School and has been stationed at Beale AFB since completion of basic training in November of 1966. lie received a six-day pass to visit his folks in February and he spent some time in Winside. The special pass is granted toeach airman chosen for the honor "airman of the month."

Sp-4 Bob Mc Lean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Lean, Wayne, arrived Tuesday from the West Coost where he had arrived last week from Vietnam. He drove home via Phoenix to visit Me. I8.nd Mrs. A. L. Swan and by way of Omaha to visit his sister, INicole Swan. He has 45 days at home and then will report to Ft. Sill, Okla., lor contfn~ work as an artilleryman. He had I spent a year in Vietnam with his artillery WIit . ... I Another newcomer to the serv­ice is Jerold Thompson, son fi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thompson, Win s id e. He enlisted in the marines Feb. 8 and is now sta­tioned in California. His address is: Pvt. Jerold D. Thompson, PIt. 330 (L) Co., 3rd RT Bo., MCRD, San Di~.o~ Calif. 92104.

AIle Fredrick Peters. son of Mrs. Gordon Helgren, Wayne. has been reccgn.ized for helpJ.ng his unit earn the air force "~ standing Unlt" award. Fred, an airframe repairman in the 437th Military Airlift Wing at Charles­too AFB, S.', C.. will wear the distinctive service ri.bbon as a permanent decoration. The unit

"I THINK f'Vi.J.. -S€RVIC€



yYhat's so special about Full-Service Banking, ypu might ask; It's One-Bank banking, It means One-Stop fin~ncial service. complete banking fpcilities und~r one roof. You can save time and money, eliminate lots of steps. and have a !letter organized financial program by concen­trating your banking at our Full-Service Bank. V'!e invite you to do your auto financing. check­i;ng; saving. banking by mail. home improve­inent borrowing. safe depositing. financial clounselling. in fact ALL of your banking, here ~t FUll-Service Headquarters.

.... cUed for achJevlrw an ex­ceptionally mer~ouo ntq tor cI:l8ttrwulshed servtee over a ..... y_ period and devel_ ~ • highly responsible airlift organization which maintained vl­tal airlift routes essential to the US over ... cpmmltment to tree natlm...... -

SFC Robert Glselhoch ~ the army recrultirw service In Nor­folk says the army has a new .choollng program alfering "enlisted artillerymen the op­poI1:tmity for speedy promotions and added respalslblllty. It is be­trw given at Ft. SIll, Okla. It is called "ArtllJery Combat Leader Pr~ram" and features training in six fields, Ueld artillery radar, operatioos and lntelligence, bal­Ustic meteorology, tactical com­mWllcatloos, llIumlnation and non-commlssioned- officers course. Anyone wanting informa­tion can contact the office in Norfolk or any army recruiter. ...

lie left I... thai _ Feb. 19 alter spoad ... 30 ...,.. at home. Sgt. Lcqe .... _r_.l~. stationed In tho Azores. ,He wUl ho 00'" tho lOme \)'po ~ work In Florida he did over,,_, tnt­tlc CO'ltrol and mM. RIa new ad­dress Is: SSt. ElWene A. Lorwe, AF 17731882, 6551, Trans. Sq., cr.m Box 7441, Patrick AFB, Fla. 32925.

It Is no longer Prc. Gary As-­mus. He has been ptOmoted to Spec-4. lie II tho .... ~ Mr.

and Mrs. llans Asmus. Hoskins, and is stationed with the e~1neer-

taJcioI 1rOlDJJv In IIOCk ......... and .. -.... """->d Mar. 23 I. .. to report to Oakland, Colli •• and wUl ..... I""" thore I ... V_m. PrIor to illI! ho wUl n.1t .... brothor. llc>4 Rqrer IIochate", who I. "lOCI at Van Nu:YI. Calli.

Sgt. Duane PrItc:Ie"", I0Il 01 Mr. and Mr •• ~ Prltc:hard. Winside, .pent • year bt Thailand and tllon .... home.roundChrllt­mal 10 villi. He .. .-__

at MeConnell AFB, buI ... did not get loIormat .... on tho \)'po ~ work ho .. cIoq. IU. addre •• II: Sgt. Duane L. Prltc:tard, 1018 East First St., Wlchtta, Kan. 67214.

Sgt. ~ve Glassnwyer, 11m ci Mr. and Mrs. Floyd G ..... meyer, WaYne, was thrown thr~h the windshield d. a car in which he was r1d.Uw at Grand Forka AFB, N. D.. Feb. 'n. He was a palStliVer In 8 car driven by another sergeant when the brakes 00 the car locked. Gla1l8meyer suffered bruises and a cut on the land. HI. "lie 11 t~ former Diane RaUB8. daugtnr 01. Mr. and Mrs. GUbert Rall8S, Wakefield.

~ ~~ta~~::~~ att~:. a~,:r~~ Alt~h Dan BU.oo Is 8tUl in

work on some buUdingandassooo ~r;::: (:Wh~~:~e ~ ~~ as the weather permtts they are a 14-week hospital corps school. 'go.iTt:". to bu~ld a. dock aloog Lake It is: SR Dartiel J. BUson, B­~lch~n. Ihs wife, Judy,and soo, 629139, HA Scol, NAVH05Corps Stacy, are living at EwiIl:". His. Seol, Great Lake's, Ill. 60088.

~(~\~e:7;~~:~c:!kS~~~ !:~~: He is visiting his parents, Mr. Bliss, Tex., and served 8t Ft. and Mrs. Warren BIl6Ofl, Wayne. Leonard Wood, Mo •• and Ft. at present. Riley, Kan., before going to Ft. Sheridan.

Arriving home Feb. 22 wasSp-4 Ronnie Hochstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hochstein, Wayne. lIe has been at Ft. Lee. Va.,

~ { -'-1:).. I

Sp-4 Gene Langenberg, soo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langenberg, jr., Hoskins, returned the pBst 'reek after serving three years iJ:I the airborne dlvi.sioo. He served at Ft. Campbell. !\Y., and Ft. Bragg. N. C., and was

hoopItaUlOCI all« .... fIIJared In. __ )Imp. He __

n.. _hi In tho .... pIIaI and then wo. '- lar two _

boIon IOIJW back to F'I. Dna to .. ne the relt of hlI t1mt In the army.

A picture I.. orrl .... 01 Jolal Manzer. Norfolk, .... l1li SWAY wIMer who .... reeI thl lOnoke wh1Ie 11111 • re....... ~ tIIIl _; 110 .. t .. ..., II 1Ir.1nd

Mrs. Wllliam Manzer. 1000 East Park, Norfolk. His address is: Sgt. Jot-rl C. Manzer. Co. B. 123rd Avn., Bn., APO San Fran­cisco, Calli. 96374. At present he I..s atatlooed in Vietnam.

4.H CLUB ...tEws

Gqtam Gal. Gtrwham Gals met Feb. 12 with

Jane and Virginia Predoehl. The group made butterflies for tt.ir motters to stick on refrigera­tors. Shirley Petersoo, reporter.

w.,..c:.ntr . c:.riM ......... , II

REAL flSTATE DEEIlIiI . liar. 1. "- IIroaIQouId to

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Mar. t. Freel and C1er\ella And ... to W1I1ard A. Ind JoAnll llalchow. N\9'I~ and !II!lQM( Soc. 1&02~3. t28.40cloc~ -.-.

ldar. t. FlY Wilton Mc:C_ daIo et II to C&rl Edward'and Sfa ..... H. ldallor. SWlj Soc. 22-26-$, $60.150 documentary ltallljll.


An you nlll c.tryln~ the Weilht of "Iump-,um' In. lurance p.yment.~ Than 11'1 time to lI,hten the load with Bud,et-Rlta, the lOW-COlt monthly p.,.. ,.. ~o~~~lrJ:~e t~~lt ~ef1l y~~~ premium. And pay Ihe ... " way-with one monthly check. Call for detail •.

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SI off Tart BaUder You'U me the way roap JUILDU

mlU. ..... maIdply itlell. TIIfI!I thin scragly ..... into • IlUrdy. vibraaUy """ .... D. Keeps it that .... y I"",", too. IhaaIta 10 SCotto Trioniud bond· in" Sue OIl TU)f Builder D"'" and enjoy. thicker sreaer lawn thiJ year.

10,000 "I 1t!JM 8.95 Alto II .... JOe 011 5,000 ~ ft j,Itf •• ff

sa off leo'" Spreader Sturdy .ted .p~ hal dial·I·mati!: ra~ I<IIinI. Precision enli_red 10

.prad Ia"" pr';"ucts 11 eIIfI mao Full tB iDcb spread ... widlh. New rust-resistant finish.

AloaeI9.95 14.95 ~ ";,_


Page 5: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

Allen School Losi"g Six Teachers At leASt six members fA the it. Of those who had driver's

Allen Consolidated School facuity licenses. 40 took the examinatioo have turned In resignations for just once, 30 took It twice and the coming year. Another nme 7 took it more than twice. have signed contracts to return Skirt lengths were the subjed and nve 8t1il have their con- of four questions. The young tracts out. people favor mini-skirts 60-40

Supt. E. C. Heckens is start- but 54 per cent said they would ing to interview replacements not wear one, 67 per cent said (or the followlng who have re- they would wear them just to algned: Leroy Wilch, head coach, attract attention and 68 per cent physical education and social stu- predicted skirts will start get­dies; Mrs. Leroy Wllch, seventh ting longer. grade and bioIC€y; The pupils favor staying in

Larry Ahnmdt, physical edu- Vietnam 60-40. Of 14 teachers • cation, R s sis tan t basketball queried. the vote was 10 for

coach and social studies; Hoger staying in Vietnam and 4 for Sandman. vocational agriculture getting out. and FFA; Mrs. Violet Diamon, Regarding the draft, 28 pupils librarian and guidance; and Mrs. said boys should not be drafted Ed Kelly, eighth grade and until they are 21. 23 said 20 speech. was the right age and 22 said

Signing contrRctstoreturnare: 19 was the best age. Teachers Supt. Heckens; Prin. Noeyln favored 18 yea r s with seven 150m, science and math; Mrs. votes, 19 with three and 20 and Jenene Kumman, home econ~ 21 with two votes each. mics and English; Mrs. Janelle Finally, there is the matter of Erickson, English and shorthand; hair. For gIrls, 45 per cent pre-

Joo Olson, commercial and fer long hair, 40per cent medium assistant fO<K:bali coach; Mrs" length and 15 per cent short hair. F'lorene Jewell, first grade; Mrs. Three-fourths said hair should Viola Bartling, second grade; have some curl to it. Mrs. ~ Margaret Lund, fourth For boys, the vote was 62 grade; and Mrs, Marvin Reuter, per cent for medium length, 21 fifth grade. per cent for short hilj.r and 17

, Polls Prove Popular

With Allen Students Allen High School's student

newspaper came out the past week with the reslllts of some polls. Whether some of the opinion reflects the views of parents or is strlc,tly the pupils' is not known.

