i the wayne he - wayne newspapers onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

, I I ' I I I 20 pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl YEAR J , \\' A YSE, .,!HRASKA'18781, MO<DAY, "'" Y 2" '9" S('tfJnd .. POlitalo:f' Paid at Wayn,. .. k.. .. 'Never Accept I Defeat' Allen Graduaes Told '"Wtnntng Isn't ever:ythtng, ft'" the only thing, " the reaturcd I'Irtcnker at Allen High School commencement exerc 11K'S told the 411 I{radualinR' IIl'f1lnrs Thursday evonlng. nr. Max Lundstrom, dean admlnlgtratlon at Wayne State College, botrowe-d the -.tate- ment (rom Vince l.omoo.rdl, high- ly IIucce!lsful prof(>s!llonal foot- btl! coocll, to open his spc<'ch to the gr.aduat(>s. ('raIR Schulz aW"..trded the tr10phy for belTlR' ttl{' vale-dktorLan and ('ynOII.1 Flit!' It\(' trophy for Wayne Post Office Will (lose Friday 'Ille post ofrice In Wa;'T1e wlll closed this Friday for Mem- orial Day. I There will be no city or rural !len'ic(' and no wlndow strvlce that day. \1311 will be distributed to post office boxes and col\ectlon and dlsJXltch will rmde on a '-;ll1day sche-duie. Brush Pile Moved Back to Old Spot Tht' rlh brush pile has t)("cn mnV(>(\ '10 the old location just sout h and we st of tIle 1.og'".J!l Creck bridge on ">outh \1aln, ac- cording to \ ern Schulz, stre('ts commissioner. Sdmlz said we-ek that no more brush shouW betakentothe location south of tilt> \-10rrls ehinf' Shop sm('e tha.t arE:'a has been closed off. Th(' new brush pill.", wllkh can be us{'{l am11me during the day, wlll be on ly on wet day s. burnable brush and branch- es 'ran be t.,ken the"re, Schulz said. Hesldents using the brush pile should not burn their own dump- Ings and. should not pile on a burolng pile. The city will take care of the burning of the lmterlal, ac{'ordlng to Sehulz. being the salutatorian. fle<:"eiv- ln8 t 1\, H. \fltchell ",cho18r- ship r r outPrtandinR'perlormance In !j:ctlOOl was Margaret \nken:. At til(' honors convocation T rl- day morning Schulz al.;o receive<! the hooor 0( being name-d tta:> out· athlete of the ,)on:enscn, eighth grader at Allen, r{'l:elved Ihe (·ral,l.: r..}er Mhletk ,\ward which I" nre<;ent- ed annuaJiy to the elr:hth g-rade student wllo shows hoth lastlc and athletic pn\l'ntlaL The award, wac, started In l'lf;';' In rnemoh of ( ralg Kjer, an eighth I{nide student who I'rd<; I.,illed In a tracltor acddenl .;h,'r1I, aftpr finlshttg school In t!lr,r,. It .... as "tariM b, Ilf)war<1 and \lerlll1 Kimbell. \I: the Thursda\ night com- rTlf'nC"e:ment l)r. r,und<;trom told the ttv!t ('ven tyxll -rarm- tp;j('h{'r<;, -e.t- tempt!'l If) win In !lfC'. "'f)\x)d:- to h(' <;ald. "Hefllhc to aC'{"pfll defeat, re- fuse to fall, blrt If lOll do fail lE'lim !I()mf'thing from it. lou'r(' In a competitive worldanrlE'ver'.- ixxh a winner," he noted. 'The Iwo ex- pression ... In the lan!.!:- \lagc arc '\\'hat'<; 01(' use'" and 'Wl1\ Should I'. Hut "It can be done" arid 'J ou can cotmt on me' <;r.arkl{' with su('c('ss," I-]e <;(lid, The graduates should plan on winning In all things the.' at- tempt, he said. ix>{'ause C"onfi:lenc(' Is conta.,glous, ('onflden{'(' builds See 'NEVER ACCEPT,' I,.q.:'.: C+ Carrier Drives SOO ,000 Miles And No Accident Hoben .Johnson has been a rural mall catrier out of Car- roll (or the last 20 years. nur- ing that tim(' he has drh'en near- ly half a million mile.; without an accident. Thursday, .Jolmson was pre- sented an award for 'his 20- year's of accident fre-e driving See CARRIER, page 10 1969 TRUCKERS QUEEN, Carla Sue .annen, 16.yur.old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Janssen' of C . .urol\, WIIS crowned the "6' Farm·to·Market Fr!day night in"Sioux City, Seniors Extra!' Adkins Tells 37 Wakefie 'Always Give That LiHI , --+----- "Your school system isn't go- ihg to be any better than your per5ala1 involvement," Richard E. Adkins, Osmond tanker, told 37 Wakefield High School seniors and their parents Wednesday dur- Ing the Commencement service. The 8 p.m. program was held in the elementary gynnasium. Adkins, who is president of the University Board ci Regents, reminded his au- dience, "You'll never receive something for nothing. Always give that little extra." His com- mencement address was entitled '%e Tough Way". Betty Jotnsoo at the piano and Chery I Kahl at the organ played both processional and re- cessional as OrgaJl"'Piano duets, using "Pomp and Circumstance". Musical selectioos CIl the pr0- gram were presented by Roger Boec kenlnuer. who sang ''The Impossible Dream", accom- pm1ed by Mrs_ Lqle:'I'rullJoger, and a choral group IQ:Iown as the 'Patriots, who sang '''This Is My CQ\ZItry", accomplllled by Mari- lyn Felt. Following the maht address, in c ipa I of Wakefield High School, Larry Jess, made pre- sen1atfoo scholarships. The $100 Steven D. Wilkersoo Mem- orial was presented to Patti L)\nn Jensen, daughter d. Mr. Derald Jensen, from the A on Bokemper Ameri- can Legion st 81. Claudia Swansoo, daughter ci Mr. an4,Mrs. Eugene Swan- sm, recei a $200 scholarship from the A ,erican Legion Auxil- iary. i Full tuit]. for her freshman year ci coIl ge was given to Con- - nie Jean oberts, daughter 0( Mr. and s. Leonard Roberts, from the ""ayne Comty Public Power District board of di- rectors. ! Jerry goo of Mr. and at the Uli rsity of Nebraska. Terry ker, son (i Mr. and Mrs. eJar ce Baker; Rae Ann Jomson, ugtrter of l-<Ir_ and Mrs. Floyd Jolnsoo and Coonie Roberts, ughter of Mr. and Mrs. rd Roberts, each re- ceived 00 scholarships to Wayne S.ate College. 'The were made avail- See 'LITTL I page 9 , Cynthia Ellis and (r(l19 Schultz abov€" accepl their trophIes for beIng named Ihe and valedictorian Iy durong the Allen H'gh School graduation cere monies evening Margaret Ankeny lright) from K R MItchell after be tog namt'd Ihe wonnt'f 01 Ihe K R MItchell senol a Roy Stohler Hired As New Dixon Co. Extension Agent and Youth Specialist ille \)ixon Fxtpnsioo board ha.; hired Ho.\ !. '-'tohler of Battle Creek as the new coun- ty F.xtension agent. He replaces !loward Cillaspie. who retired last fall after 28 years as county agent. In addition to thE> normal coun- ty agent dl!f:iE's, Stohler will work rn a cooperative basis with \\ayne, Dixon, Cedar, Dakota and '\lmrston Counties as a youth specialist, ac cordinJ to Cal Ward, district fxtension supervisor at the "ortheast Station near Con- cord. Stohler will have his office at the Station. l1a If his work will be devoted to the Dixon Count) Extension program and half to the area youth program. home economics and several agri- cultural areas available at the \;ortheast Station. This should give Dixon County residents the services of the equivalent of a full-tIme Enen- SPt' STOHLER, 9 Tolman Receives PhD Hubert'S. Tolman of "ayne received & doctQr of philosophy degree in scienCe dur- ing the towa state lhiversity graduation exerc Ises Saturday. About students were graduated :during the oeremony, largest class in l.hiver- sity's history Tolman 'Was one of 70 students receiving i doctor of philosophy degrees. Take School Census Way+, Area J9wns Da Ceremo ,. es to "lrN't, 0..0 go rMdlne btffI planned and to tl.- f,rH'nWood CrTn&-- . fOr 30'bt>ginnlng al 10 lI.m., , It('n. It fhr:n€ht the pIU1I.dr to tad '-,chefl, Legion ! 1 at hni!;.Ilargnoi1, i in ttl(' \l(.rmrlAl Hargholz &aId I morning I' ""\11 1)(, the \\aynt' Hl.i:f1 tlB! the f.Ilrade .... 1111 start at 10i 1S-:'hOO1 lnnd, and a.m. from the \\a\11(> (11\ \ \lei , ",color fIT iN: '-Qtlld, \"rtr lorlum, mardi eaSt on' l"ird I \ {'rln' .... ('oM street to Main, held north 00' " .mottl(>n anrl 1:nIIl L\rl n.nd __ ________ ''-___ i,llO} fl.'""'''''. ,I to tlli' \ptf'r:ln'<; \1('rnorbl s('c- 1',1100 .. h(·n' tht· <;('nic(' h to be I held,: ' " 'nl(' \\ 11'-> Innd the 1'j...Tdm "111(' <..;t<lr .... """, \tTl. Dr ettt' \'m plana to pr('!I.('flt tl .. "lnltor)' d \1tori'lor\al Day". 'fbr. \ddrf'u" I. 10 bt giV«'l by PI\> 1115 ";wanIi;OI'\. ' il .. tT\('morlal addrn."tIl VT'rIl.t"n1('(1 by Hev. I'hylll. lIt('k!, rmn follow{'<i b) thin) r.t'<'onii----- r:J sllen('(' JlOflorltu! ('omrade. tt.,re be It roll rail the .,. lTIl'mori.:,\ floml tribute and a o;.alulc to the d(·ad I;r;, I..,trlon tiring MllBd, after "Met. tap., are to lJf' lliOI.ndcd. , Banner" "dtl, IHlrIald ..... dlurtnC'il('r Carroll dlr{"C't Ing. (ommandcr \k>mori.1.1 1 >a .• at rar+ roll han' bN-n for :'J p.m. in {arf'()l1 ('Ity aud'" lorlum. J attl('r ';ehwaab d Ponea IF; to d(.Jlwr th .. , 11ddre!ll. WHS Germa,n Student Ra,ks 2nd in Ared Test Carl .. h{'{'l wIll Kin' opmlng r('ma-rks fo\IO\,,("<1 b;. pr:I,('r to , 1)(" 1)\ Po'" (haplain 1.,('- 1,I(Oj (lar". Kendall (arl"m, g\lldanc f' ! . t'ounsl,lor at \\a:>ne lIlg11 -"':-hool, , will,. del\\'('r til(' mf'ffiortal ad- I dress. 1 10w('l'"s art' to 1.1(' placl'd h;. \uxi11an memht'r". ..... [tll I ;J.s<;lst.lnc(' of (Jow('r golr!s.' .\ lf1.dltlonal m('morbl "'TC'ath will ,p,lso bc put into piac(' a.sergC'ant or arm'ji,. C1ete '-;harer will rf'ad the roll "d honor. 1 ollowlng anolhE:'rnum- II'ber by the \\\L .... oo.nd and diction bj.' Ihe chaplain, Ol{>rlring , ,squad will salute the dtoad. Taps wlll conrlude the service. \ote moria I ])a." proKl.Jms are . plntly arr;tngl'd b: the apd \'et(,rans of Foreign War", b\ othc>r veteran's organ I 7aUon !! and auxiliaries Linda Lesh, 17-year-olddaugh- soch as III(" l1isabl(>d ,\mer!cari ter or Mr. and Mrsl. IIlchard 1 Veterans and the \\,\\1 harracks. Lesh of Wayne and aJ jmior at (The Ledon and \T .... alternate Wayne High Schoolf"receiVed!: making arrangements. word last week nat sh had scor- I ! Allen three states taking a earlier I, r;lea son \ mer!can Le- this year. l' gion Po)rt 131andJ\uxtiiarymem- Her score, 76, wa only two bers at J\lIen have arranged for points lower than t highest a 10:30 a.m. memorial service ! qllowlng til(' I\l'rvice there will al".o tl(' a -to tht dNld in 11 brlE·r prov.rnm al thc.\ (an'oll c('metC'r5. Wakefield i!ev. .Jam("f; 0( the 1'r('8byterllln Church In Wake- HeM will d('lIv("r thto 2 p.m. S!'l' CEREMONIES, pug(' !I School Calendar For Final, Days SUIt. of Wa)ne' •. puiJJlc schooh Franci/!. llaun, annotl'lred Friday that OOHCH will riEl ttll·lr Iar schedule Ofl the 18Kt 00.. ", school Wednc'Kla)', \iay 2M •. Thursday, May 29, will be a da)< for students to make up or finish Incomplete work. School buHes will not he nmnlng Thun- day, The new a:rrangemrnt is an at- temIX to use the special talents fL the people at the station, according to Ward. The area spec ia lists there wil1 handle the Dixon C ounL\ problems in their respe(,tjye fiE'lds, leaving Stohler free to specialiZe in the field of his major inte'rest and training, youth, l::asis. There arE' specialists in ,School Ham !Olid' Friday that Mrs. Ken- .... :; *'Mth 'locttllng is taking the school census IQ district 17. man test Cor stl:Jd ts in Ne-" AuxlUary have preplr- score ma4e..Ja-the ,; .. in the Fi\m-1ew I!emetery braska and the two Da otas. " ed crosse!>' (or veterans' graves School buseli wlll rw at the- regular time In the moming 00 May 31, 50 1rt00ent., may pkk up report card. and then return home at 9:15 a.m.. '''Monda}'; """""I,...tIl be t .. , last day (or teachera at Supt. Ham said. for: a numl>er of year!s. Information will:oo sought among residents of school dis- trict 17 concerning all those upto the age of 21. \ The census is to l:E'completed bj.' Jtme 30. ! The student scarln highest, and also plan to serve dinner l.awrenee Day of Lin oln, wins. (or the public in the I.egion a trip to Germany, thp summer' Hall in Allen imm(>dlately fol- by the Am rican As- I lowing the program_ of Teachers German.' Legion Commander Keith JI1Il If decides not t take the wfll open the service of tribute trip, Linda would be to In the Eastview Cemetery, fol- S('e GERMAN pg 10 lowed by prayer and a scripture Summer c lasses will start Jme 9 in driver's education, mathand reading courses. P-olrents will be nottfled'as tQ the roomeachchfld is to report to. \1onday, ·Jm€" 9, the school board will meet ,\t 8 p.m. (o:r l the regular monthly meeting. I j "., I ' ! Name College Facilities In H?nor l ':ofThree Wayne Men) loog-range phns for the present phydical plant and taught at the college from lI1tt11961. , The new $1,500,000 science bUIlding tmder COflstruction at Wa:.,le State College was named in honor of Ralph M. Car- tart, well knoYm WJ.)T1e businessman. by the Bcnrdof Trustees cI the State Colleges Saturday. _ Name of the new science facility will be the Ralph M. Carhart Science Hall. -- The Board held its reRul.ar _ monthlv meeting in Peru Saturday afternoon while attending the 1 J(}th graduation cere- Toony of Peru .':itate College. The Board also decidE:'d that the planetarium in the new science building be named the Fred G. Dale Planetarium and that :f)e main reference room of the library addition now IJlder construction be named the Carl R. Ellermeier Room. Ralph· C(a.rhart served 00 the governing l:ofrd ofi N"ebras;.a state colleges for It years. apPOinted to his original six-year term by Governor Griswold, and reappointed by Governor Yictor i During ['armrt's incumbencv four pfesld1;ts Wayne state iCollege-.J. T. Anderson, Victor t)rey,'Jotm D. Rice and: ""iIliam A. Brandenburg. ! . It was period of rapid gro't'o1:h, star1ifg wlh the heav; influx.J{ W011d War II veterans. In the instituted ua program. Three rr,jor buildings were constructed uringthe period: Hall'r,\ndersoo Hall and the Rice H Ith $d Education B lding. The rollege acquired d developed : - ,"4'" '\:.- i ,.-' of 3,p'oO students. 1 r' Initially coach 0( all intercollegiate member of the board of fume (or ,I'; ,an intere-rt in gt"O),.'l"lPhy and taught InUatneld LJrttl he retired: 17 years, he' also ser)'ed as !'.laster of the \1 T irt 196L '!is special interest was meteorology and ClimatolOgy., \faso:lic Lodge in 1.964. . I Presldent l!randeniJurg said that Dale was an Oli-ltand¥,r_":"- In commenting on the Board a 1 iOll President performer in the classroom who Inspired many rtudents to, t" said, "\ir. Carhart W"dS deeply in.ere$.oo in the sell improvement In character &.nd determlnatlm. Many at hiB l . of the state colleges, gave wise ounsel and en.iqyed the re- [?T.mer students adV'illced to positions r:1 high resDOlt , spec! and friendship of alII I a I happy hIs met17Y will be slbillty in weathe: bureaus, both In Industry and perpetuated in this rmnner .... · -' '. The will be l()(ated in the tasement at Ue, Carhart, who died of a hea attack..in 19 5, eame to '_I SClence facllity, expected to be completed in September. Wayne with his plrents in 1914. 'ter living in mndplPh for The main referencf in tre'new $600,000 Ubrar')' addtt.loo l a perio:i of time he returned It Waine in 1 39 .. He is narnE:'d alter another well known and wellilked Wayne State, dlrP.Ctor of the Carhart Lumber q: mpan:y, head flrtered in teacher, Carl Ellermeler. W - -1 Ellermeler, woo died of a heart attack In 1967, taugfi: at right up to the time ot is death, hefS working Wayne State,Crom 1955 121tU his death. AltOOugh t;each1ne In 00 plans for < the new M.a "ionic for W e and ilad He fields oc scLence, he malntahed a deep tElped preseC1t the plans to the e the week death. I the new science building, ,whiCh Is being just dat he earned respect and devotion Crom the student_I he camel I west 'of the present science-mathematics build will have In ccntact with. I I! 23 laboratories, complred to the five in the pre nt ,building. The addUion to Coon Library will roore tlliln tr,fp1e itudyl other features', a computer room, prov slon.oo t!,e SJBce for students, add shelving for some morei roof for an observatory and sizable increase in space fot tooks and provide numero:lS other ilbr .. ,.,'(ac!lJt1e •• ,e""J,qc:I1ally Instrtlctkmal IWaterials. . \ in the instructional rmterlals cESlter. TIle The Board's decision namiFlg the Planetaripmin IB 00 thefrorrtdthe present library and will create an tl Fred Dale Inlors a 1917 gradr.ate 0( Wayne win structure. ,I ,

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Page 1: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

, I I ' I I


20 pages two sections THE WAYNE HE

I '


J , \\' A YSE, .,!HRASKA'18781, MO<DAY, "'" Y 2" '9" S('tfJnd n.~ .. POlitalo:f' Paid at Wayn,. N~hra .. k .. ..

'Never Accept I Defeat' Allen Graduaes Told

'"Wtnntng Isn't ever:ythtng, ft'" the only thing, " the reaturcd I'Irtcnker at Allen High School commencement exerc 11K'S told the 411 I{radualinR' IIl'f1lnrs Thursday evonlng.

nr. Max Lundstrom, aso;l~tant dean ~ admlnlgtratlon at Wayne State College, botrowe-d the -.tate­ment (rom Vince l.omoo.rdl, high­ly IIucce!lsful prof(>s!llonal foot­btl! coocll, to open his spc<'ch to the gr.aduat(>s.

('raIR Schulz wa~ aW"..trded the tr10phy for belTlR' ttl{' vale-dktorLan and ('ynOII.1 Flit!' It\(' trophy for

Wayne Post Office

Will (lose Friday 'Ille post ofrice In Wa;'T1e wlll

~ closed this Friday for Mem­orial Day.

I There will be no city or rural c~rrler !len'ic(' and no wlndow strvlce that day. \1311 will be distributed to post office boxes and col\ectlon and dlsJXltch will I» rmde on a '-;ll1day sche-duie.

Brush Pile Moved

Back to Old Spot Tht' rlh brush pile has t)("cn

mnV(>(\ ba~k '10 the old location just sout h and we st of tIle 1.og'".J!l Creck bridge on ">outh \1aln, ac­cording to \ ern Schulz, stre('ts commissioner.

Sdmlz said la~t we-ek that no more brush shouW betakentothe location south of tilt> \-10rrls ~ia­ehinf' Shop sm('e tha.t arE:'a has been closed off.

Th(' new brush pill.", wllkh can be us{'{l am11me during the day, wlll be cJo~e<! on ly on wet day s. ~h burnable brush and branch­es 'ran be t.,ken the"re, Schulz said.

Hesldents using the brush pile should not burn their own dump­Ings and. should not pile ~rush on a burolng pile. The city will take care of the burning of the lmterlal, ac{'ordlng to Sehulz.

being the salutatorian. fle<:"eiv­ln8 t 1\, H. \fltchell ",cho18r­ship r r outPrtandinR'perlormance In !j:ctlOOl was Margaret \nken:.

At til(' honors convocation T rl­day morning Schulz al.;o receive<! the hooor 0( being name-d tta:> out· standl~'l/': athlete of the ~·ear.

~1ar~ ,)on:enscn, eighth grader at Allen, r{'l:elved Ihe (·ral,l.: r..}er Mhletk ,\ward which I" nre<;ent­ed annuaJiy to the elr:hth g-rade student wllo shows hoth ~i!gh ~('ho­lastlc and athletic pn\l'ntlaL The award, wac, started In l'lf;';' In rnemoh of ( ralg Kjer, an eighth I{nide student who I'rd<; I.,illed In a tracltor acddenl .;h,'r1I, aftpr finlshttg school In t!lr,r,. It .... as "tariM b, Ilf)war<1 and \lerlll1 Kimbell.

\I: the Thursda\ night com­rTlf'nC"e:ment l)r. r,und<;trom told the ~€'rldor<; ttv!t ('ven tyxll -rarm­er~, tp;j('h{'r<;, bu~inf>~:;;m(>n -e.t­tempt!'l If) win In !lfC'. "'f)\x)d:­plan~ to rlnl~h i<l~I, h(' <;ald.

"Hefllhc to aC'{"pfll defeat, re­fuse to fall, blrt If lOll do fail lE'lim !I()mf'thing from it. lou'r(' In a competitive worldanrlE'ver'.­ixxh lov('~ a winner," he noted.

'The Iwo mo~t u"ele~'" ex­pression ... In the Fl1gli~h lan!.!:­\lagc arc '\\'hat'<; 01(' use'" and 'Wl1\ Should I'. Hut "It can be done" arid 'J ou can cotmt on me' <;r.arkl{' with su('c('ss," I-]e <;(lid,

The graduates should plan on winning In all things the.' at­tempt, he said. ix>{'ause C"onfi:lenc(' Is conta.,glous, ('onflden{'(' builds See 'NEVER ACCEPT,' I,.q.:'.: C+

Carrier Drives SOO ,000 Miles And No Accident

Hoben .Johnson has been a rural mall catrier out of Car­roll (or the last 20 years. nur­ing that tim(' he has drh'en near­ly half a million mile.; without an accident.

Thursday, .Jolmson was pre­sented an award for 'his 20-year's of accident fre-e driving

See CARRIER, page 10

1969 TRUCKERS QUEEN, Carla Sue .annen, 16.yur.old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Janssen' of C . .urol\, WIIS crowned the "6' Farm·to·Market Trucker5"tfu'e~n Fr!day night in"Sioux City,

Seniors Extra!'

Adkins Tells 37 Wakefie 'Always Give That LiHI ,

--+-----"Your school system isn't go­ihg to be any better than your per5ala1 involvement," Richard E. Adkins, Osmond tanker, told 37 Wakefield High School seniors and their parents Wednesday dur­Ing the Commencement service. The 8 p.m. program was held in the elementary gynnasium.

Adkins, who is president of the ~ebraska University Board ci Regents, reminded his au­dience, "You'll never receive something for nothing. Always give that little extra." His com­mencement address was entitled '%e Tough Way".

Betty Jotnsoo at the piano and Chery I Kahl at the organ played both t~ processional and re­cessional as OrgaJl"'Piano duets, using "Pomp and Circumstance".

Musical selectioos CIl the pr0-

gram were presented by Roger Boec kenlnuer. who sang ''The Impossible Dream", accom­pm1ed by Mrs_ Lqle:'I'rullJoger, and a choral group IQ:Iown as the 'Patriots, who sang '''This Is My CQ\ZItry", accomplllled by Mari­lyn Felt.

Following the maht address, ~r in c ipa I of Wakefield High School, Larry Jess, made pre-

sen1atfoo ~ scholarships. The $100 Steven D. Wilkersoo Mem­orial SCho~TShip was presented to Patti L)\nn Jensen, daughter d. Mr. and~iMrS' Derald Jensen, from the A on Bokemper Ameri-can Legion st 81.

Claudia Swansoo, daughter ci Mr. an4,Mrs. Eugene Swan­sm, recei a $200 scholarship from the A ,erican Legion Auxil-iary. i

Full tuit]. for her freshman year ci coIl ge was given to Con­

- nie Jean oberts, daughter 0(

Mr. and s. Leonard Roberts, from the ""ayne Comty Public Power District board of di­rectors. !

Jerry J~Sell, goo of Mr. and

~f~~ ~:1rt R~~=~~ at the Uli rsity of Nebraska.

Terry ker, son (i Mr. and Mrs. eJar ce Baker; Rae Ann Jomson, ugtrter of l-<Ir_ and Mrs. Floyd Jolnsoo and Coonie Roberts, ughter of Mr. and Mrs. rd Roberts, each re-ceived 00 scholarships to Wayne S.ate College. 'The SCholarSh~ were made avail­

See 'LITTL I ~XTRA: page 9 ,

Cynthia Ellis and (r(l19 Schultz abov€" accepl their trophIes for beIng named Ihe ~alulalor'an and valedictorian re~pective Iy durong the Allen H'gh School graduation cere monies Thur~day evening Margaret Ankeny lright) rece've~ congratuliltlon~ from K R MItchell after be tog namt'd Ihe wonnt'f 01 Ihe K R MItchell senol a r~h,p

Roy Stohler Hired As New Dixon Co. Extension Agent and Youth Specialist

ille \)ixon ('OL!1t~ Fxtpnsioo board ha.; hired Ho.\ !. '-'tohler of Battle Creek as the new coun­ty F.xtension agent. He replaces !loward Cillaspie. who retired last fall after 28 years as county agent.

In addition to thE> normal coun­ty agent dl!f:iE's, Stohler will work rn a cooperative basis with \\ayne, Dixon, Cedar, Dakota and '\lmrston Counties as a youth specialist, ac cordinJ to Cal Ward, district fxtension supervisor at the "ortheast Station near Con­cord.

Stohler will have his office at the ~ortheast Station.

l1a If his work will be devoted to the Dixon Count) Extension program and half to the area youth program.

home economics and several agri­cultural areas available at the \;ortheast Station.

This should give Dixon County residents the services of the equivalent of a full-tIme Enen­SPt' STOHLER, pa~e 9

Tolman Receives PhD Hubert'S. Tolman of "ayne

received & doctQr of philosophy degree in ~omputer scienCe dur­ing the towa state lhiversity graduation exerc Ises Saturday.

About ~,700 students were graduated :during the oeremony, t~ largest class in t~e l.hiver­sity's history ~

Tolman 'Was one of 70 students receiving i doctor of philosophy degrees.

