stejtlt~o °'' i capture one wte :~l:::::, 'j~,~'::::::t...

BE A 800!1'.l'ER FOR TUE DEHATERS HJ-; M:t TIIRll TO P JtOM VOLUME 6. TUESDAY. MARCH 20. 1923. No. 26. ----- _ z:::;::::: ___ ------ ---- - -- - ------ -- ---- . -- - - . - - ------ -- . WNBORG 'S FAVORJTN DH. " °'"'"" os >'ACU •JM· I PROGRAM IS LAUNCHED j ''lt<w. :<msGt:n \\ JUTES STOCK JUDGING TEAM CAPTURE ONE WtE IN ,,, :"' TO CREATE SENTIMENT , ,, .. WINS FIRST PLACE IN NATIONAL TOURNAMENT .. FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE .... INTER-STATE CONTF.ST comP n member o! the !aeult)· or the Ha nd 22.1 .. Deknf To Junf()r f'ol- Unti ·eridty of llllnols. The l'ICcond 1 . .. .. ,i :\r .\ I. lege 0! Kansm• CH:r Jn First lilt•mP1Ht!r of tht! preffcrH yenr he- en- Sl'°"•lal In Th,. flr111t )la.rt or thi' • ·. lh· :1r,lde glvt•s :t \ "l 0 1' . '" xraphir .:&lid ll nrr) l rhmi1n l ,o•ml.:o1 111 lnl.lh · ldwd de,:i:ai111!011 of ll J uncu in ll n11o rs \Vlrh A Totnl Ot 1' ca1<0nM for t}I\• :'tolM P Stn1t. '8 roll ed for grndu.iuo work In lh" Un· ('fmp..i lv1.•r11;1ty hut a \>ll.CJUlC)" ur l"lnR he H. c. A. c. \\'JSR PLA CE Wilk np1>olntt"!d lo tll l ii . u ls o carry- IUHf- :(1'1-:H Bl ' tTIT nu·1u·1n:s lll g U Of t_'OltrS('M Of f.;rnd UtHt '" 11ludy of ur•• 11f'I forth 8.n(I ri1 S<mthwe!\itern f.;J hnl n:r.INt Dullth:,..,""K Jn $('coud Sc-ri('l!I n,· A. Seo"' Rrudy. li e chose to rc1naln 111 U r- :\111..._., T u Jk ll1•ld Thur"'''"> bum: r 111 thPr Uw.D nnolhl·r JlOS· itlou avttllable Jn o nf' ot thti eoll eges th(• rlo81• llwr.• IM (l 11• 1 of hlrd C'O ll• TllU.Efo: HEl "H.l-;i.;l.:ST}."'D undrum.'I 1>n•pan·d hr Prof. C. \\", o f !h1• Slah '" T(•:ich.('rio' f'nl· lf:n·,· ··>· IA'"hnum .\ud 'rh•"oflon> Bak· l"J:•' ur \\"arrPrulrnr,,:, :\llu ourl. al· 4°r SN•utto Sf'N"l n1I At1(I Third Anti Surnln) . \rt rn0<.m. 801nt'Wh:it N' \'h'it'd In fl! th.:- l'I HC'C"' l"t-b.t-.... or lndl3na. n:- a1HI )1r11 are <IP· Coach Lonbor g"M displayed thoroughly enjo ying Jtfl\)' Ill 1·1if' t·am1>ali.:: 11 to '• )"r-ht ll n.•· i--rnf. 1 rntl th.:- 11tock Judg- lheir true tlghtlng tll)ir lt at the Na- t he l)nl''t'rslty and epenk In high- m(•nt f(1r Jlt.'!ll'" und<'r tlw nf . In..: :\lc;:Phr.inon Uooal A rn11te ur Athlutk Un ion bu.Jo!- esl f t_•r ml'I ot th(' .11l'bi)al 1 • . . ... .. •· kct ba ll tournnme nt hi Knni;.a1:1 City -- - - - - 11 ; • ur :r ,;('(•l ion 11r th1• l ast T ue11day e\•enh1R'. by trouncing LAST LYCEUM NUMBER \\.' i•t>k. !'.l r.r,:h IS to :::5. ud1kh h1 11 JO: in·n --- rlrsl Jihu '" In lhf' j1Jc1J:illK ronlel!t at tflo rast Junior Coll<:g1• (JU. i nlet to "'concerted t>UOrl llll"Olli;h the d1111·· dw SouibWl'8lurn Llvo- the loue Ot 22 10 1-4. In tile llCC· GIVEN FRIDAY EVENING Chee lo qulc k+·n the "l•lrlt uf ..\m .. r1c:1 COLLEGE DEBATERS · ro M l (}('\.: Sh()\\' held QI Oklahoma Chy. Ond 11erles or tbe tournament pl ayed In f mpport of th(" demand for Amr·r- In uddlllon 10 iakln,:: tl"'t plllcr by \Vednetiday e\•e n!ni;. Southwestern ican f"O•OJ Jl'rntl on work CLASH WITH STERLING a m:ir111:ln of onl"' hundn•d pohHI College, niarnrlftlly st r engthe ned by JESS l"l"GH \\,TH ot tnu·rnalmnal poa,... · ··r ttwlr ncmr •' 1l t t• o mpl'tltnr. the tho addition ot G(•orgP Gardner on l' IHlGB., \;\t OF' i hrough world t:< tw- nwmlwrl! nr th•• tt•um won lntllvldual tho lineup. il: UCCr.cded In .•U:l...Ef'T(()XS hl Mcl'tt('nmn \\"II.I. uto : ;\lrl' ll•:n:-;os·s l.A:o;T h011orM I))' ltrn fir.II the Rulldoge 26 to 20 lu a very hard by dall)' r• h:ivPI proi.:rnm11. 111 rhi• t'tl . \:TES'l' IS :'\:OHTHF:l t... \" iilnt·u!I-. Ti•nm 11 i.•nrnrcd rrom f ought game-. Mi•e ry ('\•<mi n g .llA the ·r110 <:on<: ludlng numb._.r on tbc ly· diurchi•i> tlJC' Su nJuy JH\' ISIO;\' Knn:1trt11., Tf'Xt\11 ., and Oklr\homa, re tourney pr(lgreuocl 11trong t Mm!I rcum wai; g lven F'rlday " '"en· F:f'rmonfi.. 1n th<' ii tgh ,;d10oh1 1111· aiiproxlm:i1CJI) 11& hl,;h were eliminated nnd whc.n the fin· h)" Pugh. onr or 1hc be-s t I dres. .... cr;. In tti ... ,. 11 .\. Uy m :1 1>" Th·· dPha1 1 •r11 a nd aradcmle". al wbil'ltle bl ew Sarurda;.· n ight the homor h1t" whn t!\'t?r ap1i-e:Jrf'tl lll l h<' ; mf!Mi n1: i. wil l eunieud fur th\' cllampio1121h lp :'tlf"l'hrr.oon 1:-,70 t•otnt11 qulntel repr <:.s-.ntl11i; tile Kansas opern hous•· )fr Pu1;h " 11 1•nt<"rtaln· 1 11111 >. 1 .. Pn ....... ·nt,. d oC th•· S:11r1h .:-rn Uh'h1fon Out of a poul bli • l SOO polnl8 th() CHr Athletic Club emerged wilh the menl wu;o. marked by ltK hl,;h moral Ycin<:rdftY morning Prue .\lo rr1i< wl1c 11 th1•y meiP-1 tht' Stet'"!· :'ok l 'hNllOll lf'.'ltn i;cou•tl 1&79; Te.nM c<>¥eted callonal ch:impionttbip t ltl e (lu!Illl)· and clean whole11orne hum- ndclreJJl!ed the it udent hod)' in c h1\J1- lni.: i.•;nn" ·r h•· H o- wtth l4 79. Tho Okl nhmn:i. Junior Coll..,f(r (jj1ui1(' or, Wl lh rPAdinfl:"tl; trom 1'UCh aulh- cl: t hi s m orulng- tht• [ )ntm1trk Art AOln>d: Tlmt t !Jo• Unlt('d tnnm m nk,.d lh i rrl Harry Lellmnn Jn the game wllh Junior College or!! u.,., EdKll r A. rind Hudy11rd ch1.t1s pre"•'Ot\•d 1he 11111) ' ,.,1wii li l ado--u ihe ('nblnet f' hy t1cur hi1t fl -I S IU>ln1M won th-1t. ln<•r•s<ln•· m•now• 0 . 1 r• n- Gas .""- d11 Jtkllng •h•horror" uf th1· m••nl:• rr li)"ll t l.!m or plfi<' 4 , whh;h erirr lNI with It IL "'., " "' ' •' - .._. ._- "' "' - ' ._ n 4 !xl war, whi('h, IC hrnsht . wlll be t-'rnnk HodJ.:" D IHI l ' t•Dt"f •, of $40. ll a n't'.!Y L;.hnrnn •eC- unnbl(' to pl.!rrntrnto. Allhough thP derln1o: the i·11rloui- l'lelccLiona. fl M well with by \\ .lu· Stt•rlfug 1wgatl\ 't'll, wlll b<' opp()F:•"'"• I ond r,:: 9 pal m• and won a prl&e Uulldogs wer e- n Jll tlt:i n ervous on ;A1 the rlne persona.lit) ' or tbc ar1 lr;c . ona !tl r(;iirrr)", Ocie ::i.l «: Avoy, Samur-1 twr" Jn t h•' clmJ){'I by U. l". W.1 1.1111 ur $:1!. 1'hJrJ plact> w11-. .. c..wardod thol r flrat :1.ppc1Lr 11.11ce In o nat i onal 11ccuri'd undh-idcd ILll<mllon ot Dalo Strl-ckler . and Jfl.)" El· ant! l!'aac U1rk11. W. t-:. Ulllhop '" ThPnrlorn Hakm wllb tournamenl. they r an up a l ead ln l he :tu dlPnce and drf'w the ir a p- ler ; Thu MdlL)" nr. H arnly will llJ>4·llk 0 1<car v.·ho COD!itltuto the n. $:2C. iirh:.-. for :mi pointto the first balf wbich Wall suUiclent ph1.1111e. Thi'! ' ·ersatllltr ot the en- the ctm 11 .._.1 hour: and Frl,lay M 1 negallvr lP<tm, wtll deb;.tfe at 111 " rr(>(llt. T htJ nietnber• ot the to win the game. 1 \t the end of the te rm.Iner wa.s an fea· Guy T. G.•bhardl. Y. M. c. A. ,IUC· St1.irlln1t. The jud11;os ror the home tcnmJ1 ri•i>rmmnllng Ti xn. 11 o.nd rlrst p eri od the Jun ior Colleg') tlve •u ro, iu1 he cou ld nmder 11'nglc, hu- rernry ror McPl\er1ion ('oun1y will rontrsl •1ro A. GnTC hnmt1 wern •ele<:ted b)' tho J)Olnt was tra.Ulng u lG to S score. l rls h, or N c .ii:ro Kbl ec-Uons th" ll(l drCroJ. of Eoler prljji:, f'rlnclpul Wtllard muiliod a.J .... _•/&(J Tbe l<auea1 C l l.1 Umm c;:ame "back· wllh CQU3l lkiJI. Th('! rQ.rC 1nlQr 8 i ·he lldtllnr1t o f t he ari o1111 C'hurCh· VHn of H 'l gh School, ii nd hntl nut Jud,;f'd tm:i•rh1•r before. r;tronger ln t ho second session a nd prctat1011 or the sl o rle.11 n nd POt>mll cs dcl/wcred on intl'rm•1lni:ind Uhrnrhrn \\' H. K r-rr ot f-.:rn- Thr, \ld'hl'r l!nn 1 ,.. 8111 JtH 1J:Pd to- Dlayed the Bulldogs on tiq ua J t errn11. from home life-, brou-=ht Mr Pui;:h al J>f'"i.if"(.' Sunday mornlDt: and "'Ill purls :-.=orm1& l, re"\rmerly a debato Kt!th .. r 41 lh" at Wl('h· eaeb team ! coring t lx POint s. Hill c:lo11r 10 th& hearl!I or hlll Jo 80 (lgahi nPXt sunda)· J'ror B road• !lu. J:rnu:tr)" ?!! " ' hl<'h rhPy won by was high "olnl man tor Mc Pher:son acd made lhem hi.s trl eod11c. E. Ebl!I wil l of"cup,- tile r h.apel hou r Tht> flo a. I d e bat eit In t he Southern 11 wltlt• i ll chut rontoitt Illar· 11corlng four field goal1 snd two tr ee '" tho Junior Hlgh School, rn, ·h,Jon Tf'sUlle•I In vtc1on· for Fair- vo• y J.i•hmnn won flr11r 111!11""1• In tn- tbrows. Each t eam pla.) ·ed a clea.n UR. Kt ; HTZ G£VES and I.. H. lti tQ flt mount v.•ith ;.i pJurnllly or flvL' vot6. 