In a poll of adults the question was asked: "Do you think Allen, Ponca, Wakefield and Newcastle (schools) s h 0 u I d consolidate?" All d the answers indicated the adults questioned thought it was a good idea.

The pape r also polled 100 pupils in the school system. They came up with these presidenttal preferences: Democrats, Bobby Kennedy 38, Martin Luther King 8, Lyndon Johnson 2, George Wallace 1, Eugene McCarthy 1; Republicans, Richard Nixon 25, Rooald Reagan 19, Nelson Rocke­feller 3, Rap Brown 3, :George Romney 1. Of the vice'presi­d\ntial choices, Wallace led with 7 and Kennedy had..6 votes among the Democrats while Romney had 20 and Nixon and Reagan 19 each amoog the Republicans.

Allen does not have a driver's education program but i 8 indi~ cated they would like to have it and 22 said they would not want

per coo for long hait, The vote was more even on how it should be combed, 58 per cent favoring over the forehead and ,42 percent favoring combing hair back.

Surprise. surprise, the favorite color of hair is not blonde for either girls or boys" To the questioo "What color of hair do you like best 00 a girl? On a boy?" the answers came back favoring light brown for girls and black for ooys.

Named to NUl. Office Debbie Wightman,ldaughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Doni Wightman,

Wayne, has been ~med to the fraternity education rice of Zeta Chapter, Alpha Omicron Pi sorority at the U versity of Nebraska. A junior t NU, Miss Wightman is In U A, YWCA, tutortal committee, I Red Cross and People to Peop~e activities.

Ho~pitalizedAgain Dttlald Meyer, slj,., Wayne, is

a pa~ient in Veterans Hospital. Omaha, and will be there for som¢ time. He JKt.tl been hos-. pitalized for a five-week period, spent a week at hpme and suf­fere(! a heart attac-k Feb. 27, forcing his returnl to the hos­pitaL. He will and letters

Hoskins Mn. J. E. Pin".

Phone 565-4507

Jerry and Laurence Krueger, Milford, Leslie Holh and Allen Nieman, Seward. were weekend guests in the Max Kruger home. Sunday dinner guests in the Kru­ger home included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mlller and Terry, Pierce.

Mrs. Fred Jochenseotertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. ,Jochens' 80th birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jochens and Renee, Mr • and Mrs. Gilbert Jochens, Pierce and Mr. and Mr<;, Dennis Rakow­ski, Norfolk.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Krueger and family attended the birthday anniversary of her brother, R. W. H a u ba c k Wednesday evening in the Rauback home.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Den.nis Janke and family, Winside, were dlmer guests Sunday in the Rasmus Niel­sen home to observe the birth­days of Mrs. Nielsen and Mrs. Howard Morris.

Pinochle Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gutzmann

entertained Pinochle Club Moo-­day evening. Twe.ve members were present. Prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Behmer and Edwin Winter, Mrs. Wayne Thomas and John E. Pingel. Mar. 17 meeting will be at the Edwin Winter home.

Birthday Club Meets Mrs. Rasmus Nielsen enter­

tained Birthday Club Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen members at­tended. Mrs. John P~el was a guest., Prizes went to Mrs. George Langenberg, Margaret Krause, Mrs. Marie Wagner, . Mrs. George Wittler, Mrs. Hans Asmus, Mrs. John Pingel and Mrs. Frank Marten. Mrs. Pingel assisted Mrs. Nielsen with serving.

+-Gard Club Meets

Mrs. Lydia Langenberg enter­tained Triple-Three Card club Monday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. Eric Meierhenry, Walter Gutzmann, Mrs. Clarence Schreoder and Lyle Marotz. May 10 meeting will be at the Lyle Marotz home.

I See By The Herald Louis SWKl who has been con­

fined to Veterans Hospital. 0ma­ha, the past three weeks was transferred to Redman Nursq Home, 4809 Redman St., Omaha.

GOING UP Ii '. f h' . ., G' . GI a ~ ~ fun of touring W~,.ne I cr~.wd ,intO}~~ .. s.mafllift ~~ile Free! ~lee.-e. T~~I~ and, Feed;'!. f~d min duri,ng open' hiJus£ left, operates the cO!1trols. A Iorge - crowd 01 the .:' H"{QS ndln~~the ,e.le~~.tor to the tev of ,~rm.,ers ~.~~.~t'twnspeoplc=: .tou. red .•• th. I! _lIlill",~ .. ,_

m,l. ere Martiri· Meyer cind DOn Pedersen '\ eel h " .,.. . . ... -_.'_" . 1.>.1 ~rtlClpat Int efreebarbecu!d~ ... ring.~~~~ .

. ,,'

Dixon C~unty Food Stamp Plan Set' Resldenta ot~ CountY who

quoIlCy re.- the God 'Illamp pro- Fraternity Initiates rram are be \U'Pd to apply at the court~~e In Ponca. The John WatlOfl, 8011: c1 Mr. and new pnwram eets Wlderway In Mrs. Ralph Watson, W8,)11e. tea the countY Ma~. 13. been initiated Into Alpha Gomma

AppUcBtIona: are bebw taken Sign., protesslonal agriculture Mqnday thrOUCh Friday from 9 fraternity at tt-e tJnivenlt;y or to 4. Nebras~ state AcencY and Nebraska. lie Is a freshman In the u:mA c~sume,rs and mar~ the c,G11ege d agriculture ma~ ket1Iw: service are joint span- jorq in daJry SC'lence and I.s a aors in thlJ .te. member r1 Food Tech Club, l"ni~

Famllies do not lave .to be versity 4-11 and Kernels. Watson

::~Il::le~~:r~.:s:~~~ ~t!!lu~t:9~/rom. Wayne High

plan, Dhon COWlty otrlclal. point

::·r.=~"';.,~. wU~ ~!S~ Many Tests at Allen sltance, lncl.;d~ome In the "Test rever" has hit Allen High

.. ~ c=~' !~ive on re- SChool. Last week the sopho-

duced lne~s after ~irement ::;:5 w~:k Mtr~. J~'~;;t ~f~~; are eligible.' other low·1ncome In charge. Freshmen and juniors families ~ay receive food start this week 00 ,the <Als In­coupons provlded CamUy Income telligence tests and the Iowa does not exce~d amounts permit- tests r:I development, the latter ted by the sp<Jnsorq agencies. be~ several hours long and oc~

Merchants ,are authorized to cuyplng the bener part 01 a day. accept C~I!I in place d cash and allow users to buy morewtth each dollar thin they could with-

~ ~~S~::.,p::. ::1: food from tbe nation's farms thrqh normal tra* channels is baJIt up under! this plan.

ONE OF FOURTEEN Ltl' Dutter Food Pantfle~ In Kansas, Iowa. MISSOUri and Nebraska IS 10 cated' In Waync ot Seventh and Main Accord Ing to Manager Clark Fuef'i,tenberger, who came to Northeast Nebraska from Cheyenne, the rapidly. growing drt'l'e·in~ always feature in$lde

~eat'ng Woyne's LII' Duffer Ii 5Cheduled for outside Improvement\ thiS iprlng. when the pork .n9 lot ~III be blacktopped and the bu,ldlnljl w.1I be pOinted red Twenty local reildents ore Included on the loloft 01 the new bu"neu fum which opened Febr 8

been in a better posiUoo to gel _~job done for themselv('b.

"U we can shut off the food, w II get our prkes. U we start Ie ir1: our livestock dribble into market, we'U be right tack where we were, biking what we can get for our stock, " one offlclal Is quoted aa saylng.

Farmers present were al80 I.lI"ged to "go for" the 50 per :,ent feed grain slgn-up at the ,\SCS ctfice. This is thought to be another avenue for helping to 3'et the prices needed.

Broilers and turkeys have been added to the holding actioo, whkh shoold put further pressure on at a critical period. The pos­sibility 0( buyIng a half beef or pork should not be overlooked as a pressure applicator at this time.


It's Your Move MOVED tr\:

Jo Ann l\athol, !.I22 Walnut, No, 2, from llartlru.~on; Gene Deturh., filJ.foarl, from North Bend; Hod Pierson, flout. 2. ~O\,EJ) OJ r.

rom OliN, ;,12 1• I'Jut Seventh to Houte 2; T('fr) Schwar('k, 922 Walnut, ..... 0. 2, to Spencer, tn., D(·nnis I.om<l'nfi, Valley Drive, Xl ~J \.

lll\\(.ES: Janke 1I()!i(' , 102' .. FJl8t Fuurtl

from ;;19 '• Wf.'Rt I [rst; \18, .. In flamm. ~)():J Pearl from ·1()~'

~1aln; IYdvld hru"c, flOY 'I'Il'!-1; I i r.~ t rrom '12() '~l'!~ t ".lnth, 1,lllian \ndt'r!>ol., :JI·1 j,inroin from :J20 Lln('oln, \0. 4; \rt Ellwanger, 2 If; I alrnolJnd \\If',

from fl17 "('arl, \(.!! Swan&on, 420 West '..;Int!, from F&cult; \partmentI'J. .