Take School Census

Way+, Area J9wns Plan~ Memoria~ Da Ceremo ,. es pa'~a~r:dl~:a;l'n::,":!r~~: '~btn to ~n'l'lth "lrN't, 0..0 go rMdlne ha~ btffI planned and ~dleduled ~WE!"t to tl.- f,rH'nWood CrTn&-­

. fOr ~\ 30'bt>ginnlng al 10 lI.m., , It('n. It I~ fhr:n€ht the pIU1I.dr

ac('ord,~ to tad '-,chefl, Legion ! :lroo.;I~~(>l~t 1 ~~o Ca~~('r~ at

:~~d~~~~.( hni!;.Ilargnoi1, i \1aHliln~ in ttl(' \l(.rmrlAl na~ Hargholz &aId I rl~) morning I' ~radt" ""\11 1)(, the \\aynt' Hl.i:f1

tlB! the f.Ilrade .... 1111 start at 10i 1S-:'hOO1 lnnd, J~~!!on (()Ior~ and a.m. from the \\a\11(> (11\ \ \lei I· , ",color r,'IIard~. fIT iN: '-Qtlld, \"rtr lorlum, mardi eaSt on' l"ird I \ {'rln' ~'Toqp .... a\n:!1larl['~. ('oM street to Main, held north 00' " ~r .mottl(>n anrl 1:nIIl L\rl n.nd __ ~ ________ ''-___ ~ i,llO} ).rO\lt~.

fl.'""'''''. ,I ~,m::~~; (::::::';~~:a~~~1;~ to tlli' \ptf'r:ln'<; \1('rnorbl s('c-

iI+fl:I'I;I"'*~.i 1',1100 ~· .. h(·n' tht· <;('nic(' h to be I held,: ' " 'nl(' \\ 11'-> Innd 0PN1~ the pr~ 1'j...Tdm pta~lnf' "111(' <..;t<lr .... rnn~lpd

""", \tTl. Dr ettt' \'m N~

plana to pr('!I.('flt tl .. "lnltor)' d \1tori'lor\al Day". 'fbr. 'T«ty.~ \ddrf'u" I. 10 bt giV«'l by Mn~ PI\> 1115 ";wanIi;OI'\. '

il .. tT\('morlal addrn."tIl ~ VT'rIl.t"n1('(1 by Hev. I'hylll. lIt('k!, rmn follow{'<i b) thin) r.t'<'onii----­r:J sllen('(' JlOflorltu! ('omrade.

:rn1'1~!I~;~J('r~,;:~;~, tt.,re wu~ be It roll rail ~ the dead~ .,. lTIl'mori.:,\ nra~t'r, floml tribute and a o;.alulc to the d(·ad I;r;, l~ I..,trlon tiring MllBd, after "Met. tap., are to lJf' lliOI.ndcd.

, Banner" "dtl, IHlrIald ..... dlurtnC'il('r Carroll dlr{"C't Ing. l~rl"l1 (ommandcr

\k>mori.1.1 1 >a .• ~rvke. at rar+ roll han' bN-n ~{'ht>dulod for :'J p.m. in t1~ {arf'()l1 ('Ity aud'" lorlum. J attl('r ';ehwaab d Ponea IF; to d(.Jlwr th .. , 11ddre!ll.

WHS Germa,n Student Ra,ks 2nd in Ared Test

Carl ~,>( .. h{'{'l wIll Kin' opmlng r('ma-rks fo\IO\,,("<1 b;. pr:I,('r to

, 1)(" ~lven 1)\ Po'" (haplain 1.,('-

1,I(Oj (lar". ~ Kendall (arl"m, g\lldanc f'

! . t'ounsl,lor at \\a:>ne lIlg11 -"':-hool, , will,. del\\'('r til(' mf'ffiortal ad­I dress.

1 10w('l'"s art' to 1.1(' placl'd h;. 1..('~on \uxi11an memht'r". ..... [tll I

;J.s<;lst.lnc(' of (Jow('r golr!s.' .\ lf1.dltlonal m('morbl "'TC'ath will ,p,lso bc put into piac(' b~

a.sergC'ant or arm'ji,. C1ete '-;harer will rf'ad the roll

"d honor. 1 ollowlng anolhE:'rnum­II'ber by the \\\L .... oo.nd and lJ('n~

diction bj.' Ihe chaplain, Ol{>rlring , ,squad will salute the dtoad. Taps

wlll conrlude the service. \ote moria I ])a." proKl.Jms are

. plntly arr;tngl'd b: the ,\~rkan ~'Legfoo apd \'et(,rans of Foreign

War", a.;~lgh'd b\ othc>r veteran's organ I 7aUon !! and auxiliaries

Linda Lesh, 17-year-olddaugh- soch as III(" l1isabl(>d ,\mer!cari ter or Mr. and Mrsl. IIlchard 1 Veterans and the \\,\\1 harracks. Lesh of Wayne and aJ jmior at (The Ledon and \T .... alternate Wayne High Schoolf"receiVed!: making Jlr~am arrangements. word last week nat sh had scor- I

~h:= C:~r!:~ st~ ent:hf~~ ! Allen three states taking a ~st earlier I, Fla:.~ r;lea son \ mer!can Le-this year. l' gion Po)rt 131andJ\uxtiiarymem-

Her score, 76, wa only two bers at J\lIen have arranged for points lower than t highest a 10:30 a.m. memorial service

! qllowlng til(' I\l'rvice there will al".o tl(' a Irl~ -to tht dNld in 11 brlE·r prov.rnm al thc.\ (an'oll c('metC'r5.

Wakefield i!ev. .Jam("f; ~tarlctt 0( the

1'r('8byterllln Church In Wake­HeM will d('lIv("r thto 2 p.m. S!'l' CEREMONIES, pug(' !I

School Calendar For Final, Days SUIt. of Wa)ne' •. puiJJlc schooh

Franci/!. llaun, annotl'lred Friday that OOHCH will riEl ttll·lr reK~ Iar schedule Ofl the 18Kt 00.. ", school Wednc'Kla)', \iay 2M •.

Thursday, May 29, will be a da)<

for students to make up t~ats or finish Incomplete work. School buHes will not he nmnlng Thun­day,

The new a:rrangemrnt is an at­temIX to use the special talents fL the people at the ~orthea.st station, according to Ward. The area spec ia lists there wil1 handle the Dixon C ounL\ problems in their respe(,tjye fiE'lds, leaving Stohler free to specialiZe in the field of his major inte'rest and training, youth, onthefi\'~ounty l::asis. There arE' specialists in

W~yne ,School S~rintendent Ham !Olid' Friday that Mrs. Ken­

.... :; *'Mth 'locttllng is pre~ently taking the school census IQ district 17. man test Cor stl:Jd ts in Ne-" AuxlUary wom~ have preplr-

score ma4e..Ja-the r~lonal--Ge~ ,; .. in the Fi\m-1ew I!emetery •

braska and the two Da otas. " ed crosse!>' (or veterans' graves

School buseli wlll rw at the­regular time In the moming 00

~turday,! May 31, 50 1rt00ent., may pkk up report card. and then return home at 9:15 a.m.. '''Monda}'; """""I,...tIl be t .. , last day (or teachera at ~hool, Supt. Ham said. ~ ~:~::n ~SjnJ~~c'~:

for: a numl>er of year!s. Information will:oo sought

among residents of school dis­trict 17 concerning all those upto the age of 21. \

The census is to l:E'completed bj.' Jtme 30. !

The student scarln highest, and also plan to serve dinner l.awrenee Day of Lin oln, wins. (or the public in the I.egion a trip to Germany, thp summer' Hall in Allen imm(>dlately fol­SpcKl~ored by the Am rican As- I lowing the program_ soc~tion of Teachers German.' Legion Commander Keith JI1Il If H~ decides not t take the wfll open the service of tribute trip, Linda would be ~1!g1ble to In the Eastview Cemetery, fol-S('e GERMAN STUD~.NT, pg 10 lowed by prayer and a scripture

Summer c lasses will start Jme 9 in driver's education, mathand reading courses. P-olrents will be nottfled'as tQ the roomeachchfld is to report to.

\1onday, ·Jm€" 9, the school board will meet ,\t 8 p.m. (o:rl the regular monthly meeting. I

j "., I ' !

Name College Facilities In H?norl ':ofThree Wayne Men)

loog-range phns for the present phydical plant and ~rnllment taught at the college from 19~1 lI1tt11961. , The new $1,500,000 science bUIlding tmder COflstruction at Wa:.,le State College was named in honor of Ralph M. Car­tart, well knoYm WJ.)T1e businessman. by the Bcnrdof Trustees cI the ~ebras~ State Colleges Saturday. _

Name of the new science facility will be the Ralph M. Carhart Science Hall. - -

The Board held its reRul.ar _ monthlv meeting in Peru Saturday afternoon while attending the 1 J(}th graduation cere­Toony of Peru .':itate College.

The Board also decidE:'d that the planetarium in the new science building be named the Fred G. Dale Planetarium and that :f)e main reference room of the library addition now IJlder construction be named the Carl R. Ellermeier Room.

Ralph· C(a.rhart served 00 the governing l:ofrd ofi t~ N"ebras;.a state colleges for It years. ~ wa~ apPOinted to his original six-year term by Governor r;twlg~ Griswold, and reappointed by Governor Yictor Anderson~ i

During ['armrt's incumbencv four pfesld1;ts s~rved Wayne state iCollege-.J. T. Anderson, Victor ~. t)rey,'Jotm D. Rice and: ""iIliam A. Brandenburg. ! .

It was ~. period of rapid gro't'o1:h, star1ifg wlh the heav; influx.J{ W011d War II veterans.

In 195~ the coll~ instituted itS~' ua program. Three rr,jor buildings were constructed uringthe period:

~iorey Hall'r,\ndersoo Hall and the Rice H Ith $d PI~sical Education B lding. The rollege acquired d ~ developed


- ,"4'" '\:.- i ,.-'

of 3,p'oO students. 1 r' Initially coach 0( all intercollegiate s~~!}Jaledevelbped ~ member of the board of ~eqhska ~uoni~ fume (or ,I'; ,an intere-rt in gt"O),.'l"lPhy and taught InUatneld LJrttl he retired:

17 years, he' also ser)'ed as Gran~ !'.laster of the ~ebraska \1 T irt 196L '!is special interest was meteorology and ClimatolOgy., \faso:lic Lodge in 1.964. . I Presldent l!randeniJurg said that Dale was an Oli-ltand¥,r_":"-

In commenting on the Board a

1iOll President ~enbW'g performer in the classroom who Inspired many rtudents to, t"

said, "\ir. Carhart W"dS deeply in.ere$.oo in the ~velopmem sell improvement In character &.nd determlnatlm. Many at hiB l.

of the state colleges, gave wise ounsel and en.iqyed the re- [?T.mer students ha~ adV'illced to positions r:1 high resDOlt, spec! and friendship of alII I a I happy hIs met17Y will be slbillty in weathe: bureaus, both In Industry and goy~m~'1 perpetuated in this rmnner .... · -' '. The p~~nU;fTl will be l()(ated in the tasement at Ue,

Carhart, who died of a hea attack..in 19 5, eame to '_I SClence facllity, expected to be completed in September. Wayne with his plrents in 1914. 'ter living in mndplPh for The main referencf in tre'new $600,000 Ubrar')' addtt.loo l

a perio:i of time he returned It Waine in 1 39 .. He ~s! is narnE:'d alter another well known and wellilked Wayne State, dlrP.Ctor of the Carhart Lumber q: mpan:y, head flrtered in teacher, Carl Ellermeler. W - -1 • Ellermeler, woo died of a heart attack In 1967, taugfi: at Tc~ right up to the time ot is death, hefS working Wayne State,Crom 1955 121tU his death. AltOOugh t;each1ne In

00 plans for < the new M.a "ionic for W e and ilad He fields oc matherm.~and scLence, he malntahed a deep

tElped preseC1t the plans to the e the week h~5 death. =:::roi~ ~~~ =-BPr~:=~~ ~~I I

the new science building, ,whiCh Is being C~!"tIcted just dat he earned respect and devotion Crom the student_I he camel I

west 'of the present science-mathematics build • will have In ccntact with. I I! 23 laboratories, complred to the five in the pre nt ,building. The addUion to Coon Library will roore tlliln tr,fp1e itudyl A~ other features', a computer room, prov slon.oo t!,e SJBce for students, add shelving for some morei roof for an observatory and sizable increase in space fot tooks and provide numero:lS other ilbr .. ,.,'(ac!lJt1e •• ,e""J,qc:I1ally Instrtlctkmal IWaterials. . \ in the instructional rmterlals cESlter. TIle

The Board's decision ~ namiFlg the Planetaripmin me~ry IB 00 thefrorrtdthe present library and will create an tl Fred Dale Inlors a 1917 gradr.ate 0( Wayne ~ win structure.

,I ,

Page 2: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

," '. L I' . ,

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, MOnday, 2&, t i69

'EDITt>r~IAL " , OMMENT TIft' ,.Jilorilll J~la"'m'"' 0/ a u'trll, }' (Ill "'tI, "01 a,~u wdlr a" rJilorirrl

",'UI/'f//'cr is tI" imflorla", til', "m,n'. Nor. - IJIII '1 )'1111 ruJ4 Ilrt rdllonal 41fI:I 9itJr ur-II/(/lty ;1 is on( ,rr,.,,', 41;";011 0/10,;(1 ',lrat i'}, 140119'" I" Iltr ~u";rcl JUClllwl ,0. • f/"..;rn mOIl of '"l' rraal'rl. lIa r gnmrd, You (JJ 1'1 r1'1f4n. hat,t git't'1f

It ;1 tht' 4uly 9f an ra;1 rial Ulrill'T to ·w rful thou9JII lfJ tin j""orlalll ,roh/rm uar. II (II/ tlfJtfi/n6l, 1actl '''lor It, lill down rm 11rt' t.torittr ir ,rou't/ ':/0 IIrrvr < colin yo.r 10 ,,'nit, From ,"il balil t"r wrilrr IJiolllJ al ,niifJn /0 an ;rnfJor'ant luhjrrt ,/ttlt ),ou ,,; aM, 10. 9lf.1t a (Irar pictur of impfJrlanl Ifl~y hafJt' ofH,Iool,J. tapia. , , I .

hot Is Your, Newspoper~ (EDITOH'S NOTE: This editorial, which ap­

peared In the Water.100, WllCon.",: Iii, Courier, 1& docJlcated to the hl~ school gtlt,dua1es 0( this area. The "qlder readers" of this newspaper probably regard a newspaper aj, a recorder 0(

local htlrtory more than the yomg people. In read­lng It we hope' you will gtv~ more thought ·to the part your new~~per piays In yo,ur Ille and your comm~Hy).

it,'!; a yellowtng dipping In a Rlble telling the birth or a babY who smiled ,'but a little while. othf,'Twisc remembered only by the pereflts and (;oct.

II's your life history, and t.he life history of t'hose you know. '

It's your joys and sorrows, and those of your neighbors, recorded by the only news rne(lium in the world that cares about you,

It's yOUr' conscience Pined with other's to form [j I.!ua~d against injustice: by government.

It's the difference between }'OU and being an \.,Informed anImal or a human Ix:!ing, knowing­and forming judgml'nt tBsedon ratts madea~lIahlc to you easily. quickly and truthru~ly.

Itts the support from which you ask and get the strengtll of many in rurtherlng tl1c welfare r>f your oWT\'World - vour ('dmmunlty.

It's the only' medium that shows tre future' Ukt your foot~rlnts wete,~ce made on the !!htntm~

: sand~,~ tt~:~llringer ~t your blrth,.\'our marrla~, ! and the birth of )'our children; and tolls the bell j for you as you begin t~lon,g journe)'. , I ' «'15 your !lervant wal.ting (or'vour pleasur(> I to be read _ today, to rr.;Jw 01" next wet'k. j !t'!! a record fa you to read,' to keeP to read aw,.in, or to dlsc~rd·; not a voice or a picture

for a~,~~ntb;~g~;n ~~~;~r~I~~~S, not mJrel~' , 'II '-11' ' the 'a carrl<tr on 1:- of tre commror('10 sm or

, mar~~,ts 't~e\Ccord ~ the day wh('n a fie.ellng. moment of glor;. desc nd~. on .,"our hou<;c for all to remember and Iho, e who ('ome after to 1U10w.

It's t'he handful 0 ('llppings 111.,1 ,brings tears and fond smiles of r'e emhr'ance to .\our children, and children's ('hlldr'e-n, when on that t>ventflll da\' the\' must <;hare what ooce was .vou and ,'ours.

- It's yOU on voul'" first da) of <;cho'll. and at vour ~rad-tlat ion. .

It's .\'Ol! a little boy, a bridegroom, and a

: fathel~;S vou a ltttle girl. a bride, and a r~diant , mother'.

It's yQU - of you, by ,vou, and for .\ou.

, ,

View~ of the News IJA1,[-:I.TNE: I.()~D()~ - LondOl'l's famed Pig Ben Is tilling toward tIl(' Thames, but engineero; bc­li('V(' tIle landmark at Westminst(>f" P'dlac,e face.<; no Immediate danger,

The 31fl-foot clock tower t-as slippE!'rl just a few Inches in the last 110 years. ("om~rc ttds with the Leaning Tower Df i'isa, measutfing only IRO r~et high, which lists .more than 16 fqe.t out of line. , . (" I

COMMENT: If the structures are qatterned alter l·ngland's and Italy's social leanfngs, \ID-

dout:(edl) thcy are leaning to the left. I

~\~I~~!~rvS\~L~;~lrl~:, rr~~' a~E~cr:s~L ~ tolerance r~garding dangerous social chan,geS. mstead of being 'Wlderstanding' of user~ of mari- ' juana, or of campus lawbreakers, panents and other adult dtlze.ns should take a toUgh I~pproach , to behavtoral problems, for the nation is ithreaten­ed from within bv those who want to dhtroy all the ancient rules;' a decent society.'" ,

rm.1MENT: The veQ' kid.s who dDll't believe in Santa rlaus arc the ones who .s;rOv,' up and expect the government to give thel11 everything.

J D,\ TrLINF: W,\SI.!TNC'l'O!\··- The Tax FOlB1datlOl1 reported fC"derai income tax paid on $10,000 in­('ome breaks doWn like this: $fi23 fat;' defense, $117' for interest on th(> national debt, $93 for health, labor and welfare, $51 for vetcr,ans' serv­ices, $44 for the space program, $4[1, for inter­national affairs, $34 for commerce 3J1d housing, $29 for natural resour('es, $2fi for agriculture,

$23 for education, the samC'- amount for gEneral government costs and $11 for mis('ellaneous guv-cl-nmcntal expenses. L

COM\1F:~T: Taxe'l are lik£' a taXii - the meter keeps going whether you arc g'etting rmcwhere or just stanqing ~ill.

'DATELf\'F.: \\',\SJ!'l'XGTOf\ - Mr. J. Edgar lbover, director of the FBI, recenltly remarked, "Vigorous law enforcement is needed to cOJ)e_ with ,crime and violence in our nation. It cannot be achieved If arresting officers are r·equired. to make an apologetic approach to every killer, rapist, rolJbE>r, and thug roaming OUIl sttct"ts. If the rule of law is to prevail, the lay, m"lst be enforced."

COMME"-:T: Solving crimes becomes in­('reasin~ly difficult each day a8 police mUf learn, when talking to suspects, to read between the lyings. '

DATELINE: WEST CPAST - ":\ newvehidecalled a "sand·caster" has been developed to fight forest fires. it digs steel claws into the eartb...an~ hurls Its load at the top of burningtrees. The C. S. f:orest Service and other forestry experts consider it to be one 0( their most valuable weapons in tattling crOwn fires in which the blaze leaps frorri tree top to tree top."

("OMMf:~T: Let's hope the hippies aren't able to secure ooe ror throwing their Lhoke , items at the next Democratic convention. '


DATELINE: W.A, Yl\'E - A frustrated ~·outh wanting ,I to play baseball who first md to do his chores'l' said, "If it isn't one thing, it's a motl'E'r!" - MMW.,

0:- 'oj. I oj.

Food Producers Ha~e 1

o 'Right to Profit "(;attle prices are now no high¢r Han they I withoUt increasljd efCiciency, instead 'Of up, wfh

were 17 years ago," David H. stroUd, Chicago, I a res\fllt that meat prices would be far above w?at pre!!idC!1t of the National Llvestoq,k and Meat they are today. Board said In a stalemC!1t recently. \\~e think yoy'll especially appreciate the ~si-

"How many other products and services cost nessman's' concluding statement in his presef/ta-the 'same or less than they did In 195~'?" he asked. I tion, i'NO one l~es "to I:BY higher prices [or ~y­''("*k what you have to pay todayfQ~automobnes, thing and it's l1atural that all homemakers ,are medical ('are, housing, entertainme(lt - you name, I more I sensitive ,to increases in prices ?f items tt - compared wtth what you would \lave paid blck the} fhOP for fr~uenHy._ such as food. \\e d~. not in 1952," Stroud challenged..' I oo.\" \' sets, aL)tomobiJes and hOuses Hat o~en.

IThe president cootinued POint~g out that the But t e people who produce food have the same

~~rdha~e 1:~7 p~~e~,c~::~on~~~~~~~ ~~~~'; 1~~hls~~s,S~~~m~~r::~~t~~s~~~:n:h~~~~: ~:~~~fo; :!f~~:slf israc~~fl~~i~~~-ta; ~::t~~t~ af~~t~r~'et:~~:\f~uJ~;.,~d el~ctri-take-home pay than it took tobuyhEl'ef20 years ago, I In order fot residents in Wayne County'S four and, he added, "it was less thad three per cent lor fi~e towns t~ prosper, tl"je farhil.)o 00 ttwr farm even then." is r~st going ~o have to prosper, with Profits.

stroud explained that Amerl~ans ar~ getting' Good !land, good' seed, gOod equipment, gOOd rain .fi6 per cent more beef for thai 2 and one-hal! I and a' lot of har~ wor~ have always been the' main-per cent of ~pendable income tllm they did bacl< 'stay ~d backbone of Wa:;'11e and other agriqultural. in the early 1950's. -,' I comiles. ~

It costs Wavne County livestock producers When the ~ple in agricultlu-e 10 , don't more to do busfuess tOday than II 15-20 years agol Idd )hurself, ehrybody loses. When the.:farmer

lilt! -just -as it does In every field, ,Ibut stockmm are ftnakeb a decent profit alongside other t?Usiness getting fewer. real d?llars In I return for their people, everyon~ gains. , labor, ' 'fayne Co~ty is a great place to Fve and

Like others, Wayne Cotmty producers could work. Recent f:iins are brightenJng tbe Carm not have stayed in business I.vlthout b1creased outlook. Spr:ingtime optimism is! a real erNciC!1cy. Meat productloo would lave gor)e down jewel - MMVt'.1 i


"Gerald Jackson 375·1216 • W.ynt, Nebr. I

Tre 4-Wersl will anitve at the lJvestock ExCIm1ge BUtiding In SoQ:h Omaha at 11 a~m. Hosts from the dll(e .... t rjrtns' will greet \be delegates tl8j will be v1sfting pJaces of busfpess. 'The firms will coqduct tours and ex­plain their operatlm" ~

Some 350-400 4-H' members will be taking 'part In t Career Day, Each yooab will visit .... firm f1 his choice.

''1")., visit should g1f !lie 4-0 member an insigtt tnt the ~

, \,~

.1,. 1

I· I !

.1 ' <ky. ),It .. member lIal dl'Ivtna t.. a prlvi~ and nell ''ri6tt'', neme_: _ "" ellmb ... '

~""~7~----"hliirtFe ~r~ ".1 ffilt )'(la

..... by bo~ carole ••• lum ~ , ': .. _..... ear klto I two-tm monltf'r like

U.,ae which ktlled 55,300 Pf'OPlt' d ... 1nt 1968 In !lie 0, s. '

.. " .. X-I-X-:II: .. .. ~:~~~i :.~~ ,to,.~ rem1nder ,,111 cau.ae each d us.


to be just 'a W~ bit more ('au­tlou.s'?' M.efrlal I?ey In wonder-/ rt.tl day 1 tOi pay trf~e. 80 tet"s really do ~ best to keep from

by Merli" W,d.,t I IT8rTln& t:r;' ~lre weekend by

Dld 'y!?lI know- the HOU~ careleS!I'1e



Representatives menU.Y to approve legbtatlon grant g Summer. "til 1100I'I ~ Nore!

Ivtl t II Fried chic·~en. ~to salad and free mailing pr 'I:, eges 0 ~ lemooade' ',Then. of' course. we servicemen locate1ii outside t 48 contiguous lI:ta~s and to 11 Can"t forgtt ba~On and tomato servicemen hosp~U'Zed as II: r sandwiches, Ice tea, lxtter-sutt 0( disea,e or injury covered sl'Ieet com and fresh curred while ,on I~Ctlve dut ,7 gardenlve~ftabres. PresentlJ'. this ~rlr lege lsava 1- If you are feeling well, good bl Iy I lho In a com t rood I, ,a ~'" help In making anY

:re: rr to ~hds~ s~ pltallzed s flaY a lot ~rt" t'fljoyable. 1 ' In Tt iX-x-x-x-x-a result or serv cto I 8 com Summer' Is made up of. Other

area. -x-x~x-x~x:" great th~S ltke crisp brlglt Let's not rorg~' June 14 liS mornings, perfecti:- tempera­

"flag Day", ,\ dose ~of 'tured days, red smsets. Special €Jlthusiastlc patri ism through- moments rn<fJ come to you as you out every nook and cranny ofthts stand in ttta flower garden smell­great land sure ,wouldn't 1~4rt lng the {rap-ance of a beautiful it any. Perhaps there are, ~r- rose. Or' 8 memorable moment ganizations In W8)j"e looking fO. r may occur mexpectedly as you a program thetn+ for a June 'just haPpe~ to spot a rainbow

, t ~ ht a cIOt..d- den sky. And having ::;'~~~I:~; c'~uO~';trr:,/: ef~ ~n rais on the farm .Y. W. might be just Wha~ryou're looking always enjoye<l watching birds for? I feed as they follow the tractor

-x-x-x-~- plowing up a buffet dinner for An early "Ilappy Fourth 0{ I birds!

July" to an of y6u who wtII still be around to enjo,)! H.; By nOW you know ttat about SOp pf our neigh­rors and frten~s I 'fill discover their automobqe~ to be their caskets oyer ~Ie.morial Day week­end. It's a hor~ibl~ thought. Why do we Americans turn on the faucets of blood over holiday highways?


Will our beautiful American highways always Mve to be "001-of~oor insatl.,e asylums"? Or maybe you have~'t, had tpe ex­perience Uat J. W, had not t:oo loog ago of ~wmg one, youth pinned behind the ';steering wheel of his car while tne other youtb­ful driver was thrown out' of !;lis auto and 'NaS sitting in a pOol of his own blood~ It wasn't even' their fault! A third party had caused it all by not being able to wait a few minutes before pulling onto the road.

-x-x-x-x-x-With Memorial Day weekend

coming up, you'r.e absolutely I

"sure" Hat you aren't going tOI

get into an accident, aren't you. Well, friend, let me remind you that out there some place, right now, there are from 500 to 600 drivers who think the same thing, but they are wrong, "dead" wrong. "It won't happen to me" is only a self-<:reated illusion. It can hap­pen to you and it may not be yOUl" fault.


Just seven daya from now there are going to be names listed in the newspaper's obituary colwnn

- with notice of the .uneral service; names of those who right at this moment are living,warm,won­derful people. Of course "it woo't happen to me PI!

-x-x-x-x-x-In one split-second of jelly­

brained driving there, will be a sudden screeching of rubber shedding on concrete; metal will be twisted int.o ~ly shapes with flesh and blood being chewE¥i into tmrecognizable bits of gar'wge.

,Horrified passers~by will creep by the wreckage. ,and will remain driving at more of a sane IDce for at least the next 10 miles!



You gals won't want to miss hearing a~ut a new cookboOk we hope to, review for you here next week.! Of course bachelors read cookbOOks! Let me tell you,

~t~e afJ~~~~·t~t l~~u:;~ w her e 'except right beside the W\TD firehall. And if you think Hot is bad, most people are afraid they are guing to "track into" somebody's hous€ after a rain, but my problem is, I have to be carerul so as not to track anythJng .. ~ut" of my muse ont& the nelghbdr's lawn! Maybe things will perk up, however, as. I've been ask~ now, several times, to get matried ............ by mom and dad.

Wavne City Code: Section 2-111: "Any policeman

who shall· willfully fall, neglect, or refuse: to make an arrest as provided :in this code, or who pm-posely i and willfully fails to make cOrr)plaint after an arrest is 'made, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined In any sum not hceeding one hundred dollars."