'll rllvldout hon,,u "nme; only 11•0 ricreonah1 were call- 1_,f :f 'T, lilU.:s Di OKl.All ll:\I. ·\ t he S.:nior ll h:h 011 tht· lltlllw m·••r llw holder of ""''COtHI Dr. Kurtz was schodul cd to d lt ll!r t few minutes ot piny. The lineup: Ju_ ntor .a '.\1cDonough, t Armour, t O"llryne. c Spooni:r, g Mnther. g Northrup, t F'.T . F'.G. P. lo"'. I 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Jh ·er only rour l t>cturr.11 ln th<' In· :t. br 1'.!11t or Y. M. C. A. work at th'Okl ahoma 9tn1e Coll ege at St lll "'at· hu! week but be "IA' Q8 MO well l lk<"d lhat ht> wa!I compcllf'od to g-ivi' nlne before le ft , Or. Kurtz l"lpf•n.kt11 very highly ot the Coll1.?1<; e nt thnt 1)1.ncc and the ki nd rot'f'ptlon h:c w11.J1; g ive n by the s tude nt" u ntl the r aculty. Debarring a muddy trip 'J'o Hui.I ;\h"' "' Urt•1 iHJ..,">'. Tu•o na-t·Ungs -..·ill hf' l11•ld tho• Wl'fk, th•· rlnt al lh•· O[I· t>r:l houM• at which Jt e . {' T lh 11\') and Guy T. Gebbartlt w ill >: I\'•• .1d- or l!'!(su:i!.. At th\1 in.--.,-.1Jng ..,. Ill b,1 [)rr,i;.l'nl4ld , llmu to largo•r audl Cnt'l " llud uno.l .. r ditioni- llm11 ll C"r<JUI J)tllll NI ]"'r· rorimu1c•· t h l" as till· 11lay from Stlllw11ter to Perr) ' o t1 r.•· r equ in•s " nh;: ht IOf"l•t io. It.fl Kr lJ11)lnK )l cPlwr"6t1--:!'..! turn he :t vrry Pnjoyahte w!ll f'llr lkll and 1tulh.:11t ii. \\·Ill I l>e ••n.ccr 10 •N• It 1he 8•·f"ond tlmt' 11111. r F.G. P.F. Clrn1• Uc«:aURO:- of thl' .. xJH •n se lncurrc•I !h••t(' 1 will lw an t ct> of Crumpacker. r c Ellwood, g St ric kler, g Da.11:gott, t Ho lloway. c t;nns, g 0 0 1 ) I. C". l)();\ "OH .. ') flvf' for adult:- anll rlCl!•••n '""Ul i< rur tbll1Jren. 0 0 0 0 g Two loyal rrlendil ot l'ttr.l'lwrkOn Sunday ut11•r11onn <tl lhr' ·" •.t<' lm·k 0 ColloJ:t:, :\tr. 11Dd MrH. J. 0. Scho<' _k o or muu Spr lngR Netiraaku h11v1• r u- eentl y tn j nereree, Brown. Allen. on the annuhy pl1Ln to tll;J probable lh•· bo)'1' b and ,,. . Ill lw Southwewt•:ra G•mo a.c-cured to furnt11h mu11lc tor pro· The game wlth Southwes tern teal urod. by the dotcn1lve t actics a nd the excellent tloor W<>rk dlt played by the McPherson q uintet. The Hmm work ot the Winfield cager!\, jblch Is cot1sldcrod one ot their the .papen lllo trnngac- ,ram which wlll •• nd tbc Wt:•·k c ani - t Ion . The glfl, given In memory or Mr, Schock. bl11 d eceaaoo wife. and child ren, Js fo urth doo11.Uon from ofo' )L C. JS t h.fill ffl.mlly, Schock b8\'IDJ: cot 'Ol. l.• .EGE PRESIUF::"JT trlbutod $10.000 a few year• <1-go on )llo;;\ IUEH Oto' IOIO \"ININ AT :\I. C. 1·011rnd I) HaAp, A H 1910. wbo C•ir !IO!lw y-.-.ar11 ha11 bf'rn f!en·lnk aM r1:1.11tor of :i•· 'l••r :11 Ha1HIMl <'hur c h"''· Wll!I a nu lnll11;n Hlll l!l!1t Tm •iHl<ty. Mr. n11d .\J r11. ll:tsp w .. r1• t11 Mcrh.-.rMon to 11ttmul 1b1• wNldtn.;;: a11nl\ ' cr111ar )' or Mu. Hn111Jl ' !i J•flr(•nrJi, ;\Jr. 1tnd :'11ni. \" Goorh1t11•I· 1 .. r :\tr. Has!) 111 r. t 11r;>Rcn1 livlnx 111 fo:l)l;h:i.rt. lncll anm. whl'tf • h r !!II dlr· 1•rtor of the fo:Jkh« r l Fl · IH\ DCC ("orpOratlou H" 19 11 cla11!' · nui.t4' Qf Pr F; I. ('ralk 1' 1• 11111 C'<mdwd B>" 1•.-u r . Moh .h •r It h1 du;-· 10 th1.1 UJll lrinK c-ftortll Ot l' ror . Mohh?r tlrnt B r\IOCk J11dKl ng h .tl rni h: 11 , t.C"n rr uJurAtl at M. C. or " · hlC'h u11) · onc an wrll b1• oroud. l'ror has work.--.d u11c-l'aJ1l ng· I )" a n<l nut nt four Yi':t r111' rrprf' .11- "nl.ta tlnn 111 thP islf1I•llv• !ltock Jlhow llll 8 Wfln (Jrt1 J pJar.,. lhr('O ll Ti l"ll (Hid pllfft' Ol)t,:f' 'llltml ni-ll. a 11C 1h1! lenm lruH ylt.ltr. hoH flrO\ 'l'd htm8e u ,, Yr-ry r(JUHll•lnnt ft.!'1- In tra!nlnK llw l (!I Ull thh1 Y••.Rr Two \\'f'<>kill llJ:: •I lhl} t••:t m WIA U1ku 11 (0 Manhatrnn h)' l'ruC antl WILll i JOmf · ·ork th"r" und•tr l hf• ill t1"ttlon nf rour lll"ll vf thf' Anh11<1l HuJ11harHlr y De-- purtrno• nl n n. S ,\ \ •nt: E lr.clll · ·1a ....... '!'< or Sl•Wk J OINT .. , ... )11-:to;'l"IS"-; Ttw tolllll !.fl Sund:,y l)VColng for Okhi homa rlly ;\luuday w1111 111peol tho lime plao. tben $2,000 r or Ar· notd Hall. and $300 for llarnl7 Ha ll. 0. TO BE REPRE :SESTED J:uter eated In 1:ntatlona.ry work. Mr AT CA.LG.4.R\" on tbo same occaalons 11:aw<' $ l CMOO a nd U0.000 to the Oc11(l ral The neu Annuo.1 Meeting of the Mlaslon Board of the Church ot the C hurch or tile Drclhren wJll bo hold) Bre thren. at Cal gary, Canada. P roTtnce or Al· M. c. atudenu wm reme mb<l r hai . ·· barta., WcdneAda)f . Juno Ing mot Mr. Schock durl01t tbo Dible The y .\I C A. and \" W. (' , A , In work aud 111 wcitcb1nll: lbfl jud- m('I Jn Jo int M!Hlou \\ieclnt_'11dll y "''" 11oeot1• "t™ k Uurlni.: th1• tim e morning E\'<:lyn nobertJi< played a 111,. m ... mb"n of 1he- t1Qm w"r" not '""ry l)l nJ; piano numb<'r arter j1.uhi:tnK Ch(')" werf· Rt udytng and wblch Ada Correll· lntr C>do ood De-. 11 ourh1K oorl:'r thl:'lr rwt•Jl!I Tuead:.y Cla ude i-.; Snpn, l)luttor of the COD· th!! of!l<'lal Judgh1.: Wit.A done. ttr UKILtlnnnl C llurch, who 1!11.l(Jke 011 l-:h::hl o:;ln!UlciO or llv ealOi.:k wore lh,. \'.:t.luo of truth In our Jall r ll\'el!I. 1 ju(ht•·t l. TIH-· w;.im w.a.11 1mmo..,.hat Truth 1 11 .tho 88. lllC no rmut er "' "h br-61 . 111 1hu1 lh•· Judced ll ls fOuDd: eY•!r)' 1.Jh() mu11t learn too walir 11111 t xa ctly -118 wa.11 t_ ' ll'.pt--c:l(!od. B. U. Dftk,.r. :"\ormal l!H.U . one r1ee and k no IL A C.brl!illan e du · t1air>· cattle or hor9'('1' wer•i Include d. ot thi: • ·,.Jt·knovn1 alumni or Mcation ontl vl11lons of truth Th(_• contf>111tnnta wrn· :illowf'd Q card PbeM1011 CollOI:" a mt a teaeher for lll al m.any other pcopJ;> ar.._. unable each ror lhe wrlllni ur many rear"'- h1 now ot to ae-0 a nd h Truth and beauty but w•!re n ot pe rmlltcd tQ make ny Rusk Collei e at H uJ11k, Tt:ll'.•l'I ; Some arc u.nd In I hem one c ao "' tlt( llPI or a ll owP.11 tl.J bold I• c oa- yearf!I ago Pr <Hl lthmt '11i 81' h oad find G'>d tbe Creator. The valu<: o:t v....r,. a t h'. 111. Thi.' JUdRM wn., told ot the itall'.' normal KChOOI nt truth and beauty lle11 In lh(! pr.a('- tho r1!1Lc1.11nerit orally a nd Da1>hn e, Alabama. tJco of It In e ver)' d ll)' llfe. With the th 11 r c:urma the 11am1• way. u. Thoso attending tro111 McPher- lntllulo Jut January, Ho 11 a The ;\""atlonal S tudent J- ' orum bi son will be Dr. Kuru, Prof. Stud&- ltred tarmer, b aTlng ta\cen up a 1 1 baker •• deJeg-ate trorn tbe church home1t ead on the pr esent •Uo ot w1- 11ending a dl'le-g11.t1on or r ore r;n.; 0• be rc. and Re.,-. Rlcharda tbe rep- lrlOrn Nebrask«. ycar1 denu to vfalt Urn tJ nhenltr or AD· r eeent.atlv& t rom tbl• Thts ago. ' u.e rrom Mar<:b :?:? to !5 to ual1t In conter eoc& arrorttil!i Cl apJendtd op - boldlng a 11tudc11t r eter endum on portunlty ror an excursloo u well as Judge: Mike. I hear 7 ou and Ike "America and tho Rubr." Tbelr ob· tho' greater benetll• to be dcrlYed W(lrO calm a nd collected after the Jecta are: To te ll us or tbe 7outb ,Jom the meeUnp. es:pl oelon, In their own coull"trlet, and t.Q find ·1 Mike: w'eU, 1 wu calm. and lko a bula on wblch the youth or tb(lfr No bow cifflclont tbe eleTa- wu <:0Jlected. country can co-operate with tbe tor boJ• are so01ec>ne·• alw , an y outh of onn to de-Yclop a. 1plrtl u•I la.a tbelll dowa.. -h Send the Spectator lr:omo. renaJ&&Ulce. delerrnlnatlon of "J and f ,., . :,,, rw u -rrtcklng timr i ror t h•J mem- CYCf"Y o ne C!In tbe KJngdom be n ot t he l r-llm hut thf.:")' came of Ood Into bla Ille.. l forllle \\' thr o111:h In truM. C. 1ty:JP and ler MDI '"Tbe Bow'd Down··· brou1tn home th•--: "bM:on:· H a cloalog number. :-tut 14!ar Prnf. Mo bler wlll offer ·•oo you know:· •aid tho 1uceea&- ru1 morchanl vompoo1ly, "I begalll Jlf<t at a barefoot boy." " Well," said tho clerk. "I wuD"t born with tboe1 on eltbor." -Ex. 8001t 7oar caadJd.ata. C QUr ll-0 In &lock Judging u a part or tho collcKe c urrh:ulDm anll ho)es to JC&in take u. tea.m to Oll:labom.a Gl ty. Thill undertaking ii cort.atu to b• a BUCf'eJJt. It mtgbl be po.- slble lbat tbo wlonlnc team ot tbla year •oald co to the lateruatlocal ,Slotll: Show at CbkJ.10 aut JMr.