Two Board Meetings Den 1, Pack 226 Supt. Franclr, !!aun hjd two

;;~:: ~~~t /i:;n 2;::i~'~ ~:;n~:~'i:;J ~;~OtiS tributed Goodwill bags to homeh the Nebraska l':ducation AssOcla.-

Paul Baier was the lucky winner of tlte colar televiSIOn set owarded qt Ihe Wayne Groin open house .,Thur;day night Baier is sho""n here With CIQl'~ce Beck', left, and Fred Gi!der'sleeve, right, Wayne Groin and Feed owners~ looking tit the new set. Other win­ners in the d1owifl9 ,were Mrs. Eldon Heinemann, portable television; Marvin Dronselko, 500

pounds of fertilizer, Rudy Kal, portable barbe in Hoskins to be picked up Mar. Hon. Wednesday, Mar. 13, hewUl cue; Elmer Bergholz, process 4 tons of feed; 9. Decorations were completed be in Norfolk for a meetlrw or MelVin Korn, process two tons of feed; ElJlil ~orlnuny' ,t,he b!~~ 80t'l_ .. d1nner. the boIu-d of dlrectprs c:i the N~ _, i-. w "Pol~"u,. ... ~neatrl!8t •• , btl!s"" Stale Education A .. ocia-~aers'l't:;~~~~e~~~~fr:i~r~;~:a~~e~~n~r~~:~r!~~:~: ' tttlji' .~&~ ttoo; ~ , Mrs. Henry Langenberg and Herbert Thun. hitch pins; Fred Heier, bushel of seed corn,

FUTURE FARMERS of Amenca at Allen have erected -{ new sign to welcome travelers to Allen. It stonds on the right. The sign erected a few years ago bf Future Homemakers of America is on the left.

Seeks ~rea Improvement Entries Investigate Accident

Omcer Ron Penlerick inves­tigated an acddert at Third and Nebraska Wednesday. Mrs. Alice Boyce, Wayne, was bac~ away from the eurb 00 Third, backed into the intersectim. faililg to, see the car 01. Robert Mitchell comq from the north.. ~hell" from Glidden, Ia., skidded 23 feet attempting to avoid hitting Mrs. Boyce's car but was mabIe tn., get stowed. No ooeI was in+ jured.

NFO Will Meet in (arroll Monday Wayne National Farmers Or­

ganization will meet Monday, Mar. 11, at Carroll Auditorium. Meetings are also scheduled Thursday, Mar. 14, at 1 p.m. in the Fire Hall at Hoskins and at 8 p.m. in the Winside Audi­torium' when William Sellhorst, state president, will speak.

At the Carroll meeting, a tape recording featuring Homer Jack­soo, PCA manager from Rifle, Colo., will be featured. He is the man who spoke at Stanton County Cattle Feeders Associa­tion in Stanton.

Mooday night's NFO meeting d r e w a capacity crowd. The above-mentioned tape was played and so impressed those present they voted to use the same tape at other meetings so nKtre farm­ers could hear it. A taped progress report heard at Cole­ridge by Wayne COWlty officers will also be played.

Officials report excellent:: progress in negot;,iations the past week. Ten have signed contracts at dus writing, cattle at $48 to $50 per hundred c1ressed weight and hogs $23 per hundred live weight.

Only one major processor re­fuses to negotiate, the cfi'1Cers reported. T his firm bas ex­pressed the thought tbilt U farm­ers cannot produce for less than what they require now, they sOOuld be forced out r1 agri­culture and the rlI'JD would not be interested in s~ a contract for 10 cents a pound.

TIle same processor said the NFO asking prices was ridi­culous. However. this colnpaDy previously sald_kii>:­a ioIIiIt: proposition __ but the company is diversll;)rq into insur'aDcCp dairy, soybean and c orn process~, i:Jr"oII¥ and turkey blsiDess.farmcbelldcals, feeds, fertillzers, and CJIhI!r pr0-ducts which the !armors are e.pected tobuyat_prk .. but the firm does not Brpect to PlY prices the _ -­_ d productIoo PJua • !air

, prdit.! NFO ofIkials said JIaI40y the

packer is not _ to a\:IIvate - with CJ!ber ....... «>­~pac~Tbc!o's;\Idthe

:r:::""' ~-==

A'ewSjJlJjJers {/e~


The Wayne Herald

I .•

Page 6: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

r .~ Way~e Wins Hartington Tournament ~ _ ''fill'' and did 1M lOme

to four other can. all parked ., tho 100 block an Wo. s.caod. A local ro.!dont .... _ ~

11M f:l a.cu. .. _... ... . . :..-~,: ..... .:.~-

TWO PUPilS ot Winside High show some typical "Rag-In" out­fIts worn ot WinsIde High Thursday Sondra Muehlmeier and Lee Trautwein were two of the sloppiest dressed pupils in school that day

Winside School Has 'Rag-In' Thursday

Winside High School had a "rag-in" Thursday. Years ago it might have been called "rag day," but in this psychedrlic age the pupils decided on a rag-in.

Pupil s wore ragged or odd clotlHng to school. Boys entered into the spirit of the situation better than the girls did and there were several outfits that were downright ingenious.

The student council sponsored the day. With pupils in not-s().. good clothing, it seemed to be a good time to clean the lockers and clean the school so those events were added to the day's

tile natural­Ipoking haircolor you just shampoo in.

No Prize Winner There was no winner in the

Silver Dollar Night drawing Thursday. Mrs. WUma D. Rob­erts, Wayne. was the name drawn for the $400 prize. That will be the amount in next Thursday night's drawing also. Chamber of Commerce - Manager But c h Schulte reports $400 In the first reserve pot and $250 in the seeR ond reserve pot following Thurs-. day night's drawing.

WIlJIO Illahlh Grado _ tho IIartlqjton IIoI,y Trtn~ ....... •• hool :~ CI ... A Iouma". hold tho put _I<­Tho Iocaja _ IIartlJvtoo lIT 41-39lho IlrllpmolUldRao­dolpb St.i F....... ~8 In ti_ l ...... COlar!dr. boat IIarIfIwtoo to< lho Cia •• B chomplmoldp.

COlch Hank OverIn'. ttem Ilnlohod tho ... I0Il ..tIh ..... ord <t 10 win. IUId 2 ....... Both l08se. "ere .usta1ned earb' in the .ea.on and were later Iv-.ed.

Lalli Morida> Woyno boat Holy Trinity In • nip IIld tuck ~ •• The local. hit 151ree throwll to take the game. be~ <d:acored 34-26 from the floor. Holy Trlnlly'. In.bU~ to hU I .... throws hurt as they mIned IS, !IOmt ~ them d. the one-I.nlk:rte wr1ety.

Lonnie Blltolt led Wayne scorirw with 14. Don Hansen tad 10, Kelly Dill 8, Kyle Wills 6 and Todd Bornholt 3. Holy Trini­ty was led by Keith Elckholf with 25. Mike LeiBe hit 6, Randy Helmes 5, Tim Dwyer 2 and Dave Gorcten 1.

AgalnlSt St. Frances. It was easler, Wayne out.cor~ the los e r II 32-20 from the court. Each team made 6 free throws

Wayne Native Named 'Coach' at College

Donald Wayne Meyer, soo ~ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer, Wayne, has been named assistant baseball coach at Colorado State College. Greeley. This is tmder an assistanceship he receiVed while working on his master's degr ...

According to the esc public relatioos office. Meyer received his bachelor's degree inphysical education last term and then was awarded the assistanceship. He has been a member ~ the esc baseball and basketball teams (or several -years.

His duties wIth the baseball team will be to work with the pitchers. The team has already begun practice for this season and leaves Mar. 13 ror games against the University or New Mexico and the University of Texas.

Meyer was on the dean's honor list the rinal term at CSC. He is a 1964 graduate or Wayne Hlgh School.

SOME RAIN, not much, bu~ some, fell in Wayne early Friday morning. It even stood in ppols on the streets. Ralph Watson reported only .10 of an inchl several miles north of Wayne but a truck.er from the north said the rainfall appeared to be heavier as he drove south so it is possible Wayne got more than a tenth of on inch of moisture

Will You Be in, ,


Because •••

This W.eek YOU May Be The Lucky Winner of

$400.00' " you are in a participating Wayne store at 8:00 p.m. Thursday and your name is drawn.

You win even jf" Jour name isn't drawn ~ause Wayne stores are' loaded with bargaiM. I,



Change Handling Plan For Medical Expenses

Wayne Comrty residents are asked to note the c~s in the handlirt: ~ medical expenses in filii>< requirements far 1967 fed­eral income tax returns. There are two major changes.

Taxpayers are permittedtode­duct ooe-half the cost rI pre­miums paid for medical insur­ance <not to exceed $ISO) with­out regard to the 3 per cent Um.itation. The remainder ~ the cost d. medical insurance is in­cluded with other medical ex­penses lor 1967 subject to the 3 per cent reductim.

Medical expeoses d. those 65 and over are subject to the same llmitat100s as those tmder 65. Medicine and _ OJqIOfllIes are __ mIy to the _ that

they exceed 1 per cent <t the adjusted gross income, any ex­cess beq added to other dental '!nd medical e>peDBeS!8id~ the year apd this toIaI Is then <educed IQ< a per cent <t Income. I Life Insurance and accident IUId __ • cooeriIog

1088 <t 0IU'DII0g. are rot .­cal _. IUId P"/>mIums Ill1J. not dodoc:tIble_ '1bQIe """ 65 paying' $3 for SIi(IpIemenIary _ ---­,care caD deduet: this as medl-cal-


THE WAYNE HERALD Phone 375-2600

aIthooih Randolph SF .... _

..... alteDljllo thin Woyno did. DIll led WIlJIO wtth 15 points •

BUtdt hU 11. Hfn ... 81U1dChrio ~rl IIld Bornhoft 2, For St. Fl'&J)Cea, Doug Korth had 15, Joe Brandl 4. RtVer Bet-ker 3 and Mark Ka1aer and Rick Se.UHr 2.

All-School Tourney For Winside Matmen

An alI-school wrelrtlbwtourna-­ment la underway at Winside High School. Final. will be Tues­day, Mar. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the WHS gym.

The public 115 invited to at-­tend the finals. Admissloo iB one bar r1 soap, to be madeavaUable to the boys in the physical edu­cation program and In high IIcOOoI athletic II.

Eliminations started with al­most every boy 1ft school eligible. The tourneY has been set It) with all boys in the seventh through the tweUth grade able to com­pete.