Section 18-607: "It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cause all lines and marks on curbs or 'pavement to be I:Binted and to keep the same painted. The marking or designating of portions ,of streets or al1eys where the IDrking of vehicles is prohibited' or limited shall be done onl/ by the City of Wayne through its proper officers."

Car'roll Mrs, Forrest I'\ettleton f

Phone 585-4833 .,.

Mrs. Eugen~~Nettletoo and Brenda and Mrs. Clarence ute­mark. Wakefield, and Mrs_ For­rest Nettleton had dinner in the Lloyd Roeber home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Nettleton, Dyleen, Kathleen and Kayleen were callers Wednesday evening in the Forrest Nettleton home~


I .

Thel the

Century Turned I I I

I The Wayne Hera Id I

~~ 25, lR99 I Local and I, II '

I , Work 00 the the new ('o~r, CarroIl house wtII begin next from U.t t.I%:

A new crpssmg has been put In bj:rtween R. D. unttl the building Is compl~ted .. Oct. t, work ~ II MerrilJ's hardware store and t~ general be pushQd and the 8C(!fle~ on court hOUR !Ill m~rchandlse f:ore of Tb:rnby 8, Co. i wtll be pf an extre~ly adlvc !appearan~e wlt~ a

last ~~'k y:~ an ~!O~~~,il~~~e1~~Srl~~0:~ ~~!~esfO'ce M~r~,enpr~t~~~k'il~I~' =rat~t0;t: IIe will cantin e tok~panrcellheor ctectlonery, cOl.l1ty commissioners ,'iaturday and tt ,was !D­and will hav fresh meat at, all tt s. A good, prOVed •. It Is signed by the .• f"ld. ellty and nepo:. ~ Mcher shop one orthethlng8Carhi lhasneeded Cornt2ny of ~rytand in the lJum of '10,000, d for some ti past and now that we I have 'one let the conditions are that the saId Bowles & Moo' • us give it our tronage. 'will faltttrully perform the contract they tB {'

If the cr wd of boys krlOwn a'll the ''f.)lrty entered Into with the coUnty o( Wayne. . Dozen,:' think t~re is anytfit~g smaH in mt!dng: :--:ext week 11 the clo,lng wee'" 01 the ~I c the nights hid ous, as they do' nearly every night ~hools of this ctty and 'accOrding to every, reporrt, in thf week t ·ey arC' OOdly orr. And- If Carrbll has we are 0{ the optnloo Hnt it l'as been a maiM a Mar'shall, t first thit)g for him toldo wC\ruld be profitable school year, due In a large meas e to see that th discOntinue their loud td mkentle- to the efficient principal, Prof. Conn, alt , , manly demonStrations on the streets a night. materially aided by a very able CQrp of teache' •

a saEI:doonZlealnkdlee~cbel,etno grope ann ted a, 'soolt ,~n:: :.: ~: TIle t1me lost because of the prevalence of di,ptheri. !

i "1'" IDs been made up to a large extent and t~ 6C 1, complete the building. No club saloon ga. mes will wtll close with a creditable record of pr'c.gre s. go them. Mar our predictions. I TIle SI.l1 has been behind the clouds (or a

Victor arm who has been Vl? sick the l00g time and the slIvery lining ~II been rac

~~dl~lg~ w~::~ina;,d ;:~ !dw~s s:~e':'ese;!'la:: ~~~ ~~~~~:i~~8:1~ hab';::;~ ~ J::al

and Is stlll ery low. LATER: Victor has re- weather .. But there's a brighter day co~w covered from his relapse, and wtll Boon ~ able" the .silvery lining wiI1 nOS? this way and ~ I nat', e to be out, the Doctor thinks. " witt wear Its broadest smile. Be thou c~, J.

I WIll BU!*ld**Brldge, The Democrat says that if Editor I MeN, I doesn't want to get the worst 0( it (rom tnp: PI. ,

The Dtxoo COtmty Board of Supervisors, in let him "use the same con. slderatlon to,' athlt". special! sessit at Ponc~, ha's decided to rebutld tlDt he expects himself." Oh, we don't Itnpwa all the bridg sWashed' out by the recent nood. getting the worst f1l ft. Time will tell. MeN I Fourteen Jar e bridges have' been destroyed lin Is not losing any sleep;' besides, he has a r~w thecomtyan~boutrortYC~lverts. rUes of late lssues of'the,Petnocrat contain, ~ i

'_ ••• - some choice libelous insinuations, laid away ys Find a Human Hand' future use, and they will not be used for poUt

Some's 11 boys who were playing in an ol~ JXlI'PI?ses, ~fther. ~ld1e 15 a _PTettf specl ~' vacant busln ss house at, Wymore fomd a well to talk alxU conslderatloo ror otheZ:l. Have preserved pa or a human hand In one corner and his man Friday used the same cOps£de ,I

of the room. It looked as though It hid been tom for McNeal that McNeal ha~ for .them? Furt~ -from, the wr st, as' the ligament attached to it more, 1be Herald has never ~tanged its was six inCtS l.ong. How it coul(t"have come course to personally'attackGoldle,Nofcons 11-

there is a ,my ery ya: unsolved. ,I tloo Cor himself and relative~, not even Whenl, , ~ ••• -4--- 'took his de~rture sO lloodenly, betwem the j g

, New Pythlah~rLodge and rising 0( the sm. Btt h1 the fmure we ,

same order. use that same consideration (or GoJdIe, and II 8

Everything you've ever lived for and loved !:an come to a ter­rib I e end just because of a moment of carelessness. Accord­ing to national statistics a great percentage of deaths are caused by "tipsy" drivers, drivers ,who thought their alC[hollC pleasure was all tm! <Ate sobered up it is difficult for t m to hmgine they have ''killed1'.

A lodge Iof Knights of Pythlas Was formed to deviate rrom ow- usual cOUI'se. and Should~., at WinsIDe Wfh sIXteen charter members, there 'Deroocrat again publish any Or its contempt e being already five rpem~rs Or other l~s of the inSfnWtlOO8 concerning McNeal. we pr0p05e(~

'_.,..- friend Uat the Derrocrat does tor us. Canasta Meets l'l

Canasta, met 11'tD"sday with I I ' I :~·~:1!o~1s:·!e:.~~·j 61 6 ~I!


Drinking alcoholic ~verages l1llY indeed be _~. "civil right" ci celebrants. b)Jt it is also a "civil right" of qtters usiI'!i the highways to driv~ there In safety.


There are thqse who would qui c k I y condemn a drin.~ing ~iver but then ~orget to '.'dfID" their llglts when followlngl an­other vehlcie or "meetJng an Qn­

coming car, there. by caus~' an accident. There are a a thousand dftferertt ways to' 'Il" oneself or other~ with t~ lut<>­mobile as a lYeapm.


pur, ''war'' t£'the U. S. High­waYs Is taldng hlgher*1n Ufe IIBn the!' " In Ill­)\'here "l"I' the "peace-<>!ks"?

=:"~~::r~~~ missiles dri~~l'I~~ Every atKomobi1le being, dr',iven em the h1gbwu I is' In ri!aJty ,a gaSOllne-laden~traP"SOch rmchlnes are over 100 buman be/nglj yoursel!~ 24 ~just the Uulted Slates a -~ ... x-x+X.x- I


:::~:"!nt:rt:e:~~~ 1 To be venly Y"lrs yOImg <fILs' :~_; nO~re~s~IY ooe comer ~ 100 ~!ver .. ~ by Mrs. Herman Brockman, Mrs. ch r rty be .u~in of 1--..... ......... and Uet's yoar-

far more c erful and OOpe:t'ul thanl to be 0 ,can ce ..... '" u"'~v~ .. '6, ! II Marie A~rn and both guests • ..-- It' Aida HQxley

. Next mee\ing will be in ohme. rears old. - olmes.. I se ,. - WI. J I

, ill

"JI' ,I


i Ij ,

, '

j 1 , , , ,

,I r , "

:1' "'I

I : I

I T;tf~,N.-<. YOU . I Haying I ~ol~ ,mr. "'obll Sla~pn '~ ;Ihe Farmers UnlOn/,

I would like.' 10 "t .... o. rk all of my customers .... WhO h~ve. pa-I . I \ ~. .. I 1 I' , , i Ironiled me I duri~g he~ye~rs .1, :hove ~~ in busi~ess ~' Wokefie~. if,' !, I 1 , .

I 'wilJ ~tOY 1o, n I as : manog~~11 for '0, s'ott t,mesO . hope , i, I" I

t~ot I Yfdl ~onlinu~' to see Y~Ut. , ,1 ,AI HI Z

'Ij I. 'I

" :, > I i. :

.' \ I


Page 3: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION With "P' Ind 90 ..... n~, d'ploma, "no .. p~op.r, ce~.mony. th.,. 10 W,n\io. l(,nd;er9"rlen.r, ,·9f .. d ..... ,..:1'· In .. n 8 p m 'e~v'c. Thufl.day h.ld ,n the Win,ld. H'qh School 9ymnHIUrT\. From I.ft to right, wit'" PH

1 .nt'~ nlmf' In p"ren'hf'\es, Ire' B.ck row -Tommy Will) 'Herb), B.cky W.,t.rh.u, (Don). KC'lIy Volwder 'Don I. Br~d Robf'r!! (( R ilL Jr ), L,u Pf'ter, ICI,ffl. Coteene MoIl.r (V.rnon) .nd Su(' Mell'rhf'nry 1 Mll'lv," ) Middle ~ow _ Jim!""'y

tf!efnuria t ':ba~1 ~S~eciat


We hove the Ideol garment tor your Memortal Day wearing, or for all summer traveling and camping Lorge assortment of cottons and blended fabrics -short sleeves and sleeveles.s

SIlI.'S [or the jU[!Jor fIgure. tht; half size figure and the Misses straight Slze

Selected from our regular stock Ongin. ally pneed from $7 to $16. nov. for this specIal :.ale while 100 garments last -


i ",'II

Hdwkon, Boll': Robblf' JacobH'n Iw.~enJ; Mary Jefhey'W,IIHdl La" Langenberg'( on); Rog.r Ma,lny MoIa" "nd Lorn Me.erh ry r DonI Frant raw O('E.b'e Wostager I R,chardl: O.bb,e GoIHland Darrell', Lauroe Gallop (Johtnl: Tommy Gdhl 'GI'orq" K,,~tl Btn,haof ,Kerm,'1 Cathy Arm~I~9l' Wdynl' dnd Gary Anderu\, (M-llrvinl Krl,<'n Alln W~. L,nda L .. ,h i.

GradlKltion : for Kinder~ Held at/Wins~e

IIH'nl\ .,(11l"'idt,

\ I("t<H \linrl, \\r'''. 1100 \1('icr-lienr j ... .-n,,[Tl 'Tl()\"('r.

illc IYI\ ilonlll-ed \lr ..... 1,I111C" (nHnrnan fill 11CI- rn.'n\ \l'al ~ or lCd' '-me: i]'1 lhC \\ in .... de ~l Lou I ... ., <.t(,!li. \Ir~. \Ial"\ in rua­

mer, i'l \ pn'~ld('rl, "lc~ent('G

\lr ....


".<~, .. ,,~<"1 that .1 duplkil!Qr fad t)('{"n <k1l\"-{'r(>d 11) 1".0:' hb'h "rhool I~ur<,­m' ..... l.!rh 1~(' '''-1 \ '~Id htlfl'C'd rx1frha ~{'.

\(.rvi.nr. j,mr),('·on follov.lng tll('

pr ')1' rim 11('r(' \Ir~. '.j 1-1 n vI ra~r!l. \!r .... 1)"n \ rbka, 'lr~.

Presbyterian Women Hold Meeting May 21

\irwl(>('n !lwmLO('r'" or \nll("<i r'n'~bq{,! i;m '\"n1C'n'~ \~""P{ la­lion inl('l"I,~t~ ~'l'(J\!jl~ ,1f1{·nu(,d !\'{' In("""t ill~: \\ (,dn('''''\:1 :.it t fl('

( \'llr" II, \11' ~. !(' ... ~ if' \lorl':lt) .,In d(>\o!inll~ (,' .

linq"" .... ' ... "('J (' "11~, ,,\ illi.aln \lell')I. \Jr~. ·1(']Pn < 'IT. \lr~

\. I" ("dliH'r .l.nrl \11', "" I'.

'lan,'n'"(" NetHer, \fr. and \(1'5.

r I'd I Prince. 'tn. Inr.p "'Uf'hl Jr., \tr. and \In., .JaTT\('~· Trout­rm.n, ~lr~. Bob P"t'r 1'>", , \lr5, !d \I.hlkamp. tan1L\c(' ..:.tubb~.

\lr". <';~'Ir1;! TraLfI'l~In. '{r~. (0('<)11:(' \ 0<;'>, 'ITO;. Ill!.vld \\am~ mllnd(' and 'IT", H()b \\al~rtnu!l{'.

Wesleyan Service Guild Meets with Mrs. Ahl..,\rs

"\l'<:.I(,'.;jn '-.<>nk(' ('"Ild ml'\ \!.:p ~! \\IHl \Ir<:.. J>.rn \t'lwr<:.. \inp m('m~l('f~ and 1"0 ~'>J.I('>;I~.

\lr~. ( t'( il l11l~~ and (o<'"n('\"lC'v(' (f;lil:,I,('rC'pfC'<:.C'nt

r)C'\otl0fl>" \\(,fP ~'h('n b' \\r", 1 \ k LamblC'. \ v["il:ll nn 10 tll(' '~nLIl~1 ! rha.n '-,ludl(> ... {C'nt(>r'I~I'" div'I1""'('{l. .J.('!t('r~ "('r(' rp,:IG

l'ir<l,,('11. r'lrl{' 1 ",1111., n~'\t frr,)m \\:d':l\<.ia r{'(l')('~tull'; bl)o~ ... ro')']I';11 rll('('1 in!..:.. Ill(' I('~"{)fl, '"II h('n ( l'rl"llan~

$illtccn Members at Meeting in Teo Room

.... i\\(,1'1i ml"lll>l'1 ~ i!lpll'tl"d 11,( m{,(>ting \1 IpdnC' .... d.1. \ ,)f f'leH,anl

\alk~ ( lilb at \llll('r· ... (,·<.I 1:"OJll. !:oll (',lil 11:1'" all<;\I('r>( ... t wit I d('finltiofi~ of :1 ('"oon mflfh(,r.

(Hir'('r~ .. ie('tl't! "(,fl' '\11'''', \1)";'1-1 I'kl,( 1, \11-

'11-". Il\\iln 11C'pr, ... ('crpll::ll·\ In·a>..un'r.> II irtTler .... al n)Oc('f1tra­t jon IIP'(' \h'~, I "('Tl!l('1 I , \fl"~.

1J;l-rl)ld 1 I('e!" .Illd \l)"~. 1';\\ /"homt J <J r~('Il.

\It .... \ 'tl)! I ('

11,)\I<;(,.I!lt·rir .... 1 rn('('tinl: I)r 1l('\1 .,('a"'''n Idrl "-.{>pl.l:-.

Doughter Graduates

Fram Nursing School \11' .... J:I)I)('rt ("I.,taf""n, dallJ-~h­

ler rlf \1)". and 'lr~. I red Lildc I'

Homemakers Club Has Last Meeting of Season

ProgT('ssi\"!: \lomemai-{ers met \lay ~II witll \Irs. Il,ernard ';;plitt­gerber for treir last meeting of the season. (ard priz('s were "'on I:r- \Ir<;. \'al ])amme and \1r". Ibn·e.\ l'eibold. \"e:..i meeting will be in September.

\1"(' in rh(' \Iinoril"," \\:l~ j'h'('n r.. \lr~. \1 (illt' \k( lan'lI !lll'

11dlrj [11(''''C'nl(-.:1 \\t".,. 'lr( Jar('n "it!, ,I )'lft IJmn 11('1 rPILn'm('nl frum \\;IIIlV '-,tali' (011('&,('. lI ... p

1 fi m('{'t ing will br wlfll 'Ir .. \, I. "wan.

\If)flda~, \ta,1 2fi l.nll\rop l~tn('ro<;trxll1c-dpi('fli(

J'lI{'<;dal, \Ia\ '2:-'-,j. 'ta r~ '., (;\li Id ilidorbi, \Ir!-. Fverett Hobert>..

\ J1 , \Ir ..... llarn '-,(-hull \\pdn(, .. dal. \ta, ~H

I nitC'd \Iethodhi W""(""( ir('I(> .... ' I~lt Lt'nQ', \lr ..... ~\ illa.rd \\ ill­

.... P, ~l::H) a.m. ( haritl, \lr.,. I.{,,,tpr llan"

.. (>n,·2 p.m. IlonnY', ll('lpn C;!ld('f .... r{'(' .. ,£'.

~ p.m. Ilof)(', church, '2 p.m. I ripndshlp. \Ir ... \1IC'n \hu,-,


II.!\IJ(' ounlr' (Iub !,<idi(' ....


WS Faculty Wives Elect Officers at April Meet

\1 (hpir \pri! ("offp(, mppting' 11i(' Ila \ n(' "ldtC I acult.\ \~ iv('s l'il'd('(i the following officers: \lr ..... 101m I~drr Ilill .')(' presi-dent; \Ir ... lim Paigc.vicepresi-dcnt: \11" ..... II e<;l('.\ I ritz, ~Pl'-

r('tll"l -trea~urer; \lrs. I' r ('d

l'ien p, counC'''' chairman, and \lr~, lloward \I itt, historian.

llleir first fall meeting, Sept. If;, will be a lund-leon to honor new faculty wive~.

Baccalaureate For 37 Seniors At Wakefield

I\'ahefield II igll ',chool T'lac­

calaureate services were held \fa: IR in the elementary school g:, nnasium at 3 p.m.

Pastor Fred .Jansson of the \\akefield F:vangelical Covenant Church gave the afternoon ser­mon entitled "Building Life".

\1usical selections on the pro­gram were presented by the Boys Octette, who sang "You'll :'\ever \\alk .\Iooe," and Bob Johnson singing "How Lovely Are ThY Dwellings." ~{embers of the octette .are Devon Fischer, Mar-

The best remedy for' "liserable money

mana~ement is to open a Checking Acc6unt h~re*

* Ask about it,' .. today~ You have a choice, of checking accounts, and every other banking ser.ice you need is here <ilso . , , under the sanje rooe .

'Jirs! ;VllfiDHIlla...=""'·" <

Hmti "rlf!i1 i4?JJ " WAT .. [[ ... [[_"s ... "

! 301 :"Main St.

, " , ~,

compollng bin'" In th. for.g,ou~ It I.ft i" ~~ ~~:;t~~~m~~l R~.r~~rr;:'I~~:~"'t~lth°':!~:~ c.ml'., .'lCpl.inl mlk. up proced",r"1 t. lhe ,t".d.nll 1

lln hJ~H·rner. "I{I'lid \tll:-rlU.,on, Ii>(' \1.1 oil!' I\el'f.'

flf \nll'1 ie,1 in I\'( o)'Tll1iof\ of tll(· full' \\Iorh lJ('ln~ dorH' todil In

I~\{· (,,-o~(. kt'lln I'c'ter". P~'n nh I~Hd, I:o):(l'r 11<1('('ht'nr~llJ('r

,lOd Ilall.I'" l'l'ar"'(lf1. \brlt'fll' \Iill .... and \lr .... ,1: II' rrulling"(,1 IH'!"l' .lI"(·nmpanlht ....

1'..(>111 \ohn"'ofll,lnd l IIp!"\ I '-.;\111 rla\{'d thl' orh~n-piallo pro< e ... · ... iofla I and r('("('-r .. I~""ill.

lib''' SdK~l1 i'~·f)flomk .. f'd,. allon I \nun, 'td 1101.. a f'Ofl. (

',and In ~t.ml!1.I!{' "111(1('nl Intl'l"r"! _.p!lf>r 1~IlJl. K Ib ... , tnOl. 1.I111i(· 1.lmt'm;I"'l!!~' ,u1 .. ~ II hart' ,tr. and,

I~l'\. lIoh('rt John",of!, ..... llem I,utll('ral) {lIunll, ':-.J\"(' Loth 11K'

-"- ~ ""'1 Ii .. (arroll and

It 1 y U.£. .... ~ ~!n. IIII·llam F,~non, innw.ltilln and IX'npdil"lil)n.

5 our mvwe (., (';(.1-, j~l';tndm()thpr.jl nrt'

--1\T);1fl ;;nd 'IrJo;~ ~'1rmidt, nofl. and 'Irf>. \. (. "(tit" \Irr.. \I{'La \I(·~('r. Wrt}n.'.

\n l'<;Om.'II£'d ('r<ll\d (If 1.')1)(1," \UJ\'r.ll I~: attendpd Ih(' .... ('I,\i("(·. \lr<;. 'larl(' I~d('nl to ",:Ul ".1,,1

Karen Wax Named

Top Home Economics h.:irl'n \nn 1\<\\, datlJ':lill'r ()f

\lr.and \\r ..... (ty-a \\a.xofl\a\l\(', lu .. been na rned t hl' top-ran hin~~ homc pconumic~ stud{'flt a( \\a.\

IUgh ~hool, according to

Marie Mohr, home economics instructor at thel school.

.\s the outstanding home ecooomics seni¢r, she will re­ceive the Sterl~ SUver Home-

::~' aA~~~~iJ!~r p~~:9~~'~i~ of sterling flatware, was pre­sented to her by \1n;. ~fohr last week.

....Iytll; \\il1iam (oOOdwln, Illl'o1on, Iowa, 10 kl4 \'('bT".l'd\a; l/lanl' 1"r0('''1, Dodge, to HI". 1.oj:~II\;

II(,rtn.1n (1('I~en, ! m('l""'(lI1. If) Ill'l

1\('<;1 'inti): 11('1mar llar11111)', (Im;IIu. 10 4:2111~I ... t \inll,.

1:1)111 r

\\ l'~1 'I hird. I" 1 ~)t1lI)('('h, :2'211 1\ e~t '-.('vpnt Ii, 10

\(lrfo I k: I rlXl I\olna, 11 (Yl'· l'earl, In Dadd ( it~; l'.oil 1\,lbe, ;jn! \\(, ... t 1 ir .... t, to Bancroft. ( 11\,\(,L...,·

Ilo)x>rl Jordan,:!11 ">herman.to ~2){ ~L)h'<in; Harold (;Odersl{'('H', l'ilfi '\\'('<;t J int, to II:! II\.ain(';

Hudd lll:lmhort offke", 1n'1 \\eq ""('cond. to tnR 1\(\ .... , '-.<>cond; larry Lchtenkamp. kIn' Walnut Drive, to 41k T'ast '"inti:; I)r. .1. ,J. J.iska offlcc to 111) \t'l.in.

Club Meets Tuesday Carroll's Communlt\' Clul)wlll

tave a meeting Tue~ay night startlng at :-:30 p.m. in the Home Cafe, according to Dave Luhr, secretar} •

Man Here

Frank I'\ejedly. interviewer for the Nqrfolk FmploymentService, will he'ln the Wayne Chamber of Commerce office June 4 and 18 at 9:30 each morning to help <lIl)' residents with employment problems Or questions.

Notice to Subscribers The pattern for theaward ster- Check the date on your sub

!:~o~scss~:;~s ~s t:rtho;: ~~~~;o:fi~h:h~r~~r&;a~i:,h~th:~ special project in consumer edu- tell you when your subscription cation and has, been 011 display will expire. If it !oays 6 69 that

in the home economics depart~ ~~:~~ tJhUa~e y:tJ~~:Pa&~d w~:l, e:~ menW5ince January. i! " -;-sfo-ppecrtl1e second week In Jun.

The award is lao""'av,"",,,,,, unless renewed promR!ly.


'f ~ +'i-

.' "


d 1 I

I ~ , 'I \ !

. I~ 'I Ii I'

'Iii :\! i

lots of luck Grads I

211 Main

Phone 375-1140


Page 4: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

I I.

. Wayne High 191 $u"1mer Baseball Set Plays in State For Winside Again

MJ~ ~ the detal1s have been Tourney Today work~ out (or W,In.lde·, .u""

me;rt~e~ll~fe~:; ~halrrmn Wayne IIlgh ~seban team, m· defeated so far thl!! season, plays the winner o( the Elmwood dis­trict tournament --at 9:30 .thll momln,r (Monday' 10 the tint romd d the mte ooseOOIl tour-namcnt.

MIke ".tdlett( •• head tXls(·i:.o1l c()'':l!'h at Wayne rrr}.;h, ""tid '-;at­,wdl}, morning that ,he wOllld put \~,I\'n(' \fagd.m1. on ttl(' mOllnd

\fondav and would go \'tllh the n'~llL1.r ltnt'tlP In \fonda.~I!'ig;.lmc. \tlgdan1. a ~cn!or, ha~ built an I~lpr(' ... slv(' "rN'ord of ('kITt wIns ,m!.! nl) d('f('<It~. 1i1<;l time h('

p!trhpd wa5 [rl the finals rJf' the dl'ilrkl lnurnampnt at Wakefield I,!!·",]a, aft('nHxJn. Ill' I~('nt jU'it

"vcr four innlnr:" th(>n rx'f.0re be­in;: T~·II('\'(·J b, I<and, 11(.IJ.,"Tefl.

I II{' l'l:Ic;~ 1\ qat(' bll~(>haJl

IOllrnaml'n( 1\!l1 he pJ1lt'd 011 the 1'liv(>1"5[/l of \(,!ir.l<;K;1 Inc;chall I i(·ld ill~t no!'tl, of (1:(, fnotlXlll ';[,Idlum.

Wayne High Golfers

Finish 8th in State fin i sh('(l

in iI of I~ during (II(" ,till' l'lllf (oIJrnam('nt I !"Ida! .il I in( oln' ~ I 'HXH'f'r I ~l rk.

11:\lnt' enci('d U[I 'I\itll ZfJl r:lr l~!r" of <.,Id-

11('" :2TIo.,tro)..(·<;, too)..

~('('I)nrl nL"lc(' with ~42, \I!burn Ihird with 24:1.

!n nintl1 r()~ition Wu <; I lartingtoo ( (>(jar ( atllOlir with 2fifi strokes.

0( tHe buebell program. The Pee \\'ees, ages eight to 12, wUI practice three afternoons Il week bep,rlng the flrsti week in J~e.

~~!~'1~Pt~Ol~7 ;::~: ~I~: ~ practice evening,; 'heginntng the flr'!t w(,ph In Junt'. F)Glr1 time' for the prattlC'£, ~('''slon!'; ha~ nO( Jx.(·n ~et ,vet.

City Recreation Summer ~rogram Schedule Planned

Wal"n{"" tttv r{'rrcation Sturn· rN'r program, lJl"lupr the ,Jir('("­tion of 'lank ()\'('rln n~:1"lin Ull~

.vcar, wil1 n't Lmderv."al nl(' ~cc-­

fJ!ld wl'ck In lime. r )verin ~a id [hat all

... ierc; \~h() Ihe rmtc;ide of cit., limit~ arr ~'llJi('r! !o (1)(' ~r!l

fce In ord('r to take' [Xl!"[ in lhe nr()~am. Thoc;e who liH' in~irlf'

thp dtl Ijmi!~ do not 1'<.1\"p to m.1 !hr [N'. \!'r\ I)()\ from 0:rt­<'id(' Ill(' Citl limito;. \\b'l (ir_:JtC'd in foot hall or and who lJ.'tid fN' will not lo\'(' to r<11 it i)('Clllo;.(' if ie; )~flod fllr (HlP /1-111 .par, h(' <.:.aid.

I)('adlin(' for the pntr\ fct' i~

hnl(' :.'1. (h('('h.~ ~IlO\Jldb('(l1.].iled

to \In. \Iike ~rel, treaStlr­('f, 11,1.lnf' I\crr('ation ll,Qard, I~ a \ nC'.

overin '>aid tll{' Im<; to th{' golf

cour&c will rnaiw two stoplS In town be-fore taktnSot I ~ ~ oung­ltera to the coune. 11 will leave at 9 a.m. from the Wayne tall pElrk and will stop at the- Lilt Duffer and ·\rnle's. 1005(' tak­Ing ~r1 in the goUIne part d the summer program ,hould tt;-· 10 tBve their own dubs, (},'erin said. If they are lIl8ble to ,.et their own' there wHl be some avaUable. he noted.