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Page 1: STEJtLt~O °'' I CAPTURE ONE WtE :~L:::::, 'J~,~'::::::T•v1·r~I 1'ca1

BE A 800!1'.l'ER FOR


HJ-; M:t TIIRll TO



VOLUME 6. TUESDAY. MARCH 20. 1923. No. 26. ----- _ z:::;::::: ___ ------ ---- - -- ------- -- ---- . -- - - . - - ------ --

. WNBORG'S FAVORJTN DH. "°'"'"" os >'ACU •JM· I PROGRAM IS LAUNCHED j ''lt<w. :<msGt:n \\ JUTES STOCK JUDGING TEAM CAPTURE ONE WtE IN ,,, :"' :~L:::::,_'J~,~'::::::T:, TO CREATE SENTIMENT ,,, '"~11::·:::~~· , .. :~'.'.;·::~:"~:.~: WINS FIRST PLACE IN


;;';; ~."~.~~·~:~·~.~: .. :~ b~ FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE :;;k~·"o'.~~;,,:,:"::·,,:~ .... ·"~:'.·~~~·; ~.· INTER-STATE CONTF.ST comP n member o! the !aeult)· or the

H and 22.1 .. Deknf To Junf()r f'ol- Unti·eridty o f llllnols. The l'ICcond f "amp:ii~u 1 ... Sfi·.._~ .. ,i :\r .\ I. lege 0! Kansm• CH:r Jn First lilt•mP1Ht!r of tht! preffcrH yenr he- e n - Sl'°"•lal .•\l.ld1·1~,._.._, In

Th,. flr111t )la.rt o r thi'

• ·. lh· :1r,lde glvt•s :t \ "l0 1'.'" xraphir .:&lid llnrr) l rhmi1n l ,o•ml.:o1 111 lnl.lh· ldwd

cuur.hin~ de,:i:ai111!011 of ll J uncu in lln11o rs \Vlrh A Totnl Ot mhl·WIDl~r. S1•v1·r~I 1'ca1<0n M for t}I\• :'tolM P

Stn1t.'8 rolled for grndu.iuo work In lh" Un· ('fmp..i lv1.•r11;1ty hut a \>ll.CJUlC)" u r l"lnR he

H. c. A . c. \\'JSR nrt~T PL A CE Wilk np1>olntt"!d lo tlll ii . u ls o carry- IUHf-:(1'1-:H Bl' tTIT n u ·1u·1n :s lllg U ~OUl))e Of t_'OltrS('M Of f.;rnd UtHt'"

11lud y of bird~ ur•• 11f'I forth 8.n(I ri1

S<mthwe!\itern f.;Jhnln:r.INt Dullth:,..,""K Jn $('coud Sc-ri('l!I n,· A. ~l.ZQ


Rrudy. lie chose to rc1naln 111 U r- :\111..._., ~l•'l,..Jni: T u Jk ll1•ld Thur"'''"> bum: r 111 thPr Uw.D nnolhl·r JlOS· itlou avttllable Jn o nf' ot thti eolleges

th(• rlo81• llwr.• IM (l 11• 1 of hlrd C'O ll• TllU.Efo: STATE~ HEl"H.l-;i.;l.:ST}."'D undrum.'I 1>n•pan·d hr Prof. C . \\",

~IPH'll~ o f !h1• Slah'" T(•:ich.('rio' f'nl· lf:n·,···>· IA'"hnum .\ud 'rh•"oflon> Bak· l"J:•' ur \\"arrPrulrnr,,:, :\llu ourl. al· 4°r SN•utto Sf'N"ln1I At1(I Third E\"o•nln~ Anti Surnln)

.\rt(·rn0<.m. thnu~h 801nt'Wh:it N'\'h'it'd In fl! th.:- l'IHC'C"' l"t-b.t-....

or lndl3na. n:- a1HI )1r11 Hoo~er are <'<'r~::.~h~~:J:::i:~I~:;: ;:n~~::a: <IP· Coach Lonbor g"M c.Pger~ displayed thoroughly enj o ying th~lr Jtfl\)' Ill 1·1if' t·am1>ali.::11 to •'• )"r-htlln.•· ~"llll· i--rnf. ~hlhler 1rntl th.:- 11tock Judg-

lheir true t lghtlng tll)irlt at t h e Na- t he l)nl''t'rslty and epenk In th~ high- m(•nt f(1r Jlt.'!ll'" und<'r tlw :1 u:.plf't•~ nf ~.11,,1,1_'.,'. 110'rl.•,;, '1 ,~.1P1',u1"1'1'0 1 '1',',." •. 1::'~.~_>0"1111 ",, 1,l.0,,: In..: t~·am repr~Mcnlln~ :\lc;:Phr.inon Uooal A rn11te ur Athlutk U n ion bu.Jo!- esl f t_•rml'I ot th(' .11l'bi)al

1 • . ~ .... .. •·

kctb all tournnment h i Knni;.a1:1 City - - - - - - ~;·va~~:.~.rrh'~~ 0:nl~t;1 :;,1:~~~~~1 11; • .,~~1.'4: ur :r ,;('(•l ion 11r th1• 1·ullc~.._, ~::::,~·:~~h-'•~~;i~ne::l}~u::~~~d b~::~~l~:

last T ue11day e\•enh1R'. by trouncing LAST LYCEUM NUMBER \\.' i•t>k . !'.l r.r,:h IS to :::5. ud1kh h1 11 1~ JO:in·n --- ~-- rlrsl Jihu'" In lhf' j1Jc1J:illK ronlel!t at tflo rast Junior Coll<:g1• (JU.inlet t o "'concerted t>UOrl llll"Olli;h the d1111·· dw SouibWl'8lurn ~ntlorHll Llvo-

the loue Ot 22 10 1-4. In tile llCC· GIVEN FRIDAY EVENING Chee lo qulck+·n the "l•lrlt u f ..\m .. r1c:1 COLLEGE DEBATERS ·ro Ml (}('\.: Sh()\\' held QI Oklahoma Chy. Ond 11erles o r tbe tournament p layed In fmpport of th(" demand for Amr·r- In uddlllon

10 iakln,:: tl"'t plllcr by

\Vednetiday e\•en!ni;. Southwestern ican f"O•OJJl'rntlon th~· work CLASH WITH STERLING a m:ir111:ln of onl"' hundn•d pohHI OT~ College, niarnrlftlly strength e ned by JESS l"l"GH EXTJo~HTAISs \\,TH ot c•t:tbl hilitn~ tnu·rnalmnal poa,... ···r ttwlr ncmr•'1lt t•o mpl'tltnr. the tho addition ot G(•orgP Gardne r on l'IHlGB.,\;\t OF' HL'""~IOIUH'S i hrough world org11ni1.~11h.rnio.-· t:< tw- nwmlwrl! nr th•• tt•um won lntllvldual

tho lineup. il:UCCr.cded In d~reatlng .•U:l...Ef'T(()XS ill~ Stl"<!'~t<P4 1 hl Mcl'tt('nmn (oil··~~· \\"II.I. uto: ;\lrl' ll•:n:-;os·s l.A:o;T h011orM I))' ~curing ltrn f ir.II thr~o the Rulldoge 26 to 20 lu a very hard by dall)' r•h:ivPI proi.:rnm11. 111 rhi• t 'tl.\:TES'l' IS :'\:OHTHF:l t...\ " iilnt·u!I-. Ti•nm

11 1.1.·~·n; i.•nrnrcd rrom

fought game-. Mi•e ry ('\•<min g .llA the ·r110 <:on<:ludlng numb._.r on tbc ly· diurchi•i> h~· tlJC' Su nJuy 1uurnl11~ 1 JH\' ISIO;\' Knn:1trt11., Tf'Xt\11., and Oklr\homa, r ep· tourney pr(lgreuocl 11trong tMm!I rcum cour~<.' wai; g lven F'rlday " '"en· F:f'rmonfi.. 1n th<' ii tgh ,;d10oh1 t.~· 1111· n·ti~·nilnl: aiiproxlm:i1CJI)• 11& hl,;h were eliminated nnd whc.n the fin· lu~ h)" J<'~S Pugh. onr or 1hc be-s t I dres. .... cr;. In tti ... ,. 11 .\. Uy m :11>" Th· · ;\1.;-Ph~· r,.inu CollPgt~ dPha11•r11 ~C'hoohi a nd aradcmle". al wbil'ltle blew Sarurda;.· n ight the homor h1t" whn t!\' t?r ap1i-e:Jrf'tl lll l h<' ; m f!Min1:i. will eunieud fur th\' c llampio1121h lp :'tlf"l'hrr.oon Sh•M~ 1:-,70 t•otnt11 qulntel repr<:.s-.ntl11i; tile Kansas opern hous•· )fr Pu1;h "11 1•nt<"rtaln· 1•11111>. 1 .. P n ....... ·nt,.d oC th•· S:11r1h .:-rn Uh'h1fon tomorro~· Out of a poulbli• l SOO polnl8 th()

CHr Athletic Club emerged wilh the menl wu;o. marked by ltK hl,;h moral Ycin<:rdftY morning Prue .\lo rr1i< ~·\"!•n1n..: wl1c 11 th1•y m eiP-1 tht' Stet'"!· :'ok l 'hNllOll lf'.'ltn i;cou•tl 1&79; Te.nM c<>¥eted callonal ch:impionttbip t ltle (lu!Illl)· and clean whole11orne hum- n dclreJJl!ed the itudent hod)' in ch1\J1- lni.: i.•;nn" ·r h•· qu~111th>t1 i~ H o- fullow~·d wtth l4 79. Tho Oklnhmn:i.

Junior Coll..,f(r (jj1ui1(' or, Wllh rPAdinfl:"tl; trom 1'UCh aulh- cl: this m orulng- tht• [ )ntm1trk Art AOln>d: Tlmt t !Jo• Unlt('d St:11 o:>~ tnnm m nk,.d lh i rrl Harry Lellmnn Jn the game wllh Junio r College or!! u.,., EdKll r A. (.lu(l~t rind Hudy11rd ch1.t1s ~·H~cth·Pl)' pre"•'Ot\•d 1he 11111)' ,.,1wii li l ado--u ihe ('nblnet f' hy t1curhi1t fl -I S IU>ln1M won th-1t.

',,~."r•nD•u•ll~~bgl•c· l,d ll•bl~ln.~)'c0d1,:00'0'°0'1'8° .~~arlel Kl~r'',',','" ln<•r•s<ln•· m•now• 0.1 r • n- • Gas .""- d11Jtkllng •h•• horror" uf th1· m••nl:• rr li)"lltl.!m or ~O\"Ornnwn1:· plfi<'4, whh;h erirr lNI with It IL prl~

"'., " "' ' •' - .._. ._- "' "' - ' ._ n 4!xl war, whi('h, IC hrnsht. wlll b e t-'rnnk HodJ.:" D IHI 4.."ornf'llu~ l ' t•Dt"f•, of $ 40 . ll an't'.!Y L;.hnrnn -.cor~d •eC-unnbl(' to pl.!rrntrnto. Allhough thP derln1o: the i·11rloui- l'lelccLiona. flM well tou~ht with g&.~.-tila)'t.•tl by \\.lu· Stt•rlfug 1wgatl\'t'll, wlll b<' opp()F:•"'"•I ond ~·llh r,::

9 palm• and won a prl&e

Uulldogs were- n Jll tlt:i nervous on ;A1 the rlne persona.lit)' or tbc ar1 lr;c . ona !tl r(;iirrr)", Ocie ::i.l«:Avoy, Samur-1 twr" Jn th•' clmJ){'I by U. l". W.11.1111 u r $:1!. 1'hJrJ plact> w11-. .. c..wardod tholr flrat :1.ppc1Lr 11.11ce In o national 11ccuri'd lb1~ undh-idcd ILll<mllon ot Kurt~. Dalo Strl-ckler . and Jfl.)" El· ant! l!'aac U1rk11. W . t-:. Ulllhop ~nd '" ThPnrlorn Hakm tor:~·lher wllb tournamenl. they r an up a lead ln l he :tu dlPnce and drf'w their a p- ler ; Thu MdlL)" n r . H arnly will llJ>4·llk 0 1<car l~ankford, v.·ho COD!itltuto the n. $:2C. iirh:.-. for hawln~ :mi point• to the first balf wbich Wall suUiclent ph1.1111e. Thi'! '·ersatllltr ot the en- durln~ the ctm11.._.1 hour: and Frl,lay M 1 negallvr lP<tm, wtll deb;.tfe at