BUI Schmitt will have about a dozen final matches and Pete Kropp will have about haU that ITW\Y Tuesday night. Schmltt hal been handling the hJgh school group. Kropp the grade school. They report a lot of enthusiasm and excitement !lotheftnala Tues­day stould be pretty wild.

Hoskins Firemen at Grass. Fire Monday

LINDA PATEFIElO, Laurel, IS shown on the right. She IS general chairman for HospItal Day ot the University of Nebraska east campus. She IS shown with Lorraine Brandl, professor ot family economics HospItality Day April 6. High $chool students Inter ested in home economics careers are Invited to VISIt the campus that day

Hoskins Rural Fire Depart­ment was called to a grass fire Monday. The fire was one of three the Hoskins firemen were called to the pa!rt week.

Wayne Native Retur.ns As Spea~er

Monday's fire was on the east side 01 Highway 35 and north of the State Hospital Road, mak­Ing It. on the south edge or the Hosldns district. South and west (rom that particular point the land is in the Norfolk rural district.

A trash barrel is blamed (or sparks that caused the gras s to catch fire. Firemen were gone about one-half hour putting out the names in the grass and in a grove of trees. to which it had spread.

Rev. Harold Fitc h, a Wayne native now pastor d IUlltop Heights Methodist ChUf'ch, Sioux Falls, will be speaker at the 8 p.m. Lenten Chapel Hour Wednes­day, Mar. 13, in the First Metho­dist Church, Wayne. Pastor C~tl Bliss invites the public to at. tend.

Pastor Fitch was born in Wayne in 1921 and lived hen until he joined the navy in 1943. He at­tended school in Wayne and grad­uated rrom Wayne State College after two years in the service.

Following graduation, he work­ed as a salQsman in Was~CI1 and then in t'iebraska. In 1957

Conferences at Allen ~ d:~~~~ ~s e~~e.~::te~i:?: Parents-teacher conferences tors in Denver and Mason City,

were held Tuesday and Wednes- Ia., rour years while attending day afternooo for grade school theol~ical school. and trlgh school pupils at Allen. He served in Flandreau and Classes were dismissed in the Scotland, S. D., churches 8ix afternoon both days. Supt. E. C. years and has been pastor in Heckens reports a good tum- Sioux Falls 172 years. He also out of parents, around 90 per serves as Protestant chAplain at

lain tor the Civil Alr Patrol. Pastor Fitch married Leila

Dewey, Coleridge, in 1944. They ha~ {lvechlldren, Don, St. Louis; Jean, WSC; Hal, 14; Kim, 11; and Van, 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Doo Fitch. Seattle, are the pastor's parenta. They were in the grocery busi­ness here 35 years and have been in Seattle since 1("1 .. 2. When Rev. Fitch was ordain.,.d as an sIder in the Methodist Church at Lead, S. D., in 1964. his par­ents were present.

Members of Friendship Circle will serve at an informal coffee hour following the Chapel !loor service.

Dogs, Vandals Bother Dogs and van&lls gave -Wayne

police t~ m08t~ tr~ble the fOlie part of last wdkJ. Someme broke an anterma off one car, decided

~q .... IIIltIIwIn~ <t tho animal. A III'I.Y q _ pkkodllPlUId~boe ..... It keIlI _trw ........ tho ,I .. mentary school.


CMootAHCE NO. ,. AtI~ae~",~,UId ..

,..,..".. U. dIdblkm ~ pWlq of Ilk· CrlfN" f"trst s.b4htalm III WI¥!If CGd;J. ~ MIl U. kU. IU'MU, .LIe .. t.nd ~t"nltl.Kr1bIIt:rwlqr_. d"r"'UM.IdIolcCrte:tc'.F"I~~vlIlun 11 loc-..t,.1th\n CBl-hltl' mlII oIlhI corpanta Itm. .. at thl City 01 WlJM ..... tn ••• IItId dM-lIrq .111 WcCrilN'1 ,'IT. !iubdhlllGJ1 a.d U. territory thantn 4ilCrt'-d to be u 1how!:!000U.pW tNol"IGI',

e. I ora"" 18" U. ~ an:ICCU>tU aC,u. Ctty 01 WI¥DI. Nttn ••.

s.ctlall I. n.o.a. !.. Wc<:rlcN II/Id "'r­PI"'IIt ..... Wt-Cr"la.lultandand.u •• thl~ o.r.n 01 u. rollo.q CSeKrlbtd .... 1.1tM8 aM tl'rrtI.I:ry inti .. CIUCJ" d Wl)'lOI,l.O-WIt

AlIl~ pIlf1 oIlht ~ HuU d It. Norlh."1 Qlart., of s.rtlofl II, T_hlp 2~ North, ~ 4 El.1t 01 It. O!.h Prlnetpat Werwan,b"bc Nnrth rJI the rllhl.-d·~ oIthtChlt-.. .0, St. Paul. NIaraapol"""o.n.", rlUftJ. 1116 II-. tnct 01 Land~ ... Crtt.dU.COOI_low:attlaNortt.­..... con., al tNo No.1""" .. prtl.r oItI-.NorthMstprtl.rol"id..." tlon 18t.lnralsu,Uon .,," /1i\ood·. Survey, .. ~Nov.mt.r1,\Hi8.tnd r~nlrc u..~. Wut 'Iac It. M<"lion line "II2!Sctlatn',tt-entlNln!tlrSo.r.h 10 I .... Non~ liN 01 the .aid nU,.ad rlt"hI-d.--.,.. tt.nc. nmnLrw V .... I..rl.l" almw Iht Nort~ line r:J IIId r\iitt4. _yto.~lItar,tht .. n.ilUr. tect.thlN~c""rlLneol 1I1d~at.Q.art.eratMId_II ... II,andu.rw:.nmnlq: ~tol" pIac.dbeclnnllw.llldlBctl1lil1l.l.o be o.tcru.d ... lolJ,o,. •. Cummenc\lw '1IhlNc.1'-ltc..-nerolSeoctIonIR, 1'o.n_ n North, Rarp 4 El.1t at the 11th Prlnc\&l&1 w.rkUln. thtn Wilt­erb" 011 Ita Nonh MCtIon lint 01 .. Id s.ctIcnUw\th&rl .. .ume<l*rq 01 w ..... dlltlt.nc:. at 1'tl!.A IwI to


:::u.":=~ l c",,*,.u...~ .. ', on III,. wtlktl._' H-". ...... tfl.10 .... a.r. 4 _Il .. wtakh....,..... .. rr. •• a..." ......... :I=:~:'''' r~U ....... h ....... H.1 .,... U' I • a... rf U"._ :: ';..nu.~~~-=~ Netrulia r. raM,..,.... .. aM Iilldbe_~kI ... , ... ,... n4, III u. cmc. "u. C.-,-C .... oIWIfMCQIIC7.~

_ ... ~.p1alrJI .. Illrra-d~~ to .. rrMt. d.anll*a uar.. U. ..... par"'l.oIland~tht ........ lIId~ rJI .n 1lr'Iet. ~ al1l, • ...ww.d &lid nllI'IMI U. Maw a.kCriIII!". ,.IT. 1m Bt.1II owran did ~ U. l'7tII ..,..._ f".~, INA, pr ..... _~ _1II1tIIl .... lqfIlNr ,.lth It. or .... 1nal .. tI. WktiIb "Norltn ItaJ dtdkaad U. .,... .... ..,... to £Nblk lAM ... Iv9m ~ lUI p&Il. .u. w.".gr ~ {QIrK"U ~ U. C~ 01 ~ ·tn.tnrtn'r.cullr _I1an.,..._W'U. .. III p1at and .s.dk .. tI~" .rtINIl. .... (tpleC U"d tmllrmtod. 51 .. __ " dkI 01\

U. .na ..... ru. ,.\lh tht CkJ cwt , d~katl wlllnli plat and dMkat_ .. 0It tI~ ... Id.

S/,o:tlon 2. S.1d o»dkatkfi ., Mill ,.. d .... Crllhl·.H ... ISoIbdlwllIonUldt .. ktt. ~., .ILIY'. 1M ..... ,... d..,ern.d 1t. .... In.rlhlr.t.,l<"c-c;c.d.carflrmed,1niI .pp.-....d..Tht~.VId~ ......... lopUbllclI.Hu.hc:nmonll.ldplat.laUbe deel'nld ~Ic Il ..... .,." ,.11." .. MIl U­.... ".., Kt'l"Ofl t.o Mid .ub-4ivlll~, u.c 11 III u.,y, M.;trlltc·. nrll1 S.,ldh1 .. l<m. II &l.ep he","'acc.ptad,corilrmed.lM~

Secllal 3. The tlrrlkrJ ID.-cl UII:IdM­crlbodInMlclpl'I~loc'~""th1n~ IlIlle 01 It.. rorpoAU 11m1U 01 !.hi CIQ r1 WlJtTIe, ~br .. kII. _tl"'4.n...I.rrLtooblJund,t.dand~

nlbedln .. lclpllll.hDr.tl)'d.-clar.., ..... dlvldrodu""""'onilldplat.

! .. rtlon ~. Thin .t.U be t1IIdor.., or> MJII pial lhl! IWn"'ll 01 Ihi w.yor and lOUliCU oIlheCll.) oIWl.1nt!.NtbrI ... ,

, ... Ied tnd _""roy..:! tI,lInll>.." r1 FebnM"'), ]~~. ~

{ITY Of· W"'''''tiF., NY.IVIMJ(A Wm ..... !Vet-r, ""yor

"!!.ell l)anShrrry, (tt)'fterk

{Pub\. "'r. 11)


1 0:25PM 1[~TI'!~'J14~ ,I cent ci them showing up. the state penitentiary and chap-



BUSINESS Many years of experience in making Mortgage Loans

have qualified us to make Home Improvement Loans

with extra know-how. We understand the cash needs

of homeowners. Let us help you improve your home

and property ... with a low-cost loan. Come in

soon for consultation, and fast service. ') i

The State' National Bank and TRUST COMPANY


- _"--_" __ ' - ____ ._~_" I·

l·~jl ----,J.,.

Page 7: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol


For; Sale FOR SALE: Burnett .. od, OOU FOR SALE: Uprl&la Plano, aood

state tested germ 97%. Jim cmdltlon. Jner PeterlUl, RIU.