Following 11 the schfdule< (or the summer program:

MOlll:ia,ya-C".olf, age tI} .. t~. 9 to 12:30. Baseball, age 8-}O, 1 to 2:30. Haseball, a~ 11-13. 2~1n to 4.

Tuesdal ~ and Thuro,da~ ~~<.:,oft· hill for g-Irls, age f.,-I1, 9:30 to 11, and agc 12.11j, II to nCQf1. fu5eooll fOf b(lI S, ag(' ll,-lO, I {o 2-:}0, and apop 11-13, 2:1rJ to 4.

II C'dne<,da.1 s and I rictal <;-j\)I1~ [.c'lj..,'Ue t:a~eball, arp g.)I} to noon, aR(' R-IO, I (0 :lnd II-I'l,2:3ntfl4.

Midget, Jr. legion

Action Starts June 8 ! Irc;t action for \fic\;:;et and

lunior !.('vlon team~ in !OI\T1<:he­IrXlving- to the j(alpf' fljo;.\1op 1.('ap1Je 10;. "lmd,!I :lft(>rn())n, ILme C.

r(>am~ see in/..: a(tion tlot dU_I

will he Ilakefield at II !n~ide and Pender at I~ i<;npr. and I.<lure! drpv. ble~ for da~,

\1 (' d n (' ~ d Cl " lune 11, '>eec; fra\"(,lin..: (0 I'L'nd(>r, II in­

at II isner and Laurel at I~ah.('fidd.

rile Indians of \ri10na 'ipend I;' In comp]cx prep.-aration for th~ir famed Snake Dance, a rra.\ er for r<lin. ar­cording 10 the \ational (reo­

JVaphie '-,oriet.1 book, \anishing l'('ople5 flf the Earth.

Former WSC--Coach Visits Here on, R~cruiting Trip

.\ I ';';venntns:rson, 14, head 00.5-­ket1:all ('ood1 at \~·.:l.~e ~teCol­lege (rom 1:159 to 196:;, W3sf1£Ck In Wayne "!sitlng for two day~ last Wee-K on a re-cruttlng tour. ~~nn1ngson. willo' It; now head

lnskett.nll coachat tniverslt~ ~ Alaska, at ' also

loochp!I In tbe r>h~ slcal !'dlK".J.tim d~partment oIthnt ln~tt111oo which had an enrollmt>nt d 2200 a"ldf'rgra~lDte5 ~urllg the past

ALASKA VISITOR. AI Svenningson, form~r Wayne St.t. (0Ile9. coach (1959,1967) stopped in Wayne lor a two·day visit lut week, He 15 pre!"oently head basketbafl cOilch at the University of Alaska (h FaIrbanks, and uY' of that Stat@>, "I h.d .. ,lot more diHiculty adiusting to continuous light than continuout. darkness."





B A N' K


See your favorite sport In LIVING COLOR


Her¢! it is .. newi big-screen Por~able Color!

NewVIsta® Color In a compact portable Here is RCA Color TV "on the go"' J lightweight and (ow In price, thiS portable sets the pace for on the mOYa Color TV viewing. New Vista picture quality. -Beautiful vmyl finishes.

n. H[ADlIIoIU~

$359fS r4~1.~L. ~b~ &<I. In. ~kbtr.


A.F.i.takes the guesswork but of fine tuning

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COI0t:ln a com act con olette High performance chas~ls. Automatic chroma control

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Luxury-feature Co1or TV with Automatic FlOe T:u0mg, A.F.T, electronically pin­points corr€"(""t signal on both VHF and UHF channels, Transformer-powered 25,000-volt chassis features SolId State components Iii several key CJ.l'cuits. N~ Vista­VHF and Solid State UHF tuners. Solid State color de· modulator. Lighted channel indicators.

• 1


W E'

5 E R V I (



D E. L I V E It

. ;,'- -.~!'--.. ··~I~""

»rlt, 0( ,,,. ,,<dent Jk are _ . , ,! ~~~~~":':t ~~~~~hhln ",&I~ -I -1-1 !; -; l-Il:-. \r i' I' ~.Iln 1;1'" 'I I ~ ~.lle IlaldUlfTe~re /', tel ~ ~ I 1 I' "'P'~""''''' In 'ho "u<l body I ~':I~~ ~~' ,,~~~. ~ ~~ I' "i! ~~;:',~nt<aI'O(rom 1~(~ ... 1gn , ':... .t,,;' rr- ,_ I," . }

.\1 .. Id he had do .. \oj,...,. I < "- __ '" ,- ' "'''')\' . ~71'J;H,.,,' strong ooskctooll sr)lcdu\ei~t rA '.' ~ ;'''L :Ur'" ~

In. "10 (Ir., ,.art"'re.','-~'~ ,~" ~ 'r/,l . .l.Il)" .1 ... ·,. and won onl, five,.~ ~ IS , .1'\ ( •

"""". 'xli he (.ltl'~ rortC Y''''' ,~~ < • 4< j a<;hC'dtlle'wouldattnqt play· ~lfl ~j ,f'.. 'r. r.-;. r "'U~I •• ,'~ er's. This past 5N1S(Jn .. uad c~mt" LIP with a 12 l'ln.~ lOll j \1 '

nt-c"ord and a lot 0( ;';~ .. m "l p 10 .~~. 1II.J,,'r I"~~h'" Ih~~ 0111 changc\~" for ne'<t ~ear. IIl:'('om~~'~!hat .0." ol.2 h4:h gel,,)!., I, "!,,. I '.mam. k>.="".. NEN League. k). mve oosketl.nll looms and the I' Maurer was awarded a cerU.. ns . Ram(' wa5 extremely f,opuiar. rlcate r::L recognttloo. for Qtaltty 1l1r ~orthea.t Nebraaka Many of the '{'., team ,"*11 from Service and MefT\beorahlp In tht I..eagutJwlthe~ttrnemben.,.1n ~ior colleges in C"a1Ifoftnla. .excluslve MilUm Club for 1~9. thIs year, will ~ fhe 1989

t ooch S\enningsoo's 1,\ team I \8 a I ratemalinsuranC.eCom..lW!asonStl1d.ay.J~el.C .. mr Sf.I.wres o~f 00 the C'ourt/ ~inSf I sellar, he was required to com- time for leerue games I. 8 p.m. sr,K.'h SQLnd .. :)0;; 1\,H'I!ngQnI' ore- plete an extetlslve l:alllc and ad- Waynt" play. at "''htt __ and gon, Idaho aid (al{fo~l~. Ill' vanCfodttrainlng eourse, and me« Wakertel~ at POrK'a tooper! Ieque ."aId till:', hale a home lfld home estabH4hf.d prodlK'tlon requirr-- actkln. Also playine next SwMta): ~rie5 with Ilawall ¥olth\hegame \ ments.~e !.liU i»enarepre&enta .. win be f)ecatur at I .. Man and iJla\e-d t!l tllC Islands till!'! year. tiv{' trn this area smce- 1954. K.\ngslf'Y at l1omer.

!~~Is sr:~e~~e~o~ (~x~t:. ~~;b r--.-.,.....----------------, ~d Europe., '0-1(' .1.lasi9lo team II .,.

/t:vp~\~~g2~:~(~t~:~.~ r~frt ~ca- I

"nUt., to our 1000'ation,'j'lpoint­cd out, "(''«('ept for \t;;. dco, It ' l~ jll';' J<ltur,d to sched.ul(' with F.lfOjX' 'IS internd1 iona'l ifli.g'hts from .Japan and Eurol-x.- come to Falrl.nnk~." ("onth~g, the .vo,rthful ap[>(,aring CO.\<"I1 s;tld, "~n-'m ha~'ju"t beCf1;awarded the nm from \('w York-to Falr-

:n ;:~~~~r in~ ~e:O:/ ~;;~~II: ~r;.ni~ is the fantastic thing -about the geograpliic-allocation flr(\hski."

II'hen asked alXlut \lasln'sdi­rrnte \1 ~,lid thaj the' winters ('an have e-xtr·emel.l' Iow'tempera­ture.'> hit wi( hout any, win] ,or dampll';s in ! :drbanks;':thc tern· per":1tur'~s are quite iplerable. "We had 50 inches of snow)hls p3.st winter .\"Iich is a~ut what

you had h':..( "';' he r~Tarked, "and the s:Jmi;nr"~ ther!' are ex-tremc,ly nice."

'ivenningson also r-a's a top- I

flight amatcur 'oase~lI te~m_~ --: 1 w!lkh will be pla~ ing 1 a ·'m!d .. ~ night StHl game'" 00 ·.JLme 21,' .~il and according to ,\ I, "They neV~T



DEVILS l-ave to turn on the,j ballj»rk lights."

"I had a lot more ·difficult} adjusting to continuous than eontimlOllS darkness. hard to go to bed when still shining," he

An oil boom is ing Fa[rbafl~s prices are high 00 the a gallon

and GOOD LUCK at the State Tournament.

Keep the trophy in Wayne! !

COKE to Every

Member of the Ba ...... 11 Team Saturdayl

... ~ ........... , .... ~ .... " iSPECIAL Mo~~:,U.s, i i CHEESEBURGERS 4 I $1 I ,. . .•. , ....... _ ... _ ... .

f " 22 Bee Burger . c - ._1

Q.,eLuxe H~m,",rger ., 49c

'D'eLuxe Ch~e~e Burger sSe

Fish Sandwich 30c

Tenderloin 4Sc

French Fril!s

Onion Rings




~a!ts &(Shak~s " " . " , . . . . 30c -4~1 Asst. Soft prinks .. , .. , 10c . 1Se - 25c


Chicken Box1 3 pieces 89c French Fries and Tea Roll

(hicken Tub) 1 S pieces , , , , , , , .. , $35'

NO C~ "HOPS - NO. DELAYS JUS.t ~uifk Service and Good Food


~~'~ 10 r01":"

~L 10 to 12

S.t, l' to 1:.

I .I'

I ,

Page 5: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

, r , II I


i ' i ' -'1:'~:~'1}1

: - ,Ii ~ i ' '" "!, -i·

11" .--1'

I The Wayne CNt'br.) I~nld:, McndI,r. May 2&, 1~ I '


. CANNED HAM a $1193_'b_1! __ ' __ j<~~ __ "--'7-~~J?) ;:(~Jf$,- 31 ~~.-:t:-i" ~_~-~....;-/ _/ '" ;l$,?' '

-------. M I RAe LEW H I WIMMER'S pkg. _ Lu~~ot;L~~A T LIDO


4 · ~ 1:k~"7 3 88'" I, ~ Pair" -. ' pkq.


Kra ft quart


Sliced Beef Cut Up 37~lb.




, ,::.~ .. ;-~ ;»), .


···LEM F LA V -0- il.rrE


Hamburger ~ PAPER ~ PLATES



C"IIJ'''! STAINLESS VklV~ TABLEWARE 4-,,<. •• ~ with

, 'c. Setting ~~ Ot'der.

NI .. &

99 with

~~ C :; .. <>:'

Charcoal Lighter

I CE B~~,' ,:~.::y or Coney


Sweet 10

'1' PKGS.

KING SIZE Sq u i rt. i I



I I,

12-0.. Bottle Req. 59c

Twin Pack

i! SIX.· ' ~

c: PAKS - '~luS

SUNSHINE COOKIES' , : 1---------Hydrox andYum-yl,

: -OFF


1834-0 •. Aerosol





7-0 •. pkg.


22-0 •. Aerosol


2' 1-lb. pkq.



RED 12 RADISHES "I BuJhes ,It~

, I.-J " I •

, \ I·' • • I " : ~ ,:" •

:,1, I II!' ;1; , , ~. I 1 : ! '*- •


Page 6: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


II I t I 1.( r I

The W.~P ();ebr.) Herald, Monday, ~y 213, 19ii-9

WAKEFIELD NEWS ~frf!:. Hobfrt Miner, Jr.-Phone 2R7-2543

PI'() \h-ctl'l : PH) rTl('t \1av 19 In the 'liT ••

,\. I.. l'o,~rll';l1 'home with \fr'J. I mesl ""ood 3:01 c~~!«ese:.

\[r .... Paul Hyrrs g8\'t the pro­gram on !hf.' foundtn,o: rn Cottety I

I fll1f.'gC •. Iunf.' ~ I1"I(>CtlI1~ .... 111 be ' al \\alwrlf.'lrl for a nO-ms1: raml~" I


\ I\\~ \~uX~\~~~il~l~~~'C~t \ta~ lh ,II till.' ha II \~ \!h \lr~. '\;ep "iw;).. ~'!'I t'., hl)q(,<,,,. I Jffker.<, In'ltallQd \~I'n' pn'<-\(jpn·!, 'lIn. IItlber( J-:J. t,~\ ~f'nlnr ·vl(' rn'~ld(>n!, \lr<;. \I'p <"W;II~l'11 I. jlrn Inr ,,!('e prf.' ~!. ,h'nl, \1;lr\ \lk(' ('(c('ht; "i(>('-

1"1'(;11 , 'lr~. \Ierwyn kline, and Ir"·I~IJ1!·r. \lr~. l':t'rmlt rllmer- i

(l'ltJ \1('('h 1 I

'b~f):~~n~~f'!I~~~~I~~~! ~:1: ~:,I(~r<'~~I~~); ra!:~~\:;~~\o~~.<;\!~ti (If,h('rl ~ d('mQn~trated reat~r'

fIO\~{'n. \lr~. Il('T\.,iln IIaMmani II\rl \fr<;. 1~lrr' Ix-cker <;ervr' ! 1'11]<"11.

In<-Ipad of a June m('{'ting ttxoi will lour -":orfolk h..,{' If;

:\1 ~::!tl a.m. They wl'l, 'I~ft \ndnlh '>tat!' r.lo<;r1tal'l \!<in i'f> I lorh! and \j\~ '~ll: 11,11'[1loor1l'.

(.!"IOI!fI \1f'{'1 ~ \1.11\ \\:il-(II.I

11.1111 I ~'lIrr II ml'1 III ( oVPi

after-Ii'~'n 111 I Ii(, I'llmp 01 \lr<-. Itp.lbert 11,[111 .... '11"1 \Ii!~, \lr~.II<lrr· \\pnorq

'~)<-[('~~. 111('11[1 <-I'. womC'n

I(I;::~~~, "I'{'orlp" and "It \\Ia$ ( .I_I," 1\('1"(' I'!':ld ()\ \~r~. ( . II~

'II ('n<'( r;jl1d. \Ir~. 1.('11 lip If-.'1'C'n ' .... 1f1)· :1 <-olil_ \lr~. 1'('lnold \n~

rl('1 <-1111 l'":l V(' d{'ViI[ iOIl ~ :md \Ir<;L \11('11 ...... dmoll ):,1IP d J"c,ldrnd,

I lit' _: rr)<-~ ['11:1 ( ( :1 nl(' \ live 'j.

"11)11'\('1" ..... Imd~ll in ! ill.' I Lan'IlC"t' liome w('r(' \In. ('Ian !\.:lhpr. l\cllnf', \Ir. ilnd \!I"~. llllrncil I"-Ihel" :lIld ramil.1 . md ~lr. and \lr~. lIoJx.rt \faf­(('I1('r, "limn. ( ill. '.fr. l\!ast. c/Iqr I'ud rf.'tllmC'dllo\n{'Saturdavffom

kId l)(,l'n \\·ith


the 18Stl1 Air Gwrd "qwdrno for 10 months.

GUl'sts We<tne<;.day C'V('nlng In the \frs. ('arolln(' (~rdQfl rome ln, IlooOT of tnc gradtcte. \1ar~, were \fr. and \-frs, Vrt'd <.,al­mon, \fr. and \1r<;, Kennett> '-.al· nnl, Mr. an-l \-frs, Bill Carvln and ramll y• IJixoo. \fr· .. Helen ()wdc. "frs. Huth hlilion. \lr. imd ]\frc;, ["'rry l\Ukf'T and <';Ul:.,

\IT". Don Phlpp<; and llcnnl~

(.ordon, Boy., TOI'.11. Dennie; "\~I~

an ovcrn4:ht RU('<;t. (,ucst<; \\'rone<;dal ('v('n!ng in

the ( brenn> Baker h()me to tJOn0T Tern altef {"0mmcn[.'emen! \I{'TC

\Ir." and \lr<,. T('{l l!olm,1.n and

faml1~ I \\ Inc;lde, '!r. and \!n. r~lOTI('1! Baker andfamih and \IT. and \Irs. H()I)('r1 \ta~t('l1('r, l.,jou'

City, \frs. \tnthilda Han"'man, \fr. and \frs, lIud Lult and 1.0\\'

ell, Mr. and \fr~. John llitl(', Wa.vne, \fr. and \Irc;, l'-I?t1l1('ttl Baker, \fro and \If<;, ,- mil \-fuller. "T. and \1r!..l.ou!~ltJn~

.'>00 and \flk(', \fr. and \fn. (IUr Baker. (onni(' and Tim. Ervin Hak('r. \fro and \1r". 11f.'1· lx>rt r.U('dcr<; and Lauric and \!r. and \fr<;. i.e(' "'ta\d'fcr.

(;u('~t<; In Ih(' IJerman \ddink hom(' \\ {'(\nesda~ f.'vc-ning in honnr 0( til(' ~aduatf.'. John. w{'q' \1r. and \fr<;. lohn \ddlnk andl \fr". [ red 1\ lstra, "lolD ( {'n!{'r'llowa, \udn "'<'hut I , .... jflUX ( it\, Iowa.

(,u(,q" \\('dn('~da.\ ('v('nlng- in till.' I'('r Pf'al"<;on linmf' honorinr I)alla .... afll'r ("(JrTlm{'nl'enwnt 1\('1"('

\II". ,md \Ir ..... \!!x'rt 1I.;lrllX'rh , \Ir". \ndrcl' 1'l';lr~l)n, \Ir~. \ io~ !l'! I '(('l hi, \11'. ,mel '11"<;. Inhn Karlbc>I"J::, \llpn. ant'! \Ir. ,md \lr~. 1.(-'(1 I~"'Hirm and r,lmih, 1 ){'~ \1()inl'~, hl\\~.

(,II('''!<- "Imd;tl ,[[(el"nl)ol1 in Uw Illnd (~il'<­


(,Ll{'<-!<- \\('dnc<;d:l.1 ('I'eninH \\cn' \lr<.,. \f.a IId(' (,r:1 \. (~lul (,LI I.

\11'. and \Ir~. \tauril"(' ()!o..;()!l and \fr'-. \brvin li('hJx.inn and IJ)ric.

\ail, 10 ... '3. •

elK'""S \\ f'dncsda) cvening in the ilc-rald If.'n~{'n hom(' in honor

~uRiN_CE ____ I M:::~ CITY Alfred Kop\1fl

EQU IT ABLE LI FE C,I, Tr,,,",," _




_ _ 375-2842 OF THE UNITED ST~TE~ cigra~;h~~ KEITH JECH, CLl.!. C;ly Allorn.y -

375-1429 408 Logan, Wayne John V Addison _

Dependable I nsur9nfe FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS

Pbone 375-2698 i Dean C. Pierson Age~cy 111 West 3rd W.yne


INSURANCE BONDS To Fit All Your N~ In Reliable Companie$

State Notional Ba~k. Pbone 37$-1130 122 Main

WilliS Johnson, agent STATE FARM INS. co. AUTO - LIFE - FIRE Prompt, Personal Service

ITA-'n :rOM IN.SIAANCE ~IS s-a..;~I-.k

118 West 3rd - Wayne (

Office: 375--3471) - Res,; 37*l9M



llegiatered Pharmuiata

COllncilm~n _ Al Wittig E G Smith


Wilmer Marra Jack Kingston R H. Banister Mutin Willers





375·3632 375-1690 375-1644

_ 375-2294 _ 375--22S3


31S-2626 CaU 375-1122

_ !75-3800

Asseslor: Henry Arp_ 375-1979

Clerk: Norm Weible _. ,-375-2288 Judge:

lAlverna Hilton _ .. _ .375--1622

Sheriff: DoD Weible _. __ ..375-1911

Drc!.=Tbompsoa .. ___ 3'75-1389

Supt.: Gladys . Porter _!375--1777

Trellurer: 0

Leona Bahde ____ .. 375-3885

Clerk of District c.urt~ John T. Bressler _. __ -'15-22180

Are~!r~~f.ent: ~ .375-3310

Assistan~1! ~tor: Kn. Ethel Martel1I!_.375-2T15

Attorney: Doo Reed _

Veterans Servicl! om~er: Chris Bargbolz ____ ..... .375-%764

CommiBsioo@rll: Dist. 1 _______ ~_Job.n Surber D~t. 2 ____ .. __ . ___ George Stolz Dut. 3 __ . ____ . ___ Roy navis

District Probation Offi~r: William Eynoo ___ ... _.l375-USO


SAV-MOR DRUG PboDe 375-1,," I


Personal - MQCh~nery and Automobile Loons -----f------



1ll Weat ZDd Pboae 121l2O , Wayne, Nebr. i


PboDe 37'5-1l3Z I W. 2Dd.


Jody Whitn~y G.yl. Sperry .nd Bob Addi50n ue in t,... b.ckvround .t th~ riVht. H,nk Ovedn,\} W.'!'ne you'h' dir.ctor .• ccomp.nied the group. About 70 .tt.n~.d the ~k"ting p"rt", Mend,,,, night.

. ill

::r;~df.'ln~~;~: ~.)~rt; (.'f ;,~:::~<;(~(':~J \'[r<.;. \. I Ian <;011 , Omaha, \fr<;.' I. frC'd Schuele and 'fro and \frs. lkm'ard! i'!.hko, \liIlard. ;o,nd \fr


\Ir<.; • .t. 1. I'('tpr'-.('Il and daugtr:-

I'nnc<l, ,'erc luncll("oll gu('~1s in tlie ]lick lot1t"\~on )!ome \\C'dnf.'s­m.1 CH'Hlng In honor of nick's graduation.

. (;u{'sts \\f.'dn{'sda.1 cvcnIng in the' FU,(:t'cne "iwan<,on home In honor of ClaudL.1·~. graduation w('rf.' \tr. and \lr~. roOrdon Ilard,

Nearly $100,000 Paid Monthly by Social. Securit¥

\ r('('ord .'!,;9H.OOO,On Iri ~t hl.1 sO(' ial s('curit.\ ix>n('flt So ~\'a <; IX'­mil fD.ld tn rf.'<;ident" JrI, Wa.\llf.' Comt~ at ,th(' end of Dcq;{'mlx-r, 19M, an ~('r('as{' of ;1.3 ~r rim! abov(' th{'JamOlDlt P1~a~({' at the

'('m:l of I·erruar.\, 19fi.'l,a,{'kording to nOblrt Pf.'lk{'~·. !distrlct rm,nag('r or SO(' fa I St>e ~ It ...

"Thro hout \('braslq monthlJ i:xonerits pa)ablp at 'end of lqi1~ amoll1t(>d (o~,


: 1 I - t 1

: ',~';;"

40~Q,I'£AR , i I 81 ~a~1~

"All-Weather lll" Tires • Clean sidewall desil!J)..

radial darts on shoulder

• Triple~tpmrered !1)lon

c{)rd construction

• Buy now at these

low prices

Get your, set tfJd8Y~

tire."dfO\W oIdtJl"II $ !~~'I\%~


nESE SIZES 7,751 15 7,75114 1.25114

4 FOR$Sl! ... M""'"

Page 7: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl





SlatioJl - "

"it<,plX.'fl .l..tall!nv, <'()fl of \fr. 'Ind'

Mrs, Fm[) \1;1I1In,:. \\,d«'r!f'ld~

m.'l fin 1~ll('r! lipan {>(jlli[J!lll'nl

s('ho()! at It. l'.(oIv()lr. \;1. \rT(,11 a I~a! lea'>f' :11 llrJrnp h,· I"fl ~tay Ii for ( harlp<.\fJfl 'I) J', '>. ( • I lis new address: ,\ \1\ \tepli(>n r", Stalllng, ,\,- fiRfl470RR, ( \fl' 'I' ~SOt, ('harl£'s,tOll ·\1 Ii ....... f .::>94f j , ••• I

. Warren (;allop, 'inn or \fr.;J. d Mr<;. John f.nllor, II Inside', 1 S

llii~ a<idn'~c 11\ WarrC'n "~,I.al-

IlIfl, I' r,'~ '1"7·1 ~J. 11()f I II", \;I.~~j I ifr" piLl I , '. 'J.

'\I!lliarn \1a(tc·". "nil ,)f \Ir.

and \IT"'. Ill(' \latt~'<" \\akpfi('id, ha<; thll" n{'w addn'''~: 11\ 1111-Ham r, \hth'~, 1l~'I'l!Hn. \Iard 1(~2 Iit-liilb., r', ...,. "\;1\"<\1 Ilq ,;_

pilal, ~!n IlhWfJ, ,r aiU. '('114.

lDIJ I :' nnr' 'in,dVVe,ar., SINCE~ '886: '

-, ,


KNITS ifor DAD! Fashion collars, mo~k collars, we have them

I '

for THE GUYS ON :THE GO. Seldet now in

, new colors and


ROftf'T' '\'Ictor, y)f'I 0( '-f~. and \frs. \!arvm \'Ictor, Wak~ntlC1, b pre • .tntly studying tran· slstorl'l~ equlpment at FlJrt rtOr-don, Ce.. III' will graduate in .Juh ar. a rleld Hadio Opera· tor. '"s address: PrC'. P~r T. \"lctOl', t'S5fi54t;757, ('0 .. \. 7th Bn., "><'hnol Bde., !" \ <., r <.,,, 1 011 (rlJrdon, (~. 31)'1(1')

)prn' Turner, !'ion or \Ir. a.nd \1ro;. Kt.rmlt Tllmer, \\a\.;eflcld, wa .. recent!·, .... ollnd('{1 durins: 0perat100 f, In \'letnam. Hc.!~ hf)<;pitallzpd in (Jld.I1:!\\J. and i'l­formed hl<; rarent'- H.!f \,{, i~

rC('tlperatin.f' In j'~ and hoJX'~ to Ix' I)()mf' t, I. 1l1~ fI dd r (''' <;" lerT\ h.

1 . ..." \rml

\'1". I ran-

'H r; llio \ jq:!, l'('n";1( ala lorida.

Hobert I. Jenkin'>, "Oil of \lr. and \frs, I.('wl" Ipnklns, \\ inside, ('nt('red ttlC' '>("vi('£' \prll 21. )!j" nel'. addrc<,s j<;: I'vt. Bobert I.. len kinf" ! -..., ')r,~)4 ~J:"::;, Line


~f). lZ". Cf)d 2 a,., '1 Poet. ('lit PIt.) T"'i 'r .... , n. Lewh, Wash. 9fJ433.

rrom a ~('ar In Yi('tnam, he at­tendl'd school at tl,(' ('. 'i. \"aval

" , "

~lnlng statl,,., ~ BaInbr"J. ' " ., for nln~ month~ ota6vanred t aln In g in eleietrmici. ("om­pJrttng the- ('our&.eo he 1\,1111 trans­~errf'd to \"3\"('omm, Washlng­tOn. D, C. for '-"ottwr three month!: 0( ctaslf5 at .t~ ('om­mmlcatlons s\'$fcm 8chool. He will finish tt~ count' to ftJ:le.

hltt;(' has hem a!strnt'd 10 a tour of duty In (jrl"('c('. HIs wtc(' aM two {'hlidrcn will CO wl:t:h him to La Han(', France, aboard the 1''\''; 1hlted States luh 7. From Iil{>r(' 11K' ramil\'wlllt~n.1

" through s('\"cra I Fur~pCan .coun­trl{'~ b:- train <Ind plancto \tht>ns wht'r(' th£o,\ ivlll remain ror a thre-f'-.\car lour of dUh.