111" rr(>(llt. T htJ nietnber• ot the

to win the game. 1\t the end of the te rm.Iner wa.s a n ou~tandlng fea· Guy T . G.•bhardl. Y. M. c. A. ,IUC· St1.irlln1t. The jud11;os ror the home tcnm J1 ri•i>rmmnllng Ti•xn.11 o.nd Ok.lo.~ rlrst period the Jun ior Colleg') tlve • u ro, iu1 he cou ld nmder 11'nglc, hu- rernry ror McPl\er1ion ('oun1y will rontrsl •1ro ~1111-0rlnt .--.nd~nl A. GnTC hnmt1 wern •ele<:ted b)' tho J)Olnt

was tra.Ulng u lG to S score. morom~. l rls h, or Nc.ii:ro Kblec-Uons ~IVf~ th" ll(ldrCroJ. of Eoler prljji:, f'rlnclpul Wtllard muiliod a.J Pl'~YJou .... _•/&(J CQl.! ~'.ta.. Tbe l<auea1 C ll.1 Umm c;:ame "back· wllh CQU3l lkiJI. Th('! rQ.rC 1nlQr


i ·he lldtllnr1t o f t he ,·ario1111 C'hurCh· VHn SI~·('}.; of ~fftlnn. H'lgh School, iind hntl nut Jud,;f'd tm:i•rh1•r before. r;tronger ln t ho second session a nd prctat1011 or the slo rle.11 n nd POt>mll cs dcl/wcred !'ltirmon~ on intl'rm•1lni1· :ind Uhrnrhrn \\' H. K r-rr ot f-.:rn- Thr• ,\ld'hl'rl!nn


8111 h~d JtH1J:Pd to-

Dlayed the Bulldogs on tiq ua J t errn11. from home life-, brou-=ht Mr Pui;:h al J>f'"i.if"(.' Sunday mornlDt: and "'Ill purls :-.=orm1& l, re"\rmerly a debato Kt!th .. r 41

lh" l!llat~ cont~t at Wl('h· eaeb team ! coring t lx POints . Hill c:lo11r 10 th& hearl!I or hlll \111Ct·o~r"' Jo 80 (lgahi n PXt sunda)· J'ror B road• !lu. J:rnu:tr)" ?!! " ' hl<'h rhPy won by

was high "olnl m a n tor McPher:son acd made lhem hi.s trleod11c. E . Ebl!I wil l of"cup,- tile r h.apel hou r Tht> floa.I d ebateit In t he Southern 11

wltlt• rnl\r~ln i ll chut rontoitt Illar·

11corlng four field goal1 snd two tree Thur~day '" tho Junior Hlgh Schoo l , rn,·h,Jon Tf'sUlle•I In vtc1on· for Fair- vo• y J.i•hmnn won flr11r 111!11""1• In tn-tbrows. Each team pla.)·ed a clea.n UR. Kt; HTZ G£VES SIS•~ and It~,· - I.. H . t.:ak('~ lti t Q ~p••1tk flt mount v.•ith ;.i pJurnllly or flvL' vot6.'ll rllvldout hon,,u "nme ; only t ·11•0 ricreonah1 were call- 1_,f:f'T,lilU.:s D i OKl.Allll:\I.·\ t he S.:nior ll h:h ~l'lrnol 011 tht· lltlllw m·••r r~rlf'nrl11. llw hold e r of ""''COtHI


~n e;l~= ks~:=~l!u~:Bnc:ur~;tx;~: Dr. Kurtz was schodulcd to de· da~· ltll!r t few minutes ot piny .

The lineup: Ju_ntor .a

'.\1cDonough, t Armour, t O"llryne . c Spooni:r, g Mnther. g Northrup, t

F'.T . F'.G. P. lo"'. I 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

Jh·er only rour l t>cturr.11 ln th<' In· 1'.!11t or Y . M. C. A . work a t th'•

Oklahoma 9tn1e College at Stlll "'at· ~r hu! week but be "IA'Q8 MO well llk<"d lhat ht> wa!I compcllf'od to g-ivi' nlne before h·~ le ft , Or. Kurtz l"lpf•n.kt11 very highly ot the Coll1.?1<;e nt thnt 1)1.ncc and the k ind rot'f'ptlon h:c w11.J1; g ive n by the s tud e nt" u ntl the raculty. Debarring a muddy trip

'J'o Hui.I ;\h"'"' Urt•1 iHJ..,">'.

Tu•o mli~ na-t·Ungs -..·ill hf' l11•ld durln~ tho• Wl'f•k, th•· rlnt a l lh•· O[I·

t>r:l houM• at which Jte \·. {' T lh11\')

and Guy T. Gebbartlt w ill >:I\'•• .1d­o r l!'!(su:i!.. At th\1 in.--.,-.1Jng ··Ga~·· ..,. Ill b,1 [)rr,i;.l'nl4ld , thl~ llmu to ~1 largo•r audlCnt'l" llud uno.l .. r h~lto•r 1•01~ d itioni- llm11 ll C"r<JUIJ)tllllN I thl~ ]"'r·

rorimu1c•· t h l" morn in~. as till· 11lay

from Stlllw11ter to Perr)' o t1 hl~ r.•· requ in•s " nh;:ht IOf"l•tio. It.fl KrlJ11)lnK ) lcPlwr"6t1--:!'..! turn h e n~port!\ :t vrry Pnjoyahte mr·~AF;C w!ll f'llr lkll and 11tulh.:11t ii. \\·Ill

I l>e ••n.ccr 10 •N• I t 1he 8•·f"ond tlmt'

11111. r ,_~·:· F .G. P.F. Clrn1• Uc«:aURO:- of thl' .. xJH•n se lncurrc•I !h••t(' 1 will lw an lldml~hm t ct> of t~·enty· Crumpacker . r

S:ug~nt, c Ellwood, g Strickle r , g Da.11:gott, t Holloway. c t;nns, g



) I . C". )~~;~~~~=!:; l)();\"OH .. ') flvf' ('Cnt~ for adult:- anll rlCl!•••n '""Uli<

rur tbll1Jren. 0 0 0 0

g Two loyal rrlendil ot l'ttr.l'lwrkOn Sunday ut11•r11onn <tl lhr' ·" •.t<'lm·k

0 ColloJ:t:, :\tr. 11Dd MrH. J . 0 . Scho<'_k :rO\';h:to~:d~\~;11~1

11.,~d:~KO~iiu~~~-1~~tu~'); o o r muu Spr lngR Netiraaku h11v1• r u-

eently J:lve~ tn r~nl <'"tn~f' j ~~·;c:ltlr•;b,7· 1~~e;1;112~::t ;h~~=~8 11;:·u:~ nereree, Brown. urup!~c. Allen. rnor1~agc1 on the annuhy pl1Ln to tll;J probable th~t lh•· bo)'1' band ,,.. Ill lw

Southwewt•:ra G•mo ~ol~cg~.0~0Cl~o==l:~:n~u~:·d~::~n=r:~ a.c-cured to furnt11h mu11lc tor t~h1 pro·

The game wlth Southwes tern wa~ tealurod. by the dotcn1lve t actics a nd the excellent tloor W<>rk dlt played by the McPherson q uintet. T h e

Hmm work ot the Winfield cager!\, jblch Is cot1sldcr od one ot their

the .papen con:ipt~ lllo trnngac- ,ram which wlll ••nd tbc Wt:•·k ~ cani­

t Ion . The glfl, given In memory or ~al1u1 Mr, Schock. bl11 d eceaaoo wife. and child ren, Js lh~ f o urth doo11.Uon from .+\_J.t'~fSl'S ofo' ) L C. J S

t h.fill ffl.mlly, ~1r. Schock b8\'IDJ: con · t 'Ol.l .• .EGE PRESIUF::"JT trlbutod $10.000 a few year• <1-go on

)llo;;\IUEH OJ-~ Cl.AS~ Oto'


1·011rnd I) HaAp, A H 1910. wbo C•ir !IO!lw y-.-.ar11 ha11 bf'rn f!en·lnk aM

r1:1.11tor of :i•· 'l••r :11 Ha1HIMl <'hur ch"''· W ll!I a vl~it nr nu lnll1•1;n Hlll l!l!1t

T m •iHl<ty. Mr. n11d .\J r11. ll:tsp w .. r1• t11 Mcrh.-.rMon t o 11ttmul 1b1• l:Old~n

wNldtn.;;: a11nl\' cr111ar )' or Mu. Hn111Jl ' !i

J•flr(•nrJi, ;\Jr. 1tnd :'11ni. \" Goorh1t11•I· 1 .. r :\tr. Has!) 111 r. t 11r;>Rcn1 livlnx 111 fo:l)l;h:i.rt. lncllanm. whl'tf• h r !!II dlr·

1•rtor of the fo:Jkh« r l Commt>rCJ~I Fl · IH\DCC ("orpOratlo u H" 19 11 cla11!'· nui.t4' Qf Pr F; I. ('ralk

1'1•11111 C'<mdwd B >" 1•.-u r . Moh .h •r

I t h1 d u;-· 10 th1.1 UJll lrinK c-ftortll Ot l'ror. Mohh?r tlrnt B r\IOCk J11dKlng h .tlrni h:11, t.C"n r ruJurAtl at M. C. or " · hlC'h u11)· onf· can wrll b1• oroud. l'ro r ~lohlN has work.--.d u11c-l'aJ1lng· I )" a n<l nut nt four Yi':tr111' rrprf'.11-"nl.ta t ln n 111 thP islf1I•• llv••!ltock Jlhow llll8 Wfln (Jrt1J pJar.,. lhr('O llTil"ll (Hi d

~··~:uml pllfft' Ol)t,:f' 'llltml ni-ll. a m~·ml,..r 11C 1h1! lenm lruH ylt.ltr. hoH flrO\'l'd htm8e u ,, Yr-ry r(JUHll•lnnt ft.!'1-

~11'11•111 In tra!nlnK llw l (!IUll thh1 Y••.Rr Two \\'f'<>kill llJ::•I lhl} t••:t m WIA U1k u 11 (0 Manhatrnn h)' l'ruC ~fohl<>r antl WILll J:lv~n iJOmf· 1nt1·n~lvr •·ork th"r" und•tr l hf• illt1"ttlon nf rour lll"ll vf thf' Anh11<1l HuJ11harHlry De--purtrno•nl

nn. S ,\ \•nt: AIJHllESSto~ E lr.clll · ·1a ....... '!'< or Sl•Wk Joll!i..~ J OINT .. , ... )11-:to;'l"IS"-; Ttw tolllll !.•fl Sund:,y l)VColng for

Okhihoma rlly ;\luuday w1111 111peol

tho lime plao. tbe n $2,000 ror Ar· notd Hall. and $300 for llarnl7 H a ll.