F~R $ALE: Clover, allalta and en_a seed. Amaoy and Wayne

loybean8-. Harry Schulz, 375-­fi75. mllt2


=r.' Te set. sale tJi. been e WltU March 30, Mines Jen I Wayne. m11t2


FOR slALE: Used girl', clothlrw. 81" 1>-8. Rea,ooab(y priced.

Phone; 375--1642 alter 6:00 p.m. mllt2

FOR fi ALE: 1946 A-.l..D. with farmhBnd loader live pump.

Herman J. LuscheR. Phone 37~ 2698. mllt2

FOR SlAtE: Purebred Dachshund PlWI)les, 8 wkB. old. Call 375-

2448 or contact Marilyn Young. mllt2

FOR SALE: CoronadooU burner, 275 gal. tank, trash burner,

each '$25. Walter IIamm. 286-4913. mllt2

FOR SALE: 23 In. C~sole TV, Good; 3 formal.s, sizes s..~7,

good. ~8&-4248. mllt2

FOR JLE: Mr. and Mrs. Chairs, gold :Oowered design. Oneyear

old. Dlck Powers. 371)..2391. mllt2

INT. PULSE Atron Model 900 $40.00 Fencer. Can be tried

tirst. $17.00. Pay later. Call 529-6629. mllt2

FOR SALE: Native etass, al .. 'ralta, brome eeedsj Nisbet

drills for rent. Harold George, DIxon. 584-2625. mIJt2

NATIONAL DOUBLE UNIT milk~ er, track type, two years old.

28~$87. James Troutman, WIn.iIle, Nebr. mllt2

FOR SALE: 8 x 26 trailer house, good cooelition, perlect (or

river cabin. $475. Phme Wake-­field, 287.:1188. mllt2

FOR SALE: 1961 Volkswagen. $325 or bestol(er. Jlm Malesh,

Wamer. Allen, Nebr. 631>-2172. Concord, Nebr. Phono 584-2843. mllt2 m7


FOR SALE: M tractcr, good cMdltlon. good rubber. Alex

Eddie. Phone 59H2, Randolph, Nebr. m7t2

SEEING IS BEL1EVINGI So_ and see tho now Seliler \leat­

en with the t.lmouI travelbw floor heat. Gal-aU or wood, all In stock at Cout to Co .. t Store.. Wayne, jIltt

PICTURE FRAMES made to order. See our com­

plete selections for Frame types and hanging hard. ware. Carhart Lumber Co.


FOR SALE: Round table, dining room table and six chairs,

refrigerator, c h rom e table, chairs. 985--3144 m7t2

CUT FEED cmrs with Norco Feeds, bulk OT sacked. Phone

Ronald Lange, Hoskins, Nebr. 56>4418 m7t2

IS HEATING A PROBLEM'? Get that extra heating wili: by

.t~plzw at CcasttoCoutstore., Wayne. Pick up a new or uaed heater. All type ... We trade IIIlIi give BUy terms. j11tf

FOR SALE: Antique KnJghtRadio and good sized sturdy footstool.

Phone 375-1245. m7t2

1963 WlSCONSIN 27 H.P. Air Cooled M<Xor. Good condition.

Melvin Jenkins, Carroll. Phooe 585-4546. m7t2

CATTLE AND HOG OIL for lice, grubs, flies and hClr marge.

Arkfield Mfg., Norfolk, Nebr. m7t2

FOR SALE: Amsoy Soybeans. LesteT Deck, Winside, Nebr.

Phone 286-4419. ~7t2

FOR SALE: ~'s bicycle; ecaste'r' Wagon, exceUmrt.; hoyt s

ba.seball spikes, size 5. Alvin Carlson, Winside. 286-4428. m7t2

1950 Buick R_r. Ema good. '200 or hoot <#.ler. C.1l.

Tuttle Estate. Call 3750-2544, Wayne. m7t2


Farm Supply. 'Thurs., Mar.H. See 8,000 Ford 'rractor. mllt2

NOW IS THE TIME to plan that new home. See Fullerton Lum-

ber Co. 375-2035. mllt2

JOIN A 4-11 CLUB Boys and Girls 9 to 19. Inquire at Coon--

ty Extension o(Clce. m7t2

Real Estate

FOR SA LE: 4 bedroom home, excellent condltioo. 414 Doug­

las. Call (or appointment. '515-1918. f29tC


WANTED: Custom Plowing. We have good equipment and

operators to do the job right at a fair price. See or call us now. G. M. Christensen, Phone 329-4547, Pierce, NebT. f29tf

WANTED: FlO Int. tractor, Jim Mels. Elgin. Nebr. 68636. 843-

5641. m4t3

WANTED: C~y ci old mail order catal~, 1920'sorearlyI930's.

Box 276, Winside, Nebr. m7t2

PEOPLE WANTED who want to be informed on weather, news.

~rkets. Tune WJAG 780 Radio. I m7t2

1Ielp Wanted

371>-9911. mllt3 FOR SALE: Tw().wheel nat bed, WANTED: Parts Man. Experi-ence preferred, f but not n~

cessary. We will train. Apply in person to Wortman Auto Co., Wayne. m7tf

FOR SALE: Llbertyoor\eygrown fr()m foundation seed. state

test$1i also CB radio. Marvin Christensen, 256-3696 m7t2



Well trained. right man in· tilrested. lifetime car_r, im. ",ediate placement, qualifl. c_tlonl: High School gradu. ate. fum background, car nle-celury.

For more Information write or call


""I Rt. 1 , 4010 Prairie Road

Fremont. Nebraska Phone: 721·3624

17x9 ft. Herman Koll, Winside. Phone 286-4229. m7t2

FOR SALE: 1951 Oliver 77. Motor overhauled, new clutch,

good tires. Phone 972-26,70. m7t2

SIEGLER OIL BURNER large size with fan. Looks like new.