.. helps you "PICK A WINNER" ,I


For those who want the very best in shirt·

ings. Unmistakable superior in fabric and


SHIRTS in long and short sleeves. - Colors

find paHerns.


Styles in long and shorl


Dad will loves th.ese on

His Special Day. pSelect , ,I

now for him. I




is Sunday, June f5th!

I ,


Mn, H.na Aamu. SiS·441l

Ilonor (;radlnl(' \lr, and Mn. Ed Aw wrre

hom!!: to 3 r(>('e>ptloo Monday rVlt'­nlng at l"Iolklns l'ire IleU for their daughter, Patty, who WDII

, Services Held 'In Laurel for IEleanor Kluge

1 1Q~':··~~·"~:~:··I!~ i:':::: III ,I disc Church. \In, K11wto d*", . .\\a~ 2:1, al l.aIlTf'llnltl'd Met~. . I

iMa.\ 19 in Chlc.ROt 111. I

ThP lI('v. ltobPn HUTrt"U om· . I

"('~Icd '!UII(>\rU('~. Don St"huler-' II [::g .Iei l:r~ I Id Iftaed ero •• '!

fnnl~"r~'I~~~~I!~I~:'" ~~w~~: "". I~:I ~~~~~:~~~~ ~ ~I~~I;:~~ II I;"n-ln, Vlcketl, ","Ith Wlckrtt~ ) ~d nll1;,\"kkett. Burial wu In'i irnurt"1 C~mt"tf'n. "

F1('anOr hhv.:~, datt:htl'r of Wil­liam and' I.('na "\lTh'r \\It"k(,!I, ~wa~ bom 'Ia.\ 2M, lli~'4 In \\('11'1", • 1111. Sht, mov('d In f .,uh.'1 with II tl('r f.li'l:('nlo., In 11i%. In, 1~':!1l ~llt, mo\"('d 10 ( hk:wo ,md wa Pi

;rmrrlNl Ihpr(' 10 .1. J. hlul-k. \lInlvol"s InC"hld1' tJI'fJl'I('r~, '1-

laJl ilnd \'pm!'r Wick!'" itnd a «;lsl~'r, 'fro.,. I nod lIurns, L'I1I­r('I, and nl(:'("('1' and ,n(,!)/'I'W1>i.

~ISI •••




1: /,1 !

niS Week·Y

.Tht lucky

May Be

1 '

H ,II ,. .. I parI~"" WIJIIi ston

118:00 1

,... ... ' .... _Is ...... 1.

Page 8: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


/i I I' II I II, , II I I

The \\ayne (Nebr.) Herald, Monda),. May 26, 1969

'-'I -I i I

t~Wt1,..tn.I"Il""da. ....... ttc.1 .... ICI'"""""tcrtitlo~ tJ/b~I:""-.I.al"""'" 0fIr* •• ,*k1 .... cs...., ~ .,. •

PUBLIC' NOTICES atl ~ot1M. _.....,. ..... ___

*'I'ar)' to ~r". .,.. ,. ... 1dtItIM. C. .... wltht,.,.... ... ,.". ...... r.-naIollW."-'-' rv.~.,.... ..... se II:! t,.',,*" tI~ .. ,... qnattfrlo(r..s.tal .. __ ~

.",.ry ItOvemm.nt oHld.' or boud th.t h.ndle, public mOfMYI, .ho",ld pvbllih .t r.,ul.r Int.rnh .n ,ccount· Ing of It .howlng wh.r •• nd how .. ch doll.r h .~nt. W. hold 'hi, to IH • fun<hmen'.' principle to d.mocr.tll;: gov­.rnment.

, NOT1C£ TO CRmtrOR!'l .. Ihi C.-.,. C<M1 '" w.,ne COIdJ'. -. , II t~ 11M ... at. 1'- ... ..we r:I ... F.

..... ,D.c ..... ~~Netru .. ~.llt __ ."..: NiII~ la .. _ p.n thlt .u cr..

...... ,.111 ..... n.t t. tu.t ~ or

.., ..... l7thduafA..-.l .... ort. t~t.""".Md...,. ... gnf .. h ... Iw1U bit.,.111 ~ tblI fOllrl "ltIt u,,,,.,.al --.,.. 1 ... WId Ihi a;h .1 at. ''' ....... IIIM.ltllo'clotk".W. I

I ~1DmI.LowIlJJ" ,


lE~A~. P,!~.!-I~A,,!,!~N_ -.~ ,

NOTICE at FINAL SETTLEKENT ~thtC~Courtaf""")'fI.t~1, ~.. :

In the NaUtor at. u. f:..w.. al ~r1 J.Fro.t,o.c • ...s. ~ af NlbRa., to III ~cnc.rnecI I

NGI~ ... t.".".fI-tra!·~IlU· 1.- tu.d for ftJ.I ..ru.m.m t.... .. ~,,**b at helnhip, .,t.rltlllce I.

I f ... andtomm.l.11Ia1 •• d~ltU.lonaft~. I and awronl at. final ICcant and dl:t'"

which ..til t:.. for r-rtn,: Ill. thlt c l1li

Ml.y27.1~.atlO,OOo·rlock".M. <.) l<.Ivema Il~. ('a..rty ~ ...

"()TH~ Il\ 11'''1 ~~111.~ .. n .. j_ In Ih .. 10\6l!} 'ow-! 0(, I'.~)ne (04fl!),

"el.no.~. In Iho' Mal"'r ,,( (I", I 'L.ol~ <Ie 11.,.-1( .. T.

""'tlurc,HPr .... ,,><l. n~ '>lo.l .. 'x '\eLrd' .... 10 all c,."e;m""

t.~ut~:., If~IL~ ... ~~~'ri~~'::.I::~me~\1 \'~r~t; det~rmLnu!tfrl 'x 1 ... 1r-loIp, f,~" ~nd com·

;;t~~l,t~nd~:;(~:~!~::;:~:~ I :;~£,~~~ t..., .. 4, 19fi9,al' .. ~,,:::ao':,:;;,~,\~::u,!1 Ir~

~II (I'ubr.\1d..'I"'.""~e11

'>:fmlF I

"otl~~ Is twor~b) ghf!n l!til It-.., Wayne f'lanntng (ommlulon of Ih .. (It> <Jf .... 'ayn .. I. ehangln.<: It, r"KUlar ...... ' .. Hn~ fr1m the flr~ "blda) Noh monlh 10 tho- Ihln:! Men­th.. •• hfog\MlnR t~ third I.1ooda, nt, lln~. 19fi9, al" o'dock r.\{. In IhI! lhamhl'r a

( (}=~c ':I~ ~~t~'~% ';..~·l~~~~~ Nebs·

rllF \lA \~~ 1'1~\\'''l'';C( rIMMf.;.'iIO"I !"ITY (W I'.~y .... '~ , \'H\\T( (H,",'TI, \FnHASI\\ H' 'fFnT''''' '!\I!<'I~\ T.I


Ilo' K.lariberg.i\ttomel-.f'tnd .. r."-llbraski .... ('rTTC~ OF SPIT '

I .... ;~;;:bt-!hlhrrle'andFl!l.3belhIR"gan, \ OIl. and ""en 0( IOU, ar~ hercb} ~ot!f\ed

~'~';::n,tI~p~~;:' f~~lat :!6~)!1!~~~ r'lstrkl four'! ol l'.a,~i;O\6lt}, N~"n8ka. '1r.\1n," ,ou, lmpl"",dNl >Iff" oIhers,Iforthe l"rtltloJn 01 Ih,> 'ootJth lI.a!f'{lh"Sou/h_fII

~::~:~ ~ .:;~~ ";~'31a;~ I~wn~~~~ ~"rt". 11an~~ ... '<l5t of lk fi]h A.M .• In II a,,,,, (o~t;, "' ... brnska, In which you il1'~

~;:~~~.I" l~.">":~~ ~ ~~~ ,~~ ~~~~:~ r1~r ~t!ll~::::'~v;a~!g~a~~ ~mlt~ rnrtl~' Im~rnll'd !~r ... ln. Or If !Ii sa~ can ..... b, .... qullabl, dlv\dl'd, t~t!lald p",ml"~s ma, hi' .old and lho.> lpi"oceoeds l~r<"Ol ,..., dh\d<"d t.;-I"'l'<!'flll ... p!lrtle5 ac· ,ordlnt:lo tl~ir , ... 'pecllvl' rlRltts. I

\()u,a.ndea(ho(.ou,ar ... her~n<xtrled Ih.11'()'lar ... r('<j<JirNlloanswersald,petltiat m 01 Ix>ror~ It..' 7th (la, of Julj, 1969.

~k;"~~<3;~:.(~ !r::d:~~:I:~r: Jl'~ordlnt:t, .

'IIUlt:.-4:h ilnman,'Plalnlttr fu Ro) R. rutherg,

O1.lI~~.r \~o~~m ... 2)9

LEbu PUBLI~~TION . .. -'1

NOTI( [I')f' tNC(JffPORAnao; or FIRST TRtmTY f."\'ANGf:U{ At.

I Ll'T1Q;HANi;IIL'JI(1I en

NoIk~1 !IA:::!;,~!!H~S: farllW10l


~~~ ~1n;~1.~:- (l~~ ~ I'ollorwl, ~.bn.kI. ,

2. n... .dd"" .. ~ ,tt. r.rI~,nool dfk.

:"~:.10rpo""l&<;.J It ,F!. 11. ,I, ..... rne .......

,!~i, ~ t~-;::Ir."'~!:: ;I:r:,;:.~ u. Ch~11J!1a/l r.IJc1B1 In CaU'QTmilJ" lI1t~

~':~~"~i::':"~~:.~~lt11;~= d. rmoord oIl~O,ltId .. providedforlnCl

;':h~~t':1 ~~~~ ~:l:~:' an1 R) - I ..... , 4, fl,e Corparltlbn ~omlDfnc,d <Il

Jan"a,ry Il. 19j\9. """ !,. Dfrp'lu.1 ~~I~....,~~.

~, 7'h.! affaIr. r:J lit<' ~or~)a.tlm Hf 10 t.,cm(l(M:'lodbythll!l'rd~])lrtctoro.

, J'fK..,T TJ!kNTTY .\A~(,fT.l(,\L

l!"rIIF:f!A'IUr} (11

,:/MI,.,.. '1(~:Ma' I~, lC. J\6l~"'

i..EG:·A~ P-U~LJ:f.ATiON ~ ",uTlO. Of ~l (JllPOI~ATlI1\

'\U\kCl II her.by 111 ....... llal lho: !Ole,. .~I!ly"rormed'):la>..profltco.".. ..... tlal

o.nifrt~la""JlI~MtaI .. of"' .. br .. "', I. n" "'1TlC' 01 Ih .. : corpo .... 'lalt ...... rU~

e .. lr-.el)l1Ilk11l.mI11~lomI1lI'lItyAfr.lrl ( .".,~tl. ln~orP!'''''Ie4.1

2. n...ddreual!llho.,...-1"".ed<;Jlfke ailhC'mrP!'nLIa11l,11J4 IUlLcrutA...,ue. l .. u,..I.I\ .. brnka.

l, n", purJll>"f af 1hC' ~orll'tatla1 i,!<l

pro"lde.,.,or,pnl ... t1!JnIOlntO~'ed""&le. and,rrBl\e 1q)0"'""\htITe!w)IITCf &lldlnme( ~I conrrmlnj' thll'M>t",1 p blC'm. at fl'<'llnjlho IT><'Il'UoltJl<\""-ooorrilrl"-.lthai lndlv1dtal'lndramtllol.l1>the.t. al nc)"th.­~~Ir-. .. br .. kI • ."dlb:l'l'Orhll1lhother~ d(!. 10 Impro,"", the I"Vfl 01 martal t-Ith In (edar. Ullkota. "Kr>Ol. Thuulm and I'..ynoe (o....,t).~"b .... s~.

,4. rho corp(lratlan,lI1ll com,,*,Cf b,nl· ne,uootlleflllnjollhtArtldC'.oikleorpon.­lion In lhe olnu 01 '/....-re\.l.ry d. 'ital .. InCI

"I~l. n.-r: ~;::;~':~7X,~70;~ .. doo m to bt,tndocledbj-a l~rd(JI D1reclor.C"m­slstl1>s of IR illn<1GTI and !tr folloor1ng cll'lrfr.;

l'resldenl Vice )'reskient """retary,TT ... Burer

1~11!d 1hl. lsth cia) Of \Ia}. 1959. Charlu ThGm ... ~. J. l..uedC'r. Mr".{. Paul Ru .. C'1I liev. Jom('. Forland...., Kenr;ethGroe<1 Rl"v.~lI!.l!Ick~ Mr •. <;hoTT1l!1r JOOS!!I1 ",,"s. Shirley A ,..,n~ Mr_. Kendall !>4artln

1:r;~.I~~~ia "=~~~r l'iarryl).Kuhl !'.J.l.aPolt1te Mareua WIn Jtdge Bet1~ J. Rrondum flrv.(hll.rluLlndgr!'1l llonaldl!.LaPolntc

I '~I. Ma} 19, 7~. J..ne 2)

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION ~oti~ I. I1ereb) ,given tt.t the IIlOer­

.\gntod M. form.,(l a Corpont\o::n ~r Il"e ~ .. br1l81ao N""'-Protlt t'orpontWn Act.

1.11)e name ~ tho Carpontu... It; WAYNE COl",,,,y FARM FltffiEAti. INC. 2.Theaddrentllhe~otncC'

oflf>eCorporatlml.,IOOSoi.thl'WrlStretC, Wayne, NfbraSi<3. ' 3.TbC'ro.rrpoo~or,~sl!.for .. hlchn~

CorP!'l"IIlkln Ie organbed .re: Adftne~ and Irrq:rrovC' t~ orpnlud et'l'ort, the ~G­nomk. educatknal. lUld social Int .. re"'~ d. ec1cultuN KId the emeral _If lint at thl. cOtA'lty. ortat .. and ~Ikln. and further,",," eognlzing the W1erent rl&tt or each In­dlv1dLBlloch[)()"ehi"ll religious C"Jthll/ld wonMD hI" ('.<XI In hi" own manner. Thll organh.allm "'I~h~s ,10 10)l'1d II. coUectl"" ~UPPOr1 10 the further&nce ~ the .p1r1t1al wel!aTl! or all peOple. Afnllate rrtththe~ ..

!:::~c~'~~:r~:~:!::' s!; "'-"rlbe to, be~om ... a member ~. "porIlIOr, Iltld!or NJOperate with &nJo <ther aBlIOClII· tim, """,.Iml lnlrtltutlon. or al\1' deputY metlt.~u.boar!l.dlvi!lon,oragtllc)' ~thl> U1tted.'Ut ... Govern~.orSitate Government, Or all,} :>.gIlIICY ar polltk.l .ub-dlvl.lm thereof! whose object. are all t~her,or In pjrt.slmi)arto tooo.e this a.soclatlm. hi ('()Q])erationtrllh Nebraska Farm Bureau lj:-ed~Mltlon and American Farm Bureau TI!~eII""h lUld tnqulf) Into rlgulture, lndu~tD, ._""_C.C_o==_"r tla1. InCI lnw ecmomk and

to dlsllemlnat ..

11cr!&ftIft"'~" • .-n. ~ WJ-c. '" 1,. ~,, __ ~ ame. 5pan_'" .... ~ ....... ftnot1:IJ. ClW...,tr.rtIJ.~~.~ bul' Of' CC .. ,....... t,.. ~II. ...... «'- colN!'lbtlll7""""" 111'"""",,_ t .. Larm, ____ ...",titIo~.,.....

dl .. '"c.,t ........ .,.~_ tmellyor .. rl1e ............ ., .... (I\II:1.davlc''''IIJI''OlIWUIII'a._ btJTlctUtU~~ ......... ,..... ~.to.pcro_ . ..,......u.,"'~ ~h4lpan_I.~",~"'_ PQnI.... trl* U_ ICI U. .. • . .-.u ~~---.-y.

4. n. tI". d ('0-. .... GIl Ibi C~bI ... MIIIy5.1","'_..u ...... ~I.lII~.

~. n...rr.tr.dl"'C~_",,1CI ~~bJ.Bw.rdGII~ •• _

u.. fol ...... on'lurI: PnI .... \"~Pn .. .....S.,....",..sTr •••• r.r ... _1l ~amt ..... _,.bt~WlIIII tit ......

...... r'".hU~h,.~ Cornell .. (N.U)s.adalIl,~

C"h&rL .. Eo Wco.rmQII. 4h11nMPJ 0'IIbI. '*Ill, 111.26)

jT EGA'l PtTBLICATION "'-~ -- .- -.--~ ~---

I'" (Ir) ((n .... ! IL PHfCEEDD.Q)

I<oayn". "'"brat"', ""prIl2'1,19fo{j,

n"'..,..}fJr&lld(lh(o....,~llrTlC'llnr~ "'0.1 .... In rO<Jlcll (hlmI.oI'n &1 lI~ (tty ~<'ollorlum m .\prll 2~. 1""'9, .1 ; JOI' ..... , r'ho,,"',oTHllo<Il"'~ .. loordC'r

"dll, 1I~ ("llow\noi Pff"f'nt ,,,,,or Alfred t"tplln, (OtA'l(llrnm \\,I~r ""-T .... H.Il, l'ent.., .. r. \laMl/l 1<0 ([[rr., lach KinI'''~, I. I. ,mlln, ·\rIO",,", 10m ... ddl..::n and I. II} , l~rh t...,., '>herr).

:~:;1'~:o~""~~~~'\I!: ~:LI; I"r. r ... ~"rdl.'d II! ... prO<"udtn&o.

·.!,,"'JdII)-(o..,dllTWl .... arn.a.nd~ed I" !"\6lcllmanl\lnclltA'lIn.I,whlerral.thle \ IIv , I .. d, loon prfPlOro<l 'opl". olin.. La$!

I~"",lar ;u>d 1.>..1 .p.dal """"inlI 10/ tach "~..,~Ilml.n and In.! each ( OUl~UrTIIII ha.lW.d an upport\6lll; 10 r..ad ~<Il .too~ .. ~ 1n.1 ~~~ r .. adlnR of lhe mLnutn t.. d15~.0<1 .. II~ 4Jld lho! o;am ... 1>1' d .. d.arf(!&ppTovf(t. ""'-1a1 qmrrlC'd.

T"hto fo II" .. I ng claims ""~~ read and ~ ... m1n.,d.

rl.H THl( ]-I .... U

Eta) IlIIri. ""lary. '\.!I.~r."'''''' .. DflrrarCarillOO,"'ffil' .•• ("~ .... Id (umlc~fl, ~""'" .

1~:~ :.:;.~:~~::..;: : .

188.li 300.69 185.92 ITi.!II! 2(X1.l2 127.:27

~rtL.mb,""""""'. 172.&0 \'o11lil.mMC'l!or.,",~ H8.U7 Clon ~el.lus. <;arne.. 173..13 ArI ..... e 01Il00. Sarne.. 1:t2.Mi M,yrm G •. <;C-h"h!,~rTW.' .•.••••• 118.33 Lola 0,.(. Smith, "'1TlC' 137.81 (lair StUlke., !>arne. 183.22 l1er...nV..ck .. r.Sa~ 2J1i.1B Clarenc .. I'.agner, Slirne ......•. 168.62 \r~lur~ I. F1 .... 1rt~ "iachln" (0.,

Swltfh ....•.••••••••.•... 1.12 Clark lh1ls. TnnIlfC'r, ftc .. frelett 241.&0 Cm50lldaled~n,ReKl5ter·

C'd Warrant "a. 507 ••••••••• (,.,s.olld;o.ted~ra.El,enTkal

A ... JyIl •••.••••••••.••••• C~&OlldatedEiliVlHr •• R~r·

ed Warrant ~o. 5080, ••••••••• Cooper·BeIll-C'rner Co •• arth!na' &.

Gr..kell ••••••••••••••••• (ooPl'r·Beue~r(o"Praer" ..

li.aLmNo.1 .............. JO:l9J9,OO Cresc ..... IElectrll;~bCa •• E1e-

ment •••••••••••••••.•••• 6,75 ~lalnllOO(0"SlQJ!!u •.••• I964.9I! Gtne .... lElC'oetrIc,Voll~er!le-.. I.r! .................... 111.35

J.L.Tuc"-rCo •• ~trl. S.66 !\rtr·OIIvla Corp .• Sqlpl..... ... 107.40 Dn-.r. Bod) & EquiplTlI!nt Co ..

l'nI.llC'r ................... llSO.05 Omaha World-Herald. ""ctrC'rtltlni.. 7.9S People~ .... Iural Gr.. C<> .• Ga., -en·

Ice ••.•.•.••••...•.• •.• 4538.80 PeoplC'1 r.:.t\lT81 Gu (0" 5ame ... 20.95 Pn-clslon Bearing '" Tl-an~mJulon.

lbuslng.!. C~In .•.......... 9!o1!.67 Rapfl Electr!o s..wt .... Co .. Elec· .,

trk Sqlpl.... ••.••••• 131.93 Dan~rJ").Carupen~. 20.00 EUndard ()]I. DSL Fuel. . . . . rn.OO Warren EI....-trk Lo •• ~lI.u I8..2B

\li\T£R n .... n :r..n~TD,SaIaD •.•....•.••• Z2S.:t2 C<;n-olldated~TI.W.ter

Anf.blll •••.••••••••••••• .... '" Bell Teiepl"al .. (0., T~leme(er


PtIop.les '-'alun.1 Ga.s Co •• Gill len· 18.57


I"' •••••• CC..OO.L.Fl..:.-n ... 2M74.00

JoIrtA(ldIJal.S.lary :1:24.41 R. H. &l>l5ter, Same.. 238.00 FlcnttleDo...I!ng.Sa~. 1{l9.39 ~~l~ F:l!!I.~mr. .•. '38.00 \em Fairchild. Same.. 215$.! E. I.. Hall .. }, Same.. 181.901 Jaclo.Klngstm.Saffif... 238.00 -\!fred Koplr., Saffif.. 4i6.OO \1elvtn Lamb, Same... 179.&3 ~n >\nn Lara.en, Same . 81.~1 Bcrnle~ 1...oc~1!ng. Sa...... . 35 • .57

Park a new I gas light

and grill on your patio.

, . .L

Then discover a new kind of open·air excitement In outdvor

li,ving, Convenience that comes;"Wlth a self·cleanlng gas

~rill. Per10rmance that· comes from the dellclOuS

charcoal·broiled, flavor. And, luXUry that comes ,lin the

form 01 a distinctfve gas yard light. That's what you get when you park a

per1ormance,matched patio pair in your yard.


,No Down Payment

No F Inonce Charge

Up to 36 months to pay

FREE INSTALLATION l'p to 5f! feet

,. "

I "." 1 II ~~~~:';'I::t:·.·.:: !::: •. =. . .:-~...,rwf_qat-..1cftR.dll,!II ••..• ~ .••••••• II&.D C'm'af'W",TW!,KDJlA.SJO. "b~.1tI ..... ,,~ .• :~ •.• lTJM .,... ..... Wa.ror

~=::::::;t:::::: ~ -..: A •

~~:-"":.;::j'.'.:::::: ::: -~t::~~_o- ....... !~':'''w:.~:':=~:::::'::::: = ::"'~~~.t" t,. 'Wrn ..... ptt""'*""ph¢.... "...,..

,...,nl"lltn •.. '.j ..•.. ,.. ~ tilt Clln .. ='~':.r~:n-:= ,~':';.::~ ~::.C~ ~ I~:: :!..~~ &.ta.o-. "In.r •. ~ ;;..~I~T:~,~°ti,e=. II.. -;.: MoM. ~.o>x~~.;;~~~UI •• , IUO n.rn.-f1IU ........ 'y •• ..,.,

• ""'c.tIwr.!iail" '\" !::: ~~~~~-=:= ~;:·E~j::::.:.:.:.:: ::::: :::: ~~:-~.r::.~.S~~ "'*"- f41'PfIIII'Il Co. ~ .. RI'o ~n:.~:-z::.-~~: :~~. !':~ {"~'!: ~~:~~~.". .. _ ~-:.t.~~ :.~ t"!..~:l:.= ;;.r.-;:'~ ....• · .. I...... .... "~ .... -.,, F"utlt!1l1'1 I...umbet- (0 •• r-U" (H~UlO:::;l ... ~ __ c_u-

La~£~~=:~~'a~" .:"rn~W.~"-~ofbJe~.: ~~I~l:~·."~+:~:~~ =~:lt~i::::~~~,-~

At'OrrOR1uMIF't~ :~~ It.. molten C'Srr .. f'~u.l"IlQUI • \1rrt .... FIl!I,<;a,lar)'~I •• l ...... l,,":,~ .... ~~_br"..:~ ... "~snfl, .. ,f, ..... ~., ~ 1.,4&d •• Ine., r.1It to! .. ... . ..., ~_ ... n.n ". ~.PW' ""<;nnco.,r\lrlol .. ,., •••• 49.85 Ind 1"1'11",,", tht&rO~Pf'OCRl:t'lrOf ~I~' .... Iural ra. 10" fa. M'n" I" .,..:t .,,(I InSerwrl.e tIW thr .. y.r

j;'~'R'K'-ri'!i'[""" %S4.!lt! ~,;;If~~~=.:~~~~,:

:--"::~h~~;';"~ .. ~,:}~~.-i .. ·~.:.~.:.:.: ~~:: ~~~~:~~:: ::::: ~_'U ... ,,~u ~L ]111tl.48 t'kr~ 'IIned by ...,~ :~17l propertr

1l000r 'i<"h .... nkf. 'IlIlat IU.k1n.t OWMfI "'1.1f'<'1~ to I'" prop:IMd ~vq d IImt •• 13083 <;oo..t~ D>!C1u ~rMt •• dlilta.nce ~ :H'

r...rt Cum .. ) and \u' lri~. Patnt ;':"1.3' ffOfl ~ .. st~ ,~m..1 "00. 1-89. Imwlld.a.ltodfh(lrl .... t'ratn.. "'flfr dll-t"u .. kIn 1l .... 1flO"O'-.d by C"..,dl·

~:~~2rF~:;:~[~~~ni:~ ;~:: ~:~3y:!~he'f=~~~"? d"r st .. p. ; mF F"14ri SII.SS~! ~~~!: ~ rl::~;J= .. ~ ~t~

(ltya"lorfolk,lI .. f!l llrtankl. 1,00 IT'ItmaM"ied.

(Q10;0IIda!edFh~~fe~~,f>rof .... rv- 400.00 .. ~~~~.!~t!.n.~,:~":,':,~= r~~r~~~;f~iJ~'ii':;D' 1SO.00 totI1!;P"OPoMdStr_l~tnanlD'-trk1' Da! Jom!lOfl, Salary Sf';: ~1~rJ( pr .... srted InCI read • petition "fbr.n..pt.~,l,t from ten (IO)JlrOpeny_rtobjlectfrla:to

ffif'I1t.......... ....•.... ~~.OO ~reet 1"1PfOY'II,,*,t DI.rkl S9. which ... SF"WFH MAIN DOA>';CF" n'Nn d~. an allC'y uaed .... reel wttkh,.,.,1

~::;I~<;t~~~i~r~ s,·~~.: (~~. 171.111 ~~:., ~~~~~~~J;~l~~~c~ c.II ••.••.. , .••.••• ,.... 3$.~ .1 the North 11M ~ IOth9tret/tthenC"C'nJUJInc

Roc"-C'11 Manufactur ('0 •• Ne.. "lorIh. dbtanCf ~ 830 teet. part, for ne_IblC' ........... 27.08 Mer dut emlkieMltlon. tI w .. """"'" by

SmJth.t Lovelna,r ... &EIf,c· CO\ne\l~ "iIrrtllllt:lMoroldedbyCOtA'ldJ.. 1T1!dC'.................... 1.M IlBn KInj:""m I~I stTC'C't ImprovC'lT\IlInt rn .. VAJHot~ PIIR E ROND ACCOIJNT trlel 59 'be droppe(l from l!-e propo .. 1 and

WayneCOtA'lt}'1'Teu .. r;irtn .... t an order, d. cmltroctkln bC'rttlctMedlllt:l

dut. s,:oRM ~<;f:WF.~ nm',rT .~.;8IS.00 ~~hel=:~ ~~I~!~~ :~= cmlCllldaled~" J'ror IC'n plan. and .~ltleatlms m laid D1..-Id..

!C1!Si.N1TARY·SE· '~';DtS~ir':' 33 72.1)0 then;Ie~~: ~~~~~~::~I~~= CmlOlkkted " Prot. IC'rv.. .. follow.'

~e~I"~'~"C~c'I1~'Srru::~ s~:.·: MaTrtI.ltnlfter. wlllen.K!nPCIt.

-.:crdtd by Cp...,drmn BanllJ!ertlW.tt~ .... )1 "'me.

Cill,;r:: ~;~~I~~Im~ Inlnrttd the Clerk 10 c.nthl roll. RolTca!! resulted .. follg",,, I

Yeal' Mar ..... Ban1IltT. Wlllen.~.

sr:~'.: Ncne. I 1be relUttatl:E';hC'YOtebefn(sveUan<l

no NaYI t!-e Mll.Yor ar.d the motlm ellf-rledandordered , dI"II'orn.

Wan4a <>.wall ~~1Id1nl q. CommWltty IJI1II"O'Vtlmen Pro~ expillNd t!-elr P'O' po.edlulaetlllt:l"'fl~ItId$i01,I~d.

the~III':.tI~~~~1o\I It wal nvted by

eo.mcUman Marn ~ M«O<iod by COl&­cUman Willen Uat ~ dib' .. nk,,*,etothe ml!l\td.$S().OOOlj'.atthe~ ~. UpCI'I roll C~.Il;El \'CIted Yea u)d t,. ~(lecIaAdthell1Clt curled.

Mr. Fnnk Prat_ e.te<l to the C-dl 00 t!-e l"I!t<I:entpar~fculttial • .,t~ tA'l W •• 9th Sltrwt. orrml Ktial takaI. thI.Urr.. ~. Frvk ~r_ reported 011 tilt

=I:hI~ t:'hea!h:a;:" A=!, = In ~~1et .. I'r"C'Plr.tory .. pert.,,(lat preM:1twere ... ttk!ellpprvnlfromtheF. eMIl f-bue1ni ...... Jnrtt.y.NOI .. IaI~ locatedto"'tC', .. loeatlal"""'k1depeq:l~ thenlJTllber~lnlh~_.

"':~~C ~1I=h= ..... ""1Qpeacmtalnkli nlfledchetkllCcGm­~lhebId8fort~umIAhq:~n.1eriI.l' equlpnwrt &lid boor tdred Incamectkl'l orlth tilt cmlitroct olsanltaryleWf!fI In SanltllryStnr lelNo.33beopen~

InCI the .. ertlUed c~b be exarnined and ~ .......

The "'-Yor ltated the IOOtlmand Instructed the Clerk to c.1I 0 .. roll. Roll ell! re.uJt.a! ,.follow.,

'Ie .. , Marn. ~lllu, Willen, 1Qnvtm; Srrdtll. .

Nays, Nm". The resulldlhl!'1'ttebeIng5)enandno

~.,theMr.y(ll'de<:~redthrlIQlmcarried. tn openlni the ~~ .. S cmtalnlng certl­

fled clw<:k. urompanylng tho bid. lor the fumlthlng ~ !f'Alerlal, pqulpnwrtandlabor rpqu1red In emrectlmwithlhl!'cm"'ructlon alWlltllry sewers In Sanitary Sewer Dilltrtct ""'.3~theCo~~ertltledchC'cka .... n fo<.J>d to be In the PJ'OPer.ll'IOU1t.,,(ltobe

~~~~~,If~. Ej. Bill Cm"'. Co., Nor. folk. ""~br., Certlf~ Check. ye~; Elnt%\i Cme. ?rodUC-h. W.yne, >;ebr •• Certified Check,}ea, Rl&or Hllrd~ue.WI!ll.,.."ebr •• Certtrt~ Ch....-k, )'~s. ROIlllIIe lilro ... ...,. Rosalie ..... br •• C.rttrled Ch....-k, yn; TIlden Cm"'. (0 .. Tilden, "'ebr .. (ertlfled C1>....-k. yes. \ .. Io;)c Const. q"., W.yne. ~~br •• Cen\­fled Clle<:k. yea.