M~ 0. TO BE REPRE:SESTED J:utereated In 1:ntatlona.ry work. Mr AT CA.LG.4.R\" CO~r'h~~CE ~choc:k on tbo same occaalons 11:aw<'

$ l CMOO and U0.000 t o the Oc11(lral The neu Annuo.1 Meeting of the Mlaslon Board o f the Church ot the

C hurch or tile Drclhren wJll bo hold) Brethren.

at Calgary, Canada. P roTtnce or Al· M. c. atud e n u wm reme mb<lr hai.·· barta., b~.lnc.lng WcdneAda)f. Juno Ing mot Mr. Schock durl01t tbo Dible

The y .\I C A. and \" W . (', A , In work aud 111 wcitcb1nll: lbfl jud­m('I Jn Jo int M!Hlou \\ieclnt_'11dll y "''" 11oeot1• "t™ k Uurlni.: th1• t im e morning E\'<:lyn nobertJi< played a 111, . m ... mb"n o f 1he- t1•Qm w"r" not '""ry l)leD.sinJ; piano numb<'r arter j1.uhi:tnK Ch(')" werf· Rtudytng and wblc h Ada Correll· lntrC>do ood D e-. 11ourh1K oorl:'r thl:'lr rwt•Jl!I Tuead:.y Cla ude i-.; Snpn, l)luttor of the COD· th!! of!l<'lal Judgh1.: Wit.A done. ttr UKILtlnnnl C llurc h , who 1!11.l(Jke 011 l-:h::hl o:;ln!UlciO or llvealOi.:k wore

lh,. \'.:t.luo of truth In our Jallr ll\'el!I. 1 ju(ht•·tl. TIH-· w;.im w.a.11 1mmo..,.hat

Truth 111 .th o 88.lllC no rmuter "'"h br-61 ~uriirhu•d . 111 1hu1 lh•· ~tock Judced ll ls fOuDd: eY•!r)' 1.Jh() mu11t learn too walir 11111 t xa ctly -118 wa.11 t_' ll'.pt--c:l(!od. ~O

B. U. Dftk,.r. :"\ormal l!H.U . one r1ee and k no"· IL A C.brl!illan edu · t1ai r>· cattle or hor9'('1' wer•i Include d. ot thi: • ·,.Jt·knovn1 alumni o r Me· cation ~ivf!Jfl ontl vl11lons of truth Th(_• contf>111tnnta wrn· :illowf'd Q card PbeM1011 CollOI:" a mt a teaeher for lllal m.any other pcopJ;> ar.._. unable each ror lhe wrlllni ur plac~mentA many rear"'- h1 now Prel'llden_~ ot to ae-0 a nd h . Truth and beauty but w•!re not pe rmlltc d tQ make • ny Rus k Colleie at H uJ11k, T t:ll'.•l'I; Some arc i~vr:rywhne u.nd In I hem one cao " ' tlt('·llPI or a llowP.11 tl.J bold I• coa­yearf!I ago Pr<Hllthmt '11i 81' hoad find G'>d tbe Creator. The valu<: o:t v....r,.a t h'.111. Thi.' JUdRC·M wn., told

ot the itall'.' normal KChOOI nt trut h and beauty lle11 In lh(! pr.a('- tho r1!1Lc1.11nerit orally a nd r~~I;:! Da1>hn e, Alabama. tJco of It In e ver)' d ll)' llfe. With the th 11 rc:urma the 11am1• way.

u. Thoso attending tro111 McPher- ln• tllulo Jut January, Ho 11 a r~ The ;\""atlonal S tudent J-' orum bi son will be Dr . Kuru, Prof. Stud&- ltred tarmer, b aTlng ta\cen up a

1 1 baker •• deJeg-ate trorn tbe church home1tead on the present •Uo ot w1- 11ending a dl'le-g11.t1on or rore r;n.; 0 • b e rc. and Re.,-. Rlcharda tbe rep- lrlOrn Nebrask«. mtr~tour ycar1 denu to vfalt Urn tJnhenltr or AD· r eeent.atlv& t rom tbl• dlst~ct. Thts ago. ' u.e rrom M ar<:b :?:? to ! 5 to ual1t In contereoc& arrorttil!i Cl apJendtd op- boldlng a 11tudc11t reterendum on

portunlty ror an excursloo u well as Judge: Mike. I hear 7 o u and Ike "America and tho Rubr." Tbelr ob·

tho' greater benetll• to be dcrlYed W(lrO calm a nd collected after the Jecta are: To t ell us or tbe 7outb ,Jom the meeUnp. es:ploelon, In their own coull"trlet, and t.Q find ·1 Mike: w'eU, 1 wu calm. and lko a bula on wblch the youth or tb(lfr

No bow cifflclont tbe eleTa- wu <:0Jlected. country can co-operate with tbe tor boJ• are so01ec>ne·• alw,an can~ y outh of onn to de-Yclop a. 1plrtlu•I la.a tbelll dowa.. -h Send the Spectator lr:omo. renaJ&&Ulce.

delerrnlnatlon of "J and f ,.,.m·• :,,, rw n·u -rrtcklng timri ror t h•J mem­CYCf"Y o ne C!In brio~ tbe KJngdom be n ot t he l r-llm hut thf.:")' came of Ood Into bla Ille.. lforllle \\' thro111:h In tru<· M . C. 1ty:JP and

ler MDI '"Tbe Bow'd Down··· brou1tn home th•--: "bM:on:· H a cloalog number. :-tut 14!ar Prnf. Mo bler wlll offer

·•oo you know:· •aid tho 1uceea&­ru1 morchanl vompoo1ly, "I begalll Jlf<t at a barefoot boy."

" Well," said tho clerk. "I wuD"t

born with tboe1 on eltbor." -Ex.

8001t 7oar caadJd.ata.

~ CQUr ll-0 In &lock Judging u a part o r tho collcKe currh:ulDm anll ho)es to • JC&in take u. tea.m to Oll:labom.a Glty. Thill undertaking ii cort.atu t o b • a BUCf'eJJt. It mtgbl be po.­slble lbat tbo wlonlnc team o t tbla year •oald co to the lateruatlocal ,Slotll: Show at CbkJ.10 aut JMr.

Page 2: STEJtLt~O °'' I CAPTURE ONE WtE :~L:::::, 'J~,~'::::::T•v1·r~I 1'ca1

-~---=-~~=====:;==========="'=f==::::::::~=====;====~================= The Spectator •Ill «.,. 10 •i.acc~ tor .. lf'!h U!OVEJIBAL P EACE

•"abllah-S enrr wfet at McPber· ;::,·~~=:e d~;lrt~~:eci~d ;~:l~P~:.~ Pror. C. Ray Kf'lhn

Jn Ylow of the tnct tbal mora men •• Colfe«• br t b t Stude nt Counell or .Ciu1sbne11, <in•y, cre<r · rou1.1Ja.

lion. and vonxeance ou of which

guetU were eordtallr rec:elYed by tbe of the cabinet who were gla.d to welcome tbem into the H· 11oc:lallon'1 new op11rtmo11t. Tea. and wafan were •er .. ~ and music w11.e

Sattrwd u IOCODd mHUu war 8Prln&a m1ut bo ropldced by un· are ubdOr armt In I;:u rooo now t hao furnlabed by the Edison durtng the· 10T'ftftber 2.0, 1111. •t tbe poatoftlct aelflahncu. IOYe, c ood·wlll. and tel· thero were lo the eprln« ot 1914. aoelal hoc.r. · et McPtliert0a. Kanua. under the act 10 ... blp. Con11ructlT~ .. ork wm ant\. 1e<!ID« th& unm111a,ablo e .. J. The room. •b1cb WH form• rly tbe er M,anll i. 11'1 · 1a ke th~ pJace- of tb@ d~tructlYe d eacea of unreat e Terywbere. we are old physics Jaboratorr. was remodel­------=====-• I forc-e9 "'"hlCb wute time. men. mon- prona to nsk aerlou11lr whelber un· &d by the manaJ:cmcot o f the colle&e:

9•bscr1rtloa 1 1.U per rea r ID ad· er. a nd mate rial•. l\"er.ul pc1c:e I• not a mcro dream. the watla and Cf)IJlng: wore painted. nnce. The profca11ed object or v.-a r la 1ald a 11omothln" dealra blo but lmpoulbla and a new floor put in l\Dd varnl1hcd.

10 be to prf!eerve llherty and produce or attainment. I do not "top long Tlae room Wfta,turnl1bcd br the Y. W . •:ntTOU.lAL 8T~ rt luting DC0f:4'; but war noer did at thta que1tlon, fl 11 not a que111- C. A . 1tlrlA who made their monuy hr

On'llle O. Pol~ .. ~dlt~r-ln-Chl.-f ::.~ c::::: .:1~u:::!u~er ::1~~0"o!7; :~~n :e::,,o at!:n~!'~~~~~I~~. 0

~u~":::~: ~ob-::~. 0!n-:0:;~:~:a!~·~h:~~~T~!',~ J..aura D. McGa rfft1·Anoclate Bdltor fht• p;plrll or lh,. l'OAPOI of pNlCO e11n 4lT hnw CAn WC bring ll to Pll""'· (a r Dalo A. Strlcklar - A11111ocl.,,te Bd ltor 1•UQctll'Pl}' brhJK ri.boul 1 l~tlng we mutn have it. Ch1Jl:t.l\tlon 11'1 OmC'r \ 'fUIH'O)'C>t' AtbhHlc E1lllor J){'fl~t'. Tim llOIJUIH ma:ili'n or be· doon11.1d wtth n tt·pt'!ltlon or the re-

1 h e color •cheme • •.1u1 YC'r)' ~trPclln ... !y worked out wllh hRrurnnlzlng drfl­pc.rlu ftnd fiber furniture. The

HA:-por1Cl"'ll lntc prPpared tor wmr In order t o b6 eent world cau:strop hieo. rou say apartmeut wlll bf! very u.e!ul aod na.e Tur~olt•' rtalph OIHOn · • I Pt>af:f! l.s a n NronPOu11 on~ His- world pH C"ft 11 impoulblf' 1 Jlaf mu~h 1.pprecl::ated by the 1:irls . F.dward 1....:1 .. .,,.,. J essie Ball tory 8h1;t111·s 1hat folll'" nations ever then we must do tht.! lmpou lble_ \\'a"ra l..onJI: Sta nleJ' t\.f'lm mad~ creat 11r,.paratlo~ .. tor war ,ltodeto clvlll&atlon ean c xlln only h>-

f Conlributon- 111m.J remalntJd Inn" In 11cace ' Pr('• contlnuDU.)' doing: the .. hn1mJ1.111 lblc.'· ~I.H'S OP TUR l'f:~-

Ur. Crnlk, Mr.-. I.. G, Tt·m1)l11to11. 11arntlonA ror w:•r on~ondcr war Tht• thin.:: l h111 rtth~r ~IVflt< u!I Tho 11111,rnt crov ur 11prlni;: poct11 f'rot. (', Hny J\chri, l'rnf. H . !-; ~!Oh· ml her than promolo p encu. hnrm or 1-th'l;l!l u" O \'Ur W do1111nlr I s IM. Ada Jiuru , A rnu nodes. J\bn rn Tht' 1trcat 1u•twork or tran!lcontln· nut whet•' 11u• art>. so much R!'I. where llt•H mlli to bf• hloMomlnx l orih. ="1e\'•

lloalf'lter. Mur Mohh•r , llllton U••ll , 4-ntal rallv.·af"· 1tum•hlp llnH, thP •·e ar~ hf'aded. Paradoxlal u It er mind : they wlll 111·1tber afl hot •Dd Lucille 1100.-er . tPle,;rapb. th(! cab)('. ;and tbe IUO· ttLa)' .!&m 10 gor.:ie. w t! bav,. .:;oocl • H lhrr approacht"s

rlatrd prf!U ha Yc put all part~ or re:1son!I l or hOlM" o! obtalnlnit •·orld

Prot. ~lcCa.rtey


VllH fl. Deu11 flu1lne11s ltanage r ;,~;;,.r .. o~~~r~:~~)' c;17;:":11,:;:,:tl:::~ ::•·of ~)::~· t~~:~e 0~ ,"h~~~t:;~~~·~ Pau l s;:!~n:,LT:"~v:;1;;;"~ 1'-h;r, r •nnmunlcntlon waH l'lluw. 11111\ n11~ Much 011 h1tlf n e''"T lmrur•• 11xlstcd.

Or. r; . L, Crlllk flon:oi 1rnded with •·aeh ulher. two ;\lodcr11 clvlllntlon m11.ke111 thlM 1ior11l­

Ou r !Jn~eu arr 11o·eer)' and ~·oru fruUt o~mln~ thr. knoblC,.:11 drawers r oC lhC card catalog In lhe library. i\.l'.,. knob!l wou hl bti AJ)prccla.ted. Will ,comA ooe kindly pus the bat"?