Gus Kramer, Winside, 286-4527. roit2

FOR SALE 1964 IHC 706 D, low hours, new tires, fenders, radIO, sharp, $4450. 1963 JD 4010 L.P., fully

~~~i~f:! ~~~Opa~:~ ~~4~~' i~i IH saOD $2,650 Both 560's have F H.. T. A. LPTO. power wheels. 1953 Super H $625. Wide front for 560. Some front and rear weights.

RALPH OSWALD Wakefield, Nebr 287·2188


WANTED: Women to workmour ... breaklng Ilne. $<;4 lor 40

hours. $2.40 per boor over 40 boors. Apply in per800. Milton G. Waldlaum Co., Wakef1eld.


WANTED: Waitress or waiter at Los' Steak House. Phme 375-

3300. See Los Lutt. t29tr

W ANttD: Experienced Semi-driver, mustmeetICCrequir~

ments, Cmlact Bob Penn, Miltm G. Waldbaum Co. Wakefield. Nebr. lj1'7t3

WOMAN WANTED: Daytime work. AWl,y to Sam Nqfes or

call 371>-3161. m7t3


tau 11111 ... ier on • John Delre Tractor

John Deere Tractor power does two big jobs for you - pulls big loads at a steady fast pace through thick and thin and directs hydraulic power to take over all the heavy work for you. Let us demohstrate how a 70 h.p. "3020" or 94 h.p. "4020" Standard Tractor can help you do more work with less effort.

I, Stop in or call today.

Brandstetter, Impl. CO. 116W .... Fint

Lost and Found LOOT: Gold Phi Beta KIIJIIO key.

Inscrfptloo Is "Jim Patten, Ne-­braska '67." Reverse side reads "PBI(." Call Lincoln 488-3053 collect. Reward. m7t2

FOlJND: Ladles wristwatch 00 Main St. Owner may claim by

ldentUytrw and paying for ad. Phone 375-1308. m7t3

Misc. Services MORE·TO·SEE


Wayne CableviSton

375·1120 Professional Bldg.

112 West 2nd

FOR A NEW HOME, remodeling. cabinet work. masonry,

wiring, etc. Al Reeg Coost.705 W. 3rd. 375-1547. mllt2


DUman and Vrbka. Winside Vet­erinary Clinic phone 286-4244


TYPEWRITER S E R V ICE-all makes, located at 926 Windom

St. W. G. Ingram, phone '515-1747. m7t2

Livestock FOR SALE: Holstein springers.

A mold Siefken. 8 sout.b, '-' east ci Wayne. Phone 529-6138. mllt2

FOUR FARMERS HYBRID GIL 'IS, due March 15th. 1964

J. D. No. 15A chopper. Allen stoltenberg, Carroll, 58~4488.


FOR SALE: REWlstered Polled Hereford bulls, comIng two

years old, choice Individuals with dwarf Cree pedigrees. KK Herefords. Ralph Kunze, 1 mile east, ~ south of Coleridge, Nebr.


For Rent

FOR RENT: Three-bedroom house. Completely remodeled.

Close to schools. Call 371-3435, Norfolk after 6 p.m. mllt3

RENT A Water King Auto .. matic Water Softener

from Tiedtke's for $5.00 per month. m27tf

RE-FINISH THC6E OLD FLOORS. 1t'l!I easy and Inexpensive when

you rent our floor sander and ecjger and re1lnlBh with WI' quall­ty seals. varnishes and waxea.. Brfghten yoor rug. by renting our cafl)8t shampooer. C-.st to Coast Stores, Wayne. jl1ti'


aU who extended com1ortq SYfl\llOt"" and helped In our ...,. cent sorrow. Thank you also COl" the (lora i offerir1rs. ea.rda. memorials and other klndnessea, we are deeply grateful. A spe­cial Hank you to Rev. de Freese for h1J comtortq words. Mrs. Howard Wacker. Keith. June and Jean. Mr. Fred Wacker and MU­dred. Mrs. Laura Chichester, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wacker, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wacker aqd Mr. and Mrs. ~!Yleth Wagner and families. mll

I WISH TO TIIASK' relatives anc:I (rtenels for their gifts.

cards. visit.s and nowers while I was In the hospital. A special thanks to Rev. Craig for his prayers and to Dr. Walter Hen­thack and the nursing stalf. Mrs. Artie FisheT. rnll

Tho Wayne (Nebr.) 'Iorald, -.. Ma .. h 11. 1m

WE WISH TO EXPRESS em lin-eerest appreciation to trlentb,

nolr!hbor, and relatloel (or the carda. ~mortall. nowerl. tood brouII1t In and lor U. many Ida ~ ayqmhy at the loe. 01 our beloved father and ....-r. Speelal ttankl to Carroll Amer~ can LeI"" the lAdle, Aid and to Rev. H.Upert. We abo wtah to thank all thoM who 11M carda, letters and gifts and visited dur­~ his last U!ness. Mr. and Mrs. stanley otte and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell ~. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Bohi­ken and family. mil

I WlSH TO THANK all who re-membered me with etn ••

noweu, card. and viab while 1 was in the hospital and .ince I1l.Y Teturn home. Spedal tlaW to the Doctor' 8 and the hospital Raff. 1 thank you a1ncerel¥. Charles Temme. mll

WAYNE SCHO()I,. lOUD I"IlOCIZDINQI --­MIn_tol_ n. npW ___ 0......,_ ~: ,:.:--.!.:. ~~ at 1: .....

Mo.M "" iktIruI IM"OIditd __ &'--.. ,. to ....... U.,....." ... ltN ... U ••. -_ ..... n. ......... ~to __ ..,"""j·

.... L".. R~. n. t~'" _,...,.. _ar. pr ..... I: n... Ec ......... 0.-!k ........... 11 ~. DoroUV' t..,. Md ---n.1llinlU1~lhlP""''''-_''-.n ~.Mowwodto-~---"b,"""_ ItIIIl'-I!Iinute.t.~Waliarlurrt.L n. bill, .. ,.. rrn.-..d. Wow.d bjo r ... tt..>­

kaq. _d'IIiIId to- t....)" 'M!: U. tollb .. o. III>IMIl r1 IM.IlLII t. -" __ u.cI orear-.:! pIold to- U. _ .... ,.., ...... carrlM!.

ADIlttNBntA TI~ Sthool Fgf"m'" s..o Co.. ..... ~

C¥TkIIlWl.l ........ ,..... lAO A.ft.Dk"~,"_. ».11 W..,.. Jt,,..kI.,lIa,.. . lUi Brlcllenlnt .. S........ 1&.._ COI")'.UA.-oCo.,c.. •. H .. U W."... .. ,..Id.,PT-oc-... _... U.U

INSTltl!(11c.. !..oAf\R. Park. Po.uc-e ..... . ~ St:lw;JoIlqpll" Co .... PrIA.

oGk-w ............... , .• , i'Iat'l5<-hooIloIethod., ••• S. ... s.-hooIF"orm'~lrCo..,""' ..

s.n.,_cm ......... . J ...... Kar.L.8aC-G>"HOr\I, GIntl ... Co., T .. :tboc*& ........ . scw,r ..... IIW\& C ......... . s.o.th.W.del"1l PublLlhlnlto..

s. .... ,14<:0rI. ••••••• WeGn_lIill Boo;oio(o..5& ...... Iloo.rcOLll1.B ......... W..-Id.""' •• s._ .............. .

HuU.m Booka, W •• s. ...... .

, .... 1.10

1l.!>O 30.00 II.M

u." .,.00

~PU.BlJC NOTICES ~ Booqr&h,rIor"Co .. Ubnrybc:JoQ,

.lem.. ...•••.......•..•.. A. .. ·ntorChlldhoodF4oc ....... ~I. T~hq .!WIJ.ea, '''m. .. ~ ... Schools.q.t.,Co..S._ SU'''''' One" ...... Sa_ ..... 50:I-00I Form' ScIPb Co... Inf.,

s. ............... , CU,"-M Lumt.T Co.. s.a.. Wl1" Book SIGn. s..,.. .. , . J.udn. Willie Co., ....... , .


"" , .. Ev.ry gov.rnment official

or board that handlel public money I, lhould p"bllah at regular interval I an account· Ing of It lhowing wMre and how .ach doll.r II .pent. W. hold thil to b. a fundamental prlnclpl. to d.mocratic gOY' "nm.nt.


NOTICE OF ADta(INlSTRATION In tt.. Cwnt;y Caut ~ WIQTl& CIUCY, Na­........ In the Matter 01 tt.. E.tate 01 WUl1am

Spllttprber, Dec-.&ed. n. state 01 Nebruka. to .ll eonc:e"*: Notice 1& he~b)" Illven u.t • !l>tdt1m ...

~rtledfOl"theappolntmrnatKenneth ... Olda •• admlnUtntoz- at .. .1/:1 ut.te. wtW:h wIU be for helarq In th1.I CQlUionMarch 1lI,

IH8.. at ten o'cloek A.'" /B/ o.v\d J. Hamer. Comrty Judre

(Publ. War. 4.11, 18)


LiG ... LPUiLiCiTiON --


Marth~, 1i68 The ncular II'IMtbw att'- Roon:l at~

catkm .... '-ld &t tt. Jr • .sr. llleh Sehool, W&~h 4, l1lti8, MoodI.Y. at 8;(W p.m.

The II»etIrc _. called to order b)" 1M Pre_1den Getu"ll"e FUrIn. Thernlnl4e.alt,-,p:revl~_trw;,",r-e

r&Id and t'-' follOfr1!w ad<.IIUon made- Ted'. P1umbb-t;: .... u pa1o:l '188.00 for repair work.

lJpon motion dulJ' rracS. &nd CoIrr*' 1M foUawbw claim •• totailiw '3,690.48, we" aUow.d.

ADMINISTRATION Robert Koll. MUeqe • • • •• loSO WlYlWHerald,Proc_ql •.... 14..24

m<;TRllCTION Larry Wunn. Wrefltlq Cc.ch . ActJvIty Fund- ~!ml:w" ... ment.

T.."hen Ald ••• HOICtaon Mlrrlin COlllp&llJ'. Ten.-·bootuI .............. . 1Itr1. Carol Maroncle. Same •. S<Uh--Western PublLatww:Co..

Same .................. . Wayne Stat.. BooIiStor-e.S&me •• ,. Gr..u Boo!< 01 tie Weste", World.

nt.it L,.

Book •••••.•••••••••••• 7.18 H. W. Wlaon ("O!D&&nJI. Library

Sq,pllea •••.•••••••••••.• National Ge<;craphlc Society, St&

scr4:t1on •••.•.••. , • . • • . . • 8.00~

~=.. e:l:~!::ia~~ : . ~::.r ~;,\":.: : : : : : . ScMol Form ... S!wb- Co •• Inc ••

s. .... ..c0rl ••.•..••.••. SoIaJI..W,-'rnPublw.qCo.,

s. ... , ... ,., .......... . AlJlllrte&nBioLQlIc.JCo .. liarnl. N ..... ,""dUw W .. k., s. ...... PtnaINlBMV8r.w •• s...m. .. Carlart Lwnt..r Co., Sa ... . Lyman~, San. ..... . W!lyTIestabii Callaile. AudiL>-va .. l,