II ora. (T>CM«j ~ (o~~llrran B&nl!l:te~ and OC'C'cnded b:. C.,...",llmanWllu.rltmtblda lor the furnlahlng a !!"alerial. l'Q\llplT1l'!ll

I.nd laoor T"l'Quired In coonect!m wttht~ calstruclla1 ~ unlt.a.D· _ .. n In Sanlt&ry s.. ... .,. Dt.trkl '"0.,33, whkh .. ~ro .c~om-­>Mledb)lheB~t .. rtlfledcheockl,t..O!Hl­edl.ndtabulate<l.

The \ta."or s1aI,,(l lhemodanandln5tnrted tl10 Cler], 10 ~a\llhe roll. Roll c.ll ruu\:t.ed asfollo .. s

Yetla ~rra.Ran\st .. r.Wlllefl,KlngIltm, Sm±th.

..... y~ ..... ale. n.. rl'suh ~ lhe vote ix>lng 5 'eea and

no 'o/a.)·s. lhe 'da~fr d~lar!'d tl-o. motlctn C1lrrlecl. I

Q, apen,Ineblds'II"lufOU'KlI~ttherol­iowVIa'bldl_niubmttted:

";S9~o;Bl~~~ic~~~":OOorl;1:.! ~~ Neir .. r.,.r.9.00; flr..or Hard_n, Wl!nt!r, Nebr .. SIi.697 .50; Rosalie HIIrdware, RoSilie. Nebr., 16,998.50; T11den Cmst. CG., TI~, ."C'br .. ~,H7..20; \'akKo Con5l. (0:, \layne, Nelr .. $6.433.5-0.

Attn r.vtng fuli)' ~rnsklered !~ bids. thefollowlnirl'sol ... loowaspresartedand "*' by U. Clerk:

RESOLl·TIO>.; AtCEP'roiG' BID C1.\ Flll .... '1SHP.>;G M.'1TERUL, EqllP\4I:.'I.j A...''D lABOR REVlTIUll I:... Cor.~·ECT1OS \11TH THE CQt>;STRU:nO!'> G" SA~'ITAR)' SEVo"ERS I:...SA"IT'IRY SE\lER DtsTPlCT SO. 33

BE IT RESOLYED, tlW.t tl10 'b.yarandCIt:< CCQleU r1 the Cb;) m ,\/"IJ. __ • ~ebn .... de­danandl'bdt"lthe~rarttll",furnl.hJr. ~ ~ter1a[. eqalpmenj: and labor rQliJ1ed '" ~.-tkln wtchtl1oC'dn......-tlorlct-tz.n _rt m Sinian StI-r Dlar~ So. 3l. u IWmttt«I by the fallolrmc,cCZltIUSlJr It; tbe knl'ut ud bC'.!II bit:! re«>''I'ed ••• rolJaw-a, "

'laU CQtst. Cq .. W~.Setr .. N.433.50.

BE IT Ft'JIl'HE:R RESOLVED, u.t ~ ~ u a~ tet'.rorth tor Urfun:t~

:==~;.~~ W')"M'WIt'SInSlm""s..er~N!). S3, ... ", ftrmId c~ - -.. ., .... ::.:u ... ~ =:.~-:~ ... eaI!lncforbli!a.t.~IlId~ amtnrtbt~tlrtbtCIt:r".~ BllIIXtobttJladtll~tbtClt1d~

~.:~n:~=c~= BE rrFtJRTHERRESOLvro,tNtuaotl..­t*hror~.-..nat,.~_ abDr'" .... ~_tt.ClmiIII

n-.r r ... uh~theVOlebeIni'5Yealandno ~ay. the !'AaYor d .. ~)ared tt.. mDllm can1ed. Md lhe~tJthorlu.tlm~cmstTlIl'tlonm 01 .. trlct~OILltl~. •

The ~or IltaltdltwnutOrder~l:lutl-1lf'S! ",uto em.Lderthteapp1t~aIIonO(RnnllkI ~.IISMalt1S1;ree(,for-aRetaU()'anderf

~~ f))b J>.eer Lteen!le. u advttrtlHd hi The ....ayn .. l"hld on Aprll:i4,1969.

11>er~ being no protestltothl!' IU\a1Ieed Mid lk"'1seCo .... cllga~ ... ret'ulcm.Ido!on.­tlonlo'"" .... andlhefol~r .. .,lutbl wa~ J]re8eTlled and read by the Clerk:

RESOUrnON WIIEHp,A<;, Ronald C«C' I'e.B nade appik:a-

11an to tt.. N .. br .. ka UqlDl' Control Com­mhslm fur S R«all f)) and err S.1e Heel" I.ken~,.tllSMllIn~.W.yne.Nebrl. .. ka:and

WHF.R£,AS. Aid awllcatial ... 'I:teeII for­... rdedtqtiltCtly~WlJ'I'tIfar~net.ar­

- tne and recommendlltm ~ the City C-U: ... WHERfAS. not~ d ~rm. m .ueh.p­

pllcaU<;n wu publlt;hed ft Cnl! iUUl!r1Tb!! wl.)'ne~k!m4.prl124.19e9;and

WHEREAS, hearlne ... 1 held on April H. 19139, and IU perlOl1. de.lrlnita pre __ e,"~~ce lor or o.galnll said IppU.,.tbn _n~rd,

/>;0\1 THEREFORE BE IT RFSOI..V"EIl t1y the Mayor and Comell d. the City d. Wayne. Netnllta. thll approvtol d. the .wlk:l.tlon and In~c" d the license afonmentimed be reroTllJl"lC'nded 10 1he N .. brukl LIrloor CCIrtroI Commluion.

Paned and .pproved thlt 79thda..~~Apr1.l,

"". CITY OF W" YNE. NEBRASKA Attnd Koptm, MI,yor

AtIe .. · DllnSherT)'."C'tty ClC'rk

It .. u maved by C", .... cilJta:l Marn and -.-mdo,(l by (QUlcllnan WiUero It.( t ... • bove reiohtbnbeadolteda • ....cI.

n.. Mayor Rated the moUon .nd In­structed I'" Clerk 10 c.1l thl!' roll. noll""ll resulted In fallows:

Veu Marra, &Lnllller. wi11eTl, Klngttm. Smith.

"lays: N<;ne. ru re.ult ~ the VlXe belni $ Yen and

no Nays the Mayor deca.red the TTK)!irn t::Ilr· rledandthen""lldaladopted. Attom~~ JOm Addtaon expilltned w tmllt

krter .. sted ~rtlu pre __ , the arlll COin- • cl1prOpOtedtoanne"tGtheCIty~IIi.~. ~ralol:>}ectedtolhC'an ..... lt:allonand Mr. Joe DoreC'y ortated their most concem "1.5

the lumerted Plvtngfar the anneUld ara. , .. th11 ... 1 IKJ! part ~ IIw propoul tt ... s ~ by C"..,cllrrRrl Marn and IC'CCII'ded. ~ C"..,dlnan Klnptrn ~!tit If mential d .. ...... west d the SId d \lout 3n:I9tnet "'eYerltatedlnC<>tncllactD1t;1'1Ulneg_ ll<mtlallt"'serTa:leOUs.Mcl:toncarried-

CrnIIdf!Mlb.ledlt;cu'"IOn .... hC'ldrn~ Itma t~q: rI'.Id!l\t1 kl the anlll aHKI.ed by !IIlIJCDtlm. upec'IaUy w!-ere IIvutock .... cCXl<."erned..

Mr. Bob BerEl. repr-e1ift1tat1~ d. F~·. Elevator, objected w the luu'Inl.tlon d. the ~ Indu:ltnr the Goldeo1 fa' propem In:! tlw F"eeder'. ~Je-ooatar property whlch II ..tol\,)- wllldn tl10 City lImlh but not III an!l!!~. , J: _I!IlOTed by Comc-III!WJ \mrn thlt Ordhin"" No. 674 DOt be1'tted~lItthil tlffif b.I be wttl'tleld for Cfrl.ldentla1 and ~f(JT'<'OtC'atthe~lar~qct q..Comell~J_10.loiotIo!IwaIMC'lD!tld ~Cowlenl!an~.l%aIroll ... nall '<'Oted r. and lhe MlJ-or_kredll"elml:kI'I ......... pre~~=-on ~~~'~e=.t ~f~C~.~. '

Kellh J.ch" f1I Wl1M.- 1110 pre-ad a ~l~ "'llhmdAcctdenl~tor Cib'~ •• Tb!CIty~r.SId~.~


~ ....mut Aral d the City for emeral ldormaJ.mla~futtre:I'IoIWld'fOf enlllrpttBJl m 1II.ter a.m..

The Nzklpl.l BulHIIiI: .. 4lKlllad fD:I de ~r •• lmICItdthtco«tobe.,.... w/"eI"Il~I1S"OOmdC4..00per~e tool. Total co« .aimDd III 'UG.OOO.OO.

DuM to 14_ ~ at W~ !ICIq Collere_,d1tocta1ltld."Oo4eciJlllllreached tIIth1lItlmr.

t _I ~""b,- COlmCUIf'Al1 Kmpttm mil. ~ by ecx.rllan SIfdlIl !hit the Chltrrr.:tatll"e~COl!lmttt.e~ .",tor1s;edto~tlef1llorp!anmcf .. 1eft.. tit:IIatthr~C~Bulldt!aandtht o\tttII'M) be .... l'Ilrhedto~rC'.Ilkp.1 papenm~. ~ronCl.naD....udr • ....:Ithe~

eeil.red tbt mDtktlt::l.Tf"ledmcfttoealtlm'tA. ""_. 1Itr. Clarlel DmH\;a pn-u.d -.c! rad.

p!!tl:lcm objertklc to the ~ __ .-rldtw nculIdm. m Circle Drl~. ~kIc u.t placill;Kataddltlo::loal~ ... t."l'l'O<lld ~ra...,U. .... l\a1bnd.propertymcfc"'ll:1es IIt.rd1blpm]Jl'Optl't)-ClllPeTlnmlngroollll tocol~lItldentl.Tb!!~ .. w n!ltK'!I.-r\:incto..,..Ildecttbelltl-eft..

CcxDcD IItatId thI:J MJUld taItr U. 19-que« ~r adTaettBJl and ~ ImlIe II deciJmlilter.

• W'U ~ b!f CO<ZH:UI!IIII Marra .m ~ te' CCQleOIlltn snil,tf! nat the am. ~atthe~lretatUr!ofayw-.c! Co<IIcll d the Cky at WIIJ"IW III thellllf2" d &using and ~T"!I'I'\:!e OrdbancC' So. 678,.


COIIICllnan Marna. forthorlt~ Melarld the c-n. I

, I

Wa.I\{'rl~ld j'armcrl\ ("o-Q~ took owncrtihlp forrnt>r 11117 Mobllt" "'i4:>rvk(' .

tlon ,ta~\' 17. The 'btHolneHb been in t lC IlIlz fanlllv ~·ron'. I Ing own('d'nr~t , Ilitz. an iuler IJ:, hlfi " rred IHt?:I. !\ Ifr("(t II1t7

,tlnll{, to: manal"~.(' temporarr'''' •

The ~ar .,,~c-ed ".llq\I~''''' "o~ mIttH .ppollrtrrwr"':

flDlln~e: Jack KInpttzI. MIIrtln WU1In.

l4t( and Power: F.. WItUi. Jack Kkia"don.

Water.,,(l ~ .. "r: 11. Wllllr •• Alliln Wlttl&.

s!r;:1~ Ir~:;::.: ~k,.,,(IAIrport:

., ~TLAS_

Pre - Holid TIRE SAL

i '. I .


2~d Tir,e

. (of retail prIce plu~ excIse tax)

The Complete MONARCH 200 LINE

2nd Tire

(of retool proce plus excISe tax i I

The Pl YCRON PLUS 30 Galio!]s of Gas

RADIAL OVAL 2nd :lire

j1l2 PRICE ,I': 'r;::::;~:, , PlU 60 Gollons of Gas FREE!

BONI~S BUY - 3 Tires - 41 PLUS 30 Gallons of Gas FREE!



Claud~'s ........ ,' Standard- Se

.i ,


' ..

Page 9: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl





Wakefield Pupil~ I Honored Wakeflold IIlghS(."hool'j!

lIo1or8 Convocatioo, !pQl!lOred etschth grade studei'll!! with !';pedal by the National lIonor SodeCy. recORnltion. The)' were Patt~ W8.11 held Monday e· .. enlng.atthe Taylor and Cheryl \{eyer, elementary 2Yrm:Ullum ,nth 4.~O !J.evcnth graders. and \U1f"~ Poar· ., a«endance. SOIl, Suellen "'lI1dcll and Boo

MemberI'! of the ~at!(I'Ialllo"or Swanson, eighth gradf"Ts. s.x-fcty are C'ho8efl m II. 8eooln!J- ">enlors recelvln$.: lc(1ers in ttc oolJllI and by the faculty. tor service, leaderJlhlp and char­acter. Mem!)('rs are Jerry len­lien, prel'JldPflt; WarrQO .10ITHIOO, vic'£' pre r<; Id .. nt; "fa T) Cordon, ~('rmrYj Chen! Ka.hl, treac;­lUcr; ltac Jolrlsoo, 111<rtl)rian; Kathryn {'arL~on. ~'larllyn ,'cit, ('oonl(> HolX'rt'i, Hob Johnson and Muriel Kat. ~pon5?n are \fr ... Mary Ellen <"'p1dcll and J llrr~ less.

Mrs. Sundrll, wl,o f)('t[loed estllblish tht' Wakcfi('ld chapter was presented a b()U".jlK't nf ten y~1I0w rnsC's, f)fl(' fnr I'>:trh nf

tile ton mcmtx'rl! and wao; mad(' an honaran "\Il'-> mt'mll(>r, 1-tan (;ordoo made {Ile rre"C'ntati(1!1.

"port.~ this vear were 'Terr:­Baker, r;ery -'''rej;ton, H o~: e r I~kenhauer, \{ark Br('<;slcr, IIldl.lrd Drlo;kell, l!ober1 l:alOl"l, lIo~)(>rt (;IJstafp.;on. \\altcr llank, I('rn ,Iensen, HI~hard John<,oo, (..nr~ Jorgen"'f'n, \1arlln r. ri,e­TTl(>T, Brad l\urtpnt;orl" ( U J t

Uj"l1('man n, and Donna J

I ay(' \.;e)<.oo, \lar' (.ord0f1 ...,'an('y \~oodward In vo1!(',b"tl

PCP ( lut) a ward~ 1'1('1"(' ri\en I'l(' Jf)llowlnr, ~{'nlor"" Ilox-anne )''']rd, '-iandra BarRt', KathT\T1 ( arlo;on, 1kJr1/la II~clH>r, !\tar' (,ordo'l, (Iaudia ,>wan<;?l, (,all (,ra', ~lCl r-" i'(,'t('rSOl1, luch \larlhn I elt, Hap I()~m~nfl, \ i, (;r()~f', I'al II lpn ~{'n, ] '.(,1-"on, 1.lnda [iplhpl- :!nd ", In' \\r)(xll~;!f(J,

J('rr,\ • .!('n<'en $,'n\"(' til(> wC'l­('OfT\(' and rC'qllir('mC'nt<, f0r a'wards were f"'toad b\ \\arr;en ,1omson,

\btll awards I'!('re pre ... ented Bill (;ustarwn, Bob (,usta/son and ,Jerry ,Jen'K'n.

1~I()rs re('elvlh~ Pep (Iub award~ were Linda (,erling, ( I!er.\ I !len<;chkC', 1 .. lnn lep<,en, !-lett I lofnson, (henl kald, lau­rie t.ue<I('rs, I\an·n ()gil-'r, MI (lJ(ier, '\ann '>iebrandt, (Ind\ "GlJlt:aum. I~m IIt'chl, 'ataJ('(' '>Ievt>r<;, Pam \ndt'r<'oo, (aroI ''lar~hoI7, h.a.vlppn ( hrl<;:t{'f1~pn,


S~HOOL Ot"STRlCT 58 from Dixon County loured Ihe WaynelH.fald, TuudilY Mn Winton Wallin, inllructof, accompaoled her ~tudenh Editor NorVin Hanu'n. al ri'iJht. explainS the pro~edutes Ray Murray 1 right foreground) uns in adverlr':

ing compo'.ltion, Studenh .r. Todd Nelson, Lon Sw.n,on. Jim Bo,., Carl. Johnson, Jod.n. Nel. 'on, Jean Erwin, Mike Victor, Anna Victor, Jon Er .... in, Oanny Nelson and Mary Nelson

Bookkecpln~ cO!1f('~t awad:1s were presented \1arllyn I· ('olt, Mary (inrdon, Donna I I"cher and Kathryn (ar!"nn, all seniors,

Ileeelvlng awards from the \'k­tor Fducatlonal ~rvke InstltLJt(' ror add In.!! macldne /lrofld(>nq w('re \'kkl (;rosr, Donna I isch­er and { urt 1.i(>l1C'mann, senlor.s, and Bartllra I isel1{'r, jlIllor.

Drama awards wt'rE:, pr(''>(>ntt'd 1>efllors I!obert (;.:Jst.afSOtl, woo r('celvecl an ex('ellf'llt In oral reading al tIle \\a.Hl(' s[)e(.,t;tJ

~:7~~~,;d :~~:i'~:~' w~~bt(-address at th(' ~10mlngsi~(' Srx'f'{'ll cont('<;(. r~her<; honored were (onnl(' llobC'rts and Ka!1I­r:'r71 Carlson, spoiors, and Clndll '->1 a II ba \I m, l.auri(' I.upd('rs,

u Kar('n (lgi('r, hni~ 1~lls, ])3,\,('

[.ehm('n, Bnh Johnson and Ilil!

\r1 awards were ~;i\'('n !lal'

lohnson, Ibrlan l\1it7kl', I \"Optt!' Miit('r, \:lI1CI i.('onard and Beth .lolmsoo.

"fusic ,\l'Iards w('re pn.·s('nted the follOldng s('nior~: t(og('r HoecK(>nhau('r. h,athnn. (arl~on, \ta.rilyn I elt, I)oon..l I isrher, r..farlin hraeT1Wl", \ al(, \!pfson, Da!b<; Pp3r<;on and ( oonie I~ob-prts.

\Iso wt'rc I~lm <;on, h,arpn f"vier, .... nta\{'{' "'devers, (in~

~ersoo, ! ~lurie ! lK'dE"rs, Barb Fischer, { ind.\ stalltuum, Cheryl Kalll and !'att,\ Ilobert~, vocal; !.yle \ndcrson, ulnd, and il-1ar­iene \fills, IX-It_I lolmsOfl and ,Janis Puis, instrumental and vo­cal.

Though ]tll1inr hlg-h students do not IT'cehe var""Y aW3rds, \frs. 1.,\ Ie rrullingcl", musir instrur­tor. "urprised fhe seventh and

( ind:'r i'l'tl.'r<;oo, \furlpl Mi, \an­n I.£'onard, \farl('hp \tlll~. Har-_ l.lira I isrh('r anI'! lanil' Puis.

J"(>ntll grad('T<; rel'piving !'cr ( lub award~ wpr(, I!honda \n-dcrsoo, l\arbarLi HrnwnC'!I, !anel (;u~1.af!lon, IJebbie Il('ckens, \)on-rn Johnson, \11n Kaufman, \1ari I,m l\ra(' mer , \la r'), 1'r('~10,

Janel! ~'l1rO('(lpr, f'p~,1 'ltal' g, Barhara I'urnpr, {OIl' rwil(', lilt<! Hargholz n('! .('onarri and !'{'.l(:g,\ 'x'h d('r.

1'(, 11h :11V;:{f(t" lonlnthg-rad(' .... 1 cnts Wert' r('('(-'ivpd Q} Huth (" stafson, Janet !Ieike"', ( ind\ hai, (indl I~lr~on, (<Irol I.('h­rmn, "u~an I.('onard, !\ath,1 \fr­('lain, larqu(' .... i('vpr<" !.inda .... wansoll, Linda ruJ1lx-rg, I\a'.e \ idOl", 11artXl.ra \ ichi (arlsoo, I \ndle arnl \[ill".

Jpn "en !1l;ldl' int Tf)c\!l("t ion <- nf tile follcming fiv(' Pti,oplp ... 110 ('\­piainl>d :l.nd rrpsented <- [1C' (. ia 1 :11\~lrd s.

halh('rin(' Hebbc, hom!' ('('ono­

mics instructor, prc<,('nlt>{l the BellI ('rochpr award to l\a!llrlTl ( arlson \\ho had taKen a writlpn p\.amination to qualif.1 for tile award, and was E'tigibl(' t[) rom­rete in the State lIomt'rnak('n of romorrow lontest, spo!lsorE'd b.1 (:eneral ~lills.

\lrs. lIa7el HalstOfl prt'~ented the 1ibrar~ award to ("onnie Hob­pI1s and announred that \!iss Iloberts has been Offered a PO."!­tion In th(' \\S(" library.

~muric(' Cu~tafson announ{'('d the winners of the \F \;ebra.ska rlLIT,d Public Power Distric't writ­ten cs:-.a.1 ('ontest, fmlT of whom



12" X 12" Squares of carpet .

Do it yours~lf and save the cost of instollation -- easy-to-use 12x12 squares or: faamrubber backed "Wearathoo\" carpet tile by Arm-

i •


w{'re '~ahpfield ... tIKl('nl<;. I ir ... t ria p wa~ won IJI J.}nn l\O{'l)(>r,

J tnpr<;rm ~tlr<1(>f1t, .md s('('ond Ill', a ~r)(1 {)()nd, wa~ awarded

anI. .. l'ul.~: third pri7(', a $2'i

<;on III \ officp. \ merie-an l.cgiOO (f!mmander

IIarold ! i.,c!ipr !Jr('~entecl the ,'il i7('n<;jlip :n .. arc!~ to [Iae 10hn­<-I)fl and J {' r r I en "en, who \~t'rl' q'{'ommended b:- {ll(' high ~("hO() I f:lrIJIt, .

In tile ai)"enc(' of \ I \~ \\.lxi!i­an (('pr('.<.entativp, \lr<;, \1ar_1 )'llpll "llndr·]I, ln~tn)("tor,

pn'''{'nted If)tilC'follrminr \01eP of Ppmocra(I ('rxlle<;tl\in­ner<;' 1 '::lIT' \ '1 -1 (' r ~ I) n, fir"t: h.ilr("11 I l):::i(or, ~('( f>nc, dnr! I~a!,

lolm"on, II'il d. lnl'lrid('d in !t,p ('\Pllinj:"~ pr.!­

$,"Tam wa<; lill' rlrl'~('rrtation f)f "( limbin' ! p till' \!oU!1tain b

\ ar"it" (lioir :I!lci "\ ~le{'p '111(' lle('p," hI 1' .. + lolmson.

\o('al nllmlX'r-~ \\I>rl

nting~ ::J.I !!-Je ,'p, ('nt con\eq in \\:\'.n('.

The ltmior

"OIl, ]()hn~on, ( 'iar.\ and Peg;::- '>chro{'-deT. \\temate i!:. Debbie 11~kens.

In I90R, 21 eOLIDtries were pro­dueing or circulating ·H denom­Inations of pure nkl..pl C"o!.n~ and 94 cOWltries wcre producing or circulating ~-;-l denominations of -;-5~ C"oPlX'r, ?;:i- nirl..('lcoms.

'Little Extra' -

able to rhe Wakefield School b~ tll('ir rortiri!pation in the \~a.l"llp .... tate teacher training pro,l!l"am.

Hobert \1 (;ustaf<;on, <;on of \lr. and \fr<;, Iamt-'f. Custafson. wa<, pre<;pnted a St, 'iOn Doane (ollog(' \("ademit' <;('holarship from !Joane ("ollege al ("ret('.

\f\ron \It".\er, president of th£> board of C'dueatlofi', pire<;('nt('dthl:' diplomas 10 ~he 37 <;e!1ioro;. "iup/:. \furl Reller dedarcd tht' cla<;~

to be graduated'.L Hcv, lamps T~rl('tt, Presby­

tprian (hurcll, ]R<lVP roth the invocation and bell('dklion.