Addreu an corN111pondooce to Tti• 8prtC.t.ator . McPbe...on. Kan.aa.a.

na tlon11 rulghl bf!' at war. and the hi& at1 w('ll H Is dependent upc:m 11. tP11t or thr na1lon• reel It Y'"'J' Ill- Truly no nia n lod.2~· JIT~th unto h1m-ll" Du1 now a war bfo1 111-1>en two IU'U hul h,.. has \""Pf"f vita.I r,.latlon.!i \\·e • ·ould llke to knn111· who natlonlt )n\"oh'c"li lht" lnt~rr:1U-' or to nw -..·holf' .. ·or\d Tbet(' t ('l;atlon11 I tbot-e l*<JJlll'! :trl" •·bo are ilA)'ln' all other• . Ever)' nlllt lon·a lndullllt)' and hf' c·111nnn1 •tford to ha,•t- brokron h)' lhO!!tl crn.bby tlllnlll'.8 In lhe S~ta· romme rcf' nr,. crli1plrU; tiV<!r)' na- war or h)' 11nythlng el111ro, ~~~! Wonder It th13 rl ii:ht llf'Ople KOl 11011'15 cltlzon11 un 1.mdnn,;er,..d, ftnd Whllt l\r<' 1he prlnt'')l1•tt upon

orded ln hl"ton· b ear out thl' ft1.rr h .••d. Whf'n n11t ton• rcallr.f' thnt the yet the natlon11 1ndlty arc c::orHhin· 1rnrteu. acd PtONp•Jrlt)' ot each will

Ing their pr.,p.aralle>m• tn dP:!lttO)' on•• hf" helped b)' thA unArmNI. trustful anotber. tn-·operatlon of 1111, thtr will uoder-

Allboucb 1h~ l"llrulnatlon ot w•r •lllt.nd each u lhtr belier . and much ta not rel In 11l1ht. ncvertheleH th.- nf thf!' preJudle«i and dl"truAt lhat present gencnllon tan do a 11:rNtl now ('x h1t11 • -111 IK1 re mOT('d , deal toward llrl11Ah1,; nbout JHJCh rrn ldoal condition. Ir thfl Ch rh!ltJ1111 Ideal• o r lovt.• and bro1herhood .,.,. carried out In our rt.'fatlo°"' 10 ou r fellowmen. onl)· one re.ult I• ,., t· d~nl-tbat or world pea~.

r.;r, "l.ct'1 boo111 rh1• debatni1 touwr· ~row n ight ao lhOy will hfH'c

• <:l111nco ror t h" lllilt\l clrnmrilonMhlfl

KH OC "K -A1lM0UUF.llS

me nt and thlH !A Jo\·('. I • ni not us­luK Ion• 41 n nnrrow e n1olln11al 111cn · thnenu.1 fPellng but ln tbf' uritn•r­aal Mma1• In which lhf." ~UtPr u1Jed and lht'd ii Lo,-e hi the Oftly b .. ts ol pe.arf". whether you ha"•" r erer­llncc lu lb<' peaC4' o C nation.- or tha t nt 1wl~hhor", Pf'~ce Is nn t onl)' the ubr.iunc<• ot wtfr hut 1uu11t tncludc the pre11oncl' o f IO\'"t-. To h""'' pc.are. then. lov•· n1u11 rP!g:n In your he art :\nd min(' and tbar loTe mull bf' Thal will n ot Ptt'Tf"nt .. oc--

Some •"olka :;r.rf' "° l'overe-d with 1l thl.l no one Koo•• wbl.l Is De--ne ath ; or Wheth'r Anylblng la llwro ut All. Th@ worMt part I!! thlll they think Other Polk# think about thum lho Su.nw W &y t hey do them­selve1 Wf'll. other folks don't; Lh1!1 think that Uobby Durn1 knew wbal he .,.,._. T111lkln~ about wbe n be made that Hemark about the )'OUDI:'. Lady

who na d an Ins(lc\ on her Bonnf!t. ~utf SC<ld

V aTied V vses

TOUA Y'S Pl.._\ \ ' F.R

Japan la rapidly pu•hlni: tv tl14' I C"'as\on11.. fnr war ~r strtr,. arising rtirera:>nt In h'lr e ttoru to promote hut lt. will or,.vcnt wo.r niul 1'trlfo r•••acc eonAclou1mC!MM. Jim rfHnkrk- whl'n 11urh crlM!'i come. Ch1'111t1Cln nhlf) .n.rtva nce ovt)r h+·r JIO•ilio n n fow \O\' f' hi 111111 which eaa.blNi you 10 ii::et )'••nrs " l'O h~ ahown hy ht>r hlto crca- alon.- t11•Uh people who 1to not bc­llon of a Xa.11011• 1 Pt.>11.Cr (."onrt•r- llo:vt" and lhlnk like you do Pun­;•nt•t-. Tbla 11 to r.o-ordlna1e the et· dame.ntally all wars. 11utk•·fl.. riots_ fnrlJli of rlicht or,;anb.atlou.!I tlO ..


l)' nehlnJl;f!o. And flth t.a h•,••· 11. t'Om-

.. :verr bO:h·i1rlct-C1. lu:1:urluu11 car 10 cllmlnatc duplica tion of work ind mon orl111ln nnd that o t lll!:hl hi In tbc F"alht.•r, twlp mt:> to turn my thou1;ht1 111 flttod with " 111hock-Ab11:orber_ the thl'reby secure itreater ertlchmcy. ht'arti1 or rn('n To be • KOOd neigh- from t hings I 1M1uld not lhlnk: oUlce of which 111 to 3.bsorb th•• T hofl dlMrlct objectlvt' I• c rystnllldn,;: bor you mul'lt 11\•e In P{'llct1 wlwn lht' Help m e lo clo&e my lip~ to tbtn11 •hoeka. Jolh•. cuu1 Jort "au&ed by th., "pence (:On1eloullneas b)' corret1pond-1 condition• \\'nuld rnvor t'trlh• "nd I ,.huuld not' drink : l noqualh>'. tht" ho les, and gcnoera l Ing: wllb lnt4'rnUlon11I poeace 10- you ~uttt labor to tMtPt twtter e n- H~lp m~ love my friends enough une,•enneu or th(' rou.::h road llO that detles. and dlstrib11ctng Lbla llle ra- vlronmt!nt. To b~ peaceful natlonA. "To &month their pa1hway where "ti• the Of'CUP•hlA or thf• car wlll gutter tun•. 110 •l!I to advanrt" lhe ~eneral -..·e mu111t l~ar11 tC) lh'o tog:t!lhPt Pf'•c~- rouf::;h: no lnconvenle nrf', bol wlll tide nwvamcol for turthe.r dlaarm&ment. nbl)" In the prcsene e or 1111· mnny Help me 1u 1111\'A that human ii)'ln•

MnlOOlhly a nd with 11Nrec1 cornt orl Thr J apanC.1't, .u.rt• re;i.llz.lnr. t hat now 110 c.nlled causes Q( wa.r11. IH&th)' that rescuel'l 11.oula from over the rou1ttt plac~. thtt J)(!.ace progrnn1 cacnot be put Som., one hH said "Hlllll\)' I• the hell-

IQ 'bo tarl1 d1)'1 or lbe cu tho ~.:::~~~lnpr:C:::.r\0~::~01 It~~Jean~ nation whOJf' a.nnall are brief. .. Thal •rmp.uhy 111•ble b dr3'fl'S and

!::111!c,;~: 1:b~::~~.:~7ai: :;:;~; ~Jt=~dl::~~:O~:~,:i=t~ ~:~ 1~. ·:,~;:e,~:: u: ::c:: ~~a~:!: Cuar~mool~.· •• m: •• ·.•,"'bb:e ~~n:~


!bat enry Tide onlY, a •horl dl•la~e. Today iind mllltiarli lle attitude of thet.t!l 811 Ill 1nrcrrf'd In this tlm!J bonor~d one can r ide ror man)· bourM irntl r lk

00 ) .d The N.atlone.I .-tu.tument. Wo nood. to mcuuro the An eJtt'lr<lfflllOn of love 10 (lll human-

10 on Ion• Journoy• without wurtcr· 0°ova;:~cnt ~:;~;~l~cA her l)roble m 8ucce11• und Mt rengtb of tho nnuon Uy. \'

:;: ~n:r.s~o:i:: •. dlt'<:Om!ort ~ven over .nd ~lace 1916 b l.a Kl•en annua lly ~~· t~:r~~:~e111 w~!bl~n~::~:~l~~~I:~ ~I. R . T.

Mo1t or ue 1oae more thau b•1f or ten million yen lo aid. lo pubblle :u- eGU•nua. T'8tbcr tba.n rneuure them Come hi~ a war wllh m~ loto tbt

our llto capltfl acd our poulblllllM :-11


· ::; tt ~~1~0°:1:u0:0 • 0

.,:rr;:. by tt1 1word. Tb.en wUI WCI rlM up H~~ of 1utcf!IU becaUlfl we do not JM rn 1~~,n~~for a penct of'rorly ~lllloD a nd proclaim al b1esstd. not onlr the Why plncb the 11oul tndoor.s bow to oeulrallao our dally Jolt• . t a(d ~ duc.at1onal act!Tltlee. hcr0611 of war, but r ather proclaim Wbon mudowlark• a n d robins 11.nd hurl• by hotdln1 the right me n- )Cl1 ° 0 him who hat1 blegsed rnnnklnd w lLh Au d Uio oartbly ttmell or Sprlng in-t at a ttitude. We do not control our Dut the grant 11 lmpoaalblc unte:; a. sweet e r roao or B more lu1K:lou11 I vlle1 u• out mood .. __:ad emotion.a and do uot dlr .. tbc nationa l treasu ry lc!lllCni t berry, or haa borne bonort.bly tbe And the wln~·a to t he 1outh! oet our tbou1ht1 in cb&11nel• arm.a.ment appropriation. Ai a re- tlTle du\lea of 1t&te. or baa helpt.d iti'

brio& power_ Tbt mind caaaot ault tbouNnd• 01 teacbtn who re- make tbl• the land of tho bis red Wbat' Mu•t r ead a bOOlt today? t am aut rood work when the blood ~nlly hue been toacblog: and a.e.bool bou1e.. er bu. bT e.s.ample Wbal. a dull world ........ boOk! 11 polt0oed with 1cc:rP.llon1 from an- pre•cblag: war and armameou. are and prGCePt. made real lo the lh'et

0 come away and n r with me

1er or dlec:ord of anr 1ort. now acllnly promotinc the peace o r mao tho teaeblos• or Ul m who c~me. road a pago from the plain• Now It 1omo of ua reallJ bad jolt1 program. ··apoke aa never m aa 1poko." I wltb me.-

and Jan durlns th.e years wo hue You aad l a u look lus for t he 4&Y ITbo world'& out-ot+doon today. bee' In tolle1e and ratted to uae oor .JABPER'R Jorrt.SOS wbe a tbo klasdoma ot thl1 world " me.ntal ahock-absorben.. lel"a Jose po a.hall beoOme the klngdom ot Chrl•L 1•11 whlaper It: 1 llnow a place Ume to turnlnr a new loaf_ Let'• The taost beard campu.1 Quot.lion: Sba ll lb la be brou1bt to pau by Hts I Where Hiie.a d are tlrtt appear; rorm tho habtt o r ma'klDg: atron.1 "Wbal are fq1l 1ota.1 to do nili comln1 and abrv:plly taklntt the I Como, •ct'• be tba first to gather po11tlva artlrmatlo:n.a In regard. t o year!" rein• of 1overnme~l ln b{a ba nd•. o r them. our abtllty to meet and. d eal calml y The moll heud an1wer: "1'eticb." ahaH wo not rather l ook t o r the Let'• keep atune to t he aoor of with every •ltu•llon. eftry crl1b, wbea H ie teacblop wlH be aov~r s 1.1 Spr1as,-e•er-,; duty, eYery obltaclf! or lrrtt.a.. Dlened ••• tbe man w ho tept bb o f your beart and m..iue aad lie "'Ill Tbe.D clad wm be tbo year. tloD that com09 to u.a In our dallr reet on t erra ftrma Tbundar. truly be our Kto11' Whoa tbi. 1s

patha or llt~- unhe.naUr true then Indeed tbe o, tbe wind'• In tho ,outh. and tho n. o. Wbal ltl&b roeoluU0111 are .made kingdom of this w orld will hno be-- bird• are out.

at the be1lnnlna or the aomuetor but come H ll k in g dom and un lvor-sal And you And 1 loi lda! llo"'" bard. It l1 to eany tbotu. o ut! poaee wlU prov.a.ti. I Wb•t il)amo! \V'bat 110! Wben

-~--- Sprlnc comes In ETld.eoUr the apr ta.1 etecUoo.1 !'\~· "l'. W. C. A. ROOlt l8 To read a book la a parlor·~-

ban DOl rea.cbed the ktndltas te.m- OPE~"ED L"'i POR.YAL WA\.' Wiil ny"! \\TJiea peace la eatabU&bed, pent.Dre Jet. Won't aom&bod.r t P. ft.. B. cbaoe wU I cease to u..llt. pleue break tbe Ice! There •tu be pro.perltr .. well .. A rormal opeo.ln.g o r tbo oew Y.