... m..., ......... . Unlv.F.l1.0h.,S&..". .•.• WI.rr-stat.. CoU., •• Sa .... "-:011 .. llnlY. E:.t. Db.,Same ••..••••.. n.PlIYcholartcaICOIll·.~·· n.SirwerCo.,Hoa,..., .• SRA ... lsociatel,Same •..•..•. ~m &hool Slwb Co., Li-

braI")' 1qlp1~1,_~m.. DeIDCO,Sa~ .•••.••.••.•• , Schmltt Mwlie Co •• Band _Ie .. SICWI CIl1 Muik ~I.Y, Same •• EIlocetloral MUI!c Bunotu,Inc ..

Same ••.••• , ••••. W&l'neBooi<Stono,SafDII .•• , •••• w&l'ne iotwIk Co .. Seme .••.••• S!ourCIb'Mull.:~.C"'ir

Jmdlc •••••••.••.••.••••. Loren R. ~rk., butr. tn;~I •• :q:> •• Coryell ... ..., Co •• Dr. tn.lnq, IXp. Cory.ll ... ...,Co •• Saini •. W&l'lMI .... "Jd. A4v.nlManI , ...

In N::CCEQ.U~F~~~TTW~~~~. ~=:~~.~~~~::::::: ~:: r;rrHER SCHOOL SERVICES KqJIMAiitoStalb,"-t8.00;Bu.3 ""Nebraeka. Sovio!t Life. SII.,. ••• ,........ 1.75

In the ~r at the EIWI! at Wary Elba-- The Drama Shop. Play. • • • . . • • • 111.03 4.31 •••••••••••••••••••. Will ... Au&o&arvk •• BwlIJ ••• ,. WortlMll A.-o Co.. BuIIrv ••••••

beth 1'hompIon. Deceued.. D. C. Heath, Co.. Blwl!ell •••• , • 1.34 state 01 Nebn.lka. to all eoDC"emed: Mi6we1lt Shop Sowlle_. Same. • • • • 25.411

JoI1!aon s.rvt.: •• Bu. m Q.07; Sua Nodee La henby liven tlat a petition Norfolk orrlee~.Cm-"'II '-tI fIled for flraI. Mttlemert herein, muctkm paper •••.•• , • • • .• lot.i4 rv128.50jc&r"rya1i2 .. 54 ••••• ,

COl")'ell A\&OCo •• Patrol •••••••• detenninatlon 01 heirship, Int.rttlInce t.>ue.. Scott, Fore.fIWl' CO .. SupplIeI •• 13.,81 CW)'.l1 Auto, Co •• s. .......... . f_ ar.I cornrn.l .. lon •• dbtrIbudon ateltate, • Slow< CtI;y Wua-k StwlY. Sheet

.IlId lIppro'V&! ~ flnal &ecOId aD:! dbclarp Musk ••••••••••.•••• , • • • 29.00 UrUt.dSeMolEQulp,Co.,ine •• Sc.ap which II1Il be for '-rq It thl.a CWTt TroulltWl·l. Supplies ••.•. , • • . . 23.3iJ 1~Iwttc:h., •. '

Farm.n Co--op. au. V _ ••••.••• ..a March n, 1988, It 2 o'cloek P.w. W-.me BooII: Swn. s.m.. . . . . . . . 8.27 c,) DlvId J. Hamer, Cotmty Jqe Wetmore Declamltlon aur.u. P\lI"I' Nebr. 00 &anok. Statim, Gq .•• ,

Vk,,-r, ~. s.m. .. , ..... Carl'. Conoc:o, au. VI ••.•••••• Arth:aCook,W .. h~'res:aiT •• w.rt'. ~ __ ~W.,.. Baa II •••• ,.

(P'ubI. Mar. 4. 11, 18)



Secreeary at U. W~CCQItry Club at the biJtJn&"GoUeow--... ClubHou..taWI¥De. NeJ..-uka I»l or before 2:30p.m.onWareb21. 1!Ifl&, for fnrnlahttw all U.1abor. tooIII&lId ~raqa1radforU.~"~ U. New Clnb Hcaue for till W&.Y1M Co.mry Club at WIVDe. NebruIa .. outlta.d on the Plarg &lid III the Ss-me.tkmI GIl m. &lid ~for~atU.o;(ftcelatGoD.hon, Sebemmar and ..... oe ..... Ine .. at 12100 W.st eem.r Rmd. Satt.a 520. Omaha., Nfl... .......

(;qdaattbeBldcloeuD.ablmJbeol:>-1IJD8d ... ~at~.uoforellCb_ r1P1anaaD:!SpeclfIeat.1oaawb1cbl.mllDl II l""ItIaIIlble to aU CmI::raetor. b1ddq -... -s.,..r.tebldlwWbe~qdGlltllrea(S) ~ Ccd:racu: No. l-a.o.raI C--


Bookletll ................... 34 Judene Zeehfn •• 1 •• Purehued. 6,00 MeG .. w HID Book Co.. D1ct:at1ao ~ ................ 83.88

Cobblobor •• Repa.ir •••••••••. 2.87 HertnJbi:eArtCo.,F'rtJ&nmcoven 17.02 Sdeoce Re-.-ch ... saoc ..... Inc ..

Te.q ... n1o:e •.•.•• , ••• ,. 3.00

ClaucIa·. standard s.em.:.. s.m. .. SeMolSpecl.It,~.Lw!eh

Ueioetl,., .•.

"fI.mI...WIt~rk, Service c .. ..,.. • • • l.25 OPERAno)! OF PL ... NT arHER SCHOOL SERVICE Farmer. Co--q,. File!, .1Iom. •••••

Brader Oil Co .. Gill •••••• , •••• 13&.18 Peqtle. NatunlGu Co..,Sarne." Jaekaaa'.nx,S.me.... 2011.27 Plopl" Natural CuCc.. N&MOOCo.,Same •••••••••• 1.23.13 s.me,MCOII.. .•.•.•...•• , •• steo_ll·. Cmoeo, Same........ 87.64 Wayne Co. Public ~ Dbt., IItrs. Alfred WlCPer, ~ •... 1M.S5 Llctll' POWW •• 1Iom. •••••••• wInsIdeMotcr.~ •• , •••••• 24:a.74. ClQ"atW~.s.II:IiI ••••••• , •• Acttrib- F\n!- a.fmlm-aemem. ..,. CIt1 at WI.}'IIa. s..-. MroIL. •••••

~"J.qqF ... for~ Cltyal.W~tse-_ •• " •..

H~~~.~:w;.;.u~ .. 3S.OO ~~"';:;'T= J~I ••.•••...•. ,.,.,. 30M ~t.ntooCo..,Trac.~ •.

-W~ SpIrtq GoI::U. Same. . • • • 32.00 .... bo Cbemk:al eo.. CIIItadIai qI.

OPERATION OF PUNT SafewI,J storM. s.me ••••••••• , KlnJu.Nebrub Nmu"al Gal Co., T\edl.IIIit P\uJnbiIIc .. HIRq. SalIM • F~ ••••••••••••••••••• 734.71 s.nauT-'''LImII~.s..a.

vDlap at Wlnalde. Dectrk:1ty. • •• 472$7 on.. a.-n. s.m. .. ' ..••... Georp'. Food Mar .... SqIpH... . . 10.1$ ~ Sa_ •••••••••••••• NW BIll. J>ta. ••••.•••••••. '. 4.3.115 1"I1Ift u..u, ~ ...•.•.•.• ~ II. Wieler. Wax s.Jer. . . . MAINTENANCE (F PLUtT SenallTowel" ~S!wb', EeonoDl,I'luml*Ii"H .. tln,.

$qlp1Ie •••••••••••••••••• Jt.70 ~at~ •••••••• DemdI s-o-. Truh Remoral . • .UlO ~ ..... _ .. s.-. ...... , .. . v~~~-;.i.A;,r 4.:u2 ~~.:...~~.:::::

21.7' 71.70 ,,. , ... 14.78

at.tIIl U.tIl " . ., ,,-"

[,03 ... ., ,.»


3,2' H.34 ... ., U, 1.00

30.15 ,"'0 ...., ..,. .... .10031 ,"0


2U.21 ,-" ." 7.18 .. ~. w . ,"

51 ... '.00 ..." I'"

71 • .30 tUM 314.50

'W l81.n .,. .... 'W

3..10 .." ..... ... .. ... ., ...

AU~matbeIllbmlltedOllb6d rormtl~IIJGoUaboa"Sebe_"

, A .. cJefllb, .. lac .. IIIJd !IIIiIIl be _lmed III. FOR RENT: Modern country a.W..mop.ad4rws_totbeaaldo.-r­

home, southeast d. Laurel. call at the &bon aDted &&has.

CbmtIandElectrie. Rtp1r ••. ". 17.10 C",SIarer.II6ddJitKitool lip •• Burke ~'-rq SaIeI Co.. Loc:\o %US Jom.aa s.r.1ee eo.. I.ip6IIoap ~ Ja,y"1 PIumbIqj:. ~ • • • • • ... • 408.llI war ... Forp Co., s.-. ...... . Nebn.PriaonkPultriea,C~ 1 • .00 EeonomJ'PIaaIb&qj:.s... •• , •••.

287-2678 at Wakefield or 2~ '.~:d~"::::~eo:=&=-= 3349 Laurel. m7t2 Bid Bond ta an a.axaat at·tm~~

MODERN SET of farm buildings, 2 yards and garden for rent.

References preferred. Rees L. Richardti, Norfolk. m7t2

house Phil m7ta

atlJJal;r~BJdand ..... bCertf&,d ct.c1l~BldBaodlllaDbepQ"abl.etoU. -rr..am.r ~ u. 1ra1ne CoIdr7 Clab .. Melllil;Jtbltt.t.BlcWertowboalu.,c-. tnIcl..., be .1IUdIdwm ... tnto. Ccuract to build tilt IbW:tan bPe~ w!Ul.u.Nctblto~ Prlartotbe~rl.u.CQItl:w:tnoc..

mmb,U..ueeeufllll!lddlr.mbt~ tofIIndJJI.1'wrfGr1ll&lQaadPl;rlllllll BI:md,"~forBclllltto"IIUd"u. Caatrao!tor. n. Ca!Utdar ...... to Ul't CCIIItr1dIoon_(7)eIIIaImr'-'aa. _ Nolb rI. ......, til CaItnld aad to ~u.Jlftdldwttbla_"" ftItr (J.5D) eaa.mr __ afIar IIIIIb r1 ........ c--. ~~ddlllNl:&b1llld'"

..... tDlIIIIIaJt.*JhoakI __ ~ praqU;r to tJda cdb.

GaDeta. Sc:'--*r. ~ iIIe. Ardd&8ctll~ ... ~ m .... c...- ........ .. O"""NabruIIIIAl ..




Natiee .. ben!tcrchil!oo.t~lO aec.'tb.S3.J3U1u..;.-~...,beailll> IIIIItk:aIlJ r..-ed r. -=,arm...,. 1. 115&" r. o.!oIIowIa& ncan ...... Ueea-. -


WIpmI" Coq;a.Q1. IleIair . • • • • 1.,22 CarbIrt Lamba" eo.. .sa.. ...•.. Wt..1de BWldbw" S!qJI.y. s..m...s. n.n CarbIrt ~ Co., SeD. ..•••• Tom', Malk Hoa.e. R.nrd PI.ly... WorrU 1.ttI.c .... Simp, SeD. .•••.

~.~:::::::::::::::..::~ ~s!-~~ ... ' CPabl. ...... U) ~.pIaIIt ......... ~ •••••

---BY-~-M-A-[L-. O-F-F-E-R-- sm:.::. ~~~ ~ ~:' ... ~sa- ••.••• ,' •••.•..

DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL Aw.- ,.,.....Iac .. FnIiIM ••••

4 WEEKS $1 =:-~~~:: you'll get Sylvia Porter, 810n· III.JdwestSbosls.w.u-.s.... ••••

~:·N~rp~~ :~ni~a~ePt~v~t~! :=:-~.::::: ~ Explore Your Mind, Steve Can· CAl'ITALOln'lAY yon, Emmy Lou, David La~· s.ser. DIINt AU ... IIeconL,. ... rence William R. Frye, AsSOCI' SloGS CIb' Mule ~ • .!itr-te,-ated Press, United Press Inter· aIIk.. •• •• •••••••• . •• •• 14AO

R~~~~: ~~:k:~toRad'foea~r: ,,;;~.~ ~::::::::~ grams. Dr. Alv~rez. Nancy. CPIIIL .... u) Sports, Walter Lippman, Nor· man Vin~ent Peale, Roscoe DrummoQd, Fischetti, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats. Mart Trail, Crossword Puules. There Ougbta Be A Law. Ann Landers. RalDh McGill. William S. White.

;~~dbot?;~Phr.li!oto~:!~~ Points for Parents. Life's like That. Art Buchwald. The BeUer Half. The Giants. Eb and Flo, Max Lerner. THE LjNCOLN JOURNAL "Prints Today's News Today" in Dew bIgger ea!SY to read type_ Parade Maguipe Supplement and Foeus. the !Weekly TV pro­gram preview section are part of the Sunday itsue. By-mail offer iII Nebraska and

=~~~:'=$1.::l :l.":>,$2~T':~~D=: SundaY. $1..... 'I Order direct or, tbrougb. our 01.. flee.

GERALD. JACKSON Iowa Beef Packers

Cattle IIyw

WAYNE ~75-1216 i /

W ...... an Auto Co.





On All



67 Chovy Impala "·Of., v.a, A.utomatic.