\n e ... timaled crowd of 1,Hl]il attpoded the :<>ervic£>.

Ceremonies -,I Il<tj, I','

memorial addre~<; at thp \\akp­field C'('mpteT.\.

\\"arnm Jolmson, SO\1 of 'fr. and \fr'i. I\ermit JomsOfl, ha~ been askpd 10 give the "(;.ett~~­burg \ddre-%",

')pecia I triblrte will be mad(' in honor of Lance (orporal Ste\,­l'f1 Il. \\ i1kerst!ln, son of \fr. and \lrs. lames Wilkerson, who was killed in co~bat operation in \'ietnam last D~c. 26.

In case of rain the Wakefield ''Iemorial J)a~ program v..ill be held in the elementar,:. school iZvmnasium,

Winside Winside Legionnaires' firing

squad and colOrs pl,::;n to leave \\inside at 8 a.m. \-la~ 30 for

strong, the finest nome in floors. Ideal for family room, play room, indoor porches and bedrooms.




With the purchase of 6 yards of any Armstrong Wearathon Carpet, aG.E. TAPE PLAYER for just $11.95.

50 yards or mOre of Armstrong ca~pet will enqb,le you

to buy a STEREO TAPE PLAYER far iust $95.00.


Reg. 61 c Square Foot i I

CHOOSE FROM 8 COLORS: • Palmetto Brown • Poppy Ol'"~'n\v. • Lilly Pad Green • Jur\jp~1'" G~Hn

• ~ilctus Green

• Delphinium Blv& • Gt!rilnium ~ed

• SvnfloWr



il rhart LUMBER CO.

i !

~ , .. I

$,'lJl S<tIlIte~ and j..[rave dp('ora-

~I~~\ it~: r(o~I~;~;~('~:~~~;~ ri \~ in<;id(': Spring Braneh ( em('­ten, <;outh of Ilo<;kln~; 1.utheran ( em(>{(-'r,I. I\('<;t of Ilo~kins and thp ("pmeten p3<;t of Iloskin!'i.

Th(, ! ..egion has nl1.nnl'd a mem­orial "en-icp at th(' I'leasant \ ieVt (emel('n for 10:30 a.m.

1n ('a<;(' of in\"lemen( \\eather the progTam will be hpld at ttl(> ritl auaitorium;

l\eith P,Ot~hl has ix'cn invited to present the memorial address. ("1.'\""11 1'rln('0, Po<;1 Chaplain, will give th(' invncatlon and tx>nedi(,'­tion.

1'11illir \~ itt, ~nn of \fr. and \In. I, (, \\itt, wil1 g-ivl' thl.' "(~tysburg \ddre,<;" a"d Hosp king, daughter of \11'. and 'frs. Jol' hinR, i~ If) a reading


\1I\il~ln mem/x>l'sare in of decorat'ing grave .... at Pleasant \ iew ("emeter,). The ladies plan 10 also scrve dinner it tli(' I.('r.:ion Ilal1 from 11:30 :Lm. to I p.m.

'Never Accept' -, l ollllllllt'rf I ron) pa~, I

momentum and winninR can be­rome a habit.

The 40 graduates received their diplomas from tarn Koester, president of the board of educa­tion.

\-tusk during the ceremony was provided b:- the high s('hool h1nd-" Processiona I" b~ Wagner, "ProC'essional" ~lorrisey, '''-,.' mpilon ic Dam'e :!" hI \~i!liam." and "Pomp and (jr'­t'um<:;tance" b:- Flgar-Kalh:- \>€d­des, who sang "The F:xod\ls Song" lJ:. Cold and Hoone and the senior quartet, .... l1irh sang "I.(>ave '\0 ')tone l'nturnpd" b! \tillet.

Rev. Pll! llis Hickman gave the invocation and benediction.

Plan S~hool Picnic Carroll'!'; ('lementarl' school

wil1 hold a picnic \\ednesda\ evening at ';" p.m, in the Car-­rol1 dty auditorium. Fntire fam­ilies a.re Invited to attend,

Families are asked 10 bring table service and a covered dish. The drink and ice· cream will be furnished h~ the \t Isk Boosters.

Stohler -

sion agent plus more sperialized relp from Stohler and the spe­cialiSts located at the '\ortileast Station, \\ard pointed out,

Stohler will be responsible for planning the entire Extension pro­gram in Dixon COtrltv with the cotnty board. lie Vtill ~Iso carrv Cf1 the entire Dixon Cotmty youth

program, inc Juding recruitment of new members and leaders, coo.ducting lea~er training and working to in1tiate new programs and upgrading those in progress.

He will also carryon the adult program in Dixon' Comty in sub­ject matter area where special­ists are not available •

..... s an area ,Youth specialist .. stohler ",ill put mapr emphasis (Il leader training, area youth activities and new youth pro..' grams. He "'ill also work with nm-4-H youth programs (or s~ ciallnterest groups.

Stohler served as county agent in tbdisoo Cowty from 1957. Prior to that he was asistant agent in Merrick Cotrrty (or two years and worked in the Animal Sci e n c e Department assistlD,g


Ward ~~ '>. "'\\ Ith lhe l"xperl­enee, bal'kKr(}trId and ri"lthu8!asm \11". '-.tohler brinK" whh him, he should b(o a real a!l$t'l to Uh­Q1 (omt I and the rtOl"ill("a!'it \'(-,-bra51Q area." i .

'itoI111'r'<; n(''''<;PlIX'~ rolurMl, ·"'\ot~~ on 'out"", \<; ('arrlt>d in "fh(' \\a'l1(' Herald.

Nearly Two t Mi,lion

Clarke-McNary ~~ee$ lanted by Farlners

I!I Outfits I


$loq and up

(We have Faster Grants and Polaralds)


T~~ya T·~·· ·k·\ I II-I I' I LO ION 1



for ' ! i

MEMORIA~I DAY •• ~Id "'te!1

---b,er Pharmacy I Ph. 375-l611

,I I

Ii I I. .. I' I


'I !

ii il i




;,;,~ "

Page 10: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


10 T~ WIl,)Tlr C\ebr.} ilerald, Mnnday, 'lay 21), 19fi9

Changes Seing Planned For ASC loan Program

Changcs 1'I'1il bE> rmd(' tn' OJ(' Farm Storage and ))r~'In~!, J-:qulp­rnent LOM Program df.e<;tlw' Frtday. \fuy 30, uC'('ordtnf, to

John II, \lohr, chairman :\~klll­tural stablllZiltkln and COfIi<\C'rva­Hon ('ommlttee tn Wan1(' ('o'mt>.

'll.e c-hangc<; arC' iX'lnk madC'

In ordH to .. 10 .... dnwT\ !tlg ri1pld 1It;{'(,I('Tllt ton of til(' prngq m and

T(odu('f' g"ov{'mmNl! (,Xf)('nd!t1Jre<,

a5 an aid in the rlght 3Raln!rl inflation, \!ollt ""ald.

(Innges wtll ;trf('("t applka~ tlooll approved b~ til(' COllr1tc\

committee after \1...\ 2~J. 1 arm­!'r" Wllf) have I)nflledarrl!cation!' wtlld, ciln II!.' ('ornpl{'I(>d ~h()'Jld (fie them !l11mpdLl!ei:. If [l-e~

1'0'1 .. 11 tlie ('Ol1nl,\ commitl('e !ota',:('

artlnfl on tlopTn br-f(!r(' 'la', 1{1.

"obr <'1aled.

Dixon Co. Am~rican Cancer ~Workers Meet in Allen,; Plan 1969 Campaign

'III(' 'llIX'Jf1 r 0\m(, d~l~t'r 'Jf (II(> '\ mpr I( <In (anc{'J' \.(~'jp\'

towfl<;ldp and ('I\', ('h;drrnl'll nh'!

<,,alura;1I al !lIP IlnrT\p ( afro In \11('n tn rrf'r:xlr3tilln rqr tI,e l'If;'1

('anc('r'Tll"-'ldf'. Hkhard (~rg(', f\"ld r('prf'­

'>l'ntallvc for till' area, rrl'.'H'nted (I d(}{'lJm('ntar~ film, "nl{' \111-lion ( lub", v.hkh )',IV(' hl'ito[I('<. n( p('0rl(' who lllvi tX'C'n or

cancer. "I unds which th{' \m(·rkan

( ancel', ,'-,(x'jet .. r('('{'lv{''> are \j<;ed prlmarllv for rC'''C'ard] lorlnd th{' {'aus{',~ and ('urf' fnr ( anr't'r ;Inri

for ('dIK'aflon <;0 lint p('0rlp "an Illd{'r<;t;:lnd m0re al/lJut can,-prand n .. L1i7e it <'an Ix' "Itrpd. \ 11\ on(' who ha" anI of till' <'{'V('n dan­J..'f'r <;1,!.:n:J 1<, ,,],ollld "{'(' h!.~ doc­tor Imm{'dial(,11 tl('('ausc Coarh det(,f'tlf)n j" mj,,,! Imr.->r1ant," \Ir ... Irma I ()ul\", t.jl(" I JiJ,:oo (nunt,\" ('halrman, ~tat('d.

"\" \!('morbl 1);\\ apprOac\I(''' il !.~ a W)()(! !1m!, (0 111\,(' an ('xtra J..';ft 10 the \meriC<ln ( ao­('er ">ocl('ty in merT\nn or' <;ome

1,,\(>(1 (1'H', I IIf' ~,. !"ir! ~ -:-'\'1 f){' "ent If) m( .It I")fl' I. ()) ,~\.)(.

)'! v('n I,) an\,J ~"I i, Itr,r , \\r~.

I IjlJlh~ ('(mtin(II,(L \1'(':1 r I,atrmr'n for II]",,!,] , Ol1'l'

(, Ihh ,('ar l[1cllld,' \lr~. ll~,h~!

Ilklwt or '\('We;]<;t1f' and 'Ir. and \1,.". \lllvin \tan] of Ilixon. ( it, cllairml'[1 arp \11".1 m('line \bn­nlnn 'If '(>w('a~tll', 1'.('1\' yl-]r:Jm n( l'ol""l"a and 1';1.1 !';,n·!.nb of \\akpfic1d.

l'owl1<;h1r (' 10,1 i r m('n include \fr~. ( ;1f1 ,\qdivJol) Ir" "('\\('3 <,­

tie; \tn, Iloo;dd ])ous.'hert,\, Pai­h; \In. 1'0\ (;lfnd(>r~nn, "11\'er­c['l'('k; \Ir'>. l.dward \\~It('horn,

j'nn( ,I; \lr<'.II<1\ id ,>(:hlrttP, ( larh; \lr<,. I rant i'i \nder"on, (.al('na; \lr~. 1'.01; I rit<odl('n, ((meord; \tr~. \I('rl(' L'\lt)('c~, "rringban.k and \lr<;. ('I;ir('nce I,uhr, \\ake· fi('ld.

"\! the rrE""{'n! timf' we have no ('hairml'n 'for flook('r, (ltter­cr('ck or 1.o):'1n !own<;hip"," \Ir~. ) ol!Ih.~ poin!('d out. "\\(' would ,Iprr('ciatp ah,\ volu1l;t('('r:-; from I h(''i{, arpa~."

NEN, Livestock Feeders Will Promote Beef, Pork on'Monday/s Annual Tour

"fill morl' m('at" rna,'" I)(' Ih(' ,<,Ip~'<ln of tilt' \nrthe<l"1 \t>bra~ki 1.iV{'stock I'peders, !'lans torul>­li<'l7e !iJ(' glamour or 'J:.ef and pork wlll Ix> mad{' at tit> dose 6f th(' !'(>('dpr" \"sociatlon tour \lond:1\ llm(' ~. ('dl

nf the \:1-

~~c;;al~dt!l IOhn<;to~~~1~~~i~ ~:;:~ \s~od.atij)n secretan, w~ll speah to the fl'pd('\'~ and 1l('1~ in thf' planning. I

<.;:toekmen lI'ill tOlIl" tl'(I'('e 1I11-

u,,,t~1 livestock '>('tups parlier in the ev('ning. At f; p,m. Ihp 11m (;ustafson hog p!,.1.nt at \\ak(>­fipld will o[X'n !ill' (Ollr. lim cnn\l'!1lo.d <I large gTain:<;tor:i!~l' building into ;I modern farrowing house. He stall rpeds his bred SO\\'" to limit their f('N!. 'i\luch of lii~ ('qllipn1('nt h(' m..de 1limsrlf.

rh(' brgp n('\\ Ilhon (OlUlh I €'l>dlots on IIlghwa:. ~p nnr1h­w('<;t of \ ~1('n will Jxo vt}.it('d b, th('feeciC'nat -;-::lO.I'lowirtgdrink­ing 1I'31er, a .;;team 3J1d flake f('('d proc('"sing mill and big fecd trucks with mOlUl4,>d ('lee­tronir scales which cart serve sev('ral lots of cattk on each trip ar{' among innovatioms therp.

Th(' final stop will W a visit to the \ortheast Station near ('on cord to view the new hog build­ing" and thE- cattle resparch yards. ,\ light lunch wilI pr(>­cede the mpat promotion dis­cussion tIl{'T('.

'\ 11 <;(oC'kmen are wekome to join (1)(' tour at any stop. Plan­ning the tour are the nbron Coun­t> directors of the \ssociation: Tom Gustafson, \tedT Holm, \'!rgll Fkbergand ~enneth Schroeder along with It hE' ne .... ('aunt) agent., Roy ~ohler.

Hold Services Friday for St~lIo Jones of Allen

FtIleral serviies fo~ stella Jones, 91, were field F~iday aft­ernoon at Allen Spr~ngbank Friends Church. \irs. JjJnesdied Tuesdas at the -\merk~ '\ursing Home, Lincoln.

The Rev. Mrs. Ph.vI,is Hick-= ~~l~~t~n:t ;~les~/l:~ :SOul" and 'This World Is :\ot M;.v Home", accompanied ~, '':"in­dy Ellis. Burial was in 5pring­bank Friends Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Chester Ben­too. Marvin Ellis. Joe MCAffer, Kenneth Mathiesen, Arvid Malm­berg imd Russell Roberts.

stella, Mae 150m, daughter of Joseph and Anna Harding 150m, was born Jan. 5, 1878.

Survivors Inc lude sons \\'lllard. LinNln, and Vern, Allen, and daughter, Mrs. Mabel HanDa, Bre­mertCll, Wash., seven grandchUd­:ren, (lve great grandchUdren and a, sister, Mrs. Bessie Melrose, Elld>orn.

Mrs. Bruggeman Services Thursday

Fmeral services tor Mrs. Her­nan Bruggeman, 65, were held Thursday, May 22, at Home for lfmera1s, Norfolk. Mrs. Brugge-



man died \td 1!1. rile liev. I. Cra\don 1\ ilson

officiated at tll{' rlt~s. \lrs. Fr-

'~~i~o~~r~;:.s ~~~b:~, ~~~?l;l~ land. PallhC'arers wprp f'rerald

man and bl \\'a<; in l'ar~, \nrfnlk.

(rt.'R('vie\·(> 1\onta, daughter f)f \lr. and \lrs. William Boota \~~l~ born Inn. S, 19n4 in \b,vne: '-;he lived in Carroll, \\inside and '\orfolk 3J1d was a resident o~ l!o~kin" the lXIst 25 ,wars. -";11(, att('nd('d srhool at Carroll and \\"a, Ill' Statf' (olleg{' a~dalso taug'll! eight :.ears in \\a:,Tle and Pierce ('ounties.

Preceding h('f in d('ath w('re an inrant soo l.nd her '>IIn·jvur<; [(,clucl(' hpr :Ind one hrotller, Harold ihltH of \\icliit,1., han.

Letters to: the edHor may be publt~hed with a pseudonym o~ .wtth the author's name omtHed If 50 desired; how, ever, the writer's signature must be a part of the original letter, Ulhtgne<l letters will not he pritlted Letters should be h~ely, brtef and must contain no libelous state, ment~ W'e r,eserve the rtght to edit or relect any letter

\kCoy .\FB, Fla. Dear Editor:

I wish to tak(' this OPportunit\ to thank SW~,\ , , Inc. for their kind­npsS. Last, :;'ear. in horea. the S W "y letter and gUt meant a great deal1 and though I am in this COl81t~' now to rinish up m.y I'SA F commitment, S W .1. \ 's thoughtfulness mean s just as much. So rar as I know, r have been from the only area in the cOllltry that rememlx>rs lis boys in this wa\~ ,

\ly cur-rent assignment is at \leCoy l.FB, near Orlando, flori­da. \\e have a small dispensarv with several p~vsicians woo pe;_ form flight medicine (whkh is my particular field) and general medicine. Any rntients requiring hospitalization must be sent else­where in the city so all of our work is pL1reiy ~utrntient medi­cine.

As a r1ight Surgeon, I ca~ mostly for pilots. navigators and air crew members, making sure thE'Y are sufficiently health,:. to carry out their respe('tive mis­sions with optimal safety and comfort. We often fly with- them to get first, hand ejq)erience; this is the chief difference from gen­eral medidine.

\iy acti~e duty! in the l'SA F terminates in Jul\', We wHl be travelb).g back :to'lowa to rio> up about ~hree more year of spt>C'ialty training in eye diseases at the thi~ersity of Iowa Medi-

ca~,e~ot~~!;~ S WAY.

Capt. Richard A. llirlch USAF MC'

In Fiscal 1968,~ He U. S. De­pu-tment of Laloor Certified. 141,827 allen wdrkers for per­rmnent employment in this C'Oliltry. Four Oth ci everv 10 d them have settled do~ in New York ,lor California.

";i J

SCHOOL OISTR leT 10 viJit.d th~ W.yne .. (1e~noon. St.lrting with the front row ellthens) Ktm K.y (John); JaneJl

°K'arla Kay (John), Oolvid W.tts l ~on (A1vtn), Dale W.tts (Er Janet 8;t11er (Walter); Reed ( I K .. ~en Bater IW .. 1t.~); Mike Meyer ( Roger Stender (Roy) and Roger Solul ,n tfle back row, Two girls un .. ble to wert' Laura and Cheryl HagemOlnn

B'urglars B,reak Into rhree \\ in"ide business firms

wert' broken into sometime Toes­da,\ night or earl:. \\ednegja.:. morning, according to the Wa,ne (ount! \herirr" officE'. Tw~ of ttl(' firm~ 10<;1 considerable mer­<'!->andise,

ered the to wOI'k ing. ,


\\ in"id(> (oap, Farl Westfall,

manager, was entered b.'o- break­ing a window which rnade it pos­sibl(' to o(X'n the door. ·\n at­temrx was made to break into the safe, but the Sherifrs office re­ported the result as being dam~ aged hinges and dia I.

Hobert !lrt{tvls, Wakefield, State llighway PnJtrol investigator and

cmrs Tavern wac; entered ~!:p ~~~:et~:'0:V~~:~~!~S bf--,------+,-

Police Check Vandalism,! Larceny, Accidents and Faulty Burglar Alarm

Drive. according to polite, and mcked over seven mailooxes, also strikin a parked 1963 ['hev, rolet Owne by Robert Peter­sen. Damage to the Pptersen autG

a was estimated to be S185.3R. 19h~

curb \\est

brand alrto, 1-jeaded ,-.ast on Sec­md, was e~tilTk'lted a ~3h4.96. according to polke.

\nother accidpnt the same cia, occllrred \~h€'fl a 1966 Chewol;t driven b:- Helen Rates was tack­ing from a parking stall and col­lided with a 1962 Ford driven by Brian Frdmann j according to the police file. Damage was min-or. ,

"ill1da:;, \fay 1 S, a 1962 stude­rnker. driven b;. Walter Strange, rncked from adrivev,'aYon \'alley

Rites Held for Claro Smith in Laurel May 21

FlD1eral services for Clara \1arie Smith, 72, were to have

'been held \\ ednesda.' afternoon at 3 p.m. at Wiltse Chapel, lau­rel. \irs, Smith died Saturda\ in Ogden, tltah. '

Pastor Gerald Smith officiated at the rites. :'I-irs. Earl Peter~on sang "The Old Rugged Cross" and "\earer \1: God To Thee," accompanied b: Lois Smith.

Pallbearers were Elmer Bodenstadt, \le l\'in Lovelace, Arnold CXJderstal, Chris Skovbo, Walter Gra! and John Pehrson. Burial was in Wynot Cemetery, \\mot.

-Clara \larie Smith, daughter of A mqiah and laura Jane Frantz, was born Oct. 10, 1896 at Devils Lake, ~. D. She was

"married to William C. Smitll ~ov. 23,1943 at Vermillioo, S.D. They lived in Belden tIltil about five years ago wt.:-n they moved to Dixon.

Survivors inclooe her widower; a da~hter, \Irs. Alfred Taylor, ~en; a stepsoo, B. L. Smith, Albuquerque, \', \l., and six grande hildren.

Wayne Hospital Notes Admitted: \frs. William Kra­

mer, W~'lle; ~ll Berry, Wayne; \trs. Clovis Weindant, Wyntt; Robert Jooes, Carro~:, \lr,;. \i"-it-

:rl~~~~,~~r:k~;~ side. '

Dismissed: Lee Decker, Kor­folk; Kenny Gramberg, Winside; ':arI Granquist, Wayne; \frs. Les­ter fhnsoo, Wii)'lle.

Police wrre called When the oorglar alarm at First \'ational Bank sounded, first on \~ednes­

day and again 00 Thursday. The mechanism l was thought to have teen triggeked b~ a malflITlction in its circuit.

Thursday, officers checked out a complain[t of petit larceny at

~~,~e ~~~et~w~OI~a~~ra:.;~ and fled inl a ear after dropping one case. I

\'andali~t wa£ reported by

~;~~'~~;::\~~::l~~~~ shrubs and stolen ooe of them worth $10.

Harry irray at 309 So. Win­dom repa ed to police Friday tint some ne had driven an auto across his flower bed and then ttDi1ed arolmd 00 the lawn, dam­aging both.:

Wed n e $ day evening officers were calltd around 5:10 p.m. to an accident 00 Pearl street in the 200 bl&ck. ,.\ 1965 Chevrolet' driven byl Douglas Nelson had stopped in the traffic lane wa.it­ing for thffitraffic light to change when str k by a:1958 Porrtiac~ wcking f m a parKing stall, 'driven bv Joanne Baier of Wls­nero

- ,-Tn the 1100 block on Third

street, ThfSda:., two autos were ~cking f om ,rnrking stalls on opPosite' ides of the street and dlllided., 1966 Buick driven 0,:. Leslie W. Ellis and a 1962 Chev­

rolet dr~. en by Maxine Krae­maer we e involved, according to the pol' e me.

Friday, two autos collided at the inter ect~on of Eighth and Lincoln eets. A 1956 Plymouth driven. by onis Rauss of Wake-field and a 1964 Corvair driven by Diane

f aIds were involved.

Rauss -.va gding west 00 Eighth street an Miss Olds was going north on Lincoln when the ac­cident haQpened.

AcciJe~t Victim IS

S~~i~~~rv~e~~!d!t Haase,1~, were held Tuesday,

Ma.v 2~' at St. Jotm's l4:heran Church. ttle Creek. Mr. Hlase died 17 as the result c1 a truck ac ldemt.

The v. ~ene Vetter otn-elated ~ the rites. Hynns were smg by the congregatim and the ehur h choir. Wm. C. Pozehl

played E: organ. Pallbearers ""re Ar 1 Freale1burg. Rod­FremeD urm Rodger Wemer. Roy r..mke. Max Haase and E-

wald r· 1 Burial was III 14J>.


Wayne County Seal CommiHee Will Be Formed

In an effort to better sen'e the Pto-"skally tnndlcappe<l 0( this a~a, tt;Je \;('braska F~lster Seal Soo"let:. for ( rippled Children and \dult~ Is working with 1000ai indlvidtals in the rorrrotion of a Warne ~ 'aunt;. Faster ~31 ( om­mlttee,

\n organizational rnr:-eting will be held at -; p.m. at 1.(',,- "teak Bouse on Tuesday, \by :?7. Or­

flcers vdll Ix> ei('('ted and dele­gat(''' ,,{'I('cted to repr(,spnt the \\a,ITle Count~ (ommltte(' at the Easter .'-.cal stat (' meeting to)J{' hc-id In l.incoin, (~-'t. 17-IR.

Duane L. \nderson, fi('id con­sultant for tll(' '\('bras\Q. F;lster <.:,cal ~oci(>t~ will t('mporarll~ chair the m('('ting. \Ir. \nd('f')on will outline the <;('rv\('{'S provid('d b,l til{' ~ciet:;, th(' oldest and largcst voltmtar: healOl agenc,:. serying the nahd~('apped In the ihlt('(l State!;. lie will explain the V3.hlf' of an actlv(' local commit­t('(' and hem crippl('(l lndividlllis and their fam\li('s In this area can be hel~ througtl the Fast­er Seal organization.

"rx'cIaI invitations have been sent to repre"entatlv('s of all local health, education and wel­fare agencies so they can become fully acqualntC'd with the aC'tlvi­ties of the loea I committee and state society. lndlvidwls or rep­r (' s en tat I v e S of organi7.at ions vdshlng to leam more about the work of th{' '\(,braska F'",lst('rSeal Soclet,l are l'n('ouraged to at-tend. J

\lr<;. nett:' Kl,ng, Hoger Elder, Larry De I ot:~ and Dr. George

Goblirsl:h, who have been work­ing with \h'. ,'\hderson on ar­rangements for the meeting. hope for a gOod tum-out and stressthat evenO!1e is welcomE'.

Consultant ,\nderson reported Friday that the Faster SEtal cam­{nign in Wayne COlmt,)l had a successful drive thIs Veal' wrth over $800 contributed: as con­trasted to last year's cootrfbu­tion of $167.

Linda Lesh

German Student -(Continued from page i)

take it as alternate. The test was for students who

have had two, three and four yearS cL high school German. Lind~took' the test for those with;three years of r.rerman: "the Lincoln student took ·the test for those with two years.

Funeral S~ryices Held , For Leon 'Peltzer at Broken Bow Mondayi Funera I services for Leon

Peltzer. 84, were held last Mon­day afternoon at Govier Brothers Chapel, Broken Bow. Mr. Pelt­'leI' died at the home of' his daughter In Berw;m.

-'The Rev. Lowen Kruse 'orrt­dated at the rites. Pallbearers were grandsons, Leon Morris, James Schmid, Lloyd Pe~zer, Lyle Peltzer, James DaviPson and William Davidson. BlUlal was in Broken Bow.

Leon Reuben Peltzer was born Jan. 25, 1885. He farmed at one time east of Hoskhls.

Survivors tnclooe his widow Elizabeth Ann;' his children, Al­vin Peltzer, Superi'or. Wis., Mrs. Philip "\-forris, Ansley, \Irs. Ruth Davidsoo and Alfred Peltzer, Berwyn, ~s, Gilbert Burdic~ Foxboro, Wis.,.Mrs. Lyle Schmid. Superior, Wis •• and Mrs. Tom 'Thornhill, Mountain Grove. Mo.; thirty grandchildren and 42 great ~children.

eran Cemetery. Battle Creek.. Melvin HaaSe. soo ci Rulolph

and Amelia Haase, was born Jan. 15, 1923 in Pierce County. He resided in Battle Creek for 17 years ,and was engaged !iP farm­mg and trucking.

He was preceded In death by his father. Survivors inclOOe hisl rrdher; his wife. the fot'mer De­loris Wendt of Hoskins; a SOD.I Larry of Battle Creek; a da~})" ter, Mrs. Richard (Bartara) Pehrsm ci Battle Creek; and two children, Bruce and DeAnn­at bOme.

' lr (a~oll ! L~~" Is Named T~ckers " lu1lor at .... J. II"", sit....,11 - -,,- - . _. -~-:---;,i..-~J-

wu C'~ the ~969 rar~~1 ~rket "TrUCkerIfi' q~ dlD"~1 ceremonlu rr . nigtrt at the Sioux Cit:. 'fl.,ld 1 Aooltorh.tm.