' PMce In the lndu1't.rlal. aoclal , odu.- I am woode rlns u tbe cor Matd M. c. A. rut room, _,wbtcb 11 loc• ted &1r1. Batt• ut plr tns the ueedlo., and nllsloua ·world. Hu.- and Apollo ' "°' tint.bed t b•1r same on tint n oor or Sb.arp Admln.tatra· A1 Mr. Be tti appeared 1be .. Id, fre t.­man eodet)'"'W'lll fMrl a thrJU of n•w of be&D. b&1. Jt wool4 M a cood tJon BaUdlns, dlrect.17 below · full1 : .. lt'a too bad, lbe c:arelea war W. &ad hope. Lo·n u.4~ &004 ... W Id• U lll• Spectator would mate chap.ti, we.a held Frl4a.7 atterooo.o ~ lbe t&Uor .. ~ lhla .bottoa· OL wtU 'be cou.14ert4 ..... ortllJ' mOUftl., lt.aelf mo.,.. cl.a.r!T a.adtntood on nreu tb.tM u d ti•• o'doc.k b7 t.b• Tbla ta tbe tulh Um• r n bad to •klM la a ot t.M cut aow. N"1oaa •llda 11lbj9cta. 1...- Y. w. o. .&.. eablnet o1 ltll•ll- Th• put It ba.c~ t or 7011..'"




IF fol ks KXOW \\'ha.t IS

EXPECT.t::D ot~ them

OURl~G pcrlod11 OF D!::VOTIOI\'

I HAYE kDO•n STl-DESTS WHO not onl)'

oo not now THf~lR lrnadt1 REVERf<:XTf..,, '

DCRISG THA:SKSGlVll'\G JS the dlntn11: HALL

ANO during PRAYER In



TAL.K and LAUGH p11rt OR all




TO sar ~OTHIXO or

APPfo;AUANCr; and


TI) OTHERS " 'anta Kno

nu. Mites C. Ullcte nstatf_ A. D. U2:1. a ret.u.roed mluloniary from Chinn, gave a very tntercsUng: talk to thu M lsi!lt.111 Dan<I Sunday night. Jiu presented In u vlvld-..manne r tho a ttitude of the Chlno•e 11tudent• aud f'ducat ed tl&a1N toward tbo CbrilUan churcb. The Cbtoeee •ludent.s are good tblnieMl and do not accept

;~;1·:::::t:ut:~·1~:f!~lt .!~ tb~:~~·~ Cbr h1.t1an church la allied wltb capl­lal, to 9ympatby with m Ultary force , • ad does not allow ono to thtnk for hlmaolt. Rn. Dllckeo1ta.U atatCld that tbue 1a a cTOAt need for able fl.Dd 1oalou.s Chrl1llu:1 men who can meet tbne lu uea and 1bow that Cbrlstlanlty ta r e1.111· 'pra ctical. Tbe Cblne.1& ace r eady to aecept a pr acU· t al r elfg:lon.

The Scots aro t.brlftr lndood. It tbla tale or Ansu• ~o true. Abo\lt to •et oU oo a bualoeu toa.r c t aom• weeu. Angu1 I• utd to hue ~ m•rll:ed to his wife:

"Good~bye. my dear; for­get to mak' wee SIG.df t&k' oU bta glu1e11 when be'• no look.Jn' at. an1· thlnc."

co~d (coolly to • FT' •bo bad picked u D bu han.4k.•r. chief): Thank J OU. BQl If 1 alliov.14 I/I do ll again. pleue doi:i't- bothet', Jt wun't Jou J mea.nt.

Wller: "I owo a d eal t o woman on t ba corner.••;J: ··Sort or a ptdl.D.c apttlt. ebt'"

WUq: ·~aw. alt.e"a m.1'1.&a41a4f."'

Page 3: STEJtLt~O °'' I CAPTURE ONE WtE :~L:::::, 'J~,~'::::::T•v1·r~I 1'ca1

Miu Um1tot of Ottawa Unh'ersl· tr. who !Ji State Director of tho Young Peoples Soele t)' of tho Bap-

t'tear the Pade rews kt concert.

Hern lies Wllllo.m Jobnson Now he Is no more. What be thought was H20 \Vt111 H2S0'1 .

'Society News

With Pror. ll<:Cam.•y actins;: faculty advh11Jr. the Freshman Cius journeyed to the pa s ture near t he tou r cornor 11 11 mllo nortbea,,t of the campus S11turdny 11..rrnrnoon to cclc­brarn Snln t Pn.trlck'a b lrthd11.)- U1urn-




Quality And

Service Our Specialties

Okerlind & Aspegren Clothes Cleaners

S. A. )!AUST, College Agt.

DR. G .. R .. DEAN Phyaician and Sura:eon.

Phone 49.

E. L. HODGE DE..''TlllT

Office OYer McPberaon CiU.. - Bank. Otrloe Phoae 942. Rc.JIGa li.

Col lege , Professor- How c11n I :~:~;~~I ~':r~~m~~~~c~~1~~ca~o:~~~~: Dr. C. F. MAHLER

McPherson Harness ,Shop



Special Pricea On Oxforda

E .. ADAMSON, Prop.


Portraita. Kodak Finiahins ..

Dr. H. S. Carlson Osteopathic Physician

Phone 192 Over Sundahl's Cafe

Ihrig'• Cash~ Delh'erla at 10 a. m.. ud 8 p. a


Home State Bank WANTS YOUR


McPherson Hat Works and Shine

Parlor Hata Cleaned and Bloc:bcl..

Buy Your Easter Gifts

Now thicken my h a ir ror t h e 1tnn1Hho t paf:C In thl:! Quud- (Oatoopa th RICHARD MILLER

Editor's answer-Try mola-11-l!les r angle furnlsh('d amuM'ment. Tbe Otfloo OTer MilJcr'a BoM Store. 102 Halm Street.

While Our Sale Lasts and flour. m e mb&f'8 of the clan "'er e Just con- Pbane Red 149. nc:.. G rMD 9'& Boob, Stati0PCT7, CoaJdiD gratulatinl:'. themselves for choos log '-------------'! Fountain Pena, E.-enbarp

you llke du.tc1'1 with s uch a aplendtd a fte rnoon. when a. Pencils. cloud waa notlf:cd In the rlOrthwc~t. :---------,.----·d!....----------''Do

Smailey's tlUl!!°)' ' '

She :- " Surt'!. to com(' over ?" ~~~~ do rou want :n\0~~8~r~~1 wt1~~. \~1:"uv~~\r:1i~gbbt6 t~~.~ Ci. H. Matchette, M. D.

Boost your candidates. :;)~o!~"~ngeo~.1'~,~~~rl:~~l~eto~~;;:;1r~ .. ~1:~ Over Ann.bil·Almen postponed a.nd a da.ab wa11 made ror Drus Store. tho campus. Shelte r "-' !U! Couod In '----- - --- - ----'

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• the basement u r tbu 1tYmn1..11olum

: CURTIS MOTOR CO.. ! whcrn mo•o ••m•• wern l'iayod. Do- -----------~ : Lincoln ford Ford.son : tween h 1;111.t t11 the merrr-make r11 ~r1.J

: CARS. TRUCKS, TRACTORS : ~;~:~~0::~· !~~~·t~:~-:r~:1



r~~ : New and ~nd~Hand Can $50 and Up. : nel'IB ceHed their run and good um., .• On Ea.ay Payrnenb. • to r esumo lhf'lr tichool d utlet1 once

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• more.

•••• ••••••••••• •••·••••••••••• •••• •••• H H ••••••••• ••• I St. l"• " kk P art)·.

! SUNDAHL'S CAFE E St Pat<Jek. m done hono• In . . i Under New Management Open Nights i ::;~; ,~~:': b~at~u-~~:~.;,.11;:~~~ .. ~;.,.,~ • ' Kaowkla, .l9Ckeoa A Sa.Ip • burg and Dorlr1 Hing at t ho Freeburg ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• home on E u l Kanu.a Avenue. In

1plte of tb6 approacbh:ig s torm a nd

A. J. McKINNEY Printer and Optic::ian

SatUl acUon l.D EYerJ I tem Guaraatood.

............. A.W...... .......... Bl4


Office B oan: 10 to UI a. m. 8 t.o 0 p. m. 8-· 10 co 11 a. m.. o c.o a p. m.

:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:::~n!a7~:~8; ::'::e:~o~:eo~:e:~:: : See those Wahl gold and silver all metal •.mon• " ' • •d•. Gameo and cooteato Or. v. N. Robb & Son

Patronize The

Royal Barber Shop -~ Hair Cut - 40c Shove · 20c

McPbmon.._.. I Laundry Earl Moo-ria, AsaL

Basket in Boya' I>ormit«y.


• were mucb In evidence 11.Her wblch OP'l'OIDl7l'RJB1'9

: Fountain Pens. dellghtflll rorro1bmenta were 11er-ted. We ta TIWi ProfMdoL THE

i, Combination Pen and Pencil Sets .. :;;·;~,o~~ .. ~~'!•~~o:';'";,:~.;;:~~ ·-;;;o;tr11~o~WN~;a;R1ND~;IN~a;::P;::LANT-~~:;' \ Up-to-Date Method : For Gifts Those present won) the Mlues Arioa = : ~~:::~b·s:i~~n ~;:~;a:!: D~~I~:: Nobody 1ove1 a rag cbewer. Lo9k ~~0~a!8~~~ ai:~~bt,M~~ : BJX• by Lin• dsay & Co. Crumpacker, Mattie m~. Laura H am a l the moth. ;our appointment for even-: _ m a nn, Dorothy Meyer, Maymo ~fat- --- --- ngs. • non, Loretta Zongke r, Florenco Kit- fho man wbo loaf11 and lo;1r1 away, 8 •••••·•••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U~ll. Julia J one•. Doris Ririg . Elate ·wm lh·e to vain. t·m bore to u y, I FRANK c. ROB

Kllnkermari , Geneva Frooburg;, F loyo "or Joy l.n llfo you'll tlnd. by flogs, CoU.1e Pboto,rapber

: •••••• • • • • • • • • • ~· •••• •• •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •••• •• • • ••. Rhodes. .,;u !ah Crurnvackor, Uu11 ·,.C"'•"'n"'o"'o"'Jy""'c"'ow"'o""'b"'y "'d!!'o•ln~g"'t"'h"'ln~g•.,· .... .:.;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;:=;:;=:;;;;;~ • • R ITig, Eolli Emmert, a nd the Mcur1. • e Letill& Sarl;ODl, Sumner £$helma o,

·~ . i Showing many new patterns in i ~!:~!. ~~0~;.:,:-;:~ ;~::~:r n~~~:~ ! Suedes and Satins for Spring. i ::;~: .. 0~:,~~ ~:~:. c~r;:~· c~~:~~ : : I 'tbeodore Hobb, A. A. Freeburg and • Th F d Ellis : J:lerkle Wample r. RegTets we ro ro--!/ e r . Sh St . cel•cd (rom tho Mlqes Roth Groene, : e oe ore =1 Mlonlo Edgocomb. aod J e .. lo Kit· • : le~. a..od l1Mlr•. Earl Llnbolm, • .. • l Richard Kelm, 1tnd RJddlo-

. ................................................... . . . The Best and Latest in

Weddinir l and A.nnounc:ementa and All Social Invitationa

Always10n Hand at


. . . . . . • • • • • • . • . McP HERSON, KANSAS . . •••••••! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t bar1er. ·

--~- ~· -~~~~~' "'----'--:-:·~~) ~~~~----~ ·················!···············~··················=

Page 4: STEJtLt~O °'' I CAPTURE ONE WtE :~L:::::, 'J~,~'::::::T•v1·r~I 1'ca1

DOSORS FOR mJLLDOO TRJP llapl• Tree lleat Market J . r.... Sc:.hwan•

L0~'!?1~,r:.~~:~IE :x 1:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: sAT•osA1

• rouRsA.-i>:'TI : y ouR Spring Suit is here. Come ! Candr Kitchen J. A. Scott '\V. C. llO&aHton Ed S unda hl

Up11haw fl'urnllu r e Co.