66 Ford Galaxi. 500 4·0r .. v-t, Autom •• tc, Po. .r 5t_rln,

66 Ford Galaxi. 500 2·0r. Hardtop, V·I, Stand· ard Tnn •.

66 M.rcury Manterey "·Or., V ... Automatic, Pow· .r 5' .. rinl. Po •• r .rak •• , Air Conditioning.

66 M.rcury Montclair 4-0r., V-I, Autom.tlc, P ... · .r 5t .. rinl, Po ... r IIr.k ••. Air Condltlonlnv

66 Chevy Sta. Wagon "P"'."9.r, V·I, S,.nd.,d

65 Ford MUltong 2-dr. Hard,op, v·a, "·Sp .. d.

65 Ford LTD 2·0r. H.,d,op, Power St •• , ing, Pow., Brakal, Air Conditioning, Swlnv· ... ·W.y St •• ring Wh_1.

64 Ford Galaxie 500 2·0r. Hudtop. V-t, Shnd· ard Tr.nl.

64 Chrysler NEW YOAKIA, 4·0r., Low MiI .. "a.

SPECIAL 1963 Rambler Ambassador

"·Dr. Sedan, v~, Au· tomatlc, Po ... r St .. r· lng, Pow.r Brak •• ,

"'ir Condltloni",. E canomy artd Lvxury

in on. car.

$ $ 79500 $ $

62 Oldl '98' 4-dr. Sedan, V-I, Autom.'· Ie. Power St_rlng, Pow.r Irak •• and Air.

61 Fard Thunder Bird Fully Equi~ and A .. i Sharp.

60 Ford Galaxie 4-Dr" V", Autom.tlc. Pow· er St .. rlng, Aed.

60 Ford Fairlane 4-Dr., v ... , "''''om.tlC.

S9 Ford 4-Dr" " ... , Autom.tic.

USED PICKUPS 59 Ford Fl00 Y2·Ton

~!i=.r: =: :~r~' 5S J'eep Pickup

.... WhHI Dr/" •.

Sol .. Department

Open EYenings,

Monday thrv Friday,

until 9:00 p.m.

Wortman Aufo Co.


"Th. H~. of FiN :.\utomobiln"

__ ...... I'IL~



Page 8: ---- THE·WAYNE HERALD' - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Shrine Burns Center In CinCinnati, taclng mony months ot grah Ing and ,peciol

The W-.vne (Nebr.) Herald,~MOnday, March 11, 1968

r ~dwin C~:npaign Helps! By ClmlS McENANY Campaign Managor

~ home-town newlpaper II tar to every American old :h to rtad. Yet how well osc readers underlJtlnd itl emil and purposea -It I 1m­nce In their IIv8s, and too " the cBmmunity, state and ,7 IOmfro()wned newspaper, such lC Wayne Herald, Is so many s. It is similar to, and yet " many other businesses, i'lSIOnR and Lnstitutlons in ommunlty. Its services are lrled that It Is part r:A all 'hers. miRtlt be called a mirror (> co'nmlJnity. a library of infol'matlon, a market

, a partnership in which wners, advertisers, readers ~hc whole community have 'lmon interest. Is no( a food store, for it It fc('d the people of the rlunlty, but Its advertising m n" do nurture the food

hough It cannot render tank­, vice, It Is a well known t hat the newspaper Is the s protector again!!t the dam­Ihlch misinformation or mls-­d intE"rference might cause. Joes not practice medicine,

but It does play a vital pert in preventing disease and the spread ~ epidemlcII.

It lays not claim to belr€ l lawyer or court of law, but it 8tanda ready to prevent or cor­rect Injuotlco.

Neither, the publisher, editor nor members of the newspaper's staff claim a superior mtus in the community. Tbe.y admIt only that the newspAper tries to do Its Job. And when inCormatlon regarding the community Is de­sired the place most often visited Is the of f Ice of tho local news­paper.

The Wayne Herald can better serve and better mIrror thIs com­munity 11 ft has the support of nn ever -growing ramily of !!ub­scrlbers. Your newspaper Is im­portant - stand behind It as II

friend. Workers in The Wayne Herald

"Good WI!!" subscription cam­paign are making every endeavor to convert promises Into points during this period, and many folks are extending their subscription in order to help a favorite candi­date.

Candidntes and the PtlHLlC should bear In mind that sub­scriptions turned in by 9 p.m. Wednesday. March 20, count the MOOT. For each $65 club turned

In durq this secood period of tho C._!gn. tho Candidate ...... celve 400,000 pointll. Get as many NEW AND RENEW \L sub8<'rlpo 1Ions in by March 20 asyoo can ... for each subllcrlptlon doesdooble POint duty in thlll period. Points wUJ take a sharp drop Thursday. March 21.

Uelp your Favorite Candidate today whlIe It does the most good.

Candidates, remember every 001 r:J your friends and ac­quaintances will help you. Believe In yourself andthls self coo­rtcence wUl enthuse your friends. Get all the rW'l possible out of the campaign while you are pUlng up pol n t s towa rd the coveted prizes. Remember "or· POHTCNIT'I K\;OC'k..'i !H'T ONCE,"

Help your favorite candidate win that new Camaro! Give her your new or renewal subscriptloo and receive your free gUts. You may also leave It at The Wayne Herald clrice or simply mail It to t he Campaign Department, p. O. Box 107, Wayne, 'ebr. 68787. Credit and votes will be given to the worker of jour choice.

Pupils See 'Macbeth' Mrs. Leota Moller and student

teachers took 31 pupUs from Wayne High School to Omaha Community Playnouse Friday evening to see "Macbeth." The pupUs paid their own way and the school rurnished transporta­tion for the group.


The FmST tabulation of vote. and position. In The W",""

Herald Subscription Campaign I. publIshed below. These votes


... t:MAER (:}f VOTES being given at this time.

Mrs. Paul Dangberg (Bev), Winside. tie •.•.•••••..•• 22.900 Mrs. Lester Deck (Delores), WinsIde, tie •••...•.•.. 22.900 Mrs. Marlen Johnson (Suzie), Coocord •...•.••..•.. 22.800 Mrs. Lloyd Roeber (Donna). Wakefield ••••••••••••• 22.700 Mrs. Norris Laogenberg (Lolamaye), Hosklnll ••.••••• 22,600 Mrs. James Corbit (Eunice), Wayne, He •••••••••••• 22,500 Mrs. Dale Lessman (Lols), Wayne, tie ..........•.• 22,500 Mrs. Halph Barela) (Ann), Wayne •.•.•••••.••••••• 22,400 Mrs. Ed Krusemuk (Mary lAo), Pender •••••••••••. 22,300 Mrs. Martin Hansen (Norma), Carroll. .......•..•.• 22,200 Mrs. Hlchard Lund (Bonnie), Altona .............•. 22,100 Mrs. l..e Roy Damme (Elleen), Winside •..••••••••.• 22,OO( Mrs. Ken L\nafelter (Doris), .\lIen. ....•••...•• • 21,900 Mrs. Hodney Love (Jackie), Norfolk .•••.••..••••.• 21,800 Mrs. Frances SmIth (Shirley), Laurel .•..•...••.••• 21,700 Mrs. Keith Owens (JoAnn), Carroll ............... 21,600 Mrs. Ora Wax (Mary). Wayne ................... 21,500 Mrs. (.ene Fletcher (Shirle)), Wayne •.....•.•.•.•. 21,400 Mrs. Edward Fork (Leona), Carroll .•.•••.•.•.•.•• 21,200 Mrs. l\lIen Splittgerber (Lorna), Wisner .•••••...••. 21,000 Mrs. Wallac(' Anderson (Jeannine), Laurel. •....•...• 20,900 Mrs. Ho~ ·Jenkins (Ruth), Winside •........••.•..•• 20,600 Mrs. Melvin Graham (Arhme). Belden •...•....••... 20,500 Mrs. Don Johnson (Betty), Wayne •...•.........•.. 20.400 Mrs. Halph Watson (Milly), Wayne ..........•..•.• 20,300 Mrs. Jack Hubeck (Evelyn), Wa)ne ................ 20,100 Mrs. Ro.).d Hedrick (Janet), Wayne •••••..•....••.• 20,000 Mrs. OrvllIe Larson (Iris), Wakefield •••••••••••••. 19,700 \1:n;. Sterling Borg (Frances), Dixon .....••.••.•••. 19,500 Mrs. Allen Prescott (Adeline), Dixon .••••••••••••• 19,400 Mrs. Eldon Hull (Jociell), Wayne ••••..•.•..•••••• 19,300 Mrs. Hlchard Arett (Tracy), Wayne •••••...•.••• " 19,200 Mrs. Rowan Wiltse (TwUa), Wayne •.••••..•••••••• 19,100 Mrs. Floyd (;ray (Marion), Wakefield ••••••.•.••••• 19,000

Winsid. Heart Fund Drive Report Given

Mrs. Paul zomat.,' chairman of tho Heart Fund Drlvo In Win­side. reports the town was can­vaued and a t<ul or $113.20 was collected. There could be some donation II yet to come in.

According to Mrs. Zdfkn, !lOme mall-In-collectlona could aUl come tn. She would appr&­clate hav~ HM!8e as soon 8S

possible so the final t<u1 can be reported.

AIIslsttng her with the can­vassq in Winside were Mrs. K. L. Brockmoller, Mrs. Glen

. Frevert, Mrs. Ted !looman, Mrs. Donald Vrbka, Mrs. Donald Wack~ er and Mrs. David Warnemtmde.

Boy Dies in Vietnam The son d a former Winside

area resident has been killed in Vietnam, according to word received by relatives. Pre. WUlIam Selders, jr., son or WilHam Selders or Cody. Wyo., was Idlled in February while serving with the marines. !liB father formerly lived in Hrenna Precinct and hls grandparents were Mr. and Mrs.JamellSeldera cI Brenna. The youth had quit school in order to "get into action" with the marines and help clean up the mess in Viet­nam. He has several distant rela­tives in the area now, the closest being a cousin, Mrs. AUan Koch, Winside.

BEN;±tFRANKLIN • l Wayne, Nebr.



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