Carla '>ut' ,Jans~, 16-year..oI:f" oo.ughter of 'fro too "I'S, ChI, Jans~:of, r arrol!, 1'I'a!'i CTOwnc<t ~. the OLlgolng ~ follow~ t~ oo.nguet ~ i I 26th anni.Jl;ll I arm.to-\1.trket rockers litv.

")h(' was cho!! rrom a field r:i 111 candIdatt'" nd wu one 0(

~~:~~;; m '!O[I~:~~~, thlJle rtucking of Carroll. ,I

\5 Qt~n .. h{' ~ll take rnrt ml IErades! and rJthet e\'('nlo:. durlng the Yoat an~ will Wrcel\,.(' v~rlou,> :tl~~Ogm a~~.~,:t:'I:;c:I~7t~; .,Iffs. , i 1

(,I~~r~ \i\~,,~(> D~il)(':n;flsl':~ dctivl' rrwtni)('r of tit(' '!('thodlstl ('!mr(')l In Carro,!. ,"'11(' will ~t"1 .. nd G'~ls Stat. tl'"e. i I

,\Iso [Included the day's aC1 tlvities IIv.'as tOt> orlng of s~"'1

.e:al loriJgtlm(' Ilvt'!~t()('ktruckers. '

b,h tr.lx-. k.r Wa~ .. r.,ogn,.r"" at. noon I.),.cheon a 'r'kehf"(\ nn engra'i plaque rt'C'ognttlqn of long Se \'I('e.' '

F. . To asan, Dixrn, ried' Satqrday .Mor~ing r un.ral '."lies for Fra~ds

C. TO~Son, 69i w{'re held s.al­wday morntng,£May, 24, at St. \nne's Catholtc 'hurch, DI~on. '1r. T mason d Mav 21 at a "lioUXJ' tty hosptthl. - :'

The Hev. ,\nthany Mllooe'of­ficlat at the rlt.~s. Hosar}, ~s said a Wiltse t hapel, laurel,

Frlday{at R p.ml with I1e:v • .i~I­looe charge. Hurta! y.raSi in st. An 's ("emet ry, DIxon. PQII-

bearerr> wereDi~~ ~e~~i',' ,J~ • ): Gar ,In and Quentoo Ka I FgciS Tonia 'on. sonofC!\ar­les an ~.lizabe~h vanaugh- Thm­ason, s borm Sept. lif~, 1899 in P ,ca. l1e $ nt a sho11 timc­in ( ha and' de his home In

~eix:tth: ::~l"'O It:a~s w~~~ ::e~~e~ •• 3. 19 ,5 ~o .!ane Duffy

Pr~eding hI in death were his : rents a~, two brothers_ Survi rs inc! e his wife; 'Otle daughter, Mrs. ~noy (Marilyn) Creamer of r drd; two broth­ers, Ilan of M ato, Calif., and

F-"rli vallejo!,. dall!.; one sis, ter, ' rs. Mar iO'NeU of San Lean 0, Calif. and fiv,e grand-children. I

Se~~ices Held . At ,I Allen' for CIi,ton. hase,~8 F~ra.l ser ices for. Clihton Coo , 78, w re held Ft'jiday

mor ing at Hen SJp'inglank

Fr'~ Churc • Mr. C~se died The ' at Wa field CQmrTUfrtity

Ho~ ~ev. M S.' ~Jls ~ek-'man fficiated t the rites. Her-' 'bert m$, acc mpaniedl by fi:.lndy: Ellis sang,' ond The S~set" and 'IHow', Grea Thou Art"., BW­ialnJ:8 W, ~ ingi:ank:1 Fr~ds

cep~l~r~~a lte ~'wer~, W~Y.Jlel

;:~~ !C= .. c~. :,1;; %:O~l::d CIa LenGx.~ j :

q too )osifh, Chase, 5C!" of WUl m and :f;\la ,Faucett Cnase, was, rn APr.

t9. 1891 in Dixon

CQ , y, where he ~pent his }tce­time He was retired carpent­er d a' member of the Sprtng-tonkIIChurch.,_ ( :-:: ',,', S~ivGrs .'IIlJu:le his widow.

~~ ~U:,l1:J:C:d ~ ~:::: A~; da,ugh~er s. Mrs •. Lynn F k, san J~~, CalM." :MI's. Llo), Lenox, ~orfolk, Mrs~ Dan Bla, Jr •• Akron,lIowa, ~Mr5. BIlI)'1 Papalia. R~hester. N. Y., and a sister f *s. Joe 180m, We land. MIch.!/rel:edlnghimln

~were a darer and son.

Vfins~~e I

. "'". Edw~rdl 0...1 .... " P ...... ~2,

J Gnd\B~ I .. ~..ffve tr~s andrelatives

~ed In t~~ Wa<;io>r,bome

evening fo~ ,com­men ement tOl' or' gradtBte5. Bob,'Wacker.~ Mr.and,Mrs.' Doo I Wacker apd Keith Wacker,

~~. ~. ::kJ-H=;:U:;~~~ ro-tiPstesses at the tufet hmch-

""",' i ; ll"esart we.. Mr. and Mr •• ~r Wacker and family and Mr. and Mrs) Erwin F~eer, Waspe; Mr. aDd Mrs. Kenneth W~ and family. • Mr.and,Mr&. Dalll ~ Bob.Terry CIe_ Iand, Mrs. CblrIotte Wy1le, Mr. and 'I Mrs. Ed Oswald and 'SODS. Wlnslde; Mr. aDd Mrs~ Dean


SAFE DRIVING AWARD John I.ft, prn.nh Robt>rt Jo"ruon, A

70'y •• r ul. driving IWArd In the John)on hu drrven ne.rly SOO,OOO kind, of w"rltlur. durtng th, pul 10

Carrier -1 ('"nlll1l1('.1 from P;IJ" I)

b;.' Carroll ro .. tml<;t('r loIn !!etl ... wisch.

"1 had a few closl' calls last winter'," the ('arrler said. Ills rout(' Is 90 miles long, all of whir, h j.,YJ"ave1, ex('('pt for two miles uf hard-surrared 11l.J.:"hW'..t). lofIlSoo ..aId when- he first !>tart­cd driving th{' route It W'dS all dirt rood exc('pt for two miles 0(


The rural carrier Benes .170 1:JJ\.;es and says trat 00 hlH 90 mile route he can Co.mt 6fj va­canl farm home~ wtlJrh he.ltilS served at 00(' time Or a~other dbring the past 20 ye-3n,

I}rudlgan and Bona/d, and Maryin Brudigan and Lee, Wakefleld: Mr. and Mrs. Arden 011>00 and DoUglas, laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gohring, Mrs. Gene Barg. ~orfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Alex SI­mon, Stanton, and \tr. and Mrs. HoscO(' 'mlth and \11'. and \frs. Forrest Smith and famil,\, ·\lIen.

Busy Bee <; \feet Busy lk>es met \~'edne<:.day eve­

ning at the Henry Koch home with SPven members. (;uests were Mrs. (iarence Schroeder. IIos­kins, \irs. Doo Wacker and ,JlrIe and Jean Wac({er. i' ~oJl call. ~ answereld. J'4th flowers. Mrs. Howard Iversen gave a reading on I1lOtl'ler~. ,\n exchange of Ma) mskets was made.

\lrs. Ezra ,Joc.hens, ~orfolk,

jisplaye;d ribbon floral arrange­ments and demonstrat(j'(! making roses, mums and tulips. Each member made a tulip.

A family picnic wtlI he held lm(' 17 at the Wllliam lIoltgrew home.

• Hold Ibusewarming \Vomen' who held a l'Cusewarrn­

ing. for Mrs. Rudy Thompson Tuesday m her home were \frs. llarry Suehl Sr •• \Irs. Emma "iiphley; Mrs. \leta \"iermn, \frs. Martha Lult. ,;\frs. Martha Damme, \frs. Fred Uimrne. Mrs. Ella Graef, \frs. Hosie 'Hof'f-I1llIl, Mrs. ,James c.,Jensen, Johanna ·Jensen and Mrs. F..dgar Maren. Cards served (or en­tertainment and a tooperatlve l~ch was served.

~~r:~lr~fr;~~~led ltheir meeting Wednesday be<:'ause of muddy roads. The meeting has teen! rescheduled for Jme 11 with Mrs. stanley Soden.

Honor Grad Late Thirty friends and relatives

gathered ~day evening in the Milton Jotmson' home to honor Lorence's gradLation. Mrs. Ger­ald Becker, ~orlolk, baked,;dec­orated 'and served the cake. Char­lene Jolnson served, ptIlch and Mrs. EmU Thies pouted coffee.

Jolly Co~les ket I Jolly Couples held their last

m!ettng for thiJ. seasoo Tuesday evening In the F ~ C. Witt home. Mr~. Doo Wacker and Uoyd Beh­mer 'WOO high. A 'dessert ltJ]ch­em was served. n~ next ~ ing will be in Se~mber.

Scattered ~elghbor' Meet Scattered ~e1gbbors Extension

Club _ Tuesday In too Wilmer Deck tome. Teo members an­swered roll wJtb ...-tat they had plallted In loolr gardens; Mrs. Alvin Wagner was a guest.

A dooatloo will be given to_, folk CWOrtmttY Center. Mrs.,. Wfimer Deck read an article, .'Mooollght Madness··. Reports were pven 00 the ~y tea and the Wayne ComIty Extension Club tour to LIocoln. Reports, alsO were given by Mrs. Dean Janke, cttfzensblp leader, ~ Mrs .. RoI;, ert Jensen, rea4blg lE;6der.

Mrs. W. Deck "'& in charge c1 the lesson -OIl q?b:>1stered furnfture. Plans were DDde for guest clay J .... 18 and tar 100 15th amdversary ~ the cbJb. Committees.' named were foOd,

.~. ! : I \ ' i I

Page 11: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

MA(;NAVOX STEHEO for S81~: Modern ('orUlole lItyllnK. !$75.00.

Call LeBar Breltkreutl, 375--271f.i! alter 4 p.m. or on w~eke11d".


FOil SAI.V: Fle<:trahn rloor II('rubtx>r and polisher. Alrmllt

~;:'. ~~:~ ;Ir::;;~'r~~ ~~~ mn. rnl!itJ

FOil ~,\ I.E': "pr4:ht iVltlque 8e('­

retnr)'. ·ncar).. new slnKI .. bed mattress, and "prlngs • .,terco. NOrma Cochran. ''hone :r;-'-,..2JliJ.

I m26t:l

C·OMPt.FTF 1.,\ Wr;.' (",\HI-: pro-dlJC't~- - 'l.;orthrUp KInK. 01'100,

Scott, :Coo.st to Coast - - Alga compl~e lines of f(raSS seeds, [ll'Bt tnollS", potting <;011, lawn sp'rlnklh."rs, mow{'r,~, till e r:'i. r"oomjto roast, Wayne. al7tf

19f1~) tOl 1\....,\\ \(;1'.\ [lrlred (0

S{'IJ. il'hcHH' :)7".-2'17:\ aner 'i.

I1L\J)H' ,\llITH..., for all your lawrj neNs-(prtI1t7{'r<;-ln<;c('t 1-

('Ide .... -~un· hent!Kk} Illue (,rass­Whltf" 1llltdl (Invrr. (nmplet{' 1In(' 0t gard£'n tr.)ls-rclk("s-mow-

~~:ltn~ ;~~O\I;'{'~I\I O\l~ur~:~ ~:~s~~~nkd ~~'~v~:~. :(?!;~'. d~:~V\~~i~ llardw~rt', II,on{', \'d)I". ~IJrltf

SJI()OTP\C; J oil 2() f!lI)r£'bu<;h(>I~ an arrc" Plant ear 1_ ... Broad­

cast and I'lowclown I ulJ I eed I ertllizer. .... ow .. ""/l(>rq's I arm ~rvke, II'; \\eSt Ilr<;l, \\avne.


1'\ T'IT-fn<;Jde alld outside paint. ("omplet(' line of rolon;. ·\Iso

brush~", rollers and all fl"linting aressorie<; at ('oa<;1 to (oac;t, \\...L?·nc. al7tf

IllI' "\11 IIHJ o.,{;lrK" of Il.].l .llld ,til(' o.,t~l('h ( h.:l \

\rbnd Tbj(.". \\;ilrll', 'I;",.. :.?'1I't. rn:..!/;











Fo~ Rent I III! HI\)": I~(' ortwo--be<i-

room, a\r--<:0!1dition('d apart­mcnt", l"ar[)('tpd I i\ ing- r()()m, ()lX'n I it(' "r'n \~ ill q()\(, and rp­

rriJ-~{"rator. (inC' ~I()d\ from tllP l"oll{,J.-:('. j'r()!)('r!" I Ie l"rnfC'" ... ional H!)ildinl'

11m I\F\T: '!-bedroom apart-ment. Partial!> furnished. ·\ir­

eonditlooed. ·h-aILable ~y 1. \tarrle<! {'o'lpl{'c;. Phon(> 375--1740 after 'i p.m. a24tf

""1.l·T!'I~(; I(OO\t for man. \ir conditioned, private entrance.

(all :r75-llfll. ml9t3

\l'\IIT\fl:'\T 1 Oil n::,\T: ,\vail­abk June 1. l'riv71te parking.

!'!tone 3-;-~"'1 Q;4. m:?(;

1"( III )I/-"\ T: I iv(> room hou<;('. J\vailable June 1.( oU(Jle~O!1I~.

l'llof)f' 3';;}-:J4Rl. m"2F,

Real Estate 1"011 "A 1.1" : Three~bedroom mod~

em 11oll=-e in \IIen, immediate ]Xlssession •. Secltrity State Bank in ,\Ilen, !'hone 1335-2424. m12tf

I ()]: "\ I I ; [ our-bedroom home at ,1.1 Pearl, \\a\11e. Priced

to sell. \1ay be see~ b;. appoint­ment. \I, rite Tom Lambert or call 375-2088. m22t2

\\ \ \'TFI): Ch ck('r for full tim(> work in .",uJX' market in \\a:-ne.

f-:xperienc(> pr f(>rreci but not necdsan. \~r te Bo). F·\T, rio The Way';le He ald. 11122t3

Wanted WANTED, leis So-So Soybean

yields! Mo~~, Go-Go Soybean yields! Start rUilding ,xour Go­soffprogramt ay.tallSherry's Farm Service 115 West First, ~·ayne. , mItf

_.- r



, 'I

the Best of USE IT. Thats' the way to get the best sqfety

- the best helpfulness - the greatest

value from the services we have here for


ourB. State National Ban


" ... Ii:


1'11\\1-\ 1 (j( TO \ll r("ia(ive;. and fri('nd~ for the flowers

and rards •• The,\ brightened my hospital <;0 mu('h. \{r<;.

Frne"t ')tanton. 11126

\\F \\\'\T 1() [II,\\K (l("1?

man \ friends and relatives for the OC:autiful rard<;, gifts and r10wen and for eoming to help us make our golden wC'ddfng day such a grand occasion. \tay Cod Riess all. \1r. and \1rs. \rtic 111213


Consignment Sole

'" \ II Ii II \ \ J L.""~, ;4

Cornleo Auction C:J


Want~~ Neighborhood Youth Corp is offering~ sum­

mer' employment to '1 5 a'pp~canfs WHO



Eligible enrollees will work 26 hours iper

week at $1.30 per houdor 10 wkeks.

June 9 - August 15th, 1969'1 , I

Applications may be obtaine4 from ~e Goldenrod Hills Community Action Co~ncil

'. ! I In '

Walthill, .Nebra~ka 68~7 ! I d \ Complete and return to same ad rds.-

c/o Mr. Joh" Greany, NYC Di ector. f

I: 1

I ~ )

4-0., Sedan, lime Gold. I A utomatic, Power Steering, I

Air Conditiani~g, Radio: I! I

S .. d., ~lM.mo,;.' D., $2368°0 ~J .\-~;iI'S' ., .

. :1

'967 FORD CUSTOM, 500 4-0" Sedan. Bei~e, 289 V-8 \Eng~ine. Auto­matic, Air Conditioning.

" S •• d.' ~ M.m,,'" D., '$1 ~6700 ~j\ -,\S"S' I


I ' 1966 FORD GALAXIE " sqo ,

4-0., Sedan. Lio:ne Gold. 35? V'r8 Engine.,! Au~omatic. RadIO. I i

~\ s .. ',., tM•

m."., D., $136600

q(;\j' "}~i\'S'

v.m :llili1 1965 FORD GALAXIE 1500

4-0 •. Sedan. W~ite. ?52 V-8jEngine. Auto' matico Ai. Cond,tion,ng, Rod~a.

\\, .... 01." ,M,'mo,'." D., , 126500


4-0 •. seda~, .oan, 352 V­tomatic, Po r Steering, Rod'

',I ~M.mo",' D.y

~t.,}St\'S' .


Engine, Au ..

1962 FORD GALAXIE iSOp , 4-0r., Red and White, V-8, Stlnd~rd Trans-mission, Radio. _I 4~

\\ d.1 M'm.,i.1 D.y $ 6200 \ . \ \

1959 FORD 4-0r. Sedan, Red and Whi ,.,1-8, Auto-

, matic, R\~i~,., ~ Mom.,i., D~Y $15900 Qt.t~j\·S'1 '

WORTF~NMIERCURIY ''The Home o~, Fin. Aurtoln~~i1,ra"

Worne, Nebr., ;Jl':;"~"IIV'

II I' "


Page 12: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


3 6_0z·2S~ Cans



TWIN PAK 9·lJz. bag




20-lb. boq

No. 2 Cons

Prices Good Monday, May 26 thru

Saturday, May 31.



A Time toPduse.

A Tirne to Remember OIlt'I" a1!ltin. Oil \It'lIlOrial lla~. ~ f' pallM' 10

IIlt'llIor~ "I" honor tocla~.

" ~ <- .. U.S.D.A. GRADE A

' .. "'" Fryers . - ~









i ,

.. ! .1 •

, I I

i I·" . I ". I ~',

, CALlFOR~1 A FRESH 1. , , .....


Page 13: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

I Wayne'H~rald So~·venir S~cti~n I . I .

. May 26, 1969


I I, ,.

. I il


This Section 'Sponsored by Community-Mind4i Allen, I I

i i ~ I

• I


, ! I

Wakefield, ~ry .. ".e! or' I ; I ., ,I .

, 11 I I

i III '.

. I , ... I

: .. I. ' I

I! .,. , ...•.. I . "t

I,I"!.I· •

I ' .. \ " i

,i,l . if' , 'J ii

Page 14: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


Ken Linafelter Insurance life, Hospital & Hail Phone 635-2403


House of Beauty Phone 635-2223

Security State Bank Ii i , I

McCaw's Feed Store Wayne Feed & DeKolb Seed Ph. 635-2263 ,

The Cash Store Phone 635-2325

Allen Lbr. & Hdwe. Co. Phone 635-2175

Bob McCord Garage , Phone 635-2322


Home Cafe ,

I Smorqasbord Every Fourth Sunday

A,d~rson Drug· Ellis Elec. ,

Durant Brothers Impl.

Carpenter Feed Station' Kent Feeds - Phone 635-2241

I Farmer's Co-op. Elev. Co. Phon~ 635-2312 ,

The Village Inn Phon~ 635-9494

Schroeder's Propane

Christensen Electric Phon.e 635-2343

Lindahl Store Every dollar youl.f'spend ~wily from Allen is one step neCHer

to clOSing our Main Street

Paul's Mobil Sendee Phone 635-2380 or 635-2434

Kim~ell !Ins. Agency. PHONE 635-2404 , I' .:\ , I

Earline's', Beauty Shop Rubel: Hutchings,:


Phone 635-2235'

Red Carr Implement Phone 635-2254



I~ . I ,

, I

Susan ~ma5

:1 I I ,I I

Page 15: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

\; ,

'om \ddlnk Terry nakcr

"'andra !larg'('

Hit-hani 1)ri~k(>ll lIobert Eaton

.J('rr.\ TenSl'n

Marlin Kraemer

I I,

I Class of '69

We Salute'


: I r-_C_O---=OP~. -.:.,Ex_cha..,...: .....;nge=--. _"'-I i' 1


FuUerton Lu..,ber 60.: '

Humpty-Dum~ty Mills ': .' , '

Lou's Plumbing[&

Wakefield, Rexal,l Drug

T~e Lounge : 1------'----1

i, ' ,

• \tary (;ord~ • . i - ~c,NeSi . "" i

~~--#-~--~~ I


Hotel~~ar . ':

locaalnald's Feed


I. "Salvage"

I " 'I

Page 16: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

! ,

Forme,s State Bank , I r,

I , . C'orrol!, Nebt,,'sko


We Con9ratulatJe I

, 'It;.I, 'II ,. , l~i 1 i' :

i "I' 'i .; 'y -l, ,',


, "

. '


I , I

Claude's Standard 409 Main St. Phone 315-9942

Doescher Applia.e Sales and Service

Swans' Ladies Store 205 Moon St.

Wayne County Public Power District

Sioux land (redit (orp. o 2 Block West Jct, 15-35 Ph,375·1220

Gambles "The Friendly Store",

Don's Better Shoes Phone 375-3065

"iara!l \tariC' \hlma,n ("onstanc{' "tiC nakcr ~)"rI"'ln. Fma I"ul~c llernl"" !

i ' ,i

Les' Steak House

Wayne Monument Wks. Harvey Brosch, owner and proprietor

Felber Pharmacy. [ ghon C;unnan f\u"iamante Donald \\aync Can ( raig \1. (DOli

Phone 375-1611 ' --.... -.~ -

Lyman Photography

Brandstetter Impl. (0.

Sherry's Farm Service 115 West 1st Phone 375-1262


Wayne Greenhouse East 10th St. Phone 375- 1555

kathleen DlDlklau (onnie, Ellen Ekberg

'I ! 1

1 '

i I

Melody Cleaners

Shrader·Allen Hatchery Southeast lst· St, Phone 375-1420


SUl*r Valu' Ctarles Henr~ Fisher Bonnie Sue Frahm \1ark Ver lin Francis I' : l~anelJe Sue F.redrickson


Standard Farm Service , I GENE FLETCHER

200 SoLlth Pearl St. Phone 375-2687

S)Van . McLean Clothing for Men and Boys

Peop'es ·Natural Gas Free 24-hour slOr;vi~e Phore 375-1411

I I j .

. I


- ", Larry Edward Grme

i , ,

~Cy iLynn Hamley

. \ f

Page 17: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

i I

(' Inda ('arol llardcr

o...:.t{lphl't1 \\,L,I1(,III"

Elizabeth .\nn \Ic Lean

~ !

, I


'69 Graduating

Class of Wayne High School


1)ale 1.('(, ,John<;on K.::l.th,1 \nn llmck Louise rolleen Ka mlsh

'lame'> Fdward 1.1It! EaI1d~ J'11.utt Wa;.ne .\. \1agdanz

Jean -\nn '[eyer

, I

, , , I

i ! ,

I ,


J ! I i!

l.nri{' \nn I!('lthold

Clori.<:LI<ath_leen \1ai~son • ,I


\ I~ I I I !,[ I

II' !,jr " ',,,I ' "

, ii', I ' ,

i Bill's, Markel Basket' , i I


r Barner's T~ ~ Appli,nc~

I, Lil' [uHer, " I

I' , 'I , McDonald's i

, I

! '

Willse I Mortuary

Coasl-t ~-Coasl I Wh.r. You Get tht Most of the I.st i for th., L.ast

\'1 Griess R ~xall brug

Runell Stover Candi I Ph, 375-2922

Internation~1 Harvesler I

Truck Service Our,SPFciolty 205 So. Main \

Chris L Bargholl All Your InsuroR~' Ph. 375-2764

Swanson TV & 'Appl. Phone 375-3690

Koplin' Aulo Supply Automotive Parts Wholesaling

Mert's Econ-O-Way 302 South Moin Phone 375-2292

Fredrickson Oil Cc-. Hiway 15 North Phone 31$-3535



Wayne Book Stote

Farm Bureau Insurance Bud Froehlich, Agent Ph. 375-2256


Dale's Jewelry Watc'hes, Diamonds, ~ewelry~ and Gifts


B~n's Paint Store

, Wayne Motor Express' Local and Iiong Distance Hauling ,7", ---- , i .

- i

, >WayneSkelgas S.rvice I 305 'South Main I

Ed Wolske_ Aulo se~ice PO,!tiac - Cadi'la~:Gt.«:Tnic~ -315-2355

- I,

• t '> 'I, ' i

T ledtk~ ~umbirg, Heating & Appl.

i 'Phone 3~5:28221 I ! '

I I 1 '

'I l i I '



, j I

i 'I

, '~





'I j

Page 18: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl


1 , . I I J

, I , L i' )i

Dahl Retirement Center 1~ HaUl Nun"l!} Caft'!' 2

918 Mein St, Phone 375-192

; Farmers Co-op of Wayne Pnonc 375-3644 t.GOOD

I Arnie'~ Patrk,la \nn '\plson I

, I : Bob's Cleaning Service I

I , I

r Dean Pierson Ins.' Agcy. r 111 West 3,d Pho'ne 375-2696

, . - -r .

'69 GraCluates L. W. (BUD) McNatt Hdwe.

I I ~ , Safe way ,

First Notional Badk /

J \ , ,

Wayne' Federar I

~ 305 MOln SAVINGS end LOAN

Ph, 375-2043

Ben Franklin Terry 'x'ot1 PflLle~er

I Pamela Theresa Renner lQnlel Wayne Hoberts

I State National Bank

and Trust Company

I Merchant Oil Co. , i I Two LocatiOfH to Serve You

,7th and Main West 1 st St. J I I i

Carhart Lumber Co. Donald Douglas Siefken Jean Renee Thomas

I Wayne Veterinary Clinic I

! Wayne's Body Shop

Wayne Grain & Feed \ Ian Dean Thomsen David Wayne Tietgen ,

I Morris Machine 'Shop

Little Bill's Bar

State Farm Insurance Willis Johnson, Agent

A'ndy's Pizza House 318 Main We Deliver 375-1111

Mines Jewelrv Coryell perby


Page 19: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl

" I


George's Food Markel Phone 286-4222

vVackerFarrn Store Internotional-Han.lter Parts & Service

Winside Siale Bank Complete Bonking Serviqe



Troutman Super Saver Winside '

Winside Motors t Hank's Produce:

Phone 286-4941

T ri-County CO-Op Phone 286-4277

Winside Building Supply Phone 286-4442

,Winside Dehy Company Phone 286-4491

Lyman P~otography

Waterhouse Garage Auto & Tractor Repair - Welding

N & M Oil Company Alfred E Miller

Swede's Place Hoskins, Nebraska

Commercial Stale Bank Hoskins

Slenwall Conoco

Cliff's Tavern Phone 286-4574


Winside Vel. Clinic

Witt's Cafe,

Winside Grain & feed

I~Wilva's Beauty S~lon I~' I ' I

i '

Patricla \nn \ve

f·: . ':;11 I

Winside High Class' of '69

, Leon David Hausmann Patrlcia Faye Hoe-man i..orenc(' Gaylen ·Jomson

I ,"

I ' ,; --' I

VanosdahlHardwa're PhJne 216-4282 l I ".

II . j' I ! , I

, I I


I' 'I

II I 1'(

I .,. , I,'

. II ,

ty Salan, ~··'I

I :1' l

I. i '

!" ~··ll~. , i '. I > e- II


1'1 , r11~ It.u \Mr."

! I I

Page 20: I THE WAYNE HE - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · , I I ' I I 20 I pages two sections THE WAYNE HE I ' I NI/¢rY-F,OURTIl



I' 1

, :! \ 1,1: 'I .' I " .

, I'· j \"

, \ .' , . "



Wayne High School

F. B. IlalBl F. II, Bkkers Superintendent PrlnC'ipa I


Allen . High School

'tV akefi,eld · Hiph

E. C. Heckens ! Superintendent

M. J, Masten Superintendent I


i i I . l· J

Ray nkander Principal



, Ii ; , • I :1

Murl Beller Superintendent

Ronald Kramer I Principal




iii' 'II ! ·1