Dr, U . J , Allen ~~~~~ - - : in and let us show you. : 11LrOnJ;" pol11111. wu1 unablt'" lo m ako • :

McPherM»n .Smokf! H ou#e Annabll A lmt<on nrug Co.

ft. c. &1robm Guarauh.'f! CJ01hlng /'.: Sb~ Co. Carl A. Graut

Hu4,ld Aurell Dr. Hobb I! Son

' Ur. A. fo"!nie:h4"rg o. n. Smith C" AdlUUI,

Hr G IC . n ... :in

bc~d•Cl) aod ther we re torced to : ~ : 2111t•min Ion,,. dljtlanoo abot.a at wblcb I: : tbey ...,e ,.,. 11urpr11Jlnclr •uttcnlut. I• Sl'..-.J.llll't•.l///l"t•,.. • On 1he 0U1er hand th(l Caulnet, ~•· ! ~ : thou~h 1h•·fr team work w:iM f:'.Ood. II !SH fiUlli+S. :

Si mon l\.~rn

Simon tH r tHUU•

0 J Ah,.1

ll~•·lf·Y Urn:i. J""1tMt·n Ii: Son

Wiii Hurkhold<:r

~:::1.~1" ,1~~n1~1\: ~:11:;~:1~,~~t ~ll•~~n :::: : "The Good Clothe. Store,. : Hoya l D11rb4'r Rhop

ElmPr t-!. Knowh~ l:'.•111.. 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tbt• !'fluth••estl"'rn aac l"r• tonk lhr --

l<'ad '""1 • • lho ond 01 ••• ""''"""! DR. A. A. FREEBURG --Cro. G. llull4i\•l•1 J, '.\f. Martin &fllton llt1 wk l11H1m

Hubbell l>rutr ('o J~rt Wt-!Jh

Mrt1-. ,\IMllhM1.·,. ;\1lllln<"ry Or. J W, t-""'l•·ld11 Horn.-. ~t111c Hruik

:-.'t'IP1011 llro<i.

Jilek H iii Hoy Wrh:ht

""1'"'' l•·a1lhu:- 1G 11. 10. In the 8Cr I For All Kinda Or ond 11 .. rlud t~r Bulldlll:ll ~afncd on Reatora tive and Preventative MEAT lt1 ('~r n111101l<'lll B llll•I ll C·-d rho• !!COi'"{' 20 HJ :.:O ll"1u thr •·nd nf the ,;rune DENTISTRY See

:~:1 bo~·;,::r-;:ac:gr~·· .:~:r~tlc~o~: ~~: Otttcc O,-tt EIU.t1 Bhoe Store. Maple Tree Meat Mari~~ C . \"anlman E. F. Kubin

Blsb>· Llndsay nru«: Co Guy Gebhardt •A::ho Jtm1rnur1rn1 M[! Jt!Jy Furnl1t1r" ('o.

J ame11 A, Ctuu•ln E L. llod,;f' >•nizk K . Ueam

r\~ Al'l"IU·:<i:tTIUX

Tho Athlf'tl(' ..\s 1mcl:1llon o f ~Ir.

t he

IRnf"1• IOh(tlN " 'hlch df.'4:)d('d lh(' hal l>c.Dl&J X•fUy.

I l l..' 111 1l111'r favor T t1 .. lhwu p:

S •1Ulhw••,..!<"l't1-:!0

F'.C f'.T I' fo 3 0

r banCI

Ottlce 286. .~,.. 671 0 te(ID..

Let Ue Solve ' Your

Annabil-Almer Richard Hudnut

Perfumes and Face Po .. der C.. F. ~lnr.;enbad: Huflaf'll Flack

w. J . Krc bl1h·I P¢t~r Auroll

halh.'Ml w.·ay llOHlbl•." th1• kllldtlf'81 O[ r, 01\rdnf'r. (

thoa(• P"r.Onf who madP poAlhl" tbl• Hend .. r• on f Uulldop· ha11c~1ball trip to 1-\!!I J . Oardn"r. r Cll)'. \\'•• had a ~ood l'e.UOn K ;1hl••r. t-

(j,Od 14 KUOd ll"'am; a trip 11ucll ai. the Smllh. I boy11: hnvti o nJoyod 1~ an ldOL\I r.uJ. C'alrn11 «

l~:;.an~~ ::;i;:o:s i=-,,-==-,,,....,==,,,.-== "lnauranc:e With Sernce" Save Money l 6

L. F'. Qu1rnlluM Chas. H. Sandy

Sluan Slmp11100 W . H CarlMtn

E C. Robbln11 <'. J enaen


lon to 11uch 11 He:a;1011. :rnd IO you

Uuat hnvf' mndt.' · Urn trl11 pOHlblc "'"'~ '"Tlrnnk l'ou:· The mere oppurtunt~


McPhei-aon & Citizcm Buy Suit or Overcoat of Bank Building- I

1) lo •au:h 1ho beat le•m• or lhe ) l l""PIWr'-un -:.W

cr.aio try In •Ctlon will muao much to C'rumpat-kf'r. r lb'· rutur~ nthletlea of Mrl'h~rson Hiii. r

I Phone 145 HUL TQVJST

San:;•·n t .... f"oll••C" W ,. rh11nk you for your p:tst Ell wood . K

~----'~~~ 1==============1.--~~~~~---.

Fred t:ntrlk-On H . A. Ho"'·huid Dr. W. E. Or\lf{Or)' Jo'raok H.nbb

Purita n Jlnm• Olfn_or I:.· Nt•IMOll llro.. Dr. lf. S. Curl11uo ('_ E. M~l{nl,;ht

1tup11or t, 11ncl tru:it that h1 t!lf' futurn ~trickier. g """'' may ho uhlo to c::ontl11t1•• In Ml,lp-PI>• )'UU wllh the ~mo c:lcno l)'JM.• ol high qu1i1llty nthlelln; lbat w o haYf"


11hown In Ill,. pnsl. Wf'I lhank you. HIG ll f'tf'llOOI~ C\GEAA Rnow Athl11ll(' commltl<:(" "' Mc l'h1•rP.On

(·olh•J:;•• H. K .\lohkr, ( "lutlrruun.

1' 1' \\' • : 1 .• 1 .• I S STATR :'!IEE'T

Afh.·r r ••11chlnJ: tile 1cml-tlnahl ln

LLOYDS Cafeteria 111nd f"A.n d7 K.ltchen .• D OT A~"'D OOLP LUNCHES

AT ALl.1 nouns. HOHE MAU& C ANT>JF.:$.

110 SouOt Ma.In St.

J. E. GUSTAFSON DiamondO, Watchea, and

Jewelry. Fine Watch Repairing a

Special ty. 214 N. Main. McPberaon

Gus :0-:orlln Ooldt-o Huh•

Okt'rllnd It A111ws:rf>n Pete Lonber;cer

:hl' lll•t" high •~hool b tt.akf'lhllll tour ============ r----------- -i l'ru r Ulalr .. \\""hat I• U1" fir l!lt namen1 at L.awrf'n('• the ll~PhefMJn .--- ---- ------,

J . w . J enkh1111 E. C. <'r nry A . J •. Nruih 1'.l r . McCoy \\'rb Ingram Miian H:lddttll

id.,a that coruH Into your mlod wht!.D Hh::h School qulnl"t " ·as dcr ... ated bJ I "•Y the word ·ei:ali:lhm1lon·!.. Hntchln»On 32 to 28 Saturd!ly a rter -

ltoy llay1•111 : '·1''lunk .. 1;u<m Tl1i111 ht thf' ri r~I time In the hi"·/

:/o~i. l.~~~l;od~;~i~~\~'g ~irl . , :~MrrL:k~:~·,:: :: 1·:::1;11 1!::~1 :~.~~~.~:1 1 ~1~1.: l'ror. Uhlir: "Hing. " i.t!ml·fin al11 v.-Ji lch gh·e1 thein th<-' hon H. If : ··•1arrlage:· or of bf'ln,; raled aa on~ of the tour

?>est t~.,1.m11 In thf' !lltatt' The :\Jack•


McPherson & Citizens State Bank

of McPbenon, Kans.a.

ldf!al Baker)'

~pie- Troo Grocer y $end tho Spectator bOm4'. rnen won 1hrf'e TiclurlH 10 r P:ach lhla Capital and Surplua $115,. poelllnn. f•r1day the F ronrnnnc r ive 000.00. W e a r e p)eaaed to wn" d41frfti N \ 26 w 22 tn tho tlrl'l t be of uee to a n y atudent. .

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r our.cJ n nd l·'rlrlny ntl'(lll l o lu "'""" • • luruOO huf'k !U lo 22. Saturda) !'-------------: 200{, OFF ! mornlnai:: In ttw third roond tbe taat f==::-:========== • l' : N ewlon a,;r.;r~,:;::atlon wot forced lo I : This d i!count applies to nll : bow to the Mackflmf'n ! 4 10 16. In I : CLASSICAL RECORDS : ~;tc:~~n:~!:n:.11~m~:~~::·~o:!~U~oborn PRESERVE . . : Now is the time to buy those r ecords thnt never grow old : laub'a ciucflr• 11>' n tour pQtnt ma rg in your pictures by hay .. : or stale. Thi8 Apccial price good until April 1s t. : ::'r::n~;:.w"~~:~:dc~;1enH~;~ ::~0°0~ ing them framed. : Buy Now : •on Ibo 1ournnment SAt ord&Y bllil:hl Come in and see ·our : STEELE'S City News and Music Shop • •• ••«•a11n• 11u1c•111aoo u •• •• 10 • : ••• ,,,, .. 1.. at tr a ctive line of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mouJdings. Q u i c k ..................................................... . . . . . . . . : Get the habit of calling phones 331 and 31 : : . : and we will do the rest. Always glad to .

Exchange• P'alrmounl College celebrated St

Patrick·• U:ay b1 prlhtlns the Suo. rlowe r on krt•cm vapor.

ProfN~Or HP~, •r111. dean of Fairmount Collcg~ 111111 rctlgned his : serve you. Orders large or small will have .

: the same consideration. • orflcfl, thl.' H•AiKuallon tt.i take ef

: : • . . :

Yours For Service •

. . . . . . • . . . . : : E Strohm Grocery Co. . . . ----- : •.............. , .................................... .

The l-\:fl!nan11 Stal~ Teacbera Col

lege 1>lo.n11 10 e rect t wo Aldea or al Blndhaln In th<· n ext yo11r or two at the CXl)Cll• t• of $86.000 . -The Ja1baw.·kcr yea rbook ar tbe UnlV(!r'alt)" of K aUA&a ti to be out April 1 r.. •-ourtttn hundred ~· p ie ha vf' nrd~red copfta of the book.

:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The C:ollegt' o c Commer~ af Sat-

service. Prices rea­sonable.



Clothes Cleaning, Guaranteed Satisfaction

RAY VANIMAN, Ag-t. Boya Dorm. Room 17


OTer Crary Hdw. Phone 247



Pay lntereat on Saving1

BETTER CANDY Quality candy has com• back. Quality is better than ever now, O nly the best candies in the world a re sold here .


Echo Restaurant SERVICE OUR MOTTO.

Meala Setted In Beat Style. : : loa ls to be dedicated dar1ng a com-I============= I • • me.ncemnnt we<ilt In bonor o r Dr. T. '------------i McPherson College i =~ ~::l~~::·~=~.:;:~l:.•ol 01


• • The eboru1 to r tbe Meulab t.hls

: A member of : aprh2g at Dethan7 Collese II to be : : lhulted to ~DO ..-olcee cturtng t bcl

: North Central Association of Colleges : :1:-c:::·11n ~h:'\bor!P~!~":::e::;

: =1 tbe uumb~r o f 748 at pre11enL

: Thorouah COuraet in: : A Pl KnpJ'laJ;;i"i"; toronalc tour-

: Liberal Arta Bible : o•m••t In which twol•• cones .. nd

: Music Art : r!T;.n~:-~!:~:::.--:o~~~~::~: : Academy Buaineaa ' : mttu"• oratory wu bold u Sooth· : : weatorn laat Wod.netda7. Thund.a7.

= M . Ph. C ll : •nd Frid.,. 'i , c ~rson 0 ege i mop~;';;::-~-,-._Y_o_a_r_a_O_l_W_er romlDdl

• Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Preaident. • Prallmu: Wby aot : : PziofMICll'! Beca.ue It 's (OUDded

Meeeee ... e••••••••••••••••••eeeeee••••••••••••••••ee: OD. ndl & \la.It. ·-:mz.. / .


uHome of Cood Furniture"

MALTBY'S 2()G.202 North Main SL


Rooml 8-0. bd P1oor Gn.Dd BJdc. Otnce Jin. o to us A. K. t to e P . H.

Toi .........

Sheaffer Fountain Pem and•

Everabarp Pencils Headquarter• At


. ..........•.•..•..••..••..•.••••.•..••..•....•••.•.. . . . : Furniture, Rugs, Picture Framing, Etc. I : : YOUR TRADE APPRECIATED :

i Up.haw Furniture and Undertakina- Co. i , ................................................... :